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/tpg/ Twin Peaks General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 97

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Pie and coffee edition


Meanwhile: >>83801670
real original thread theme anon, bravo
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ayy, we haven't had this one for a while.
>you can't both enjoy muh coffee and pie and getting LYNCHED
this is where /tv/ is wrong, because I can, and do

now what faggots
episode six delayed..... due to gay protests
what r u gay
so tonight's episode is getting delayed to show support for gay rights?
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That's fine just don't go wearing clothing with it and tweeting about it
I edited seasons 1 & 2 into 3 abridged episodes for people who want to revisit the original show. Don't watch these if you haven't seen it all at least once yet.

did Dick banged the Mayor's wife?
yes confirmed by showtime
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Reminder that Lynch is a Jojofag
just stop it anon
bad meme
source or youre a fag
here's the source. Source: I'm the boss at showtime
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Thanks anon. Can I get a mega for the new season?
youre a fag haha
don't listen to this anti-gay propaganda fellow #peakers
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yfw there is a midget in your gang bang
Why do angry feminists hate this show so much

You'd think they'd appreciate the pro-acceptance stuff
Just torrent it, my man. rarbg
smoking babies
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/tpg/ is already dead after only 20 days. What a joke of a series and fanbase LOL
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When will HE
be referenced?
They hate everything just ignore it senpai
Rhonda best girl.
the way kek intended
I wish they just gave up and realease all S3

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>from pleb to kino

who can stop this man?
>loving the new season but can't get excited for new episodes
Guess TP wasn't enough to prevent my suicide desu
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>this kino shot was directed by a woman

Can we stop pretending we female directors/writers ruined Season 2? It was Frost and Lynch not giving a fuck that ruined it.
so the day is almost over here in Europe... how should I kill the wait until the new episode?


-rewatch third season
-rewatch from the start
-Say tonight's episode has been delayed due to gay protests
-smoke cigarettes
-do something else
-watch some other series

any suggestion?

by the way tonight's episode has been delayed due to gay protesting
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Styxx and Alex Jones got memed, it's basically impossible Pepe the Friendly Hate Symbol got left out
watch the GIGOLOS series
Watch this >>83811319
while drinking coffee and eating pie
stop it plis
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at least post the webm
Who are you quoting
audrey is hyper successful and uses her mass wealth to fund research into the lodges especially Cooper's disappearance. She owns the glass box.

Diane (Dern) identifies the doppelganger as being a fake

Sarah Palmer has visions of Las Vegas

Donna is in Paris

There are black lodge entrances in Twin Peaks, Los Angeles, Iowa, Hong Kong, Spartan ruins, Ivory Coast, Greenland, Saudi Arabia, and others in Europe and south America (they're on a map and are too hard to see)

We will see more of Buenos Aires, New York, SD and Vegas but before focusing back in on Twin Peaks we will see some Iowa City with an old character

Anyone else feeling a little underwhelmed? After tonight, we'll be 1/3 through the series, and so far Coop is still autistic and Andy & Hawk are still in the conference room looking at evidence from 25 years ago. Not gonna lie, the Sheriff Department scenes are painful to get through. Lucy has become so obnoxious.
>I edited seasons 1 & 2 into 3 abridged episodes
>It was Frost and Lynch not giving a fuck that ruined it.

Yeah cos they let shit cunts write and direct them
Trash Peaks meme edition:


>Lucy has become so obnoxious.
Her son died anon give her a break.
no, watch s1 and 2 if you want the same thing
>There are black lodge entrances in Twin Peaks,
>Los Angeles
Muhollnad Drive
> Hong Kong,
Judy and Josie
thx for your input
>Don't die

Who will dooper say this to?
shovel the shit
no hyped for the series and I have patience and I'm not bothered that coop is still a vegetable
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>nobody picks him up after work

So... Dougie's wife and wife's son got killed by gangsters, huh?
It doesn't necessarily have to be Cooper saying it. Ep 1 had the title "My log has a message for you"
and Ep 2 "The stars turn and a time presents itself". Both were lines spoken by the log lady.
Iowa though?
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why Dougie's fashion is so tacky?
his coorwerks are normal
I'm not saying it will be, I'm saying that's who I think will mate
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seven. Thtat's funny
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wife and kid aren't there because they're in their other incarnation as junkie mom and son, being questioned as witnesses to the bomb that killed the car thieves
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>people thought that was an Alex Jones parody
>Here's an interesting "top comment" i just borrowed:
>Lynch’s weird symbolism is starting to make sense now. The Glass box in NYC was a trap set up by the Doppelganger or his allies, to keep the real Cooper from getting back to the world. It was a temporary holding cell where the shadow creature would find and kill him. So the shadow creature appeared and didn’t find Cooper, he was on the other side of a metaphysical door with eyeless women. The creature killed the couple making out when the woman screamed – love and fear are what open the gate between this world and the other one.
>Laura Palmer and the woman with no eyes helped Cooper avoid the trap, and both were punished for it: Laura got pulled upward, the eyeless women pulled downward. There is warfare going on between factions in the Black/White Lodge.

this youtube comment has initiated a trail of thought within me
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>tfw excited each week for the new episode

Not felt like this in a while lads
/pol/tards are even more self-absorbed and egocentric than the average American
and Dougie was made by a goodie
are we going to talk about judy in this thread?
It was more akin to that Coast to Coast radio
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>Don't die

If Coop dies on the outside, does Boop make like Dougie did after losing his part of the personality?

If the box monster is what happened to Dougie after he lost the gold lump, would Boop turn into something way worse?

>If the box monster is what happened to Dougie after he lost the gold lump
wha the fuck are you saying, Dougie didn't enter the waiting room until after Coop returned to our dimension
I want to cum on those teeth
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>20 more minutes of autistic Coop
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kino... by a woman... in 1990?
>thinking it's a bad thing

It's like watching the sea, I could do it for ever desu
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Then how did Coop come out after Dougie disappeared?

Also, it is canon that Armless Mike was a Black Lodge sorceror, The Arm's Doppler and Bob were his servitor spirits, and The Evolution of The Arm/the midget in Cooper's dreams is the "shadow of the shadow" of the evil arm that Mike cut off?

It doesn't seem like Mike was lying when he said he "saw the face of God" and repented. He seems to have saved Laura Palmer's soul, if not her life.
angels not canon
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>it is
*is it
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No idea what the angel was meant to be, but the formica ring saved Laura's ass.

I'd bet the angel scene at the end of FWWM, with Laura and Cooper, will be at the chronological "end" of Season 3.
My smiling chinese cartoon face did not imply it was a bad thing. Its the best thing on television and normie repellent.
rancho rosa (red room) is where the _real_ jones family is - dougie is a whoremonger, janey-e is an alcoholic/drug addict and sonny-e is a neglected autist
I agree senpai

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but his job is real?
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Are the SJWs bothered that Lynch shows trannies as they actually are, easily-recognizable misfits in need of sympathy?
"I didn't kill anyone"
What did they meme by this?
fix your heart or die
he is still with him, good

>"Find Laura."
>"Sure thing, child molester."
Friendly reminder that Bobby is possessed by Leland and Seyfried's character is the new Laura Palmer
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When will Lynch the hack listen to what the fans truly want and make an episode about the motorcycle adventures of Wally and James?
>Friendly reminder that JAMES is possessed by Leland and Seyfried's character is the new Laura Palmer
anyone got the name of the slow jazz song that played at the credits of ep5 with coop at the statue?
I would unironically love if they made an entire episode with Dick and Wally
are we going to talk about judy this week?
>Agent Mulder just came into the sheriffs office dressed in drag

Jesus fucking Christ this is the greatest show I've ever seen.

How can you fags say season 2 is shit?
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I finished S2 last night, no idea why people prefer S1.
is Doc Hayward listed in season 3? didnt warren frost die?
They're asking Showtime to fund a spin off movie with them as we speak
>doppelcoop set a plan in motion 25 years ago for some college kid who wasn't even born yet to fuck some chick on the job
how are people this fucking dumb

The table was formica. I'm pretty sure the ring wasn't. That was some precious stone, emerald/jade/garnet.
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and I love the way it is
Actually my dad is the CEO of showtime and he said lynch is gonna surprise us with the rest of the season dropping tonight
after filme according to wikipedia
Has there been a comfier moment in Twin Peaks not including this scene?
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I'm not mocking trannies in groups at their workplace. By Lynch standards my heart is fixed

>Lynch's face when a tranny says they think they """pass"""
go back to your capeshit threads, simpleton
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what episodes were these shots?
This. I wonder if the SJWs noticed Cole's look of disgust when Denise started talking about "her" hormones.
The first half of season 2 is definitely better than season 1.
The second half starts with a clear lack of direction and only picks up after a few episodes, it's the worst batch of episodes of the entire show but even then it's nowhere near as bad as people make it seem.
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thank you based anon
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new TP is like moe anime, only it's a retarded FBI agent instead of a retarded schoolgirl
the Denise scene had too much backstory DUMP that was not what Lynch does, it is almost a parody of the trans theme even if the words are pro them
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What did Leland mean by that?
Hello 4chan friends, David Lynch here. I'm cancelling the show because you're all faggots.
fucking finally
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is this twin peaks viral marketing?

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Ring is definitely from the formica table. Circular hole. "The substance of their world"? Mebbe that's why Own MO Modus Operandi Man disappeared when he touched it
Montana though?
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i'm the CEO of showtime
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>Sonny Jim
Hey! I'm in Missoula, MT.......
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>not enjoying green latte.
Hello David
Not sure how to provide that.
Area code 406, I attend University of Montana...
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>the Denise scene had too much backstory DUMP that was not what Lynch does,
Yeah that was "tommorrow I'm being drawn back in to something they call the Black Lodge" tier, he needs to stay on point and disregard plebs
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>Richard Jones

All in Cooper's Dream
that settles it then
go out and take a picture
then provide the address to check in google maps
Screencap this post lads
I saw tonight's episode and Audrey is back. You can apologize in advance for doubting me, you'll see I am right in a few hours.
Nigga I aint giving you no address
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Just look at this awkward baby-faced nerd.
wtf was his problem?
was he shitting in his pants in this scene?
what is his facial expression trying to convey?
go to main street, dumbass
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He is /ourguy/ right?
Does Comcast have the new episode streaming on their sit early like last week?
Only thing I've cringed at so far
I LOLed in this scene
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and Wally, but it was intended
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>some alt right faggot is experiencing this much cognitive dissonance over pro-trans representation in a show he likes that he comes to the conclusion it's parodic because it is stated clearly
He shat all over the wall behind him
Pretty sure the angel was symbolic of her bond with Cooper and how he's sort of her guardian angel in the sense that he'll be the one to fight for her when she's gone on top of being the one to comfort her when she's trapped in the Lodge.
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>what is his facial expression trying to convey?

"I'm being thrown through dimensions by eldritch fire and have no idea what is going on"

Acting 101
I live 5 miles from Greenough Park and about 2 miles from the Clarkfork River.
Missoula Airport is off West Broadway.
so do I
Damn, never met another poster in Missoula before.
Lets drink!
man i miss david bowie.
Lynch has been interviewed by Alex himself
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>proving cringe comedy can, in fact, be done right

disgusting homophobe
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with his Tibetan meditation powers he answered her prayer. someone was listening all along... [Laura Palmer's Theme swells]
>what is his facial expression trying to convey?

That the shit was coming out of his ass
>>proving cringe comedy can, in fact, be done right
peep show curb and the office already proved that tho
Omikron has actual OC gigs if you miss him so much you'd visit a digital simulacra
Lynch has been interested in doubles all his career so this shouldn't be a surprise
Don't lie
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Hi guys, miss me?
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Thanks sweetie, just checking to see if I was the only person who thought that.
evil coop and IRL diane are very different magnitudes of evil tho
Why does he say amazing?
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great response
because he's dwarfed by his own ego
I bet she's in this episode.
She's gonna be the one who notices the key coming back. No one else would remember what room number Coops was in.
what is the black lodge?
why there are three agente copper?
who is judy?
what is blue rose?
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One could say Lynch is the dubsposter of cinema
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>No one else would remember what room number Coops was in.
this is true. i hope it trigggers something Nadinelike in her brain and we have 50 year old audrey acitng like a ditzy teenage pixie again
it was implied that she gave him a handy in the storage closet
>>what is the black lodge?

it's were Coop was all these years
>why there are three agente copper?

there is only one- there can be only one

>who is judy?
we are going to leave out of this- in fact, we are not going to talk about judy at all

>what is blue rose?

correct answers
>No one else would remember what room number Coops was in.

They would because they'd have never got it back
Imagine the timeline she went to the Black Lodge with Earle
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surreal horror/drama possession by Zulawski also featured doppelgangers with green eyes
i wonder if Lynch has ever seen this

spoilers linked
>In a uniform electric field, a gradual increase in voltage across a gap produces a breakdown of the gap in the form of a spark without any preliminary discharges. On the other hand, if the field is non-uniform, an increase in voltage will first cause a localized discharge in the gas to appear at points with the highest electric field intensity, namely at sharp points or where electrodes are curved or on transmission line conductors. This form of discharge is called corona discharge and can be observed as a blue luminescence. This phenomena is always accompanied by a hissing noise, and the air surrounding the corona region becomes converted. Corona is responsible for considerable power loss in transmission lines and also gives rise to radio interference and random noise.

is an ee degree canon in the new season
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boy are you going to be disappointed. she was hurt real bad in the explosion you know. you might not like what you see.
>Coop and Audrey finally get together this season

Would it be satisfying after all this time /tpg/?
It's a pleb thing to want, the patrician one was coop and sid
i hate sjw's for ruining this look
where the fuck is this picture from?
>That absolutely horrible background


Possesion is one of the best movies of all time tho
I get the complaining about the Dougie scenes being too drawn out but I really wouldn't be surprised if tonight comes and goes and Cooper is still retardmode (although with the Great Northern key mailed out and gradual remembering on his part, we know there's some progress being made).

I think it's helpful to remember that after tonight there are still 12 more episodes, that's basically a regular length season of most shows. This is an 18 part MOVIE that they scripted as such and then divided down into the episodes. So I think there's still a hell of alot to come that we've yet to see. Only like a couple days have passed in the timeline of this new series, he's not just gonna snap out of Dougie mode immediately
>tfw you didn't save the green tea latte weebum
the patrician thingy is have nonsense stuff and confusing lore
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>Corona is responsible for considerable power loss in transmission lines and also gives rise to radio interference and random noise.

Yep, it's the non-mystic analogue for why Coop is autistic now
Literally who
Anon did these numbers 34-33-244 have been mentioned in the series so far?
He already knew this was Jeffries, why did he say this?
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Wow! I just got done reading Mark Frost's "A Secret History of Twin Peaks(TM)" available now on amazon and bookstores Everywhere ! You'll be saying "The Owls are not what they seem" when you discover the dark Lovecraftian secrets of Fan Favorites Windom Earle and Annie Angelopolus! Discover the Truth about Twin Peaks' shamanistic past and worhsip of The Log, but oops! I better stop there before I say too much! See you at The Peaks and remember - damn black coffee and hot to!
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Hopefully he's interested in these doubles.
i want ten more season of twin peaks
this serie give me a reason to live
watch again
That's the point, he's open minded and compassionate yet old fashioned enough to be inherently bothered by it. poltards never miss an opportunity to prove their stupidity, do they?
this word is forbiden in 4chan
You should post that on Reddit faggot
Psych. It was a Peaks homage episode in 2010 I believe.
Lmao seek help
SJWs never miss an opportunity to prove their stupidity, do they?

He (correctly) apologized for bringing it up, instead of calling him an intolerant bigot. Trannies btfo entirely
stop pretend to be a beautiful womens
doppelcoop goes straight to Major Briggs & does *something* to him

consider this: If BOBs plan had worked out, Laura would have been his new host. And Laura's boyfriend was Bobby Briggs. So BOBLaura would have been able to get close to Major Briggs.
Major Briggs was BOB/The Black Lodges target all along
I watched the first season of the show just recently....I don't fucking get it.

The cops and the FBI guy are great, really weird and satirical and surreal.....then the other 45 minutes of the show is just a painfully boring soap opera.
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I'm pregnant

Will tonight's episode be the return of Good Coop/death of Mr. Jackpots?
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really? did you even watch the first 2 seasons?
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let me break this down for you kid

abstract sequences, deadpan humor
quirkiness, comfiness, vintage fashion, coffee
lore, trying to explain the "meaning" behind abstract sequences
W-who killed that poor highschool girl?
He didn't, the real Leland did. It's pottery.
You'll get it a few episodes into S2, S1 is incredibly overrated.
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let this be true
Doppel–Leland never killed anyone, he speaks truth

well...I'm not watching s2. I mean, I disliked season 1 that much. So...i'm done.
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>Major Briggs was BOB/The Black Lodges target all along

Makes sense. Everything we've seen Lodge spirits do has had a direct tie into huge, sweeping national security and political matters off-screen. The Black Lodge's concerns are global, and they've been playing the game a very long time.
red ballons from 6th sense?
Your loss then
sonny jm is the junkie kid then? that would be somehting...
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Took me 3 weeks to realize this guy was the main guy from Lost Highway. I bet he will come back.
Literally never seen this character before. Is this from the missing pieces?
I'm sorry but websites aren't adjectives,
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That's a simple and perfect breakdown.
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>not remembering one of the most crucial supporting characters
Reddit is a state of mind, retard.

No its in the OG series, she's the court clerk for the judge that shows up for Leland and Leo's trials
Judge Sternwood's assistant from season 2
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Why do you guys like this bitch so much?
good meme
The most crucial supporting character is Little Nicky
damn Bill Pullman LOOKS LIKE THAT?
This post was very...reddit if I say so myself.
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looks like a human mouse
the tumblr queens that post here go autistic over every pretty girl on the show calling them ugly, qts trigger them
Balthazar Getty, the younger guy Bill Pullman transforms into.
what about the imgurians?
>tfw need to wake up tomorrow early so can't watch TP with /tv/
What? The head of the FBI is a tranny in the Lynchverse.
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>tumblr queens
>post here
this is your brain on memes
Get your priorities straight, I'm staying up till 5 to watch it.
I know, right?
t. Reddit being
imgur is literally equal to reddit
Rancho Rosa isn't red room you idiot. Learn to Spanish 101
Laura > Audrey > Shelly > Norma > Lucy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nadine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Donna
Lucy > all
everyone on this show has great hair
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Here's to Big Ed, hope you return in tonight
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Dr Amp is not Alex Jones
Alex Jones does not sell useless symnbolic tokens

the vitamins and he firlsters are top quality
>Laura best girl
Absolutely correct
What happened to this
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You wanted to see me.jpg
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is that Macaulay Calkin?
if he was Irish
Who /bestgirl/ here? When is she going to show up, lads?
It's the dude from "Antiviral."
>tfw trying to rewatch the shitty stretch of season 2
>6 episodes to go, not counting beyond life and death that I've seen a hundred times

Fuck, this is pain. I think I'll do one more before the next new episode, and the rest of them during next week.
ok you meme-spouting literalist
better post more bowies
NEW THREAD >>83814933

NEW THREAD >>83814933

NEW THREAD >>83814933

NEW THREAD >>83814933

NEW THREAD >>83814933

NEW THREAD >>83814933
BUT the song and LOCATION
You're almost out of the woods, anon. The last five episodes of season 2 are pretty good.
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banana phone.jpg
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who wants a download of tonight's episode?
pic related is a screenshot
>no Rhonda
you fucked up

What does one have to do with the other?
Who is this

It's a shame this dubs chain is wasted on a trolling photoshop.
Dougie mode shouldn't even have been in there
>inb4 I'm being called a pleb
I haven't waited all these years for a new season for Lynch to waste it on silly slapstick. Fuck off.

Season 1 and the first half of Season 2 (up to Leland's death) is televisual perfection.
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>diane is the tape recorder
I wonder if she'll get together with Coop now she's no longer a schoolgirl.
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