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/who/ - Doctor Who General

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Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 41

Ratings autism edition

doctor poo
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Reminder that 7 got the succ from Mel.
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>"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there’s injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace — we’ve got work to do."
Did Rona Munro write this?
Post it. Post DWM scans now.

It, it's not possible. I can't. It's not out yet.

Yes, it is, you can, and you will, or this general will be over. I'll show you and all your funny little friends to the whole laughing world. I'll bring Tumblr, I'll bring the Boadies. Give me a minute, I'll bring Gallifreybase and Twitter. You will post DWM scans, and you will do it now, or I will rain hell on you for the rest of time.

Anon stop posting like that.

You can't.

I can do whatever the hell I like. You've read the threads. You know my trip. And in all of that time, did you ever hear anything about anyone who stopped me?

I know /who/. /who/ would never

/who/ is no longer here! You are stuck with me. And I will end this general, and everything you love.

For Tennant's sake, will you stop?


I did this, do you hear me? I did this. This is my fault.

I don't care.

Liar. You always care. Always have. Your reign of terror will end with the sight of the first crying Edge Lord and you know it.

Fuck offerino, I don't.
>last thread only got 322 posts
/who/ is getting cancelled, lads.
>ratings declining
I can't say I'm surprised. This series had the weakest start and only just recently got somewhat interesting. I hope the next series with a new showrunner brings in some new energy to the show.
No, Cartmel wrote it after they knew there wouldn't be another season.
I think it was Andrew Cartmel himself.

>every scene is just dialogue
>all dialogue is spoken in received pronunciation
>shots linger for 8-10 seconds on average
>no action
>what little action there is gets acted out hilariously badly
>what little action there is gets shot exactly the same as every other scene
>all sets are grey or brown
>all you see of the outdoors is English countryside
>video quality is terrible and grainy
>colours are dull and sludgy
>every TARDIS interior looks the same

Why is it better than NuWho again?
>all you see of the outdoors is English countryside
And rock quarries.
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>This series had the weakest start
it was better than deep breath and tma though
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What does he actually have in his hand? It looks like some kind of Jewish starfish.

>all criticism of the show is bait
You can't really be this deluded?
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Did you cry?
Starfish aren't kosher. Leviticus 11:

>10. But everything in the seas and rivers without both fins and scales, of all the small water-creatures and of all the living creatures in the water, is a detestable thing for you. 11. Yes, these will be detestable for you - you are not to eat their meat, and you are to detest their carcasses. 12. Whatever lacks fins and scales in the water is a detestable thing for you.

I chose this (Christian) translation of the Bible because it makes God sound kind of like Hartnell ("Yes, these will be detestable, my boy"), and God could use that kind of upgrade.
That's cool man we appreciate your opinion.
Tears of joy maybe.
when will people take off their nostalgia goggles for RTD Era? series 1 was pretty good yeah, props to RTD for getting the show back, most of the episodes were good and based eccleston. but series 2 was shit, love and monsters and fear her BACK TO BACK. series 3 and 4 are mediocre, they have tons of bad episodes and once rose comes back its literally shit tier.
At least it picked up after those episodes (and I was actually engaged in those, but that's just me). It took us six episodes for us to learn about what was in the vault and it wasn't brought up enough in the previous episodes for me to care until then anyway. It just seems like Steven Moffat has blown his wad too many times to come up with another plot arc before he fucks off to whatever his next project is.
*scans with sonic screwdriver*
"He's retarded."
Hi, I haven't watched Dr Who since 2010 or so
Has Tennant come back yet?
I see the current doctor looks like somebodys grandpa, what's the deal with that?
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Is he gone?
I disagree
it took 11 episodes to find out who missy was
He looks fine in the next time trailer.
If the bbc want another spinoff series like rumoured while the main show is off air the ln why not give mcgann his tv spinoff like the demand is there and it would get good ratings. Moffats gone so i can see chibs open to it, especially considering he wants more spinoffs give the reins to whithouse or the guy who wrote oxygen forgot his name.
>not liking based nardole

disdain for plebs
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>Silence fell in the Tardis

Nardole will be fine you guys
BBC is not a commercial organization and their goal is to make variety of shows. They already have one Doctor Who, it would be hard to justify another.

They need something different. Class was an admirable attempt, too bad it was terrible.
>the pandorica will open
>silence will fall
That sounded great at the time, until we realized that Moffat had no idea what to do with that potential and just filmed the incomplete notes he'd scrawled on the back of a napkin.
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>the demand is there
But you saw her for enough time to get engaged in that arc. You just hear Nardole give the Doctor some stupid lecture about watching the vault and some little snippets here and there, but it's too short and is unrelated the episode's plot every single time. At least Missy was talking to the people who died in that episode, making it somewhat related.
BBC Studios is a commercial organisation, spun off from BBC as of 1 April 2017. Although they do have a secondary mandate to the BBC Trust, who still owns them, their primary mandate is profitability—which means sales to BBC Worldwide, SVOD deals, and merchandising.
>Nardole! Nardole! Nardole, I need you to to a visual on the lab. There's a camera in here. Nardole? Nardole can you hear me?

Doctor Who? More like doctor poo.
It also means artistic decisions take a back seat to marketing, and Doctor Who will never be quite as bold in its creative choices again.
>it makes God sound kind of like Hartnell
But God already sounds like Hartnell.

From Arguments for Islam:
>It is well documented in the historical record that the Great Prophet [Mohammed] was an illiterate [RTDpleb]. And yet, the holy verses [of the Koran] are written in poetry that even writers like [David Whitaker] only reach at their peak, poetry fit to be read by such fabled orators as [William Hartnell]. While this may not be absolute proof that the Koran was divinely inspired, it surely places the burden or argument on those who would deny it, to explain how an uneducated [Tennantfag] could have written it.

[Minor edits for clarity in brackets.]
>making one season is already pretty expensive and time-consuming
>he wants another one with it's own TARDIS, monsters, planets, characters and opening
nah m8 fuck offerino

BBC should just bite the bullet and do the UNIT spinoff already.
God knows the Paternoster ship has sailed a long time ago.
Yes, where BBC Television used to try to balance artistry, high-minded public service ideals, and simple pleasing the masses, BBC Studios now tries to balance short-term profits and long-term brand value.

There's a reason Chibnall's quote about how he wants to put Doctor Who at the top of the agenda was more about him getting involved in overseas marketing and being part of every step in the merch chain than about any creative changes.

Basically, it's capitalism in space.

But, all that being said, it's not like, say, HBO never produced anything of artistic value.
>God knows the Paternoster ship has sailed a long time ago.
Makes you wonder why they didn't try and capitalise on these characters. Even if they'd opted instead for an animated series for CBBC or something.
Apparently Moffat sold the higher-ups on the idea, then decided he didn't have time to do it along with Doctor Who and Sherlock and couldn't think of anyone he wanted to hand his characters off to.

I think that last part is the real stumbling block. You don't want the Doctor Who showrunner to take on more shows and get burnt out the way RTD and Moff did, but you don't want to turn it over to someone who doesn't get the franchise.

It seems to me that the obvious answer is to bring Phil Ford back and ask him what Doctor Who spinoff he'd like to do. He did a great job as the de facto showrunner of SJA, and he's worked well with Chibnall in the past. And he could probably get the entire stable of writers back—Clayton Hickman is apparently already developing ideas for CBBC with him, Joseph Lidster is mostly working for Big Finish outside of Sherlock, and Gareth just sits around in his pants tweeting.
I'm wondering more on how Moff managed to make a lesbian lizard detective-samurai, her sexy ninja butler wife and a dwarf "fish-out-of-water" alien foot soldier boring
>The World At Last
The Doomsday clock is approaching midnight with several catastrophes about to unfold and mysterious Benefactors have appeared, offering their help. In time of crisis, the President of the World is called upon. The Doctor refuses the Benefactors' help, but human leaders want to decide the fate of their planet themselves...

>Assault of the Benefactors
Banished from Earth by the Benefactors, a bereaved and weary Doctor seeks revenge and finds a fleet of Daleks, poised to attack. On Earth, Clara and Osgood, the only ones seeing through the Benefactors' plan, must resort to open the Vault. Missy is their last hope.

>The Time Opener
With armed forces massing around Earth, the Benefactors must speed up their plans to find the Time Opener, but the Doctor, Missy and the Daleks are all on its trail too.
>be steven moffat
>stand up from 31st wank of the day
>realize you still write doctor who
>go to tardis wikia and press "random page"
>select every 5th letter on the page(include the menu bar at the top, don't worry)
>expand into words, alright we have a setting
>email the grammatically broken synopsis to someone who knows what they doing
>you haven't tried to haphazardly slap a classic enemy into this season yet
>start sweating
>concatenate the words "mondayzn sibrmen" to the end of the synopsis, press send
>engage in 32nd wank
Gee, who woulda guessed after they went SJW and got rid of the usually eyecandy companion..
Cute asian companion please.
wanking to alex kingston, of course
*his poor mspaint edits of alex kingston's head on femdom pornstars
So Torchwood is coming back but as AUDIO?!

Are these people retarded?

I want to SEE Barrowman, not just hear him.
so does The Doctor lol*

*joke only makes sense if you haven't seen the end of the latest episode
All of the spinoff ideas—TW, SJA, Class, Rose Tyler, Paternosters, UNIT—are basically Doctor Who-style action stories but for a more limited age group and without the Doctor and without traveling through space and time. In other words, Doctor Who without the things that make Doctor Who work. Why not do something different?

I don't mean a gritty prison drama about emotion-patch dealers in Stormcage or a relationship sitcom about two gay Clerics, just something like one of Big Finish's successful spinoffs—Benny, Charley and the Viyrans, Gallifrey, Graceless, Dalek Empire, Jago & Litefoot, the one thing they all have in common is that they're not set on present-day Earth, so they don't have to try to find a way to somehow insert a new alien invasion every month without getting in the way of Doctor Who or being so small-scale that the local cops could deal with it, and they can build up their own continuity for their characters to live in, while still crossing over with Doctor Who as often (or as rarely) as they want to.
Only Tennant can save the show now
Series 9 soundtrack fucking when?
>all of 11th and 12th doctor's episodes were in the monk's simulation
>chibnall retcons 7 years of doctor who

tbf it was shit, let it burn
>not knowing that audios better than tv
Go away, pleb.
That's it. That is the gosh darn straw that broke the frankly patient camel's back. You choose to come in here, a place where we have poured hours of our lives into watching, analysing, and theorising about one of the, if not THE greatest science fiction fantasy drama world history has ever known. Were it not for the relatively small size of our island nation and its population, Doctor Who would be a world phenomenon that would astound the viewing masses with its intelligence and brilliance. I don't exaggerate when I say it's probable that, were the show to be aired in China it would bring the nation to its knees. And yet, in spite of all that, you choose to come in here, in the midst of our dialogue, and spout your HATEFUL, INCORRECT AND SLANDEROUS WORDS LIKE IT'S NO BIG DEAL! Well guess what mist: it IS a big deal. Bigger than you'll ever know. I can't begin to describe how furious I am at your comments; I was prepared to let them slide the first few times, but this has gone on far too long. You're going to know punishment like you've never known before. I know who you are buddy; my uncle is a high-ranking moderator on this site, and my dad has connections with the police. We're coming for you, and it ain't gonna be pretty. I'll set upon you with instruments you'll wish you'd never see again. Know what a sonic screwdriver is? You'll wish you didn't by the time I'm finished with you. You just sealed your own grave; the only thing you can do for yourself now is run. Run, and pray to whatever Gods are out there that I'll extend some mercy upon you. This is it kid. The worst ordeal of your life, and it begins now.
Bernice Summerfield running errands for Brax could work, the rest I'm not sure.

Tying action to one place while maintaining DW spirit also produced some good stories for SJA and Torchwood.
Capaldi into McGann after Missy fucks up the Doctor's regeneration.
>top comment
Moffat BTFO?
doctor..... poo
A UNIT spin off would be GOAT. I once had this idea of an 8-part ISIS Zygon Unit miniseries with Zygon bombers.
It's a Youtube comment so I'm going to pre-emptively say "no"
Moffat wrote the Monk 3 parter, he just got Harness and Whithouse to write some of the scenes, if you think the Monk trilogy isn't all Moffats idea you're deluded, he just wrote their names on the other two parts so they wouldn't feel left out.
I love this anon.
>a fully sourced claim
Only if it was aimed at grown ups, I'd hate to watch a Unit series and have no shootouts with blood everywhere.
This is literally nonsense.
Whithouse wanted to do a 1984 style episode. Harness and Moffat wanted to do an episode about the idea of the doomsday clock. Moffat wanted to do a "what if the Doctor was in a simulation?" episode. Moffat gave himself the task of connecting these three ideas into a storyline.
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Why the fuck is there a Doctor fucking Who thread on /tv/? This show is for literal teenage girls and tumblr snowflakes. You guys watch this shit? That is embarrassing.

The show that has cheesy 80s robots with literal plungers as hands is suppose to be taken seriously
I didn't mean copying one of Big Finish's ideas (although you're right Benny and Brax might actually work…), just taking the basic idea of any setting that's not based on present-day Earth, so they can do almost anything they want short of threatening the universe without having to worry about questions like "Why didn't Amy and Rory notice Miracle Day?" or "Why does nobody know about alien invasions in one show when everyone knows about them in the other?" or "Why isn't the Doctor helping these idiot teenagers fight off a threat to the planet when he's sitting in a university 76km away the whole time?"
Well Zygon bombers aren't exactly kid friendly...
If you did some research you would know that Monks are originally Harness idea. They tied Moffat and Whithouse episode because they thought three-parter is a cool idea.
Capaldi is known to be THE most hung guy in the UK, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed coleman's pussy. They would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting herself wet enough just so she can take it. i can just imagine her begging for it, with Capaldi barely able to force it past the knob, and coleman moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. she would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to her cervix.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with her vaginal muscles clamping down on Capaldi's throbbing monstrosity, her whole body quivering in euphoria. I bet she still masturbates to the memory of it.
I apologise, please don't get me.
Well, yeah, but we wouldn't want to copy Star Trek either.

Bernice Summerfield would be original.
My uncle works for the BBC and he's confirmed that an Abslom Daak: Dalek Killer! spin-off is in the works, starring Tom Hardy.
>This show is for literal teenage girls and tumblr snowflakes
Actually it's for gay autistic obese muslim toddlers, but I'll let that slide since you're clearly new here.
I want a UNIT series aimed at adults but I do not want fucking god awful Kate and avatar of the cringe tumblr section of the Fandom Osgood.

We need a stern, strong man in the role. Maybe a Scotsman or Irishman who was a soldier. But he has a good and well written sense of humour. No more of this strong womenz bullshit. Well written female side characters perhaps but no female leads.
You mean... Torchwood?
A Brigadier Bambera series would have been perfect
None of BF's series, even the space-opera-ish ones, are very close to Star Trek, so I don't think that's a serious danger of "any setting besides present-day Earth".
>People always ask me, 'Do you want to bring back McGann?' No one knows who McGann is. They all know who Tom Baker is, they know Pertwee, they probably know who Hartnell is, but they don't know who McGann is, so there's no point in bringing him back. If there's a line it's probably somewhere there.
>We need a stern, strong man in the role. Maybe a Scotsman
And then he could turn out to be a traitor for ICIS and try to bring down both UNIT and the government?
>I want a UNIT series
Got you covered.

This is why I mentioned Bernice Summerfield. She'd make perfect DW spin-off set in the future.
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Did Moff actually say that? Rude desu
Only if we can get that Casanova guy to play him. I hear he's a big Doctor Who fan, so it should be doable.
At 3pm I will post them.
Don't make me copy paste.
Yes, as I said, Benny and Brax might actually work.

I'm not sure a 53-year-old actress who people vaguely remember from Casualty back in the 80s could really anchor a show. Of a 63-year-old actress who'd been out of the limelight even longer succeeded, but this wouldn't be like Lis Sladen coming back to play one of the best-remembered and best-loved characters from 1970s TV, it would be a brand new character as far as anyone but a few thousand nerds are concerned.

Still, I'd love to see them try it.
It's always 3pm somewhere in the world
Either delet this or post the vid
And, for that matter, on what day?
delt this
jenna is pure
>not showing the pancakes
That's literally the only way we can know
blatantly not her
3pm tomorrow.
who nose anons... who nose
proof it
Look like his career is big finished.
fuck you

now where are those DWM scans
Face blindness is common for anons on /who/.
are you sure
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When the first second of eternity has passed
more like dr. whooper
Doctor Who more like Medical Practitioner Whose Identity is Unknown
Doctor Who more like Doctor Sound That An Owl Makes Because Owls Are A Symbol Of Rassilon T. Paul Cornell
Doctor Who more like |)0<7o|2 VV|-|0
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More like W.H.O. Doctor
Doctor Who more like Nurse When
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capaldi blind shades.jpg
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Doctor Who more like Doctor Magoo
Doctor Who more like Proctor Flue
Doctor Who more like where are my fucking scans
Doctor Who more like Ohw RotcoD
Doctor Who more like Shitposting Galore
Link it
Doctor Who more like


Haven't watched since the last season, it ended with doctor finding his home planet I think?
I seriously don't remember because it was so long ago lol.
Is the new season worth watching? What happened after the last season?
Doctor Who more like ekil erom ohW rotcoD
/who/ - Doctor Who General more like /shit/ - Shitposting General
Doctor hides out in a university pretending to be a teacher. He's guarding something locked in the basement. Meets a new companion through his lectures. Matt Lucas is also there.
Doctor Who more like the president of the world
Doc ditched his home world like the bad habit it usually is and went to a wintery planet where he helped out River and stayed with her at the singining towers for a day, which was twenty-four years real time because reasons, she went to the library to die and he locked Missy up in a vault where he guards it on Earth with Matt Lucas in between having adventures

Series ten is average, but comfy so far
There's two Christmas specials that tie up the River Song arc and introduce one of the new companions and are pretty good but not at all essential to S10.

And we're now about halfway through S10. It's very different from S8-9, so some people love it, others hate it. It's generally more relaxed, Bill is more like a real person than a bonus Doctor in the making, secondary companion Nardole gets to do a lot of the snark so the Doctor and Bill don't have to always do it, the arc plot is pretty minimal (who's in the Vault? we already know, and it's never been a big secret)… so it's hard to predict whether you'll like it without knowing what you like.
Its the best capaldi series so far.
/who/ is contrarian though so they'll probably tell you garbage like 9 is better.
The new companion is black and black in their black black black. Black - black black. Black? Black.
>Freddy neibour stroke penal to clara. No! No?
BBC cancelled the show after media backlash from >>83412270
I love all the waifufags have fucked off. Based bill and nardole.
ROFL, who added this?

>2017 Doctor Who The First Master Episode: "Untitled Doctor Who Christmas Special 2017"

Of course if you hate Moffat for some stupid reason (like you think he's a sexist pig, or an SJW cuck), or can't live without Tennant, you're going to hate S10.

But if you think Moffat is talented but you're kind of sick of what he's been doing for the last three years, give it a chance, because it does feel different.
The waifufag reaction to Bill made me realize how much /tv/ is just tumblr but with more men than women.
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link or yer booked pal
I got tired of the tepid writing and the gay-is-so-important focus and quit soon after this latest dr. Always LOVED Jenna though.

If this is real then all my unlaunched missiles have been upgraded to Saturn class.
We have an obligation to live up to the standards set by our ancestors. If my grandfather fapped to Dodo, and my father fapped to Tegan, I can fap to Nardole.
Clala? CLALA!!!
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What did Talalay mean by this?
When will Matt Smith come back for a special?
Maybe in 2023, if David Tennant is busy.
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Maybe a diagram of people running through corridors.
it's peter capaldi nailed to a cross. I guess Christ was the doctor all along
What a gay post
I was thinking of two people talking in front of the console/time rotor, i can see yours though!
Literally Who?
so it's good then? If Doctor Who has taught us anything it's that there's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, there are gay people all across time and space, why even some historical figures who are well documented to have been heterosexual have been revealed to have had such tendencies, so the obvious conclusion is that it's only natural, come on anon, join the fun, everyone is doing it, now why don't you suckle on a nice juicy cock and/or clitoris depending on which gender you identify as
The whole episode is him going back to 1982 and playing Zork on a BBC Micro, and these are his notes in the maze of twisty passages all alike section.
what a homosexual response
doctor poo
Wait, so who the fuck was the Demon mentioned in extremis that was behind the purpose of the simulation, the demon was refereed to as a he.
I'm thinking of writing a letter to Parliament. I'll wait until the election is done with so I know who to address it to, of course, but it should be someone of great importance, possibly the PM themself. I will make sure to outline the problem we are facing here and that I expect and immediate and swift response. There is absolutely no reason that a community of intelligent, tolerant and like-minded individuals such as ourselves should endure such harassment. The words "doctor" and "poo" should hardly ever be in the same sentence, even, and just typing them out makes me white-knuckled with fury. I'm visibly shaking with fury, here, so I must apologise for my language. But the simple fact is that this cannot go on, and despite my best efforts it continues. I'm at my wit's end. This - I hesitate to refer to them as a 'person', for I can scarcely conceive of a human capable of such callousness - NEEDS to be stopped, no matter the cost.
>The Veritas tells of an evil demon who wants to conquer the world. But to do it, he needs to learn about it first. So he creates a shadow world, a world for him to practise conquering, full of shadow people who think they're real.
The demon represents the Monks.

The reason it says there's "a demon" rather than "a group of aliens" is that it's written by some theologian from a long-dead early Christian sect, so of course that's how he's going to interpret it based on the little actual knowledge he has.
I hope Farron wins, because I have it on good authority that, of the major three candidates, he's the one who most appreciates receiving letters containing the word "poo" in quotes, as a reference to the word rather than to actual poo. In fact, even if he doesn't win, send him your letter. It won't accomplish anything, but it will make his day.

t. Sal Brinton
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I want a spin-off where Mr. Hankey the Christmas poo goes on adventures with Doctor Poo in the Space-poo-continuum.
Theresa May regularly trolls /who/ calling it Doctor poo, so if she wins she'll pressure the BBC into changing the name
No one is trying to turn you gay you cocksucking homo fruity boy.
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Gabriel Byrne playing an older version of the First Master alongside Bradley get hype lad?
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>implying there are three major candidates
That explains why she wanted to call a snap election. People think it's to secure a mandate for hard Brexit and/or to head off the new Scottish referendum, but this makes much more sense.

Hey, I'm being nice to Corbyn, because nobody in his own party is.
Been having problems with my teeth. Dentist tells me the enamel is wearing thin due to excessive grinding. I explained to him the situation in here, about of jaw-gnashingly irate it makes me, but he didn't seem to understand - I'm not sure if I mispronounced some words in my trembling rage, or if he is simply one of the lower-intelligence proles that can never grasp the true wonder of Doctor Who (but if that is the case, the fact that such a person is working in a medical profession disturbs me). Anyhow, after the staff escorted me out of the building I consoled myself with the knowledge that at least I HAVE teeth, and in good nick minus the enamel. I suppose the... INSTIGATOR is one devoid of teeth, slouched in his mother's basement, nothing else to his life but to spew his (or her) foul utterations in our humble chatspace, mistakenly believing the tripe they type. I take a small degree of comfort in that thought, although I must confess it does little to quell the burning vexation I feel.
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He looks just like Beardy Capaldi there
fuck off trip
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laughing quark.gif
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That's sexy
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Get pic related, you just pop them in boiling water for a minute and they mould to your teeth.
no u!
derp *those you don't need to boil, but there are alternatives that do.
Capaldi to play Corbyn in the biopic
And Corbyn to play Capaldi in his biopic.
The same nightmare for weeks now. It's Saturday evening, and I've just settled down to engage in the greatest televisual experience of a lifetime - or as we might all refer to it, the latest episode of Doctor Who. But something's wrong. There's no cold open; it just begins straight away with the title sequence. No big deal, I peruse; Doctor Who has always pushed boundaries and broken its own molds, which is clearly what's happening here. Completely unexpected, and it blows me away.

But then I focus on the music. The reassuring melody is... off. There's something perverse about it, a quivering, high-pitch in-between notes, it's... fart noises. I apologise for the language, but I can think of no other way to describe them. I try to pass it off as a problem with my TV's speakers, even though I always make sure to purchase the largest, clearest, most up-to-date model before a new series starts, so I can enjoy them in the highest possible quality.

And then the title zooms into place, and I feel sick to the core.



I jolt awake, cold sweat on my brow, armpits clammy, sheets soaked with urine (again). AT least I had the foresight to line my mattress with a plastic sheet this time. But it can't go on. Some how, some way, I NEED to put a stop to this. I'm just not sure how yet.
Next episode is shit confirmed

>>>>"Now on the disappointing side of things, Doctor Who has often struggled with resolutions when the stakes are raised, and this episode unfortunately is one such case. "

doctor pooooo
So you see a review that spends 5 paragraphs talking about all the great things in the episode and 1 paragraph finding something disappointing to say, and concludes that it's "not an awful episode by any means, but … falls a little short in a few areas of being the finale this trilogy deserved".

And from that, you get "shit confirmed".
I want Missy to willingly let herself get sent back in time by an Angel just to escape the Doctor.
He does this every time, I find it funny now.
>not an awful episode by any means, but … falls a little short in a few areas
That's reviewerspeak for "it's fucking awful."
Is he the same guy who always posts the reviews where mymbuzz gives it 4 stars and then says "mymbuzz says it's shit"?
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I am almost positive it's the same guy.
New episode is kino confirmed

>>>>"Doctor Who"


That's anonspeak for "it's fucking GOAT".
>The World At Last
The Doomsday clock is approaching midnight with several catastrophes about to unfold and mysterious Benefactors have appeared, offering their help. In time of crisis, the President of the World is called upon. The Doctor refuses the Benefactors' help, but human leaders want to decide the fate of their planet themselves...

>Assault of the Benefactors
Banished from Earth by the Benefactors, a bereaved and weary Doctor seeks revenge and finds a fleet of Daleks, poised to attack. On Earth, Clara and Osgood, the only ones seeing through the Benefactors' plan, must resort to open the Vault. Missy is their last hope.

>The Time Opener
With armed forces massing around Earth, the Benefactors must speed up their plans to find the Time Opener, but the Doctor, Missy and the Daleks are all on its trail too. The good, the questionable one, the bad and the evil. Who's who?
I was in a coffee shop with a group of friends (fortunately, all of them well within my intelligence range) and we were discussing Doctor Who as sophisticates do. The topic of the next Doctor came up (as it inevitably does) and we began to muse upon potentials and possibilities. All was going well, until one of my friends suggested an Indian actor. I forget the exact name, for it's drowned out in my memory by the white-hot flash of rage that I experienced the moment upon hearing it. The funny thing was, I didn't even know why. It took a few more moments of self-introspection to bridge the gap between subconscious and conscious:

Indian = Poo in loo

Doctor = Indian

Doctor = Poo in loo

Doctor ... Poo

I leapt to my feet and my fist was raised, ready to strike down my friend who in that moment was my enemy, that instant wherein all I saw was red, but thankfully I possess the emotional and intellectual maturity to reign my anger and, with a deep breath, lowered my arm.

Of course, the motion and the noise of my chair clattering aside as I stood up had drawn the attention of the group, as well as some other patrons of the shop. A tense silence had fallen over the room, and I realised it was up to me to break it.

I merely righted the chair, slipped into my jacket and, with a long, heavy sigh, told my friends that I couldn't go on like this, and marched out into the rainy night.
Are you okay, anon?
He's not as pretty as david tennant sorry, you'll have to wait for kris marshall next year
No I'm not. I'm at my wit's end. It baffles and incites me how one person can be so flippant about a subject so revered, so - I should stop, I can hardly type with the thought of what has been done and (more worryingly) what is yet to come. Steps need to be taken, and fast.
>The show that has cheesy 80s robots with literal plungers as hands is suppose to be taken seriously
Taken seriously? By who? not by Doctor Who fans lmao. lighten up dude, it's just a show
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in this RARE COLOUR PIC from the invasion it looks like the cyberman on the left just awkwardly stopped walking to let out a fart and the other cyberman is looking at him like "what the fuck are you doing?"
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I confess...

A few months ago, I ran out of toilet paper and forgot to buy some new one and used a poster of Peter Capaldi from DWM that I had in the toilets to wipe my arse...

Pic related.

Sorry Peter :(
i meant to say the cyberman on the right is farting sorry
doctor poo??
Well, you meant the one on their left, even if he's on our right.

Once you are converted, such confusion will no longer be a problem. Correct and logical deictics will flow from you as easily as electronically-processed farts. It will be excellent.
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There's a lot of pics that look like that once you start to think about it
I hope the fun factor prevails, but man, disheartning to know the big arc this series is a let down at the last hurdle
Doesn't matter anyway since it'll only have about 2m viewers overnight kek
I wake up with the most blistering headache I've ever known. A hangover to end all hangovers. Through blurred, swaying vision, I see a light glaring at me, but it's not something I can focus on for long as a gurgling tremor, like a rumble of thunder of the horixon, emanates from my stomach. I have urgent business to attend to.

Once I have ejected what feels like every last drop of fluid from my body, I stagger back into the room. The light's still glaring, and I'm able to focus enough now to see that it is my computer screen. Evidently it was left on last night, but I don't recall using it. I only recall flashes, a bar, drinks... so many drinks. I can't remember anyone else with me, but that's not unusual, during these periods in which I choose to drown my sorrows.

I look at the screen, and there are several tabs open, untouched since last night. I click through them, curious as to what my drunken mind saw fit to visit, and stagger back - not in drunkenness, but in horror.

106 tabs, all the exact same webpage. Google. And in single one of them, the image search results for the exact same phrase:

doctor poo

I am assaulted with a combination of screen stills from Doctor Who and what I can only describe as scatological pornography. But that is far from the worst of my discovery. I look down at the desk in front of the screen, and see a collective of scrunched-up tissues. Dreading the worst, I lower a hand to my crotch, tentatively squeezing the fabric of my jeans.

Moist. And sticky.

And in one crashing moment of epiphany I understand what I have done; what I have been driven to in my madness, my obsession. What this ordeal has done to me. Has it really driven me this far? It is possible for a person's anger to build so densely that it can mutate into fascination... pleasure, even?

But it's true. Through the fog of the hangover my thoughts begin to clarify. I can think of one thing only, running through my mind like a drumbeat.

Doctor Poo.



well I woke up today
and the world was a restless place
This is my first time in this thread but I'm a big fan of this meme already lads.
If they had introduced Ace in the second story of SJA S5 instead of pushing it back to the back half of the series which then never happened because Lis died, would we have had a 2012 CBBC series with Ace, Clyde, Rani, and Sky?

If so, how do I get to the alternate universe where that happened?
Doctor p0o haha
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Haha farts, oh yes, such funny
poopy doctor poo haha maybe ill poop in my pants wen i watch the next episode owo
Christ. Let me teach you how it's done.

Why did Matt Smiths run get worse by the series, going from great to terribad, whereas the quality of Capaldi's run has gone from bad to good?
You read the Veritas. And take out your own life.
>It baffles and incites me how one person can be so flippant about a subject so revered
Actually she says you just got yourself a puncture in a bad neighborhood.
reminder that in World enough and Time young Master says "My name is Doctor Who"
Get fucking ready for Missy Big Finish series.
holy shit just found a stash of like 40 rare high res pics.
Just fucking imagine 7 with River and Missy

And the Doctor answers "More like Doctor Poo"?
It will be GOAT.
What the fuck are they waiting for 11 audios?
doctor poop
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holy shit turn on BBC1 right now
Can we admit that this show is fucking terrible shit already? I'm so tired of DW, /who/. I wanna break free.
When it's good (say, every 7 episodes or so) it's really good
Terrible shit? More like Doctorrible Poo
>I wanna break free.
Just like David Bradley when he emerges from the vault, right?
So how exactly is it spelled? Doctor Poo or Dr. Poo?
Doctor Poo
oh, and I think \who\ forget about this goat meme completley. good to know that you aren't desu
Doctor who!?
The oldest defecation in the universe, the turd hidden in plain sight...

Which universe are you from?
So THAT'S why the Daleks have plungers! I can't believe the clues were right in front of us the whole time...
Guys stop meming this. If you carry on the next doctor being black will become reality
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Pete's World, clearly
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What did he mean by this?
Is this an edit?
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martha jones.jpg
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been rewatching s3, martha really is GOAT

most naturally intelligent, driven nu-who companion, probably would've had a good life even if she'd never met the doctor, capable of taking matters into her own hands, saves the doc multiple times. it is a shame about the stupid unrequited love/ MUH ROSE arc but even that she gets over and then leaves on her own terms with dignity

it's like if clara was actually as awesome as moffat wanted us to believe she was
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You both wrong.
I can see your IP you fucking samefag.
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What did you mean by this?
stop samefagging, it's not funny
I don't mind the doctor being black. As long as the Doctor isn't a FEMALE. Yuck
I loved this show for so long. Am I just old and boring and autistic now? Stuff like Capaldi's regeneration apparently being chosen by ??? because ??? and all these fanfiction choices trigger me so much more than that twat from Little Britain or Rivers awesome reverse timeline gimmick being long gone.
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I don't think so
Where do you find this stuff, cats?
post the best ones
link it, my man.
How do you think the \who\ universe threads are going?
if you were autistic you'd still like the show
Matt Lucas is actually a really good addition to the tardis cast, you'll be surprised, like we were.
I doubt it could have happened quite like that. I don't think they'd want SJ to be dead, and Ace couldn't take over the wise grandmother role.

But they could beef up Ace's action hero role up a bit, and give her K9 as a more active sidekick, and meanwhile bring in Jo (who was already going to return at least one more time, and drop her grandson off for a year) to watch Sky and the house for a year or two while SJ was off doing something important in space or whatever.

Sadly, Clyde and Rani were leaving for uni and would have become recurring characters like Luke, and they'd probably need new neighbor kids who wouldn't be as hot as Rani and even if they were they'd be under 16 you paedo.
they're memeing Doctor Who more like Docturd Who
Are all 70 of them fart pics?
The live threads are very pleasant and comfy but when the boardies leave it becomes awful, especially night \who\ and off season \who\.
Link. Link, or you dead.
Oh I'm willing to give him a chance, I shit my own face when fucking Catherine Tate was announced and frankly she was stunningly good compared to what I expected.
But stuff like Sonic Sunglasses and "Where did I get a cup of tea?" so called joke makes me cringe so bad I just watch the big speeches and clips on youtube and imagine it's still good.
I feel like I really missed an episode with Heaven Sent though
Haha guys, I got a new one
Docturd poo
You can watch heaven sent and skip the rest of s9 if you want. You just have to watch face the raven as well for context
its a secret shh

they're in my public collection. all the ones that start with "Doctor-Who-Classic-Daleks"

drive.google.com slash open?id=0B2x_cIBbIwUTQ2JBcmV2dG9CZFE
I wonder if ELV there are transwoman.
whoa lad you're risking cross-universal contamination there
Does the \who\ universe have the same Doctors as this universe?
What did Anon mean by this?

Thank you for sharing the link, based kitty~
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I want to love again, I truly do. It hurts
In the \who\ universe, you are a man trying to become a woman.
Mark McGann became the Eighth Doctor and had a long and successful TV run
nose not pointy enough
I want to meet reverse tranny Edge

Don't hurt me like this we'll always have big finish
Thats just a link to one image?
In their universe Doctor Who is American and they had these actors
fuck you're right. sorry

drive.google.com slash open?id=0B2x_cIBbIwUTOTB6V19Oajh5V2M
s9 only has one bad episode really (sleep no more, and it's completely skippable) The rest are good or mediocre, but nothing GOAT till heaven sent

s10 however is 7 episodes in and completely solid with some really good episodes. If it's still really not your thing, the show is getting another soft reboot next season with a new showrunner and doctor so you can pick up there. Anything could happen.
th-that's just a link to a DIFFERENT image
oh fuck, sorry, at first I read
sorry, nevermind
S-Still just one image, my dude
In \who\ the live threads are the best.
wtf i hate google drive now

drive.google.com slash drive slash folders slash 0B2x_cIBbIwUTb3hxUTJQeXBVajg?usp=sharing
No, starting with Frankie Howerd in 1970 they were all pretty different. Also, Eric Idle played the Eighth Doctor in the Nelvana cartoon from 1991 to 1998, and then there was a series of 12 English-Australian-German movies over the next 15 years, then the franchise was canceled, but was rebooted as a CBBC spinoff of the long-running HHGTTG series.
In \who\ people debate which character the Rani is playing next.
i cant figure out if "the doctor's wife" is the best or worst of series 6
That's done it, thanks kitty
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thumbs up jesus.jpg
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That's just a link to a set pic.
thank you very much!
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Mary Tyler Moore is best companion.
also <3 to you
\who\ is shit.
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monks are NOT cool.gif
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The monk three parter is a fucking waste of series and Capaldi
There should have been as many stories possible for a Doctor's last series
At least it's better than SkaroBase
They're literally all different, you twat.

Part 1: The Doctor is on a blind mission to find out what a book says, turns out was all a simulation

Part 2: Mysterious Pyramid and also theres a cockup at a biochem lab

Part 3: Welcome to what the world is like now that it's run by monks
Planet Telos is the worst of them desu

and as for OPs image i can find nothing even hinting at cancellation
"Muh ratings, cancellation incoming" has been a meme for about six years now
They're all shit and according to doctor who tv it doesn't even have a good pay off
Even if you got into Doctor Who through NuWho, would you rather:

A. Doctor Who died after 1996, the film is what it was, the franchise lived on as a cult series with books and audios; or:

B. what has actually happened.

easily B
Explain your answer (8 marks).
because despite what the people on 4chan think most of the new run has been pretty good but of course this is 4chan where everything is shit
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