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/lbg/ - letterboxd general

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Thread replies: 238
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Russ Meyer edition.

Previous thread: >>81771059

>Not sure what letterboxd is all about?
The mission of /lbg/ is to promote the intelligent discussion of film as art by providing members with opportunities for intellectual discussion, by recognizing patrician taste through examinations and by calling out embryos as they appear.

>Haven't got an account? Follow this link and sign up today!

Russ Meyer is pretty great, right?

Anon opines on KG: >>81781921
Vidya > movies: >>81774741
Anon is upset at Criterion: >>81773716
Anon invents a hypothetical art film that everyone wants to see: >>81780724

Use >>>/tv/lbg as a link to find the /lbg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Patricians occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Patricians may pretend to be normal users asking for recommendations and when you recommend something, they laugh at you for your plebian taste
>This is a thread for patrician purposes only don't offer or expect frivolous discussion.
>Anon opines on KG
kill yourself newfag with your cancerous op
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lol stay mad buddy
tfw you opine and KG and not ONE (1) person can refute it
What would you do to fix it, if you were in a position to do so?
bigger focus on quality of releases
Yeah...they do have a lot of scene rips of HD content on there. I should know, I uploaded some of it myself!
the site and moderation is meh but the community is great
wonderful community for sure

it's just a shame it seems to be a community of people who watch primarily on their laptops/plain just don't care

which considering the 'archivist' kind of attitude there seems weird to me
a lot of #rare stuff can only be found in shit quality and I guess ppl are used to it now
but almost every DVD/vhsrip on there will have come from a better source, and then compressed before uploading

anything big dies really quickly
it's bad
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>tfw you've seen Preminger's The 13th Letter on 35mm while everyone else has to settle for a low-quality TVRip
I've kept 95% of my uploads seeding, regardless of size and cross-seed many more large files I didn't upload. Also, bigger !=better, necessarily. A VHSRip or DVDRip can look better than the source because of the filters applied. That's the reason I do rips from those sources.
this is a wonderful feel

not many do though. most DVDrs die very quickly. Didn't consider the point about filters, idk much about them but sounds reasonable, I'd still wager most DVDrips on the site look worse than the untouched
Why did none of you lads tell me Lost Highway was pure kino?
Should i go to a screening of Dancer with q+a with the ballet guy, or should I go to A Blonde in Love on 35mm instead
Thanks I will
We didn't want to lie to you.
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what up
nice rymcore taste
Best profile ITT.
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls is a masterpiece!!!FACT!!!
who are you going to vote for
I'll look at the vote share of my constituency and see who I should vote for in order to shake up whatever party is in the lead if like minded people will do the same thing, if not i'll just vote ukip as per usual.

I live in L O N D O N so my vote is cancelled out instantly by all the retards that vote labour/conservative.

We might see a lib-dem and labour coalition as that's their only chance of fighting off the conservative menace really but I don't think either of those parties current voterbase could amalgamate properly nor could the politicians in said parties especially as both parties lack a good figurehead.

We could actually see labour split up and we'd get ANOTHER centrist party lead by some spicy minority like chuka umana who ends up becoming basically alt-left aka labour 2.0 - still left leaning centrist edition which would be fun but then I have no idea who the opposition party would be so I dunno how likely that outcome is

>tl;dr - I'll just vote ukip
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Miami vice is pretty good but i don't see why so many people think it's some kind of hidden 10/10 masterpiece. The soundtrack ruined a couple scenes in the film also, the songs are surprisingly bad and unfitting.

I had forgotten how great the ending of public enemies is. Probably one of the best sequences mann has done.

good that you have seen the light and ascended

It's just an approved meme for patricians you retard, like how people 'into' music can listen to whatever pop album is trending and proclaim it as a masterpiece for a year or two until some other qt girl takes over
>likes ukip
>thinks conservatives are retards
I haven't seen many Russ Meyer movies but the editing in Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls is phenomenal

^^^^^Objectively incorrect opinion
kino: 21
film: 39
movies: 36
flicks: 19
joints: 1

I've been binging on too many movies and flicks this year lads
which cut did you see? Usually people strongly prefer one of them, I think generally the theatrical is more acclaimed
I think people in London that vote for either labour or conservative are retards, not the party itself. I think the tory party is just basically the same as labour, except they lean mildly more to the right.

Ukip is the only true conservative party in the UK despite being absolute shit so it's my only choice unless, like I said I want to shake up my own constituency for laffs but I doubt anyone else will do so what's the point.
unrated directors cut. I'll see if i like it more when i watch the theatrical.
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DC has that cheesy In the Air Tonight cover playing over the fire fight.

What the fuck was Mann thinking at that moment

How is the new Ali cut?
why is it shit? here in Sweden the Sweden Democrats are kind of similar to ukip on immigration but they're too small/new of a party to fill all the representative chairs lol
ukip are just a fucking mess in every way imaginable, tons of infighting, scandals, they don't go far enough on their views to attract real right wing people but they go just far enough to alienate everyone else, their brand is shit and unaesthetic etc

They lost a byelection in an area that voted like 80%+ for brexit. That's how shit they are.

UK is doomed to a thousand year tory reich
>How is the new Ali cut?
It's the best cut of the film I've seen. Fixes up some of the pacing problems in the middle, after Ali is barred from boxing. So the new cut moves better. I regret not seeing this in theatres.
>I had forgotten how great the ending of public enemies is. Probably one of the best sequences mann has done.
Yes, this. Very moving and affecting. The love story in this is as good as the one in Miami Vice, IMO.
The ending of Beyond the Valley was a bit of a cop out. It just went screwball.
lbg be like: haha I watched 3 films today
tfw watched zero films today
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tfw watched eight flicks
That's a lot my man

perhaps..... too much
You're a human being, you live once and life is wonderful, so watch the goddamn movies.
what if life sucks and you use film as an escape?
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>never understood waifu fags
>start rewatching Grace Kelly films
Is this what loves feel like /lbg/?
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you must do emily jean next.
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>In 1962 she was sentenced to three months in prison for stabbing her boyfriend, the documentary maker and film historian Paul Rotha. On 4 February 1968, she stabbed Rotha for the second time and was charged with attempted murder. She and Rotha married in 1974.

Bruce Melvin pls go
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It's called true love you big fat virgin
I would literally die if a girl did that to me <3
That's right, you would die from your mortal wounds, ya dingus.
De Palma>Mann
Michael Monte HellMann >*
Mannchildren btfo
what the fucking fuck is so fucking special about fucking brain fucking de fucking palma and fucking why do you fucking fuckwits always fucking post fucking constant fucking praise and such fucking shit about that fucking piece of fuck fuckface you motherfucking motherfucker fuckers.
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You sound like a dumb embryo
t. fabs
follow the fabs
Why do you care in making the letterboxd general to follow the template of other generals? It's literally you alone. When you fail to shit up an OP, you appear with the so important link to a previous thread, even if it died with 10 posts. Why do you take this shitflinging place so seriously?
I am a proud mannslave

All hail the king of shootouts and digital kinography
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but religion is joke

i have noticed that becoming """religious""" is the new thing contrarians on 4chan do to feel special.
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>the best movie about Jesus was made by an atheist!
Epic. So you exercise this simply out of spite and as a supposed triggering of a couple of other people? That's your reason?
>quoting your own strawman and treating it as some kind of big deal to use le fedora meme
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who is the viper of cinema?
Same bullshit as before. You can continue to quote that pathetic lolbuddy SO FUNNY post all night. Still no explanation besides your own toddlerism.
Don't forget to quote.
how can Pasolini be both Catholic and athiest?
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I don't usually come to /tv/ because everybody seems to talk about capeshit and the hot new netflix series.
Is this the thread to look out for if I want to actually discuss movies and acquire patricianship?
>Is this the thread to look out for if I want to actually discuss movies and acquire patricianship?

hell no, but it's the closest this subreddit has desu
Sometimes but there's a lot of filler like the never-ending debates about Tarkovsky or Mann.
No. But if you are an arrogant type of embryo you can delude yourself into thinking that's the case. /lbg/ is just as shit as /tv/, simply a different flavor
>4 stars = pretty good
>the soundtrack of miami vice ruining ANYTHING
fucking kys embryo
Yes, absolutely. Ask if anyone has the charts of recommended viewing.
her name is stonf
dc is superior kys
Marvel > DCucks
Just what I'd hoped to see.
literally linkin park. Someone should have stopped mann from fucking up his film with shitty nu-metal
>460 films

you shouldn't be allowed to post unless you've seen 1500 films minimum
This but I'm afraid we'll miss out on cool guys like swimmingpool or dpiw
it's quite obvious that he hasn't logged everything he's seen
/v/eddit leave.
>defending Miami /v/ice
>somehow magically not /v/eddit
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>it's quite obvious '''he''' hasn't logged everything '''he's''' seen
>it's quite obvious
Being quite the embryo lately
by what i'm watching or how i'm rating it?
Naturally by your ratings.
I don't even think the choice of films could make someone an embryo, even if it's trash-only the diet.
Discreet Charm had nice stand alone scenes and had a solid surreal concept but i just didnt really like it for some reason. Probably due to the abundance of dream sequences. Harlan County was a nice look into coal culture in the US. Wish there was more scenes of actual shots in the coal mines. LA Confidential was too long and contrived. Everything felt forced especially the ending. Really good acting is the only reason this movie was decent. No idea why this film is held in such high regard. Things speaks for itself.
Why would you rate a movie you didn't really like 3/5?
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Which letterboxd user is the most 'punk rock?'
james healey
cause if i really liked it i would have gave it above 3 stars
todd gaines
eli hayes

You guys remember that image of the post he made on Twitter about liking Trump, Kanye, and Penis Boy? #rebel
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what did marcel hanoun mean by this?
Aside from showing that French people are ugly? Search me.
hon hon hon
People always talk about the twist in Sleepaway Camp as if this movie never existed.
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splash splash splash
Good film
Do you like other Buñuel's?
Anyone here planning on seeing Alien: Covenant? If so, why? If not, why not?
Too early to tell but at this point I think I'll wait till the Blu Ray rip comes out. Nothing from the trailer grabbed my attention.
I was surprised by how good it is, no one edits like Russ Meyer, so that's a plus, characters motivations are well explained, scenes are memorable, and the nonsensical plot it's spot on.

He did all that with no budget and the worst actors you can possible get.
>average review itt
yeah, i like it. its pretty cool
i guess its way better than the capefags threads
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Rope is fantastic.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that yes, everyone missed you dearly when you were gone
I'm so glad you're back home honey!
No, you don't

>rating everything 5 stars
I'm a sleepyhead and if you don't like it go ahead and hit that unfollow button farn
Hey buddy, you forgot to post your profile link! Don't worry though, I went ahead and did it for you anyway ;)

-------> https://letterboxd.com/hugo/ <-------
what's a good assayas to start with?
Why don't you decide yourself?
He's posted it before
i will decide for myself but i'd like to hear some input because i don't know anything about him

also checked
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Should I make a track for /lbg/?
You should kill yourself
Irma Vep or Sils Maria. One of his most recent and his masterpiece (and one of the great films of the '90s)
Is that Carlos film any good, I don't know Assays but topic seems interesting
Yes please give me a shout-out.
It's a big film
post your soundcloud so i can criticize your music
I only have one track but I made it for /ptg/ so you wont get it
My bars are siccc though
>tfw can't sleep because of heartburn so i'm rapping
>generic SC trap with XD /ptg/ references
post more tracks
That's all I have so far
Here's my soundcloud though
Hopefully it will evolve to death :)
Suicide Boys aren't cool anymore so you can stop pretending to like them
I don't think that's how it works
I'm seeing them in islington I think in a month or two
I'm not a huge fan but they have some hard beats f.am
can you please explain why and when everyone started to hate you? I swear i missed this
I don't think anyone hates me outside of 1 or 2 people as everyone kept fucking inviting me to every splinter discord group

Here's a old track, can't remember if it's good or not
I just make these when I can't sleep and get a weird rush of endorphins out of nowhere
>I don't think anyone hates me outside of 1 or 2 people
The classic 1 or 2 people theory.
Not even the discord circlejerkers like you anymore as I see
>Only Yesterday as a favourite

Recently watched it for something in class and must agree it's a masterpiece that I didn't appreciate before. Glad to see you back.
Why would you be glad in seeing him back? Accepting someone's a good user, why is it good that after they go away, they would come back to this place?
do i need to watch les vampires to appreciate irma vep fully?
Not really. But watching Irma Vep will create a bigger wish to engage with the quite challenging task of watching Les Vampires.

nice trips again
Am I supposed to fucking spend the next two months adding all 2000 films I've ever seen to my letterboxd account
Don't engage with people who post in letterboxd threads, bro. It's a waste of time.
if you have them on imdb just import them using the export function you dumb nigger
Being them reasonable and proper watches, yes. That of course if you are interested in a thorough register. And it wouldn't take two months for 2000 films. Or that too >>81841552
Right on, bro!!

what he said
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he can't be. He's just an atheist.
And a communist.
he didn't post it now
don't follow in burger faggots footsteps and do this retarded shit of posting your profile expecting people to know you and being elitist about sharing it with newcomers
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Should I download?
Galaxy Quest [1999]
It's not such a good love story to Star Trek as I remembered it being, but a pretty standard genre comedy. Still, it's better then most if that makes sense. Not a spoof really. The retarded way aliens talk will always be funny. Tim Allen sucks like always, being the unlikable person he is. Sigourney Weaver is surprisingly hot, more so than when she was young. Alan Rickman and Sam Rockwell are great.

John Wick: Chapter 2 [2017]
Liked the first one as much as the next redditor normie, but this one sucks heavily even though it shouldn't, because all the element are here. It's probably due to the fact that it's really far too long. As we all know, no action movie should go past 90 minutes, and this one is two hours. Features world's first automotive fistfight. Keanu Reeves is Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne once again cements his position as the worst actor of all time. Ruby Rose can't speak and is not beaten severely enough. And I don't mean that she should be because I don't like her, but because I do.

Logan [2017]
I will always have a soft spot for this furry daddy in my heart. I was really pleasantly surprised considering how shitty, generic and boring are Marvel films for the last few years, and how mediocre the previous two Wolverine movies were (I still liked them). But this was really gritty, adult stuff, but not in a forced way. it was nice to see Patrick Stewart again. Dafne Keen is not hot enough unfortunately, even though they probably did that on purpose, because in today's shitty world kids can't be attractive supposedly. Might've been a little shorter, but I didn't actually mind the length that much.
Me personally I loved kong
Power Rangers [2017]
Unfortunately not known as "Krispy Kreme Power Rangers". It's really as fun as it can be while conforming to standards of contemporary movies like this. I expected the first part where we get to know them and the setting to be fun. But then, at least that's what I expected, it would turn to boring, bland action movie. But it didn't, the "first part" is almost the whole movie, and once the fighting starts it's still fun. Elizabeth Banks is a goddess, the performance she put on alone makes the movie worth seeing. Krispy Kreme donut tasting will I'm sure forever remain as one of the greatest movie scenes of all time. The main and almost the only problem is that all the rangers are pretty bland and boring kids, except for Naomi Scott. The Asian guy is exceptionally awful, it's really hard to suffer through the scenes which showcase his KRAZIness. Different, more charistmatic and likable kids would make this movie great. But it's still very good.

Arcade [1993]
Worthless shit from the first second to the last, with not a single redeeming quality. Expected too much obviously, don't know why. Do not watch, I don't really believe anyone would like this, because there's nothing to like.
>sub reddit
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>edgy revenge gook flick
Entry level: less than 1 film per day
Prospect: 1-2 films per day
Cinephile: 3-4 films per day
Patrician: 0 films per day.
Recommend me something sexy to watch
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When you reach patrician level, you have become the film.
nah u realize film a shit and start going to theater
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>filling some retarded quota to impress your internet """friends""" instead of reading and watching films whenever you feel like it
Has there ever been a more obsolete artform?
Are you stalking my work or am I just being paranoid ?
Mein nigger happy b-day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmGqG3grTrg
Tokyo drifter
Back to lar/pol/
xenoplanet here

I just led a 3 hour lecture on Pink Flamingos at a university

What have you cucks been up to
tracker drama, again
are there any movies like zodiac (2007)?
"Kek" confirms, LARPers fuck off
pulp fiction
but thats so old!
Who are you? Mes petites amoureuses was on my watch list for a long time, not as good as la Maman et la Putain
ok cool that was just paranoia then
Tell us where you work
The Criterion Collection
you seem like you try really hard to be cool
>having a conversation with yourself with 2 posts per hour
And fails. Such is the life of the wannabe autistic '''patrician'''
What are the best films about finance/accounting?
read a book, r*tard
no that's for nerds

My favourite accounting/finance films are the big short and the accountant
can't think of any others
>My favourite accounting/finance films are the big short
kill yourself
Wall Street
The Other Side of Hope is pretty decent and transparent, but a bit plain. Kaurismaki seems to be a bit on the simplistic side in his portrayal of refugees, specially seeing how he managed other equivalent themes, such as alienation in The Match Factory Girl.
I have a feeling your 'favorites' are the only ones you have watched.
The Big Short is pretty good, but The Autist is simply meh
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>mfw all the embryos come out of the woodwork to hate on a genuine patrician who makes them feel inadequate
are you talking about slept? because then you'd be absolutely right
>slept and boyfriends trying to defend his sorry autistic ass

slept = embryo shitter
I wonder how PUNQ's wife reacts when she finds out he likes nigger babies
Go back to your "Slept Made Me Cry" support group, bitchboi.
I just saw a double bill with Suspiria and Opera and a talk from Argento. Argento started talking about how he would make his daughter do nude scenes, and when he told that he would make her do such weird things and would film her for so long that she started crying he was laughing his ass off.
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>I hate you, daddy!
Anything else that was interesting? Does he give a single fuck about making films anymore, though?
>waah don't talk bad about muh slept
Eh he mainly spoke about his career. He barely speaks English and edits his movies with an Italian dub (probably why the performances are so shit), and it took him quite long to phrase answers, even with the interpreter present, so he basically only talked about his career until 1975 before time ran out. He told comfy Sergio Leone (did everything with gestures) and Keith Emerson (would ride a motorcycle indoors) stories. He said he really wants to and is going to make a new film called The Sandman and that Iggy Pop will play the villain.
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Is it the next PENIS BOY?

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Well, I'm all out of ideas.
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what's wrong
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Had to report two more of Will Folsom's pedophile threads. Why can't the mods report this guy to the feds because my anonymous report obviously isn't working.
What are some good film mags?
off too watch a flick, wish me luck, lbgers!
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that time when you stop believing
Sight and sound
Psychotronic video
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I did that and it was so buggy. It tried to match TV Shows I rated on IMDb with stuff on Letterboxd. Also tried to find the dozens of film festival entries I've had to judge.

I would say so. Fun to look at other profiles and see what is popular, trending and read reviews and such. I occasionally give suggestions if I see a theme in people's Recent list.

I should really dip my foot into Russ Myers filmography. Been meaning to.
Old I miss having TCM and a working desktop computer.

Watched Wild Tales because of a suggestion from /llitl , was pretty good.

How's life with AIDS?
wtf how have you watched 2k films and not thought 'hmm maybe I should watch at least one arthouse film'
Not him but arthouse is for nerds
Thread posts: 238
Thread images: 42

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