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Popular Kodi Addon ‘Exodus’ Turned Users into a DDoS ‘Botnet’

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>Exodus is one of the most-used Kodi addons out there, allowing users to obtain easy access to pirated movies and TV-shows. However, over the past week the same users were unwittingly part of a DDoS attack. After the issue raised eyebrows in the community, the Exodus developer rolled back the malicious code and retired.


Thanks for infecting me, /tv/

I will never listen to you again.

Torrents ftw.
underage please go
NEETcucks deleting their system 32 rn
Stopped using it anyway when I found out the CAS program was shut down earlier this week.
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>using unnecessary suspect plugins to stream
>mfw I'm a bot
haha streaming faggots got what they deserve
>using kodi or anything even resembling it


this is just as bad as linux mint fags if not worse, i bet i'm old enough to be grandfather to some of you shits but i still have a better handle on this basic bitch shit

good riddance
wintoddlers lmao, fucking stupid fucks.
What do you use?
Did you read the article?
It's not that bad, just opened low file size webpages of people that copied his code and threatened to dox him and get him in legal trouble.

like is it really that scary that it uses a little bit of ur data u didnt think it would?
the fuck is kodi?

i've used a ton of torrent clients and never heard of it. why do you need an addon for a torrent client anyway?
This doesn't affect me since I use a fire stick for kodi.
I'm not following. Did I I fall asleep and suddenly 2.2.1 doesn't exist?
lemme guess, HDMI cable?

You fuckin retard
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>open sores
you fags deserve it
Because it's used on third party hardware like chromecast or amazon firestick.
Can't you just go to a torrent site and torrent the movie like a normal and sane person?
kodi getting a bad rap because of this shit. kodi is just a media player
some anon mentioned that in >>>/g/58761893 2 days ago.
Kodi is a botnet you fucking idiot
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kodi is fine. it's the addons people buy those boxes for
Streaming faggots should all just volunteer their resources to bitcoin mining tbqh
so who did they ddos?
So how again am i being hacked from my fire stick?
>i have no idea how technology works but i use it anyway
can someone explain what kodi is? Do you have to buy an amazon firestick or something else that will run this software? Then does it simply allow you to view channels from a number of countries?

I'm wondering if I should get it desu, and what advantage it has to other forms of piracy
Of course it isn't bad. On another note, would you mind installing my small utility on your PC? I'll use it to occasionally DDoS someone but I assure you that you won't even notice it.

>of people that copied his code
Also this is a very retarded reasoning, considering that at the top of every single source file he claims GPL3.
What the code essentially did was sending requests to few pages 30 or 40 times every single time you choose to play something. Combine that with the amount of users the addon has and you've got a very nice botnet.
It just parses streaming urls for you and automatically plays them.
>Wangblows users.
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Kodi is an offshoot of Xbox media center(xbmc), just a basic media server, but with add ons that allow you to stream content from various sources

The thing about most media server software is it's mostly based off of xbmc, so they're pretty interchangeable

For example, I'm running plexbmc with Kodi support for unssuported add ons

But yea you should only use trusted add ons OP
theres plenty of other film add ons
>linux mint

why are you shitting on mint?
I have a very strong feeling that you don't know what are you talking about.

don't try to reason with streamfags.
So do these add-ons allow you to access TV channels for free? The only times I've heard of it is for sports streaming where people say it's a better alternative than anything else
For the record, Plex changed my life

Remote access to all of your files saves so much time

I literally watch movies and tv the whole time I'm at work
yes, streaming sports is literally the only reason to use kodi
How would we gets bitches' nudes otherwise, bruh?
>i bet i'm old enough to be grandfather to some of you shits but i still have a better handle on this basic bitch shit

well duh, because you actually had two learn a thing or two about software and hardware to go online in the 90s, whereas now all you need is one hand (or flipper) and most of your brainstem intact

Yes, as another anon says, it parses the URLs of thousands of those streaming sites (shush.se etc) and puts it all into a list, pretty basic stuff

Tbh I hardly ever use Kodi functionality, because it's risky, and usually those sights live and die within a couple months

I have just over 850 movies and thousands of tv episodes, and about 30 gigs of music on a custom built NAS that I have access to everywhere with internet
Want Exodus one of the "trusted" add-ons anyway? It all seems pretty shady to me, I'm just going to stick to my stream sources and torrenting until I see reason to change.
yeah but the viral idea is that the modern generation grew up on tech and are supposed to be these super genius level operators by default simply due to the age they were born into

every time i see something like this or the LM debacle i laugh to myself about how fucking retarded the modern generation really is when it comes to entry level shit like md5
hmmm, but allowing you access to streaming sites is different from TV channels. Which is it? For example, my friend said that he can access russian sports channels to watch football matches with kodi. If it is ONLY streaming sites that it allows you to access, then I don't need kodi to do that

That's the thing, most of these add ons are open source, which means if you don't know what you're doing, or the risks involved, you get fucked

Exodus was known to be a little shady, from the beginning

You just have to do your research famalam

You don't get it lol

You can use these programs to stream your own media

It's like your own personal netflix
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because they released a new flavor awhile back with a similar issue embedded within ala backdoor after their website was "hacked" and replaced with a copy that didn't match it's md5 and nobody, not even the devs noticed any of this because they didn't bother to check against, among other things

nobody should be using linux mint after that shit, it's developers are incompetent when it comes to basic security and you'd have to be a literal mouthbreathing fool to trust anyone that lets something like that happen on their watch with ANY of your data, let alone running an entire operating system built by them

if you're using it, or kept up with it's development, i'm honestly surprised you didn't know, it was a pretty big deal and a ton of people dropped it for better, more secure alternatives
Dude watching tv on it is probably the best function it has but it's roundabout as fuck. First you need to set up the plugin. Then you need to find sites that have channel lists (essentially a txt with https of m3u8 streams). Then you need to point the plugin to the list. Then half the channels don't work because the streams get pulled. Then you have to find a new list. Then the site goes down and you have to find another. It's a load of fucking faff. You want movies? Torrent. Want sports? Acestream.

Tbh mint was always shit, and was pretty much designed as babbys first GNU/linux OS

Also cinnamon is fucking horrible

Yea he is not gonna understand that lol


Just stick to VLC kiddo
i do not disagree, but the point still stands

also babby's first linux os is almost always ubuntu unless they're running an absolute toaster
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>why are you shitting on mint?
Not him but I'm not getting in either.

Stream my own media? Like stream the movies i already have?

It's a Debian/Ubuntu build so yea

Who /gentoo/ here




That's my own media
Yes. Your own shit (like your playlist in whatever music player you use) as well as torrents or video streams, depending on the plugin. It's basically a media player OS.

Why would I want to stream the films I have on my computer to my computer?

Isn't it easier to just get something like VLC or MPC-HC and just use that?
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>Who /gentoo/ here
Go home /g/, you're drunk.
erm, I use sportsmania and I get streams from around the world for football in HD quality with no buffering issues. it's literally 10x better than acestream, where you end up 5 minutes behind by the end of the game

You can stream them everywhere anon


Other people's houses

Your phone

I use it constantly

You do need a pretty good processor for HD/multiple stream transcoding though
I thought using gentoo was a meme

people always told me to use Ubuntu
Oh shit I get it now. That's pretty cool.

It is a meme

I use arch

Let me put it this way

I never have to put/change the music on my phone, because I have remote access to it all
>most of these add ons are open source, which means if you don't know what you're doing, or the risks involved, you get fucked
That fact that the addons are open source is irrelevant. Installing things on your computer can be dangerous if you don't understand what you are doing, FOSS or not.
my nigga
>paid shit
no thanks

Like an earlier anon said, Linux mint was hacked, modified, and reposted, and even the devs were too busy to check the md5 sums

So yea being open source does matter
>/tv/ is such a mess they don't even understand what kodi/plex do

jesus christ get it together


It's why I love VLC threads so much
most of /tv/'s userbase are starting to go senile from old age anon.
but why would I? I torrent my shows and films, why should i give a shit about streaming this content like a retard?
>implying the older users aren't the ones schooling the fuck out of these young idiots using kodi
nah it's just underage /v/. they grew up with dads that had everything working for them to begin with

You're streaming your own media from mom's basement to your upstairs twin sized bed anon

Now you can watch BLACKED anywhere
>let me just prove i don't understand it one more time


Get a millennial to explain h.265 and laugh while they sputter out word fragments
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I'm going to quote what Anon said again:

>if you don't know what you're doing, or the risks involved, you get fucked
The above statement is true for all software, FOSS or not.

Linux Mint is shit for all the reasons you listed. Mint is FOSS. Hola VPN App is shit because it is botnet. Hola is closed source. There are plenty of examples of shitty software out there. Some are open source some are closed source. If you're an idiot and you install something you shouldn't then you will get fucked.
>You're streaming your own media from mom's basement

lmao, once again this isn't why kodi is useful. it's literally god tier for streaming sports
>Linux Mint is shit for all the reasons you listed.

you're confusing anons, anon

i don't disagree with what you're saying, i merely explained to another poster or two exactly why mint was shit in more recent terms aside from being entry level linux

Yea I get what you're saying, I guess it's all about knowing/trusting the source

Hell half of the windows seven ISO torrents were modified to fuck
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Forgive my severe sensitivity and autism.

I have the Kodi add ons literally only for sports

I'm mainly talking in general about most media server software
no worries m8, we're on the same page in both respects desu
>Hell half of the windows seven ISO torrents were modified to fuck
How do you know which is the good one?
isnt stremio better or does it also have problems?
You buy a copy from the store :)

can you steal the paid addons? I know people that use them and pay something like $10 a month.
you know retarded people anon
I use kodi on a firestick and only use Exodus. There is no better way of watching free tv and movies on the fly. Anyone who disagrees is a /g/tard
I just wanna watch my shitty cartoons on qubo, is kodi for me?
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I am just running vanilla Plex myself and only sharing with two friends. Also helps me stream to the living room PS4 without worrying about file formats.
>Anyone who disagrees is superior to my pleb-tier set up

>bringing mint into this

You are a grade A faggot anon
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How is that internet of things the media keeps talking about?

Now not just computers used to stream, but tvs and tv attachments are being used for bot nets.
openpht here.

No kodi addons are worth switching over to a more demanding client.

openpht takes less than 3% idle whereas kodi uses around 10%+

I've checked both.
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I fail to see the problem with Mint. She is qt.
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>t. salty ass mint babby

eat a massive dick you fucking cunt, we had a nice little discussion about it's merits and the lack thereof you stupid faggot, meanwhile you've contributed nothing but a bitchpost

the singularity is coming anon
Plex is complete shit as it spergs the fuck out if you throw a DVD folder or bluray folder to it, Kodi and Emby are superior
i literally don't know what kodi is

Is this just what normalfags use?

>for streaming sports

normalfaggot shit then
another two will take its place
streaming lives on
but is there porn on kodi?
tons of it
>plebs on /tv/ haven't automated their entire torrent setup with couchpotato and sickrage
>they don't use plex to have their media with them no matter where they go

I don't expect anything less from these retarded kids. I bet these idiots don't even use private trackers (or they think that shit like speed and ipt are quality trackers) or VPNs to protect themselves.
I go to cinema and festivals. I actually support the artists.
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>tfw never fell for the Kodi meme
Do you also buy all the blurays for TV-shows and movies you watch?

If not then your comment is completely retarded and you don't know what you're talking about.
I'm not a plebeian that watches TV.
Yes I do buy DVDs and blurays.

You just steal like a fucking nigger.
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>using Kodi to access shitty streams and not just as a snazzy library organiser with easy subtitle access
>I'm not smart enough to have a hometheater that is automated with every show I follow and every movie I want to watch (add them to a list and it automatically fetches them when they become available).

Being tech illiterate in our current age must be so fucking bad. It's like living in an age of magic and not knowing how to use magic.
Has nothing to do with my post or your previous post, thief.
So I have to reformat my computer now ?

>tfw discovered kodi yesterday
>gave it a try
>learn there is a botnet in exodus stream stuff
what is that
>So I have to reformat my computer now ?
This. I want to know too.
does this thing manage all the download locations itself or you have to give it a torrent link?

I already have cable and netflix so I don't bother with shit like this anymore
Whats so bad about an HDMI cable?
Nothing, as long as it's an UltraHD Monster cable.
Just delete system 32
is whitecream safe to use?
Pick up remote select movie or tv show. Search any film. Enjoy. How can you get better seriously.

This, and



Literally all I use Kodi for is sports and the random shit my gf likes that I don't download

But yea people arguing over VLC and it's alternatives make me laugh, they're so far behind
wtf is whitecream? where do people find this shit?
lurk more you pleb faggot
lurk where? I browse /g/ and have never heard of this either
>thinks browsing neo/v/ will somehow not make him a pleb
lel pls go

There is literally two threads on /g/ rn
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