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What was his fucking problem? 4chan Pass user since November 2013.

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Thread replies: 187
Thread images: 27

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What was his fucking problem?

4chan Pass user since November 2013.
He spent most of his life in a plastic bubble.
>4chan Pass user since November 2013

whats your fucking problem
>going to /tv/
>not needing to shitpost at highest velocity
>4chan Pass user since November 2013.
Has shitposting evolved?
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>fucking around with captchas

f u c k that

4chan Pass user since February 2013.
>4chan Pass user since November 2013.
What's your major malfunction, 4chan user?
>You lived to see 4chan gold memberships become real
>Being normie plebs

4chan Pass user since November 2013.
how do you trigger that?
i dunno lol

4chan Pass user since October 2015.
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4chan Pass user since December 2012.
is this reality?

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
is this a fantastical world?

4chan Pass user since October 2012.
let the shitposting begin

4chan Pass user since November 2013.
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wee bastard.png
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>paying 4 4chan
>you can now create "only premium shitposters"-threads

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
>not paying for 4chan
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>not paying for 4chan

4chan Pass user since December 2014.
I'm going to see if the filter works with this

>4chan Pass user since July 1267.
guys I think this is a clever ruse
it's not showing that I'm a pass user
it works
Why is Hiroshima Nagasaki such a qt
4chan pass coincides with the death of 4chan.

Really makes you think.

4chan Pass user since October 2012.

What's your problem.
>tfw oldfag
I've been here so long, fuck

4chan Pass user since November 2013.
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I am a

>4chan user since July 2006
>4chan Pass user since November 2013.

Wow, so cucks are actually getting their own label now. Nice.
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>he pays money to shitpost
spoken like a true cuck
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This is a new level of shitpost.
This is such bullshit.
Can I join too?

>Reddit Gold user since August 2011
How do I get rid of this? Chinese Moot branded me and it keeps sticking to my posts! HELP!

4chan Pass user since October 2012.
>actually bought a jewpass

And now everyone gets to laugh at you every time you post.
why is he wearing fake-ass bootleg ray-ban clubmasters tho
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Embrace it.

4chan Pass user since July 2015.

:4chanlogo: 4chan Pass user since January 2011.
Test post pls ignore
:stop music:

4chan Elite user Level III since October 2014.
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I'm a shitposter. I set high goals, and I've been told that I'm persistent. Now, I'm not fooling myself, sir. Having been raised with the upvoting movement so popular in reddit, I used to expect my threads to be considered. But I know that these days, our board culture no long caters to the thread loyalty that could be promised to earlier generations. What I believe, sir, is that good memes come to those who work their asses off. And that people such as yourself, who reached the top of the catalog didn't just fall there. My motto is, if you want to get the dubs, you have to make the money to buy the 4chan pass.
suck muh dick
You forgot to deposit your yearly check, goy.

4chan Pass user since October 2012.

Oh, I get it. It's funny because the passes didn't exist in 2011. Killer stuff, anon! Keep it up! :oD



It's right there, bruh.
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please donate me 4chan pass
life isn't fair

4chan Pass user since November 2013.
4chan has given me so much entertainment over the years

4chan Pass user since October 2012.


4chan Pass user since October 2016.
holy shit im an oldfag

Sent. ;)
you wish, we've just branded ourselves as eternal newfags.

4chan Pass user since October 2012.
Well I've been on here on-and-off since the aughts. I didn't realize it's been so many years since the pass though.
2007 - oldfag

Nononono 2007 is the year everything went to shit and also chanology and all that.

Maybe in the current shitposting climate you're an oldfag, but that still feels wrong to me.
Okay I read it wrong, some special snowflake decided to put the labels over the next portion.

I approve of this image.

However, spoken as an actual oldfag, I feel the new/oldfag split is stupid. Rather just shame people who shitpost humorlessly.
>when you're a priced gold member

4chan Pass user since November 2013.
Reaction posting is what really killed 4chan imo.
It was absolute communication devolution.

But I'm still here because it's still mostly unfiltered bullshit, compared to many other popular sites today. Plus filtering helps.

Also I have no idea why the green pass text only works for some, and not others. Seems random. Hiro you mad man.
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>Reaction posting is what really killed 4chan imo
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4chan Pass user since November 2013.
What the fuck.

Did Hiro just become Ann Hiro?
If I browsed during the oldfag days and only (unfortunately) came back last year, what does that make me?

Same here...

...Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in...
ova hea
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I refuse to believe this many people pay to shitpost on /tv/
I'm a cesspool kid
I'm pretty sure the pass was a thing long before Hiro took over.
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>tfw an oldfag
Am I being played?
>Reaction posting is what really killed 4chan imo.

Remember when image macros were banned? Reaction images are basically macros without the text. They add nothing to discussion.

4chan Pass user since October 2012.
Yes. I'm playing with your ass right now. Look behind you.
Why did he kill the mexican?
global rule 13
>Pass users are now exposed as the fags they are on a Mongolian Renaissance Art Painting Board


2006 - oldfig :^)
woops forgot to log in

4chan Gold Account user since the exceedingly young age of two.
he wanted to win the lotto ticket
fuck you
next level memeing

4chan Pass user since November 2013.
what my fuck man XD

4chan Pass user since December 2014.
>not knowing invisibro
lurk more faggot
t. good goy and a proud cuck

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
help a poorfag out
Are you a wizard?
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>no reddit
fuck right off
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Alright, nice. But whats the next step of your master plan?

4chan Pass user since November 2013.
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nope not a wizard just a regular ol' dude, my dued

4chan Gold Account user since the exceedingly young age of two.

Edit: dude*
Edit 2: wtf i cant see my own image hiro really is pushing the upsell these days
is this real? wtf? fuck moot

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
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4chan Pass user since June 2016.
Wait, do you guys actually pay?
notice me swaglord
Fucking idiots, kikes are taking over my board.
the absolute madman

4chan Pass user since June 2004.
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>4chan Gold Account user since the exceedingly young age of two.
delete this
haha look at all these poorfags

>4chan Pass user since June 2012.
Tell me your secrets swaglord

4chan Pass user since December 2014.
Ok, fuck the rules. I'm giving this a whirl.

:4chanclover: 4chan Pass user since October 2012.
:4chan: 4chan Pass user since October 2012.

4chan Pass user since October 2012.
now I am become death

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
>tfw mods shitpost on /tv/ too

<span class="pu-lbl"><span class="pu-img">4chan Pass user since March 2016.
Weird gimmick addition
Moneyfarming addition. Hiro is poor and needs your help to pay his bills.

4chan Pass user since October 2012.
Praise be to Hiroshima
help save 4chan and get a nice goy stamp to boot

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
I only got mine so I could shitpost from China for a month

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
Fuck, I knew a handful would have me beat.

4chan Pass user since October 2012.
>tfw Hiro makes 4chan passes required for posting
>tfw can finally leave this place
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only newfag?
gotta get in at the bottom to reap the good goy points at the top

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
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>give incentives to shitpost
>pass purchases go up 500%

is hiro a genius?
>tfw you will buy the pass
Literally just planted shills so everyone else will be more encouraged to buy a pass. Wake up.
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>people think this is a bad thing
>we can now safely filter out posts from 75% of the redditors who were dumb enough to buy a 4chan pass
top kek
Hiro promised to give us additional powers. The Elder users will get to temporarily mute shitposters. Just you wait!

4chan Pass user since October 2012.
>inb4 pass users become 4Chan Heroes
haha lol

4chan pass user since April 1997.
Fuck, /tv/ is ded.
I would have bought a pass back in 2012 if I knew this was gonna happen.

What's the point now? The dirty 2016 at the bottom of my posts will only dishonor my commentaries.
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>4chan Pass user since November 2013.
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i have become death destroyer of boards

what does this even do? the pass I mean
>pay to post
it helps support the site, and lets you post without captcha.. you wouldnt really think it's worth it, but after you've posted without captcha for a long time, it's seriously annoying when you dont use the pass
Well that's gay
where were you when mook killed 4chan
>mfw I've had two pass accounts and I renewed my newer one, now my 2013 OG account is inactive and I'm stuck with my newfag account

Anon, you believe me r-right?
Forgot my status

4chan Pass user since February 2015.
I do, I always changed email every time I bought a new pass, my first one was in 2013. Now I'm a newfag of one day.

4chan Pass user since October 2016.

⌘ 4chan Pass user since October 2014.
This will show Hiro

⌘ 4chan Pass user since October 2014.
Now I'm confused.
You're cancer, swaglord. Literal cancer. Jesus, fucking brutally MURDER yourself
I think he has autism.
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<not having a 4chan pass
>when Hillary creates the Thought Police in 2017 she'll have an easy way of correlating every 4chan post with an individual user

I've been visting this site for more than 10 years. Impressive.

>he can't orangetext

4chan Pass user since September 2012.

4chan Pass user since March 2016.
>4chan Pass user since November 2013.
Kill yourself my man. Seriously.
so like, this is the best i could come up with

<span class="pu-lbl"><span class="pu-img">4chan Pass user since February 2013.
last try i suppose...
Fuck the 4chan
nice thread

4chan Pass user since November 2013.
Thread posts: 187
Thread images: 27

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