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ITT: Pokemon are real (An RP thread.) Do you think pokemon

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ITT: Pokemon are real (An RP thread.)

Do you think pokemon could live without humans?

Rules/Info: https://pastebin.com/bMvZAaVX

Previous thread: >>9909058
Oh course, I'd imagine many of their lives would lose much of their meaning though, Pokémon don't seem to embark on grand enterprises on their own accord.
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Certainly. Without a doubt.
They could, but it's easier for everyone if we work together.
For instance, Rayquaza showing us that FTL travel is possible.
>Rayquaza showing us that FTL travel is possible.
Rayquaza can only do that because of god magic, fampai.
We don't have god magic.
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i don't know
maybe that mean that half of my clients would be gone
So.... Are you just gonna um... Live in a pool? I don't think that's healthy!
Aww, okay... Bye
Wait what? Since when can the Ray active FTL? And if he can, what does that make Deoxys-S.
not that guy but mega ray and deoxys s can both get into ftl territory
No, I don't think so..i'd be alone.
Hey, mr. trainer!, what's it like being human?
Rayquaza himself has said he can move faster than light while in his mega form, and it can be assumed Deoxys-S can do the same.
If two pokemon can do it, than so can humans with enough technology and effort.
(Ok, real talk here, this is not official cannon, and I know it seems cool to give them that power, but have we fully considered how THROUGHLY that fucks with physics? Can we at least make it so they long range quantum tunnel, actually a roving ftl means that matter works in a fundamentaly different way in this universe as would light. It means all basic knowledge of physical laws from the real world would be completely irrelevant here. I don't like this one bit)
(Welcome to pokemon)

(Autocorrect strikes again, that bit in the middle reads:
"actually achieving ftl means that...")
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Um... Some of our senses are kinda dull compared to Pokemon and we can't use moves but... We have each other! Humans are never ever alone, not really!
Being human is like... You're weaker, but that's okay because you don't really have to worry about stuff too too much!
(I don't think either of their players are here, but maybe bring it up with them? Rayquaza is a literal god so him bending and fucking with physics doesn't bother me too much, as long as it's not possible for the non gods to do it.)
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I'm not sure if I can hit faster than light, but I might be able to approach it with ideal conditions. Haven't tested it yet.
The main limiter to my speed is my body's durability.
I don't think Porygons could. Trubbishes and Muks would have a hard time too.
(I always thought of the pike gods as beings that just posses immense energy, and can use that energy to act upon the world, I like to think they don't actually break any rules, they just have to power to do whatever they want the legit way. Speaking of, FTL like traveling speeds are eaisly achievable if you quantum tunnel your way through space, if you skip every 50 atoms en route you can be going .5c and have a relative speed of 25c. Easy fix that is technically possible in the real world, The gods can still zoom effectively faster than light and my red brain doesn't explosion from trying to comprehend the implications of true FTL. K?)
Please, lady Latias, do not attempt such a feat, as a being capable of teleportation, you have no reason to put your body under such immense stress as relativistic speeds just for travel.
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I wish I was a human! Then I could do human stuff!
Like..go to the movies!, swim!, go to cons without being mauled!
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(I don't like the idea that the guy being paid billions of dollars out of no where to develop FTL, isn't an astrophysics specialist. I mean, he's smart but the idea that just being a scientist means you do all the sciences is silly. If anything his sphere is electrical engineering, weapon design, neurology, computer science, and robotics... Which is a huge list to begin with. Adding material sciences, astrophysics, quantum physics... It's ridiculous.)
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(The Pokemon gods use literal magic for shit and have used literal magic since the beginning of PAR dude, I really don't know what to tell you aside from "bring it up with the Rayquaza player".)
You can still do that stuff! It's harder, but you could totally do it!
If you want you could get a human friend to do that stuff with you! It'd be a lot safer!
You're not made out of fire... You don't require perpetual combustion to keep going... I don't understand why you can't swim?
( I guess I haven't encountered anything that can only be explained as magic yet, aside from established Pokémon cannon,(which can also be scienced away)thank you for taking my concerns seriously enough to answer them, even if it was just a "not my call." I appreciate it.)
...Yeah. Still would be nice to test my limits, but I value my life.
Speaking of that, I haven't teleported myself in a while. Just small objects.
With the size of the world, it's actually quicker and less exhausting to fly to places rather than teleport to them.
(The guy roleplaying Colress told me himself that he wouldn't actually be able to do it unless Rayquaza himself came down to him to explain how the hell it works, since, as you said, those sort of things aren't his area.)
(He'll probably be willing to talk about it when he gets online though so... Look for that, I guess?)
(No problem man, I try to address that stuff when I can. Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, and Arceus are probably the main Pokemon that use literal magic, but I suppose they're shenanigans could also be explained by science, even if I'm not exactly sure how.)
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All this science talk, dang.
Hmm... uh huh... I see...
I recognize some of those words!
Really, though, how's life going? I really should get in contact with my boss, but things are pretty darn good otherwise.
I supposed for a creature fast enough to consider pushing for light-speed travel, that makes sense. Very well, as always, do as you wish Lady Latias.
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I've lived most of my life without the aid of humans and many go their entire lives never directly encountering one.
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Well, I don't really have any human friends..but, would you be up for doing stuff with me?
Fear, probably natural instinct..or maybe I just don't like the sea, scary things are down there.
(Given that Macargo should, by science, just kind of melt and get trapped at the center of the earth... There are lots of unscience things)

So you... Want to do something you're afraid of? Lots of people, pokemon and human, have trough times with overcoming their fears. Maybe try getting one of those inflatable pools for humans and practicing there? Nice controlled enviroment.
(Arceus and Dialga and Palikia are kinda hard to explain, simple because it's hard for a physical being to create the universe, because where was it before the creation started(hint there is no "where" yet) unless of course you are willing to cop out by saying they created this dimension of physical space, not all of it. In that case they would simple stand in another boarding dimension along the 4th or 5th axis, and release enough energy to jumpstart a dimension at our current location. "Simple")
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Thanks for the courtesy.
Be safe yourself.
(I would feel like something as large as fug going FTL in ways that make sense from a science standpoint would have a detrimental effect on the area around him)
Maybe, in a very different society.

When was the last time you got in contact with your boss, whoever is he?

"Huh, that explains the level"
(The dex entered are not accurate, they wildly hyperbolize on numerous occasions.)
>Forcing science and "realism" into an RP
>About pokemon
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(Another explanation could be that they didn't actually create anything, they just came into being with memories of having done so.)

Teleporting is also terrifying, I don't know how so many pokemon can do it so casually. Elsewhere is a horrible place and I try to avoid it whenever I can...
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(Basically I have that Dragon Ascent when used out of battle lets him basically tunnel past some of the distance he'd have to travel. Hours into a few minutes.)
(As well, he avoids mega-ing on Earth because the gravity acting on his body sucks shit, hence why he megas for battle but not for flight on Earth but megas for travel in space. Hope that clears it up.)
(hit me if you have any questions)
Hey are we getting a new friend?
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I don't see why not. They do it perfectly fine in the wild.

How long was I napping? These couches are mite comfy.
(That's a really cynical view. I like it! Occam's razor for the win!)
(So to be clear you DO tunnel, and do not in fact actually LITERALLY travel at FTL speeds?)
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(I've kinda had Arceus imply that he made the Pokemon universe and came himself from a different one, but outside of that I've kinda dodged and avoided the topic because it gets kinda messy.)
(I'm gonna stop clogging the thread with OOC now, but if you have any concerns in the future don't be afraid to ask.)
Sure! I like doing stuff, where are you?
I think so, you wanna come do stuff with us?
I suppose it's just a natural thing once you get used to it.

Oh, hey Rayquaza.
I was wondering something.
Would it be possible for me to get a keystone from your worshippers at sky pillar?
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Weeks ago, I've been busy with being a parent and general work.
Oh, and, uh, aren't you the guy I met back in Unova on that one job? I was the guy with the scarf.
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(Yeah, basically tunneling. Hopefully that works.)
(If I need to clear anything up feel free to ask. I imagine Deoxys can do the same thing and their RPer will probably agree? I dunno. I imagine the Latis either use teleportation to help when travelling or just fly it.)

Sure, where are we going?

Go for it, still gonna need to get a human and a bond but otherwise that's a check on your list.
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I'm here in Unova! It's pretty nice, Castelia city is where i'm at..I suppose i'll see you guys on the streets?
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(I was going for psychic acceleration shenanigans as the explanation for Latias' speed. Still need to work out a more detailed explanation)
Alright, thanks!
Just wanted to make sure it was okay with you first, just in case.
>Fly over to sky pillar, and ask around/negotiate for a keystone
"Almost an entire day"
"Just International Police things"

"Apprehending corrupt cops under Annabelle's orders? That's correct, lets just not talk about that last case"
"I never thought you were a family man"
(So we're going with a high mass object opening a slipstream having no impact on the area around it then?)
(Juuust so we get that IC)
So Rayquaza, do you uh, know how you manage to move faster than light?
(We're going with the power of friendship trumps relativity)
(We're going with "it's pokemon, if you try and science it your brain will explode")
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>"What does?"
(we're going with stop trying to force real world physics for no reason)
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Okay! Me and my friends are kinda hard to miss, it shouldn't be hard to find us!
Castelia! Just lemme see if Ho-Oh wants to come!

>And with that Sun is out the door, peering up at the cliff face.
"Ho-Oh! Do you wanna come do stuff in Castelia with us?"
>All this ooc
(At least it's not drama.)
(Got the perfect thing for ya:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive )
(It's not drama, it's SCIIIIIENCE, and Science is fucking cool... when it's not telling you that we're all going to die and all your dreams are impossible)
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See ya then, I guess.

(Yeah that works, I think.)
No prob, bob.
(Yep, basically.)
Something about the power of friendship and Dragon Ascent, I think.
Alright, Sunno.
(Yes because that's what would happen more or less, assuming it's actually coordinated quantum tunneling it would have no real affects of the surrounding objects, at least no more that if they where traveling normally at whatever their actual speed is.)
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Yeah. It's a long story, amigo, but I'm making up for lost time and past sins.
Don't wanna tell the whole thing where everybody and their Rockruff can see it, if that makes sense.

>Olivar: try to get in contact with somebody above him in the Catalyst ranks.
(thank you)
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I had a lot of practice in the la... Practice rooms. It was never pleasant, usually disconcerting, and sometimes completely and absolutely vile. Every time my thoughts flew apart. Sometimes it felt oily, sometimes it felt gritty and dry. But it was always a terrible sensation being elsewhere. Even when someone else is doing the teleporting.

Makes me feel a bit envious that you're able to do with without even batting an eye. Not even my gloves and scarf can make me that alright.
>kind of want to make a science character to study replicating pokemon movement with technology (teleportation pads already exist and operate on ??? so fucking who knows what else is possible)
>it's probably a shit idea in practice and I know nowhere near enough about actual science to pull it off right
(I'm not so sure it's forcing, it seems we really haven't broken any laws yet anyways, so let's just see if we can keep it that way, if that's not too hard. It's really quite easy to come up with a science explanation for a phenomena after-the-fact.)
(I'm THIS CLOSE to pulling Blaine pics and putting a FC on my sciencey persona and making it official)
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(I don't have very much free time right now but Deoxys basically operates on the same way as Fug does, just replace Dragon Ascent with Speed Form.)
(Blaine was a genetic guy though, at least I think? He made Mewtwo so that's gotta be mostly genetic tech, right?)
(You're applying a theory of microscopic quantum tunneling to macroscopic)
(Whatever then)
(You can even slap in Latias's micro teleports in if you feel like it, since you get the move.)
Just as an Fc that's a science Pokémon character that is not Colress.
>Note taken: check the criminal records if anything pops up
>Note taken: realize not many notes were taken in the last weeks
It kind of makes sense to me.

(Maybe a scientist from Mossdeep)
>The phox just kinda sits at the edge of the docks, watching the ships come and go. resting an arm on his cheek boredly.
(Can we not drive everyone off with this science circlejerk please.)
(I'd rather not PAR turns into "lol science bullshit is real look we can go to different planets you thought travel memeage was annoying before LOL!!!!")
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(That would be genetics, yeah.)
(There's always Maxie, he does science shit, right?)
>You have managed to message N
>"Hello, Olivar. Is there something you need?"
(Yea you got me there. Am kinda working on the assumption that beings like Rayquaza have such fine control over their energy that they can force their individual subatomic particles to quantum tunnel in series, effectively transitioning micro to macro. As with everything in quantum mechanics, I'm sure things won't work out as simple as that when you scale it up though.)
( I always find it weird how legendaries, things that are spoken of as myth and hysteric sightings.. Just kind of hang out now around places)
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>Work on getting that keystone
>Use mythical status and friendship with Rayquaza as leverage if needed

(...Well, that's one idea.)

...That sounds unpleasant.
Maybe your psychic abilities just aren't suited to it?
It took me some time to get teleportation down myself, but it doesn't take much effort now. Can be exhausting, depending on the distance, so I do prefer to fly if I can.
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(We kinda have them act more like the Greek gods here, since it's more interesting than having completely absent, perfect gods.)
(And I'd also like to point out that the legendaries were all dormant before the events of their respective games, hence they're out and about now.)
(We've said before that the tech isn't going to advance much further than it is right now. Tbh it'd be annoying as fuck if travel to other planets was a thing in PAR, seeing as separate regions create enough complications as is.)
>Ho-Oh can't rp right now so he said to NPC him
Alright, I'll meet you there, Fug!
>Roughly a minute or so later a child, a giant bird, and a large lion exit from a portal.
"Helllloooo? Braixen?"
(As do I but dont complain about it too much or you'll get accused of being Sniffers)
(I wouldn't care if it were something like teleport but I'm just a lone autist thinking there should be some care taken or repercussion otherwise with breaking the laws of physics near objects and people)
(That's a possibility but this conversation will go nowhere because the power that be have already decided how they want to play it out, same as the pokeball thing.)
(Thisss. But less travel memes and more just ruining things for myself and others. Because that's what realism does. It takes things that are fun and just kills it. Sometimes realism is good but forcing it into things is just... bad.)
(I enjoy the thread being less comfy and more brutal because I'm not a cunt like Smeargs and Sniffers but thrusting science and space travel garbage down every person's throat is not fun.)
(I'd kind of like to see PAR end up all taking place in the same region, maybe even a PAR exclusive one)
(Opposite. I'm wanting to rp less because of that. Agree with the science bit though.)
>The phox turns around, recognizing the child and his posse of mythicals.
>waving, the phox rushes up to them
(Ah, so this is what it feels like to be in the losing end of a PAR cannon debate, oh well. I had fun discussing this nonetheless. Thank you for taking this seriously, I'm glade someone else is willing to calmly debate cannon for the sake of coming to an understanding, in my experience RP groups tend to do better for it.)
Alright I'll move on now, thanks again, Anal science annon out!)
(K I'll make a vehicle that goes super fast by using directional mini nuclear fission that somehow doesn't destroy anything around it but dont worry it wont be outer space worthy)
"Level 50 and over with no training is usually the result of moderate age"

(There's the swamp tribal region south of Hoenn, for now)

(That's what is usually called an "acceptable break from reality")
(Holy shit enough OOC already who gives a fuck)
(Wth is your sudden hate against them? They just liked something you didn't big flipping deal. What if I told you they weren't they only ones who preferred comfy? Would you target them as well you fekker?)
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>"You know how I defected from a cartel, sir, and helped pass info on?"
>"I cut a deal with IP to clean up my criminal shit, sir, so they've got some leverage on me."
>"I'm not involved with the criminal shit anymore, but they might ask me for Catalyst info. I don't have anything suss with you guys, but I just wanted to let you know. Sir."
>Olivar: accept probable death
>"Ah okay."
(someone tossed science into a nerd pit)
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(These are the last OOC responses I'm doing, it's taking over thread. Please chill on the OOC chatter.)
(I prefer a balance? Like... Groups that do comfy and have fun together, but still face danger/actually do shit on a somewhat frequent basis? Idk, I'm not exactly sure how to explain it.)
(Idk, I'd prefer if it weren't all in the same region. It'd kinda kill the variety.)
>Sun waves back excitedly
"Hey! I actually got here before Rayquaza, how cool is that!"
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I'm board! I thought we where going on an adventure!?
(A single region can have a ton of variety. Also... Do non-pokemon animals exist in PAR?)
(Honhon kills them as they appear for his restaurant stock)
(Yes, and in sizeable numbers.)
(They just don't appear as characters/posts)
"What was that portal about?"
>He asks quizically, turning his head.
(I'm imagining someone who has a legit regular cat as a pet, and people keep pestering them about how they HAVE TO BATTLE)
(Wonder what the stats on a cat would be like, can a cat take a Magikarp in a fight? If not can a tiger take a Magikarp? ect)
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(Yes, but it wouldn't have the same variety as provided by 7 different countries. Less wildlife, less culture, less gyms, ect.)
(There are non-Pokemon animals in PAR, they just aren't sapient and thus aren't characters outside of quickly slaughtered shitposts.)
"The portal is how I get places quickly! It's cool, isn't it!"
>The champ chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Yeah! Rayquaza is a friend of mine!"
(Not to mention the fanon regions like Sinjoh)
(I can't wait to see how that frozen hellhole develops)
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(And yes that was me shilling for my own region)
>Quincy goes to work drafting up modified versions of the Arceus-City
(Make it a goldrush-esque region where people from all over are immigrating to. Make it diverse for wildly varying flora and fauna, make it so that it's not league sanctioned so there are a lot of cooky gyms that pop up and form their own thing.)
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>"I see... That's unfortunate. Mind wiping you would be worse than just leaving you be. Thank you for the warning, we'll take the necessary precautions."
Excuse me.
What do you do when you wake up in a compromising position and are paranoid about people finding out?
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So uh.. Boss? Are there any other deals we have with gods that I should know about, I feel like I can do a better job of protecting you if I know where we stand.
Tell myself I won't drink so much next time.
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Rid yourself of any proof it occurred.
(I wanted to ask, what do people not like about present PAR that they're apparently shitposting us over comfy?)
(Is it too violent? Too many groups? What? Because if it's too violent that's fucking bullshit, Farsail had battles and deaths every other day.)
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"Basically we're on good terms with just about every legendary except Kyurem and the Regis"
>Quincy isn't an architect, but his dad was, and there's some of his old books lying around to help him figure this shit out
>Also the internet
>Continue designing the Giratina edition of the Arceus-City
(Literally just Smeargs being a fekker.)
"Soon, first we need to get a mission!"
"Soon we will have to train as well, make you grow stronger"

Depends of how compromising

(Practically any reason imaginable, including not getting a wish to be an anthro salazzle in setting)
(Some of us didn't participate in farsail. Some of us may have participated while not entirely okay with that. It's not really going to get a solution unless everyone just comes out and speaks their mind and I know there's people who have trouble doing that.)
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"W-well, I guess it's time for introductions!, my name's Foxtrot, what's yours?"
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(What was farsail?)
"Soon enough"
(You don't want to know)
(Not death from pc characters (Ok yes there were some.) Just mostly npc battle pokès. Nothing to big. The only thing I don't like is the amount of characters and how you are technically forced to play them every 2 weeks or they don't exist anymore. But I don't think that applies anymore (hopefully) cause it was a bit ridiculous.)
(Don't hecking pretend to be me. Smeargs was/is a great person. So shut up.)
(Beginning/start of /par/'s first group. Most of the original farsail members have left though.)
(Go feck yourself.)
(my only complaints are about how the leveling system and hit/miss system is.)
yeah just respond to the shitposter that'll show him
(/Par/'s first group)
(Basically amounted to chaotic fun and craziness)
That's the thing - I barely drank. I fell asleep, and woke up with hickeys I don't remember getting.
I don't feel weak and pathetic, so I don't think anything more than that happened. Still, if there's pictures, I'm fucked.
Career-ending. Not criminal, but career-ending.
( The first large group of chars in /par/. One of the mods involved even described it as "a mosaic of terrible" after the fact. Some wacky and ill-advised shit went down in January & February. )
(Ok thanks)
(Stop hecking pretending to be me Smeargs you fecking feckker.l
(1. He's asleep.
2. Guess again.)
>Would the boss miss a deadline?
>Maybe, it seems
"Sooner, hopefully"

(Farsail was the first alrge group in /par/. Most of the chars in it went away and it is widely considered to be a mistake, to the point memories about them were mindwiped en masse from almost everyone alive in setting)

(The 50/50 for attacks? That was reworked weeks ago)
(Or do you mean the roll under?)
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(The two weeks thing only applies to canon/legendary characters, dude. It's to keep people from grabbing a canon/leggo, posting as them once, and then keeping them claimed forever.)
(The current hit/miss system, or the original one?)
"I'm Sun, the Champion of Alola! Um... I'm not sure Rayquaza is gonna show.... What stuff do you want to do instead?"
>original farsail members have left
(reminder that you're here forever)
(was it changed? man im out of it. yeah i ment the 50/50 one)
(Idk who Smeargs is but if so many people keep saying he's shitposting there might be truth to the soothsayers.)
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Sup, Gengy. 'Chu doing alright, bro?
( He's an RPer who left on good terms with the rest of us, and people are trying to false-flag him for the current rash of shitposting. )
(If I had any complaints it's that so many PC are already champions with legendaries. This in it of itself is not a problem, but when you add on to that the fact that there is no established hiarchy system or any major competitive forces, it leaves newcomers seeking to be the very best kind of... hopeless. A new trainer ooc has nothing to aspire to, since beating the league challenge will only still leave you at a disadvantage to the prior established characters. It's probably a lame complaint but it's the single reason I do not have a trainer OC despite my prior intentions.)
(We both know some/most of them left and the others no longer post as them except you, Ray, and a few others.)
(Stop pouring gas into the false flagged fire. He hasn't been here since he first left.)
(Oh. Alright. Thanks for clearing that up.)
(...Are you sure? This seems pretty, uh, legit.)
(Whatever, okay, have fun getting shitposted I guess.)
(Anon. I think you may possibly be mentally ill. There is also no proof of that so tough luck dummy.)
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"We can..er. Do you know how to swim? I'd like to try and get used to water...or we can go see a movie."
>The phox swishes his tail.
(Glad you can see through this shit.)
(This kind of mean spirited shit is what makes this thread worse.)
(okay i'm just going to give up on this thread, bye. You people are too thickheaded to listen to anyone besides your GMs or whatever.)
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Fantastic. What about you?
(I'm not being mean. I'm just saying it's really stupid you truly think someone who not only left in good terms, hasn't been here in months, and is asleep right now because they live in Europe. Is messing up the threads.)
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Hey, I just ran out of salt.

(Smeargs left on good terms, and like everyone who left for any reason, someone tries to peg him as a shitposter)

(The only ones I can think of at the moment are pokedestined and other similarly canon chars. Which ones are you thinking of, particularly?)

(It is not legit, that's why it's more than one poster saying against)
(Unless you really want to believe everything, in that case, I'm sorry)
(Please don't let that comment get to you, just ignore baseless toxicity like that. Reacting in that way is exactly what they want)
>throws at Vi
>Describing yourself
>Losing an argument so you just say you'll leave
>Not posting the characters you play
(K bye)
(I don't play any characters yet.)
(I don't want anything to do with this shithole, HG is better than you faggots.)
(It's a sin to tell a lie, anon.)
>HG is better then you
there we go
(Hey can you act like a fucking GM and not shitpost newcomers out you fucking absolute asshole?)
(Basically exactly that, The pokedestined (I think it's so cute that we are borrowing that term from Digimon) Tobias and Alain come to mind, although I'm unsure if Alain has a legendary. My point was that no matter how hard a newcomer tries, they simply cannot surpass a trainer like Sun, simple because he has a M-Ray and you can't compete with that.)
>He's driving them out by giving legitimate reasonable arguments on X.
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(adopt a cosmog, there's like ten of the gasbags floating around with our resident OG gay ghosts, that's what I did.... unintentionally)
>Rolling to finish the Giratina-City design
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(Yeah, that got changed to using in game accuracy. Divide accuracy by 10, anything under that number hits.)
(I mean, I see your point, I'm just wondering which characters fit that description outside of the Pokedestined/other canons?)
(Alain doesn't have a legendary and Sun doesn't actually have a Mega Ray, but yeah. To be better than the PDs you'd have to go and befriend a legendary yourself, which is difficult and attracts shitposting. There are always other goals trainers can have though.)
"Um... I like movies! Swimming is kinda better to do during the day so... What kinda movie do you wanna see?"
>Sun, simple because he has a M-Ray and you can't compete with that
(Fug is Ruby's technically, he's just chilling with Sun.)
(Also don't do this, I don't want Cosmogs to be limited because every fucker has their hands on one suddenly.)
>Adopt an annoying piece of shit that will never amount to anything because lol billion million years to evo
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Pretty chill, bro. I'm back in Alola, like, just enjoying life right now.
"Dude, like, what's up? I've been kinda spacey the last few days, sorry 'bout that."
>that evolves into a unless price of shit for a billion more years than one of two mid tier Ubers at best
>at that point just grab a fucking Blazeiken into M-sally, and have more power instantly legit.
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(Hey can we shut up about this stupid Smeargs guy and RP?)
PAR how do I make my own Beast Ball?
Counter question, how do you know that beast ball exist, that shit is classified.
>that pic
(Oh no, anon you've done the exact wrong thing to stop the shitposting)
Somehow obtain the proprietary chip from Aether
>mentiones him
into the HB bin with u
You can't.
(Because people will scream bloody murder.)
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(Fucking nebvermind)
>Roll for anon to kill himself
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The unending tides of salt will never cease.
but y

Better enjoy it while you can.
"Er..I dunno, whatever's on I guess, i'm fine with anything, really."
>Foxtrot turns his head.
"And you're right there, I don't wanna swim in the middle of the night."
A lot of money and some classified and heavily guarded blue prints.
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>Vi is at home with her own gengar and the rest of here team
>Why would you do this
how was everyone's day?
eat shit and die you worthless garbage
(My fav PC is in limbo because Yvental is not on, but at least the science shitstorm was fun)
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I was looking through my grandpa's old box and I found this. Anyone know what the fuck it is?
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That's the Gengy I know.
And we will.

"Concentrating hard in getting psych certified?"
"Sorry, I was kinda busy with work as well"
"Come here, it's time to get comfy"

(Basically just them, yeah, borrowed term and all)
(Kinda makes sense in setting to beat a legendarily good trainer you need to be equally good or better, or use some real underhanded tactics)
(And Sun is just friends with M-Ray)

(Just FYI, Beast Balls are so far confined to Aether and maybe Catalyst)
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(I tried, and ended up making things worse, fucking RIP me)
>Yay that's one of three modified designs done
>Giratina should be happy with it, hopefully
>time to move on to the next one
>modifying designs is easier than translating them holy fuck
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"Um.... Are you okay with horror movies? I like them but uh... I know a lot of people don't!"
I'm alright! About to go watch a movie with a Braixen!
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Talked with the people at sky pillar, waiting for news on the keystone.
Do you make harnesses, by the way? Like, one I could wear while flying? I need something to mount my stone in.
It also has these?
Anyone know what this is or where I can find someone who knows what they do?
>Mal lifts his head, staring from his Metagross throne.
".... the fuck?"
(I'm on, just...not sure where to start again)
Cease and desist
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They look useless. I'll take them off your hands for ya.
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Hey boss, I've been thinking... once the temples for creation trio are done, do you think we can convince Dialga to return the favor by evolving our little space fart? It's the only thing that comes to mind on how to solve the whole million billion years issue.
What the fuck?
I'd prefer someone tells me what they are before I sell them off.
Guess I'll, uh, read his notes, hold on.
(Now he's got me thinking about PMD cannon spilling over. Just so we are clear PMD is not a thing on PaR right? I mean, I'd be cool, but I can see why you guys would want to draw the line at he main series.)
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Looks like tacky jewelry to me.

(Mystery Dungeons exist in PAR setting, but items found there do not work outside of them)
(On top of emeras at all outside a dungeon)
"Ooh! Horror movies!"
>His ears and tail spike up in excitement,
"I love horror!"
(MD stuff only works in dungeons. And there hasn't been a dungeon campaign in like. Months)
(Somebody wished for MDs)
(The purgatory that killed off farsail)
>Equip 6 bulldoze erma on chespin
>Uses rollout
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The notes say it mega evolves a pokemon without a trainer in a dungeon?
I'm not sure what that means, guess it's quest time!
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(The dungeons themselves exist, the events of the games do not, if that makes sense?)
>The space fart sticks its tongue out at Oathkeeper, going back to doodling in the salt
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cool, so you are going on a date, huh
good luck, and it's okay, i know a lot of humans who have romantic relations with their pokemon so i don't judge
well, sadly i cannot, my main area is not gear, just regular clothing
>and pass up on the barrage memes? nah dude.
>We can mega evolve without humans.
Where do I get one?
>I forgot what that one was called thx Anon.
>Equip 3 bulldoze and barrage on Chespin.
>Enter final dungeon.
>Tfw I steamrolled with just chespin
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What...? Um... I've never met this Braixen before?
I kinda wanna at least be friends with someone for a bit before I do the dating thing.
>Sun giggles, checking his phone for the available movies
"Um... There's that Mummy movie, if you wanna go check that out?"
>bulldoze is not a thing,
>do you mean the once that does aoe overkill damage?
>thats excessive force and it does not stack
>if you mean the raw attack boosts that's power boost X or Y
Guess you have to do a dungeon? I'm off to see if I can find one with my Salamence.
See ya PAR.
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...Well, alright.
Thanks anyways.
>Yeah that's what I meant.
>Haven't played it in over a year.
>Sorry Anon.
>Looplets and dungeon items exist in PAR
what stops me from buffing myself with gummis
(It only works in dungeons dude)
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"I mean... maybe? I guess building a huge temple to Dialga, miiiiight get us a favor but I honestly don't think building it with that in mind is a good idea"
>He's actually designing Dialga's now, it's pretty similar to Arceus, no extra legs or anything, just detailing in the structure and no giant head thing sticking out the back
>Palkia is going to be a bitch because how does Palkia stand on all fours
>Nom gummis
>Come out with fuckways stats
Good luck and stay safe
(The effects of dungeon items wear off when you leave the dungeon dude, so I guess you could eat all the gummis you want if you're content to live in a dungeon forever.
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Uh, good luck with that.
Just don't bring any Psychic types with you if near Johto or Sinjoh.

...do you per chance know someone that makes custom jewelry?

(Still had fun with it, but, RIP)

(Dude, ally reviver)
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"Sure, whatever to kill time!"
No no, I barely even know him!
>Going full autism on scientifically explaining how ftl/quantum whatever bullshit is
>These things only work in these places because reasons
(Once again. Only works in dungeons. Leave a dungeon, the effects wear off)

(Please stop)
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(Here you go boss)
(No he's actually really close to the true meta, its 6 slot looplet 1 barrage 1 better odds and that's it, then rollout will oneshot anything.)
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oh, i get you, well have a good movie with your friend there
yeah, good luck with looking for it
sadly i don't, this place town is pretty small, so there isn't much bussiness
it's fine, i was just messing with you two
but have fun you two, as friends of course
>Because reasons
(Someone literally wished for this dude)
>Toss beetle at knife
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(Scratch that, found a better one, just imagine him on the floor like this I guess?)
>Roll to give wife a lover that stays.
Hello? I'm looking for some advice regarding a uh... slight problem with my parasect? Um... is this a good place to ask?
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If the movie sucks there's still the experience of getting to watch it with a friend so... I think we will!
>Sun looks over his shoulder, currently in the middle of buying popcorn for the two of them
"What kinda drink do you want?"
We have like several pokèmon experts though some haven't been here in months. But you can still ask. Yeah.
What seems to be the problem?
What seems to be the problem sir?
What's your advice ooooon... Making a pet behave~?
>make batte shiny
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(Missed this one in between all the OOC)
Why so, fear of getting fired? Potential family problems?

Legal or of other nature?
>rolling for movie enjoyment
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What's the pet?
Okay, uh right.... well... uh...
I recently set up a new nursery just for my parasects, you know, 'cause the mushroom spores make a mess and stuff. Annnd i think I left my dex in there. In fact I know I did. When I came back from my two day vacation my house was overrun with grass types. There's a family of ivysaur in my bedroom. A sceptile has claimed my chimney as it's new home. I'm scared to go past what used to be my living room because there's a gourgeist making really weird noises at me whenever I go near the hallway.
(Is someone else picking up Lunala or something? I can drop Lunala if someone else is going to get one.)
This is a horrible color for stealth...

A Solrock that tends to misbehave and ignore orders
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Bite it a lot until it loves you.

(pls don't drop lunala you're awesome)
(Nobodies picking up a batte, you're cool.)
yes fuck off powergaming faggot
(Um please give more reason, I don't want another PC to die due to blantent toxicity)
>shitposting to scare of liked players
(Hey! Druggie coma fuckpupper is back. Welcome back, Talbot I think it was?)
kys already
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that is the best part of doing stuff with friends
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(Nah, you're fine man, pls no drop. The only person that is potentially picking up a Lunala will be me if Pew ever evolves, and if that happens he'll be a shiny.)
"Um... Okay! I don't think you want mine so...."
>A Dr Pepper is purchased and handed over to the Delphox
>Rolling for time until the movie is over.
(Alright, if someone else does I might just get rid of bat so they can do their own thing.)
Good advice, cutie.
Such a loss of face, even seppuku could not salvage my dignity.
I would be a pariah, an considered a hypocrite even though nothing untoward, to my knowledge, happened.
( Shame Anon here, please keep bat. I like bat. This happens very time someone asks about dropping a character, someone going "fuk u do1 lik u kys nigar" and Massively Obviously Samefagging it [posts 1-2 min apart, and all written the same way.] )
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>Yveltal is sitting on a cliff
>If poetry weasel is on, this is a good opportunity to finish that
(I hate it as well senpai.)
(I.... can't tell if that's sarcastic or not but like. If I'm really bothering people that much I can stop? Sorry. Never really like, got a straight answer if people are actually upset by me or not)

That doesn't work on foodgivers, just a heads up. They like. Fuckin, bleed out and shit. It's a bitch.
(I hope you fucking stop soon, dude. This isn't helping.)
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Give them a reason to listen to you. Reward, punishment, whatever. I'd suggest reward, a punished Pokemon might not trust you.
You want them to bite a rock?
You're actually going to listen to him and bite a rock? I guess if you hate your teeth that's fine.
(what have they done to be awesome?)
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Odd choice for a pet.

(Not that I knew of)
(You're great, don't listen to the obviously samefagging shitposter)
(Sorry anon. I just really hate this guy constantly trying to make people leave.)
(They were actually entertaining)
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Talk to your Parasects. Ask them to have their friends leave. Or you can ask those Pokemon to leave yourself.
(being a good antagonist)
(and funny)
(and actually cool)
(Ignore them, reassure the poster they're wanted. Please, I'm having a hard enough time doing it myself.)
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The wave breaks at last
Spring blossoms bloom after thaw
My sorrow is free.
(NONONONONO you are one of my fav PC, I was legitimately welcoming you back, (and also asking if I got your name right because I suck at names) please don't take that as any kind of attack on punchdog, I think it's wonderful how he somehow became a relatively rich character and I love the way he speaks and carries himself)
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Sue everyone for defamation, that's the Unovan way.

Call pokemon control, there's something funky about all of this.
Catch them, or>>9925842
(Ok. Won't happen again senpai. Again sorry.)
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>He'll figure it out eventually
>For now he has Dialga's design to finish
>That crystal in the center might be cool to do something with, maybe make that shit glow?
>A note scribbled in the margins to look into it
>For now, he sleeps
Uh. Rrright. Okay. What do I do if they uh... don't like that option? I'm kinda outnumbered here.

They won't hurt them will they?

Okay, I guess I could try that. Might need a couple... a few... a dozen or so more balls, but that might work.
>bat probably fucked off for good now
>Nobody will ever sing you praises or beg you to not leave
How do I join the in crowd? Do I have to suck Borb or Jirachi's dick?
Bat poster is better off not being here because they're mentally unstable to the point of somebody having to talk them down from suicide over mean words said on 4chan of all places. Exposing yourself to something that bothers you that bad is just unhealthy and borders on stupidity
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In such a case I would suggest calling in someone else to help deal with the issue.
(Make a character everyone finds really interesting? I'm not sure what else to say man)
(It's only been 10 or so minutes since he lasted posted. I like him too, but be patient man.)
The scandal would be too great.
All Kanto would turn against me in a singular terrible wave.
I must seek to cover this up, by any means necessary.

>Bruno: Call the people whose couch you woke up on, Alain and Tobias.
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Now forevermore
A million way I will try
To show gratitude.

A god of death and pure heart
Oh how did I deserve you?
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That's good to hear.
Everyone needs to vent sometimes.
don't worry anon, no matter who it is i will always try to beg you not to leave
It's the fate of such vermin to be suciided.
>Make a character everyone finds really interesting
So I may as well just fucking leave then
"Well..that movie was...salvagable?"
>He says, walking out of the theatre.
Yes, leave and never come back. This is a secret club and our circlejerk is strictly enforced. You're ruining the mood in the Discord just by posting.
As will I, I truely believe that even if someone is not currently participating to the standards of the group, they should be allowed and encouraged to stay and improve, no one should be pushed away just for bad rp.
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At least not the Unovan government mandated ones.

That's why you sue for defamation, you tell them it never happened and get your money back.
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yes its all a secret goy and not just mindless banter from shitposters
>scared bat off
what the fuck is wrong with you faggots? This place is a worse shithole than hg.
Please don't go
( We have at least one hanger-on whose reason to be is attempting to kill /par/. )
(What>>9926187 said. I want to love ya friend.)
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>Oh god Bruno is calling you, what the hell's going on
>Better pick it up and force an awkward greeting.
(Anon please, I'm sure you're fine. There are plenty of people who will ask for you to come back, be it for who you are ooc or for your characters.)
(Even if you don't like your own characters somebody else will, and if you don't like your own writing you can always improve. I believe in you, anon.)
(Basically this)
(And you just replied to him, his modus operandi of shitposting people away then complaining about them not posting is transparent as fuck)
(Yeah. I'm surprised most people don't see that. He'll use anything to drive them off. Even lying about what they'll do if not otherwise.)
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Anyone want a hug?
Who are you fucking queers
God yes get over here.
>hug the walking trash pile
I like how I put effort into my post explaining why they would be happier if they left and get no responses but this thinly veiled post >>9926182
gets a serious response
>"Yes, Alain, I have a favor to ask."
>"Can you ensure that all the security footage from my most recent visit finds its way into the path of a stray Blast Burn?"
>"I'm sure I can figure out a suitable way to repay you for such a kindness."
(Target me! Shitpost me!)
>managed to piss off bat and punchdog in the same night, and there's some self righteous faggot crying about his deep psychology posting
Good job guys. Aces thread.
(Daily reminder that just because the parasite says they are the Turtwig man does now make it true, and that we as a group should not pin any negative feelings to a face, since there is no way to possible know who the person attempting to drive everyone away is.)
Thread posts: 305
Thread images: 118

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