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>yfw he knows about the anthro planes

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Thread replies: 307
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>yfw he knows about the anthro planes
well yeah he's basically one of us. I betcha he's browsed here more than a few times.
Julian and Ding Dong are such nice friends
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Friends can make porn for each other without being boyfriends
Even if they make porn OF each other?
Those are their fursonas dude. Plus when dingdong did an AMA back when he was the tuba anon he said he was moving in with his boyfriend that shared lots of interests with him.

Is there an archive of this AMA?
wait, is it confirmed that TimothyT is Dingdong?
>tubavore is all Julian and DingDong's fault

wtf I hate oneyplays now
Yeah and he jerks it to steven universe characters, what else is new?
in one of the sleepycabin episodes he said he played Furcadia when he was twelve and went to Yiffy High School
it wouldn't be that surprising if he ended up becoming a furfag himself
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>Lived with Stampers
>Is a degenerate, probably more so than you or I.
Why should this be a surprise?

Well, I'm glad all the swooning over how cute of a couple they are wasn't for nothing
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gay bump
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What's so special about Stampers besides his voice?
Chris is a horsefucker? For realzies? What evidence do you have?
He is also a good animator. But mostly it is his voice. I really hope that he can get more gigs. I would love to hear him on some legitimate TV shows.

Thing is, Stamper is going down a terrible path. Alcoholism and drug use are going to fucking kill him sooner rather than later. It honestly makes me sad to think about. He is such a talented guy, and an overall good person at that, but his destructive mindset has him consumed by vices. You can hear it in his voice nowadays, too. The latest episode of Sleepycast had him as a guest and it really didn't sound much like him at all. The comment section was full of people saying the same.

I hope Oney and the crew can do a successful intervention for him or something. It would be a shame to see him die young.
Hit the nail on the head with this post

probably not a horsefucker, OP's probably just saying that he knows it exists in general, that said though, I'm also interested in some sauces
Is that really him? Where did you find these?

They were on his Tumblr

>tfw you're too round for Julian to want to tie you up and write "Slut" on your forehead
How can a smart man like Ding Dong can be such a degenerate?
Oh no
Fly away
Because none of this shit matters
What a fucking god. Should we just make a oney plays general now?
This is all old shit how are you all so slow to know any of this
Oh no

He said it on a stream. He's autistic about archiving streams though, so it'd be hard to find.
Wait what? Is it true he's being a little bitch and taking down all the archived streams?
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>mfw he drew Doug Walker spot-on
>Ding Dong made it a creepypasta
>the pointless blur effect actually made it scarier the more they blurred it
>the 3 lose their shit
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wow Chris, what a dick.
I remember him getting into a huge argument with a faggot because he said that Chris stopped being funny, stopped animating, and told Chris that he wants more cartoons
None of this is true.
t. ding dong

He's made it pretty obvious that's him, even saying "timothyt" in the chat at the end of his stream
What happened to Stamper's Twitter account? It was there a week ago, but now it's gone.

He was suspended for some reason. It wasn't because he threatened to kill everyone at Adobe, according to Zach
He confirmed it on a stream awhile ago. If you need additional proof, go on his twitter and compare the pixel art he posts there to the stuff he has on FurAffinity. Both follow the style of having two pixel thick out-lines on everything.
Zach was being funny. He was making a joke about how people will completely overlook the obvious and come up with conspiracy theories for trivial things.


There was also another channel but those videos were made private. I don't know why he doesn't want people to watch the streams, what the fuck is the point of streaming then?

He just doesn't want streams he think are shit to be uploaded, like the one where he spent 4+ hours trying to get an S rank on a Mischief Makers level, or dying a lot in God Hand
I don't think he should take streams down just because he thinks their shit. Guy has a serious problem of being too much of perfectionist that probably stems from him being a game dev.

What about that night before christmas stream? Can't find it anywhere.
literally who?
Ding dong is friends with the guy, the real timothy is a half hispanic and black jackass.
why doesnt he make cartoons anymore? yt has enough shitty letsplayers
cant he make a patreon if its not financially viable

He just made something today


But seriously, he's been working on stuff and only wants to show what it is when there's something substantial to show
Ding Dong why do you chose to have your fursona be a Rabbid?
Julian made it into an alien but made it resemble a rabbid too much
I actually think it resembles something by Doug TeNapel

>inb4 Doug is a complete shithead
Doug's a nice boy

Armikrog probably went over-budget and he had to cut a lot of corners
IIRC Doug didnt have anything to do with Armikrog besides the inspiration for the style
Really? All these years I thought it was straight up his project from the get-go.

I think the kickstarter said they were going to attempt to do something in a similar envoirment to The Neverhood, which was what the budget was for in the first place, granted, work conditions are different than they were in the 90's so he was likely to spend more money even if it was the exact same budget adjusted for inflation.
He talked about fantasizing about being a tiny man put into a woman's vagina, so I'm not surprised. They all probably have weird sexual preferences, but they're still produce good content and don't discuss it a lot (except for julian lately).
>Ding Dong made it a creepypasta
Got a link?
Google search takes me to some crappy story on the creepypasta wiki
it's the first mario artist episode
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>go to watch old episode of oneyplays
>it's the old crew
Wanna feel /vintage/? watch one of the videos where Chris drew the thumbnail, bonus point if it's some horrifying caricature of him or his friends
Thanks mate
Does JUliaN browse /trash/?
yeah he posted here in one of the recent threads.
Are those even worth watching
as far as I know those are still some of the very early stuff, ding dong and julian weren't even regulars, and Ding Dong was still in his creepy larva state before maturing into the Rabbid alien we know

The left4dead stuff is alright
Dingdong made that Tuba Croc game?

Just doing some tests
I'm going to go to the store!
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
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>mfw ill never be this le butthurt theres one non cartoon porn thread in the catalog
Dingdo and hoolius if you see this we're not being weird we just want to know what you masturbate to
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>his impersonation of Jake Goldman working at Cartoon Network
I just get a kick out of what Julian draws for a thumbnail on some of the videos.
Such as Julian getting punched in the face by Captain Falcon on F-Zero 10 or Ding Dong sucking the life out of him in the RE4 videos
mike 'mineycrafta' matei is currently streaming
Did anybody here catch dingdong's recent stream?
If so, did anything fun happen during it?
Still waiting for the end of that Spider-Man 2 lp
As a straight man I think Julian is a big cutie.
[spoiler]N-no homo, bro[/spoiler]
As a straight man I wouldn't deny a Julian plushie if they decide to capitalize on their likenesses
>Chris plushie
>Ding Dong plushie
>Julian plushie
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>Ding Dong plushie
or alternatively,
>"they never said that"
Think of the possibilities anon.

This could've been fatfur thread #16568842
trips confirm

>Ding Dong and Chris both have JOOLIAN clips
>Chris and Julian both have multiple recordings of them saying "nigger"
It was Chris who made the RE4 thumbnail actually
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hey guys
You squeeze him and he does the funny scream from Wild Woody
chris is a gift
You thought wrong my friendo
and whos on the couch with that lil ass peepee
That's Chris of course
fuck now I'm tempted to draw ding ding
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>tfw They talked about the powerpuff girl screencap tweet I was in today in F-Zero part 4
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>I don't think you should be drawing yourself fucking blossom
>make me faggot
>what are you gonna do about it
why doesnt jewlian have a twitter?
because he's a modest little boy
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>mfw Lil B follows chris on twitter
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>wanted to draw oney plays fanart for the longest time
>never feel like I have enough energy or inspiration to do any of these
>but I have it in me to make ding dong porn in 5 minutes
fuck me.
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Opinion of Matt?
I hope Julian commits to getting all buff

I hope he also has a huge bulge like Chris said
If ''have a boy'' meant I could have an actual boy I'd have matt
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Do you have that game MINEYCRAFTA?

He's real fun, but man, I hate the "pussy stank" thing., though I can only think of a few times he's done it
is that the guy always mentioning uteruses?
oneyplays? more like dingdongplays
What the heck is the pussy stank thing
you didn't have to make it good.

you just didn't have to.
class clown lookin ass
dont say that
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Go on...
I seriously hope he actually goes through with it. Julian absolutely oozes with charm and having a strongfat body to go with that would be a dream come true.

>hunky arms with a nice round tum

Ding Dong would be a lucky man
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he should get back to his sketch comedy channel
>it's just a theory
>a game theory
Why does all the porn have to be of Ding Dong god damn it. We need more of Julian.
more chris
Julian's fat
Chris is stinky
i want julian to put me in a wedding dress and get a boner because i'm embarrased about it!
>I love Cheesasaurus
>You do Julian

What did they mean by this?
goddammit jewlian
also i wonder if his cum tastes like cheese or is cheese. no homo.
I agree, Julian is a cute patoot
Dingdong is NOT gay!
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>you will never be mating pressed by Julian
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Yes he is
He was tickling Julian in one stream. He may not be gay but he's sure pushing it.
Which stream? I need to know for scientific reasons
>that first Mario artist episode
is that the episode where they laughed the hardest?
fucking love him
I want to say it was Banjo-Kazooie or Sonic Adventure. Those were the only two I listened to entirely when I discovered them.
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>Listening to Dingdong and Julian slowly sink into the depths of despair in their Night in the Woods stream

ugh tacos

I wish they weren't so hard on that one.
I dunno man it's not a very good game.
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I made it to the 2 and a half hour mark and just could not stand the game even though I wasn't playing it, I put it on high-speed and slogged through the whole thing and even then I felt pain.

It's as if someone took the absolute worst parts of Undertale, made it its own writing style and wrote a Tolkien-length novel and called it the script, and made all the characters leftard commie pricks that only the absolute worst people lacking character will relate.
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Get back to your general
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>they continue shittalking it in the crash 1 lp
that's how much it affected them
they shittalked about it as far as the Banjo-Kazooie playthrough

that's how much they were affected by it
>What is the point of minecrap?

Why did he say that? He just went on a long rant about how he likes Minecraft

captcha: julians edgco
What's the name of the twitch or whatever that Ding Dong and Julian stream on? I want to watch some past ones.
try searching ding dong vg on google
It really is, though.
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Didn't I tell you to get back to your general
Julian if you're reading this I this, I genuinely think you are really attractive and both your personality and your art is really cute
I lift too btw
I'm also a furfaggo who likes to draw
Just wanted to say that


please let me guest on oney plays
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youre all fags
Who is this
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>tfw Julian thinks most of the people who watch oneyplays are children just because it's a lets play
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>That episode where Chris proved to them that they were wrong by showing the statistics
>Ding Dong kept pulling the "they all fake their age card" and denying it because he always wants to be seen as the "smart and never wrong" one of the group when he isn't
Youtube stopped prohibiting minors from creating accounts since 2010, I remember when I had to fake my age to 24 years old when I was 11, but that was only in 2008
:c but I dont want to be on YouTube videos. I just want to get even more swol for a cutie.
Kills me because I have little imprint on the internet because I'm kinda shy about showing my stuff and would never want to just message him out of the blue
The fuck does age have to do with not recognizing a face?
I started to watch oney plays because I loved oneys cartoons from new grounds days but the whole cast is beyond great.
I think the reason I developed a bit of a crush on Julian is due to him being a cutie who's into all the same stuff as me (hell, even game dev. I love to model and animate), how could I not?
I disagree. The "main" cast is great, sure. But fuck any episode with Matt in it.
Fuck you, Matt is the perfect complement to their humor.
nigga matt is great
god damn normies

bet you like when they fucking sing too
>matt isnt a turboautist so he's a normalfag
kill yourself
Are you implying they only sing when matt is present
If I wanted to experience someone that wasn't retarded I wouldn't be watching Oney shit, and you're deluding yourself if you feel otherwise

No but they always do when he is, sometimes more than once
How can you think Matt is retarded when he mirrors their exact sense of humor
I like DingDong but he is far too obsessed with his 'image' and how lets plays tarnish it. Like I know all three of them are pretty open how little they like lets plays (rather the people that watch them) but its pretty sad how hard DingDong implicitly shits on people that find him entertaining.
Ayy, you nailed it! He's a mirror.

Comedic chameleon. Isn't actually funny or entertaining in his own right but with a group he can blend in and pretend to be of worth.
I take it you don't watch him on his channel
Why the fuck would I? I don't even know who the fuck he is. They never fucking explain who people are. If he's this bad in Oney games, why would I ever desire watching him elsewhere?
I can't argue with someone with this much shit taste, it's pointless.
Only funny thing about him is that scream he does. Everything else about him is obnoxious, and Supermega is a load of shit and they are constantly shitting on their fanbase. They were at a BLM march as well, you know that?
hey hey hey

I'm the master of the keyblade
Right back at ya buddy. Enjoy normie life.
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>Enjoy normie life.
>muh BLM politics
You're the same kind of person who would stop watching Jontron because of that podcast, Fuck off.
Hard to stop watching someone that never releases content to be watched
lmao actually I like Jon, I just don't don't like Matt because he's an unfunny faggot who had to tell everyone on multiple shows about how he went to BLM and is a rampant SJW supporter who hates his own fans. Sorry you're such a cuck.
had no idea his obnoxious ass was an sjw. didnt he say nigger in a video before?
Citations needed to the max. Where are you getting any of this shit.
Also the only fan bashing I've ever heard is when he talks shit about the unfunny comments on his twitter. It's exactly like how Ding dong makes fun of all the youtube comments and how unfunny those are. Stop blowing shit out of proportion just because you don't like the guy.
>Citations requested by the faggot that doesn't cite anything for his own arguments.
lol xD
He said in a kingdom hearts video him and a couple of friends were arrested in an anti-trump protest.
He's not an SJW himself. He just says stuff like "Well they should stop shooting black people" and makes offhanded bluepill comments all the time, and then there's where he kept telling the story about how he was at a BLM protest and defended the protesters actions.

>Where are you getting any of this shit
Where do you think, genius? I'm not blowing it out of proportion, I'm telling you the reason I think he's obnoxious. It's a perfectly valid reason too.
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What? You guys are the ones one making all these huge claims about him being an SJW and him trashing his fans all the time.
>he's an SJW, hates his fans, BLM supporter, also muh redpilled
>But, I'm not going to prove any of it, I'm just saying that's why I don't like him

You politically centered morons are so god damn stupid. Politics destroys people and you're living proof. Matt is a nice person and you hate him for all the wrong reasons.
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Matt if you are reading this I'm sorry for these heathens you are cool I think also I kinda look like you.
>I'm ignorant to politics so you're all stupid!
What do you want me to do to prove it? Go back through every supermega video and oneyplays and timestamp and link where he says shit? Fuck you, go watch them yourself you dick sucking jackass. Matt is probably a nice person, stupid but nice, but that's not what we're arguing about. Once again you let your little mancrush on him get in the way of seeing that he's actually not funny, and just copies all his jokes from everyone else he works with and tries to be le ironically random all the time while incorporating in shitty uninformed muh feels (GASP) POLITICS into the show. I bet you watch game grumps too you faggot.
>implying there's less than 65 people in the thread
Is it too much to ask for evidence when you make huge claims like how Matt is a SJW, BLM supporting, Fan hater.
And the only gamegrumps are the same ones as you, the episodes that involve Chris.

I think he's plenty funny, and you don't have to. But I don't see how you can view him as annoying or taking anything away from the show. He mixes perfectly with Oneyplays' non-PC retard humor.
This is going to be my last reply because I'm sick of arguing over a faggy ass Letsplay youtube channel.
What does game grumps have to do with oney plays?
He bet I watched gamegrumps. I mean I used to back in 2013, but then Jon left and that loser Dan came in.
Scroll up, I already told someone else and I didn't say he's an SJW I said he condones and agrees with them. If you think he's funny, fine. I'm surprised you don't watch Game Grumps, Arin seems right up your alley. Oney's humor is different to SuperMega's, you know this. Even the times when Matt is trying to copy Dingdong, Julian and Chris, it's forced and tryhard "Haha I'm one of you guys!" type shit. He worked with fucking Markiplier at one point didn't he? Look at his old channel. It's fucking garbage. He even copies word for word Arin's shitty forced jokes like "I'm gonna preee", etc. Like I said, if you like it fine, just stop trying to prove to everyone else that he isn't shit like he's your boyfriend or something. He's never going to like or acknowledge you for defending him in a 4chan thread. Good, stop replying.
>it's a /pol/tards ruin the thread episode
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I didn't want to bring it up, but these last few posts has /pol/ written all over it. Anytime Normie and redpill/bluepill come up in any thread it's usually past the point of no return
>inb4 hurt feelings play the /pol/ card
>someone doesn't share your opinion so it's /pol/
Yeah your inb4 was right.
>bringing up SJW politics out of nowhere to defend your argument about how you think someone sucks on a letsplay
Nice try /pol/, but you can go back now.
>out of no-where
>implying it wasn't relevant to why he's annoying to watch
>p-politics SUCK unless it's the politics I'm comfortable with :(((
Nice try reddit, but you can go back now.
>video game youtube channel that never talks about politics ever
>politics are relevant
Come on /pol/ give it up.
Do I need to start posting smug images?
>already evidence in the thread of them talking politics
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Post em faggot, I need some new ones.
Do you think Julian will get commissioned to draw lots of Mario Odyssey hat possession smut?
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You even argue like you're from /pol/
This smug image is on the house because I know you already have it.
Doesn't he only care about hyper garbage?

He said he'll take commissions about just about anything besides diapers and underaged characters
Wanna know a secret? I've never been to /pol/. I hate /pol/'s board culture. I don't have that one, cheers. Mine are all vidya related.

Dude's alright, he had some funny moments.
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>doesn't have the oldest reaction imagine on the planet
Julian if you still come to these threads, please say "I gotta fart super bad" next time you're at a stream.
He's going to say that no matter what
Julian if you still come to these threads, please sing an arabian love song next stream
Ding Dong said in the SADX stream that /v/ is no place for oneyplays threads

is /trash/ ok?
ask him :^)
He doesn't want eceleb shit on his videa game discussion
>video game discussion
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>video game discussion
>creating multiple Todd threads
What's the difference?
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whos the hairy nigga all the way to the right?
source or it's bullshit
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How are you guys getting mad at Matt for making fun of his twitter followers when Ding Dong insults his twitch chat and youtube commenters all the time?
He doesn't mean it. I think.

Ding Dong seems like an okay guy, he just comes off as prickly. I mean, for the most part. I don't know. He's hard to read sometimes.
Not that anon, but NITW is a good game, faggot.
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ryan, the other half of supermega
Go to bed Ding Dong.
GOD DAMN Ding Dong is so gentle with Julian, I cannot believe they're not a couple.
>being so triggered politically where you can't watch a fucking let's play with some idiots because they don't share virtually every single political opinion with you
There is nothing sadder.
>he doesn't worship meme man daddy? Wtf, I hate him now!

He wasn't even part of the "protest" (it was during the riots), he was a bystander that was arrested with a bunch of other spectators
>I already told someone else and I didn't say he's an SJW I said he condones and agrees with them.
Who gives a shit?
Am I the only one who finds it funny that they make fun of The Simpsons yet the main cast of oneyplays is at least partially comparable to the sampmen?
>Julian and Dingle are like Carl and Lenny
You can be gentle with friends without being attracted to them
Only retards from /pol/ call it a boogeyman.
my only problem was how many episodes they talked about it over and over and over again, like i get they didn't like the game its obviously not for everyone but fucking move on

He didn't say it, he's betrayed us
>who gives a shit
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>can't catch ding dong's streams because of the times he streams
>he constantly deletes the vods for no reason
Anons, the point is NOBODY below the age of 18 is going to actually put their real age on a Youtube account, because it prohibits them from viewing mature content, so of course they're going to lie. So the statistics are going to be scewed. Chris is just one of those idiots that take every single piece of information that's fed to him at face value.
I honestly don't see know why people think the simpsons are funny, I only grew up watching a couple of episodes that I was too young to grasp the humor, and after that I was just not allowed at all near it, and after I grew up and would watch some episode off TV it was always some awkward subject like dating, Lisa's feminist problems and married sex life

and the HD version of the old episodes are fucking terrible too, not only is the image all smeared due to a shoddy restoration work, they cropped it to Widescreen even though it was never intended to be so
I feel like you are the type of person to have a problem with it, regardless.
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Someone want to give me a quick history lesson as to who the fuck that and who the other people that keep getting mentioned in this thread are?
How do people not know Oney?
they're boring though
that didn't explain anything
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>tfw oneyhole and dingdong never reply to my tweets
they only care about tweets that stroke their e-peen like fanart and animateds
Just go to Cali and find them in person, then they can't ignore you
Im surprised no one has tried to find Ding Dong and Julian in person yet.
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>mfw currently buying a flight to cali
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Remember to prowl around little tokyo curry house and chris's address so you can take creepy pictures of the boys.
make sure to yell REEEE at them so they know you're really funny
I'm in the LA area. I'd love to meet up with them one day. Even if its just to doodle funny stuff for a while
Are a cool animator too?
I can draw and make funny voices
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I sure hope they're not going for all the gems in that one, it's suicide
So can I but I know they won't think twice about inviting me to draw with them
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Chris is actually pretty cute. Figured hed be goofy looking judging by his voice.
The both of you sound literally autistic
The art is nice and the musics fine but its barely a game with a shitty plot and half assed characters.
It also took them 4 years to make this thing and this wasnt just one dude making it.
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i love it for what it is but i see that its pretty flawed
yet, i didnt deserve the endless autistic screeching and shitflinging by them, that was just excessive sperging
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Piss O'Feel
I gotta agree to this actually. During SuperMega's Katamari Damacy playthrough, Ryan got up to piss leaving Matt on his on his own. Matt was not entertaining on his own at all, he needs some one else to bounce jokes off of of to make silly voices.

No you can't.
I like that Julian's Irish impersonation sounds more Irish than Chris when he purposely tries to sound Irish.
They are the most open and receptive let's play channel I've ever seen, and they reference shit no one else would. In a recent video they were referencing that shit about him and Zach not being friends anymore because they don't follow each other on Twitter.
>In a recent video they were referencing that shit about him and Zach not being friends anymore
Link to the video? I missed that one
So what DID happen between Chris and Zach that made them split?
If you could link the episode in question that'd be great.
I dunno, they've done a lot of videos. It was recent. Probably Mario 64 or Mario artist paint studio.
is that a compliment?
l4d and spiderman 2 are hilarious, spiderman 2 in particular.
If you liked sleepycabin, you'll love those
The rugrats one is frustrating because Niall plays worse than I did when I was 6
Isn't it because Zach became a hysterical /pol/tard? Does he even have ANY friends now and days?
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They've put me into laughing fits more often than I can count. It really is an enjoyable show.
Aw, DD and Julian are taking a trip to visit Julian's mom, I hope things go well.

Julian mentioned that his mom was a bit of a prude, it makes me think she might not approve of Ding Dong and Julian being together
why not? shouldnt she already know that hes gay?
>the Ding Ding and Julian are a gay couple meme
confirmed by joolian himself :^)
Zach is fairly liberal, he just dislikes a lot of crazies on the left and likes to fuck with people and spends an awful lot of time looking at that stuff.

https://youtu.be/z09Iuvqiu6U?t=3m54s Evidence can't get more concrete than this
No it isn't.
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