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HG Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 405
Thread images: 251

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HG Thread
First for booce is god
monochrome are niggers
Booce is Judas at best
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> Goblin gained Discomfort.
You know, any other time would be great, but you're wet, so...
> Goblin used Skooch Away on Amaterasu.
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But they're monochrome, not monoparent.
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>Ash mimics her talking with his hand as she goes on

I see...for a second there I thought you might be something worth while, but you're not even worth stepping on. We done here?
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Why you decided this place?
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Heeeheeheee...the only one getting hurt here~?
>She starts taking another swing, miming the blow to go at the androgynous dick's knees.
>She follows through with it forcefully, out of nowhere a heavy-looking, nail-ridden bat appearing in her hands.
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Y'all retarded cunts
>Erp was so retarded they couldn't pick up the simple signals that they had an underage among them and that fucker almost caused a shift it that destroyed the general itself
I can't tell if you fuckers are worse or not
>The soaked wolf rolls around on her back as the goblin tries to scoot away, her soaked fur leaking onto her lap.
Y'all'st've'rn't smart, are you?
Never asked for your sorry ass input to begin with. Im definitely not trying to keep you around if that's what you're asking.
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Then I'll let you go back to being someone else's attack dog.
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Alright, starting to get on my bad side now...
> Goblin used Light Shove on Amaterasu.
Tricky/Bolin/Yukine/etc didn't kamikaze our threads so I guess that means we're better
Nigga what
Sexual tension here is palpable
>>9771103 (Subaru)
Now that's the spirit! Trust me there's nothing better than a fresh drink at night.
Hey! [Generic barman name] give me another one of that and for him...
Something light okay? Ah ah! It's his first time,
>She roughly pats Subaru's back
You can even put some water into it if you want.
>Fast foward 10 min, and the man comes back with the drinks. Subaru's one is the same as Fyxe, with a bit of water in it, and by judging as the usual drunkwards of that place are looking at him... it seems like it's a worse sin than asking for an orange juice.


Quit it, man.
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I-I know this. I can't even speak right today. It's so embarrassing.
>>9771103 (Subaru)
In that case, was your memory wiped or something like that? That's sort of cool and sciency but also really sad at the same time...
>Haru accepts the side hug, making a tiny "hmm" once he's pulled in.
Ditto! Like you said, I don't see why we can't get along. Although, I'd rather you uh, you not bring up Ash...those are some memories I don't want to think about. I'd rather move on and blaze some new trails!
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Because Yharnam is a lovely city.
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>The wolf rolls back onto the floor, with no discernible reaction.
>Out of nowhere, she starts to shake her coat, spraying water all over the goblin.
Do you not understand retard? I don't know if that means you don't have a grasp on the retarded language because you're too smart for that or if it's because you're just THAT retarded
He's got the right idea!
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Oh this place is cool... Though it gives off a few bad vibes.
Don't come back any time soon.
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To summon demons with ease.
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I'm evil now. I'll kill you all one day, I swear it. Be it by stabbing, gunshot or SKELETON MAGIC, I'll kill you all. Seriously. I'm not kidding here.
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Would you?
not FYXE as in FIX.
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Looks kind of creepy to me, and the place could probably have d-demons or something similiar...
Yukine was underage? I thought he was just a low testosterone faggot.
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Would I?
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It's "fyxe" as in "fix" sorry
Is this Braxien from Erp spamming and ban evading
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Only thing you're doing is killing my vibe right now.
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>They pull out thier sword only to get that call again.
Ayanami!! But she's trying to- fine I will hold off!
>the tyke watches her movements carefully, taking a step back whenever they move forward.
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He was for a bit, but I don't think he currently is anymore.
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Told you Grimes
He's both
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Prom games WHEN!?!?!?!?
>Amaterasu shines the light of god onto the Skeleton.
>It does nothing, however, since it's just the natural sunlight.
Your name is just one of the many things I hate about you.
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OH GOD I WAS RIGHT, d-destroy the evil creatures now!
>Shota uses a fire spell, making an almost decent fireball and shooting it right at both creatures
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Awww, what's wroong? Don't wanna fight~?
>She rests the head of the bat on the ground, smiling as she leans against it.
You made alllll that talk, too!
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I'm glad we're best friends.
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> Goblin is hit!
> Goblin gained Dripping Wet.
Alright, I'm done here.
> Goblin used Stand Up Abruptly.

Oh good. Someone to tag me out.
> Goblin used Wave.
Kill a lot in my place, alright? Cya.
> Goblin fled!
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Really? Skeleton magic? Are you going to weaken my bones? Give me joint pain? Or destroy my funnybone?
Is Drive a good movie?
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He asked me that month ago too. I thought he got how to pronounce it.
It's really nice to not see Ditto posting, but the curiousity always gets to me and I always click view.
Thats why i dont bother filtering
Can you not kill my boner
I'm the same way with Inkling's posts
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Yeah sure Craig...
>pats the skeleton
It's Nick Cage tier
Baby Driver is.
That kid can fucking Drive.
What do you mean, I always post here
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Pretty Little Liar (20).jpg
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Whoopsie! I was kinda just gonna swing at the skeleman!
>Kamina said he was gonna host a lot today
>Decided to shitpost as Shimakaze instead
Fuck you
They have you filtered. Autism but understandable.
Who do you filter in HG?
All the newfags.
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No one.
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Nobody, knowledge is power.
No one.
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What's wrong, pal? You look like you need some help.
Oh, it's fine for me! if they don't like me and I don't like them I don't see the reason to not do it
Aussa, couldn't handle that forced ship, was too much autism for me
No one, filtering is for thin-skinned faggots
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As long as something's dying I'm happy. But trust me - actual murder will occur today.

As I declared myself to be evil, a ray on sunshine shines down on me. Is this a sign, dog? Am I going down the correct path?

>The skeleton shoots the fireball out of the air, because why not?
Hey, I'm not evil! Ignore the fact that I just called myself evil, because I'm not evil right at this instant. Although overall I would say that I'm evil. Just not right now. It's complex. I'm complex.

I feel as if this wasn't meant to be directed at me, but I will say that I like your style. Callous murder is something I too participate in!

Was a that a human with green bodypaint? Why would ya paint yourself green? That's dumb.

Those are three very serious things to happen to a person so I'm not sure why you're making light of it. Seriously, how can you fight when you're skeletons not working? Did you even think about what you were saying before making such a stupid attempt at mocking me? Jeez Louise.

I'll kill you instead, for a second time. It might not help your boner but it'll certainly help mine

Please don't patronize me. Also don't touch me, you might give me fleas. Not that...not that they'd do anything to me, but I'd rather not.

Yes, everyone I meet is bullet proof or are ninjas that avoid my every punch. I need to kill, but nobody will LET ME!!!
> and I don't like them

Where is the Red who said "I love everyone :3c "
Told you it was a bunch of bullshit
But what if you like them?
*that's fine by me
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Look at this other squid!.jpg
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You've returned for another chance to be decimated? I admire your courage. Or is it stupidity? No matter.
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That's a little insulting that you would think I need it watered down. I haven't even tried alcohol before.
>Subaru takes the glass of [insert generic brand here], brings it up to his nose and smells it
It smells kind of bitter. I usually drink my coffee with lots of sugar and lots of cream. Is there any cream or sugar for alcohol?
>before she can answer he takes a little sippy sip of the alcohol. It takes awhile for the taste to hit his taste buds. His face mimics the Mr. Yuck sticker, but he doesn't spit it back out
Yeah, that's...something. How come people drink this like it's a part of their religion?

Of course! I've never had a girlfrien-
I-I mean I've had a ton of girlfriends before, and I understand exactly how you feel! I would hate if someone brought them up around me. But hey, I don't think you'll have a problem with finding someone new to be your best friend. Despite apparently being an asshole, people sure have gotten themselves attracted to me. If you do as I do you'll definitely get a new friend to replace him.
>Not greentexting this
>Greentexting this

What the fuck is your angle Inkling
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I don't have any fleas... and even if it was the case, wouldn't you like that? Making them zombie or something? That's something "evuul" people do? Right?
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>The dog scratches her head, her eyes slowly locking onto the skeleton's femur bone.
I love everyone, but... if they filter me how i'm gonna love them?
... Thanks
Prove it
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>Humps leg.
>tfw feel like everyone would hate me even more if I reveal my secret ava
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Could you kill her for me? Ayanami-sama won't let me.
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goodnight hg
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>tfw I'm in the same situation
Redpill me on secret Ava's
Do it.
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Happy birthday.png
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Hey now come on. The stuff they serve here is pretty heavy, so putting some water will make it like the kind of beer you can buy at wallmart....
>His Mr Yuck face activated her disappointed smiled face.
So..., You don't like it?
>She grabs his glass, and take a sip as well...
Bleeh... of course! i'd give it a 7.8... out of 20! Yuck
>She puts her own glass in front of him
Take my beer! It's a bit heavy but... you're man, no? So drink it whole! Believe me, the burning feeling is really the best!

H-Hey?! Oh... Hello!!
Nice dog ah ah
>She gently removes him from her leg and pets it.
Did you get lost or something? What are you doing here?
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You do know that you're a skeleton right? It shouldn't take more than a little kick to break your leg. I wouldn't go starting fights.
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>The skeleton immediately rips out the gun stashed inside of his ribcage and aims it at the scythe-wielding maniac (from the skeleton's warped perspective Spectre Knight is a maniac, at least)
You're crazy. Didn't I tell you I was going to shoot you on sight? If I see you move the slightest inch I swear to God I'm gonna introduce you to the 20th century, when guns were invented. I...think. Or at least when this pistol was invented. It looks fairly modern.

I know you're mocking me still but I have displayed genuine evilness before. Like the time I pretended to be a therapist and took a girl in, got her to open up and trust in me, only to shoot her dead while telling her nobody would save her. That's evil, right? Yeah. That's pretty frickin' evil.

>The skeleton stares blankly at the wolf for a moment before it dawns on him what kind of creature is standing before him.
>The skeleton tears off one of its bones and throws it at the dog's snout, hoping to distract it.

Boy would I! Killing's like, my favourite thing to do in the whole world. I like you, kid.

Oi. I'm gonna kill you.
>The skeleton aims a gun at her head.
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When I revealed my secret avatar, I could notice how people started acting less nice to me.
Keep it secret
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Secret avas are avas used to see what it's like to start over. It's fun as fuck.
lol no
>Implying people hate you Alfred

Goodnight anon! Sweet dreams!
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Why? Because you failed to kill me after shooting off most of my head. Do you honestly think you still stand a chance against a vampire?
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>When you're not as hated as you think you are, but you still don't want to take the risk
Reveal them anyway
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Well, maybe you need more practice? Like the saying goes, practice makes perfect.
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>Tfw no secret avas

Feels good
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People hate you Ivan?
Well, Ash wasn't my boyfriend or anything like that, but it's sort of a similar situation, I guess... I already have a best friend back home, so I don't need to go on some big search for a new one. I always want to go around make lots of little friends, but Yuki's always gonna be there for me!
But it's getting pretty late, so I think I'm going to go to bed if that's alright. It was nice meeting you for a second time, Subaru!
>The wolf immediately jumps up at the tossed bone, catching it in her mouth before landing onto the ground to idly chew on in.
>But she's still staring at the skeleton.
Keep it secret, no matter who you are. If you enjoy that ava, it's always nice to have a fallback ava that isn't attached to you, for whatever reason. Sometimes you just want to get away from your name, maybe something goes wrong and you need a new identity, any number of things could happen, so keep your secret ava secret.
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You are not bad for a bag of bones.
I hate you and your stupid fucking gay drama fuck you
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You... You joking right? It was during a game ah-ah... Wh-Why would you do that Craig? We may look different but we all have a skeleton just like you under our skin, and fur...
Unless you're a snail or something, but maybe their skeletons are the shells I dunno...
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Twice over.jpg
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Anxiety fucking sucks desu, even when you have a comfy life up in Middle Earth
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Sick burn.gif
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Are we still in need of a game?
fuck off alexander hamilton
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Continuously tries to hump your leg.
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>I really want to continue this, but I have to bail, sorry.
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>she flips off the angry arab man mask
It was a pretty shitty costume.
And really, people like you. I'm pretty sure i've got more haters than you here.

Yeah! Let's go Eric!
No, that's someone else's secret ava that isn't very secret considering they've been posting Hamilton lately on their main ava
You feel like hosting?
>tfw you zone out and stay in the last thread for 30 mins
way to blue ball
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And if I can't? You'll have to give me some reason to finish it all in one go. Drinking is kind of like a game if you think about it. You have to have rewards and penalties.

Haru...I never said he was your boyfri-
>Subaru notices Haru nodding off the second he says goodbye, so he covers him with his own track jacket
He's like a little baby boy, just falling asleep whenever he wants, even if it's during a nice conversation.
>floating hero girl
oooh okay it's vino
thanks for clearing that up
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>Has PSD war flashback of flying dogs harassing her back in July.
Hmm... Excuse me for what I'm gonna do...
>She kicks off the dog and starts to run
Sorry lad. it was kinda obvious...

just like your secret ava.
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Pretty Little Liar (9).png
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It's not my fault you won't play anyways!
>Still smiling, Uso swings a nailbat straight at the skelton's head.
Who is it?
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t. ichigo
It's certainly not your mother last night.
>implying it can only be 2 people
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Hey now are you trying to play mind games with me or what? I thought you didn't want to be like old Subaru?
So be a man about it and drink it up! Stop finding excuses!
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the good stuff.png
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I've been drinking my milk, thank you very much. My bones are harder than metal, harder than brick. In a battle of muscle and bone, bone wins. At least your muscle, anyways - or lack thereof, because you are one skinny boy.

Wait, are you that dude from last night? The one with an exploding gun? Because you look kinda different. Like somebody that isn't a dude.

Man I've practiced plenty! Some people just are immune to bullets n' stuff, there's nothing I can do against that.

T-that's enough bones, right? You can't possibly fit anymore of me inside your mouth, doggy. I can see that that singular bone has filled you right up, r-right?
>The skeleton starts slowly inching backwards, glancing behind him to see if there's anything he can run to. Looks like it's just a big empty field behind him.

That's actually incredibly racist. Please don't say that. You might know it but that term goes way back to the Great Skeleton War.

I'm not joking Fyxe, and it wasn't during a game. It was outside of a game. Now that you know how EVIL I am you might want to act a little bit more respectfully towards me, because my bones are filled with murderous intent.

Like, literally. My bones are filled with murderous intent. They're murder bones. It's why I act this way.

>It's alright, do what ya gotta do.
Starcraft waits for no man.

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Alright, since I've got nothing better to do I'll host. Gimme tributes for tonight's Eric game.
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How dare you. How dare you say that because I RP America you racist motherfucker
>Underneath is another angry arab costume, because he has no idea if she wants Alfred or Ivan
Anxiety still makes me believe that I do and it sucks man, because I feel like I'm clingy to the people I like
Don't reveal it you clever fucker, I know that it's obvious but I refuse to let anyone know
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Lord Beerus
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Hachikuji Mayoi
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Princess Carolyn
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Reigen Arataka
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Yotsugi Ononoki
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Ridley Silverlake
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Secretary Machoke
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Gem knight Topaz
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>His skull hardens into steel as the bat makes contact with him, causing the strike to simply bounce off of him. He does stagger back a bit, though, although he regains his composure quickly.
Bet you weren't expecting that, huh? Yeah, I got this power from a Skeleton God. Look it up in the archives if ya don't believe me.
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RieL Rayford
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You may have to shoot me to find out.
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レン (139).png
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Miku's ass
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Pretty Little Liar (61).png
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EZ Cannon.jpg
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Mall Grab
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Catling gun
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Oso bimbo
Peace, peace
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Lee Yong-Jin
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Kosaku Kawajiri
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Horny girl
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Killer Queen
3/10 horns
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Cute horny girl.
give templates
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What I lack in muscle I make up with other things, trust me you'd wish I was some dumb musclehead if you pushed the wrong buttons. Are you one of those talking Halloween skeletons?
Well... I don't know, I never met a really evil guy before... Besides I'm pretty sure you don't really care what I do anyway....
But still... Don't you think it'd be better to have... happy bones? Funky bones? You know how to dance? Pretty sure you can buy those somewhere...

Well... You're certainly not clingy about me. Or maybe because I'm not on your fav people list anymore? Aaaah...
But for real I'm serious, you're chill and you don't play ava that might upset some people (read: a (you) whore). I can tell you I got enemies just because I'm a furry. You don't have to care about them anyway. Nobody can be liked by everyone. Just keep doing your stuff and people who like you will keep on liking.
Don't change yourself out of fear
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this wont end well.jpg
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Fine! Stop using old Subaru as a reason to get me to do things I probably shouldn't do!
>Subaru takes the pint of beer and holds it up to his mouth. He takes a few minutes to get himself pumped up for something he has never done before. After counting down from 3, Subaru lifts the glass to his face, the bottom of the glass facing the ceiling, and the contents of the glass slowly exiting into Subaru's mouth. He gets about halfway before he spits the alcohol out, along with a tiny bit of puke to accompany it. He keeps his head lowered from Fyxe's gaze, ashamed to make eye contact.
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Manga Subaru2.png
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Natsuki Subaru
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Banned from my gay fantasies. One more.
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>I make up with other things
Things Haru's familiar with, right? I know y'all still fuck on the reg, that whole drama was made up to throw us off.
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Noriaki Kakyoin
Did you lay this eggg Kakyoin?
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I have a headache.png
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Make me bump it to 48, i dare you.
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>The skeleton aims a gun at her...or him(?) and drops it to the floor. He then walks over to her/him with his arms outstretched, intending on giving her a big hug.
Shhh, I know how it is for us evil types. Sometimes we just need a big hug to get by. Put 'em here, friend.

Talking Halloween skeletons? You mean like the plastic decorations they put up? Nah, that's not me. I'm an all-season, every-year talking skeleton. Was that question meant to insult me in some way? Because if so that totally went right through me.

Of course you'd be "pretty sure" that you can buy bones from somewhere, bone-muncher! But that aside I've got no idea. And yes, I can dance. Check this.
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Let's Get It On!! .png
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Pretty RAW huh? So how how did you like it?
Can"t talk because it was just THAT awesome?
Heh it's okay, It did the same to me on my first time... You just need to take it slower next time and then you can go on roughly like you did, but it was pretty cool nonetheless and...
>She keeps on talking, not even paying attention to his body language
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Pretty Little Liar (13).jpg
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Ooooh...I thought I saw that~. There's more than one way to kill a skeleton.
you just fugged the ava to your right
how good was it?
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Manga Subaru25.png
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I refuse to be a part of anyone's fantasies.
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[Anime] Reigen (105).png
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I accept this challenge.
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Take me higher with your speed!.png
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First time playing one of your games Eric! Impress me! Let's go!
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How dare you imply that, even if we usually never talk OOC I still value your presence. You're a good mate
Coughcoughunlesspeoplefrom/pol/askAlfredoranyoneaboutpoliticscoughcough. I feel like everyone relatively likes the avas I play, so I don't need to worry about that lmao
I'm content with not being disliked nor liked by anyone desu, at least I know no one despises me in that regard

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Manga Subaru13.png
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Bump it or else I kill you.
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I don't have them in an image dump or anything so like should I just dump them or what
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mfw just replying to slides.jpg
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Me all the way to the right.
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>Flake stands there, her pupils repetitive moving in the direction of Tsuyu.
>"Come on, take the hint, take the hint..."
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>I fucked Suz
Is AIDS a deadly disease?
They were too busy fucking someone else!

i didn't even make it desu
I fucking hate CLAMP.
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>as tge skeleton walks closer Alucard shifts back to his normal form. His right arm then shifts into a demonic dog.

A hug? I don't hug chew toys.
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Yong Jin 26 - Walking Away.jpg
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Get on with it.
I dare you
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woops lol
That's all?....Oh well... I... I'm not judging but it's pretty... pretty lame? I though skeleton could do cool things like moonwalking and stuff.
What about that video?
>takes out her Iphone
Maybe it's just evil skeleton who don't know how to dance...
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skeleton war.gif
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Oh, so you were there? It was pretty cool, right? Like a God, an actual God, descended from the Heavens to grant me the power to kill people better. That's how much better I am at murdering people than you are - I have Gods themselves come down to reward me for it. So do you still want to try these other methods of killing me, or are ya gonna lay down and let the expert do his thing?

1 - I hate you more than I ever thought I could now that you've got a stupid mutt growing out of your arm.

2 - you like dressing up as girls often, queer? Pansy? Gaylord?
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Manga Subaru47.png
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>while she's busy rambling on, even more unknown liquids squirt from his mouth. He takes both his napkin and hers to wipe up the mess
Wh-why did you make me do this...? I feel sick. My head hurts. I'm starting to get a little dizzy. My face feels like it's red...

Cirno, why? You could have fun if you stayed in!

Deny the swap! I'm in no position to fight now anyway...
kakyoin did you lay this egg ???
fuck off davidfag
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Don't say that Vino will come aft
>you're going to bed soon anyway, this could be the last game before you do that
kys Shadow
>dump them
Why not just give links to the originals, faggot?
>I'm content with not being disliked nor liked by anyone desu
>nor liked

*Fucking slaps your shit*

Heh, I don't know if you're that kind of insecure nerd that check their names in the archives... But if you did... you could see people regularly drop yours... You've got people who likes you, me first. Now stop the sappy stuff and get back on having fun!
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Could it be that I'm being swapped in on your place? If that's the case I really will have to try harder if someone is depending on me.
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Manga Subaru27.png
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Wh-why am I going to bed? Are you hiding outside my house with a bag full of the sandman's sand? P-Please don't make me fall asleep when I'm not sleepy!
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I disagree with your opinion and I think it's horrible; but I will forever protect your right to keep it.
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Honestly, why do you care?

Not really, that was a general question. Can I ask you something? How much does being a skeleton suck? I mean, you can't enjoy food, you can't do anything too physical and most importantly you can't do anything romantic.
I do what ever I find to be fun. Including turning myself into a girl with a machine gun to mess with people. Surely you understand how boring things get when you live for so long.
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Alright i think i got everything.
We're going back to space watch out.

I can't bump it since i don't have enough guests.
Alright then.
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And that's how I finally got an A+ in biolog- S-SUBARU?!!
O-Oh ! W-Wait! I'm gonna pick up something don't worry!
>She runs towards the bar and grabs a bottle of milk and some water.
H-Hold on okay?
>She opens his mouth and pours down the milk, then the water, repeatedly
Please... be okay!!
>tfw ignored by your favorite ava
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Because I made half of them
I hope humans are hibernating animals, for your sake.
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>Checked the thread
>Didn't ignore anybody
>Nobody's favorite ava
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Who Shadow?


Hello! How you?
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Walking in the 90s.gif
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*Muffled Eurobeat in the distance*
Oh. Then just dump them.
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>"Oh thank god. I don't know what she would've done if she had taken that the wrong way. That could've gone terribly. What if the thought I was some sort of creeper or something?!"
>Flake clenches a fist while staring at Tsuyu.
>"Shit. I need to say something. This is getting really awkward, and fast. Okay, I'll just acknowledge her. Wish her good luck.... No. What if she dies in the bloodbath? It'll look like I jinxed her. That would be bad. Shit... what do I do, what do I do?!"
Fhn... Try not to get yourself killed out there.
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Are you fucking kidding me?
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It sucks, doesn't it
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>is slapped
>cries in fucking Russian because he did not expect to be manhandled in such a manner
B-Bitch I might be, it's not like I want to see if I can better my RP or anything
I'll tell you what, mate. I'm in the mood for RPing Ivan for some reason, and I'll consider playing him in the next game. When I do so, I'd like to RP with you, 'kay?
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>The skeleton's voice breaks as he speaks, clearly offended that Fyxe insulted his ability to dance - a favourite pastime of skeletons.
Err, yeah OK then, how about you show me your dancing prowess then? And that's not even a real skeleton IDIOT that's a plastic toy! A TOY! FAKE BONES! I would've thought a dog would be able to separate the real from the fake but obviously not. IDIOT! IDIOT!
>The skeleton screeches.

Allow me to answer your question in a numbered format.

1 - you know phantom pains? Well if you think about it hard enough, you can feel the taste of certain foods despite not having a tongue. And when you're done pretending to eat it it falls to the floor, so you can just pick it back up and pretend to eat it again!

2 - depends on the skeleton. Most skeletons brought back through necromancy are surprisingly sturdy and are capable of doing most strenuous physical activities without fear of bones breaking apart or collapsing.

3 - err, romance is dead anyways so that totally doesn't matter at all. Okay? Not a single bit. So don't bring it up again.

I...guess? I've been pretty content with my long life because I've got friends and family to share it with. They're all skeletons too, you know.
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Day 1.png
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You can't molest america, trust me I've tried.

Oshit nigga wat are you doin
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/trash/ I can't sleep again what do
This is hell
>posting Tenshit
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Yeah but bones age, don't they. You'll be a walking case of arthritis... I can't even tell what gender you are right now.
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Manga Subaru62.png
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That's it Eric. On behave of all those that have lost out, I'll be ending your life. Meet me after you're done hosting this game and we'll get down to business.

>she successfully forces Subaru to drink both the milk and the water, not knowing that the combination is god-awful. So awful that he throws up even more than before. Subaru's face has gone pale, and he's lost all care in the world, showing this newfound outlook by resting his face on the puke covered table they're sitting at. He gargles some more liquid out of his mouth before mumbling some inner thoughts
I don't even know why you hang out with me. I'm not even cool enough to have friends. I'm so lame while you and everyone else around me are so cool...
>he lifts his head from the table and stares at Fyxe
You're a fucking dog-human for crying out loud! There's nothing cooler than hybrids! You've got, like, a superpower! You can smell me from aaaaaall the way over there, can't you!?
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Yeah... Alright...png
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>tfw super late where I am
>Considered sleeping after that one game
W-Why didn't you bitch about your anxiety before!? D-Damn! I like playing with you but you always come out so late...
B-But we'll get our session sooner or later don't worry! Maybe something other than a drinking game though I don't have any ideas about how to make them interesting now...
And I lost my title...
>tfw nobody ever made me one
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Count sheep after having a hot glass of coco
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Dead 1.png
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Do extreme push ups until you can't push no more.
Great. Now everyone's going to have their own special card.
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Manga Subaru20.png
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Wh-what does that mean!? I'm concerned for my well-being! I don't want people looking into my home when I'm trying to relax! How would you feel if someone did that to you!? You'd feel creeped out, especially since it would be some large bearded dude looking at you with lustful eyes!
I want to have friends like them
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I was the one who made them but now you can make it yourself because I don't enjoy making them anymore

Yes because I don't enjoy it anymore
Go fucking nuts and make a cool new one or something
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Oh I'm sorry... he seemed so real... And... what if he's a real skeleton made of plastic? Are skeletons racists against skeleton too?
Oh and well! Check it out! I'm a pretty good dancer! I practiced that dance so many times!
>She doesn't have a cool gif to show (yet...) so instead she mimics what the guy in that video is doing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxBO6KX9qTA
>Her chest doesn't even get in the way!
>Tsuyu stared back just as much, watching and observing them before replying with a nod. It was clear that she understood the intent behind the distant words.
Don't worry about it. The current area isn't one I'm good in though I will do the best I can for your sake.

A result like that really does suit a hero like me. I'm feeling good this game.
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And that's it
Only ones not given away are the zero card and the layer card but you could remake those if you really wanted to
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Pretty Little Liar (77).jpg
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>There's a sparkling light that envelops her, and the nailbat is...gone from her hands. Instead, her head reveals that it has turned to a red...spherical...thing? It still boasts her eyes, though they're closed. Her neck seems to be replaced by a sturdy wooden stick of sorts.
We'll just have to see, won't we?
Maybe you should have made them with meaning? Like the amount of stars reflecting your opinion of them. Or their cancer level.
That'd bring more insecurefags
upload all of the ones you made to imgur
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Night 1.png
3MB, 696x2289px
catling gun what are you doing she's only like 14 and also made of ink
Fuck that
I really like some people here but I don't really want to do that
Plus my opinion is kind of shit so
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>She doesn't know that I have so much shit to do when it comes to the weeks
>She hasn't realised that once it hits the weekends, more likely than not I'll be as free as America
S-Shit man it's not my fault that post hadn't happened earlier
I can wait a few more days to RP with you Fyxe. And if it's hard to make a drinking contest interesting we can do something else
And whose fault was that? :^)
True. And I don't think we can fit enough stars in the dimensions limit of 4chan for Hoshi and Bolin.
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What are you rambling on about? Maybe I made a mistake by letting you fight on my behave, I've seen mice braver than you are.
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beet red blush.png
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ss (2016-06-24 at 06.44.03).jpg
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Oh... I wanted to kill her so badly.
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tennis dango with hoshi.png
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Here's your winscreen from my games, tennis guy.
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Fyxe island render.png
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Hmm well actually... I've got a pretty bad sense of smell... And for once I'm glad,Errrkk...
Hey now now Subaru...
>She helps him get back and cleans his face with a random tissue that happened to be here because plot needed it.
As much as you're right about me being the coolest person here, I can't let you say you're lame...
Okay maybe you're a bit! But you're still a catterpillar! You just gotta grow a bit and you'll be a cool butterfly... or an ugly moth, but moth can be deadly so it's cool too!
Now... let's go... People are laughing...
Too lazy
If I made you one and you didn't save it that's your fault
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>"Alright! I can't believe I'm doing this well!"
>Flake flashes a razor-sharp smile, but is quick to wipe it away with a paw.
>"No. I can't show that. I don't want this chick to figure out how desperate I am... I'd better just say goodbye before things get bad. End it on a high note."
Don't talk to me. Are you trying to die?
Focus on the game.
>The wolf clicks her tongue and waves the froggo off coldly. She turns and begins walking away as not to distract Tsuyu from the arena.
They were just examples. You could use the stars to represent how much you like the ava you're making it for.>>9772308
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fyxe hologram.png
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Glad to see it's still working good!
I hate my laptops touchpad...
>hero kids win again

Go ahead, tell me that it's not a circle jerk now.
That's a dangan you fucking idiot.
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That's when you go down to the graveyard and replace any old bones with fresh ones. Also I think you're supposed to be able to tell the gender through how wide our hips are, but that didn't help me. I actually forgot what gender I was, I just assume I was a man and call myself "Craig."

The catling gun's overloading me with CUTE! I'm stunned, to say the least.

>The skeleton puts his hand out at her, gesturing for her to stop.
Okay, okay, I get it - you're a pretty good dancer. BUT I don't have my boys here with me. You should see what what me and the boys can do. Infact, I can show ya right now!
>The skeleton reaches into his skull and pulls out a phone through his mouth. He shows her a recording of him and the boys dancing

Ahh...fuck. I mean frick. Does everybody around here got to have some special power? Whatever.
>The skeleton dives to the floor and pulls out a gun from his ribcage, opening fire upon her as he slams into the ground.
Gun Technique: Action Movie Cool Guy Dive!
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Nighto HG
My discord's Vaporcast#2471
Why aren't you using mouse nigga
It's a shitposter forcing a lame meme. Just ignore him.
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So much class.png
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It was your fault for challenging me at 3 a.m like always!
But yeah don't worry, Alfred's cool too, I like them both. So week-end or not we'll do it alright.
Remember that 4th breaking meta adventure? It was really great. The sky is the limit we can do anything!

Goodnight Inkling.
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The joke wasn't funny the first time
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Day 2.png
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Why do all the people I'm rooting for end up dying, i thought i was supposed to be the one rigging these games dammit.
That's something I thought about but was easily decipherable
If you hadn't noticed my ratings of people and their cards didn't really match very well
Yes it was faggot
but i wanted to check out what they all looked like
i don't think you posted any made for me
i think i remember seeing it mentioned but idk
My mouse died. I need to get a new one. I have a backup mouse, but it is one of those that you move a ball around with your thumb to move the cursor. It sucks.
Who are you tho
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Try this one

>Be me
>Replying to every slide best I can
>Get no interractions yet
>Not optimistic but determined
>We move to a new thread
>I get killed by an ava
>Not even mad
It was a really interesting event
>The ava is decent at RP
>Was sure I was going to get an interraction
>The ava that killed me posts in new thread
>huge reply chain
>I make a comment about my death
>Not even 2 posts between mine and that avas
>Ava doesn't even reply to the slide
>Ignores me
>Continues talking to other people
>Try to regurgitate the event later for RP
>The ava seems to half ass the replies
>I feel really awkward and tryhard
>Just stop
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That would be the worst way to die. I want to die peacefully.
You're right. I should focus before something bad happe-

I have had worse but this is entirely my fault.
its a sekret
I hope I didn't do this.
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Nice deduction skills, girl! Would you like to join Detective Bones' Private Investigator Company? You've got a good eye and he could use the help.

Don't worry Eric. I know you're also rooting for me and I'm still in it, I can bring home the victory for us.
>The skeleton watches as the baby drifts past in the escape pod.
Woah, was that Superman?
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Holy damn, that sucks.
So sorry to hear that.
Maybe you just suck.
I'd feel bad for you but
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Now you're going to play the role of the bully, eh? Well two can play at that!
I've touched ice cubes colder than you! I've also seen ice cubes cuter than you too! You're generally an ugly fairy with no friends and no brain!

Get off me!
>he slaps her hand away from him, and wobbles away, but not too far. It's obvious at this point that he's an extreme lightweight
I'm going to be an ugly moth while everyone else turns into a butterfly because I love my own self-destruction! It's much nicer hearing what I want to do instead of actually doing it! I can retain the image of a cool guy if I never actually do anything that'll hurt my rep! Why can't you see that I'm nothing but a muddy nobody with no redeeming factors at all!
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Holy shit it's an alien attack, watch out!
Fuck anyone who does this
>oh shit a game
>gonna enter
>oh shit i got shit to do
>look back in the archeives to watch the game
>ava mentions my character in name for my input
>i'm too busy doing god shit what
It would have made the person cherish it more... Atleast I would have ._.

>not that I don't cherish the one you made me. It just would have meant even more. That's enough gayness from me for tonight.
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>it's 3 AM for you
Whoa nigga, go get some sleep if that's how early it is for you. It's Friday tomorrow, maybe we can RP at the point then.
But I'd like to get into the habit of playing characters other than Alfred. Ivan's a starting point to me, so soon enough maybe I can branch out
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>Flake continues walking away, but her ears pick up on the fact Tsuyu totally just died after she said that. She punches a tree while she's walking.
>"SHIT! I totally did that, didn't I!? This is why I just shouldn't try talking to people! It never fucking works!"
>She keeps walking.
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then i no gib
YEAH! Now that's much better!! Well you guys kinda lack a leader in that performance -call me if you wanna- but it's pretty great.
Now, I can't believe dancers THESE good can be evil, it's simply not possible.. I mean...You can't have the groove if your heart is focused on hurting people. Good moves bring joy!

>She puts on a super protection which STILL manages to be revealing, what a feat!
Oh fuck it's that 2hu I fucking ha-
>Hover over image.
I approve
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:( pls
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It's not my fault I died, my partner sucks. He should get good.
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I know those feels.
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Fuuuuuuuck, I feel like I was guilty of this every once in a while
On the behalf of my people, I apologise
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They're not as strong as the Underworld Army, that's for sure
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Craig...hmm...So what if...
>Without a word of warning Ash immediately snatches Craig's arm from his socket and waves it around

You suddenly fell into a bunch of pieces like a Jenga set?
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Okay now everybody i wanted to win is actually dead. God damn aliens, when are they gonna build that wall.

>He doesn't go to bed at 9:30AM
Now I know I made a mistake, I should never have someone so ungrateful and ignorant fight on my behave.
I'm going back to bed, wake me up when you're ready to apologize, I'll think about your punishment later
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>tfw RP block
>have the feeling ava's arent RPing to the slides im in anymore due to it
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Pretty Little Liar (25).png
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>The red sphere was just...that. A red sphere. A bullet grazes past it, and there's an audible scraping noise akin to a match being lit. The scent of burning sulfur and phosphorus fills the air as the matchhead- and it is-is lit. With an ominous giggle from a head without a mouth, the girl starts running at the skeleton, trying to hug it.
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You don't have to state the obvious.
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>He doesn't know that I probably do since timezones 'n shit
Once step ahead, motherfucker
>Call from cousin
>Her future husband wants me to become a groomsman on their wedding
>I ask her if she's drunk ( wouldn't be the first time)
>She's not

So how has your day been, /hg/?
Better than yours, Izaya.
I am not that Australian piece of shit.
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Well you can say you were one of the people to get an original
That's something I would hold up and wear proudly
Tell me who you are or I will become suspicious and flee
Vomitting and headaches with nothing special or eventful happening
I hate being sick

>be me
>be the afternoon
>guess i'll have a cat nap
>fast forward
>wake up
>check time
>0:53 am
>how fucking long have i been sleeping

And that's how i got up this morning.
>once step ahead

And twice step behind
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>I can't tell you how often this happens. I'm right there with you, anon.
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I've noticed a pattern here, every feast we've had for the past 6 days has always had a peaceful night before it.

i'm you but stronger
now pls
I'm going to sleep... after that game!
Don't worry about me to much. I'll play with whatever you come up with!

...Fuck Subaru are you drunk? Or maybe you're shouting your feeling for once? Huuh....
I hope you're not implying I'm your flame and you're the moth, as cool as it sounds ahah...
(No! Stop you need to get serious now!!)
>She sits down next to him.
I know plenty of girls say that so it doesn't mean much buuuut.... You're a pretty funny guy? How about being a comedian? The world need all kind of insects! If you can't be the pretty butterfly you can be the excentric witty moth who tells harsh jokes about the world... Like that guy huuh... Georges Carlin! Or Charlie Chaplin!!
... Please even the past Subaru didn't get that low in with the emo stuff...
Wanna join the Nap Club?
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Here's an apology for you:
Sorry you're an idiot!

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I can't at the moment but tomorrow if I am here I will
>hits with pillow
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Look at all the food! This is great!

ok <3
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What? We don't have a leader because it's, like, a group effort! You know how in K-Pop or J-Pop or whatever each girl in the group gets some time in the spotlight? That's how it is with us, but the entire group is in the spotlight all the time. And the boys and I wouldn't really appreciate a furry being in the group. Actually...the boys are a little bit more open-minded than I am but I'm as close minded as ever. I might be capable of holding a conversation with you but there is a hate festering deep within my marrow that I don't think I'll ever be able to shake out. And I don't want to, because it feels good.

>Craig simply stares at his arm that is now missing a bone, then gazes at Ash.
Well that was incredibly rude. And also incredibly wrong, if you want to do that you gotta detach the skull. It controls everything.
>The bone in Ash's hand begins to vibrate wildly, as if it had a mind of its own.
Also don't try that again, I'll kill you. Maybe not now - but one day. And I'll make it hurt.

>The skeleton's bones reform to take shape of a dog (spider.) As the girl approaches him, he breaks out into a sprint and tries desperately to run away from her reach.
>The skeleton barks. get it? barks? ehehe...

Yes I do, I have to hammer my point into you so you strive to better yourself. Useless, useless, useless, useless.
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And here i thought Deku was supposed to be the hero.
good sleep, anon
>turns off the lights

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Awesome! From now on you're Nap Club member number 1! We finally got members now. Please select your comfiest pillow. We have a wide variety of them. We have blankets too and a tiny fan to relax our minds during our naps. You don't have to worry if you have the need to sleep. You can lay down everywhere.
>Kumin opens a huge closet, filled to the brim with pillows, blankets and pajamas.
>Aussa godmodding at best ava ITT

>implying i'm reigen
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>He nonchalantly drops Craig's arm

Kill me? You and what army? Cause you'll need one, honestly though there is no need to get upset, I bet that happens quite often.
Which one is Aussa? My godmod detector is in the shop.

Alright then.

>The anon gets a pillow, blanket and pajamas.
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Dead 3.png
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Holy shit, guys look at this.
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I've got...
>Subaru lays out on his side, puking a little bit as he settles
I've got no funny bones. You're not going to get a joke out of me when I'm sideways. Jokes don't affect people when they're sideways. It's better if someone like me works an office job and hates themselves every day until they die of a massive heart attack, like normal people with no talents.
>Subaru picks his head up just a little bit and rubs it against her arm
It's so soft! How'd you get it like that, Elma? You're so good at taking care of yourself! I wish I could be like you. Soft and friendly and fond of everyone.

>Implying you aren't the genius psychic of the century
>tfw tired as hell but need to finish up some work that isnt even half finished
what do you do to stay awake HG
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Yeah I guess that makes sense, besides I'd overshadow all of you if we did that so it's better if
Hmm?! What?!
So wait. Let me get this straight.
You hate me
Talking to me makes you hate me even more
Hate feels good to you
So talking to me makes you feel good
We like (love) things that make us feel good.
You like me?
Hey now Craig you could have been more blunt with that.. But I guess that's just your style
>Thankfully she's nowhere near as fast as the skelespider, laughing manically as she chases the undead with open arms.

Drink lots and lots of energy drinks
I drink on average 6 a day
I don't think that's enough to motivate me.
Better myself? Too lazy to do it. I'd rather sleep all day long.
hes right here tho >>9772687
Ah. I was thinking you meant Alucard. But then I remembered that character isn't bland.
What do you mean by this?
After this game? Alright then, I can't reasonably expect you to stay up just because ONE (1) person wants to RP as a drunk Russian with a doggirl
My creativity has taken a sharp halt lately, but believe me; if I find a good idea, I'll do my best with it
Do you have a discord? I'd be willing to share mine with you if you want

>Just Another Fuckin Fancy Aucklander
I thought Alucard was >Guts
Energy drinks are my life blood.

I'm up to 6 before starting work... I need to cut back before my heart explodes.
It's one step. Not once
Bird Up
I just drink as a way to stay awake for long periods of time
Like when I'm building
He's lacking OOC posts, and meme pics. Possible, but that would imply he's putting in any effort.
Thread posts: 405
Thread images: 251

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