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hey /trash/, I've got something to tell you here due to

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Thread replies: 264
Thread images: 46

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hey /trash/, I've got something to tell you here
due to some recent events, we have another chance to try and get ourselves a 4chan cup team. We had board interest in the first few months of the board's existence, but the people who run the cup simply denied us entry, not really bothering to explain why besides the fact that they didn't like the board
Now, again, due to recent events, we have another chance to try and get our team back. We had managers lined up and ready to manage a team, and some of the people who run the cup aren't as vehemently opposed to our existence anymore

So, what do you say, /trash/? Should we try this again?
Is that it?
I guess we're dead now
rip ip
sure that would be cool
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we might've just been greenlighted to be an autopilot
let's do this
I would totally support this, but can we change the team so that it actually represents our board?
No more >le ebin trashman meme, no fucking oscar the grouch.
We've changed a lot as a board since those first few weeks and the team should reflect that.
yeah boi lets go for it
It would be fucking hilarious if we won.
Fuck me the team comp would be amazing.

>Glim Glam
>trash opossum
>confused black man
>thicc Aku
>Mae Nightinthewoods from the hit game Night in the Woods
>trips guy
>anthro lady with freakish body proportions and enormous donut asshole
This needs to happen
>Glim Glam
Fuck off
No, faggot. /trash/ is a joke team that plays the team who finishes last each cup.
/trash/ is never going to be a real team ever.
Shit ideas for players
Yeah, we would definitely need a roster update. The board has indeed changed a lot since we first tried getting a team.

>Glim Glam
No, Rarity is the Queen of /trash/. That was established early on.
other than that, and the fact that Aku belongs to /co/ those are mostly pretty good player suggestions

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Aku certainly belongs here, he has already displayed his power on multiple occasions in making /trash/ thicker.
I say no, fuck the 4cc
Fucking normals playing fake soccer/football
go team
I really hope this works out
bump for interest
4cc is cancer
Yes! Let's do this! And may I suggest maid Marian?
can someone with Skype contact our former managers and see if they're still up to manage?
I like 90% of this
kown man needs to be on there somewhere
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If anyone from the Hunger Games Threads try to get in an player, make sure you deny their ignorant asses. Fill the team with actual players, not our isolationist memes.
Really most threads these days are isolationist generals. If I were to suggest players like "Stupid Face" or "This isn't video games" I really doubt anyone would get it unless they also regularly visit those threads. Even though I personally think HG threads are pure unadulterated garbage, if they can come up with a good rep they should get it.
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Should Speedy be a player?
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I nominate Shimakaze (Male) from the Hunger Games Threads. She (He) is probably the best candidate for our community.
Fuck off.

We nominate Eggman-kun.
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Lmao, piss off with your Eggman meme. At least nominate someone who does something. It doesn't have to be me or Seth.

Better off if it was nobody at all. HG doesn't represent /trash/ anyways.

Yeah, feel free to skip us. You're better off giving that spot to another general. We don't have any reps worthy at all. Don't fall for the Eggman meme.
A representative doesn't have to be a character or person's name, it could just be something like "Undeserving Games" if you feel there's no reps worthy enough.

I also realize that HG threads are a bunch of different communities so getting them to agree on a rep is probably impossible.
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Correct. Therefore the only logical option would be to enter Katniss Everdeen, the main character of the original franchise.

You can enter her for us, thanks.

But you guys had originally put forth Eggman-kun the first time around
and HG is a big part of the board, because it really isn't welcome anywhere else, and it has been a staple of /trash/ since its inception, so it does belong here.

I'm sure you do know of a few that all of /trash/ could relate to, such as Mr. Kown (why do people like this, i'd really like to kown), If Trips guy (If trips, mods ban ___), Varg, and that Basketball shoe. There are probably a few others that i'm forgetting, but those are things that would definitely belong on the roster. And if those aren't enough, we could just fill out the roster with representatives from different generals. That could represent the board's diversity well enough.

I just had an idea about that
we could have the different HG communities run a Hunger Games competition to decide who their rep would be; the last one standing gets to be the rep
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How about the creator of the HG simulator itself, Brantsteele?
>I'm sure you do know of a few that all of /trash/ could relate to

Oh yeah, of course, it's just /trash/ doesn't really have 23 of those so eventually we would need to dip into thread-specific memes.
This is the one option we'd probably all be okay with
Doesn't /mu/ have rights to Varg though?
they do?
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Brantsteele confirmed then.

HG is good to go.
According to their page ( http://implyingrigged.info/wiki//mu/ ) Varg used to be a player but isn't any more. Perhaps any prospective /trash/ manager could ask the /mu/ team to let us have him.

Alternatively, we could make our Varg player something like "Stop Masturbating" or something else people post with him and /mu/ can keep theirs named just Varg. Other characters are shared by multiple teams, just represented by different memes.
yeah, that sounds like a good solution

also, for any prospective managers/testers/aesthetics people, everything you need to know to get started is at http://implyingrigged.info/wiki/FAQ
and again, if anyone who has Skype could contact our former managers and see if they might be able to come back, that would be great. Their contact info is on our current team page, http://implyingrigged.info/wiki/user:Janitor//trash/
Naming him "Stop masturbating" or just "Vargposting" would probably be the best option. Too much of a hassle to get in contact with /mu/ for something that isn't really necessary.
bump for more ideas
>I want to fuck the bunny
judy hopps
>the fox made me gay
nick wilde
>haha i hate myself
>52 flavors of fat thread
an icecream tub on legs
>wtf is tf2g?
a blank character wearing a spy's engineer disguise

my ideas for players
>t. Speedy
wtf no
I didn't even know who speedy was until I saw the post asking if he could be a player
Nobody cares. 4chan cup is rigged af.
so now that we've got a few ideas as to which players we want, we should probably start compiling a roster
what do you guys think?
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Shima from planet dolan might be a fun idea for a keeper since all we know is that she's safe. Back of the jersey could read "No Reward".

Also I'd like to suggest changing the logo. They're not exactly the nicest to look at and again were based on the first week of the boards life and what people thought it would be.
A while back I drew a shitty paint doodle of a trash jersey idea based on the Orix Buffaloes since they're one of the only relevant sports teams on /trash/.

Maybe but I don't think anything should be set in stone just yet.
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Shima is pretty popular on the board, I wouldn't object to that
however, we already had some asthetics from the last time we had a team. picrelated is the logo we were using, which imo is somewhat generic, but it does the job. I'm currently digging through the archives to find the uniforms we had
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Old manager here
This was the old roster
As you can see, it's quite outdated now, so we definitely need more suggestions
I can get to work on formatting a team for you peeps with your roster ideas.

We had a good shot back in the day, with a team that beat even mlp consistently in testing. But that was a long time ago. Anyone else here have actual PES experience?
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I am OMP, I don't want to manage but I could help with behind-the-scenes stuff. Of course the last time I touched PES was a long time ago too.
One last bump before I go to sleep.
I'll get in contact with my manager buddy and see if we can't get our old testing setup organised tomorrow. but for now, we still need player names to fill up the roster.

keep posting people
other old manager here

i would prefer that someone other than me would take up the mantle of lead manager, seeing as i almost never can take off on weekends, but i can try to help as much as i can.

heres the link to the old /trash/ team discord for all who are interested: https://discord.gg/0oZtwsePt3bQWvbE
nighttime boop
how is your covfefe tonight?
okay, so in terms of the roster suggestions in this thread so far, we've got:
Mr. Kown
If Trips
Aku (maybe)
Rebecca (I think that's her name)/ /trash/-tan
Haha I hate myself/Clem
something from /ztp/

what else?
That's more /pol/ terrtory that some phonetard spammed here each day for like two weeks.
wasn't there also that one basketball shoe that kept getting spammed here as well?
I've seen shoes, purses, and pics of garbage heaps spammed before. Unsurprisingly all by a phoneshitter, no doubt the same person.
there was one in particular, a yellow basketball shoe
oh well, I guess we can get all of those in there somehow
*sick bassline*

Lili StormStout
Something that would work well with Scaly threads

Danny Devito
danny devito was already a player and was replaced later on way back when we tried the first time
Instead of Brantsteele, we should replace him with Hoshi. He's one of HG's biggest personalities.


Kinda like Speedy, but HG's version. Brantsteele actually had little to do with the trash community.
Nice try gook. Fuck off.
Brantsteele is HG's rep and no one else.
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I posted it earlier but ">This isn't videogames" would probably go over well for a /scaly/ rep.

If someone can make a dragon's head blender like that, that would've been great.

Here;'s another part of suggestions:

Friendly Neighbourhood Drawfag
> You're OC
Freya Crescent
NPB Mascot (Belle would work I think. Good because /jp/ and /sp/ people will be all over that shit)
The pony rep should be Rarity as "Queen of Trash", thats the only one there should be.
Brant doesn't even know some of us exist and he doesn't even know trash exists. We're better off with a real HG rep and a sperg like you with personal issues shouldn't be speaking for the community.

The proof is in the Encyclopedia Dramatica pudding, Hoshi is marked deep in the lore of HG and is its rightful representative.
>Danny Devito
Neither of these represent /trash/'s board culture. Personally I think we should only include characters that represent /trash/ as it is today and not what people thought it would become when the board was less than a week old.

I second Buffalo Bell. And she even has her own song.
These are nice but I really think we need some new kits. Honestly I would like to see the team move away from anything that's just included because it's garbage themed.
does anyone here still think we should keep Penn Jillette? the fact that hes been in the sticky since day 1 should count for something right?
No we should get rid of him. He's not a /trash/ meme, he is literally an "any board but /trash/" meme and represents something the board intended to be but ultimately didn't become. /trash/ found it's own identity and our team should represent that and only that.
However it might be fun to have his severed head as a custom ball.
Nah , I remember seeing the shoe spammer post a screenshot of his script. Looked like it had something to do with proxies and shit
fair enough, lovin the ball idea
Add a sergal as

> Cheese wedge
late night bump
We need new managers. Our old ones sucked.
Manager of a current team here, you absolute madmen need to make this thing happen, I'm browsing your board for the first time in a long time and my god what an awful but wonderful place
>If Trips
he's generally known as "Trips Guy"
Soon to be/unofficial manager here

Learning everything I can about rules, modeling with blender, the game itself, and how to manage.

If everything goes well, I hope to make a name for /trash/. I plan on getting the newest version of PES asap so that I can begin to make a team, wish me luck.

I plan on entering the next spring fetus, if we're allowed to compete. By then I will have made a few models, a solid team, and possibly gathered hype from other members of the board.

I plan on being dedicated to the team, this is happening, trash will have a team.

Cheers friend. Let's make this team a good one.
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hmm I can see that, most teams have mostly board memes as players but some generic themed style players, if we fill the team with only board or even thread specific memes, then not only will other board goers but even fellow trashmen might not recognise our more vague characters. i think penn just makes too much sense and would be a mistake to lose, but oscar can definitely get the chop/
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I haven't seen a sergal thread in over a month. Maybe I'm intentionally blocking them out due to how shitty they are though.
bump so I can post when I get off work
bump for interest

how are things going? any progress?
yeah i know, i did a pretty bad job when i look back. either way i'm still around to help where i can
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/trash/ is the only board on 4chan where Penn memes are never posted. While other boards joke about sending ">you're waifu" or ">your opinion" to /trash/ none of that stays here for long because this board has it's own identity outside of the way the rest of the site sees us. I believe the further we distance ourselves from >le ebbin trashman meme the better we'll be.
As another anon mentioned earlier /trash/ is mostly isolated groups doing their own thing, Trying to make a player like Penn relate to the whole board will ultimately fail and end up relating to no one. We'd be better off having five flavours of fur or pony FOR FUCKS SAKE.
Ooops didn't mean to capslock that last bit.

Here's a tip from one of people involved in the cup: The more self-contained the memes are the less likely you will have commentators talking about you. You do need something that commentators can latch onto and play with. Everyone knows what BRRRRRRRRRT is even though not everyone goes to /k/, everyone knows who The Emprah is, hardly anyone can be accused of not knowing >sage and autism on /jp/ even though most of their players are closed circle memes. Hell even /mlp/ has >rape that for a person that doesn't watch the show can work as a sufficent anchor. And lastly the king of generals -/vg/ has GIT GUD, who everyone can relate despite knowing the flavours of /v/ autism this month.

If you want a team that will get at least a commentator or two talking about, have some "wide" board culture references. Just one or two. Don't fill it up with board-specific autism or you'll have rosters like /e/ or /c/ where people can't really hang onto something and colour commentate about.

You need your team to be talked about too, that will get you fans, instead of making something that looks like a merc team.
i say we should have Penn and >you're waifu in that case
hmm this, 2 or at least 1 kind of broader and recognisable player like this will help us get some fans early. and maybe get some more trash men for best board.
Suggestions for threads that seem popular:
animal crossing
the raging at shitty commission artists
tf2 general
pony/clop threads
fur threads
Hunger games

any more?
/co/ rejects
something related to the overflow from /d/?
fapping together threads
maybe something to do with the mexicans that got deported from /pol/ and started their own general here
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I see what you mean but Penn can never and will never be a relevant meme on /trash/ for obvious reasons. I don't care if the commentators don't get our players, it's not their fucking team. >le ebin trashman is irrelevant to the board culture and has no place on the team. If you want a player that other boards can recognize then make Buffalo Bell a medal.

We made suggestions for some of these already.
Bell is best mascot
>Hunger Games
Half the thread has been arguing over that. I don't follow HG so just read the thread
Personally I like >>9637722
Either "the fox made me gay" or "I want to fuck the bunny" seem like good ideas to me.

Sure. I mean the /mu/ threads are a lot more active but whatever.

Also reposting my idea for Shima being the keeper because we know she's safe.
>implying literally anyone outside of /trash/ and maybe /sp/ or /jp/ will even know who bell is
Bune should be the zootopia rep de.su senp.ai

>tf2 general
I'd prefer not, but if you want to, use Dotsy โ‰  cute. It's an elder meme from /vg/tf2g/ from long ago. /tf2g/ abandoned it, but to my knowledge, it still sees some use on tf2 general

1-2 is enough, trust me. Best to make them either Strikers or Midfielders (CMFs or AMFs) to make sure they will get a lot of spotlight. >you're waifu is a good pick cause the board has a good number of (rare) waifu threads and it's something a lot of people say all over the boards.

> Telemonster
Original enough
> animal crossing
Does /vg/ has animal crossing general still? Check if they do cause cross with /vg/ is not a good idea.
> the raging at shitty commission artists
Shitty Commission Artist would be great. You might want to hit up for the fat otaku blender and mod it.
> tf2 general
/vg/ overlay. Best not
> pokemon/pokephilia
/vp/ overlay. Needs to be creative to go through so no Gardevoir (/f/) and a lot of /vp/ memes are out. Any Pokemon that is insanely popular in this threads that could be used?
> pony/clop threads
You want this team to be hated more than it is right now?
> fur threads
Make the most obnoxiously retarded fursona the blender and everyone will love it and name it "My OC"
Best one so far. Instant bandwagon from /sp/ and /jp/.
> Hunger games
Good pick too. It's been already discussed
> towergirls
I want to say /tg/ overlap, but /tg/ is choke-full of 40ktisms that it doesn't even matter.
> Undertale
As far as I remember Undertale has a solid representation in /vg/. You could technically go with Asriel cause they don't have the gay goat there.

We have a good suggestion already

Lump them together. It's mostly Twokinds, Endtown and Poppy.

Someone suggested a player. Keep it to one though.

>Fapping together threads
Good idea for blenderless player but don't make him a PLACEHOLDER.

Good suggestion as well.


> I don't care if the commentators don't get our players, it's not their fucking team.

The joke is if you're gonna go with that attitude, you'll become an instant heel. /trash/ already has bad rep from the start so don't sink beyond /sp/ and /mlp/ in terms of arrogance. You can resign your 'not-representative' memes after 2 seasons (or have them stay on). Being a cocky bastard so early on will only hurt the team, that will already have a humongous problem getting relevance since "LE JOKE MEME TEAM XD :DD WHERE IS THE FLUSH XDD :DD".

You will need someone to latch onto the team and cheer them on. As I mentioned. /trash/ has a very bad rep amongst the booth for being /mlp2/, some people gave it a second chance though but never seen it as more than a board for 'chilled out old /b/' (which made them go from "bad" to "neutral". Also you want some good rep so you don't end up as /mlp/ with one of the streamers refusing to stream matches with /yourteam/. There's a lot of problems regarding the /trash/ team already and while I admire the enthusiasm and probably help you guys out, I see a lot of opposition and people saying that /trash/ has no attachment to the "chan culture" which proving them wrong is what you should do. Show that /trash/ is a nice chill board with friendly people, not a couple of faggots that despise the rest of the chan like /soc/.

Also yelling at commentators is never a good idea if you don't want to be a laughing stock like HT.
morning bump
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Wouldn't it be fitting to consider Yin as a player instead?
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Also I'm a member of the cup commitee /merit/, will hopefully try and push for /trash/ being a legit team for when the time comes in Autumn
Boris gave >us the nod, as did the positive response in that poll, so hopefully that's a step forward

Thanks (I know who you are), I know you tried helping /trash/ last year. Hopefully this year it will be /ouryear/.
What about the Tama anon?

Also to new /trash/ manager - play the game of PES17 around either 4-3-3 or 4-3-1-2, short, possession, wide if I remember. Tiki-Taka is good for this setup and avoid langball.

Also goal poachers were nerfed.
I have a suggestion. We could include a player rep for the Official Pony Thread, which, as it turns out, is the current home of a group of oldfags from old /b/, back when pony was allowed on /b/. They say that after the GR15 mass-exodus, they hid out on 8ch for a while, until they were eventually banned from there as well. After being banned from 8ch, they migrated here, and have stuck around ever since. Maybe they can have a player on the team with a name like "Old /b/ Hideout" or something

>avoid langball
have you been watching the same cup that I have? laangball actually works now.

> We could include a player rep for the Official Pony Thread, which, as it turns out, is the current home of a group of oldfags from old /b/, back when pony was allowed on /b/.

I understand the sentiment but as long as it doesn't picture /trash/ as /mlp2/ it will work

> have you been watching the same cup that I have? laangball actually works now.

It does fucking not. /lgbt/ won by crosses not langball. It's a diceroll because, passes can actually miss (In comparison to PES16). Against a weak team langball will work with some forward strikers and maybe midfielders, but for a team with good defence you're better with taking shots from inside of the box.
Don't put pony memes on the roster, unless they're very specific to /trash/.

/mlp/ is the pony board.
Marecock should be the only pony rep, seeing as that thread has had that name since the very start of the board, and it's got a little bit more 'personality' than random clop dump threads
Resident /4ccg/ shitposter here.
Has anyone here contacted /merit/ or anyone else who has a leading role in the cup yet since the recent events mentioned by OP? I'd like to see your team be made but hopefully you're not denied because you're not a listed board which is just an excuse for not letting you in because of the pony and furfag connections. You should get onto that soon so you don't build up hype, build a team and test for nothing, although the next eligible tournament for /trash/ is starting around October, with early October if there's a qualifier.
We're listed if you have frames enabled if that counts for anything.
Boris says he wouldn't mind /trash/ getting a chance
Smugleaf is actively pro-/trash/
Sou is most likely anti-/trash/
Dunno about the rest

Sou is super anti-/trash/ and possibly would refuse to stream their matches. At this point really people are tired of Sou's antics in that regard, so...

I think DB, JBFit are not opposed. Hell even Leaf said he would be okay with it.
>leaf said he'd be okay with it
he's the one who denied us a team, iirc. He was the commish at the time

He said it cause of the poll now.

I know what happened back in a day, I was here waiting to help with aesthetics.
hey its janitor, i had contacted you back then right?

Nope, but I know who you're talking about. I'm his buddy, he'll be back from his trip on Sunday or Monday, poke him then. He currently does shit for /int/ (as do I) but I think he'll be happy to help.
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awesome, make sure you guys join the discord so we can keep in touch

also bumping with a ridiculous design we had for one of our players

Is the contact info on the wiki still working?
I've been following the 4cc since 2012, and I'd 100% be happy to see a /trash/ team that represents the board. The whole 4ccg-core thing that the /trash/ team is right now pisses me off because there's more board interest here than for the majority of porn boards.

So yeah, make a team already.
Currently doing aesthetics for a couple of other teams but I started out wanting to do them for here. I'm still willing to do some modeling and stuff.
I don't care about proving anything to anyone I just want a team that represents /trash/ and not one that makes a futile attempt to the other boards. Honestly I don't know why not caring what the commentators think of the team struck such a nerve with you, It seems like a completely reasonable sentiment to me.
fuckoff speedy
Yeah considering the bitching about "no fans FC," "merc management," and actual board interest, here you've got a board that's genuinely interested with more fan support than a lot of current teams.
Rum is MIA, so good luck with that.

My skype got nuked, but i still have the same steam account and i'm in the discord server
gonna fix the contact info right now
so are we gonna have any players refrencing the cumming on birds thread?
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boi its happening
Can we get El Chavo to represent the /basurero/ threads?
im ok with this
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do you happen to remember a way to find that in the archive? kinda curious desu
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You know who we should have on our roster?
Normal guy.

He's just a normal guy.
No ties to the board, no nothing, just a normal dude for no reason other than having a normal guy on our team
On a team of Aku's and likely eldritch-ly hideous, fatass furries, to just have some random fucking guy running around would be great, even if only to serve as a frame of reference to the bullshit going on around him.

That and I'd be curious if the other boards end up thinking that it's actually some ebin maymay that /trash/ created that they simply don't understand, when in reality, of course it's nothing.

pic related is a google result for "normal guy"
that is the most normal guy I've ever seen.
Astoundingly normal
i'd be down for adding him to the team
Fuck yeah
Normal guy for life
This is stupid, no.

And we can cut the shit on avatarfags early.
An important question is who are our medals? Who is the team captain?

I'm liking this idea mostly because we can laugh at /soc/ this way.
If we're going to keep the idea of that Penn Jillete, >you're waifu, and >The Flash are still sticking around, we are probably going to keep them as medals. Captain wise, Penn is probably the best choice.
as much as i like >the flash, i want nothing to do with the shitty wooden spoon team
nice quads senpai.
The Flash scored though. He's free from purgatory.
so is he off the wooden spoon team then?
it is stupid, but I don't think that makes it bad
I believe the commentators said during the game that since The Flash scored, he was freed from the team and /k/ would need to offer a player in his place. Not sure how official the rule is or if it'll actually be enforced though.
you have got to remember /ourtrash/ isn't the same as the wooden spoon team. we will have completely new players since none of the actual wooden spoon team (except >the flash) was chosen by us. so the flash being on the team again is unlikely unless enough people ask for him to be put on again. which probably won't happen. If they keep the idea of a wooden spoon team and have shitty players from all the board, the new wooden spoon would take the /k/ player.
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I sure as fuck cannot deny those quads, but the flash has meant something for /trash/ for quite a bit. As far as banter goes, though, I've loved him on the team. To hell with their pseudo rules about taking /k/ player.
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Telemonster seems like it's going to be in the team since it's been around in trash forever, but who would be the telemoster rep in the team? I'm not familiar with the threads or show, so you guys need to give us some suggestions.
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If we're gonna be generic and just have a character player
Alright, I'll use this as a placeholder for now unless you come up with something better.
Yeah Yossi is bae, could ask the thread in future days though
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Please keep a tulpa representative on the roster, >we've been around since the start of /trash/ and it's a fun thing that even cup viewers who don't browse /trash/ will be able to understand.

I remember the old manager came to our threads and asked us about who we'd like on the roster, I'm glad he's stuck around despite all the shit the 4ccc has thrown at the board.
I'm not against this, at the moment not many threads have put themselves forward for a player. So I'll definitely put you in.
This is a novel idea
Also still kinda salty when they pulled the rug out from under us the first time. Im not buying the hyp
None of these belong on the team let alone as medals. Board relevant characters only.
we've established that we are going to use a couple of generic players that other boards can look at and recognise as trash. famalam

We are probably going to cut the flash but we need good representations of trash from a non /trash/ goers perspective. maybe not penn or you're waifu but they are the best we have.
We haven't established shit. You made that point and I made mine. None of the other boards are suddenly going to latch onto trash just because there's a meme they recognize so why bother. Make trash a team that represents /trash/ and not one that tries to gain favor from other boards. And even if we do end up with non trash meme characters they most certainly not be medals.
Calm down guys. We can get around to players later, we don't have enough players to fill a team yet, let alone rule any out. if you want to use your autism productively you can suggest more players or point some of the generals our way so they can suggest their own players.
Does /tup/ even have anything that would make a good player? The current iteration of the general seems to be much more laid back than it was back on /mlp/.
What do you think about this?

Goalkeeper: Shitty commission artists

Defenders: Speedy, Rebecca, [something from /tlhg/ or Zootopia]

Midfielders: Haha I hate myself, Aku, Shoespammer

Forwards: Trips Guy, Vargposting, Mr. Kown
Bench: Breadposter, HG, /co/ rejects
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Not a huge fan myself but it's not bad

Its missing
>NPB rep
Buffalo Bell?
>Scaly rep
Someone suggested >>9637722
>ZTP rep
not missing but should be "I want to fuck the bunny" or "the fox made me gay"
>Shima as a keeper
Am I the only one who finds the "We don't know where she is but we know she's safe" joke make her a perfect candidate for a keeper?
>Tulpa rep
I don't think one's been suggested yet but it was requested
>Pony rep
Pony is a huge part of /trash/ whether you like it or not. Either Rarity, marecock or something for the pony thread.

Players I would (personally) change
Is this really relevant enough to warrant a position let alone as a forward?
Does anyone really go "oh yeah those shoe and handbag spams are great, /trash/ would be much worse off without them". Also I think this is just asking for more spam.
>Trips guy
Not saying he doesn't belong I just don't like him. Make him a defender or something at least.
>Mr Kown
Best generic player imo, but what would his goalhorn even be I'd really like to kown.
>Shitty commission artists
Not sure if this is the best representative for the drawfag threads. Maybe I'm wrong.
I thought someone said he was already on /co/?

As you can probably tell I have a huge bias towards thread/community representatives over generic meme characters. /trash/ is really more a group of smaller communities and isn't like other boards (except maybe /vg/ in a way) and I feel our team should reflect that. That's just me though let me know what you think.
>Trips guy
>first /trash/'s meme
>a defender
>all these players being listed
>no Trish
dammit, at least keep some remnant of old /trash/. she's still relevant as board-tan even though most have forgotten her, too.
also agreeing with the changes in >>9691532, though I'd keep the shoespammer just due to his infamy and kown because he's the one spam-ish meme that isn't purely obnoxious and is recognizable. shitty commission artists is just boring and not a good representative player for the drawfag threads at all, and vargposting and aku are both firmly from other boards.
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Hey bud, it's no problem. My tuppers mean a lot to me, even after all the time I've had them. Least I can do is represent >us. But for now I'm not sure if I'll be an acting manager, it's a little up in the air for me. But I totally trust the mates I started this with. If it's okay, I'd like to recommend Self-Induced Schizorphrenia for our player like before.
It isn't just that though, there are so many teams that I forgot even existed because their whole roster is just in jokes and thread memes. All the iconic and fan favorite teams have players based on brauder more understood memes. I have 3 example players. 1: Brantsteele, the HG rep, only people from the hunger games thread will know who they are (I think) 2: trips guy, pretty much everyone on the board will know this. 3: penn, if you can find anyone on the chan not familiar I'd be surprised. Having all 3 of this type of player will surely mean we get the most fans, and if you think this should be making a winning team for le meme cup over banter and comfy shenanigans you're wrong.
I'm not saying there should be a lot, or that they should be medals, but having FUCKING TWO people on our team that represent the image isn't going to hard >muh board culture.
Also can't tell if Shima fag or not, but I do agree Shima should be on team
Just think he'd be "defending" the legacy of trash's early days. eh? eh?

I can see your point with shoespammer and I do like mr. kown I was just wondering what kind of goalhorn he'd have as a forward (if any).
Also yeah I forgot all about trish. I'd love to see her as a blender
>Not sure if this is the best representative for the drawfag threads. Maybe I'm wrong.

Because you're wrong as fuck. It's the artist whine threads.

The drawhtreads are speedy, but best would be Friendly Neighbourhood Drawfag instead of giving Speedy ANY limelight.
what about /basurero/ reps
>>9684370 Sounds good
completely ok with putting self-induced back on the roster
Vote for players in this poll:
shit i forgot to vote in el chavo for the basuero guys
Hey sweet, although can I point somethings out?
First of all it wants me to pick 12 players for the starting lineup instead of the intended 11.
Also Nick wilde and judy hops should be the same option as otherwise we may get a large number of votes for both combined, indicating a strong desire to have a zootopia rep on the team, but potentially not enough to have either. Same goes for NPB mascot and Buffalo Bell.
You know where to find the source code?
I'm absolutely glad Devito is on this roster, he will carry our degenerate asses to victory
OK, thanks.

> Rebecca
> Not Trish

Are you this new.
It isn't about making fans from other boards or making a winning team for the meme cup. It's about making a team that represents /trash/. Penn is literally >>>/anyotherboard/. If we cut him out now he can go be on the wooden spoon team where he honestly belongs.

What the fuck does he have to do with modern /trash/?

Not super into the idea of a poll right now anyways but I guess it'll give us an idea. However keep in mind that the answers we get from this thread probably won't represent the whole board.

No like seriously,are you this new poll-maker? Because the tan name's is Trish, a fat gross possum. It's always have been and I'm not sure who this Rebecca is. Modern /trash/ my arse you cunt.

Stop pretending you're the manager, cause the more you talk the more you sound like a merc.
Not the poll maker but they're both on there. Trish is the racoon and Rebecca is the opossum I believe.
>Trish is the racoon and Rebecca is the opossum I believe.
can someone post a pic of this Rebecca raccoon girl? I've seriously never heard of her and have no clue what she's related to on the board.
Poll maker here.
When I try to change names, it clears all votes for both players, so I decided to leave it.
I'm not sure where you got that anon, Trisha is the opposum. I do t know of any reference to a raccoon or a Rebecca
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You don't seem to know much about /trash/, so perhaps you shouldn't be going around making polls and proclamations. This is Trish. I have no clue who this Rebecca is.

If you don't believe us, feel free to check the archive.
You're right I mixed up the names sorry. But like I said I didn't make the poll or suggest the players.

I only vaguely remember a thread about her once so she might not be relevant.
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Is there any chance that we will get to keep Horse Pussy for the pony player?
It would be nice to keep the goalhorn.
Marecock could have a cool goalhorn too though.
I didn't make the poll and I'm not pretending to be the manager I'm just putting my two cents in. And seriously what the fuck DOES danny devito have to with the /trash/ nowadays? The board was less than a week old when he was put on the roster and /trash/ has developed it's own culture since then. I don't think it's unfair to say that those memes and characters that were made before anyone even knew what the board would be like aren't representative of the board.
I'm sorry to say that /d/ already uses that song for their player Horsecock. We'll look like copycats.
Oh shit you're right. Oh well
Bump pa rump
on you go, back to the top
late night (early morning?) bumping
bout to start my first round of testing. smells like progress
I support this
fukin' saved
meme medal defenders confirmed to be shite
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godspeed anon
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Ok, tictacs wise me and Janitor are well under way coming up with something competitive that we could use in Autumn. He's got extensive knowledge in real sportball while I have vidya autism. Together we made quite a competitive team before we got the chop so hopefully, with help from the kind anons in our very lovely discord *cough cough* we might have a good shot at not sucking ass.
I love this
saved by pizza dog
Nice /trash/ channel.
Saving this from the brink once again
does anyone know if /merit/ has made a decision yet?
Not really, we're talking about other shit in the meantime
It'll probably be a yes unless Sou ends up commish or something lel
I hate page 10s
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did we win dac up?
Anyone have screencap of why Rarity is Queen of /trash/?
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Never mind, found it
Quite anticlimatic desu
Most first week trash memes are. Kind of like this fucking team.
just got back from work, its time to start second night of testing. got some spicy memes i wanna try out
Avatarfags should absolutely NOT be on the team. They literally some faggot who posts using a character, and at worst fucking pretends to be them. We had this last time with futa antho trixie, literally who fucking cares about them. In 4 months time when the avatarfags have stopped posting who's going to defend them being on the team? It's fucking retarded that you would neglect using penn, oscar and >you're waifu over some jackass who posts in threads. It doesn't represent anything, let alone /our culture/
Go to 2:58 in this bideo :D and tell me how fucking pathetic it would be having an avatarfag represent us in this way. You faggots better stop oven suggesting avatarfags here. Even if they are suggesting themselves or are being suggested by other people it's still retarded.
at least the avfags are an actual part of the board
Penn barely is, if at all, Oscar is also barely related, and >you're waifu is from /a/.
I'd rather have a player represent an actual part of the board.
How is being part of the board a parameter? Just because they have, at some point posted in the board? Fuck off, being a faggot who posts on here doesn't make you better recognisable and better team material than penn. You have penn, a glorious man well known even outside of the chan for trash, and a faggot who posts on a board with an avatar. You do understand how stupid it would be to have an avatarfag when we have literal gold just sitting there. If you had never been to trash and you saw they had a player named speedy. Then at literally any other team and any other player. You would see why there players are relevant, even if you don't know them. How the fuck is some avatarfag even going to represent us. Forget penn, that's a different argument, avatarfags are just stupid. When autumn comes around no one will know or care any any of the current avatar fags are.
As (kind of) an avatarfag myself I have to agree with you, individual anons can't do justice in representing the board. Also I'm kind of curious as to why you brought this up since no one (to my knowledge) suggested any avatarfags as players.

On a separate note Penn, Oscar and >you're waifu represent no one. They have nothing to do with /trash/ as a board and therefore should have nothing to do with the team.

/trash/ is mostly a collection of smaller communities and we should focus on representing as many of those communities as we can instead of making bland memes that no one on the board can get behind save the 4ccg faggots.
the team is supposed to represent the board, not the concept of trash.
Penn is only relevant to /trash/ the board because he's on the sticky. That's it, nothing else. Meanwhile, Avatarfags have been on the board since its inception, have stuck around, and are an actual part of the board. Should the Avfag player be a medal? Absolutely not, i'll agree with you on that. I wouldn't want them being one of the more representantive aspects of the team, and Avfags really aren't that big of a part of /trash/ culture. But my point stands that they still are a part of /trash/ culture, while Penn really isn't. Also, have you not gotten the memo that we won't be sucking dicks just to get /4ccg/ to like us? It's /4ccg/, they're going to hate us no matter what.
>forget penn
You're goddamn right we should forget him, he's not a /trash/ meme. Sack him, sack oscar and sack any other bullshit non/trash/ maymay in favor of fucking anyone else. I'll take a random avatarfag over a shit character that doesn't represent the fucking board.
>all this drama
There are 23 players on the team guys, how about we have a character that isn't directly an avatarfag, but generalises them. Like a player named "salty avatarfag" we could use the tf2g idea of having the tg2 spy's mask on said character. But we could have the flavour of the month avatarfag on it.
I personally think penn should be on the team, he's a good meme and can be looked at as an opertunity for our battlecry or cheer. Trash gets posted here, but we aren't trash, we are the trash men. We handle the trash, therefor we take out the trash when we play games and kick ass. If penn isn't going to be a player we better have an ascii to spam with penn putting our opponents in the trash.
speaking the truth
How bout one of those blue people from that movie from a few years back that everyone shit their pants over.
I'm with this. Don't give attention whores attention.
just captured this gem
not on my watch
>this isn't videogames
>We don't need five fat threads
>haha I hate myself
>I want to be a tama
>single-poster "general"
>Webcomic Thread
>Knight and Dragon
>HG threads
>daily reminder that krystal is not a starfox character
>Danny Devito

I love trash from Sesame Street

Try Everything from Zootopia

Toxic Avenger theme

The trapman trash remix
Voting for 'Addicted to Marecock' as a player
>this isn't videogames
>We don't need five fat threads
not really a good name, could shorten it to >5 thicc threads
>haha I hate myself
yeah good
>I want to be a tama
I'm not familiar so I can't say yes or no
>single-poster "general"
preddy much :D
ummm, what.
>Webcomic Thread
a bit generic, /co/rejects would cover this
>Knight and Dragon
wouldn't towergirls cover this? could be tower girls players shirt name
>HG threads
how about "avatarfag general"
>daily reminder that krystal is not a starfox character
>Danny Devito
Hell yeah.

I'm indifferent, it works
could work as a zoop goalhorn, is there a better song in the movie that could fit or is a bit more hype? I'm unfamiliar
who would this be for? or is it a general goalhorn?
not a bad victory anthem, but I prefer what we already had.
What if its just a severed head with the neck no clipping through the grass thinking the tupper player above them in a thought bubble.
this is amazing
we need someone to try this.
>no Trish
drop the Krystal one and put Trish there, and along with what another anon responded with this is pretty alright

>we don't need 5 fat threads

Was that a regular thing or was that post with the screaming salandit the first one you saw? Because I vote for that one out of self interest.
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what about faceface?
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I'd actually like these, but I doubt they'd gain much traction due to being so old
could maybe get Whorb as the ball, though
Andrew Dobson's inflated bear should be a ball
It'd still be nice to have them on the team, though
they are originally and uniquely /trash/, so they'd represent the board better than >you're waifu or Oscar
>>you're waifu or Oscar
They should be banned, nothing to do with the board at all
Rarity/Tomoko (Queens of /trash/) are a more meaningful substitute to the former, but definitely don't have Oscar
Ok guys
We have determined that we are going to have a Zootopia and a NPB player in the team.
But we would like to determine who would represent these threads. You can vote in the following poll with your suggestion for either.
Jan and I will have a look at the results tomorrow so you will have to vote before then. We will have more polls like this soon when we lock down more player choices.
>Not naming the grand shitposters of /trash/ Swifty, that one guy from infamous shitposter from /hg/, /par/ shitposters

I think namefags arent allowed to be players iirc
that's only on certain teams, and it's those teams' personal policies

You're allowed to, but most teams don't because namefags don't deserve the attention.
>literally who, literally who, literally who

Also putting my 2ยข on whether or not namefags should be on the roster: /trash/ doesn't have names. No namefags allowed.
>But milky's namescript!
/trash/ doesn't have names. No namefags allowed.
So... songs?

Caravan Palace - lone digger

Miike Snow - Animal

Star Wolf Theme

It's hip to fuck bees

Ken ashcorp - Touch fluffy tail

Or just random furry edm?

Bloodhound gang - The bad touch
Forgot NIN - fuck you like an animal

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