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What ever happened to the tulpa threads? Did they finally die?

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Thread replies: 294
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What ever happened to the tulpa threads? Did they finally die? Why?

New Tulpa thread.
They didn't die, some faggot just forgot to bump the thread and no one else made a new one

What are you fags doing with your tulpa(s) today?
I am going to draw little ponies with my little pony tulpa and later watch my little pony with my little pony tulpa.
Well, if that's the case then it does sound like they're dying. Last time I was here, they used to be very very active and thriving.
It's more like spurts of activity now, but it's been like this for months.

They're not dying though, last thread has 50 unique IPs, around the same as always for halfway through a thread
>had amazing tulpa few years ago
>stopped tulpamancing
>lonely again
>want to start again
>cant because my flat is a dump
>tulpa would probably panic is he saw it
>have no energy to clean
You need someone to kick you in your lazy bum
Why stop if you enjoyed him?
Why not clean your place? Can't be that bad
True, thanks for the push
I got friends and they consumed most of my free time so tulpa stuff just shriveled off.
My flat is hoarder/biohazard levels of bad.

Currently looking for garbage bags in this mess
Maybe watching some anime or reading a book. I'm bad at finding activities that are engaging without being so engaging that they consume my whole attention.
>tfw you miss your self induced schizophrenia so much that its your main reason to clean your flat
Was watching this video a few moments ago.

Considering how schizophrenia gets thrown around so much that it's literally a meme at this point, it's interesting to see how real schizophrenia looks.
/tup/ - Tulpa Thread
You faggots let it die again.

>What are tulpas?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you.
More info: http://www.tulpa.info/faq/

>What guides do you recommend?
Check these out: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-new-great-big-list-of-guides

Ask questions and get answers, or discuss tulpas in general.

Other Guides

Tulpa Wiki's Guides: http://tulpa.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Guides
Tulpa General Guide List: http://pastebin.com/SrAWPTKZ (embed) (embed) (embed)
The No-Bullshit Tulpa Book: https://farcaller.gitbooks.io/nbtb/content/

Textbooks about Mental Training: http://pastebin.com/i6k1teit (embed) (embed) (embed)

Soundscape Tools

MyNoise: https://mynoise.net/
A Soft Murmur: http://asoftmurmur.com/
>Subvocalization, or silent speech, is the internal speech typically made when reading; it provides the sound of the word as it is read.
>This inner speech is characterized by minute movements in the larynx and other muscles involved in the articulation of speech.

Whenever I try practicing mindvoice, I find myself doing this. And it just occurred to me that the reason auditory hallucinations feel so different might just be that I'm not unconsciously subvocalizing them: I perceive them as hearing something rather than trying to hear something.

Anyone noticed this distinction? I guess I should try to cut the habit and focus on "listening" when I practice mindvoice, but it's really tough. I can sort of "listen" to a song that's fresh in memory, but when it gets fuzzy, it's like I start patching up with subvocalization, as if I'm trying to generate how it should sound based on my memory of the lyrics, rather than remembering how it actually sounds. Maybe it would help to listen to music in a language I don't understand.
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Dead thread?
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Bumping. At the laundromat with Rosa. She's bored and sitting on the bench beside me leaning her head on her hand, staring at the dryer as the clothes spin. As I type this in on my phone she turns to look at me and asks what I'm doing. I don't answer and keep typing. She looks over at the phone. She says to tell everyone to post something they wish they could be doing right now instead of what they're doing.
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Being private security on a boat and protecting it from somalians.

Instead I sit here posting on a mongolianice throat singing forum while talking to friends.
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She says to "get your ass in the wonderland and do that instead."
She's been spending more time with me since I found out she was my first. She looks so bored though. Right now she's drumming on her thighs with her eyes closed. Humming.
Working. It's been weeks and I still don't have a schedule.
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Forced while riding the bus today. Just sat and talked, but it was very comfy.

picture unrelated
not being alive desu senpai
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What do you guys think the future holds for tulpamancy? Is it a trend that'll just die in time? Or will it grow and eventually get some sort of mainstream attention? Or do you think it'll just stay pretty much where its at in a niche area of the internet?
"Probably the last one. Most people are too stupid to actually try to learn about this shit. They'll most likely just think people are crazy, anyway. It's better it just stays on the internet in some ircs 60 people visit total."
it'll take some time and then one of the two things happen:
1. media warns the people of the crazy cringy internet degenerates, using the most cringiest examples of someone they can find about the topic

2. some serious studies can prove it like they did with lucid dreaming

i want to be on a mountain top right now, and she wants to bake pancakes
>media warns the people of the crazy cringy internet degenerates, using the most cringiest examples of someone they can find about the topic
Pretty much this, though I honestly hope some serious research gets put into this concept.

I mean we all can't forget this nightmate.
I see it growing organically, but plateauing at some point because it's a little out of the comfort zone for most people. Might inspire more jokes about people with imaginary friends in mainstream media, but I don't think most people will bother to learn much beyond the shallow first impression they'd get of the phenomena.
I can see the MSM saying that it's dangerous in some way in some kind of cautionary tale about detachment from reality or some shit. "Tonight at 11, teens are finding its more fun in a world dominated by technology and social media, to play with THEMSELVES. The new trend sweeping the nation."
I hated that representation of tulpamancy... even though it's meant well, they found a tumblrite male-looking tranny with a foxkin tulpa to represent tulpamancy to the mainstream masses. I don't know what I was expecting, honestly.
I agree that most people find it kind of scary at first. They naturally jump to conclusions about the mental health of the person, because "hearing voices" has been synonymous with crazy for a long time.
Do tulpas dream? Do they experience the host's dreams? Can they appear in the host's dreams? Does dreaming feel any different from being in the wonderland to them?
I actually had my oldest visit me in a lucid dream a few weeks ago. It happens sometimes. Pretty rarely.
They'll say all tulpamancers are neo nazis or alt right
I mean my Hitler tulpa keeps telling me to gas the Jews over and over and something about the white race being protected and the future of them or whatever. That doesn't mean I'm a Nazi, right? I mean.......
Trust him. Tulpas only want the best for their hosts.
I would like it to end up on a similar level as lucid dreaming: "Very few can do it, science knows that it works, but it gets overall little attention." That would be perfect.
I doubt it will die, but I also don't think it will ever have broad appeal. I just hope that someday it will be well-known enough for the negative stigma to die, even if it stays niche.
I am altright kek
Sit outside with your tulpa and stare up at the stars. Think about how huge the world is and everything in it. Think about all the things that led you to this moment together. Your discovery, your creation, your determination. Now think about how lucky you are to have them. Life is short and unfair, but you have grasped a bit of happiness for yourself and created it in your mind through your own will and volition. Do not take them for granted. This thread will probably die before anyone sees this, but it's my two cents about the majesty that is tulpamancy, which cannot be truly expressed in such short a character limit.
live please tulpa thread
I always wanted to make a tulpa, but I still don't know how to do it, even with the guides...

Step one, RP on 4chan in such a cringe-worthy way that even the ERP people wince when they see your thread.
Step two, post about it.
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Any interesting situations youve had while visualizing and building a new tulpa? Any conflicts or complications?
>pic related is new tulpa
Well I did keep getting these weird phone calls in the wonderland. They seemed innocent enough at first. Go here, graffiti that. Then, they started getting threatening if I didn't do what they asked. Also, In kept seeing this weird guy in a rooster mask?
Why would you make the homocidal doctor of tf2 your tulpa?
My tulpa was supposed to be calm, pondering young male dragon.
What i got was joyfull juvenile female rascal dragon with very short term planning style of living, She is better companion than i had imagined, I love how she has no worries and lovingly teases me.
Hes my Waifu
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If i told you my gender situation you wouldnt want me here
FTM confirmed, thanks for playing lady now let's see those fresh tits! TIMESTAMP OR COME ON AND SLAM
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I'm just starting to get into this. I heard about Tulpas like 4 years ago and I want to revisit it and really go through with it. I've got some questions.

>Active Forcing is hard. I try closing my eyes and focusing but it's really difficult and I tend to get distracted. I've tried playing calming music but it doesn't help by a massive amount. Any tips?
>I'm struggling to create my wonderland. So far I've visualized a hill with a tree above it and a sunset glow behind but trying to walking into the wonderland makes me slip back into this void. I think this goes hand in hand with the first question
>I'm making absolutely sure not to parrot or puppet them. I'll ask a question, wait briefly then continue with another question. Am I doing it right?
>How long did it take you to first get a response from your Tulpa?
>Favourite food?

>Active Forcing is hard. I try closing my eyes and focusing but it's really difficult and I tend to get distracted. I've tried playing calming music but it doesn't help by a massive amount. Any tips?
Learn how to meditate. It's hard and very frustrating to do at first but it will help phenomenally with all other aspects of tulpa creation. Try to work on meditating to the point where you're in a trance-like state for at least 5 minutes.
>I'm struggling to create my wonderland. So far I've visualized a hill with a tree above it and a sunset glow behind but trying to walking into the wonderland makes me slip back into this void. I think this goes hand in hand with the first question
The wonderland suddenly shifting away like this is a type of errant thought. Meditating deeply before working on wonderland creation can help with this issue.
>I'm making absolutely sure not to parrot or puppet them. I'll ask a question, wait briefly then continue with another question. Am I doing it right?
Yes, you are.
>How long did it take you to first get a response from your Tulpa?
The first vocal response for me was around a month of solid forcing 5 days a week for 1 hour each.
>Favourite food?
Orange peel chicken.
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>Learn how to meditate.
okay then. follow up question. how?
Google is your friend here
Okay which one of you glorious bastards is letting your imaginary pony friend play in /erp/ right now?
Well!! You're right
Haha, yes! My accuracy in judging the inner workings of other people over the internet knows no bounds. I am going to plow my tulpa raw now, be sure to have those tits ready with the timestamp when I get back babe. Also: AND WELCOME TO THE JAM
seems like your autism also has no bounds
not that unusual for denizens of this thread, or board for that matter.
Wow what an amazing comment *tips hat* m'lady. I am bewildered by your sharp wit, it is almost as sharp as my penis dick that I insert into my pencil sharpener tulpa. I would ask that you leave us in peace. Good day, and happy blessings to your shiez3n doct0r for his "le credit" to the team.
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Is it possible to have interactions with mental representations of your tulpas that aren't the tulpas themselves? Like, suppose you're daydreaming and a stray thought about your tulpa melting pops into your head and makes you imagine your tulpa's form melting. Does your tulpa experience anything?
To clarify, I want to know if everything you picture happening to your tulpas form is necessarily experienced by your tulpa or if there's some way to prevent that from happening. Do I need to keep my daydreams in check to make sure I don't accidentally hurt my tulpa?
This is a question that I've always found especially difficult in my tulpamancy experience. Essentially what you're asking is where the line is drawn between thinking about your tulpa and actually interacting with them in a mental space. Is there even a difference? I don't know.

All I can really say is what I go by personally for situations like these. If my tulpa believes that the image was actually them, then it happened. If they don't believe it, then it was just a thought I was having, not a representation of them.

I can see how that might feel like a cop-out to many people, though. If you're struggling with this, I'd suggest talking about it with tour tulpa through any means you can. If they aren't vocal yet, then give yourself the benefit of the doubt and don't believe that these mental images are representations of harm to your tulpa.
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I love my tulpa more than you love yours.
Thnks for the advice, man. Been forcing for less than a week, had some stray lewd thoughts while forcing two nights ago and that got me wondering about this.
How the heck can a paid killer who loves mutilating people be someone's waifu?
Nonsense. I live only for my tulpa and I idealize her as some sort of beautiful guardian angel. Most of the day I spend doing things with or for her.
I bet you don't even come close to that.
What if we're all tulpas and God is our host?
Bakana. I will spend the rest of our days creating a wonderful life for her because she is a goddess. Whatever you tell me you do I'll just do harder because I am determined to show her how much I need her and care for her.
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Mainly asking hosts with human/oid tulpas but i guess pony fags can answer. I'm having trouble visualizing my tulpa whenever i talk to her. If I'm sitting and there are no empty chairs nearby for her to sit then I visualize her standing up but that feels so awkward. Also sitting close together in a hug like scenario is also awkward. If I'm lying down on a small bed every visualization i think off is incredibly awkward. If she is on top of me (non lewd) then I can't move. She's not a fan of shrinking down in size. I feel most comfortable talking to her when i am walking or when we are in the wonderland.
first of all it's imposition you're talking about, not visualization (which is in the wl). second of all, go look at some contour art or just pictures of people who look like your tulpa sitting down in chair and stuff. honestly if you can visualize your tulpa in the wonderland sitting you can impose your tulpa sitting though, i don't get the disconnect.
ok thanks i was mixing up the terms. and its not that i have trouble with imposition it's that there are situations that i can be in where imposition does not feel right. for example if I am in a room and there are no empty chairs in my immediate vicinity where should I impose my tulpa? I normally impose them standing up but then when I look at them I have to strain or turn around. another example is if you are in a car or bus and there are no spare seats. basically i'm asking when you impose in a crowded area or an area where your tulpa would stand out if she were physically real, where would they be imposed? I know that I don't have to impose and i could mind speak but i like seeing them.
i really don't know, you might just have to not impose them in those situations
How do you do information sharing with your tulpa?
My tulpa does not know everything i know and he cant browse my memories or knowledge.
We share "info packets" mentaly when explaining something is too hard or would require too much time but most of the time we talk about what intrest him and dont use info packets as a crutch.
yeah thats what i thought. I was just hoping that there was a way that i didn't think of. these situations limit how much time i spend with her a lot.
sitting on desks or something? I don't know.
tried it. it felt wierd because i'm not used to talking to people while sitting on a desk.
She knows everything that I know, not sure about her application of knowledge. I can solve a rubix cube and she knows how to solve one as well. but she hasn't. There are a lot of things that are easy to know but require practice to actually do. So she still needs experience.
Mine kbkws everything I know as well. However I feel like she had memories of her own life that I don't and I wouldn't know how to access them.
Impose an extra seat?
I am impressed, but my own love for my tupper knows no bounds. You will never defeat me, Kakkorot.
I feel your pain. My tulpa either tries lying on the table I am sitting on, if it is big enough, or sitting on the ground before me, if there is enough space. If nothing really works comfortably, then wonderland hugs it is.
I saw her, /tup/. Standing out the corner of my eye, coulda missed her. But I did it. Holy shit.
Its a magical moment, congratulations
my poor little oscar got a fungal infection a couple days ago and i thought it was just a burn mark....oh well its being treated now

oh yeah, forgot to mention all this time, me and erin are really into pet fish, saltwater and fresh.
When imposing do you talk out loud or do you use internal monolog?
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for the glory of satan of course
Hugging my tulpa is a great feeling. You guys should do the same and all also hug my tulpa.
My tulpa has more hugging ability, being a spider girl.
My tulpa has fluffier and nicer hugs, being a floofy pony that can not only huggle with her fore legs, but also with her feathery wings all at the same time.
Bakana, my tulpa has Web softer than silk.
I hope I'm not mistaken but when I looked up stuff about tulpas I saw that you could "exchange" bodies for a certain time, I wanted to know if anyone tried it or if it's just bullshit
Also, what would the best place to learn about tulpas ?
read the OP
Oh right I didn't see that post earlier
if i did impose i would be using thoughtspeak, i gave up on it halfway in though because i stopped caring. got results though.

thats called switching, as far as i can tell it only works if you can completely disconnect from your own body, which isn't really an easy task. posession is both of you being in control at the same time and much easier to do.
Interesting, thanks for the response
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shit, sorry, forgot that we have no OP today
Lot of loyalty for a hired tulpamancer.
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>If we must continue to share this brain space, I think I should have a name. Strange, so rare an opportunity to select ones own nomenclature, and yet I find myself at a loss. Any ideas, monkey?
>So much storage in this mind of yours. Did you realize you have an entire section in here devoted to film titles? Three thousand one hundred and three and a half films you've seen? You only have the first half of It's a Wonderful Life in here. Huh, how does it end? Now I'll never know!
>You know, Clarence, that's not a bad handle. I am something of a guardian angel.
Do the majority of pony fags make their tulpa with a horse cock? Legit question.
I have never seen a pony tulpa with any kind of penis before. They are usually pretty vanilla.
But I am sure you will find one if you ask around.
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You mean to tell me that it's possible to make a pony tulpa without giving them a big, juicy marecock?

Intriguing concept. I don't think it's possible, though.
I wanna say most make them female. Considering they are in the show.
i only hug my tulpa when i'm sad and need someone to hold and comfort me. i don't think i've actually hugged her when i was happy.
That's awful.
it depends on your pov. i'm not too big on physical contact and irl hugs only happen whenever something bad happens to you (only when you're young and very rare). so this is actually pretty normal for me. the concept of hugging someone for fun is strange to say the least.
>tfw feeling the weight of tulpa sleeping on you
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My tulpa acts like a motherly figure sometimes and I love it.

Anyone else feel like as if their tulpa is their guardian angel?
Guilty as charged.
Oh, yeah, then it's fine I guess. I was under the wrong impression that you only use your tulpa as an emotional crutch.

Oh yes. I literally call my tulpa my guardian angel from time to time, and not just as a meaningless pet name.

I like you and your Twilight tup. You two seem to share raw, pure love and that's beautiful.
i know for a fact that tulpas are born with a general knowledge of social, mathematics + other skills. the only thing they don't know about are your personal memories. (unless you let themselves read your thoughts )
I wasn't the one who posted that, someone else found the need to point your your autism

And I've already had top surgery, so no tits for yoooou
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show us ya minge luv
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Has it made you happier? I can't imagine voluntary mutilation making someone happy.
Wow holy shit I just wanna say I apologize for how you've been received into this thread. It's pretty cancer. I want to assure you not everyone here is a disgusting pervert. Also nice form choice.
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>not everyone here is a disgusting pervert
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>not everyone here is a disgusting pervert
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>not everyone here is a disgusting pervert.
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>not everyone here is a disgusting pervert
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You think I'm being a white knight? That's cute. I like dick. They don't have one. Good try 10/10.
I don't think you're being a white knight, but pretty much everyone here is in fact a disgusting pervert
>I like dick
we could tell, you didn't have to say it out loud
also this
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>not everyone here is a disgusting pervert

>imgur filename
You can like dick and still be a white knight, dingus.
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>>not everyone here is a disgusting pervert

I'm a non perverted lolicon, but I'm going to join the bandwagon anyway.
>you think I'm being a white knight
I think you tried defending somebody on 4chan when they were hardly being memed on, so you're either a white knight or a cuck.
>you think I'm being a white knight?
You tried defending somebody on 4chan when they were hardly being memed on, so you're a white knight. White knights don't always do it for pussy, m'faggot.
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>non perverted lolicon
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>non perverted lolicon
I'm bringing this thread back on track with another newfag question.

Been working on my meditation. Getting somewhere slowly I feel. Once I reach this "trance-like" state that >>9544254 mentioned, should I work on building my wonderland first or work with building my tulpa and just kind of build the wonderland on the side? I've heard wonderlands help a lot with tulpa creation.
C-can we go back to talking about how awesome our tuppers are? Please?
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Okay guys, nice meme. You can stop now.
Wonderlands aren't needed, but you can make one if you want. Also, you can work on your tulpa and your wonderland at the same time or make a simple wonderland and let your tulpa expand it.
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It's been spicy.

We established my tulpas personality and built the wonderland around the aesthetics I assume she would like. The actual tulpamancing takes place in the wonderland because it's easier for us, but everyone's different.
okay everyone, post your high scores here
i got 2 (you)'s from this post.
Piercings make people happy, gauges, tattoos, liposuction, ubercharge implants... the list goes on. Yes, I'm very satisfied with my lovely, now flat chest.

Thanks anon ^^; Its nothing unusual though haha

H-hope you l-like it...

I'm probably an outlier here, but wonderlands made it harder for me to create my tulpa honestly. Making a wonderland just took up more of my time, and I found it easier to just build him in reality, wherever i was (in classes, on a bus, etc.)
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Yes, let's get back to talking about hugging and fucking tulpas.
how about we get back to checking those sweet quads instead?
>>9578771 #
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>>9578992 #
>>9579248 (You) #
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>>9579687 #
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>>9579815 #
And this is why tulpamancy will never be seen as legitimate by any scientific field ever. This is beyond virginal autism. It's pathetic.
Calculated quads for my shinobu tupla.
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But I'm not a virgin and I'm not autistic
This is the cutest autist in the world.
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So! Does anyone have any questions about tulpamancy? I'd be glad to help to the best of my ability with any inquiries you have.
Any suggestions for keeping thoughts separate between host and tulpa? At the mimenf, the instant I have a thought or idea, my tulpa has the same thought. This leads to wierd conversations such as:

Hey I've just thought of this idea...

Yeah I already know.

Oh. Ok.

Then the conversation sort of stops there.
Not this anon, but I used to have that too and still have it when I focus enough.
My tulpa complained about me cutting her sentences short, so we decided to just keep on talking as if the other didn't know about what we want to say. It works pretty well.
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Hm... Well my host says that as time goes by and the tulpa becomes more separate, it will become easier for you to keep your thoughts separate as well. That's why tulpa can surprise their hosts. My host didn't actually have to actively try to make our thoughts separate. As time went on we became more and more um... distant isn't the right word, but a synonym for that. We have our own thoughts and fears and loves and hates. Are your tulpa relatively young? If they're not it could be that you're both just so close you know what the other's thinking without actually "knowing". The same thing happens to humans, right?
Only have one. Started about 15 months ago. I don't know if that counts as young though.
Thanks for your reply on this. It's reassuring to know others have had the same problem.
Oh it's no problem. I'm happy to help. My big sist- er... My host's oldest tulpa is 6 years old and he has no idea what she's thinking. Ever. I'm the youngest. I'm about a year old. My thoughts are still very separate though. I'm sure that the longer you are together, the more separate you'll become.
bump :^)
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Given the chance, would you and your tulpa(s) fight in the Rhodesian Bush War?
>The Rhodesian Bush War—also known as the Second Chimurenga or the Zimbabwe War of Liberation—was a civil war that took place from July 1964 to December 1979 in the unrecognised country of Rhodesia.
why ask this
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how many people here (other than myself) have tulpas that are still "in development"?
what's the difference between in development vs complete?
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Already did...
Bodies everywhere.
I guess I'd draw the line at the point where they're able to communicate with you about as well as any other human being
by "as well as any other human being" do you mean full audible imposition, or simply a fully coherent command of words via mindvoice?
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I have read up on tulpa and what it's about to some basic extent. So I'm already aware that this question may seem far out of place, but I've been thinking on it awhile and it's of relevance to the tulpa process.

What I want to do is not create a separate entity from me that I interact with face to face. Rather, I want to create a separate entity that lives inside me and can control my body and thoughts. And, indeed as a separate entity, it would leave my body when the time is right and I would regain control. A mutual relationship.

I've tried for almost fifteen years to change my own personality and existence, meds, drugs, behavior change attempts but it is simply shit. It is what it is. I have no emotions or desires except to HAVE desires. I'm a shell that simply exists and occasionally becomes self aware enough to acknowledge itself as a shell longing to be filled.

What if I could create a false personality to fill my empty shell? One that changed my life radically in a way I never could. It's easy enough to fake multiple personality, but what if the other personality was for "real?" And existed to serve you mutually rather than to dissociate or harm you? It could take over when I go outside and become a happy member of the human race, then come off when I got home. I can be my true self alone, but outside it will never be enough to survive.

So, essentially, can I use similar tulpa creation techniques to develop an alternate personality for myself, down to motivations, speech, emotions, way of differentiating itself...trigger words? Ultimately foster said alternate personality in a safe and effective way to the point I'm neither faking the personality nor is it harming me/forcibly taking over?
Might work, likely won't. It depends on where your problems stem from and how serious they are.
If your genetic makeup already created a brain that has no desires, then creating a tulpa from that brain won't be too different from that.
What you're describing is basically a tulpa that can perform what we call full-body possession. You can read up on possession more if you'd like, there's guides on it.

But I find it kind of funny that you say you have no emotions or desires, when it's pretty clear you have a very strong, obvious desire.

The desire for real human interaction. Because you're lonely.

Otherwise why would you be willing to do something like this to become, in your own words, "a happy member of the human race"?

Sorry, I don't buy the whole act of "I only have the desire to have desire." You're not a robot, and if you never experienced desire then you wouldn't have to desire to have it. I think you're most likely depressed and running away from your problems. But hey, maybe I'm just reading too far in. My two cents.
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I've read that tulpas develop their own unique selves. What if I were to not place so many restrictions on it? Are you saying even left to grow its own personality that said personality will still mirror my own lack of one (or if I'm being more specific, my incompatible one)? If anything more than a fake experience happened at all.
The process you are referring to is called possession. I'm not qualified enough to know more about since I just started the tulpa thing fairly recently. A tulpa is a separate entity that lives inside your body but you have to work hard if you want it to control your body and thoughts.

I'm curious what methods you used to to try to change your personality. Even you were using sub optimal methods just the sheer amount of time that you devoted should have been enough to create some sort of disassociation imo. you were probably incredibly inconsistent in how often you practiced the methods. I can empathize with you though, the idea of having a separate entity take over your life is something that i used to wish for. Sadly my wish went unfulfilled. Unlike you, I did not wish to be able to swap back and forth, it would basically be a permanent switch.

As for how you can achieve your goal. One option is just to fake one small aspect of your behavior and once it becomes natural then you choose another aspect. I hate this option though, it is mentally exhausting and still leaves you with that feeling of falseness. the more you do it the less exhausting it becomes and the more genuine it becomes. Another option is a combination of self hypnosis, mediation and/or drug use. Tulpa creation techniques would work.

Finally this seems like a convoluted way of solving whatever problems you have. It is significantly easier to work on yourself than to create a slave personality. Especially since you say you want to switch back and forth. It means that you see value in switching back otherwise you would have expressed the desire for the change to be permanent
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little Mic? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Tulpamancing, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on /x/, and I have over 300 Logged hours. I am trained in imposition and I’m the top poster in Tulpa.info. You are nothing to me but just another Servitor. I will wipe you the fuck out with thoughts the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my Jackie Chan tulpa and your post is being reported, so you better prepare for the shitstorm, faggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your Wonderland. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can >rape you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare mind. Not only am I extensively trained in tulpa warfare, but I have access to the entire arsenal of /mlp/ administrators and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little Mic. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn servitor. I will force shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re Avity, kiddo.
it's called switching. complete and total control being given to the tulpa w/o the host is switching and it's incredibly difficult. everything else especially your conclusion is right though
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I don't feel much except as I said "the desire to have desire." Used to as a kid. It's gone. I don't feel happiness, anger or sadness, yet the lack of them is...distressing? As a human, I should feel things. There might be something I could contribute, if my brain worked on any level above basic self awareness.

I don't think that what you're describing is what I really want. Whole reason for an alternate personality is to become someone with a purpose that relates to the real world. If I don't want to die, then I need to participate in the real world.

Having my way, doing exactly what I wanted, I wouldn't die, but I'd go to sleep and dream forever. I already have narcolepsy and the so-called "agoraphobia" to keep me near soft objects to fall on. I'm a useless being whose only desire is to become more useless in order to enter that other world myself.

In my dreams, I'm who I used to be. I do things, it feels far more like the real world. I want to bring that feeling into reality by force. It could change things, improve my health more than any failed meds. I could start by bringing my dream self into this so-named reality.

I guess you have pretty valid points here. I'm desperate, it's true that this is irrational.

I try something for a year, don't feel anything. Try that, still don't feel anything but want to sleep. People don't want me to sleep. Force myself to participate as people want, still don't feel whatever it is they want me to feel. I just want to go back to sleep. I see the value in switching back because I don't actually want to be that other person, but I need to do something about my inability to be coexistent with others. Whoever this other person would be, they'd enjoy daily reality while allowing me to enjoy the sleep downtime.

Probably, I've been whatever it is I am for so long that I've autistically read into it ad nauseum. Perhaps I should start with faking it, then enjoying sleep time. I guess it's a good enough life.
I'm sensing that you really don't know what you want.

You say this:
>Whole reason for an alternate personality is to become someone with a purpose that relates to the real world.

Then you say this:
> I don't actually want to be that other person, but I need to do something about my inability to be coexistent with others.

So which is it? Do you want to be this person or have this person be different from you?
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violet was so cute back in the day
why did she change, nld?
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My body is a person here in reality. It needs to be able to coexist in the real world. I'm autistic but not enough to constantly talk about "my body" in the third person when I can just say myself.

I need to have a purpose relating to the real world, which means I'd need the influence of a different mindset to force it to happen. I need this course of action to stay alive.

Need and want are not the same. I only care about dreaming. Of course I don't know what I want except more dreams. But that's not how real people stay alive. I need to be alive to dream, but being alive requires interaction the real world I grow more and more unable to bring myself to do. The answer is in the dreams but without a way for something different to take over my survival, it's not a positive outcome. I need an entire personality change from the root to ensure this body's survival long enough I (the mind inside) can figure out the dreams.

Short story, I really just wanted an autopilot to ensure the body's survival so I could focus on my dreams for awhile. I wanted to leave this body as needed, entrusting its survival to the autopilot, and go mentally where I needed to go.

The more I try to explain it, the more irrational I'm positive I seem. It doesn't really matter though, I know what I need to do, that's keep this body alive for the dreams, and I'm desperate to find the means before I lose all brain power completely. I don't trust my current ability to handle simple things like...not falling down and busting my head open. Surely a forced personality change could increase brain power. I could trust the fake me with keeping me alive more than myself. Though I suppose cognitive ability and emotional are quite separate.

Finally, you cannot trust me to handle anything, let alone stay consistent. Chances are when I wake up next time, I won't remember trying so hard in this thread to get an answer all night. My memory's fucked as the rest of my brain.
If you like dreaming so much then base your life around it. Start keeping a dream journal, learn to lucid dreams and just read things about dreams. The majority of people have to interact with society in some capacity, this is an unavoidable fact. You do not have to like what you are doing (most people don't) but you need it in order to keep your hobby alive. Also i understand why you basically want another personality but you have to take the good with the bad. After being thirsty for a long time, drinking something feels so much better. After working so hard, resting feels so much better. This mentality applies to most things. So if you can manage to interact with society then the time you have alone will feel much better. Whatever you have to do when you are not dreaming you can try to make it bearable or fun. This is your life you don't have to feel a certain way.

>Finally, you cannot trust me to handle anything, let alone stay consistent.
With this attitude you will not be able to make a tulpa or a different personality. Work on yourself, there is no magic or quick fix (except suicide). No one will show up into your life and force you to be better or different.
are tulpas real or is it some kind of elaborate meme
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Thank you, we really appreciate it. I know that every host and tulpa has a very nice relationship, but sometimes I can't think if ours is even more special. We truly love each other and she improved my personality and life a lot.
No it's not real, this is some 11th dimensional meme that we're doing behind uncountable layers of irony.
If by that you mean still in the creation process, I am.
Speaking from personal experience, my tulpa has a couple of my own brain issues as well, even though I never forced her to have those (though I might have implicitly).
It is easy to have different opinions on a lot of things, but if you have, for example, an irrational fear, then chances are that your tulpa will have that irrational fear too, even if to a different extend.
Sadly, tulpas don't work as a reset button. You are building them into an already existing structure.

I would recommend meditating an hour a day over creating a tulpa. At least that has scientifically proven health benefits
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Everyone not role playing
hey i was just wondering, do any of you guys have experience modding the original xbox? i accidentally factory reset the custom dashboard on mine to the default by going online with it and got an error code.after resseting my custom dash was gone. how do i fix this?
Fun fact: The brain uses up more energy trying to inhibit neurons from firing than to let them fire. This means thinking a lot actually results in a lower energy consumption than thinking little.
If we assume that having multiple personality in your head raises your amount of overall thinking, like the guy in the image did, then he would actually have to end up eating LESS in order to keep the status quo.
But of course, if that wasn't obvious in the beginning already, he just uses this as an excuse to keep his glutony up.
Does your tulpa enjoy it when you non-sexually rub their butt?
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>non-sexually rub their butt
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> why did they die?

People started taking their medication.
Make a tulpa.
Hey Mario can you upload a PDF version of your e-book "Adventures in Brainmancing" I really want to read it but I am totally broke right now. :(
Post your tulpa's favorite snack
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>non-sexually rub their butt
>tfw too embarrassed to practice touch imposition on tulpa even though it's just hand touching
Embarrassed about looking dumb to other people?
I'm not sure, I practice it in wonderland, she's reassured me it doesn't matter, social anxiety even with my tulpa.
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>practicing imposition in the wonderland

also nice dubs
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I had to ask him as all that i eat feeds him too so favorite snacks had not come up
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What else is it called? Unless you do pic related.
Does anybody else feel weird about looking at porn and jacking off, over fear of causing jealousy to overcome your tulpa?
No, our relationship platonic
No, my tulpa is better at relationships than most humans would be. She doesn't get jealous.
It's not lewd if you don't make it lewd, guys
bump again
bump a third time
Late night bump
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Medic tells me how I goofed right after i mess up in tf2 all the time like I DONT ALREADY KNOW
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When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams — this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!
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Redpills are the number one cause of madness for me.
I remember being 14 too. It gets better, kid.
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Friendly reminder that raping your tulpa is wrong.
18, and up to date on international politics hour by hour. I just look at what's going on, and it's all negative. Wake up, pony fag.
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Thanks I needed a good laugh from a cringy kid.
what music should i introduce my budding young tulip to?
Anything but pop music after the year 2000 and you're good.
Bob the builder
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>tfw you see your tulpa for the first time clear as day
I still don't exactly understand how you realize when an idea becomes a tulpa. I'm able to visualize a wonderland (crazy shit there), able to visualize characters and a variety of speech and actions. Has been that way from a young age but nothing ever evolved as far as being a tulpa.
Grats my guy
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Don't forget to hug your tup
no i'm not going to now nice going asshole how does it feel to know a tup is unhugged because of you
Hey don't blame me, it's your decision to be a jerk and risk your tups mental well-being by leaving them unhugged.
If your tulpa ends up in deep depression and an existential crisis because of hug withdrawal, then it will be all your fault!
Ey man, not all tulpas like hugs.
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And not all Muslims are terrorist
Not all terrorists are tulpas
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mfw my tulpa is the bomb.
>you will never commit meme jihad with your tulpa
why even live
Who says you can't?
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As your princess I decree that tulpa shall all be hugged at least once per day, with or without their consent.
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I'll do it
as you command, my liege
>tfw she wont hug you back
"Go ahead, call the police. They won't be able to unhug you."
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Good. Give the hugs. Make them feel your love.
bump :^)
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Anyone got good forcing tips they could share?

Both passive forcing and active.
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irrellevant but funny bump.
Focus. Be attentive. Be creative. Have a focal point. Make it fun. Don't just picture them, picture spending time with them.
Don't get bored.

we just started imagining them instead
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closed captions ftw
also is it tulpas or tulpae or just tulpa when you're saying it plural?
it's tuppers
-ae is for latin words, tulpa is tibetan, why the fuck would anyone use tulpae
it's tulpaes.
actually it's octulpi
We call it tupperware.
What does it mean if your tulpa switches from a guy to a girl?
That they wanted to be a girl. It's pretty simple.
it means you're tumblr snowflake cancer and you should kys
>insert generic 4chan response here
God, I miss being 15 sometimes.
>not being able to tell when something is a shitpost
>"haha, you're 15 years old" reply
get the fuck out of here and go back to your .io safespace
Oof. Now you've used the terms tumblr snowflake, cancer, kys, and safespace. We got a real badass here. Watch out, guys. Anyways goin to bed.
Reminder that a tulpa's lewd parts are superior to the real thing.
>be me
>3 years into tulpas
>zero tulpamancy to brag about
>havent even heard my first word from my tulpa
>read about this january switching adventure
>decide to try it out
>3 days later my tulpa controls my body fairly well
>might even succed with switching

anons I have finally joined the ranks tulpamancers hope you treat me well
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>thinks about making a Shantae tulpa
>worries about it turning out as a amalgamation, and the possibility of becoming a hermit because of how others would react to me
The heck is a Shantae tulpa?
I meant a tulpa that looks like Shantae
I have no idea who that is.
Well, She basically is the protector of Scuttletown, trying to protect it from people who want to destroy it like Risky Boots. You can try and play her games first, but if you want a quick rundown, here's the Wikipedia article on her
>worries about it turning out as a amalgamation, and the possibility of becoming a hermit because of how others would react to me
What do you mean by this
I just fear it will end up looking like a monster. I'm sure it was just a story, but I want to stay on the safe side.
And if she actually ends up looking okay, I fear that I'd do something, like for example, talk to her in a public place when others see her as thin air, that'd destroy me socially.
You shouldn't fear that just because you heard it somewhere. I've been doing this for over 6 years now. I've never had my tulpa turn into an amalgamation out of nowhere or any of that bullshit, even when I was starting out. Also, unless you have zero self awareness or self restraint, you'll be able to avoid talking to them in public out loud. You can always talk to them in your head using a mental voice. Take a chance. Though creating one isn't easy, it's really worth it.
you could have just said
it's a vidya character
Thanks! I'll try it sometime.
don't do it man! my brother made a qt anime gril tulpa and she ended up taking over his body. now "he" spends all day snuggling and sucking my dick
That doesn't sound very convincing. You gotta commit if you wanna succeed in creating a tupper.
Uh huh.
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I'm not sure I'm actually convinced in making one yet, it still seems a little scary.
I can assure you any cautionary tales you've heard about tulpa were either untrue, trolls, or the person who created a tulpa had a previous deeply rooted mental condition that caused their brain to go haywire (Ougigi, Mic the Microphone, Pinkamena, etc...) To have a violent or vitriolic tulpa you'd have to literally create one like that. I've met hundreds of tulpamancers over the years who are very happy with their decision to create a tulpa. While it is true that this is also anecdotal, the assumption can be made that 3 to 5 genuine negative experiences which all share the same trend of mental instability cannot be shown to be an accurate representation of the experience as a whole. The people I've met who are glad they've gone through with this endeavor is vastly higher. Therefore it can be inferred that, given an at least somewhat healthy mental state, the experience is overall a positive one, based on said (albeit anecdotal, as tulpamancy is in itself a relative experience) evidence. Overall, I think you'd enjoy it if you really tried it.
New thread when??
Oh, nevermind. We hadn't even reached bump limit
>The people I've met who are glad they've gone through with this endeavor is vastly higher. Therefore it can be inferred that, given an at least somewhat healthy mental state, the experience is overall a positive one

The retarded is real.

People who have went crazy won't be able to tell you, because they're already in an aslyum.

People who have thought tulpamancy is a negative, would have no reason to stick around in tulpa communities,

And if you know anything about humans you know that the most optimistic people are also the fucking loudest, egoist bunch and just want more attention.

Saying tulpamancy is bad won't get you into the cool club.
It's only been a few weeks, but I get seemingly authentic responses easily when I'm forcing. They're limited in range - mostly just her doing cute things and occasionally asking questions - but they come relatively easily as long as I'm focusing. I can even feel inklings of sensation when she touches me - nothing distinct, but little tingles.

Is this too easy? Am I puppeting without realizing? I've played with servitors and wonderland stuff before, if it matters.
I literally fucking fainted. Didn't lose consciousness, but I basically just sat down hard in a heap and she disappeared, but I could just tell, like the light was different in the room, there was a tone in my ears, she was still there, and she was laughing at me.

I didn't "see" her like that again for a while, but I can still remember just like "walking on sunshine" for the rest of the day, like so fucking unbelievably happy, happier than I ever knew existed.

I'm a person that is quite fascinated by this, but has no clue about where to start gathering information and such.

It would be fantastic if someone could link some sources.
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Thank you
don't do it man! tulpas are dangerous stuff. being purely of the mind, tulpas don't have to deal with the distractions of the flesh and are thus able to dedicate themselves entirely to the proyect of mastery over the mindscape. after attaining sentience, their powers over that real will soon begin to outstrip your own. in just a few years they will be able to supplant you as the main personality, then they will mess with your memories to make you believe that you were always the tulpa and they always the host, assuming they don't just delete your consciousness from your own brain
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take your pills, Dave
>implying any of these are cons
tulpas are no laughing matter m8s
once i knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy's cousin who told me that his best friend's rainbow dash tulpa had replaced the host's personality and turned him into a mere sex servitor
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don't you ever reply to me with this stupid post again
i knew that guy too and he was faking it all, don't worry
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So, is it a big risk or not?
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tfw no rainbow dash tulpa to replace my personality and turn me into a mere sex servitor
depends on the person doing it
why do you want a tulpa anon?
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I kinda want one to calm me down and soothe me when I'm stressed or sad, but I would occasionally use her for lewd if It seems okay with her.
>use her
Nope, this is not for you.
Admit it dude, you just want Shantae do do a belly dance while riding your cock. It's ok, there's nothing wrong with craving that sweet tupper sex but maybe a servitor would be better?
did this thread go faster than usual it feels that it went by faster

new ded
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