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Pony thread~

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Thread replies: 297
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Pony thread~
best thread
Ah okay, how's your day so far, arm still feeling like shit?
so cute ponies omg
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If you want me to take the law into my own hands, I guess we could arrange something.
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no u
Not really, I can do pushups again and stuff. Glad that seems to be over. Maybe I should be careful though, it might just be trying to trick me into thinking everything is ok and then it'll GETCHA
I'm a big fan of vigilante justice and my crime mustn't go undisciplined.
Yeah, don't overexert it, it may still be a bit vulnerable
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I never thought I'd see the day I caught you at the wrong end of the law, rough.
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just went to go do some pull ups and popped my elbow. Ouch. Maybe I'll have to wait a bit until I can do those again.
and not one of those regular pops, more like the kind what felt pretty uncomfortable
That isn't good, yeah you'll need to give it more time to fully heal, just because the pain's gone doesn't mean its back to its full strength
what are you up to dood?
gimme a good reason why NOT
because you have no evidence to support your statement
You know how alluring the the life of a highwayman is. Taking that bag of ice sealed my fate, i'm tumbling into a life of banditry.
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So are you home all day today? When do you go to bed?
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Well there's no proof to the contrary either.
I have to feed the workers. It is a stupid job but someone has to dewit. So yeah I will be here all day. No idea when bedtime is but there is no rest for the wicked. probably later i dunno.
so it's settled then. i'm definitely not not not cute
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No rest for the wickid, lmao
I think imma watch more adventue time. I started getting caught up in reading about firefox attempting to make their browser work with chrome extensions. what a faggy lowely thing to do, not surprised judging by https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/
Watching youtube, I also pirated a game called dead cells last night, its pretty interesting, I suppose
Sorry for the late reply
I don't care what all the other ponies say about you, you'll always be OK in my book luna.
why you heff to be mad? it's only browsers
is chrome better? i bet you can't list forty convincing reasons why i should switch from ff.
only a bit over two seasons left. what will you do after it's done?
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because it's a browser that emphasizes on how diverse and multicultural the people who create it are. I don't like it for various other reasons I wont get into
What will I do? gee, idunno.. maybe look for something else to watch. I don't mean that sarcastically I don't know what I'd even go for, AT seems like the culmination of interesting and goodness and I fear there may be nothing that could compare down the road
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feel like i asked you before but i can't remember, what kinda stuff do you look for on youtube?

i typically go for the sciency vloggers, like vsauce and vitalium
Are you telling me i am using an sjw browser? i was sort if interested in the other reasons but okay. there are some other shows i think you might be interested in but we can cross that bridge when'st we come to it.
My main interests are in video games and a few who animate, but people like vsauce I'll watch on occasion
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Hey, /mlp/. I'm planning to request something involving Daybreaker and Evil Yin. Should I make it lewd, or SFW?
chrome is really good for your gpu
ff is crashes my shit when i benchmark
You asked this yesterday already
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For real? i am but a layman and had thought just the opposite. Thanks.
it is the opposite. Chrome is a memory and CPU hungry whore with an insatiable appetite for system resources.

Firefox is much better optimised
Yeah. On the plus side, one of the main things that makes firefox good is its about:config page that you probably don't know how to use, it gives people a little more sense of control and privacy but I don't really care much for it.
plus you can make a google account and upload your personal data FOREVER in case you uninstall your HDD or something

>not having an abundance of CPU and RAM
firefox dev team are pajeets and negros that hover around the chromium repositories and wait for competant devs to push code into chromium so they'll copy/paste it to firefox and spend months trying to make it work for their pajeet browser
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>it is the opposite. Chrome is a memory and CPU hungry whore with an insatiable appetite for system resources.
never had CPU issues on chrome
as for memory, unused memory is useless memory. Your perceived "optimization" is just your inability to understand how fucking ram works. unless you're pajeet stuck with 2GB ram on your netbook then go use something like elinks, otherwise use an optimized browser like chrome that has all its routines ready in and loaded to ram while firefox tries to keep as low a foot print there as possible just to sate its predominantly technologically illiterate userbase that think loading too much of your code into ram is a bad thing
Oh, I guess I will go back to using edge.

After going to gay night I think it is high time I accept and promote diversity. And fyi I use the config page literally all the time

Impressive. The laziest way to do something is often the smartest.
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i tried to get a version 30 working earlier
i guess i didn't clean up properly
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LOL, pls stop
>all the time
No you don't lol

>Impressive. The laziest way to do something is often the smartest.

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>plus you can make a google account and upload your personal data FOREVER in case you uninstall your HDD or something
you make that sound eerie and bad, and it probably is but I have to admit I benefit from this and there has been a time when i lost all my passwords and bookmarks so I don't really care that there is a group of 1000 some google employees that know all about my bestiality fetish, as long as I don't have to remember all my sensitive information and the botnet does it for me, I consider it an acceptable trade off.
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I have used it though I swear. I thought you loved Indians and looked down upon those in /g/ who mocked and ridiculed them. I really thought you were more progressive than this.
>bestiality fetish
Skitty admits to being a horsefucker
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I'm just messing around.. I'm bored and don't wana go to bed.. also wtf not that much
lol, TIL
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also you wanted me to remind you to order idunno what

was it the toilette?
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hummus is cool
I will literally go get a phd in compsci just to be better at computers than you. Then you won't doubt me so.
No, stuff for you. And I did it just a few minutes ago. There is more stuff to get but I can't have it in my amazon order history.
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Please tell me you tried it at some restaurant and not that ready plastic stuff at the supermarket
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Hiya Canon!
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the supermarket stuff actually
but I like it
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how's u?

Is it the one with 3 flavors? I've had those a few times, they aren't too bad, but there was a flavor that I really hated(can't remember if it was the tomato one or paprika). In any case, you won't know heaven until you try the freshly prepared one! Would be a nice business there if lemons weren't so expensive lol
what're you up to? I was just thinking and realized, my friend would call me at least 2-4 times a day from jail now they haven't in like two weeks I think.
Thought i'd stop by, see how you guys are doing. I'll admit, these threads are pretty nice to read through

How are you doing? You were graduating soon if i remember correctly?
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You know when you do science and the results are sometimes way more than you expected? I just did a bit of cleaning. Also had to clean up after these savages they call workers. Did you answer all those times? Jeez I heard those calls were super expensive. Why do you think he stopped calling?
yeah i would

no you see the thing is they let you say something for 5 seconds and boom that's it, he's call for a max of 20 seconds a day kek, sometimes he bought a card and they talked shit for a few minutes but that doesn't seem to be the case now... i'm guessing he got in a fight and is in solitary or something.
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Must be lonely to make calls like that. What are the prisons like there? I would try to get into solitary as quickly as possible.
Well that's nice of ya!

I'm doing pretty good, bought myself a new suit today so that's nice! also fixing a few things in the house as my dad's arriving tomorrow at the airport

Yep, the graduation ceremony is on Wednesday but they'll just give us an empty degree book, cuz we won't get the actual diploma until about a week later when we'll be asked to do clearance first lol
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Aww man, all that work and all you get is an empty degree book. what a rip off

Also, i finally picked a name and forgot to put it on.

Uh, hello to you too?
They should have us do that clearance thing first then the graduation, but then it's because the graduation is happening earlier this year as they want to do it before Ramadan starts (27th May)

oh well, atleast my case isn't like a few others who decided to come to 2 graduations (one undergrad and then again grad degrees)
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Ramadan? you're muslim?

Also, which stage of education are you graduating from now? Bachelors degree?

Got my Bachelors of Science last year, gonna get my Masters of Science now
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I don't think it's loneliness. You don't get lonely there. I think it's just not wanting to be there and forced to stay there and unable to go do your own thing. That's what hit me the hardest when I was there. Been there before and for about 2 weeks at the most I think and by far the worst is the solitary confinement area. The tank as they call it, place everyone is as a group is the best place to be, you don't get bored there, it's fun. It's just like being in high school except the teacher is gone. Sometimes we'd get too loud the guards would come and ask us to shut up. It's not bad unless people don't like you. Though, that is just from my account of things. I'm sure the experience varies from person to person. As for me, the two times I was there I befriended the bigger older dude that runs the tank as they put it, first one was some guy who I had heard about on the street already and he knew all about me since he heard stories so we spent a while talking and became quick friends. Second time was some guy they called armadillo and he also had heard about me and my family. No idea who he actually was to this day but I do know he knew two of my friends who I got along with well so when I proved that through knowing things we became close friends there and both times I remember the other guys would try and stay away from me cause when you befriend the guy that runs the tank, basically giving me the bad eye or something could mean you'll have half the other guys beating on you at any moment.
Sweet! That's very commendable
Looking forward to some time off yet?
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well actually I am kinda on time off now, just waiting to get my degree, then I wanna join the syndicate of engineers here, which has its benefits and it will also help me in searching for a job
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>syndicate of engineers
Cool name. And i'm sure you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a job
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Makes sense. He must have missed you to make his calls to you so frequently. Didn't know you were in there for that long, was that the time five or so years ago? Yeah, I would say it definitely varies from person to person. If you don't make friends, powerful friends, you won't enjoy your stay. It seems that your reputation served you well in the brig, which does not surprise me. Imagine if you were imprisoned in Indiana that one time and think if you would really want to be in gen pop without friends or people who know your family to back you up. It would not be the same experience, probably similar to if I went to jail where your friend is. It would probably be a little more like haze's time if you get what i mean.
What's up?
I surely hope so, market's pretty saturated here, ain't easy in general to find a job
Right, i think that's true for everywhere

btw, what was your steam again? i reinstalled that and figured i might wanna add you after all
Well I guess. His grandma, mom and uncle have called me occasionally to thank me for helping them try to get out and they've also said I'm basically his only real friend which is probably true.. All his other friends are douches, likely none of them try to help them out..
Yeah that was a long time ago today.. You forgot? I think I've told you I was on probation for like 4 years and it's why I ended up here.. basically forced me to stay home and even had this weird thing where they demanded I go submit myself to jail from friday to monday and I was free for the week and then had to go back on the weekend night and leave monday morning. they concluded I did too much bad shit in the weekends and I was ok the weekdays.
yeah idunno about that. though, I doubt anything would happen, I like to think I get along with people well enough unless they are really looking to be on bad terms.
No, doubt that. People are really nice here believe it or not. I was there long enough to see some rando white dude get locked up with us because they caught him with a ton of peyote and they looked really out of place, they looked really uncomfortable like they didn't wana be there at all, who does right but we talked to them a bunch and everyone just wanted to know his story. it's nothing like you see on TV, this isn't some place like houston where there's black people or mexico where there's mara salvatruchas and stuff..
also i had to go to the store.
eres negro, juan?
imagine you're a cop getting called to a scene and show up to this car driving at you doing this https://imgur.com/DmQURy1

It was an inside joke among my friends, since i went to study abroad in spain
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Bran flakes, bold new taste, bran flakes.
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huh, I didn't know that was a thing. I knew a swedish guy from here that would go there only for vacations.
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Skitty confirmed for trap

yeah well. it is what it is
Get your disgusting SLANDER OFF OF ME
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Ah so they changed their minds. I thought at one point they were telling you to not help him get out. Only natural I suppose. I did not forget, I just don't know all the particulars and don't want to bother you by asking for them. I have a friend who tried to start a drug ring that got the same punishment. Good lord he got lucky. But yeah, interesting stuff. What is longest amount of time you had to stay in? Was it really just the weekends?
I want to believe that it is nice but prisons are prisons. I guess you would know better, I can only go off of what I have read.
for what purpose?
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I've already told you I think, was 2 weeks. Probably less. I was expecting to stay there for 2-3 months because I called home to tell everyone where I was and told them I was just going to ride it out and they bailed me immediately so I just ended up there for about a week and 3 days. Actually maybe it was just 6 days I can't even remember at this point, desu I kind of exaggerated the length with friends just to make it seem like it was a bigger deal than it was, even if it was such a negligible difference. That weekend thing was another time, me and my friends got up to no good on the weekends and we did it in rapid succession that they figured they'd take our weekends away. also I'm not sure if you're intentionally confusing prisons for jail for the meme or you actually think it's the same thing. very different environment and ways to get there.
kitchen stuff
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skitty doesnt trap anymore
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Why were you such a bad boy skitty, did you just want to fit in and they were the first group to accept you?
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heya Gator!
Yes, just a few posts back even. I just wanted to clarify. See it's good that I asked because you just changed it three times in as many sentences. It doesn't really matter since it is all pretty close. Oh I see, thought that might have been related. I know that they are quite different but I tend to use the terms interchangeably, apologies for any confusion or annoyance this may cause.

Excuse me but it is illegal to use my caps without permission and before you ask, the answer is no you can not use them so please delete the file as soon as possible., thank you
ya thats why i hate anime posters
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its ok, here i'll trade you one of my own caps. now we're square
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Hi blew I just wanted to ask skitty a question before I went to work
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Well I hope you get an answer and have a fun day at work!
good memories from that thread, unrelated to this outburst
Yeah, well, I've been in and out for stuff.. I told you I once ended up there for like 2 days cause I took two friends to go into town and drag peoples trash bins from our car? We probably drove into like 10 of those green wheeled trash things and even pulled up along them, sped up to ~40 and let them go into other bins and mailboxes kek
when they arrested us the sherrif walked in to the interrogation room and asked me "most others go out on the weekend to pick up chicks, but you guys, you guys go and pick up trashcans and throw them into mailboxes" and he just stared at us, the depies were fucking laughing. I mean come on even they thought it was hilarious. wish i had recorded all that in the car was quite a day. same car I burned behind the house and ran over with the dozer when it caught on fire and fire department showed up
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oh? do tell!

You used to be pretty cool, Skitty.
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The infamous ford tempo? And your friend got the gas all over his face? What an exciting day. You had some fun with that car, probably the most fun anyone has ever had in a tempo. That reminds me a lot of our snowmobile mailbox bashing league, minus the fire and plus cold.
lmao yeah
you've gone mailbox bashing?

I used to do that probably too much.. I think I've told you I drove over some probably 15 mailboxes in a lincoln with like 3 chicks and got a flat when I crashed into a fence, anyway got away but later went back and was just being a dick in another lincoln of another color so the cops stopped me and they were like sure it was me but weren't sure because it was basically the same lincoln with a different color, they warned me i was committing a felony.. since then I didn't dare fuck with the mailboxes..
i had already done enough damage on my truck and lincoln anyway so I didn't feel much like keeping it up, especially since everyone was on the lookout for the serious mailbox killers kek
i remember there was this one mailbox at this house that was made of steel and our bats couldn't break it, and I tried bumping into it and it would never budge
also talking about that stuff, the truck I used to run through mailboxes is parked out in the back, we're going to sell it.. I've had it parked in the back for a while now because I'm too concerned taking it out into the road and people will recognize it and know it was me that fucked upp their mailboxes.. truck is burned beyond salvation so we're gonna get rid of it... I'm gonna miss that truck
Yeah apparently it can be pretty serious if they feel like charging you. Gone are the days of mostly harmless pranks being laughed off by wiser and more understanding predecessors. You ever use the lincolns when you did your bumper car stuff on the ranch? I wonder how many cars you have gone through. Yeah If I had a mailbox in a risky place I would likely booby trap it.
Are you selling it for scrap? Or does it run okay despite being scorched by hellfire? I want to see a pic sometime, it isn't the one you had a giant tyre leaning against is it?
yeah.. no, not those cars. it was the tempos, a bronco or whatever it was called and some taurus. I think I showed you a video of us dragging the taurus to the junk yard no? i think i did
i honesly can't remember, probably about 15 more or less. yeah it's that one with the giant tire lmao. we dropped thtat tire on a small truck and bent the fuck out of the bed
he is selling it for scraps, 400 more or less. I told them to go for it, I don't care. Speaking of which he approached me this morning and suggested I sell 3 of my classics because he says it's better if we put them into buying the parts we need for two dozers, both of which HE fucked up. I told them no... this fuckin dude
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time for a beer

damn, /bant/ is a pretty tasty board
yes, and i autistically reviewed the footage and got the number for the business just in case. in case of what? i don't know. fantastic, i have only destroyed one car and one argo. it's impressive really. kek. yeah the tire is worth much more than the truck i bet.
i still want your mustang.
sell it to me i will pay a fair price. and i can sweeten the deal.
also broncos are dopeaf i hope you didnt kill it
>yeah the tire is worth much more than the truck i bet.
yeah, funny how expensive those 7ft tall tires can be.. they're really hard to put on too...
I'm not gonna sell it, none of them..
nah i was confusing it with the buick. there's a bronco we ran into the woods and it turned off there and we just left it there since last year
what even is the point of that board?
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Skitty, do you hoard cars or something? it sounds like you just have dozens of them laying around
It looks like /int/ but with less serious discussion.
promise you will tell me first if you change your mind? i would get that instead of the challenger srt demon.
ah. do what you will with the buicks. if you can refurb the bronco you might be able to flip it for some cash. those things are hot rn
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/int/ but with more shitposts and IDs

the fourth /b/ of 4chan, second and third being /s4s/ and /trash/

there was also a fifth one, /pol/ during the /pol/ocaust
not really, we just sometimes get a car and then fuck it up and leave it where it died, there's quite a few cars littered around the house, there was more but we sold like 5 of them 4 years ago

I would.. that other car sounds cooler tho
never thought about it.. maybe, its body isn't in bad shape but we did run it into our own mailbox and broke the grill and lights and windows so it got wet inside over a year lol
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ah nice. well its good you got rid of some of em then. Me, I'd combine them all into a big transformer and call it Carzilla!
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all hail chickun

ohai again
damn, thought you were Azzy for a while
haven't talked to him in ages
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all hail chickun!
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how have you been?

(damn, I should start building a chickun folder on this phone but then again Smokey doesn't weaponize autism on /b/anymore so the pic wouldn't be accumulated naturally)
I haven't seen smokey post since I came her about a week ago.
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Im pretty good, watching Breaking Bad and hangin out. Yeah I miss the days back during the war.
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Leader is always with us.
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It might go faster, but it isn't cooler. Something to do with previous ownership.
Hm, might be a tough sell depending on the interior damage. Why would you do it to your own mailbox? Was it the only one left? I think I am going to have a brief rest. It has been a long day.
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i'm right here.
Well, hello!
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watching pic related. Howabout you? Its a cold rainy shit day here.
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2MB, 480x270px
Baking Bread is a pretty good anime
where in the show are you?

wow nice
what's up?
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just started rewatching it. im on season 1
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just wasting time since it's raining too hard to go work on the car i need to fix.

not much. just finished my paperwork for the day. how are you?
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ah youre gettin it there too huh? well shit.
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not bad, sitting on bed drinking pic related and posting on 4chan from my phone
Fuck those two people.
Can not understand how fucking just... I don't have the words to properly describe their level of wilfull arrogance
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they got what they deserved. you dont piss of Ramsay AND the internet and get away with it
everyone is the same person deep inside and everything is just a conversation the universe is having with itself
No, reality is the shared dream of the two Gods, Anu and Padomay, Order and Chaos.
We have to build a machine to escape the dream and validate our existence.
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lol I was actually pointing to the part where I asked you if the Homos you bought is the one with the 3 flavors or something else?

also, I'm actually eating Kafta with fresh made Homos right now! yummy stuff!

also, Azzy still posts from time to time, I'm sure they'll show up eventually
mmmm Kofta is fuckin good stuff,

also, Hommus is the Western spelling, otherwise it sounds like youre eating homosexuals
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There are only more machines!
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Hiya Blew!!

yeah, good point, the pronunciation and spelling sure do change alot when that happens lol
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>if the Homos you bought
Anon confirmed for sexual slave trade

Yeah, fuck those guys.
How's your day been CaNoN?
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kek...speaking of such, that's RK btw

It's been okay, just invite some family for my graduation and giving them the tickets, also bought a suit so that's nice

and tomorrow my dad's coming in from the Philippines, so that's also nice

how bout u?

I was wondering what are these, but then seeing the Twilight one, I'm guessing these are art for the movie?
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242KB, 846x945px
Congrats again Canon :3
Getting excited?

I'm still sick and tired and shit but it's not the worse day by a long shot so I'll manage.
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206KB, 768x1024px
yeah, 3 flavors
oriental, paprika and classic

what's Kafta?
Is there a way to save fullsize images without opening a new tab?
Rebuilding my folders is rather tedious.
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536KB, 2334x3453px
On here?
there's a little arrow down icon next to the image name in the posts.
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545KB, 774x1024px
No, from linear image boards, but thanks for the advice. I'll have a bountiful reaction folder eventually.
they are fullsize once you click them, the smaller size is just a way they're displayed to fit the screen

anyway I prefer Appchan X and the download file option, it preserves the filename.

>speaking of such, that's RK btw

wtf am I a sexual slave you're trading?
Canon is trading sexual slaves?
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2MB, 2155x1049px
I'm not sure, if ther'es a hyperlink to the image you can click middle mouse to open it up in a new tab but I dunno how much that knowledge will help you as you probably already know it!
He is an arab
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Thx! :3
haha yea for sure!

ah, that sucks :/
hope you feel better always!

lol, thx!

I think it was the oriental that I hated out of those 3

It's a type of beef kebab you could say, composed of ground meat and spices, can made as barbecue or cooked.. really good stuff!

lol, that line was my reaction to what Raptor said, which also coincides with your name, so I thought why not tell him who you are in a single line all together!
Wow, below the belt joke right there
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oh I get it
so it was about him calling me anon buying homos
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So homos is like the Eastern spelling of hummus? That's kinda funny :P
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So many cute ponies~
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One Ring To Rule Them All.jpg
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Get your culo back here and lick my O-ring, slave!
That's just a mistake on my end, I should have said hummus.. although the way we pronounce it is more like hommos, didn't think about the spelling in English much as we mostly focus on the "h" at the beginning but for English speakers they won't know that, hence why you'll read it as homos lol

how's u?
Fine, I have to do someone elses job today
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How's bun?

Oh no, I knew what you meant, I just saw a chance and took it :3
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Heya Urshy, whats up

That sounds not so fun

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Not much. Learning a little about hummus and its various pronounciations.

How's you?

I was playing dead cells earlier, but decided to stop for now and check on bread
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Espeically in isil.
Or sweden
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lit af.png
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>dead cells
gr8 game
had a pretty good run on it recently
Yeah it's pretty fun
I haven't been playing all that long so I haven't gotten too far yet
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3MB, 2000x2000px

*tickles you*
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Alright, saving skitty stories for future generations
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1MB, 5000x5081px
And this children, is what we like to refer to as the start of the process in which Skitty had his arm removed!
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skitty got shot.jpg
47KB, 622x552px
a most excellent course of action
here's one, on the odd chance you don't have it already
How's u? :3

I still remember that scene this vector is based on..think it was season 3 no?

>Or sweden

Hiya KHAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice Luna!
how's u?
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145KB, 1024x779px
Did you see this?
I'm alright, how about you?
i'm tired of peopling stuff but good and how are you?
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1013KB, 7582x4968px
>think it was season 3 no?
Yep, Season 3 premier when Twilight was infiltrating the crystal castle in search of the crystal heart that Sombra had locked away.
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Now that....is some really messed up stuff... Sweden is lost. I have a friend who emigrated there to do his masters, luckily for Sweden he's just a nerdy type of guy with lil ties to religion lol

Doin' good, just enjoying a fine apple and there seems to be a lil thunderstorm outside

well hope everything goes better for you, I'm doing good, just chillin, might head to bed soon, today I bought a new suit for my graduation on Wednesday so woho!

yep yep! Don't know why I got that specific scene remembered better than alot of things.. have you watched all the newest leaked episodes?
eh its part of real life.... and happy graduation day
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Yup, Sweden is a lost cause, and Canada is following suit as fast as they can too.
So is the EU
How long till upsidedownland is taken over by abbos and Chinese?
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>have you watched all the newest leaked episodes?
I've seen every leaked episode up to the Yak one which aired yesterday.
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the abbo's are dying off.
because they murdered everyone who was already here as well as anyone who came until the british, their genealogy doesn't survive interbreeding with other homo sapien species.
They're dying off.
Aside from buying all the mines and homes the chinese have no real interest in actually living here either so we're all good.
So is my country, almost 1.5 Syria refugees + 500K Palestinians in a population of ~4.5M

Noice, I still gotta catch up, watched episode 8 yesterday, think I'll watch 9 before I sleep
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Hey, how're you~?
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Yeah, it's absolutely insane.
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1MB, 1489x1504px

I'm fine. How's that paper coming along? You were working on an essay weren't you?
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Indeed, I remember when the Syrians let us take refugee in the 2006 summer war, but us going into a relatively huge country for a month or so is quite different than all of them coming to a relatively tiiinnnyyy place like ours for over 6 years

also look what I found on my phone lol
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aussie shit posting.jpg
113KB, 548x619px
I didn't realise you yourself had been a refugee?

That's it :P
Couldn't watch youtube during break because lte went down during it.
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At least you still have us during your shift~
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Well technically not, as I traveled with my dad to the Philippines before the war started, and my brother who was here was taken to Poland, and since he's also got the nationality.. I don't know, would you consider going to your 2nd country to escape war a refugee? :P

also when we got back we had to land in Syria as all airports were still closed here right after the war and take a taxi from Damascus all the way back to my city, the journey back was kinda nice to sightsee

can't forget this classic then :P
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It's a research paper. I've been working on it with an advisor. He's finishing up his part, and we're going to be discussing it tomorrow. This should (hopefully) get me my master's degree.
If it hadn't come back I wouldn't even have /b/read
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Probably not no, but I think your situation was probably unique in that you hold dual nationality and stuff

I don't remember much about the 2006 war or anything.
I do remember that the reason for that lebo meme though was because the people who came here were massive dickheads and started shit constantly until the people in cronulla snapped and rioted against them.

Good thing it did then, or otherwise you'd have nothing!
What happens if it doesn't get you your master's degree?
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>I wouldn't even have /b/read
What a terrifying notion :P
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Well then I'm boned.

Realistically it should, however. I just need to submit it to a conference by Friday, and then not fail my machine learning class.
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>Reported blast at Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester, UK
>'Confirmed fatalities'

Yea, a nice feat of having dual nationalities is you can go to the other country in case shit hits the fan in one of them

I don't know much about it as well locally, only stories from my family and friends, and the views of destroyed roads, bridges, and buildings when I got back... in my city only the power transmission station was bombed as there's no major HA support here... can't say the same for my friend's city about 10 KMs to the south, there, a building just about 300 meters away from his house was completely leveled... war ain't fun to experience

yea I remember I used to read reports and see a few vids long ago of some crazy Lebanese people acting extremely idiotic there..
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All of my this
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She looks perturbed to me.
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>ariana attack
Yeah, I'm willing to bet it was those bloody radicalised Buddhists.

I can't really imagine what it must have felt like to see the carnage on your return home.

and yeah, the media made it into this entire 'OH MY GOD THIS IS THE SHAME OF AUSTRALIA!' and all this other BS because we're supposed to be 'multicultural' but, that's really just the government pushing shit for cheap workers and labourers.

multiculturalism failed here a long time ago.
so I don't consider it to be the defining feature of being an Australian.
you don't have to be white or whatever, but you do need to share the culture, that's the defining aspect and multiculturalism kinda just takes a dump on that.

Anyway, the media are idiots is the point to this story and it was far blown out of proportion to what it really was because of 'muh multiculturalisms'
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Yeah, quite crazy

It was crazy to see, I still remember it's pretty dark on the highway, and there's a few tires on the road, and the taxi driver is like "nah, those are probably nothing", then he moves a bit ahead and slams on the brakes as we all noticed... the bridge was completely gone, only a drop ahead!!!" that was a close one D:

yeah it's quite silly

damn, just heard the explosive was a shrapnel-based one, seems the fatalities are rising :/

also check this out
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hold up, not sure if that tweet was legit, probably seems fake or it was deleted
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141KB, 900x750px

>both sides
Seems the only groups doing lots of bombings these days are Antifa and ISIS, and I'm pretty sure they're on the same side.
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ISIS threat.png
156KB, 641x731px
here's a tweet from ISIS threatening the attack hours before it happened. police did nothing.
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2MB, 6400x6555px
If Corbyn hadn't lost the election before, he fuckin has now.
(he totally was never going to win anyway, Theresa May is just too damned popular currently)

Probably deleted.
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288KB, 569x612px
wait, that guy is retarded.
he's confusing the time zones. which are another jew plot but don't get me started on that.
That is most assuredly not dried pasta.
It's the only suggestive spaghetti related picture I have
Also how've you been, haven't seen you post all day
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2MB, 7000x5562px
How's it going Pasta?

How're you Smokey?
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193KB, 518x689px
i'm alright. just bored and waiting for fargo to come on. how are you?

I'm ok, actually feeling relatively fine so far, I think the medicine is starting to work, so hopefully I'll be good by tomorrow.

I'm ok, as above :3
You seem to be in a lewd mood :P
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834KB, 800x1119px
I lost track of time working on some stuff. Not much to do now, but I will find something to keep me entertained.
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The proportions of those thighs made me kek
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324KB, 855x632px
it's a show based on the movie of the same name.

were your test results ok?
I see, hope you find something to pass the time
Fair enough :P

Yeah, blood work for everything else, and liver specific tests came back fine.
The cause of my illness has been attributed to my extreme depression and anxiety and I've been advised to resume my medication as soon as possible, until then I've been put on something for the nausea and increased stomach acidity which seems to be helping quite a bit currently.

shame that artist only drew those 2

Guess you could say someone ordered them EXTRA THICC

Who doesn't enjoy some wide, sexy thighs? Especially when paired with a skinnier waist....
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that's a relief at least.
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download (8).png
719KB, 800x945px
Perhaps they'll draw more in future?
With their last pony related drawing dated 2012, it's quite unlikely.
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I have some time to spare for posting in the interim, but as usual I do not have much to say.
Oh, yeah, well then, I'd say not as well :P
Yeah, I've been lurking but haven't had much to say
I guess we're just boring people
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tmp_15426-ah stop bun781460455.png
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Yup, looks like I'll be around a little longer to bother you lot
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252KB, 726x704px
Oh well, there's still plenty of hidden gems out there!
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To find them all is going to be quite the fun challenge I do imagine
Being interesting is too exhausting.

Get back to work.
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306KB, 750x709px
You must be exhausted all the time then~
Look out pasta, raptor is trying to steal your man
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Luna sleep 6.jpg
31KB, 1023x815px
Need sleeps, nighty all!
You two are being depressing, I need happy talking.
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2MB, 2000x1294px
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Night Canon, ahve a good one

Hey, done any work on the assignment yet?
You sound like my non-exsitent boss
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tmp_15426-[wink] bun-148511732.jpg
1MB, 1200x1200px
No I read conversations of you being happy talking to other people.
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Izuna (34).jpg
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But this is the way I like it and I will never get bored.

Only Skitty is allowed to be interesting. There can be only one.

He must be a wondrous man.
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4MB, 1616x2094px

Mmm, no. I'm gonna finish everything over the next couple days. It'll be great :P
I guess I just haven't been very talkative lately, sorry about that
Better to be boring than to be constantly under needless drama or danger
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12KB, 250x187px

Cool. It should not take too long, arguably.
It's good to take a break once in a while.
Why are you assuming the gender of my boss?
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Izuna (36).jpg
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Fortunately, I have managed to avoid those for some time now.

But I do not want him to unleash his army of bees on me.

Are you working for aliens?
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34KB, 640x639px
Just how much of a faggot is skitty?
So were you enthralled in your work today?
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Izuna (18).jpg
211KB, 850x478px
It ended that way after I found nothing to distract me.
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tmp_15426-I see bun2091991292.png
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I bet your employer was happy you finally got so much done.
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I don't even think skitty knows himself or he chooses to suppress it.
I've come prepared!

What a sad life he must live
Either in ignorance or denial, equally sad.
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i prefer pic related
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tmp_15426-I a bun1318944650.png
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Well, I don't know how your job works.
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I'll get it

Thread posts: 297
Thread images: 247

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