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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #15 >Non

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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #15

>Non-mammals need love too Edition<

Some Pastebins
By Some random Anon from a old Shark thread.
>Late Night Mischief

By Cheetah_Anon(https://pastebin.com/u/Cheetah_anon)
>Petting Zoo
>Chubby Cheetah
>Slow and steady
(And more...)

By Zombie_Lenin
>Death Metal Panda - (in progress)

>No title and no Author name - (Anon with his cat and dog anthro pets)
>Your average date with a hydra - (same author as above)

By Just_A_User
>After-School Bullying
>Surfin'n Fuckin

Tough to Love - (Doberman) by PIXELATED_HOBO

>Hail to the King - (loli Shark) by author of Coco and baily

>Yes You May - (May x Anon) - No author name

>This must be what hilary clinton feels right now - (Femanon cuckqueaning) - No author name
>"A continuation"

Previous thread:
Left or right?
No you can't have both you indecisive faggot.

Also, why hasn't someone collected up all the OP pastebins into something less sloppy and with tags?
left because Im not a faggot
>something less sloppy and with tags
Because that would require something off-site like a googledoc and no one trusts anyone to maintain such a thing.
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Needs boobs for boobs make everything better.
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So any good furry on human tailjob art out there since I can't find any. Also what are your guys opinions on it?
That I'll worry about when I have more sleep.

Is there some sort of website out there that acts like a suggestion box people can pin their requests and ideas they would like to see without having to register or worry about it not getting seen in that exact moment? /sthg/ has a writefag/drawfag request wall but that's a pastebin and thus requires whoever runs it to update it anytime someone requests something.

Important features is being able to just slap a request up and ease of viewing. Surely something like that exists.
The one on the left because I am unreasonably turned on by androgeny
Also, hard grills = best grills

The one on the left p cute tho, would consider.
One on the right is also female, look at her crotch. Although it's to tell because of her other features. Better for lizard girls to have features that make the sexes distinguishable by many races rather than ones only distinguishable by their own race (otherwise you can't expect a lot of human male X lizard female action).
>Better for lizard girls to have features that make the sexes distinguishable by many races rather than ones only distinguishable by their own race
Kinda hard when 97% of media has LizardMEN and nothing else
Absolutely no female lizardmen
>look at her crotch.
cloaca / retractable dicks are common in reptiles
>Kinda hard when 97% of media has LizardMEN and nothing else
I would argue that the Elder Scrolls series should be more predominant than 3%, but then I remembered that female argonians have tits anyway so it doesn't matter.
Same goes for XCOM's viper aliens
Do I detect a bias against non-mammalian mammaries ITT?
Nope because boobs make everything better.
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I am not a fool.
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Why do anthros like to lick human dicks so much?
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Many animals have a desire to lick salty things in order to gain essential nutrients.
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I love the design of the lizard lady.
In case of reptiles and others cold-blooded anthros the heat of warm-blooded cock and cum might be very pleasant.
An open Googledoc would work.
No it wouldn't because of vandalism.
No mammals?

How about some birds? I'd go on e621, but it seems to be down.
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Do you like your birds to have hands or wings?
I'm not picky. Whatever's your best!
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I prefer wings but Im okay with hands.
Preferably hands.

But I'm also into wings with hands, like the way bats tend to have.
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Give me a brief personality description of these characters.
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caring wife
it can be reverted and seem to be working for the /efg/ thread on /d/
Hell, the more long form stories (the ones not using the ultra minimalistic greentext format) could probably be entered directly into that archive.
I find it interesting, but outside of the novelty it really woudn't be that different from a normal HJ and not all tails are flexible enough to do it.
Loyal partner in fights that admires your strength VERY closely.
Might suck your dick, might stab you 56 times.
Childhood friend that has always enjoys making you happy.
Bound to obey you by ritual, but takes every opportunity to twist what you say into some form of sex.
The tits don't bother me, but the pubic hair does.
At lest make it look like scales.
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Fit or thicc?
To showcase their natural submission to the dominant race
Oh fuck. Now this is a hard one.

I guess I prefer fit more.
there's always strongfat
>Loyal partner in fights that admires your strength VERY closely.

>a story about wandering knight and his female kobold squire/helper that both adores and secretly lust over him

I need this shit now.
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Finished the doberman and liked it for the most part. Little too sloppy but had more actual story and depth than you'd expect.
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So some guy named jiji is making a game called thicxels that might be relevant to this threads interest.
This interest me. Hope the end product is good.

..Although I find too many thicc anthros have too large breasts
Got a source on that pic? Its amazing

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jiji is angel sent to us by God
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Oh gosh.

Mind detailing where it was a bit sloppy? Tough to Love was the first piece I've written that wasn't just RP posts stapled to each other end to end, and I'm certain it shows. Glad you like it, though.
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I like when they have talons for hands and forearms instead of wings, and the wings stay on the back.
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But by that logic a footjob wouldn't be any different from a handjob either.
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Depends on the species
Definitely does!
I'm lazy, and my mind is addled from lack of sleep. Can I get a direct link to this game? Perhaps a patreon page?
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W-what are you trying to shill, mega-satan?
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her legs are so cute
so is her face
I don't get spergy about breast on dragons but I have my preferences
Agreed. Jesus christ imagine oiling her up and giving her a full body massage
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Reposting my request for buff yandere big cat.
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Two Anthros walked into the male locker room by accident. What are you doing ?
questioning how I got a hard on in the male locker room
The relevance of this game to me will depend almost entirely on whether the main character is a human dude or not.
question why girls are in a male locker room
>question why girls are in a male locker room

>walked into the male locker room by accident.
Female lizards with no breasts for more 'realism' need bigger asses than normal to visually compensate.
Anyone have some legitimate decent Human Males on Female Anthros stories and not these weird Implying stories from pastebin?
Are this new you're not familiar with greentext stories?
Nah, I just rather have an actual story maybe even some plot!
What even are these threads
Tough to Love is a full story, rather than just a greentext.
General for a fetish where people post art, write stories, and generally talk about the fetish. Pretty standard /trash/ thread.
What do you consider "implying" ?
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Chapter 4
>You make your way to the ape cage, a big enclosure, holding many different types of primates
>There are gorillas, gibbons and many more
>A big sign is showing the spread of the primate population in Africa
>Were it not for the shaking anthros behind you it actually could be a good trip
>You already passed the giraffes and the elephants and are now standing in front of the entrance
>The wooden door is open so you simply grab both girls and pull them with you
>Fere and La have been very silent the entire trip so far, looks like your plan is working
>Behind the wooden door is a small staircase, leading down and soon you are standing right next to an gigantic glass panel
>Behind it you can see the habitat of the bonobos
>A small family of the black apes is sitting next to a big, artificial termite den, fishing for them with wooden sticks
>A small look at Fere is confirming your fantasy
>She has gone so pale she is almost white
>Her eyes are staring to the ground
>Right next to them in another habitat are the gorillas, big and hairy
>A big muscular male is looking at your group and walks up to the glass
>Soon he is making a lot of noise, standing up on hind-legs, sort of flexing his arms
>”Hey Fere, I think he is flirting with you”
>She is not responding, but her face is deep red now
>”Maybe you should answer him, he is getting impatient”
>She is looking up to you
>There are tears in her eyes
>”Why are you doing this ?”
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>You try hard to not react emotionally
>”Just trying to help you connect with your origins”
>She is grinding her teeth now
>”You do realize that these are also your origins right ?”
>You lock back into the gorilla cage and bare your teeth to the big alpha
>A few moments later a big pile of poo is thrown at your position, connecting with the glass and sliding down
>You look back at Fere and slowly rise an eyebrow
>Fere is staring at you, than the tears are starting to form again
>Soon she is crying, tears are flowing down her face and into her fur, making it damp
>You simply turn around to La and grab her hand
>”OK, lets leave the apes behind us and meet the rodents”
>You can feel that she is trying to resist you for a short time, caught between you and her crying friend
>Than you overpower her and drag her away
A few moments later
>The rodent section is once again divided between the different species, you can see beavers building a small dam, some cages are build like a petting zoo, containing hamster and mice
>You walk up to an employe
>”Excuse me, could you tell me where I could find the rats ?”
>He is not even turning around while he is preparing the food for the small animals
>”We have no rats in this zoo. Why would you even want to see them, good for nothing breeding machines only bringing diseases If you should see some here please tell the director so we can call an exterminator”
>Who, that was harsh
>Then again, you are here for this
>La behind you is softly weeping now too
>”I..i kneew it. Sniff. Bu..ut I'm used to this...buhuu”
>You turn around to her
>”How about some food ?”
>Than you drag her off to the open air restaurant
>While both of you are sitting at a small table (You are reading the menu, La is softly crying) you can suddenly hear loud laughter in the distance
>A group of boys is standing around Fere, pointing at her, laughing and making ape sounds
>”Uggah, Uggah girl what happened ? Got tired of living in the cage ?”
>You close you eyes, this is not what you wanted
>La is also staring at them, her sobs are getting stronger
>If you now stand up the entire plan is ruined, but if you don't
>”Stupid primate, go back to Africa, they sure do miss you there”
>You stand up
>La is looking up to you as you make your way towards the group
>As one of the guys is trying to grab Fere by her shirt you step up to him
>”Hey buddy, this monkey belonging to you...”
>He is not getting much further, you simply sink your fist into his face

15 minutes later

>Fere, La and you are sitting on a small park bench in front of the zoo
>The group of idiots ran away after the first few punches, directly to the first security guy they could find
>The management only gave you a house ban but did not call the police, something you are thankful for
>You spend the last 10 minutes trying to explain your situation to the girls
>”And I simply thought if I managed it to be as big an asshole as I could you would stop with this stupid competition. I did not want something like this to happen. I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me.
>For a moment there is silence between the three of you before La is answering
>”We are sorry to Anon, this whole thing has gone out of control, we were completely stupid our self”
>Fere is simply nodding, her eyes ares still red from the tears but she has stopped sobbing
>”I never thought you would be one of these stupid specicist humans and the way you treated these guys confirmed it for me. Still it was really insensitive.”
>You look to the ground in shame
>You know that you are going to regret your next words
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>”Is there any way I can make it up to you ?”

Is it just me or is her peehole missing in this drawing.
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just a quick doodle before bed
This picture makes me uncomfortable.

And now I can't stop seeing it. I wonder if the omission of the female urethra is accidental or on purpose?
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>rimming your furry lover till she's left panting and so lust-addled she can't even properly play dom anymore

Hot af
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Isn't there a term for when the sub sort of takes control like that?
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Any good Cetacean female X human male stories?
Damn straight anon, gotta have breeding hips and thighs for egg laying.
They mostly need bigger hips to accommodate how thick their tails are. The tails on mammals are a lot slimmer, but look bigger due to fur.
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>thicc hips because of thicc reptillian tail
I swear, tits aren't needed at all
Fuck me it's gonna take ages to find the source of the top half of that.
Give me a few minutes.

Took longer than I thought it would.

Not because of "muh realism" is just because I find it more pleasant to look at a female with flat chest and a small rounded butt, than a "thicc" or voluptuous female.
Fit. Fatness is disgusting to me.
I don't know why this happened. Like, what is he trying to achieve here?
Well that was unexpected. Thank you.
I hope that image it's a preview of the next chapter
The game hasn't been released yet and there is no patreon page for it either.
Yes it is
Why does this faggot have a hard on in the guys locker room?
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What if he got hard seconds after seeing them? Like there was an awkward pause and he had a moment to ogle them.
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>tfw no big wolf amazon to snu snu and cuddle with
I want to be molested by this pedo
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>someone actually made porn of this
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Actually it is very common to see among snow leopard anthros.
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There is even anthro snow leopard porn of this. Someone needs to do a human X snow leopard fic here for the tail biting is just too cute.
more Miss L!? cant read the sig and no google results, got a source?
Then it just appeared on my radar.
Trying to convince them he's an asshole so they'll leave him alone.

Tell me you have more of this Milf to be a good boy for
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Just be prepared to accept the consequences of hybridization
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What kind of setting do you hate the most?
Farms, but I grew up on one.
I'm convinced that everyone obsessed with farm animals has literally never put up with them.
Fit. Very fit
Artist is borisgrim on FA.
I don't really think the experience of being around farm animals is really applicable to anthros.
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It's enough to remove any interest in them. Whatever sex appeal people get out of cows, chickens, pigs, and the like is immediately negated by far too many mornings where I got up before the sun.

Oddly enough, goats and sheep get a pass, but that's mostly because they weren't worth the effort for our cattle raising family to bother with. We had two goats, Salt and Pepper. Gramps decided in the end they weren't tasty enough for how little meat they gave in the end, and that if he really, really wanted goat milk products he'd just buy it instead of wasting the time to raise and care for them.
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Corablue - Not Weird.png
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Today a seagull tried to steal my sandwich while I was eating, but it miscalculated and gave me a peck on the cheek instead. This is probably the closest I'll ever get to fucking a cute bird.
Either way. Anyone have a certain greentext story about Anon meeting and falling in love with an avian girl who works in a bookstore? It was pretty long.
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Too bad she won't be a good mommy for you
Okay, now it makes sense. Not a smart move though.
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bird 1.png
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In a world of anthros sororities must be super fun.

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You guys might like this game.
Anybody here read "World's Apart" by Snekguy over in /d/'s /efg/? The couple in it is cute as fuck.
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Are anthro plants okay?
Wait, the game says it's chapter 2. Where's chapter 1?
It just got added to chapter 2.
Chapter one is included with chapter 2.
That makes sense now. I'll give it a try, thanks anon.
>forced to have sex even if you win

Shit, is there no way to keep my purity? I mean, I know this isn't really that kind of a game/place but I'd like the option.
sorry, not an option
Is there nowhere to get the raw images without them being cut off by the game borders?
>sex even if you win
Thats the only way to have sex.
This isn't Coc
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Of course.

>there are people who didn't want to waifu Palmon in Digimon: Cyber Sleuth
>gnoll fucks you in the ass without any say so
>cant look over defeated gals picks again
>most are shitty futas past goblin

Christ, might as well stop at rat n call it a win
>futas past goblin
But theres only the gnoll.
There aren't any other futas.
Their sprites are futa for some reason, and you dont actually penetrate orc or minotaur from what it seems

But yeah, rat a best
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I caught a dove today. Casually lunching downtown, and I saw my chance. (I catch all sorts of birds all the time.)
Held it with loose fingers draped over its head to calm it down for a bit, then proceeded to entice it with some small food pieces while I still held it.
After--reluctantly at first--eating the food despite being gently held, it really calmed down (as they usually do).
After mock-preening it for a bit and giving it the customary check-up,

I fucked it until it blew apart.
Yeah I don't know why the sprites have dicks either.
I don't see why not penetrating orcs matters when it comes to that, you can clearly see when your hotdogging her that she has no balls or dick.
Also gargoyle a best, rats are gross.
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z coconut and chocola NSFW.jpg
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Do nekos count as anthro? real talk.
It really isn't all that much different
This is a dumb ass question.
>Trickster bat slut that curses your dick
>Not adorable Rat gal who just wants to have you babs

In all seriousness though, Rats n Mice seem to be a fairly popular pairing for human fellas, wonder why that is
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n-nice joke anon hehe
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>social animal
>mates for pleasure too
>known to be horny little fuckers
>hands are rather human-like too
>fairly common pets
>can have them be smaller than humans or bigger depending how you view/portray mice/rats
>easy to make cute
>pretty much every human culture/region has dealt with/interacted with them
that last one might be the biggest because when you think about it the animal most universally known/favored are the majority of furry art.
Because I want to fuck a female horned Skaven.
>Calm, tranquil build-up. Sweet and serene, with an interesting setting
>Looks like this is g-
I swear.. Some writefags delusionally think that cramming the "whole package" into a single short green is always the better option. Whether one is into it only for the fucking or not, it does more harm than good, really, since it breaks the rhythm and flow completely.
Everything lewd in this story would be better off if paced properly.

>Suddenly lips and non-issue beakjob (somehow)
>Suddenly "covered in sweat"
It's like the author switched halfway through with some fap-crazed writeslut

..Still a comfy read, though.
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God damnit, that game
True and while >>9488699 brings up good points I would think that primate girls in general would be paired up with humans more often or cat girls because as >>9488484 points out those extend pass just anthros. Also wasn't the very first furry porn done with a cat girl.
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(No worries, anon. I couldn't hurt a bird even if someone held a gun to my head.)
>Foolish man-thing! You slave-thing of great-mighty Grey Seer now! Eat-lick me out or your death will be horrible-slow, yes-yes!
>Also wasn't the very first furry porn done with a cat girl.
Well, if you want to be pedantic, the most likely candidate is wolves considering that they were the first animals to be domesticated.

Now I want a story about early man creating the first anthros with wolves.
Skaven have so much baggage you'd need to make a rather noncanon skaven clan/group or just make a notskaven race that you could tweak and remove or alter all the fucked up/nasty parts of them just so you could get a scenario of a female skaven fucking a human guy.
Still funny that Nurgle is one of the kindest gods/god-like beings in 40k/fwarhammer fantasy
>Giant rat
>She preys at night
>She stalks at night
>She makes all of the rules

Are there any downsides to giant rats?
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Either as long as I get to impregnate.
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>female Grey Seer (to get a non-mutated female, one appeared in a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay supplement IIRC)
>spent her whole life in Under-Altdorf (they have the greatest exposure to humans and canonically have started adapting human body language and sometimes even Imperial fashion)
>her personal chambers are styled after the Imperial finery of the city above, complete with looted furniture
>other Skaven consider her to be far more interested in the man-things than any Skaven should ever be; she gets away with this due to the combination of being a competent Grey Seer and living in Under-Altdorf where they're all a bit funny anyway
>bought a human slave and keeps them in prime condition as a display of wealth because the amount of food it would require is a completely pointless waste for a menial servant
>she's actually keeping the servant in prime position because she likes to fuck his brains out every once in a while
>is always very much in charge during sex, very domineering and derogatory towards her servant (when she can stop moaning and squeaking for long enough to form coherent words)
>over time servant has developed Stockholm Syndrome because he's treated very well for a slave and Skaven pussy is some good shit
>Grey Seer tries to justify her outrageous human fetish to herself by claiming that shagging another Skaven would be politically disastrous for her (completely overlooking the fact she could simply dispose of them afterwards because Grey Seer)
>goes to extreme lengths to hide the fact that she's getting slammed by an inferior being on the regular so none of the other Skaven know
>those that do find themselves very dead very quickly

Anything can be turned into smut with only a gentle bending of lore when your boner is fuelled by autism.
True, but the bigger issue is all disease/warp corruption that's just coming off skaven almost naturally. A secret clan/group of skaven made of mostly/exclusively females is probably the best bet since you could say they thought they can do more for their cause by not being baby making blobs. Different skaven clans also in fight enough it could work too.
This looks like a genderbent version of Cluny the Scourge for some reason. Anyone ever watch or read the Redwall series here?
never got into that series but I did get into mouseguard though
The only path I've got is
>Female horned rat is born
>Stolen by Grey Seer to make a Breeder out of her and his own Horned Skaven Army
>She escapes, somehow
>The Broodmothers and the Broodmothers-to-be suddenly die off
>Clan Pestilens are scape-ratted for causing this catastrophe
>The female Skaven that hadn't yet been put on the Broodmother diet are still alive, though some are sterile
>Thus Skaven breed through the more "natural" way
>Since the females are MUCH more precious now they are given their own Honour-guards

I prefer the latter since it allows a female Stormvermin to have her way with some human/elf w/o worrying about children.

Or this. This is also good.

This as well.

As long as it ends with a Skaven pussy full of human cock. I'm satisfied.
It had promise, and then every motherfucker had to jam their shitty futa fursona wherever they could
>the bigger issue is all disease/warp corruption that's just coming off skaven almost naturally

Clan Pestilens aside I can't remember anything about prolonged exposure to Skaven causing nastiness in anything I've read, and 'The Loathsome Ratmen and All Their Vile Kin' went into an amazing amount of detail on Skaven physiology and their interactions with humans.
They like to see what kind of trouble they can get themselves into.
To be honest, part of what I liked about CoC was how it just-.. contained everything. If you wanted to fuck someone's OC futa fursona, you could. If you wanted to be power-rimmed by some feral unintelligent wild creature in a display of blatant bestiality, you could do that too. ..heck, even if you wanted to chastely kiss (then later powerfuck, of course) a simple, plain catgirl, there was that option too.

It was simply a whole lot of kinky content thrown together, with something for everyone.

...and the sad thing is, the Slablands-project is so utterly and autistically against adding anything except simple monster girls- they so completely stifle and strangle any suggestions to expand the content laterally- ...that the project is fucked because of it.
The core principle (a game enticing as many as possible to make content, which would be screened for quality, then added in some fitting place) was a success with getting CoC off the ground, and Slablands has the potential to be the ultimate "CoC", so to speak.

..but those guys are so close-minded it cringes my brain. (I saw it with my own eyes; "maybe we should at least have a drag-" "NO FUCK YOU, ONLY MONSTER GIRL, LEAVE AT ONCE")

Painful. Consider how such a game would benefit from the myriads of fantastic writers around, everyone chipping in and adding tentative characers and scenes, suggested content and whatnot.. It could be glorious.
I don't know why you guys are going on about rats when kobolds are obviously the superior exp fodder.
Those shits even disallows any discussion about CoC in the thread (even thought the thread is named "CoC/Slablands General"). Deliberately.
Because of some gripe one of the devs had with Fenoxo personally.

It's too fucking unbelievable.
It's not named that anymore.
Mods wised up.
I'm actually glad to hear that, even if I thought I didn't give a crap.

I still hope that one (or possibly two) Slabland dev spergs will wise up too one day, though.

When it comes to content, using the masses is like a goldmine.
With the proper administration, even game-mechanical things, code, gameplay elements, etc. ..a whole lot of things could be helped out on by relying on suggestions from people.
Would it be correct to say CoC wouldn't be what it is today without crowdsourcing the game?

Hell, Free Cities wouldn't even be w/o people submitting code.
>CoC wouldn't be what it is today without crowdsourcing the game
It was what kept the game floating in semi-popularity long enough for it to gain some fame.
Long enough to gain a "critical mass" of content, sort of.
CoC started to focus to much on futa fursona though, it would actually get to the point where if you made one seemingly simple decision you'd be getting fucked in the ass

Yeah it had variety early on, but that died out in the later stages

I'd say both of em go to the extreme to much, CoC pushed its fetish agenda to the point of forgetting character interaction and relationship whilst Slab rejects anything out of the ordinary
Yeah... I guess you have a point.
My frustration about Slablands make me see CoC in a too positive light, probably.
(..That or the countless gallons of ejaculate I've spent on CoC, anyway..)
It should have a bit more forewarning about certain scenes.

(I have to be honest, though, I liked Urta. I s-shouldn't like anything futa or big-dicked or anything, b-but I couldn't help it! I blame Fenoxo for being a somewhat decent writer, despite whatever shortcomings he may have.)
There wasn't anything wrong with the futa gals per say, just how hard they were pushed and updated in comparison to everything else. It was obvious Fenexo preferred them to things like Tamani, the adorable little rat gal, and other more vanilla options

Oh hey a hot wolf girl she's "I have a horse penis, no I don't want to get rid of it" ok that's cool. How about this cute belly dancing cat girl? "I also have a horse penis, no I don't wanna get rid of it. Ok fine this plant woma- ass fucked! Jesus ok what about the kitsune gal- one of them is trying to fuck you with her futa cock!

It all became to much, and really the only focus Fenix cared about, he wouldn't even update Tamani, arguably one of the most popular girls, so you couldn't even have a relationship with her. If you came across her giving birth, you wouldn't help, you'd just fuck off!

Oh but Urta? Yeah lets give her an entire questline dedicated to curing her curse and getting the ability to have kids! Oh but the horsecock stays because Fuck You!
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But you can remove Kat's cock. Only in 3 kitsune are futa. Never did the fertility thing on Urta, but that does sound a bit stupid.
Shit taste.
At least Penny is fine without growing one.
Though I get the feeling giving her the synth-sheath is her 'good ending'. Hard to pin down why exactly, but that's the impression I get.
>Shit taste.
Okay, how about the cute mouse who wants to re-populate her village?
Flexible Survival is superior in so many ways.
Thanks, mane.
Amily? Excellent choice.
just have to enable the cheat so you don't get TF'd when fucking things
It sucks that she can't get knocked up by urta.
Nah fuck that, Urta a shit
Cheats? You are able to choose what transformations you want or don't want from the get go by adding them as traits or if you don't want to go through that complicated stuff just select that nanite immunity trait for no transformations to your body though that just makes the game into hardcore mode considering you get all your special abilities and passive quirks from transformating parts of your body (also I find that it takes out the fun of the game).
Hmm, yeah, it kind of grew beyond bounds..

Now that you mention it, I never liked the "yeah but even if you -can- remove it, y'know it's now -ME- so I won't really feel comfortable about it *mediocre romance end*" ..Fuck.

I loved the early take on Ember, where you could have her be born as a feral dragon (before modification through secondary additives). Now it seems like it's either dragon-girl or anthro dragon.
All that interaction and those scenes with her as a large feral dragon was probably my most favourite of the entire game.
Not often I get to call someone a definitive cuck and have it actually be true
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Now I'm curious. Any tips as to acquisition, potential modding, playing, etc.. ?
Okay, this is getting too off topic of this general's fetish/purpose. Let's not turn the thread into "bitching about wasted potential sex text games" thread.
The multiplayer version is superior to the single player one.
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>It's a MUCK
Not him, but there is a downloadable single player version.
SurvivAL is single player thing: http://blog.flexiblesurvival.com/p/play-flexible-survival.html

SurvivOR and Society is the multiplayer business.

I recommend downloading Survival if only because if you play in your browser and the game updates (which it does every couple weeks) then your save will be incompatible and just outright BALEETED.
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Competition: Chapter 5
>You knew you were going to regret asking them about redemption
>Now you are lying on your back, on top of your blanket
>Fere and La are scurrying through your room
>Since they tied you to the bedposts in a spread eagle position you are powerless to stop them
>Fere is folding your trousers and your shirt,placing them back into the wardrobe
>Only your boxers are left on your body
>La back from her search and holds your only tie in her hands
>She places it over your eyes and ties it behind your head
>Now you are unable to move and see
>You already have a feeling where this is going to end, but since they are not fighting each other you are kind of content with it
>”OK ,La now that Anon is unable to see, why don't we get comfortable ?”
>Moments later you can hear the sounds of clothes being removed and bare hand/paw-steps on your floor
>You can feel how furry fingers are running down your chest, stopping just above your waistband
>”Fere, shall I ?”
>You are getting nervous
>”Na, not yet. Lets first tease him a little bit”
>You can feel how La is closing in, breathing hard into your ear
>”You know Anon, I really liked how you punched that arse right in the face”
>Her hands are groping your stomach, you can feel her strong and hairless tail on your leg
>”But I still can't forgive the fact that you dragged us into this stupid zoo”
>The tip of her tail is starting to tickle your feet, making you giggle
>”Hey La, look at this”
>Feres voice is loud and merry
>”Anon has a rat fleshlight”
>Oh fuck
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>”Its not what it looks like, I got it...”
>La is silencing you by placing her clawed finger over your lips
>”Shhhh... Anon I'm flattered. If you wanted to feel the real thing you just had to ask”
>She is mounting you now, you can feel how the bed is caving in under her weight
>Her body fur is running all over your body
>Suddenly she is pressing down her body, sitting upright
>You can feel a slightly wet and warm piece of flesh on your stomach
>Your breathing is getting stronger, this is going way to fast
>Maybe the fact that you are tied up and blindfolded is increasing their courage
>”La, hey stop cheating. I thought we had a plan”
>”Relax Fere, I'm just warming him up, look he is reacting to it”
>You don’t even have to see to know that she is pointing at your groin
>Your erection is straining the fabric of your boxers, building a nice tent
>For a moment there is silence before La is speaking again, her breathing has speed up to
>”So Fere.....you want to touch it first ?”
>”Na....Maybe you should do it first...”
>Seriously ?
>First they tie you down, strip naked, rub their genitals over your body and laugh about your sex toys, but once it comes to touching a real penis they back down ?
>Feres voice is shaking a little bit
>”You know, I own a dido but I never saw the real thing...”
>”I was to ashamed to look up pictures on the Internet, is it true that humans don't have a sheath ?”
>”Why don't you pull down his boxers and find out yourself ?”
>A hand with 5 fingers is groping your erection through the fabric, making you wince a little bit
>”OK Anon, lets start with the game”
>La is dismounting you and sits down next to the bed
>”If you can guess which of Feres hands is touching you we untie you, but if you guess wrong your boxers are gone”
>The girls are getting kinky
>”Ahh...left front ?”
>La is whispering in your ear now
>One second later the hand is pulling on your boxers, pulling them down to your knees
>Since your erection got caught in the waistband it is pulled with it and is now flapping back, slapping against your stomach before standing upright
>You can hear both girls squeaking
>”Wow...that’s bigger than most monkey boys...”
>Sounds like you left a lasting impression on Fere
>La is not saying anything but her breathing is getting even stronger
>A clawed hand is sneaking down to your balls, slowly cupping them and lifting them up
>La is softly squeezing your jewels before suddenly dropping them
>Her other hand is catching them, squeezing harder this time
>Fere is interrupting her playtime
>”You like his balls ?”
>The only answer she is getting is a muffled moan of approval
>”OK let me go next”
>The furry fingers are replaced with two hairless hands, one for each ball
>They are squeezing and softly pulling them apart, before suddenly a third hand is groping your shaft
>Another hand is pinching your glans, your foreskin already pulled back
>”What is that ?”
>”That is foreskin, it is normally pulled over the tip of the penis to protect it. You never had this in sex-ed ?”
>”No...we only had the rodent model, you know with the sheath”
>Fere is laughing while she is squeezing your entire package before removing all four hands
>”Here, try it yourself”
>A clawed hand is grabbing your dick now, slowly pushing the foreskin back over your tip
>Once it is completely back she pulls it back down
>It only takes her a few strokes to find a rhythm, giving you a nice handjob
>You can feel yourself getting closer to orgasm
>”OK stop”
>Feres voice is soft and La is stopping her fondling
>”You see how his balls are twitching ? That’s a good way to see that he is going to climax soon”
>”How do you know that ?”
>You can almost hear Fere shrugging her shoulders
>”I watched a lot of porn”
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>Goddammit, you were so close
>”Hey Anon, everything alright ?”
>”Please.... let me cum”
>”Not so fast, first another game”
>What are they planing now
>”La, get your hands of his dick and bring me the fleshlight”
>”What are you planing ?”
>”We are going to milk you dry with this little toy, but instead of lube we will use natural lubrication. You have to guess who is jerking you off and whose juice it is. You get one stroke and if you guess right we let you finish and if you don't we remove the toy, juice it up again, wait a few moments and try again. Better guess right.”
>They have gone crazy now
>You can hear a slicking sound and soft moans, before the wet entrance of the fleshlight is pushed down
>Your penis is parting the latex folds, being welcomed by the tight interior
>Once the fake lips are touching your balls the movement stops
>”OK Anon, your guess ?”
>You are panting hard now, your balls are starting to ache
>”Girls please...this is not....”
>”Your guess Anon !”
>”Its La with... Feres juices... ?”
>The toy is lifted up so slow it is driving you insane
>Moaning and slicking
>Another combination
>”La with her own juices ?”
>Wrong again”
>Oh god, this is their revenge
End of Chapter 5
Though I don't find survival that great because it feels like a downgraded version of survivor since I've played both, survival just doesn't have as many options as survivor did not to mention it simplified the combat system so both you and the NPC only have attack as there available combat option.
>SexEd in a world with multiple species
Imagine how complicated that shit is with all the weird anatomy and sex practices of each species mixed together. Does a class have to cover every single species? Are there multiple classes that separate into groups depending on species? Are you allowed/required to take the SexEd class of another species if you're dating one? Gets even more complicated if you have anthro reptiles or birds involved too.
Mouse Monday up in here
Alright, I might check it out. Thanks
But that was Yesterday.
I imagine it would be basic reproductive organs and functions, as well as their general locations on various classes of animals.

Anything more specific most likely falls onto your own to research it. I imagine there would be plenty of guides out there on interspecies romance and intercourse. Barnes and Nobles and libraries would probably have a whole section on it.
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>Stopping at the final part where everyone was waiting to happen this.

Geez Anon, y u cut my boner liek this...?!
Could just go with 'bound gutter runner' or some such whatever like >>9482931
Guess it would depend on the human to animal ratio of the anthros from how many similarities they share with humans. Anatomy classes would be far more complicated as well given how it's gone from just humans to many different species of sapient being and then you have to think about what features the anthros keep from the animal side and which ones they lose. Be an interesting story to make none the less though I believe someone may have done that with monster girls already.
Okay, enough shitposting abour CoCk. Let's go back to talking about the superiority of rat-girls. I'm working off the second scenario from here >>9489296

>Snen Covenmaw good-good Stormvermin. Best Stormvermin.
>She sneak-sneak-sneak! very good-best.
>Take down ALL stupid guards of stupid human nest.
>Others Stormvermin come in, snap-trap humans.
>Grey Seer says she is proud of Snen. Says I have first pick of slaves.
>I look, I touch-touch ALL slaves.
>No need child or old or female.
>But want male.
>Pick big one. Almost big as Snen!
>Snen touch big male. Big in arm, big in leg, big between leg also!
>Snen kick big male to ground, drag back to caravan for ride home.

>Snen is in burrow now. Cozy burrow full of familiar-smells.
>Big man tied over stool. Cock points to ceiling.
>Snen will fuck-ride male until he squirts in her lower maw.
>Then Snen will fuck-ride male again. And again, and again-again-again!
>If male stay hard, then Snen keep. If not, then male go to slave-pens.
>Male understand, yes-yes?

Possibly. Already got a way to set it up.

>I ain't fookin' it.
>Come on! It'll protect you from the Wyrdstone.
>Like hell it will!
>John fucked that lady wit' the tail back in town, and when he picked up that massive chunk of Wyrdstone, nothing happened!
>That was just luck.
>If you want it be, sure. But I'll tell you he got that luck from fucking that beast-woman. Think of how lucky you'll be after fucking a woman who is full beast!
>Well, then why you ain't fooking her?
>'Cuz I already got one for meeself. Look. If you don't want to fuck 'er, at least tie her up so we can sell her to town. Oh! And gag 'er. Else she'll be squeaking all the way through.
Please, pretty-please, sauce me up on these.
>tfw trying to writefag but prose is fucking hard

I have a a clichéd high school story about a guy fugging a rat girl that WILL be turned into a green, damn it!
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I feed you this one time.

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>When she lies that you can't get her pregnant
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>mfw I would so utterly start (and maintain) a family with a gorgeous anthro
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I remember a guy on /tg/ describing his Warhammer fantasy tabletop

He came across a young skaven gal whilst he n his adventuring buds were sneaking through the skaven underground. Ended up letting her tag along after he fed her, it was cute, but pissed off the grimdark warhammer bois something fierce
Funny how those people always ignore all the goofy over the top stuff within the setting that make it ungrimderp.
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>"I'm a professional, I swear!"
Sounds cute. Was it archived, and if so, do you remember the link?
I distinctly remember this, even though it was some years ago.

Dudes were triggered for sure, even though it predated REEEEE posting. Cue paragraph long posts on why taking a skaven kid was only bad news, including shit like the gods themselves using her as a beacon to track them, hit squads following her trail and killing the party. Things like that.
wow I actually managed to find it, this shits pretty old to. good on the archive I guess

Because in tabletop fantasy people don't want you to have nice things.
Truly, grimdarkfags are the worst.
That's goddamn adorable.
To be fair, from what I remember of it WHFRP was designed to be grim as all fuck including very lethal combat.

Unless you're a dwarf in heavy armour then you become fucking indestructible and break the combat dynamics over your knee for some reason.
Is there an english translation of this?
I see no flaws here
>The great horned rat would fuck up anyone who dares to make a single rat child happy
Christ is this what warhammer fags are usually like?
I believe this comes from one of the Kemokko Lover volumes. Hopefully not seven if you want an English translation because Laruffii has been fucking up all the translations and he is taking them before most other people.
>The great horned rat would fuck up anyone who dares to make a single rat child happy

As someone in that old thread put it:

>that would mean the Horned Rat actually cares about his skaven
>He does not.
>Christ is this what warhammer fags
No. They usually start that way, then loosen up as they get immersed in the universe.

Or they go the opposite way and become more anal about how things are set up, and these tend to be the most aggravating of the bunch.
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On the plus side, we got a cute Skaven daughter story.
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>tfw no mouse or rat waifu to raise a massive brood of adorable babs with
I've seen this. Why does nobody translate these works?
All of those kids look like her clones. Not a single dark haired one among them
>massive brood
I always think of this.
>Okay, how about the cute mouse who wants to re-populate her village?
She'll go futa if you don't have a dick by the first time you have lesbian sex with her, though.

And might as well max Fencing first then grow your own to repopulate faster.
>No option to save her for marriage
Even the mods can't fix this.
Anyone know any comfy stories about humans being adopted and/or raised by anthros?
Depends on how good you expect the stories to be and what theme you would want them to be. I have an erotic mother/son comic linked if you are interested linked below.
On that note, what are some stories where anthros aren't a common thing and the focus is more on romance than sex?
I'm writing one, back on a few threads we were throwing ideas about something similar, I don't have the archive for the older threads, but I did save the green I wrote on a doc file, and is the one I'm basing the story on.

Here goes
>Human baby boy is born from anthro family
>Family goes into complete fucking chaos
>Papa anthro thinks wife betrayed him
>Parents disappointed about her unloyalty
>Others think of shit more extreme like the birth of a human child being some sort of omen
>Doctors decide to not be retards jumping to conclusions and make a DNA test
>Turns out the kid is actually legit
>Bullshit explantion about how there's one chance in a gazillion for a child to be born human if there's at least one human in one of the parent's family line
>Family now has a legitimate human child, and they have no idea how to take care of one because they're anthros
>Hilarity ensues

For anyone from that thread wondering what's going on, why is it taking so long, it's still happening, but it was a bit harder to write than I initially thought it would, so it's gonna take some time until I finish it..
Thanks Anon. I guess now I finally have a reason to get past sadpanda

Your idea sounds neat. Definitely gotta read it when it's done
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Need to have a scaly and a furry option.
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Very tasty. Many thanks, kind anon.
Can you give us a sneek peek?
I dont know what's happening here but it looked horrible?
Three kobolds caught anon and tied him up. Then they rode him until he cum in each pussy (maybe even multiple times) and then they decided to fill baskets with his cum for some reason. At least I see it that way.
To me it looks like the kobolds are milking him through sadistic ways, but I'm not sure.
Ok, now I see the stains on their legs. Still concerned about what their thinking, though
Ball punching only contains 0.02 milligrams of fun.
And 10 tons of pain if done with enough strength.
The obold girls are trying to milk Anon but have no idea how to interact with his erection and are instead punching his balls.
One kobold is saying that there is no more cum leave in anon, the other is suggesting to puch his balls and squeeze out the rest.
How about the one kobold who plans on using hot wax.
To me the one on the left is thinking about a candle, but Im not sure.
Why are kobolds so cruel?
Because they're small, weak, and make great fucktoys.
That isn't a candle. That is a bottle. You can see a cap next to it. She is comparing his penis to empty, dripping bottle.
how the hell would touch pads work?
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>How the hell would touch pads work?
They wouldn't.
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I'd like to have a pet cat and dog girl
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Because we're cruel to them
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>all three holes
she wants to be fucked in her urethra?
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You can find the rest on my patreon

OK, everyone. Welcome to Interspecies SexEd 101.

We got some pictures and reading material here that we will go through later. But, long story short: You are on your own. There are 139 sapient if not intelligent species on this planet and they all have dicks and pussies, or organs that resemble them. And there are a lot of freakish equipment out there. We cant cover it all.

Basic guidelines are:

1. Dont let your libido write checks your orifices cant cash in.

2. If it looks like its gonna hurt, it might well do so.

3. Contraceptives make sure that you dont suddenly find out that you are the father of 30 children. Or will have 30 children.

4. If you are a girl or girl equivalent dont get knocked up with something with a significantly bigger bodymass.

5. There is a difference between pregnancies and parasitism, know it well.

6. Find out if your partners species is prone to unusual behavior before you get into the sack with them. If they start to lick your whole body, its just weird. If they suddenly turn to coprophilia, thats disgusting. And if they try to chew your balls off afterwards, well that is just plain bad.

Remember children, there is a vast selection of partners to fuck out there, but if you dont do your homework you will get fucked up.

Fucking lol.

That's pretty good.
Knowing how freaky some animals get in the sack or otherwise makes me a bit more appreciative of human mating
Nice. Now read it in the voice of Steve Irwin.
>Oh, now she is a right beaut, ain't she? Look at how dark her cloaca is gettin'. That means she's gettin' aroosed.
>5. There is a difference between pregnancies and parasitism, know it well.
this one is bullshit
I miss Steve Irwin
At least we have Jeremy Wade, he is a perfect replacement
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>tfw no furry anthro wife
>tfw she eyes you anxiously as you hold two of the five pups
>A few weeks after you've gotten settled back home again, you notice she's fretting over something
>The huge, furred muscled female, looking like she's suddenly afraid the world will collapse around her
>tfw you'll never playfully squeeze her muzzle lightly between your palms as you ask what she's concerned about
>swn put her clawed, trambling hands over yours, tears finally rolling as she admits:
>without a pack, how will she take care of five pups.. how will you manage?
>She nearly whines as she sobs pleadingly, imploring you not to leave her, again and again
>swn feel frail and tender, despite being larger than you, as you rock her in your arms
>tfw ywn tell her that she doesn't need a pack..
>she has a human
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Khajiit sure are nice-looking. At least those in Skyrim.
Art like this people question whether its anthro or not. Does it need to have a muzzle to be anthro or can she have a human face and still be anthro?
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One thought that has me fairly trembling with excitement, is the concept of a fairly feral-aspected anthro furry female slowly being introduced to anal play, and growing to like it more and more.
..until she knows all its ins and outs and tries everything to get you to play with her that way.
well if we want to be technical a pregnancy has the function of passing on your genes
pure parasitism would mean that your only being used as an incubator doing all the work but getting none of the benefits (though some parasites can grant benefits to the host organism at times)
by definition yes
since she looks even MORE human she would be the anthoest anthro

anthropomorphic is very wide term
I want to hug that Kobold's butt.
>Game with sexperience points
fund it
To be fair, that is one huggable kobold. I agree.
Also, is there some source to that? I'd love some lewd doujin or something with that kobold in it
Not a doujin
artist is rakkuguy
People who choose /fit/ over T H I C C need to be removed
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>weird implying stories
>being this disgustingly new

Please leave
Does that mean Kemonomimi count as anthros then because that would piss off many people on certain other board.
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Almost a shame her ultimate form is better.
>tfw she doesn't have a full-on quadrupedal white-furred angelic semen demon form
>(tfw you always found Renamon's quadrupedal form all the more intriguing after seeing her main/usual one)
Feral foxes are hot mang
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>Feral in my Anthro thread
the fuck outta here anon we already set up the standard
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>>tfw she doesn't have a full-on quadrupedal white-furred angelic semen demon form

Source? Looks like a fun read.
Ex-nay on the sauce request; I'm retarded and can't fucking read.
This aint no bestiality thread! Get outta here!

Next thread!
Does it count as bestiality if she is sapient and has a human form.
They're just illusions.
Human form is though the sapience isn't. Also what would that say about most kitsune, tanuki, and nekomata sex since there original forms are that of animals.
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