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RWBY/RT Trash General #409 Abs window Edition Previous thre

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Thread replies: 373
Thread images: 82

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RWBY/RT Trash General #409 Abs window Edition

Previous threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/RWBY%2FRT%20Trash%20General%20/

Rules of RWBY/RT threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Only the finest waifus can earn abs.

1080P Episode Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!S1E3wTRQ!4RH3D97O1-ZiW_lMAu7xog
Yang looks like her internal organs are one hit from rupturing.
good thing she isnt real
Told you about overdoing them.
>Kali will never tongue punch your fart box
>3. Only the finest waifus can earn abs.
Fitting. Since RWBY waifus will never have abs and they are all shit.
Hilarious and true.
>Only the finest waifus can earn abs.
Does this mean the husbandos are the best waifus in rwby because most have abs
This is actually so uncomfortable
What if Ruby came to you in tears because she fell for a Vacuan prince scam and lost 100k Lien?
>tfw no MILF fuck buddy
Sage will finally have his day
I'd ask where the fuck did she get 100k Lien in the first place
it's your own damn fault Rube
>Tfw no Ghira to sandwich you into a threesome
>The look on anon's faces when Yang only slightly widens with no real change but Jaune suddenly has a six pack.
Doesn't he already have a six-pack? He is pretty muscular.
Man Weiss is gonna be pissed Ruby lost her money.
I had one, she gave me syphilis
>No hot cat milf pressed to your front
>No hot bara dilf pressed to your back
Joke's on you, it looks like shit no matter how you post it.
Ren would have a sixpack.
Don't worry anon, I'm sure Sun will knock you up too if you ask nicely
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I accepted that making the thread with such bold abs was a risk. If there's anything I learned from that last thread, it's that female abs are a contentious topic.

Here are some more subtle ones, instead.
what if ruby invited you to get wedding and you went there and everyone was congratulating you and you were the groom no one even told you
That's her fetish. That's why that outfit is designed with a window directly to it, like a bullseye.
>Hey anon, would you like to get wedding with me?
Bitch weddings aren't something they sell at the grocery store
oh sorry I made an error I'm gonna go fucking hang myself now
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ask her when it is and no matter the date tell her I'm busy
Kali's hip windows are glorious. Whoever designed her outfit for her deserves the Remnant equivalent of the Nobel Peace prize for creating something that could end all wars.
Is it really that hard to find reference material on anatomy for artists?
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>Ruby thinks weddings are edible
How was it? Besides the whole dick falling off thing
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>not Ghira
Dropped hard. Fucking ntr fags ruining everything
Don't worry, it won't be NTR anymore once Ghira gets killed off. Then it will just be in poor taste
Woah... It's like a whole new picture!

Thank you! Thank you so much!
Literally the only people who benifit from realistic muscle mass are Pyrrha and Nora because they can gawk at their roommates.
Tumblr downscales things constantly because fuck you that's why. There are scripts which automatically fetch the high-res version, but you can get that manually by switching the number at the end of the URL from 500, 540 or anything else to 1280.
Maybe they just want the abs to look a certain way, without strictly adhering to anatomy guides? I think they look nice, myself.
>implying they wont kill off Kali
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Whoever designed Kali needs a cookie
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What a pain... And now I have reason to be suspicious of my RWBY folder. I got what I thought was a nice haul of Arslan art from Tumblr a few days ago, but it could've all been downscaled to hell and back.
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I think that's the point, it's like Snu Snu
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If the resolution is 540xsomething there's a good chance it's been infected by tumblritis. Sorry for your loss.
The 1280 is also a hard cap for tumblr-hosted images, so often you have to dive into pixiv if you want the true original.

Also, twitter does that same shit. Fix that by putting :orig at the very end of the direct image URL.
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Kali was probably too busy getting railed by Ghira to raise Blake properly
Well Ghira, maybe if you were with her right now instead of sitting around in your study complaining on the Internet, this kind of thing wouldn't be happening.
>railed by Ghira
>not everyone else
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Do you think Jaune and Ren compare their muscles?
Probably not
NTR shit aside, there's a criminal lack of Kali art
By 'compare' you mean 'grope and feel up'

then yes.
It's not that crazy. She didn't actually do that much or have an important role.
Mostly great, better than any 20 something that would cry rape if they have the slightest regret in the morning. Just use a condom, fuck

At least the treatment was just a shot of penicillin
Meanwhile there's all that Neo and meme cat art
Why would Jaune grope Ren?
Why wouldn't he?
Whenever you think of such questions, ask yourself what Miles and Kerry would probably say if you asked it in a Q&A
Neo had two volumes and has done way more to leave an impression than Kali

I have no excuse for Neon though that shit is ridiculous, left more of an impression in what little time she had I guess.
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It's hardly a surprise that there's lots of Neon art. Neon is cute, CUTE!
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It's her winning personality, of course.
Ren would grope Jaune.
It's fags circle jerking for attention.
give me attention
Neon is an annoying girl. Kali is a beautiful and mature woman
I was gonna say how Mojo draws Neon a decent amount, but then I remember they also bought two of the Pyrrha dolls, so they have some notable shit taste.
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Would Jaune like it?
Dub abs!
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Still the funniest thing to come out of RWBY
>Cute faunus girls being cute sets the faunus rights movement back
Racial stereotypes, imagine giving Blake a ball of yarn to play with because cats love that shit
Still pissed off that fucking thing got made in the first place. Of all the merch fuck ups, that one is pretty much top of the heap.
I wonder if they're going to make other characters like they planned
First time I saw it I thought it was an attempt by an inexperienced fan

How the fuck could people defend this as official merchandise?
If they're smart, they'll quietly drop those plans.
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Why is it so hard for them to not fuck up merch?

She needs more merch but not this.
It is a fate worse than death.
Penny deserves a proper figma that can open up/extend and show us her robotic inner workings
What if she really does love that shit? One woman who enjoys being a submissive doesn't set back feminism.
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>open up/extend and show us her robotic inner workings
Tell that to feminists
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Yes, YES.
I would pay good money to import that.
Of course
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Agreed, everywhere I look on twitter and fb, that doll is getting universally panned. I don't know if even the die hard RT fans can support this thing.

Same, that looks like something you find on someone's etsy store starting out.

Dunno, they certainly could use some fresh ideas that's for sure. For god's sake they need someone like Lambency in there. She's already churned out mutliple designs that could easily fit multiple types of merch and are easy on the eyes.

Here's a simple LED charm and Queen of Cards Ruby Charm she did a little while ago.
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>RT fankiddies tried to get Lamby's good merch shut down
This is what happened when Raven lost to Tai's dick.
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I'm just saying keep Penny out of that shitshow of plush dolls
Lambency's stuff is great and I defiantly need to get some
Penny deserves more love. hop we see Penny Mark 2
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Me too
How would she look?
Older, younger, the same?
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>She's older and is more sexy
>Ruby blushes when she sees her
Older please, and maybe more apparently a gynoid instead of regular looking girl being all like "oh btw I'm not a real girl"

For unrestrained military use instead of blending into society
A toaster.
what if ruby doxxed let's players

Jaune would cream himself.
>I'm wheat bread ready!
What was the controversy with the soundtrack? Apparently, something happened?
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>Ruby didn't keep one of Penny's swords
Why not? It would have made for a great memento and been useful in CQC
Seems legit
>Ruby blushes when she sees her
Please no I rather not have more shipping.
It would have been useful even though Ruby doesn't know how to use it and she barely knew Penny?
That's utterly retarded.
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Help, I don't know which to play!
>implying they didn't teach Ruby how to use a fucking sword in Signal
>implying she didn't consider Penny a friend and felt something when she saw her literally ripped apart
>>Ruby blushes when she sees her
fuck off with that shit
>Ruby blushes when she sees her
Why did I buy this? I'll never play these games
I plan to play all of them, but I don't know where to start.
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i can't believe this shit
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I'd prefer she stays the same. It drives home the alien, unaging nature of robots
I guess Volume 5 is gonna be all edgelord, given Miles's tweet today
>implying they didn't teach Ruby how to use a fucking sword in Signal
Why the fuck would they when almost no one uses a vanilla sword and Ruby said she was shit with everything but her scythe?

And no matter what your headcanon is, canon they knew each other for all of six hours.
Obviously they're not as close as true companions like Blake and Nora who knew each other for months.

Same anon. Goddammit
KOTOR obviously
Not that anon, but almost Everyone and their mother uses a sword tho? Even if it transforms into something fancy, swords are by far the most common weapon in a Remnant
For the love of God, please dump Reese lewds.
I posted the update in the previous thread but here's the summary:

>Jeff severely injured his hand early in April, pace of music creation has slowed down as a result.
>He's changing the way he does soundtrack now. Instead of just 1-song 1-chapter, he's expanding the background music samples into full songs as well as adding songs that weren't necessarily part of Volume 4. Obviously this will take more time.
>He admitted the May 1st thing was a mistake to say it, and did not clear it with RT. He admits he fucked up, says he's working as fast as possible to get it done soon.
>No ETA on Soundtrack now
>Upside is that this is supposedly the biggest tracklist for a RWBY soundtrack ever, supposedly 45ish tracks may be on the release.
Basic fucking practice for a combat school. I'm not in the Tour Du France but I can ride a bike effectively
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I've put way too many hours into that game...
Empire at war, Republic Commando, Lego Star Wars are also good

Nuts and Dolts is pure
The music was one of the few things I actually enjoyed about Volume 4, so I'm fine with that
>but almost Everyone and their mother uses a sword tho?
Of wildly differing styles and shapes.

Jaune and Scarlet are the only ones with what could be considered a vanilla sword. Everyone else has something wildly different.
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So nothing in canon or supported by canon even remotely?
And yet they all pretty much use them the same way, so your point is?
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Nah, more like basic fucking common sense

Are you one of those autists that think the girls don't get periods because it isn't stated?
Do you think they all just start using wildly different swords instead of starting from something basic?
different anon here but
>one of those autists that think the girls don't get periods because it isn't stated
people actually think that?
You do realize in pretty much every single form of combat training you start with hand to hand? Even back in the days when swords were used?

And even if for some reason they started with swords Ruby would be retarded for using what was probably just to get them fit.
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Yeah. You should have been around when Lindsay did that skit with Ruby getting her first period, the stupidity
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>Bite marks
Maximum lewd
It doesn't even matter because everyone in Remnant uses a sword the same way, despite having different types of them.
>you know how to punch, have fun with your sniper scythe
Did KOTOR a while back, so I guess KOTOR II?
i tried really hard to masturbate to that skit
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That's literally how that works.

Unless they're being taught like Cubans in massive classes which wouldn't make sense considering how quickly they individualize they probably all started out in their own styles. Not from a generic one.
You guys are trying to say people have different melee styles when everyone basically fights the same, minus like Nora and Yang. Even Ruby uses her scythe like a sword
You're wrong though. It would be stupid if they did
>Lindsay did that skit with Ruby getting her first period
I almost kinda-sorta wanna see this.
>Do you think they all just start using wildly different swords instead of starting from something basic?
Like a wooden giant sword instead of a one made of metal
I guarantee you, whenever Ironwood's gun transformation is finally revealed, it'll probably be a sword. They've been dickteasing that for a while now
I really want it to remain a gun-gun
I think gun-fuckhuge axe would be cool. We've yet to see a competent axe wielder. Port's a meme. And May is mainly a sniper
That doesn't teach newbies proper combat stance and basic fighting skills
If it's not the gun-gun I think it would be neat if it was just a large knife he used to stab the shit out of the Grimm.
>You're wrong though. It would be stupid if they did
More idiotic than everyone for some retarded reason using a sword as a starting place even though every has wildly differing styles and weapons?

Here's the thing. If they were going to start teaching people a unifying style, it would probably just be something unarmed. Not armed because that is a whole mess of issues.
Why would people that have never fought before already have unique styles? You develop those as you practice
>That doesn't teach newbies proper combat stance and basic fighting skills
You do realize the sheer difference in using a long sword compared to a saber right? And that of a massive big ass sword compared to a regular one?
Do you really not get why starting them off using a sword when they're going to change to something wildly different is a bad idea?
Ilia's rapier-whip is neat
>here kiddies, a variety of regular training weapons to get started with, we don't need 13 year olds wielding sniper scythes just yet
>Why would people that have never fought before already have unique styles
Because as Ruby herself, and Yang, hell Weiss, maybe even Blake, Ren and Jaune are examples of, you have family.

Or you didn't go from being unschooled to signal directly.
Has anyone ever crunched the numbers on the types of weapons in the show
Save for Jaune, they've all fraught before

Beacon is more of a university for people who already know how to fight to master their skills and become fully fledged hunters
>Beacon is more of a university for people who already know how to fight to master their skills and become fully fledged hunters
Yeah. Which is why the conversation is about Signal.
>That doesn't teach newbies proper combat stance and basic fighting skills
Why would they be newbies in Signal?

Signal is high school. Yang got out of there when she eighteen and Ruby was barely fifteen.

In the real world, where people learning to fight martial arts wise is a niche thing, people start when they're six in martial arts families.
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This is like a really tame guro fetish and I love it
So they learn with basic weapons of their choosing before Signal, and in Signal they make their own weapons

Wow hard
You're parroting what the other side was argueing but trying to make it look like it was what you were saying.
You do realize that was what the other side was saying right?
Everyone has their own style when they get to Signal and they don't learn some unified sword style?
Did you read up the reply chain for context or did you just jump in?
I never said that, all I said is that when they're starting off they'd use basic weapons and that Ruby should know how to use a sword
Whether or not they taught how to use a sword at Signal, Ruby desperately needs one. That scythe is absolute dogshit for human combat, and she's going to find herself doing more and more of that. Everyone and their mother uses a sword or knives in Remnant. Ruby needs to know how to defend against that properly.
>and that Ruby should know how to use a sword
Why would Ruby know how to use a sword?

Her father was a fucking bare knuckle fighter and even if you want to argue that Qrow would have taught her, she explictly stated that Qrow worked with her on using a scythe when she was much older?
she SHOULD just shoot them with her sniper rifle
>Qrow and Taiyang are the only teachers on Patch
Well there is that theory that Crescent Rose will break, Qrow will die and Ruby uses his weapon after that
>That scythe is absolute dogshit for human combat
Except its fucking not in universe.

Why do people keep saying this stupid shit like it's canon in universe? It's explicitly mentioned as being this mystical special style.
Actual rounds in Remnant may as well be plastic BB rounds from an airsoft
And Ruby fucking sucks at it. Or sucks at fighting, take your pick
Why the fuck don't boxers know how to round kick?
Then why is it every time Ruby goes up against a human opponent with it, she fucking loses, and Qrow doesn't use it for human combat?
They probably do
The fifteen year old who only loses to explicit higher ups in the enemy structure sucks with her weapon.

Aside from the White Fang goon who beat her, which can be explained away by her aura just being shot, Ruby has only lost to Mercury, a much older, trained assassin, Cinder Salem's bitch, Tyrian, Salem's other bitch and Neo Roman's attack dog.
>Ruby goes up against a human opponent with it
You mean the horde of white fang she fucking slaughtered?

Or are you talking the fucking grown adult supervillians of which two are on the BBEG's evil council?
James Toney and Shannon the Cannon say otherwise.
Holy shit, anon, she took out some non-aura fueled mooks??? Goddamn that's powerful
So what you're saying is that Ruby is absolutely fucking useless as a main protagonist?

They could probably roundhouse kick you
what if someone shot ruby in the face in one episode and she died and the rest of the show was about that guy
You do realize any argument you have is instantly obliterated by the fact that Qrow, a skilled huntsmen and weapon master, didn't use his scythe, the supposed OP mode, against Tyrian, a serious as fuck opponent.
>You do realize any argument you have is instantly obliterated by the fact that Qrow, a skilled huntsmen and weapon master, didn't use his scythe, the supposed OP mode, against Tyrian, a serious as fuck opponent.
You mean the thing that was explicitly because their animation team is still new and is something Monty stated to be wrong before he died and in the designs for it?
>A fifteen year old girl just starting out on her journey loses to high level opposition
>This means she's shit and her style is shit
They've retconned the hell out of a shit ton of Volume 1 stuff. You really think the scythe being some powerful weapon can't be one? They clearly don't even know how to animate he damn thing properly
Why is someone useless the protagonist?
Gotta a Source, faggot? Because they've been working on this shitshow for four Volumes now, and at least one of them should know how to animate a goddamn scythe. They didn't just pull the red trailer Volume 2 out of their ass
>They've retconned the hell out of a shit ton of Volume 1 stuff.
Not really.

The shit people see as retconned, were just little personality traits that the writers decided weren't going to be a thing.
They retconned Ruby's ability to fight
>Red trailer
>Volume 2
The stuff Monty made?

And if you want a source the move to Maya and how they're getting used to it is scattered around social media posts their twitters and similar stuff.

It's not like it's something new. Even back when Monty was alive his nunchucks disappeared because they were used animations he had no idea how he made.
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I'm not sure if you're baiting as this point but do you seriously want a story where the heroes just solve everything right off the bat and the antagonists aren't a threat?
>They didn't just pull the red trailer Volume 2
Oh my god he doesn't know.

Something happened to Monty.
Antagonists van be a threat, but Ruby is just a jobber

If she didn't have her majik eye powers she could have disappeared and nothing would have changed
The character short before Volume 4. Clearly, someone knows how to animate a scythe in action over there, and yet they still chose to have Qrow just use his sword and gun.
Did Ruby get in Beacon ahead of her age because of silver eyes bullshit?


Her skill in combat?
Usually protagonists have character growth, not regression
>but Ruby is just a jobber
>Has only lost to an assasian raised since birth in a hellish training environment, the eldritch horror's daughter, and a psychotic murderer
Her nice tits.
The character short that everyone perpetually shat on because of how bad the scythe looked in action?
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It was her silver eyes. Bitch knew how to fight somewhat competently, and that was alright, but it was totally her eyes
No, the character short everyone and their mother loved outside of RWBYg because of how "Monty" it was.
>Gif of Cinder, Mercury, Roman and Neo at the same time and Tyrian beating her.
>Other two examples are from the food fight, which she won and the gorilla fight which she also won.
I'm sitting here with a thumb in my ass this entire time because I was thinking Ruby was a prodigy at this shit with her scytherifle.
Fuck this shit.
>No, the character short everyone and their mother loved outside of RWBYg because of how "Monty" it was.
What parts of the fandom did you go to where people were praising that as Monty like?
Dude. Literally everyone outside of 4chan was jizzing themselves over it. Get out of your bubble.
They were jizzing themselves over the fact that RWBY was back so quickly.

The way the looked was either ignored or complained about.
Why would public perception matter at all in an objective look at what was clearly clunky animation?
Rwbyg doesn't make up the entirety of the rwby fanbase.
What about that time she got punched out by a goon because she didn't have CR?
How was this supposed to prove your point?
The thing that happened after a fight with grimm and her falling several hundred feet to the floor almost headfirst?
have the waifu wars ended
Because no one gives a shit about objectivity, and public opinion is everything?
Aura regenerates in seconds
>Because no one gives a shit about objectivity, and public opinion is everything?

Again why does public opinion have anything to do with an objective observation of how clunky Ruby's scythe looked?

Public opinion isn't suddenly going to make animating a scythe easier or take away the fact that, because Monty died a lot of it was not good.
Unless it's Logan levels of regeneration, it wouldn't have returned before she got punched.
Merely beginning anon
And yet none of that matters, because the majority of the fans think it's fine, so there's nothing to improve. The fanbase is content
>And yet none of that matters, because the majority of the fans think it's fine, so there's nothing to improve. The fanbase is content
So basically, you're trying to prove a point entirely fucking unrelated from what's being argued.

Why did you respond?
Ruby is my waifu and I still think she's a useless fighter and character
what have i missed on rwbyg the last 6 months
>Ruby is my waifu and I still think she's a useless fighter and character
Then she's not your waifu.
>being so blinded that you can't recognize a character's flaws
We got a new archive for RWBY media. Other than that fuck all
You're trying to say the scythe animations are shitty, and they know they're shitty, and that's why they don't animate Qrow using his scythe. But that literally doesn't make any sense when the feedback regarding the animations has been nothing but positive. They have no reason not to animate the scythe, given most like what they do.
Except here's the thing.

The entirety of the argument that Ruby is not a good fighter, is that she lost to the inner circle of the main villain.

Ruby who is fifteen years old and just barely getting started.
She lost to a a no name mook
>but she didn't have aura
A skilled fighter shouldn't rely in their aura as a crutch. Ruby should have recognized her disadvantage and taken evasive maneuvers instead of girly punching a grown ass man
>It doesn't make any sense.
They can't avoid Ruby and her weapon because it's basically her trademark. Qrow on the other hand has a sword.
>But that literally doesn't make any sense when the feedback regarding the animations has been nothing but positive.
It doesn't make sense that if they could avoid something difficult to do, that nobody would really lose their shit over they wouldn't do it?

You're argument is that these people would forge ahead struggling with the syche animations because the crowd liked it.

The people who criticize Rooster Teeth. Either decide that they're lazy shits who'll do whatever shortcut they can find or hardworking but flawed content creators.
So basically you don't want an actual character you want a never failing always doing what is the best option always.

Even though a good portion of Ruby's personal struggles have been because she's fifteen, kind of unsure of herself and thrust over her depth into the shit.

How is she your waifu again?
>a character has to fail all the time until she suddenly wins to be good

So you want a invincible hero?
How the fuck is using your brain even remotely similar to what you guys are implying?

>character acts like an idiot
>call her an idiot
Except she doesn't fail all the time.

Again, the only times she's failed is against the elite of the opposition and when she was disoriented and hurt without her aura from falling and fighting.
Remember guys, if she runs away she's a Mar Sue
>How the fuck is using your brain even remotely similar to what you guys are implying?
Because she fell several hundred feet was disoriented, without aura and got jumped.
>Using her brain
Ruby going from hurt and disoriented to skilled martial artist in seconds is her using her brain.
She was disoriented now? That's some serious mental gymnastics you're trying out there
She gets her ass kicked all the damn time, and relies on her team to pretty much do all of the heavy lifting, sans Players and Pieces
ive felt once or twice of making some random image macros or memes, maybe a rape edit or two. is writefagging still a thing?
Meh, no one will stop you here
She fell and was stumbling around.

What do you call that?
She was hardly what you call stumbling
>She gets her ass kicked all the damn time,
Except she doesn't.

The only times she's been beat up is when she's fighting again the inner circle of the bad guys.

Other than that she typically wins her fights, even if she gets hit.
When has she ever won a fight against a non-mook tier Grimm or human? The gorilla is basically the only fucking time.
So basically all the time
>When has she ever won a fight against a non-mook tier Grimm or human?
When has she ever fought an opponent and lost that wasn't a major player or power on the badguys side?

Because she won food fight, the team battle, the fights in the forest,
I honestly don't remember Ruby doing shit in the team fight other than taking some pot shots, Yang was the one that KO'd the other team
Then go rewatch the episode.
>The food fight, where she relied on her highly situational semblance in a last minute manuver no one could really dodge, thanks to the nature of the cafeteria.

>The team battles, where WBY did most of the work

>The fights in the forest, against total shit tier Grimm

Wow so impressive
>rewatching Ruby
No thanks, I'd rather watch literal shit
>When has she ever fought an opponent and lost that wasn't a major player or power on the badguys side?
She got punched out by a mook.
I love how her special attack from the food fight is fucking useless in real fights
Okay heres my issue with this argument.

Ruby doesn't get her ass kicked all the time. As much as people here might like to parrot that you can go through the series and tally up her losses like she's a professional fighter.

And if you do that she wins a lot. She just happened to lose to Mercury.

I'm only mentioning Mercury because that was her cleanest loss and even that has the qualifier of Ruby just trying to get past him. The fucking mook who knocked her out was after she fucking got blasted right before it happened.

Cinder ended up having to flee because of approaching guards in what was at that point a back and forth fight, Neo and Roman were together fighting against her by herself and Qrow had an even bout with Tyrian.

Ruby fifteen years old has only lost to vastly more experienced fighters
So are you just parroting what RWBYg said or do you just not watch the show?
I KNOW. They treated it like it was some holy shit amazing thing, but it's so situational and hard to recreate. She was only able to do a smaller version of it once she got the gorilla off the ground by tripping it.
So a win, another win and another win, which somehow don't count because you don't like them.
When has she ever won against a non-mook Tier creature or human, without the assistance of her team
And the point went right over your head. Keep being a stupid waifufag, anon
There will be even more Neon fan art once she makes a glorious return in volume 5.
And heres the issue with that idiotic argument.

Why does that matter?

If you want to argue that it matters because its proof that Ruby has never had success in fights against non mooks it's not a good one because that's the entirety of the enemy in RWBY.

If you'd notice there are no nonmook enemies in the show. And that's because RWBY isn't a fucking video game with sub bosses or a fighting promotion with gate keepers.

Ruby slaughters everything except for literally the end game bad guys.

How is she a bad fighter because a fifteen year old loses against the people destroying the world.
remember when people thought Neon and Flynt would be seen again in V4 and help Weiss escape
I remember when I was actually excited for Volume 4.......
You do realize she technically won against Neo and Roman right?

And that "without the assistance of her team" is a fucking retarded qualification considering the series she's in is called RWBY? As in literally her entire team?

Also you're just moving the goal posts.

Answer the question if you're so solid in your position. How does losing only to the inner circle of the villians make Ruby a bad fighter?
And nobody fucking cares.
That was your own mistake for setting standards
Her team does all of the heavy lifting for her. That isn't a valid fucking win when all she's doing is being a camper.
>Her team does all of the heavy lifting for her. That isn't a valid fucking win when all she's doing is being a camper.
Answer the question.

How does losing only to the inner circle of the villains, who Qrow struggled with make Ruby, who is fifteen years old a bad fighter?
How do they do all the heavy lifting for her?

You're saying it as the corner stone of your point. How do they do it exactly?
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>Yuri love babies
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I'it's gonna happen anon season 5/6 for sure we'll get more Neon, Flynt, and the rest of team FNKI too.
I don't know who the girl is next to Neon tho~ I just happen to like the picture.
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I did it. I came in my ice cream. Can't really see it in there though, but I did see it go in.
did you eat it
Currently eating it. Just ate a nice chewy wad though.
Good man.
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Frozen cum has a strange texture. It's like sherbet until it melts.
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Toast and Icecream.png
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Anyone here ever hop into a dumpster only to remember they don't like being covered in garbage?
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Did that one anon ever get around to putting his dick into a carton of Neapolitan ice cream?
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RWBY brain chart.png
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Any suggestions?
...Can I see the pics?
All shit, only correct one is Cinder
I don't have it. Check the archive. At least one of the past two or three threads does.
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Why is Cinder the best most beautiful girl?
I'm a fan of bacon
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Lair, you and your shit waifu have to go back.
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You can only pick one.png
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Hello RWBY/RT G, I would like to play a game. Right now RT is short on money and it's very likely that they will not include all of the waifus that were introduced in seasons 3 and 2 in future seasons. Ten of the eleven most obscure waifus that are important enough to have a wiki page, but don't actually contribute anything to the main plot will be cut from the show forever. You can only save one from oblivion, but you must argue for your favorite obscure waifu's continued existence against the other anons on this thread. May your autism and keyboard will be your shield and sword.
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How can you say no to her practical design
Whichever one is most likely to secretly hide an hooge futa penor under their skirt.

On that note; do the RWBY girls have any good Futa artwork or is it all just straight boring shit?
Cmon, Diversify yah cunts.
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ciels a fan.jpg
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It wasn't that bad. I'd suggest trying it as long as you're not afraid of a sticky dick.
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>Only pick one

Dumb, because the obvious choice is the twins and they are a set.
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I fixed it for you
I pick Yang
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Did a quick search, apparently guys do have some good shit.
Any more?
Are you just super new or a lazy faggot?
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Shovel Knight is endgame.
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umbrella obviously neo.jpg
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new neo cosplay
That's more like it, unf.
Though I doubt there's much as good as this.
Thanks Anon.
whose oc is this
I would like that very much.
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futa rube.jpg
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Would Jaune being gay break the fandom?
some weeb named tragger
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big ripe balls for the taking.jpg
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I want to castrate futa Yang with my teeth!
Yeah the fandom would probably fall apart for a bit with just how many different reactions there'd be
I want her to fuck me pregnant.
Who'd care?
that one guy who flips out over the gay jaune greentexts

arkosfags, lancasterfags, anyone who saw Jaune as just straight I guess
You got caps of those greentexts
I got Jaune x Oscar, Jaune x Whitley and Jaune x Ren x Mercury, I also have one where it's Jaune x Anon
That was made?
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Sparring session.jpg
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Well sort of, it happened just on a whim and isnt totally serious, and has some jaune x ren thrown in
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This guy gets it. FNKI shall return!
Could you please post the other ones.

I legitmedly have a theory to test out.
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Oscar x Jaune.jpg
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Whitley x Jaune.jpg
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Why the fuck is there so much technical grappling in these?
If I suck the bottom cock, will the top cock cum as well?
Sparring apparently leads easily to gay porn.
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Jaune Irks the Merc.png
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Probably stems from this greentext last year.
We still haven't gotten a pure Martial Arcs one.
Jaune is a very big man and him manhandling through wrestling is attractive.

WWE is the most homoerotic thing imaginable after all.
I actually have a bunch of screenshots saved of one, unfortunately it never finished
Reminds me, anyone have that one picture by Mojo with Jaune and Ren sitting awkwardly together, I cant find it
There's a one post of them jerking each other off
I'll get a new thread ready
Post what you have.
I'm putting it together now, but I need that picture by Mojo to make some sense to the context at the beginning
There's at least two people here who both like Yaoi and grappling.
>Getting ragdolled by Jaune and smothered on the ground.
Seriously anyone have that picture, Jaune and Ren sitting awkwardly on the bed by Mojo
Nevermind finally found it
Why would Pyrrha teach Jaune to grapple?
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Jaune x Ren.jpg
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Sadly this one never really got an ending
The big post is the ending.

The rest was just other talks.
She wouldn't
To grope him.
Eh, fair nuff
>That last post
Huh. Hot.
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No, I want his dick.
I feel as if this post is actually an attempt St reverse psychology for more gay stuff.
You're free to talk about something else.
It does sort of make me want to shitpost about it.

This >>9129476
ended on a good jump off point.
New thread
NTR best fetish.

I want to touch Reeses cups
The screenshot itself was actually legit.
Jeff just had no idea of what release schedule RT was planning on using.
Thread posts: 373
Thread images: 82

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