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/TLHG/ - The Loud House General Beach Momma Edition >Boo

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 463
Thread images: 160

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/TLHG/ - The Loud House General
Beach Momma Edition




>Thread Archive:






>Paramount making The Loud House Movie due 2020

>The Loud House: "There Will Be Chaos", New Books & DVD Announced

>The Loud House available on Free Comic Book Day, May 6th

>The Loud Crew Interviewed for the Nick Animation Podcast Finale


Upcoming Episodes:

Potty Mouth (Airdate: TBA)
>The kids hear Lily curse and are afraid that they are a bad influence on her. Therefore, they want to change their behavior for the future.

L Is for Love (Airdate: TBA)
>A love letter addressed to "L" Loud appears in the house and the family must figure out who the letter is addressed to.

Pets Peeved (Monday: 5/15)

Out of the Picture (Tuesday: 5/16)

Room With a Feud (Wednesday: 5/17)

Spell It Out (Thursday: 5/18)

Relative Chaos (Saturday: 5/29)
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She's a treasure
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Best edition
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There's something about Rita...
fuck wich thread is the right one?
When all else fails, go with the MILF.
gimmie drawing requests
love points for maggie&lars
nsfw is ok too
>Thicc beach MILF

It's not even a choice.
Mother I'd Loudly Fug
Requesting bottomless Tabby listening to music, please
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Luan x Trixie Tang.
Maggie and Lars reading erotic poetry
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We need Lincoln/Rita/Lori lewds, all three together
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rita teaching lori how to properly seduce and bed a man using lincoln as a testing dummy.

aka generic hentai plot #156
I seriously misunderstood what you meant by bottomless, sorry
That tabby on the right is cute
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Best ship amirite?
heh nice
thanks senpai
Anon stop rubbing two lamps together that's not how you make fire!
hey someone should make more content about this thing
Well that's not something everybody thinks when they read "borromless"
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>double cute freckled butt
Now Lincoln definitely won't resist any longer
It's a sad man rubbing two lamps together getting hard ranting about Luna rocks I dunno I guess he gets off to moon rocks.
To be frank, I was expecting Tabby nude below waist and listening to music, but that's okay for me
Where's Dawnfiend?
Fuck you
I hope our CC's are here to celebrate with us today on our anniversary.
I think today of all days should be devoted to driving out the rest of those little shits.
Make /TLHG/ CC free again!
Nah, they're in the discords.
But why senpai desu?
Is there still a private discord for writers?
Because countless threads have been ruined by CCs, either by fueling discord drama or being jerks here. Worse, we "depend" on them to inject conversation into these generals.
Isn't it time we cast off the shackles they have us bound to? Isn't it time we take back our general?
Without CC's I wouldn't come back here
Then you're not needed here in Neo-/TLHG/.
With that, the problem isn't "content creators" but the individuals, themselves. They aren't some unfathomable group of people.
Reminder that doong the following makes you a cuck:

1. Watching football or basketball.

2. Wanting dyke porn.

3. Being a Christcuck.
Working right now, but I'll be around in the evening.
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>countless threads have been ruined by CC's
>not the nameless masses that try to create drama at every turn with various forms of bait.
Here dude, just woke up. I'll do Lana having a big fat weird boner over Pizza qt's panties now, wait
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I don't know this general well enough to know if this is serious
And yet you turn a blind eye to the CCs that explicitly stir drama using discord screenshots, and the very real possibility that CCs themselves are not a part of the aforementioned "nameless" masses.
People like you who even care enough to perpetuate the conversation are the ones making it worse. Get over CC drama. If you see it just talk about something else.

Is it weird I want to eat cake today in celebration?
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>(((CCs))) stir drama by posting screencaps of discord
>retards who supposedly don't use or care about the discords eat it up like flies on shit

its like the shit with that one spic ghost avatarfag. He is obviously an attention whore and yet everyone still gives him attention
You say that as if the CC shitposting was them and only them, and not mostly idiots that were either envious of the attention, doing it just for the sake of it cause that's what all the newfags and underaged think 4chan was meant for, or both.

Literally all the fandoms of video games, cartoons or whatever have fanart and other forms of it. Assholes knew that if you spread hate for content and all that, and maybe make them leave, they could tear down a big part of it cause it's true in any fandom's case. It's simply ridiculous to claim that it was CCs who ruined this place.
Yes, we saw that at least one guy that was also a CC was part of it, but that doesn't mean you can blame all of them and content creation here just because of that. That would just make you part of the real problem
I don't, but just as quite a lot of people are too quick to suck the dick of all "CCs" just because they think they're being the "good guys" and that the CCs can do no wrong, it does no good to alienate the very concept of "CCs".
Then you don't deserve to be here.
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>3. Being a Christcuck.
now you wait just a goddamn minute
And once more, people think ignoring CC drama will do anything, while others join in more and more into it to keep it going.
Just look at what happened yesterday. The Ultrahand drama took over an entire thread. No amount of ignoring it changed it ruining the thread.
This one gets it.
I'm not saying with absolute conviction that all the CC shitposting stems from CCs themselves. But to completely turn a blind eye to that possibility, and the fact that of all users, other CCs benefit the most to their fellow CCs bring smeared, is an incredibly foolish view to hold.
If we alienate them now, we can turn it back to how it was before the CC Era. Constant discussion of the show. Shitposting that's funny, and not autistic shit slinging against CCs by the "nameless" masses. And maybe then, CCs will be able to come back and exist without the two sided coin of glorifying them or demonizing them.
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Here you go
This whole conversation is autism.
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>He is obviously an attention whore and yet everyone still gives him attention

Either that or a narcissistic faggot who likes to samefag. Which do not make it any better.
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Damn, Rita look like THAT?
Nobody is turning a blind eye to them. When people talk about shitposters, nobody ever said "except shitposters that are themselves CC" or anything like that. They refer to all of them.

But you are on the extreme opposite. The fact that you think that alienating them all would make things better, despite there's proof right in front of your retarded eyes that this place is just in a near-death state as a result, not to mention you're also so naive to think that they'll come back because of it... feels like you're just blindly resorting to "cutting the problem at the root" without any thought about what would happen if you do.
You think that somehow cutting it at the root fixes everything, no matter what problem.

Not really. She's too doughey.
I'm digging your points, anon and I agree with them.
I'm actually going to agree with this one.

It's not like it's good to assume all of them are innocent or all of them are assholes, but putting them on a pedestal and glorifying them isn't any better. There's a medium that exists, but not everybody understands.

DF knew there were people here that liked his stuff, but after a few incidents here and there he just said "No, fuck all of you!" and kept his shit discord exclusive, promptly fucking over people on the threads cause he couldn't deal with his balls being exposed.
Meh. You only say that because you prefer blissful complacency, or are in a position in which you're free to not care. While a bit wordy, exaggerated, and aggressive to fully denounce his words as "autism", as much as it may be, is pretty close-minded. You're already on 4chan, on /trash/, in a 24/7/365 general for a children's cartoon, and all anonymous.
There is no moral or social high ground.

You can easily tell this is their first roller coaster in a community if they suck CC's dicks. They'll soon learn like the rest of us.
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>And once more, people think ignoring CC drama will do anything, while others join in more and more into it to keep it going.
>Just look at what happened yesterday. The Ultrahand drama took over an entire thread. No amount of ignoring it changed it ruining the thread.

thats because no-one ignored it. Ultra's usual hate-crew obviously saw an opportunity to stir up the hive and it worked amazingly well.

of course it would had better if ultra had ignored it himself but he made the mistake of defending himself against judge, jury, and executioner, aka Anonymous.

It's important to find the balance and understand that everyone who makes stuff is still a human and subject to human qualities. They can act like shitposting niggers or kind people if they wanted. This isn't a right vs wrong situation, and creating content does not make you a saint or a devil.
What happened yesterday? Do you remember what the OP was?
I wasn't just talking to him, or trying to take some high ground, I'm just annoyed that everyone is arguing about CC's instead of talking about the show.
All things considered it was pretty short lived for how much of a big deal they initially made it out to be.
What the hell? Are you new?
Nobody whines when we're talking about vidyas or anything else that isn't related to the show.
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>ultra acts like a prick because he was annoyed by someone making a question
>someone caps it and posts it here
>various retards eat it up / shittalk ultra for being a prick
>ultra comes in and tries to explain his reason for being a prick
>escalates to complete thread derailment

just another day in glorious /TLHG/
What do you mean? Because I should expect this? I know it happens a lot, but it still annoys me. It's also usually just a side conversation next to all the shit posting I come here for, but right now it's all anyone is talking about.
False fucking equivalence. That shit isn't harmful or take up a whole goddamn thread with shitflinging
>Favorite Loud
>Least favourite Loud
Then don't say you want to talk about the show, just say you want to talk about anything else that isn't what's going on right now because it's "harmful".
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too bad kiddo, this is now /TLHGCC/ thread
fuck off with this shitty (You) bait i'm so sick of this trite.
And yet, no one is really shit flinging. this is the most civil conversation about the role of CCs in this general I've seen in a long time.
even her overalls are excited
I was just trying to quickly change the topic I'm sorry man, ive gotten enough (You)'s from getting yelled at in this thread
fuck you and suck my cock
Yeah change the topic as lazily as possible and just ignore any issues. good going faggot
Yeah it is, as it encourages off topic discussion. You can't have your cake and est it too, complaining every time discussions dussuade from your comfor zone. You're the one deciding that because you like one thing over another that they can't be equally bad or worth having. It's this very mentality that pushes down any negative feelings which causes them to explode which causes people like you to further try to push them down, creating a vicious cycle.
Alright well now you're just giving me a bunch of (You)s anyway
eat my ass
M-Maybe I will, anon!
Personally, I just can't get in the mindset that anyone cares enough about any of this.
unf nice
Do a good enough job, and I'll double what you gave me~
It's become second nature by this point
Because you're a dumbass who wants to participate in these conversations without caring about them.
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Is this considered gay?
Haha what the heck dude? Of course I want to participate in the conversation. I only said I don't think most people care about this stuff as much as they let on.
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post the weirdest loud house picture you have
it's not gay if we're both wearing a dress~
I just think that in a community already divided as we've become by this very bullshit, and other flavors of bullshit, that it's way more detrimental to pretend we're fine and have no problems and that those at fault are just "shitposters getting a rise" and then everyone acts like "Oh man, how did X happen" over and over and OVER again when people start voicing complaints or discontent, en masse.
People either flat-out ignore or try to gloss over certain things,or pin blame on one group while ignoring another.
only if you open your eyes
To autistically make it show related: Sometimes you just have to let things blow over, like 'Brawl in the Family', sometimes shit gets settled if you let the people settle it, but you can't let things be like "Space Invader" where you let tensions get the better of two peoples and things fall out longer than they nrrd to. you should talk or mediate things out.
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Don't worry, eating ass isn't gay.

Trust me, I'm an expert.
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I want to put my cummies in her tummy!
Drawfriend was a mistake.
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Is that a turn off? Would you prefer it if I put on something more provacative~?
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No fair! I want out my cummies in her tummie too!
>You'll never eat out a cute girl's butt
Kill me senpai.
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ANON - Update and New Chapters List (MO4444R!)

>>LvLvL 5 (WIP)<<
Author: cedric225
WIP - http://pastebin.com/9kQqijSz
Last Update: 19-03-2017
>Lincoln doesn't cope well after being sexually assaulted, despite his sisters attempts to help him through it. (A pseudo sequel to "Lincoln learns the hard way")


>Speaking of sad avatarfags I'm making a sequal fic.
Second date (WIP ha ha in progress)

>New Fic
Workout (Lincoln/Leni) WIP

>Going Away Present Chapter 2 Update, starts at line 179.
Going Away Present: Chapter Two- Leni

>It involves Lincoln being more of a delinquent than his usual self.

>this is gonna get long
The Loud that Leapt Through Time


Omega Ultra
The Cowardly Christian
That Engineer
Omega Ultra

>go to line 114 for new stuff.
Something of Us Still Remains

>Either way, got a DeLINQuent update

>goddammit. well, its updated. new shit starts on line 48:
The Loud that Leapt Through Time (WIP)
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love the expressions
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I got Leni pregnant.
I dunno man, I drew a bunch of weird shit in semi-lucid states
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I want to give her a nice big hug
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Jesus christ
you listed The Loud that Leapt Through Time twice
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Would you kiss Luan if she had a baby on her head?
Please consider suicide.
I'd prefer to kiss the baby on her head
The fnaf fandom is weird
Is this a Terminator reference?
This falls on us too, we can't deflect all the blame for this abomination
I got Leni preggers!
I'll be honest, when I found this picture. I was pretty freaked out and surprised. Sure sooner or later there might be some drawings of the Loud family as animatronics but an actual RENDER? Just wow.
Not really, that's a very faithfully done fnaf type model so the dude did a decent job, at making an animatronic monstrosity that was the point I guess
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I have two hours to kill. Give me something to write.
Lincoln finds his dad's old porn mags
lucy comes out as trans
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Lincoln gets Leni pregnant.
Luna tries to admit her feelings for Lincoln through progressively more suggestive rock songs
>falls on us
What are you talking about?
What does Loud House have to do with a bunch of weirdos that have a thing for animatronics?
What does the rest of this fandom have to do with that one guy, whoever he is, that made that?
It was just a joke mang
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Lincoln slowly and gently rubbing Luan's body everywhere with his fingers and nails as she tries to sit still as a statue, to which he advances to rubbing and slightly pinching her erect nipples, rubbing her face, breasts, thighs and butt with his diamond hard log, then ultimately jamming it in her wet, tight, pink womanhood and pounding her until he makes her eyes roll back in her head and fills her up
Lori tries to help Lincoln through puberty
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You win
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still a better character than Lynn.
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>I'm the only sibling in my family that doesn't have a girlfriend
OK fuck you, not even you believe that and you're hopeless
A joke has to be born from something. There needs to be some connection between what you said and whatever you're making fun of, to even sound like a joke, before you even consider whether it's funny or not.
Shit that makes you go "ah I get it, it's because...". In what you said, it's as if you're implying there's some sort of connection between LH and the game, or the two fandoms, when there's nothing.

That wasn't a joke even if you wanted it to be, it just simply made no sense
It's true.
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Hey hey hey, Lynn is gay!
Luanfags die alone
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That's not true. We have Luan.
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The joke was that the image was something to be seriously worried about and that we had to accept some of the blame. It may not have been funny but it's not that hard to understand. It's just a general conversational joke, not a set-up and delivery.
And just like God, Luan will never be real.
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Got an update for Lincoln's Last Concert. For those who forgot since I left it behind so long ago, Lincoln gets raped by a group of drunken women at a concert.


Kind of wish I had something better to give for the General's birthday. Oh well.
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Doing this one.
>Not believing in God
What are you, an atheist?
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I unironically love unshaven pussies.
You could tell me what love is
Holy shit, thanks for updating this m8
Love is watching someone die
Luna pussy
I love that Lincoln always seems to suffer in your fics
Dawnfiend, Are you there?
Who's the father?
johnny test
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trips of truth
Yeah still here, but I'm about to go out on a few minutes, what's up
A little request.

Requesting a pic of Leni as a Knight, and Lori as a Princess.
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Really quite simple, Anon.

He was made for suffering. Yet oddly enough I never kill him, or even give him permanent damage.

Thanks, man. I kind of regret ditching it before. It was so long I actually entirely forgot what Rita was gonna previously talk to him about and had to make something else up.
Which Loud sibling would be a hacker?
Oh, sure dude. I'll try to do it when I get back
Lisa, of course.
Would Lisa join Anonymous?
>ywn have yours and luna's jungle pubes get tangled up
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what are you guys listening to
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I wanna trap my sticky semen inside that thick bush.
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I see
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When are they gonna do another podcast again and talk about how they like to do little boys?
Remember that phase we went through about Lincoln being adopted? Kind of wish we got more material out of that. Only one complete fic and no pics as far as I know of.
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>already dances like a nog
When is she getting BLACKED?
isn't Anonymous abandoned and been co-opted by liberal edgelords
Lisa's pretty smart for a four year old.

>Lucy as Micolash Cage

A sister is a sister, even in a dream...
she could just go solo, its already been shown that her ethics code is self-serving
And when she attracts other hackers to her?
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There's really not much to be done with the idea. I'm fine with it as it is for now.
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> 666x666
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>You will never hear her nervous, shaky voice try to talk dirty to you
Why do people on the booru make autistic roleplay comments?
>You will never see her pee her pants because she is so nervous.
Cause they're kids or something, and that's what they'd do on Deviantart or tumblr comments.
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> you will never feel her breath on your face
> you will never feel her tongue against your lips
> you will never feel her body quake against your chest
> you will never be warmed by her body heat
I have seen the face of hell, and it had the contented smile of a job well done.
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>Watches football
>Can only watch Lesbian porn
>Jesus is lord

Shit man, the bar for being a cuck is pretty low
Source of the pic?
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Happy anniversary I guess
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Bringing out your sunday best for the occasion?
>ywn teach Luan how to masturbate
My life is a joke
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holy shit, to be honest, I haven't done shit with it since you gave it to me, good show, nigga.
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Aight, fellas. Humor isn't my strong suit, but I gave it a go.
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just a meatball sub.jpg
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who dat
Why is this image so hilarious?

>t. TLHG poster

Can't be surprised this thread draws in cucks.
negan is the best loud house character
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>The woods that Royal Woods were named after was not a safe place to wander
>There were no wolves, bears, or other carnivores
>But there was something that lurked there
>Something else
>Lucy Loud wasn't afraid though
>She welcomed the chance to meet a ghost or a spirit
>She assumed that's what was haunting the woods, at least
>Or maybe even a vampire! How romantic...
>Under the guide of the Full Moon and a flashlight, the young girl entered the dense, unnaturally dark forest
Glad to see you doing more work dude. Will always love that Luna fic
>mfw people ship Clynelope
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>There was almost no sound in the woods.
>No chirping of crickets
>No rustling of leaves of nocturnal animals scurrying about in the trees
>No flapping of the wings of flying creatures
>All that could be heard was the young girl's footsteps, her breathing, and her hammering heartbeat
>Her goal was simple: go into the heart of the forest
>By her logic, any creature or spirit that was living there would be found there
>Using Google Maps, she had the general idea of where to go to reach the center
>Sadly phones lost all reception in the woods
>As did all other such devices
>Lucy paused. What was that noise?
>It almost sounded like a voice
>She looked around, shining her flashlight in every direction
it's only one guy
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it wouldn't be far-fetched for her to create security systems that she improves by hacking them herself, fixing the possible entry points, making it much harder for them to hack her. she would definitely have to be careful depending on who she decides to hack.

the question is who would she need to hack and for what purposes. She already has fame from the nobel prize she won and doesn't seem to lack funding for her various experiments.
And he just does it to have clyde play the cuck
>shipping Clyde both anyone but a Loud
For what purpose?
I ship Clyde with a noose
>That post
So, whatever happened to the pets? Have any of them even appeared in this season? I know Charles was in that burglar episode, but aside from that, I don't think I've seen any of 'em.
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>Alas, a light up ahead!
>Lucy was wary of it, what light could be this deep in an abandoned forest?
>As the girl grew closer, she saw it was a campfire
>Only...no camp
>No people, no tents or other camping equipment...
>She even shone her flashlight around the ground of the area
>No footprints
>Yet, the fire was going strong, as if it had just been lit
>Lucy should have been afraid, in fact she WAS
>But...she shook the fear away with a thought
>"This is a sign I'm going the right way." She thought to herself
>With that, she moved past the fire and deeper into the woods
>She didn't notice the fire going out after she passed it

Do I keep going?
cool beans
You are the only reason i still F5 today
yeah pal
It's 2017, why are you F5'ing?
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>The woods somehow managed to be getting darker, despite the Full Moon shining on, and Lucy's flashlight still working
>It was as if the inky darkness itself was feeding off of her light
>But that couldn't be possible, right?
>Though things got darker, it got louder as well
>Lucy would hear unexplained noises
>Nothing that lasted for more than second
>The rustling of leaves despite the lack of wind
>Swishing, as if from a cloak
>Footsteps that Lucy would hear behind her
>When she stopped, they stopped
>No matter how fast she turned around, she never saw anything
>No figure, nothing ducking behind a tree
>She couldn't turn back now, according to her rough calculations, she was almost there...
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Good morning!
She would join Medjed
Awesome Yarid Bro I have been waiting so long for it to be continued
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>There are no truly poor countries in Europe
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>Soon, she was in The Heart
>Lucy looked around, taking it in
>It was empty
>No, as in, void of anything
>The Heart of The Forest was devoid of anything
>It was just a large, circular patch of dirt
>No grass, no trees, no weeds
>Not even a single fallen leaf to be found
>Lucy let out a "Sigh." as she looked about
>It was spooky, yes, but there were no otherwordly creatures to be found
>Lucy was about to turn around when she heard a sound from up ahead
>It was singing
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Luan rainbow hair angry.jpg
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Luan is so fucking cute when she's angry
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Can't argue with that.
Happy anniversary sorry I don't create as much as I used I did in the past. Life's been busy currently doing a ten hour shift.
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>It wasn't human singing, oh no
>No words were being sung
>It was akin to a whale's song, but quieter
>Lucy was frozen in place
>She shone the flashlight ahead of her, and in-between the trees was...
>She had to leave. NOW.
>That THING didn't belong in this world
>It didn't make sense
>Lucy sprinted back the way she came, what sounded like the roar of a thousand different animals rang out behind her
are you goblet?
Why is the thread so dead?
Dinnertime, nigga.
Social lives/Work
Don't listen to the people making excuses, /TLHG/ is finally dying
kys pedozilla
what do you have to gain from it dying?
>63 posters
>275 posts

Shit, he's right.
Just to rile you up. Ignore him, his autism won't be appeased unless he posts about "muh general dying" every single thread.
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Do you think Lucy's clothes are really just painted on?
Are "reasons" really "excuses"?
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taking smalls requests
Motherfucker, having shit BURNED ONTO YOUR SKIN isn't fucking paint. It is a LITERAL layer on your skin, and wouldn't not mean she was "Naked the whole time".
Leni in one of those onesie pajamas that open up in the ass area.
Luna's butthole.
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Damn, Lynn are you okay?
ronnie and lil carol sperging out over older lincoln
Leni going to school naked because she forgot to put her clothes
i think thats cute and silly, i like the googly eyes
>Lil Carol
Fuck off.
I don't know if she would enjoy body paint
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>The trees groaned and splintered behind Lucy as she ran
>Whatever it was that was chasing her was bulldozing the forest to reach her
>The sounds of a hundred feet pursued the girl, as the darkness swallowed up all light
>Even the Full Moon above seemed to have vanished
>The giggling of children surrounded the goth Loud as she saw what appeared to be the edge of the forest
>Lucy broke through the treeline and her heart stopped
>It was The Heart of The Forest
>She ended up back where she started
>Just that one second of pause was all the THING needed to catch up
>The last thing Lucy heard was her own screaming
>The night went quiet
>The Louds would never know what happened to Lucy, her trip to the woods was something she kept secret
>It was better that way
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How about Lincoln headpatting a sister of your choice?
And she really likes it
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woah dude you do realize its a cartoon my man?
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Lincoln has to save her dude
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No I'm jestsumguy sorry.
kys naruto
>It's an irrelevant minor character episode
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Yeah? Who said anything about having a problem with the cartoon?
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Lori squish.webm
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I love when the sisters interact with the sexy baby, its so cute.
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>First Clyde, now literally who's are getting more time than the sisters

Will Season 2 be the last?
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YT vid up.
here's my garbage
That's kinda the point of the name.
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Do you truly want Lincoln going in there?
Man I am really looking forward to the next two episodes.
So...who do you think taught Lily the curse word?
My money is on the parents.
what did you make tho?
thank you
>it's a worst sisters episode
Leni, she learned of from dumpster writing while taking out the garbage.
My guess is that she learned it from the TV.
I hope it's like that one SpongeBob episode with the "sentence enhancers".
draw a smol lisa
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Anyone watchin Adventure Time?
>Leni cursing
I-Is such a thing possible?
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D-delete this!
he was talking about lily
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He said sisters.
well I mean its pretty much going to end with them dying I guess. so we can just leave it here.

the only I can see capable of creating something to combat a monster is probably lisa, but shes still a 4-year old so she would probably lose her composure quick.
I dunno. If he knew he probably would

Wouldn't he?
I'm a writefag I don't really repost my stuff too much I believe I'm in Quads post right now.
Don't most of the people hate that show nowadays? It had some good waifus though.
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Luan a best!
Penn's coasting it along until he gets a better deal on a network show.
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Episode where Rita has a mid-life crisis and starts dressing inappropriately when?
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at least you tried.
now get out
oh yeah I read your stuff, it was pretty good.
No, Luan a shit
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Used to. I enjoyed AT during its first two or three seasons (so much in fact that I got myself those plastic Finn's sword replica, a figure of Finn himself, and other small figures).

I stopped watching because from what I recall, the focus of the episodes changed heavily. Instead of Finn and Jake's wacky adventure being shown most of the time, it's something uninteresting and mostly boring for me at least. Like, I'm fine with expanding the world and shit but the humor and charm that I liked during its premier was diluted.
Can't say the same with the current season though. I hope they improved for the best.
/tlhg/ btfo as usual
question: how old do we think the parents are?
I'd peg them as being in their early 40s, but Rita still looks supple af
Take that you dumb pedophiles
I had a few chuckles. Felt the ending was too abrupt, could've had an aftermath from a few hours after or something. Not bad though.
>CC that are fukken dead
mid to late 30s
depends on how old they were when lori was born.

if rita was 19ish then they are about 36 at the minimum
He's not ded, just in Bolivian prison
I miss my nigga Soos
He's not dead, he just killed two people
CCs you would be sad if they left
none of them really
I thought it was five.
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>There will never be a sequel to Ganglouds
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Show's been improving for since the last season, and it's ending next season.Especially the humor, it's largely been a return to form, and they've been somewhat handling the continuity stuff better. The current thing they're airing already got posted, and I found it pretty funny.
Sort of. People started dropping because what the other guy said.
it's at 6 million
Thanks, glad you liked it
is he working with ben garrison?
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CC's that aren't dead and just moved to a different show?
I though he fled the country to Syria and joined Assads military.
His gf cheated on him in December and he said he needed distance from "negativity", whatever that's supposed to mean.
Drawfriend more than likely
give it time.
we just wait until some new shit comes to Disney XD or whatever
CCs you like as people but dislike for their content
CCs you dislike as people but like for their content
CCs you like as both
CCs you dislike as both
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Drawfriend and Doodleguy
Me for all four.
People said the same exact exact thing with Swagsword.
Y'all remember swagsword?
favorite 1,2,3 and 4 syllable CCs?
see? you gotta give love to receive love. that's why I'm single, faggots
CCs that are literal who's
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Dont worry Jet Bro we are patient
But also alwas looking forward for more of your work
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Wasn't this fuck even working on some spiccest before bailing out of existence?
I'm fucking sick of those fic writers who vanish before finishing off what they started.

You fuckers are giving birth to boners, here. Take the fucking responsibility!
content creators who create content
content creator
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Post your third favorite Loud sister as well as what you think could bump her up two spots.

>An episode with her taking care of Lily that's really cute
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>content creators
>creating content
Show me what you got
Catch 22.

Literal who's don't get mentioned.
Leni holding a resigned Lisa like a baby while a confused Lori holding a happy Lily watch
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https://picarto.tv/Masterhation Streaming with Lazee artist and LecoReco
already did
and there's this
People in >>8956092
Content creators who should make a stream later
who is this "M-E" dude I hear so much about? you guys got a link to their work?
Can you call drawing his and others OCs over and over a "new show"?
CCs with the most syllables in their names?
>Maybe a real episode that's focused on her and not her actions or being horny
The author formerly known as Moondaffodil or Moon, also called Sundandelion or Sun.
CCs that are stupid niggers
What is he known as now?
Press F for respect your favorite Chilean CC.
A 7.1 earthquake on chile RN
>being horny
what ep was that?
Back in Black
nothing too big tbhh
it was mostly sound
all of the ccs who start with a B
CCs with more vowels than consonants in their names?
stupid neighbors*


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I feel like I was the only one who enjoyed Johnny Test when it was on kids wb
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What's Out of the Picture gonna be like?
First season was mediocre but watchable. Then the animation got even more lazy and things got more repetitive.
Lincoln will slap Luan in the face with his cock.
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One reason why Ronniecoln is better than Lynncoln...Ronnie Anne can do this.
Could you, um, delet this?

Like, seriously delet this?!
>Davy Dave Dave
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Mabel here.jpg
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Hey guys. Mabel here.
>"Daaawwwh Lincoln that's some nasty ass dick you have there, I can't believe you've done this, daaaaaw shit, daaaaaaw shit."
Suck my cock dude
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What kind of weird Luan is that?
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You sure about that?
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5 CCs you would want with you on a desert island
Lynn is a more boyish Mabel.
it's like Luan's shitty OC character
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"What's up guys, it's Scarce here."
nigga you gonna get a virus or some shit
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hope you like it
Suck my dude, cock.
>Posts Lynn
Yep. This is a pretty normal post.
i thought this was a degenerate fandom, what is this cute shit
Ye, but you got Lincoln's left hand wrong, looks like a right. It's the thumb
the hand placement bothers me. otherwise cute pic
Lola's head is as big as her body
lot of little kids have big heads.
Yeah, just like in the show.
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bald ronie.png
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Pretty sure.
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Leni 47.jpg
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What did Leni mean by this face?
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old shit.png
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oh and this thing
this was the first thing i drew when i found /tlhg/
happy aniversary, i love all of you you little shits
This artist got accepted into CALArts. Just a neat factoid for people who might be discussing this artist elsewhere.
I love you too, Pyg!
Next Thread: >>8956661
kys pedozilla
kys, kys guy
all the more to headpat my dear
kys pedozilla
Thank you for being in this General
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You too, you wonderful shit

Ride on
Thread posts: 463
Thread images: 160

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