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/nitwg/ - Night in the Woods General Depression edition! O

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 354
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/nitwg/ - Night in the Woods General

Depression edition!

Other MEGA links are evil only trust the OST right here: https://mega.nz/#F!RQhxBZJA!u5Y781s6xWM3uSBPeFBxTQ

>Write Bin

>Art Booru
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We're off to a great start tonight.
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If you download anything at all illegally you have only yourself to blame.
Mae's huge bush

For what, saving money?

You can tell that is a fake thread because it says

>OST mod

wtf is an ost mod, virusanon how dumb do you think we are
Seems like virus anon got banned.
Again. Much faster this time too. Mods must be used to his antics by now.
Still waiting on:
Lori feet
Selmers feet
Candy feet
Jackie feet
Adina Astra feet
I never get banned dumb cunt.
Oh so you just gave up. How boring.
>Adina Astra
The gator gal with the lamp who got a star named after her.
Oh right, from the game that came before NITW as well.
we dead?
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I'm writing at the moment, so I'm not dumping or talking per usual.
I'll be back when the fic's done.
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yuo see ivan
Remember, ignore and report shitposters. Do not give them the attention they seek. It's our responsibility to keep this thread pure. Replying to them actively and irreversibly lowers the quality of this general. We must all do our part.
Fuck off
All the Americans and Mexican posters are in bed by now. I'm about to snooze off myself but I'm trying desperately to finish my fic before I go to bed.
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who is the father?
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>OC shit
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I want to see him make out with his Smelters fan buddy bird, but in a totally straight and non homo way.
this he's TOTALLY loyal to his wife so he'd never cheat on her to do something really gay
>two creatures without lips
>one has razor teeth even
>making out
And Mae is an anthro cat that can somehow walk on power lines despite being a FAT FUCK.

Game doesn't give a shit, anon, it makes it's own rules. Bird and Gator can swap tongue spit all day long no problem
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Mae isn't fat, she probably just has a belly. Her arms and legs are stringy. She's just short so 5 pounds of fat looks like 15 on her.
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i've jerked off to so much gay furry porn in the last hour because of this stupid fucking gay smelters shit i fuckin ghate all of you so much i never wanted to do this but i never came so hard
Neither are the Smelters fans

They just like to get off, especially with their best friends
Any good shit, straight boi? give me a link I want to fap to homosex as well
gay furry into sad panda

everything i could find


Eh, I find just going for "gay furry" gives too many varied results in quality. Some great shit but tons of garbage, too. Gotta be picky when you're sucking some thick furry cock, anon. No homo
>has a cigarette
whoops your post exploded
A floating cigarette, clearly, Crocodiles have telekinetic powers.
since bea and selmers fan totally aren't gay

does that mean malloy has friendly jerk off sessions with garbo

is steve the sole bro-less alligator alive?
as one of the joke comics shows, Garbo and Malloy have friendly kidfucking sessions together
They spitroast a child and crack jokes, as a perfect comedy duo ought to


well we right snoggered now malloy!
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I want to sign post the link
They're not wrong
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Alright, I'm going to post this because I desperately need sleep and it's essentially done.
I present to you my second Bombshell x Mae fic, A Weekend Not so Alone.

I need a better name for it.
I'll probably flesh out the final sex scene a bit more before work after I wake up later today. Leave feedback. Or don't. I'm just glad I finally finished this colossal piece of shit.
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Oh, also, it's 6300 words, so strap in for a long read.
*unzips dick*
*pours wine*
*teleports behind you*
Heh...nothin personel kid
*reads away*
sleepy as shit will read tomorrow, and yes..sex scene is important make that shit goooooood

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> "Mom. Remember that time you asked me if I was pregnant?"
>"Remember how I said that wasn't a possibility?"
i always took this line to mean she was a virgin
unless it's double meaning

good shit though
It means she's gaaaaaay
m-mae no gay
you really like posting this huh
Mae is almost as gay as Gregg
and Angus is the Gayhouse, warning all manner of ships with his blinding gayness
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tfw no selmers to sit on ur face
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I propose the attached diagrammatic solution.
>tfw you'll never get to huff her asshole
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>tfw you'll never huff any of the characters' assholes
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I honestly don't understand people that can't jack off both to straight and gay furry porn.
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I want to hug that cat
I bet they like to build up saliva in each other's mouths while shirtless for a couple minutes before the bird pulls back and lets the ocean of slobber ooze out of the gator mouth and slide down their bodies. After they they probably rub their chests together and let the mess trickle into their pants as their frottaging pitched tents begin to ooze an impressive amount of precum.

But in a straight way.
Obese criminals don't live long.
well she's not like ridiculously fat, she's just pudgy
That's one level above pudgy, pup.
well nobody ever said that one interpretation is law
it's just an example because there's not enough art of mae being a fatty
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Coming along nicely.
I want some Night in the Woods figurines.
I want official plushies
I want to die.
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same tbqh
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>the entire main cast minus 1 character is gay
>main character is a commie and/or anarchist
>like literally like literally like
remember when people on this website hated tumblr?
I remember when we were allowed to like things without real life politics becoming involved at every turn

do you?
>game's story is 75% about real life politics
I didn't choose to make it that way
the game's story has like 10% bs political symbolism tacked onto the end

most of it is fucking around with your weird friends
I don't like the dialogue and I really don't like that the game intentionally does not have very dynamic animations. It really diminishes the emotion of certain scenes when half of the characters have only one facial expression most of the game.
>thought it was really bad anatomy at first glance
I was warned about this one
Remember when 4chan was libertarian and hated the concept of capitalism?
To be honest using cute animal characters is a license to do whatever the fuck you want. I'd bet my left nut NITW wouldn't have sold half as well as it did with human characters.
No shit. The only reason this game was on my radar was because it had cute animals. Nobody wants to look at ugly ass circle people people all day.
damn straight, I hate furfags but furfag games are always better for being furfag games. It's just how it works.
honestly it's not that bad
I jerked to it because there's no better vore shit yet
You hate...furs but you're...here...what?
>I jerked to it
We need to talk anon.
Well look at Zootopia. If it wasn't furries it'd be significantly less good.
I was on /trash/ at the start when it wasn't 100% furry, was just shitposting.
Came back for a few generals, this included.
I don't hate people who jack to animals, I just hate people who are autistic about identifying as animals and shit.
I don't think that's an accurate comparison though, the characters being animals in zootopia is pivotal to their identity, the universe and the plot. In NITW you could replace everyone with a human and it wouldn't affect any of those three things.
You can't put cups on your human ears very well.
Fair point.
Actually it would. There was cut content where Mr. Penderson said some racist shit about mouse and cat people fucking up the powerlines with their scurrying and climbing bullshit.
Well that's a bit of a stretch, but I see what you mean. It is difficult to justify Mae's acrobatics otherwise.
>jackie willingly being around mae
You can't get anymore OOC than that.
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>so what do you want to do
Good shit so far my dude
Good morning Possum Springs!
Fuck off maebeafag.
Why is Mae crying
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I want Mae to fart on my dick.

Several times.
She wants to fuck Bea but Bea's really into Jackie.
So, the gang found an arm by the diner, but the cult is throwing people down a hole. At what point would the cult have needed to dismember a corpse, let alone transport it through town?
who gives a shit, post porn
They don't all have supernatural powers like Eide. I assume lesser members probably have to use traps or weapons to subdue their victims and put them in cars or something. Maybe he wouldn't fit and he had to cut off an arm.

I feel like I keep missing something myself. What exactly were they doing to the cult member they were killing near the end? I remember some line about how his foot was stuck and they couldn't move it, so they had to break his leg to get him out. Why didn't they just shoot him or throw him in the hole?
Goat God wants to feed on the weak, not just anyone.

Also I think that guy was the one that left the arm so they were disposing of him for doing such shit work.
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5 best women in nitw
But how were they disposing him? What exactly were they doing to him that caused his leg to get stuck?
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but there's only 4 women in that image
don't be fucking mean to selmers i'll cut you
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>ywn have Bea clean around the house fully naked but with an apron on
>ywn give her surprise anal when she bends down to pick something up
I wish you could just filter certain images completely. The image hash filtering doesn't really cut it.
I assume they were torturing him? They did break his legs after all.
Presumably they need to be alive to sacrifice, so they didn't want to just kill him. They obviously weren't worried about making noise. But if that's the case, it makes even less sense that they would be dismembering corpses, because the dead would hold no value.
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Jackie deserve some attention in Tumblr. She describes them perfectly!
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there are 4 different ways to filter an image

especially when people aren't purposefully cropping shit wtf you have it so easy you fucking spoiled brat

you know on vg i have lines and lines for one fucking picture

fuck you for making me read that


Why even bother cleaning when she's getting cigarette smoke on everything? It's not even worth the effort.
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Selmers is my bitch and I'll do as I please to her ass.
>Bea looking at Jackie while Mae is crying
That's our trans waifu!
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I meant as in, I wish that one line would do it.
You need one line per person that saved/posted that image.
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No, YOU'RE the cuck. She gives you kisses and gives me the pussy. She even talks about how attractive I am.
Don't reply to iPhone posters. They don't deserve someone like Selmers.

I presume that they messed up the kidnapping due to Mae's interference, and they ended up accidentally killing their victim rather than just knocking him unconscious.

Lurg was given disposal duties but fucked up by leaving an arm where people could find it.
Mae's interference? The arm was found really early on, before she had really interacted with the cult.


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But what about Bea's?
So Bruce killed himself, right?
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Signs point to yes.
Nah, he just went home.
I want to gag on her cute dick. It's a girl so it's not gay
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I can confirm

We're good

No gays here
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That's a fun edit.
I should watch JoJo so I actually get these motherfucking references though.
Someone post the picture with Bea and the coathanger
Check the fucking art booru
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That was really good man, nicely done
But it's not there
The good one is, if you want your meme shit then you're on your own
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I got you my nig
Oh my. Tell me this is cropped from somewhere?
what signs? I hear people say that but I never came to the conclusion myself.
step one go to monosodium glutamate
step two search abortion night_in_the_woods
step three kill yourself
It's honestly not very good. It's, like, one of those artists that only draw one drawing, but then modify it a dozen times to plug in different characters. There are eight different versions with different characters. It robs it of its value.
Who cares that's still hot as fuck in a vacuum. I don't even care if it's technically an edit, that's still great.
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Lori you fiend.
>First see him
>He has nowhere else to go and is homeless behind a church with no family
>Last seem him
>"Oh yeah lol my wife and kids are all waiting for me I just gotta jump "on" a train and I'll see them all again and be a happy family".
shit meant for >>8746371
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nice trips of wrong post replying
Don't forget the ominously barren cliff with no music right next to where he's camped.
So it's cropped? link to full ?
That's the impression I got from how he talked, and then Pastor K's response...like she knew what happened but Mae was oblivious.
It's not cropped. It's just unimaginative. I think they're called YCH, where an artist charges money to have characters of your choice plugged into a template. I saw a lot of those types of commissions when I was researching commission options.

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I live again. Thanks for the feedback.
Re reading it this morning I don't hate it as much as I did last night. Gonna chalk my initial mood up to frustration since it took me 3 weeks to write including 2 rewrites, 5 dropped ideas, 2 new ones and the most infuriatingly good ending written right in the middle of the fic (which was the reason for my second rewrite)

Anyways enough about me and my first world problems, Anything you guys think needs changing?
Like the final sex scene, I know I said I'd flesh it out more, but do you guys think it's okay as is?
Would it be better to describe the assfucking, or is it more fun to imagine how hard Bombshell wrecked that hole given the implications I left?

Either way, glad you enjoyed it. I'll try not to take a month to write my next one.
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More Lori
Lori has some serious body image issues. She thinks she's disgusting and super ugly. I wonder if she would actually then be a little bit happy so many people want to fuck her.
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Redphlannel drew some Lori.
I don't get this one, I think that's supposed to be Lori and he just drew her extra smol.
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there it is, the mythical image

Lori said bits of the ceiling fall down on her when the trains fly by. She lives in a very poor neighborhood and is probably near the poverty line. She viewed Mae's neighborhood as the rich part of town when Mae isn't rich.

Between all of that, and how her father never has time for her, I really feel bad about her home-life.
This is so nice.

It's okay anon, it just means when the right guy shows up he can give her the life she deserves.
Just pixels.... just shapes...
She lives in the first area of the game with the paperbags, that Mae destroyed by jumping on it.
>it just means when the right guy shows up he can give her the life she deserves.
The life of a no-name director with 40 shit movies in the free movie section of Roku, or the life of an introvert who lives off a middle class guy who can't get a girl on his tier?
You wound me indirectly.
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Sorry my dude, just being real.
Do you think Lori would have ended up in the pit if Mae never shut it down? Always off by herself, on the roof or by the tracks. She would be an easy target and I doubt she would be missed by the town-at-large.
It's not unlikely.
Just because she's poor and has a bad home life doesn't mean she's on a lower tier and would just end up with some shitty guy.
I mean, she could end up on Facial Abuse but I wanna believe she meets a great guy with similar tastes and they live happily ever after with lots of tail entangling.
She has too much potential to be honest. She may be considered but in the long run she's more than likely to have some sort of contribution to society since she's just hanging out alone rather than doing drugs or some shit.
She has panic attacks when she feels like she messed up, so I'm not sure if she would be able to hold down a job. And really, it's more than likely she has no future in making movies. The cult certainly wouldn't consider some kid shooting bad movies at their house a contribution.
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Whoa there cowboy, I didn't say the guy was shit, I just said he couldn't get girls on his tier. [spoiler]Like you ;)[/spindle]
She could get over those panic attacks, she's still pretty young. If someone would be willing to guide her down a good path she'd definitely contribute.
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Damn straight. I need a Jenna I can win over though ham sandwiches and warm blankets. Then she will be mine forever.
They only went after Casey because they thought he was gonna start dealing drugs.
They don't attack randomly, except for Eide, who the rest of the cult outright says was a mistake.
Dunno what happened to the bear at Hartfest, they could have just dumped them confused in the woods and hoped for the best, or Eide could have outright sacrificed them. It could have been the bear was a girl from out of town, but that would still bring down the cops hard searching for a girl who went missing while visiting another town so I doubt it.
Them nabbing Lori doesn't make any sense. They only go after active drains on society or the homeless. Even if she's an introvert she's not hurting the community by being a 14 year old and she has friends who would miss her.
Even Casey, he had people to miss him, but because he talked about jumping a train and leaving it all behind so much when he went missing everyone just assumed he'd finally done it.

But I AM poor, the only tier lower than me is homeless.
Hands off anon, Jenna is all mine. She's my crusty wolf waifu
Where did this myth come from? They never say Eide's abduction was a mistake. That's nowhere in the game at all. Yet I swear people keep mentioning that time and time again. The cult knew about the Harfest abduction but never commented on it themselves.
Also, it's important to remember that you're talking about a goddamn murder cult. They're not always going to follow their own rules. 39 people were thrown down the pit. They couldn't have all been bad people. They just rationalize it to make themselves feel better.
Get in line fags. I have a $100 bill and I need someone to choke.
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So if the cult gets rid of the useless town people, why did they specifically say that they had no intention to kill Mae? isn't she prime material for sacrifice? I mean I'm GLAD she isn't, she's great, but to the town's usefulness she isn't.

Hell she even has a vision of herself being tossed into the pit and straight up says "I'm going to die here"
Then choke yourself to death and do us all a favor
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Because she's related to eide
Only if I'm balls deep in her asshole while I'm suspended in mid air.
they probably plan kidnappings in advice, mae was only back for a couple of days
Because she's useless, but not actively harmful in their eyes.
They said it themselves, they only go after people that won't be missed.
Drifters, drunks, delinquents are their victims. Mae isn't running drugs and has a loving family, her aunt is a police officer too.

Which can either mean they don't want to upset one of their own, or they do their best to avoid the law for obvious reasons. Molly is either in the know or suspicious of the cult as is, if Mae went missing Molly knows it would have something to do with the woods at this point too.
I don't think Mae's family can be connected to the cultists because they take care of members' families. Even former members. When they kill that one guy off, they tell him that his family will be well taken care of.

Mae's family has too many financial problems for the cult to be supporting them.
Mae hadn't been back for long so she was probably never under review. Also I think they know or at least suspect she's uniquely sensitive to the occult shit, and therefore valuable.
Again, you're believing a fucking murder cult. Why do you assume they're being honest, or wouldn't bend the rules and then justify it later? Why do you think they're trustworthy? One of them flat out shot at Mae and tried to kill her. Apologizing doesn't make up for that.
don't they mention the band being alive because they're either good citizens or part of a good family? I just assumed the latter was the case for mae
To be fair they literally just let the four of them walk away after revealing what they do and why, when they could just as well have murdered the lot of them. I mean it was only because Eide went full psycho that shit went down aftwards.
This is too cute.
I want to replay the game at least once
What things, done differently, change the story however slightly? I know hanging more with gregg or bea changes shit but other than that.
fuck outta here fbi nigger
You have to hang out with Selmers, Lori, and Mr. Starman if you want them to be at your church dream if you didn't do that.
hanging out with minor characters causes them to show up at the church after mae gets wrecked
Well it's weird to say but I honestly believe them. I'm sure there were some they went after that might not have fit the description, like the kid at Hartfest, but they're trying to recruit the gang into the cult. If they were just a bunch of backstabbing bastards they would have shot them then and there and tossed them into the pit.

Even if they are liars there's still very little reason to go after Mae and every reason not to. Her aunt is a cop, her family cares about her and they at least are contributing members to the town even if their daughter isn't, and above all, she's sensitive to the cult stuff. If the Black Goat is real, and I believe it is, then it's selected Mae in some obtuse fashion and the cult leader says he knows it has, knows what Mae has seen and heard.
Them shooting Mae was probably a panic, like if they didn't stop her she'd blab to the cops, which was in retrospect a silly but heat of the moment call.
But... she was back because she was a college drop out. Word travels fast in a small town.
Again, they don't go after people just because they're not bring in 300k a year.
They need to be someone whose disappearance can be explained or whose disappearance will go unnoticed.
oh yeah, that's another thing. who the hell even is lori? is she in some obscure location? I don't think I've even seen her ingame.
Being a dropout obviously sucks and is a bit of a temporary mark of shame but it's not exactly irredeemable.
You have to climb all the way up to the highest roofs in the game. That's where she likes to hang out.
They could have murdered them at any point. That's the thing. They were completely safe. There was nothing Mae and her friends could do.

It wasn't out of kindness that they let them leave.
she starts out next to the war statue but after that she's way up on a roof

she's the one who prompts the "killer" conversation
She's on the roofs, climb up the power lines by the church steps.
Make sure you talk to the saxophone lady and the violin guy every day.
They only show up on the last 3 days though.
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If Mae was a guy how different would this game be?
less cute

mae would just be a self insert and maebea fags would be in the hundreds wanting to watch their gator gal get KITTENED
Her parents would disown him for being a useless piece of shit and the game would be about surviving the wrath of the cult.
He'd prolly be with Gregg
albeit the second bit is true, what would make you think that she (or by then, he) would be a self-insert?
Arrested for creeping on Lori.
not for the author but for the player
like any actual visual novel where the anime protag is just a speaker for the player while he gets mad pussy by being a retard

mae does the same thing but she's only trying to make friends and not romances.

it'd be harder to sell that a dude is going around and got that close to gregg, selmers, lori, bea, etc. and wasn't planning on stuffing them with his 20 year old hormone filled barbed cock
Only if everyone else got gender swapped too.
>Mae becomes Mack
>Bea becomes Bruce
>Gregg becomes Grace
>Angus becomes Allie
>Lori becomes Luke
>Selma becomes Sal
>Aunt Molly becomes Uncle Maverick
>Germ becomes Gina
>Germ becomes Gina
Jeremy would be Jemima and still have the nickname Germ.
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One day I should just dump this guy's picture-story-thing that I've been ignoring for the past two weeks. It doesn't look very good. This is probably the best panel he's drawn.
Isn't that a Cajun name?
Ehh, that seems cute enough so maybe go ahead and do it. Might not be worth saving but would be a cute read if it's what I think it is.
Please don't.
Please do. Your trips demand it.
There's already a Bruce though. Bea would be Brad.
Bea could be Brad sure, or she could be Bruce, and Bruce would become Bea.
Don't. We can look up shit quality art on our own without spamming the thread
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mae bump.gif
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I probably wouldn't have played it to be honest

came for the cat girl, stayed for the fantastic atmosphere
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Someone came for the cute cat girl alright.
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Not as far as I'm aware.
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Has anyone asked the devs what was up with the Hartfest kidnapping? It's such an odd scene and brings up a lot of questions, namely how they kidnapped and sacrificed a kid without anyone noticing.
They even dropped their phone which Eide didn't pick up.
sounds hot

someone should do a body swap fic with Bruce and Bea where Bea learns to appreciate her life under her dad and Bruce learns how wide he can spread his gator pussy.
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Oh shit, PartlyCloudySkies did another NitW fic. It's 22k words long.

His first two were really great.
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>22k words
>non lewd
Not Bombshell that's for sure, she stayed in the club.
Wew. I mean whatever floats one's boat.
Alright be a faggot if that's what you want. He captures the antics of Mae pretty perfectly, feels like an unofficial expansion to the game.
I'd rather have an actual expansion to the game not made by some colossal faggot.

>actual expansion to the game not made by some colossal faggot
Well I think you're shit out of luck if that's the case. I'm not sure if bigger faggots exist than the NITW devs.
>start reading
>mae is a paranoid tinfoil hat wearing piece of shit making an overly dramatic scene in public
>but its silly because her weapon is a stick of jerky

>captures the antics of mae pretty perfectly

get the fuck out
You're obviously the writer, stop shilling your garbage
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Why does everyone assume that because someone likes thing they have to be the creator of thing?
What about Bea?
Did you actually read past the first three sentences or did you really stop there and judge the entire work because you lacked context that was coming in the next two sentences?
Because if you do something and share it and people shit on it then you take offense to it because it was your time and effort that they are shitting on. It's the way people react to it that gives it away. That's why when I do new writefag content (not for these threads) I post it at night then immediately go to bed and see what people thought the next morning. Hate it or love it I can't really reply in anger or praise since It was posted 7 hours ago

Hi writer, your story is shit
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Then it would be about Casey instead.
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casey is underrated and deserves more art
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Nigga shut the hell up, if you must know who I am, here ya go.
I like his stuff because I think he writes better than me and The Haunter of the Cafeteria is my favorite NITW fic.

I called him a faggot because he said he wasn't gonna read it because it was SFW. Not because I actually care if he reads it or not.
There probably won't.

A shame. I could do with more constellation or Adina stories. In a way, I actually think that Lost Constellation is better than NITW. That's probably the benefit of being essentially a short story in video game form.

I was disappointed to find out that most constellations from Longest Night were only dreamt by Mae and don't exist in the world. Same goes for Lost Constellation not tying into the plot at all. I thought the witch would play a role. Or Mae's grandfather. What's the point of the bit at the beginning about a haunted place?
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dona is underrated and deserves more art
Well he's certainly under something. Like the ground.
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Cut content
Did they explain why it was removed?

I suppose the visit to Germ's home, in their eyes, would have left it less ambiguous whether there really is a Black Goat. So it was cut to keep it vague.
No, but it was probably to make the game more "grounded."
Same reason they removed the references to animal species and traits. That and they said they wanted to distance themselves from Zootopia for, some reason? I dunno, the game works with them being humans with animal features, but I kinda wished they'd kept some more animalistic attributes.
The yarn ball was at least a cute touch.
>Same reason they removed the references to animal species and traits.

They originally references that?
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I dare someone to buy one of the rip-off games from the app store and tell me what it plays like.
The guy was weirded out by furries. He was happy to take their money, but the truth is, he didn't want to be associated with having made a furry game. So they dialed it back. He posted on a forum as the kickstarter campaign happened and mentioned how he was surprised by the furries.
>unaware of furries
The poor sweet fool.
The first one weeks ago wouldn't load past a loading screen.
Fucking normies.
So sweet.
So naive.
this cannot be unironic
there's a line between taking assets from a game, making something from them and just mashing random shit together to make it look like ass on purpose
I guess people have differing notions of what is furry. NITW is too different from the usual furry stuff to be thought of it at first glance, I'd say.
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how're my waifu drawing skills, /trash/?
Pantsline is a little weird but otherwise breddy gud
I don't really understand how anyone could either 1. Not know about furries while being tech savvy enough to create a video game or 2. Not realize that the Internet will obsess over and sexualize literally anything.

It's like we're unearthing people from the late 90's and early naughts, and they're just experiencing the Internet for the first time.
On model/10
Can you do Gregg, the REAL wafiu?
haha, what next, jackie the waifu?
Scott Benson hates Zootopia really hard
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What a maroon.
I still waifu Jackie, just no one gives a shit about her so I don't bother talking about it
You should have been here the first week. Jackie was basically the face of the threads until the incident.
That was like the second or third week. The shitposting was at it's peak.
I was there, probably in every conversation. There was no the incident, people just stopped coming to these threads and population trickled and barely any jackiefags left here. Only good thing that's happened is that amazing pic

Wish we could get more
>implying Gregg couldn't make a passable girl(male)
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Oh goddd my fucking dick
>left hand is rotated 180 degrees from the natural position to grasp the ankle instead of just using the right hand
I'm not even bothered by the footfag/odor stuff.
If the characters were aware of the species originally, does that mean there would have been hybrid characters?
I'm just gonna say the kids end up the species of the mom because hybrid species reek of OC Donut Steel.
Canonically, only same-species couples can breed.
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>Get told I wouldn't like the game by fans because I like games with substance, ludonarrative consistency, and great execution.
>Avoid the game entirely because of this + the viral marketing campaign felt distasteful.
>Actually say "fuck it" and play it.
>It has everything I like out of a videogame
Why did you guys lie to me??????????
Cannonically fuck you Benson is a homo and he ain't my nigga.
No one told you shit, stop listening to /v/
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Well, uh. Because we're dumb?
Have some Gregg, who's your favorite character? I'll try and make it up to you by dumping fanart.
i honestly doubt you have fans
and what viral marketing?
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By fans he means us.
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/v/ is 100% autism. Every opinion there is either bandwagonning off of the most common opinion or contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
I'm talking about fans of the game you idiot.

I posted like a month ago on this general and people told me I wouldn't like it.

Gregg did nothing wrong.
Or shilling
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That was probably me.
Oops. I just said the game isn't super deep so if you're looking for something to really make you think might not be your style.
But I love the characters, they make up for a lot of the game's flaws.
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If by shilling, you mean someone trying to discuss a recent game and hordes of autists accuse them of shilling, then yes.
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Both actually
The game has plenty of deep themes, especially when you consider the games only antagonistic forces are abstract ideas that the protagonist and the people around the protagonist often succumb to out of their own will due to their egocentric lifestyle.
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A fair point. I would say my biggest complaint with the game is how the cult just kinda shows up with no real buildup, only to be resolved near instantly.
Also, if you're gonna stick around. I hope you like porn.
We post a lot of porn.

I ain't gay but this picture turns me on.
>viral marketing campaign
I've become convinced practically all 'obvious viral marketing' is just folks stirring shit for the fun of it. So easy to do, once a day just pretend you're trying to viral a game and people start to resent it even being mentioned over time.
Why'd you waste quads?
Maybe next time do your own goddamn research.
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mae and gregg perogi.jpg
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>posting best Gregg art
You're a waste
that's not wasting quads
a waste would be him posting jackie or something
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Yeah, i skimmed a good chunk of the beginning and it definitely isnt "pretty perfect" with mae's personality. Its your generic overly dramatic weeb personality trying too hard to be funny. Holding the jerky as a weapon, talking about aliens and shit, making some random customer leave without paying, its fucking stupid.
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>a waste would be him posting jackie or something
Jackie is great though you peasant
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I do have to justify this, I guess, but when the game was close to release, /v/ got frequent threads with similar images/filenames/dialect/etc and the posters seemed like they were trying to "fit in" instead of having genuine interest in the game. Like most viral marketing campaigns, viral marketers always act and sound like newfags, usually because they are.

I can't blame them, though, because 4chan has this absolutely backwards rule against "Advertising" and developers can't just straight up be honest and say "I made this game and want to hear your guys opinions on it" without immediately getting banned. Still, their refusal to drop the act and using bully tactics on those who are skeptical just really left a sour taste in my mouth. It's really only something you could have seen at the time.

Porn is great but I'm gay and most of the characters that get posted are female
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We have plenty of gay art, although it's mostly f/f instead of m/m.
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I think the pumpkin is male
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Hmm you know, I don't think a lot of the angux x gregg stuff got put on the booru. If anyone has that stuff saved can you post it and I'll upload it?
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I think this is officially the worst image I have ever seen. Shoot me. For the love of god. Shoot me.
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Or just do me a favor and upload it yourself?

Hahahahaha holy shit what the absolute fuck?
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It took me half a second to work out what I was seeing.
i took is as he was in a bear trap
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Oh btw before I go I should mention



game was always going to be about the cult

they just forgot
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Oh shit
The cult stuff would be fine if they committed to it. Problem is, they wanted to leave it open to interpretation, and as a result, ended up with an unhappy compromise where nothing is explained either way. I still think Mae's dreams about the musicians and Eide's teleportation can't be dismissed as crazy gas.
Originally Mae was going to have usable paranormal abilities for solving puzzles and exploration.
It probably felt off to them or not well integrated into the game.
I'm really glad they decided to not do something that retarded


wow, leave anytime
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Thread posts: 354
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