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Zootopia General: Kind of a big deal edition Pastebin: past

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 405
Thread images: 159

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Zootopia General: Kind of a big deal edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist
Archives: ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org
Previous thread: https://archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/8702263

Current Thematic Thursday Theme: Sci-Fi
Submissions due: 13 Apr

More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
TT Archive: t3event.tumblr.com
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>TT tomorrow

I bet you haven't even started, you lazy piece of shit
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Al doesn't pee on the walls to mark his territory. He pees on the walls because he's very, very drunk.
Nope working on something else
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I finished my TT submission the day after Sci-Fi won
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Jerboas are cute! CUTE!
Is this what true love looks like?

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But Al's not Lucius, Anon.
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Should make use of every other day to improve on it!
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Remmy What.png
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Remmy makes cute reaction images.
Finished it last night.
Too much abloo.
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I know you cheated, anon. But i'm looking fowards to see your TT submission.

I'm glad to know that. Did you take too much time, or it was an easy TT for you?
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oh boy oh boy, cant wait to see more zootopia merchandise!
Actually started last week, but spent the whole while editing and tweaking it. I hope people like it!

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Those sloth claws are terrifying.
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i have tons of these
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>Ageswap AU
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Good morning /ztg/
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The cutest!
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Excuse me what now.gif
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Gideon GREYT!

also I like sharleon
Show me pictures of bunny feet.
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Gideon GAY!
Awkward country boys are best ship.
I want to holocaust the gid
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>yfw Judy does the virgin walk
Whenever I see the request for bunny feet, all I can think of is that gif of Judy giving a foot job to a dick that looks almost diseased.
It was just that they made the veins almost black for some reason
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just a prank bro
whats that?
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>"Come on Nick."
>"Me wearing Jack's jacket."
>"Wearing nothing underneath it."
>"Him touching me."
>"It was just a prank, dear."
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Reminds me of the anon explaining Nick "I can explain" while kissing Megan.
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>I only let him knock me up ironically
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wholesome same-species relationships are pure
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>Judy flirts with Jack to try to make Nick jealous
>doesn't realize that Nick's already been there, done that
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das a cute skye
sorry, no idea; got it from those threads
Ok anyway thanks
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when and why did he turn so gay? moped used to be a normal nice guy
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I think this may be my most potent shitpost yet.
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skye is always cute.
god damn it
He IS teen pregnant!

The point is that it's not Skye but Moped.
Probably indoctrinated by the donkey dong.
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Well, if it is skye it's cute, cant vouch for whoever mopod is.
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even if she tries to draw cute things, I'm really thrown off her style after this cuck comic
I can't believe Nick has a magical penis.
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Canon levels of lewdness.
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It's certainly my weakness.
Too bad Donk's not gay and all.
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He's a pinnacle of heterosexuality.
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It's pretty much his saving grace. He's a dumb blond.
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Go away Remmy is the best boy.
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>platonic jacket wearing
He's really turned into a cutie lately.
don't worry, there's always a russian concentration camp in cosy chechnya mountains
Because we see him more in comics. There we forgot what kind of person he can be and see what kind of person he is.
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>more dogear

This guy literally does not sleep.
>Jack and Judy have no interest in each other
>Judy asks Jack to help her get Nick to confess some feelings for her
>They proceed to fake flirt with each other in front of the fox
>A few weeks pass by, and Nick has shown no visible reaction other than amusement
>Judy gets frustrated and rants to Clawhauser about it
>He explains that Nick has been burned in his past relationships
>Seeing Judy flirting with Jack hurt, but ultimately isn't anything new to the fox
>He actually thinks that the two bunnies are interested in each other, and is working on moving on
>Judy realizes she fucked up
>She wonders how badly this will turn out when Nick finds out the flirting with Jack has been fake

I can't honestly see Judy flirting with someone to make someone else jealous but, if she did, this would probably be what would most likely happen.
>One day the fake flirting goes too far and they were actually flirting all along

But I agree. The whole thing is so passive aggressive and stupid, Judy never does anything like that in the movie. She's direct.
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holy shit is that a Hogwarts letter?
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Perhaps we should move donkeys to the "Especially not-gay" section.
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People like to write both Nick and Judy off character when tackling these kind of plots, it's the only way they would work. If Nick is in character and Judy is off, he'd probably be chill about it, he is a character whose trademark is concealing his feelings to not be hurt. If Judy is in character and Nick is off, he's turned into a teenager and bawling over anything.
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Cant wait for more totally naive Judy. I half expect Nick to have to explain the birds and the bees to Judy when reading his works.
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Do her shirts have a hole cut in them for her tail?
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its hard to see his physical cuteness when we usually only see things from his perspective in written works
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I don't get the angle he writes her, as sometimes she goes full 12 y/o cop and sometimes she turns into a sly woman.

I still like it, I thought she was too animu before but after getting used to it I started enjoying it a lot more.
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>mfw Remmy's getting some love

>when avo gives him the succ
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Also, here's another edit.

What a coincidence, I'm currently writing a green like that!

Godspeed, anon.
>But I agree. The whole thing is so passive aggressive and stupid, Judy never does anything like that in the movie. She's direct.

Exactly; Judy doesn't exactly wait for what she wants. She goes at it full throttle, hitting speed bumps and all. The only thing that could even remotely count as a passive-aggressive action from her was blackmailing the Elephant ice-cream shop owner, and even then everyone knew what she was up to.

She would tell Nick about her feelings and/or ask him out herself, rather than chance hurting him again or letting him slip away into someone else's arms.

I honestly feel sometimes people didn't watch the movie and are just making up their personalities when they write. As you pointed out, Nick is good at hiding his emotions, and it takes quite a lot for him to show anything. Even when he was angry at the press conference, the only time in the entire movie he displayed complete anger, he was relatively controlled for someone who was just stabbed in the back and told that his species are savages by someone who he trusted. Nick didn't yell, gave Judy every chance to take back what she said, and even his "attack" was a feint.
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Remmy deserves all the love in the world.
His dick gets the bigest share.
I thought this was Judy until I saw the dick
It's clearly Nick and Jack Savage.
It's bobo, notice how the hair is.
nah it's bobo and fax
Jack doesn't have his stripes.
But now it's clear it's not a 9.5.
i wonder why she needs kneepads...
Wishgranted picture where he kisses Wolter is as much canon as Jack Savage.

Until we will get confirmation in story or in official comic it will be uncertain
to pad her knees
Canon where?
In the Tiger Oil pages after he takes off his pants, the ramrod, shall we say, doesn't reach into panel.

Yeah so it's not canon either but it's likely to be the same thing as in canon.
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All speculation, anon.

As far as I'm concerned, he's got that 9.5 until canon says otherwise.
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Well he did not exactly yet take them off in that frame and there was not a shot that would reveal it.

But all speculation so far. Until the story says othervise or we will get official comic where he stands there all to see he can have 9.5

And I honestly hope he has that size. It would be just far more hularious long term than it just being a joke he made that one time to get out of the spot.

"Okay, I'll admit it: It's not actually nine and a half."
"Ha! I knew you were bullshitting me-"
"I just figured if I made up a really small number you'd be too busy laughing to follow me."
"It's two feet long and dexterously prehensile, isn't everyone's?"
Did I tell you that I love you?
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I love you too, homie.
Because sometimes you need to get on your knees and most surfaces aren't very fun to kneel on.

It comes standard in most bunny fashion.
>artist draws a ton of Zoot content on Discord
>Doesn't post it here
But why tho?
>inb4 Avo fultons the ram
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rip Mead, killed by sharks
how da-
oh shit, I love you too man
Well the angle he was taking his shorts off was not good for seeing this. Plus he still has them on in that shot.
Maybe you should ask them.

Are you afraid of something?
either WIP or laziness
what exactly is this in reference to?
Let me hold your paw.
If you're talking about high cow's current piece it's because it's still a work in progress. Most artists post there stuff later when the piece is done.
i think? he's talking about art tennis in #general that went on yesterday
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Know your place, you fucking vermin. Never, ever reply to my posts, again.

Found the hot furry mess that is our resident shitposter. All the way from August, too.
>tfw some anon internet history is about the same
Dunno man, a nine point fiver would be visible there, pants or no pants.
I see pokemon, not zootopia.
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>wet bunnies
why didn't you repost it? I mean, a lot of people who frequent these threads post content on tumblr or whenever first.
plus reposting stuff out of context seems a bit, eh, I dunno. You then spend half an hour explaining the joke.
It might be hot and horny too. I'm not a bunny expert.
>>"Okay, I'll admit it: It's not actually nine and a half."
>>"Ha! I knew you were bullshitting me-"
>It's actually 8 1/2", 9" at most.
>So, really, it wasn't a lie, much, when I said-
>[Hyena-like laughter]
>Oh come on, it's not that funny!
>Oh Gods above, yarnball, you could have said you were 8 inches long and we would still have been impressed.
>But instead, you're so insecure about the length of your dick, you lied about it being longer! [Hyena-like laughter continues]
Well it could be tucked to the side or something like that.

As said, until we get a canon response it is still up to speculation.
Its is only drenched
Reposting someone else's work feels shitty.
Hey, does anyone have that Pack Street character references pic with each character's waking hours?
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Is this part of something? And I wonder what could worse than "Hot wet horny bunnies".
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Posting that for people who haven't read it.

And so It's easier for me to make Icons

(Not Weaver)
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Isn't this the second time you've asked for this? Save it this time.
Just seeing someone improve in their artistic ability, no matter how great or small, and actually being able to see the difference between their initial scribblings and what they have created now.
That just warms my heart.
if you say so, general is open to everyone isn't it.

but then again, I feel like neither discord nor these threads have exclusivity to content, people just doodle where they happen to be, so it's not a big deal as far as I'm concerned. If something is really good or interesting, it'll get reposted.
Sorry, that must have been another anon that asked for it before.

But thanks, I'll save it anyways.
But then its shitty for the person who drew the shit, because some leaker posts their draws, people think they are discord only, people get mad. What is the right thing to do, not say anything and have actual discord exclusive content or post it and say they drew it on discord and have people scream about discord stealing muh artists?
I the only person getting mad about everything related to discord is the troll(s) feigning outrage just fun, everyone else is just tired.

Besides, #general is open to everyone so it's not a leak, just reposting, in the same manner you'd upload an image found on someone's tumblr or any other online gallery.
Obviously the right thing to do is complain about it like a bitch.
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>people think they are discord only
no zootopia content is Discord Only.
tell you what, I've changed my mind. Keep it wherever you found it.
Thank you. I knew I was doing the right thing.
>leaking art from #general

No such thing. It's only a "leak" if you take a WIP from the CC room.
Pretty sure it's just an Officer Content still angry at discord for existing. And they're mad either way even if it isn't posted because 'exclusive discord content seecret club.'

We must unite as one to bitch about it!
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Pack Street: Absence
>The final update
Part 1/6

I suggest re-reading everything before going over the finale
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Part 2/6
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Nope, not me, sorry. But what the hell, let's give a better WIP this time. I'm excited for this TT!

Personal choice i guess, don't think too much about it. Get comfy, get high and enjoy the thread.

best page ever.


i'm ready, Pho.
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Part 3/6
I'm the anon that asked for it the first time.
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Part 4/6
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I honestly joined Discord and saw that a lot of art tennis and just art in general goes on there, some CCs prefer sticking around there too. There's a lot of people there who want to post random stuff so I guess it's more chill than just endless Zootopia.
the first officer content had long since left I think, but there are themes yielding lots of attention (though increasingly less as anons get tired of feeding trolls) which are used by different varying trolls.
I will not post it now but please as good manners share Zoot art with thread that is not WIP, more people are in the thread than discord and they don't like feeling left out.
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Part 5/6
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Pack Street: Absence
Part 6/6

That's all folks! Thanks to the all the anons who read it and followed along with its updates.

And in case it wasn't clear, [/spoilers]AnnekewastheonewhostayedwithRemmy[/spoilersdontwork].

If you have questions regarding the story or anthing else, feel free to ask.

And If you don't mind answering a few questions, I'd like to get some feedback for the comic

>Layout and art style
Did my style add/remove to the overall feel of the comic?
Do you think the comic would've worked better in a more traditional comic layout?
Did the faceless/wordless format increase/reduce the impact of certain scenes?

>Story and flow
Did the story have good pacing?
Was there too much abloo or just enough?
Did you get lost at some point in the story / was it hard to follow or read?
Was there any plot holes you noticed?

Were they in-character?
Did they, at any point, feel like they were OOC?

Don't feel obligated to give feedback if you don't want to.
Thanks again to all those who gave the comic a shot.
>some CCs prefer sticking around there too
I think that's a major plus of having a gathering place such as this because it helps to retain and keep in touch with people who would otherwise drop off the radar.
It has nothing to do with manners. When it comes to art tist is has to do with the place you're in at the time, the atmosphere, and the context for which it's drawn.
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beautiful concept and execution, great use of layout, engaging and fun read.

I rate it 6/6

I think you mean
>it helps to retain and keep in touch with people who would otherwise drop off the radar.
This. It's hard to keep track of people you really like interacting with in purely a 4chan setting.
lol no
Or you can just join Discord. Its open invites.
Get over your hatred of it.
Done right, minimalism is more potent than highly detailed stuff because the reader fills in the missing details in their own mind, so it resonates all the more. And you really nailed a minimalist style here.

All words would have done is bogged the story down in details and cause people to try to figure out who was right and who was wrong, and you've bypassed all of that.

Very well done.
>it's another discord episode
i'll take the cucking over this
>discord shitting on the thread
samefagging too much?
>Anneke reads 'she misses you'
>Anneke looks over at the couch at Remmy snuggling up to Wolter
>Anneke lols into the fridge
The worst thing is that this would be in-character for Remmy.
p much this, if it is zootopia it will probably get posted here
before people would post discord stuff on the thread instantly, even before discord leaker
we'd get my sona fucking your sona and other out of context stuff

>but we already get similar stuff with art tennis lately
true, but we have context here, whereas the tennis art of discord makes sense there. most cc dont want to come here anymore which is unfortunate but its better to move to discord than repost stuff without context.
>>Layout and art style
I love it!
I used to play some games that had this type of layout and this comics hit the right spot in my fancy.

>>Story and flow
I think I understood it well and that it was well told.
Only thing is that I forgot/did not notice that paper he puth on fridge in previous part.
Remmy just has a paper out of nowhere and does something with the fridge.

I think they well made. Well you cannot really get a super deep character development in mute comic like this, but I think they were made well and their acting was fitting.
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>>Layout and art style
I really enjoyed the process of reading this. There were a couple bits that I tripped up on, but I muscled past them 'cause the format was engaging.

Ditto with >>8708575
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Reposting for the new thread!

The crime scene is looking more and more like it was staged, and its up to detectives Nick and Judy to figure out how the performance went. Things are boiling over for the criminals, and things are burning up for the cops: will they all be able to cool off with some drinks? Find out in Water Under The Bridge, Chapter 3: Still There, by WriteAnon!

Text here:

Blind read through here:

And catch up on the entire audiobook here:

Thank you for posting it! Super funny and heart warming!

A sad story! Will we ever see the doe's character profile as well?

Ahh, I loved it! Thank you so much for this wild ride, buddy!

I promise to do my best with my 'read through' of this comic! Oh, this'll be exciting!
I have to second the previous comments.
It was the minimalism that made this story great.
To interpret some of the things made it really interestening.

I like the Art style, easy, and also this "No eyes" has an in terestening touch, especially because you look more about the rest of the "body language" to see how the charakter feels.

Also the "Abloo" as you would was exactly tuned, not too much and not too less.
I think there is nothing to criticize about the layout.

>Were they in-character?
I say definitely
Thanks, comic. Hope you're doing well? Doe is just your common run of the mill gold digger who saw the chance and took it, so even her name is irrelevant.
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I'm doing very well! Super excited for TT: I think the theme is one of those themes that's going to be open enough for everyone to dip their toes in!

And after our last TT, which was very unique and defined and lead to incredibly creative (and gigantic!) projects, I think lots of people will be motivated to try their best at this one!

Other than that, I'm STARVING! My roommate ate all my food yesterday and I've had no time to go to the market all morning! I'm treating myself to a giant breakfast at a cafe.

Are you contributing to TT, Character Roller Anon? Maybe you can make a character based around the theme!
looks like Dotkwa's art
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Even before I finish posting, you're already excited. Thanks for following along, HC! Hope your comic is going well.

Thanks anons. I knew that keeping everything vague would either lead to confusion or a better story. I guess injecting your own details can lead to a more engaging narrative since you can relate to it on a personal level.

I have no objections with your headcanon.
Kek. However, switching them up feels out-of-character if you consider the rest of the comic.

Thanks for the feedback!
>Remmy put paper on fridge
I have to admit that it was pretty hard to convey that action with how little the paper was. Maybe I could've added one more panel or something.
Body language was definitely key to properly conveying the story. Good to know I didn't fall short on that one.

>I promise to do my best with my 'read through' of this comic!
I'm both nervous and excited. Can't wait to see how you'll end up reviewing it.
Abandon your quest, the prize you seek is only darkness.
>I have to admit that it was pretty hard to convey that action with how little the paper was. Maybe I could've added one more panel or something.
Yeah I think one more panel would do it. Or maybe a better angle of him writing it.
That isn't even happening, and you'd take the cucking anyway.
I don't know what's going on and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.

Hey VRBit, I remember when I gave you your name. Are you still working on that same game from over summer?
Don't poke the bear, anon. Just let it sleep.
Do you think this works better? (every line is one panel)
>Remmy pulls out note
>Remmy place note on fridge
>Anna cold, Remmy turn head notice Anna

Instead of what I did in the comic which is:
>Remmy pulls out note
>Remmy place note on fridge, Anna cold, Remmy turn head notice Anna
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I have a few ideas on how to make it work, plus a few surprises! I hope to do you proud!

Thank you so much for my name! I'm not creative enough to come up with something like that, and its amazing how much happiness its brought me!

I am still working on it, and there's a ton of exciting things happening with it! I do wish I could share it with everyone, since its my other passion, but for now the threads and my game will have to be separate.

How are you, buddy? Life going well? Enjoying the awesome stuff people're making? Excited for Thematic Thursday?
Yeah I think it would work better.
But maybe just rotating Remmy a little bit so that we can see his other hand writing. And then maybe make the paper a little more bent so that it stand out more and is better visible on the fridge would do the trick.
>That isn't even happening, and you'd take the cucking anyway.
People here can browse Discord too, it's open, and they can see when the Discord is shitting on the thread. Just saying because for some reason you think lying makes any difference.
Alright, thanks. I'll see about editing it before putting it up on my tumblr.
If Discord was shitting on the thread, why isn't the pathetic obsessive who's constantly trying to start shit between Discord and the thread capping it and posting it here?
Don't give them ideas.
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Alright guys, I've neen gone for about two weeks. What did I miss?
nick got cucked
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Ahegao faces
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Fresh from the Oven, new Remmy Cromo Icons, if somone need them.

Unfortunatly I have to raise my price, from 0,00000,001 $ to 0,00000,002 $, I hope you understand but my rent got higher.
More Pack Street, Reply is making the darkest timeline comic, tons of lewdings, more artists and writers showed up, lots of older posters returned, shits lit.
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Were you here when this set of images was posted for last TT?
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Same old same old?
Sounds great! Did I miss any really good greens?
The panels at some points were hard to understand who was where like Anne going downstairs to Charlie was not super clear. Story was good and nothing seems out of character as long as we're in a universe where Remmy is okay with being Anneke's cuddle-chop.
Its okay bun bun don't cry, maybe that's some OTHER lewd VRbunner.
No sadly.
There was a rather nice of WildeMeyer a couple of days ago
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Lots of greens! There's been a roller game people are playing that's very popular, too!

There is only one VRbit, and that VRbit is not for lewd!
>Other than that, I'm STARVING!
Would you say you're... Famished?

No but seriously I need to eat or I will cry.

Be back later everyone!
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Now that the VRbit is gone for a bit....
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Some one did a young fem!Fangmeyer green detailing her childhood and how she came to be the buff tiger lady of the ZPD.

There's this new writing prompt challenge that keeps popping up. Lots of fun and really gets ideas flowing.
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There was a little poem that went along with it, but I forgot what it was.
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That is good, for you will need to be both well-rested and well-fed for Thursdays activities.
is he a fully functional bun ?
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Indeed he is. You will receive a more... Potent demonstration of his abilities tomorrow.

Now, I must attend to other preparations
>There once was a young VR bun,
>who'd crash at my place (on the run).
>He put on a show,
>proceeded to blow,
>and then he cleaned up all the fun.

Save that shit. The set feels way better with the poem.
is Nick Deanna ?
is Jack ricker or Q?
Poem makes it fun.
Who is this mystery artist?
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Of course
I like both endings
Do you want weaver to smite you?
Tiger oil is still ongoing right?
I was the anon he smitted :c
Looks like he did not do a good enough job.
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Animals don't fuck like animals in Zootopia. In real life, few species mate in the missionary position, including humans, bonobos, gorillas, and armadillos. But in Zootopia, missionary is common.

It makes sense, really. If they've evolved enough to walk on two legs and eat different foods, their evolution to desire face-to-face fucking seems natural. "Doggy style" probably seems archaic to many.
Did anyone save that Martina ahegao?
Show them where the sheep live

Fight the muslims with all the power Zootopian military can muster.
Defeat and execute all of them.
Ban Islam as a violent ideology that it is.
>that bend of the dick from the base
and then his baculum snapped in half.
Teach them the wonders of diversity and kindly ask them not to kill people anymore.
>broken baculum
What do you do at that point?
Set it?
Put it in a cast?
Just remove it and be as limp as a horse the rest of your life?

Or maybe just don't try to jam it in mammals half your size!

you know
im not actually sure why terrorists blow people up in real life
so i couldnt really tell why they'd do it in zootopia
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>Or maybe just don't try to jam it in mammals half your size!
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im not sure what I'm doing and I'm p tired but here's some remmy
>Remmy discovers masturbation
>aroused sheep noises
>Evolve cartilage baculums because it makes for kinkier interspecies sex
>It's flexible now
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Everyone seems to forget that all three apartments are on the same floor. Remmy and Charlie & Marty are next door neighbors while the twins live right across the hall from Remmy.

>pic related

But in case you're curious the layout of the comic is similar to what architects call a Building Section. It's where you draw a line across the length of a building and "cut" into it to show how the inside of the building looks like. The Section Line itself doesn't have to be straight since it can be used to show different rooms even if the building is view from the same angle.
>There can be a glory hole between Remmy and Marty's apartment
>Charlie and Marty's apartment is one bedroom
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Let us be honest guys.
There is no way having a hoofed hands would stop a man from jacking off.

And the sheep hadns in movie seem Ok for masturbation.

This is just Weaver's anti-sheep propaganda.
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Anon, I applaud your efforts of making this as gay as possible.


Whoops. that's actually Avo an Al's floor. Marty and Charlie's apartment looks more like this.
Try jacking off without using the top two joints of your fingers, because on a sheep they'd be made of hard, pinchy keratin.
Well, you don't waste a good opportunity to make a loss meme.
Challenge accepted, I'll have a webm ready for you tonight.
In hoofer culture true bros will suck eachother off
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Yeah, the even-toed ungulates aren't so bad off, and I'm sure even the odd-toed ones could get creative.
A guy will find a way. It's in our nature.

But it's more fun to believe >>8710325
It can work. It is not the most comfy thing but it works. And what would stop sheep from using piece of cloth wrapped around the hoof or soap to make it softer?

No man would let a hoof stop him from jacking off if there is no other option.
Let's be honest, the only reason it is there is so that Remmy can be edged.

>A guy will find a way.

>You will never have Judy burrow her face in your fox hole.

It hurts.
"No homo" in its purest form
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Today I'm totally not feeling doing TT, and I'm already behind.
Gimme requests, so at least I can do something.
Frrrraaaappt Blaaaaart
In hoofer culture, they don't say 'no homo' because homoerotic acts out of necessity are so common. Instead, homosexuals have to specify that the sex acts they are performing on others of the same gender as they are are intended as homosexual by saying 'yes homo'.
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/fit/ Gideon.
I could imagine Nick doing that as a joke while Judy yells at him at first but then has a giggle herself.
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A Fishercat (pic related) dressed as a gritty detective with a cyborg eye. Fedora, trench coat, etc.

Judy riding on the Red Rocket (a spaceship)
Ah, yes, it doesn't have to be TT related
Megaman, Zootopia style. Make him a badger.
Is it really a glory hole if Marty himself can fit through it?
He uses it to slip into Remmy's bedroom to snuggle up in his wool on cold nights.
At first I want to say thank you for doing my request (Judy and Nock in 20s Cartoon Style)
I didn't response since, well the thread was during that time not in the best shape.

Tod (the Fox and the Hound) Zootopia Version.
I'm sure this guy is a great photographer blah blah mammal inclusion initiative etc.
But buy a damn camera strap, hoofer. You're going to drop it. It's inevitable.
I don't care about your petty personal problems. I don't care about your college workload. I don't care about your writer's block. If you start a fanfic, that's a commitment. You don't get to delete it without finishing it or abandon it. If you have a pulse, you finish the job, no matter how hard it may be.

If you can't commit to finishing a fanfic without walking away with your tail between your legs, how can you keep any commitment you make in life?
That's kind of mean, Satan.
>If you start a fanfic, that's a commitmen
say who

you're really bad a pep talks, satan
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>If you start a fanfic, that's a commitment.
>commitment to an audience that does not respond

Fuck you, pay me. Then you can talk to me about my "commitment" to you.
Why does Judy have a convenient vagina access hole in her pants?
How does Bogo store that thing in his pants, even when flaccid? It's extremely thick!


Speed-Paint By OJ
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I'm just here to remind everyone that Ozzy is best boy
I think the hole is ripped open.
He just has a massive bulge that drives ladies wilde. In the movie there are no genitalias but in uncensored Zoot they are huung.
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We're all just beggars here.
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that nick when.png
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>even Meesh fell to cucking
it's all he draws anymore. that picture had 1400 favorites by the way
My point is that people shouldn't start something if they can't finish it. To quit or delete a fanfic is an insult to readers, who have spent their time reading what they thought would continue. It also is an insult to serious reviewers, some of whom have spent considerable time writing a thorough review, sharing tips and advice to help the so-called writer improve. What a waste of time and energy!
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Remmy is the best boy.
>Remmy wakes up one morning and feels a tightness under his clothes.
>Morning wood, probably.
>Still dazed and little pent-up, he figures he could rub one off before getting out of bed and hitting the shower.
>Slowly, he runs the palm of his hoofed hands over the mound under his clothes, using the fabric as buffer against the harder tips of his fingers.
>A few seconds in, the mound stiffens even more clinging closer to his belly.
>He rubs a little faster and presses down even harder, an unusual method but a method hoofed mammals needed to learn how to do.
>He can feel the length starting to strain, getting close.
>Then a load moan breaks the silence of the room.
>But it wasn't from Remmy.
>There's a wet spot on his shirt... and a shifting figure far larger that what he's used to seeing.
I can't imagine what it's like to be wrong all the time
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>No finished image link

strangely arousing
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We memed too hard. Finding out Moot is a cuck was a mistake.
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How can truth be wrong?
Remmy is the best boy. That is the simple fact.
Nobody starts a fic planning to abandon it. You're asking that people be able to see into the future to see if they'll remain as motivated, inspired, and possessing of free time all the way through. And because nobody can guarantee that because nobody can see the future, you're basically saying that nobody should ever write fanfiction.
Being a pompous moralising asshole about it doesn't make you any better. Perhaps you should revise the way you voice your concerns.
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He was looking at the picture that Charlie left him, wasn't he?
Mrs. Otterton being embarrassed being naked after joining her husband at the spa.
These are the words of someone who has never done serious project work.

Shit happens, we do our best and sometimes things don't pan out. We learn and try again.
Zootopia has a song about it, its pretty neat, check it out!
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Here you go.
Sorry for the poor quality it seems I can't draw much more tonight

Every author is person, it seems incredible, but it is. And everyone has their problems in life.
I just wish you would try to do some content, then just feel that sensation when you see your work and you see nothing right, you want to remove it, when you lose the inspiration, I want you to feel unsatisfied with everything you have done then see some stupid comment how about your readers see as nothing more than a content creating machine and they don't care about you and your problems and you somehow owe them everything because they read what you have done, what you've spent so much time and energies in. And I will laugh so much when you will feel like that.

This is very interesting
If abandoned fics leave you that bootybothered, just don't read incomplete stories. There's plenty of people who follow that policy. You can be one of them, and then you can spend less time posting entitled screeds on a Taiwanese kitesurfing forum.
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I readed Replys "Branch" on E621 and holy fuck. What do you think is happening. Which timeline? What happened between them?
"If you really do want to make these large projects, you should kind of have some practice with making shorter ones so you at least know you complete it. Otherwise all the fans get all pissed, I get all pissed, and than I will come and I will find you, OK? You and your abandoned freakin' fic. I will find you and I will insult your grandmother, and I will pee in your coffee. OK?"—Mead

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This is such a sweet comic, Pho.

The minimalistic style and layout definitely made it. I'm not sure if you could have made the impact without them. Though I feel like maybe Anneke's frustration with all her drafted apology notes had less intensity as a result.

Characters felt great. The twins' relationship as siblings is something that really interests me and I'm glad you chose to focus on that. Remmy is a cute and he looks like a fluffy little llama in those last few panels.

Wolter waking up at 9pm was a nice little detail on their sleep times.
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part 1.jpg
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Ey OJ here. Here is the full image.
Frigid come back. I miss you :U
I honestly could not care less about his opinion on other people's works.
I spend my afternoons and evenings checking Borba's DA every hour or so, waiting for his next I Will Survive update.
Wasn't this the exact plot of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
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There's a ton of debate about it. Some people think its as simple as she never went back to Bunnyborrough after the press conference but there are a lot of questions that are raised about why Judy is lying to Nick, whether something different happened at the Rainforest District than happening in the movie, and why Judy does not know why Nick is choking or being shocked.
I really want to know what happens next, I love it so much.
What's the lowest level of artistic talent that you would accept in a medium-length Zootopia comic?
Scribbles on the side of a notepad drawn with someone's left hand.
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You cheeki breeki.png
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Since you seem so barricaded in your ivory tower let me tell you a couple of things.
First, Mead can be a good and famous CC, but it's not like everything he says it's automatically gold. Every phrase needs to be identified and critically examined, removing who spoke it regardless.
Second, and related to first, you extrapolated completely his phrase completely from the context, using it for your argumentation without regard of what he was speaking about. He said that one should not begin a huge project if they don't have at least some practice with smaller ones, because they will likely drop it because they will feel crushed by the size. And this will piss people off.
But the situation you talked about is a person having PERSONAL problems, something that is not related to their objective ability to finish them. It is something one has no control over.
So not only you have completely ignored all the others argumentations against you by dropping a citation, thinking it will magically solve everything, but you have also stripped said phrase from their original meaning, completely perverting the original message.

I love the illumination of this image
>Mead will never pee in your coffee because you have too good of a work ethic
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Page 4
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Wait, page 4 of what? Is there anywhere to see the first 3 pages?
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here to share and care

sexy baphomet in Zootopia when???
Ok, this got from 0 to 100 really fast.
At least he got the arctic foxes sizes right
Thanks. I like the twins and I really wanted to show them as something more than memes.

>Anneke's frustration with all her drafted apology notes had less intensity as a result
Yeah, kinda felt that too. Didn't have much to work with in terms of body language since she was sitting down and I was running out of ideas for poses.
>Scribbles on the side of a notepad drawn with someone's left hand.
A.K.A., Pack Street.
But Weaver's art is digital?
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Judy Undressing.jpg
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Ok, One) Amazed at appropriately sized arctic fox triplets for once and they aren't fucking Judy-sized.

Two) On that same note, those tails are gigantic though. Seriously, that middle left panel; the tail looks just as big as the vixen it is attached to.

Three) Judy is either going to regret what she said, or enjoy it.
It won't let me link it here.
Just go to u18 chan, comics section. You'll find the first three pages there.
zaush why no draw bun puss puss
I'm into it
I think he has the gay.
MT you draw such cute dweebs.

I hope (as hopeless it is) that the gay thing from his twitter is a joke and this will turn to be normal hetero stuff.

From what I know people voted that they want this to be hetero. And the people in question who woted are his patreon supporters.
People who pay him said they want hetero.
So if he makes this into a gay comic where Nick takes the dick, he will be taking a massive shit on people who give him income.
The arctic foxes are probably all guys too
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big debate.png
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Thank you. I have an idea what I want to do with them. But im afraid to do it.
ARent these comics commisions? I was expecting the commisioner's fursona to show up in a page or 2
Seriously. I'm fine if he wants to make a gay comic out of it, but I feel like he's actively hiding any bits I might be interested in seeing. And laughing about it while he does it.

Not that I have any room to complain since I didn't contribute to him, but still...
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buffalo boner.jpg
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Too thick and too short. If Judy fucked a real buffalo, his dick would go through her body. RIP, bun.

Even in fantasy porn comics I get a little 'really?' when the dialogue is so stilted and they're so out of character.
Well, just because they can't sacrifice goats doesn't mean they can't do proper devil worship. Chickens are still fair game.

And, really, just go nuts. It's not like anyone here's going to stop you.
Love those designs, but what a tiny hippo.
I believe that he wanted to do a zootopia comic himself. I know for sure that he did a poll for his patrons and they chose it to be hetero.
It'd be a one-man spit roast. Beef-flavored.
ey, looking good! love your use of colours and lightning
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maid to order hippo.png
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She's a little hippo
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D'awww, ain't she tiny and cute. But what surprise does she hide under that skirt? (Hint: It's a gun, pay up motherfuckers.)
Wow that was fast and other than the human dick, looking good. Really like the bear who seems to totally have a thing for foxes...

I'm not usually into paws but Nick wrapping his feet around that dong is really nice.
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Tan_po_po_tan's Jack is so much of a pretty boy that I can't even tell when it is Jack or the rare case where it is Jill.
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Hey, anon. If you're still here, tell me if this looks better. I'm gonna edit it in either way cause it does emphasize the action more but I wanted to show it to you anyways
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Either works for me, such a cute bun.
Gimme some NickXJack~!

I've been planning on drawing something like this (so I did)
A cute bun is a cute bun. Would hug of fug either way.
Would frequent her weeb maid cafe ironically.
Hey guys, Things Just Happen writer here. I wanted to finish the page today but my heads fucking death incarnate. IM GOING TO TRY.. but I may slack off. Sorry I havent kept a consistent schedule on it!!!

If it helps, I have a LOt already planned out so I'll be able to hopefully keep on it.
>Gimme some NickXJack~!
We should translate some greens or stories and send it to this guy.
that's an odd way of asking 1 or 2 local anons speaking Japanese you want something from them.
Didn't mean for it to sound like that.
This is amazing! You're amazing
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ian the goat enters.png
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i'm slowly telling a story.
Take your time man. Yeen is love, Yeen is life.
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page 10, abandon thread
You're wonderful. Keep going dude, I believe in you!
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Translation bear C O N T E X T.jpg
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I'm honestly not against it, it's more that translating into English is far more my strong suit. I probably could translate some greens into moonrunes but it probably would be pretty mediocre
Not that guy, but that makes a huge improvement, I actually didn't catch the fridge thing the first time around but it's a lot more obvious in this version.
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First Impressions.png
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I have Jill greens and like the idea of sharing stuff to people outside here. I love this artist's work.
Do you think something like this would be difficult or would it end up sounding shitty?
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