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/sug/ - Steven Universe General Weeping Diamond Edition La

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Thread replies: 351
Thread images: 172

/sug/ - Steven Universe General

Weeping Diamond Edition

Last Thread: >>8695154

>Lion 4: Alternate Ending (Canadian VOD Leak)
1080p cam: https://youtu.be/ZIt0n2WVN_o [Embed] [Embed] [Open]
With better audio: https://dl.sug.rocks/tmp/lion4.mp4
>Room for Ruby
Mega: https://mega.nz/#!DpAUkaAb!s_v1KG4O29Phex4mrF1RiFuTk8c_YnybRTRyxj5lrRI
Direct: https://dl.sug.rocks/mega/04x19.mp4
Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5eh9mg
Marebucks: https://marebucks.com/sun/121
>Issue 2 of new Steven Universe ongoing comic
PDF: https://su-g.pw/cqshk
CBZ: https://su-g.pw/gab3t

>New game "Save the Light" coming soon to consoles
>Upcoming art book 'Art and Origins' available for pre-order
>Upcoming graphic novel 'Anti-Gravity' available for pre-order

>Episode downloads
1080p: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt and comics: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
Comics, soundtracks, older 720p/1080p episodes: https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
Streaming: https://marebucks.com/sun/
>Official airing schedule in EST (click to the right of the logo)

[LEAKS] (make sure to use spoiler tags)
>2 minute previews and screenshots from CN server
>Leakbot and other cool /sug/ stuff


>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
Fatsper is best gem
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i love her so much
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Dude, they said they recorded Season 6 and we're not even on season 5 yet, chill.
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You're all capable of great good and kindness.
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They're still recording for season five right now dumbass
Thanks Roseposter.
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Someone on /vp/ asked what her team would be, but the thread got deleted before I could respond. I came up with:

>Metagross (she has Ferrokinesis, Metagross is a Steel/Psychic type, it fits)
>Beeheeyem (an ayy lmao)
>Excadrill (the drill)
>Reuniclus (fits esp when she has the limb enhancers)

I dunno what to put for the other two, but I'd have them be part Steel or part Psychic. Maybe something referencing meep morps, or the Peribot.
Anger? i have no idea what you are implying.
>He didn't see the messages for Season Six
Jesus Christ you're retarded.
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Does anyone else like going out for night time runs? It's much more peaceful and less hot than running during the day.
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a minionite.png
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they said season six, can confirm
The only retard here is you
Yes there is obviously going to be a season 6, but they aren't recording for it yet
I've always wanted to do that, but then I remember that it's pretty dangerous outside my neighborhood.
6 AM jogs
There is only me
Who is "they"
that doesn't help my concerns about one piece but okay
Me and my girlfriend are both into SU, and she wants me to do this dom thing where I'm a pearl sex slave and I'm freaked the fuck out, what do I do /sug/
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i'm guessing you weren't here when someone posted that post about season six. calling people retarded is a sign of weak intellect btw.
t. Dumbass
I know, that's why the person calling me a retard for being right is a dumbass

are you talking about a post from a random anon?
yeah, it was a while ago and it was a link to some twitter or tumblr post from a crew member talking about season six.

[spoiler]you both look pretty retarded by insulting each other, but whatever you do what you want.[/spoiler]
And what did it say? Just because the writers and storyboarders could be working on season 6 now does not mean the voice actors are.
I want to abuse Holly.
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Leaked season finale screenshot don't share anywhere else or I'll get fired
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>Been sick since Sunday.

At least the diarrhea is starting to slow down now, let's hope I can get some sleep tonight and not have my ass glued to the pot every other hour.

>Does anyone else like going out for night time runs?

That's generally a bad idea when it comes to my area, but I do go to the gym at night.
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That sounds hot let her do it
i thought it was something along the lines of they had either made great progress on it or they were recording lines.
MS Paint Requests?
If you aren't going to answer I'm just going to assume you're bullshitting out of your ass. Maybe posting the link would be helpful in convincing me you both aren't idiots.
whatever, feel free to believe me or not, but it was posted here.
i would have to go through several archives to get to it, however.
It's another everyone thinks everyone is a retard episode.

t. retard
Draw yourself a better art program.
What are you guys looking for?

A link? A screencap of a social media site?
>Dee Dee said that Pearl and Peridot are frenemies

While I do hope they get along better, I do kinda like that she isn't completely buddy buddy with all of them. She's good friends with Steven and Amethyst, lowkey idolizes Garnet, but is friendly rivals with Pearl.
yeah you're an idiot
You guys are all idiots and I love you for it.
Requesting knee boob gems
I do like that variety. Then there's lapis and her very limited relationships
someone posted a link + screencap of someone on the crew mentioning season six.
again, insulting people is a sign that you're suffering from a form of mental weakness.
The two faggots claiming that crewniverse members said they were recording lines for season six but aren't able to cough up a source are the only idiots here
t. retard
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t.loveable oafs
haha so randumb xDD
No crew member has even breathed word of "season 6". Maybe implications, but never those words
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Not being able to provide evidence for your stupid claims is a sign of being a dumbass
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well, she is a bad gem
To be fair, that's more due to her not getting any focus with them whatsoever.

If I had to guess, I would think she'd initially hate Pearl and then like her after they reconcile. Kinda like Pearl and Greg's relationship, but with Lapis as Pearl and Pearl as Greg. I think she'd respect Garnet, but maybe disobey her word sometimes. And with Amethyst, I could imagine they'd be really good friends.
That screenshot was fake.
Stop talking about it.
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imperium vs HW

how bad would be gems be shrekt?
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well im off to bed. goodnight!
Ah, so they are confirmed to be even bigger idiots than I thought.
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>Draw yourself a better art program.
Well, to be fair, the guy who photoshopped it did a good job on it.
It fooled a lot of people on /co/, desu. So I'll give them the benefit of the doubt
500m handship vs 7km battle ship
who the fuck do you think would win?
time to destroy a planet
gems- 5000
imperium- 5 hours
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Help I can't stop thinking about Garnet's ass.
Malachite with a gun
Milky quartz making another Steven face if ya like shogun
it's just a meme. your actually a pretty good artist.
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pumped for last.png
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What screenshot?
too many cars, So I always try to go during 3
The Imperium is gay men prancing in tin can armor
Gems are Lesbians prancing in solid light mass
They wouldn't fight because they're too distracted by gay/lesbian thoughts.
It was a bit different than that but /co/ bought it.
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drown the meme.png
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Milky Quartz shooting milk into Yellow Diamond's face
a gem dying horribly with lots of blood and gore or forcefeeing
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Ultimate Orgy .png
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Goodnight.... I'll fix any mistakes tomorrow I just felt compelled to color this tonight
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Do you think the CONFIRMED cancellation will come before or after the CONFIRMED season 6?
the inquisition would like a word with you.
Hmm, you'll have to get past the inquisition no one expects first

>/co/ bought it
Of course they did
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>Malachite with a gun
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She's had a rough home life, she's liable to shoot up a school
Malachite was lost too soon.
She played her part perfectly... though as each useless episode passes, the less likely she will ever return
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Goodnight, anons.

Have a nice Wednesday!
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should have gave her her own character and gave a bit of insight to how she felt about being herself instead spending an entire season building up to one fight that happened out of the blue
>happened out of the blue
That is very SU.
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I want to believe it's on purpose because they even reference that Lapis barely knows the CG in TNCG, but that still doesn't excuse not showing those relationships yet, or not giving them focus in favor of fucking Rocknaldo.
Malachite was a failed abortion that wasn't put out of her misery soon enough
Sorry you haven't gotten the jist of how Wasted Potential Universe works yet.
S6 was CONFIRMED cancelled.
The sins of season 4 will never be forgiven. I insist on there having been corporate meddling that mandates a certain number of irrelevant, rerun friendly episodes.
I want to believe Sugar will one day stop being a hack.
She was an interesting concept and was our only chance at exploring what a fusion between two gems with an unhealthy relationship was like.
That's probably true, but they should at least try to make that filler not awful.
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thanks, you too
So, a fusion between the same type of gem just makes a bigger version of that gem that feels the same, but a fusion between two or more types of gems becomes an experience of two minds together, yet they form a new person?
As a man, we all know Greg shouldn't be allowed to morn Rose at all, as it will erase Pearls lesbian problems
At last, this masterpiece will be colored
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you talk as if she's not going to be the focus in the next 4 episodes after Lion 4.

There's always hope.
Greg is very obviously more emotionally mature than Pearl. He's honestly probably the least-fucked and most stable character on the show. I don't think he even has any problems besides his memories of Rose being brought up in Mr. Greg.
where's amuhthiost
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I'm not good at drawing gore. Just drew Garnet pulling on Amethyst's tongue for some reason.
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with Rubies, at least.
Greetings from /RWBYg/.
Lapis has been shit for two seasons straight, why do you think that's going to change any time soon?
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ar fatsper2.png
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Jasper fat and depressed
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Challenge make a pic with him SU related unlimited time as long as its SU related
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holy red letter.png
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What gem would he be
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I made a very accurate illustration of Jasper to highlight a problem.
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>Jasper fat and depressed
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all she needs is a catalyst to set her loose and Beach City goes underwater
I want this thread to disappear.
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I want this thread to stay forever

Holly is a female i think you got the wrong post anon
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SU Critical.png
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I was talking about the picture I posted
Wait a sec... you're not shogun are you?
What's a shogun
Jasper and Steven being cute
A different MS Paint artist that I mistook you for,
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Heliotrope "Bloodstone"-Corrupt
is a variety of quatz, can come in Red-black-green or white.

Thanks nice work
You're welcome, and thank you.
There's two other MS Paint drawfags.
One is shogun shamrock and the other is sultan scarlet.
She looks more retarded than depressed desu
Maybe she's retarded, but she's not so retarded that she can't realize that she's retarded.
That would be pretty depressing.
Should we call this new ms paint drawfag "senator sapphire" or "caesar cerulean"?
Sultan named herself, and shogun specifically sought out a name. So let's not
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Jasper is not fat or retarded, she is perfect and beautiful.
I need to know if I'm the only one who laughed like a retard at this
I was just joking. I don't actually expect him to use one of those names.
But I do think it would be neat if every ms paint drawfag does end up using that naming scheme.
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>Jasper and Steven being cute
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>she is perfect and beautiful
So she's at least fat
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Pearl casually flirting.png
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Requests? I'll do the Pearl cat one later.
Qt. Steven wants Jasper to stop being such a furfag already
How about Lapis dancing with Lars
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This is the Pearl cat one
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What if Greg gets Dogsper pregnant?
corrupted hybrids. maybe half corrupt. i don't know
Swap-ven universe
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>not fat or retarded
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I want more art of Jasper with a pinhead
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>Those Greg arms

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1923834 - Jasper Steven_Universe.png
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We all know Greg's weakness is quartz gems. When he meets uncorruptes Jasper. He is going to fill her up with his baby batter.

Nine months later Steven will have a sister or a brother.
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>How about Lapis dancing with Lars
Oh hey. That's actually kinda cute.
If it's weird ships we're talking, how about Ronaldo and Sapphire doing something cute?
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lars mom is lapis4.png
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that's incest
That's adorable.
Pretty cute, thanks.
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Where do you think we are
Sugar is a worthless hack retard that can't design different looking characters in her own show
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Made a gemsona. Can you guys rate it? Couldn't find hair exactly like hers, so yeah. I'll post my drawing of her in a little
needs bigger leaky lactating breasts
5/10, it's okay I guess.
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Rhodonite drawing.jpg
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Here it is. I only drew her head since I'm terrible at drawing bodies
Decent, I'll give her a 7/10
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I'm not a fan of the options on there. she's spotty see >>8702849

No thanks.
kill yourself
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>Ronaldo and Sapphire
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can you do Kiki x Jasper?
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Rhosonbite I tried.png
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Pretty half-assed but here you go
All girls are 2D when you have no depth perception.
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Ronaldo x Yellow Diamond 3.png
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could you do one of these two?
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Why do people ship them YD hates humans

It's only me anon
Live action UK remake set in Cornwall when
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>Kiki x Jasper
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Can you do Holly Blue Agate x Lauren Zuke?
Jaskiki good shit, I want her to feed her pizza
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nigger sisters.png
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Yeah I like Peridot's secret rivalry with Pearl. Whenever they work on mechanical projects they seems perfectly in tune with one another but they sure like to shittalk behind each other's backs.
>they sure like to shittalk behind each other's backs.
glad someone else noticed this, i think it's one of the funniest things about the show is both of their lines talking shit about each other
literal pedo artist
Jeff is a fan.
Haven't you noticed that sourscreen is the guy filling out these ms paint requests in this very thread
Yeah and I like how it's actually subtle too. In the end they just want to be the more superior nerd.
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Sodalite and Bixbite.jpg
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Hey... I fucking love it thanks anon

Also here are my other ones. I came up with them just now. I'll draw them later.

>Sodalite is a narcissist
>Bixbite is a completely grumpy bitch
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They've got a real Spearchucker Jones / Duke Forrest dynamic going on
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Last one.
How would their hybrid child look like?
Good night sug
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bothersome brute.png
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Ronaldo x Yellow Diamond 4.png
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Thank you
The real MVP.
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the large and the nerdy.jpg
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real cheeto-dorito hours
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> If 'erry lamb shank were perfec, we wouldna' ha meat pois
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small milk meme.png
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look what i found
You found a shitty meme? Okay
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quartz roll.png
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call thern constable
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Y6 is upset that the fruit is yellow.
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Does anyone know where I can watch or download SU in castellano?
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Literally just Shego-arnet. Lemme past the TRUE best Garnidot fanfusion.
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These threads make me feel lonely
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I'm here
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This bitch getting some quartz milk for her donuts.
Memers are retarded
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>t. Retard
Quartz Milk is amazing
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Blue Diamond introducing Yellow Diamond to Greg.
And him seducing the shit outta them both.

Either that or Greg sitting on a throne, with Stevens new Diamond step-siblings as the Crystal gems and Steven stare on in shock.
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Love you /sug/
I don't get to tel you that every day, but I do mean it every time
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Gems should take a nap
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I hope you're all having a great day
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Try World of Steven Universe blogspot
nice, thank you
I love you to pigposter, you're like family
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Blue (Hood).png
264KB, 983x1000px
Blue has pretty eyes.
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287KB, 1080x1025px
Blue has dick suckin' lips.
kill yourself
Why does this stupid pumpkin thing still exist? In fact why did it ever exist? What role is it supposed to fill?
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It's just supposed to be a dog.
It doesn't ever do anything funny or dog-like besides its annoying bark every now and then.
kill yourself
Well, tell the crew to make it more doglike.
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kill yourself
kill yourself
steaks don't make you fat
What do you get out of this?
It sates his autism.
kill yourself
> it's a korean spies use lapidirt fanart on trash to send ciphered messages episode again
When is murica going down in flames, Kim?
kill yourself?
The only thing going down in flames is anything they try to launch along with the launch pad, maybe a village a kilometer away if they get lucky.
It's not that big of a deal.
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June 19th 5:34 pm
Nice try Drumpf
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kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
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kill yourself
omg they're both standing totally confirmed
Jenny is already Amethyst's parallel so that makes Kiki Jasper's parallel since Amethyst is the lazy nigger sister and Jasper is the hard-working nigger sister
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Goodnight anon, good to see you again.
> Jasper is the hard-working
Jasper is the absolute jobber, anon.
What's she so happy about?
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kill yourself
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kill yourself
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She's had focus "last" episode and a few episodes before, she probably won't have it again for a while let alone the next four, just a tag-a-long role at best.
I love this gem!
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739KB, 1152x1665px
kill yourself
that doesn't mean she isn't hard-working
Is that Patrick Boivin?
You love shit
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Steven rose happy roses.png
637KB, 1280x1280px
Good morning /sug/! I hope that you all have very nice days, love you!
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SU cucks I swear
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Good morning Roseanon, I hope you also have a very nice day!
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>Ronaldo and Onion above Jasper, Amethyst and Lapis
>Jasper dead last
>Lapis only 10th
>Garnet 3rd
>Pearl only 4th
>memedot 2nd
>no Ruby or Sapphire
>no Ruby or Sapphire
Because they're garbage and hardly qualify as characters at all.
meme pet for meme characters
>Rose that low
>Onion and Ronaldo that high
kill yourself
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Why don't you kill yourself?
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kill yourself
it'll come a time eventually, don't hold your breath tho
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>inb4 AT gets the diamonds causing shit before SU
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wholesome curry.png
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Soundtrack confirmed
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It won't because you're a fucking pussy.
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thats cool
gotta say, i always have thought the music in SU is...nice, but i never have really loved it as much as other people.
god knows i tried
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kill yourself retard

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>invalid request
Nice one.
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That's all folks.
It's a sauce entry
Works fine, but you still need a pixiv account to browse
Shit taste.
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>CN finally announces soundtrack
>/sug/ gets silent
a little too late CN
> miniseries are called "Elements"
> one of the recurring characters is a flame elemental princess, the crew confirmed she will play a major role
> she has a gem on her forehead exactly ike the one pictured
> retards from both here and AT fanbase still think it has anything to do with SU
Are you all blind, retarded, or both?
Not very good at reading, are you?
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Holly Chef doodle.png
111KB, 805x854px
One drink down, ??? more to go.

I'll leave this thread open in the background if anyone wants a shitty doodle.

I'll be doing other shit in the meantime.
its a joke you dumbass
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Greg lying in a mountain of money.
Can you draw Pearl on a deserted island with beard growth?
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Holly Blue Agate attacking the CG's house with this monster?
white diamond looking pissed at pink diamond
any gem tied and gagged
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consider the following.png
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Martha dive kicking Sadie out a window.
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i hope homeworld looks like this
It won't
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So apparently the SU soundtrack will have the songs in the best format they have ever been.
What i wonder is how many songs will they put in this first volume. Will it be all the songs until Whats the Use of Feeling Blue or are they dividing it into 2 parts and cheating us from some songs?
>Volume 1
Gee, I don't know.
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i want the SU soundtrack to have a cover like this
> I can say that this is the best they’ve ever sounded!
These are going to be 128kbps mp3s, aren't they?
we dont know how many songs are left in the show. S5 might have like a bunch of them and if theres a S6 the same thing
There's a point where optimism turns into retardation and you passed it about a mile back.
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Oh, that's Beach City on the Rose Quartz. Nice design.
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> Sugar also reused FP's plot with Lapis
Beyond the obvious anime "references", "borrowed" characters and blatant self-plagiarism, is there anything original in SU at all?
>they had a design cover ready before they even had the poll up
12 hours after a poll there's a fucking announcement
that's literally on the same work shift
So what would have happen if the No won in the poll?
no announcement, or the same exact announcement, and some actual marketing polling on the side
CN *KNOWS* the show can pull out numbers, and they've been reminded by it still pulling numbers even when sabotaged, and entire episodes getting leaked in advance

as for why this would be a problem, when they are pushing hard for the show to bomb, it's because if your polls are being manipulated, there may be malicious influencing actors and that is a big problem not only for SU, but for the whole network
Sanity checks, really
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Faking stupid cuck fucking kill yourself now. You wish you could be me.
Thread posts: 351
Thread images: 172

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