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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Booze And Snooze Edition Pastebin

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 107

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Poor Smoll fox can't keep up.jpg
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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Booze And Snooze Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Thread journal Backup: https://pastebin.com/GiLL5kAS
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist

Archives: www.ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org / archive.b-stats.org
Previous thread: https://archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/11345687
Previous thread: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/11345687
Previous thread: http://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/11345687

Thematic Thursdays: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays (Suggestions are open until Sep. 4 00:00 PDT)
Previous Theme: Coffee Break
TT Archive: t3event.tumblr.com
TT Pastebin: pastebin.com/gudYsYHL
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TT Coffee Break - Just Moved In.png
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Final TT reshill
glad to see you knight
you doing good?
Human in Zootopia fanfic writer, still here.

As I was saying. Say I fuck up. Great. What's the worst that can happen? I get thrashed by a bunch of /ZTG/ guys. Hopefully some people enjoy it, God willing.
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What did Ozzy see?
When will someone write a Ozzy x Rex fic
The worst that will happen if you fuck up is that nobody will read it and nobody will care and you've wasted your time.
A bun in his busking spot!
Go for it anon, because after that, the only way left is UP.
How is being unknown worse than infamy?
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A little drunk, things are going alright. Don't draw as much as I should. Need someone to cuddle with. You know, the usual.

I think you should go ahead and write it. I've written smut that I haven't shared but I wrote it. Point is, go for it.
No big deal man, you do you.
I don't think this conversation can really go anywhere else, unless you have specific questions you want to ask. You got a lot of feedback from the previous thread, probably the next step is just to start writing it and maybe get a first chapter or a draft or something out. You got me curious at least, I'll give it a read if I see it.
Night dude.
bettys bare bitchtits
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>actually considering this
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does someone knows of the artist of the pic related has a name already?
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reposting the wild card, 'cause I kinda screwed up with the color at some points :/
I don't think you've got the chops to be infamous.

That would take the ability to move people.
Hell yeah, it's all good practice.
Your grasp of english and grammar sound OK so far, but once you've gone past your first thousand words, then you can really tell.
There are people here with fairly bad english/grammar, but their plots are really good, so we work through them and enjoy.
OK, I'm off too.
this is not your Safe Space
I liked your new movie.
Spider-Man, shouldn't you be out fighting crime instead of shitposting?
You just need a good hook, anon.

I feel AWAHO was generally well-regarded because it completely avoided the pitfall of self-insert human/zootopian romance, and because I managed to get lucky with an interesting way of telling a story that is not used very often.

So long as you avoid that one major sin -- there can be ZERO romance between a human and zootopian -- you'll have readers. If you can make the first chapter interesting, you'll keep those readers.

Or, if you're just looking to write the story in your mind and it happens to have some sort of OC/mammal romance subplot, then do it. Write for you. Just don't be upset if it gets a cold reception. You can look at almost any fic on ao3 that features such a romance and they generally don't do so hot.
hahaha they look like they finished but they are still stuck.

thank you anon!
did Penpel made a Tumblr?
Remmy holding someone else's credit card.
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Show me what you got!
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Jerboas are cute! CUTE!
BMI of 2.0
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Childhood best friends falling in love, confessing their love to each other, becoming a couple and consummating that love, then getting gay married and adopting children is the purest form of love.
Anons, this is the final night of my vacation in an unspecified city that inspired Zootopia. I feel like writing a short, probably awful comfy green, but first I need an answer to this question. What are some duties that Betty has to perform as pack Beta? Annoying stuff she wouldn't like, things that are pretty fun, and other things she would talk to herself about late at night.
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I mean really, if anon wants to write his human in Zootopia story, why not allow other artist to insert their own sparkly dog or cat OCs?
or better yet, do that Zootopia x Sing, Rock Dog or Cat's Don't Dance?
what was the point of setting the ground rules of sticking to how the Zootopia Universe was conceived?
now don't get me wrong if anon wants to write it he can do so, this is a free world after all, what boggles me is that the thread itself is the one endorsing it
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Just slightly morbidly obese.

I've had sex with two people. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
settling disputes between the lower members
Ever see a dog eat another animals shit?

That's what she does.
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No prob, anon. The concept of getting stuck is my favorite thing about knotting. If I had the time I want to do a comic with Nick and Judy knotted, and they have to wait around finding other things to do before it they can unknot. Watch tv, call the parents, do the dishes, etc.
I didnt say nothing about considering
Look, the dude is gonna write it and if it aint good hell learn from it, thats the best fuckin thing we can get if hes gonna write it
He didnt say "Imma fuck yall for being bitches for not giving me my props" he just gonna post it and it wont get views and that will be done
Fuck man we should have more people who answer "What if its bad" with "who gives a fuck Imma do it anyway" cause thats the biggest reason I hear people NOT doing goddamn anything, "What if its bad? What if its bad?" Then FUCK it, its bad, do another one and maybe itll be good!
stories are inherently less visible than drawings

at least thats my rationale. he can write what he wants, it's easier to ignore than images.
Were they also disgusting fatties or fat fetishists?

I'd rather fuck someone skinny and hideous than even slightly overweight.
I guess we're becoming that desperate for new CC's?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nP9hU8eUfE [Embed]
>what boggles me is that the thread itself is the one endorsing it
We've told him why we think it wont work.
And he said he didn't care but wont take it personally if people dont like it.
I have no idea what else there is to do? Go to his house and threaten to murder his mom? Believe it or not we can abide someone making bad shit if they don't tell us to eat shit and die when we say "No cats in Zootopia" or something of that sort.
It's weird that they're keeping such a distance from their child. From this angle, I'd expect for a female fox to be taking care of it off panel.
i feel like its more endorsing "do whatever you want"
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plot device
>you will never bury your face deep into Al's fur
Nobody is endorsing it, its just that nobody during that time was a shit stirring faggot.
It was actually pretty comfortable how people responded with measured but firm tones, rather than sperging out whenever things happen that they don't like.

Question for you, someone makes a Zootopia x Sing Rock Dog Cats Dont Dance fic and shills it. Nobody responds.

Is your day ruined unless someone tells that guy to kill himself?

Just let it be man, he's not being obnoxious unless he spams the thread with that shit, and you should know something about that.
>Someone won't listen to reason
>Let's shit up the threads, give him 100% of our attention, and make EVERYONE mad!
Spidey pls
One was a /fit/fag who I'd gym with.
The other is also a fatty.
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Friendly reminder that Byron is a false Lord, and that if you Worship him you're a heretic. Don't be a Heretic /ZTG/. Make the smart choice.
Vult Liciatorium Texentium.
>Just let it be man, he's not being obnoxious unless he spams the thread with that shit, and you should know something about that.
Yo, come on, Spidey cooled down
You said it was cool how people was all calm and collected when they talked to the guy, practice what you preach
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It's so you don't see their baby until the last panel.

They're excellent parents who love their child.
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huh, when you put it that way...

alright, alright, I overreacted

so, as an apology, any kind of WildeHopps pics you'd like?

Ya, that was a low blow.

Sorry for that last shot man, just being a shit myself I guess. We all could be a bit better, lets learn from this whole event and see things all positive like you know?
I'm not endorsing it

Just gonna ignore it even though it pisses me off because the fucking PREMISE OF THE MOVIE is that Zootopia is a place where HUMANS NEVER HAPPENED

But it's whatever I guess
I'm rather fond of Cats Don't Dance

I ain't endorsing but it's not like they are going to stop doing it.

Just like >>11352131 says, we had already explained to him why it's going to be a bad idea and they still are going to go along with it.

So we can't do much else then that. So when it's going to inevitably be shit. (Because lets be real, it's going to be a laughing stock.)

So once it's going to come out, it's going to be ripped apart and we ain't going to be kind to it. So the anon is either going to just leave forever or will turn into another shit poster since their baby was hurt.

Then it's going to be forgetton about in due time.
wait, do you draw?
if not, just post something with them in cold weather
Is that a reference
Cuz if so I think I understood it
I feel like Betty's voice would be serious ASMR, completely unintentionally. Hearing her speak in a low voice would send pleasant chills up and down your spine, and that's before you add in her fur.

Al's voice is he same way, except they're a different kind of chills. He only uses his rough voice during hardcore sex with Velvet, and it's easy to hear him through the walls. Good luck hearing him talk like that and not imagining him fucking someone.
Just my feelings at >>11352079
>so, as an apology, any kind of WildeHopps pics you'd like?
I mean shit man, you got any where Judy is the one being assertive?
Yeah me too, but it doesn't fit in Zootopia
Of the 7 characters in the main cast, there are 2 cats, a turtle, fish, and a little (human) girl
Not even into girls but man I could definitely imagine sleeping with Betty would be really pleasant
Though I'd prefer sleeping between her and Al
How about the Animal Jam cast?
you forgot the goat
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shitposting is a 24/7 kinda gig anon, no time to develop artistic skills

I do too actually

in a moment
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Gay country boys
>you forgot the goat
No, I didn't
Cranston, (and by extension, Tilly and Woolie) are all species that can exist in Zootopia
I see two ways of doing a human in zootopia fic-

The first: total self insert fan wank. This is what readers of such things are usually looking for. Young, white, male, obvious. Magic Gary Stu powers. Solves all of Zootopia's problems, winds up God Emperor of Zootopia, oh and has a harem of all the most popular characters that love him unconditionally. You've heard the expression "let's get busy?" Well this is a human that gets biz-zay! Consistently and thoroughly. Oh, and written in second person perspective for maximum self-insertion comfort.

Then you could actually put thought into it. A human in Zootopia would be just another god damn animal. A tall furless thing from the primate hinterlands. All the stuff that makes humans stand out is irrelevant, since all the characters are anthropomorphic anyway. So what have humans got physically? Well they're very good at long distance bipedal endurance walking, and that's about it. So that gives you a few options. He could be some homeless drifter walking across country, visiting many different types of neighborhoods outside the city. You could do a version of Stephen King's the Long Walk. If you really want the edgelord soldier thing, you could set it during WWII and have your character in the Bataan Death March, watching all his animal friends expire while he marches on. Of course most characters in Zootopia don't actually use their physical special abilities, so really the best option would just be to make him some chill OC that's not special at all. Maybe give him or her an animal spouse and focus on, say, the difficulties of interspecies relationships with one happening to be a human, emphasizing human physical attributes that get ignored. Lack of fur perhaps. Of course if you want to go lewd, the abnormally disproportionately large penis is a route.
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belong at the back of the bus
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>requested them in sweaters
>changed it to "cold weather" before hitting post
>still somehow delivered sweaters
Oh you were listing the ones you can't be in Zootopia. I'm sorry for being tired.
Whoa, havent seen this one before
with them big fat wheels
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Oh no I love it
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you're an open book to me anon (no homo though)

old thread, sorry
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Reading Winter Snuggles Pack Street made me extremely jealous of Velvet. She and Al are insanely sexually comparable.
>Panting heavily Ozzy wipes the sweat from his brow. He leans up against the building he was currently busking in front of and lets himself slide down into a sitting position.
>It was too hot out and and the rumbling of his stomach was getting harder and harder to ignore.
>Frustrated eyes focus on the empty tip tin at his feet.
>Chuckling sourly, his focus turns inward, 'maybe Betty can... NO. He had leaned on Betty too much recently and last thing she needed was another mouth to feed. Maybe Marty could...'
>He's interrupted by a loud slurping sound.
>Shocked, he finds T-Rex the local wage slave from the Bug Burga standing before him. Large soda in one paw and a big bag full to the brim of greasy food in the other.
>The badger reaches into the bag and pulls out a Big Roach Special with Cheese "You know any Deaf Leopard?"
>Ozzy's toothy smile envelopes his face "Heck ya I do" he says as he takes the offered burga.
>Taking a seat beside him, Rex offers Ozzy his drink, straw first.
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>Judy being assertive
that lady cat's face is so weird (pretty much because the color is human's skin)
>Actors from the golden age of television
>Alive and well at the same time as facetiming on carrot brand phones
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look at this salacious bunny, asserting her dominance over a poor innocent fox with her lustful ways
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Update on the card thingy

If I'm not around and anons are asking about the card thing just link them here:

It has an updated list, the 'how to draw a card' guide, and
all the other cards submitted so far.

I really want put that card in the main deck.
It's different enough from you previous submission so that it won't be so noticeable
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another healthy young fox lost to bunny cunny
or maybe they were just actors in zootopia and they did a movie about prejudice and working for your drea..... wait a minute
>Famous artist doing Finnick and Gazelle
Yes, finally
>not even making the reserve
honestly, not surprised
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Eh, don't feel too bad. Nobody's even bothering with the bottom list at all.
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enough for now
stay comfy zoots

that sounded more mopey than it was intended
I know I'm not a household name
tell me your name and what kind of content you do, anon
I'm not familiar with every CC and their work and most of these names were nominated by other anons as well.
How the fuck do I know how many meters squared I am?
Just take your meters and time it by your meters.
Hey, rabbit!

Put your big fucking ears down!

Half the theater can't see the damn movie!
just measure your height, then your cirumference every centimeter along your body, making sure to do each leg and extremity individually.

this will allow you to make an approximation of your volume
Not entirely true.
Someone wanted to do a card for Nemo and he wasn't even on the list.

Then >>11351900 made a card for Chilly but only as an extra card because he already submitted one before.
why can't I stop thinking of him
I'm zorotokon, I oscillate between writing comf and lewd depending on the phase of the moon
It's okay, I didn't like the concept to begin with for that very reason.
For this anon, you're not even missing out on anything
It's nice to know when you're appreciated.
Maybe if I don't die nothing bad will happen
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Dying is the only way to keep bad things from happening.
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I'mma Beat That Ass.jpg
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we can't have that on 4chan!
Yeah I got nominated for the reserve and I'm shocked and touched at just that.
I had rolled a zero earlier, what does that mean?
must be nice
Here's a human in Zootopia plot...
The second coming.
Jesus wanders into Zootopia and thinks, "What the Hell, hey Dad, something screwy has happened down here."
Deep discussions about religion for these heretic animals, before they nail him to another cross.
Or comedy ensues as he tries to get his head around what's happened, then they nail him to a cross again.
>yes, I'm a atheist.
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>About three weeks before she ran out of money to pay bills
>Another two weeks and groceries would become sparse
>Best case scenario she found a new job that would let her renew her license
>Worst case her kit has to stay with family while she sees if any diners will hire an ex doctor with a con record
>Just until she can make ends meet
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So long as it's sexual nailing I think it could work, god speed anon.
Aww, now I'm sad.
Good idea, but you really have to learn to stop typing like a thirteen year old
The two mmost important things to learn are:
1. Do not use elipses
2. If you don't know how to use the epic green arrows, don't even try
I thought the 'non self' rule was a bit harsh.
I'm only a beginner write/draw tag, but I think I know where I fit.
Going to put myself down in the lower number cards.
Might as well have a full deck.
Oh, we forgot FinnickFag
Just as a matter of tone dude, this comes across real bad, like youre pissed off at not being included
Seeing you complain about something thats just all good fun? Bad taste in my mouth dude, if people dont know you pimp your stuff and make more shit, step up to the game so we know you as that dude that wrote the thing, cause right now all I know you as is the guy who complained he wasnt getting a card
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I think we're also missing MisterEAnon

Sorry if it came off like bragging. All you can do is keep trying to be a better CC.
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I wonder what show they're watching ztg?
Game of Packs.
It's the season finale
NNo, pplease dissect my grammar and explain why someone saying something wouldn't use elipses to denote a sspoken passage?
Without HTML, I'm using green to speak quietly.
As for typing, most thirteen year olds can't spell or use full text.
As a writefag, I refuse to post in text speak!
Different Anon here.
Spoken like a true 13 year old.
Black card with a very small dark blue word 'Void' in the middle.
Sorry, your bait was insufficient.
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Its so hot... I might melt tonight.

If I do, put me in a glass and I'll be VRbitBeverage and live with SmugBeverage.

AHH! THAT'S SO COOL! I love how the card has a pure/corrupted symmetry, and how the C is a paint streak! Great use of character!

T, you're awesome for doing this, and so is Pho for putting this all together.
It's so FLUFFY!
Who said anything about Bait?

I miss this CC
When Zootopia2 is announced, do you think old CCs will come back
>tfw /ztg/ isn't comfy anymore
sadness covers me like a blanket.
tuck me in.
let me die.
I sure hope not
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I'll be around to greet them and tell them what they've missed.
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All their faces are kinda fucked up or really fucked up.
True, I think he deserves to be on here.
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Don't worry anon, we're just shitposting one another.
We probably need sleep too.
He's dead, Jim
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poor dead anon. who could ever replace them?
Rose plz
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You even make sad things cute.
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But wait why would you show up to a Random Anon's funeral?
For a second I thought you were solemnly stabbing him with a dagger
busy pretending he doesn't exist I guess
same t b h
Free food, duh.
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My eyes all fucked up.gif
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That is amazing, but the mor I try to look at it the more fucked up my eyes get.
Having gone to funerals, I can't say I'd had much free food from them. Plenty of free water and tea and tissues.
What, the corpse, or the snack table?
They must not have liked him.
You're at least supposed to get those little square brownies.
Fuck those are so good...
Been cleaning for hours

Haven't found my tablet pen

Where is that fucker
>"The Bully" strikes again
>Another anon found dead at the hands of the criminal known only as "The Bully"
>Intial reports indicate that the victim was peacefully tucked to sleep and gently stabbed with a knife
>Afterwards, a bouquet of roses was left on the victim's body.
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>They must not have liked him.
I can't say anything to this regarding somebody dying.
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I'm going to sleep before I sweat to death!

I hope you find it, buddy!

Goodnight, magical and wonderful /ztp/ threads! I hope when you die, Rose is there to eat your food.
>nick will never be real
>you will never pat him on his head
>you will never nibble on his ears
>you will never ruffle the fur of his chest
>you will never feel the softness of his paws
>you will never hug his big fluffy tail
>you will never hug nick period
real foxes exist, buddy
you can find one and cuddle it all you like
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the problems that you have, geez...
>meanwhile in my head
>I will never be nick
>I will never be as desirable as a fluffy fox
>No cute bun will ever want to brush my fully tail
>I will never knot a said cute but
And that's why you should always wash your produce.
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oh shit. that's some good stuff.

this artist did finnick before though.
You should just wash it regardless

Who the fuck eats carrots without peeling it anyway
>he peels carrots
>He thinks he's fucking her into a stupor
>He'll learn later that she actually fell asleep halfway through "waiting for him to put it in"

im still waiting for a pic where finnick fucks gazelle, on his own.
I'm always a fan of thick Nick fur.
it looks like they are watching something pretty comfy
I'm glad that you like it comic, making this kinda make me feel bad that the one for Boney was so bare...
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It's okay, I'm sure Boney likes things bare bones
Nick and... Jill?

Jude Savage?
Went up the hill
It's still Nick and Judy; Judy's just cosplaying

Don't have time right now to fully translate; can in roughly two hours, so please post in next thread if I don't respond again by 404
k-i-s-s and they forgot the condom
but what is Nick saying at the end?
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Nobbz is a pretty cool guy
Did he do that one request with Nick in panties? I went to sleep so I don't know.
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but who has the patreon version?
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no, i don't think he did
This is gay, why is Nick in it?
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that fuckin baby.png
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83j049733rfe4 here. IE the author of Kitsunegari.

I've been avoiding this thread like the plague and it's the other way around,

It's been me isolating myself that's kept me sick.

Either way... I've got good news with the story of Owen Conrad Fuchs...

I think I have finally arrived at the part of my story where nicholaswildes left off in hers.

Except this isn't zistopia.

It's going to get done.

I know where to go.

>Nick always sat in the same seat.
>It was perfectly in the middle of the aisle so he didn't have to crane his neck, close enough forward that the screen filled his vision, and far enough back that the sound system didn't hurt his ears
>It was the perfect spot
>Except for today.
>Today, this fuckin' rabbit was sitting in front of him.
>She came in at the last moment, after all the other seats were spoken for, and shoved a pair of radar dishes in his face.
>Try as he might, he just could not get a good look at the screen.
>Every time he tried to look around, either the asshole next to him would elbow him back into his own line of sight or, more frustrating, the rabbit's stupid ears would shift ever so slightly to block him.
>Sure, she might have just been reacting unconsciously to the noise he was making.
>But he KNEW she was screwing with him on purpose.
>Thirty minutes in to the screening, he'd had more than enough.
>This rabbit had only herself to blame.
>He reached out and tweaked one of her ears.
>Instantly, it went stiff as a board. Nick leaned back, hoping she'd gotten the message.
>She hadn't. Her ears stopped moving entirely and stayed perfectly still, upright, directly in front of him.
>So, he reached out and tweaked the other.
>She let out a sudden gasp and her ears shivered.
>He waited, quietly, for her to put her ears down, to go back to munching her bucket of prey food, or to get up and yell at him--something.
>She didn't.
>Instead, her head tilted back, just a bit, and her ears were closer than ever.
>They looked so soft...his imagination burned.
>What kind of fox would he be, to turn down an invitation like this?
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ay yuh gimme draw requests
Who? What?
Nick shaking himself like a dog to get dry and soaking Judy in the process, please!
maybe some Gil Elvgren-inspired pin-ups?
need more wildehopps pegging
I don't know what any of this is
Nick not being gay

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Finnick, Nick and Honey in Nighwing's uniforms from Pyre

fin forcefully kissing 'elle.
The review for it can be found here:

More can be found in the blind readthroughs that've been provided for me by ComicAnon:

And, as for the story itself, now sitting at over 120,000+ words, can be found on either FanFiction or ArchiveofOurOwn:

And the original image I eventually had commissioned for the book cover can be found here:
Nick and Finnick as party clowns

Author of a OC fic where Not!Nick tries to live in the city after the press conference happen. He looks almost like him in a commissioned artwork but isn't. It's been shilled here and their but OC fic's are MEH for the most part.

So either the author finally couldn't take it anymore and gave up, or it's some kind of advance shitpost of someone trying to be them or some such.

Just ignore it.

The review for it can be found here:

More can be found in the blind readthroughs that've been provided for me by ComicAnon:

And, as for the story itself, now sitting at over 120,000+ words, can be found on either FanFiction or ArchiveofOurOwn:

And the original image I eventually had commissioned for the book cover can be found here:
You seem really into yourself desu.
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I love how you do dumb pizzahorse and cat

Can you do them being lewd together?
RemmyxBetty lewd plz
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but as a dude

still in love with Al

That's CCs for you. Either they get confident in their work or they act self depreciative. Either way gets annoying if it goes too far.
How can do the lewd. Horse dick won't fit in puss pussy.

he cum on her face
People who haven't uploaded it to yiff.party
Is it alright to request Honey & Nick nude sunbathing together and holding hands?
Something comfy with Wolter and Charlie like cuddling while watching TV or something like that
Pizzacat scratching up a would be thief's face after he sucker punched Pizzacolt and tried to steal his wallet.

Nobody messes with that kitty's horse.
She can always just take the tip.
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What was his fucking problem, /ztg/?
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He couldn't bone the Nick. Because Nick isn't gay.
forced to hire an useless bunny when has a big case to crask.
He was an asshole.
Was samurai pizza cats a documentary in zootopia

no , lion king was an ancient story.
He thinks Judy is hot, but knows that if he tries to tap that, she'd fucking die.
What the hell was Zazu and Rafiki's roles then?

ANCIENT story.

you know, they're always half true
Wasn't an answer.

What mammals could replace bird n baboon?
Talking bird and magic monkey

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Just a written version, or are you going to comic it as well?
Wait, did Didney officially say that there were no apes or monkeys in Zootopia?
I think they omitted primates, yes
spirit guides characterized into something familiar but ultimately impossible making them symbols of wisdom, guidance, and foresight for the lion tribes of ancient times
Weaselton and Finnick in a break dance battel
IIRC they removed primates because they would end up being the "smartest" and most advanced by default making all other mammals seem inferior
Foxe moving at incredibly high speeds.
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experienced carrot farming.png
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hell yeah
i love you
marry me

>Nick reached out and ran one finger down an edge.
>It trembled intensely for the first moment or two, then relaxed.
>The rabbit's fur against his pad might have been the softest thing he'd ever touched.
>He wanted to say it was like velvet, but honestly, velvet didn't compare.
>He brought his thumb up to touch the other side.
>A claw grazed the delicate skin and both ears immediately snapped to attention, thrumming like a livewire.
>For a long instant, Nick was positive she was going to bolt and checked to his sides nervously.
>Slowly, he brought his paw down, intending to pull away, but the gentle motion relaxed the ears again.
>With a smirk--that showed a tooth he hoped no one could see--he popped his claws and dragged them along both sides, all the way to the tip, and when he took them away, they flopped down the back of the chair.
>If he'd still cared about the movie, he would have left it alone, his view no longer obstructed and a cute little bunny rabbit teased mercilessly by a stranger.
>But he didn't.
>So he scooted further up his seat and nipped at an ear with his teeth.
>That prompted a sudden, noticeable squeak from the rabbit in the row ahead of him that was immediately attacked by a vicious "Shhh!" from elsewhere.
>Nick snapped back into his own seat, heart pounding.
>Okay, too far, too fast; he was getting a little excited and ahead of himself in the middle of a theater with someone he didn't know.
>Calm down, Wilde.
>Casual as could be, he glanced around his immediate area.
>Normally, he'd be a little on edge being surrounded by prey, but this time he could only thank his lucky stars that there was no one who could see him torturing the ears of a defenseless little rabbit in a dark room because if they could, they'd probably have him arrested.
I know it's a deliberately malicious comment, but it seems most people nominated are the ones who are actually the most active. Like, OJ and Bore draw very well and are one of the "biggest" CCs here, but they've only made it to the reserve. Enjoy seeing anons having fun, starve your ego a bit maybe.

Yeah, they basically wanted "intelligence to be about equal across all mammals" so they removed primates, they were also too much like humans and people would focus on them.
This >>11354529

Bogo was right. He had a major case to crack, important job to do and didn't have time for SJW bullshit where the Mayor assigned him a frail recruit unsuited for the demands of the job in his district.
In that case, he should have assigned her to some milk run newbie duty or put her under another officer to deal with so that she might be worth something someday. Or, hell, give her the Otterton case, since it had clearly been abandoned. She's out of his hair, she thinks she's doing something good, and either she beats the odds and actually finds something or comes back humbled. It's a win/win situation.

Instead, the dumb fuck actively tries to sabotage her at every turn and get her fired because he's legitimately a bigot who didn't actually want her to give her the opportunity to succeed. Besides, the case clearly wasn't such a priority for him that he couldn't hide in his office and fuck around on his phone.
Written, but art might follow for individual scenes.
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All this pesky cop work was keeping him from enjoying the new Gazelle video.
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Hello Thread, give me requests
I'll give you sucky traditional doodles
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What species is your zoosona? I request you draw him/her and give us their name
Gazelle pole dancinh
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A good argument until you started throwing buzzwords.

But yeah, he's not perfect but him trying to get rid of a hothead unsuited for the job was completely understandable.

>It was at about that point that the movie started moving towards its climax.
>Nick didn't really care a whole lot anymore, but it meant that it took the protagonist into brighter areas with bigger explosions.
>He only paid half attention to the screen, his gaze fixated on the appendages before him.
>The minutes dragged as the hero got into and out of scrape after scrape that lit up the the theater and made the other moviegoers laugh.
>The rabbit's head was flat against her seat, her ears nearly tipping into Nick's personal space, but she seemed to understand the issue facing him.
>It didn't stop one ear from lazily rotating back and forth.
>Tempting him.
>Taunting him.
>Finally, FINALLY, the arrogant villain plunged the hero into the dark depths of who the hell cared?
>The rabbit's gasp when Nick surged forward and slid his fangs around the base of one ear while he ran a claw down the back of another was drowned out by the shock of the crowd as some monstrous beast erupted from the water.
>He was close enough to hear her rapid breaths as he ran his tongue teasingly along the inside edge.
>He could actually feel her desperately kicking one of her feet against nothing.
>Nick had no idea how long he kept at it, teasing, nibbling, biting, grazing against the ears of a mammal he didn't know.
>Long enough for the hero to win out.
>As the villain's melodramatic disbelief of his defeat extended out of the speakers, Nick took one final bit of vengeance.
>He planted a lingering kiss at the base of both ears and pulled back into his own seat as the slowly brightening light of the world blessed by the good guy's victory stung at his eyes.
>He didn't stay for the after-credits scene.
>He had something better to do.
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Say something nice about this rabbit
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cute eyes
No, in this case, it's both legitimate and accurate. He dismissed out of hand the testimony of an eyewitness on the basis of species. Usually applying a real-life analogy to Zootopia is a little flimsy but imagine a cop, any cop, in real life saying "What, you expect me to believe a black guy?" or whatever ethnicity you want to insert.

Bogo was, legitimately, prejudiced as fuck, and it interfered with his duties as a police officer. He was bigoted. He was a bigot.
Looking at the individual parts, it's an ok pic
Looking at the entire thing, it seems so disjointed. Like a Frankenstien's Monster of really good looking limbs and body parts
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>handsome nick
was his bigotry a product of the moment (because Judy was spouting non-sense about mammals going savage and calling back up for nothing) or was it an innate part of his personality?

Later in the movie we see him change his perspective, but was truly a bigot during the first half or just really pissed off because of the pressure?
her noodle wrists probably help in the bedroom
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I have my own Gazelle ship bias, but this is cute too.
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I'm sure he doesn't mind, and he loves the little details that you slipped into the lovely minimalist design of the card.

t. Boney.

>Holy crap.
>Holy shit.
>Cheese and FUCKING crackers.
>Judy's blood was going to burn its way out of her head.
>Her heart was going to pound out of her chest.
>Assuming, of course, she didn't drown in her own panties first.
>She just got felt up in a theater.
>She just LET herself get felt up in a theater.
>By someone she didn't know.
>She sat in a daze as the credits rolled by and into a bonus scene that she no longer had any context for.
>The first tug had frozen her with shock and rage.
>She had been half a second from giving that asshole a piece of her mind and probably a piece of her fist when the second had come.
>The feeling had been indescribable.
>The paw had been so big, its texture foreign and exciting.
>She hadn't managed to quite make it through rationalizing that last bit when the paw came back with a gentle touch that had sparks shooting up and down her spine.
>The realization that there was a claw on her ear was simultaneously the most terrifying and most erotic thing she'd ever experienced.
>She'd walked the knife's edge between movie slasher villain and steamy dime store smut her sister June liked so much before launching firmly into the latter.
>When she'd felt the teeth, she couldn't stop her voice.
>Truth be told, she'd been closer to cumming than she had any right to be.
>When the teeth had been scared away, a logical part of her said that she should be happy, while the rest of her was busy screaming about the lost sensation.
>Instead of ending it, then and there--not by shaming him as originally planned, because how could she possibly shame him for something she went along with so readily, but by disengaging--she gave him a standing invitation.
>One that went unheeded for so long she'd actually begun to despair.
>Then darkness swept the theater and the unseen predator struck again.
>This time, she'd welcomed him.
Does someone have that concept art of Manchas' house?
I want to say it was probably a combination of both. Bogo was stressed due to the missing mammal case, but he also just did not believe a bunny belonged in the ZPD. So he gave her parking duty to keep her out of the way, at the very least until the missing mammals were found and city hall wasn't on their ass (also, I wonder if during this time the missing mammals was big news in Zootopia. 14 mammals, just gone within 2 weeks or so). Bogo then had to deal with Judy and the panic she caused with Weaselton. It was completely wrong, and illegal, for the whole "give you two days or you quit" deal that Bogo pulled, and honestly he should be out of a job for doing so. Getting called out in the middle of the night with a full squad probably didn't help his mood, and at that point was looking for any excuse to fire Judy, including dismissing the word of a fox.

He was definitely a bigot, but not so much that he couldn't change his views, as we see three months later. Would be interesting to explore that development and if he ever properly apologized to Judy and Nick.

>Not just feeling, but HEARING the sharp tips drag themselves over through her fur and over her skin filled her with a satisfaction she hadn't even known existed.
>They tugged, and nibbled, and grinded, teasing her and challenging her all at the same time, and she stifled herself at every turn because she wouldn't, she couldn't dare to end this any sooner than she had to.
>When her leg had started its thumping, she wasn't sure, but after she was positive she wasn't about to start kicking a seat she stopped caring.
>She wanted so badly to reciprocate somehow, no matter how small the gesture, but was terrified of drawing attention.
>Judy Hopps couldn't be some pervert getting her jollies with an anonymous stranger at a family film.
>Everything had started getting brighter, and she thought that was it--she was going to cum in the middle of a movie theater and ruin everything everywhere
>and then there was a kiss on her ears, gentle and tender, and her shadowy lover retreated from the growing light of the screen.
>She stayed in her seat, revisiting the events of the last hour and a half, until an usher let her know it was time to leave.
>Judy threw her half-full bucket of Broccoli Bites in the trash.
>They'd been expensive, but another appetite had shoved its way to the front.
>When she stepped out of the building, the sun was setting, and she took a deep breath of the city air, to clear her head--
>"Excuse me."
>--and failed utterly when an extremely familiar claw ghosted the edge of one of her ears.
>She turned to the whoever it was, her eyes wide and her pulse racing.
>It was a fox, a red fox, his fur blending into the burning sunset behind him.
>She gulped.
>It didn't help; her throat was so dry. "Um."
>He just smiled, a little smile that didn't show any teeth.
>He pressed something into her paws as he glided forward and brushed a gentle kiss along her cheek.
>"See you around," he said, and the frazzled rabbit could only watch him make his exit.
Yep, I do.
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hey jude.png
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shes ready

>Judy wandered her way over to a wall, leaning against it so she wasn't the awestruck hick standing in the way of foot traffic.
>She looked down to see what she had been given.
>A business card, unique in that it didn't have a job title, just a name--Nicholas Wilde--a phone number, and a scribbled note.
>"Call me! <3 XOXO"
>With a snort, she flipped it over to see if there were any other secrets, and a second, flimsier piece of paper fluttered to the ground.
>Crouching down low, she bit her lip when she caught sight of what it was.
>A movie ticket.
>For this Saturday.

>Bucky and Pronk were going to have some noise complaints to make that night.

Please post it

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah
Every time I think "Eh, this premise doesn't have legs" some ridiculous greentext shows up and makes me feel foolish.
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I'm gonna be honest, sometimes I surprise myself. Inspiration is a bizarre and fickle thing.
I enjoyed this, always like any alternate meetings for Nick and Judy (favorite being blind dates) and seeing this meeting due to deviant pleasure was great. Ear Play was fucking top tier in this, and not something I see written often enough.


Requested because it's always the other around. thank you so much!
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brainwashed cunt racist for no reason
Nothing wrong with racism, stop being a baby
needs sharktooth
She's armed, so naturally I'd only say nice things...
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Thanks again for this dude, I genuinely appreciate it.
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I didn't roll one yet, that's why I vary all the time
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drawing without an undo button is hard
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Anonymous Earplay.png
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Ey thanks mate
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rolling game.png
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Roll one
So I can lewd you
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They were inside you all along, anon.
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Not gay.
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I gotta say, I kind of like the OCs here. We have a rather nice culture, generally promoting something more elaborate than wolfsona_4453

The census was a good idea too, I feel, but I don't think it has updated in a while.
Closet gay. You can tell by the way he says "just kidding" at the end and dances with Clawhauser.
People submit to that, not the other way around
page 10
finally, death



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