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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: A Shirt Isn't The Only Thing

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 418
Thread images: 129

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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: A Shirt Isn't The Only Thing Big On Him Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Thread journal Backup: https://pastebin.com/GiLL5kAS
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist

Archives: www.ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org / archive.b-stats.org
Previous thread: https://archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/11335114
Previous thread: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/11335114/11335114.html
Previous thread: http://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/11335114

Thematic Thursdays: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays (Suggestions are open until Sep. 7 00:00 PDT)
Previous Theme: Coffee Break
TT Archive: t3event.tumblr.com
TT Pastebin: pastebin.com/gudYsYHL
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First for badger
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would you want Ozzy as a boyfriend?
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Bun smooching
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post beautiful boys
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knock knock
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im a good boy
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>You will never encounter a big girl wearing baggy, fashionable clothes
>Get on your knees and stick your head into their shirt, smooshing your face against slightly warm chest fur
>Stand up and wrap your arms around their torso, almost fully encasing yourself in a prison of soft fabric and softer tiger
>Or wolf. Or fox.
>From that moment until the cops arrive, you're in heaven.
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What about a big bunny?
Hey ZTG I'm a reasonably new CC, If anyone has any kinda easy requests for art I'll give them a go so I can get a bit more practice.
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can they be gift-wrapped?
Judy sitting with her knees up
Hmmm... I'm done with chores... have the night free
even - I draw
odds - I write
Nick smooching Skye
You takin' requests?
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prove it, faggot
not at the moment, I have a specific project I'm working on, but I hope you will like it regardless!
all boys are beautiful
except Gideon
Who's there?
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>Not beautiful
What's a good fantasy to use when you're lying in bed alone with no one to make you feel safe and liked?
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>all boys are beautiful
Oh gosh anon
Oh jeez
imagine your favorite ship cuddling and kissing each other in bed and then cry because you will never find anyone that loves you like that
You're describing the reason I feel like shit, not the solution.
Your favorite OC is in bed with you and will mercifully kill you once you fall asleep. You don't have to worry about anything except dying happy, which should be easy.
Do you want lewd or not lewd?

Lewd: Judy flashing
not lewd: squirrel with oversized binoculars
Think about some story you've read/watched/thought of recently, and pretend you're one of the characters.
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Judy has cute paws
>Pretend to be someone on Pack Street

Let's be honest. Is there anyone on Pack Street that it would be fun to be? I'd like to date or fuck almost everyone, but not imagine myself as them.
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This imagine makes me want to get fucked by Nick, which would be difficult since I'm a guy.
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Nick has some nice paws too, big enough to wrap completely around Judy's waist...or fill her up with one of his fingers.
>thought of
What I meant by this was create a story in your head as you're sleeping
How would you react if you were Remmy in any of these situations?
What would it feel like to rub your body against Betty's if you were Avo or some other clam-thirsty character?
Oh anon, you're so naive
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Awwww 60fps.webm
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>low resolution
>low framerate
>grainy, washed-out image
>two thousand and seventeen

cease your faggotry at once
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>...or fill her up with one of his fingers.
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fresh buns delivered daily
I'm not naive at all! I'm not going through enemas and weeks of slow practice and stretching just so I can potentially find out I don't like anal, or have a weak prostate. But I would frot Nick in a fleshlight. Or another mammal.
Are there any lewds where he's holding her like this?
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Jerboas are cute! CUTE!
"What Does The Fox Say" has a scene like that
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deer god i love me some deer boys
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Gideon is cute and handsome. He is a very beautiful fox.
>liking hoofers
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We have room for one more drawing
You know that has to be filled up

Download Drawpile, join this room, make a layer, make some art.
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>From right to left

Damn my need to sleep, I missed Nobby stream & requests. Again.

This is a cute Charlie, tho.
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I am still a little disapppointed with "What Does The Fox Say"; sure the art is fucking fantastic, Nick and Judy's physical designs are on point, but the whole "rape her until she likes it" almost kills it for me.
At least we got pretty great reaction pictures out of it. And this gif.
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hey nob

is it too late to ask for a request?
>What would it feel like to rub your body against Betty's if you were Avo or some other clam-thirsty character?

>Poor, poor Avo.
>She thought this was going to be relaxing.
>A night in, some BugBurga, and enough HBO to finally understand what Al and Marty were arguing about.
>Or better yet, to piss them both off.
>It would have been paradise
>But the wolf mistakenly bragged about her plans to Anneke, and somehow Betty found out
>She loves that show enough to own a full suit of chainmail armor
>Of course she'd want to join in
>And as the former Omega, Avo couldn't really say no.
>So there it was. Avo, wearing panties and a tank top with nothing underneath, trying desperately to focus on anything except her Beta
>And Betty, in only a pair of shorts, using the Egyptian Wolf like a body pillow.
>Good thing neither of them were into girls, or this could be awkward.
If I had to choose between WDTFS or Broken Mask, I'd take the former to be honest.
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Gay love is the only true love.
What hell is this where those are our only choices?

If I had to choose between those two, I'd go do something else. Lewd situations are only hot if the participants are in character.

"It's porn, you need to relax!" Yes, it's porn, but writers intentionally built narratives where the characters made the conscious decisions to commit something that is - at a minimum - close to rape. This does zero for me, or even negative for me, given that I'm typing up rants.

Nobby I think you posted these in the wrong thread
I meant in the "gun to my head, pick one of these skeevy, creepy porn comics to read".

At least in WDTFS, Judy gets the upperhand and gives Nick his comeuppance for his bullshit.

Broken Mask, the two felt OOC, even when one isn't molesting another that isn't in their right mind, but since the story takes itself so fucking seriously, it beats Fox Say in the creepy factor.
Seems like the guy who copied Rose's art nuked their tumblr.

Makes me wonder if they had any other accounts elsewhere.
>Skye is just an ordinary mechanic girl
>She had a normal life
>until Jack Savage showed up
>There were mammals with guns in her shop, and they demanded to know where Jack was
>She didn't know what they were talking about, they raised a gun,
>and then WHAM! Jack comes out on nowhere and takes them both out!
>It turns out he had hidden a spy thing in the car she was working on...

>...no, actually, what happened was he came in and he was hurt, injured, and asked her for help, begging, before he passed out
>And then the scary mammals came and she had to pretend she didn't know anything, didn't know she had hidden Jack in the trunk of the car
>When they opened it, she held her breath, but he had climbed into the spare wheel compartment, the clever bunny
>And then she had to drive Jack to his mission and help him out, because he couldn't do it alone, and she was the only one who could help. He would give her all the information she needed, he would...

>No, that didn't make sense.
>Jack was injured, but not helpless
>She distracted the mammals and he was still able to take two of them out
>But when one was about to get him, she clocked him with a tire iron and knocked him cold
>And that's why he decided to give her a chance to help him as a driver. Time wasn't on his side, and he needed to save the world!

>Skye's foremammal knocked on the door. "Need you back out there in two."
>She drank the last of her coffee and rinsed the mug
>It was a Jack Savage mug, with stripes down the side, a promotional item from when they remade Goldclaw
>It was a fun movie, but it wasn't the best of the franchise
>She wished they'd stop trying to reinvent the character
>Jack Savage was perfect the way he was

Late TT submission.
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It's OK if you don't like rape fetishes. There's a significant minority of people who aren't into it.

How many times has this entire "Broken Mask has borderline line rape in it at the start" 8? 10? Maybe even more? Fuck if I know, all I know is that people refuse to understand the facts.

It's going to be shown that after the entire "Judy notices that it's HER FOX" moment. Control over her own mind and body starts to come back, yes the drug is still there and causing her body to go crazy but she could and should have stoped herself.

But after pinning for him for quite some time, she didn't, and let Nick help her. She wanted it, it wasn't non-con.

And Don't worry, within The Savage Dark (which I don't think is going to be adapted into the comic since it's still ongoing) Bogo learns what happened between them in the forest. And he tears them apart and gives them the worst scare of their life. They both already knew that they did wrong during that time, and it's Judy and really wants to beat herself up over it. Nick is the one to placate her.
Ty capper
He's got a point. But if it makes you feel any better, there's always pastor.
Doesn't keep rhythm. 4/10, log of for the rest of the day
No one gives a shit about your favorite OOC melodrama.
Good entry, anon
>Doesn't keep rhythm
Do you mean that I skipped right to the chorus?
Break it down for me.

Also, -0.3979400087.
>expecting retards not to double down on their retardation

Just shut up
stop throttling me
y/w :v
t. Time Warner Cable customer
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I'll post this in a two or three hours
Thanks for another awesome Drawpile

Download Drawpile, join this room, make a layer, make some art.
who made that Gideon!!!?
Same person who made the Judy
Lurker who decided to start drawing in the open, I'll let them introduce themselves
These threads are libshit SJW central. They'll spin anything as rape unless there's a signed contract with 3 witnesses. Even if the author explicitly states otherwise.
oh I see, really nice style! <3
Have you washed that sockpuppet lately?

It's starting to smell old.
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G E T . O F F .
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Sorry bud, 4chan isn't your safespace.
Why should I leave if it's not a safe space? :^)
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I think I saw it on FA
Blah blah something something facial from a hoofer
He know he pretty
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Here's my (Ewe)
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contrarian, it's spelled contrarian
there you go! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/23825412/
No it isn't

Because you seem pretty salty about people having a different opinion than you about what qualifies as Rape.
So you want a safe space for yourself in this thread, is what you're saying.
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Does anyone have a hand free for hand-holding?
Here is the issue with it; Nick knew Judy was under the influence of the night howler mixed drug, but he didn't know that she was coherent enough to make decisions. So it is very easy to see it as rape, if we only knew Nick's side of the story. It is still that action, even if he is "taking care of her need", that still could classify it as rape. He still let his own desires cloud his judgement, when he could have tranq'd her instead (and yes, I know they bring that up later).

With Judy's side of the story known, it makes the situation a bit more complicated, since she allowed it to happen and was conscious of that choice, but most people would still be skeptical, and rightfully so, since she was under some type of influence at the time.

So yes, it shifted the event to "consensual" because Judy wanted it and was fully aware, but it is still a slippery slope, and the whole part of that story is no less contrived for it. So I can understand people still thinking it is basically rape, and I don't blame them for it.
Nah, what I'm saying is that you seem kind of angry and as a friend I'm worried about your condition Anon.
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You monster
Go back to the discord where you can rant about your triggers.
>Nah, what I'm saying is that you seem kind of angry and as a friend I'm worried about your condition Anon
Not your safe space :^)
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>A G A I N S T T H E R U L E S

Don't try to stop me, anon.
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Jesus Christ that took me way too long to complete. Very sorry about the wait, but here it is. I hope you're still around to see it.
You know I'm really not sure what you're playing at right now.
do you have a zoosona, KLN?
I'm still around.
Nice draws dude, hope youre having fun here.
Not very fleshed out but yea. He's a Koala that lives over in RD on cloud alley, he works on Olive street sweeping sand off the road.
>It's going to be shown that after the entire "Judy notices that it's HER FOX" moment. Control over her own mind and body starts to come back, yes the drug is still there and causing her body to go crazy but she could and should have stoped herself.

>But after pinning for him for quite some time, she didn't, and let Nick help her. She wanted it, it wasn't non-con.

I have no point one way or the other to make on what is and isn't rape, because I haven't read this story to decide for myself.

But I don't think I will, if this summary is accurate. Drugged encounters are a cheap way to get characters to act in a certain way to fit a narrative. It strikes me as lazy they-can't-help-themselves sexual tension in place of actual motivational conflict.
Because you're a brainlet that can't use the safe space meme properly
I'm not too happy with how long it took to make, but I'm having a lot of fun making just making stuff and putting it out there.
What are you taking about Anon?
Put the hands down! I repeat, step away from the keyboard, and put the hands down!
That's kulkum in a nutshell, though. Contrivance after contrivance, strung together with purple prose.
Is this not you?
>not your safe space!
>now please go to /pol/ so I can be safe from you here
You'll never get through this room's blast shielding!
Soon, I'll be free to hold all the hands I want!
Well, now that I got those requests done, I'm gonna get some rest. Night ZTG.
Sleep tight dude
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Ah, I see the problem now.
Alright, follow along carefully here Anon.
See, you were angry about someone else's opinion. >>11341607 >Ermagersh you're wrong and obviously an SJW Tumblrina for disagreeing with me Reeeeeee
So I was advising you to return to /pol/, which would serve as your safespace, since some Anons there would probably agree with and defend you.
Get it?
Sleep well, and beware of the spiders.
>i-it was just a suggestion, I'm totally not asking for my own safe space
You're pathetic, take the L retard
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That Gideon is really cute and I hope the artist draws more of him.
I have the feeling that Judy is going to snap in every second, not only her mind but also the necks of her children, whilest Nick is just silently watching.
>I'm angry that you're being more civilized than I am
Anon, you realise this is a pretty big waste of your GB points right?
>in the family photo album, this one is labeled "Family on the way to Culling Day at the park"
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And at that moment, Judy realized why her mother did what she did.
>still trying to play off your idiocy as civility
No one believes you when you go out of your way to save "back to /pol/" images. Seriously, take the L, it's sad at this point
>That's kulkum in a nutshell
This. There are basically two, maybe three stories of his that don't feel completely contrived. "One Hundred Percent" where Nick loses his memory of everything after the Naturalist's club, but fuck does Kulkum make it work. A one-shot where Judy talks to Mrs. Wilde before Nick's gradution. And "Red and Grey".
I like this guy's style.
Anyone know if he's still active?
>I'm out of arguments so I'm just gonna repeat "Take the L" until you go away
Well, you're at least right about this being sad.
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>Blast shields
I played R E 7, Anon. Now what?
Ugh it's been a crap day so far. Been trying to turn it around.
I have my escape routes. I'm also quite fast.
>bashes "gb2/pol/" meme
>unironically uses(spams) "take the L"

It's like watching 9gag shit on reddit.
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>Escape routes
Unless you move as fast as Weaver in a Seamoth you ain't goin' nowhere.
Purging day is important for big bunnie families.
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Seamoth Weaver ain't got nothin' on me.

Quads confirm the thiccness
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best butt in the film.jpg
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Nick has an eye for quality.
You have no arguments outside of your "I was o-only suggesting" copout. Telling someone to leave a thread because you don't like what they said and in the same breath saying "not your safe space" is hypocrisy. You're trying to save face from.
No retard you're missing the point
Wasn't there also a second picture about Judy protecting her silblings?
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No, there wasn't no second picture at all.
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Yes, I know of that side of the issue. And I really can't say much to that, unless it's 100% perfect and explained people can and will denounce it for what it's trying to show. Theres parts that are still iffy for me and will always be, and the biggest thing is what I will say right after the reply to the other three.


Kulkum had originally written Point A to B. (From the start of the story to the moment where Nick says "I will never leave you") As just a short smut one shoot. That's it. They were going to leave it as that and work on other things (I don't know if it was for this fandom or not though.)

But people wanted more and he said "Fine, ok." And continued it's story, within The Broken Mask. Which is where we see the disconnect from Nick's "I will never leave you." to "I am going to kill this dealer for what they did to her and for what I did to her, and leave her forever." They struggle to try and make a cohesive story and I can't say much to that. While some parts do get better with being explained, other moments are equally as contrived.

When it all comes down to it, people will believe what they want to believe and others will try to understand it differently. We can't force them to understand or try and see it from a different side.

I am done trying to explain it and keep this going, since I have done it so many times before. People can keep it going but I ain't.
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zhan fixed z.png
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I tried fixing it, tell me if it is any better.
Them's fighten' words, Anon!
Besides, how will you hold hands while running?
>Y-you can't be civil to me! Y-you're just trying to look good!
>I'm also going to ignore every point you make while saying that you have no points to make
Seriously what kind of script are you running dude?
What was wrong with it? Looks amazing Ciwi
Dude will you just shut up already
How do I get as good as you?
You make him seem so solid
>ow will you hold hands while running?
I can't tell you all my secrets now, can I?
>telling someone to "go back to /pol/" in a meme image and saying it's "not your safe space" """civil"""
Yea, alright buddy. That flies real well
>That second (you)
>>No you're retarded and wrong but I'm not gonna explain why
This is some advanced shitposting
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It's explained in the top half you dumb fuck
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It's something that usually happens this time of day. Same characters, too.
Anon, by now you must know that >>11342255 is after your dick.

Maybe he likes your smell.
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Cool stuff anon.
>for children
>having sex
Next time can you do Judeon please?
underage or all growed up?
The Z/N was pretty confusing

Dunno, hours inking and 5x larger canvas work for me. Even then it ends kinda jaggy and unbalanced on certain parts, but I guess to fix that it's mostly practice.
The Z/N looks a lot better

Good shit
all grown up please!
The details are great
I got like almost all of the symbols in the banner, could you explain what they all refer to so I can see if I got them right?
Oh shit an actual argument. Didn't think you'd be capable of something like that Anon.
Anyway, yeah, sorry I slightly offended you by telling you to post political stuff on a politics board. Didn't realize you were such a delicate flower, Anon.
uggh I read >>11342348 incorrectly. I'd say just practice and checking ways to improve after every piece (like a post mortem of bigger projects), but you should definitely strive to be someone better than me.
Sorry Nick, he's taken.
>It explains it
Where tho
The first time I found out about this "Bunny Purging days" I laughed it off as some stupid prank.
But when my boss showed me the end result, which I can only state as a "slaughter house" I screamed.
The pictures never dissapear.
I, my boss and the bunnie families knew, that I had no choice.
I am and was a gravedigger and always will be, I had to get my money.
But perhabs I should explain at first what "Bunny Purging Day" for short "BPD" is.
It's no secret that Bunnies are good at multiplying (pun intended)
But we, the other animals only know a fractions of those Bunnies.
The rest will never come to adulthood.
Not because they die of ilnesses or accidents.
No they get murdered on purpose on B.P.D.
Every eight years this day happen.
Ever god forsaken eight years and it's always covered as an "Carrot day" festival.
My God I see their faces, their blood smeared faces in my dreams!
Anyway, I'm one of the few outsiders that knows, because duh, I bury them.
Anyway, on Purging day, there are no rules.
That means not only do the adults slaughter their and other bunny children, but also other adults.
There are no rules, no one, except that only Bunnies can be hurt/raped/tortured/murdered etc.
Other Animals must not, or punishment will be that you will be killed after BPDm of course if you survive.

There is one person expecially I hhave to mention, and that is Bonnie Hopps, whilest on any other day she might appear as a holy saint.
On this special day she becomes the opposite.
She's a double edged sword, promising her relatives to help them, just to break their necks.
Some even told me that she's willed to cook them into stew, giving it the local Orphans or Preds as "Bug Stew with special sauce."

Many Bunnies, when they're old enough leave this place immedialty, going to Zootopia or somewhere else and supress this event.
Dude, just fucking stop already
Threesomes exist.
Alternatively, Judy can cuck too.
Nigger, your hypocrisy, misuse of memes, and attempts to save face offend me. I don't give a fuck if you tell me to go somewhere else or I'd have responded to other people telling me to leave that weren't hypocrits
*holds your hand from behind you*
Nothing personnel my dude
Or should I say, tangiblel
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They're a loving monogamous couple. They don't want anyone but each other.
2nd sentence
Can you and the other guy just shut the fuck up and kiss already?

Then take your shit back to discord?
Yeah I figured. I feel bad for him though. Who knows what kind of sad shit he does when he's not feeding people (You)s over 4chan?
You know so far, it seems that people only use that word when they have no idea how to respond to someone. You're sorta keeping that streak up.
>I'd have responded to other people telling me to leave that weren't hypocrits
>>You told me to leave but I didn't because of something that happened AFTER you told me to leave, but I still would've left if someone told me to leave
Are you OK? I think you might've hit your head on something. You wanna like, take a breather, and then we can continue this in a few minutes?
Shit dude I just got K.O.d
I used to like this meme before you spammed /r9k/ bait
A little pastor never hurt anyone.
Nobody cares. If you're both so big and tough fight off the threads where you can namefag
I'm tired of both of you. Neither of you are going anywhere with this except taking up space with nothing related to Zootopia.
>Telling someone to leave a thread because you don't like what they said and in the same breath saying "not your safe space" is hypocrisy.
That's you calling someone a Hypocrite over the Safespace meme Anon. Read the (You)s carefully. I meant the "Back to /Pol/" meme.
>>>You told me to leave but I didn't because of something that happened AFTER you told me to leave, but I still would've left if someone told me to leave
The fuck are you even babbling about? I never implied I was ever leaving.
>Having such fragile egos that you can't stand the thought of not getting the final word in an irrelevant internet fight on a Vietnamese finger-puppet forum.

It's like watching two retards trying to fight
Okay, I actually am curious now. Will there ever be a time where you ask for something that isn't "Judeon please"? Any other characters, or hell, Judeon but a specific scenario. I know you are probably hungry and desperate for Judeon pictures of any kind but wow.
I need pictures of foxes moving at incredibly high speeds. Preferably Nick.
They don't speak about it anymore, most of them even claim it where only nightmares.

Some of them are not so strong, the age mostly differs when they kill themselfe.
In Bunny culture this is then brushed off as "natural selection"
Isn't it interestening how those "cute" (yes I said it I don't care" creatures can be so, sadistic?
Not many know about this as already stated.
I don't even know if the local baker, Gideon Grey knows it, and if he does, how was he so calm all those years.

Anyway, another person I have to mention is also an interstening case.
Judith Hopps, Police Officer.
Not only was she the first bunny cop, but also was she a "saint and saviour" as stated from the silblings that where born in the same year.
She never killed one in the two purges she witnessed, she never did not even once.
Not suprising, it was her dream to become a member of ZPD after all.
They, her silblings later payd her school, so she could fulfill her dream, so she dosen't have to witness it never ever again.

My question why they where continuing it, depsite having survived this slaughter themself got always answered with the same answer.
"It's family tradition"
I don't know why it dosen't stop, but after seeing the remains of five BPD I can't take it anymore.

When you, Chief of the ZPD are reading this, I will be gone, having myself hanged.
There is not one day where I don't see their faces.
My life and soul is already way beyond saving.
I never told anyone, because greed took me over, blocking my mind.
And now I'm haunted by there ghosts, driven to suicide, for good.

YOU! You have to stop this, it will continue, there is no outlook that they will stop it themself.
End this nightmare, there must be another solutuion but please.
End the Purging.
End it for once and all!
Bring peace in this land, they call Bunnyburrow.
So no one, no one has to witness it again.
Wait it's one of those guys that asks for the same thing over and over no matter how many times he gets it?
You realize they're not arguing?
They're shitposting. This is not the first time they've done it. They do it for attention.
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I ship them desu. The only question left that needs to be asked is
When I greentext the word "bashing" I'm implying to you that I'm not bashing said meme
>"I'd have responded to other people telling me to leave that weren't hypocrits"
Grammar doesn't appear to be your strong suit, so maybe try taking a few seconds to look at your Replys to ensure more accurate responses. I'm just going off what you say, Anon.
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Less shitposting

more vore
Huh. I sorta see now. Sorta.
capcha: texas STOP

well okay then, lord inglip
stop, you'll trigger famished
>responding to someone means you're going to leave or even consider it
What? Where'd you get that notion from?
Just in case people didn't know, you can hide a post on 4chanX and it'll hide all replies.
That's always stopped this guy in the past.
who drew this
>>>>You told me to leave but I didn't because of something that happened AFTER you told me to leave, but I still would've left if someone told me to leave

Right here?
Basically. I am pretty sure it is the same guy, there is one anon who always asks "Judeon please" or "can you draw Judeon for me?" Hell, he used to ask artists for it even when they didn't ask for requests at the time, and when people pointed it out, they responded "they can always say no and I ask please". Doesn't matter how many times someone actually draws a Judeon picture when they request it, they always ask for more, and always just a non descriptive "Judeon please", not even some type of scenario.
i don't know because nobody SIGNED IT
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Consider the following.jpg
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Friendly reminder that hiding/no-stubbing posts is a thing

Do it to this post >>11341768 to remove the shitposting chain
Thank you anons
There isn't much aside from the pizza broochs/pizza slices in the banner and the OCs, I added the flowers because I remember some cards being really gaudy and it felt too bland without it.
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We need more rodents going inside bigger mammals
Wait, I know you!

Wow, never thought I'd see you here.

Well, welcome to /ztg/.
Again, I got that from you.
Name a fanfiction writer that you like

Hardmode: can't be someone that uses these threads
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The guy who wrote Partners.

Don't know his name.
I like Hasty.
>tfw easy mode

She wrote "The Meetings"
Maybe you should look at my post again to ensure the accuracy of your response? I never implied the things you think I did
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Boner_m, Weaver, Writeyote, a bunch of other dudes...
Do you like the sequel?
Oh I looked at that
I need to read more, it's good
>everyone using easy mode
God damn it guys
Haven't read yet. Feeling like I shouldn't since seemingly every fic writer is thinking of jumping ship and burning everything behind harder than scorched earth military campaigns.
Alright, we've hit copy stage. That's all I need for now, so I'm gonna peace out right here. Have fun with your (You)s Anon. Spend them wisely.
Sorry but I don't really look outside these threads for zoot stuff, especially for fics.
What do you mean? They're planning on abandoning the fic?
A world without Jack Savage is much sadder than I thought it would be.
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kitty titties.png
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aight, that's all for now
thanks for watching stream
This is not the correct way things should be
Someone good end this right now
No, I mean certain writers who I thought were reliable pulled dumb shit and left the fandom, and now I'm wondering if I should risk reading another writer who I enjoyed.
Which writers? If you don't mind me asking.
Thank you for the steam Nobbo
Always fun to see you draw man
Kit tits
Not usually a fan of multitit, but at least you had the foreknowledge to have them decrease in size as they go down.

Far too often, I've seen them all as huge breasts that make them look like an unholy centipede abomination.
Holy shit, you just now finished? I went to bed, got up, and started playing D&D in the time you spent drawstreaming. God dang.

Patootie's gotta have her cutie.
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Reminds me of this story.
errors coloring

I enjoyed The Meetings too.

Favorite zoot writer though is RedPen.

Amazing stuff.
Look what you did.>>11343268
Yea, I enjoyed his pirate fics. I'm usually a sucker for AUs, I love Selaxes pirate AU too.
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We need more pictures of Nick at the academy.
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TT Coffee Break - Just Moved In.png
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Reshilling my slightly revised late TT.
I quite enjoyed this one
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I think I'll stay anonymous for a bit.
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Say something nice about this lynx.
Oh why do you cry do you cry darling?
Why waste the tears for something fictional?
Don't forget, don't you know?
Adventure lies forward trough this door.

So why do you cry do you cry darling?
Can't you see , the possiblity?
Agent, Officer or General
Everything can be done.

Put away the tools
Forget those fools.
And do what makes you happy.
Do it in your way.

Whipe away the tears.
Stand up face your fears.
Go trough the door.
Adventure awaits you

So why do you cry do you cry darling?
So why do you cry do you cry darling?
So why don't you smile don't you smile darling?

Go you own way.
Don't make your world gray.
Leave this place with a smie.

See you don't cry
See you don't cry
See you don't cry
She left with a smile
She left where she belongs
She left, where she fulfills her dreams.
thank you
I like Alps Sarsis, writer of the "Guardian Blue" series.


He is pretty good at avoiding/subverting a lot of the dumb tropes in the fandom, specifically miscommunication, Jack Savage, and Nick the Incompetent. He also makes a good balance between the plot of the story, action, and relationships between characters.
He's clearly comfortable without clothes, a very confident kitty. Also I love the ear tufts, would play with out of 10.
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He makes good coffee
has wares if you have coins
he has nice ear antennae
He has cute ear tufts and fluff
Repost the pic for phoneposters
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Who's new main Twitter account is currently only viewable by already followers.
Here is their pixiv account for most of their other Zoot pictures.

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It is really neat to see how much they improved since they first started.
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Also glad they stopped using shoes.
ty :)
Or I guess not.
I'll keep my mouth shut.
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aight, here's all the art posted
I've always been partial to Clunky, as he's the reason I stayed here in the first place. And technically that's a hard more answer because he doesn't use these threads anymore.
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How are you doing today anon? How comfy are you right now?
That's an adorable Jack Savage Slothu.
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pretty comfy, thanks for asking, and you?
Started comfy now uncomfy
very comfy
wondering what i should focus my time on
Alright anons. Let's say I was writing a lewd green that got a bit close to Armasyll's side of things.

Would Comic be okay with proofreading that, or would it be better to go to someone else, like Armasyll himself?

Asking for a friend btw

>captcha: STOP katzvey
Just found some hydrocodone so i'm about to get real comfy.
I also feel gross about what i'm doing, but maybe I can convince myself that my dopamine problems justify drug abuse.
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Suggest me something to draw, anons
Comic reads anything
You getting a hug from bunanon
You having a comfy day
you make that patootie happy again ya big jerk
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Does anyone know if this ever finished? I know there was a Betty side story and the Anneke part was started, but I don't know if anymore was written.
He'd read it, but the entirety of the threads aside from maybe a few people would be disgusted with you.
your mongoose being comfy damn it
>The Flock
Doesn't this hold a record for longest Green or something?
Thanks anon.

That's fine. My tastes cover a wide range.
Including some of yours in particular.
>Including some of yours
Oh really? How would you know what I'm into?
I said SOME, anon.
It's alright. I suppose it would have happened sooner or later.
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Gonna get comfy soon. I've been so busy for the past few days that I haven't even had the chance to give Comic's readthrough of my TT a listen, so I'll probably kick the night off with that.
Also doing pretty well, especially when I'm here with you guys
Let's see.
Yes, and?
And what? I'm not going to share my secrets.
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As I feared, nothing I'm able to draw
You're breaking my heart, a_sig.
No matter what happens, we still love you.
Not very.
Still feel guilty for abandoning my only friends.
Trying to take my mind off of it by watching random YouTube videos.
Lol K then Anon.
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I'm playing as a pure mage in Oblivion, and just ordered pizza, so I'm pretty darn comfy.
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Sleepy Tuber Travis.png
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Travis being a cute tube dude
I should've expanded properly on that.
I'm not going to tell you the secret of how I'd know.
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you don't know how much you mean to some people. I'm always smiling when I see that you are on the threads. Lighten up mongoose
you done complaining yet, fag?
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ñom ñom.png
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Is okay moongose, take a good rest, you deserve it. We can't function at 100% everyday, hope you feel better soon and don't worry, good times will come.

Have a quick work in progress I'm making. Cute, isn't?
No no, I understood the first time. That's what I'm 'lol K then'-ing over.
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why is Judy's head missing?
>Smaller CC is in slightly lack-luster mood
>>Lol, take it so /soc/ attention whore. Not your safespace.
>Bigger CC makes edgy posts without saying what's wrong
I'm not tryna' say that you can't comfort CCs who choose to post about their real life problems on a furry board on 4chan but Jesus Christ this is annoying.
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Even I could tell it was based on it.
Learn art history, you mong.
>>11344695 (You)
On a serious Note, size difference is a bit big, but otherwise the perspective and details and the facial expression is nice sofar... please don't be gore
ah... sorry, this isn't part of art history in my country. At least I think it's not, it's been a while that I was in school though...
It's from Spain
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don't worry anon, it's a toy, I think

yep, Franscisco de Goya is my fav artist
Honestly, I don't think either of those belong here on the threads as well.

I'm starting to think this has only become more accepted here to try to make the threads feel more welcoming to compete with Discord (which by nature is very open and social).
In all seriousness saturn eating his son was never meant to be seen by the public. It was probably some circlejerk shitpost form of art between Goya and his peers.

Now here we are revering it as if it were a piece of "fine art" in art history. Humanity fucking sucks.
take it to /soc/, silly retard bloggycuck
Francisco Goya is a luminary who transcends political borders.

This is basic world art literacy.
So have we come to a consensus of which fetish is the best?
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hope your're in a better mood soon
The downfall of /ztg/

AKA cuck
yeah its discord fault
It's a major work from his Black Paintings, anon. Arguably THE painting.
A lot of our CCs get bloggy. Just filter it if it bugs you. If their work is decent it'll show up elsewhere or again without the blog stuff attached.
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feels real nice.png
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Of course!
It's a tie between missionary sex and hand-holding!
Pred/Prey stuff is the most widely cited as top-tier.
Size difference goes hand and hand with it.
Consensual heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the sole person of procreation with the lights out under the blankets while wearing the appropriate church issued procreation undergarments. While holding hands.
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Hi Armasyll. Bend over and cough pls.
To be fair, Discord has stirred up quite a bit of drama on its own, mainly because it distracts us from the discussion and creation of fanworks.
That's freaking cute
>not being a rebel and ditching the church issued procreation undergarments
Live a little, you fucking prune
It's literally one faggot that keeps putting out bait that the thread bites down on every time.
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i figured shitstirring now would get no replies, but if you guys are this shitposty i can oblige
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snek lover!
Face sitting

Not that comfy. A cat made me bust my foot yesterday and it still hasn't healed.

"Sir, are you aware you are a deer?"
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Coloured - CoffeeLynx.png
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He's a kool koffee cat
Consider this though:
Because the nature of Discord is to be open, accepting, and not limiting to certain discussion topics, a lot of people will migrate there, especially if people want to make friends, talk about politics, and other irrelevant things.
Keep in mind as well, the chatroom and *nearly all of their logs* are completely open for anyone to scroll through, pick out, and present in a malicious manner.
The reason we have so much of this drama is *because* we have a public chat log like this.

In this sense, Discord is the ultimate bait.
He's pretty fed up there though
Seems like he's got rude customers
Those hips and thighs. to die for.
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>How are you doing today anon? How comfy are you right now?

20mg edibles
2 huge hits off some fresh-harvest Narnia Indica.
1 Sierra-Nevada Oktobeerfest
1 shot Speyside
Girlfriend's walking around naked because it's hot.

Let's just call this Comf Level 11 and be done with it.
Fuck man, I'm jealous. I'm stark sober, craving nicotine, and doing droll school work. I am pretty uncomf.
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Tell me Judy and Nick were there and saw the whole thing
People have somehow already forgotten how we fucked Spidey and Joker. Just report the first post and ignore the rest.
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Lewd, more like.
I love Miles stuff, even when the shininess of his drawings makes the fur a bit mediocre.
She's spoiling Nick too much. He can't get enough of her vixen pussy.
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>Fuck man, I'm jealous. I'm stark sober, craving nicotine, and doing droll school work. I am pretty uncomf.

I dedicate the next hit to you, Anon. I don't miss schoolwork in the least.

What's the story here?
Why is judy armed while sneaking up on what appears to be two consenting adults?
Judy is against interspecies relationships.
I think she thought. something was going to happen and misread the situation of why Finnick went there or why there was noise.
>we can't see finnick's naughty bits

>What's the story here?
>Why is judy armed while sneaking up on what appears to be two consenting adults?

Because Judy's gonna shoot Finnick for corn-holing that whore Gazelle and not her.

...And nick is helping?
>...And nick is helping?

Judy's not the only one who wants Finnick's dick in their ass you know.
Nah, look at him. Paw on her hip, chin rubbing the top of her head--he's helping her just enough to get her all hot and bothered so he can show her what a real fox is like.
Every day, I tell myself I'm not gay for Nick
And every day, I see a new pic of his dox fick
Fucking hell
Save me, /ztg/
It's too late for you. Embrace it.
There's no dick here, just his balls and sheath
I tried to tell myself I wasn't attracted to the bunny, anon.
That lie lasted 20 minutes into the movie, until I saw her walking away in the ice cream shop.
Just accept it, it is easier that way.
Here you go
Sorry for the ghastly quality, I'm not exactly in a right state of mind

>take a good rest, you deserve it
Be careful of not forgetting the abductor muscles of the thumb and small finger and the carpal bones

Thanks it's cute

Here I gave a (You). Still I leave for some time, I don't want to bring the threads down, so your shitposting and replying to this post is useless.

And in the strange case where you are not all the same person, here are my answers:

I just answered a couple of people, if you are annoyed by a couple of posts you must be the most unbearable fucktard on the planet

This is false, anons here are most of the time very supportive for everyone, CCs and anons alike

Also false, always been like this, it's nice how you tried to stir shit by comparing with Discord, just to shitpost more

Thank you for the other anons, see ya later
same here,
I think I relate to Nick, aspire maybe.
Look at him and think, "I want to be as foxy as him". There is nothing wrong with a little narcissism
Anon pls

Anon PLS

But that's the thing.
His dick doesn't even need to be showing anymore. It just needs to be lewd to have the same effect.

I see where you're coming from, anon.
>anons here are most of the time very supportive for everyone, CCs and anons alike

>who is Alec
>who is Bunanon
>who is Pastebun
>who is Scout
>who is Chumpy
>who is Racoonfag
>who is MichealXX2
>who is Weaver
>who is HarryLime03
>who is MisterEAnon
>who is Zoot
>who is SQRL

I could keep going if you want
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Excuse me what now.gif
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I hope you feel better A_Sig. Good job on Travis, his expression coveys his concern very well
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Hey, zoopals! Fanart here!

Saw Rose's rendition of my stupid sexy Nick so I drew this in response!
>who is Bunanon
>who is Scout
literally 1 INT
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... Overwhelming people who got into arguments in the Discord and then got attacked or attacked people anonymously in the threads? And some people who were targeted by Jokerspidey?
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010 - The List.png
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Nicely done. The Z/N is a lot more distinct now.
Thanks for doing a card, Ciwi!

I love the little details you managed to pack in.
Ultimately it's up to the artist on how detailed they want to make the card but I didn't want to pressure anyone in to thinking they have to do a lot in order to submit.
And Alec wasn't attacked here, he was attacked in the NITW thread
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Cute faggots.png
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That's a cute concerned Travis
Too lewd.
See me after class, FA.
why haven't you marked Reply as done?
Yes, I did fuck up a bit there, but the point still stands.

So interacting with people outside of these threads are what made most of these people universally hated?
Because that still contradicts with the "love and acceptance" stance people claim to take towards these exact kinds of people.

He still complained about these threads being generally unwelcome, and thusly hasn't visited the threads since.
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>not getting pegged by Judy
I'm fine with the bunny. She doesn't get to me like Nick does.

This is awesome.
Now, if you don't mind me... This makes two new lewd Nicks that I've seen today.

...Feels like I'm fucked.
Page 10, boios

Honestly? The one I made was just supposed to be an extra.
Reply is pretty popular and I wanted to make him available to others. Plus the one I made was pretty simple.
When the deck is almost complete, say 14/20, I'll put mine in as the official entry so that we don't stagnate.
I think the ability to turn any shitpost into a sniffable fart is a great feature of humanity
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