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/ERP/ Thread Sunday Bunday Edition Previous: >>11238397

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 538
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/ERP/ Thread
Sunday Bunday Edition

>no Ice Queen ava
0,2,4--ERP in here
1,3,5--ERP in discord
9--Roll next year
Hey 000 can you do something for me?
I like men.
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Well its a good thing that's exactly how I like it, so I'm now very interested.
Turn around.
What geimu?

>turns around
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Possibly. Depends on what it is.
I honestly thought I would get anything else. Now I dunno. Any recommendations, Anon?
Not you! The girl in OP's post.
Post cards you all.
FMA avas, when?
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Happy lewding then anon.

Can you get me another pic of a cute boy?
still waiting on them to build the folder I think
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"Any married men around? This lovebug could use TLC."
Stalkan innazone is always my goto when I can't think of shit to do

Does having a waifu count?
>A man looks at her in a confused way
What even are you?
Eh, little too furry for my tastes. Good hunting.
Not much else to tell unless there's some deep kof lore I'm missing.
Dude's french, smug, and looks like a chick.
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Nth for /erp/ is full of retards
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Cute enough for you?
Alright. Thank you, Anon!

Meme roll said geimu, not ERP. Sorry.
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Nth for your falseflag game is weak
What's it like to be kissed by a guy?
oh shit somebody actually took it? Neato
Know what? What can we do to make your time here happier instead of spiteful and full of hate?
where's that starter?
Far too lewd
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I was a bit more interested in letting him fuck me is what I meant, or whichever way around he likes

Hngg, this one too
"I would never betray my wife I totally have! You monster."
Nice try, lady, but I'm faithful.
Like being kissed by a girl? Depends if they have a mustache and how rough they are.
Well, you can't really start having fun unless you first decide to have fun, and as we all know it, there are several forms of...fun and games to take part in.
>She took a slow sip of her cup, eyeing at the anon through the whole process
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How's that starter comin', stalker?
I appreciate that answer, but I don't know what it's like to be kissed by a girl.
Pretty fucking cute my dude. Thank you.
Jokes on you, we have on a open relationship. My Wii U and marriage are certainly safe!
Daily list post
I-Is vampire slut from the other night here?
Same as being kissed by a woman, only hairier.
Unless you makin' out with Italian chicks.
>Paul has started calling himself a falseflagger
I'm gonna go with a solid maybe
>I was a bit more interested in letting him fuck me is what I meant, or whichever way around he likes
Pft, fag.


>his blush was getting brighter, but he did his best to stay composed and look confident
Well, I'm usually pretty good at deciding stuff. And I like to have fun. Would you like to have some fun now, Elena?
>he slid aside his mug and looked her in the eyes and gave his best attempt at a smug grin
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Any time.
I wish someone played candyslut
Well, it still depends on how powerful the kiss is. Softer kisses tend to be like another pair of warm flesh against your lips, while harder smooches are like your lips being pulled into a generally wet yet still enticing piece of flesh and finding it hard to let go...
I was not meaning to promote cannibalism.
Someone does. Or used to. Dunno if he's still around.
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I'd probably be up for it if I'd seen the anime or the manga
Plus, I'm 99% sure I saw someone that had her on their card just a few days ago forget who it was though. If I recall they played Undyne that day
We've got one. They just don't come around as often as they used to.
I know we have one, they just haven't posted in forever.
Ah, that sounds really nice... What am I supposed to do with the rest of my body? Do I put my hands somewhere? Do I get closer, or leave space? There's so much going on in something so simple...
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>Two for one.
You're too good sometimes.

Someone plays them yeah, they were here Friday.

Go ahead kind anon.
Yo shinji gimme the number for that hot chick you live with.
Or the german broad I ain't picky.
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No no, I probably wont, mostly because I likely won't see or read the source material. Plus I'm not all that good so I'm sure there's someone else who'd do her more justice than I could.
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Oh hey, I remember giving you that Maria.
If I do that will you give me a kiss?
Some people like to get closer during it I think, well I at least do. And you can just wrap your arms around them in a hug!
....Y'know what, sure. Just keep it to yourself.
And try not to jack off to the memory.
I will try that then. Thank you for all your help.

So I just open my lips a little, right?
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Both source materials, especially the anime, aren't that long really. She's not that deep of a character really.

S-stop posting all these great pic you devil...
And yeah I got the ones you gave me saved! You're great with getting pics so they're my favs.
Does this cute little boy need a Daddy to spoil him?
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Are we posting gayshit
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I'm packing, so I might be slow, but I'll be around for a little bit at least
Just a little. And move forward. ...No tongue.

>scratches Blaze behind the ears
Still didn't get that thing with Rosa! Wanna get that thing with Rosa!
I wanna play with the lolo dragon.
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"I'm only interested in the real ones. It's no fun without the feeling of guilt strumming along a pacing heart."

"Well, pardon me! You're speaking to Queen Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. Former Queen," she adds somberly, "but I still carry the title."

"We'll meet again."

"Oh, but you smell so delicious! How long has it been - that bond of matrimony? I ought to say more than 5 years. 5 years of being a wholesome, faithful husband? Must be tiring to be with the same woman, if she even allows for you to have her." Lecherous with her words, Chrysalis struts herself forward, eradicating the gap between themselves until the scent of corruption invades him, all until her supple, ebony breasts smother against his chest, gaining a few inches of height to her cleavage to give them the appearance of nearly bursting out her tattered olive one-piece.

"Until how long, hm? You can't say that way forever. You need someone else. Someone willing to drain you every night."

"Damaged goods. Go ahead and keep them."
Whos the girl in the top right? Shes really cute
Were you last night's Anon? You vanished!
Got something in mind?
It's Komori Yui from Diabolik Lovers. Looks are deceptive, I suppose, since she's for hard abuse.
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Okay okay okay. I'll stop teasing you now. You enjoy all these cuties, cutie.
>Closes his eyes, letting his lips part slightly and tip-toeing forward.
>"We'll meet again."
"I ... may have spoken too soon."
My wife loves me, bug. Sure, we can't have sex every night, but... That's just how things are. I don't need more.
Welcome back, Trixie. Have a great set of sessions. Still best girl.
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>Startled and flustered, the cat jumps back.
What-! What do you think you're doing!
>Pushes an inflated balloon against his lips, quickly hiding it away when he reopens his eyes.

Dang. Ah well. Hey, if you see that hot wizard Trixie, tell her I said hi.
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I was considering picking up Lust, but I haven't seen FMA or whatever.
T-thanks my dude, anything that you're into so I can at least try to return the favor?
I did? I thought I responded to you but I guess I must've made a mistake, my bad.

Just petting the cute kitty. You're cute, ya know.
>gives her a quick kiss on the forehead before walking away
>turns back and smiles
Bye cute kitty cat!
>Opens his eyes and blushes, looking down at his feet.
Ah, that was... I thought it would be warmer, I guess...

Well, here's their number.
"I-I 'have her' all the time! How would you know anything about that?!" He jumps back, his cheeks having down a bit of shapeshifting of their own, the faintest hint of his tongue darting against his lips and the half of a bulge emerging betraying his words.
>She's for hard abuse
Aren't all your characters?
Can I cuddle her until she conveys her lewd kink of being abused and then proceed to have hot, steamy, and of course abusive lewd times?
Started a sesh with the new blue girl and I don't know if you either vanished quickly or I missed it, sorry.
Gimme that lizard peen.
>no ragyo or nui to warp my mind and/or body with gratuitous life fiber abuse
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I'll do you baby i'll get you off stick a finger in turn your head and cough no need for lube I'll do it in the shower i'll plug you up and youll feel my power!
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Shit you're right, they are. But like, Yui's actually canonically for it, I guess? She's from an otome game/anime where she lives with sadistic vampires so.

She's really innocent, so she probably wouldn't /admit/ to being a masochist, but if someone takes the lead there's little she can/will do about it.
Ohhh, could have been my fault too? I was starting to doze by the time I called it a night on the threads so I might have just missed it
Ah man, I would a Lola, but I'm late. Maybe later.
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(15 minute reply time, sorry, cleaning.)
It depends on what flavor of fun you were thinking about
>She chuckles, responding to his smugness with her own calm demeanor
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Yeah, I can only really do one, maybe two less-lengthy sessions right now since I'm all over the place, but I'm happy to indulge you next time I'm free!!
I was thinking of a scene where Koyabashi and Tooru leave Kanna off to their next door neighbor so he can take care of then for a couple of days. Everything is pretty innocent at first, but slowly he becomes increasingly tempted to molest that lewd body of hers, and eventually breaks. Might not be the best time to set things up though, as I'm a horribly slow texter.
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I honestly wouldn't even bother trying to find pics for me. I'm so unbearably picky in finding acceptable images that quell my autism that even I get frustrated when I search. But thank you for the offer.
Well, generally you hug and embrace them, stroke their back and hair; make them feel good. The closer you are, the more connected and love you feel for them. Is there anything else you want to ask?
Who are you in the mood for?
Still, she looks adorable, I'll definitely have to have a session with her at some point
Bitchin'. Now if you excuse me I've got a Berlin wall to tear down.
Up for some Allura?
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You mobile-posting? I don't mind, I'm just doing some stuff at the mo is all. But if you'd rather when I can really flex my tryhard writing muscles, feel free to let me know! I'm fine with whatever you're comfortable with!
Absolutely, I'd love to! It's a folder that doesn't see much play (at all)
Mmh, don't worry about it. It's pretty likely I thought I replied when I didn't, I do it fairly often and it's something I need to fix

>he leans in a bit closer, trying to stay calm despite how turned on he was getting
Well, I've always wondered how a strong military girl like you would have fun with certain...activities...the kind where you get to know each other...
>he puts one of his hands on hers
Ya know...intimately...
>he's very close now, fighting the urge to kiss her
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>I might have passed out.
>But Anon, I want the dragonborn peen!
>And I"m not talking about Sikaytu!
>Sweating intensfies
>Not really sure, never got a real good sesh with Narancia, yet.
>I'm a bit of a subbish mood today though.
>Always up for swole chocolate elf!
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Damn you Trip Zero! I'll help you one day, my faggotry demands that I try!
The truth is I'd like to ask you everything there is to know about relationships and kissing and holding hands and having sex, but I'm sure you have other things to do...
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"All of you are primed pockets of love for me. This won't be the last time I visit, so I'll be sure to appear as something that better suits your taste. I can't let one of you deny me."

"Just how things are? If she really loved you, she'd at least make some effort in getting down and dirty. Even if you do get caught draining your balls down my throat, she'd only have herself to blame. Am I wrong?"


"If I ever see her, I'll make sure she suffers the same fate as Starlight."

The changeling's ivory fangs burrow into her forest-stained lips, brushing them with an antsy need of the wedded man before her as she steals a glance toward his crotch. That shapely impression, that symbol of denial for his partner spurred a flame in the adulterer's groin, pushing her to continue on strutting forward, careless for the outcome nor the obvious line of sight dropped from his countenance.

"I know it because you're -all- the same. Just look at you now, excitement flooding your senses, nethers engorged on the very thought of being passionate with another woman. You've wanted this for so long. I want this."
>It's a folder that doesn't see much play (at all)
Thats a crime and frankly hard to believe, such a cute looking girl should have people lining up for her! Even more when they find out her little fetish too!
"Ah, so that's your plan. Well, we'll just see if that new look will work next time."
>>sweating intensifies
I take it one of us need to throw together a starter then.
Hmm, well you seem to be busy right now so I'll leave ya alone.
Oh, nonsense...I can teach you as much as you want; even provide demonstrations if your heart desires...
>He casually responded, beaming down at the younger guy, sitting down on a sofa and patting down a seat for him to sit next to.
We can keep goin' if you want, cool with either way.
>Sweet! Anything in particular you're craving with Allura?
I'm not stupid. If I accepted that, I'd be the one at fault. Even if I were sex-starved, why would I dump a load in the first slut I find ? I could just jack off, and stay faithful.
Yeah I am. And I'll probably wait for that, mostly because I'd feel too pressed for time if I mobile post.
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You can help by keep being the cutie that you are.
Woah, are you learning how to bully people?
Stop it you bully.
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That's nice of you to say! I'm just pretty sure it's that she's from an otome game, which I doubt a lot of people from this sort of community would know of, eheh. But the folder's a decent size, so I mean...
No biggie! I'll remember you for next time, mobile-nim!
Ahh, I see. No big deal, yanno! Good to see ya again
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>Eh.. not really.
>Maybe a rape scene, or something?
>I don't know why, but I'm feeling subby as hell today.
>But on the other hand, gagging someone on Allura cock sounds pretty fun.
>I could, but I feel like I could use more practice with Hato.
>So it seems.
Ah, really? Thank you, there's so much to learn!
>Giving you a wide smile, he sits in the offered space, naturally giving the man space and crossing a slim leg over the other.

I guess... how do you start? How do you catch the eye of a man and indicate an interest? I don't think I could ever get up and just talk to one...
So cute~ Would pat on the head
As I forcibly ram my cock down her throat~
Which one you more into? I can start if necessary for either, as well.
>Raping Allura? Sounds good to me. I wouldn't mind working her shapeshifting in there somehow though.
>I'm feeling subby as hell today.
How subby can Manticore be
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You too. If you don't have much time I wouldn't mind waiting for my chance at bullying Rosa another time, but it is something I would be looking forward too.
I wonder if I should look for a friend during that time too? She seems like the kind of girl who'd love the chance to service multiple cocks at once...
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You know what this place needs?

Reverse Traps

Tomboys too
*touches your butt*
just admit you wanna fuck men bruh
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Well then, shouldn't we find out?
>She smiled briefly, before closing the distance between them, pulling him into a forceful kiss, invading his mouth with her tongue as she held him tightly
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And no, my bullying days are behind me now. I'm just being honest. But I need to stop eating up the image limit, so I'll head off for now. Have a good day, cutie.
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uh...why did you do that?
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>Ehh, I feel Nui would be more fun.
>I do like the idea of Allura being overpowered and fucked silly by a bunch of Galran soldiers, and I'm sure I can work in her shapeshifting somehow.
>She's not built for subbing, Anon!
>She's built for draining men of cum!
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"We'll just have to see, yes."

Chrysalis cackles; that eerie melodious howl following through with a harmonic resonance. "Masturbating? That's your quick-fix? Oh, Anonymous, getting rocks off alone is such a drab. You -need- someone. Someone to squeeze around the waist with every onslaught, someone whose hair to tug, flesh to grope, ears to talk to." The lovebug flutters the insectoid wings affixed to her shoulder blades and paces forward. "I don't want to argue anymore. You have your wife to do that with." Her naked feet plant themselves onto the floor as her palm flattens against the man's chest, feeling his sculpted chest then slides down toward his buckle.
*likes this*
Yeah catch you later dude, always nice to chat sometimes.
....Wait do you actually not know that I'm PA?
>The anon beams with delight at the younger male sitting up on the couch with, before tilting his head at question.
Hmm? Attract a man? Huh, well more power to you...
>He commented under his breath before smiling back.
Well, there are genuinely a good amount of men who are interested in other women; you need to look more thoroughly if you want to find men interested in other men and are willing to romance you. A good place to start is by online chat rooms that allow for adult talk, which makes it easier to not only track down gay men, but also to romance them.
>Pets u
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Turn this into your ERP avatar.
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>is touched

>as forceful as the kiss was, he couldn't help but notice how soft and sweet her lips were
>he took his tongue and started wrestling back, even though as a Nazi she probably knew how to win a fight
>they were both getting closer, to the point where they had almost climbed on top of the table with one another
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Actually already have one
Not PetAnon dummy.
But still stop that.
What! But... No! That's way too inappropriate!
>He bites his lips, but does not resist. From the slight bulge in his pants, it's clear that all that talk of sex excited it, at least just a bit. He stares at her with his brow furrowed, looking torn.
Why you...
>He sighs, then, with a renewed spark in his eyes, confronts her once more.
Before we do anything, I'd like you to answer something. How you respond will determine whether or not we'll do anything. Why married men ?
Your preference, sweetpea! I am a-okay with whatever you decide to do! Rosa just might not be, ahahah
Just gonna crawl into your lap for a couple hours. Cool? Cool.
Awesome. Down for a starter or should I try winging something?
Don't worry, when I get done with her I don't think she'll mind it one bit anymore, perhaps she'd even come begging to me for more?
>places a hand on each cheek and starts playing with them
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Go right ahead anon
Doesn't hurt to ask. Though I wouldn't mind being her mating partner
Is it? Why is that? Ohhh, the petting isn't appropriate is it? That's fine, I can always trade in the petting for some nice hair yanking, looks like you might have enough for me to use as handlebars if I really tried~
>pets u anyways
Online, huh...
>He stares at his feet, wriggling them absentmindedly, hands nervously twitching in his lap.

I've done a little of that... But online, people get attention with talking about having really lewd sex! It's different in real life, right? You have to be subtle, and flirtatious, and s-sensual, and all these other things! It's all so complicated and impossible!

>The boy looks away, trying to surreptitiously wipe away a patch of wetness at the corner of his eye.
(Ayy, gonna be around for a bit?)
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>I honestly prefer not writing starters, so if you could, that would be greato.
That could work, maybe.
Stop it, I'm srs.
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Possibly. I've got too go somewhere pretty soonish so I'm not sure exactly how much I could get done if you were hoping for something
Can bug later about it, wanted to continue from earlier. 'S all good.
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me 2
>pet pet pet pet pat pet
Stop it or else I'll report you.
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Without much hesitance on her end, Chrysalis scans down his body before proceeding to work with his garment. The audible clanks of his buckle disassembling and the shuffling of her digits along his waistline paint a clear picture of the situation, only pausing once his jeans puddle around his ankles and the changeling follows, falling to her knees to become face-to-face with the forming bulge jailed beneath his undergarments. Her breaths, parting with nonchalance, bask over the growth, blanketing it in a subtle layer of warmth, more so when she responds to his curious question.

"Because married men are chock-full of love, -real- love. Highschool sweethearts know nothing about love, but men, men who devoted their lives to their significant other..." Chrysalis handles his package. Her fingers wrap around the turgid length for an ample grip, just to acquire a sense of his excitement, "That kind of love just fills me up. I can smell the guilt in you." Fingers dip over the elastic band and haul, prompting the hardon to smack against her chin with a silly plap. "Ahh," she rears her muzzle back, "Just ignore it. You don't want to lose -this.-"
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Alright, I should be back later tonight unless I like pass out or something so you can probably look for me then.
ill report u for reporting me
Who's to say? It's a totally new experience for her, after all!
But that sounds like it hurts...! Why would- Why would anyone /want/ their hair pulled!
Fuck, but still stop the petting.
>Seeing how upset he has gotten, the anon's face grew worried and confused, gently pulling him into a hug to try and comfort him.
Ah, there, there...I only said that as a way of knowing where they are easily more obvious at. Yes, it's harder in real life to try and find males who are also gay, but they still do exist in the world...sometimes, you just have to go out and try your best. There are also online places where you can meet up with other people in real life, but that can also be risky to some people...
>He gently strokes his hair, looking down at him with sympathy.
Sorry this is troubling you so much...
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With a friend like Hilda? Please, no one would stay pure around her.

>that Pikachu

My god! I gotta say, your writing and vocabulary is really really good!
How do you even achieve such a level of quality?
Do I need to read more? I know I struggle a lot with how I write smut around here, but you seem to have a great understanding of all this and I was hoping you could offer some tips and ideas.
>REASSIGNMENT: EXCITING NEW OPPORTUNITIES! You have been chosen, [EMPLOYEE NAME HERE], for an experimental position with great benefits, exciting career opportunity, and only minimal chance of death! Inquire further with the Grand Couturier for details! Thank you and have a productive work day!

>The man let out a sigh, crumpling and pocketing the flyer given to him, so impersonal they couldn't be bothered to put his name on it despite being the addressee. With a sharp inhale he knocked on the door of (what he was told) would be his new 'supervisor''s quarters. Not that he knew much of the higher-ups, being a lowly pencil pusher prior to receiving the paper. Shit, he didn't even know what the fuck a "couturier" was.
Simply because it turns them on silly... lots of people like pain, maybe you're one of them?
>He takes a sizable handful of the girl's hair in his hand, holding onto it tightly
How about we find out?
>Despite her clear tactical superiority in the battle of the tongues, the luscious nazi decided to retreat, breaking their kiss awfully slowly
>Trailing her index finger along the line of his throat up to his chin before licking the saliva off of her lips. She smiles, letting out a small pant before pulling back a little, only to get up off of the table.
Y'know, usually it's the man who asks "may I?"
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Greetings, everyone! How are you all doing?
>The princess curtsied and gave a warm smile.
Doing pretty well, how about you?
Whomst'ven't'd bitch this be'th?
Greetings Princess, I am doing rather wonderful this afternoon. And how are you?
Look at your hand, now back to me, I'm on a tank.
>He grits his teeth when she kneels in front of him, his crotch growing hotter, both from her breath and the blood flowing to his rod. This wasn't good, he didn't get a blowjob in what felt like an eternity, but his body, his animal instincts knew. They recognized that situation, they remembered the feeling of lips wrapped around his shaft. He wanted to feel it again. He found himself growing, growing, until he was painfully erect, his manhood throbbing softly. Once she frees it from its cloth prison, the thing springs out like a jack in the box, proudly pointing up. The manly scent of his rod filled her nostrils, clearly, this was the smell of a penis that had gone unused for at least a few days. The man bites his lips. He could still back down from this. He could pull up his pants, and leave without turning back, then furiously rub one out to some porno. But the exotic woman in front of her was making his instincts burn. Her full lips, the long, green tongue she was sporting, her body, not quite human, yet feminine enough to attract him. He bit his lower lip.
Damn you... Do as you wish. That doesn't matter one bit.
(hol the fuck up since when did we have a Sonia)
>The anon bowed before the Princess, assuming it was the proper thing to do for royalty of course
H-Hello uh... your majesty? I'm quite well, thank you, I hope you are the same!
>What sounds like clunking noises and then the whir of a paper shredder come from behind the door, before a tiny, pink-adorned girl opens the door, grinning ear to ear. But why does she have only one eye? And why is she sprinkled with what looks like blood?

Oh, you must be the nneeww guy Mama promoted! Hmmm... what was your name again? I didn't bother to write it down, but I'm sure you know it.
Get in here, before I get the urge to stab again!

>it took him a few seconds to open his eyes, the rush of that kiss was alot to take in
>he spoke in a soft, almost whisper
>then he noticed she was standing up, and he did likewise
Oh! Um, sorry, trailed off for a minute there...
>he walked over next to her and smiled as he looked in her yes
Well, someone like you has the rank and privilege to ask whatever they wish, ma'am. The fact that you're also beautiful just makes it even better. If I may be so bold, may I request that perhaps we go somewhere a bit more private?
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I'm doing just fine. It's such a lovely day, isn't it?
>The young princess appeared very cheerful and happy, like she usually was.

This...ahem..."bitch" be'th Princess Sonia Nevermind of the Kingdom, Novoselic!

I'm doing just fine, dear!
>She smiled.

Oooh~ How magical! How did you do that?
>Sonia's eyes glittered in amazement as she wondered where the tank came from.

>The princess giggled.
Of course, Anon! I'm doing just fine. It's a lovely day today.

>The princess giggled at the compliment.
Thank you, dear!
[Distant Screams]
>Yui sputters for a response, one delicate hand reaching for the pulled-taut hair in an attempt to alleviate the strain on her scalp.
Ow! That... It hurts! Let go!
>Yui squeaks, face contorting itself into a tight, pained expression. One of her eyes closes tight, the other twitching as a minute movement of her head causes a shock to race down her spine.
...Novoselic? That sounds like a penis pill.
You rulin' over penis pills lady?
What do you mean?! Hilda is... Hilda wouldn't do anything bad or lewd!
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Are you sure? She seems like the type of trainer who "takes care" of her male Pokemon
Have you seen her shorts ? Someone wearing that has to be lewd.
>The boy's tense body relaxes as the warmth of the hug surrounds him, leaning into it for support.
I-I'm the one who should be sorry... I'm such a scaredy-cat... That's the real problem...

>He sighes, trying to think of the hand on his head and not his fears, before finally looking up back up at the man and smiling.
...you smell really good Anon-kun, did you know that?
>Anon looks up to the sky and sees dark clouds and a grey sky
Yeah....it's okay I guess.
Hmm, I don't know why, but it sounded strangely like a mechanic with shark teeth and pink hair screaming.
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>Did the Anon who wanted to rape Allura vanish?
Dear Princess, are you in need of anything? Perhaps a seat to relax on, or a cup of tea?
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>Sonia hears the distant scream and is surprised.
Who is that?! Is someone hurt?

>The young princess appeared confused over the comment.
"Penis Pills"?....Uhh...No...No, I'm not.

>The princess' smile slightly shrunk.
Hmm...I suppose so. Well, it's not raining so that's good news.
T-Thats great to hear milady!
>The anon was obviously a nervous mess, as most anyone would be in the prescene of a beautiful princess such as herself. He didn't really know how he was supposed to speak to her, just saying whatever sounded right in his head
A-Anyways, what brings you to a place like this anyways?
>Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of questionable issues in just the few moments since the door had opened, he instead does as he's told, stepping inside.

A-Ahem. Yes. Well. Do you know where the... Ah, what was it... The Grand Couturier is? I was told I had to speak with them.
>Was she this child's "Mama"? And what on Earth was she covered in? Things to ponder as he stood awkwardly, somehow feeling a vague sense of threat from the child he could probably life on one arm.
>Sorry about that, sudden issue came up but I'm still down. Not terribly confident in my ability to write multiple galra soldiers though
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Haha, are you really that clueless? Your friend there sucks cocks daily, I think at this point shes lost count of how many... And don't even get me started on her pokemon either.
Well uh...the day is brighter with someone like you around...
>Anon chuckles a little at his lame joke.
A-anyway, what brings you to a place like this?
(Thank you! I'd say 3+ years of roleplaying helped a ton. Obviously, I'm not the best player here though my word of advice is to play with those who intimidate you. You'll learn a lot more naturally and it's a fun way of doing so <3)

"Just what I wanted to hear," she replies, tittering to herself once the powerful burst of musk invaded her nostrils, forcing them to flair wide and inhale the intoxicating scent with a toss of her muzzle forward. Her charcoal snout pressed against the underside of his shaft and her lips puckered, smacking his vein-decorated knob with a wet embrace that left an obvious imprint of her lip markings along his flesh. Again, another moistened peck, then another, centering each one on the low-hanging orbs packed between his thighs. Chrysalis' savored the salty tang of his cock and ushered her alien tongue outwards to smear the lipstick contaminating his ballsac with a healthy coating of frothy dribble."Mmh," the changeling's daggered-tipped hands clung to his thighs, gripping him with a delicate hold, and as she worshipped the pendulous pair, her bored horn inched against his stomach, the jagged edge looming just an inch across him. Her half-lidded eyes centered on the pillar of meat slumped along her muzzle. The flaring crown adorning it beckoned her, teased her with its idle throbbing, yet she persisted in washing his nuts, far too enamored with jostling the orbs underneath and ensuring they're both slathered and dripping.
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>The princess clapped her hands together in delight.
Yes, a cup of tea sounds nice!

Well...I usually come here when I'm feeling like going out and when the usual place doesn't have that much activity. By the "usual place", I mean either Hope's Peak Academy or my castle.
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That's not-- That isn't right! Don't talk about her like that; she would have told me!
>He sighs gently, reassuringly grinning down at him.
Ah, don't worry...you did nothing wrong. Just take a deep breath and believe in yourself, and I'm sure you'll find a fellow gay man that will love you...

>He commented sweetly, continuing to pet and massage him, before blushing a bit at his words and smiling down.
Aw, thank you. Just me taking regular showers and deodorant; nothing special~
You know... that's a pretty cute face you make when I pull on your hair~ You don't mind if I see it again, do you?
>His fingers grabbed her by the chin, forcing her face up to look at his before yanking on her hair once again, harder than before
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Well, mainly because I feel like going out and coming here.
You've come to sample the local "flavor" of this place?
If you gargled on cocks all day long, would you tell your best friend ? Exactly. You wouldn't.
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>The princess smiled.
Well, I'm not one for turning down new cultures. So, I suppose I shall sample the local flavor of this place, yes.
Really? Its just... This certainly doesn't seem like place for a princess of your standing... it's not exactly the most respectable place, what would people think if they saw you here?
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Well, I don't think anyone I'd personally know would see me here. What are the odds of that?
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I'm sure if you asked her she wouldn't hesitate to tell you the truth. In fact, I would call her over here right now but... well, last I checked she was quite busy. Shes quite popular you know? Almost everyone around knows who to look for when they have a bit of stress.
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>Unable to shake her head without invoking her own pain, Yui whines as the Anon jerks her hair with enough force to make her head tip to one side. Lips pursing and trembling, the girl's fingers reach for the hand assailing her silky strands of hair.
Oh-! I do mind, please! Let go!
>The girl's other eye squeezes shut, joining its twin as she grasps at his hand.
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What are ya, stupid?
Dropped on your head?
I'm the Grand Courtier, you silly monkey!
>Nui says, babbling as she grabs him and pushes him into the room, sitting down on one of those desk chairs, and spinning around.
Now... let's see... your name, please? I don't think it matters, but Mama says that that's how paychecks get delivered or whatever.
>I believe in you, Anon!
>They're pretty much your average villainous grunts, from what I can tell.
Will keep it in mind. I really like the way you use figures of speech so well and everything.
I hope to see you around more often, maybe we can play a session in the future.
(You have a card, btw, or only play Chrysalis?)
Thank you!
Well.... I-I suppose that is low, but I meant in general! If it got out that the Prince of Novoselic was here... I just don't see it being good for your reputation, I'm sorry if I'm being nosy though it's not my intent.
Are you aware of what the local customs are? I-I'd hate to feel like I was taking advantage of a princess
>He runs his hand along the back of his neck. It's not everyday they get a real princess around here.
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S-stop saying such mean things about Hilda! We're like sisters; we tell each other everything! I'm gonna tell her you're making up lies, you'll see!
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(Going to be away for a tad, Anon)

(Here you go. Trixie's my main character)
Well, I like it...

>The young man starts suddenly, redness spreading across his face as he pulls back a couple inches.

U-uhm! You're awfully close, and your hands... Er.... is this what cuddling is like?

>Biting his lower lip, he inches back to where he was, hesitating before moving closer, his small frame brushing against the other man but failing to meet his eyes.

It's really nice, if so...
>We're like sisters
Maybe more?
>not even a horsefag but kinda want trixie to bully me with impunity
>The needy man did his best to suppress his moans as the strange horse started smearing lipstick all over his private parts, licking his testicles with her fascinating green tongue. It was as if she was marking his balls as hers, overwriting the scent of his wife with her own colours, saliva, and so on. Almost like she was claiming the contents for herself preemptively. He caught himself imagining her with his sticky load splattered all over her face, that sexy tongue licking it off bit by bit. The thought caused a twitch in his shaft. The rod was resting on her face, the light skin contrasting with her own charcoal complexion, resting on her face. It was throbbing gently with the rhythm of his heart, precum leaking from it and staining her forehead and sea green hair. He continued to repress his moans while looking at her, both angry, with her and himself, and aroused.
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Thats awfully close you know, I have my doubts that she didn't get her hands on you at least once.
Hmm... maybe I should go get her? She might be finished up by now so perhaps she could clear this all up for us.
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Oh, no worries, it's fine! Besides, who'll really care that much?

Oh, well, not really...
>Sonia looks at the anon.
What are they, might I ask?
Ah, I remember you playing Trixie, now! And I remember a session with your Chrysalis and Kibbles, I think.
Is good to have you back!
(Alright, you're a great partner, hopefully we can continue this a bit later ?)
You're... awfully carefree about this, aren't you? Oh well... I suppose while you're here you wouldn't mind sharing a drink with me? O-Of course if you don't mind, seeing as how you're a princess and all...
...Err. Right. Apologies if I've offended, I wasn't given much information. And it's Leon. I'm on the payroll already and stuff, so that shouldn't be an issue. Heheh...
>The awkward laugh peters off. THIS was supposed to be the horrifying new boss people were whispering about? She's already a little annoying, sure, and that 'monkey' thing was a bit weird, but this is... Literally just a kid. Something must be wrong.
So uh... What exactly am I going to be doing? I was told you'd be giving me a briefing.
Hey, it's not mean, being a slut is both fun, and a great help for everyone around her. I appreciate her a lot. Do tell her, though, I could use some fun with her. Maybe you can join too ?
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>The princess smiled with delight.
Of course I don't mind. A drink sounds nice!
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(20 minutes)
O-Our culture is based on casual sexuality. Things like sucking someones dick without ever learning their name, or getting fucked in both holes and cum inside by strangers are just the way of things here.
>The ever nervous and shy anon is reluctantly moving his hands down to his fly. It's clear he wants to be her first taste of the culture here.
Have a discord?
>never thought I'd hear those words in the context of raping Brown space elves
>give me a little and I'll write up a starter for it. Still kinda dealing with the aforementioned situation
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>tfw want to make a harem out of my Mom and older sisters
W-well, kind of...
>He softly answered, his bigger frame allowing ample room for him to snuggle into, his own arms that easily wrap around the younger and shorter boy's back indeed doing just that, his hands traversing up and down his body with delicate care.
It works better if there are two people cuddling each other though...
You still up for the Manti session? I had to take care of something
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>Sonia looks at the anon with interest.
Ah, I see! So, sexual desire is the regular around here...I understand.

>Yep! It's AmyAmyNight#4845
I-It would be an honor!
>He honestly didn't expect her to accept the offer, being only a commoner compared to her. But still, he wasn't going to protest; he offered after all. He led her to the bar, taking a seat on one of the stools and pulling one out for her as well
Did you have anything in mind? They have plenty of drinks, just name one and odds are they have it.
You don't look or think twice about people airing their sexual desires. S-so me saying I want you to suck my cock is fine within our culture!
>And down goes his fly. He's not fishing it out yet, not until he hears her response.
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All of you, stop! I won't stand here and let you talk about Hilda like this. I'll send Samurott out in a second, and you'll be sorry...!
That's a silly discord tag.
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But I was being serious, it would only take me a second to bring her here. I'm sure she'll answer all your questions.
What are you saying she'd fuck the pokemon trainers she defeats and then takes their money as some form of humiliation play?

How absurd.
I bet you've thought dirty thoughts about her.
Anyone know if the Emoji Slut still come around here?
Now then, I'm pretty sure using your Pokemon against humans like this is pretty illegal. And it's not like we're saying mean things.
>Sounds good!
>Nui extends his name, just to annoy him further. But she eventually stops, spinning around in the chair to grab a box off one of the shelves, cradling it like a child.
Wellll.. we're trying out a new experimental fabric, and we need human guinea pigs to see how it works with the human form
>New, as if. Pretty much every single fucking piece of clothing REVOCS sent out had at least one Life Fiber in it. If anything, this was just an outlet for Nui to get her sadistic tendencies satisfied.

I defy anyone to find a hotter MLP girl than human Trixie.
She hasn't, for quite a few threads now.
Sorry, dude.
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>Sonia looks at the menu.
I suppose I'll have the usual. A martini.

>Sonia smiles.
Your culture sounds very interesting.

>I would change it but there's two problems, one, some people only know me by that tag and two, I basically have no ideas on what I could change it to.
O-oh! Right! So I just...

>The boy nervously places a hand on the other man's broad chest, hesitating again before committing more fully, bringing his legs up onto the man's lap as he turned his body towards him, his cheek resting against the firm muscle as his hand twitches nervously and slowly brushes along his shirt.

Like this...?
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S-so what sexual desires would you like to i-indulge in?
>Is that ok to ask a princess? He's nervous to say it, but being that he's already this far, his hand is threatening to pull out his cock.
Fair enough, I'll still chuckle at it though.
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I... I know it is! But he'll scare you perverts off!
Don't you dare accuse me of such a thing!
She told me she was busy with Champion business!
A martini? That's a good choice, as expected from you of course. I'm pretty boring really, I usually just stick to beers so thats what I'm gonna get
>Calling the bartender over he placed their order and within a few minutes their drinks had came back, a martini and beer just as they wanted
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(P-Please don't tell me you play her, I just spent 3 days getting over 500 images to play her under assumption no one did)
>(Pokémon trainers, and possibly the Pokémon themselves. She's an insatiable one.)
Maybe all of them at once.
C'mon, you haven't even once thought about playing a little assgrab?
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(Nah. It's all cool.)

(I only play her as a dyke nowadays anyway.)
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Champion Business? That's a bold lie and you know it, I checked on her about an hour ago and she was down on her knees, at least 3 cocks surrounding her.
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A few people play Hilda but it's not really a big deal to have dupes here. Rosa herself is played by me and Rosalina
With another girl?!
It's normal to grope your older sister while she sleeps, right?
>A quiet sigh as she repeated the name, quickly regaining his composure.
That... Seems a little extreme, doesn't it? It's just fabric, right?
>The poor unknowing bastard. The worst he could think of the clothing doing was making him itch a little, given his less than limited knowledge of the corporation's inner workings. Still, he'd reach a slightly hesitant hand out for the box. Might as well earn his pay for... Whatever the hell this was supposed to accomplish.
We need a new Dawn. One that isn't Luffy.
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>The princess thought for a moment, however, she couldn't decide.
Hmm...Well...I suppose anything is fine.

>Sonia smiles and sips her martini.
Heehee...Just the way I like it.
Y-yeah, that's it...
>He softly whispered back, reassuring him as he fully embraced the younger male as well, pressing his head gently against his own, sighing gently.
You know, you're such a sweet boy...
No need to use violence, we're all civilized people here. Us and Hilda might be perverted, but that doesn't make us bad people.
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How about a Romance Dawn?
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Fronk has a Dawn folder. I was gonna pick her up, but I got no need to
I think I trust Hildy over a stranger who's insistent on talking to me about such lewd things!
I-I didn't say I was violent, honest! He's just intimidating and overprotective of me! And if someone's calling Hildy a pervert, I want them to leave us be!
I would have thought growing up around them would have turned you off of them. Is it just the idea of it that you like, or are you genuinely attracted to them in particular?
>A few
Guess that folders going in the back burner then
I don't do dupes
Jinx I'm guessing?
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>Older sister
>Younger sister
Well I offered to give you the chance to talk to her but I still haven't heard an answer from you.
May you suck my cock then Princess? It's only customary that you at least suck one cock i-if you want to truly partake in the culture here. I-it can go other places i-if you want.
>His cock is pulled free from his pants and out of his fly. It's actually a pretty impressive size for how nervous he seemed about it.
Being a pervert isn't a bad thing. Sex feels good, there's no shame in liking it. Maybe if you tried it, you'd come around ?
Yeah, I just remembered that myself.
Well, someone should. She's best Pokegirl.
You're the /ll/ lady, ya?
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The splotch of needy precum dribbling over the contours of her muzzle instantly became swiped up by her ravenous tongue, signaling her to seize her feasting upon his testicles and cascade the upper half of his shaft with a careless stream of drool. Chrysalis' palm wandered up his thigh for a thorough cradle of the orbs she previously washed, giddy to feel the weight of his churning spunk fermenting inside. She kneaded each nut, weighed them with an airy stride, then parted her lips, eager to finally delve his mushroom-tipped mantelpiece into her carnivorous maw. Meticulous not to puncture his flesh, the changeling nestled his glans along the curved dip of her tongue and compressed the upper half with the ribbed roof of her mouth. Her fangs lay just aside as she sealed her lips, locking her dark-green cockpillows just ahead of his helmet. A choral moan sung away from her throat as the feral taste of his excitement lavished her taste buds. The taste of a married man, the taste of broken commitment nearly overwhelmed then and there, and as she coiled her slick organ around his swollen headpiece, Chrysalis glared up at him; eyes wordlessly announcing that his vows are meaningless.

(Misquoted you. Thanks, again!)
You mean it? Nobody really praises me, so that means a lot to me, Anon-kun...

>He pushes in closer at that, not daring to climb into the man's lap but pressing his face into his chest, feeling the contours of his pecs, his body twitching nervously but excitedly, slim chest rising and falling with each deep breath.
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we have our differences from time to time
give me the link to this fucking doujin
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Well, this is a pretty rare fabric.. and it's alive.
>Nui says, as Leon opens the crate to reveal the glowing bundle of thread, gently pulsating as she speaks.
And I've seen what they can do to the human form!
It's reaaally cool..
Hmm.. what part to alter first...
Maybe your arms?
I'm glad you're enjoying it!
>The man smiled back at her, taking a swig of his own drink
Ahh, thats better. Say if you ever want a refill after that, just tell me alright? It'll be on me... not that you need it I bet, being a princess and all that...
I mean, none are really regular. I-I'm sorry!
Dawn's one of my favorites, ye. Plus, Piplupwasmyfirstpokemon
No! That's only for people who are married!
I trust Hilda. Plus, she said she was really tied up with Champion business...
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I thought they were annoying at first but they kept hugging me a lot...they also taught me how to masturbate...
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youre alright sometimes

>Dawn's one of my favorites, ye.

Good taste, Jinx.
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Well, okay then.
>Sonia gets on her knees and looked at the cock before her.
Heehee...It's pretty big...I wonder how much I can fit in my mouth...?
>Sonia opens her mouth and slips the tip of the Anon's cock in before slowly going deeper until she almost has the full cock in her mouth. She makes eye contact to see how well the Anon takes it.
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You're cool too. Look up the artist, lots of big womens.
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How about the embodiment of elegance and grace?

Eh, maybe. I'm kinda biased, since I once had an erotic dream about her.
Ah...don't worry cutie; I think you are adorable beyond all doubt...
>He returned, slowly tilting his head up a bit so the anon could see Ikari's face. His own face grinned as he examined the cute boy.
You can stay here as long as you want, if you desire...
Rarity is for those mind blowingly elegant and lewd outfits
>Kurisu gets cucked out of Kenny by DMG
>Kurisu now falling for DMG as well
>The box clatters to the ground as he stares down at it in horror. He backs away slightly, his brain registering something vague about 'arms'. Totally not compensating for anything.
...I-I don't suppose we can reschedule this test, right? Hah... Ahah...
>He wasn't expecting it to be that easy to be honest. He watches her get down and compliment his cock, causing him to look away just as she starts to take the tip into her mouth. He finally looks down, making eye contact with the innocent looking princess. She still looks so regal, even while deep throating.
D-Doing good Sonia... Y-you might want to take off your dress... I-I cum... a-about as much as you'd expect from... t-that.
>no rarity waifu for forced dress modelling and fashionable bondage between cuddle sessions and hard dicking.
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Good afternoon erp
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>Sonia nods and manages to shimmy out of her dress. She's left in her blouse, panties, stockings and heels. She looks up at the Anon for a signal to continue.
Good afternoon Nines, how are you today?
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gazing into the abyss.gif
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No, but I must show appreciation to someone that has provided me the content to BUST A FUCKING NIUTAYUHDBVUPAIONDM[P
thicc and sharp teeth?
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>tfw have way too many incest fantasies relating to impregnation
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>The boy smiled sweetly up at Anon-kun, allowing himself to relax fully in his arms, placing his other hand at the man's waist and angling his legs, trying to hide the small tent forming in his shorts.

You say that, but I'm not sure I'll ever want to leave...
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Actually, I just remembered, I don't even need to get her.
>The man pulled out his phone from his pocket. He swiped through it for a few minutes before finally showing the screen to Rosa. On her phone was a picture; a picture of Hilda, down on her knees with her mouth stuffed full with a hard, thick cock. She sat atop another man, who seemed to be the one who took the photo. That man's cock was firmly pressed inside of the trainer's pussy, hilting her to the base.
Believe me now?
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Sharpe teeth is his style. So yes.
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Her and Sunset Shimmer are top tier for me.
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(A bit sleepy and hot but I'm pulling through in this heat. Also seeing if that anon who wanted to /ss/ was lurking around)
A-as beautiful a-as a princess
>He drinks in as much of her body as he can in that still formal outfit. When she motions to continue, he reads it as her telling him to take the lead. His hands both grip her head and his hips start to move back and forth.
T-tell me if it's too much o-or if you want... to do other things.
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Nope! I don't think we can!
>Nui says, grabbing a small little scalpel, and pinning him against the wall.
Now, Leon, I need you to STAND STILL.
Or I could miss..
And maybe slit your belly wide open and strangle you open with the guts!~
I promise this won't hurt... as bad as some things hurt.
>Nui says, humming gently as she grabs some of the Life Fibers from the floor. Poor things didn't deserve that.
Hold out your arm for me. Hoold it ouuut!
I wonder if you asked Suz if she would play Sunset here
>He winced a little when he saw her fangs. No matter what he was a man, and seeing such sharp thing coming close to his precious manhood was a bit scary. Yet, she was surprisingly mindful of it, enough to make him feel grateful. At least, he could appreciate the fact that she was handling him with care. First, the saliva came, coating his cock with the clear sticky liquid. That's when she used her tongue. She took him in her mouth. Her technique was unlike anything he ever felt. It was an entirely new feeling, like he was discovering part of a female's mouth he never suspected. He flexible tongue was caressing the crown of his slab of meat, and the tip was pressing against her palate, bringing him great pleasure. Pre was now leaking from his urethra, filling her mouth with the bitter taste of his seed, a little taste of what was to come. His animal brain was gaining control, more and more, but he still had the mental fortitude to throw a defiant look at the perverted changeling queen.
I wouldn't fall asleep in heat if I were you dude. Waking up sweaty sucks.
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>Instantly, Rosa covers her face with her hands, not daring to peek at the image that was searing the insides of her eyelids.
>She squeaks in one rapid breath, able to feel her face beginning to burn up. The girl couldn't- wouldn't- believe it! It had to be edited... Hildy would never do such a thing!
Put it away!
Thanks, Jim
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>Sonia slightly smiles and gets to work with pleasuring the Anon by sucking his dick. Her tongue swirled around the shaft as her head moved back and forth.
Unless, of course, said sweat is post coital.
Suz? The person who plays the e-celebs or?

How did you know my first name?
>The man grabbed Rosa's arms, pulling her hands away from her face
And by the way, it isnt edited, I know you're thinking that. Look, right here...
>She pointed to cock that Hilda was eagerly sucking on
That's mine~ Of course I can prove that too, you understand what I mean, right?
The crazy soldier chick from HG
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(Nah not gonna sleep. Just wish California wasn't taking the suns wrath right now)

(That's very lewd )
I'd marry you if it meant I could do lewd things with you.
Well that goes without saying, then you can have shower sex in the morning.
That would most likely be me, yeah.
Nice. I'm that /ss/ that you've secretly wanted to kidnap.

How are you?
>A choked back whimper in response as he nods. Damn girl was stronger than he expected. A shaky arm would extend, eyes darting between her, the scalpel, and the wriggling mass of... Things she had in the other hand.
Wh... What are these things supposed to do to me?

Mm, shower sex. One of my fantasies...
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>As her hands are pried away, Rosa desperately screws her eyes shut.
I-I'm not looking! Let go of me!
>The wannabe Champion utters, voice laced with the same fluster that was staining her cheeks pink.
I'll call Samurott out! I-I mean it...
I'm way too young for marriage!
You try yelling at the sun as yet?
I dunno, you did your Pokemon journey, right ? That makes you old enough to marry. We live in a pretty silly world. But I understand, you wouldn't want to marry a pervert like me.
>The anon could only beam proudly at how happy he made the little boy feel, before eyeing his little growing bulge inside his pants, locking eyes with him again and humming in thought.
Hmm, keep that up and I'm not sure if I even want to let you go...
>He answers back, slowly feeling his hips up and down.
So, what else do you want to learn about?
>(Sorry about the delay)

>A handful of Galra soldiers milled about in a room around a raised dais. They had no idea what this meeting was about or who had called it. Their confusion only lasted a few moments longer as the doors behind the dais opened and their commander walked in, a rope trailing from his hand and out of the room.
Brothers! I know that, like myself, you have all been wondering if our valiant efforts against the forces of Voltron had been in vain. Forgotten by those above us. Worry no longer as Emperor Zarkon has never put us from his thoughts.
>With a rough tug, the commander pulled on the rope. Causing Allura, clad in a horribly ripped dress and with her wrists bound in front of her by the rope, to stumble onto the dais with him. The assorted soldiers cheered as their commander pushed her off of the raised platform and into the waiting throng.
Altean is back on the menu boys!
In this sort of situation, where two people are close... People kiss, right? That's normal for them to do?

>The boy looked up hopefully, unable to hold eye contact after making such a forward request, heart pounding in his chest as he clutched at your shirt for support.
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Her brow furrowed at the unexpectant response. Nevertheless, the homewrecker persisted, and pounced her muzzle forward, swallowing his member and forcing it to curve against the entrance of her constricting throat. Eyes closed, her tongue disengages itself from his stiff organ and flattens along his underside, making it a tad smoother for the changeling to slither down his length and leave a fully cylindrical marking of her lipstick along his veinous shaft. Nostrils mere inches away from his pubis, the mare effortlessly picked up his fragrance, his musky cloud of masculinity, and gracefully inhaled, eager to grow drunk on his pheromones alone, ignoring the billowing scent of raw love emanating from his body. She felt herself growing wet with every second ticking on by. Her inner thighs, now caked in her excitement, clasp together, petals hypersensitive to the mere wind cutting beneath her dress.

"Mmhh," she murmured out, parting her lips for just a brief moment to hunker down an extra inch of his package. Soon enough she found herself peeling the shoulders of the dress clean from her body, allowing the excuse of a garment to slip down her maternal body and expose the hefty set of mammaries to the heated atmosphere around her. Each mound, weighed down by stimulated lime caps, shifted with her movements, following in response to her bobbing head.
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And how are you going to do that without your hands free?
>He tightened his grip on her wrists, making sure they wouldn't worm their way out of his hand
Just admit it, seeing this picture, your best friend gagging on a cock while riding another... it turns you on, doesn't it? To know that's shes actually such a slut, it excites you, I know it does~ I have more, you want to see them?
>He swiped the screen once more, it changing to a picture of Hilda, except this time she was clothed, but was making her self look very provocative. He swiped again, another image of Hilda, this time on her stomach, her rear pointing to the sky with the man's cock firmly inside. He swiped again... and again, and again. It almost seemed like he had an endless supply of these images, each one starring Hilda in various, pervert, slutty acts
What do you think, hm~?
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(It'd probably just beam down harder)
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>tfw no Robomom
>Not even needing to say another word, the anon tilts his head to face his own eyes once more and than gently locks lips with him, a slow but stable growing moan coming from his throat. A hand gently strokes his hair as he makes out with him.
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>thicc robo mommy
God help me.
dear god
>Sorry, kind of having trouble thinking up something. You do a good Sonia, I'm just a bad anon.
Where are the inklings
(A-Are you not interested in continuing ours?)
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Fukumaaya is the artist name. Enjoy.

I was going to ava her, but I have too many avas as it is
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I-I barely even know you! I don't even know your name!
This is... Assault! Let go of me! Now!
>Despite her insistent squeals, poor Rosa still kept her eyes firmly shut. She wished desperately to cover her ears, arms jerking about in his firm grip while her face lit up.
Stop talking so filthily... I don't want to hear this!
>She resorted to pleading, brown buns bobbing as she shook her head rapidly. Rosa wasn't sure what to do; her whole body burned and her pokeballs were lightyears away in the bag on her shoulder. They were wholly out of reach as long as the stranger kept his grip on her wrists.
Please, just leave me and Hildy alone!
>Something cracked inside the man's head as she swallowed further. The sight of her naked body was enough to flip a switch in his head, giving total control to his primal instincts. With a grunt, he grabbed her head, and pushed himself further inside her throat. He had reached the point of no return, where he was simply overwhelmed by what was happening. Thankfully, the animal part of his brain still knew what to do. With slow movements of his hips, he started fucking her throat, quite literally using it as an onahole. Yet, he wasn't too rough about, assertive, yes, but not violent. Clearly his loving husband routine wasn't an act, it was what it is, so much that even when he relied on his instincts, he still managed to retain a certain gentleness.
but we don't have enough milfy characters
>Shuts his eyes close as the man's face meets his, a slight gasp escaping from his lips as they part. Unsure of what to do but hold the kiss and concentrate on breathing, his hand shyly makes it way up to the man's cheek, tracing the line of his jaw as his own warm, wet lips trembled.
Well, I'm Anon, duh. Anon E. Moose. It's a common name where I come from.
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>It's okay, my dude.
Settle down I'm not gonna hurt you... but if you keep up this squirming I will.
>He stuffed his phone back in his pocket, using his now free hand to grab both of her brown pigtails in one, pulling them behind her and yanking down on them
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I'll be sure to give you some licorice or something later.
Fuck that made me giggle. Okay I'll get off your back dude, catch you around.
Where are the butts to worship?
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There's A LOT of milfs.

Thanks crazy shower girl.
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>tfw no anon to inflate me into a helpless blueberry then humiliate and rape me
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thank you mouse friend.gif
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We don't really know!
We're gonna see what happens, won't we?~
>Nui says, suddenly slicing down his arm, lightning fast with the scalpel, before opening the wound with her fingers, seemingly not caring for the risk of infection, and gently placing string after string inside his wounds, before pulling back her hand, and watching with rapt eyes as the wound seems to sew itself shut. The infused arm seemingly starts to grow muscle. Not much, but enough to the point where it's noticeable by both parties.
Ooooh, it's wooorkiiiing!
>(No worries)
>Allura grimaces as she's thrown into the gathering of the enemy forces. She knew it was a bad idea to engage. But she was willing to take the risk, and look where it got her? Stripped nearly nude, and trapped, trapped within an enemy army. What would they do to her? Kill her? Show her off like some sort of prize? Or something worse.. she didn't know. She glares at them, spitting at the nearest one.
S-shove it.. up your quiznak.. Galran scum... V-Voltron will find me... And you'll all be sorry!
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(Adios muchacho)
>The man's other hand lightly grabbed a hold of the younger boy's hand on his cheek while he continued to suckle on his lips, before slowly pulling out, his tongue flickering around his lips as he slowly retreated.
Ahh...so, tell me; was that any good, cutie?
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(Have to go for a few, lovelies. This was so much fun that I stopped packing entirely and I really should finish ;;;;)
Even if I know your name, I can't just marry you!
Are you threatening me-iee!
>Rosa cuts off with a sharp squeal. Having had her eyes closed to avoid seeing anything lewd, she hadn't been expecting his grip to change to her hair. As he yanks her hair, she screws up her face, head tilting far back with the force.
Owh! Letgoletgo!
>tfw also into this but unironically
>This was so much fun that I stopped packing entirely and I really should finish
Just cum on your fingers and then finish up, you dumb princess.
[spoiler]But I'm into that unironically[/spoiler]
Is ammit here?
>The boy pauses, panting softly as he pursed his lips to get a taste of the man.

It was really.... A-ah, that was a lot... It was scary and exciting and it felt really good to get close and let you...

>He looks down as he trails off, blushing and adjusting his shorts once more.
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Nothing save for a profuse gag sputtered out the changeling's mouth the moment her cranium was mashed against the man's groin, fully enveloping his member in the warm, delicate walls of her resonating gullet. Chrysalis curled her fingers against his thighs and regained her senses, absolutely bewildered by the sudden and tumultuous action of the married man before her. And yet, she didn't deter away from it. Her body converted into a rag doll, a simplistic tool to relieve the stress of a barren spell and sexless marriage, a literal fuckdoll that relished in the mismanagement and carelessness of her partner. The changeling curled her cock-stuffed lips into a smile before sucking her cheeks in, creating a vacuum that pulled the man's cock inward, back down her throat, after every brief struggle of pulling away. Despite the remorseful pace, the lovebug found herself sputtering away and soon, frothy dribbles of drool trickled down the upper halves of her breasts before seeping down between her cleavage, slickening the massive set until the coarse black sheen reflects her throatfucked self. So much love, she thought to herself, head running rampant as she pressed her tongue along his pulsing underside, delighted to sense his beating heart throb.
>that shitty grammar, though.
>He'd quickly yank his arm away after her movements were completed, the pained look he gave turning to relief as the wound reclosed. His breathing turned heavy as he clutched the pulsating arm, whatever the creatures were doing within him feeling only as a deep heat, though not painful. Almost... Comforting the way it throbbed.
I-It doesn't seem to hurt at least...
>He sputtered out as he slowly let go of the disproportionate arm.
>The spit on Galra growls before giving her a kick to the gut.
Oh shut up. You're not going anywhere princess.
>He said it with derision as another soldier stepped forward and hoisted Allura up onto her knees. The assembled Galra began to talk among themselves darkly, a few laughs coming out as they encircled the fallen princess. The Galra that had hoisted her up grabbed a handful of her hair as the first soldier stepped forward and looked down on her and slashed the bosom of her dress open.
So boys, how about we have some fun?
Well. Fuck.
We ARE on /erp/, anon...
Not really seeing that much bad grammar.
Ah, don't be scared...relish in the fact that you are able to kiss me, cutie...
>The anon reassured, sighing softly with a small smile growing on his face. His eyes finally couldn't help but notice the bulge and adjustment for his shorts.
Do you need help there, sweetie? Don't be shy; you can speak up...
Yeah but we both want to be the submissive in this scenario, that shit don't work.
>There's A LOT of milfs.
I mean, there's plenty of thicc characters, but not so much milfs I don't think
Welllllll I swing both ways, anon~
Shit or get off the pot then.
I have like two. And there's that one guy that plays almost only milfs
>Allura gasps in pain as she recieves the knee to the gut. She might not have enough shapeshifting power to say, turn into a mouse and lead them on a wild goose chase, but she might have enough to fend them off.. if only she could get those binds off... That train of thought is interrupted by the soldier that rips off the top of her outfit, her face reddening in shame and embarrassment.
I-if you k-kill me... they'll only be that much more determined to stop Zarkon.. you know that, right? L-let me go, and maybe you'll live!
Hmmm... lemme see here..
>Nui says, gently holding a thread extending from his arm.
I wanna see if I can do the shapeshifting thing I did with my own arms on an actual human!
>Nui titters, tugging on the string gently, before Leon's arm suddenly morphs, violently (but painlessly), shifting into a simple pointed spear-like thing, the arm now turning a deep-black instead of the flesh tone.
Seeems like I can!
Straight to the point, I like that! In that case, why don't you get chewing on some of this gum that I've so graciously procured for you?

>I pull a stick of gum wrapped in electric blue paper out of my pocket, offering it to you with a smirk
Which two?
Ah, but... Was it okay for you? Did you like it? Can I do better...?

>He glances up at the man, before turning away from him in embarrassment, pulling his shirt down to cover the small but visible bulge.

It's just a... you know, an erection! I know it's weird to get hard from kissing but...

>He lets go of his shirt, turning back towards the man and turning his face upwards hopefully.

Let's just ignore it, okay?
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What The Fuck Am I Looking At.png
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Tempt me not this day card vixen.
Smirk to the smirk, I smirk smirk! In that smirk, why don't you get smirking on smirk of this smirk that I've so smirkly prosmirked for smirk?

>I smirk a smirk of smirk smirked in electric smirk paper out of my smirk, smirking it to smirk with a smirk.
I wasn't doing that, who are you to call me dumb!
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Insolent swine!
DMG is pretty milfy and another character I shall never speak of.
Uh-huh. Then just drip through your little panties, sweetie.
>Pats the Holo
>The assembled soldiers break out in full gaffaws at her attempt at a threat. The one holding her by the hair gives a solid tug as the first Galra steps right up to her.
We aren't going to kill you, at least yet. I'm sure we could have a lot more fun with you before we get there.
>Reaching down, he grabs one of her brown mounds, absentmindedly fondling it as his other hand frees his purple member, it springing free and smacking her in the cheek.
So unless you want to die sooner rather than later, why don't you show us how fun you can be?
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How do you know I...
Is this who I think it is?
Don't worry; you did good. Just keep on practicing kissing, okay cutie?
>He inquired, slowly petting and stroking his hair.
No; nonsense...it's perfectly fine for people to get erections from kissing...
>He reassured, placing his much bigger hand on top of his small thigh, gently caressing and massaging it.
Don't worry about it; you're doing great...if you want me to make it feel good, just say so...
>He promised, leaning in and locking lips with him again, tenderly suckling on his lips once more.
>Another panicked yank backwards. Having underestimated the weight of the transformation, the spear arm slams into the wall behind them. A loud humming can be heard from it for a moment, before the pointed tip shoots out a thread-thin beam of light, burrowing through the wall. In a few moments a muffled scream of pain can be heard in the distance as the light disappears.

...I-I uh. I can fix that! Maybe...
He kept on going, using her like the doll she was, relieving himself of his pent-up sexual tension. Deep down, he found himself enjoying this. It felt great, the sound of her gagging was only making him harder. And with the combined assaults of her technique, and his own movements, he soon found himself close to an orgasm. His mind recalled the image he thought of earlier. He wanted to see the stark contrast between her ebony exoskeleton, and his seed. With a pleasured grunt, he pulled out, fighting against the powerful suction. Her mouth felt unescapable, drawing in him with both pleasure and force. Yet, with an almost superhuman show of willpower, he managed to defeat that vacuum. As he escaped, he felt his orgasm rocking his body, and a thick rope of cum was ejaculated, splattering the face and her of the queen. Many more came after it, piling up on the changeling, hitting her mouth, but also her bust, some even dripping as far as her thigh. When he finally ceased, an impressive quantity of thick, burning hot, virile seed was decorating Chrysalis.
Probably not, since I don't know what you're talking about.
...You're not supposed to SOUND like a rapist you know.
>He yanks the slice of gum from the other's hand, quickly unwrapping and chomping down on.
I never knew it'd be this easy to pat your head, oh wise wolf. I thought I'd have to at least win your favor or something.
Oh. Well now I'm interested in who the other is
If it is, then go back to your game

If it isn't, then why are you saying that I drip through my panties? Y-you don't know how wet I get ;;
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>Avatar starts describing how much a sex doll she is instead of describing the hot details
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Well, that is a tempting suggestion, shall we?
>She extended her arm for him to grab on to, leading him over to a generic bedroom, performing a quick spin before allowing gravity to bring her on top of the bed, sitting there, looking him over.
Come on, I won't bite, unless you ask me to.
>She chuckled gesturing for him to come closer

It's called a sensible chain of logistics, and it's quite magical.
I was just guessing. I know you're a major slut, but I didn't actually know you were a slut with a broken faucet. Just makes it hotter when I do play with/watch you play with others, princess.
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>not wanting to impregnate your mother
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I shall shamelessly admit that I have a weakspot for headpats. That and apples. Do not let this get to your head though, dog.
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Stahp. Take the Mommy DMG
I never really got a milf vibe off of DMG except for that one anon she broke with her futa dick
What gave you that impression? I'm just a VERY pushy gum sampler, that's all. How are you enjoying it anyhow?

>I stand and eagerly watch you begin chewing, awaiting for the "effects" to kick in
>go back to your game
Don't tell me what to do.
I'll impregnate YOUR mother
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>Only one
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Ah...well, I didn't see that tank until now...
I don't care about making it feel good, if anything I want... I want yours to...

> His legs twitch open as the man's hand found his thigh, involuntarily exposing more if it as he concentrated on the kiss, pushing his lips forward, hesitantly matching the movement of the other man's mouth with his own.
Well it wasnt supposed to be one, but I can certainly make it one. Now stop your squirming.
>Once again he yanks down on the girl's soft hair in hopes she'll finally learn and settle down a little
I want you to be a good girl, and listen to me now, do you understand me? Let me have that, I don't think you'll need it for a bit...
>He takes hold of the bag slung over her shoulder, seperating the girl's hands so he could get it free and away from her. He wasnt going to risk her getting access to her Pokemon, so he made sure there was no way for her to
Now tell me, you are going to be a good girl for me now, won't you?
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>thread called "Sunday Bunday"
>no anal sex
...Eh. I mean, blueberry's okay, but it's nothing really special...
>Continued obnoxiously loud chewing.
Oh I'm sure there were others, but I recall the one
Just wait for star
Damn that's toooo bad. Guess you should spit it out now or something, wouldn't want you to be chewing on something you aren't enjoying as much as I want you to...

>I feign a sigh, hiding my glee as your nose starts to turn a deeper and deeper shade of violet
I plead the fifth
I do what I want! How many times do I have to say it
>Feeling the smaller lad make out with him this intensely, his own erection has begun growing within his own jeans, causing him to slowly break the kiss once more. He takes his own jeans off by unbuckling them and pulling them down to his ankles and kicking them off, revealing a aching erection covered behind a pair of boxers.
I-if you say so...p-please, pull my boxers free, and play with my cock...
Ehh. Might as well ride it out.
>Continued chewing, seemingly unaware of the sudden change in color.
You got any others, or is it just this gunk?
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Chryssi (129).png
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A parting gasp separated them yet several strands of bubbly spit connected them together, severing only when enough distance was made between her lips and his hypersensitive prick. Before Chrysalis could merely glance at his drool-slobbered knob, she found herself painted with seed, roped with gooey decorations and caked with globules of virile spunk. The stench of his essence polluted her muzzle, blending well with the former musk of his pubic hair drenched in her saliva. Her left eye became glued shut as semen fixed onto her eyelashes, clashing with her olive makeup and popping visually thanks to the ebony canvas of her body. Another, and another, the changeling offered her tongue and luckily caught any wayward strands, delighted to have savored his awesome love. Jutting her chest forward, Chrysalis slid her open palms down her naked breasts, smearing the globby pockets of off-white goop into a thin sheen to blend in with the former bask of secretions. Even down to her thighs, she spread his semen around, and once his essence seized producing, she licked her cum-covered lips, and pried her eye open with a flutter.

"Give me more," she demanded, spreading her thighs to expose her glowing emerald slit with V-shaped digits, "I want more of your love. Please." Assuming position, she laid prone on her back with legs hiked up, wishing to feel him fill her.
Who else do you play?
Hmm lemme see... Looks like that's my last sample, unfortunately! But if you intend on continued chewing would you mind answering some questions about the sample? It's, ah, experimental. Not in commercial production yet.

>Its hard to keep my eyes from giving away that something's up as they keep eyeing the spreading color on your face

Now! How are you feeling having chewed it for only about 20 seconds?
(Is the anon who wanted karin here?)
P o s t c a r d s
(Yes. Very yes.)
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>I also play Hiyoko and if I feel like it, a bit of Mikan. For guys, Currently, I play as a Team Skull Grunt.
(Then do you want to start?)
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>Ava drops you without a word
>Keeps erping with someone else in the thread
You know, I'd rather you say "Fuck off you're shit" than just ignoring me desu
Virus=Very yes
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>Did a Mother x Son incest session one time
>Flaked out in the long run because anxiety n shit
>Wanted to ask them if I could refer to them as "Mom" or "Mommy" in conversation
Why can't I just have normal fetishes
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Anon, that's...

>The boy shrinks backward at first as the man disrobes, looking away with embarrassment. That is, until the sight of the cock curving outwards catches his eye. Face still red, he approaches the man again, unable to look away.

This is... another man's cock...

> Slowly, he reaches in, pulling the boxers downward, mesmerized by the thick, strong shaft, so much bigger than his own. Carefully, he places a finger at the base, nervously tracing upwards, exploring it hesitantly, unable to do anything but gape at the sight of a real, erect man.
Uh. Okay, I guess? Am I supposed to be feeling something?
...This isn't one of those weirdo health food things, right?
>A slight head tilt, more put off at the random questions than the focus on his face.
What's the rarest card in ERP: The Trading Card game?
>Allura gulps nervously as the soldiers laugh at her threat. Dammit, do they not know who she is? She could easily break their skulls.. if only she had her arms free. Though her thoughts suddenly change once the Galran soldier smushes his prick against her young face, eyes opening wide in terror. This isn't something she's ever done before! Sure, she's seen dicks before, (Sneaking peeks at the paladins once and a while), but never this close!
T-there... must be something else you must want from me than this.. please!!
Y-you c-can't... do this.. please!
At least... let my hands free...
Ooooh, baby's first murder, or at least maiming!
How exciiiting!
>Nui hums, twirling the scalpel around in her fingers, but gently tugging the string again, lettting Leon's arm turn back to a hand, but now permenantly black, with glowing rainbow veins.
Oooh, that looks really nice on you...~ What should I change next?~
Other arm, neck..
Maybe your dick?~
(If you mean if I'm' here and ready, yes.
If you mean write a starter, also can do, down with either.)
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Those of dead and unknown avas.
Those who are rarely here
>tfw you have to pay extra for the gross irl Peach artwork
Paul's ERP
Oh no no no - they're just, uh, questions we gotta ask. Nothing to be alarmed about, just procedure

>Your body is now entirely a deep violet from head to toe, your continued chewing on the gum furthering your condition

Ahem, next question... Are you prone to bloating?
Hiyoko and Mikan are both good characters, so good taste.
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Shiggy my diggy
Ack-! I-Isn't that enough?!
>He stares in a mixture of horror and interest at the new arm. The surface is silky smooth, and, frankly, feels amazing. But he can hardly be seen in public like this! Much less with any other 'enhancements' she wanted planned. He backs away slightly from her, the arm pressed closely to his chest.
(Yeah, I meant writing a starter. Sorry! If you want me to write one then that's fine too)
>He gulped with some difficulty as she out on a little show for him. Watching her smearing his seed on her body was extremely arousing, enough to give his man meat a second wind, even after the intense stimulation it received. When she pleaded for more, he just wasn't able to resist her. That juicy, soaked slit between her legs was the same alluring shade of green as her tongue, and that detail only was enough to send his libido into overdrive once more. He wanted this decadent coupling to continue. His instincts were screaming at him to take her, to claim her as his, to impregnate her. He couldn't stop himself. Without any doubt, he knelt down, and, after adjusting his position, rammed his rod inside her, rough, dominating. The repressed husband was now letting loose, pouding her into submission, fucking like how he wished he could fuck his wife. All inhibitions were now thrown out of the window, replaced with bestial lust, as he grabbed her thighs to drive himself further.
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>want to actually get plowed in the butt irl
>clean up everywhere
>including an awful enema
>they cancel/say nothing
I don't even want to do anything any more. My butt hurts.
>accidentally hot-glued my platinum rare teacher gf card
...Don't think so, no. Maybe once or twice but that was just grandma's cooking. ...These are some weird questions man. Gonna be honest.
>Far too late for it to matter, he'd spit out the flavorless gum into a nearby trash can, the hands buried in his pockets keeping him from noticing the change in pigment.
(Down for either. If you had a scenario in mind, go ahead, but it's your choice really.)
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>3d dom
That's it...don't be shy dear...you can do whatever you want to do with it..
>He reassured, sighing happily as he felt the cock slowly touched by the shy guy. He sat down on the sofa and began to pet his hair.
Go on; enjoy cutie...
You okay?
fuck off
Yeah, no. You see princess we're not that dumb. Besides, to us you're not good for anything else besides this.
>He continued to rub his dick against Allura's cheek as he nodded to the Galra behind her. Said soldier reached forward and pinched the princess' nose closed until she was forced to gasp for air. With a satisfied grunt, the first Galra shoves half of his turgid length into her mouth. A cheer rises up from the others as he withdraws a few inches before thrusting forward.
So try as relax.
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i'll plow your butt, come here
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Delete me with your dick



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Other than my butt hurting? I'll live
Kurisu, please.
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This one of the LDs that fuck? Because I kinda like those 3D models of her.
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the uberklaw.jpg
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Okay I'm sorry. I questioned if I should've posted that, but my autism is palpable.
Drop a train on 'em, Edgar
>With the man sitting down, he decided to switch positions, lying down on his stomach to comfortably place his head on the top of Anon-kun's leg, allowing the perfect view of his fully erect cock. Mesmerized, he brought both hands to it, exploring it's heft and weight, watching it bob in response to his touch, even going so far as to rub the tip, knowing the sensitive points of another man.
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It's okay. I still like you.
>no gf wih a broken jpg for a face
Ya... it hurt a lot...
Still can't walk right...
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Post yfw you're Paul
When in doubt, just look for the filenames to find Paul anon
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Want Mommy to cuddle you until you feel better?
Look, Strong Bad. My mouth was a broken jpeg. I had no choice.
The Ultra Rare Friendzone Trap Card. So rare, only one player ever has been defeated by it.
I want her to love me again and make me feel happy. But I've been a bad boy so I don't deserve her love.
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Why can't there be more places to find good RP partners aside from here and F-list.
With her slimming, hole-bored legs tossed over his shoulders, Chrysalis found herself tightening the hold she had on him, squealing with every bestial thrusting of his hips and gritting her teeth together with every pounce that managed to press against the entrance of her fertile womb. She held onto her own breasts, squeezing her pair and fiddling with her own aroused nubs through pinching and erratic pulling, something to get her mind away from the burning source of passion locked between her legs. Her muzzle tossed and turned, navy locks following as she endlessly breathed the potent source of aphrodisiacal love beaming from the man before her. "Mnh! Yes! Oh, Gods, that's it," her trembling voice wavered, slightly hoarse from the previous facefucking given to her, "Fuck me, breed me, treat me like the woman you used to love! Nhh!" Her back arched; the protrusion of the man's pistoning fuckstick elevated the plate of her groin, albeit briefly, just enough for the mare to brush her palm over the growth and acquire a feel for his thoroughness. "Ooh, look at you, sweating away a lifetime commitment. What would she say, if she saw you now? My legs perched on your shoulders and your hands around my thighs? Nghh... She doesn't know what she's missing. I want my womb flooded with your seed."
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CCing Peach's downsmash.png
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>Moves it slightly closer

A-ah...thank you; this feels so good...you're such a wonderful guy...
>He praised while moaning sensually at the touch of him examining his cock fully, petting his hair to encourage his actions.
Keep it up...you're doing good...
Gay is a /trash/ thing.
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A-arigato! I like you too!
>Karin looks down at the man she threw to the ground with a dissatisfied pout. This man who challenged her was barely worth the effort to attack. She leans forward to get a closer look at his face, any further motivation to fight leaving her
Was that all? I thought you'd be a little stronger than that, but I suppose I was wrong..
I wonder what happened to that person who played this elf.
Any gifs or webms?
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No cuddles for you then.
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>someone played Marcille
There goes avatarfagging her
Is DMG good at givin that sweet mother love?
Please mommy?

Fuck ya she is. It's like fucking crack man. Never get enough.
She is rather colder than the proverbial witch's tit. It's kind of funny since she's technically a witch.
You can still play them cause there's no rule about having two of the same ava here (unless it's someone's main or something.) I only saw them for one night and they randomly disappeared, so you should be fine.
>The street tough glares up at his 'opponent', not that there was much of a fight to speak of to begin with. The last thing he expected from a girl with so many frills and more curls than Goldilocks was a fight back, much less the thorough thrashing he received. Despite the aching his entire body was in, he had one lass gambit, at least to try and save himself from true humiliation.
>He suddenly hocks a glob of spit in the direction of the other's face, a leg springing out to try and sweep kick her at the same time.
Soft and caring... today.

No. You said you were a bad boy.
All knife-ears perish in time.
Is that dragon lady here?
Chill out, man. They probably haven't been here in ages.
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Chances are my nerd ass is going to get accused of being someone I'm not and nobody will listen despite any of my pleas.
I'm... I'm going to...

>Unable to verbalize it, the boy instead leans forward and sticks his tongue out, placing it against the side of the shaft and licking it like an ice cream cone, the scent of the man filling his nostrils as he did.

Haah... T-that feels good, right? Please tell me that it's good to pleasure another man like this...
Cause you made me a bad boy.
Watch yourselves around elves.
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Hello and a good Sunday evening to you all. Hopefully your weekend has been a lovely one, but I wanted to know if a few players may feel up to anything or just a one. If not I wish that you have a pleasant rest of your day and take care going into a new week.
I've been here for a year and a half and have never seen this person. Go ahead, nobody will mind.
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Man if these animations existed like a year or so ago I'd used them fucking constantly
Nah. Unless you got someone really stubborn, most anons here will understand and either continue to play with you or head off on their own way. Like I said before, they were only her one night so the chances of that happening are rather slim.
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>finally someone does eva shit
>it's gay shinji
>points and laughs
Why is it that sharks are unusually hot?
N-ngh; ah, yes...this feels so good...
>He moans out, blushing softly as he takes his hair and softly clenches it in his fists, before realizing something that he didn't do.
A-ah...excuse me, but I don't think I got your name yet...K-kind of a important thing to have when have sex with other people, heh...
>He explained, blushing in shame by failing to remember that.
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Not my fault!

I'm very very very tired. But Hiya Kibbles!
sharks are NOT for lewd
epic my man, one upvote
>DMG pretending to be innocent
New thread
>Allura is about to reply, before the soldier shoves a big fat dick down her throat, unfortunately making her unable to speak. She glares at him, trying to bite down on it, but not having the strength to do any real damage. She simply glares, her teeth shapeshifting into something sharper, just to get him off of her.
We've barely even started, Leeeeon! Don't be a big baaaaby!
>Nui says, scalpel in hand, reaching out to grab his other arm, curiously running the blade gently, not powerful enough to cut, but enough to where he can feel it.
Now, what next?

(I am super sorry for these delays! Multitasking is a bitch!)
Hi Sesame! I'm surprised to see you on so early!

Thanks for all those cuddles and goodnight kisses.

It's okay. I still love you.
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Sharks and dragons were literally made for being ejaculated on.
Never trust a dirty elf.
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Not prone to bloating? That's interesting, are you sure? I coulda swore you were looking a little less... 'puffy' a few seconds ago...

>I tilt my head, feigning thoughtfulness, looking at your now significantly rounder paunch, stretching out your clothes significantly
Thank you... I want to be good and make men like you happy.

> He turns on his side to look up at you, face flushed but without shame.

I'm Shinji. And you...?
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>His slow sweep is gracefully stepped over, and is quickly followed up with a stomp to his gut. His spit didn't even find its mark, preserving her prim and perfect appearance. The platformed heel grinds into his shirt, twisting the fabric and adding insult to injury. She seemed untouchable, her slender, tights clad legs feeling impossible to shift
How disgraceful. Someone like you is more a beast than a fighter.
I can attest that what attracts me to using them was the rush of using their teeth in various situations and they do have a bit of a thing for having a palpable set of mammies in the furry fandom and that Syrena herself falls into that section with relative ease. The curve of the snout also has an alluring factor to it and the sleekness of their bodies could be a driving force. I only play two, but I think they're both adorable.

Hihi DMG. Hope that besides feeling exhausted you're doing well. Do yourself a favor and get some sleep!

At least for a little bit to finish the weekend on a good note. Happy to see you anon and 'begrudgingly' happy to oblige with them!
>In a trance, he kept going. He could hear her words, but they made no sense to him anymore. His perception of his world had been narrowed down to one thing, this woman, this female underneath him. He kept on thrusting away, clearly ready to make her his, even more that he did earlier. Instead of marking her body, this time, he would mark her womb. He moved his hands from her thighs to her hips, finding a better grip, and he resumed what he was doing. For a few long minutes, he enjoyed their wild coupling. The apex of his pleasure was approaching fast, however. As he felt himself getting closer to the edge, the married man hilted himself inside her. The head of his penis kissed her cervix, and fired its payload, flooding her womb with white goo. He kept on moving his hips for a few seconds, before running of steam, and laying down on top of his lover. Slowly, the haze in his mind dissipated, leaving maybe not entirely lucid, but still freed from his breeding frenzy. His breathing was ragged, still recovering from the intense effort
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