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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Sleeping In Edition Pastebin: pas

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 364
Thread images: 140

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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Sleeping In Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Thread Journal Backup: https://pastebin.com/GiLL5kAS
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist

Archives: www.ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org / archive.b-stats.org
Previous thread: https://archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/10880969
Previous thread: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/10880969
Previous thread: http://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/10880969

Previous TT Theme: Video Games (SUBMISSIONS ARE LATE)
More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
TT Archive: t3event.tumblr.com
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100 IPs last thread
Greentext Theater
Mechanic back
Rose had a comfy day yesterday
Great images
TT submissions are amazing
These threads are fucking awesome
Remember that you are loved anon, no matter what you may do.
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Byron will smite thee one day, heretic
Wait, I missed Rose?!

How is she doing?
The anon behind RSB got her a bomb ass gift and she made an awesome picture out of the stuff she got
Its on her tumblr, absolutely gorgeous
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Why did she leave in the first place? Is it really because of harassment, or is that just a meme?
She left one day due to harassment then other things in her life compounded.
But kindness trumps bullying.
>100 Ips last thread

Wait what

Holy shit
(Disclaimer; I'm not Weaver or Poke)
There are 51 chapters total, 51 being the epilogue, which is only a few short paragraphs. They've currently uploaded chapter 47. This means that the series will end in 4 days, unless they decide to double upload Chapters 50-51, in which case it'll be 3. They've already finished all the side stuff, if memory serves, do that's the end of the series.
I keep seeing people ask about this so I figured I'd just post this real fast.
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>weaverites actually believe this
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>This man would rather chase the long and twisting annals of antelope than the one true Canon
Your entire bible is a mere fantastical addendum to the holy Script-ure
Daily Reminder: If you are sexually attracted to any of Zootopia's characters, you are an autistic twisted and sick faggot who should kill themselves
What part of posting a title card for a chapter that isn't on AO3 yet seemed like a good idea?
I'm hungover /ztg/. How can I feel better?
I was an autistic twisted and sick faggot before I started fapping to the fox and the rabbit fucking, that's not news
Byron has no power over me.
It doesn't adhere to your falsehoods. So what?
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>double upload
please tell me i'm not a normie for immediately thinking of shitty john scarce memes every time i hear that phrase
Good point.
I clicked delete but it just shows up faded to me. Is it gone?
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Re-posting to make up for the amount of time I've been gone....
Cool. Thanks for reminding me. I do stupid shit at 2am.
Mate, its great to see you again
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The theorycrafter speaks to me of falsehoods?!
For your own safety, please keep these dark words to yourself where they evil have no impact on the world.
To falsify so broady...
No, I must remain pure to the Morals of the Film
Had I not previously been accustomed to your ignorance I would fear for your life. It is okay, may the Spirits Jared Bush and Rich Moore smile upon your mislead soul as you take the long journey back to the Canon

man i'm so fucking envious of your skill
i need to practice drawing
Kill yourself
Alrighty, will do.,
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Read this
>Nadia, gray face and white neck. Head tilted to the side, with a smile that doesn't quite touch her eyes. Black eyeshadow and eyeliner drawing anyone that looks at her into those cold, icy blue eyes.
>She stares at Judy's back as her sister is practically hanging off of the gorgeous fox she brought home.
>Cyanide will be the death of Judy, she decides.
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>No new content, bit a bit more functionality :v
There is a chance that Weaver can continue another unfinished project after Roommates. PS is still relatively new.
Yeah, definitely a possibility.
Like I said, I just see so many people asking when Roommates ends that I figured I'd just make a post real fast.

Can you elaborate on what kind of harassment she received?
>That part of the contract about credit card usage and emails
What the hell chamois
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hey there /ztg/!
how's everyone doing tonight?
I hope it's a nice comfy day/night!
but that aside, IT'S TIME!
come in and VOTE!!!



I'm curious too, I missed this.
Rose was harassed in here? How?
Literally just the shit stirrer doing what the shit stirrer does. Celebrated by dropping more leaked soc pics.
As far as I saw, it was just one guy low effort shitposting any time she came around.
Even if she could handle it herself, its hard to participate in a thread when you know your presence indirectly drags the rest of the thread down.
Soc pics? What's that

That's sad. I wonder why she was targeted specifically.
I think shit stirrer just takes whatever target he can get at the moment. Did it for Comic, Reply, Weaver, Aggies, even tried to do it for Greentext Theater by spamming but got banned instantly.
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>some anon asked for Nick writing things on Jude's back at the beach
This is why we can't have nice things
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>I laughed

I love your ultra basic yet cute style. It's so damn adorable.
I would post more but my Internet is in the gutter right now, maybe later
sorry guys!
And the funny thing is I actually remember when she dropped off of 4chan several months back.

And I remember that, in the thread, what compelled her was a misinterpretation of a sarcastic, sassing post.

One of mine, I believe, actually.

And then you sort of just took the opportunity to take my own honest mistake and hounded her.

....And now, you're trying to imply that you've got pics of her.

So.... Can you just drop the act already?
>Two Wrestling AU options
Is one specifically for the heel?
Love your cute style, T. You're an awesome person to have hanging in the threads.
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I like this, but the whiskers on Proto-Nick just remind me of that Gay Bogo Cuck comic, and I can't give this the appreciation that it actually does deserve.
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Do you ever get halfway through a project and then realize you have no idea if anyone else will care about it?
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Every TT.
Goodnight y'all
I'm sure some people will. If not you learned a little more and that's more experience under your hat.
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Night bunner
Yes. But surprisingly I've still finished a number of the ones where I've gotten that feeling, and surprisingly they did fairly well.
Take chances, anon.

Yes :/ if I draw I get Yous but I haven't gotten acknowledgment with writing.
I've got a story or two where I looked back and went "christ I really coulda done that better" which is why I recoil a bit in surprise whenever I see someone saying they liked it.
Aw, thanks anon, that is so nice of you!
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Thank you, Anons! I'll continue writing my mini episode of Radiolab for next Greentext Theater!
I've been feeling that way about Kitsunegari for maybe the past 3 or 4 months, I think.

Just remember this:
Before anyone else, you started it for yourself because noone else did it for you.
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Hello morning crowd. Here's a new chapter of a Pack Street slice of life thing.


Point of View - Chapter 2

Remmy Cormo. He's had a long day at work, and all he wants is an ice cream. But he doesn't get ice cream. And that's terrible.
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>Bogo is in a relationship with Clawhauser
>He starts fucking Nick on the side, without Ben knowing about it.
>Discretion is promised between Nick & Bogo; Judy and Ben won't find out they're cheating douchebags
>Bogo randomly decides to start sketching Big Gay Nick on his whiteboard during daylight work hours in his office.
>Clawhauser comes in and sees Bogo acting suspicious as fuck.

>How does Clawhauser react?
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>Welp, either Ben knows that Bogo is fucking around and is being manipulative about it; or he's fucking clueless.

>I honestly don't know what's worse.
Or you know the artists keeps using the excusse that it was day dreaming but who knows at this point
It's just porn, why do they have to torture everyone with a "so-called plot" ?
It says "Next Morning", so the first 9 or so pages of them fucking did indeed happen.

But even if Bogo DIDN'T actually fuck Nick; then Bogo's still a douche for wanting to cheat.

>insert "King of Feels" meme here

I'm betting it's going to end in either a gay threesome of Ben-Bogo-Nick, or just Ben-Bogo, since this is just an excuse for gay.

But this is a fucking multiparter, where Chapter fucking 1 has an "epilogue", so I dunno what the fuck the writer is thinking.
He' just trying to live up to Adam Wan..
I mean, he's close, but just another good artist doing shit.
both bogo and nick since it's somewhat hinted that even he has feelings for Judy despite the version where they are not together. (because there was an earlier version where he outrights cheats on her too)

no amout if nice drawing will elevate this crap for me to call it "art"
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Today's Greentext Theater has been uploaded!

Come join Nera, Visiti and FanartIGuess for Greentext Theater, and RT_Pilon for Storytime!

Thanks to everyone for joining and submitting greentexts! For the next GTT, I'll be experimenting with an Q&A section!

The threads are super comfy <3

Mechanic, I'm so glad to see your wonderful art! And I hope you enjoy our company while you make it!

I can't wait to see how this turns out, buddy! Its very bold of you to be making something so grand!

T, your art makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. Its like if all the characters were marshmallow peeps!

All the answers you got are very inspiring! I hope it encourages you to keep going, buddy!

And with that,

Goodnight, magical and wonderful /ztp/ threads! I hope you all eat a bunch of marshmallow peeps sometime! They're yummy.
>Gay Bogo Cuck comic

That entire thing just spells trouble to me
Sleep tight bun bun, don't let the red fox catch ya!
Goodnight, Comic! I just finished a question to submit to next Greentext Theater! Where should we send them?
>haven't been to /ztg/ in months
>huh that op looks pretty promising, and I miss those guys
>gonna pop in and say hi I guess
Damn you, I've been trying so hard to avoid spoilers for Roommates. I shoulda known you guys would be discussing other shit Weaver's been doing.

Oh well, not that big of a deal I suppose. Anyways, what's up ztg? I miss you guys.
We missed you too.
There's been a ton of shit going on man, we have a goddamn podcast, new artists on the reg, TT is bigger than ever.
Oh I never really posted much. You might have me mistaken for someone else? Still though, holy shit it's so cool that these threads are still so vibrant. I thought for sure you guys would die away. So glad I was wrong here.
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Hy anon! I've only been here for a few months but I really enjoy it here. People are fun and mostly helpful, shitposters and trolls are easy to tell apart from normal people and I even got some of my requests drawn by some CCs.

I'm not very active but I'm certainly happy everyday that I did check in on the threads
Meant for this lovely anon.
Honestly, I don't see us dying any time soon. We've slowed down on discussion but my god we still pump out a shitton of content.
The biggest thing that makes me sad is Inky was stolen from us by TMNT. I loved SS...
Why does Nick look gay in this but isn't gay because its Judy?
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because he is stripteesing for her and that needs flamboyant poses which can send off a certain homo vibe I guess.
Who's the bun with Nick?
I need a picture of Percy, Hugh and Maxine eating turtle soup.
pretty sure its not nick (face fur pattern).

but boy the glasses gave me a mini heart attack, thought it was WildeViolet
If I remember correctly those are PointedFox' (the artist) and his girlfriend's sonas
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A kind femanon gave Sydney a voice! https://soundgasm.net/u/mommy/Femdom-stuff
This was hot
I wonder if Comic would do a lewd duo with another femanon if we made a script?
That's what I don't get. They made a image set that was hot, even if ded nick and b-baculum. Then they made a bad cuck comic of Judy and Nick that weakest point was the writing but it was killed off before it could start with the cuckshit and had only a glimpse of the bunny that Nick would plow/be plowed by. Then they figured out the best thing to do is go with comic with plot again?
Although VERY hot, she sounds far too small and, delicate.

But that's just me having work related injuries when it comes to VA work...
feeling hungry for more of that pack street dating sim
>TFW it's Martina
No homo but, I can't help notice how sexy Nick looks
I have to correct something Comicanon.
The text wasn't translated from German, if I said that accidantly then I want to apologize.
I'm glad that my story was enjoyed from everyone.
For me it was important not to write the casual "Zootopia in Human" Story
Not the Young Boy/Girl coming to Zootopia being friends with Judy
Not the Teen who saves Zootopia together with the ZPD
And especially not the Supersoldier/Special Agent etc. who has all the military knowledge and how to use weapons.

These are scenarios I saw really often in many fandoms.

I also didn't want to make the whole "Humans want ressources and are willing to make a war".
That's why they fought, scientists, solders fighting against each other.
I'm not sure if I wrote that clearly but it wasn't Soliders and Scientists fight against each other it was each other against each other.
There where scientists that fought against other scientists and etc.

My thank you goes of course to

Who read my greentext.
And I'm truly sorry for the confusing it caused with the "reading shedule."

I intend to make a OS (One Shot) out of the story on AO3.
>ComicAnon mentions a Q&A section of Greentext Theater
>Oh cool, I'll write something for that!

>3,100 words later, two questions a script for a mini-episode of Radiolab that justifies them.

Is there such a thing as being too detailed for ComicAnon?
Anyone read this fic: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12132975/1/The-Redemption-of-Nicholas-Wilde

It is one of those that turned Nick into a "super mammal" ( no, he doesn't get super power, just described as really OP ), but I have to give points to the many details this fic get done correctly while many fail to do so
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G'Day Habsburg, was good to see, hear your story on Greentext Theatre.
I hope you are planning to write more.
Sorry about the confusion, Comicanon had thought your work was one of mine.
I corrected your name to him as I got to read one of my stories at the end.
I now know I have a terrible voice, and I talk to fast.
Terrible voice?
Your voice is great and too fast you're not.
I'm planning to write more, I just hope time let me.
Right now I'm still listening to Greentext theatre, and I have to say I'm glad to hear that you like Orwell too (I read 1984, I still have to read Animal Farm, I saw once the movie.)
I was also a bit nervous...
Do you have an account on e621, or maybe on discord?
Your voice is great, especially since it sounds really calm, friendly and polite.
>Do you have an account on e621, or maybe on discord?
Oops, responded to my own thread..
Meant for you.
Unfortunatly no, I'm not much of a heh "talkative" person.
I get really nervous and shy.
But I finally got my AO3 Account:

So I hope that I find the time soon to write a fanfiction or a OS.
Not a problem.
Work at your own pace.
Will wait to see...
Thank you for your understanding.
Sometimes I wish I could really stop time and I could finish my stories.
Because, my time is unfortunatly wasted for other things, which I like to do, still I wish I had more time for writing that I have now.
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That is an illegal smooshing, somebody stop that cat!
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Insert your peg A into your bun's slot B
Is this the whole thing or is there more?
Continue inserting peg A into slot B until knot K gets stuck.
Wait and repeat.
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That's a big peg
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You know damn well I meant the picture, you snarky fuck.
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It was funny tough
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>tfw no remmy x betty art in this thread
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It's sad, but I think the boy needs to get at lest one night's sleep a week!
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I love this pic so much.
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Aint I a stinker...
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Do not insert anything into your fox's slot A.
>its hard to participate in a thread when you know your presence indirectly drags the rest of the thread down.
I know that feel.
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smug bun.png
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What if he wants you to?
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Then your fox is malfunctioning and should be returned immediately. Model S foxes shouldn't have the features Model G has. If you want features of both models, then I suggest investing in the more expensive B model.
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I fuckin love this pairing. Others don't but that's fine
Chin-chin is pleased by your prayers little bun.
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Betty's male pin-up magazine
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Is not for abuse
has nice black lips
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bit the head off a bat, and now needs counselling.
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req i guess
how about a sexy proto vixen Nick seducing the viewers?
Remmy taping some small broken liquor bottles to his hoof and a knife to the other before fighting Al.
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the grey.jpg
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like this
I do like your proto!jude
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A lonesome bun
three movies and a furry mess
it's cd with songs, not movies
The only mess in there is the three movies and Nick not being on the cover.
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even the creators thought otherwise.
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fox games.jpg
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I'm getting obsessed with Nick and his cute furry butt. Someone help me!
what zoot songs?
Help you into his cute furry butt?

only the shakira's one.

BTW. Is the bonus video, about the wilde times themepark, avaible on youtube? or was it deleted?
Help stop obsessing over Nick and his cute furry butt. Its driving me mad
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She's not thinking about Nick, his mother on the other hand...
Sorry anon, the only way to get over it is to get inside it. Feels like silk, smells like musk, sounds like yammering and cursing.
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Then I am cursed, I shall forever lust after that gorgeous backside without ever being able to physically feel it. Oh woe is me!
gaze deep into the abyss...
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Why must you torture me!
oh boy canon cuckabloo shit
when will aoimotion and rem start their own goldman case agaisnt disney
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check these prices
This is pretty good

And by good I mean feelsy
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oh for fuck's sake, ebay!
gay boy
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You mean Finnick?
Fuck's sake boys, there's no such thing as a gay fox! They're all straight and butch! Just because they all walk with girly swishes in their hips and love cock in their butts doesn't mean they're gay, figure it out.
i need more of these two, together.
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did someone say gay.png
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good post, anon
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You mean to say this fox isn't gay?
Nothing gay about that, it's just the best way for a manly fox to get the dick they need to live.
I need this but with Avo Al and Betty STAT
fox cum?
Pickle Niiiiiiick!
Not to mention he still has to, you know, actually write the new Pack Street. Or Tiger Oil or BSP, for that matter.
Not even that. Like that anon said, Pack Street is still relatively new and Weaver has other projects left unfinished (like Divequest for example). I agree that I wouldn't be surprised if he picked one of these after Roommates instead of PS
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Is derpy.me down for anyone else? I can't access the CC list in the OP
yeah its down i guess. no info on their facebook or twitter, but it hasnt been working for a few days.
heres a link tho
Yeah, it's been down for a few days.
Here's the link to the list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19heSY9BvV3t0qPa2XJa6q2n7ywyl1Yhckzc1Db-aGF4/edit
Hopefully it gets resolved soon. Thanks for the link!
Give me the biggest, gayest fox pic
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>biggest, gayest fox
I said fox anon.
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falling asleep on top of your lover with both your cum leaking out of each other's mouths is pretty gay, desu
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Hi everybody. Otters are good.

Also it's Monday morning and I may die.
Is this a photo of a print?
Thanks to otter-space, otters are the only ones who may be able to take more dick than foxes.
Thats a kangaroo.
Don't die, season 3 of Rick & Morty just started.
That's some funky annatomy going on there, but still some good art none the less.
What the fuck happened to Zistopia? The comic just kinda stopped updating. Been half a year, now.
If I remember right she says it's on infinite Hiatus and it will stay like this till she says so, that's what she said not me.
zis machine broke

Probably the same with Garbage Baby AU.
Hi Kam, nice otter, though not a very zootopian anatomy
>I may die
What? Why?
maybe you should tune it a bit? you could be on the wrong channel
Eight dials to choose from and he's not even checking the three empty sockets. Foxes are crap at radio.
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is Ozzy for sexual?
No, he's a pure boy who just wants to play his music, even if he used Remmy as a scrapgoat which ended in the ram bursting up with his emotions...still a pure boy.
of course, everyone on pack street is
Ozzy is for hugging
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>Ozzy's gone back to his guitar. I immediately recognize the song he's playing -- "Scent of a Woman".
>He notices me watching and grins. "This song's for you," he winks.
he is a slut!
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Oh jeez! My idea for TT is at the top! This is super exciting!

(everyone go vote for party plz)
it became too feelsy for its own good
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Really activates your almonds, huh?
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About to sign a lease on a new place and I'm stressing. It'll probably be fine.

Also I didn't expect so much resistance to a bit of digitigrade, was just playing around a bit. Although an otter is a bit of a weird choice I guess. Nice to know the standard zoot plantigrade is so appreciated though.

Anyways, time for work, I hope y'all have a good time.

I'd eat that
Stop posting Nick in soup. It makes me want to stroke his tiny cock
>Putting Nick in a Japanese dish
>Not putting him in Kitsune Udon

Fucking amateur hour, guys
I just want them to get together, fuck and have a cute hybrid kid. Is that so much to ask for?
remmy cormo more like remmy lameo lmao
... words hurt, anon...


Is that the homeless fox or the homeless mouse?
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spicy burn there anon, lmaod myself on the floor laugjhing
How long do threads live before a new one needs to be made?
until page 10 or 250 images
"barely" means he still meets the minimum requirements.

Checkmate, atheists.
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Nick is more fox than him, so he gets overrided.
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Is High Cow around?
You do realize that's not how foxes work, right? It's not like Highlander where there can be only one.

And before someone runs with that idea as a quick joke to have Nick beheading Gideon, remember that the prize for being the last immortal in highlander was to not be immortal anymore, so the prize for being the last fox in zoolander(that was on purpose) would be to not be a fox anymore. Just think about that.
Thanks anon
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Guys I think it's banana day in Japan
>the prize for killing everyone is getting to die

What a stupid contest.
>You do realize that's not how foxes work, right? It's not like Highlander where there can be only one.
Name one other red fox in Zootopia.
Gideon was in Bunny Burrow so he was a safe distance but it is exactly like Highlander.
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Bunnys nibble them down to nubs. Not sexy
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Mrs wilde? His dad if hes still alive.
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Mrs. Wilde when Nick was a child. They were even in a scene together, albeit without Mrs. Wilde's face.
>albeit without Mrs. Wilde's face.
Cloven off with a broad sword.
Its fox culture.
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This is fox culture anon.
>"judy i want you to meet mom"
>nick stands next to a headless fox mannequin
>"come on dumb bunny, say hi!"
> he moves one of the mannequin's arms towards judy
>she doesn't know if he's joking or if she should run
Oh wow, I didn't know Nick was going to guest star on Mongrels!
Nick is basically a slightly more butch Nelson
gay yeens
Upcoming "Goroawase" (Number pun) Days in Japan:

Banana Day
Flower Day
Nose Day

>Tomorrow (8/8)
Abacus Day
Beard Day
Roof Tile Day
Contradiction Day
Papaya Day
Laughter Day

>August 9th
Acupuncture and Moxibustion Day

>August 10th
Heart Health Day
Hat Day
Home Day

Judy: "It's 'cuz it's banana day
They were selling them at St(***)k's" (TN: I think it's implying "Starbuck's")

Nick: "Heh-- that so--"
Nick (thought): "So this girl is 'this' kind of bottomless" (TN: "とこ" can be interpreted a ton of ways, so I honestly could be wrong)
Nick (thought): "Is she trying to tempt me?"
Nick (thought): "She's 24? 25?"
sometimes i forget avo exists
sometimes i forget pack street exists
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sometimes I forget packstreet exists.
sometimes i forget happiness exists
Sometimes I forget.
sometimes i dream about cheese
on a sandwich
i die in all of my dreams
sometimes I can't stop focusing on my own breating and get paranoid about it that I might stop it if I don't do it manually
By a bun in a headset
What's an easier way to get into green texts? I just have a hard time really engrossing myself in them.
Just start writing
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do betabots dream of electric sheep
Electric sheep are far more likely to beep beep
I meant reading them.
haha wouldnt it be funny if ozzy was so high on meds he peed himself haha that would be hilarious
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bunana 2.gif
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Alright then, let's have a banana.
I mean they're just baby fics. If whatever the threads talking about isn't inspriing you, probably gonna wanna avoid the greens that are being written. If it's your fetish or written by somebody you like read it
Korean's not my thing, but I am fluent in Google Translate

Judy: "Nick! You're not gonna swim?"
Nick: "Y... Yeah..."
"Will you get off me now?"
Thanks translation bear. You open doors to other worlds
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Guess this is for flower day then
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warm, fuzzy fox butt
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"That's what I love about these Edo girls man, I keep getting older and they stay the same age, aheh heh heh heh."
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I want to grind on Al's sweaty wolf dick
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This was great arigato senpai
very feels-y
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can someone grill me a cheese?
i want to tickle Ozzy
Judy must be a heavy sleeper if she dosen't notice how she's pulled up in the air.
i want to tickle Ozzy sexually
That's my issue I almost never read fics, but I love the art.
Nose Day

Judy gets attacked by a nighthowler'd pred and goes missing, and Nick is the one that tells Violet she's dead.
>"No way."
>"Violet, I know this is hard to process, but-"
>"Listen to me. When we were kids we went ice skating and she fell through. She was trapped under the ice for six hours. When they finally pulled her out, not only was she alive, she was pregnant. Show me a body."
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pun days...
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Would you rather fight 3 Judy-sized Nicks, or 1 Nick-sized Judy?
Cotton was there, too.
getting piled on by a bunch of foxlets sounds hot
Did you SEE what Judy did to that Rhino?
Three Judy-sized Nicks ANY day!
3 judy-sized nicks could take on 3 rhino-sized rhinos
but 1 nick-sized judy could takes on 3 rhino-sized rhinos, and a 3 rhino-sized rhino
Good night /ztg/ I'm off to bed.
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Night bunnah
Fics take too long, fuck em
>Normal day
>Judy's cute, Nick's cool I guess

>No fap for a week while on vacation
I mean, technically that's Cotton's origin story.
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Stop posting things happy together
whos the father, though? stu?

did he want to hide evidence and make it seem like an accident?
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If this was expanded, I'd be on board
Her father was The One Under The Ice. Judy had five brother-buddies though, so the truth is anyone's guess.

Cotton's boyfriend, Koslov, makes sure no one asks too loudly, though.
I forget how the rest of the bit went, so just pretend Judy is Griff's sister.
who griff
this please, this could be expanded into a pretty powerful fic. some serious feels could be explored
This is literally a joke from Red Vs Blue
whats a brother buddy?
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>Red Vs Blue
could still be a pretty feels-y fic, though.
It's like a fuck buddy, but a brother. Something bunnies do since there's so many of them.
Which mammal would naturally be the gayest?
Fox, no question.
Fruit bat
Dolphins. Barring that, equines.
Never anon. It's finally time for us all to die.
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Thank god for that. I want to get off this ride.

Oh God, every time. But I just have to look at it as something that I'm doing to improve my skills at writing/time management, and keep soldiering on.
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I never hee-haw'd for this.jpg
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>he never enjoyed red vs blue
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I dont... it takes a toll on my produtivity. But these threads help me cope with a lot of stuff
New Thread

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Hey anon, been a little busy today. Watcha need
Didn't it get real shitty once they started introducing a plot? Except for maybe the fight scenes
He needs to extend his antennae.
Thread posts: 364
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