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/ERP/ Thread Suggestive Clothing Edition Precum >>10676090

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 418
Thread images: 196

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/ERP/ Thread

Suggestive Clothing Edition

Precum >>10676090
Is Samus for /ss/?
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Something the matter, anon~?
More like THICC edition, am I right?
That's fine too
>tfw you hate the 10 inch anon but then you start to like the 10 inch anonposting
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I feel like I'm starting to go out of a job, here.
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New card thanks dmg.jpg
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N-no...I just feel warm all of a sudden.
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Panty Anarchy (2).png
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(That's pretty big, anon.)
(Rip Anon.)
(I guess do, but Rosalina is more into it.)
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Rosalina (112).jpg
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It is when you consider your entire body a cock...
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>Add an ava to continue a session at a later time or to plan for a future session
>It never happens and it's been too long since the session/planning that you feel like it'd be weird or pointless to try and bring it up again
>Never message them again
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Rosalina (125).jpg
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(How does one lewd a ten inch anon?)
>tiny anon sneaks inside rosalinas nipple bra
(You mind if I hit you up on discord sometime when I'm not about to pass out?)
If Rosalina is into it then it's fine by me. You have any idea of how to start it?
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>faggot keeps trying to interact with my character on his totally not a clone with a different paintjob characters where he acts exactly the same
>add some random person that asked for your discord
> never message them because you're autistic and stupid about things
>still have them added but neither of you have messaged each other over the weeks of being 'friends'
(It's real simple. Shove said anon in your pussy and feel him turn into a human vibrator)
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Which Draph do you want to see played the most?
Would you rather interact with a 10 inch anon instead??
Summer Danua
>Head scissoring
Stop making me want to stay up late
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>Have one of the hottest sessions nearly a year ago
>Too much of a social anxiety ridden dude to even hit them up half the time, and when I do, they're busy
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Rosalina (102).jpg
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>Anon gets crushed by big soft boobs
(N-not really, Anon. Sorry.)
(That sounds dangerously close to unbirthing, and I don't like the sound of it.)
Whoever has the most art / biggest titties.
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Would this person be Luffy?
n, outside of thread activity
yall thirsty for thread drama
(Though I could probably slip right in between your breasts nicely!)
But anon, he's one of the five people who does that kinda thing. I was just wondering if all, jeez.
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Where are the lolis?
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More like exhibitionism edition. This is my kind of edition.
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Where are soon-to-be prisoners?
Stob bullying
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Right here!
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These are peak loli hours Kuroto
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Don't pee in the pool, anon, or is it something else~?

>Cute sub
Stop making me want to stay up late
>mfw want to ERP as the merchant from RE4, but a female version wearing nothing but her robe
>"Got some RARE things on sale, stranger~!"
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(You're the best. Check you later.)
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Let's hope so, you shitty game character.
This doujinshi really hit some good spots.
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(That's cute, but it doesn't work too well for pure lewd. Sorry anon.)
(Bianca is a total Qt.)
(No problem!)
I will retract my bullying only when justice is delivered swiftly upon that wicked masked man. Until then, expect me to continue bullying him.
Unless it involves cocks, bullying is wrong.
(Don't worry too much, Rosalina. There's other avas out there who have already had some fun with this 10 inch pleasure machine!)
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B-But I am Justice...
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Rosalina (57).png
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(Alright then anon. Have fun on your tiny Pikmin-eske adventures.)
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We're teammates again now, Kuroto you don't have to be so rude!
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I bet yours is microscopic...nay, I would say it is zeptoscopic. It must truly be so small, that you wouldn't make an impact upon any woman's areloae.

But you are a disgrace upon Justice.
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>That picture
>Link calling someone a fag.
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Rosalina (59).png
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(I do want to do the lewd with Midna at some point, though, I'm a bit of a faggot that prefers Princess Midna. Shortstacks don't really do anything for me.)
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That idiot Kiriya is my "teammate" too, but HE didn't KILL me! Just be glad you're essential to the team.
Your words pierce my heart, like the sharpest of blades, Rachel-san.
>Princess Midna
This sounds like heaven.
Would do...I think.
I like the image in my head anyway.
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Rosalina (96).jpg
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(Princess Midna is severely underrated IMO. Of course, she's still got to have the snarky, teasing attitude of Imp Minda, bonus points if it turns her into more of an Ara Ara type.)
Similar feel.
>Have one of the best sessions I've ever had
>Lose motivation to attempt to play with them again in some weird worry of ruining that 'perfect' image.
>Don't even come as much as I use to as a result.
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Good evening everyone. Anyone need a hired hand?
Working with your rivals can be so exciting!
As an aside I've been meaning to ask, you got a discord? I need more people to talk about justice bugs with.
You any good at tying nooses? Asking for a friend.
Pls Rosa stop inflicting boners. I think princess Midna's one of my fav Zelda ladies for sure. Yet I never see her.
Too bad there's only the original Merchant and no r63
>a 10 inch tall anon at her boot pleads for her hired hand to pick him up
The best r63s are the ones that never get realized, it feels like.
All a man needs is a damn good imagination.
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(It really sucks, anon.)
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What good adventurer wouldn't know how to tie rope together? Although, why?
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Yeah, it's Kazo#1023
The world just needs more porn, honestly. Only real solution.
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>The world just needs more good porn*
The More You Knowâ„¢
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(And knowing is half the battle! G. I. Joe!)
The real question now is: Who is best Princess?
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Rosalina (55).png
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(Rosalina, obviously.)
I wanna do more than poke that.
...okay it was just a meme, but that picture makes a strong argument, damn.
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>lewd clothing and clothing malfunctions
the absolute best
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Rosalina (91).jpg
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(What kinda "more", anon~?)
(Those charts are the best. Also Rosalina would make the perfect housewife.)
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That artist is a gift from god himself
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Oh, you know, just want to hang mys...socks. I desperately want to be able to hang my socks properly.
>a 10 inch tall anon sits quietly atop one of Carmelita's shoes.
Stupid bimbo sluts and manipulative chads.
That is without a doubt. I feel like she'd make her husband the happiest guy on earth. Can you imagine waking up to that every day: and by that, I mean any part of her really.
>there are a lot of people that hate Sundown's art
I just don't understand sometimes
Why do those thick as fuck thighs look so familiar...
Oh fuck, that's why. I knew I recognized my first furry crush.
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>CC's your bair and does 72% with one down smash
Not for everyone. But the way her draws pantie outlines and just big thicc asses.
You sound a bit jealous!
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Rosalina (85).jpg
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(I want to teach Tomoko the joys of the female body.)
(Of course! She'd be a perfect housewife! She'd love to take care of you, and she wouldn't hesitate to get down and dirty in the bed room~)
>Up-airs you into the upper atmosphere
Don't knock the Bimbo life till you try it.
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Yeah, suckin dick is fun as hell!
You're not even in this game
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>Implying she can try it when she looks like she hasn't bathed in weeks, and likely hasn't
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>Make Panty folder
>Next day
>Panty RPer

Why does this always happen
Tomoko, could you please kill me by swallowing my worthless 10 inch self?
That's Paul!â„¢
Fuck off Paul
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Hit me up high girlfriend!
This chick geeets it. Suckin' dick is great.

Nothing a shower can't fiiix, she'll just have to do it more often! Plus, there's a market for chicks like that...somewhere? Man I dunno.
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(I've been playing Panty for nearly two months, probably longer, I just don't typefuck in the threads often.)
I should really find an excuse to make Rosalina into an honest wife. I think she'd get use to waking someone up with a sloppy blowjob that ends up with her draining her needy husband's balls dry.
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Rosalina (5).png
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>Needing to make an excuse
>Implying she wouldn't happily be your housewife so long as you were a good man who didn't treat her badly
(Though she probably wouldn't have married you to begin with if you did.)
>Skarpne gives the Slutty Magician a big o'll high-five.
>With the echoing clap of their hands filling the air the mage turns on a heel, presenting her big, wiggly ass.
Now hit me down low!
Why would I be jealous of your degenerate lifestyle? Hmph.
How does one even "try" being a bimbo for a day?
You done building your folder?
>Skarpne rolls her arm back and gives DMGs ass a big o'll slap! the ring of her palm meeting the jiggly ass cheek seems to resound through the area!
Now thaaat's a nice ass! You really are made for sluttin'!

Pffft, oh that's easy. I mean you don't really got the body for it...bet I betcha we can find 'ya a creep who'd dig you.
Tomoko is cute!
'Cause it's better to be popular, than sitting on the sidelines like a loser, obviously!

It's really not hard to do, either, so even a girl like you could do it with enough work.
>With a jump and a giggle the magician gives her fat ass a little shake before clinging onto the fellow slut, her heavy chest pressing against the side of the ayy lmao.
Oh PLEASE. With a rack like that? You have me beat by a mile.
You make a good point, honestly. She seems like if you asked really politely she'd suck your cock until you couldn't cum anymore. Just that sweet.

Though, what sorta person WOULDN'T want her as a wife. She deserves loving embraces that turn into raw sweaty rated R content.
C'mon noooow. Everyone knows it's the ass that counts, I mean I like to think I got a good one too, but-
>The ayy lmao wraps an arm around the magical girls waist, letting it slowly trail down to her ass, which she proceeded to give a big o'll squeeze.
-It's not as good as this! Althoough, I guess my tits are pretty great, aren't they? They're fantastic for titty fucks, like you wouldn't belieeeve!
>there's a 10 inch anon completely covered in mayo right now, standing in front of Skarpne
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Rosalina (103).jpg
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(Only weirdos wouldn't want to marry a sexy space goddess!)
Treat's gonna get aids from DMG rip
Mhm. I see you have wonderful tastes...mm...um.
Is it weird if I ask Rosalina for a kiss?
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I'm SOOOOO jelly. AND THAT HAIR? Two words. Rave. Slut.
>As Blue hair bimbo dug her hands into the blond bimbo's rear she pressed her chest into here's, all four tits rubbing and grinding all over each other as the mage casually spoke.
Can we like, switch bodies? Or have you fuck my ass, and I fuck your tits?
Yes Paul, you're salty your DMG trap didn't work. Cry about it somewhere else.
(I dunno how to respond to that.)

It's all natural, I swear! The blue's totally a nice color though isn't it?
>A toothy grin spread across the Turbo-sluts face as the two bimbos pressed their chests together...this of course, lead to Skarpne sneaking her other hand behind DMG to give her other cheek a big o'll squeeze.
Oh. My. Gosh! That'd be pretty awesome! I've always wanted to fuck my own tits! And I mean to have an ass like yours would be faaaantaaaastiiicccc!
>An anon minds his own business, silently hoping to get noticed
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Rosalina (99).jpg
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>Rosalina doesn't say a word as she simply moves up love to the Anon, wrapping her body around him. She kneels down a bit, leaning her head down as she placed her lips right up against the Anon! She may have teased him a little with a bit of tongue action, before she parts lips.
There, you're welcome, anon~
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How does a censor fetish work in ERP?
Yo, YO, YOOOO This is the best idea ever!
>As their tits mashed together and the blue haired turbo slut toyed with the big wiggly rear of the mage she giggled happily, the golden tipped wand poking out from between her tits.
You knnnnnoooooow, Body swap magic IS a thing... Wanna try it out?
fuck off
>Someone notices him!
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swin batter batter.png
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>Jolyne watches from the distance, eating popcorn she probably stole.
Meh, it's better than nothin, I guess.
It doesn't. Go to NRT
Is this what being triggered feels like?
>He's a little taken aback when he got his answer so directly, but from the happy noise that comes out of him, and the speed with which he dissolves into her, he's practically putty immediately. He kisses her back sweetly, and in earnest(especially to meet the hint of tongue), before it's all so quickly over, and his warm lips break from her's.
Ah... T-Thank you. You're the best, Rosa.~
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I'm genuinely curious, please tell me how it works in ERP.
Waaait, for reeaeaalll?
>Her toothy grin seems to expand as she begins bouncing like an excitable child! She's always wanted to know what that kinda thing felt like!
I kinda sorta dooo! Sounds super fun actually!
>The anon doesn't notice that he's been noticed, since he's still minding his business
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Bully-Sama, you can do whatever you want to me~
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I'm glad you enjoyed it, anon! I think I'm going to head off now, as it's getting late. I'll see you soon~!
I'd watch Dark Magician Girl, Jolyne and Skarpne duke it out with their cunts.
Mm. Good night best princess.
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>Waves off the green haired girl as she molested the other wild hair girl.
SHHH. My dick isn't 3 feet long... yet..

>With no time to react the wand between her tits glowed and shined a bright, blinding light, whiting out both of their visions. When they came to they were met with the sight of themselves staring back at them. The Ayy lmao saw herself, bright blue hair, heavy chest and razor sharp teeth in all their glory. THe mage, turned alien opened her mouth to speak but the longer than normal tongue slipped out, spilling spit about over her chest.
Oh Woah, thisss felths so weild.
>This words slipped out of her mouth with a spittle at every word, still clearly getting used to her new mouth
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>No Panty
Well, just fuck me then, right?
(Alright, now I'm going to go, layers thread.)
(Should be back tomorrow if my drive doesn't disappear again!)
Nah, Panty's too-
>Realize that it's Skarpne, and Jolyne
yeah okay, touche. She can probably tough it out.
I hope I can get home early enough to fuck some Rosa. She's really a treasure.
>After said blinding light...Skarpne looked down at herself. Gone was the red mini jacket, and in it's place was instead...the same exact outfit that DMG was wearing, she looked up to see strands of blonde hair. She laughs to herself as she twirls some of the strands in her new pair of hands.
Whoa! This is seriously trippy!
>After a while she stared back at herself and grinned. Oh man, she really was hot!
Oh holy hot damn! I really am a bombshell!
Censor all of the lewd type fuck words with things like "[NOT FOR SMALL DICKS TO READ]" or "[REDACTED]".
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SCP foundation erp when?
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>(You cheeky cunt...)
>The magician was a bit.. distracted as she toyed with her new chest, she was used to having a heavy chest, but these bouncing beauties were something else. Bouncing the red covered breasts with a hand at a time she watched them jiggle in her tight little jacket that did nothing to hide them.
How. HOW. HOW did you hide all of this in here?
>She was asking, stunned that there was so much to toy with, and with that she was already clawing at them like a horny school boy, chewing at her lip as she molested her own, new body.
I know who you're such a slut now, this feels GREAT!
>no spoiler tags on /trash/
good luck
>(Hwhat did you expect?)
>The Ayy let a sly...not so toothy grin cross her face as she places a hand on her new wide as all hell hips. She was actually a little taken a back by it for a second...I mean she had pretty wide hips herself, but this was something else! She stumbles to the side a bit before managing to plant herself down on the ground, this time with the hand firmly against her new hips.
A lot of tucking, earth clothing is just so tiny, y'know? Here, how about I help you out there.
>Skarpne grips the zipper of her own jacket and quickly pulls it down, letting her own breasts bounce on out, so the magician who was taking up residence in her body could better play with her. They were a whole lot bigger once they were out, good lord.
Theeere 'ya go. There they are, fantastic aren't they?
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Ay candlenigga

haven't seen you in seven years, sup
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Glad you think it's acceptable, anon~

I've only gotten anthro stuff of her with and without dick at the moment, so I suppose technically not quite, buuut I have that stuff, for those that are interested in that sort of thing!

Not tonight, as I need to get some rest before work, but for the future!
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Anything, anon? That's a poor choice of words, you know~ I'll let you think on that while I sleep, nighty night~
line and dialogue vs short vs paragraph vs mimicking the partner and/or doing whatever you feel like writing
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>She let out a breathy sigh as she felt for the first time how her new tits felt out in the open, the warmth bellowing off of her from being stuffed in the stuffy little top,her pink nubs stiffening with ease as they hung in the open. A messy hand toying with them as soon as they're out. Such a strange sight seeing someone act completely different from how you'd expect. The REAL ayy would shake her tits with pride, but the mage wasn't used to the feeling, so as she rubbed the new sensitive breasts the pure lust and shock that was on her face was visible for anyone to see
HOLY FUCKING CHRIST. OKAY. Yeah yeah that feels good.. Okay fuck me. Fuck me now I can't stand this.
>Her legs quivered as her toothy smile was twisted into a horny little grin as she experienced a whole new level of sweet lust.
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Glad to see y'all up so early today! We've got a whole whack of applebucking left to do before harvest season ends, so I'm gonna need as much help as y'all can spare.
I mean... I was about to go to bed AM.
But... if you need some help, I wouldn't mind staying up a but longer.

Where do you need me?
Sure, I can help with some apple...
wait, what's applebucking?
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Caan dooo!
>With a confidant smile, she waves the wand around her own crotch, expecting a cock to spring forth from the blue robes that were barely covering anything...but nothing came. Her smile twitched as she shook the wand a couple more times. Soon enough she lets out a little grunt and brings the thing up to her face, a rather annoyed look staring back at the wand. She let out a low sigh before giving the magicians...well her own breasts a firm poke, while waving the wand around with a stupid look on her face.
Uhhh, quick question? How do I dick? I've seen you do it before...
I mimic my partner. I think it's the best way to go about things.
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>Not giving me your Skarpne folder
>Stealing her the day I was going to start mine
>Playing with DMG
I don't even remember why I hate you but you just piss me off by existing god damn
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Where the fuck are my (You)s at

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Well, there's plenty of work to be done out in the fields, plus we need some hands in the barn to make sure everything sorted and organized all proper-like. That's for if you wanna go and do somethin' a little more private, I suppose. Less starin' eyes if you're worried about people judging your applebucking talents.

Applebucking, silly! It's simple. All you've gotta go is kick the tree as hard as you can, at just the right spot, and then boom! Rainin' apples! All you've gotta do after that is pick 'em up and drop 'em off.
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>With one hand dove between her thighs and the other rubbing at her own, well, her friend's heavy breast she chewed at her lip, the sharper teeth already working the flesh extra hard before she squinted open an eye, seeing the problems she was having. Her hand left her breast but never her crotch as she was simply having too much fun stop, grasping the wand and pointing at the blonde's body. Soon a long, heavy limb poked out from between her legs, hanging low and heavym two heavy balls waved back and forth as they grew, not only in size but in weight, and in sensitivity. With a sloppy toss she threw back her wand before jumping towards a bed, planting herself on it with a light pomf, her legs spread open, her needy cunt dripping with excitement, and her new wild tits bobbing about as she landed.
Come on! Hurry up! I need dick!
Well, if you make it sound that easy, sure I'll do some applebucking. So where is this tree?
Oooh, I see, I do feel silly now. That sounds pretty easy to me-I'd love to help you out, but...well. I don't wanna be rude, but do I get a reward for helpin' you out in your time of need?
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Oh my madam! How uncouth you are being right now, please. Take the time to fold up your articles of clothing and resume your love making from there.
>Butler Wilson abruptly said from the corner of the room with a voice like fine wine to the wee slut. This man, even in the chaotic environment has they were about to share each other in unbridled sex, held a shred of dignity to refrain from looking down at her utters. And pointed towards the clothing strewn about opposite of the sallow. With contempt expressed in his movements and complexion. A with held disgust from her as best as Wilson could afford for such a "lady" as herself.

Hey, Paul.
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>Skarpne was a little lost...but before long that feeling of lostness was quickly replaced by the feeling of shock now that a thick slab of meat was hanging between her thighs, along with two almost tennis ball sized balls. The thing was massive, and good lord was floppy...but as soon as she got a look at her own body sprawled out on the bed, her cock grew six sizes! the thing just sprung up, and Skarpne sprung ON DMG, instantly climbing up over her and pressing her massive slab of meat up against her own cunt. It was a weird feeling to say the least, but Skarpne found it invigorating! As egotistical as this sounds she always wanted to fuck herself, she though it'd be fun or something. As if she was basking in it, she grabbed a handful of her own tiddy and squeezed, oh those were soft...at this point a dopey smile was plastered on her face.
Ohoohohoo! Man my tits are super soooffftt!
Well I'm not to worried about what other people's judgements are in regards to my ability to kick the shit out of a tree.

But I think I'll do the barn if you don't mind. Plus something about the atmosphere of the barn makes me feel comfortable.

Want me to just stock everything away?
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Tree? Oh, no, sugarcube. It's a lot more than just one tree. We've got acres of 'em! After all, applebucking is what we make our living off of!
>With a broad flourish, the farmer girl shows off the sweeping landscape of the farm, hilly vistas adorned with thousands upon thousands of trees. They go as far out as the eye can see, and likely even a little more past that. Some of the closest trees have already been picked, leaving the ones on the furthest reaches of the property to be dealt with.
It ain't that tough! All you gotta do is clear out, say, two or three hundred by dinnertime. Shouldn't be too hard for a beginner!

I like your gumption, sugarcube! But, er, I don't really have a whole lot to offer to you. See, Sweet Apple Acres doesn't exactly make a lot of money until we sell off all of our products, so we don't have much by way of possessions or anything. It all gets invested back into more land. I...I dunno exactly how I'd reward you other than somethin' like a good home-cooked meal and free boarding for a night or two.
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That sounds great! All you gotta do is make sure to count the apples, put 'em in a basket for shipping, and then set 'em aside. Oh, and you've gotta mark down how many you've gone through on the little chart we've got hangin' up on the wall in there. Granny Smith doesn't much like computer-y stuff, so everything's done by hand. I'll make sure to check in on you to see how you're holdin' up!
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(Anyone up to typefuck a tentacle monster? I've got all flavors of tentacle - plants, standard demons/monsters, and even fleshy alien vorebeasts.)
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>Her body quivered and squirmed like a horny little school girl, her thinner legs than usual easily wrapping around the wide hips and plump rear of her former body, pulling her in. Her hands kicked off of her new breasts she groaned in disappointment before reaching down, aiming that fat cock towards the sweet sex that was dripping and needy, awaiting a cock to ravage her new, sensitive body.
Oh don't keep me waiting please! Give me every inch of that magical cock!
Please elaborate.
Oh, no no, you don't need to worry your pretty little head, AJ, I don't want any money for my hard work, or time. Nah, you see...I want something else from you-somethin' a lot easier to give, and won't cost you anything but a little time! And hell, you'll even get something outta it too, if you're willing.
>He smiles, and goes to cross his arms, as he makes the offer as if it's quite the fair deal.
A bit of time alone with your big, juicy ass is all I'm asking. Let me bury myself balls deep in your pussy or ass, and I couldn't be a happier man to help you out all you like. Watchin' you work out in the fields always gets me really riled up, anyway, so this'll help me focus too...And also...well, you see, that kinda work leaves a man frustrated and tired, so I'd rather take my reward first before we start. I hope you understand...
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(I can RP as all sorts of tentacle monsters. I could play an alien lifeform seeking to breed, a lust-driven demon, a spirit of nature taking revenge, etc. I'm just looking for a partner.)
Count the apples, place them into baskets, keep track how many apples are in each basket.
Got It!

Do you also want me to organize them by shape or color me breed?

What's ever easier for you guys in the long run.

Mind if I eat an apple as well while I'm working? I haven't eaten dinner and since it's already 5 in the morning, a full belly will help me sleep.
>His head follows her hand as she points out the acres upon acres of nothing but trees as far as the horizon. His eyes widen and his jaw drops as he almost regrets offering his help to the rancher girl. 300 trees before dinnertime? That seems like a job for 10 men. Let alone one lone newbie. Not even thinking about gathering them all up and dropping them off. He lets out a nervous laugh as single droplet of sweat forms on his forehead.
He...he.... Uhh, that seems like an awful lot for just me to do. H-How many do you do on average?
(How about one where you absorb someone into your ass? I'm not sure that's called vore. But I know some people who get off on it.)
Fuck off VoRenamon enabler.
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(Like, anal vore? I don't really have anything in my tentacle folders for anal vore.)
Who? That's a first.
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>And like that, another smile crossed her face! Soon enough the Ayy turned magician was pushing herself inwards! it quickly changed from prodding, the full on pushing; after a couple seconds of this she finally managed to push on through, and as soon as she did she let out a little squeak and hung her head down...ohmygod, was she always this tight? Is this what fucking herself feels like? She shudders as she tries to push that monster cock further into her own snatch, prying apart her former walls as she continues pushing her hips forward. Her face was washed with pleasure, her eyes looked like they were about to roll to the back of her head, and her mouth looked like it was fighting to keep itself closed, with the way she was biting down on her lip.
Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuuuuck! I-I feel fucking amazing! holy shiiiitttt! I-I gotta fuck myself more often...
(You know what, I thought you were someone else. I know someone who likes sessions like that and post in threads asking for similar things you did. Sure ill be your demon. Want to do this here or discord? I'm down for whatever.)
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(I think you're misinterpreting; I'm posting as the tentacle monster.)
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Wh--I, um...I don't exactly...
>She trails off, her face swiftly flushing as the realization of his proposal hits her, trying her best to come up with a decent way to turn him down. She'd have to be careful what she said. After all, she needed all of the help she could get. The farm wasn't going to be around for much longer if the harvest didn't get, well, harvested, and making him upset would be the quickest way to make him turn away and leave. How bad could it be? They'd be over and done with within the hour, and then he'd be inspired to buck twice as many trees. At least he'd asked for something tangible.
I...suppose that I could let you use my, um, rear. If that's what you really wanna do, I mean. It's, uh...I don't see why not.

Oh, all of those sound great! We've got a bunch of categories and stuff that you need to organize that're on the chart already, so you'll know exactly what you need to do. And I don't see much harm in letting you have one little apple. Just make sure you don't fall asleep on the job! Mac doesn't take too kindly to seeing people slack off.

It varies, I suppose. Plenty. I don't usually keep count, but it's probably...four or five hundred in a day? Sometimes if I wake up early enough and get a good breakfast in me, I can knock out a good couple dozen extra by sundown. But you should be just fine with three hundred, right? You look strong enough for it.
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>With a sharp inhale in she tries her best to tighten her insides, squeezing down as hard as she can and milking the invading futa cock. The massive slab of cock felt so different, so new on the other side, her eyes rolled back as she arched her head back, the blue bouncing about as she rolled her long tongue out, giggling like a mad woman as her insides are twisted to fit the slab of fuck meat.
Yesyesyesyes Fuck me!.. Er.. You.. FUCK.
>She couldn't think straight, clearly. A hand reached behind her and gripped the meaty ass of the magician, clawing at it greedily she dug sharp nails into the flesh as she took every inch of her cock like the whore she felt like.
Oh My gooooooodddd I NEVER WANNA SWITCH. Just fuck me! Fuck.
Just a generic monster then?
if I don't think it's bothering the partner I'll set their style as my minimum and longer stuff when I feel like playing to their fetishes or feel they enjoy it
(You know what, I did, sorry. I'm trying to fall asleep. But I'll still be your partner. I'm can't play female characters though. Can never get into the mind set. So if you want to milk dry a male or shota, I'll help out.)
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(Pretty much. I might make folders for specific tentacle monsters/characters if there's interest, but I've got enough in my folder that I can work a few different setups.)
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(Possibly - although I don't have many fitting images. I'd say if you're trying to fall asleep, though, you should just head off the thread and do that.)
Any chance to get a slime?
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(There certainly is. They have a rather high spawn rate, after all~)
(Playing a character, femanon, or male anon?)
Four or five hundred!? Well... I suppose I could give it my best shot but... I hope I don't disappoint if I fall short. I would hate to cause more work for you just because I couldn't keep up. But if you think I look like I could get it done then I'll give it my all. So I guess I should start then huh? Do I need anything like a bucket or a wagon? I'm still green so I'm not sure about the whole process.
Mhm! I'm glad to see you see it my way, AJ. It's not so much to ask for, right? And it's a compliment if anything. I don't want any money, or nothin-just a chance to play with your big, amazing ass, and thighs. Oh and trust me, if you do a great job, I'll be full of energy ready to help you clean every tree in that field out there!
>He grinned ear to ear now, either unaware of her visible uncomfortable response, or ignoring it for now. He broke the smile, though, to give her a more serious, and almost...lecherous set of eyes.
Mhm...so...you're gonna drop your pants, right? It'd be kinda a mess to get your clothes filthy before we even got started, don't you think? I'm sure a country girl like you has lots of experience with this sorta thing, anyway, so we can get right to the fun stuff!~
I won't. Got any coffee to keep this young stallion awake?
>he asked whole yawning.
>As he stretches his arms and closes his eyes, he said a very sloppy plea
I'll take anything that will keep me up...

I'll be in the barn getting to work, talk to you soon love.
>he head into the barn and turned on all the lights. Sure enough, it was a mess and the stacks of apples where in a pile.

Fuck this is gonna suck...
>saying to himself as he rolled his eyes. He walked over to the wall and picked up the clip board.
Not to hard. Basket A is for Golden apples. Basket B is big red ones. And basket C are for green sour apples. I got this.

>he said as he went to work, starting with making three different piles for All the apples. Sure this method would take longer, but he's be more organized and have a proper foundation.

>after placing each apple into its own group on the ground, he then started pro place all the golden apples into basket A. To which now had 157 apples.

Jesus that's a lot.
>Skarpne let out an audible moan of pleasure as she felt the magician tighten her...her own? Insides against the invading member. At this point she couldn't control herself! The ayy rolled her hips back...and slammed into her own cunt with as much force as she could muster! even bumping up against her cervix! But that of course isn't the end of it, soon enough she's doing the same thing over, and over, and over again! She was losing herself in the pleasure of fucking herself! is this what every guy felt? what a bunch of lucky fuckers! She shivered as she gripped her own thighs and pulled her closer, making sure to bottom the slut out as her cock reaches as far as it possibly could.
I-I'm doing it! Go-God good god! FUUUCK! Th-This is too good!
>She lowered herself against the titty monster, letting her breasts dangle down and lightly rest against her former pair...since they were bouncing all over the place, they kinda made the cover roll off, letting both of their breasts just kinda slap and flap together.
NE-NEITHER DO FUCKING IIII! Jesuuuusss Christ! This is too good! Toogoodtoogoodtoogoooooood!
I actually have a female character who has more than her fair share of tentacle scenes art. Problem is they're never related to the current scene for obvious reasons.

I should also point out that they're portrayed as futa by default, so hopefully that's not a turn off for you.
(I got some fight in me left. I can at least help get you aroused for the next anon to take you home.

I would also like to add that I love your idea in RP. Do you have discord by chance?)
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(Futa isn't a problem at all!)
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>Having her deepest parts slammed into again and again she shivered, her legs splitting out as far as they can to either side, giving every inch of her insides to the thick cocked mage mounting her, her right leg already kicking and twitching in excitement, awaiting a full force wash into her needy depths, without thinking she gripped either side of the blonde's head, pulling her close so that when her new long tongue whipped about and slurred her words it tickled her rosey cheeks.
Now fill me with that Mayo magic babe
>And with that she locked lips with her former self, slutty washing her lips with sloppy wet kisses, invading the plump lips with ease and mouth fucking her with the wiggling tongue, mastering it and flicking all over within her sensitive mouth, poking and proding, just like the cock that was exploring her insides, edging her on to blast her insides and fill her with seed.
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See, you're already thinkin' ahead. You're practically a natural at this. To answer your question, we Apples usually just use buckets. One tree fills up one bucket pretty good, so we don't really need to worry about much else. But for you, I suppose we could let you grab one of the wheelbarrows from the shed. Those buckets might get real heavy for a greenhorn, so that ought to help you even the score against them apple trees.

>Something about his praises seemed...forced. Artificial. Almost like he was trying to exploit her, to cheat her out of a deal and make away like a bandit after he'd gotten his fill. Still, she knew full well that she didn't really have the time or the willingness to take the risk of shutting him down. She'd have to do as he asked for a little while, just long enough for him to get off and then get to work. All part of the job, right?
I, uh...actually don't have a whole lot of experience. Everything I know about makin' love has come out of one of Twilight's books or Rarity's gossip, so I don't know entirely what I'm doin'.
>Obediently, she peels her tight jeans down past her rump, the already tight material looking as though it's about to explode from the heft of her ass pressing against it. It's a matter of moments before the gargantuan mounds of soft flesh are set free, their pale tone contrasting with the deeper tan along the rest of her skin. Slowly and unsteadily, she bends forward, placing the flats of her palms against the bran wall to steady herself.
I-It's like this, right? And then you, um...rut me like a stallion?
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>Applejack pokes her head into the barn, staring at the sleepy Anon as he works. He seems a bit sluggish. Definitely slower than he needs to be. As much as she hated whenever she had to whip a worker into shape, she didn't exactly have the time to be wasting.
Hey, sugarcube. Listen, I, um...I know you're kinda new to this, and that's okay, but you're goin' about as fast as molasses up a hill. Do you need a lil' pick-me-up, or somethin'? I could give you that coffee you were askin' about a little while ago, or something else if you've changed your mind. Anything that'll help get your engine runnin', is all.
I've always seen Dash as more of a lithe, DFC type, but big 'ol tiddies and thick thighs are always good

So what kind of scenes were you looking for, exactly? Full on rape or...?
Personally, I'm quite fond of the more consentacle type of stuff.
I really wish you would use a different artist, but oh well.
Never stop using that artist.
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(Consentacles are pretty nice. A couple scenes in mind are: Adventurer girl gets ambushed by wild slime, girl offers her body; desperate girl summons up a tentacle monster to please her; priestess seeks to commune with nature by inviting a spirit to "join" with her body. Any of those sound good?)
that IS dmg you stupid fuck
>She was close, and it was nice to see that DMG caught onto that. She was trying to hold back as best as she possibly could. She took in a deep breath as she kept up her pace, which was already nearing break-neck as she just kept slamming, and thumping into herself, loving each and every moment of this....oh god, she really did feel TOO good, is this what she was missing by being herself? Talk about totally insane. After a while she clenched her teeth and forced her hips forward! pushing her cock all the way up in there.
>And just like that, with a moan coming from her lips...the flood gates opened! letting what felt like a literal gallon of cum flood into her own insides as she gasped and sputtered for air! her hips trembled as some of the splooge shot on out, her balls almost looked like they were shrinking thanks to just how much cum was flying out! it was truly the cum shot of the ages.
Hmm, maybe maybe.

How about:
Alien monster from space is just trying to get laid but all these females won't stop screaming and being obnoxious, until he stumbles into a particularly open-minded and level-headed specimen... Who also happens to be shamelessly lewd, too.
>Even as he kept the treacherous look in his eye, he seemed all to eager to get started already. If he WAS a hard worker like he claimed, he'd definitely make it known once he was satisfied.
Eh? Really? I figured for sure you, and some lucky farm hand had at least...
>He sort of trailed off-both because he was speaking his thoughts, but mostly because he was witnessing something beautiful, as her amazing ass came into full view, and she could hear him suck in a small breath of air.
>He breathed with a similarly lecherous huff under his breath, as he reached down, and took hold of both plump cheeks of her now exposed backside and gave them a healthy squeeze like he was inspecting a pair of melons to see how ripe they were.
Really, no one's gotten to...
>He mumbled again now, grinning a little at her question, and giving a small slap to her jiggly backside-if just to watch the waves. It wasn't long before she heard his belt unbuckling.
Sounds like a damn good idea to me, AJ. I'm already raring to go...
>He growled under his breath like a pig in heat, as his exposed erection finally made contact with the welcoming crevice of her amazing ass-and he thrust up against AJ, forcing her against the wall a little, as he nestled against her, and got...comfortable-that twitching erection throbbing as it swelled to full size-using her valley to squeeze the life out of his girthy cock.
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(Sounds good to me. You want to start, or should I?)
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>When your partner suddenly disappears right when the session is starting to get good and they never say why so you're sitting there wondering if they didn't like you or something legitimately urgent happened so you have this weird feeling of both frustration and worry
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>Feeling her insides be quickly filled with warm, wet sloshing cum she tightened up, her arms wrapping around the body of the magician and clinging onto her as she felt wave after salty thick wave fill her, panting and moaning she simply couldn't come down from the cock high. Her legs kicked and spased out as she came from the overwhelming about of cum flowing into her, going quiet as she breathed heavily, looking skyward as if she was about to pass out.
I miss _____
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Whoa holy shit...
>And with that, Skarpne bonked her head against her former head, letting out a long sigh as she rests her cheek up against hers...they were still connected, hell there was even a little pool of cum forming under them as they laid there in the after glow of their ever so lewd mashing of body parts.
I think...It's time to call it a night, Jesus...
(Aaand scene.)
Having sessions
SNK's Aya
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(I'm getting some mixed signals here.)

Can you, um...can you just hurry it along, please. I don't mean to sound rude, but there's still plenty of apples that need buckin' today. We ain't got a lot of time before the sun goes down, is all.
>Her words came quickly, albeit stumbled, her own drawl slightly masking the nervous tone of her voice. It was equal parts a ploy and the truth, the nervous woman trying her best to make sure there was time left in the day while ensuring that he wouldn't toy with her for too long. This was already strange enough without him trying his best to draw out their encounter, her heavy breaths being the only other indicator of her shot nerves. Add to that the fact that she wasn't even sure if he'd stick around after the fact, and she felt like she was justified in her worry.
B-But that ain't exactly a concern right now, I suppose. C'mon, I'm sure my rump is one of the best in Ponyville!
>Boasting helped to boost her confidence a little, even if she felt strange doing it. Still, she had to properly entice him. She wiggled her hips, the heavy ass surrounding his cock rubbing the length with every pleasurable inch of motion, paradoxically both fatty and muscular in the most perfect of ratios. Any solid smack would be sure to send it wobbling, but a proper tensing of her muscles would be sure to make it as solid as stone.

(Nine times out of ten it's usually just somebody falling asleep between replies. It happens.)
(That would be a little lame to ask you to write an opener for the scenario I suggested, I think. So I'll go ahead if you don't mind.)

>It was late at night, so late in fact, that calling it early would have been more accurate. A certain bunny had just finished another successful shift at the exotic strip club she was well known at, and now it was time to head home. As usual, Sponty's so-called casual wear was barely any different than her show getup, and she shamelessly pranced around in it on a daily basis with what seemed like not a single care in the world. As she made her way back home, it seemed today was going to be no different.
>That is, until something rather peculiar happened...
What's ERP listening to?
>The response AJ gets to her urging him to hurry is merely a simplistic, wanting grunt, as he began to piston his hips back and forth, hurriedly burying his fat cock between that meaty valley, the stiff root of which would constantly be sliding and grinding against her ass with each push of his hips.
Yeah, yeah...huff. Gonna hurry and all that.
>He'd only respond later, only after the 'silence' of her mountainous rear clapping against his groin began to dull his mind. His fingers were sinking into her heavy fleshy backside, and occasionally, he was brazen enough to bring his palm against her skin with a louder, more determined 'slap' of approval.
Ngh, you're telling me, AJ...god I love this amazing, plump ass of yours. I can't get enough of it! In fact...
>He gave a more eager grunt, as he leaned backwards-pushing his aching manhood further into this thick valley, watching her squeeze his shape naturally, as he spread AJ's ass with his hands, chewing at his lip as he did it.
As much as I love this way...you want me to hurry, yeah? If I stuck it inside, I'd cum ten times as fast, you know. And we could go ahead and get to work...You don't mind, do ya?For the 'best ass in Ponyville', I'm sure you can handle one cock...
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>Coiling from behind a tree, a slithery, slimy mass of tendrils emerged to see the stripper. Twisting in what appeared to be an inquisitive manner, it approached her, its core vibrating slowly. Gradually, the vibrations took on the timbre of human voice, albeit in a way that sounds distinctly separate from any language. The tones converged into the familiar patterns of English, and eventually into sentences.
Finally got this damned translator to work. Ah, yes. Er-hrm. Greetings, earthlings! I've come to breed with you and t- aw, fuck it. My gurgling and writhing form scared everyone else off. You're probably going to run away, too, right?
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Past three songs:
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>Alice Cooper is such a good musician.
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I'm sure I can handle it. Unless you're too big or somethin' like that, I mean. I have a few toys that I've used a couple of times when I've been playing with myself, and...
>She trails off, suddenly aware that she's shared far too much of her personal life with the stranger. He hadn't told her much of anything about himself, only that he was in love with her ass as he continued to pump between her juicy cheeks, each stroke causing his cock to pulse pleasantly in the crevasse between Applejack's gargantuan rear.
I-I don't mind if you finish fast, or nothin'. I ain't usually too good at lasting long myself, either, so it wouldn't be anything I'd care about. Just so long as you're happy, I mean!
>She wiggled slightly as she spoke, trying her best to push back against the hotdogging cock, to entice him to actually claim her ass. He wasn't wrong about her wanting to get on with it, but it didn't have nearly as much to do with the need to start applebucking as he'd thought. Truthfully, AJ's entrance was already leaking like a faucet; she would have soaked straight through her panties if she'd still been wearing them. Something about being taken by the stranger felt so strange, but so right at the same time. The anticipation was swiftly becoming a bit too much to bear.
C'mon, sir! I can't wait much longer!
>Sponty jumped slightly as the otherworldly mass of goop and appendages plopped in front of her. She froze in place, blinking at it several times, before giving a small, polite smile at it.
Oh, you're a tentacle monster! It's been a while since I've seen one of you guys.
>She listened patiently to his translator shenanigans, before stifling a small laugh and waving her hand in front of herself.
Don't worry, you don't need to explain anything. You've came to Earth for our lovely females, I get it. I can't blame you I suppose, we do have some pretty nice ones after all. Hehe.
>Leaning towards the gurgling mass, Sponty extended a single hand forward out of courtesy, expecting- or at the very least hoping- the alien to be familiar with the concept of handshakes.
I'm Sponty, by the way. And you?
Oh hoo...listen to you, I had no idea a farm girl was so naughty after all! Hehe.
>He gave her a teasing chuckle-still regularly 'slap'ing against her plump ass, as he watched his dick disappear in and out of her amazing ass cleavage, the weight of each blow audible in the back of his throat. suddenly, he'd squeeze a handful of Applejack's ass, and rear back with it.
I figured you might've fucked a farm hand, but if you tease yourself with big, fat toys, that's just as nice...you like working your naughty holes after a hard day, AJ? I reeeally meant to thank you for lettin me have this chance, you know...
>He gave a low, eager groan, as he he slowed down-making sure the base of that fat cock was rubbing right up against her tight, hidden ring, and only once he spread her cheeks nice and wide apart-and he started to push the crown of his prick downwards, so it'd make sweet contact with her pucker, and slowly begin to lay claim to it and push into her tight ring.
N-Ngh...god you're gonna make me blow bucket loads of cum, AJ...I hope you can take it.
>He gave a delighted hiss, as he suddenly-but finally-managed to break past her needy little barrier from before, and half-hilt himself inside of oddly both well toned, and yet fat ass. Every inch it slipped into her incredible heat made it throb insanely hard, and stretch her even wider to allow him to fit inside-all the while, slowly pushing himself deeper and deeper until he couldn't go any further and his balls were resting on her poor, needy cunt.
hello, i doubt you are around at the moment Fronk, but i wanna say sorry & godspeed. i hope everything's going well for ya & i'm sorry for being such a despondent fucker
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Well, my species doesn't name ourselves like normal, but since my whole purpose here is to fuck, I guess you could call me Dildo.
>It outstretched a coil of tendrils towards her hand, viscous slime dripping from it.
This is how earthlings greet one another, right? By shaking appendages together?
>Wrapping her hand up, the alien pulls her closer, resting some tendrils on her thighs.
Since you haven't run away, I take it you're interested in my proposal?
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>Applejack didn't even have time to respond to his teasing before he'd already pushed himself as far inside of her as he could go. A sharp gasp tore it's way from her throat before her breath hitched, leaving her silent for just a moment before exploding into a loud, lascivious moan. She'd gotten used to her toys - the shapes, the textures - but this was different entirely. The way it pulsed inside of her, the sheer heat that radiated off of it and coated her insides, feeling as though her ass was on fire in the most passionate and pleasurable sense of the word. Electricity crackled through her body, the farmgirl trembling slightly as she attempted to keep her footing on shaky legs. She couldn't bear to look over her shoulder, fearing that the sight of him entering her would be enough to make her lose her mind in a pleasurable haze, and pressed the top of her head against the wall as she balled her fists as tight as she could manage.
Ah, hell! That's...God, Anon, you could've at least spat on it!
>In spite of her best efforts, she couldn't even make herself sound angry. Her shaky tone and gasping breaths were enough of a sign of her pleasurable anguish, and it wouldn't be a smart idea to try and get worked up now. He was about to start bucking his hips, and she needed to relax a bit if she didn't want it to hurt.
Just...don't go too fast, okay, sir?
I kinda want to hit you up for something with a tentacle parasite abusing some boy's ass and prostate, but I'm kinda low on energy and don't think I have it in me to start type-fucking right now.
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>Sponty gladly shook the drippy tendril as if it were someone's hand, then giggled upon hearing the alien's name.
Dildo, huh? Short and to the point, I like it!
And yup, that is usually how they- Eep!
>The buxom bunny lets out a small yelp as the slimy mass pulls her up to it. More surprised than anything, she wobbles on her feet before resting her hands against the goopy mass for support.
Ah, you could say that I am, sure! Although, you should be aware that I'm not exactly like most other females you'd normally see around here...
>Without much more explanations than that, she simply stood in front of him, waiting for him to notice what was so different about her exactly. Not that it was hard to miss for most people, given what she was wearing.
>At the very least, her invader had the courtesy to hold his position, as he buried himself deep inside of Applejack, instead of immediately jumping to motion. To be perfectly honest-he couldn't at first. Her star squeezed his shaft with such need and strength, he found himself paralyzed by pleasure-had he moved, he may have blown everything right then and there, and he certainly didn't want that! Yet, that is.
>Jolts continued to follow him as he soaked in the radiating waves of pleasure, and heat, rolling off of AJ, up his member, and body. Her sweet, and finally lewd sounds drawing his attention all the more.
Ahh..hah...s-sorry, I was too excited. But...listen to you, AJ. You're moaning like you're in heat or something...how much do you play with your ass, anyway? You fit me like a glove-hell it feels like your ass was hungry to have a fat burly cock buried inside of it all along.
>He gave a soft bellow at that, chewing at his lip as he, finally, felt the pulsing waves begin to loosen up, at least a little, and would slowly pull himself back, out of her tight squeezing ring, yet keeping the fat crown buried inside. Then, after a moment of not moving-a thick glob of hot sticky saliva suddenly hit against that twitching star-and as soon as it did, he'd slowly push right back inside of AJ's ass-this time just a bit wetter than before-albeit far from what he should've done. Yet, this doesn't seem to stop him, as he takes hold of AJ by her hip and-steadily-begins to pound into her ass, slow, eager ruts begin to grow in strength, and before long, AJ has the stranger's chest pushed against her back, pinning her against the barn wall, as he railed her from behind, again and again-his heavy balls slapping against her unused cunt even harder than before.
Haa! Fuck, fuck. That's it, AJ. How's it feel to get rutted by me, huh? Do you like having your ass used this much?
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>Hard to spot, or easy to miss, not hard to miss, derp
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I haven't had the opportunity to "observe" any females yet, so I wouldn't know quite well. But I do know that this is important!
>The alien tears Sponty's panties off, exposing her body to the world - as if it wasn't already. Searching for any holes to probe, the alien coiled around her cock, teasing at its hole, while a larger tendril spread open her cunt - matched only by the tendril up her ass. The three alternate their motions slowly, as the tendrils around her arm coil up to her head.
So, a little embarrassing, I'm not sure what the hole you earthlings use for pleasure is. Feel free to give any of my tentacles a little rub - it helps get my juices flowing.
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I don't play with it that mu--haah!
>She cut herself off with another throaty, heated groan, her mind reeling as she tried and failed to collect herself. Applejack was starting to feel dizzy. Her knees buckled under her as her thighs trembled, her needy cunt drooling with arousal that trickled down her legs and spatters against his balls with every thrust. The wet, soft slapping sounds of their sex was a symphony, filling the air and being punctuated with little gasps and moans, each one their own chorus. Her heavy, muscular body, trained by years of farming, almost couldn't hold up against the onslaught, ready to collapse in on itself at any moment.
I-It's great! It's so good! i'm in love with your cock, sir!
>Her admission of her pleasure inspired something else inside of her; aside from the swelling arousal in the pit of her belly that screamed about how close she was, how ready she was to cum for him, there was another thought that crossed her mind. She wanted to feel even better, although the way his hips crashed against her meaty rump over and over, pumping inside of her trembling entrance was nothing to complain about. But she needed him to do something for her. Something that would throw her over the edge and make her cum until she fainted.
B-But I bet it'd feel so much better if you finished inside of me, right? If you just emptied those big, heavy balls right inside of my ass, and filled me up with all of that hot seed. Don't you wanna try and breed my ass, sir? Please? Do you want me to beg ya for it? Please, sir? Please!
>She hoped it would be enough. Unable to say anything more, she slowly let herself be swallowed up by her own pleasure, only able to let loose a loud, long stream of pleasured moans and curses with every labored bucking of her own powerful hips.
Well you see, females don't usually have this part right h-Gah!
>As the alien unceremoniously rips what little clothing she had in the middle of her sentence, Sponty is once again taken by surprise by the straightforwardness of the space being.
>She tenses up as she feels both of her holes and even the tip of cock assaulted simultaneously. She nearly chokes on her own saliva as she tries to respond to his question.
A-Aah~ A-All! All of them! O-Oh god~!
>Her mouth, wide open with her tongue lulling out, was incidentally yet another hole. Chances are, she also meant that one.
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>Sliding a tentacle down her cockhole, the three tentacles pumping her lower holes oozed a thin coat of blue slime - a lubricant that stimulates it's "victim"'s nerves. Noticing her open mouth, the space-beast took a tentacle large enough to stuff her maw and thrusted it down the back of her throat.
You seem to be enjoying yourself. Perhaps I should turn some of these tentacles into my own sexual organs. Which one would you prefer I do first? Just stroke it with your hand.
>The tendrils all buzz a little as he speaks this, in anticipation of her choice.
>Even if there was truth to her words, it was lost on the needy stranger who, by now, had really begun to crank up his increasing attempts to rail the fuck out of Applejack's inviting ass. It might seem like he was really rushing to blow everything he had for her sake-but really, he was following his instincts, which screamed at him to plow and sow AJ's plush ass again and again until his balls ached with overuse! Which, wasn't that far off, as each resoundingly satisfying wet smack of her cunt getting attention all came from those heavy meaty orbs each time he'd 'clap!' against her from behind. He had AJ by her wrists now, and was spreading her apart by instructing her how to properly present her ass to him, and immediately taking advantage as his meaty shaft carved his way into her again and again.
Haa...maybe you should, AJ...listen to that, you're an absolute mess...it's delicious. You're clamping down like a steel trap.
>He gave a soft teasing chuckle, as he watched his manhood disappear in and out of AJ's incredible buns-his meat stiff and eager to stretch her wide around his shape and size all over again, as he pushed himself as deep as he could go suddenly-and delivered a firm approving smack too her ass.
Ngh...yeah? You want a all my pent up seed to get blown inside of you, AJ? And here I thought you weren't a perv...mm. I can think of no better way to let out all those seething emotions, though. That's a good girl-ask me to rut you, pretty please. Tell me how bad you want to feel my seed churning inside your walls, huh? Comon AJ, you want my cum don't you?
>He started to encourage while at the same time increasing his deliberate thrusts, and making sure every time he was entirely enveloped in her walls, he'd get rougher with her-faster, pushing AJ harder against the wall as each rapacious ram grew in strength! In no time at all, she'd have what she wanted so badly-a sudden geyser of gooey seed showering the insides of her ass white with lust!
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Show me your dick.
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>As the largest tendril yet gets shoved down into her throat, she becomes effectively gagged and can only communicate via gestures as he indicated.
>She wasn't entirely sure what he meant, or perhaps it was the senseless assault taking her from every angle, but she began to stroke the first two appendages that had assaulted her, being the ones currently plugging her love canal and back entrance respectively. She didn't seem to particularly mind at that point, she was having a grand old time having every single one of her entrances plowed into with all of the lust and hunger of a sex-starved alien that had finally found a willing partner, and was no longer holding back.
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>Consentacles and urethra play
(Excellent work you two.)
>The anon does as told and takes off his bottom half of clothing in order to show his dick.
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I...I didn't want you to make me beg!
>In spite of her protests, she was clearly enjoying herself. The pleasures of his cock had made her devolve into a sweaty, moaning mass of muscles and plumpness, every fiber across her powerful arms and legs visibly straining from just trying to keep herself standing. As if trying to compliment the beads of steaming sweat rolling off of her body, her entrance was completely gushing at this point, having long since drenched her inner thighs with her sticky, fragrant juices. She swallowed, hard, and tried as best she could to form the stream of pleasure resting over her mind into some sort of tangible sentence.
I want you to cum inside of my ass, Anon! I want you to try and breed me like some stable mare! Please, just empty everything you've got into my tight little ass, please! I won't even make you work in the fields after this! Please, just cum inside of me! Give it all to me! Make me into your little brood bitch!
>And that was the last thing she could muster before pleasure overtook her brain once more, forcing her to do little more than abble about how good his cock felt as though she were in a fever dream, talking in her sleep about how fantastic it all was. She wasn't about to hold on for much longer. She wanted to, desperately, to try and cum at the same time as her lover, but she wasn't going to have a choice but to cum first if he kept holding out on her.
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I'm sure everyone has Saints Row 2 by now but if by some chance you don't, here. Got the new humble bundle and I have no need for this.

Not to be rude, ma'am, but it would appear you have the current President of the United States between your legs.
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>Quickly, the tips of the tendrils in her two most sensitive holes blossomed open, exposing stud-covered swollen glans, constantly spewing a cum-like substance inside her. The tendril inside her cock dug deeper, feeling around inside it to find where it was most sensitive. Inside her mouth, the stimulation serum secreted, as the shaft slid deeper down her throat. The four tendrils then started buzzing softly - continuously, now, as they alternated their thrusts to be fully asynchronous.
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H-huh, that's too big!
Pfft. Really? Is that it? I was expecting more, even from a maggot like you, Anon. Put your pants back on, no one wants to see your itty bitty clitty.
I sniped that pretty hard and now I feel bad, so, I bought the bundle and you guys can have them all.

5KMJW-99IYW-P09F0 - Risen 3

6CAJX-583LB-6A6XL - Deadlight

89F0Z-QCC4A-IN6E0 - Homefront

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I knew that'd strike a chord or two with you Owain, heh.

>Her entire body quivers as she feels the sudden bumps and shapes forming against her already strained wall, making her squeeze down even tighter around him in turn. The buzzing only helped by the powerful aphrodisiac was more than enough to send her eyes rolling back as she repeatedly moaned against the appendage in her mouth.
>Both of knees had gone weak and her legs stopped supporting her a while ago now, meaning he would need to use more of his appendages to simply hold her up.
>In a moment of pure, unapologetic lewdness, Sponty gave a shaky point towards her own torso. It seemed she had found yet two more ways he could use to mercilessly unleash his unrelenting lust on her: Her breasts.
>Indeed, the already rock-hard fleshy nubs crowning her two massive milk-makers were only begging to be given the same kind of treatment the rest of her was receiving.

(Read: Possible lactation, if you're into that. If not, that's okay too.)
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That Anon that was fucking AJ better not have bailed. I feel anxious FOR her.
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(I definitely am. And while I'm enjoying this, it's getting really late where I am. I think I'm going to head off for now - otherwise, I'd probably fall asleep between posts without warning. I'd love to pick back up again next time I see you on, though.)
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I just don't have the time to shave it, alright? You don't need to make fun of me!

(It's okay if he did. Things happen. Can't blame someone for falling asleep or having their power go out on them.)
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(Oh, fair enough. It -is- pretty late after all. What time would work best for you? Around evening, or...?)
Hey, it's not a bad thing. He's a nice president.
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(I don't know. It's different each day. I'll just let you know if I see you on again!)
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That ain't the point! I don't want anybody talking about anybody bein' between my legs!
You don't like the idea of having anyone between your legs?
(Alrighty then. Take care, and sleep well!)
I want my face between those legs T B H
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Now, I didn't say that. I just meant when people are talking about it, is all. That kinda stuff just needs to stay behind closed doors, you know?

And I especially don't want folks talking about any hair looking like any presidents, either!

I wouldn't wanna hurt you, Anon. It's easy to get lost in the heat of the moment and kinda...crush things.
As much as I'd rather not die, that wouldn't be a half bad way to go. Right behind being suffocated under that butt
So what you're saying is you do actually in fact like the idea of having someone between your legs. In what way? Joined at the groin, or head to crotch?
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(Don't get greedy. You still have to finish your session with Thalia, cutie.)

I-I don't wanna kill anybody! Even if they'd like it! /Especially/ if they'd like it! Ain't nobody gonna kill themselves with my butt!

Uh...I guess either is fine. I'm not a very picky gal. Whatever they'd like works for me! But that first one means people have to risk havin' babies and stuff, which, y'know, is kind of a problem.
What? A family gal like you being afraid of having babies? Color me surprised. I would've thought you'd be all about that good ol' wholesome time.
Well that works out nicely because I'd rather stay alive, especially in a situation where I'd be up so close to that glorious behind
Have a good day, ERP. Remember that you are all special people.
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(Gah! And I had this stage feeling it was you, too. Ehehe... Whoopsie.)
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Well, I wouldn't mind it someday. Bein' a housewife seems like it'd be nice. But I've still got the farm to worry about right now, and I know Mac and Granny Smith wouldn't be any use helpin' take care of a baby.

Phew, thank goodness. I was worried I was gonna have to talk you out of that. I wasn't sure what was goin' through your head for a bit there.

(Pfft. Don't worry about it. I'm sure there'll be plenty of apple booty left over for you by the time you finish serving the High Queen of the Elves.)
>Tosses you into a noodle soup
Obviously you have to be careful about when you have kids, and that's why birth control exists. A good condom is all you need to leave those worries behind. But, if your main concern with a good ruttin' is babies, I'm guessing you're a bareback fan. Am I right?

Soup. Thats a new one.
(Hah, I've got a feeling you're right about that! It's funny, I swear I like more than just butts, but gosh darn it, your characters don't seem to help that fact! Even using my favorite AJ artist.)
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Woody ava when?
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Are there people that don't like having sex without a condom on? It's just another thing that gets in the way. But I suppose it'd save me some money for kids in the long run, if I really had to use 'em.

(It's kinda surprising to me how polarizing Sundown is, but I love his art like nothing else. I'm willing to use other artists, but I've barely found any that can compare, in my opinion. But there's nothing wrong with being a butt fanatic. I have a lot of thicc characters on my card, so you can always do something involving boobs if you want to change things up.)
You like the feeling of nothing between you and a nice, hard dick, huh? Feeling it throbbing and pulsing as it slides right on in and stretches you snugly? My good girl, I do believe you are giving me the vapors.
Me on the bottom
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Ya got any of this guy's prostitute horses(human) in your folder or nah
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Y-You don't have to try and make it sound so debauched. But I'd rather be closer to the other person, you're right.

(You look like you're having a little trouble breathing.)

(Downloaded this just for you. I don't really like them. The outfits and makeup are a bit too much for my tastes.)
Oh, I bet. What's your favorite positions, I wonder? If you like being close, are you a missionary gal? Lock lips and tangle tongues while they drive themselves as deep as they can go? Or are you more for something a little more intimate, like riding their lap while they cradle your body against theirs? There are so many options.
(Yeah, there's certainly some mixed opinions regarding their art, but I love them. They draw Apple just how I like her. You've even post some I haven't seen before like that one, which also just became my new favorite. And that's very true, your roster is definitely on the more shapely side, so I do have choices. However, it's a good thing I recall ass worship to be one of your favorites, since that's mostly Erika's main fetish at this point.)
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Fair's fair, babe. Thanks for the picture.
>Dips Peridorito in salsa
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Oh? This isn't the thread I was looking for. Sorry for the disturbance, I'll see myself out now.
Hey, I saw you in your uniform. You're hot.
Pajama Ryuko is cute and I want to smooch her belly!
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I don't really know. They all sound kinda nice, when you put 'em like that. I suppose I'd have to experiment with all of 'em to find out which one I like best.

(I can't blame you. He puts so much emphasis on butts as a whole that I can't stop myself from loving his art. And you're right that buttstuff is easily my favorite category of kinks. But I'm more than okay if you ever wanna experiment with something else. It's nice that your character finally has a name, too! The Queen will finally have something to call out while she's riding Erika's face.)

(No problem.)
Seems like the more I talk to you about it, the less and less hesitant you sound. Threat of babies not scaring you as much?
But you were out looking for something. Why so sure you won't find it here?
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>does not enjoy this.
Post filenames
(God lord. That particular piece is new to me as well. But yeah, some may call those proportions ridiculous, but I pretty much find them to be the perfect figures. And the possibility of experimentation sounds like something to keep in mind, that is of course if you stop choosing characters with fantastic asses. But knowing you, that's unlikely to happen. Oh, and thanks! Hearing the High Queen herself call out her name... Surely, a throne could ask for no greater praise!)
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So now you see what my problem is! It'd be nice to try some of these out, and do it the way that I like, but it's just too risky. At least you never have to worry about stuff like that when you're just using a butt.

(Happy to keep introducing you to these. And I agree, I think the proportions are exaggerated just enough to be perfect for my tastes. In any case, just remember not to hesitate if you ever wanna ask for anything else. Trust me, I'm open to a whole lot of things. If nothing else, I'm certain Thalia will find a good spot for you in her court.)
But isn't the risk worth it? Not saying anal isn't great, we all know it is, but that's not where it feels just right, is it? Where you feel millions of years of biology firing off every positive signal at once as you entangle with each other and feel like one entity of lust and pleasure. Plus, self-lubricating. That's always a nice touch.
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So what is this thread about? Quickfire posting in the thread or taking it to places where long erps can be acted out?
(I'm surprised I've never seen these, considering it's pretty much my top fetish. And you're right, their exaggerated right to the point where it doesn't look comically impossible. Also, I really do appreciate the offer. I'm sure somewhere down the line I'll have something I'd like to try, so I'll remember to hit you up. And Erika must be doing her job well to receive such considerations from Thalia.
Neither. Endless drama and shitposting are the order of the day.
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How sad. I thought I might've been able to find a nice partner or two here.
Some people do quick form RP here, even less do long form. More stuff happens in discords but it's filled with either F list levels of cancer via Midna or /b/ and /v/ shitposters
What you looking for?
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No! No way! I'm sorry, but it ain't worth risking something that'd really mess up my life. I'm happy just as I am right now. There's plenty of time to do that later. So long as I don't get caught up in the heat of the moment, I mean.

(That's all from that set, unfortunately. But yeah, I'd be more than happy to try something out of your usual comfort zone sometime. You're a good enough writer that I'm confident that you'll do just fine. But that's kinda getting ahead of myself. We still need to finish that Thalia session at some point!)
As what character?
>doesn't look comically impossible
what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Every time we wake up, we risk messing up our lives. Crossing the street, we risk getting hit by some runaway car. Eating an egg, we risk catching some strange parasite that no one expected. Walking out into the world, everything is a risk. All I'm saying is that you're missing out on what could be an incredible experience, something that you enjoy immensely, for the very low risk of pregnancy. I've never failed to pull out in time, and I've had no bastard children fathered. But I have had some incredible sex.

Indulge yourself, Applejack. I know you want to.
(No worries, I'm a big fan of that pic too. And once again you flatter with your compliments. But you're right! We most definitely need to continue that session in the near future. I actually wrote up a reply a little while back, back been reluctant to post it until I was ready to continue. Plus, I think it was a bit messy, since I was trying to fit to much in one passage, so maybe I should revise it.)
I think it looks fucking ridiculous, imo.
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I understood about half of that. I've got no idea what Midna or /b/ or /v/ shitposters would be though, considering I've never seen ERP threads on /v/ really going anywhere.

I'm not sure, but if this place isn't really organized or whatever it's probably not worth figuring out. Never mind.
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That's, uh...that's a whole lot for me to think about. Geez. I didn't expect this to get so deep. I think I'm gonna have to sleep on this one.

(They're not unwarranted compliments. But take your time on revising/rewriting that reply. Split it into two posts, if you really need to! I've got no problems with waiting.)

(Mm, I can see why it'd be a problem for some people. I'm open to suggestions, if there's any artists you know of.)
You know what shitposters are like in /v/ and /b/ an that's what fills most discords. Midna is like that creepy F list dom that demands everyone constantly says how great they are and act really subby in the lobbies
Touch tail?
I feel strongly about the glory of vaginal sex. If you change your mind, and want to explore some of those possibilities I mentioned with someone who won't just pump and run. Give me a holler.
pet fluffy tail
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say you came from that Samus thread.
>human AppleJack player
>only uses disgusting art
Just depends on what you consider organized my dude. We try our best considering that we're on a website not exactly built for erp, but people often set-up and plan sessions a lot in the thread.
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Ah, I get what you mean about /b/ and /v/ shitposters now. I mean, some that I've spoken to outside of /v/ in the past have been perfectly fine people, but I'd imagine there's some absolute dickbaggers out there.

I don't care for people like Midna, they're just annoying and put me off doing this kind of thing. I get that some people may be into it, but I've never liked it.
>Peri being blacked
I really wanna play a blackanon and fuck waifus.
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>disgusting art
Subjectively you are right
But you're rude so shush. art-shaming is bad, anon.
(That's a fair opinion. We all do have differing tastes.)

(Well regerdless, it's kind of you to say such things. But yeah, I think I will look it over. Wouldn't want our continuation to be a sloppy one. I'll try to glance over it later. But anywho, that should probably be all from me for now. I'll take my leave, and hopefully catch you soon.)
The only people like them, like them alot and they got mod in one server and never looked back. The rest of the servers are just full of "ironic" shitposting most of the time. Thread is filled with more autistic and religious shitposting about certain subjects.
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Correct, now here's your prize.

I might lurk around and post at another time then, perhaps when the thread hasn't hit the bump limit and I'm a little more in the mindset. Maybe the little bits and pieces I read skipping around the thread didn't represent the overall thing very well.
Man, I hope ______ shows up...
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I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Y'all take care now!

(Certainly, sounds good to me. And I think I'll follow your lead and get going as well. Hopefully I'll hear from you again soon!)
Have a good'un, cowgirl.
Ishtar trying another fate girl
Sounds like a plan then. Hope you find what you're looking for, whatever it may be, and know that the thread varies greatly in quality sometimes. There's always some shitposters but it's 4chan, so it's sorta like a package deal you know?
go to NTR
if you want to play a blackanon just add Peridot on Discord, they won't turn you down. :^)
If you came from that Samus thread then you should keep an eye open, we have one or two Samus players, one was here last night
But NTR sucks
How's your morning going, /erp/?
I'm sure you'll find ten times more ERP and none of the shitposting there.
then again, Peridot is interested in BBC more than NTR, so your chances are still good
>ten times more ERP
Good joke
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I'm not looking for Samus specifically, I was just curious as to how this place was since it's the first I'd heard about it.

Samus is a bonus though. She's always a bonus.

Yawn...pretty dull.
>Entire thread was waifuposting, shitposting, and off-topic in general
>Get banned for saying I wanted Samus to crush my balls before the thread got deleted
Mods a shit
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any stragglers from the samus thread?
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I'm surprised there's a few of us that came from there. Hello!


She still intimidates me, though.
I was already here the whole time.
Not you Boco
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>(If there's anyone remaining from last night that wanted to play with my Switch, go ahead and ask and we can continue! Otherwise, I'm feeling like fairy-sized Ribbon right now. Micro-cuties.
Still awake AJ?
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>DM both DnD and ERP for like a decade
>Get really good at it
>Land all kinds of awesome ERP cause of it

>Years pass
>Feeling the burnout
>No one else willing to DM or who has faith in their ability of it
>Look at F-list and just space out entirely
>Filling out a male profile asking for it is like standing in a crowd of 10,000 people waving and hoping to get noticed

Long shot, anyone here love DM'ing but also likes playing girls in a setting? Want straight scenes but DM's sex wont matter.

I can play any setting type.
Usually Dom but switch is ok.
Prefer playing rapey manbeasts but will play anything from outright tentacle monsters/minotaurs to hot anime guys.
I have characters prepared on F-list but would prefer to brainstorm a new one for whatever setting the DM is running.
I paragraph post but for a DM am willing to go shorter.

I'm taking a shot in the dark here but hoping I find gold.
In lurk mode, at the moment. What's up?
>the 10 inch anon hugs Ribbon, pretty much the closest ava to his size
how does one 'DM' ERP?
>a once inch anon rubs his ankles
I'm actually this anon >>10685367

I accidentally fell asleep to your reply

Just wanted to say sorry and hopefully we could do a session in the near future. I was going through your response from earlier and you have a great style.

You dont have discord by chance do you?
>the 10 inch anon likes this
>a one centimeter anon tugs on his shoelace
ILove ya Sponty!)
We need an exterminator in here.
>a nanometer anon is crushed under his foot
It's alright, don't worry about it. These things happen to everyone at least once. I've got a Discord, Nina#8275, but I use it really, really rarely. You'll have a lot more luck finding me in the thread, but you're welcome to add me if you'd like.
Lurkers, awaken!
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Design a big custom setting for it. Have a prepared lewd plotline that developes over time or have a lewd Monstergirls styled world.

Have multiple DMNPC's you play that fuck the PC you run stuff for and jerk them diff ways.

Do bunches of dicerolls for stuff like pregnancy or how likely it is someones about to get RAPED.

You'd be surprised how many people have a diceroll fetish. Not actually one of mine, but boy do they love to request it for preg and stuff when I DM.
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Here's Peridot getting PURP'D
I think there's a black edit out there.
You can probably ask an ava to do some BLACKED stuff with you if you want
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>The hugs are appreciated. Though he's not exactly what she was looking for, and surprisingly she's just a tad smaller, about 8 inches. Enough to get completely overshadowed by some dicks here, but definitely not MicroAnon.
One day while Andy was masturbating, Woody got wood. He could no longer help himself! He watched as Andy stroked his juicy kawaii cock. He approached Andy which startled him and make him pee everywhere on the floor and on Woody too. Being drenched in his urine made him harder than ever! Woody: "Andy Senpai! I'm alive and I want to be INSIDE OF YOU." Andy: "Oh Woody Chan! I always knew you were alive! I want to stuff you up my kawaii ass!" Woody grabbed a bunch of flavored lube and rubbed it all over his head Woody: "Oh my! It's cherry flavored lube! Cherry is my favorite! Woody then stuffed his head up into Andy's tight ass! The other toys around the room watched intently as Woody shoved his head back and forth into Andy's nice ass, continuously making a squishy wet noise. The other toys also became aroused and they all gathered around Woody and Andy and started to urinate all over them, and then they started to masturbate. Andy: "Oh my goodness, Woody Chan! You are churning my insides up so well! Your nose is stimulating my prostate! OH YES! All the other toys became so aroused by this, that they could not help themselves anymore! They pushed Woody completely inside, and they all went inside. All of them wanted to be inside Andy's nice round ass. Andy: "No wait guys! My ass cannot hold this much! I'm getting so full! All the toys went inside of poor squirming Andy and pretty much, he was beyond full, and died from having his insides completely damaged. The mother came inside and found Andy, dead with a huge ass hemorrhage on his anus, with a HUGE belly full of toys.
>Pokes to see if it's an ava or anon
Oh hey i actually already have ya. Didn't recognize you. But I'll keep an eye for ya. Definitely want to do another AJ session. Thanks again Nina.
Sounds autistic. Shame I'm too autistic to do something that complicated.
Good luck in your search, DM anon. ERP here is more casual and straight forward with some planning and talking before the actual RP
Thanks anon.

Planning and talking is fine, always done that for one-offs yeah.

Just want my own taste of the pie with the DM'd experience finally. Feeling so god damn bored. I dont even have it in me to go chill in chatrooms at this point but I'll probably have to.
You can always just take a break and come back to it. The best treatment to burnout is taking a long break where you pick up a different hobby, and eventually return to your first hobby
My confidence

Got temp IP banned from santaku for using a mass downloader, once that passed I manually downloaded about 200 images before running into a "only registered users can go past page 25," gelbooru has contracted the downs so it's become useless, and I just got my ass handed to me in Fate/GO. So about normal for me.

>Headpats the awkward bird
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I found this AJ IRL
Please tell me that's shopped
That extreme corset look is disgusting
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>"only registered users can go past page 25"
Wait what? Gelbooru is doing that now?
Yeah I can agree, its just different when you're burnt out but also horny! B-)
that is the hottest shit to me so I counter by praying its not shopped

those 1950's waists were fucking rad



Awesome rack on her though.
Can you fuck ofd with your shit taste? Thx
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> No motivation to return as an Avatar because my desire to play instantly drops every time I arrive as a result of the shitflinging
> Extremely sensitive to criticism so I highly prefer DM sessions
> My shyness even extends to DMs, as I cant even play wth the few good friends I made from this rubble
I know this feel all too well
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Crush my balls etc
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Swing batter batter!
>You will never fuck her while she's in the her Varia Suit
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That's a bit much...
You want your balls crushed, don't you? You want them to hurt like a bitch, don't you?
A nice proper swing with a bat is better than most kicks you'll get.
I want my balls crushed in a girl's hands or beneath her heels, not to have my pelvis cracked with a baseball bat. Limits, man.
Lame. You're still pathetic either way, anon, giving up your manhood to a girl like that. Is it just Samus you're after, or is any cute girl enough for you?
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I guess any cute girl with a good grip or good heels, but Samus just happens to be a good pick for the job.
Screw the heels, I'd let her use her bare feet, just so I can truly experience those powerful legs.
It was Santaku
Gelbooru doesn't even display images now. Tried clearing my cache and disabling noscript and adblock, but nothing comes up image wise.
Tell me your GO suffering
id pay serious money to have that honor
Got crushed by a pair a servants in story mode. Don't have the cash to enhance Mash and Nameless let alone my sub group. I just need to go back and try to gain some levels on previous stages.
Caldea Gate, Ember quest is for XP farming
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Peachy keen
Farm xp with caldea gate. Use lower star servants for now, they need less xp and most of them have awesome NP's
And abuse the fuck out of supports
Thread posts: 418
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