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RWBY/RT Trash General #481: RWBY was a Mistake Edition Previ

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RWBY/RT Trash General #481: RWBY was a Mistake Edition
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Rules of RWBY/RT threads:
>1. Read the Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion
>3. You're here forever

1080P Episode Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!S1E3wTRQ!4RH3D97O1-ZiW_lMAu7xog

RWBY Chibi episode 9 link:
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So to any people here who know more about EVO than me, dumb question. Assuming the RWBY fighter is being made by ArcSys, when should we expect it to be announced? During/After Guilty Gear or BlazBlue's Top 8s, right? I'm not really used to hearing about games getting announced at EVO and the schedule doesn't list an ArcSys panel or anything...
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Not that anon, but generally speaking /RWBYg/ has always been far more blunt with it's opinions with no need to dance around the issue.
Have something positive to say about the show and you'll either get a disagreement or people will agree.
Have something negative to say you'll either get a disagreement or people will agree. Without a points system in place nobody will bother being restrained in what they want to say since there are repercussions on doing so.
At most you'll get called a faggot for a post or two and then everyone will move on.

Then there are the bait, like saying White Knight will endgame, with a ridiculous list of reasons why.
Either after Blazblue top 8 or somewhere on the side. I say Blazblue instead of GG since it's likely to be Team Blue that's making the RWBY game.
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First, nice pic famalam. If tattoos were my thing

I'm sure I'd be hard as diamonds right now.
Also, EVO will likely announce the game at one of the panels if it's a game in its own right. So either on the Friday or the Saturday, ignore the blank space on the Friday there is normally always something on.

If not then, either after the last round of Central Fiction on the Sunday since it's at 10A.M. and that would be a good time to announce. Otherwise you'll be waiting 'tlll the After-party for this shit.
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What if your waifu made it her goal in life to beat the high score?
That's kinda tasteless, actually.
RT personally met Arcsys, and they said they were interested. Arcsys prefer to make fighting games with a relatively small cast of fighters with unique fighting style, which would fit RWBY.
I know fagatron but it is funny
Kind of like how People eating utter shit when they fall or trip is funny
Uh, anon, Team Blue = ArcSys. Don't be dumb.
Different anon, and sorry for my ignorance, but are Team Blue a different developer to ArcSys? Could we still expect a good game from them?

But honestly, I'll be optimistic with any developer other than Rooster Teeth Games. Ugh.

I hear good things about them from this general, so I'm optimistic.
>Arcsys prefer to make fighting games with a relatively small cast of fighters with unique fighting style
Have you SEEN how big the casts for GG and Blazblue are now? They're sure as hell not about having a small cast.

Team Blue = Blazblue team. They're not actually called Team Blue but I'm just using that to refer to them since the GG team is officially called Team Red. It's all still Arcsys.
I guess.
I don't really have a waifu but I bet my husbando would probably do some damage before gettin' brought down.
Hey, guys.
I think Team Blue are the development team that makes Blazblue, which are still ArcSys employees.
Who is your husband and what what would be his motive and loadout? Bigger question would it be a bombing, shooting or both and what would the motive be?
What's wrong anon?
Do you need to hear about our Lord and Saviour Adam Tarus?
What if you were playing the RWBY fighting game and you decided to play as Cinder against Emerald, but the AI Emerald just stripped naked and presented her ass to your Cinder?
They're not really called Team Blue, some people just refer to the BB team as that since the Guilty Gear team is actually called Team Red.
Want a beer?
But they will probably have a small cast for a RWBY game because they won't want to blow too much money on it, being their first RWBY game and all. It will be a test run. They need to sell the game to non-RWBY fans too. I expect somewhere between 12-16 characters.
He snaps under the pressure and TWO SEATS and figures the best ay to get rid of the Grimm is to just kill everybody.
Ask for a refund.
I mean sure, but don't say that Arcsys prefers a small cast when both of their major games have massive casts.
> They need to sell the game to non-RWBY fans too.
Obviously this would be ideal and make the most business sense, but I get the feeling that the game could succeed with RWBY fans alone. Grimm Eclipse, as lacklustre as it was, did extremely well on Steam.

But still, Arc Systems seem to be big guys in the fighting game industry, so their name alone should draw in some non-RWBY fans.
I mean, Guilty Gear is almost twenty years old while Blazblue is almost ten. Keep any fighting games series going for that long and it's going to end up with a large character list.
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Hey boy.
>so their name alone should draw in some non-RWBY fans.
Pretty much, the game would sell off name recognition alone, add into that RWBY fans are quite autistic with their purchases so it becomes more and more likely that the game would do well.
Now all you've have to do is hide the fact you're going to add a baby mode for the game with the use of auto-combos.
I know it's a petty gripe but its one that I feel I have to make. Sure the game becomes accessible for new players with them but you then get people thinking they're really good because they can spam a button.
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Cryptoniggers are on suicide watch again, bros.
No no, it's fine.

No thank you, sir.

Hey, Ren.
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I've mentioned this before, but they're probably going to end up pushing the RWBY fighter as their replacement for Blazblue since BB seems to be done for now, so ArcSys will likely put in the extra effort to make sure non-fans put their eye on it.

Though there's already a disturbing amount of overlap between Blazblue fans and RWBY fans, at least in my local scene, so maybe they don't even need to appeal to non-RWBY fans.
That's it rubes, breed the aryan.
Need strong young soldiers for war with Salem.
>Every time Ruby and Jaune are not on screen Jaune is being sexually assaulted by the Rube.
I don't care much for this artists work.
Auto-combo isn't a huge deal unless it's the Persona-style one where it's actually an important mechanic to utilize. Most of the time it's either unsafe, unoptimal, and/or not even a real combo. Fags spamming buttons will just get blown up by anyone who knows how to actually play.
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On the topic of how many characters we can expect from the RWBY fighting game, I think the best thing to use to gauge a potential roster is another licensed property that ArcSys made, of which the only one I know of that's not a work in progress is the Persona 4 Arena series.

So, there's twenty-two slots here if I counted correctly, three of which are DLC. Note that this is from the second game in the series. So, 22 - 3 DLC character - 5 new characters (I think?) = 14 or so characters in the first game. (I assume Shadow versions aside from Shadow Labrys aren't full characters of their own)

Anyway, I wouldn't expect more than twenty characters in the first RWBY fighting game. Which, when you consider how Japan doesn't have Volume 4 dubbed yet, is probably for the best. It lessens the odds of Neptune or CFVY making it in.
>Though there's already a disturbing amount of overlap between Blazblue fans and RWBY fans
Not really surprising really.
Ruby uses a swiss-army-weapon with a primary scythe form. Ragna uses a swiss-army-weapon with a scythe form that maxes the output of his powers.
Both love red, look edgy even if they don't really act it at times. Sure Ragna does more than he doesn't but whatever.
Weiss uses a single sword, heavy on the ice and looks graceful doing all that good shit. Jin uses a single sword, heavy on the ice and looks graceful.
Cinder is a manipulative bitch controlled by Salem, Hazama is a manipulative cunt controlled by Terumi. So on and so forth.
Do I have to go on?
RWBY and BB are prime fodder for crossover shit anyway, surprised there isn't any.

I suppose so, it just irks me a bit.
another licensed property that ArcSys made a game of,*

God I can't type.
Pallet swap Ruby as DLC Summer
I'm expecting at the least for there to be RWBY, JNPR, and Cinder/Roman/Neo/Merc/Emerald. Maybe a few other characters like Qrow or Sun but that's about it.
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My trusted minions, I have good news. The fortress shall be receiving Atlas television channels soon. Also, I am going to eat the soul of the lowest performing minion by the month's end.
I wanna a play as Raven with her fuck heuge revolver katana and teleports behind you
While I believe Ruby getting a Summer colored pallet swap is inevitable, Summer as her own fighter is probably years away. With how particular RT is about "spoilers", I highly doubt they'd reveal Summer's fighting style in a spinoff fighting game.

(Remember how Kerry was worried about Bad Luck Charm spoiling Qrow's semblance when they revealed it in the very next episode? Yeah... Salem, any member of WTCH not named Cinder, and any member of STRQ aside from Qrow are almost assuredly not making it in.)
Assuming this is the pre-DLC then it'd be more like 18 characters, meaning that RWBY could easily fill that shit.
But it's more likely going to be a 15 slot roster with an arcade mode, a story mode and possibly a kind of survival mode.

Anyway, the point is, if we think about it properly then RWBY and JNPR are confirmed as they are easily the most recognisable characters so that's already 8 characters.

Sorry, what was that last part?
I still don't get the bad luck charm thing. Like Jinx or something?
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Don't worry about it, just enjoy the Atlas TV shows. You've earned them.

High five!
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That should be me!
>High five!
Who are you and what have you done with my Goddess?
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>the only reason to watch rwby died
>why are you still here

I still have Weiss and the moment she's paired off with someone I'm going to /a/ to pick up another waifu show or /c/
So what do you thinl counts as the most "ok" ship in this fandom? Like one just no one fights about.
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Goodwood aka the ship Kathleen ruined
Renora I guess
The hate boner is strong
His semblance gives anyone near him bad luck. That seems to be about the extent of it.
Overrated garbage
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Reese X May
Glynda can still come back anon, she just needs a new VA
>It's garbage because I'm a contrarian faggot
Nora is a beta bitch.
Yeah, RWBY and JNPR should be assumed as a given. Since they are the main cast more or less. Then priority should probably go to the members of CRMSAN in the descending order of Cinder and the Smug Thugs, then Roman and Neo, and finally Adam. After that, it's kind of a tossup for any space left.
Dunno, honestly people will find any reason to get upset over a ship, the main 4 popular ships have a very autistic fan base

I'd say Freezerburn and Nuts & Dolts have less discourse
she doesn't hate him, tho
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>She lost her voice because she was leading the reconstruction of Vale 24/7
>It comes back but will never sound the same
Problem solved senpai
No I'm talking about you guys
Kathleen totally ruined Glynda's chances of coming back tho
I think this one is definitely up there. I enjoy the dynamic of May insisting that Reese is "basically a guy" and Reese being too dumb to realise that May is in denial, but it's still made clear that they genuinely love and support each other. I think it'll have a sweet arc.
Just like how JJ ruined Mercury's chances of coming back? Stop being stupid
Only shipped because the show threw a pity party for Nora, shoved it becoming canon into the very end of V4 with no actual decent buildup on Rens part, at least we won't have to deal with any more 'will they or won't they'.
What if Kathleen was giving out sexual favors to Rooster Teeth fans in a desperate attempt to make them like her again?
RWBY + JNPR is already a whopping eight characters.
Chances are that the game will be set in the V1-3 time-space so Roman and Neo are another possible addition, taking us to ten.
Cinder, Emerald, Mercury and Adam bring the total to fourteen.
Meaning that Sun and Neptune bring us to sixteen and this is probably the line-up we'll be getting with characters like Velvet being DLC.

I don't know what volume the japs are upto.
I've tried reassuring these guys about this using the same logic, but they seem adamant about it. I guess it'll take the good witch coming back to calm them down.
No, anon.
She'd need to be dressed up as Glynda
If we get Shit tune and someone else instead of the adults, I'm rioting
There was an entire arc of build up you nigger, and plenty of hints before hand
We haven't seen what the fabled second trigger does on ironwood's gun yet, according to Kerry himself, so I can't see him being in the game. Unless they decide to just spoil it there
She'll dress up however you want as long as you follow and like her social media.
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I want that boob window, so ye
I'd say Penny has a better shot of getting in over Neptune. Mostly because she's more important plot wise and is a cute robot girl and Japan loves those.

They're up to Volume 3, since I remember Pyrrha's Japanese voice actress getting at least temporarily replaced because the original was on maternity leave. Volume 4 is not out yet over there, but they probably have started dubbing by now.

It really depends on what kind of characters they want filling the remaining slots. More adults? Priority should probably go to Qrow, Winter, and Glynda. More students? Priority goes to Sun and Penny.
Hints from Nora, build up from Nora. People were still trying to guess what the fuck Ren felt for her beyond friendship, to the point people were expecting him to be gay or asexual.

Anyone got that gif of Nora hugging Ren and Ren leaning away from her looking weirded out?
Anon, the japs will always give the spotlight to children despite the adults having all the plot. Chances are it won't be Neptune and he'll be shafted for another waifu but honestly, if you expect an adult character you're reaching for the stars.
It's the Destruction artifact.
More like Ren isn't the kind of person that's into public displays of affection. Not that hard to understand
I predict that it launches a piece of candy, which is used to reward good students. Yes, I imagine that Headmaster Ironwood often asks students who have done something well to open their mouth so he can fire in some reward candy with that second trigger.

It could also have a darker use, where if he needs to execute a student he could tell them he's going to pull the candy trigger but then actually pull the bullet trigger instead.
Sun is the only character from Team SSSN that should be in the game. No one likes Neptune. The other two are irrelevant
Doesn't excuse the lack of any actual decent build up, it's a problem when people genuinely cannot guess how he feels for her and then it's shoved right into the end of the volume.

I knew it was going to happen, but I expected at least a bit more from Ren instead of absolutely everything from Nora.
can we start posting in /v/ yet?
My ideal roster would be RWBY, JNPR, Sun, Penny, Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, Roman, Neo, Glynda, Qrow, and Oobleck. Winter fights too similarly to weiss.
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Excuse me, but some people actually Neptune
I might be tempted to replace Oobleck with Adam if there's no Port as well
Cool we get it, you hate everything
That's why he's in Chibi way too much
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Not till later this week.
I mean we could for the sake of Grimm Eclipse, but it's shit.

Best roster would have a hidden boss of Salem or some kind of Super Grimm.

If ArcSis is making the game, will this game's Unlimited character be Silver Eyes Ruby?

I'd say Winter would be more summon focused while Weiss would be more glyph focused, but that's a dang solid roster. (Especially if Oobleck comes with Zwei)

Octavian, please.
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I really want to see the sales numbers on that Neptune shirt btw
Two people bought it. Kerry and Kerry's mom
And Kerry's mum only bought it to give to Kerry for his birthday
Neptune, Sage, and Scarlet should just disappear from the show. They're useless.
implying kerrys mum celebrates the worse day of her life
Octavian probably bought it. As did at least some of the Neptune fangirls. (Yes, they exist.)
Didn't RT kind of screw with kerry for making Neptune such a blatant self insert
What if Sage, Fox and Nadir formed a league of unimportant black guys?
On the one hand I'd somewhat like to see what happens with Sage and Scarlet because they're essentially blank slates and so I can't judge whether or not I like them yet. On the other hand you're right and this show already has far too many superfluous characters as it is
Fox has the most retarded weapons probably ever.
Who the fuck sis Nadir?
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I think his design is really cool, but I can't get behind the idea of Weiss falling for Neptune because we didn't see Weiss develop with Neptune like the "development" between Jaune and Pyrrha

Him putting on his goggles when one of the NDGO girls made a sand storm was smart too
White Knight is endgame. Why do retards even bother denying it?
Weiss' endgame is probably dying.
That is exactly why he needs the league of unimportant black guys.
dying to save dirty faunus blake
I wonder if Miles will find a way to sneak Ironwood into the V5 opening
Jaune x Velvet is inevitable
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In an episode of X-Ray and Vav, yes.
The character Kerry voices writes a self-insert fanfiction. That's the plot of the episode.

Weiss is a strong independant young woman that would like a strong man that wouldn't coddle her.
So maybe if Jaune is somehow like that in the next seasons then maybe? I donno.
What I do no is that Weiss is the leader of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee and you all need to accept that.

Do I have to post the image again?
I guess Volume 5 will be pretty dark. Volume 4 was the reprieve. Think Jeff will compose another ear rape song
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hello darkness my old friend
Weiss could be married to her work when she takes over SDC if she can take it from Whitley
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>old friend
old friend indeed
>Think Jeff will compose another ear rape song
The team is litterally just, Michael, emo faget, nigger, the blue hair man who triggered Jaune once
Alright, RWBYg (or whatever you guys call yourselves now)

Here's something I cooked up for ya to grind those gears!

A huntress, in need of supplies decides to head towards the closest city, Mistral, from an outlying village. Already familiar with the Mistrali wilds and fauna, she takes the off-road path to her destination to avoid bandits along the way. Hopping and dashing from treetop to treetop, she is approximately traveling at 200 km/h but has to stop every 2 hours to scout for surrounding Grimm.

Five hours later, another hunter ventures out from Mistral of his own quest to meet with the same outlying village the huntress was from, to offer some supplies with the elder there. Wary of the danger the lurks behind the every vast thickets of the forests, he takes the dirt path towards the settlement to avoid any Grimm confrontation. Taking the dirt path, the hunter is travelling at 50 km/h with his wagon of supplies at his back but has to stop every 3 hours to check and see for an bandits ahead.

There is about 9000 km between this village and the gates of Mistral. When the two hunters accidentally bump into each other out of coincidence (one that almost resulted in a fight), which hunter is closest to Mistral?

Forgot to add something:

Assume that the amount of time that it takes to scout is 30 minutes and assume that both hunters take the same time to do so.
They'd both be the same distance away from Mistral when they bump into each other, give or take a couple metres
That was my first question. Thank you.
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The fast one
It has no arc because it has no support. It will never be in the show. At least Arkos fags were in the show for awhile before Pyrrah got her ass killed because she was stupid.
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>"development" between Jaune and Pyrrha
Arguable the only character in the whole show who's had any development period was Yang so far.
I wish the show would've kept the tone from the Red and White Trailers.
No shit
The Red trailer was so good. The fighting was way better than production.
The one standing closest to Mistral when they bump into each other
So, I'm guessing we're getting Blake's trailer in August, and Yang's trailer in September. I hope Yang's trailer pertains to Summer somehow.
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Oh god not another one of these.
Why would it pertain to Summer and not Raven?
It wont. Will probably be her moping about Blake and punching a Grimm on the way to Mistral
We now call ourselves RTAg, and refer to each other as RTAgonists. Thanks
White Trailer Weiss is nothing like Show weiss and it pisses me off
give me a quick rundown on this situation
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I hope you mean her fighting style
She could be remembering the day when they got the news Summer died
The idea probably is for all intents and purposes Summer was Yangs mom, just not her mother. And thats a big part of her history. That and we know jack sqaut about summer outside of "she was dope."
A man can dream


Since this is just a displacement end-point question they technically are the same distance from Mistral when they "bump" into one another.

Presumably to exchange some goodies aswell!
The trailer made it seem like she was really reclusive, depressed, and lonely, based on the song. But she wasn't really?
Summer isn't her mother, why would they focus Yangs video on someone she isn't related to? Why would they focus it on anything, the only things of significance in any of the shorts were Blake breaking up with Adam, Yang and Ruby being sister's, and that Junior existed.
Everyone though she was going to be the sad princess but she ended up being the ice cold bitch who tells it like it is, it was great
Then they turned her into another school girl
I do have to admit I was a bit let down after she showed up. Great. Just another Tsun girl. If I wanted to watch a lonely rich kid isolate other people with their shitty behavior I'd watch more Archer.
Not gonna lie, I did the maths just because I wanted to know how long the journey would take.
Why the fuck didn't they hire the woman for that job because holy shit. What takes her three days takes the other guy nearly a week to do.
What? Summer raised Yang and she remember her as "super mom"
She isnt her mother but she did raise Yang. So she definitely has played a massive impact on her life.
I don't know if Summer raised them, I am pretty sure the only parent figure in their life at all was Tai
Weiss was never a tsundere
She talked alot about her in burning the Candle. She and tai raised the sisters until summer went kaput
She's her step mom, and Yang straight up says she was amazing

>durr why would Yang care about someone who raised and loved her
Raise her to what age? I am genuinely curious.

Because the huntress isn't keen on pulling a wagon?

I don't know.
From around Yangs birth till ruby was about 3-5 so until Yang was at least 6-7
>I am pretty sure the only parent figure in their life at all was Tai
Did we watch the same show?
Fuck you, sorry this show isn't my life and I don't get myself hard over shipping and memorizing every line in the show.

>durr why would they base a short around that when every other one we have gotten was fighting
Is the Weiss short supposed to come out this Friday?
>one of the only moments of characterisation we've gotten for a main character
>durr fuck you for memorising every line
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I think, but all my attention is on EVO.
Lord Knight will probably win again. Because he is the best Ragna. Defence game so strong he's like an impenetrable wall.
I watched that short clip of the trailer, and Casey sounds like total shit. They need to get a different singer
Really? Casey has always sounded great to me, but I don't know what clip your talking about so.
Probably all of them, because she sounds like shit
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Would Blake do a better blow job if you spread tuna paste on your dick
I wish Weiss would use her trap glyph in the show
Is Weiss singing again?
No, there's a song in the background. It already sounds like every single one of her songs. She's incredibly one note as a character
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Oh, well then she probably sounds fine to people who like her voice.
>muh opinions are objective
Why couldn't they have used this in the show. It would've been perfect for Banesaw
It's okay, people like Nickelback too
That is true. What does that prove?
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They did
On Saturday they said "you'll see it in a week" so maybe.
That your taste is bad and that you should feel bad
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I feel like Weiss' glyphs were originally supposed to incorporate aura effects. Hence why ruby on the glyph turns it red, and when Weiss was on it, it was blue
She might do a better job if you get her mother to show her how
Red holds and blue propels
That's retarded
No u
>Just like RvB
The other momentum-affecting glyphs have been black.
Thank you for, once again, inspiring me to draw.

I just have to wait 5 more hours for my godforsaken workday to end.
This. Both glyphs are black gravity dust infused glyphs. The color is clearly coming from Ruby and Weiss' auras. Not a coincidence it just magically turned red
Honestly it was great when the agreed notion was that it was two triggers for two diffrent ammunition types; standard and explosive.

And now I'm just waiting for it to turn into an axe or something stupid and retundant when he can cut things in half through blunt force alone already.
Someone has a video of the trailer somewhere
You know the worst part about this whole thing is... there really is no way to fix this show is it? Everything is just kind of borked.
Ha, I look forward to seeing this drawing.
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How would RWBY deal with Tremors?
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Not really, Miles and Kerry seem to want to focus on other things since anime was clearly Monty's thing and nobody else in RT are really interested.
I'm telling you now RT only kept this going due to how profitable it has been thusfar. They'll keep it going as long as it makes the some net return, like RvB or Camp Camp.
Basically, unless Miles and Kerry suddenly become hyper passionate about RWBY it's always going to be mediocre at best.

Ruby out runs the Gravoids.
Weiss uses Gravity Glyphs to bring them out of the ground.
Blake just Ninja's on roofs and uses her clones to jump away.
Yang shoots the floor till they jump up and kills them then.
Rwby will always frustrate me because it could've been really good. The elements are there. No one knew how to put them together though
At leasr Grey is into anime. So that at least means we are getting Gen:Lock and all the Real Robot GoodnessTM that comes with that.

Think it will get popular enough to get Sunrise to make Gunpla kits.
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check this, fag
Well what you do is you take those elements and make a legally distinct facsimile of rwby and claim it's $100 original.

That's my plan anyway
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How would Kaiba fare in Remnant?
Over estimating it a bit there man.
I think another issue is that RWBY was never entierly of Montys design. And by that I mean from day one its all made by second hand so its always having to play catchup and add that Momty was not a great story teller and well....
I've lowkey thought about it desu.
A man can dream. I think it will at least be a good show though. Camp Camp was good and so was RvB. This seems to be more in RT,s ballpark
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True. I mean, I don't want to get my hopes up.
He would overcome the limitations of Dust in space with bulshit tech such as his motherfucking space elevator, so he'd do well, probably.

Kazuki Takahashi why do you keep betraying us.
So, tell me, what was going on in the last few hours?

Hopefully something spicy, no offense, Yang.
I get ya. Maybe itd just something about my love of Gundam and how Gray is the other anime guy. Gives me a little hope.
Nothing really, currently its really slow. Mostly kind of beaing a bit foen on RWBYs situation
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Cautious hype over the potential of a RWBY fighting game.
Seen some people talking about how bad they want a RWBYxBlazBlue crossover story just for the sake of it.

Otherwise nothing, people are chill.
On a scale of White Trailer Awesomeness to Blake-Sun Dragon Fight, how bad will the Weiss trailer be?
I give it a Nuckaleve fight.
I have high hopes.
I recommend never having those worh RWBY.
somewhere between the RNJR vs. Geist fight and the Ruby vs. Gorilla grimm fight, only flashier
Hey guys, I know you have no reason to believe me, especially on trash but here is some information for RWBY: Hunters of Remnant by Arc System Works

The main story is a alternate version of Volume 3 written by Mori himself.

The main soundtrack has both songs from the show and original songs made by the Blazblue composer, Daisuke Ishiwatari

The base game roster is:
Roman and Neo

DLC is also being planned although they aren't RWBY characters.

First dlc stuff is pretty out there, but since Monty was a huge Blazblue fan, this is currently being considered.

Ragna,Hakumen,Mai,Rachel,Terumi and [spoiler]Susano[/spoiler] are planned to bundled together as a dlc pack for the game, complete with a small story that's not serious and its mainly just a joke, new lines,some balance changes and English voices unlike Central Fiction.

Second DLC thing is the protagonist from Gen:Lock, although not much is known at the moment.

Online lobby's are like the usual Arc system works game, custom avatars, rooms etc.

Expect the game sometime near the end of the year as the game is 75% done.
I don't believe you
Goddamnit anon, lose some of the spacing.
This would be prime Copy Pasta material otherwise.
I can't see them putting Adam in. No one likes him. same with Neptune
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>Roman/Neo tagteam
This is okay
If Arcsy was smart, they'd add the adults as a dlc pack. Qrow, Raven, Glynda, Ironwood, Ozpin, Winter, Taiyang
Glynda-Ironwood, Qrow-Ozpin, and Raven-Taiyang should be tag teams
Cant see Raven or Taiyang making it in, and Winter would just be a second Weiss.
Japan likes him.
Because he is an edgelord with the iai-quick draw shit.
They fellate all characters like that good guys or not.

One announcer has to be the IT'S SUMMER guy.
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>Raven and Taiyang

So are they just supposed to make up move-sets for the two or? At least with they have material to work with for Qrow, Oz, Winter, Ironwood, & Glynda.
It's a fighting game, they don't need to strictly adhere to the show's rules
>There is about 9000 km between this village and the gates of Mistral. When the two hunters accidentally bump into each other out of coincidence (one that almost resulted in a fight), which hunter is closest to Mistral?
The Huntsman who left Mistral. It doesn't matter when or where on the path they run into each other, he's going to be closer because he came FROM Mistral, while she's going TO Mistral.
What if they run by each other before stopping? I mean they are travelling really fast
As you understand I have no reason to believe you, but I do think another writer's take on Volume 3 and Roman and Neo fighting together sounds fantastic.

I'm not excited about the rewrite because I think Volume 3 was awful, mind you, I just enjoy seeing alternate versions of stories.
Nobody said that. She was just tsun
This. They would be saved for a sequel instead.
When Ruby goes silver eyes mode, they have to say SILVER EYES SILVER EYES
>this fucked up spacing
>failed spoiler tag
>people denying it being real because of one character
This is the sign of a legitimate leak

You misunderstand, anon.
It's a displacement question.

At the point in time they have "met" they are near equal the distance from Mistral, regardless of where they came from nor speed.
Sorry I'm not fluent in weeb
Realistically it's unlikely they meet since they aren't using the same route, even then the guy in the wagon is going so slow vs the woman that is fucking at Mistral in three days.

The entire Unlimited Ruby fight is just him going "SSSSIIIILLLVVVERR EYYYYYEEEESSSS!" ver and over.

Spoiler tags don't work on trash.
If it is a legit leak I'll post Lancaster smut for a month.
>both taking short cuts through the woods
>essentially a straight line between 2 points

The man took the dirt path going to the village.
Which means it's the most tread upon.
Hence bandits.
>Blazblue characters as DLC
Even if the rest of this is fake I honestly see this one happening.
Can one of you faggots explain what the fuck /RWBYgt/ is for?
Roleplaying with OCs
One takes a short cut through the woods, using an off-road approach and jumping along trees.
The other takes a dirt path with a wagon, said wagon is unlikely unable to cut through the trees.
They are on different routes come on, nowhere did it say they were on the same path anon.
So the huntress meets him while cutting across the beaten path. The path he's on could have been looking back when they meet
I'm still mad they blueballed us about Atlas

For comfy!
Handful of autists made their own splinter faction
Fags going all-out with quests and OC's, that wasn't wanted here.
So the other thread was made.
Special snowflake general
>for quests
Wait, is RWBY not allowed on /qst/ either?
I don't know.
You guys wanna talk about waifus and cuddles and sleepovers?
Irondaddy won't be in Volume 5 probably. And that annoys me
Yes, I can. They're an off-shoot of this general, who wanted to focus on CYOA (choose your own adventure) and greentext stories.

We once tried to merge with them when we were first exiled to /trash/, but it went very badly. One of them flipped out about it.

Currently they're on the verge of death, as most of their posters have drifted away.
They set up the Atlas plot a lot. Ironwood going full Fürher is a topic which is becoming relevant now, so suddenly not seeing him at all would be really weird.
I wonder if they'll do what they did with a Qrow in Volume 4, and give him a few individual sections
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Honestly I'd rather continue the Lords work and tell the good people of Earth of the power of Lolimors, who will save us all from the horrible Hiatus in, and it's brother the curse of shitposting.
I also wish to discuss World of Horror, BlazBlue and AU bullshit that makes no sense, has no bearing and is really just to kill the time before I sleep.
>Currently they're on the verge of death, as most of their posters have drifted away.
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Arkos is best ship!
They said that about the Titanic too
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I like Lancaster better
Then can you answer >>10367896?
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Shut up ice cream bitch! Stay away from Jaune!
It is sort of sad, man. They are our wayward brothers, our lost comrades.
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Not Neo you gotta worry about
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Yes, I believe I can...

They've never tried. They got comfy in here. And they can't now because they don't have enough content to run a thread there:
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I mean, kinda?

What about what I said was hard to understand?
Something something AU something
Im good. Ill feel better as I get my life sorted out and hear about Gen:Lock details
Hey, so. Day 5 season 2 trailer is out.

That's a thing.
You know I really want to like Lancaster... but at the same time I just cant help but not like the Ruby part of the equation. Like I feel with her having no development she brings nothing interesting unless your going maniac pixy dream girl #5689
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>Hakumen as DLC
Not gonna lie, would consider buying a whole pack just for him.
I could probably give a Penny clone more personality
I feel like Jaune could call her out when she needed to be called out. He's a realist. He's the one who could talk her down from going full retard.
>implying that would ever happen
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World of Horror is a game that I am currently enjoying, though it is in no way finished.
BlazBlue is a fighting game I play with my siblings because why not.
AU's are dumb. But I like the art they produce.

Only if you listen to Jaunefags going on about it, or worse those strange fuckers that think Arkos will resurrect through Ruby acting like Pyrrha.
True Lancaster has them being basically friends, but trying awkwardly be a couple and do couple-like things.
Where are all the things about Jaune and Ruby going to an arcade to pass the time before meeting with Sun who somehow managed to convince Coco to join a Leaderbuddy meeting?
Or Ruby stealing Jaune's sword to try and add upgrades for him for his birthday?
Sun and Yang is cute as fuck
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I like it
I've been saying that since volume 1. Opposites don't attract and Sun and Yang work better together.
Sun and Blake are only together because they're the 2 main faunus characters
Anything you wanna talk about?
I feel like the fact that we didn't get the hug is a hint they might actually make Lancaster canon. Because if they were just going to keep it platonic, it wouldn't have mattered. She would've hugged him, and that'd be it. I think they're worried about rushing a potential Lancaster ship.
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What if Neo is a magical baby that was created when Roman got drunk and made love to a tub of ice cream?
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>worried about rushing romance

it's not gonna happen anon
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Only Lancaster that will end up happening is platonic, not gonna lie, I'd be fine with a romantic Lancaster but just don't see them going for it unless it is from the "you gave us the courage to follow" till the last scene between the two before the kiss.
With a shit load of hints in-between. Otherwise it's just not happening.
I also fully expect Yang to punch Jaune in V5.
Miles actually said he wanted to get better at writing romance, anon.
Yeah, doubt that, it's staying platonic.
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Im just gonna leave this Jaune here.
He literally said that in the q and a on tumblr before Volume 4, dumbass. You must be a White Rosefag.
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I...I want to fuck that bicep!
WR is garbage too, Lancaster still isnt gonna happen.
So according to you him wanting to get better at writing romance is basically Lancaster confirmed?

Shippers are so fucking delusional
I think they want to push Jaune not being over Pyrrha more. If Lancaster is happening it will probably be once Jaune has dealt with his baggage.
No, people assume any romance that will happen in rwby will be rushed as shit, but we have proof Miles does want to improve that. That's my point.
A spinoff about a Penny clone sounds more interesting than RWBY
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I get the feeling Lindsay doesn't like Weiss
Him wanting to improve doesn't guarantee anything
Good, Weiss is shit.
Fuck off Lindsay
No fucking shit. You're missing my point.
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Your point is pointless
Or you're just retarded
I am conflicted by this
On the one hand, rule 34 in general just makes me cringe, but on the other hand, their expressions and positions are just too pure and cute
I have never wanted a sfw version of an image more
>specifically remove hug because it looks too romantic
>didnt want the viewers to get the wrong idea about Jaune and Rubys relationship
>"This might be a hint they're gonna make it canon!"
I wish, I wouldn't have this crippling student debt and a mortgage
Shippers in a nutshell, they're Olympic tier mental gymnasts
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Who's going to be best mom
Kara and Lindsay both shooting down WR was funny. The asshurt from the shippers was amazing
Only literal retards take shipping seriously
Yang because Ruby will never have children.
She can always adopt.
And leave the kid alone when she fucks off on a mission?
Ruby is the last person I see willingly becoming a parent.
What happened?
Who said anything about willing?
>some retards ask when WR will be confirmed
>VAs say never
Kind of have to want to be a parent to adopt a kid
>willingly become a parent
Damn. I was hoping for something more theatric, like the VAs leaning in to kiss each other before saying never and flipping them off.
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Would you adopt Neo ?
It was more than what the anon said. They actually gave some pretty specific reasoning as to why they both dislike the ship
Did this just happen?
Adoption is cuckoldry
Where's Roman?
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I need more momma Summer
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Whatcha guys wanna do?
>Ruby wearing a bed sheet
What a lazy fucking character design
>when artists don't even try to give them distinguishable features

Summer clearly had a different hairstyle. It's pretty obvious from the Strq photo
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Tell this to Monty
What and active thread
I want to play as the emeradl in the fight
What if we saw Willow during Weiss' trailer
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What fight?
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>keep doing all this and im gna let rooster teeth know about this
We need to see Summer sooner than later. She's supposedly a huge reason why Ruby is the way she is.
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Didnt Monty say Summer just existed to fill the grave, it was Jeff who thought it up I think
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It's occurred to me that Tai hadn't really passed on much of his appearance to his children. Ruby looks exactly like her mother and Yang only seems to have inherited his hair colour.
Yang's eye color is a combination between him and Raven
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>Yang only seems to have inherited his hair colour.
You forgot about her fighting style and puns
I've always headcanoned Summer as being from Atlas. I think it'd be cool if her and Irondong might've known each other. He has a soft spot for the Rubes
So considering RWBY is eternally frustrating and off season, does anyone have any recommendations for good action animes? Preferably something written better than RWBY.
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>inb4 Ruby isn't a daughter of Qrow or Tai.She's a daughter of Ironwood !!!
I would laugh so fucking hard.

>Actually, she's Ironwood's kid.
Man at this point I just want to peer into Tai and Summers relationship to see if it was all a sham or not. Part of me thinks and kind of hopes no because then it makes his shutting down have no sense
I mean, clearly Weiss is Ironwood's kid.
Inb4 someone takes me seriously
>all of the Schnee children are actually Ironwoods
>Yang was made that night
I want Summer to have a dark side. As of now, she's being painted as a total saint.
Boku no Pico
Hot damn
She wont. That requires good writing.
I did forget about her eyes, but not her personality. I did say appearance.
The art of rwby is pretty.
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But the show is ugly as hell
The environments look better. Usually. The character model curse is strong with Maya tho
I wonder why the necer settled for 2D considering Camp Camp shows it can be done.
Archer I wouldn't count as action or anime. Still a great show though!
What if your waifu only gave you handjobs but they were really enthusiastic handjobs?
They shoot things and it's animated.
Mating press.
SDT is animated and you shoot things as well
Adds up.
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I kind of like the brown hoodie. Looks comfy.

The chaps are hilarious.
>M&K say they'll explain Semblances in volume 5
>yfw Jaune gets a training arc to unlock his
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Wasn't there one of Jaune in Weiss's dress?
Part of me doubts that. I doubt they will let that explosion come to pass after Vol 4 was so hated.

Whats probably gonna happen is Oscar explanation or a WoR. jaunes semblance probably by the season finale though.
I'm scared
Momma Weiss pls no
Are you saying that we're getting... An Arc arc?
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jaune is so cute in his lil hoodie.. what a comfy boy
no who would want that crap
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There never was one silly anon
>getting ANOTHER Jaune Arc arc

God damn it. He gets one every fucking volume.

Enough already
I really wouldnt say he got one in vol 4, not a proper one. A bit hoggy with the screen time as usual but no real arc, he got new gear and butt heads with Qrow. Thats i really. If anything Ren and Nora got the arc
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Black Lagoon (Get ready for more waifus)
Jormungand (second season kind of blows though)
Gundam, the 08'th MS Team
Gundam Thunderbolt
Golgo 13
Master Keaton
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>PTSD intensifies
Bitchin! Thanks Omay!

Btw what are everyone's recommendations on My Hero Academia and The Fate series? Are they any good?
My Hero Academia: Good. Read it or watch it, the anime is a great adaptation.

Fate Series: Mostly good, but avoid the DEEN Fate/Stay Night anime like the plague. Start with UBW, and wait for the Heaven's Feel movies before you watch Zero. I refuse to watch Apocrypha because it's based on fanfiction.
Hero Academia is legit great
Fate is good, you either love it or hate it
Actually, Zero is based on fanfiction too, so don't watch that either.
I don't think you could tell if something was written better.
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These on top of the action anime Tent poles including
Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop,Anything GiTS, FMA Brotherhood, The Hellsing OVAs, The Lupin III movies can be fun action in a real schlock way. Gunsmith Cats is a blast and some good 90's Anime/manga. I'd recommend them both.

Haven't gotten around to Academia. Have a good friend who is big into the Fate Series, and I generally agree with his taste. Use pic related as a guide
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Generic shounenshit #20835
If you have any taste whatsoever, it's painfully mediocre trash.
>my taste is the only taste that matters!
Next thread can be posted on /a/. Non-Jap shit is allowed there now.
God, Hellsing is so much fun
Based on what?
Wait for real? We can go shit their board up all we want?
The Usagi Drop MANGA is in that list.... thats not at all a good choice.

Fucking cross-thread links.
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This shit voice actress went to etc not as her rwby character but as a fat overwatch character
To that one anon who made a commission of Arslan and Sage, is there any updates?
The guy next to her's almost as bald as she is
I bet if somebody said RWBY was also a matter of personal taste your attitude here would do a 180°.

Why would it?
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That was a test to see if you were pretentious. You passed.
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Not him but I mean taste is indicative of enjoyment not quality.

RWBY is objectively flawed and pretty bad due to how it handles writing and not having enough positives to ouweigh the bad

MHA is a bit cliched but has some very solid writing behind and some very good characterization.

You can like or hate either, but that doesn't change their quality
Can we get top heavy Neon in V5?
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Do you like your memes,

extra thicc?
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> RWBY is objectively flawed and pretty bad
> objectively
So, basically, anyone who disagrees with you on RWBY's quality is deluded. How open-minded of you.
So you think RWBY isn't flawed?
Yes I do on account they arent talking about quality but there enjoyment of it. Just because you enjoy something does not mean its bad or good it just means you enjoy it.

You can love bad things. But its always good to accept things for its flaws. And you can hate good things but you should accept they are considered good for a reason.
MHA is not solidly written. Its not badly written but the characterizations is probably the worst bit about it.

I guess because its a fresh take on Shounen that people give it praise but also the fact that it is adhering to Shounen cliché is what ruins a lot of it. Especially the themes of self sacrifice and the whole superhero theme.
The characterization is most certainly solid. Motivations and personalites are made clear and are made likeable and when development is executed its done veey well and very naturally.

I mean look at Deku, Torodeki, and Bakugo

As for concepts of self sacrifice and super heroism the former is handled well but its also aknowleged that senseless sacrifice a terrible thing.

As for superheros portrayl I would chalk that up as something done via a different culture.

MHA is not the next best thing or even great. But it most assuredly is good by any reasonable meassure.
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I started watching MHA after hiwo drew a image of a character from it

Asui best girl
Todoroki best boy
Way to totally miss my point you fucking retard.
I see you are a man of culture as well!

Though I prefer Mina myself
You're the only retard here
The concept of self sacrifice is not at all handled well.

Deku breaks his body to help others. Okay that's self sacrificing. But if you care so much about helping others why be at the school at all?

That's the issue with its theme of self sacrifice. Its only skin deep and them calling it senseless highlights the issues with it. That Deku trashes his body to use his power because he only had a summer to get ready to have it because he had to enter with the rest of his age group into the battle school because that trope needs to happen to have an ensemble cast. Because it's shounen.

Trying to apply the protagonists self sacrifice and heroism to his actions makes those actions not make sense. Especially since the guy doesn't want to even be famous because of it. He just wants to help people.
Your reasoning is flawed. There is no one objective measure of a show's quality, only a given individual's assessment of it. Therefore, it is illogical to apply an arbitrary standard of what is "good" to it. The best we can do is look at the amounts of people that enjoy something (adjusting for exposure and accessibility), as this tells us how many subjective opinions the show has created a good impression upon.

If somebody enjoys something but still thinks it's terrible, they should stop caring so much about other standards and focus more on their own.
no u. Read the fucking thread, faggot, RWBY can have flaws without faggots being faggots over it.
Because school would be the best place for him to learn to be a hero and to stop destroying his body. He isnt capable of just doing it on his own, the boy needs guidance and an environment to foster development.

Just him going out with nothing is a terrible idea because he would just be at a unnecessary disadvantage.

Not to mention he wouldn't even be able to legally be a superhero without UA.
Hey, you're not me! You fucking retard impersonator douchebag faunus!
Not that guy but the school is easing him into learning how to use his power

And the schools purpose is for people to gain a license to actually use their powers to help people just like how ruby and every other person in beacon and the other schools are trying to get a huntress license its the same shit people aren't allowed to just use their ability or it be anarchy
>There is no objective measure of a shows quality.
There is actually.

What is it with general and it's refusal to accept that yes there is a divide between objective quality and whether or not something is enjoyable.
That just falls to the phalacy of "if its popular it must be good" which we both know is bullshit.

Besides there is no point in being delusional a out weather your entertainment aint that great or not. Your still enjoying it and thats not wrong at all. At the same time you should accept your preferences have issues and should hope maybe that they are fixed, or just go full "yeah itd bad. Still love it to death"

We all like stuff thats bad Sturgons Law ensures it.
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Oh no! I've been caught trying to fan the flames of an argument! Time to skedaddle!
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>MHA is a bit cliched but has some very solid writing behind and some very good characterization
This whole line.
Except that school has done shit all to teach him anything about not destroying his body. It's actually accelerating at which hes getting trashed.

Also not being in the school doesn't mean he would be doing it alone. He still has All Might.

The issue with the idea that hes there to foster his power, is that it really looks gives a shit about the fact that he has so little training hes mangling himself.

Didn't he shatter his finger the first time because he got rushed into school and the teacher was being a dick?

Also are you really telling me that if All Might vouched for him and called him his heir they would say nope legal processes to him?

But he's All Mights successor and the school is actively accelerating the rate at which his body is deteriorating.
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No, there isn't, lad. Entertainment media like this is very subjective. You yourself implicitly admit this by noting that there are wide ranges of opinion on this, although you must also label others as "uninformed" if they disagree with you.

One of the few objective facts here is yet RWBY is very a popular show. I guess you'd say that's because most people are plebs or something, but really it just goes to show that RWBY is good at appealing to a wide range of viewers who all have their own subjective viewspoints.

The general is the other way around usually. It seems to be a recent development that some posts question the more negative assessments of RWBY.
Again not that guy and that's not true midoriya is a special case none of the teachers have a clue how to handle him destroying himself and the one person who could who taught the previous user taught him how in this week's episode
The school has by

1. Eraserhead teaching him to use his power as a last resort. The finger breaking was almost his entire Arm if he didnt stop him

2. Grand Toriono (Via a school function) taught him Full Cowl.

3. Concerning the legal process, absolutely not considering the fact that he is is his sucessor is a secret only know to the academy. And just tossing aside the legality opens a million fucking can of worms especially on an unproven kid. Not to mention all the practical skills the school teaches along with the social aspects

4. The two biggest instances of him wrecking himself were torodeki which was stopped and Muscular which was a villian that had ambushed them.
It's not a pharmacy, it is true. If a piece of entertainment media entertains a lot of people, it must be entertaining.
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So Transformers deserves all the Oscars then?

I think you must try to be more accepting of others tastes, man.
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Sorry, I don't recognise that character. Is she your OC?
I have to go and do something so I won't reply for a couple hours but answer me this.

If no one knows what to do with him there, why was his training rushed to the point where he just isnt exploding. Why not keep him ubpowered for a bit longer.

And if he has to be in the school for legal reasons why participate in the tournament? It's explicitly for hiring and if hes about self sacrifice why not take the hit and train safely?

So the two lessons he was taught about his powers. The first only had to be taught because his powers actively hurt him.

Also why not go to a regular school for the social aspects or enter as a unique student?
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She is my everything
I have a Daki, shirt, mouse pad, phone background and a custom poker chip in my wallet.
Penny is trash.
Because going to a regular shool does not actually prepare you for the job feild he is goong in, nor does it let you metwork and establish contacts, nor lesrn the ins and outs of the industry which even if isn't interested im the glitz and glam he still wants to be a positive influence so those are things he needs to know.
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not it
He's told countless times not to push himself and he does he reduces the damage to a finger that takes a day or two to heal which is questionably better

As for keeping him underpowered that is him underpowered there is nothing less he could do

All the teachers know who he is and why its important for him to get a better handle on it its just that the person who gave him the power is a shit teacher since he was able to use that power with out issue

Why it took his teachers teacher to finally figure that shit out
It's you, m8.
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Well, actually, it's fact now.
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