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/ftt/ - Fapping Together Thread Post lewd and talk about fappin'

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Thread replies: 338
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/ftt/ - Fapping Together Thread

Post lewd and talk about fappin' n' schlickin'.

Happy sex edition

Old thread: >>10198203
Nth for Scathach
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I... I've failed... I really am pathetic ;_;
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how disappointing. knowing that you can't even last through ten minutes of pleasure before it all bursts out of you.
Came back just to watch you squirm. Good job. You really are the namesake of this board.

Never change, anon. Not like you can.
Should I call you something besides Hilda anon? I want to make it up to you later...
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Nothing is doing anything for me lately.
that works. I'm curious to see what you could possibly offer to me that has any value.
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So, um, what are these threads about exactly?

I'm about to fap, that's why I'm asking.
Jerking off.
Masturbating, and helping other anons masturbate
I wake up after 9 hours of sleep and kuro is still lewding. God help my morning wood
fapping! posting lewd pictures, making yourself feel good. you can chat with the other anons if you like, but lurking is always okay too! whatever makes you feel the best~
The detail on those toes is excellent
is it just me or is the perspective a little off?
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Thanks for the answers! So it's not a "fap to the pic below" or faprulette kind of thing then.

Okay then.

Recently I've started to build up this habit to "ruin" my orgasms. This means that I just let the juice flow out without further stimulation end. However for some reason I manage to repeat this for like three times after each other. and the amount of load I produce this way is amazing. However I still didn't have the courage to eat it all up. Yeah, apparently I'm into trapping myself. Which is weird, cause I'm in a full hetero relationship, but sometimes it's just good to fap in drag.

I guess that's what I'm going to do. Have a hot shower and put a skirt on.

Thank you for reading my blog.
I don't know what I could offer you either, but I don't like the fact that I couldn't follow your orders. I've always had problems with... being premature. I want to improve for you!
I'm just lingering about while some chores are being done. Cleaning house and... the usual dirty laundry. Can't leave those underwear stains in, you know?
Oh don't mention stained underwear. Stained underwear is the hottest
Why even wear clothes in the first place, doesn't that just get in the way of me getting inside you? What's the point of that?
we could work on building your stamina. or we could go the other way. the more filthy way. reinforce that quickshot behavior. forcing you to cum faster and faster, every time. getting you addicted to the swift release of orgasm would be so very naughty. eventually you'd be enthralled, cumming after just a minute or two of stimulation. the quicker you could get to the mind-numbing bliss of orgasm, the better. how does that make you feel?
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That's quite hot anon. I love fapping in drag too. Ruined orgasms feel so right too. But I always lick up my cum when I'm done, you should start doing it too.
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Good to know I'm not alone!

I think I just get over with it the first them to make a habit out of it. How was your first? I have so many fantasies about it, but haven't managed to fulfill any of them. Cum in a cup, a condom, or just swiping it up with my finger from my chest, or shoot for my mouth.

What is your favorite drag setup? I love pantyhose, but I guess it's too hot for that now. However I can't decide between the black miniskirt and the white one which reaches my knees.

By the way, at first I was kinda sad that my mate isn't into this stuff, but I've learned to enjoy these small moments of mine as it is, and keep them for myself.
What's wrong? Does sticky soppy semen stains binding to soft fabric get you excited? Does it please you to see the discoloration? Leaving your mark on a cloth that covers the most vulnerable spot. You're just like the anon who cums on my body for the contrast. It is pretty sexy though. That feeling of being marked.

Ah, but seeing you put in effort is so much fun! Anons slowly peeking behind them as their hearts pound louder andd their faces fill with color. Panties are super cute and they turn anons super cute when viewed.
Oh god please stop, you're making me horny again! I'm still sore from the last two times, have mercy!
I love cumming on brown skin just as much as him probably, but seeing used underwear, seeing proof someone got so lost in pleasure they creamed their jeans per say, it's hot as fuck.
you might be saying no, but I know that your cock is your ultimate decision tool. all your choices are centered upon it. and guess what? it's perking its pitiful head up again, aching for pleasure. it would be so easy to just reach out and grab it, to make it happy. its what the primal side of your brain wants. it needs more touching, more rubbing, more stroking. and you don't have enough willpower to stop yourself from grabbing it, do you?
Aah, so hot! It hurts, but it feels so good! You're literally going to drive me insane! I didn't even know my body could handle this much attention in 24 hours!
good boy. keep stroking. I want you to cum fast. grab some lube if you haven't already, tighten your grip just a smidge, and stroke that cock fast. reach that delicious feeling of orgasm, that feeling you've experienced countless times but still can't get enough of it, evidenced by how much you play with your sad sad cock, all alone. you know how good it feels to go over the edge and lose yourself to your needy cock.
Same. I think it's because I'm lonely.
I prefer to see it oozing through someone else's. The degradation when someone cums in your panties. Someone always feels embarrassed by it. Sometimes it's the one who wears it. Other times the one who cums.
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First time I flipped my legs above my head and aimed for my mouth. No time to think, just to taste it and swallow. I've been hooked ever since, now any way I cum I try to get as much in my stomach as possible.

I wish I had a skirt. My favorite is some long striped knee-highs and panties. Makes me feel so lewd.

Shame that your partner doesn't like it, but to each their own I suppose.
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Doubly so, when it's both. Wearing someone else's panties...
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and being made to cum in them by them.
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It's a powerful tease.
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I'm developing a fetish for wasting my money largely thanks to a certain anon from these threads. Last night after a ton of coaxing and teasing I blew 100 dollars and had one of the best orgasms in my life. So far I've spent about $200 on pictures of anime girls in bikinis

The thought of spending any more both terrifies and excites me. I still haven't gotten all the girls.
I think my penis died. I got so close, but then it turned purple and now it's not responding. I think I pushed myself a little too hard! I guess that makes two disappointments in a row ;_;
Why did they stop posting the Discord in the OP post?
What do you mean? Commissions? Asking artists to draw lewd for you?
It became less about fapping together and more about gay hookups and /soc/ chats. Also like 90% of the people in there don't even use this thread. This has happened before with other discords. Don't bother trying to bring it back
He means Dead or Alive DLC outfits. Honestly that thread was kinda hot
Ah, I figured as much. I quit it a week or two ago because it started to feel pretty clique-y, anyone outside the inner circle kind of just gets ignored. Wanted the discord so I could just jerk off to whatever was posted in the hentai section.
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haahahahaahhah you can only manage to shoot out TWO puny loads before your derisory cock gave up? that's honestly hilarious. even your cock is flimsy and broken. disgusting.
I-I just need some rest and I'll be good as new! I won't fail you a third time, I promise! My 25th birthday is coming soon, I'm just not as durable as I used to be ;_;
I want a cute boy to dump a load on my face.
They always did say Sanae was a slut.
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That's why I find it easy to relate to her!
Those are some nice titties.
Maybe it's the same for me.
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I want a cute girl to dominate me.
I am that feel, anon.
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whatever you say, limpdick. now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to work, where I contribute things to society and make the world a better place. you can sit and wallow in your depression in your smelly basement or whatever. give that sad cock some rest.
I am not a NEET and I don't live in a basement ;_; I do hope you have a nice day at work though, I'll be back when I've recovered! Thank you for showing me so much attention the last 2 days!
No, it's one of those gacha games where you spend money to essentially gamble for characters. They're having a summer event with bikini girls and spending money to try and get them turns me on a ton for some reason.
You're all the best /ftt/, make sure to have a wonderful fapping session today!
Thanks for the happy fapping wishes
Thanks, cute Miko
>Pops a couple coins in the donation box.
Okay, I cum in my hand and licked it up. Not all, but some. I don't think I'll make a habit out of it, but it was a nice addition.
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Any other fappers here?
Please vote if you haven't already
Why so lo homo?
Yep, I'm pretty much always here, although I was more of a ghost than a poster until recently
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There's no reason to be shy cutie, we always welcome you
Someone jack off with me.
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I can fap with you anon, how horny are you?
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I'll fap with you
I've often thought about trying to help other anons release too, but I'm not too fond of the idea of me trying to pass as a woman, and I'm mostly straight, so even though I wouldn't mind some gay role playing if I thought it would help anon out I'd probably suck at it, no pun intended. I have a massive amount of respect for the anons who help others release, I imagine it can't always be easy.
any anons wanna chat on discord about things we shouldnt post here? Anonfag#9496
Do you want to fap with us? I've got really horny
What things? You are free to talk about anything lewd here
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I'm in~ Start stroking that cock of yours, let's get all that cum out together!

I'm also really shy and not confident in my ability either, but there's only one way to get better anon and that's to practice~ It's really nice to know that someone exploded because of your text or voice
I'm flattered but I can't, at least not right now for various reasons. I'd be more than happy to help you out, though
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Anything? Also, I like discord because its easier to chat real time or closer to real time for edging there.
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I'm already fapping and I'm already getting really hard, I can cum very fast if I'm not careful so I can't stroke too quickly.

Oh that's a shame, do you want to watch us fap at least?
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You know how horny I am. You've felt it too, right? That feeling when all you can think of is creaming your cock.
Yeah, let's pump it together. I'm jerking vigorously.
I can understand that, ERP is probably the best in private
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Doesn't have to be erp, just lewd chatting back and forth.

Anonfag#9496 onegai desu
I'd love to watch, in fact you may not know this but I have been here a long time, I'd be willing to bet that I've watched every single one of you cum on multiple occasions.
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Oh how cheeky, have you ever masturbated to other anons jerking off together? I bet you did~
Fuck, I am already starting to breathe heavily, tell us what you do with your cock, lusty anon~
I try to be relatively gentle with my faps but if I apply pressure in just the right way it milks and stimulates me way to where I can orgasm in just a few rubs and strokes~ Usually I like long drawn out edging sessions but I'm feeling in the mood for a relatively quick rush to ejaculation tonight.

The past few days have been like that for me, how every little rub and stroke on the tip of your cock makes all that pent up spunk want to burst! I'm not sure why but it's been full of really pleasurable faps where you can almost feel the sperm aching at the tip right from the start~
I'm also joining in, but this is still 2lewd4me so I won't be talking much.
also have some butts, forgot to post them
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That feeling when your mind blanks out and you lose control of your hips is so good
Of course, it's been my muse for quite a while now, watching anons cum while they have no idea just how many lurkers are cumming with them gets me rock hard. I don't like to post much in the same way that a person filming a documentary doesn't want to disturb the animals. I want to see anon having orgasms in his natural habitat, completely unaware of my existance.
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Wow so many cute anons jerking off together, I'm getting to excited... I need to slow down.

That's a really interesting technique anon, I bet it feels really good.

Sure, just tell us when you are going to cum~

Those are some really fine butts, I want to sniff and smother my face in them so badly/
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Cute new game butts
and a cute tomato too
Can you explain further?

Oh you little pervert~ Pleasuring yourself to other anons mastubating. It's really cute thinking about how many horny anons are there who fap with us but are too shy or lazy to post.
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I'm drunk so don't mind me. I just wanted to say all of you are wonderful people and I love you! I hope we can get along!
>Those are some really fine butts
I love the way n.g. draws pantied butts. They're rather plain and simple, without hard details, but still very attactive!
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I love you too~

He has been one of my favorite artists for a while, his girls look so lewd yet so innocent
I'm getting really exited now, it's a shame I can't do anything about it. Be sure and cum extra hard for the both of us, okay? It would make me extra happy if you described what you're feeling as you go over the edge.
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I'll try...
It's like all pleasure rushes to the brain, you no longer pay attention to your surroundings, and if you were multitasking, stop doing everything else and focus on stroking your hard cock. It gets even better when your hips start rising to meet your hand and you can't help but moan and breathe heavily. Feels like a lewd high
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This thread is getting too lewd! I;m not sure how long I can last~
Starting to get really sensitive, every stroke makes me gasp and twitch I-I need to slow down too or this will be over too fast. All that cum wants to spurt out so desperately~
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I'm watching JAV on the side and the moment she mounted him, it hit me
I don't want to hold out anymore. I'm gonna cum to these butts now!
Don't hold back, let it all out. I wanna feel your emotion.
Spray your cum on those butts!
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Hold it for us anon! I want you to cum really hard.
I'm really not sure if I can describe it, I can feel a huge surge building up in my cock, it's extremely sensitive and I feel like I could explode any minute, I can barely focus on typing as I keep feeling that immense pleasure.

I know what you mean anon, I'm starting to breathe really heavily now, every stroke makes me let out a loud moan~
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I hope you had a great orgasm and let a lot of thick sperm out anon~
Thanks anons, that felt great! I'm into chastity so usually I just enviously look at these threads...
I'd Darkness in the butt until she asked me to call her Lala
Do it anon, explode for us! Let out a moan that perfectly translates how you are feeling as you breach the point of no return.
Feels great to relieve the pleasure, how much did you cum?
Can't hang on much longer, it's too muchhh
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I really don't feel like cumming yet, I want to edge for a bit longer, I'll only cum if you cum with me~
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I love trying to exhale with each stroke or thrust
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I'm very horny but I promised my boyfriend I wouldn't cum until he was here.
I've been edging for a whole hour now...
Not much, but it's the third time today so it's to be expected. I can't help it when butts are posted.
I don't think you can afford to wait that long~ Cum on anon, can't you feel the pressure rising from your bladder to the tip of your cock? It must be very hard to fight.
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Are you gay anon? You fap with your bf here?
This thread is getting me hard.
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He doesn't know I'm here...
I-I can't anon, I made a promise...
But I also can't stop stroking and it feels so good...
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i want to cum
Well I hope you had a nice orgasm at least.

I am very good at edging, I can control my pleasure.
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Is that so, Anon? Can I pretty please help you?
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Then come on and start fapping with us~

Do you want to cum with me?
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I'm having to go really slow to keep from exploding everywhere >.< Every few strokes makes me want to pop and then I have to slow down t-this is too much

I'm not that anon b-but I'll try and hang on to cum with you!
i just want to cum... but if it helps then i want to cum with you
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Ok then, when you are ready, cum together to my next post!
I am most certainly not good at it, which is why I'm not fapping right now even though my body is aching, because I just know the greed will take over. My only relief in the meantime is coaxing as many anons as possible into a seizure-inducing orgasm.
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im ready
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I-I'm ready whenever you are! Every pump makes my cock desperately try to spurt. Going to let it out as hard as I can with you~
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Cum! Release all that sperm you built up inside! Let's feel all the pleasure together~
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i really like cumming
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Thanks for cumming with me anons, that was incredible, how did it feel and how much mess did you make? I shot it all over my crotch and my heart is beating fast,
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Barely even gets posted in, most of the actual porn dumpers gave up on it (myself included).
All of this raw enthusiasm is making me high, i'm so fortunate to have been here to witness this.
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It's wonderful, isn't it?
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What did you have in mind?
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Nothing specific really.. it's what _you_ have in mind that matters! I'll do anything for you Anon, I just want that hot seed of you so badly!!~ I'm already getting wet just thinking about it..
Phew, I exploded really forcibly even though this is my second time today~ Thank you anon! I came really hard, it's always really nice to orgasm with someone!

After staying right on the edge to where I could feel all my cum trying to pop w-when you told me to cum I just lightly squeezed my penis a bit and it was enough to completely set me off~
This is all my fetishes in one image, I can't hold it in any longer.
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Don't hold back anon~
Your cum will make me very happy!
Even your post-orgasm descriptions are sexy, enough to heat anyone up. You should cum here more often.
I came buckets.
I love helping other anons cum and seeing them describe their orgasm. It's so cute when they thank me for making them feel good.

It was really nice to fap with you, have a nice day~
Thank you for the meal~
Thanks, I used to be a lot better at lewdposting though and after a long haitus I'm not very confident in it anymore, I'll try and get my creative juices back to visit here more often~

You too anon! Stay cozy
Looks like everyone just came so it got quiet
I was kind of hoping I'd get to see more anons shooting their thick loads, but I suppose five will do for now. It was just getting good, too.
I'll be back to feed you tomorrow.
I just want an onee-san to milk me with complete apathy, urging me to just cum already, that she has better things to do. M-maybe rim me.
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I've come to that picture thousands of times over the years, good times.
I'm going in for a shower in a bit so I want to edge and let out a massive load all over myself. Would anyone like to help me build up a big enough load?
Aww, I missed the group fap. Well, I'm fapping now if anyone wants to join me
I hope you find someone to masturbate with, it would make me very happy to see you two cum together.
I'll fap with you, anon.
I miss Nero.
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me too anon, me too
Who's Nero?
I'm starting to get into a habit of using my hips when I masturbate too. Using my hand like a fuckhole is super lewd. It's hard to even focus on what I'm fapping to when I do it, I kinda stare upwards blankly while giving my hand some love.
I'm just here for the sloppy seconds. Just here to fuck the girls you guys already finished in.
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I've been on a cowgirl kick.
Nothing like using a hole that other cocks have used.
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cowgirls are nice, aren't they?
Umm agreed, so warm and wet~
For the love of god anons shoot out your cummies already, I need to see another orgy explosion like before to distract myself, I'm getting weaker!
Currently fapping to the thought of horny anons fucking cowgirls
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Very nice.
I'd like to be one.
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mmm, you want your tits to be played with lots then?
I want a blowjob from panty.
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I love cowgirls.
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their huge milky tits are the best <3
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Please everyone, cum, cum NOW! How am I supposed to restrain myself when I'm left alone to my lewd thoughts? I need to see you all in the throws of a mind-blowing orgasm if I'm going to survive!
I can't.
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that word is "throes", anon. not "throws"
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Y-you're right anons, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me, I'm usually not this assertive, I'm just so horny that I can't think straight anymore, and seeing other people enjoying themselves tends to bring me back to reality. I'll be good now.
I love paizuri!
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Not fapping or anything and just lurking at the moment, but you're cute, anon.
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Ah, is this titpussy anon? How's it going?
Yes it is. Hi there!

It was really late last night when I got into bed and ended up only edging for about 30 minutes. But for some reason even though I peed before lying down it felt like I had to pee again when I got close to my orgasm.

When I came it wasn't thick at all which is strange. I shot a lot out though and it felt really good.

I've been feeling a bit horny today. Not like I have been the past few days but still enough to feel good.

Did you have good fap?
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30 minutes isn't too bad as far as edge sessions go, I've had shorter. I think I read that peeing sensation is a side effect of producing a lot of precum. Either way I'm glad you enjoyed yourself!

My fap session went great, thanks! I actually stayed up til 4 in the morning edging. My cock was so bloated and needy by the end of it, it was fantastic. I shot nice thick ropes~

I've been feeling kind of horny myself. Not as much as last night either though. Did you want to fap tonight?
Laying around, feeling cute, slowly fapping is the best
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Yeah I was producing a lot precum yesterday. I was leaking throughout the day.

Glad to hear you had a nice fap~

Have a lewd story from earlier today. So I ended rubbing myself to see if I could get any hornier. Yeah I'm pathetic like that and have nothing better to do in my free time. :p Anyway it ended up working and I did seem to get a bit hornier. Then some time later I had just had a moment where I felt extremely horny. Reached into my pants touch myself because I just couldn't help it. When my penis got hard a huge amount of precum just kind of gushed out. It was enough that my fingers got all sticky and I had to go was them. I'm just glad I was I alone when that little incident occurred.

I'm probably not going to tonight. I think I want to wait another day to see if get any hornier. I know I'm just too greedy when it comes to pleasure but I can't help it. Feeling good right now though. I'm sure we'll both be feeling more excited and horny having this lewd chat~
Have you tried eating it anon? It always drives me into a frenzy when I do that. Actual cum isn't to my liking but precum never fails to make me crazy.
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You should check your friend requests.
Not him but I found it a habit to always eat my pre. It's so sweet!
No. I've never had any desire to do anything like that.
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Very nice, that feeling of steadily leaking is so delicious.

That's a cute story, your penis must be really backed up still. I love finding ways to make myself more horny too. Those kind of splurts of cum or pre are always so fun. If you don't mind my asking, is your cock cut or uncut? I'm uncut myself and that meaty sensation makes fapping really enjoyable for me.

And cool, I guess that means I won't fap tonight either. I kind of want to build my lust and horniness up, so this should be a perfect opportunity. Let's get all excited and horny together.
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God I want to fuck Shuten so bad.
If you anons don't mind me asking, how do you guys hold off while browsing threads like this for entire days without going ballistic? Even just waiting for a few hours while lurking is a trial. Not long ago I tried to save myself for a week, but on the second day, I got so worked up I came without even touching myself.
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Well it's kind of weird. I'm actually cut but I still have quite a bit of foreskin. Enough that when I'm fully erect I can still pull it completely over my head. When it's flaccid the head just kind of pokes out my foreskin and I think it looks really cute desu.

For a while when I was younger I thought something might be wrong with my penis because when I looked up pics of cut and uncut penises and mine didn't really look like either one.

I guess whoever cut me just left a bunch of foreskin for some reason. I'm really grateful they didn't cut it all off but I wish they would've just not cut me at all.

At least I have enough to fap with though. I couldn't imagine fapping without it.

Yeah. I didn't really want to fap two days in a row and holding off now means better faps in the future.
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You must be extremely sensitive. I can't imagine having an orgasm just from getting horny. And only on the second day? Wow. Actually wish I could experience a hands free orgasm once just to see what it's like.

You should work on increasing your endurance if you want to last longer. Edging is a great way to do that.
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Sounds like you lucked out, it's good that there's still a bit of foreskin left. I personally love the extra layer of skin, plus it means more precum. And yeah same here I don't want to know what it feels like to fap while totally uncut.

Oh, and have you heard of foreskin restoration? Apparently there are a number of stretching exercises you can do to grow your foreskin back. Might be worth looking into for a prominent fapper like yourself.

Holding off for tonight does seem like the best plan, I'm into it. It'll mean stronger and stickier orgasms tomorrow too~
>Actually wish I could experience a hands free orgasm once just to see what it's like.
It's a lot less special than most people think, especially when it's a recurring problem. It feels great, don't get me wrong, but it's also kind of embarrassing and it never feels as good as a good old fashioned edging session. I had it happen to me in Art Class in high school. I accidentally brushed against a desk the wrong way and came immediately. Everyone thought I had pissed myself. I let them continue to think that, because I didn't even want to think about the alternative.
Tuck your dick between your legs and play with your ass. I cum like that every time. Don't go rubbing your dick against your thigh, that's cheating!
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Yeah my fap technique pretty much depends on foreskin begin there. What I do is grip my penis just under the head with my middle finger, index finger, and thumb. Then I just rub my foreskin up and down the head really fast. Don't really bother with the lower part of my penis but the side of my ringer finger does kind of rub against the side when I'm fapping.

I've heard about foreskin restoration but never looked into it. Maybe I will one day. But at this point I'm just so used to how my penis is. You know what I mean? Plus as I mentioned earlier I think it looks really cute when flaccid.

Holding off is for the best. And somehow I've still got a bit of an ache in my balls. Not like it was but it's still there. Maybe last night I somehow just shot out mostly precum and there is still a bunch of backed up cum needing to get out? I don't even know if that's possible though.
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Wow. I can't imagine being that sensitive. I mean I was sensitive back when I was a teenager but even if was really horny it would take at least 2 or 3 good strokes for me to blow.

And it's kind of cute imagining that scene. I imagine the embarrassment mixed with the pleasure must've felt really weird.
I've begun looking for pictures featuring the big, smelly cocks I'd like to suck. I want to go face first on this thing, all the way to the balls before taking a big whiff.. clearing up any thoughts of doing anything but obediently sucking.

Fucking manly musk anon! You set me on this path you fucker! I spend every night thinking about gross guys with big stinky dicks, now!
I shouldn't be here right now, I'm starting to get really worked up again. It was really weird, I think it's one of the many reasons I developed an inferiority fetish.
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Nice, it's good to be content and happy with your cock. I get what you mean about being familiar and used to it, I feel the same. I know the ins and outs of my penis too well to ever think about changing it.

Nice fap technique too, that's similar to mine: I wrap my index finger, middle finger and thumb around the head of my cock while extending my ring and pinkie finger outwards. Then I jerk my hand up and down incredibly quickly, taking small 5-10 second breaks when I feel like I'm hitting my edge. For some reason, extending a few fingers makes your hand tense up nicely and makes stroking feel really good. You should try it one of these days if you haven't already.

I'm not quite as worked up as you but I'm still feeling excited and horny. Is it bad that I'm already looking forward to exploding tomorrow with you?
It's been a week and my dick needs suckin.
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I'll have to try that sometime. I fap with my ring and pinkie fingers bent down towards my palm.

I don't know why I've been so horny. For the past like 3 or 4 months I've gone 3 or 4 days without fapping quite often and even then I wasn't really horny or excited to fap. Maybe it was because I wasn't getting a lot sleep or something.

And it's not a bad at all that you're looking forward to cumming on the same day as me. It makes us feel better knowing that other people are feeling good too. I mean when I watch porn I always time my orgasm with guy. It just feels better for me when I do that.

And sorry this reply took me so long. My backspace button decided it wanted to go back one page instead of deleting for some reason and i had to retype everything.
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I think you might enjoy the different sensations. I'm always looking for interesting new ways to fap.

And I guess your body's just reacting to you holding off for 3 or 4 days for so long. I guess you're really backed up, no wonder you get so horny.

I like how we fap on the same day as well! Something about knowing there's another person feeling the same pleasure at the same general time is really nice. I like synching my orgasms to the guy in porn as well. When I was a little younger, I liked synching my strokes to the guy's thrusts too. Linking your faps to something else feels good.

I've had that backspace thing happen to me before, it's pretty annoying. No worries about the late reply.
Buzz buzz :^)
I wanna cum so bad, but I have to keep edging myself.
Butt play is just so much more fun when I edge for a few days.
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Yeah I've pretty much fapped the same way since I discovered fapping many years ago.

At least I can enjoy myself to the fullest right now though. Being horny is always fun.

And I've been wondering what are some of your favorite fetishes? Obviously I like paizuiri but there are more that I like. I like fellatio, and mother/son incest but you knew that already. I also like prostitutes or really slutty girls but only really in 2D. No sex though just paizuri and fellatio. I also have a rather weird one that might be hard to understand appeal of but I can try to explain if you want to know.
I think I've done it, I finally reached my zen. I don't NEED to fap or cum so often, the constant arousal is all in my head. It isn't real. It isn't a drug or anything, I realize now that I can stop anytime I wish. Waiting isn't so bad, as long as I'm in the right state of mind. I am a rock, I am an island.
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anime tiddy
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Fetishes? Well for me I obviously enjoy paizuri a ton as well as fellatio, just like you. I'm into other kinds of nonpenetrative sex acts too - thighfucks, buttjobs, basically anything that's not penis in vagina sex. I enjoy gyaru girls and public sex as well. Straight shota stuff is also super hot to me, definitely a favorite.

Aside from that I'm not really sure. If the mood strikes me I can get into a lot of things - momdom, reverse rape, lactation...I'd say most fetishes I can find hot if I'm in the right mood.

And sure, I'd love to hear about your 'weird' fetish. I really enjoy hearing about what turns other people on.
Nice try, but I'm far too calm now for that trick to work on me. Truly, I have ascended beyond such desires.
>basically anything that's not penis in vagina sex
Do you find the vagina unappealing or are you just more into the other types. Genuinely curious here...
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It's fine but I find it a bit boring. Other kinds of sex for me are more passionate and exciting.
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anyone interested in chatting about lewd things on discord? Anonfag#1739, I like all sorts of stuff but anything femdom related is a huge plus
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Wow you sound a lot like me. I like lots of things but just can't get into actual sexual intercourse.

Also I love /ss/ and can't believe I forgot to mention that.

Well this is going to sound really strange but my weird fetish is microscopic cities being destroyed by 2 bigger completely unaware people. Specifically by paizuri or fellatio. It's a huge fetish of mine and I'm always imagining it happening in things I fap to. Like in pic related I imagine a really tiny city just being completely drown and in cum and obliterated deep in her soft titpussy. That probably makes me sound really weird.

I understand if you don't want to hear about it any more. I wouldn't want to kill your mood or anything. I know this is an extremely rare fetish because I've not been able to ever find a single piece of content on the internet about it. Sure there is a lot size porn but nothing exactly like that.
Interesting, I can't imagine a relationship where a girl would willingly do all that kind of stuff without being given traditional penetrative sex. She'd have to be really submissive if things were to work out.
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Ah, I think I remember you mentioning the microscopic cities thing in passing a while ago. Don't worry about sounding strange, I like it when people are honest. I think I can understand the appeal in it. It's like, these entire cities are being ruined and destroyed by people who don't even know they exist while they get off. A massive thick cock crushing and obliterating all those buildings and then splurting cum out and drowning the ruins~ I think I can get it.

It's hot that you imagine it a lot. Do you picture the cities to be built all over the girl's tits, or just in certain places? If your mom ever gave you paizuri, would you fantasize about tiny cities in her titpussy during it?

Don't worry about sounding odd or strange, I like it. I think it's cute and hot. By all means, tell me as much as you'd like, I'm all ears.
My weirdest fetish is getting impregnated against my will, preferably by a futa demon girl or some such other monster.
Would it be safe to say that fetish extends to facehuggers?
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That's makes me feel so much better. I couldn't remember if I had mentioned that to you before or not.

That's actually my original fetish. I remember being really young and just lying on my bed and thinking about tiny cities being destroyed by unaware people. This was before I even found females attractive or even knew what sexual attraction was. I just knew that thinking about it gave me a weird feeling in my groin that I liked so I kept thinking about them. To this day I have no idea why those thoughts popped into my head.

And the way you described is pretty much what I like about it so much and what really gets me going.

I pretty much imagine it every time I fap.

I usually picture the cities on the guys penis. Because there are microscopic fictional cities I don't really care if they conform to how physics work irl.

And yeah I definitely would. Whenever I write stories they always have those tiny cities in them. What I like to do is write one scene. So for instance I'll write about my mom giving me paizuri and get really detailed about what happens I make sure to emphasize just how good my character is feeling. Then I'll write the same scene from the perspective of the people in the city. I'll go into detail about how parts of it are being destroyed and how the people experience the paizuri session. It gets me going like nothing else.

I know it makes me sound bad but it's purely fantasy and I hate seeing death and destruction irl like any sane person would. I don't want to be viewed as psychopath or something because of what I fap to.

It's really great that you don't mind me talking about it though. Thank you for listening.~
It's awful late but I don't suppose anyone out there could post some sexy feet for me to finish to could they?
Where is momanon
where is jestia
where is nero
where is flat-chan
where is aoi
where is kuro
where is scathach
Hmmm, I don't think so? A little bit, perhaps. Actual face huggers don't do anything for me, but some kind of forceful impregnation via mouth is hot!
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I've always wanted to become a women but it's just a far fetched dream...
Sure thing, anon~
>not in there
>I don't want to be viewed as psychopath or something because of what I fap to.
If there's one place on earth where you don't have to worry about that, it's 4chan.
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I just want to cum on flat chests or cute feet or maybe on a nice firm butt. My fetishes aren't too out there I don't think.
I want a cowgirl to force me, with the threat of suffocation, to nurse from her. I want her to grab my hair, shove my face against her breast, put her nipple against lips, and whisper that as long as I'm suckling from her, she'll let me breathe, but if I stop, she'll push my head roughly into her chest and hold me there while I struggle.
>not in there
Don't worry, I miss all of our local sluts. You make this place better!
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Aw~ thanks, anon.
This post is dangerous, I'd better get out of here soon before I have to add another fetish to the list.

I love those stirrup things. Exposed toes is the lewdest. It makes me want to stick my dick under it so I can fuck her foot.
Literally dying
I can't get enough of 'em either. Too bad there aren't many characters that have 'em.

It's too late. You're already thinking about what it would be like to have all that soft tit flesh pressed against every inch of your face, sealing against your skin and cutting off all your air, while she gently murmurs that all you have to do to get your breathing privileges back is be a good boy and drink up every last drop of milk she has
That's good, thank you for the delicious feet!
Please stop pushing my buttons, anon, I'm supposed to be saving myself, no more
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You're very welcome~

Yeah. I love them as thigh highs especially. They leave plenty covered but the lewdest bits, thighs and toes, exposed.

Not that tights or bare legs aren't great in their own way too.
Yeah, I really just like legs and feet in general. I actually have a bit of a thing for long skirts. Covers most of the legs, which is really hot to me. Leaves it to the imagination and is just really lewd to me.
You don't want to hear about how she'd push you down onto your back and let her huge breasts smoosh down as she presses on you with all her upper body weight? How she'd pin your arms down so you can't escape the pillowy smother as her breasts swallop up your field of vision? How if you tried to rotate your head away to get one little gasp of air, she'd tilt it back into place, wrap one arm around the back of your head, and tell you what a naughty boy you.are for trying to get air when she didn't let you? How she would growl that she doesn't care if you don't like it now, because she will make you like nursing from her, whatever it takes?
Haah, twelve hours, I've held on for so long, I can't give up now! Even if I have to wait another twelve, I won't falter!

It's not like I don't understand that, but I have to come down on the side of short skirts. With long skirts you have no chance of seeing anything. With short skirts there's always the opportunity for a short glimpse.
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Aw, I'm glad I make you feel nice about it. Your first fetish, eh? That''s pretty cute. I hear a lot of people growing up turn weird thoughts into fetishes. It never happened to me but I respect those it has happened to. Your fetish is lovely.

Cities on the penis, eh? So I guess they get ground to dust against the girl's titpussy? Those soft creamy mountains pulverizing and smashing the city to bits~? This is actually kind of fun talking about.

Overall, I think it's really cute and nice that you have this fetish. Don't feel bad about it at all! I'd love for you to talk about it as much as you like. I really enjoy hearing you explain it.

And how do the people in the stories usually experince the paizuri? Do they hear a rumbling from afar as those luscious pillowy tits rub and smash against their city suddenly? Do people try to rush through emergency exits before quickly being enveloped and smothered by an avalanche of titflesh? I'd love to hear any details you'd like to share. I also think it's hot that you'd imagine it even with your mom.

Nice stuff, anon! Apologies for the late reply, I was taking a shower.
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There's nothing like dropping a load on some itty bitty titties and watching it run smoothly down her chest.
For me, it's more about the glimpses of the legs and not being able to see most of them that turns me on. I'm not too into panties and the like, legs are what really get me going. Almost as much as oral does.
I think my love for long skirts started when I was a kid and saw my sister cross her legs while wearing one and her calves just barely came into view.

I think my interest lie a little further up the leg is all. Short shorts are nice too, for legs, but skirts are better for accidental lewdity.
Yeah, accidental lewd is nice. I definitely wasn't saying I dislike short skirts or anything, just to clarify. Thigh peeks are pretty nice.
I'd love somebody to cum on my chest, does that count?
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Yeah. I love the idea of soft tiddies being so deadly and destructive.

I usually make the people scared and confused of what's going on. Then when they are buried inside all that titflesh everything goes dark. I love putting in details like about what happens to small groups of people. Like maybe they end up living for a while and have to deal with the cumshot that floods everything. I just love showing how one little thing greatly affects the city. Like if my mom just gives my penis a little suck or kiss before she puts it between her boobs and causes massive destruction with that one action.

Sometimes I'll write a detailed backstory about why paizuri or fellatio is even happening in the first place but I don't do that often because it takes so long and I can't really edge to the boring parts. I really wish there was content out there about this desu. That's the only thing I don't like about it is how rare it is.

But most of the time I just use my imagination on pics since it takes much less effort.

Pic related is great to me. The girl looks slightly annoyed like maybe she's glad it's over and now she has to wash up but has no idea that she did much more than just get her boobs sticky. Just imagining little things like that is what I love.

You can see how that actually allows me to get more from everything I fap to than just what it shows in the pic. I also tend to like artists that are a bit more detailed in their work.

That's onwards of my favourite views. A cute pair of feet with a prefect line of vision up the inside of her thighs to the contents of her skirt. It's one of the perks of footjobs.

I like cute girl chests only.
I have a cute girl chest. I'm probably not as flat as you'd prefer though.

Budding mounds are fine too. I'd love to help out a few other guys get the chest as cum covered as possible.
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I like when it's a thick load released across their chest and they feel embarrassed yet happy about how much you came
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>tfw getting textfucked in a not bad ERP session
I really like used sluts with gaping holes
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>flat chests
wew lad
I am split between flat and fat chests
I want both to give me a tit job at the same time!
Or both to fight over me.
I'd rather be squished between them than split.
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I put alternate descriptions for my character depending on how much ERP they did recently.
I want to receive a tityjuck from Hestia!
Explain more
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Bigger breasts are superior! Superior I say! Flat chests are boring and you can even barely feel them or pinch!

Don't bother, I bet your cock is too small for my superior fat chest!
So! They can be sexy and I want to fuck all tits! Big and small and you can't stop me!
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I can stop you! I will kill you by choking you to death with my giant breasts so you couldn't say such dumb things anymore! Doesn't it sounds like a good death?~
Well, I mean, yeah desu it does but I won't let you! I need to fuck both types of tits I need to!
I want Hestia to bully me!
At least you want to adore fat chests as well, I guess. There is still some hope for you.

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Did oral scenes: describes cum running down their hair, smeared makeup and such.
Anal and vaginal: Same thing but describing creampies.
There's per bodypart descriptions and clothing covers various parts.
It's kinda wordy but some guys liked it.
Why does that cow look so angry?
H-how did you know?
I'm going to sleep now. Posting from my phone so no pic.

I will be on tomorrow night.

Flat chest are delicious!
I just love all types of breasts. Small ones look so cute sometimes and so yummy to play with.
Of course it's the same with big ones. I just love tits!
Why'd it have to be bullying? It's so hard to resist touching myself, but I just need to keep my hands off for another hour, then I can pass out without any regrets.
Don't call me a cow, because you're a cow too! You can produce something white after all~

Only virgins want to be bullied, my sweet cheery boy. I bet when girl calls you a "virgin", you have boner in your pants, just like right now!

Lolicon alert!

I bet you would like to be raped by flat and big chest at the same time.

What's wrong? A innocent boy can't resist from touching his penis? Do your cock needs attention so desperately?
I am not a lolicon!
Y-yes, it desperately needs attention, but not by you. I can't and won't!
>Only virgins want to be bullied
R-really?..... then idk if I ever not want to be one. Because being bullied is so good, and yes I'm very hard now from you calling me virgin!
Fuck yes! Being raped by both at the same time is like a dream, idk if it would be rape since I want it so bad, But I mean anytime, they can just hold me down and do it!
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Suuuuuuure, I bet you're going straight to Kuro everytime when she shows up, don't you? You just want to feel her tiny and adorable little breasts!

What does it mean you won't? You have to! Your dick is waiting! You probably are massing your crouch right now!

And what are you going to do next? Are you going to touch your "pure" cock with your filthy hands and masturbate? What a virgin!

You guys really like to be bullied, don't you? There is no help for you! I must somehow convince you that only big fat chests are the best! The best! Maybe killing you with my tits, isn't so bad idea after all.
I ah, actually already am touching it. And it feels so good. I love touching my virgin dick to you!
I don't care if I'm bullied or not, but I do like it.
And stop tempting me to let you do that! Maybe you just shoving them in my face awhile will convince me?
I-I know what you're trying to do, but you're too late! I've already taken my sleeping pills, and I'll be out cold in l-less than 50 minutes! Enjoy my precum, because it's the most you'll ever get out of me!
It almost makes me sad seeing you push all these pathetic boys around. It makes me want to brutally reduce you to a fun filled shaking mess just to show them how much of a 'goddess' you really are.
D-do it! Show her what a veteran can really do! Don't let her get away with it!
I've never fapped to Kuro in my life!
Ah, virgins. So predictable. So let's assume you have chance to use me however you want. What are you doing? I'm always enjoying those descriptions from cute virgins~

Trust me, if I only had more time - I would rape you right now with my breasts. Maybe even with something more. But I guess I slap your face with breasts a little~

You see?! Your cock wants it! And 50 minutes it's a lot of time! You could fap three times in row at this time! But precum is good to, it have a lot of advantages after all!

>'goddess' you really are
Ho? You seem confident, and what you know about me? You know nothing about me! But go ahead and surprise me.

Do you hate fun or something?
I don't hate fun! I just have never gotten the chance I guess...
Well, I'd start I guess by pulling you close to me and kissing you a lot! Then moving my hands all over your body and squeezing your butt, then work them up to your amazing boobs and play with them.
After that I would undress you slowly while still playing with your body and, I'm not sure what I'd do next! I think I would fuck your tits.
Stop it, I'm leaking everywhere! I don't care if I get soaked, my hands will not breach my shorts!
It's a shame you don't have more time.
Something more? what would that be? Thank you though, having those wonderful tits smother my face will be heaven!
>Pacing forward, around the short but stacked girl, he spoke down to her
Hestia, very proud of her familia, although she is a pale whorish shadow of the glory it once was. Goddess in the poorest sense, no one cares about you anymore, so you come to places like here to bully weak anons to make you feel powerful
>Stopping his motion in front of her, his eyes connected with hers
Did I get anything wrong?
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You never got chance to... what? To masturbate? It's really easy! You just whip it out and stroke it! Oh wait, you're talking about that Kuro never had fun with you? Oh, you poor thing. But you can fap in shadows when others are having fun with Kuro~

Kissing you say? Yep, you're a virgin. Have you ever kissed a girl? But still, this description was quite cute~ Maybe I should fuck you at some point~ Stealing virginity is quite good after all!

NO! I'm not going to stop! I'm here to make you cum after all! The sight of my body doesn't invigorate you? The thought of getting to lay your hands on my supple curves, feeling your fingers sink into my soft flesh, seeing me lick my lips as I undress you with my eyes… that isn't enough to make you want to stroke yourself for me? How stubborn~

There is a lot of things! For example I could buy a strap-on and tease your boyhole! But usually guys aren't into stuff like this... so maybe I could just give good old paizuri while I would like your cock! And dumb flat chest couldn't do that!

>She only laughed from his words.
Ha! Like I thought! You know nothing! I still have a lot of believers - who said my "people" are only from this place? Besides - bullying weak Anons is just my hobby, and that's it.
>She looked at him with smug expression on her face.
And I'm sure only if you had a chance, you would be a "believer" as well.
I-I'm somebody else's property! I-if you push this any farther, you'll be punished for unauthorized use! I'm warning you!!!
>Have you ever kissed a girl?
No.... I never have. Ahh, well I would love to lose it to you if you really mean it! Losing it to someone so sexy, idk if I could even last long at all.
I'm actually a guy who is into that stuff actually. As long as I could feel your big tits on my back while you did, I would love that! And I could still rub against a flat chest and cum though!
>His gaze was unyielding, even in the face of the uppity girl. Turning his body towards her, he questioned.
You have a lot of believers? ...true believers? Or ones who just hope you fuck you? I doubt you could tell the difference, but as hobbies go, it's rather unfitting of a goddess.
>Stepping towards her, slowly, painfully, he reached out and arm to glide a finger along the underside of her chin.
A Goddess should serve, not be served. What if all these young boys turned on you, and bullied you for a change~
Oho, that would explain a lot of things. If I can ask - who is your master? Do I know them, by any chance? AAA! So tempting to play with you!

It's okay, there nothing wrong in cumming quickly! Actually quickshoots are cute, really cute! And they can go cum multiple in the row sometimes! So maybe I should steal your virginity after all! I will think about it~

Good to know, maybe we should find some attractive flat chest we could rape you? How does it sounds? Tempting enough? Does it makes your dick harder?~

>She looked at him with angry face and grabbed his hand.
Ehem! For your information - I have true believers, and those believers are actually what you mentioned! They bully me, in my special chamber.
>She took a step a back and looked him from bottom to top.
So it's just like I said - a true believers can experience my body how they want! Too bad you aren't a believer, because you could experience this as well~
Oh god, my dick is leaking so much thinking about it!
If you do steal it, could I still be bullied by you?
I belong only to Hilda! She even took my soul! Noone understands me better and noone ever will! I'm finally starting to get sleepy...
You mean, for both you and the flat chest to rape me? Yes it does!
But if you mean just a flat chest..... No at least not right now, I want yours!
>With his wrist grabbed by her small hand, he in turn took its wrist in his hand.
These... 'men', people who clammer to you to get stepped on, their your 'believers'?
>An aire of disgusting in his voice, and on his face, he looked around at them, then back to her.
If this is what you believers look like, I don't want to be one. And so I ask you, what is a Goddess...
>As his words hung, he moved a hand to her hip, and squeezed softly.
...to a non-believer?
(And I have like 20 minutes left. Sorry for teasing you guys, I wasn't even planning to play today, curse me. I guess I still have some time for one more reply. I'm really sorry again.)

How this is even a question? Of course I would bully you, though I don't know how to bully a non-virgin... Well, we will figure this later or sooner for sure!

Oh, great butt Hilda! Nice nice, I'm even jealous! Well, since she is your master - I'm going to leave you.. for now!

I meant raped by me and some flat chest! I'm glad you like this idea! Maybe I should invite some flat chests here, hmm~ But for now, have some jiggly tits! I bet you would like to cum on them, don't you?

(I should go soon, but I really would like to continue this at some point, if you don't mind. Will you be available later? Like in 6-8 hours or something?)

>Hestia looked straight into his eyes and take a step close to him while her breasts were touching his chest.
So... how about I'll show you? Trust me - I can be a really good Goddess, if you only give me a chance.
>She touched his hip as well and moved her face closer to his, and she gave him a kiss to his cheek.
Apparently I'm going at riding... but horse must be really big~
>She teased him.
Heh heh... Don't let the bedbugs bite...
Then that would make me happy! I hope soon then you will take my virginity... And in the meantime I hope you continue teasing me about it!
Fuck yes I love that idea please! Please I hope you can arrange something.
For now, yes I'd love to cum on those perfect mounds!
You are a godsend, Hestia <3
(I'll be around then, yeah~)

You're gonna have to make a really, really good impression on, especially seeing how you treat...
>Again, looking around to the all boys on the floor, vying for attention, he turned back to her to rid himself of the more unsavoury sight
...other, people. If it's size you're worried, about, you have zero reason to be worried.
>Taking the wrist that was still firmly in his grip, he placed it on her crotch, letting her feel the large package hanging from it, restrained under the tight clothes
Absolutely zero...~
>Kissed everyone in the thread before leaving
Have a nice Sunday cuties!

Sleep well, cute Anon!

Of course, teasing cute boys is the best after all! Now when I think about it, you will be my first cheery boy! How cute! I should prepare myself then!

I will see it, eventually I can ask some flat chests from here!
So what is stopping you? I know you want it! And so your dick! Literally nothing is stopping you, just do it!

Thank you <3
>Kisses a cute Anon.

(Great <3 Sorry, for not continuing ERP, but I'm already late. See ya)
That makes me happy! I can't wait..... I, I love you!
(It's alright, see you soon, Goddess~)
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Looks like everyone got their balls empty
That's a good or bad thing? I can't tell.
Depends for who
It's good for those who fapped but bad for those who still want to fap
>missed Hestia
W-will someone else help me cum...?
I love that dogfucker
Do what I do, just fap to her posts.
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I want to cuddle with a cute girl with a big butt
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