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/sug/ - Steven Universe General Muscle naked apron Edition

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Thread replies: 463
Thread images: 155

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/sug/ - Steven Universe General

Muscle naked apron Edition

Last Thread: >>10096326

>Soundtrack (Vol. 1)
Direct: https://dl.sug.rocks/YP-SU-FLAC-OST01.zip
Torrent: https://su-g.pw/f4z96
iTunes: http://apple.co/2riEbl9

>Steven Universe "Wanted"
Mega: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw!p10X0I5Z
Direct: https://sug.rocks/dl.html#0501i
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Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x4w9p0

>Art book "Art and Origins" available for pre-order
>Graphic novel "Anti-Gravity" available for pre-order

>Episode downloads
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>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
her name is bloop and i love her very very much
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Useless shit gem.
We deserve this hiatus.
thats your opinion anon and i value that you are able to speak it freely

Gems can be absolved of genocide if they cry a little.
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Are you ready to be beaten pussies?
I hope spammer fags get cancer and never get to see another episode of SU ever again
Rebecca would have forgave Hitler.
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why do Gems feel love and attraction towards each other if they do not need to mate and reproduce? is it because they need to feel attraction towards each other in order to fuse? this undeniable proof that fusion is their version of sex and reproduction? is smoky quartz pedophilia and incest?
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gemkind deserves genocide
Pedofag and Indexer both deserves cancer yes.
i hope rebecca fucking dies painfully and no more episodes of this awful show are made and released
Oh no you want the shit crew member to die
Fuck off Indexer/Pedofag
I feel this was a reference for something
yes, she is shit
she caused this show to turn from something great to rotting dog shit
>it's the year 2184 and we're on late season 5
>we got past Zuke's last episode
>people are abuzz on who could be her replacement
>either lamar was zuke's final board partner or zuke leaving and the new boarder coming in switches up the board teams again
>the next lamar epsiode premiers
>[spoiler]"Written & Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams & Somvilay Xayaphone"[/spoiler]
Fusion can be sexual if it involves dancing, and not just the horizontal tango either, this has yet to be proven wrong.

>To act as if one is sexually attracted to another person, usually in a playful manner
This is true.
>year 2184
>humanity not dead from nuclear war and super volcanoes
keep dreaming
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Inb4 stevonnie example
Stevonnie was the essence of puberty, growing up, becoming attractive- fooling around is part of the package.
stevonnie is the essence of taking two bad characters and taking out any of their good traits
Stevonnie sux
I thought Stevonnie was the essence of an anxious tranny.
You sux
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No u
and its bad
Stevonnie becomes hot and gets an advanced enhanced penis
Does the show utilize this? No.
Strange i just refreshed and no new posts.
It's 5AM, go to bed
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>tfw want to hug someone as I fall asleep>tfw it hurts to hug people
Stevonnie has a giant peen
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anyone have the third page of this comic? id appreciate it a lot if anyone is willing to post it
Are you giving people some kind of hedgehog cactus disease that grows spines all over their arms or something
Hugs aren't supposed to hurt
It hurts me not them
Its 12:25 already.

>sleeping in middle of the day

You burgers are so strange.
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>Taking it -from- Jasper
It hasn't been made yet
its on bluebreeds patreon but id have to pay 10 bucks to get it, trying to save a couple bucks
Greg please no. They are children. They did nothing wrong.
>after taking it from Jasper for 5 months straight
>Malachite lasted 6 months minimum
>it was the other way around
Oh didn't realize
Will it be released normally after a while?
Lars soft pink soles
he says it will be released once its finished but its been months and no new page has been made
Just looked them up, what a bad Jasper.
Half his art is pony and sonic shit, no wonder
Who cares. His drawning generic anime shit.
>brony weeb cashing in on lapidot
august is just around the corner guys...we'll be back before you know it
SDCC next month hype.
I hate to say it but I'm going to miss some of you have fun in /co/
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>My art in OP
Well, shucks. Here's the Volleyball Jasper as requested >>10097761
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i came
Awwww yearr caught it just in time before I hit the sack, nice1 m8
>that fluff
YES! Liking her countenance as well.
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I can's get enough of your do Jasper, you do a great job capturing the thickness of her arms and legs.
And once again, I love her expression. Amazing job.
Thanks for doing my request.
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so ill take it that no one has the third page then?
Pearls eyes are piercing
I wanted to put your art on the OP, so it's really nothing. Thanks for all your works
Why do you want a 3rd page, that looks like shit
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Blue Diamond and her Pearl for >>10097788
Alright, gonna hit the hay for tonight. Didn't realize how late it was. Thanks everyone for the requests! All your compliments mean a lot
Goodnight draw friend I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing night sleep
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because im attracted to peridot and the story plot is interesting. now give me the third page goddamn it i wanna jerk off
No meat beat mania for you anon
No, Bob. That name rules.
why is everyone always angry that fruit is yellow, please explain.
Yellow is a color of piss
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i just want some peri porn man
Peri is for love not for lewd
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peri is for both
No peri porn for you
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Pls stop you are embarrassing her
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I said pls stop
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try to stop me, i love her too much
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Proceed no more
This is getting to spicy for me
the thought of aquamarine acting like a brat as she gives you everything you want is one of the hottest things I can imagine
Sorry, bro. I like Bob. And the pointy stick.
who is bob? and the pointy stick?
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This one i guess
A saw squarrel in forest
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I hope you're all having a great day
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Holy shit
Im sleeping completely naked
I haven't been in is general for a while but I just wanted to pop in and rub all of your sycophantic noses in the fact that I said a month ago or whatever when Steven got abducted that it would not lead to any kind of satisfying resolution to the home world arch and that he would return to earth "in the course of a single bomb". Well imagine my motherfucking surprise when he popped out of lion in his gay little house five episodes later.

You people are pigs. This show is the most formulaic and tedious slop pile that I've ever forced myself to watch and you still eat it up like pigs and beg for more. Allow me to repeat this over and over again because I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life: there will NEVER be a satisfying resolution to the HW arch. They will string you along for as long as the can. They will fall all over themselves and butcher their own plot in order to keep you marks in the dark. They will give you just enough information to keep you interested and nothing more. You will never get what you want, you will only get what you deserve: a convoluted mess and cancellation.

And this general is a wasteland of unfunny dorks parroting each other and trying to be quirky and clever despite actually being neither. Get your fucking priorities straight for the love of god. You can't see the sadness forest through the patheticness trees.
Is this pasta?
This is shit
Most artists stop their su drawnings in august 2016.
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Her eyes says like

>bah i seen more

but she wants be gentle with steven.
kill yourself
kill yourself
I have tried using this template, with the name being slightly to the upper left, and they still told me to fuck off
Who wants me to noodle their doodle?
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Doodle Garnet on Jamies doorstep.
Im not gay but 20$ is 20$
they're old badges
draw a gem with just balls
kill yourself
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Yellow technically shattered Pink.
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Goodnight drawfag, have a nice night.
>Stone Cold Steve Johnson
I'm with the idea YD played a part in PD shattering and we see her still feel guilty about it

But if that scenario happened I don't think yellow would've been conscious and or remembered it and she possibly wouldn't have yelled at "The Trial"
what's your problem friend
My parents are not at home. Should i masturbate in their room?
Personally I like to think that Yellow Diamond and Pink Diamond had a blow out argument over Duty just before PD was shattered.
Like, she forced her hand and that's what killed Pink Diamond indirectly in some way, she knows their argument had something to do with it which is why she wants to put it all behind her.
Fuck off dad
Yeah, but for all we know, WD might be the mastermind behind it, not to mention that she is THE most eluded of the diamonds that even her own name hasn't been mentioned.. at all

Unless that's what Rebecca wants us to think
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Gems should make flower crowns for their friends
got any draw requests?
What currency do they use on the Gemworld? Or is the gem homeworld one of those meme sci-fi universes where communism worked?
Memegrot in da charging waagghh squad in da heat of battle
Pearl hugging a faceless male. Nothing too extravagant. Thanks.
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This version of rose quartz being cute
Communism is fake and cannot work even on paper. They all just slaves. They have no needs.
The second one
Lapis trying to figure out how technology works.
So they're just all slaves? Got it, thanks Lenin!
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I heard everything.
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I hope you all have nice days.
Call in the helicopters
Don't forget kysfag
I hope they are last.
same person
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We aren't actually sure that Steven inherited the ability to control people. We first see it take form as him using his dreams to connect to minds, when he accidentally connects with Lapis, and Pearl seemed genuinely surprised by the possibility. It's highly possible that even Rose herself didn't know she could possess others since the ability seems to require sleep, and Gems sleeping seems to be a recent thing. Besides, if Rose really could control others directly and at will, wouldn't it have been better to have rescued a few extra Rose Quartz gems and then controlled all the Diamonds at once? With all the Diamonds controlled, they could have rewrote the laws of homeworld and freed everyone, stopped the Earth colonization easily, and all for the price of 4 Rose Quartz "sleeping" forever.

I'm not saying that this couldn't have happened, but if they really did end up going this direction, it would open up a lot of plot holes in my opinion.
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>big "evil" Rose Quartz
>she's actually a fuckin sweetheart

I need all of the other Roses freed at once
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does she really have the stamina for that kinda shit
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Gretchin or Grotz are basically a smaller subspecies of Orks, who are more cowardly than normal Orks and are usually used as living shields, to clear mine fields, are stepped on to get through difficult terrain, and sometimes even as emergency rations. Gretchins are quite low in the strict hierarchy of Ork society because of their small size (the lowest Orkoids being the Snotlings) and are often used for the dirtiest jobs like scavenging and being used as the football when the bigger Orks get bored.

While they are not as aggressive as standard Orks, they enjoy fighting weaker opponents and are less likely to flee if they comfortably outnumber their opponent
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i thought that said no face
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still works tho
fucking great art, saved.
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I love this, what a happy mistake!
Hey, is good.
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Orks have no gender btw. When i saw peri first though in my head was about what gw would deal with it.
Not him, but I would hug you

>during weekends
get on my level fag
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Who are you talking with? Go home you drunk
aqua lifting the back of sapphire's dress
>one of the 7 major gems gets corrupted
>one of the most major overarching storylines absent from the story through the entirety of season 4 aside from a blip
>one of the 7 major gems absent from the story through the entirety of season 4 aside from a blip
Transparent, isn't it? Corruption is due to be touched on this season, given S4&5 were written as one season.
She has less lines spoken then Sapphire, I'm willing to bet memes on this.
It took me a while to figure out which character you were talking about because I thought you were talking about a main character. I thought it might have been great to have a main character corrupted.
Then I realized you're talking about Jasper. kek.
Rose didn't have that ability, it's a side effect of being human and gem.
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Only because they gave up on Garnet after they revealed she was a fusion to give red gay and blue gay more screentime to be gay and useless.
Does Steven have healing piss
Except Garnet never went anywhere before that whole season.
Her character being poorly revealed to actually be a mesh of two existing characters's personalities didn't help garnetfags stay alive.

Also, the gay meme is so outdated I don't even know if i should take you seriously now, after all, the zoo arc was only able to continue due to the weirdly pacifistic Sapphire once more.
Yeah, it works on jellyfish stings.
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Ruby and Sapphire are just part of Garnet, the part of Garnet that gets character development. Peri and Lapis' line count only exploded after redemption began.

You're pretty slow.
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Alright you know what? I'm going to be honest in why I don't like Ruby and Sapphire. Keystone Motel, that was the first introduction episode they had to focus on them and it focused on their blandest aspects, once you have a shit start you've lost me forever. Grrr I'm angry and feel too strongly brr I'm calm and nothing gets to me nothing matters because future.
I just really can't get past that because I feel they could've been handled so much better, like sometimes in their fight they could've been close to making up only to ruin it and fight again, that would've ruined Steven's trip and made their relationship seem more real than "we fight but then we gay again" plus I wish they didn't make Garnet just Ruby and Sapphire, she talks so much about fusions being a completely new being but then you have times when you can tell that Ruby said that, or Sapphire wanted to do that. If she's the perfect example of fusion like they always focus on she should have nothing to do with Ruby and Sapphire their personalities should fucking FUSE into something new!
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Can you bet your life instead
>Doesn't actually counter my argument, just goes on to drone on about a meme relating to Sapphire and Ruby
Great defense, really good.

Kinda how I see most people's thoughts on them, they always have the impression they're still the same from Keystone Motel when like almost everyone else, they've developed from that point.
No one wants to admit it either because it's either me pointing it out, or commending someone for realizing the change has actually happened.

Huh, thought for surely her five second appearances would only amount to below a thousand.
Great to see she's only a hundred and three words off.

Also, >Leddit

My point was that there's a reason Jasper has less lines than the others insofar.
Pearl arc and Bismuth are happening before Jasper
You said "7 major characters", how was I supposed to know you actually meant a secondary character that only appeared a couple of times?
Yeah, because she barely scratches 10 episodes and rarely talked before she was KILLED OFF.

It's retarded to continue arguing with you as you practically provided a reason to why she ISN'T a main character.
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That's the problem, they've changed but not by much they're almost the same and it's so frustrating seeing them take up space and fuck Garnet over so bad that she's now a damn joke.
The hell you get that idea from?

I said 7 major "gems". Not main character.

>killed off
>corruption is incurable and not an extremely important ongoing plotline that needs to be addressed

The sapphirefag has to an hero for real this time.
Could honestly say the same about Garnet, she locks out potential as well especially when she does FUCKING NOTHING.

>7 major gems
Denial, check.
Backpedaling, check.

Jasper was never important if the components of Garnet who RARELY show up, get only under a hundred or so words then her.
Sapphire and Ruby aren't even characters, they are just two halves of another non-character that only exist to be gay with each other. Paddy has more of a personality and original character than Sapphire.
Do any of the CGs really do anything anymore?
No there's a difference. Indexer usually says "kill yourself" and then posts higher resolution pics. Kysfag mostly says "kys" without posting anything SU related like Indexer does (I can't believe I'm defending the latter sorta). Also kysfag mostly shits on peri/lapidotfags and usually adds some dumb redditor/meme speak to it.
>denial for words I kept stating
I said "major gems" in both the post you replied to and the original post. The meaning isn't the same.

Why do you keep bringing Sapphire into this?
Not really
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Paddy unfortunately just became a butt joke for being slow.
That's literally it, I can sum her up like that and it'd be hard to counter.

Sapphire is the reason Garnet actually has somewhat of a thought process, and her OP and retarded plot device future vision.

Not really when it'd greatly improve their characters.
Garnet's future vision should be the most broken shit in SU but they nerfed it to hell by making it only exist when needed.

I'm not the only guy who has a problem with your post by the by, and sapphire is a pretty good vantage point to judge Jasper with considering she's someone who's more likable then that useless beef stain.
Garnet does loads of stuff.
>Paddy has more of a personality and original character than Sapphire.

Now that's over-exaggerating. Sure she's cute but she basically has one trait used as a joke.
Still more interesting than our Sapphire, can we switch? Can we leave Sapphire in space and take back the good one?
> has one trait used as a joke.
Are you talking about the green one?
Rebecca designed Jasper alongside Peridot, put her in the all the SDCC signing sheets, and now she is confirmed to be coming back. She is an important character since she has had such a strong role or connection to many of the characters and plot lines of the show and a very strong overarching narrative to her own character, but I don't know if I would call her major, she's more of a secondary like Lapis/Greg/Connie. Ruby and Sapphire are tertiary like most townies unless Garnet breaks up permanently in the future.
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---> >>10101210
The fact it's not even me pointing out this very obviously flaw in your post is sad as well.

2, SDCC signing sheets.
One of which also included Ruby and Sapphire.

Your waifu died at season 3, she is NOT coming back and won't be relevant.
The next episode Sapphire talks in will probably bump that word list up by another hundred or so, and will thus make this all pointless.
P.S You bullshit her personality way more then i do for my character, like holy fuck, i just used the examples from her time being a pacifist and Garnet's sapphire side, but you just literally asspull.

Yeah sure. In season 10 maybe in 2025. Remember me how much time passed since last plot ep from s2(but introduced in lase ep of s1) to s5
Garnet dying would be great, every time she appears on screen to say a pun or something about fusion I get sad
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For those that missed it last night i wrote a short greentext about Peridot being molested by her own suit

Check it out if you want
And let me know what you think of it
Ohhh I don't want Garnet to die. I'm hoping she makes a comeback SOMEHOW.
except her coming back was confirmed by Rebecca through the Make a Wish kid. Or are you one of the butthurt anti-jasper fags choosing to ignore that?

>you bullshit her personality way more than I do for my character
what the fuck is that supposed to mean, I wasn't even talking about her personality, did you reply to the wrong person
You need an editor
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Khm there are still many place in barn for old gems who lost their popularity.

We will watch cph and do other funny things. Andy could visit us during weekends
steven is strong. I love him!
kys, retarded child

She's not important.
Her VA saying she has more work doesn't back up your claims and could just be doing the famathyst again.
The make a wish kid could also be mentioning those ones as well.

People always shit on me like i'm a fucking retard which I am, but holy fuck you guys make me look good in comparison sometimes.
You, lapis, and peridot need to die.
Cuz crying makes you strong. All men should cry a lot
To be fair it was written last night at like 230 am, but i often times miss on some words

Also i don't really know anyone who would be my editor
Who would take care about pumpkin?
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Yes. Steven is for loving.
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Kill yourself
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It sounds like you just really don't want Jasper to come back. Like man, you're sounding pretty mad right about now.
Pumpkin will get shattered too
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Steven a best
I don't get the hatred of Jasper here. Tumblr yes, but not here.
And you can't properly tell just by words on the screen.
If anything though, i'm kekking that Jasperfags are this desperate.
It's been nearly a year since she died, it's time to move on to better waifus...
Oh wait.. You'll just cling to one of the jaspers on the famythst unironically.
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>you will never cuddle with the orange qt
y live
Nani. Is Steven a weeb?
He is not even a gem you sick bastard.
Her fags are obnoxious and make up bullshit reasons as to why she comes back...
In EVERY thread, they also derail the threads like post catch and release perifags.
And they've posted shota on /co/ just because they wanted to.
They are autism incarnate 2, Electric Boogaloo.
I'm starting to worry about u and pumpkin.
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He canon reads manga, and Connie is probably rubbing her weebness off on him.
I dont like jasper and her fags but its obvious(even vy cente eps) that stevet will cure corruptions one day
Mmm, love it.
Got anymore good stuff planned?
Idk, recently the threads have been much much worse than any waifufags.
>Healing corruption = bring back Jasper

This is the problem with you and jasperfags.
"Hey, let's bring back this one corrupted monster who actually looked good as a bug before she was forcefully turned back into her base form due to my healing powers not developing for the sake of the plot yet."
I wanted to hit Connie for saying that. That was so weeby
>made lapis interesting and gave her relevance before she became an irrelevant meme
>kick started amethyst's only arc
>strongly tied to the 'what the fuck is up with pink diamond' plot line, since she was the only gem who cared about and wants revenge bad enough for what happened to pd to actually personally come to earth to get it
>strongly tied to the corruption plot line that has been ongoing since the first episode of the show
>has unknown backstory referenced in episodes she isn't even in, like Same Old World and Back to the Moon
>actually did shit every time she was onscreen
>is one of the three gems steven felt bad about in mindful education, which means steven will readdress her like he did with the rubies and will with bismuth
She is pretty important. I don't think Rebecca is or any other crew member would talk about and draw her at all if she wasn't. She wasn't relevant in filler season four, but neither were pretty much any other character outside of Steven.
What makes ruby and sapphire so important to the show's current plot lines?
It's /trash/ anon.
Jasperfags aren't making it any better though.
He'll obviously TRY to bring back Centipeedle first, but he'll fail. He NEEDS a picture of what a gem looks like to fully uncorrupt them. This is why Jasper will be the first to become uncorrupt.
I'm kind of disappointed they didn't keep it up.
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I wanna draw this out but Im also lazy as fuck
>any of the gems
>ever again
Seriously, wtf
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Rose Quartz, Bismuth, the Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies...none were put on the SDCC signing sheets but Jasper was, alongside Lapis, Peridot and the main trio.
She's clearly considered a main cast member in the crews eyes whether the fandom shuns or not.
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I just think it's funny my dude
Her weeb drawing of Aqua kinda did.
He released peridot that makes steven not so smart. He is idealist and beleave in people. He even talked out cluster. Probably there are nothing that steven cant do. Sugar loves redeeming at all costs. BTW she promised cancer kid and huge fanbase of jasperfags would causing impact on her.

By reading her twitter she takes much less care about show since 2016. So she will try end this faster and transfer her attention on KO
>blaming the korean animators for Rebecca and Ian deciding that the storyboarders don't need size reference sheets
What if Sugar actually went through this and just retold it as Steven University?
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I've had like 4 dreams about new episodes this hiatus. NONE of them have been real, and I keep waking up feeling awful.
Becky, save me from these nightmares.
>Helped Lapis beco-
Wrong. She took her away for most of the show and then Lauren happened.
>Kick started
That was part pursuing Jasper like a saturday cartoon villain and part her development.
>Strongly tied
She's a fangirl for Pink Diamond, no confirmation if she EVER met her too which is the sad part for her as a whole.
Yeah, edgy teenager who lost their hero and blames the world for it.
>She jobbed, she jobbed, AND she jobbed
Very riviting shit.
>Is one of the gems Steven is getting PTSD about because he was put into situations where he saw them died or worse

And no crew member is ever talking about her besides Amber I believe.
Also, you like to just call season 4 filler because she wasn't in it, like a pathetic Jasperfag would.

>Ruby and Sapphire give us the earliest point of the rebellion
>They make up Garnet who has soloed Jasper with her strength and smarts
>They've set up the Rubies and Zoo Arc
>They've tutored Stevonnie into being the cliche fighter we all wanted but then regretted.

She's not coming back, sorry you feel like you need to bullshit a thread into oblivion just to make up an excuse as to why you feel she'll comeback as herself, and not her VA doing voice work on different gems.
Wanna lick her tiny feet. After peris glasses ofc
That meme doesn't make sense you fucking idiot.
He never needed a picture of anything to heal a gem, god damn Jasperfags are desperate.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You guys are the most deadest shit i've seen in THIS thread, of course tumblr would explode, but they don't care about the show for what it offers in that department.
I didn't see Centi in his Mindful Education vision, he feels actual guilt for Jasper. And her corruption is unique in the sense that it was caught via fusion, so don't act like her being healed first is impossible.

Not even that, her corruption is completely different. The other gems palettes stayed the same, she caught something off of that other gem. Also in the VERY episode Ocean Jasper was introduced, Steven theorised that she was "half corrupted" and "reverting between her humanoid and corrupted form" based on her footprints. It's clear that they're gonna do this with Jasper, she's gonna be a werewolf.
Thinking of doing some more requests later, plus some hot fics involving giant gems here and there
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carry on spitting paragraphs when there's literal confirmation of her coming back
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>Be gone for 6 months
Update me /sug/ how have things been shakin'
Hiatus forever. /trash/ is our home now.
>"Maybe they don't even remember how to look like themselves anymore."
>Centipeedle is fully healed except her face and ass: the two things she can't see without a mirror.
>Peridot confirms there are no mirrors on homeworld.

You've gotta be pretty fucking stupid to actually deny it at this point, and I'm not a Jasperfag. I'd like nothing more than her to be shattered for 11 minutes straight.
Sugar dont care too so she just end it fast with max profits. By satisfying most of the fans. You missed cancer kid and that point steven will cure corruptions one day. This doesnot mean jasper will become CG just her returning for some ep(s)
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Giant gems you say? What requests do you got?
Should Jasper be the first corrupted gem to get healed, who says it'll be on purpose? Reviving tears, floating, spike bubble, astral projection, control over plant life, fusion, shield, and healing spit were all accidents, who's to say he won't just randomly deift into Jasper's mind one night and start undoing her corruption?
Wait, is that the confirmation..?
Rebecca being quoted on "She is PLANNING on it?"
Do you know how weak that sounds?

Jasperfags have been bringing up that kid ever since then for THAT?
Jesus you really are the most delusional lot left in /sug/.

Still retarded meme m8
Denying it because Steven's healing never involved needing a face nor has it been mentioned outright.

If the confirmation is him saying she's "PLANNING" it.
Then again, you are the most delusional lot i've seen.

Says the power of btfoing Jasperfags and grabbing Centipeetle first, a corrupted gem who deserves it way more then someone who tried to kill the good guys for all of the show's run time.
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Wait, we have to stay in this shithole for the rest of my life?
I mean, at least we were redirected to an orange board.
Yeah, what has Steven ever done on purpose.
He literally possessed a melon for Malachite to become relevant.
he has a digidestiny now
This isn't about Steven's healing, you retard. We're talking about CORRUPTION. You know, the thing that which Steven LITERALLY SAID:
>They don't know how to LOOK LIKE themselves anymore.
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>plus some hot fics involving giant gems here and there
Hell yeah.
If the show doesn't come back, yes.
And we gotta deal with spammers like the pedofag and Indexer.
>Backpedaling into the same topic
Healing corruption anon.
You jasperfags aren't worth the post count anymore like jesus.
>It's gonna take more than a kiss to heal damage from the Diamonds.
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I think I will choose to believe some chick who has personally received spoilers from Rebecca Sugar over a butthurt and deluded sapphirefag like yourself when it comes to Jasper coming back, not that it wasn't obvious that she wasn't coming back before she spilled the beans
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Not forever. Just until you die. Please dont make us suffer and make this happen as quickly as possible.
There's this too

but...what? How the fuck does Rebecca saying she's "planning on it" sound weak? Should she have written in on the kids forehead in permanent marker? You make zero sense.

Also no one gives a shit about who deserve to be healed more, Jasper is interesting and developed, Centi provides nothing to the story.
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>all this lars porn yet no fics
It's not fair.
What type are you looking for?
Rebecca didn't even remember to draw Centipeetle on the poster she gave the kid, she did draw both Jasper and Bismuth on it though.
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Stuff with him being dommed by gems or older women.
how long ago did that happen, again?
Because remember, Wanted was written and storyboarded in 2015.
If Rebecca is still "planning on it", then, well...
Yeah she must draw centi instead of beloved char of dying kids jasper
Beefcake up there has written some.
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VN fucking never.
Well of course you won't.
You idiots have been desperate for jasper ever since she did nothing in jailbreak besides getting spanked.

>Planning on it
So is she hoping for a season 6, because even if this was possible, there's only 20 episodes left.

>Poster for the cancer kid is relevant

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Sugar was only saying what she HOPED would happen.
I mean you still got the diamonds, and centipeetle to deal with as well.
The kid has said 3 different things:
1) She's planning it
2) She wants it to happen but can't discuss it further due to spoilers
3) "there is plenty more Jasper to come (hint hint)

So this kid clearly doesn't have a set story, they definitely know how jasper returns but can't reveal
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It'll come.

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How many times has pearl molested Steven?
too many times to count
Can't wait for a jasperfag to call you out for even implying there's some dishonesty in what the kid is saying just to make themselves seem like the good guy in the argument.
Wow if somebody cares they could be shocked.
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If Jasperfags "delude" themselves into her redemption, why not just let them do so and be happy.
Why can't Centi just be the first gem Steven heals on purpose? I'm not against it being either of them, since they both have evidence supporting them getting healed, but I just feel like Jasper getting healed first by accident works better with pacing.

>jasper gets healed by accident, gets her arc, and then steven can go on a gealing spree starting with centi once he masters it.
>centi gets healed by accident, doesn't get an arc bc she's relatively not as important, and then steven goes on a gealing spree starting with jasper once he masters it. jasper gets lost among the huge cast increase, doesn't get her story expanded.
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That's what they all say.
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Nobody gives a fuck about centipeetle, even Rebecca, that is why she doesn't draw or talk about her after she has been gone for a season, unlike how the crewniverse still draws, talks about, and gives references or mentions in the show about Jasper and Bismuth after they have been gone for a season, because Jasper and Bismuth are both interesting characters who are coming back and Centipeetle is not.
Because they shit up every thread with their "delusions of grandeur"
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I know only fact that she trying to study on peridot
Some male Anon on Giant women

Was thinking of sugilite or Opal maybe even alexandrite
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I care, I care a lot. That's why I'm sad.
I believe what the child says, but even then it's obvious as shit she's coming back, her arc is full of misconceptions:

Believes the Earth corrupted the gems, not the Diamonds.
Believes Steven is Rose Quartz.
Believes Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond when it might not be true anymore.
Believes all the beta gems who were misshapen got purged (this is is a theory but strongly implied.

Jasper's entire life is a big fat lie
Such games never get release. Too many ambitions and goals that nobody cant achive. This is all fans problem.
>They talk about
Sugar to promote or just to draw because she's not limited to one character.

>Now bringing up Bismuth just so you could then shit on me for trying to dispute your point involving the cancer kid
Not even for the fact Centipeetle is coming back, just that if stevne is to heal corruption, it's for her and not Jasper, Jasper has NO reason to be healed over the pet Steven has cared for since season 1, was Jasper someone he liked since season 1? No, he actually hated her for what she did to Lapis (in show logic, not mine) but then felt bad because she went all edgy (figuratively and literally) on him right before she died.
Honestly I've never seen Rebecca talk about Centi. However she did talk about Jasper sympathetically. In fact Rebecca talked about Jasper more sympathetically and tragic than she ever has of Lapis. (Maybe to get the fandom to cut her slack?)
Like how Lapis's motive to hate the CGs don't make sense now that we have her backstory.
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kill yourself
Thats the whole show problem. They involve too many characters and cant handle them. Even centi more character then lapis
Yeah. Zircons, Off Colors, Aqumarine, Topaz, please fucking stop this and develop the already existing gems
They involve characters which get unnecessarily large amount of attention.
>Bismuth and the tumblr hateboner she attracted, okay that's not fair, tumblr hateboners pretty much every character but still.

And then kill them off to never come back.
Or maybe because Zuke turned Lapis into an unstable shithead with no love for anyone but Steven and maybe Peri. And it seems like even they're constantly treading thin ice with her.
I think i'd take someone who was being written uncharacteristically to be a cunt, then someone who was solely written to be an unlikeable cunt.
I just want them to announce Summer of Steven 2 already.
Reminder centipeetle is among sapphirefag's favs, which is why he's freaking out over this and going full damage control, which explains why all reasoning with him has gone out the window. He was just begging for sapphireXcentipeetle porn last night.
>she has been gone for a season
Season 1B? Season 2? Season 4? She has like 2 episodes in season 1A and 1 in season 3.
Famethyst, betas, yet people cry for more new gems.
We need an ep in which all gems should wear a bikini.
Two joke posts that were literally designed to be ignored.

Nice try Jasperfag.
including steven
Sugar does not care about Lapis lmao it's sad
If the writers weren't incompetent retards then Garnet, Lapis, Peridot, Jasper, and arguably Amethyst wouldn't be the underdeveloped memes that they currently are. They really fucked themselves over by making the show from Stevens POV, they aren't creative or smart enough of writers to handle developing an entire cast that way.

I am interested in how different season 6 will be from the rest of the show considering Matt and Ben will have been replaced by then. I'm sure the writing can only get better
Beach episode when
>h-heh, I was only PRETENDING to want it
shut up
He's pathetic.
Steven is hybrind. He could wear none
>Matt gone
Mm yes he was a shitter, can't wait.
>He glosses over the posts, and then calls me pathetic when i BTFO him.

I think I'd take an actual character of a whatever Lapis is supposed to be
Lapis is a cardboard cunt, the 'paint drying on the wall' kind
I bet this is not writers incompetence. All about money andыtretching timekeeping. From this perspective they doing great job. Not even single plot ep until begining of s2 till 5
There was already a beach episode with gems in different outfits
I bet this is not writers incompetence. All about money and stretching timekeeping. From this perspective they doing great job. Not even single plot ep until beginning of s2 till 5
you're only digging your hole deeper, dumbshit
Steven deserves to have his POV be the only POV.
yes, Rebecca being a hack the jew is also true
>Implying i care about how Jasperfags perceive me
>The same people who still think she's coming back
Season 6: The famythst return.
Biggest News Article will be about how Sugar manipulated jasperfags into thinking she'd be coming back, even going as far as telling a kid dying of cancer.
Steven deserves to not be such a fucking retard if the show and all of its characters have to be developed through his perspective
oh ok, you're actually delusional
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I'm memeing you now because of how gullible you are to take it seriously.
I am sad.
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Don't be sad, anon
Steven is perfect.
Touch your penis. I always do this when sad
What if I don't have one?
Aww. Wanna talk
Touching your vagina should work too
kill self
your depression is not real
you are using it as a buzzword to attract attention, because you are unable to get it otherwise
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What is the Famethysts endgame
Steven is shit
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Curly Amy will become my wife.
>marry Holly

Incestuous permafuse with Jasper

>a fine shattering

Little Jaspers
>sold to the highest bidder and enslaved
Their endgames are being endgames for Amethyst and Jasper.
>for Amethyst
She's perfectly staying with the CG, wouldn't say that.
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Which gem would you permafuse with, if you had to?

Pick your top two. Choose the second.
barb porn when?
Fluorite needs me.
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Letting it all hang out.
Fluorite makes me ill
A brave sacrifice indeed.
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>dicks and manbods nonstop
I want to know if this artist is a "lesbian" like Gembeasttemple is
Hopefully never

I want this show to come back.
I mean, there is some already
White Diamond
and the Cluster.
I don't know who else I'd choose though
I can see the at the end of the finale having Jasper say "so you coming runt? to Amethyst, while surrounded by the rest of the Amethysts and Jasper's.

Amethyst then looks at the CG's and Garnet tells her to go and be with her family, she has a tearful moment with each CG, especially Steven.

She then runs up to the famethyst, jumps on Jasper's shoulders alongside Carnelian and they walk into the distance whilst laughing.
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that's soooo cliche and cheesy I can see it happening in this show
Nah she'll think about it but in the end stay with her CG family.
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Not enough, the mom's don't get enough love.
yeah that's why she draws her almost as much as pearl, tardo

Wait, hardly.
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I can't believe Sugar hinting at it like this, what's her endgame?
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CANON soon
OR here. Holy fuck, that is perfect! Thank you very much! I hope you are getting some much needed rest.
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I want to touch her gem and make her flustered.
anime is shit and you too
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SU was inspired by a shit ton of anime
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what if SU got cancelled
It's the other way around, they join CG.
I would be sad.
Just repayment of debt. Anime was stolen from disney.
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Its be a great day. I would enjoy drugs again.
>complaining about anime on 4chan
so fucking cringy
>complaining about shit on 4chan
Corrected you
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fuck earth!
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>you are next
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Peridot or Blue Diamond. Peridot's capabilities to build complicated machinery out of junk would be highly useful to me, while Blue Diamond is, well, a ruler of gems, would be worth the emotional moodswings.
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where are all of the pics of gems enjoying a day at the beach, its summer now
It's /trash/, wait for a drawfag to show up and hope they don't pick porn to draw.
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what you listening to /SUG
>Hope they don't pick porn
What kind of freak are you?
Most of atists got off with su after summer 2016.
summer of steven 2 when
Please gain some reading comprehension, that's for the anon that wants beach time gems.
I want to see this fat purple cute amesper's fat purple cute dick
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTxivwySFJs Ya like knowmads?
Do not fucking start.
Golden Girls on the TV
Bismuth spoke more in her one episode than Jasper did in the several episodes she was in

never heard of them, sorry anon
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Excellent taste my man
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It's alright a lot of people haven't
I love this pretty boy Steven
not enough episodes in the buffer. at best we'll get a late summer bomb/special.
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>long pink hair
how do you know?
>peridot so high
shitdot talks way too much
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In the canon.
Need that big rock x anon fic pronto
Thats why she is so small
Delusional pedo.
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Goddamn it, I have to put the PS4 controller down at some point today and write.

And pick up a package and buy some new headphones too.
What are you going to write?
Just looked up this artist, this is the best piece he's ever done by far
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agreed, also i have a hard time seeing these guys as murder weapons, though someone had to kill those CGs. bismuth appeared to be sweet and nice and fun until she went full murder.
still, i think holly and the senpai should be as far away from each other as possible, even if noncanon shit is qt
>that garnet-lapis gap
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Doesn't even rhyme.
I'm honestly surprised Garnet has talked so much, a good chunk of that must have been Stronger Than You.
It wasn't supposed to.
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My usual stuff, I've posted them here before. And yes, they're crossovers.

>Kingdom Hearts: Radiant Shores: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9162724/chapters/20804722
>The Gem Homeworld v. Outworlders: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11137449/chapters/24851613
>NEW! Griffin's First Mission: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10991052/chapters/24479088

Ratchet and Clank/Steven Universe
>Ratchet and Clank: The Family Gems - http://archiveofourown.org/works/10936188/chapters/24330942

I have part of a chapter written for "The Gem Homeworld v. Outworlders" and I've been trying to get myself to write up something for "Ratchet and Clank: The Family Gems" for a while now.
Oh so bismuth isn't bubbled anymore?
Jasper only has the (Currently Bubbled) tag to differentiate from a different Jasper.
Oh please.
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How do you calculate this shit?
Copy-paste from transcripts into a word counter.
New thread
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kill yourself
It's like Amy shapeshifted as Lapis
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kill yourself
I was not expecting all of this Garnet discussion.
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