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/tfg/ - Transformers General

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Thread replies: 349
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>Just bought a mostly complete Thunder Clash for 30 euros with two cabs included, how long will it take until both get fucked over GPS? edition

Old bread: >>6453638
I wonder realistically how long it'd take to get guys like that in mp form
How long do you think it'll take for them to run out of g1 characters?
I suppose the logical way to do it would be to figure out the rate at which they release mps and then work it out from there.
Yeah, so it's gonna forever before they get to more wacky figures, if they do at all, which is a shame because it'd be neat to see masterpiece figures of more obscure characters
>TFA Masterpieces never
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What the hell were they thinking with the feet design?
They'll probably just continue rehashing the same characters only with V2s
Official MPs? Never unless it's an easy repaint/retool of a popular character. 3P MPs? Except for one oddity every once in a while, probably never. They're definitely not fan favorites and there are HUNDREDS of characters/designs that would sell better.
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Well, there have already been convention-exclusive versions of Thunder Clash, Scorch and Skyquake, so it's safe to say HasTak has not completely forgotten about these guys. It seems unlikely that most of them will reach MP status though, keep in mind that we haven't even got most of the first season G1 cast out of the way. Maybe after many, many decades for now? Though, as for third parties, it might not be totally unlikely given how they've already started jumping on the G2 train.

He has beasty toes in back, I wish the feet rotated. I think maybe there were plans for them to rotate at some point.
>tfg is so contrarian people are defending Kiss Players now

Yeah it won't ever happen. They're just gonna keep pandering to Sunbowfags and reboot the line before it gets anywhere near anything beyond the cartoon cast.
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How the fuck can you even defend this shit, you goddamn kiddie diddler?

Oh, so you're the guy that went full autist in the previous thread when someone on Allspark called you out on being a faggot? How's that ego working out for you, buddy? :^)
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>getting ass perturbed by lolis

I always felt like MP was designed to be a larger, premium format figure line focusing on core characters. I guess B or C list guys like Inferno have gotten MPs, but those also had pretty good redeco potential.

I'm just not sure the intent of the line though is to have a collection of hundreds of MPs by the time it's over. If you really want to get toward having everybody, stick with Classics and third party to fill the gaps.
I don't post much on weekends.
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You know, since it's a shellformer, I wouldn't mind a MPM version of this guy.
I liked his first toy but it was lacking.
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basically my whole transformers collection.

Im waiting for that order of titans return Sergeant Kup (damn he looks great on those videos) and Shockwave but yeah - those are my first ones.

At first i wanted some cool monsters and got transquito and rattrap
then i wanted a cute robot-dog so i got that resque bot-dog
then i bought Gnaw and i went full /tfg/.

I still want mostly weird ones but Sergeant Kup and Shockwave look amazing - i would love having them as my first "normal transformers".
I do want titans return Perceptor and Blurr too.
Fangry looks great too.
I do want Galvatron but i see the best one comes from third party.
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Yo I started working on this visual masterpiece checklist to satisfy my autism, I'm not sure how to cover the ehobby/diaclone/etc repaints.
...forgot to mention that i always was a fan of Dinobots but it always was a pain in the ass to get those.
now i see they all kind of expensive because i do want the 3rd party Dinobots and at least 2 of them.
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forgot this Blitzwing that was my very first transformer. My mom bought it to me when i was in school.
i guess its a bootleg because colors are different. Damn this toy is extremely old...
Not a bad start, anon. TR Gnawww is the shit, and that Rattrap is a really cool gyy.
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If you want dinobots you might as well wait for the potp ones, also considering that they'll combine
thanks! i like how Rattrap looks like it has saddle. That and rat-mode was the whole reason i bough him. He just a nice looking robo-rat that you can ride.
>tfw no fully articulated Junkrat to put him on rattrap
thats awesome. Looks like its the right time to be into transformers
What was the name of the transformers with the really creepy Kremzeeesque smile? I want to say they were from Generation 2 but I had no luck in finding it.
there's a mindboggling third party versions coming, him, lockdown and optimus seem to be robot origami with the kibble... I expect either some partforming, or a large amount of seams, like classics ironhide.
So is the Takara MPM Prime worth the price over the Hasbro version? Which do we like more?
Eject and Blue Frenzy apparently exist. Hasbro currently does not know where to place them though. No Twintwist or Soundblaster exist to justify more TR cassette tapes. However things are being reexamined much like what happened toward the end of Thrilling 30 with all the cut robots
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Are there any US-exclusive figures? Japan has all those Masterpieces and eccentric sublines, China is getting those nonsense "year of the X" redecos, Europe had a bunch of late G1 / pre G2 figures that were never released anywhere else, even Latin America had "Bat-Robos" and an absurd amount of unique minicar variants. Were there never any US only figures in the long history of Transformers?
seriously, is this just your speculation or are you some Raffy Rodriguez?
Cybertron had a handful of exclusive molds that were not in Galaxy Force, like Wreckloose and maybe Hardtop and Shortround.
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>watching amiami for mpm04 prime because takaracuck
>still hasn't shown up
>actually prefer hlj but amiami usually does it first
>have a random gander
>hlj had it first and its on order stop

WHY IN THE FUCK...ok who else has it, nippon yasan shows nothing, amiami doesn't have the new movie toys up yet, hobby search hasn't got them yet and I don't want to try sellers like RK or bbts because those would be the american figures.

Ok, I know the product *might* not look like the product images shown online, I just want a matching japanese text box with my bumblebee, I got that cheaper than the english version and damnit I want them all to match to calm my autism

Until side by side comparisons takara's might even end up worse
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>takara's might even end up worse
I usually find even when I think Takara's might look worse, it's better, simply because they have better attention to detail, better plastic, and better QC.
But Cybertron was basically released everywhere else in the world besides Japan iirc.

I don't think he's talking about those molds. They did only appear in the western line but you can find them on the shelves of Europe, non-japan Asia, South America, etc.
>hlj had it first and its on order stop
Well son of a bitch. That's okay. I really shouldn't be spending my money on that with all the other shit I have on preorder. It's probably for the best that I missed it.
Generations Skids and deluxe Skyshadow were exclusives for a couple of years, right now the leader class seekers and fucking Liokaiser, one of the most japanese combiners are Hasbro exclusives.
You'll have to excuse me, I sometimes forget the rest of the world besides America and Japan exist.

Then no, there are no USA exclusive molds because Hasbro is a global company.
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Well the color tones on my japanese bumblebee are slightly mis-matched particularly on the clear plastic sections to the solid sections, I do prefer the stronger light piping but the blue eyes were nifty on the other version.

The paint quality is on par with a hasbro datsun release ie passable and better than a deluxe but could be a tad better, really in my case my pre-order was simply fulfilled faster than local stock arrivals

Ended up going full retard and getting everything else like the deluxe hotrod, doubtful my country would get him seeing how we don't have walmart and no one else here seems to be interested.

That and still stuck on wave 1 deluxes and voyagers are clogging with hounds and grimlocks, that said would be willing to trade all those pre-orders for just that damn prime
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Does anyone know which batch of trypticons had the ratchet issue, wasn't there a barcode or serial id somewhere to help identify?

Mine is Australian and good chance it was one with the issue but I just wish to confirm, mine is modified already but its a "soft" mod, be happy to revert back to ratchets over friction if possible
But there are hasbro exlusive molds that takara has yet to use, like the CW leader class seekers.
Toydojo found the better way to fix him, no cutting, no cardboard or stuffing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtf0RmBMRUc
There are also exclusive deco's as well if that's any help.

Also leader seekers a shit
>that takara has yet to use,
And hopefully never will because they look like dogshit.
Eh I have a variation on that fix, the cardboard method was retarded since that stuff gets shredded up/rots over time, I just used the bottom of a cup between the ratchets.

What I'm curious about is how much tension is lost, whatever the case I'd still like to identity which copy of mine is so I know whether to leave mine as is/re-mod it or revert it back to stock configuration
Um, generations giaxus or however its spelt that retool from gen deluxe armada starscream?
The weird part is that theyre probably avoiding them since tc and skywarp got turned into other characters while Starcream is dead. Legens seems to use characters after events of tf the movie.
This. Takara probably looked at them and deemed they would require way too much retooling to release without being an embarrassment.
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>CW leader class seekers.
They used that mold. Pic related.

No. Takara doesn't spam molds over and over when there are only minor or no differences. They're pretty consistent with this over the past few years. They typically only release each mold as the character it was initially intended to be.
That's not the seeker version of the mold.
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My first transformer since I was a kid was this and it sucks.

Only the elbows can pose at all when its in robot from. It transforms really quickly but...it just sucks.

Is this just shit because it's a springloaded 3 step transformer? I saw some that probably would've been cooler
Its still the base of said mold you know
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I just want a Rotorstorm already dammit, even if he's just a Tomahawk repaint that's fine just do it already.
Then Pyro from the CW firetruck mold, nobody wants it as Inferno but it'd be a great Pyro. I'm oh-so-close to finishing my cannon fodder Wreckers.

Springloaded transformers are gimmicky toys for younger children, they can be fun but they mostly kind of suck.

If you want something more fun to transform, you need to hit "deluxe" or "warrior class" toys.
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Yeah, avoid those spring loaded toys, those kind are trash for babbies. You want a Deluxe or Voyager size figure, I advise you to find out what's on shelves now then check out some pictures of those toys to determine if one sticks out as something you want. Look into reviews too, just avoid the ones that have obscene run-times and heavy breathing.
You can probably still find Blur in stores right now, he'd be a decent buy for you I think, I like mine.
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>getting a RID gimmick toy
>getting one that isn't Crazybolt
you dropped the ball hard boy
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That's a little kid fig. Made more to do gimmicky shit than be fun. You want the RiD warrior class figure, which is actually one of the best in the line. It's also cheaper.
Got my PO at Anime Export like 3 weeks ago.
You need to pay upfront for those guys don't you?

You didn't do your homework and bought a shitty toy. No one to blame but yourself.
Yeah previously they made transforming transformers of various size classes with line-wide or integrated gimmicks. From 2014 onward they started to introduce "gimmick lines" for media-driven toylines (RID cartoon and Movies), supposedly for kid appeal. These just focus on one or two gimmicks, like shooty stuff, sparkly stuff, 1-step transformations, 3-steps, no-steps, etc. and don't offer much else. Return it if can I guess.
I spent a really long time looking at the few figs that were in a couple stores and they were Blurr, some brown car, and a single Skywarp. I almost got skywarp yesterday, went back and this was the only non-Premiere/dinobot shelfwarmer one around

I dropped the ball fucking hard, god damn
It's 90% similar. Like I said, Takara doesn't care about repaints. Functionally the mold is identical.
My best advice is to remember, the coolest ones aren't always the best looking.

Have a look, try to remember what you've seen and look into some reviews, bigger products (depending on the brand line) can be more complex and may or may not provide more entertainment, if you like the rid/robots in disguise line warrior soundwave is a far superior from the rest of the inferior gimmick lines in rid, infact if its not a warrior class from rid stay away from it.

But the titans return line may offer more variety with all of their class sizes offering something, so remember, just do a bit of research before hand

Got the receipt?

Try for a refund, just say you bought it as a gift and it wasn't liked, provided you didn't totally demolish the box.

As for the dinobot shelfwarmer I assume it was slash, he looks great but don't expect much infact he's better off in raptor mode, so avoid him unless you want more raptor than robot
Such a surprisingly good figure. Hits a sweet spot between like Prime and WfC. I really like him.
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Like another anon said, you can exchange it as long as the box can be taped back up, that's why I always use a sharp blade to remove the plastic bubble if I think there's a chance I might need to exchange it.
Pic related, the brown car you skipped is Chromedome and he's pretty alright, though you should definitely go back for Blur if he's still there.
I'll have to check out stores another day. I wasn't really into any of the Premiere, movie related options, or any of the ones on the shelves besides Skywarp, even that was tentative. I appreciate the advice, I guess I really fucked up.
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Man, I thought this Optimus would be an acceptable update to Thunderclash, there's even a bird on his chest.

However, the local Hasbro just refuses to clear it even now. What's even worse is that he's open-packaged so by the time they clear it, it'll be wrecked with missing minicons and stuff.
I'm pretty sure that 3-step is open-packaged, how does returns work with that?
Whats so cool about blur? I didnt think he looked too great, he turned into a boat? Chromedome seemed cooler
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Shit happens, I mean, I looked up reviews and bought that berzerker deluxes despite knowing all his bad points and I still feel let down.

He just had to look like a damn predator

G1 nostalgia really, he's meant to be a hover car not that it matters, pic related shows how good his sculpt is, just not the colors of the localized version
Blurr has a fun transformation and fills a hole in my Movie Autobots shelf where previously all I had was the Drift repaint. Hasbro/Takara war aside, I do think his Takara colors are better but I'm alright with the hasbro one unless a better repaint suddenly shows up stateside.
I just think he hits a sweet spot of low-kibble, high flexibility and a sleek altmode.
I certainly won't tell you not to get Chromedome though, I have him and love him too, though his transformation is closer to a CW toy than his fellow wave-mates.

Good question actually, never bought/returned one of those so I'm not sure. Is the package intact enough to just tie him back onto the cardboard with twist-ties? Do they even still use those or is it all those little stretchy plastic bands now?
Guy who bought the shitty toy here, the package is torn up but I'll just keep it on the shelf. The alt form looks kind of like a Twisted Metal car, I'll just set him up with whatever other tf I end up getting.

Blurr is pretty cool btw. Right one is dope
I have a bootleg Thunderclash. It's pretty accurate, even the GPS :-( Oh well, just be careful!
>thats awesome. Looks like its the right time to be into transformers

Yeah, it's honestly the best time. The lines for the past few years have brought back old gimmicks, except done well. They're releasing tons of characters people like in accurate molds, along with no-names and new characters too. The 3P market is strong as fuck giving you options when the official fails to deliver.

You pretty much can't go wrong unless you do absolutely no research and buy everything blind.
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>Blurr is pretty cool btw. Right one is dope
Probably should just get that one, the Legends version is retard-pricey right now. How much did your shitty Soundwave cost you, anyway? I have never even bothered looking at those before.
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>liking the right one
Hrm, opinions have been mixed on the right one (used to be the left but that was just one loud person, *here*), but this may be the first time I'm able to ask a sane person.

What is it you like about the colors exactly, he seems a little bland, least in robot mode to me, what's the appeal?
depends where he gets it from, there is a reissue of that one coming but its a TTmall exclusive so depending on who stocks it it might be cheaper than what ebay scalpers charge
It looks a little more cosmic, really eye catching. I like how toys look and the left one looks great too.

It was 20 bucks man, fucking blows
Honestly if I could get one for >$20 I'd be all over it, anything more feels like I'm overpaying for paint. I'm happy enough to settle for what I got though, barring that ever happening. I'm just glad to have a Blurr in my collection that isn't just a blue Drift, or the loose as hell Animated one, or the brick that is Armada Blurr.

Oh fuck, I was gonna say $10 wouldn't be too bad a loss but shit, you hosed yourself there. Sure you can't tape the package back together? The store has to take it back if you exchange it, even if they can't resell it afterwards, I've never had a store tell me "that's too fucked m8 get lost".
If I were you I'd try exchanging it for a Deluxe and a little Titan Master if there are any there, make up the difference with an extra buck or so and come home with better robot toys.
Fair enough, I'm more a fan of the sculpt personally, but I liked the coloration of the legends version, needed the color breakup
Legends versions are premium product, unless its a bootleg (rare for takara versions) you'll never see one for that price, almost.

Got me a (second) legends weirdwolf for the price of the hasbro retail version via ebay auction, no box, small mark on the chest, but unlike mine (cockpit hinge problem sadly) its still intact.

But overall I'm prepared to pay more at times, why I already own tr leader sixshot, while also pre-orders the legends version, I like both their heads too much to just choose one
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>Legends versions are premium product
They should all be premium product, kids don't buy these things, this two-tiered shit drives me up the wall.
Jfc, could you not tell it was a shitty little kids toys just by looking at it?
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>isn't just a blue Drift
I know what you mean, but I still have a huge soft spot for this guy. I actually picked up just him from that platinum set off ebay for cheap.
>Legends versions are premium product

Don't kid yourself. It's a $15 toy with extra paint, or different plastic colors, in most cases. It is definitely not worth revo/figma prices.
I always loved that giant rifle and his hip-pistols, but he never quite scratched that Blurr itch for me. Damned nice toy though. I wonder who else this guy could sub as now that we have a better Blurr?
Well that's the problem between the 2 demographics.

Hasbro assumes people buying them are kids with adults influencing them, with retail chokepoints forcing them to cost cut, the size classes are only to suit a retail standard which drives the takara engineers insane because it limits their potential (case in point prime breakdown which is a japan exclusive mold iirc).

Takara meanwhile knows people of all ages buy these, and to give some variance they chose their colors and sometimes mold changes to suit the market better, hasbro's excuse of "toy accurate" is just to lessen cost, takara's toy accurate means more color, if not, brighter, for better or for worse this helps people better associate with the toys as characters.

The sad thing is even the legends line is still a kids toy line, it's just adjusted to suit the Japanese consumers who are on the autistic side, with a smaller intended audience they have to do something to draw people to them.

This is why during the POTP line begins I'm quitting...or trying to, quit buying these things, MP's are slowly becoming the product I really want

And even those are subjective, I passed up so many figma's due to paint alone, figmas I really wanted.

In the end we buy what we like, I mixed and matched, just a shame if its not cost its qc that's fucked me over
With a yellow canopy/chest and a new head it could be a decent Nightbeat maybe. Not a lot of blue car bots that I can think of.
>with retail chokepoints forcing them to cost cut

Let's be real here: Walmart cracking the whip and slinging their gigantic cock around aside, Hasbro would be going full jew mode no matter what on everything. They're led by a fucker who doesn't even want to MAKE toys, he wants to make fucking iphone app's and then gut the company, and the bean counters don't give a shit they're just there to wring every last cent out of any product.

The collectors market as it exists in Japan simply doesn't exist in the US, because all Westerners want is a fucking McStatue when they want to buy something.

Dude should ger rid Blurr, i legit like him better than the tr even if hes from "the kidde show".

The alt car is great and the robot id really poseable he can flex real well and do a proper kneel and shoot pose. Ill try to show them off later.
He looks pretty nice actually, but I really want to see a Decepticon repaint of him and Stormshot, I have no more room for random Autobots but I absolutely love building my army of nobody-con background soldiers.
Why are these arcees colored blue?
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>toy never
Get one and use it as nightbeat's body
That might not be too bad actually, how have anons been modding figures to accept the titan masters? I've seen one or two pics posted but never saw how they were done.
U sure? With the bumblebee movie, I wonder if they will fill entire shelves with bumblebees again.

Why is that Brainstorm colored pink?
Dude who bought the shitty toy here. Went and got the Titans Return Blurr, it's great, thanks for the recommendations.
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Honestly most of the TR Deluxes can be recommended. Skullcruncher has loose hips (can be fixed easily with futureshine), and Weirdwolf (Wolfwire or whatever the fuck they call him) has a breaking hinge issue though (but the hinge should still stay on even if it breaks), the rest are pretty good.
Well if the shelved were filled olive drab military bots I'd be a-ok with that. I'd probably buy several as great cannon fodder / background characters.
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Right-on anon, glad you like him. Good luck not getting addicted to Titan Masters, I started with Blurr myself and now have most of them.
And I'll echo what anon above me says, the others are all pretty fun even with the mentioned issues.
He's apparently getting multiple forms in the film, so I imagine those will take precedence.
Anon, I gotta say I always love your pictures. They're well lit, crisp, and look like your actually having fun with your figures. They may not be like "studio" shots but they're the kind of stuff I like to see.

I dunno about well lit or crisp, a lot of them come out too exposed or too dark for me. I'm forever fighting to try and get it just right. Thanks though, I guess. I just post a lot in hopes of encouraging others at this point. I love to see what people have got.

And yeah, I buy my stuff mostly to have fun with it. Very little sits on the shelves for that long, unless it's a bigger figure, because those are a bitch to take pics of (most combiners, a lot of 3P stuff thats MP or bigger).
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Why not?

>Involuntary blurred Blurr pun.
>buying RID shit meant for literal toddlers

stick to CHUG and only CHUG.

Hey, some of it is alright. Well, at least one of it. Only RiD figure I own, but definitely worth it.
Where'd you get all your effect parts from? Those make your pics instantly recognizable, they're great though and you use them well. Props of any kind are usually fun too, when taking pics.
I want a Takara Blurr so bad, but he's so expensive like Black Convoy.
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>decent and unique prime design turned into a knock off of the g1 design but worse
>Evil Hot Rod is wave 2 of power of the primes
>Wave 3 Optimus has (CF) after the name
>CF stands for Changed Figure which means the same mold will be used but the color scheme will be altered.
>Wave 3 Optimus is Nemesis Prime
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>what is the aligned continuity
Eh, I only care about Nemesis if they're based on G2 Laser Rod Prime, and that leader looks underwhelming. Maybe the UM version is better.
An awful clusterfuck that Hasbro tries to say is continuous so you can buy and watch all their products. That's what it is.

Don't try to pretend WFC is in continuity with Prime and RID because it isn't.
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Tamashii effects, various stands from other figures, some revoltech parts. Well, bootleg Tamashii effects, anyway, since the only ones I own currently are the bootleg red flames and red explosion, because those are in the scalperbait zone as they haven't been reissued in a while. I'll probably pick up some of the official ones whenever I next get a few, been eyeing the electricity and ground break effects.
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Like >>6455671 showed, it's pretty much just his WFC/FoC design but without the faceplate. I loved the WFC/FoC designs, nice stuff from decent games.

Also this is my personal favorite pic. I dunno what I did right that day, but I did it right.
Can't wait for the version with the faceplate to come out, I hope it doesn't end up being cancelled.
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I've always thought Transquito looked cool. Why was his toy such an infamous shelf warmer, what's wrong with it?
He wasn't a show character, so people didn't like him. And yeah, I know even some show characters shelf warmed, but not being on the show killed his chances of selling.
I've always suspected that he shelf warmed because he had an overly stylized robot head
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Nice, are they pricey? I might have some random assorted bits from other toys that could work if I dug them out.

Officials usually weigh in from $15 to $25 bux it seems. The bootlegs I got were $20 each for the sets (each set comes with the same stuff the officials did), and the only reason I got bootlegs was because the red flames and red explosions were long sold out of any Japanese shop and all I could find were scalpers charging $45+ for the fucking things.

Only downside is the smaller flame bits of the official ones are apparently made of a softer plastic, which makes them easier to put on things, while the bootlegs are made of a harder plastic so aren't nearly as easy to use unless it's a figure you can pull apart the joints of (like a revo, most figma's, poly's, etc).
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I never bought into the aligned continuity thing but there was morsel in the RID cartoon where Starscream mentions that he based his new appearance on his "old" form, and it does somewhat resemble the WFC seeker model.

It's really strange to see Hasbro studios doing WFC references when Highmoon is long gone from the Transformers wagon.
>Walmart has TM at 2.50, and Leaders at 25
>Fucking nothing to buy

>Toys R Us has that buy one get one at 40% off sale
>No movie wave 2 or anything else I want

Fuck this, happens every single time.

Of course it does. They're trying to get parents to get those last CW Skywarp's off the shelves, not actually provide a deal of any value.
The Skywarp is STILL THERE. NO ONE FUCKING WANTS IT! It doesn't help that the box is fucking destroyed.

I once saw one in a box at a Zellers in 2004.

sadly i did not buy it.

I wish i did now.
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How many pieces per set, or is that the per piece price?

He's pretty underwhelming. I got the Takara one - which looks nicer IMHO - but the altmode and articulation are inexcusable.
>Whats so cool about blur?

He's beautiful. Probably the nicest deluxe TR Autobot.


He looks unappetizing. I can imagine kids didn't go for it.

what did you mean by this?
I mean were those prices for sets of multiple pieces, or of individual effect parts? I know nothing about this stuff.
What are the best movie figures for Ironhide and Sideswipe?
I just hope they at least get CHUGs, their bios are really cool.
Shipping excluded, yes.
Any more top tier stop motion gifs like this?
Toy-wise, Recon Ironhide. If you want something screen-accurate get the DOTM Leader.

The ROTF deluxe or Sidearm Sideswipe IMO.
Human Alliance has a giant backpack that never looks good and the DOTM deluxe is tiny. Sidearm doesn't have the sword-arms but it looks great.
Leader with 3P add-on and deluxe rotf if you want blades, Japanese sidearm deluxe if you want guns.
Funpub was going to do convention exclusives of Turbomasters using the Prime Car Molds, but the failure of the badly designed/handled MW set got it cancelled.
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I don't have any more, sorry anon. Not sure where it's from.
Side Arm Sideswipe and HFTD Deluxe Ironhide
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A set for the flames gets you the 3 big standing flame variations and 4 little flames that are meant to attach around figure wrists or weapons or...Whatever really. The smaller flames are the harder plastic on the bootlegs, which makes it tougher for you to actually put them around things.

The explosion set comes with 3 explosions, and you can sort of put them together to make a sentai-style explosion.
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Thanks for the help! Any chamcw you'd know where to get Sideswipe cheap for the UK?

On an unrelated note, anyone had experience with Bayformers KOs? What's their standard?
>Hasbro assumes people buying them are kids
They're assuming correctly
Didn't mean to type Sideswipe, meant Drift (the Age of Extinction version)
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That's better
That's a decent selection of pieces for the price. I might look into a set, props are fun.
Is 125 dollars a good price for Tripredacus?

Maybe if it was the BW II version, not the Hasbro version.
I can't find it complete for any less.

What's the difference other than colors?
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American version gives most of the figures clear plastic for most of their bodies, and it just doesn't look that great. The Japanese version gives them normal plastic instead of clear(DJ's wings are still clear), and the colors look fantastic.
Hell no, it's not worth more than 50 bucks.
It's Patrick Boivin who makes really neat little stop motion videos with his figures:
"You fags will buy it anyway."
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Oh shit I remember that guy now.
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>all those unpainted faces

I can't believe people actually like this shitty gimmick. At least Takara tried.
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I might see if my paints are dried up or not, the fix would only take a few seconds.
Got Voyager Hound today. Still looking for earlier Voyager Hound's missing 4 barrel shotgun
>people actually miss Funpub
What is wrong with this fandom?
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Anyone know what this green thing is? Found it in an old box of assorted figures.
Man, how annoying.
I wanted to make a (((them))) line-up of Predacons and they are now either fuck you expensive or incomplete sets in the case of the council. Maybe I'm dumb but I can't find the entire set of Jontrons on Ebay.
Even the guys I was going to include without being officially part of it like Jetstorm and Manterror get expensive after taking shipping into account.

Lack of standards. You only see people shitting on Funpub and customs in here, other forums only throw praise towards both of them. Remember that there's people in the fandom that actually prefer the IDW comics to the Marvel comics.
battered spouse syndrome along with many of the funpub diehards being stakeholders within the botcon convention circuit either benefiting socially like all the'tards at the Ass Park or jobs wise/welfare/financial subsidy wise like Pete Sinclair and his circle.
I don't, but they would have been the only guys to release a TR Black Convoy over here, since Hasbro doesn't seem to care.

Why does Takara have to make Car Robots Black Convoy an exclusive TWICE?! I'm pretty sure he'd sell well if he was released normally, specially the TR version.
So far, you can get Motorarm, and Gimlet for about 100 separately, but you're pretty much fucked with DJ since he's the rarest of the 3 (the other 2 got releases a few years after the show, DJ didn't).
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Leaf here, thinking of buying something off taobao

Anything I should be wary of? Will the item be a knockoff? Is it actually going to show up? If there's a problem, is customer support easy to work with?
Remember that time they made a Slipstream toy and then Takara made a far better looking one for half the price?

Remember that time they made a new Devcon head and then Hasbro made a better Devcon head for a character that wasn't even Devcon?

Remember that time they did Punch/Counterpunch but made the head too tiny so someone had to make a better one on shapeways?

Boy I sure do miss Funpub. The epitome of quality for expensive exclusives.
I found both for about 30 to 40 dollars each on Mandy but no DJ.
Cicadacon is solid plastic so I guess it can go fine with the rest.
But, but MUH exclusives! MUH fanfiction made canon!
pretty sure vips got their shit for free which explains all the fp dicksucking. they only started crying about brian savage's "racism" once their arrangements with fp were terminated.
Yeah, DJ's kind of ridiculous to get. But hey, Motorarm and Gimlet look sexy as hell even on their own so at least that's a victory.

Oh, and if you go for Magnaboss, you can buy Ironhide, and Prowl, but DO NOT buy Silverbolt, get his BW II counterpart called Skywarp.
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>pic related
Not canon, fucking never canon.
I liked a few things from AVP, but damn was a lot of it just retarded. I still hate the stupid explanation they did for Majin Zarak.
>I liked a few things from AVP

such as?

> I still hate the stupid explanation they did for Majin Zarak.

what was it?
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I'm waiting for it to get an update or something like that. The idea of Prowl turning into the core of the robot is cool but the final robot looks kind of dopey.
Tripredacus still has the crap arms but those end in claws so I'm fine with it.

Gee, Vector Prime, two genders.
Pretty damn good, actually. Chinks do it better than Hasbro, if you're getting Wei Juang and what not!
Giving some explanation for where the hell the Protectobots came from in the G1 tv show, it wasn't great, but we finally got an explanation.

This is the explanation for M Zarak:

>In the universe of Primax 489.0 Zeta, Scorponok began searching through time and space for new sources of energy. He got more than he wanted when he tapped into the mighty Horus, driving him and his Headmaster partner Zarak insane and fusing them with their aircraft carrier base. The resulting beast, dubbed "Majin Zarak" by Horsehead after the ancient Predacon in the Covenant of Primus, tore its way through central Europe and fought a combined Autobot/Decepticon army. The Micromasters were able to lure the creature into an oil tanker and send it careening off into space.

>Well, thanks for that, Micromasters, as Majin Zarak went on to destroy planets all over the galaxy, including Ghennix, Neutronia, Thermia, and Thrull. Luckily, Galvatron and his Predacons sucked Zarak into their reality!

The problem with this is that it ties things from completely different fiction into the Japanese continuity, mixes different western G1 stuff together when it doesn't make sense, the explanation is just boring, and uses a character that no one cares about from club fiction. This hurts even more since Japanese fiction has straight up monsters and aliens that could do this themselves.
Great pic
Ok, but just know that if we ever get one, it might be a completely different beast. Let's hope it's not as half assed as the Funpub version.
>Funpub Magnaboss
How could a human being could think that was a good idea is still beyond me.
As for Magnaboss, the anime version looks so badass that the toy just feels disappointing. Too bad turd patties can't sculpt for shit and aren't interested in Beast Wars.
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Protoman posted an interesting animated gif of Transformers history, I managed to save if via back door html coding on Twitter only to see that /toy/ as a low file size limit for gifs.

Here is the direct link instead

Someone brought up a good point. All those old Japanese ladies today with the reflexes to transform a Ramjet blindfolded due to living the assembly line life at Takara.

>When Transformers were made in Japan and not outsourced to China
>When the Chinese were not stealing said Transformers and forcing them to outsource to Vietnam
>When the Vietnamese were just the perfect balance of submissive and too backwards to know what Ebay is to take advantage

I think some Transformers were also made in Korea and Macau too.
We're almost out of combiners, and they can't milk Devastator, Bruticus, and Menasor forever.
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>those tiny windows


minimus of wildfire?

Still haven't even gotten G2 Devy, like hell they can't milk him.
oh no please don't design a character that isn't similar to it's g1 representation

Raiden / Trainbots

Seacons (and repainted into Fun Pub colors and BWII God Neptune colors)

Terrorcon (Coming soon, not much to do with repaint wise)

Road Ceasar

Landcross (Black repaint??)

Monstructor (And later Dinoking)

No Guard City repaint of Defensor? (We do have a red Hot Spot coming in Inferno)

No Battle Gaia repaint?

Magnaboss (With BWII repaint)

Tripredacus (With BWII repaint)

Build Team / Build King

Train Team / JRX
>Wears a corset to make her breasts look bigger
>Does not help

Poor Chinese gal, still has a cute face.
Goldner wants so badly to be Disney but he doesn't have a fraction of the talent or creativity required to get there. All he knows how to do is slash quality and jack up prices like 99% of MBAs.
I wish we could get either a G2 or Diaclone Devastator, I'm always up for realistic color schemes. Not before a good Devastator is made, though.
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So this is a thing.

>Raiden / Trainbots
I don't see these guys happening, they're virtually unknown over here and they all turn into trains which aren't that popular over here.

>Seacons (and repainted into Fun Pub colors and BWII God Neptune colors)
Very likely, it's mostly a matter of when. But I don't see the Funpub colors happening.

>Terrorcon (Coming soon, not much to do with repaint wise)

>Road Ceasar
Could be halfassed scramble city style, or get a unique torso (all bets on takara for this one)

>Landcross (Black repaint??)
This one's a mess, I don't expect it until way later.

>Monstructor (And later Dinoking)
Six piece combiner, and not popular enough for a Titan release, so we're either getting a lazy 5 part combiner or we'll get it when they figure out how to do 2 figure torso's with the new engineering.

>No Guard City repaint of Defensor? (We do have a red Hot Spot coming in Inferno)
Don't see these guys happening.

>No Battle Gaia repaint?
And these guys

>Magnaboss (With BWII repaint)
When Hasbro feels generous

>Tripredacus (With BWII repaint)
When Hasbro feels generous

>Build Team / Build King
Possible, but way later down the line

>Train Team / JRX
He looks cool enough that they might make a v2 in the future, but I doubt it's soon.
Can it stay in there during transformation?
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Machine Wars and the KB exclusives
All the Fox Kids BW repaints
All the BM repaints for RID plus Optimal Optimus and Cryotek
All of the first Universe line
All the Botcon/OTFCC figures
Most Wal-mart exclusives
Most Target exclusives
Most TRU exclusives
The US has more exclusives than anybody. Being a TF westaboo must be suffering.

>Overlord is a psychopath and a tyrant
>xe's also genderfluid

hmm really makes me think

if the chest had a sliding rail then it would have the clearance to spin the opposite way and keep the head on, but it doesn't, so it can't. Just another way to store the head.
>they're virtually unknown over here

So was Liokaiser, but he still got an exclusive set by fucking Hasbro of all things.
Well it's a better place for it in tank mode, that's for sure.
>My TRU got Primus

Who the hell is suppose to buy this guy? He was good, but he's nowhere near worth 150 dollars.
Leokaiser shared a few vehicles with CW figures, so it was a done deal he'd be made...and he was horribly halfassed.
>Primus releases in 2006 with more stuff for $49.99
>Primus released today 11 years later with less stuff and 3 times the price

Hasbro cucks.
Aside from the Unicron head; what did they take out?
I hear you. When we get those sales, it's invariably totally empty shelves or single character blocks. Even if I was going to buy Finn, I wouldn't buy two, and you have to buy two to get a discount which means I won't buy one either. Stupid.

First release had a Unicron head and on top of the basic paper work/instruction, they also had the poster planet map packed in

Second release came with 4 Minicons and again the poster
>WWE Superstar John Cena has joined the cast of Transformers Universe: Bumblebee, according to Hollywood Reporter.

>The site also reveals the plot synopsis and a revised release date for the movie.

>“The story is set in the year 1987, where Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small Californian beach town. Charlie (Steinfeld), on the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world, discovers Bumblebee, battle-scarred and broken. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns this is no ordinary, yellow VW bug.”

>The synopsis also confirms that Bumblebee will return to his Volkswagen Beetle (a.k.a VW Bug) vehicle mode from Generation 1.

>The film kicks off production today in California. Paramount has set a new release date of December 21st, 2018, which puts the film opposite Warner Bros.’ Aquaman.
I'd do it if TRU still accepted a swap without receipts, but they don't anymore.
Alignd isn't so much a direct continuity line, but rather a way of giving every character across different media the same general backstory so that they avoid random name reuses or clashing personalities. Though honestly thats mostly out the window now, too.

He was still a "literally who" to the US, on par with Black Shadow, Overlord, etc. Point being, literally who's have a chance of being made these days. Not as good of a chance as more well known, but the possibility is out there.

Of course theres always 3P's. Shit, I'm going in on TFC's Roadcaeser despite knowing nothing of RC just because he looks cool and it's using the same port system their Seacon's did, so it should turn out good.
>December 21st, 2018, which puts the film opposite Warner Bros.’ Aquaman
>Dec 2018
>same month SW releases

Ha ha what the fuck are these clowns thinking? Thats financial suicide.
It was kind of funny how RID destroyed that so hard with the minicons, and earlier with the Predacons.
>oh no please don't make a character's design worse just for the sake of shoehorning g1 onto it

Gasp, beloved character Lockdown was really a different character named Tinypus Micronius?
>Remember that time they did Punch/Counterpunch but made the head too tiny so someone had to make a better one on shapeways?

Remember how they never showed a real photo of the actual toy and thus collectors didn't know the head was too small until after Fun Pub had taken their money and shipped it out?
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these people are mentally ill
No gun, so I guess it's pointless to buy this version.

While the Genderfluid might actually make sense for his Masterforce counterpart, he's definitely got a male personality after he becomes a real Transformer, no idea where they got those Xer's from.
>AVP names four "non-binary" Transformers
>one is a psychopath
>another is a terrorist/would-be conqueror
>a member of the secret police/black ops
>and a pirate from the future

What did Vector Prime mean by this?

Different guy but the Combatibots, canon T H I C C fembots, Go-bots, and Archforce.
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Toy when
Oh lord, the idiot who runs the Ask Vector Prime account from Fun Pub is still going at it?

That person needs to get a life
Never, he only shows up in one film. Shit, one of the constructicons shows up in ROTF, DOTM, and TLK, and still doesn't have a toy larger than Legion.
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Plot twist: all transformers are secretly minimus
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>Tally ho!
Long Haul got a voyager
There's no Star Wars that December.
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>deluxe Dinobots
>wanting the Dinobots to combine
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>combining dinobots
I was talking about Scrapper, he never got a proper toy like the rest, despite showing up as often as Long Hauls model. Hell, a Scrapper type was a good guy in TLK.
You don't have to combine them, just ignore it.
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I like the small size classes.
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He can't fit into everybody though
Oh, the TLK version is called Trench now. Cool.
No one wins anything with that mold
How he makes this peice of shit Jazz look well articulated is beyond me. Also the making of video is great.


Only Allsparkers hate the idea of a Dinobot combiner.
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He's everywhere
He broke it and just move the parts around keeping them in place with sticky tac and wires, there as a "making of" video of that clip on his channel.

That video is so old, it came out when we'd take anything as filler for Classics. we had no idea when we'd get a new G1 style Jazz, so everyone bought that target Jazz as a substitute. It was a rough time.
He is also co-authoring the TFA Comics for TF Nation. We'll definitely be seeing more of his dumb ideas.
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Minimal Cyclical
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>not realizing that this means we're getting a Victory Dinoking repaint

I for one welcome our new dinobot combiners.
But... they Dinoking components don't turn into Dinosaurs, and they have 6 members, 2 forming the torso.
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It's not like they haven't made 6 combiners into 5 combiners before. I'm praying Hasbro won't botch it like they did with Liokaiser. But there's also that legends class dinobot coming out too. It could end up being a boxset in 2018. Just saying there's a good chance of all of this happening.
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>2 forming the torso.
Make it gray and call it a day
What other sites will the Takara movie masterpiece Optimus be available on? As stated earlier in the thread he's currently on order stop at HLJ and most other stores will have the hasbro version.
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Kakuryu, the 'ceratops became an autobot at the end of Victory and then got his own combiner team as Grimmaster.
Damn things are everywhere
One of the leaks confirmed HasTak was going to make Crowbar, how likely it is that they will make Hatchet?

I kind of hate the mobile fighting game for making TLK Hot Rod look badass. Now I want a figure of him and it's just this piece of shit.
Yeah, but those were drones, he's not a normal combiner by any sense of the word, and it be weird if the rest of the team got changed into Dinosaurs that looked and transformed just like the Dinobots.
So..., I'm looking to buy a G2 Smokescreen and Dreadwing. What's the recommended amount for them?
I paid around $15 each I think, separately, no accessories.
Not that weird, they already had the shells with those dino forms, they could easily say that they had to reformt themselves by Kakuryu leaving the team.
What about their Robot Master versions, Smokesniper and Gigant Bomb? Btw, doe the molds have any defects you'd like to point out?
Which side does he poop from?
Yeah, but how would they explain one member being missing?
he ded
No clue, Gigant bomb is hovering around 45-60 on Ebay while Smokesniper is insanely expensive on his own.
Don't have those versions, so I don't know. Careful with smokescreen though, his middle joint broke on my original long ago.
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About as likely as them doing it by retooling ROTF Ravage. Best case scenario they make a new mold and just use it to sell both new Hatchet and then retool the head for a deluxe "Lockdown's Hounds" figure.
Hes an autobot now >>6456331
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>still full retail everywhere

goddammit why wont anybody discount this shelfwarming fuck already he sucks as a character toy but would be great as a generic Decepticon grunt for battle scenes
But they're all Autobots, and the member that's missing is the ankylosaurs.

Shit, there's a mention of a new screw hole in that version of the mold, now I'm scared that's the reason for the breakage...

The other versions are more expensive, so I'm not sure it's worth the gamble to see if they don't break there.
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Got my Power Up today. He's a cute little botlet. His gamepad form is tiny but it's still not so tiny that my ape hands can't still pretend to play with it anyway. He's not the best figure because his arms are gorilla tier and his tiny feet are a little weird in their articulation, but a little creativity can still get some good poses out of him.
>Power up
Er, High Score. Mixed it up. Shit, it was right there in the file.
The Han Solo Spinoff
He's actually a gorilla according to his designer. He also envisioned 07 Stockade as his big brother.
>5 members for 6 bot combiner

no fucking thanks
>implying there's even going to be a December without any Star Wars from now on
.... Can FortMax or Metroplex wear Meantime or use any of the real gear line?
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To the guy who posted this pic A few threads ago:
Are those PE guns a different variant? My PC-04s are all solid purple railguns
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Kinda, its the KO set, they used the Bruticus set and molded it in all the colors, you can say by the hands, they look better than the boney fingers from the original sets, quality wise, they're great.
Cause I legit would have wanted what they could have offered this year and neither Has/Tak would do them.
I like it but I'm waiting for all three Dreads to be confirmed to buy it.
If it goes into clearance and they don't then I might custom the robot mode into Banzai-Tron because MUH BLACC OPS.
I talked with Protoman at TFCon quiet a few times.
Thing is we don't even know if Hasbro would've given the ok to ANY of that shit they showed off.
No everyone does. The Beast left such a bad taste in everyone's mouth, that's why most fans don't want it.
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That's cute as fuck

[spoiler]Her head crest is crooked but I can't be mad at that smile[/spoiler]
I got them like10 years ago at a comic book shop.

Needless to say they are some if my favourite obscure dudes I own.
That is a good point.

Hasbro was always picky with ideas, it's why we ended up with so much Shattered Glass shit.
Huh, I wasn't aware that it was their fault that Shattered Glass existed.
Well I mean Hasbro vetoed a lot of ideas, I imagine SG was the easiest thing for them to get approved a lot of the time.

I mean it was a good concept that was never fully realized, under a more capable writer, it could have been more compelling.
>Hasbro/Takara have the ultimate veto power over any licensed material

Stop being such a brainlet.
Late to the party here, are any of the Combiners from CW actually worth getting? I've heard pretty negative things about every single one.
superion, bruticus and menasor if you can get the pe set.
I don't pay much attention to this shit. Still, it's partly Funpub's fault for having the worst ideas anyone related to Transformers second to fleshling genocide or transhumanist surgery.
Even the fucking Age Of Extinction repaint thread on tfw2005, that is still going to this day, had better ideas.
If you love fun, you should check out at least one
There's Hasbro&Takara versions of each of several of the originals, just pick your fave, if you like it get more
Superion and Computron are both pretty good the combiners I see holding up the best.
Sky Reign is good but has stability issues
Defensor and Bruticus are both decent but don't pose well
Stay the fuck away from Motormaster and Optimus Maximus.

Also, depending on who you get, the takara versions may end up cheaper.
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This body better be a voyager in that line.
Avoid anything with the Optimus/Motormaster mold and try not to get more than one Brawl mold.
Everything else is fine but you might not like the amount of repaints and retools.

*related to Transformers could have second to
Well the big brains behind Funpub's ideas were the idiots from the 90s era fandom and bozos like Cheat's and Pete. No wonder we got shitty Action Masters and obscure crap nobody has heard about.
Making Action Masters that can transform wasn't a bad idea though.

Fuck man that Gutcruncher we almost got from Blitzwing looked perfect. Captures everything about the character.
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Anyone thinking of picking up pretty pink murderbee?
Again, the Perfect Effect body kits literally fix all problems for the Optimus/Motormaster combiners, it's really impressive

If I can get him on the cheap, you bet.
Like the terrible shoulders.
I have no connection to Action Masters but I like some of the designs, I didn't like a single Funpub Action Master though.
If someone were to bring Action Masters back I'd rather have them being sturdy figures with figuarts-like articulation.
>If you spend an EXTRA $30-50 it goes from being shit to being mediocre!

Do you add-on drones ever realize how you sound?

For all their faults, keep in mind that a huge amount of ideas that they had were rejected by Hasbro every year for internal business reasons, many things that would've been awesome and had wider appeal then what we ended up getting. Even critics have to admit that despite a lot of filler toys, we got some great stuff from them, and their fun reuses of the molds will be missed now that we're only getting regular Hasbro and Takara stuff.

> inb4 cuck
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All of the UW ones.
It helps with the crotch and arms falling apart, sure, but if you don't like permanent A-stances then you're fucked, and the biggest issue with the mold for me is how recessed the arm sockets are on the torso. It's a pain in the ass to articulate the shoulders without them hitting the body
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Personally I fucking love Galvatron, Optimus, and the Combaticons. Perfect Effects sets are pretty affordable and great too. Individually they're all fun, I love the number of classic characters, and something about the chunkier robot designs brings me joy.
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Though in defense of Optimus. I touched up mine with some extra paint and the reprolabels.
I really like that you used (The Autobot Formerly Known As Wandering) Roller for an arm. It's kind of heartwarming.
Bruticus and Superion are pretty nice, but if you want to get one team fast and cheap try the computron, victorion or liokaiser boxsets, theres also G2 bruticus and menasor boxsets, but the trailer torso is the worst mold in the line.
I think Liokaiser may be a Hasbro Asia effort like those Year of the ---- sets
I honestly wanted him for just the purpose of having him and Optimus together. I found a guy willing to part with him for $45 and it seemed worth it since I didn't like the rest of the Galvatronus box set.
Can you give us a rundown on how the PE crotch effects legs movement on the Optimaster mold? Can you push the legs in any more? Also can you rotate them at all to allow for backwards movement?
Combiner Wars's biggest flaw was not having limb and core figures of characters like Megatron and Starscream. That said I think the Tank Megatron is a fun figure, but... I mean come on. Ultra Prime vs Large-atron seemed like a given.
You're stuck in a heroic A stance when standing, however you still have some decent hip articulation in terms of moving forward and rotating a little.

You can get some good kneeling, sitting, and kind of battle stance poses, I don't have any pictures on me, but I can post some after work.
I wonder what PotP combiner Starscream's combined head will look like. Making it Megatron would be an interesting parallel to Cylonus/Galvatron.
>I've heard pretty negative things about every single one

Probably because the autists can't appreciate nice things. Avoid the Optimus/Motormaster mold, and everything else is solid enough. Even then, the Motormaster mold is decent if you can get the PE giant brace thingy for it.
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Actually, fuck me I lied. Here's an older picture of him doing a kneel pose on my old desk. This is before I painted and stickered my Optimus up.
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I don't know what this pose was, but I mean he does have some leg rotation and bending. Its not like hard locked in the A pose.
Decent as a torso. Every other mode is kinda shit.
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Today I will remind them
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Thanks fucking god they didn't, I wouldn't want Hasbro lingering on that half-assed line for any longer. The repaints of those shitty cars into well known Autobots were already disgusting enough.
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Legit want.
Also I would honestly object. I love the truck mode for Optimus. I know a lot of people find the robot mode too chunky, but its weirdly charming to me.
I can see the dislike for Hotspot, Motormaster or a Skylynx with loose joints, but I genuinely don't understand how anyone could have a problem with the Silverbolt mold, it's only problem are the early runs that had a fragile neck joint and that could be fixed

Voyager variety was the biggest problem with CW for me. The combiner's completely depended on the torso for any major variety and we had exactly four combining torsos.
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>I love the truck mode for Optimus. I know a lot of people find the robot mode too chunky, but its weirdly charming to me.

Me too. His proportions kind of remind me of a superhero or something.
I meant the robot with the torso add-on.
The truck mode is possibly the only good mode of the stock figure.
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I think that's the second biggest, there's not enough limb and torso robot variations. We had... 2 cars, 2 jets, 1 tank, 1 apc, 1 jeep, and helicopters.

Like they needed to mix it up for have some additional mold variants, but I don't think the molds were inherently bad.
I'll be honest, the torso clamp piece pops off so easy I just remove it and set it aside when displaying in other modes. I've been messing with a possible trailer to store it in.

He reminds me of Big Guy for some reason.
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>but I don't think the molds were inherently bad

(((vomits internally)))
So you like oversized Legion class figures, I presume?
I don't know? I hadn't bothered collection transformers in a long time, I started picking things up again last year.

I guess the honest response is that I found them fun to mess with, I like the designs, and they made me happy.
Everything except the carbots and brawl were mostly pasable.
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This remid me of IDW Galvatronus and Skyreign.
The CW gimmick was good if you only bought Takara's UW toys and only got the actual combiner characters instead of the filler sets like Optimus Maximus and Galvatronus. Everything has a new head at the bare minimum and with the exception of the Dead End mold they only got reused twice at most.
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I would buy a stealth bomber combiner torso in a heart beat.
Cosmos as an arm is fucking awesome. I could go for a deluxe-class Cosmos.
>Everything except the carbots and brawl
That's like over 50% of the line right there.
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Ironhide was pretty ok.
Bread is already on autosage, new one:

>gigantic backpack that doesn't even make an attempt to compress itself
>arm panels that constantly collide with said backpack
Yeah, mine have both those issues. I mostly just use a Figurats stand for Skullcruncher because I don't have any Pledge to work with. Weirdwolf is fine other than the cracked off bit on the left of the cockpit hinge.
I just found some bootlegs on aliexpress for like 12 bucks. Just search 'tamashii effect'. They look just like the ones that are getting posted here.

If you're buying from China it's gonna be a knockoff. From what i hear taobao is pretty safe but i wouldn't count on super fast shipping.
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