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/biog/ - Bionicle, Technic and CCBS General: Dark Hunter Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 369
Thread images: 131

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Welcome to the Bionicle General!

Previous Thread: >>6148397

Thread Contest: Build a Dark Hunter with CCBS parts!


>G1 Story Material

>G2 Story Material

>Misc. Media

>For builders:
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Tributes have been chosen!
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Thank you, I'm very excited and aroused for this grand tournament.
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The competition is heating up!
Fucking Gadunka
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not my babby
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A moment of silence for these chumps ;_;7
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Tonight's the night
also rest in peace my darling Muaka
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Today is the dawn of a new day!
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Can you feel it now Mr. Krabs?
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Press F to pay respects
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What a thrill...

With darkness and silence through the night...

What a thrill...
Manas are the real krabs
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>Hunger Games shit taking up precious images

Discord ruined this general
Manas duel wielding Spear and Hatchet.
Sounds like somebody wants to be banned
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Nigga, we had the same damn general up for like a week straight. Having a small event once in a while that gets people excited isn't a bad thing
"Gee Penguin, how come your mom lets you have TWO explosives?"
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fucked up and forgot an image
Crab vs Spider
My Roporak is absolutely owning.

Also the things he's doing actually make sense for his character wtf :0
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I'm sorry friends. That spider was a crafty bitch.
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Well damn, my money was on the crab.
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Feels bad about qt3.14 Zesk baby tho
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8 fucking kills, holy shit
FUCK. Mr Manas Krabs couldn't avenge Aww yeah Mr Krabs
Thanks man, that was fun.
Future of constraction anyone?
Ideas? Reboots? Something new?
What would you like to see?
CCBS should stay. G2 and the Star Wars builds have it pretty good in terms of the CCBS-to-Technic ratio.

I just think we need a new theme to do what Hero Factory was doing and experiment further
CCBS needs a revamp, shit takes up too much space.

A smaller system catered custom limb building is better.
>8 kills
Metru Nui was hell
I want them to expand on the idea they started with the Nexo battle suits. A Mixel joint system theme of robots duking it out would be cool. Cheap too.
>Hero Factory returns, and tries to do what it was originally going to be like.
>Exo-Force reboot in the vein of Invasion from Below.
>Generally, anything that gives Lego an in-house CCBS theme works.
Funny, I was thinking of doing another Hunger Games soon, myself.

I guess I don't have to.
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The future? I honestly can't tell at this point.
I have a few ideas but I'm still working on them, whatever comes next I just hope it's something new and not a reboot.
I'd like to see CCBS evolve in the future. I think Lego has the right basic idea, but the system needs to both develop its strengths while eliminating it's weaknesses.

A lot has been said about the good of CCBS. Its balljoint based construction allows for tons of flexibility. It's a lot easier to get the right armor angles compared to the old system, and the modularity is crazy enough for you to easily add extra limbs or anything else imaginable. The system stays true enough to its mission that the parts are timeless and extremely versatile. This is even more impressive when recolors come into play. Consider the following; if just ONE shell of a rare color was made, you could use it all over a MOC with no trouble.

And of course there are its problems. Detail is a big issue. The addons are a half-solution that works, but it makes bulking up a necessity. There is currently no way to attach detail directly to the frame. In addition to detail, CCBS has by large used the same shapes since its inception. We need some more shell shapes as well as detailed shells. Part versatility is a double-edged sword that gives us pieces that can be used again and again at the cost of having less variety (See; Hand, Feet, Bones).

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Cost may not be inherently the system’s fault, but is a product of the fucked up size scale Lego keeps doing. When you make the main sets too large, everything falls apart. It becomes a challenge to make the enemies large enough to be imposing to the heroes or vehicles without destroying the budget. CCBS had a pretty good scale up until Bio G2.
Lastly there's something I don't often hear much talk about. CCBS is a system that relies on its frame and connections, and both are in dire need of an upgrade. The bones are bland, boring, limit the shell placement (height), and don't offer any connection points to axles, addons, etc. There aren't even any versions where the pin holes face parallel to the socket, or any that have more than two ball connections. For some cases you could use a custom limb, but some things like having a ball directly below the socket of long bone are impossible to achieve. The shells and addons are guilty of a lack of connection points too. It would be much better if Lego released CCBS parts that you could attach multiple shells to, or pieces that allow system or mixel compatibility.

The frame is perhaps the most important thing in a build and it annoys me to no end that most set frames are ugly, simple, and limited. By just diversifying the way the frame is built you could change the entire look of the figure. Heck, if you split the way the torso is built into two main pieces instead of one you could even get torso articulation. The new Star Wars torso is already allows some custom frames, so use that shit.

-Keep CCBS
-Use its strengths: Flexibility, Versatility, and Modularity.
-Add more Detail, Connection points, and Variety to the Bones, Shells, and Addons.
-Have the scale small enough so that making larger sets won’t be such a problem.
-Make the frames more interesting and functional.

Pic related; Is it really too much to ask for bones that actually have detail and look good?
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Wrong frame pic.
Frame weaknesses were on the way to being eliminated with 2016, as the Toa and Umarak had technic construction make up their upper torso as opposed to a CCBS frame.

I maintain that CCBS doesn't need more development of the frames, that's when you build a technic bone and attach it instead.
Love to see them take a stab at Mechs again. Seem like the perfect hybridization of traditional Lego with CCBS.
>Frame weaknesses were on the way to being eliminated with 2016, as the Toa and Umarak had technic construction make up their upper torso as opposed to a CCBS frame.

>I maintain that CCBS doesn't need more development of the frames, that's when you build a technic bone and attach it instead.

I do appreciate the way the Uniters did their torso frame, even if the neck joint somewhat limited it.

Custom limbs are an attractive solution but I feel they are an incomplete one. While they open the the door to total creative freedom, they don't inherently fix the detail, sometimes cause stability issues, inflate the parts count (and cost), and there are some structures custom limbs can't achieve on such a small scale.

Custom limbs are something I like to see but I don't think it could be a long term solution.
lady gogger
I just posted this in the last thread in response to someone else, but I'll repost it here because it's it's kinda relavent to what you're asking.

They should integrate Bionicle/ccbs/Technic into Dimensions.

My idea for it would be that they add a Bionicle level, and you could either play as a Bionicle character, or you go there as a minifig from some other theme, and gain a ccbs power up. They could also do ccbs levels for other themes like Star Wars, that feature massive Technic vehicles and buildings.
Dimensions is dying, and CCBS is almost dead. There's pretty much negative percent chance that will happen.
>CCBS is almost dead
Thanks to Star Wars, that's the opposite of true.
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I would love to have a CCBS figure of Mr. Incredible.
It would only look good from a handful of angles though.
that's a shrek 3 refference
CCBS will return in 2018 with an new theme about robotic aliens that use spinner launchers and have an scanable code on them.They will have also an tv show on cartoon network.They have beast look.
My source is from the company.
t. my dad works for nintendo
Wrong. CCBS will not get a new IP until early 2019. Lego is taking their time to develop a line of organic looking robots who are themed after their unique abalities and powers rather than different elements. I know this because I invented the CCBS.
>...I know this because I invented the CCBS.
I don't suppose you can prove that.
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How would one obtain pic related?
0 results my dood. The only seller I'm able to find online that isnt selling it for fucking hundreds of dollars is a fishy looking Chinese seller and im not buyin any Star Soldiers today
I'm just gonna put out an open call for it on Bricklink if I decide I reaaaally want it
I remember around christmas 2014 I went to my local Lego Store to ask if they already had the new Bionicle sets and on my way in I saw that set. I thought it looked pretty cool and was considering picking it up. When I asked about the Bionicle sets the lady at the store said "Yeah we have them here and I already had a good look at them, but I can't sell them to you."
So I thought "Oh well at least I can get that Chima CCBS set" as I saw someone else take the last one they had in stock.
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You can always just build your own version without wasting more money on the actual set
>I say that while I did buy the set then modded it heavily
Wrong.In 2018 we get a CCBS theme about transforming robots that are organic.I know that because I invented Bionicle.
teeny tiny baby arms
Picture is a bit out of date, I have made the arms longer
I invented Lego.
I'm Ole Kirk Christiansen.
Cool,you can tell me why Lego is crap now?
Money's not an issue, I don't mind forking over like 20 or 25 bucks for a used set as long as the parts are pristine.
>that modded version
Sexy as hell, post moar
It isn't though. That's completely subjective
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r8 my team
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Is this the most bizarre bonkle recolor?

Lots of parts deserve mention:

> trans yellow 7M CCBS shell (Waspix's wings),the first and only instance trans yellow was ever used in constraction after 2005 (Ooohnorak's eyes)
> Kopaka sword in medium orange (Gukko's beak), a rare shade that was never used in constraction ever again and was discontinued in 2012
> All the bi-color parts from 2006-2008, especially the shit from some of the Barraki, which used obscure colors and combinations that were never used in Bionicle again
> Zaktan's sand green joints (again, obscure color for constraction, only a Ben 10 set used it after that)
> less crazy, but dark bley CCBS hands (mostly for the type of set they're exclusive to, a freaking Modular Building)
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Booru is live!
>We need Michael Bay to make a Live Action Bionicle movie so TRANSFORMERS will be saved.
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That's awesome!!!
Thanks, I did similar works with most Chima characters
Namely Worriz, Cragger (both), Razar (could use a rework though), Fluminox, Mungus, Vardy, Panthar
Well feel free to share pics
>tfw got Grievous because he looked insanely good
>a year later, still haven't figured what to use him for

How did you reuse your Star Trek edgy robot, biog? Besides dismantling him, of course.
At work currently and don't have the pictures on me, and for some reason the PC here is refusing to download pictures, no idea why (first time it happens), I could send a link though
Make claymations with him
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>unmodded Pohatu
[vomits externally]
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Rate my female giantess necromancer.
What can I do to improve her.
Well that's the first time I've seen caterpillar treads used as a skirt/cloak/dress. Looks cool.
Legs need to be much longer
You should expand upon those wing things on her back, they're a bit plain as of now.
Add giant-sized breasts
Yoooooo that's far grander than what I've been shooting for. DrScorpionX really goes all out on his design, I'll give him props for that.
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It is happening.
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Trans technic body plates when? It saddens me that so many sets have their incredible gearwork hidden behind black, ugly plates.
I am so incredibly down for this
so when is the wos stream?
Anyone have any pics of good custom Roodaka? Maybe a more feminine version?
no fuckin way, what?

That's... that's not a to scale Mata Nui, is it?
>mostly for the type of set they're exclusive to, a freaking Modular Building
Does Mindstorms Inika belong in this thread, or /lg/, or /g/ board?
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image familiar
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I think here or the Lego general are fine just pick and stick with whichever one you want to discuss the topic.
Heh, hey guys do you remember the time when the danish homosexual league tried to replace bonkles with the autism factory
Hero factory would be more memorable if only they use the The Incredibles or Ratchet and Clank themed plot/design like the concepts intended
Yeah because stylized human faces work so well in the Star Wars CCBS sets
Not to scale. Real Mata Nui is approximatly 500km by 250km, while that map is more like 8km by 4km, its still ridiculously large, but a to scale mata nui in minecraft is impossible without sacraficing all vertical since the height limit of that game is at 256m
I thought this is bonkle porn site
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Behold my contest entry: VENTOHK, SAURIAN DARK HUNTER
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I was tweaking this bastard for days, trying to get all the colours and shapes to work just right. Hope it paid off.
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Once again, I've drawn influence from the Art of Bionicle - so he has a little evil Beyblade which detaches from the end of his club.
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Lastly, I'll drop his framework in case anyone's interested. This guy was a real pain, as I wanted to build a gearbox/torso which was both elegant and sturdy - I think I succeeded quite well, but I won't be the judge of that!
That's pretty fucking rad, I dig the kind of visor look ala fluted helmet.
We will get a new CCBS theme?
Uniter Tahu is 14$,it is worth it?
I had no idea they were EXCLUSIVE to that set
>>mostly for the type of set they're exclusive to, a freaking Modular Building
I don't think translucent panels would really look that good. I would rather they go back to the old aerodynamic panels they had that allowed you to look through the holes.
$14? where?
yes?... I was saying that in response to that comment
>>mostly for the type of set they're exclusive to, a freaking Modular Building>>mostly for the type of set they're exclusive to, a freaking Modular Building
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Introducing awards for the Dark Hunter Contest!

The top three choices will win some very special unique masks. These masks are the "Bubble casts", made with the transparent resin that swelled up my face horrifically that one time. They are my first real successes in casting and I owe it to /biog/ for being the place that got me interested in starting to learn how to mold and cast parts.

Fun fact: the purple mask of water is dyed with oil paint. It's the only color additive that gives me those speckled patterns.

Winners will be expected to provide address information, of course. You'll be able to contact us securely in Discord (or from discord, to email if you prefer) for security.
>securely for security

...and this is why you proofread. Time to go to bed, I guess.
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Here's a pic of Eljay maskless, this pic is not mine and belongs to the community.
He shaved it.
I would too if I knew I would have to take off the mask in front of people for the first time.
It would have been extremely painful
>literally a neckbeard

This just cements my lack of respect for the autistic fuckknuckle.
Huh. He looks exactly as I thought
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This was no doubt a cool scene many fans like to remember. I wonder about its purpose in the plot, though. I always thought that a direct confrontation with the main villain (in which he is actually overpowered, too!) felt too early. Did they put that scene there because they didn't know if Bionicle would be successful enough to continue after the first year?
Most likely.

But you have to keep in mind that original run was supposed to end in 2003, which was also topped with Makuta defeated, however not in the way they planned.

It could just be the MNOLG devs wanting a satisfying ending to it. It took like a year for the thing to come out fully
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Where will you go when CCBS(Constraction) dies?
Quit lego and find a new hobby
Who is your favourite Biogirl and why is it Lariska?
>making her look ANYTHING like a Vortixx
Fucking end yourself.
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>vortixx Lariska
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Picrelated is my favorite interpretation of her.
I'm still surprised that despite there being 9 million contests for canon looks of things in G1, there never was one for Lariska.

Maybe Greg just wanted to keep his waifu pure
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does anyone have a link to the Bionicle setting bible?

I wanna read through Greg's notes. I wanna see what was going through his head when he made bonkles.
give me a reason to not Vortixx her

That's cool too

I mean I'm not even the first one to build her as a Vortixx, I just think it fits her
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>mfw im reading The Power of Myth right now
>mfw I finally understand why, after TEN FUCKING YEARS, Bionicle is still so obsessed over

Just a note to you all: Never under estimate the influence a good ol' fashion "Good Vs Evil" Epic Journey story can have on you.
Likely it was to ensure a satisfying end to that web game. Back then word of mouth meant a lot and people grumbling about how the Toa didn't even beat the main bad guy could have soured the brand.
back to my huge g1 collection
Greg wasn't invovled in making the story bible and it's not publicly available anywhere.
Because she's not a Vortixx.
You know, aesthetically speaking the first wave of HF was cool as fuck
Except for the clusterfuck arms.
Didn't Greg say in some interview or wherever that Lego also planned to end it in 2001 at first?

But aside from that, most likely the Makuta scene only made it into MNOG because it was supposed to be the ending to the PC game.
i thought there was a few pages of it that were put up on the lego website years ago

must be mistaken then.
You know, I really wish some of that was made public. I realize it would be pointless for Lego, maybe even against their rules, and I don't know whether they still have the notes.

But Faber, Swinnerton, Greg and Templar have shared a whole lot of intriguing background info, and there was some in the style guide too, so finding out what kind of other crazy shit they had in mind for the line would be pretty neat. Greg has said that the early lore in particular was really weird.
Given the old AFTERMAN concepts I'm imagining that early Bionicle was some sort of strange posthuman narrative

Remember that the theme of the heroes being a medicine to fight a cancer in a giant body system is still heavily present
Anyone still miss Matoro?
We all do
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So this picture was taken on February 8, 2016...
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And this was taken on Feburary 8. 2017.
There's still a long way to go, but I'd say I'm satisfied with the progress of one year.
Is the new account requirement for posting on discord universal or an option that can be turned on my mods/room owner/whatever? cuz it sucks
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me getting euthanized.jpg
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That's awesome. The Tohunga are still my favourite Matoran sets
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R8 My wip
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does any1 happen to have any feedback?
things that look out of place? things that can use some work?
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Ko-Koro running at 0 FPS on my shitty Laptop.

desu, the mask isn't feminine enough, the spines at the back of the shoulders give an interesting silhouette but I think they ultimately take away more from it as a whole.
what mask would you suggest?
Maybe a custom head desu. Kualsi if there was a black variant.
>Lizard dark hunter with NPU feet and cute little top minion
I dig this.
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T'was a good day

>got a set I wanted for 17 years
>got a pile of parts for Makuta (not pictured)
>got the parts to finish my golden mask pedestials

How was your day?
Post more vortix
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This guy does some nice bionicle pictures. I wish he did more of them.
Turn off the account requirement for Discord
last time I was on that map it was barren. i donlowed it and made shit koros.
Artist name?
Nice change of pants.
I do like the foot design, that's a really slick build.
This map >>6169252
is still private.
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Thanks anon.
In the meantime I'm brainstorming an upgrade for this guy's arms.
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Come sit beside your pal Eljay anon!
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>no Lodestar there
I'd not take a seat then
Or maybe I would. Next to the grill.
Thanks a lot, anon
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Here's my entry into the contest, a skakdi lookin guy with chains.
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Backshot showing off the spine.
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Experimented with CCBS and form, trying to create clothing from shells.

Ended up with this monk wearing a coat and prayer beads.
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Also like any Eastern-inspired thing he has a katana

It is made from superior Okotoan steel and has been folded over one billion times
that looks very nice! mind showing the skeleton?
>just out in Public in a Miru
How do the others not avoid him because of this?
Impressive as always, very nice use of color.
I'm digging the way you built the collar, very smooth shaping on the torso in general.
Really love that custom head.
Welp, no need to enter now. Everyone has already lost.
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my nostalgia meter just broke
Djok could always lose on account of his tire fetish

also there are three prizes
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I just finished this guy today, First time I've actually took apart more than two sets to try and make a moc. Front view. (sorry about any camera quality issues, used my phone to take them.)
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Back View.
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Close up of the head, with the top part lifted to show what I used better.. (and I don't know why it's rotating these, will work on figuring that out in the future.)
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and a better view of his left arm. Background story wise, he lost part of his other left arm during a fight, and won't accept any replacement/augmentation until he hunts down the one that is responsible for his current state.
You definitely have much to improve, but I can see potential in this design for a great beast-looking thing. Keep on building, anon! I'm sure you can improve leaps and bounds.
Someone pretends on Lego general that lego plans to pck the pacific rim license.
"Good news for you.
My insider source told me that Lego plans to pick the Pacific Rim license for CCBS sets. They are still planning,it could be possible that Mattel would get the license for Mega Construx like they did years ago for Despicable Me.But Lego has big chances because of their WB partnership.We have just to wait and hope for the best."

It would be cool to get Pacific Rim CCBS sets but let's face it,HF IfB was our PR.
Pacific Rim 2 Uprising comes in 2018,february.
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I try to say this with the least possible offence, but are you an actual child?

While you don't seem to have much to work with, do you genuinely look at that MOC and think "yup, this is something that an adult would make, no improvements needed before I post this"?

I understand that not everyone's a wiz, and that some people are beginners, but you've got to look at what you're making with some sense of reflexivity, bro
Needs quite alot more work my friend.
>needs alot more armour pieces.
Moc looks very barebones atm
>Fill in the gaps.
Moc has multiple big holes in its body
>either a shorter neck or a thicker neck.

Do you happen to not have alot of pieces to moc with?
Im not the best mocer but this is the stuff i made at age <11
Thanks, I know that there's a lot of improvement that can be made.
You hit the nail squarely there, I don't have much to work with, but I'll take your advice in mind.
I actually posted it as is hoping for some tips, I'm fully aware it's not the best thing ever, but I do want to improve. Only way to do so is listen to criticism and advice.

So, fill in gaps, more armor, work on the neck. I might see about getting a bin of spare parts or something so I have more parts to work with. Anything else?
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Hey guys, besides the usual avenues, what's the best way to acquire bulk CCBS stuff? I don't really have a need for more Bionicle parts, and I don't really want to chance a mixed eBay lot and get very few to no parts I want.

>inb4 use Cracklink you mong
use Cracklink you mong
Can I buy stuff in bulk on there?
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I don't even know.
Use bricklink, but beware once you do plastic crack you're addicted
>that neckbeard
>those fingers
Poor bastard.
Does he ever not wear the mask?
Or that tons of parts are just slapped on and not connected properly like the Slizer visors or skullspider masks.
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Im very new to bionicle thread. Been in lego thread all the time.
But i decided to go full bionicle after obtaning this guy i wanted for so long.
Also im a slowpoke and just found that...well...seems like Bionicle was cancelled again.
Also i ordered Umarak the Hunter and waiting it to upgrade Sir Fangar.
I really heate seeing Bionicle closing just when i finally decided to fully enjoy this whole theme.

Looks like all i will be doing is upgrading/modding Sir Fangar with sets i have.
I already got Chima Vulture and 2 sets of Skull scorpions i got for parts (they have those super neat skeletal boney limbs/other bionicle parts i really want)
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these two are the only stuff i own.
Ive been in college during first age of Bionile and then was into lego system only.
Damn i hate missing so much.
So...for now its pretty much "go to bricklink and buy used sets" for Bionicle fans now due to this line being closed?
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excuse me for weird writing - doint it from my phone
Will go and buy another Skull Scorpio set tomorrow (they have only 1 set left on clearance in our nearest store. i guess it wont hurt to have more parts)
>Would even take a makuta STD if it meant living on Mata Nui
Gotta say, for being new to CCBS/Bionicle building style, that's a slick looking MOC. Pretty simple for sure, but there's something about it that I really like.
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thanks. its my "unused parts holder"... i keep adding or removing parts to him.
will go and get last Skull Scorpio tomorrow and modify it into a bug-thing.
it looks like this now
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I have a question. Should i get this set? That seller asking around 12$ for it
It went for like three times as much initially and has some unique parts to it.
Hell, IIRC the armor add-ons on his shoulders alone already go for like 30 bucks a piece on Bricklink ever since the instructions of that exclusive Bat Pod surfaced that had six of them on it.
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thank you very much. Its not from ebay nor from bricklink.
I found one parent that getting rid of some Hero Factory sets. I was quite surprised myself when saw this Speeda Demon...

She also has this but im getting that demon first for sure.
wtf, i didnt know that armor add on is so valuable now. i have like ten of those things
>wtf, i didnt know that armor add on is so valuable now. i have like ten of those things
i dont know. I checked and...it doesnt seem to be that expensive.
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Finished her up.
5€-12€ per part depending on color seems like a lot for a part like that to me
>gunmetal gray nuva chest
>dume's pehkui
>delicious metru red and black color scheme
>non-ridiculously-exaggerated body parts
>looks dangerous
>visorak feet. i fucking love visorak feet

nice job anon.
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i tried.
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Hot damn son... thats really good looking. I had a "lobster-mermaid" I made awhile back but couldn't find. Got to go digging in the attic now. Seriously loving the parts usage, at first i thought the Stormer head was the full size one making this thing look massive, then my brain registered the parts actual sizes, didn't even lessen the awesome.
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that thing splits into 2 creatures.
Okay not for any reasons other then my inner lego nut needing to abso-fucking-lutly know how you pulled that head off. I do have those parts I see and I would love to have it in my hands to admire the design but the build of it seems more complex then first glance suggests.
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Here's my entry into the contest ignore the shitty photo
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love this!
This is me regretting not snagging that at an excess discount mart on sale a while ago.... Instead I grabbed a fucking blind package of hero factory parts and got an entire bag of the minifigs...
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Okay so this is an old pic of a thing I'm building, though recently I had to modify it and overhaul it a bit due to too much stress on some parts. I need to take some pics of the updated one but articulation is about the same and the update is slightly taller then this one. Can't come up with a good head though....
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Oh god I found the image of when I first started the project.... dear god it looks pretty fucked up
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On second thought despite being a clusterfuck of color I forgot how much work I put into this.
>Kardas, Spinax, and Gadunka die immediately
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ayy guys, check it out, I slapped Iruini's armor onto Nuju and made a metru version of Takanuva. Pretty lazy huh?
That's some damn good concept art.

There should be a gritty Bionicle reboot, not a toy line, but like a series of animated movies.
Did you guys ever see the Skyrim Toa mod?
it looks great tho
shape wise it looks pretty cool
Glad that you like it anon
Onua Mistika mask?
Thanks man, I'm away from my collection at the moment but as soon as I have time I plan on making an exploded view/instructions of the whole guy
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Can anybody explain why Sir Fangar is so rare?
Ive been looking for him for months but no results on Ebay or Bricklink (ebay has one lot from China with no photos)

Was he an exclusive? Or sold in limited number? Why there is literally nothing of him?

I got him from one parent that was getting rid of some bionicle stuff but still...if i wouldnt find him it could be a mysterious disaster to me.
Why is he so rare?
Second wave of Chima was released in Europe only.
>in Europe only
oh shit...
that explains because im from europe.
that still dont explain why he's so rare. There are tons of lego fans in Europe. half if not more of Bricklink flooded with european stores.
Looks good, except for the Glatorian hands.

Normal white bonkle socket pieces would look better.

Also add the white double socket pieces from Pridak to replace the grey ones.
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Herea and her saw cleaver
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Configuration 2
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Is this moc elligible for the dark hunter contest?
Sure, if you started to build it at the start of February and if you can take a pic that's not on it's side.
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Gonna repost my entry into the Dark Hunter contest here.
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Is... Is this fucking fist almost as big as human fist?
Also, using this Nexo armor for eyes is awesome idea.
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>Is... Is this fucking fist almost as big as human fist?

It indeed is and to be honest, it's actually more or less a rehashed design of one of my older mocs.
It shows up right way up on my phone, I have even tried rotating the picture but that didnt work either.
Are we going to require timestamps with the mocs?
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How would I make this real?
Hit me with some bonkle memes.
Hard mode: No piraka rap.
>no CCBS whatsoever
>G2 Dark Hunter contest
What do you think?
Commit extreme heresy.
I was kind of going for a Bane from the Arkham games look with it.
holy shit man.... thats freaky but awesome
Also... how in seven fucks is that tiny ass support brick even holing that up?
Lazy doesn't always mean bad.

Also what are those skeletons from?
Looks like a knock pirates of the carribean lego sets.
The ones those containers are a skull
That's dope. The figure looks like some kind of asian folklore monster
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This is what I meant
Did not know that was a requirement
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This still fucks me up a little
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Makes me wonder what kind of uses they could get out of the mata torso piece if they still used it.

Was that piece ever even used outside of the toa mata and nuva?
I think a buildable stormstrooper
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ordered picrelated. Will be making a space cyborg-Viking.
despite people hating this head, i quite like its style. Its very stylized/stylish..unlike those Rogue One weird semi-realistic Galidor-level heads.
Obi-wan's head benefits greatly from being based on CW animated look.
They're from the Mega Bloks Pyrates line from the 2000s.
I've always preferred Mega Bloks to Lego, except for Bionicle.
what can I say, Lego is shit, low level detail and overpriced, Mega Bloks, especially nowadays, is more collector friendly than child oriented.
Well, opinions are like assholes.
>Lego is shit
i know people have different "ow-peeenions" but man.
You are a total eat-shitting faggot.
Name one reason Lego is better than Mega Bloks, Is it the low detail? The bloated prices? The cheap money grubbing business decisions?
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>Name one reason Lego is better than Mega Bloks
you can be this fucking shit.
I guess you just a troll. Nice b8
>nah I'm gonna disregard valid points cuz ur trol
I'm dead serious, outside of Bionicle, Lego is trash, it's good for kids to play with, but for collectors it's terrible. The minifigures are shit in comparison to Mega Bloks.
I sure love the building toys that have highly specialized pieces that can't be used for anything outside the set it came from.

And I honestly can't name single original Mega IP.
>I sure love the building toys that have highly specialized pieces that can't be used for anything outside the set it came from.
Ah, I'm not really into just playing building blocks, well, other than bonkle, I sculpt, or draw, or 3D model when I want to create something, I like Mega Bloks models and detailed minifigures.

>And I honestly can't name single original Mega IP.
Pyrates, Dragons... But honestly they're better at licensed IPs like Halo.
I can't name one good original Lego IP.
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>I'm not really into just playing building blocks, well, other than bonkle

>I can't name one good original Lego IP.
I'm obviously talking about the building blocks, and other than Bionicle, hell, Bionicle 2015 was even awful.
I think you just can't come up with a valid argument
If Greg had it in his head that the Great Beings were actually Glatorians i would have preferred that their species had been kept a mystery.
It feels like you don't want to admit you collect toys.

The thing I like about Lego is that once all is said and done, it still looks like a Lego-set, and not just a model kit, like most of MB
>It feels like you don't want to admit you collect toys.
No, I'm fine with that, lego is just toys for playing with though, you can't set up cool intricate battle scenes with
Lego Star Wars as opposed to Mega Bloks Halo without it just looking like toys standing around; it's not visually appealing.
MB sets just look like somebody painted over a Lego set in gritty colors and then threw in some mini GI Joes in to make it "kewl". I honestly don't see how MB is any less for kids when all their liscenced sets are subpar action games that edgy teens play all night after coming home from school. The MB figures are impressive, and I guess it is totally subjective whether you prefer the hyper detailed figures or the minimalist approach Lego minifigures use, but don't sit here and act like you're more mature than everyone here when your collection most likely consists of Call of Duty, Halo, Assassin's Creed, and WoW.

Oh, and btw
>Alpha Team
>Exo Force
>Power Miners

Already thrice the good original IPs you provided for MB. And I grew up and loved Dragons, so I know what I'm saying. People will look at your collection as they would mine and see the same shit. Plastic toys on a shelf. And they'll think the same thing. "You collect toys? What a fag." Go back to the pbbg and fuck off if you're just going to have nothing but a pissing contest with people, m8.
Meant for
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On retrospective, these look evil as fuck. I guess I'll reuse them on villains.
They're cool parts on their own, shame the Hordika were so crappy.
On an unrelated note it'd be cool if the people working on the Legend of the Toa mod for Skyrim used Hordika as the werewolf transformation.
>shame the Hordika were so crappy.
Looking back, 2005 was probably the weakest year of G1, excluding maybe Stars.

Gear functions were being phased out in favor of shooters, all but one set had Rhotuka launcher, Visorak were literally one huge piece each, Hordika were lackluster and didn't even look all that beast like except the masks, playsets were introduced AND the story was completely pointless. We knew the Hordika would succeed, we knew Vakama wouldn't stay evil, we knew how it all would end.

Only saving grace are maybe the titans, and even then Keetongu was really weak. Then even the big flagship combiner set, Voporak sucked too.

Okay, I can give Time Trap some credit, but overall 2005 sucked
I was so excited for the Visorak because they looked like they had nice designs. I had no idea they were just a set of legs with a flopping shell of plastic draped over them. I should really try to make something resembling my initial expectations of the visorak.
>Hordika were lackluster and didn't even look all that beast like except the masks,
It's pretty funny that they then aced the "mutated to look like Rahi"-thing few years later with Barraki.
Lego has less poops, better organized color pallets and uniform, glossy contruction bricks.
I have a few recent MB sets from grabbing them for the mini figures (something that I LOVE Mega Bloks for) and once I've had my fun with the intended build for the set, I usually just toss what's left of the building bricks into their own tub. I've occasionally tried to go back and make some builds with those parts, since it seems like a waste to just bury them, but the strange swirling plastic patters, random tints of similar colors and countless large pieces that really just represent one thing makes it really hard to do any creative building with Mega Bloks alone.
The funny thing is, despite it being some sort of cardinal sin according to many Lego builders, using occasional bricks and small interesting pieces to supplement Lego builds is probably the most effective way to use Mega Bloks creatively.

Yeah. I'm doing a part selection to add some stuff to my Bricklink store which I'll open soon. And I can say that there are a lot of cool parts that were trapped inside shitty sets.
Some of them were used once or twice, which is likewise quite tragic. Remember pic here >>6168531 for example? Those never got a recolor and they're stuck in that overly specific color combination. I would've loved them in silver or gunmetal.

Even though Bionicle's revival was cut tragically short, it has given me a huge motivation to pick the cooler parts and find a way to reuse them. I know there's a lot of untapped potential there.
I agree with all these, the titans and the Hagah were the only redeeming quality of that line. Well, and the golden Kraahkan was nice, but I didn't get that playset.

Both story and set-wise, 2005 was a bunch of decent ideas wasted on shitty execution. I liked the wrecked city setting, but the Hordika transformation was pointless bullshit and done real badly, the focus on animals was hardly an afterthought, and what the fuck was even up with Vakama's turn?

Bionicle almost lost me at that point too, because that was the first time I didn't find collecting the canister sets fun, and I had no clue about the details of the story until much later.
>my Bricklink store which I'll open soon
People very rarely buy G1 parts and when they do, you won't be getting rich with them. Just a heads up.

I'm also BL seller, but I don't have any G1 parts, outside of few Kanohi, and a handful of CCBS. Constraction just isn't what moves there
>Weakest year of G1
>not the Night of Glass Joints

2007 sucked and no amount of Jaller's pet crab or Maxilos waist articulation will save it
2007 was the year we finally got non-clone sets, the Matoran build was substantial for the first time since 2003, and the story was satisfying.

Now, I agree on the joints being crap, but I still rank it higher than 2005.

Eh, not looking to get a huge revenue. Just want to get rid of my old stuff that just takes up space and make some money in the process. I have inventoried my extra CCBS so far because making an inventory of G1 parts would be a nightmare so not doing that for now. I have those and some masks I want to add, including a few rare ones.
Kanohi are where you make any real money, any of the more collectible shit, Sealed or used but near mint sets are worth good shit too. Post your store sometime and I'll check it out.
I've posted this couple of times before this too.

Just a heads up if you plan on ordering. I won't be back home before Thursday, so it won't be packed before that.

I'll throw in a small discount too, if you say you're from /biog/, because I'm nice that way

Yeah, that's why I'm adding the masks to the inventories even it's a bit of an hassle to do so. That's what people are gonna get after all. I'm opening it once I finish the masks inventory. Bioniworld is the working store name for now. I-I don't have good ideas.

I'm not >>6180424 btw
Eh I'm looking for a more streamlined head, I am debating making one from scratch. The hard bit for heads is they need to be a certain size so you need to start small and plan ahead (haha) for the design if doing it the hard way.
I saw him at a discount shop for about $13 not to long ago... did not know he was that hard to find. Wonder if its still there, ill head over and check later today.
That crab was pretty fun though...

Nah. It's either 09 or 05. As has been said, the bulk of 05 sets were pretty shoddy sans exclusives and titans. I personally thought the playsets were cool though.

09 on the other hand, while the vehicles were boss, also suffered from the shitty joints implemented in 08. 07 had shitty lime but I don't own a single Glatorian joint that isn't busted.

At least in defense of 07 and 08 the villains were cool, the vehicles in 08 are still imo the best ones to date, and the Toa, both Mahri and Nuva, were a hell of a lot more interesting characters than all the 09 guys, who didn't see much development in their 1 year lifespan. And overall, the story for 07 and 08 were ten times that of 09. So even with the shattering joints, 08 still bests 09.

>tldr; 05 had the better materials than 08 but was a shittier year with the set designs and story. 08 Had the same issues as 09 but it had a better story and 05 imo was better than 09 both for being sturdier and idk, I just hated the half-assed reboot with the same Toa builds for non Toa characters.
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>when you have too many parts and you just gotta use them
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Bionicle sucks.
Damn you're right.

Wrap it up guys, the general is never going to recover from this epic burn.
Overdesigned as fuck.
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Tufi Piyufi.jpg
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Post MOCs from before 2005.
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>tfw you don't have alot of bionicle parts as many other anons, making it very hard to do anything
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it's about style and shape and possibly being a japanese person
[eurobeat intensifies]
that head is so fucking clever holy shit
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see, this is just lewa and the protector of jungle, combined

(by "moko" on flickr)
nope it's by IGU, my mistake

fuck the post deletion delay
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And you don't even need more than one figure to build something awesome.
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Hell, this was made out of the fucking scorpion polybag.
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Skakdi are nothing rahi but Toa traitors are worse
Get a black Miru Nuva for one.
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It's waifu day.
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Does anyone have a motorcycle that can fit a g2 Toa?
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Furno Bike and Speeda Demon's bike both look great coupled with a Toa-sized figure.

Furno Bike is so cool. I never got it but I bought the missing pieces on Bricklink and built it, originally to give it to Stormer. So glad I did it.
Speeda's bike is pretty good too, though it relies on some rather cartoony details like the Surge lightning blades as decoration. And if I remembr correctly, it lacks a steering mechanism. On the upside, the purple is incredibly striking.
Contest entry has to be an OC or a canon Dark Hunter?
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Happy valentines day /biog/
OC, but I'm sure you could totally take inspiration from canon ones.
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Thankfully he got better.
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This eye
Oh, shit, is that Shadowgear and his girl Juine in the back?

Fucking nostalgia bomb.
Jeez these guys look like a bunch of dweebs.
Do all you other anons look this nerdy?
I'm sure we don't all look nerdy but we sure as hell all look ugly.
I'm actually a decent looking guy, but I'm an autistic NEET that buys toys.
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142KB, 917x1283px
>>6182870 New thread since we're coming close to image limit again.
>Do all you other anons look this nerdy?
im a semi-handsome looking and have the style sense. but i got fat over past few years so that ruins it for me
Also idk these ones dont look like a bunch of dorks. Most of them are cute enough to be normie even.
I remember seeing this book at the Scholastic Book Fair, along with several others in the mid-'00s. I didn't get them, mostly because I would just stand at the table and read them cover to cover.
My dick
And then it slipped out of their hands and was lost...forever.
New thread.
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