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/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General

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D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion Thread

>Tortle Package

>Unearthed Arcana: Eladrin and Gith

>/5eg/ Alternate Trove:


>Resources Pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/X1TFNxck (embed)

>/5eg/ Official Discord

>Previous thread:

Are you playing or running Tomb of Annihilation any time soon? If you are playing, who is your character? If you are running, what are you must excited for your players to do?
Half-Orc Barb, Totem of the Bear

3 level dip into Long Death Monk if you're feeling frisky.
Repost since sudden new thread:

One of my players wants to try his hand at DMing, which is a welcome change. I am a bit worried he will try to make things a lot deadlier than the norm, though.

Any suggestions for an "unkillable" character build? I was thinking maybe Half-Orc Barb going for Bear bonuses mainly. Or some kind of Paladin.

I like it.
Paladin will make it a fair bit harder for him to kill your party, BarBEARian will make it a great deal harder for him to kill you.
I'm planning to run ToA as a DM, haven't read it yet but I'm hyped for the whole jungle feeling and the hex crawling mechanic in it.
new characters start at level 1 or level 3?
You didn't read >>55433584 whatsoever, did you?
3 if people are familiar with the game and actually have a fucking character concept. 1 if not.
im not the anon who was asking for a new thread, but i also did not really pay attention to where the thread was beyond the fact that it wasnt getting bumped anymore.

oops, i guess. oh well.
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new thread when
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What's the deal with flanking? My players want advantage if more than one attacks the same creature at once. With no AoO invoked from entering a creature's space this seems a little overpowered to me. Any tips or am I just being a moaner here?
Being strictly better than the dagger. That type of weapon is ok but only if it's martial.

You're perfectly within your rights to say "no." Advantage is very powerful and it's intentionally not granted by flanking (in the default rules).
I thought as much. Maybe they won't gripe as much if I point out that monsters don't get it either...
It's not a rule in 5e. It was in earlier editions so they're probably just stuck in those.

However, it is an optional rule in the DMG p. 251:

If you regularly use miniatures, flanking gives
combatants a simple way to gain advantage on attack
rolls against a common enemy.
A creature can't flank an enemy that it can't see. A
creature also can't flank while it is incapacitated. A
Large or larger creature is flanking as long as at least
one square or hex of its space qualifies for flanking.
Flanking on Squares. When a creature and at
least one of its allies are adjacent to an enemy and on
opposite sides or corners of the enemy's space, they
flank that enemy, and each of them has advantage on
melee attack rolls against that enemy.
When in doubt about whether two creatures flank
an enemy on a grid, trace an imaginary line between
the centers of the creatures' spaces. If the line passes
through opposite sides or corners of the enemy's space,
the enemy is flanked.
With how hard monsters hit in 5e, I see no real reason to disallow flanking. Maybe use the facing thing and only give advantage to people in the back/on the sides.
If they can do it to NPCs, then they can do it to back to the players.

For what it's worth I would prefer not to run a game with flanking. Partially because it's really strong but it also takes away from abilities of other characters. If anyone can get advantage from an adjacent player I would feel bad for the rogue in the party since that's kind of their "thing".
Or teach them the hard way that rules work both ways, and if you get advantage on flanking, the enemies do to
After they get swarmed by advantage gobbos they'll notice that was a bad idea
For those playing on a grid of some kind, do you allow diagonal movement/attacks? My DM said he believed it wasn't allowed but is running with it anyway, as the idea of everyone rigidly moving around didn't sit right with him.
Make pact tactics a feat players can take.
What statblock should I use for Goatmen?
How fast do your characters level up? I'm playing in my second campaign and haven't seen anyone go above level 7. I'm fine with that, but I know there's a lot more abilities and such that we have never experienced.
Should all campaigns reach high levels?
Best idea I've heard so far
Good point, rules are rules
I tend to think you can attack through diagonals.

I like the movement variant where the first diagonal movement is 5', the second is 10', then 5' again, etc so the players can't travel insane distances by just doing diagonal movement.
>not Bugbear werebear bear druid bearbearian
Mountain Dwarf Pact of the Blade Warlock. Stack CON.
We allow only every other square to be a diagonal move.
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Yeah, if you have a non reach weapon you can attack any of the 8 squares surrounding the one you're on. With a reach weapon you can attack anything in those 8 squares, plus the next box of squares around thouse
Diagonal movement/attacks are allowed in the actual rules.

If your DM has an issue with it, he can use 3.5's diagonal rules instead, where every other diagonal square counts double. (So one diagonal square is still 5ft, but two is 15ft.)
What a time to be alive
You should just use a streamlined version of this for hexcrawls.


I still use the travel pace rules from 5e and I only deal with full speed and half speed.
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Cheers boyos.
5e has an interesting variable progression in levels where early levels you level up quick, then it slows down around mid levels, then speeds up again at high level. I thought it was weird at first but it does give the game an interesting flow.

That said nothing wrong with milestone gaming and leveling up people after completion of plot points or significant sessions
>level 7
>campaign has lasted 2.75 yrs
>2.5 levels per year
try to play biweekly but due to real life there are sometimes several month gaps between sessions
Probably a Gnoll. If it has a bite, make it a gore attack that can knockback on a failed strength save.
Rogues would enjoy getting advantage as much as the next person. It won't enable more crits, but it will give them a better chance to land their one chance.
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For reference:
Pick my Paladin oath for me and justify why it's the most interesting choice.
Ancients. Fight for nature, but not terrible like a PHB ranger
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I'm a new DM, with a group of new players. There is a player in my group who multi-classed two homebrew classes; Witch Hunter and Dragon Slayer. Adding insult to injury he didn't prepare at all, and what he did know was overpowered stuff. So we said, look, find a different, simpler class and now he's a half-devil (specifically not a tiefling however) hellblazer.

It's mostly a difficulty of familiarity. When he played the dragon slayer class, he reeled off spells that were overpowered and because they are technically in the list I suppose he could very well use them but I think the difficulty there is obvious. Essentially he is asking a new DM to work without any real rule guides; he wants to be a half-devil but there's no race information for me or him to look over, not to mention how difficult it's going to be for him in cities and stuff.

What should I do to control this situation?
What the actual fuck is a hellblazer?
Tell him to stop playing homebrew stuff. As a new DM, you're not equipped to judge it and have every right to disallow it. If he refuses, fucking boot him. He's being an awful player and he knows it.
Either talk to him about that will be difficult for you as a DM or put the work in to make it happen. Generally communication is the best solution though.
Ban homebrew until you're comfortable enough to evaluate and specifically allow certain pieces of homebrew in your game.

Right now my rule is if we don't have the book at the table, it's not an option for the player, even if it's official material. The one exception is the revised ranger.
>Ban homebrew
fixed that for you.
First time I ran 5e I made attacks work only in vertical and horizontal directions, but in my current campaign one of my players raised that question, and I just said fuck it, diagonals are allowed on attacks, but moving still works on euclidean measuring of distances, and nobody is complaining.
Campaign has lasted for about 10 months and the party is going to hit level 14 next game. Averages to about one level per three sessions.

Literally this. As a GM, you're going to have to put your foot down and basically disallow your players from bringing homebrew stuff to the table that you haven't looked at and approved or come up with yourself.

Honestly, since you're still learning the system and fairly new, I'd disallow any and all homebrew content that you didn't come up with yourself. Most GMs do that, actually.
Ancients kinda like >>55434114 said but also bring joy to the hearts of others around you.
Players defeated a Beholder, got some big "plot" related stuff but have chosen to ignore it in favor of finding a fuck ton of magic items and wealth in an ancient ruined landscape to bring home to host a grand tournament.

Now, seeing as I did not plan this, I sorta just went with the flow. They ran into some Sirens who were upset that some weird creatures took their favorite play thing (a Deck of Illusions) away. They promised to give the players vast rewards if they get it back.

What rewards could an ancient tribe of Lake Sirens give a party of level 8's, seeing as I'm now changing the course of this campaign.
I feel like I should multiclass with Bard then
Don't allow homebrew as a new DM. Hell, don't even allow multiclassing to start with. And ESPECIALLY don't allow multiclassing between different homebrews.
>Dragons Slayer
Let me guess was it the one from dandwiki? Always ask where a player got a homebrew from, if they say that site pretend to read it then say "no". Also like others have said, don't allow homebrew until you're more comfortable with the game.
>who multi-classed two homebrew classes
stop right there. No homebrew, ever. Never homebrew your own things most people are simply really bad at it, much better to reskin things or swap powers, but NEVER let your players bring in homebrew. NEVER LET YOUR PLAYERS BRING IN HOMEBREW
So in LMOP there is a interesting quest where the PCs get 3 health potions as return, since I found the rewards kinda lack luster and thought they wouldn't do it otherwise I just told them they would get magic items.
How much of an ass am I, since health potions are magic items sort of but they will definitely expect more?
Devotion, ancients is for fucking hippies and vengeance is too grim

Fight for truth justice and the American way. Don't just fight to get rid of evil, fight for the IDEAL of a greater good, for a society of happiness and personal freedom within the construct of a benevolent society. Sure, such an ideal isn't realistic, but you can recognize that an ideal is unrealistic and still fight to try and defend it as best as you can.

Fighting AGAINST things is for cynics and opportunists. You're a Paladin. Fight FOR good.
>That said nothing wrong with milestone gaming and leveling up people after completion of plot points or significant sessions
This has always been the vastly superior option IMO. Removes needless book keeping. And XP progression is dumb at times
>Hey, I know you just fufilled your promise and slew the dragon that's been burning your village and abducting your maidens, but you're a few XP short of a level. Go fight like 10 orcs and you should be good.
>and the American way
you sure you don't mean Oath of Conquest Paladin?
Just give flanking a +1 to hit. Who gives a fuck about advantage its a dumb rule anyway
>barb is reckless attacking
>battlemaster uses maneuver to give him advantage
>has no effect because 5e is marketed to stupid normies and math is hard.
You can but it isn't necessary, I kinda misremembered the wording, but the oath is:
Kindle the Light. Through your acts o f mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.
Shelter the Light. Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.
Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can’t preserve it in the world.
Be the Light. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light o f your joy and courage shine forth
in all your deeds.
To me while true you stand against the usual darkness and such, you're a much more jovial person and would encourage such in others. My next character is actually a dex based OoA/Bard styled after the three musketeers
No need. Bards aren't necessarily about bringing joy to anyone. Plus, you don't need bard mechanics to get that kind of character feel.
I played an Ancients paladin with the performer background. Bro just wanted to party and get people to have a good time and feel good about themselves. Turned out to be one of the most interesting characters I've played.
If, however, you're just looking for excuses to play a paladin/bard, you should just say so.
Is this extremely subtle bait?
What the fuck dude, Just tell him you won't allow homebrew.
The greater good
I think it might be funny if they feel betrayed and go all evil and attack the priest lady (if I'm thinking of the right quest). It'll be a test of their character.
Get out
i was about to agree with you and then i remembered two weapon fighting in 3.5. now i have to clean up the vomit on my keyboard.
Kek, remember the 3.5 fighter?
Yeah, I was playing a human fighter who used gauntlets and sometimes two short swords.

Combat was a nightmare. our druid party member had a pet cheetah that could just trip something constantly so it made me viable
>>has no effect because 5e is marketed to stupid normies and math is hard.
why would the battlemaster waste dice on a maneuver that gave no benefit? Seems like the fighter is the stupid one, not the game designers.
Is there a mega for DMs Guild things?
Reposting since I fucked it up last time.

>Wealth By Level
>Level 1: Normal Starting Gold
>Level 2-20: You get a number of gold pieces equal to your experience points
>Use prices found here to buy items: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8XAiXpOfz9cMWt1RTBicmpmUDg/view

What do people think?
Breaks CR.
I had a greatsword and chainmail, it was fine until about level 5 when we all became sentient meat shields for the wizard.
Kind druids are best druids
>meaning literally anything
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ideal wealth-by-level guide is pic related
What variant or house rules do you use for combat?

My game uses
> Disarm, Overrun Actions
> Players roll for defense (instead of DM rolling for attack)
> On crit, roll double dice and 1's count as max for that die
> Side Initative
Is there a good rule of thumb for amount of combatants in an encounter? I was planning on having a crew on crew pirate battle for my level 2 PCs but I'm, going to have to scrap it because the time between player turns is way too long.
I like the idea of potentially buying mahical items instead of being forced to stumble across every one. I get that the amount/types available should be VERY limited since the art of making them is lost, but surely some adventurers would sell them for cash and/or leave them to relatives who sell them for cash?
Surely this is bait O my brothers?
My DM wants to run it once we finish SKT, but that will probably be a long time. I'm hoping to play a Halfling Nature Cleric of Malar once we get to it.
The game designers are stupid for making it have no benefit.
For anything rarer than Common, I find it better to distribute magic items to characters as you see fit rather than letting them pick and choose, because most players will just load up on +1/2/3 weapons/armor than pick any of the interesting and flavorful magic items.
>D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion Thread
Why is this included in the OP? Everyone already knows what 5th edition is. It's in the goddamn title.

>>/5eg/ Official Discord
Oh, I see. You're just fucking retarded.
What would be the bait part?
Not an argument. Keep sucking mearls cock.
>Players roll for defense (instead of DM rolling for attack)
What did he mean by this?
Boy having a -4/-16 to fucking hit when i suddenly pick up a second weapon sure is intuitive and fun.

Good system.
See: all
the fighter is stupid for not using his abilities that debuff the enemy through a mechanic other than granting advantage. Could have used Disarming attack, Goading attack, or Commander's Strike.
>For those playing on a grid of some kind, do you allow diagonal movement/attacks? My DM said he believed it wasn't allowed but is running with it anyway, as the idea of everyone rigidly moving around didn't sit right with him.

1square/hex=5ft. regardless of horizontal, diagonal, vertical, or combinations. I believe the DMG has an optional rule for diagonals being 5/10/20 etc.
> https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/UA5_VariantRules.pdf
I'd allow for uncommon. Using the sane magic item prices makes them fairly expensive, so you still can't load up. And everything is DM-approve first.
> People play the game differently than I do and I don't like it
I bet you let people auto-succeed on nat 20 skill checks don't you you filthy mongoloid?
> Player has chance to succeed
> Doesn't want to let them succeed
Why would you even let them roll if the task is impossible?
I'm starting to think that if I ever want to get an actual D&D game going I'll have to DM it myself since there is no one out there running any games.

I've only played two short campaigns so far, both homebrew and I'm shit scared at DMing myself, but I have no choice now.

What do I need in order to not be a terrible DM, outside of the manual...
>Barbarian wants to pick a complex lock with a soggy napkin
>NAT 20 BOIS!!!1!1!!
When did i say 3.5 was a good system? Only that 5e is bad, too. Being phobic of math because 3.5 existed is like never eating a cookie again cause you had too many one time and it gave you a wittle tummy ache.
Or he could have done what he wanted to instead of having his options limited by a shit system that wasted benefits for no reason. There is no good reason to have advantage disadvantage except "math is hard"
Because sometimes you want to give them the illusion that they could succeed. And because players tend to roll w/o the dm prompting.
>3.5 dindu nuffin it were a good boy
I find it so fucking hilarious that every time someone points out a flaw of 5e, the 5fags IMMEDIATELY jump on 3.5. Like it's the only game that exists and is the only game 5e can / should be compared to.
>Dem 5eys need to get DECIMALED
>letting the barbarian lockpick with a napkin
that's your fault
Has WotC pushed anything as hard as they've been pushing Tomb of Annihilation?
why is the tomb of annihilation in the trove fucking weird
>Not letting the barbarian pick a lock with a napkin
What are you, the rule police?
Stay mad 5fag :')
I'm not mad, I'm laughing my ass off at you faggots. Playing an edition dumbed down for roasties and chads. Then strawmanning 3.5 as if it's the only other d&d edition that exists.

>"5e sucks"
>"b b b b b but 3.5 SUCKS WORSE!!!"
he did do what he wanted to do, it just so happens that what he "wanted to do" was piss away his maneuver dice instead of doing something advantageous.



Here's what I got


Mirror Image
Misty Step

Dispel Magic


Animate Objects

I was thinking of swapping out Haste for Teleportation Circle. It's not as useful anymore, now that all these barbs and fighters have a million actions.
Be a kobold.
he probably got it early and scanned it
>Being this far down the RP rabbithole
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>~+3 to hit
>doubles crit chance
>no effect
>Be kobold
>Walk into town
>Get shot
I could get into this character tbqh
Except the fuck system said "you can't get any better than X to hit because of arbitrary reasons"

Want another example? I'm sure I can come up with one. You'll attack it with rationalization and miss the larger point again.
>not advantageous
Take another 1st level Evocation for when something is immune to your fireball. I reccomend Chromatic Orb for being versitile with good scaling, Magic Missle for reliable force damage and decent scaling, or Thunderwave for big wide-area booms.
your reading comprehension isn't very strong, is it?
Your reading comprehension; strong, is it?
How can I get over the fear of DMing?
Your reading comprehension. Isn't very strong, is it?
What do your players think of rolling for defense? Does it make life easier for you as DM?

Also has anybody ever played with Vitality rules?
Newbie here, what is the fucking point of the Trident? It is heavier than the Spear, costs more, yet has the exact same properties and damage, despite being literally three times as pointy as said Spear. Is it just that it is a Martial Weapon so that less characters can use it efficiently?
yes, 5e says you can't get advantage twice, meanwhile other additions ALSO said you can't benefit from the same type of bonus twice. this is nothing new. The only difference is, instead of coming up with new bonus types, 5e sticks to just the one.
>DM is just reading the campaign book out loud and makes almost no attempt to personalize or involve the PCs' stories and desires at all

I'm literally dropping references to my loving wife and family in front of the BBEG in the hopes he'll catch the hint and try to capture them or something.
Isn't very strong, your reading comprehension is.
OoA Paladin

Do I go Warlock, Sorcerer, or Bard? How many levels into it and what subclass?
I've got cantrips for that shit
comprehending speech, strong is it not?
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Any suggestion for a "find this guy, he knows about what you guys seek" type of super-short campaign?

Any setting, I'm looking for inspiration for my eberron campaign.
What's the point of that wall if anything living in the frozen wastes can just go north of the mountain range
Flanking isn't great in 5e because of how advantage works. It makes it way too easy to get advantage and kind of invalidates a lot of class features or abilities that are supposed to give you advantage. With facing rules it becomes a bit more difficult to get the advantage, but it's still fairly easy for certain classes.

What the other anon suggested of just giving a flat bonus instead of advantage is fine. It goes against the design philosophy of 5e, but that doesn't matter if it's what your group prefers.
The greater good.
Do College of Satire Bard, so you can tumble everywhere
Run a one shot
drink a beer
I know he was probs just looking for an argument but that's what I might go with I think
What do you think is an acceptable attack bonus for flanking? +1 or +2?
You could also just go for double proficiency on attacks made against a flanked individual.
That's 100% in 5e philosophy, even though it gets pretty strong after a while.

+2 to hit is honestly fine as well, easy to add and 10% chance is significant.
Could even add a feat for this adding to damages as well, why not.
Holy shit, can i join the Red Wizards in ToA?
This. I usually have 2 drinks right before DMing to help me relax a little.
What sort of quest would a deity of storms & sea send to one of his chosen cleric/paladin ?
How's this for an armor set I'm giving to a player? They are a Cleric Wood Elf following a Moon Goddess of Festivals, Tragedies, and Not!Halloween.

>Mithral Half-Plate
>Silver, black, and green colors
>can cast Darkness targeting space you're in once per long rest
>can shed dim moonlight in 20ft on command

Should I add anything else? Is this an alright uncommon armor?
Ignore shield mod at least. Possibly ignore dex mod. If not just +2.
How does a person stop at 2 drinks
Cuz they can go through The Breach instead :^)
Yes it's good. Bonus point if the wearer's shadow slowly coalesce into a pure black magical darkness around you, and your shadow stays there for as long as the darkness spells is active.
Don't stock up with more, start drinking so that the session already starts when you run out, so shopping for more isn't viable.
I start DMing and dont have time to go get more, so it is pretty easy.
So when do you guys award your players xp?

Thus far I've been giving away xp right after an encounter or whatever would give them xp, but I'm thinking of just adding everything up and giving it away at the end of the session.
Letting players autowin on a 20 =/= letting people roll valid skill checks whenever they fucking want. Players roll when you tell them to.
That is dumb, though.
At the end, unless I'm unable to tally it up immediately in which case we postpone it to the beginning of the next session.
Special exception is when players would get enough XP for level up in the middle of a session.
I like it!
Probably +2 thinking about it
I think that might make them too powerful at later levels, I'll throw them a bone with this and take it from there
Also, what would be a good "goodie" ability to add to a longsword paired with this?
>Daylight spell
>The DM tries to ship your super edgy Drow with his DMPC High Elf
>The first thing you say is "Sorry I'm gay" to try an avoid this

I hate my life and this fucking game.
What is the opinion on the new adventure so far?
You can't tell him that you're not interested in romance sub plots?
It's pretty good.
Homebrew it to 1d8 (or 1d10 with versitile)

tee bee aich weapons need to be reworked to smooth out some of the redundancy.
Nobody cares buddy.
Time to go be old and forgotten like all the other edition hold-overs. I know of this personally because I am one.
Oh, he's interested, he just really wants to succ sum dicc
Advantage doesn't stack you idiot, did you even read my post? The cat is cute though so I will forgive you. I want to pet that kitty.
(Since someone apparently asked after I went to sleep, I'll repeat myself.)

> I might've missed something....
I mean, I just said...

When you have a shield, and you're a Dex character, your only ranged option is a dagger. It takes an action to doff the shield before you can use a bow. A javelin would be better damage and better range. So making Javelins finesse makes dex more comparable to strength. If you aren't concerned about the balance between Strength options and Dexterity options, don't fret about it. I'm just pointing that out.
And nigga, aid another stacked with flanking stacked with spell bonuses. They were TYPELESS BONUSES. Don't pretend to know something you don't even understand. TYPELESS BONUSES always stacked. If this were 3.5, that's probably what they would be.

Charging and flanking stacked. The situational feat bonuses stack. Advantage / disadvantage doesn't stack cause it'd be stupid, admittedly, but the problem is that advantage / disadvantage is stupid in the first place and overused. If it was meant to be an extraneous "DM's best friend" separate from the mechanics (almost like inspiration), that'd be one thing, but it is repeatedly and explicitly given out by abilities and situations in the rules. And doesn't stack. This creates problems.
I'd like some opinions on a houserule that I want to implement into my new sessions
>variant humans don't exist
>vanilla humans may choose either their +1 to all ability scores, or a +2 and a +1 that can be freely assigned
>all races may start with one of their racial feats in the racial feats ua, or any non-combat related feat
Does this sound fair?
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Just had session zero with my players, it went fucking great.

>Goliath barbarian recruited from a young age as a warrior by a dwarven king, exiled from the land after attacking the court in rage when his beloved was falsely accused of theft
>Lizardfolk druid from one of several scattered tribes in the jungle, searching for answers when he discovered evidence of the tribes having once been united under powerful, shapeshifting rulers
>Half-orc wizard from a noble court in not!Egypt that's warring with not!Texas, fled her kingdom to escape pressure from her father to use her magic in the war effort
>Tabaxi ranger who got the tribe chief's daughter pregnant in a sordid love affair, fled to make something better of himself, but then got his bullshit called out by woodland fey who are forcing him to be good on his word

>Half-orc passes through the jungle on her sabbatical and befriends the lizardfolk due to their shared magical capabilities and the lizard hoping to learn history from her noble people
>They get lost in the woods and are found by the Tabaxi, who points them in the right direction and, with no other place to go, joins them on their adventure
>The Tabaxi fears a mythical stalker from his tribe that comes to hunt his kind in the fall, so in summer's end, they scramble to bring aboard a listless soul with some muscle—enter the Goliath

And they're all congregating in a rocky, gloomy land of pirates, thieves, and spooky stuff, where all outcasts from the world tend to gather, and I have so much I can do with that.

Why the FUCK do people not do Session Zero? Like, in addition to creating characters, everyone could agree on house rules, story tone, scope of adventure, and other stuff like that that determines the enjoyment of the game. I almost feel like it'd be a dealbreaker for me if a DM didn't want to do one.
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>flat bonuses go against the design philosophy of 5e
I mean, they DID.... until Mearls ran out of ideas for feats.
So I ended my last session of Curse of Strahd with Rictavio promising dialog of the origin story of the Land of Barovia.

What part of it should I tell?
>Morning Lord and Mother Night
>The Amber Temple
>The Silver Order
>The Dusk Elves
>The Terg Empire and subsequent assault upon the Vistani people and the Von Zarovich dynasti?
How do you guys like to narrate the classic 1 bite and 2 claw attacks monster turn?

Trying to spice a up a low level encounter where this is going to get spammed by petrafoak
That is what i came up with as well, seems more reasonable to me.
Also the Pike and the Lance rustle my jimmies. The former weighs 3 times as much, but does less damage and does not impede you if your target is within 5 feet?
No one's mentioned it, but the standard rule also says you can't move diagonally around a solid obstruction like a wall. Basically, in open space all squares are equal though. When there's a block, like

You have to move
But you can move
>/ v \
To the other open squares, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
>Like, in addition to creating characters, everyone could agree on house rules, story tone, scope of adventure, and other stuff like that that determines the enjoyment of the game.
I can do that in a simple email, or just casually when I talk with friends. Everyone has been doing this for years, it's called planning a campaign. Stop giving already-existent shit a special name and acting like it's a new concept. Go the fuck back to Redddit with this crap, they're the ones who started calling homebrewing "hacking" and acting like they were trailblazing when in fact they were doing what people have done since fucking BECMI. ((((Session Zero)))) is a pointless waste of time, for one thing it's stupid to give level 1 characters a bunch of elaborate backstories, rather than allowing those to evolve in play. For another thing it's easy to just fucking say "we want to do X campaign, is that okay? yeah sure okay but can I play Y character? Yeah okay sure, and we're using Z houserule." It's a fifteen minute fucking conversation. Even if you do the chargen at the actual table from scratch, it shouldn't last more than 15 minutes. Do you only play for 15 minutes at a time? That seems weird as fuck. No, more likely you wasted time making in-depth backstories for level 1 characters who are liable to die in the first encounter. But you'll fudge the numbers cause you're a shit DM who wants to baby the players because if anyone dies that's badwrongfun, the players should be encouraged to take risks and maybe get one of those epic nat20s you've heard so much about.

Isn't that one of the feats that they provide in that UA as a deliberate example of a shitty, badly designed feat, or am I thinking of a different one? Because I know there was one
you seem to be forgetting that 5e has bounded accuracy. Multiple stacking bonuses don't jive with that. That's why the Archery Fighting style is considered the strongest of the fighting styles.
Hill Dwarf Fighter / Monk X. Play like a Fighter; wear armor, own a shield and one-hander, but take the Archery style and stand at range. If something does manage to get on you, you're still a Fighter and can beat the shit out of it (or disengage with a bonus action), and you've got bonus dashes and Evasion to keep ahead of anything that wants to fuck with you.

Or a Shieldmaster EK with Resilient. But really, not being in melee to begin with is the best thing you can do for your survivability. Having good AC and Reflex saves when something does come your way is the second best.
>for one thing it's stupid to give level 1 characters a bunch of elaborate backstories

do you think adventurers just emerge fully formed from the ground like ripe root vegetables
Where is Chult located on the Faerun map?
My group and I smoke a shitload of weed. It makes everyone relaxed and really fucking into it, and creative. Only problem is that my players are actually brainlets, and weed doesn't help their mental faculties at all.

But man there is nothing like turning off all the lights in the house, lighting a bunch of candles, getting high and playing D&D.
Chill dude.
You're talking about D&D on 4chan. You're so far into "none of this really matters" territory that you can't even remember what it looked like when you passed the sign saying you were headed there.
They said "flat bonuses are BORING", then they made several feats with flat bonuses but secondary and tertiary features that were supposed to be more situational and interesting.

Saying "flanking is a situational bonus that only ever adds +1" is fine, though. Then you can punish the players for using it too much by introducing a lot of AoE enemies. or not since meleers have it rougher to begin with in this game
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Quite the opposite, actually.....

The one that does something interesting is the one he hates. even though he could have changed it to be "on a crit it does this" instead of on every attack. But no, creative thought is not exactly his forte, and when his idea doesn't work he just falls back on 3.5 shit.
that UA was such a fucking mess.
>this feat is bad because it's too complicated
>This even MORE complicated feat, though, this one is a good one.
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Far to the south on that peninsula there, so not on it's own continent or anything.
That said, most characters who appear to be of African decent in Faerun are NOT Chilean since Chult is kinda primitive and isolationist in general; most are Turami and found commonly around the Inner Sea region since they are decently advanced sailors and travelers with some of the better naval technology then anyone else in Faerun.
>do you think adventurers just emerge fully formed from the ground like ripe root vegetables
No, that's why you PLAY THE FUCKING GAME.
A level 1 character isn't even really an adventurer yet. If they have been in more than one combat in the past, they should hardly even be level 1 anymore. If this was 4e where a level 1 character was basically a level 5 character in any other edition, that'd be one thing. But I guess that's nu-D&D for you. Everyone has to have an elaborate backstory because that's roleplaying, is just writing out shit beforehand and fucking loredumping it into the game.
Take a chill pill Bill.
This map seems somehow larger then the 3e FR map. Am I looking at it wrong or remembering it wrong or what?
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>Yal Tengri
A SOGGY napkin.
This could theoretically work.
Not 5% of the time, as with a d20, but it COULD work.
It is, actually.
For some reason WotC wanted less "space" in the Realms and sort of smooshed it together, which made it's mountain ranges look even weirder because there's less space between them.

Apparently nobody told WotC that the empty space is meant to be there for a bit of extra DM customization.
Because the stuff in the north doesn't want to fuck with the Dwarves
>trying to summon that "the greater good isn't what you think" Paladinfag
What's the equivalent of the greek god Zeus in the Forgotten Realms pantheon?
because trying to get armies over mountain ranges fucking sucks?
That's some fine ascii, anon. I'd play your Roguelike or MUD.
Are you joking? A level 1 adventurer is the physical equivalent to a real world spec ops soldier.
but the map clearly shows there's flat land there
>but the map clearly shows there's flat land there
which is why the fucking wall goes across it. Getting armies across flat land is easy, that's why you put a wall there, so they can't go through it. Sending armies over mountains fucking sucks, so you don't need a wall there.
i lel'd
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What would you call the part of a large city where Ogres and Trolls (assuming they are mostly civilized in this setting) live? I'm having a dick of a time figuring out what to call it.
But there's flat land behind the mountains
All ready have a green skin ghetto. Slums is better then what I could come up with though.
you see the problem here?
It's an ocean, actually.
And above it is Mongolia, more or less.
Or rather, Mongolia crossed with Manchuria and Xianjing and that while geographical region.
Is this intentionally as generic as possible?
Talos, but it's Zeus during his less amorous, 100% wrathful phases. He's the God of Destruction and Smiting Shit With Lightning.
look at the name, anon
No I don't, the area behind the mountains on the map is clearly marked as green, which means it's not mountains anymore. Easily passable.
It's because Mearls is shit designer.
>hey let's use this roll-twice-take-best mechanic
>except instead of using it as DM's best friend, let's give it a ton of use in the game
>and have it never stack
>also let's make ability scores increase faster than ever before
>and cap them at 20
>also make levels cap at 20
>even though we finally balanced the math for post-level 20 play
>also let's make characters never get better at anything and give them a ton of bloated pointless class features to conceal that fact.
>and make a rogue with 20 Strength better at hitting than a fighter with 15 Strength
No one, honestly.
Zeus's primarily role was "king of the gods" and the Faerunian pantheon is kinda defined by their internal disputes over who is too dog in many ways.
The closet you get are Talos (God of Destruction, representing Zeus's random bouts of FUCK EVERYTHING he got into on occasion) and Tyr (God of Justice, representing Zeus as a just arbitrator).

Valkur might count but he's honesty more Thor then Zeus.
The green district
My Swamp
Troll town

I dont know what you're asking
yes, but the mountains themselves are not. you still gotta get past them mountains.
Because everyone there is between eight and ten feet tall.
Fair enough
>A level 1 adventurer is the physical equivalent to a real world spec ops soldier.
I mean, both would die from being shot with a gun, so you got me there. Although I think a spec-ops soldier has more than a 20% chance of hitting a target than a new recruit, so actually a spec-ops soldier would be higher than level 20 in D&D because in 5e you never get any fucking better at hitting things, and a fighter is actually WORSE at hitting than most other classes.

But they get to deal 1d10+ level hit points once a day, so it's alright.

Not an argument.
what mountains the only thing that stands between the frozen north and the green passage behind the mountains is Azgard
>a city tolerant enough to give a home to civilized ogres and trolls
>giving said district a derogatory name
Shit, Anon, it's probably a gated community called Greenview Gardens or some shit. The worst thing to come out of it is stories of the HOA's draconian policy on lawn care.
I love that. Thank you.
we were talking about the wall.
>What's the point of that wall if anything living in the frozen wastes can just go north of the mountain range
The point of the WALL is to protect the south.
It's so it shows up easier on searches in the catalog. Plus, if some chucklefuck screws up the title, at least it's still in the post text.
I can't excuse the Discord though, and I won't try.
3.5 makes me phobic of shitty rules. 4E makes me phobic of math. And Path of Exile. And Pillars of Eternity. And probably other experiences as well. And I'm good at math. You probably aren't. The other 4-6 people at the table definitely aren't.
You know what an unprompted roll gets a player. >>55434678.jpg
But you can. You could have a dagger with +100 to hit and and 1's aren't automatic misses and it would only be a slight improvement in rogue average DPR. Nothing game breaking. Because bounded accuracy ultimately means making nothing to hard to do, not preventing things from being too easy to do. (And balancing the results with things like appropriate consequences for failure and success and scaling damage and HP more than to hit and AC.)
>Ignore shield mod at least. Possibly ignore dex mod.
Making a second "Flanking attack bonus" is one thing. Making a different flanking attack bonus for everything you can flank is altogether too much. Stick to a flat amount no matter what amount you choose.
If you're using XP, giving it out as close to the event that warrants the XP as possible is best. It's for positive reinforcement. You might need to set a rule for when players level up though.
>Implying homosexuality is a barrier between two elves.
It's just a problem with flanking, shitposter. Not a problem with advantage. There were stupid things that overlapped in 3.5 too.
As archery style, flat bonuses are OK if they're constant. It's when they're temporary that they start to bog down play. Still not a balance issue.
If there were no way to turn accuracy into damage, archery style would be the weakest.
or possibly to protect the north FROM the south.
okay but they can just circle around the mountain range by going north and attack whatever is south of the wall without breaching it
Why should any character be better at hitting than a character with 5 more str than them? Are you a salty manlet?
and what the fuck is there to protect on the great plains
>If there were no way to turn accuracy into damage, archery style would be the weakest.
greater accuracy will ALWAYS result in greater damage output, even without an exchange rate.

>okay but they can just circle around the mountain range by going north and attack whatever is south of the wall without breaching it
that takes a shitload more time and energy. which is sort of the entire point of the wall.
>As archery style, flat bonuses are OK if they're constant. It's when they're temporary that they start to bog down play.
>shit that goes against the core design philosophy is okay as long as it's not temporary
>keeping track of a couple extra numbers is too complicated for my peabrain

Jesus Christ, I hope you're employed somewhere you don't have to remember things.
>let's just walk a thousand miles through more fucking snow and get tired and hungry and not paid and killed by dwarves just to circle around and have a go at the much more well-defended VIKINGheim
There's a ton of stuff there, its a great place.
>and what the fuck is there to protect on the great plains
shit anon, it isn't my map, I don't know what's there, I'm just explaining the purpose of walls.
That's +2 Production, pal. Don't knock it. Couldn't have built the wall without them.
>Not an argument.
I don't really need to argue with you.
This was more of a "relax, it's healthier for you". You wanna argue about this stuff go right ahead, but it's probably better for you if you do it chill since it's all made-up pretend shit anyway.
>years of training in lockpicking AND using a rapier
>16 Dex gives me same to-hit as fighter and same damage as said fighter using a fucking longsword
>unless fighter uses a greatsword he is inferior to me at level 1 cause I can also do stuff
>but he can heal himself 1d10+1 hit points once a day

It gets better later, but by then the game is just a shitty DPS contest. And rogues still do solid damage. Fighters NEVER get any better at hitting.
>not a big deal
Let's go back in time and ask the North Americans what they thought of life before the horse.
Which is better?

1. Rolled stats that may be slightly unbalanced amongst characters in a party but add variety and nuance to builds

2. Standard Array/Point Buy that is balanced for all party members but lends itself to cookie cutter builds

>because in 5e you never get any fucking better at hitting things
are proficiency, stat increases, and magic items not a thing in your 5e games?
>implying racial ghettos have never existed
There is a big middle ground between driving a race out of your lands and completely integrating them. Neighborhoods where a racial minority gathers together despite being otherwise discriminated against often have some kind of informal name.
Well they didn't need to worry about white folks taking their shit, so it's probably a tradeoff for them I imagine.
Standard array/point buy with players whoo look less at builds and more how to make a character interesting.
2 because 1 leads to the same cookie cutter builds and I'm gonna kill my character if I don't get to be what I want which is the whole point of the fuckin' game Anon
Anon, if someone ever makes a post with "not an argument" in it, you should immediately ignore them. It will save you a lot of hardship.
that's...a fair point.

I don't have anything better to do, today.
2 with players who are more interested in making something interesting than they are in powergaming.
2 because 1 ends up much more powergamey
North America, not America. The Spanish teamed up with the disparate indiginous people to kill the oppressive assholes and gave 'em gold and shit in return, then interbred. The OTHER Europeans arriving from England and shit on the eastern coast were the real assholes, and they only had an easy go of things because the native groups they bumped into were basically post-apocalyptic after having been devastated by diseases inadvertantly caught from the Spaniards.

But horses were GREAT
Proficiency isn't even relevant. Stat increases cap at 20 and the game is clogged with them, and relying on magic items to make your numbers better is the same problem 3.5 had. Also, magic items are not you getting better at hitting things, they are some magic sword giving you a +2 to hit for bullshit reasons. That's not an increase in YOUR skill. YOUR skill only increases by 20% from level 1 to level 20. I think a master marksman (20th level) hits shots more often than that. But that's ok he can make more attacks and heal himself 1d10+20 hp with not!magic once per day so it's okay.
I taste the birth of a spicy new /5eg/ meme, and one that I agree with
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If you were forced into a 1v1 where you had to stay within melee range and couldn't use magic that affected your opponent in any way, which class would be the strongest? This does mean you can buff yourself with whatever shenanigans your class has available, and can use offensive abilities, so long as they aren't explicitly magical. It can be a multiclass.
The greater good.
>Not recognizing Hot Fuzz.
We don't take kindly to you city-folk.

No one's saying Session 0 is a new or special concept. He's just saying Session 0 is good.
I mean, I still hate Mearls for killing the better part of 4E and >martial cheerleaders, but you clearly don't understand this shit.
Something that's a complicated mechanic which is difficult to explain or codify is OK if it doesn't slow down table play as much as rolling an additional saving throw with every attack, for example. That shit sucks the life out of combat.

Thank you kindly. I play Tales of Maj'Eyal sometimes.
level 1 archer: 17 stat (+3), proficiency +2, style +2 1 attack at +7
level 20 archer: 20 stat (+5), proficiency +6, style +2, 4 attacks at +13
your math seems off.
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Is there a reason why barbarian doesn't receive the same ASI progression as fighter?

asking genuinely, I can't figure out why
because they get rage and resistances
>your math seems off.
By 10%.
To imitate bonus feats. Even though most feats in the game are such complete shit they give ASIs as a consolation prize, lol.
Bearbarian / Lore Bard. Expertise in Athletics, Grapple and Prone your enemy, they're fucking dead now. Cutting Words to ensure they never make their skill check to stop you or get up.
>I mean, I still hate Mearls for killing the better part of 4E and martial cheerleaders, but you clearly don't understand this shit.
Explain exactly what I don't understand. Mearls had a good feat in front of him, but it wasn't PERFECT so he dumped it and just made a glorified weapon focus instead. This mirrors his attitude toward game design. 3.5 had tons of good ideas, but it had some issues so let's throw all that shit in the trash and move away from it without understanding A SINGLE FUCKING IOTA of why it was bad. Same with 4e. Great ideas, most of them get dumped in the toilet because they were attached to bad ideas. He cannot into analytical thought, he cannot understand game mechanics as being composed of smaller elements, and so he just throws shit away wholesale and makes something completely different instead of focusing on improving what he already created. Also ignores the playtesters and just goes with whatever his little dev team circlejerk wants to do. He's not alone, Monte Cook and that other 3.5 faggot have the same issue.
Which, in the world of bounded accuracy, is fairly significant.

Keep in mind the highest AC creature in the monster manual is the AC 25 Tarrasque.
Actually, nevermind, there's no skill check part of Cutting Words. You can still neuter their attacks while you try to pin them, though. Otherwise perhaps Swords for bonus AC and the Dueling style, or Whispers to murder them faster with your envenomed weapon.
>Also ignores the playtesters and just goes with whatever his little dev team circlejerk wants to do
No, the problem is that he listens to the "wrong" playtesters. It wasn't his dev team that wanted to kill martial superiority die as a base feature for those classes, it was the fucking 3aboos. Mearls is actually one of those "have fun" faggots who's always telling us to disregard rules and up the power level and let martials punch through walls or whatever the fuck, but we keep letting REEE MERALS guy lay the blame for everything we dislike in the system on him when it's Crawford's shitty grog rulings we disagree with 99% of the time.
5% is 5% you idiot. Its significance doesn't change because the target number changes. Going from 65% chance to hit an orc to a 70% chance to hit an orc is the same no matter what. And when someone who spent a decade of their life focusing 90% on learning to fight with a sword, is just as good at landing a blow as some rogue who learned that, as well as ten other things, I start to wonder what the fuck the fighter was doing that whole time.
It's because fighters and rogues have very few exceptional or supernatural abilities compared to the other martial classes, so they get more ASI to make them better at being "normal," so to speak.

Barbs do get bonus Strength and Con at level 20, though.
Getting ever so slightly better at healing himself each rest.
>greater accuracy will ALWAYS result in greater damage output, even without an exchange rate.
You know why I say I'm good at math and you aren't? Because I'm better at math than you. I don't know if that's "good" and "bad," but fuck, man. At least make some fucking effort. Damage and accuracy are two interrelated variables that combine to determine average damage, which is what people seem to care about. Though Protection style would probably still be the lowest rated even if bows did much less damage, I suppose.

You just don't know what the core design philosophy is.

>but he can heal himself 1d10+1 hit points once a day
>once a day
It's once per short or long rest, actually.
>Fighters NEVER get any better at hitting.
They can. Because of Proficiency scaling, they actually do. They just don't have to.
>once per day
Do you never stop and eat or anything?
>I think a master marksman (20th level) hits shots more often than that
That's more a function of level 1s not being complete incompetents. A level 20 fighter will still fucking wreck gnolls in comparison though.
Because barbarians are special. It's a shame the fighter doesn't improve their ability scores to the same degree, but >four attacks.
Yes, you can identify a bad game designer. You just can't seem to identify good game design. Concepts like speed and ease of play are important in a group game like this. I don't like the weapon focus style bonus to hit because it creates another item on the sheet, Sword attacks, every other attack, or just discourages using every other attack altogether, when the concept should be doable without adding additional character sheet clutter.

My example here is I have a Zen Archer in pathfinder. I have a flurry attack bonus, a regular attack bonus, a power attack bonus that's different for each of those, and a different bonus for my unarmed attacks, and still a different bonus for each of my combat maneuvers.
Rolled all the way.
What other ways of obtaining something like the lvl 18 Druids Timeless Body are there?
I know it's mostly fluff, but I'd kill for an effect like that on my Bard.
again, the highest AC in the monster Manuel is 25, that Archer I posted earlier is hitting on a 12 at worst, how much better do you need them to be?
>up the power level and let martials punch through walls or whatever the fuck,
That's fucking retarded, though.
> It wasn't his dev team that wanted to kill martial superiority die as a base feature for those classes, it was the fucking 3aboos.
And they were right, because martials casting spells is retarded.
Mearls does serve as the spokesman for all the martial healing hate, and 4Essentials.>>55437037
>5% is 5% you idiot. Its significance doesn't change because the target number changes
Its significance totally changes. Its frequency doesn't, but it's very significant to go from 25% hit to 20% hit, or from 35% hit to 40% hit, compared to going from 95% hit to 90% hit, or vice versa.

>Fucking 3aboo
strength checks to destroy a wall are spells now?
And how does he heal himself? With magic? No. Unless he was ritually wounding himself like a stupid emo fuck, you don't "practice" getting better at healing.

>You just don't know what the core design philosophy is.
Pandering to normalfucks who are scared of math cause they didn't graduate high school? Nice design philosophy!
Who text player here?
>And they were right, because martials casting spells is retarded.

Superiority Dice are spells? Is Sneak Attack also a spell?
Be a level 15 Monk and get a better version, or a level 20 Mystic and get an obscenely better version.
>Concepts like speed and ease of play are important in a group game like this
That's why I agreed with him that the first feat was bad because it forced a save on every attack roll. Having it function on a crit, that's different. Also makes thematic sense. But instead of thinking of that BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS solution to his problem, and actually fucking ANALYZING the source of it (which is the every-turn-trigger) and changing THAT, he just throws the whole fucking thing in the garbage. And goes against his core design philosophy. And makes the feat a stupid piece of shit. Also:
>more options for martials are good!
>omg 5 options? nooooo!
Pathfinder monk is shit though, I'll give you that.
Noob question, if I have a +2 bonus to damage rolls, does that mean for a roll with multiple dice it adds +2 to the total of the rolls - or does the +2 add to each roll of each die?
To the roll as a whole, not each dice.
The first one. Tally the result of your rolls first for a single attack first, then add 2.

Cheers m8s
Yes, because no fucking human that has ever lived can punch through walls.
And no faggot I'm talking about shit like second wind and battlemaster maneuvers. Why can't I disarm someone more than X times per day? It's because of stupid meta-game narrative shit that 4e shoehorned into the game and Mearls kept despite it being the diarrhea-core of 4e's shit twinkie. Then he brought back everything shitty about 3.5 and stacked it on top of it.
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>It's because of stupid meta-game narrative shit that 4e shoehorned into the game

...that was in 3.5. Bards can only sing for so many rounds/barbarians can only rage so much.
Why are you even here if you hate the game so much?
Superiority dice get used up. Clearly something is being used up here. Sneak attack can be done whenever you want. It's a talent, not a spell. Until you give me a real viable explanation as to why I can only do superiority shit X times per day, then it is spellcasting. Deal with it, nigger.
>b-b-b-but he got tired
Then it should be based on Con.
>b-b-b-but it's a certain situation
Then it should be based on positioning
>b-b-b-b-but muh action movie narrative
I don't know why we gotta do this every time there's a simple question.

I could not fucking tell you what chapter info about bonus rolls through magic items would be and I've read the book 4 times and have been DMing 5E since it first came out.
>Bards can only sing for so many rounds
>barbarians can only rage so much.
They get tired, and you get more rounds of rage in 3.5 if you have a higher Con.
Your ""argument"" just got BTFO.

That's irrelevant.

Why can sneak attack only be use 1/round then? Clearly a sign that it's a spell.
>no fucking human that has ever lived can punch through walls
Anon, we're playing a magical fantasy game patterned after the sword-and-sorcery heroes of de Camp and Howard or 80s action movies. Your character isn't Ted from Accounting.
>Yes, because no fucking human that has ever lived can punch through walls.
I could say the same about about nearly every class ability in the game.
Rolled stats with the option of taking a standard array.

5e doesn't do this to the same degree, but great rolled stats can lead to incredibly stupid race+class combinations working really well. Granted, that has to be embraced by someone who isn't going to try to break the board.
Tomb of Annihilation leaks album

Tortle Package (as a pdf)

Whoever makes the next thread please add these to the OP.
No good way for Bards to extent their youth/lifespan then?
Because once you stab a target they fucking know you're there? You can use it again the next round, idiot, nothing gets used up. Whereas superiority dice are spent and refreshed by resting.

>Anon, we're playing a magical fantasy game patterned after the sword-and-sorcery heroes of de Camp and Howard or 80s action movies
>Your character isn't Ted from Accounting.
That doesn't mean he can punch through walls, either.
>I could say the same about about nearly every class ability in the game.
Because those are magic.
Oath of Treachery

Fuck everyone else.

>They get tired, and you get more rounds of rage in 3.5 if you have a higher Con.

Actually it was uses/day in 3.5. The duration was con based but it was pathfinder that made it rounds/day.
>magicial secrets
>get clone
>make clone of self that's younger
>or just wish to cast clone for free
A transmuter wizard can extend someone else's youth but not their lifespan. There's also Clone and maybe Reincarnate depending on how you interpret it. A bard could steal either of those.
>Because once you stab a target they fucking know you're there?

You can sneak attack even if you are not hidden from the target.
>Because once you stab a target they fucking know you're there?
>Stabbing someone really hard every six seconds? Totally reasonable
>Stabbing someone really hard TWICE every six seconds? WHAT NO! HE KNOWS YOU'RE THERE
Everyone knows you kick through walls, dumbass. You'd just hut your hand if you punched. I bet you try to knock doors in by ramming them with your elbow, too. Totally wrong technique.
What's the most interesting character you've played that was still viable mechanically?
You can stab someone really hard twice in six seconds if your friend with the sword and superiority die yells, "STAB HIM!"
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>Yes, because no fucking human that has ever lived can punch through walls.

Yes, I'm sure that Hercules is convinced by your argument.
you're the reason we can't have nice things
>walk up to some asshole while lighting off fireworks and ringing a cowbell, chanting I'M GOING TO STAB YOU! repeatedly. Get sneak attack if your buddy is standing next to him
>try to stab him twice. NO HE KNOWS YOU'RE THERE!
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If you don't like 5e then don't play 5e. Really fucking simple.
Yeah and it's for feinting or flanking or shit. Again, a concealed attack. You aren't spending superiority dice you have to refresh with a long rest. I mean, personally I think if you sneak attack with two weapons, you should get the damage twice, but Mearls apparently disagrees.

Hercules is a fucking demigod you idiot. Despite the stupid aspergers-infused bullshit that you fucking inbreds have been peddling for years, high level D&D characters are not demigods.
>Hercules is a fucking demigod you idiot. Despite the stupid aspergers-infused bullshit that you fucking inbreds have been peddling for years, high level D&D characters are not demigods.
I don't play 5e. I am still going to discuss it though. Actually I still do play 5e because despite it being full of shitty rules and stupid nonsensical crap, it's still a good game. I play D&D 3.5 for the same reason.

>Hercules is a fucking demigod you idiot. Despite the stupid aspergers-infused bullshit that you fucking inbreds have been peddling for years, high level D&D characters are not demigods.

So what IS a level 20 barbarian then? With his 'Literally higher than any human can reach' strength score as a class feature.

Clearly he was a Cleric, as he did cool things and only spellcasters get to do cool things.
But you aren't discussing, you're whining and trying to start an edition war.
I wish God thought my hair was cool enough to grant me super strength.
Per Wall of Stone, a wall has 30 HP per inch of thickness. The AC of the spell's stone (15) is at odds with the value listed in the DMG for stone (17), so a wooden wall, like that found in most homes and lairs, is 13 or 15 AC. Said walls aren't also an inch thick, so we'll assume around 20 HP.

A raging Barbarian with Tavern Brawler could punch through a wall in a round 50% of the time, but it'd take him two hits. That's also "total wall destruction", so it's conceivable you could destroy a smaller portion with a single blow regardless of your damage roll.

You might not want to ever play a non-D&D game. As L5R and 7th Sea both have fully non-magical characters with limited use abilities. Like how every samurai ever can only boost his damage a certain number of times per day (But it comes back with meditation or tea ceremony!)

Or heck, Dogs in the Vineyard. Where you can run out of 'Punch' dice for a scene.
>So what IS a level 20 barbarian then?
A level 20 barbarian. He sure as fuck isn't hercules you stupid fucking idiot. Stop expecting "OMG I'm A LITERAL DEITY" shit from D&D then whining when you get BTFO by the rules. People like you are the reason why 3.5 needed so many fucking rules, to prevent "hahaha I pick up a mountain throw it" bullshit.
>As L5R and 7th Sea both have fully non-magical characters with limited use abilities.
Yeah those games are shit. John Wick crap is unsalvageable. Your argument is literally "well THESE games suck too, so they both don't suck."

>Or heck, Dogs in the Vineyard. Where you can run out of 'Punch' dice for a scene.
That's a narrative game. It's nothing like D&D. I'm pretty sure if D&D 6e was a FATE clone you'd be pretty pissed off. Tell me you wouldn't be.

So what is an example of a level 20 barbarian in fiction then? As that's someone, with no hyperbole, can kill his way through literal hundreds of opponents before he falls with no magic.
again, Samson.

also, my 90lb sister managed to punch through a wall. It really all depends on the wall.

>That's a narrative game. It's nothing like D&D. I'm pretty sure if D&D 6e was a FATE clone you'd be pretty pissed off. Tell me you wouldn't be.

Honestly, Aspects would be a pretty good addition to D&D/Source of advantage or inspiration.
He would also break his hand by punching a fucking stone wall. I don't care if the rules allow it, it's still bullshit. Remember that the 3.5 rules allowed a barbarian to freefall from space at level 20. But punching walls is OMG SO KEWL so we have to allow it.
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Aren't ships statted in the DMG? Could a fighter destroy a ship with an ordinary weapon?
>Your argument is literally "well THESE games suck too, so they both don't suck."
care to name a game that doesn't "suck"?
>pathfinder inbound

I mean, sure. Bork Laser hacked up a car with a fire axe and he's sure as hell not a high level D&D character. I'd allow it with a barbarian.
>So what is an example of a level 20 barbarian in fiction then?
There isn't one. Because fiction isn't the same as D&D, you stupid fucking sperg.
>As that's someone, with no hyperbole, can kill his way through literal hundreds of opponents before he falls with no magic.
That still doesn't make him a level 20 barbarian. That's like saying a mouse is an elephant cause both are gray. Stop making bullshit comparisons.
>again, Samson.
Again, it's fiction. It's also the fucking bible which is a bunch of kikery propoganda. Why are you using this shit to defend your argument? The Bible is the gayest fucking story ever.
>also, my 90lb sister managed to punch through a wall. It really all depends on the wall.
yeah if it's paper or fucking balsa wood. Sorry, I assumed a stone wall. My bad.
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And I hope any finished product version of the feat takes these insights and uses them instead of what was suggested by the UA, though it's probably important for the feat to come up more often than just on critical hits.
>omg 5 options? nooooo!
It's less 5 options and more 16 different numbers for the same option, but let me break it down for my level 13 character
>Flurry yes/no
>Times deadly aim yes/no
>Times point blank shot yes/no
>Times unarmed damage to arrows yes/no
>Times attacks at full/-5/-10 BAB.
>Equals 48 different lines of attack macros for "shoot bow"
>And still doesn't account for hammer the gap's bonus for consecutive hits.

It probably wouldn't be so bad if I were just rolling it in person instead of trying to program a macro that rolls damage and attack roll at the same time, but shit. If I also ignore point blank shot as well as hammer the gap, that only cuts it to 12 lines for attacks and 8 lines for damage, because I use vital strike when I can't full attack, plus I'll have to remind my DM about PBS and Hammer the Gap every single roll, and I still have to add in any temporary boosts I get from the spellcasters, like haste, inspire courage, or bless, which can at least be added to a "temporary" box on the sheet that filters through to all these macros. That part is far worse if I'm running it manually. I can also punch people, and when I say different for each maneuver, I mean different for each and every maneuver! Some weapons give +2 to trips, some to disarms, charging to bull rush, and you don't even want to start grappling.

Basically, I don't approve of design that leads to pic related
>the Bible
Sweet fedora, m'ate. Don't cut yourself on that edge.
Pathfinder is also shit.

No one gives a fuck what you'd allow. So sick of these DMs thinking they're right because "hahaha I control the game" well you're playing in my apartment faggot so you can get the fuck out with your "I am literally hercules" bullshit. This is why you should always host games at your place. That way you are always in control, whether DMing or not. I'm always the DM, though, so I can make sure these games stay as actual games and not lolrandumb power wanks like most of the walking eugenics arguments on /tg/ seem to want.
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Warship has an ac of 15, hp of 500 and a DAMAGE THRESHOLD of 20.

>That still doesn't make him a level 20 barbarian. That's like saying a mouse is an elephant cause both are gray. Stop making bullshit comparisons.

...who's 'him'? I was describing what a level 20 barbarian can do and I'm pretty sure a level 20 barbarian is a level 20 barbarian.
>Because fiction isn't the same as D&D
are you implying DnD is non-fiction?

>Pathfinder is also shit.
I didn't ask if it was, I asked what game do you think is NOT shit?

...you don't think someone could cut up a ship with an axe? How do you think the wood for warships is cut down?
I wonder when and how my party is going to figure out that ring of fireball they found is malfunctioning

>roll of 17-20 works as intended
>roll of 12-16 deals 2d6+4 less damage but they can't tell
>roll of 6-11 deals 4d6+4 less damage and it's very noticeable
>roll of 3-5 a pathetic puff of smoke comes out
>roll of 1-2 it explodes dealing 3d6 damage to the caster and half damage to anyone else within 10 feet
>fiction isn't the same as D&D
There's dozens of D&D books.
Rule number one with damaging objects is the DM determines if what you're using can damage the object, though the rest of your point is pretty solid. Like stone.
>that's our point.
So Barbarians still can't punch through walls. Not my fault that the shit rules allow it.

Prove Samson did any of the bullshit he did in the bible.
Prove that Moses split the red sea.
It didn't happen. It's jewish lies.
Why are casters allowed to bend time and space and call down meteors and fly while martials aren't allowed to punch through a stone wall?
They're still the same level so why should one be weaker than the other?
Unarmed strikes, technically, which aren't strictly punches, technically, only colloquially.
>rolled a 4 in a stat
What's the funnest stat to dump? Strength for noodle-armed wimp, dexterity for Parkinson's, constitution for AIDS, intelligence to be retarded, wisdom to be blind and gullible, or charisma to be autistic?
still waiting on him telling us what game he thinks doesn't suck
>...you don't think someone could cut up a ship with an axe?
It would take fucking forever. Have you ever actually cut wood? No probably not because that would require leaving your goddamn basement. Chopping wood takes quite a while. You're not just gonna chop a huge hole in a ship and make it sink instantly. You'd have to be insanely strong. And there are people out there with actual fucking 25 Strength, according to the weight lifting rules. But they can't punch holes in ships, even though the D&D rules say they can, because the D&D rules removed hardness so now punching rock is the same as punching clay. D&D rules are fucking broken 90% of the time and don't make sense. Doesn't mean you should allow "LOL PUNCHING WALLS" hijinks.

You retard faggot. There are no stone walls less than an inch thick. Are you able to fucking conceptualize materials in your head to understand that? Have you ever seen a stone wall less than an inch thick?? Jesus christ you are going to give me a brain aneurysm from how goddamn stupid you are. A stone wall is going to have a fucking 100+ hp, if not more. A barbarian shouldn't even be able to punch through it because it should have insane levels of hardness, but they removed that because subtraction is hard. Even though it was the only thing standing between making sense, and retarded bullshit like this where a FUCKING CAT CAN BITE ITS WAY THROUGH A STONE WALL GIVEN ENOUGH TIME. That is the level the 5e rules have sunk to.
con, so you can reroll sooner.
>I was describing what a level 20 barbarian can do and I'm pretty sure a level 20 barbarian is a level 20 barbarian.
You're asking for a fictional equivalent. There isn't one, because fiction writers don't base their characters off of fucking D&D you idiot. Except maybe the novel written about Kursk for D&D 3.5, but most of those novels were shit. Except for Devis and Mialee getting it on, but they didn't even include a fuck scene for that, so it was worthless.
>Jesus christ you are going to give me a brain aneurysm
please keep it up, anon
>It would take fucking forever. Have you ever actually cut wood? No probably not because that would require leaving your goddamn basement. Chopping wood takes quite a while.

I have. I was in the scouts. I've also seen someone kick a hole in a sailing boat. It's actually pretty easy, as a few good hits can get the plank off the nails. It's a lot easier from inside.

As an aside: Bailing water is not fun.
Correction: Since only flurry gets iterative attacks it's 3*2 for iteratives*deadily aim, then a separate 1*2 for a single attack with or without deadly aim. So 8 attack roll lines and 8 damage roll lines for shoot bow.
I mean, you could destroy a spaceship if you hit the right thing.

So only GWM Fighters can take out ships.
Dealing 2d6+5+10, the Fighter meets or exceeds the threshold 80% of the time.
For levels 4 through 8, the Fighter has an AB of 8 and needs to roll a 7 or greater, so he lands his blows 70% of the time.
It will take 23 hits to destroy this warship.
At two attacks per round, given his chance to miss and fail to meet the threshold, it will take him 20 rounds.

Two minutes for a man with a sledgehammer to destroy a warship.
>but you can't punch through walls
just want to point out a rat can literally do this.
Which ones? You mean the Forgotten Realms ones where Drizzt and that assassin faggot have their "duel" which in D&D terms would consist them autohitting each other and the winner being the one with the most hp / damage? Or how their duel lasts half an hour whereas it would last about 5 rounds in D&D? lol, D&D is such absolute crap that even the novels written FOR THE GAME ignore its broken mechanics.

Also please point me to a D&D novel where a barbarian punches his way through walls. Want to see that. I'm betting I won't, because even dollar-store-trash fiction like D&D books know that that kind of shit is fucking childish and stupid.
>It would take fucking forever. Have you ever actually cast wall of stone before? No probably not because that would require leaving your goddamn basement. Raising stone from the earth takes quite a while. You're not just gonna rise a huge stone in the ground and make it assemble. You'd have to be insanely smart. And there are people out there with actual fucking 25 Intelligence, according to the grades lifting rules. But they can't cast Wall of Stone, even though the D&D rules say they can, because the D&D rules removed hardness so now casting wall of stone is the same as building legos. D&D rules are fucking broken 90% of the time and don't make sense. Doesn't mean you should allow "LOL WALL OF STONE" hijinks.
>new DM
>new player
>DanDwiki homebrew
>multiclass homebrew

Just say no you massive faggot
Someone kicked a hole in a shitty rotten sailing boat, so a barbarian should be able to auto-sink a sailing ship with one axe throw? Sure if it's a tiny sailboat.
>There are no stone walls less than an inch thick.

>so a wooden wall, like that found in most homes and lairs, is 13 or 15 AC. Said walls aren't also an inch thick, so we'll assume around 20 HP
Might want to let the blood drain out of your eyes, Anon, it's interfering with your ability to read.

>so a barbarian should be able to auto-sink a sailing ship with one axe throw

No one said that. It was being able to destroy one with an ordinary weapon. Not 'Autodestroy with one axe throw'.
>There are walls entirely made of gypsum and nothing else, that are load bearing
>the sheet of gypsum constitutes the entire wall

Of course you could, if you took long enough. In combat, though, as a viable option? lol no way.
>A barbarian shouldn't even be able to punch through it because it should have insane levels of hardness
>Shawshank redemption.jpg
Sharpshooters with the Archery fighting style could destroy the warship in 25 rounds.
>Two minutes for a man with a sledgehammer to destroy a warship.
Bringing something to 0 hp != rendering it to splinters, only that it becomes inoperable. I bet if Arnold Blacknigger beat on a wooden ship with a sledgehammer he can make a pretty big hole in 2 minutes.

t Shrieking Bard
>punching where the stud is
Are you daft

That and making a ship inoperable is pretty easy compared to destroying it due to that whole 'Sinking' thing.
They call me the ship's cannon.
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Actual black nigger John Henry could do it in half the time.

Yeah but he'd die at the end.
Now that's pretty rediculous. Moreso than a phalanx of gnomes dual wielding whips.
I bet the grog we're all laughing at was the guy who swore you couldn't call that a phalanx, too.
More ridiculous than the halfling cavalry dual wielding lances?
Not if he had SECOND WIND
Couldn't the cavalry just put a neck harness on the horse or whatever other mount with an attached lance-holding arm on either side? That way their arms wouldn't get tired and they could take 'em off only when it was time to skewer some bitch.
I'm appointing you my new chief adviser in charge of research and development of weapons development and deployment.
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I think we gave him a stroke, guys.
It's up to the DM to determine whether something can do damage to an object. Sharpshooter is about hitting vital points, which a wooden ship doesn't have. Most DMs would probably just say your arrows don't do damage at all. A hammer or axe makes some sense damaging a wooden wall, but arrows, rapier,s daggers, whips, spears and such wouldn't do shit. Even swords are somewhat doubtful.
The arrow embeds in the wood. The next arrow lands right next to it. The third arrow also lands next to it. Soon the arrows are splitting other arrows, chipping little bits of the wood out, and now we have a hole. The ship's taking on water. There's no access to that area to patch the leak. Bilge pumps haven't been invented yet. Another arrow kills the man running back and forth. The ship's listing. It's gone!

God bless the Dwarven Quarrelers, they've defeated the Dark Lord's Dread Navy once again.
Well I asked last night and only had one person weigh in so I'll ask again.

My Barbarian got disintegrated from 3/4s health a few months ago, and I think it's time I brought in his conspicuously-similar sibling (albeit as a VHuman rather than Goliath-As-Big-Human and Storm instead of Berserker), thought I'd look to you guys for advice for the feat, since I can't pick between three. I'm using point buy here, starting at level 3.
Should I go with Tough for more "you can't actually hurt me meaningfully" silliness, Fell Handed so he can slap bitches around with a maul even more fun-like, or Prodigy/Human Determination for fun and the flavor of giving him a +1 in a mental stat? I kinda wanna balance the effectiveness with the flavor, so I dunno.
I've already ran several characters with Fell handed, too.

I dunno, the moment you light those arrows up you are going to do some damage to a wooden ship full of gunpowder and cloth.
>in the Forgotten Realms
Not since we decided to axe half the fun from the setting, Anon.
New thread
Any place you could have a clear enough shot to shoot over and over embedding arrows into one another to make a hole isn't going to be under the water. You made a tiny chink in the wood through which no water can actually get through because it's above the water line.

Some guy with a mallet and a rag plugs the hole from the inside where you can't shoot him.
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>Mfw already have them saved
FIRE arrows are a different story entirely from a sharpshooter firing normal arrows. Fire is eventually going to burn down a ship if you can ignite it.
But Anon, I have sharpshooter. I can shoot through the water's cover.

Somewhere, Gond is very very sad. Man, playing a Gondish Artificer in 4e was a ball with a Superior crossbow as a smokepowder firearm.
technically not untrue.
I've found Fell Handed is really fun to use when you're first on initiative and can start knocking enemies into a prone position. You could potentially make a hyper mobile character, I've been having a lot of fun with an Orc character just because of the Aggressive trait allowing me to close in on literally anything.
The stores of Alchemist's Fire, then.
If I cast a concentration spell of any kind and then move to another plane, willingly or not, can you still concentrate on it?

Say for example I cast Haste on someone. Now we're in different planes. Does it still work?
>"These iconic martials don't count because they're demigods!"
>"Gandalf and Merlin totally count, though. :^)"
>Ships have resistance to piercing damage
There, simple solution. With 1d8+15 it's impossible to deal over 40 damage and cross the ship's damage threshold. I'd be ok with saying Fire Arrows deal full damage, though, but only the fire part. Might even have a chance to ignite a portion of the ship.
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it's not like, y'know, someone here could just reupload it
Why though? It won't change shit, of course, because even if they do give a fuck about some neckbeards downloading a PDF somebody else would just re-upload it, but why do you want to take it down?

This is why private trackers are good, you don't have some cuck come in and start shitting everywhere. Usually.
Just trying something hum
Testing sorry
I'm trying to think up a fair mechanic for a group of players with no STR to break a stone altar being used for necromancy.

Any ideas?
>sharing leaks when the full thing is already in the OP

Having had a sneaky peak at a copy my local store got in I can tell you it's missing quite a few pages of monsters in the back. Also seems to be some digital edition or perhaps a draft/prototype? Is this what Roll20 pdfs look like maybe?
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