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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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Thread replies: 397
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Perturabo and Huron Blackheart BTFO by Death Guard edition

>Typhus and Blightlords coming up for pre-order next week

>Top 5 Squigs

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-Anon!)

>Death Guard codex (thank you Vladimir)
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1st for Sisters a QT !
Wait.. thats not a..
You can summon after dissenting.
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REAL men of the Imperium coming through.

OK, thanks. I need some of those anyway for my Enginseers, so that works out neatly enough.


Thing is they're not being fluffed as Assassins, they're a pack of Skitarii and Admech junior Magi and commanders. I'm just worrying that since Assassins are really nice now people would think running the whole lot would be cheesy, especially since the Callidus will be running with a bunch of melee dudes and there'll be a lot of Turn 1 nonsense occurring.
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>no Daily Duncan with 9 [Embed]
Also previous thread: >>55430206
Reposting from previous thread:

Played yesterday with some friends.

When I played the Tau player he wanted to deepstrike 9" away from my predator upwards on a pice of terrain with the top about 11" from the predator. We got into a debate wether or not you could do that.

So is it yes or no on the above?
What are secret death elf techniques to deal with conscripts, Boyz, and horrors?
He can deepstrike his guys anywhere he wants so long as its 9" away from enemy units
I mean you aren't wrong, considering that chaos holds a dissenting opinion to the imperium.
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Real men join the Greater Good.
You removed the squigs link.

I remove your embeds.
But does that mean up as well as sideways?
Keep in mind that "Eldar" and "Dark Eldar" are still the common "human" names for them. So they're still canon in the setting. Aeldari, Drukhari, Ynnari and Asuryani are styled as the proper elven names for those factions. It's a bit like low gothic and high gothic of Space Marines and Adeptus Astartes.
What's this about the DG smacking Huron around now?
Even if it's upwards?
Yes, why wouldn't it?
Oh fuck there's 2 threads now
Mort himself is the one doing the smacking I believe.
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I made this list some time ago as a draft for my first army. Would it be fun to play?
Oh thank you.
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Nah was Typhus.
I don't know how its hard to understand
Take a tapemeasure and draw a straight line from the enemy unit he wants to drop next to, to the point he wants to deep strike onto
If the distance is 9" or more its fine
Didn't gw squat that listbuilder
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>Mfw fight between Mort and Pert with Pert beating Mort's ass but Pert retreats mainly because his guys are starting to literally rot despite absolutely destroying the DG

Bitterness intensifies

I was the one posted the original question.

Well for one that means that jumppacks that has fly can get a 2" charge from deepstriking giving a big advantage over the other player.
He did say that its an old list so we can assume it was made pre-squattendum
Its ok bud, just decimate your legion.

It will make you feel better.
That's it? The fuck were they even fighting over? I doubt Huron's stupid enough to piss off a guy like Typhus.
I built the list right at dawn of 8th when I decided to jump in the plastic crack train, I am still slowly painting the first SC box but had the list in the drive and wanted opinions. The list builder is dead as far as I know
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Cheeky Morty.
Abaddon new primarch sized model when?
Yeah, but at least we still got battlescribe
Well, he's never getting a rematch with the Blood Angels at this rate.
Is that in any good state for eighth?
You know, Mortarion's kinda hard to make work without having some allied sorcerers cast warp time on him.

I imagine the case will be the same with Magnus when he loses access to the Dark Hereticus discipline.
FUCK, I wanted some more sweet sweet Sanguinior fights
I'm actually surprised they didn't do this to tie in with Gorillaman's release.
>elven names

Don't you mean AELVEN NAEMES
I'm now imagining an Eldar called Aelven Naemes who acts as his craftworld's copyright lawyer.
I can't speak for all factions, but it works fine for CSM. It was last updated Sep 6, unless it's been updated either today or yesterday.
What's the respawn time like for Greater Daemons like Ka'Bandha? I'm pretty sure he was on Baal Prime to fight Leviathan.
Can I dissembark after summoning?
Yeah, and the reverse.
It was before great rift.
Theoretically 1000 years for every daemon but if GW need daemon they will summon him next day.
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In the new codex the death guard have all the bantz
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>Excuse me, Aelvan Naemesman, why are our birthrates so low?
Whatever GW needs it to be. Samus has turned up and been banished multiple times over the heresy, and the whole HH wasn't that long in-universe.
I keep forgetting what the original image is from
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Got to meet Duncan the other day.

So lucky, he's great IRL
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How can you see into my eyes
Like open doors
Which one is you, Anon?
Slap a bazzers logo on it. Also, Duncan's tall as fuck.
1000 years in warp time.
Redlettermedia Star Trek reviews.
Game of Thrones shirt.
The uggo chick
I assume his respawn time doesn't matter when Abbadabbadoo brought hell to reality so he could just suck Baal into the Warp instead of having to go there himself.
He's standing on a pile of empty paint pots.
Thanks, it's been years since I've seen those.

What's your favorite thing in 40k and why, /40kg/?
Plastic sisters when?
We've already got plastic sisters of silence
List building.
It might be more fun than playing for me.
Just theory crafting what could be good, laying out game plans for map control all of that is super fun.
Right now, soulburst actions. They make 8th edition fun. I don't know why people play other armies.
Why Black Library novels must change fluff in worst way possible?
90s chaos sculpts absolutely requiring a middle finger be extended or weaponized on all power fists, chain fists and daemon prince claws. It was so classic 90s edge and so surprisingly self-aware of GW at the time.
2 years or more
The setting or the hobby?

From the setting, I like Chaos. Its contradictory in a way that makes sense, if you pardon the contradiction.

The hobby? I like the social aspect of it. I've not made friends or anything yet, but since I started 3 months ago I've really enjoyed talking to store staff, regulars and even guests. I gave advice to some guys yesterday who were unsure how to start the hobby with their kids and I spoke their language so they felt more secure to talk etc.
Looks like it could either be REALLY fun to play against/as or not fun to play against at all.
Because the (failing) New York Times Best Selling authors don't know the setting as well as they should.
You can take a small csm detachment and spend a cp to give him warp time.
russkie fakes are dogshit
kek, uses champions of daemon's heads to kill said daemon.
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What about him?
So i just saw a bunch of Warhammer 40k audiobooks slated for release soon on Audible.

4-6 hours each. 22 dollars or one credit each.

Who the fuck is gonna buy that shit?
No, he's just with a bunce of manlets.
The same people that pay GW prices already.
And now it mocks us as chaos still needs new sculpts.
Audiobooks are decent if you commute to work every day. I drive an hour to and from work four days a week, that's eight hours I basically spend doing fuck all nothing. An audiobook at least lets me enjoy a book during that time, although I don't think I'd buy a 40k audiobook.
Alright, then enjoy your pewter Paul Stanley faces.
Why doesn't the Baneblade ignore movement penalty for heavy weapons? Why doesn't the Chimera have firing ports? Why does GW have to tease us with IG tanks that are almost decent, but not quite?

Just why?
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The weight of metal models is more satisfying, you likely suck at conversions anyway

Because IG can't have fun toys.
Just WAAC bait to punish loyal players.

Guard need buffs.
I wanna do a piranha spam list. How would that do?
Almost all vehicles got hit by that shit, no more shoot and scoot without penalties unless you're using a sicaran or something.
How each faction is really unique to itself. Lot's of other settings, especially in wargaming tend to have factions that are just really similar to each other even if there aren't many of them but 40k happens to have dozens of factions and each with personalities of their own.
Wait for the codex I guess.
This right here. Im in the exact same spot only its just 45 min for me. Sometimes you dont want music.
It's literally the largest normal tank in the imperium. A vehicle 1/4 the size is stable enough to ignore the penalty but somehow the Baneblade isn't? Come on now.
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Will Ferrus return?
And will Iron Hand get codex?
So when are the Death Guard plastics coming? Kinda stupid to release a Codex without minis
So we all know lot's of 40k is based off of Fantasy, is this list correct on what fac is based on what fac?:
Orks: Orcs
Gretchin: Goblins
Craftworld: High Elves
Dark Eldar: Dark Elves
Necrons: Tomb Kangz
Chaos: Chaos (duh)
Old Ones: Lizard Men? (maybe?)

Imperial Guard seems to have a shit ton of races added to their ranks as abhumans:
Normal Imperial Guard: Empire
Squats: Dwarves
Ratlings: Halflings
Ogryn: Ogres
Beastmen: Beastmen

Any other based off factions I missed or were wrong about?
New release schedule.

Very staggered, so there is always something new to buy instead of weeks/months of nothing.
Saturday: Deathshroud kit

Next Saturday: Typhus and Blightlord kit
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Anyone know a good mega thing for black library pdfs?
Looking specifically for Resurrection and the Emperor's legion.
Old ones are in Fantasy too, Anon. They made the Lizardmen.
What I would do to fix this is give most vehicles 1 better ballistic skill.

Tbh it only makes sense; the vehicle probably would allowthe firer to shoot more accurately than if they just shouldered and gun and fired it.
>Will Ferrus return?
Maybe. Decapitation won't prevent GW from selling a model.
>And will Iron Hand get codex?
Very unlikely. They don't even have a special character.
I just want boxes upon boxes of regular Plague Marines
What's size got to do with it? It's about the (defiantly not an) AI that lives in the cogitator stacks of ancient armor.
When is gw releasing the DG dark imperium stuff separately with proper non monopose plague marines
>Will Ferrus return?
Yes. As the leader of the Black Legion.
>And will Iron Hand get codex?
Lol No.
Captain Smashfucker should become a canon IH special character.

Maybe not with that exact name though.
GW will stretch the releases till new codexes.
So Guardsmen who want to play mechanized/armored regiments suffer. I expect the codex to nerf infantry shenanigans and keep vehicles just as bad if not worse.
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Skaven Skryre might as well be the Mechanicus, Both designed by Jes Goodwin who loved Gas masks, heavy robes, cowls, Jezzials, wooden stocks, backpacks and sci-fi steampunk-like visuals

Skaven Moulder are closest to Dark Eldar Haemonculi
Hopefully as a headless iron hands/legion of the damned hq/LoW
If Ferrus comes back as a Headless Horseman reference leading the Legion of the Damned I might be able to accept it. If the model looks metal as fuck.
GW AGM says they're moving away from 'big releases' and doing staggered ones so that revenue is stable and you constantly have 'something to buy'.

Might mean after the DG and Primaris stuff dies down, that they start releasing 1 or 2 things for random armies instead of only releasing things in massive batches.
Well the thing is they nerfed razorwing flocks and brinstone horrors with the FAQ but have done nothing for IG. Makes me think they dont have a problem with what IG are doing right now. I do hope we get some changes to vehicles because they need some serious buffs right now.
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Never anon and it fucking hurts.
That sounds a lot better honestly. Gives people who play the less popular factions a grain of hope at least.
no even gw arent hacky enough to pull that one out of their asses to make a quick buck
no, iron hands doesnt get basically any love from gw
Watchers of the Throne: The Emperor's Legion link anyone?
Stop begging.
Wait or buy.
BL has been on Amazon UK for a while, it's just coming stateside now. Audiobooks in general are also pretty pricey. I guess the thinking is that they charge .99 for a 3 minute song, so a 10 hour audiobook is worth 20 bucks.

The price on the audio dramas is roughly the same though, and sometimes those are only 10 minutes. Fuck that.
Why FW Deathshroud(in Tartaros) look better than GW ones.
And why FW ones are cheaper?
def. beaner
Am I the only one who doesn't like the tentacles and mutations on the Death Guard? I feel like the Nurgle aesthetic should be more death and decay (rotted flesh, pulsing pustules, open sores, exposed innards, bloated bodies) than mutations (tentacles, extra mouths, big ol' spikes).
They're a pretty solid mix of both right now. Honestly if you deal with chaos on a regular enough basis you probably get used to teeth and tentacles.
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Is that you in the front?
Its not about aesthetics per se; I think it's just that the DG might be heavily exposed to the warp, they're probably the most 'affected' models we've seen so far, other than posessed and warp talons.
Anon is cute! Cute! What do you play?
I think its less that and more Tsons and Deldar arent getting codexes any time soon and IG are probably up right after nids/cw.
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>someone other than me thinking Guard vehicles got the short end of the stick
I'm with you.sure, i always enjoy when they do the classic 'cyclopian head with a big spike on top' so that's fine, it's an okay aethstetic to carry from age of Sigmar but the Tendrils and shit are to Tzeentchian for my tastes.

Replace the belly mouths with exposed rotten guts and i'm game.
>immediately sucking up to any girl on the internet
What did he talk about?
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Any thoughts on this Nurgle Daemons list? One of the Daemon princes is from the death guard book so he can be warlord and take a relic, it also allows him to buff the blight drones who are both taking plague spitters. It makes up a battalion, supreme command and outrider detachment for 8 CPs.

The idea is the Daemonprinces each pair off with a set of drones for mobile cover and do most of the work. The nurglings are area denial and for engaging enemy armour. And the rest are a resilient blob for central map control. I know it's not amazing, it's difficult to do anything spectacular with Nurgle Daemons, but reasonable?
Nurgle stuff has had worm/maggot mutations for decades.
>immediately sucking up to any girl (male) on the internet
Do plastic Cataphracii Terminators have any options in the box??
I know I won't get much sympathy for this but I really dislike having to take a special character to play Ynnari. It really messes up my whole 'my dudes' fluff.
Ah the doc didn't save, both plague drone units have banners and instruments.
The new Death Guard line are my favourite models that GW has ever released but different strokes for different folks. They've always been the most outwardly warpfucked legion.
So convert a proxy for the character, give it a name and paint it as your dudes. Done.
I feel the same about Yarrick.
Kinda wish I could shift the rules to a "my dude" with the same points.
Belly mouths are athing from old nurgle
Why Morty is using phosphex? This is flame weapon.
It wouldn't be such a big deal if there was any gameplay reason to NOT take Ynnari. Soulburst is fucking busted in the hands of an experienced player.
>That dog is gonna be huge
Yeah, we thought so, too. Turns out she didn't grow that big, she just has huge paws.
Well they have said that Tsons actually in the lineup for a codex soon so i dont know about that, like the nerfs were pretty quick for them but guard are still sitting there with 3ppm Conscripts.

A ynnari amry doesnt have to have any of the ynnari special characters in it to be ynnari
Do commissars get rejuvenat treatment? I thought that was only for nobles and high command. It's been 100+ years, he's dead.

Yeah I like CW:E and maybe the book will change it but currently in my meta it's Ynnari or bust (very competitive store).
Ayyy you got me senpai
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Check the FAQ my man - it is a requirement.
Well the Yncarne kind of makes it okay, since it can manifest almost anywhere.
Morty has always been using Phosphex, since it's just about the deadliest thing in 30k. It's poisonous, has huge AP and lights enemies up like fireworks. Problem is that somewhere between 30k and 40k a Tech Priest destroyed the Phosphex STC, so now Phosphex Bombs are incredibly rare relics, so he's the only one with the privilege of employing that stuff these days.
Yarrick is dead but he doesn't give a fuck. Just got back up the same as always and kept right on going.
>why is the master of the chemical/biological warfare legion using a weapon so horrific that the adeptus mechanicus destroyed their own stockpiles of it
He remembers when they burned his men with it and wants to try it on the enemies.

Or is the only thing that keeps nurglings away.

Fair point - I built my list around the smaller cost of Yvraine and haven't really messed with Yncarne.

Its also worth noting that I think the characters are mechanically good - I just don't like the named character requirement.
Yes he was using phosphex bombs, but now he is plague rotting shit, flame weapons like phosphex should be not nice th him since it's killing all maggots and bacteria.
>implying Inquisitors can't ask to ship them to a planet surface they dont like anymore

Take a look, it's in the fluff.
So there is a rules discussion about whether or not Morty's pistol actually does anything. There is a reading of pistols that states that is must be fired at the closest target (I read that to say that restriction is only applied when firing in close combat).
i want to play imps but can't be arsed to paint loads of models. How viable is a tank based army? i've never played a game yet but intend to when I finish my current army.
Yeh, but that's Exterminatus-tier only, not a day-to-day thing (at least it SHOULDN'T be but I guess this is the Imperium).
I think commisars count as high command. At least lord commisars would. So yarrick is sure to have had rejuvenat
Wow, that's lame as shit.
>They've always been the most outwardly warpfucked legion.
And when the dust settles we all know which legion is inwardly most warpfucked.
Fairly viable. Space Marine Predators are good. So are Tank Commanders/Pask in Leman Russes. Some of the FW tanks are neat too.
So currently my only way of getting drones is to buy Dark Imperium boxes where I don't even need half the stuff?
God, I hope they never do that. They suck his cock hard enough as it is.
Well that sucks, wondering when they will counter FAQ this because it just seems like a pointless change
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Whatre you guys working on?
I love the fact that the guy who destroyed the phosphex STC got killed with phosphex afterwards. Oh the irony.

There's clearly going to be a kit coming out sometime in the near future. They've shown the ones with the other options already.
Gotcha, just: he's not the only one. And if we count books and rpgs, it's rare but still used. Inquisitors, rogue traders and criminals dont give a fuck.
Morty doesn't give a fuck. The Plagueburst Crawler's ammo is explicitly so deadly that not even Nurgle's diseases can fester in spots that were under heavy bombardment from them and yet not only did Morty design them like that, he also made them crewed by Daemons, just as a fuck-you to them. Nurgle Daemons are explicitly said to hate those things.

Certainly, but the stuff is finite and Morty is the sort of daddy who takes your toys away and then plays with them himself. That's the reason he uses them but the rest of the Death Guard don't. The whole reason they're lobbing "brittleglass grenades" out of those Blight Launchers is probably because Morty is too stingy with the phosphex as well.
Skarbrand was suffered mutual destruction with an Avatar in GS 2. A short time later, we see him fighting Girlyman like he wasn't destroyed in GS 3.

Justify this.
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He's so mad that he can't be bothered to give a fuck about the rules
Question about Typhus' Destroyer Hive pistol.

Says it always hits on 5+ irrespective of modifiers, even on Overwatch.

Does that mean 5+ INSTEAD of his regular BS, or does that mean it just can't be reduced beyond 5+?
GW needed strong Bloodthirster to combat Guillman but they have only Skarbrand and An'ggrath is FW.
Yep, lighthing claws, power fists, chain fists, combi bolters and a single power sword.
The Orks think that Yarrick can't die, so he can't.
If they are gonna be doing one kit every week its gonna be christmas before I get all the stuff I want
I agree with you bud.
Anyone got some good speculation on the next primarch to awaken?
Time is fucky in the Warp.

FAQ for Ynnari says you have to have at least one of the Ynnari trio characters to run an Ynnari detachment
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Gotta wait til I finish my shift so I can go home and glue backpacks on the rest of my chadzerkers and put em on bases while I wait for their chainspears to arrive from Anvil.

I expect the characters will release about the same time. That would leave the 2 new tanks, the drones, and what else?
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Nice one thanks. Still got 1000pts of SW to paint

2 squads of Grey hunters. Just got some custom bits from Anvil industries such as the hooded head on my sergeant
That's sucks. Why no reaper autocannon, heavy flamer and any other heavy weapon.
you know what they say about huge paws
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The Lion. Calling it now.

We got two traitor primarchs, and only one loyal. So a second loyalist makes sense.

Loyalty is its own reward, motherfucker.
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Got me
Quick rules question:
Does the GK vortex of Doom power also hurt GK units? So, for example, if cast in combat, does it affects every unit within 3", including the GK unit that cast it in combat?
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Building a Skitarii SC box, and wondering whether I should try and convert the Magos a bit so I don't have two identical Domini. Maybe swap his torso around so he looks a little more like pic related, although obviously not as converted.
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I prefer SW dark colors, as opposed to the light blue shit
Great work, anon
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>loyalist primarch
It does come with a heavy flamer, I forgot that.

But the tartaros terminators have an autocannon, plasma blaster and a heavy flamer.
Thanks bro i am getting better, only been painting two months but learning as much as I can
Shit, sorry. See >>55434413
Who is the Tim Curry of 40k?
Okay, but having BS2+ also tells you that he always hits on 2+ with shots.
Which 'always' takes priority?
Tim Curry.

Based on the Dark Reaper FAQ - I'm going to assume he hits on a 5+ with his Destroyer Hive.
You're right, Tim Curry is probably still alive.
If they are making DG specific versions there are 9 characters
1. The rulebook section for Hit Roll under Resolve Attacks in the Shooting Phase section never uses the word "always" in the wording for resolving a unit's shooting attacks.
2. Even if it did, Codex supersedes rulebook.
That seems believable. Can you link the FAQ? I can't find it in the Xenos 1.1 FAQ from OP.
True enough, but Warhammer audiobooks would be just about the last thing I'd listen to. Give me my snarky-narrator Urban Fantasy any day of the week, thank you.
Weapon and ability rules take precedence over stat line.
They aren't plastic, retard.
They've had 40k rules for dead characters before. Notably Tycho and Lord Solar Macharius.
Working on the same conversions. Zerkers + blood warriors look dope.
This is plausible. Cypher got a new model and an important role in the fluff, plus Lion is confirmed not dead.

Vulkan is anothe possibility.
Duncan most be the one that seems happiest !
>Tim Curry
Fuck I just got back from a game against that guy at our store. He brought 200 conscripts.

What the dick do I do as a ynnari player? I want to beat this before the inevitable nerf.
Yeah, they're gonna look great once I'm done with them. I've got a big bag full of their axes and fist weapons now though and I don't know what to do with em. I was thinking of maybe giving the fists to some cultists down the line.

I doubt that very much so. I expect the only new characters we'll see are the new ones in the book (tallyman, putrifier, surgeon).


IIRC It's in either stepping in to a new edition or designer's commentary. Not in a position to flip through both right now.
Nice conversions, are they converted as Nobs?
I haven't been paying attention to the campaign lately, did Morty lose or did they fudge the number for a tie and make it so he can fight Gully on Maccrage?
Lion, Vulkan, Russ and Khan all make sense. Dorn's "death" also wouldn't be too hard to wave away. It's Ferrus Manus or Sanguinius that would require fluff fuckery.
The Konor has been spared from immediate destruction and is in Imperial hands.
Khan could get shat out now with the cicatrix maledictum.
He's not that relevant, tho.
You didn't actually think smurfs would lose anything did you?

However the world that once had the astropathic relay is now a daemon world, which is bad news bears for everything nearby
No. Wait. I got it wrong. Russ went into the warp to killmaimbite, Kahn went into a webway to go fast, right?
So Russ is a strong possibility.

He's more relevant, too.
Maybe we can handwave it with the whole Orkz' belief dealio.
And Ang'grath would tear Guilliman a new asshole.
>that claw
I have a strong need
Gotcha, thanks. It's in the Stepping Into a New Edition.
The example they use is for Wound rolls, not hit rolls, but it's probably the same.
In a game all about your dudes, why do manchildren flock to it to discuss actual gary Stu Supermen made up by bad authors?

Primarchs were a mistake.
You need to tell apart someone who enjoys the game from a manchild
So casting Smite with Aspiring Sorcerers seems like a terrible idea because of Perils

>take d3 mortal wounds which spill over to the rubrics
>immediately die and spell fails, resulting in the sorcerer exploding and doing an additional d3 mortal wounds to everyone nearby

So if(when) Smite perils you kill 2d3 - 1 rubrics
>Gary Stu
>a handful die horribly
>many are fuckups
>traitors fell because of their autism/failures
>loyalists are also autistic fuckups
Shit bait, try harder
I say its one primach of a legion NOT in the space marine codex.
which was just released.
And SW/DA/BA? dont have the codex out atm.
Would make sense to make your own dex, just like CSM where DG and TS get their own.
Oh, who are released? TS and DG primach
It does, it affects all units. Don't vortex your battle brothers, friend.
>next time story focuses on Magnus
>Magnus actually has done something useful
>outmanoeuvred Bobby G and in prime position to smite him
>suddenly the sound of heavy footfalls echos in the warp rifts around them
>Magnus looks around, confused as not only did he not foresee this, it also isn't part of his plan
>across the planet a loud, gruff voice can be heard
>Lemun Russ flies out of the warp and performs a leaping lariat on Magnus
>proceeds to bully Girlyman for being autistic and getting beaten up by a nerd
>Bobby ignores the bullying and asks where he's been and why his chapter isn't codex compliant
>Russ punches him in the face, tells him to leave his Legion and geneseed the fuck alone, and the words "fuck your stupid book" are mentioned
>tackles the dazed Magnus back into the warp to bully him and give him noogies for being a nerd
>Bobby G still takes credit for the win and acts like he didn't just get chewed out
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Throw a little Draigo inti your green text, Anon.
You can assign the mortal wounds without killing the sorcerer iirc.
I'd just measure the 9" range horiztonally. Just like deployment zones. Else he's technically too close and nothing should be within 9" of movement.

Then tell him to fuck off because he's abusing it wanting a 2" charge. Not the intent of the rules in any way shape of form in any reference.
>the entire space wolf chapter gathers and chants "FAG-NUS! FAG-NUS!" as Russ gives Magnus a swirly in a colossal toilet
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>you dont like what I like- shit on you!
Fuck off faggit
You are right. That's something I wasn't paying attention to. So no Salamanders no ponytails and no Dorn, possibly space-awoo and not-traitors.

And thank GodEmperor, no Sanguinus
BOY this in in Warhammer World. You in Uni Of or Trent or are you a local?
We warmachines now
Primarchs are intentionally ruining the tabletop and the fluff.
Its literally some photo I stole from normiebook for (you)s.

Got a few already so no use in withholding that now.
We trusted you
The way it goes over the top and hams it up without shame. [I love the lack of a sensible scale in numbers, size, manpower, etc.]
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Intentional huh? Youve asked the Primarchs, personally?
I think 8th roll out was leaps and bounds above MK3. What you think, anon?
>9 inches or more
It's actually more than 9 inches, hence why the errata claimed you need to roll 9s on a deep striking charge, as at exactly 9 inches, you'd need an 8.
Kek Russ actually doing something other than jobbing. Even his victory against Magnus was because Russ's dogs bite Magnus's legs. Magnus was winning this fight.
Muh emprah executioner.
Also that retard can't even follow simple order.
Go back to /co/ to discuss supers with flawed personalities and their respective powerlevels.
He's been doing pushups in the warp solely to prepare to bully Magnus.
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Remember to go get your new necrodermis body at the biofurnace today. Dont worry, we arent doing anything shady. Its for your own good if you want to kill the Old Ones.
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That you are a fucking pup.

>One is a Barbarian King
>The other is the strongest Psyker besides the Emperor
>All it took was a few dogs to make that even.
The lore, the possibility to make OC, the variety of details in every aspect, kitbashing and having something to focus my autism on.
"old ones"? The fuck are those? Why do we want to pick a fight with an even more ancient nemesis than the New Ones?
In melee. Also all thos Sisters of Silence around.
But anon, martial classes cannot compete with casters

This is basic
also Eldrad was dead for a while despite still having rules.
Case in point, 7th edition
>a vortex opens above the nearest visible enemy model within 12" of the psyker. That model's unit, and EVERY OTHER UNIT within 3"..

I don't know anon, is the Grey Knight psyker that is casting Vortex of Doom:
>a unit
>within 3" of the targeted model

if the answer to both those questions is "Yes" then yes the Grey Knight hurts himself and any allies within range.
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You are a jobber, and wolves were a mistake.
>see a death guard tactica up already on 1d4chan
>read it
>if you do X, then quite frankly, you deserve anything that happens to you
>all but

Stop, whoever is doing this.
That's a terribly low bar but yes.
But i prefer "my dudes" and 40k is pushing toward the specials.
When I started you needed the permission of the adversary for the specials.
I think there should be a middle ground.
Actually I'm not even a Wolf, I'm Chaos, I just like the viking aesthetic.
>One is a Barbarian King
>The other is the strongest Psyker besides the Emperor, not that it matters because they were surrounded by sisters of silence.
>you know the things that completely shit on Psykers
>All it took was a few dogs to make that even.

Classic Russ
You mother fuckers. Im going to laugh as I release my wulfen upon you! They will fill all of your holes with creamy punishment until you are physically broken!
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>Viking aesthetic
Anon they are 100% furry.

Cain's gotten rejuv treatments, He's a Hero of the Imperium but I'm fairly confident Yarrick would qualify under the same grounds.
SM captain reroll 1s to hit 98pts
Yarrcik reroll 1s to hit 130pts

Um GW?
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>getting into 40k
>orks funny af
>start making ork army
>realize orks are so point efficient that It will cost my millions just to make a 1k army
>gw's face when second mortgage on house
Am I doing something wrong

Magnus used psychic powers during the fight though. They just didn't work because Russ has natural resistances to psychic fuckery
I know, I wish the viking aesthetic got played up more.
>absolutely horrifying

This guy's conversational style of exaggerating every little thing is really grating. People are going to get terrible ideas reading this.
>pay for wargear
live the dream, become the fungus.
>chainsword and bolt pistol
Are you me?
Nigga would be dead before finishing the first line
and now the moron writing it is explaining to people reading it that you can choose to field the index or codex:CSM versions of units in a death guard detachment, if you want to.

Which is just wrong.
What do I need to add to my mono-Tzeentch Daemons list to make it a bit better? I have 256 points to play with, any big units I need to get in there?

>Battalion Detachment - 984: Chaos >Daemons/Thousand Sons

>HQ - 234:
>Herald of Tzeentch (Bare) - 78
>Herald of Tzeentch (Bare) - 78
>Herald of Tzeentch (Bare) - 78

>Troops - 750:
>Horrors (10x Pink, 10x Brimstone) - 110
>Horrors (10x Pink, 10x Brimstone) - 110
>Horrors (10x Pink, 10x Brimstone) - 110
>Tzaangors (Blades Twistbray, 29x Blades, Instrument) - 210
>Tzaangors (Blades Twistbray, 29x Blades, Instrument) - 210

>Supreme Command Detachment - 760:

>HQ - 760:
>Kairos Fateweaver - 400
>Tzeentch Daemon Prince (Wings, 2x Talons) - 180
>Tzeentch Daemon Prince (Wings, 2x Talons) - 180

>Total - 1744
What is the pickle Rick of Wh40k?
>superior to humans in every possible way
>superior to marines in every possible way
>superior to even xenos in every possible way because gw
>can only lose to each other
>worth as much as most armies
>bestest ever at whatever their specialty is

Gee anon, I just don't know.
Get that FW super fair demon prince in there.
You know, for fluff.
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Probably same guy that said you could mix legions in a detachment
So the death guard is around 34,000 these days. 7 plague companies, each with 7 cohorts of 700

This too big? to small?
well, I guess you can technically do both, but not without losing legion specific buffs.
Mortarion is Morty.

Rick is Morty's weapon, Sicke Rick.
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>perturabo btfo by death guard

>I only know fluff from memes
>le furry yiffs XD
>Iron Hands will never get an upgrade kit
I was fooled by GW when the clan Raukaan supplement came out wasn't I?
>With a bite strong enough to behead a Space Marine, the Attack Squig is a worthy companion for many an Ork Warboss.
Impressive considering it's a 2 legged fungus dog, or maybe Space Marines should wear helmets more often. Also how is the squigshark not on the list?
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Second to last entry in the DG timeline has Morty and the Death Guard fighting Perty and Iron Warriors over some temple, including a mano-y-mano showdown between the two that lasted seven hours. The DG rot infected the Iron Warriors shit until they just started falling over dead in such numbers Perty bailed.
>one got mobbed by a bunch of regular marines and just died
>one was killed many times (happens to be a perpetual), including by a an above average human.

Mary sues don't make Faustian bargains. It's like saying the emperor is a Mary sue, or the hive mind is a Mary sue, or the beast is a Mary sue
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Squigeons are adorable.
Right, but he claimed you could keep the bonuses
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datz why wez convert gubbinz from da scrapz to make moar gubbinz.
Anvil industries makes prosthetic limbs for space marines
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>Ork talk
>I can just imagine that fat pathetic neckbeard typing it

They should have written Space Marine Captain to avoid the helmet thing
I've seen that image 4 times on this board now and I still don't understand it.
Do you know where you are?

he couldnt even beat Reddit Gaymans mini-me

remember daemons have no plot armor so always lose when fighting marines
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I find it funny.
He's not dead yet.
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Wow. A furry.
The joke is that she's built like a fridge. She wears dresses that give her a feminine profile, but it doesn't work very well.
Why is Yarrick so much better than Creed as IG HQ options?
Should I just take a normal Company Commander over Creed?
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>realize orks are so point efficient
Just boyz and maybe stormboyz. Most of the ancillary units are sadly overcosted.
But it's an edit, that's the part I don't get
If I get Valhallan Blizzard for my base and applied a wash of Casandora yellow, would it create a cool effect?
It's the same joke as drawing a fat person extra fat, it's caricature.
This is the most unfunny forced meme ever.
maybe I should just make an army stuffed full of warbosses since they only cost like 40 points a pop
shitsers of basshole
>When the time of the White Frost comes, do not eat the yellow snow
t. Witcher 3 loading screen
Its a /tv/ meme mostly.

A lot of them are paedophiles over there and fawned over her when she was young and in films like Kick-ass.

Then she grew up and they think shes ugly so they shit on her for being big etc.
I like rick and morty for the most part, it seems like they do shit like this just to draw in the lowest common denominator, or maybe it's that most people who watch r&m are dumb stoners. Or both
>A lot of them are paedophiles over there

Honestly thought this was a meme until I popped over there to check out their /got/ threads during the trainwreck that was Season 7. Boy was I wrong.
It's gotten worse in recent years. Mods really should have banned CUNY threads.
I was getting some Bullet Club stuff at hot topic yesterday and my gf was pointing at a pickle rick hat and was confused why I didn't want it.
I like rick and morty but the pandering and shitty merchandising catch phrases like that are why I don't bring it up in public, same as Naruto.
>On a Vietnamese micro blogging website talking about toys.
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My first meeting for the wargaming club (let me be honest, it's mostly just 40k) I started is tomorrow, and I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations for any small- scale (The meetings can be no more than an hour) games of 40k. I've made about twenty to thirty "20 power level" lists out of the miniatures I have in my collection, but I remembered how GW sometimes makes fum"mini-games" out of their existing models for special events at their stores; such as the 20 poxwalker challenge, a game where players bring their best hq model to face off against a unit of 20 poxwalkers, the player to survive the longest rounds wins. Are there any more "mini-games" that you can think of?
>Kill Team GW
>Kill Team HoR
>Making lists out of SC and Boxes
>500 pt lists
>Playing the board games like Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero
>Necromunda coming out soon
Hellhammer best Baneblade model so far?
2d6 shots with a demo cannon and auto cannon 4 lascannons for 655pts seems pretty alright,
Last stand stuff like that, maybe with a squad vs endless poxwalkers, nids, etc.

Kill the VIP type game, with a civilian or what have you that must be guided to a specific spit.

Not sure about what else you could do.
Duncan and his 5 children.
Hold up. THAT's the Kick-Ass girl? Oh fucking hell. Great future career in the movie industry my ass.
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Tell me about it.
She's just been in shit movie after shit movie.
I was disappointed that very little actual Game of Thrones discussions go on in /tv/, I was expecting/hoping for /40kg/ style threads.
Horde spam is making my games unfun. Just finished 2 games today. First one was conscripts, the second one was boyz.

Got wrecked both games. What do I do?
A few years ago, when the show as good and worth discussing, the general was fun. This past season, and really the last 3, the general has reflected the show: mindless and terrible.
Combat patrol!

400 points, two troops, one fast attack, one elites CAD. Share dedicated transports, and a Sargent gets to be Warlord. No +2 saves, and limit the toughness and wounds max. Tyranids get one monster. No deep strike, 4x4 board. Reduced psykers abilities, thousand sons might have to be tweaked.

Lots of stuff you can tweak, like custom mini HQs, like veteran Sargent's with an extra wound and bought outside the squad.

That's virtually identical to 40K editions. Though if the comparison holds, 8th season of GoT will be much better than the last one, though not as great as the early ones.
is this shopped
Can I just do 30 minutes in both?
Clearly the former because I'd walk out there with about 40.000 bucks' worth of stuff of which I'd sell about three quarters. Then I'd have a great army AND enough money to pay for a woman who looks far more attractive.
do I get a truck that I can load things into, with the warehouse, because if so, I could probably make off with enough to buy two hours inside two 9/10 prostitutes at the same time.

>Activity that will give me thousands of hours of enjoyment
>Activity that will give me 30 seconds of enjoyment

I'll take option 1 and fashion a haemonculus of her out of the parts.
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FYI this is the original which started a lot of the memes.
>Need a light?
>Light em up!
>You got it!
No, definitely not, this is the blast photo taken of her before her murderous rampage, there's currently a warrant out for her arrest, but she hasn't been seen to this day...
What army do you play? Because Berzerker spam, massed Noise weapon shooting, Blight grenade spam and counter-hordes like Hormagaunts are some of the best options, but not every army has those. Marines, especially Primaris, are SOL, for example, unless they heavily focus on Flamer-Aggressors.
I can do any eldar army.
There's only one answer to that and you know it, anon. Ask yourself, which board is this?
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Datz sum zoggin freeky shit
Yeah. DE splinter weapons are the single worst weapon against hordes (although they work decently against Orks) and other Eldar are too expensive. I guess your best bet is to be a giant flaming faggot and spam Razorwing Flocks.
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I am really hoping the final season is better, and despite the flaws I did enjoy Jon and Daenerys' relationship. I want Winds of Winter released, GRRM will write it far better.
Also when will we get plastic squighawks with grot riders?
this has to be shooped. She looks nothing like this in other photos.
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Games Workshop. Happily married, dont need or want the jap
>thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of plastic crack vs something you can get for free.

Tempting but 40k wins any day.
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Ok, thanks for the replies. I've been playing it that way, since back in 7th vortex could also hurt your dudes. Just wanted to check if I got that rule right since it seemed a little unclear to me.
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Is any of this wrong yet?
Fuck off, nobody on /tg/ cares
>exactly 4 Chaos players at my LGS
>one for each Chaos God
>they all exemplify their chosen Chaos God perfectly
They're not even memeing they've all just decided to play the faction that suits them best and the Chaos Gods really suit them
>Nurgle player had cancer, gets sick a lot, pretty happy guy and easy to get along with since he does at least cover his mouth when he coughs and won't shake your hand after a game until he's washed it out of politeness
>also probably has diabetes
>Khorne player is genuinely an angry person, like anger issues angry but is fatter than the Nurgle player
>doesn't like cheating and has difficulty remembering and learning the rules, which makes him more angry
>can tell he's not just memeing because he does try to control himself, catches himself getting angry and takes deep breaths
>Tzeentch player knows the rules better than the store owner, is one of the judges people call out to to check for rulings because he's quicker than the rulebook, doesn't overtly cheat but happily plays with cheese and OP units
>brought 3 Renegade Knight Titans to a 1500 point game once
>Slaanesh player is a bisexual pretty boy, with a boyfriend
>perfectionist and does take things to excess, hasn't done it publicly or came into the store high but know he does drugs
>offered someone his coffee once and there was so much sugar they shuddered, turns out he uses sweetened condensed milk as creamer
The worst part is they all get along with each other and the other players, Slaanesh player cops the most shit from banter but doesn't seem to mind and even calls people faggot right back, Khorne player cops the least shit for obvious reasons but Slaanesh player gets away with calling him a lazy fatass since they've been friends since highschool.
It's kind of surreal though, I feel like it should be cringe but they aren't even LARPing.
Jon and Dany's relationship would have been good with better actors involved, and with more time to develop it.

As it stands, jon and dany's relationship was like a black ho;e that made everything worse around it. Tyrions only job became pointing out how hot Jon thought Dany was.

That and teleportation everywhere. I really think we needed one more season to make these last two not unbearably rushed.

I don't think razorwings work as well since the points cost increase.

I think I might have to go ynnari and abuse soulburst with the archon's retinue in order to make units efficient enough to break through hordes.
Don't care if true or not, is beautiful
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40k FTW.
Thousands of Euro's worth of models for enjoyment for years to come.
1-time sex. Just once.

Damn, give me the keys, GW. Warehouse all the way.
...Oh man, I probably won't even live long enough to build and paint all the new armies I'll have then...
"You would laugh, monster..."

Berserker: YES I WOULD *chop* AHHAHHAHA

other Berserker: Damnit Lenny, I bet he had some big long speech he was going to give, I wanted to hear it!

Lenny: Carl, we don't have time to listen to each one of these little shit's speeches, we did the last 20 and we are falling behind in our skull count, now lets get moving!
I'm not sure I believe your story, but I want to. Very deeply.
Watch for a 5th player to come along that plays imperium. At first, everyone of the 4 loves him, but eventually things get sour between then for unknown reasons, until it gets so bad that they can't be in the same room as him without some sort of fight breaking out.
Just make your heist at a time when Duncan is visiting the warehouse, and steal him too.
Each episode could be up to 2 hours long, HBO said it's likely that this will be the longest season despite being only 6.
I'm going to stop now before I'm banished to /tv/, it's a weird mix of Baneposting and American Psycho over there.
I hate resin, I hate super glue, and I fucking love this model
Rivalled only by khayon for biggest bullshit character
Enjoy your cancer.
For what it's worth on an anonymous image board it's true.
Store owner is an Imperium fanboy who says "For the Emperor" a lot, says "Emperor Protects" when he needs lucky dice when he rolls too.
He's the one who gives the most shit to the Slaanesh player, once caught himself up when he said something too harsh but the Slaanesh player just laughed it off and said he can take banter.
I think the fact nothing anyone says can phase the Slaanesh player is part of why eveyone takes it so far with him.
And I just realised the insults he gets are slowly getting more excessive holy shit.
FW warehouse > Asahi > GW warehouse
>Dust masks
>filing underwater
Did you grow up with people hand feeding you as well as wiping your ass so you never had to use your own brain? Or are you just a bitter poorfag who can't find an email?
Headless Horseman Ferrus for LotD would be amazing.
I hate plastic glue. You probably just need to find a better superglue. Many of them are some combination of too runny, too slow to set, and too weak of a bond. Find one without any of those problems and you'll even prefer it over plastic glue since the bond will be stronger than some plastic parts while still being undoable. I don't use plastic glue for anything but vehicle hulls now and occasionally plastic feet to plastic base, but it's rare I don't have either resin legs or resin base. I do miss plastic glue for resin vehicles though.
>he must be jealous of my poverty and need to buy knockoffs
>muh email

Why are recastfags so obnoxious? Every single recast customer post on this board is so fucking obnoxious. And this is from someone who pirates all GW rules and supports recasts. Can you fuckin niggers ever shut up and get over yourselves? Worse than vegans cross fitters vapers Taufags SoBfags and Carnac combined

Not even that guy and I got triggered just from you and your triggered post
Hey. I recently got a great deal on some Genestealer Cults but have been losing terribly each time I play them at 1500. Are they just not great right now? I know I need to get more Purestrain Genestealers but all of my games haven't even been close. I am getting outshot AND out melee'd almost every game even when I get optimal ambush rolls. Here is my list. I have played Tau, Grey Knights, and Dark Eldar.

Also how would I deal with Flyers as GSC? Bring in a Hydra from Astra Mil?

It's two Battalions.

Magus 2x Familiars
Icon Ward

10x Neophytes 7 with Shotguns 2 with Seismic 1 leader with web pistol and power pick
12 Neophytes 2x Mining laser 2x grenade launcher
12 Neophytes 2x mining laser
10 acolytes 2x Rock Saw 1x leader with Lash and Bonesword
5 acolytes 2x Demolition Charges
5 acolytes 2x Demolition Charges

6 Hybrid Metamorphs 3x whips 3x Metamorphs Claw, Cult Icon (had some extra points, I know they are too expensive)
10 Genestealers

2x Goliath with demolition cache, Assault Cannon, Heavy Stubber


Aberrants 2x pick 2x hammer
Scout Sentinels with Autocannon and saw
1 more acolyte with whip and Bonesword
Leman Russ Twin Autocannon, Lascannon, Stubber, 2xMulti Meltas
Super glue require water molecules to bond. It also helps to roughen smooth surfaces, as, bonding points that are too smooth do not allow for proper bond to take effect.
Super glue, resin
Plastic glue, plastic.
Literally what numales preach.
Haven't had sex in years and would still pick the free stuff.
>hopefully forge world warehouse. Wanna be a millionaire
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