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Could your character defeat Kyubey?

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Could your character defeat Kyubey?
Why is that he doesnt recruit magical boys too?
I don't know, I don't watch weebshit
Restrains himself for his lust for boi pucci would overcome him.
Because girls are more hormonal, quite literally. Their emotional stability is far worse and therefore more ideal for the cycle of magical girl-witch energy release.
>I don't know, I don't watch weebshit
He says, on 4chan
You lost me.
>make a wish

I win?
Looks like a cat, I think I could take a cat.
You were already lost, how did you end up on here?
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>Muh chinese cartoon board
Fuck off back to /a/.
Do I win if I eat the little shit?
What if I throw it back into space, does that work?
Those would be the options my characters would try.
/a/ is a shit board.
> Implying you're not on /a/ at all times, especially when you're not.
Of course it is, it's filled with likes of you.
4chan:imageboard for politics ,vidya and memes.
What would happen if the girl wishes to rule all the universe or to become a literal goddess?
How can you fail to understand a 5 word sentence, none of which has more than one syllable?
so, human with knives verses unkillable alien cat, by defintition, my character would eventually lose, but would kyubey make an exeption to >>55353746 due to an emotionally unstable maniac probably being a good energy source?
>What would happen if the girl wishes to rule all the universe or to become a literal goddess?
I don't think it can happen
If I remember well, it only target girls that are desesperate because of something that just happened, making them unable to think of something else than that event and how they want it to change
But I never watched the show so it's pretty much conjecture

The power of the wish seem related to your soul. The only way rhe final wish was made possible was because time travel build up.
This. Madokas wish only succeeded because she had literally died and suffered over and over and over again without realizing it

So uh... Legit questions...

Anyone ever wonder what it's feel like to wrap that things ears around your dick haha like just as a joke

Also because she's the main focus of Homura's wish.
what does that mean?
the fact that you are even asking, means probably not.
let me guess, it's a character from your favourite anime, and it's sooooo powerful it just has to touch anything with the tip of it's dick and the whole galaxy explodes across multiple multiverses?
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>it's sooooo powerful
Not really. All he can really do is make people become magical girls, and summon a new body/a clone every time he dies. And he dies easy, gets shot to pieces by a submachine gun. Really, the only way to permanently "defeat" him is to take away his purpose by rewriting the entire universe so that the fundamental justification for why he does anything at all just ceases to exist.
Nah, it's basically a dickish genie in fuzzy animal form.
>Could your character defeat Kyubey?
Literally a child with no fancy-schmancy powers can defeat Kyubey.

Encase his body in cement and drop him off somewhere at the bottom of the ocean.
He can only create/summon a clone once his body dies, so just lock him up somewhere where he can't die.
Why would I hurt him? He's my friend.

He's just an honest farmer.
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>He's my friend.
Please proceed directly to the nearest available Termination Booth. Have a fantastic day.
>He can only create/summon a clone once his body dies, so just lock him up somewhere where he can't die.

This is actually wrong though, watch Rebellion
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>He's just an honest farmer.
Imagine if you could mine cryptocurrencies with the power of teenage girl angst.
Yes, because we made the world together before playing in it and there is a Kyuubei inspired race and I play as someone who DGAF about their bullshit.
she used a pistol and timestopped the bullets.

As an individual incubator? Yes. They are not that tough.

But they are essentially an alien hive mind with pretty damn advanced tech. They got hired by other alien civilizations to solve the heat death of the universe and by god they did it, the absolute madmen.

Its hard to imagine any team of individuals, no matter their level, defeating the whole civilization. We never see them go on offense because they dont need to, but even just their ability to empty their vault of witches at you is a serious threat for most parties.
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Why would they want to? QB is working for the good of the universe.
>But they are essentially an alien hive mind with pretty damn advanced tech. They got hired by other alien civilizations to solve the heat death of the universe and by god they did it, the absolute madmen.
And then some crazy fucking bitch hijacked their tech and created a new universe to spec through sheer force of yandere. That's a special level of stupid and smart at once.

To be fair, the QB that got Homura'd were in a timeline without Witches, dealing with what was essentially an eldritch monster from a retconned law of physics, and they had the misfortune of it being perhaps the most powerful Witch to ever exist. They were totally unprepared for the force they were toying with, original timeline QB would have been much better prepared simply as a result of knowing how Witches worked.
>4chan:imageboard for politics ,vidya and memes
Ah, so this is what it feels like to be old
>they had the misfortune of it being perhaps the most powerful Witch to ever exist.
Nah. Gretchen was a galaxy-devouring monstrosity by the end and was only going to go exponential from there. Homulilly was strong, but not "Suns and planets for eyeballs" strong. Though we can argue whether Gretchen in her final form ever technically existed.


What's his Gnosis?

Gretchen fell to GodMadoka. Homura didnt, and more than that somehow came out the other side of witchhood, which is unprecedented. In that new form, she broke off a piece of GodMadoka.

Homura accomplished more than Gretchen ever did.
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>they had the misfortune of it being perhaps the most powerful Witch to ever exist.
Devil Homura is a being beyond Witches, it's why she has a dark Orb instead of a grief seed. She was entirely unprecented - Pre-rewrite Kyubey would have freaked out in a way worse than when Madoka ascended.
Yes. Devil Homura is pretty much on the level of Madokami's rewrite feats despite what some may say - she had the same power to rewrite the universe, outright saying the space she morphs into her new outfit and begins torturing Kyubey is the same space that she went to when Madoka was writing the universe. That being said, it's possible she's still weaker than madokami in some other departments, but we'll probably have to wait and see.
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>she's still weaker than madokami in some other departments
Yeah, kind of...
I think the perception she's weaker hinges on the fact we have yet to see any feats for her aside from her rewrite. She could easily beat out Madoka if any upcoming media shows her actually, say, trying to kill something.
indeed. hell i started going to 4chan in 2012 and i didn't watch madoka till winter 2016 and only did so for /tg/ reasons.

that shit tore my heart out.
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While a strong man doing heavy physical labour can perform approximately 2,000,000 foot-pounds of work in a ten-hour day, or one-tenth of 1 horsepower for a 10-hour day, (in order to do this he will require approximately 5,000 kilogram calories per 24 hours.) the fact remains that the functional magical output of a male in the second growth stage is only 38.7% of the primary conversion group. In the interest of power production efficiency, the current trend of only targeting individuals in which the phase change between emotions for the purposes of energy extraction are maximised over the range of other potential candidate groups is to be maintained. Nonetheless, that does not exclude you from receiving a contracting offer, as there may be cases where you would be of some use in such a capacity. After all, the maximum efficiency of the human engine has been found to be only about 25 percent. Due to the fact that the human engine, while still alive, never completely shuts down, and therefore never ceases to degrade energy, the efficiency is zero when no outside work is being done; that is to say, when the body is at rest. This basic rate of consuming energy while at rest amounts on the average to 1700 kilogram calories per adult person per day. It only makes sense then to accept such an offer after finding out about it. You are little more than livestock and you don't even get any informed consent on the matter. Pigs don't get told that they get turned into bacon. Now you're a smart guy, right, Anon? You know that anyone else in your position would arm themselves to push themselves higher up in the food chain, unless you want to find yourself subject to 'natural disasters', falling to the predations of some monster,or to the rat race of society. Do the smart thing and take the deal. Go ahead, Anon. Just sell your soul. Do eet, fragget.
he didn't. he sees /a/ as having gone from a main board to a containment board like /pol/ and so looks down on you for talking about /a/ things in /tg/ the way he looks down on people talking about /pol/ things on /tg/.

I'm not saying they are right.
I find your explanation unsatisfactory and lacking in depth.
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I want to believe this is not pasta.

I would refuse just out of pure spite for that shit-eating grin.
Kill him? HA. Warlock me Incubator. I'll go GOO or Fiend and won't look back.
From what I understand of this, boys are targets, but aren't as big a target as they are less efficient... interesting...

I thought that Kyubey was effectively immortal unless "rewrite the laws of the universe" level magical bullshit was going on.

So... no.
Depends on the character.
The latest one? Would fall for it hook, line, and sinker and probably have one of those really dumb wishes, and then proceed to never suspect a thing.
The one before that would insist on knowing everything possible beforehand, and likely end up forming a written agreement to a more sustainable method of achieving its cause in exchange for assistance with her own goals (and cleaning up the mess it's left around). Not sure if that counts as defeating it, though.
No, individual Kyubey instances die to 9mm pistol fire as easily as your average cat. It's just that the Kyubey civ then just creates another instance trivially, eats the corpse to reclaim resources, and picks up where they left off.
Sick, now read Bokurano.
I want to stay on homura's wild ride. How far can such unhealthy amounts of yuri really take us?
The functional output of a female in the third growth stage would is only 49.1%. A female in the second growth stage is also far more gullible. As for their performance, they only have a very limited magic supply, usually enough to kill two or three witches before needing to recharge. Each witch they kill will drop a 'grief seed', which will be able to restore roughly one full charge worth of their attained magical charge capacity, or roughly two to three times what it takes to kill them. In the event that they run out of their magic entirely, they die horribly, painfully, and become the very monsters they were fighting. And before you ask, no, any increase to their magical charge capacity will be offset by the increase in the potency and added versatility of their magic as they fight witches.
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How about you don't
So while, yes, a reality rewrite would kill them, we actually have no idea what the species is capable of beyond the contract thing. They're still a space faring species.

Theoretically, a big enough space armada could kill them by blowing up wherever they live. We just have no idea what they're actually capable of.
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Thankfully Kyubey is up-to-date with the current understanding of developments in the field of human resource management. On a cosmic scale, with hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy alone, the survival of the inhabitants of a single planet is irrelevant. The galactic economy is impacting both large and small energy producers in the galaxy. When it comes to recruitment, outsourcing, international competition, etc., with "employees" who are located and moved throughout the country, all considerations affect HR management. Incubators are after all the reason humanity ever left the Stone Age. They were dropping stuff off at Steve Job's garage. The respective toy fads of the 80s and 90s were manufactured to get people less wary of them. Everything was planned by them right from the beginning, except for Princess Dianna, they merely took credit for it.
Dilemma: If monsters existed with a diabolical array of power with which to control, harm and torment humans with, would you make a contract with Kyubey in order to stand a chance to defend yourself?

/人 ‿‿ 人\
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haha tortured rat
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I miss Deculture's take on coobs.
Does "fucked" qualify for defeated?
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Nice try, rat, but booletz wurk. The only catch being that the monsters are invisible to the non-contracted. But the magic is all Lovecraftian stuff, what is to stop you from building goggles to see them? You won't know until you try. If the creatures can appear as meteorological disturbances, suicidal idealisations, or eerie chills in the room, then who is to say that they don't throw off heat. The argument is simple but subtle. All information, to be acted upon, must be represented physically. These beings excerpt force, friction, and so it would follow that they would produce heat, and even absorb it, etc. And while they may exhibit quirks regarding this, that is commentary on our primitive experience with force, which we are more familiar with by means of our muscular sense of pushing and pulling, the stretch of springs, or the pull of gravity on bodies of known mass.

I mean, sure, we're forgetting that one important detail where these monsters typically hide behind a magical barrier which conceals an extra dimensional labyrinth from where these horrors lurk in waiting, luring in their human prey, from where a tactical nuke won't get them. This is how bad things would be if this was our world: In one year alone 285,462,992-to-356,828,740 people would have vanished off the face of the Earth, unless people start contracting before it's too late, because without any meguca, there would end up being at least 71,365,748 of those Eldritch abominations in one populated region alone, which would begin causing widespread epidemics, mass rioting, a rapid rise in motor vehicle collisions, and unprecedented incidences of suicides.

Nuke is the solution. After you've reached about several hundred of those things, you're pretty much screwed. Nuke eet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahLr2VJMUlU
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>unless people start contracting before it's too late
Yeah, we should start listening to this guy. He seems to know what's up. I mean, anyone who's using such suspiciously specific numbers must know what they're on about.
>Right before the fight even begins she tosses aside a stack of ballistic calculations. That whole things was planned 'to a T': wind speed, wind angle, altitude, pressure, temperature, humidity, etc., all within reasonable tolerances. She even knew where the Brazilian Night Mardi Gras Carnival parade would materialise through applied statistics. She had everything from a field of M136 AT4s at hand all the way up to a Type 88 Surface-to-Ship Missile, and it still wasn't enough to destroy the huehuehuehuehuehuehue?!?!

I call bullsheet on dat! Albeit, canonically, it takes two to three meguca to kill huahuahuahuahua.

Now this is how you one-shot kill Walpurgisnacht. [Pic related] But it would of course depending on weather conditions, otherwise significant fallout may extend several kilometres downwind from a 1 kiloton nuclear explosion, making collateral damage possible even in very sparsely populated areas. If it burst right over the surface (meaning: at ground level) you would get lethal radioactive fallout over an area of several square kilometres. Even at very low yields, the amount and range of fallout from a nuclear explosion is not significantly reduced by detonating the device 10 metres underground.
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>Somehow convince the armed forces to shoot a low-yield tactical nuke into the weather anomaly.

"Operation Cloud Killer is a Go! ... Yes, we are demanding that you launch a small nuke over the city.... stop looking at us like that, we're dead serious."
Tell them that the only way to stop the soon to reach and rising 102+ km/h wind speed is to nuke a very, very specific, ever-drifting region of the sky which we're monitoring with our equipment, otherwise the entire settled region will be destroyed and the population will drastically plummet from the massive casualties taken.

Using one nuke on an unevacuated city to take out a witch, especially one like Walpurgis, would be a horrible idea since it'd immediately begin feeding off of all the suffering the nuke were to cause, so long as the Witch itself isn't killed, which is pretty likely in Wally's case.

Assuming magical girls like Homura are also present in the world, a potential witch coudl also be utterly indestructible and massive, like Kriemhild Gretchen. It doesn't help that Incubators target people suffering from normal problems, not just people who want to kill witches, and make them magical girls. Incubators also can't be seen by people who aren't young girls. Witches would develop no matter what and there will always be a chance for them to become especially bad.
Hey, if enough science people told certain somebody it would stop Irma, I I'm pretty sure he would give the order.
Anyone else assume he was just pretty much a lich with a nearby Phalactery?
>Shoot a nuke
>Walpurgis just notices it and erases it from existence with her magic rainbow fire

You're gorgettign Homura's approach to dueling Walpurgis relied almost entirely on her sometime abilities, and they didn't even help her finish it off.
My character literally does not exist.

Not that I don't have a character, the fact is that he is just a vast intelligence like azathoth.

He is literally omnilocked, and can't be affected by anything in our universe.

If he can beat the being who happens to be a universe, then yes.

My powers in the normal world are pretty limited, so I'd have to just telekinesis him to death.
Walpurgis can lift several story tall buildings with her telekinesis, and she has several guardian familiars. A nuke wouldn't be able to stop her before she either plucks it out of the air or stops it.

Battling Walpurgisnacht is impossible without several magical girls helping.
>Timessop abilities = Sometime abilities
Thanks brain
For the scholarly

He does possess omnipotence in his universe, if the fight is taking place there then he just dies.

If it's taking place in another world, I just have weak telekinesis. I'm literally untouchable, but unless he can die to a normal mans strength, it's not happening.

It's an immovable object problem, I can't lose but can I win?
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Well I'm always here to help. You can always trust the odd talking animal who gives you a trinket for safe-keeping. After a quick crash course--no need for any pesky details--we'll be off! Now what's your wish?
He has physical durability of common housecat.
But he's not limited to proverbial nine lives.
>azathoth transdimensionally oras space cat for infinity.

I'd watch it
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>That one girl whose wish was to be able to eat cheesecake with her mom one last time before she passed, not realizing she could have wished her moms cancer away
One even worse for a normal to try and take on would be Homulilly, not only is she as durable and huge as Walpurgis, but she also generates an entire army just from existing along with... 12 I think? familiars that are just as strong as magical girls, which don't seem to be mostly limited to being in the orbit of their Witch, like Walpurgis' do. They're also shown to be able to do a move where they stick something with several of their spears at once then spin so rapidly that their victim is compressed into a singularity.

Her teeth familiars also have a a number 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, and she can turn her basic soldiers absolutely gigantic, like kaiju-sized. She also has two huge arms coming out of her back that swat anything around it, decimating entire cities arguably even faster than Walpurgis does.

Point is depending on the Witch, they can be hot shit.
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>>That one girl whose wish was to cure the boy she likes, not realizing she could have wished to have him for herself
And then watch Texhnolyze after.
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It's okay. She evidently accepted The Madoka's Peace at some point after the rewrite and turned into a filthy lesbian like the rest of them.
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One can only resist the bad influence for so long...
Being absorbed into the Law of the Cycle turns you into a lesbian. Fact.
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especially when they are this blatant about it
I don't even know what this thread is about.
Quantum physics, philosophical inevitability of suffering, and cute lesbians.
>thinking Texhnolyze is depressing
It isn't, though. It's melancholic, yes, but it isn't any more depressing than, say, Haibane Renmei.
Homura did nothing wrong.
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Being meguca is suffering.
For those that don't understand what is meant by 'heat death' in relation to engineering terms, put simply, consider the fast elements of a system that can change state, mainly based on available energy densities. In this case, Kyubey is considering very large systems and ways of sustaining them against the force of gravity.

Stars are excellent sources of energy, but quite inefficient; most of the bulk is not used for energy production at any time in the stellar lifecycle. Fusion is clearly the most powerful and easily accessible energy source in the present era: hydrogen and helium are the most plentiful elements, and can be harvested from gas giant planets or stars for practical use.

At some point in the past, Kyubey's civilization may have dispensed with stars altogether, relying only on artificial fusion power and keeping in the cool interstellar. Another possible (if somewhat speculative) high density energy source would be matter-energy conversion. It has been argued that advanced civilizations could create very small black holes using intersecting beams of extremely powerful gamma radiation just for this purpose.

The ultimate limits of energy production lie on the cosmological scale, such as extracting shear energy from a collapsing space-time. Although the total amount of energy that can be extracted in a finite region is still limited, it appears quite likely that producing enough energy even for very ambitious projects is possible. And the Kyubey species is nothing if not if ambitious.
Kyubey claims to be faced with the Dyson scenario, at least that's the impression given with the half-assed explanation he gave to a bunch of little girls. So infer from that how you will. We can't really trust anything told to us from an Eldritch horror that sees little reason to tell us anything of import. All we've got so far to go on is that: 1. the universe is open and gradually cooling. 2. A long-lived civilisation playing the long game would need to survive by expending less and less energy and working more and more slowly.

In this scenario one doesn't assume life will spread beyond a finite region, which limits the available number of possible states; on a ridiculous timescale in the long run the system inside the region will necessarily begin to repeat previous states. Just to be clear, in order to develop indefinitely and without repetition, life must expand the region it inhabits in phase space faster than log(t) (this is the number of bits necessary to encode a simple counter counting upwards each tick. Just set up a laptop to auto run Cookie Clicker).

At the same time, long range communications in an open universe require energy since the redshift lowers the energy of signals sent between different systems; the cost of sending a signal appears to rise exponentially. Balancing these two constraints against each other may be very hard, although from Dyson's own calculations, by slowing down the exchange of signals enough indefinite communication can be upheld.

Finding out what exactly the Kyubey civilisation are to be thinking that far ahead, while keeping in mind how they're treating humanity in an entirely exploitative fashion is going to scar people mentally.
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While the correct move is not to play, you now must live with the knowledge that you live in a world where Eldritch horrors actively prey upon humanity and will actively seek them out. And you have had a chance to land the crucial wish to set the plan into motion, ridding humanity of the whole mess.
What happens if I wish to become a Kyubey?
That's also why you shouldn't take the movie as canon, because it conradicts early things about the nature of Kyubey.
After a rush of euphoric awareness, moment of searing agony, and then you become one, joining the hivemind, perhaps with the inconvenience of a soul gem in your particular case. (We are told that a single Kyubey dying is like plucking out a hair.) You are also gripped by the unbreakable conviction that human life is entirely disposable, no longer able to differentiate your former fellow man between other exploitable resources, albeit ones that need to be tactfully managed. Words such as "victims, lackeys, and test subjects" are not quite what come to mind, not that you have any qualms with destroying humanity should they ever prove to be no longer of any use, and neither do you have issue with leaving them to the mercy of some terrible fate. You merely feel a certain detachment; a kind of apathy, indifference, a self-evident truth: That on a cosmic scale, with hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy alone, the survival of the inhabitants of a single planet is irrelevant. Additionally, many things you had valued as a human for their own sake, they no longer hold appeal to you.

Plz explain.
>That's also why you shouldn't take the movie as canon
This is always so funny to me since it's literally written by the same guy. Have you considered that Urobuchi might just be a shit writer, perhaps?
>That's also why you shouldn't take the movie as canon, because it conradicts early things about the nature of Kyubey.
Doesn't the whole thing take place in an entirely different timeline and also a dream by the one person in that timeline who remembers the last one, with a new law that makes witches impossible? That seems to cover most of the contradictions. What sets things into motion is the fact that Homu was dumb enough to run her mouth about witches enough for the Kyubey to go "Wow, yeah, that would be a waaaay more efficient way of doing this, if it wasn't for that Law of Cycles, we'd be able to harvest way more energy! ...Let's see if we can block the Law from getting to a Meguca and see what happens" Which, you know, was fucking dumb to do.
>Homu was dumb enough to run her mouth about witches enough for the Kyubey to go "Wow, yeah, that would be a waaaay more efficient way of doing this, if it wasn't for that Law of Cycles, we'd be able to harvest way more energy!
This Anon gets it^ He understands the premise for the film.

>I didn't get it.
You sure didn't.
Kyubey is not innocent. That mofo is downright predatory, understanding perfectly what it means to target vulnerable people; he knows what angle he's going for when he omits informed consent from his "business practices".
As a Kyubey, you will experience an insatiable urge to seek to expand your understanding of the universe around you, secure your safety, and to attain more resources. You are living out a 4x game at that stage.
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Can you drive a car into those extra dimensional labyrinths?
Theoretically, but you'd probably have your mind taken over by the Witch. That's one of their powers. Some of them also employ very deceiving forms, and one of their barriers has no gravity whatsoever. the really only reliable thing about barriers is that there's a witch somewhere inside it, otherwise they're just pure chaos.
Also related, Barriers oftentimes take the shape of extremely compact winding corridors, so bringing a vehicle in may be a bad idea, especially as it's not as easy to leave a barrier as ti is to enter it.
>the really only reliable thing about barriers is that there's a witch somewhere inside it, otherwise they're just pure chaos.
Well, it's not pure chaos at all, it's a dreamlike, symbol-packed painting of the inside of the witch's head. Every single barrier is packed with enough symbolism that fans have dissected even the bit-part witches. Granted, it still looks like chaos at first blush, and the symbology can be dense and obtuse as hell (Octavia, cough cough), but there's order.

Also, I think only a handful of witches have mind control powers. We only see two hunting that way, and the others seem to be more roving predators. The comparison I'm drawing here is 'spiders'. Some build webs and lure prey inside, others run down prey, and others are ambushers. Does that make Kyoko a scorpion?
Yeah, you're right regarding the chaos thing. I suppose I should have said that it's simply very hard to predict what a Barrier is going to be like, and since it's basically impossible to leave without the aid of a Magical Girl, it would be very hard to prepare for entering one as a normie.
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You need to be a psychotic lesbian to truly defeat Kyubey.
Fun fact: One of the barrier depicted in the series is just an endless blue sky with clothelines as the only method to move around. Good luck bringing in a vehicle ot deal with that.
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When one enters the Labyrinth, be it a building or a forest clearing, its very nature changes. The interior of a Labyrinth is rarely a physical reflection of its exterior. Huge pillars of light and long chains of human limbs may be found in the causeway of what appears to be a small shack. The layout of the Labyrinth is determined by its Witch's madness.

Witches establish Labyrinths for two reasons: to hide their location, keeping their activities from casual observation, and to keep themselves safe when discovered. To facilitate these goals, their Labyrinths are usually fairly unassuming from the exterior but are filled with dangerous obstacles on the interior. In addition, Witches remain within them, with their human prey being lured into or being harmed nearby. Able to exert their powers unseen at a distance allows them to use to make the Labyrinth yet more dangerous to would-be intruders, who are unable to anticipate any potential ambushes prepared against them.

Once a Labyrinth is established with the barrier the raised, its occupant Witch will generally stay within its protective walls, while sending out Familiars to perform tasks in the world, only exerting its influence nearby and attending to tasks within the Labyrinth. After all, what good is a redoubt if one is caught outside?

A "retinue" of Familiars are always kept within the Labyrinth to serve a variety of functions, from 'butler' to 'errand runner'. In truth, Familiars are kept much like a lord would keep a staff within a mansion.
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>Good luck bringing in a vehicle ot deal with that.
If only we had some sort of mobile powered suit that could flexibly handle air, sea, and land combat, carry heavy weaponry, which we could use to fight back the supernatural menace. I mean, this takes place in Japan, right? Get on that shit, JSDF.
Kyuby's body was just supposed to be a tool, a puppet from a higher demensional being. That he would use his puppet made for deals to scream out in panic is stupid.
Incubators were reduced to only the explicedly shown elements from the series in the movie, less intelligent too.
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That's rich coming from Homura.
It's implied the Incubators are more like a hive mind, especially since we see what may be their true forms in the movie. (Strange floating lenses that circle the trapped soul gem, with large Incubator eyes and faces on them.

Either way Urobuchi wrote the entire story, so it's a moot point. It's either canon or you recognize Urobuchi isn't a great writer.
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>Kyuby's body was just supposed to be a tool,
>a puppet
>from a higher dimensional being
Now you've gone and fucked up by confusing your head cannon with what's being confirmed in the Jap-to-Eng translations of interview Q&As. Don't be a fuck up.
Discounting the fact that witch is designed to look like a spider made out of girl parts, and therefore the clotheslines are probably MUCH stronger than they look, I'm pretty sure all the lines falling on the helicopter would fuck it up anyway, especially when said witch would launch hundreds of lower female torsos armed with ice-skates at the helicopter moments later.
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>When the desire of the Witch warps the labyrinth, physical laws give way to strange new rules, turning each labyrinth into a puzzle that must be solved if we are to find hopes to reach the Witch that lurks within. This one was worse than most, its labyrinthine passages invisible to the naked eye. We traveled slowly upward trying not to let the hollow enormity of the outer shell disorient us. Strangest of all was the fact that we could see the enemy from where we stood through the invisible floors so we knew that it had nearly completed gorging on the 'hostages'.

"So how about that contract then, hmm?"
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Read up on Kyubey from a wiki:
#1 If you kill a Kyubey, a new one is spawned from "ambient magic".
#2 They share a hive mind. Every single Kyubey you can see has no new information to convey to the other.
#3 They operate worldwide and are responsible for uplifting us from the state of cavemen.
#4 Spoilers, that OC nuKyub is a Fakeamon that can't cure sol gems.

If there are a finite number of Kyubey in existence, then maybe destroying a critical number of them may very well result in what we may recognise as brain damage, memory loss, trauma, or death. However, they have a means of rapidly repopulating, the exact method of which is not well understood. The physics of information processing would impose limits on what can be achieved by them. Understanding that is essential to understanding how to kill them.

How do we genocide the QB without the wish backfiring?
The labyrinth itself extends a half a mile in all directions. Suspended in the web of clotheslines are the desiccated corpses of those who ventured into the area and were caught up in its strands. Sun bleached skulls are the only bones that remain after they've been left out too long, everything else eventually plummeting into the abyss of the endless skyline.
My friend is pointing out that Kyuubey targets little girls because they're easier to push to despair (which is the real nugget of power they're working towards), BUT, there isn't necessarily an inherent difference in potency, so long as the despair is equal in measure.

So he suggest Kyuubey targets japanese highschool students, especially ones studying for exams. Their suicide rates sky-rocket around this time, and they would absolutely sell their souls for higher test scores.
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Deculture pls stop
They'd be too smart with their wishes. They'd take all the despair out of their lives.
>It's either canon or you recognize Urobuchi isn't a great writer.
I don't see why that would be a stumbling block. Is writer deification a big thing in the anime scene?
Is Madoka the most /k/ magical girl anime in existence?
Technically Homura is the only /k/ one
Also he isn't exactly visible to people he doesn't offer a contract too Magical Girls.

I'm not sure you can actively try to kill something if you don't even know it exists or have a means of detecting it.

Also, I thought he didn't have unlimited bodies (and that cannibalizing dead ones does helped replenish his stock).
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The scary thing about Kyubey is that, if it's a viable idea, then he'd be looking into it, even if it's just a trial run. The series-plus-film only covers the events in the one city after-all.
"Remind me, is this thing bullet proof?"
"We can't be sure and taking a shot at the witch at this point would be po-"
"Wasn't talking about the witch."
Decu when
No explanation is given for the autocannibalism performed post-'death'. If it's for self-cleaning, for recovering of potential assets as you put it, or to fulfill some other utility, etc., then it has neither been stated explicitly nor implicitly. Either way, it does serve the intended goal of providing shock value to the audience.
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Maybe Japans suicide rate is so high, birthrate is so low, and the ongoing constant immaturation of their populace is BECAUSE of Kyuubey, did you ever think of that? Maybe slice of like cute waifu faggotry and kawaii uguu is all part of their plan to make people decrepit and isolated, so they can be easily exploited
Is there a way we can do Delta Green with Kyuubey as a villain or as the teams handler? What about Unknown Armies?
My personal headcanon is that they do it to prevent humans from discovering the weird nanogoo the Kyubeys are probably made of.
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>"You have rather non-rigorous physical arguments to support a quaint model of thermal systems in equilibrium. You like to speak of bodies for which there is no temporal or spatial dependence, and make assumptions of homogeneity."
I would sell our own young to this monster for even an inkling of the higher knowledge and technologies it might posses. What it would consider likewise to be mere trinkets and baubles to trade away, I would trade away so much for!
Something like this.

It can only be speculated at best that it is not in Kyuubey's interest to leave Kyuubey-remains out in the open. Nothing else is known. If they remain unseen or are subject to degradation is not known, or if they'd attract unwanted attention, risk causing some kind of contamination, etc. Who knows?
Except they'll always be careful not to give you something that would ever REALLY help you elevate humanity, human development needs to be closely controlled to keep them farmable.

Still, there's something to be said for wishing for the ability to improve the lives of all of humanity somehow, so that they might be better despite the unrelenting horror of the universe they know nothing about. Like a cure for cancer, or the ability to create tasty and nutritious lab meat
>Homura grinds the Incubators to heel but doesn't force them to share their technology with humanity
and people dare to say she did nothing wrong
>Except they'll always be careful not to give you something that would ever REALLY help you elevate humanity
Trinkets and baubles. You could never really befriend QB. As a human, the best you could hope for in their company is to become a desperate follower, a pathetic misguided human being exploited by them in some way.

As for why QB does not appear to harbour any of the 'emotions' we would regard as spite or malice towards humans, ask yourself: Why would a being with ambitions of immortality willingly risk true death for some momentary victory over beings who are to them the equivalent of chimpanzees? Lacking reasons to fight, intelligent creatures retreat before danger.

How many humans think they don't need social skills or to improve themselves if they have awesome powers. It just makes them 1. more of a menace, and 2. more vulnerable to manipulation. And 3. a lack of drive for self-improvement represents a major stunting of one's personal development. The kind of profile for the individual who would be picked up and exploited by a career criminal (Kyubey in this case) that's willing to offer them 'the good and easy life' in exchange for the benefits of their peculiar 'talents'. Their only talent being their total lack of compunction.
I don't see how that has to do with me lamenting Homura enslaving the Incubators but not using to uplift mankind.

I also lament that she did not use her new god powers combined with being able to actively exist in the material world (unlike Madoka) to become the glorious god-empress of our kind.
Well Homura wanted Madoka to have a nice normal life. Rapid technological enlightenment may preclude that.
This is true, she does seem a bit focused on "playing house." Especially with the concept trailer and how she's apparently taking Madoka to ballet lessons? Pretty crazy.
She is just a thief.

No, she couldn't defeat QB. If she was younger, she would even probably be contracted to become a Magical Girl and given that her backstory decided "MY PARENTS ARE DEEEEEAD", she'd probably accept and eventually become a villain, too...
>Deathwatch space marine
He'd try and purge it only to give into existential despair when learning the true scope and tech level of the Incubators.
>Anyone ever wonder what it'd feel like to wrap that things ears around your dick.
While you may enjoy yourself, like the unrepented sexual deviant that you are--and for which society would judge you as,--Kyubey however will gain no sexual gratification, for lack of any innate capacity for sexual interest. However, exercising deliberation initiative and caution, anticipation and planning, the creature will begin to make you feel great guilt and shame, among a whole host of other feelings, toying with your emotions in order to better manipulate you. Such an exercise may or may not necessarily involve future sexual encounters, which might be initiated by the cunning fiend as part of its sinister machinations. Unfortunately, you might not necessarily find yourself to be a willing participant in such acts.
...So your saying he'd rape me with his ears

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The notion of losing one's mind from seeing hideous creatures or gruesome events is perfectly logical -- the effects of psychological trauma adequately describe that well enough. But as you ask: How can any book be terrifying enough to break the reader's mind, especially if the reader is likely inclined to dismiss the contents as mythological mumbo jumbo?

However, consider that nowhere in the body of Lovecraft's work does anyone actually go mad from reading a book. The unfortunate graduate student Danforth had "dared to go completely through that worm-riddled copy of the Necronomicon," yet did not go mad until his final glimpse over the Mountains of Madness. Wilmarth was also intimately familiar with the book, but did not lose control until he learned the secret of the Whisperer in Darkness. Armitage was shocked and affected by reading Wilbur Whateley's coded journal, but only after witnessing Whateley's death . In other words, the blasphemous secrets inside a Mythos tome do not drive their readers insane: readers of Mythos tomes are driven insane when they encounter evidence in the real world that proves the blasphemous secrets are true. As Daniel Harms puts it in his essay, "Then Necronomicon in Literature":

Lovecraft never stated that the Necronomicon drove its readers mad. Rather, when the characters in his stories experienced uncanny events, the Necronomicon allowed them to place their experiences within a terrifying system of belief, and in doing so hastened their descent into insanity.

The secrets held within Mythos tomes are not in and of themselves destructive, and most will dismiss the arcane ramblings and hideous stories as fiction, or the ravings of the insane. The damage to the reader's psyche comes from realising that the contents of a Mythos tome are true, and that, by extension, the investigator's world view is flawed or inherently wrong. The more the reader knows, the greater the danger.

Those unfortunate enough to see the tome borne out as true will have been 'redpilled' on it; experts in obscure lore will realise that many of the details are too convincing to be ignored. More sheltered readers, on the other hand, might read the tome without any loss of sanity at all.

There are, however, Mythos texts that fall outside of the above such a system. The repellent King in Yellow is one of these, a book so strange that anyone who reads it dies or goes mad. The Revelations of Glaaki, the Black Book of the Skull, and Wilbur Whateley's journal are a few likely candidates of outright sanity corrosive texts.
>The repellent King in Yellow is one of these, a book so strange that anyone who reads it dies or goes mad.
The King in yellow does way more than that if you've ever cared to read the original novel. The play practically writes the reality around it, it's even implied to be wherever it wants at any time.
In the words of Gordan Freeman:
>if you've ever cared to read the original novel
Yes, yes I have. And I've run the CoC adventure which makes abundant use of that function of it, the one from John Wick Presents. Now kys, you tripple semitico-mongoloid niggerlet. I hope you go back to inhabiting that awful cesspool you call a home, and resume shanking all the other nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal sort you regard as kinsmen.
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I have to say that is easily the most absurd "fuck off" I've seen on that website. Well done, sincerely.
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Just because I didn't provide a whole plot synopsis, Anon goes out of hixz fucking way to assume I didn't read it. That's just so typical of hixz subhuman smuggery, so blatant with the way it swaggers, slithering and oozing in and about on the filthy streets like it owns the damn place, suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnamabilities.

We like to have fun here.
How would the pig feel if it came to realise that its life is a lie, it all ends in bacon?
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Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 35.
Some people probably are more flexible to those concepts, even those with high intelligence, as even a complete dimissal of what they already know opens up magnitudes of possibility.
>Back when Homulilly looked like that
I really hope we eventually get another game like Portable, so much lore.
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Those people either break down eventually or develop coping mechanisms. And people can slide back and forth between the two. You can develop a great sense of curiosity and wonder, rempered with caution, pragmatism, an attitude on par with 'Puritanical'-extremism with overtones of religiosity; go 'WH40k: Dark Heresy' on everything.
If you found out that plutocrats were feeding people to underground creatures in order to keep them and their slumbering 'gods' in a docile state of semi-slumber, would that information upset you? There are a lot of stats concerning the number of people who go missing each year in a number of countries, and while some fanciful conspiracy for why some go missing is not required, if you found out that this was the cause, would this knowledge cause you any significant harm?
Countering entropy by converting emotional teenage girls into a different state to kick-start an energy conversion process that's net-positive on a universal scale.

The girls don't have to be gay, but it helps.
According to Urubutcher it's to emphasize how creepily obsessed they are/it is with efficiency. They're loath to waste a goddamn molecule or a joule of energy. If they can recycle their own corpse they will in a nanosecond.
>tfw I'm not sure if you've just given me a false memory or I'm recalling having read that. D: The despair I am feeling right now where I am doubting my mind is very real.
Despair, but also despair.
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>"That is, the actual construction of a soul gem requires large amounts of information that are not part of the schematic 'circuit diagram' of the central nervous system. Thus there is some significance to the fact that a billion years of evolution on Earth has not produced a human brain with fewer than about 10^27 particles, and hence of order 10^27 units of entropy. In counting the information in the synapses, for example, we counted only the information needed to specify which neurons are connected to which, but nothing about the actual path of the axons and dendrites that complete the connections. These are nothing like nearest-neighbor couplings, but instead axons from a single neuron can traverse large fractions of the brain, resulting in an extremely intertwined network. To specify even the topology of these connections, still ignoring the precise locations, could involve much more than 10^16 bits. For example, the synaptic "wiring" that connects the neurons will in many cases form closed loops. A specification of the connections would presumably require a topological winding number for every pair of closed loops in the network. The number of bits required to specify these winding numbers would be proportional to the square the number of closed loops, which would be proportional to the square of the number of synapses. Thus, the structural information could be something like I_struct ∼ b × 10^28, where b is a proportionality constant that is probably a few orders of magnitude less than 1."
We are attempting to engineer beings that can be said to have the same "perceptions" as other humans, yet live out their short existences all the more briefly: to experience hope, with all the wishes and yearnings in which that entails, only to then succumb to grief, as it is inevitable. In this way we hope to study the concept of karmic destiny with far greater scrutiny, with how meagre the providence of such beings can be afforded.
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I want you to form a contract with me.
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>If Dyson spheres are so great a source of power in science fiction, then in D&D, why are magicians not seriously contemplating the prospect of creating vast megastructures that siphon the infinite heat and light of the Elemental Plane of Fire, the Quasielemental Plane of Radiance, and the Positive Energy Plane to achieve similar heights of power?

Oh boy do I have a bone to pick with a thread that had been archived 'relatively recently' (13 hrs 35 minutes ago). I will drag myself through the screem to strangle a stranger! Illithids have already built an impressive structure around an ether gap; it is a massive flayer-inhabited ring some three miles in diameter. The illithids have christened this artificial ring the "Overmind." They were already building a machine called the Engine Consummate--a complex psionic machine that would leach the heat from countless suns--which they modified and installed upon the Overmind. The illithids then placed conduits around the suns of selected worlds and began to drain their light and heat, sending the light-giving energy toward the Overmind. The Engine Consummate directs this force against the ether gap, attempting to "pry" the gap open through massive release of several stars' energy.

Though stellar fires are immense, the ring of the Overmind serves to filter, focus and bleed off any excess energy in a relatively clean fashion. Though great arcs of fire and ragged bolts of massive electrical discharges constantly pour from the inner ring of the Overmind, bathing the gap in an unholy concentration of energy, the device itself possesses special structural and psionic precautions that prevent it from burning out.
Fuck it, signing the contract, I'll be waiting for my rocket launcher with unlimited ammo, soul gem, and self respect.
You dont watch 4chan you dummy

I like QB as a villian because while what he does to the characters is truely awful, it really is all for the greater good. I got the impression that when magic farming started, the Heat Death of the universe was a near-future problem. Its only billions of years away NOW because QB has been farming magic to fix it for tens of thousands of years.

On the one hand, QBs contract practices are obviously dishonest and predatory. On the other hand, QB is right that technically they dont need to bother with a contract at all. If the incubators just ran around ripping the souls out of people and creating a constant cycle of magical people that devolve into witches, they could. Giving people a wish in return for their service is really a courtesy bordering on charity.
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As of 7:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, the land upon which you stand has been US Federal property. Additionally, as of 7:02 AM, it has been a nature preserve for a breed of turtle that does not live there. You are guilty of trespassing, destruction of government property, and endangerment of protected species.

Instead of arresting you, we will simply confiscate all of your magical girls, and then shoot you in the back of the head. Democrats will apologize for us because they like it when we shoot people in the back of the head, and Republicans will forget about us in two years.
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>finally sit down and watch this shit
>get to the point where pink is ready to turn things around after all that suffering
>every single magical girl still dies without being able to grow up
>universe doesn't even remember pink

Who wrote this, this is bullshit
>I like QB as a villian because while what he does to the characters is truely awful, it really is all for the greater good. I got the impression that when magic farming started, the Heat Death of the universe was a near-future problem. Its only billions of years away NOW because QB has been farming magic to fix it for tens of thousands of years.
>On the one hand, QBs contract practices are obviously dishonest and predatory. On the other hand, QB is right that technically they dont need to bother with a contract at all. If the incubators just ran around ripping the souls out of people and creating a constant cycle of magical people that devolve into witches, they could. Giving people a wish in return for their service is really a courtesy bordering on charity.

Except that it's just to make girls feel even more despair that they willingly sacrificed their lives something for something so little, so pathetic, that it simply deepens the emotion and power generated.

At the end of the third timeline shown in the show, when Madoka turns into a god-level witch, QB basically says "Madoka will probably destroy the world in 10 days, but that's humanity's problem, we've got all the energy we need. Have fun!"
Watch the movie, Rebellion.

Seriously, go on and watch it.

Watch out for people wanting to spoil it for you.
Boys wish for things like working X-wings or billions of dollars rather than trivial stuff

The only thing that can kill the lovecraftian super entity, is another lovecraftian super entity?

Ok then.

Then this guy is probably the only one>>55363356 that can beat the space cat

I would have asked for a warehouse of legos when I was a kid.

Or a light saber.
>Fuck it, signing the contract
Good on you!

>I'll be waiting for my rocket launcher with unlimited ammo.

Your weapon will be a lightweight, individual rocket launcher aimed and fired from the right shoulder using either the standing, the kneeling, or the prone positions. The launcher is loaded with a clip, which contains four 66-mm rockets. It can fire one to four rockets semi-automatically at a rate of one rocket per second and the clip is reloaded magically, never depleting until your magical reserves run dry. The rocket launcher can deliver area fire out to 500 meters. During combat, the range to targets is normally much less. Point targets can usually be hit from 200 meters. Precision fire is possible at 50 meters.

The rocket's warhead ignites when exposed to air. The minimum safe combat range is 20 meters, which is the bursting radius of the rocket warhead due to splash back. If the projectile strikes a hard object along its flight path and breaks open, it will burst into flames even if the fuse has not armed. The rocket packs must be protected from small-arms fire and shell fragments that could ignite them. The rocket launcher has a back blast that must be considered before firing.

The rocket launcher is not effective in penetrating typical targets. It can penetrate up to 1 inch of Osmium at 200 meters, and at close range... you really shouldn't be firing at close range to see what it'd reliably penetrate. (The minimum safe combat range is 20 meters.) The back blast it causes is overkill to the point that you may cause total party wipe out if you ever teamed up with other people. The kind of collateral you'd cause outside a labyrinth is worth pointing out, along with the proportional MP drain that comes with it.

>soul gem
Here you go! In the colour of your choice, too!

>and self respect.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I'll be keeping that, thank you.
anon, you aren't supposed to deal with the fae. Heck lovecraftian monsters are more trustworthy than the fae
>Yea, I would have asked for a warehouse of legos when I was a kid.--Or a light saber.

Following the sleek white creature through the outlying area, past the rusted fencing and around the poured-in-place concrete reinforced walls--with their steel bars and their prefabricated "tilt-up" walls--Anon stepped into the warehouses' large open bay. There he found stacked upon slabs, strong enough to support the weight of vehicles, were boxes, hundreds upon hundreds of them, stacked in rows and columns, all the way up to the ceiling and forming aisles. Upon closer inspection he saw that they were, and he could only assume, all of them had been labelled LEGO ®.

"The contract is complete. Go now. Go and unleash your new magical power."
Homura also wanted Madoka to reciprocate her feelings, so there's that.
Why not just wish that he was good guy according to typical human morality?
bottom line it for me, what is the gimmick with this cat
>we've got all the energy we need

That part doesn't really make sense. To make the universe run indefinitely they'd need infinite energy. Even if they somehow managed to squeeze an unending energy source out of the situation, humanity is still the only known way to make energy from nothing. They'd want us to keep us around as insurance in case something went wrong with that energy source.
"I wish you were dead. And not just this body, like, your actual soul."

Would wishing he gained human empathy work or create the biggest despair engine the universe had yet seen?
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>Why not just wish that he was good guy according to typical human morality?
Contemplating the prospect of a Kyubey acting with something like human-ish values should fill us with justifiable apprehension; human beings are not very nice. Humans frequently harm other humans, while under the belief that they are justified in doing so; people have hurt other people by engaging in behaviours such as abuse, exploitation, etc., while insistent that it was their moral imperative to do so.

>Would wishing he gained human empathy work or create the biggest despair engine the universe had yet seen?
If you get Kyubey to reciprocate "our values" it is likely to provoke undesirable consequences as there may be conflicts with current values, including terms for respecting the desires of other beings; allowing them to self-actualise their own potential without undue constraint.
He could create his own Wish-granting service which would generate his own army of magical lich girls to combat entropy, thereby putting the thing out of business.
>I wish you were dead, gone, completely and utterly eradicated. Fatality beeeee'tch~!

"Just think about it logically: Witches make familiars, which make more witches, which make more familiars at an ever increasing rate. (A familiar takes about two weeks to mature fully.) They're a K-type reproductive species, and they grow exponentially. But Puella Magi populations are determined by both human populations and the number of Incubators around. They can only grow linearly. If the Puella Magi population is sufficiently high, and the witch population is sufficiently low, it isn't a problem. But once a particular threshold is crossed, the linear model won't be able to suppress the growth of the exponential model fast enough. It'll jump upwards essentially unhindered until it uses all of the resources in its area. In this case, that resource is the human population."
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^This is the only correct answer. A Putin meme is fine too.
Kyubey has already lost. There is a metaphysical black hole has already eaten through most of the multiverse and it's all our party's fault because we made a wish with another Kyubey-like entity now overcome by despair. Now we all sit in a demiplane awaiting the end of everything.
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>what is the gimmick with this cat

Young girls shouldn't trust odd talking animals who give them an artifact for safe-keeping, for it will surely open the door to becoming a warrior for truth, peace, and assorted goodness. The magical girl depends on her magical item to unlock her powers, she depends on her magical pet to teach her how to use them, and she often has no time for more than a crash course because the threats to the people she loves are not waiting.
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Shh... no more tears. Just let Kyubey take your pain away.
I think it was more in the sense that they couldn't harvest more energy from that particular planet since it was going to be destroyed.
It would only affect that particular individual and would be quickly disposed of.
Emotions are considered a mental disease in the Incubator race.
Surely their universe-spanning empire has the means to preserve humanity, though. Seed them across several planets and tae different approaches, maybe they'll discover an even more efficient way to farm magic energy, for better or for worse.
Maybe they actually did offscreen but since the show is about the magical girls and not QB, we'll never know.
My character is a ridiculously naive and idealistic magical girl.

Ain't no way.
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>humanity is still the only known way to make energy from nothing.
Humanity isn't the only race in the universe. Alien magical girls are canon (see: Itzli).

Humanity might be special in how emotional they get. Either they have particularly big souls, or are particularly easy to buy souls from in a moment of weakness. Kyubey wanting to preserve human race after Gretchen is out, like the anon says, does make sense, he just looks at it and decides dealing with it is not worth the effort, meaning all the meguca he has on the planet together could not beat it and contracting new ones is too much of a risk.
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HOMURA IS RUINING EVERYTHING and I'm kinda rooting for her man, that is some dedication to your waifu.
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>Would wishing for 'x' work or create the biggest despair engine the universe had yet seen?

I'll assume you have a background in doing mathematical proofs and writing computer programs, but I won't assume your background necessarily extends to mathematical logic beyond knowing the usual logical operators, nor that you might have even heard of Löb's Theorem before, because then a mathematician thinking they could outsmart a cunning Kyubey would only be finding themselves in a very dire situation indeed.

Let's consider the actual problem. Say that you've thought of a wish, one that accomplished a desired outcome for the most part. But to verify that your wish would indeed succeed to accomplish what you had intended of it, you must actually make the wish to conclude that it will have the desired consequence.

Unfortunately, the straightforward way of setting up such a model fails catastrophically on the innocent-sounding step. Anon cannot know his deductions concerning the outcome are reliable. If we try and model Anon's wish as intended as opposed to the result of the wish as proving statements in two formal systems (one stronger than the other), then the only way that his wish can make such a statement about the result's reliability is if his wish (and thus both) are in fact unreliable! And therein lies the rub, as you can see.

tl;dr You have no way of knowing if what you have planned works until you actually go ahead and make the wish. Meanwhile, all the wish-evaluating function has to do is loop over all possible ways of satisfying the wish, checking whether any of them are a valid way of fitting the wording of the wish, and then halt only if it finds one that serves its purposes. That purpose being: To dick you over good; setting you hopes to plummet into despair.

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>implying it was not part of a greater scheme
Also Homura did nothing wrong.
Getting off topic to touch on the Faustian themes brought up in the show. Another interesting aspect of the language in the 17th century is that there is an increase not just in repetition but also in precision, with the summoned spirit being carefully instructed exactly how to: "Appear in fair and decent form, & in no wise hurtful Dreadful, Terrible, or Affrightful unto us, or this place, or to any other person or place whatsoever, but in all humility & Serenity, Visibly to the Sight of our Eyes."

No longer was it sufficient to simply conjure the spiritual creature, but the magician must: "Exorcise, Conjure, Command, Constrain, & Call forth & move."

This additional precision in the language specifying what is required may well be attributable to the profession of many of the magicians of the period, that of lawyer or solicitor.
Realtalk though the homura vs mami fight kicked ass.
I laughed. I laughed multiple times. But then I died at the tomato line.
>Realtalk though
4serious, seeing Homrue getting her OPshtick with the time-stropping getting interrupted, and the odd way a fight would go down like that was breddy gud. And the way it ended, mang. I don't know how people have the imagination to choreograph that kind of stuff. How do they come up with it?
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Is that a reference ?
How much communication does QB have with other incubators? I'm wondering if humanity was the first race incubators discovered that were suitable for using magic and that QB isn't aware of any others because he's been busy doing his/her job.
They're a hive mind, so they have instant and total communication witht he others.
>defeat Kyubey?
>What would you wish for?

Enhanced duplicates of myself, the intent being that some of them will wish for some things while others will wish for more duplicates--as it is the intention I harboured as their progenitor. (Artificial humans are a thing you can wish for, and they in turn can be contracted by Kyubey. It's in one of the official manga series.)

Ulysses, faced with the tempting Sirens, acted to arrange for himself to be bound to a mast. Likewise I will subject myself to the new evolutionary dynamics of the system I have established, one where there must be a strong pressure for duplicates to make copies of themselves in such a way that individual copies would be ready to sacrifice themselves to aid the rest. This would favour a willingness to copy oneself and hold a view of personal identity which does not consider the loss of a single copy to be death. Taking this point of view would then take advantage of the economic benefits of continually creating and eradicating vast numbers of minds depending on the conditions, favouring the existence of a large number of short-lived copies over a somewhat less efficient world of long-lived minds. The grief seed economy only works because I do not live to ever see the fruits of its labour, and descending copies would likewise be bound be bound to that value. In this way you get unlimited wishes and grief seeds, but at a whole other cost.

One of them will then: "Wish for complete and intuitive understanding of the rules and behaviour of wishing, with the ability to foresee and choose amongst the possible interpretations of a wish, and the knowledge of how to choose and create a wish that achieves precisely what I want as long as it is within the rules, while not otherwise affecting my nature or capability and making all the required knowledge available to me selectively so as to not hurt my mind or sanity in any way."

Aim for eventual omnipotence if that can ever be reached for.
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That requires us to know a bit much about the Incubators as a civilisation, I guess. On one hand, his name literally means 'the ninth', which implies there are others (when the girls in Kazumi create an artificial incubator from Kyubey's corpse they also name him 'juubey', the tenth). On another, various imagery in Rebellion strongly implies that the Incubators are a single being, or at least all look the exact same. From Kyubey's history lesson and Taruto Magica we can figure out that Kyubey is the only Incubator active on earth, if there really are others.

Another point of interest is that Kyubey considers time travel off limits, and only considers it an explanation to Homura's presence once it's the literal only thing that makes sense (and Homura, technically, hops into other worlds every time, so she does not time travel anyway). It's therefore pretty likely that FTL is off limits to their civilization, or they sidestep it in another ways that probably require energy investment.

I'd say that contacting the rest of his race from the solar system is an expensive or lengthy affair that basically never happens, he'd only do it if something very relevant happened, see Urobuchi's note about them being stingy with energy.

...fuck it. I happen to be an expert on this topic, been making a tabletop system related to madoka canon for like a year and half now and it has 120 pages by now, ask me anything.
I find that surprising. I thought that an "individual" incubator had multiple bodies, but that "individual" could have different knowledge, intelligence, and MAYBE even different personalities. How else could the occasional incubator have a distinct mental disorders (e.g.) emotions?

Also, for what it's Juubey doesn't look identical to Kyubey.
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>Anon, looking down in his hand smiling, he scrutinised what could have been a piece of coal, no longer than his thumb. And to think it had once been a pristine clear gem. In any central case in this range, the question 'Am I about to die?' has no answer. But what he does know will happen. There were resulting people who are, or at least were, psychologically continuous with him at some point in the recent past. This is all there is to know. He does not know whether the resulting people are him, or will be someone else who are merely exactly like him. But this is not, here, a real question, which must have an answer. It does not describe two different possibilities, one of which must be true. It is here an empty question. There is not a real difference here between the resulting people being him, and his being someone else. This is why, even though he does not know whether he is about to really die yet, he knows everything... And then everything in his head was blocked out after the explosion.

Juubey isn't a real Incubator.
>Kyubey is the only Incubator active on earth, if there really are others.
This guy gets it.

>been making a tabletop system related to madoka canon for like a year and half now and it has 120 pages by now, ask me anything.
Would you pat Kyubey?
Only watched the anime and the movies.
Are any of the manga worth reading?
He is a member of the same race. Of course he cannot do the thing that Kyubey cannot do either. He can also shoot laser beams, implying he has access to the incubator energy stash. This is a pretty good point the anon is making, though.

In fact, Kyubey was really curious about this and wanted to talk to him, which pretty much confirms Juubey WAS a real incubator that was just really badly mindfucked. Shame that he was made invisible to the people living in the town.
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Now I for one welcome our new mascot creature overlord, so I need to know: Would a good soap lather when bathing soothe and refresh Kyubey?
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Oriko is good, read it.

Another Story is good as well, though for someone it might not be very inventive-feeling.

The Madoka PSP game goes really in depth in regards to previous timelines and lets us figure out some of the core mechanics of the setting. It's good to watch a playthrough of it if you're really interested.

Kazumi is good up to a point, but the ending is extremely rushed. You can tell it was meant to be twice as long and they killed. It also says a lot that the madoka mobage has Oriko in it but not Kazumi characters. It might not be canon anymore.

Speaking of, there is a Madoka mobage, which has a ton of magical girl stories in it, and seems to be pretty much canon as far as main story goes. You can't play it as a gaijin, but it has a general on /vg/ anyway.

Taruto is a manga that is not finished but you can read the first volume and it shapes up to be interesting.

I haven't read Suzune, don't think it's translated, you can read plot summaries on the wiki. It doesn't seem too great.
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He seems to enjoy fun things and sensations. He's just a very hard working man.
spoilery To clarify, Juubey was 'man-made', a failed experiment.
Thanks, I'll go take a look at those.
>There just are not many things that I have ever really enjoyed doing.
>I have always loved having my back massaged.
>When I pass by flowers, I have often stopped to smell them.
>A brisk walk has sometimes made me feel good all over.
>Standing on a high place and looking out over the view is very exciting.
>The warmth of an open fireplace hasn’t especially soothed and calmed me.
>I have been fascinated with the dancing of flames in a fireplace.
>On hearing a good song, I have seldom wanted to sing along with it.
>One food tastes as good as another to me.
>I've never cared much about the texture of food.
>I have had very little desire to try new kinds of foods.
>Dancing, or the idea of it, has always seemed dull to me.
>I don't understand why people enjoy looking at the stars at night.
>I have often found walks to be relaxing and enjoyable.
>The beauty of sunsets is greatly overrated.
It's like I don't even know you anymore.
>Aim for eventual omnipotence if that can ever be reached for.
And if you attain 'godhood' of the highest degree, in that case where we assume that the multiverse is irreducible; that is, any metastable inflating vacuum is accessible from any other such vacuum via a sequence of tunneling transitions, then you cease to exist beyond any form than conceptual. That's some hardcore method of reaching toward anupadhishesa-nirvan.
>120 pages by now
You've got me excited. Please leave a way to get in touch to keep updated on progress and/or hear about its shelved status/troubled or delayed development. I'ma'excited.
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It's like 150 pages really, but a lot of the shit is on hold. We're basically playing a homebrew game, and building a lot of the system as we go, so I can't put updates willy nilly or it would make people's characters not work. Most relevantly access to Disciplines is supposed to be limited by rank like so https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11Q8l8dF9Wewh6vLMi6QyMvXLvXmel6LMO5pIghfYFLA/edit?usp=drive_web&usp=sheets_home , but a character took a lot of hipster disciplines and we have to wait until they get enough discipline points to make it work.

Also, I accidentally'd the equipment and accquistion rules ages ago and did not get to restoring it since, we all play it by memory but someone reading the doc won't.

A lot of other stuff is broken, leave a comment and maybe I'll explain what the problem is sooner or later.
He got outsmarted by a lesbo
No it isn't ,you wannabe oldfag.
Is this supposed to be an ironic damage control picture,or are you actually retarded enough to post such a dead giveaway of your social insecurity.
>Is this supposed to be an ironic damage control picture.
No, I was forcing your participation in the thread. Other image options included such classics as 'sad keanu on the bench', but I stumbled upon another which I picked out as an impromptu selection rather than out of malice. I was never the Anon you were presumably having an ongoing post exchange with.

>are you actually retarded enough to post such a dead giveaway of your social insecurity.
The intention of the post was to imply that your lashing out was in some way motivated by such aforementioned insecurities in what I had intended to be an self-evidently joking manner. It does not make sense for you to accuse me of harbouring such faults within myself within the given context. However I recognise that I must apologise, I see now that you are unable to interpret the emotional states of others, and are failing to recognise the manipulative intent of others. I can see that you are under a lot of stress with the difficulty you have to initiate or sustain conversations. I will not pressure you to participate in the thread any longer. It was wrong of me to expect that much of you.
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No but her boss can.
>...So you're saying he'd rape me with his ears....cool!
And after keeping you for so long, painfull built up on the brink of climax, you'll eventuall fall into a state where you're not feeling so pent up, but rather your body has finaly come to cope with the ceaseless stimulation. In fact, your body would be craving it, and if the stroking stops, you'll suddenly be NOT HAPPY AT ALL! But the problem is, even if the stroking speeds up, it's difficult to reach your oragasm. But when you finally get it, you'll be seeing stars with how hard it hits you.
What is it with Magical Girls turning into Lesbians?
What's your point? Lesbians aren't any smarter or dumber than the next person.
Seconding the Madoka mobage, it's a blast so far (plays like FGO, but better; most of the magical girl designs are neat, and their stories explore a lot of different wishes and possibilities). Though I think we need to wait and see exactly how canon it will be. The main plot is being drip-fed to us in small increments.

Then there's the timeline. It SEEMS that this all takes place in the timeline where glasses!Homura is just starting out as a magical girl; her stories focus on stealing guns and learning to use them.

But she's specifically listed as Homura (Glasses ver.), so there's no way they won't release the other Homura versions, and then all fucking bets are off. And then there are the Oriko characters running around.

There's also the matter of the Doppel upgrades to certain magical girls' ultimate attacks, and I really don't think it would be canon that the original series' magical girls can make use of their theoretical Witches' powers or half-summon them in some freakish horrifying combination.
>beyond the contract thing
Which honestly is no small feat, when you get down to it. We're talking about the ability to harness emotions for energy in a way that circumvents the laws of thermodynamics, to the extent of stalling/reversing universal entropy. Their tech is the epitome of Clarke's third law, capable of creating objects from nothing, accessing extradimensional spaces, animating and regenerating organic bodies well beyond the limits of ordinary biology, stopping time, time travel, etc. And all of this mediated without any sort of obvious devices or tech, so it's presumably either remote or some kind of crazy nanotech. There's clearly a cost to anything they try to do, as evidenced by the statements to the effect that the magnitude of the wish they can grant depends on the prospective magical girl's potential, but given sufficient power their tech is basically reality-warping.

Their one big weakness is their dependence on other species for power. If an opposing force knew about that, they could maybe try to cut them off by interfering with the whole contract business and level the playing field that way. But outside of that, I'd say any space armada still more or less bound by the laws of physics as we know them is going to have a bad time.
What if Incubators and witches and shit are actually real, and Harvey and Irma were actually Walpurgisnacht-class witches spawned from teenage girls despairing over Trump's election?
Is it bad that I want to see "Hurricane Walpurgisnacht" on the news?
Does Kyubey actually respawn or does somebody else just show up?
Both - all Incubators share a hivemind and are therefore both separate and not.

Magical girls largely have female casts. In some cases, like Madoka, there isn't room for extraneous characters in the runtime, and since its a magical GIRL show that means boys don't get any screentime.

When 90% of the cast is female and is constantly interacting with other girls, any interaction becomes yuribait. People shipped the hell out of Sayaka and Kyoko despite the fact that all they ever did was argue until one of them went insane and the other went kaboom to kill them both. If they are friends they are gay, if they are enemies they are gay. If they never talk to each other, surely that is because they are CONSUMED WITH LUST.

With that much fancanon shipping, it eventually reaches a point where not pandering to it in the show proper (at least a little) turns into leaving money on the table.
> Hurricane Walpurgisnacht

I'd start running and never stop.
Kyouko definitely seemed to be rather obsessed with Sayaka, so I could see the argument that she was gay even if Sayaka was into a boy. Otherwise, this is mostly it. The character with the most basis of being a lesbian in the show is Homura, since Urobuchi pretty much stated she's in love with Madoka even before the movie came out, albeit non-sexually.

Post movie I'm beginning to doubt that second part.
>Hokuto no Ken & Mahou Shoujo MadokaMagica - Kenpou Shoujo Kubiha Bujica
If only they kept the 1st take for Akuma Homura.


I'm of the opinion that when Homura made her wish, she didn't love Madoka. She just wanted to save a friend. Its only over the course of multiple loops, where EVERYTHING ultimately hinged on Madoka, that she developed her obsession that borders on love.
>Cast Imprisonment
Also Japan has had a thing about girls "practicing romance in a safe environment" before they're ready to enter the adult world and move onto real relationships.
>that image
What a load of bullshit. What even is a "test of realism"? This is just self-aggrandizing humblebragging disguised as depth. "Hurr look at me I'm too smart to be happy, if only I could be cursed with stupidity like the rest of these mindless sheep." Fuck this pretentious shit.
Gee the first take really was quite superior.
There's literally no way to justify how deeply skeevy her conversation with Madoka is in the concept trailer (not to mention how exposing you could argue her ballerina outfit is) without going into "she is legitimately, 100% in love with Madoka by now."

That being said, you're absolutely right regarding the original wish. At that point they'd only known each other for a month. It was Homura's self-inflicted prison that granted her the love she would come to develop.

Call it pandering or not, but for better or worse, Rebellion made it so that Homura's obsession with Madoka went from deep friendship to creepy stalker.
>Homura literally gave herself stockholm syndrome at its most extreme level
I don't know why, but that's hilarious to me.
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She sounds more yandere in the first take. You're right, they should have used it.
I think the love subtext was intended from the very beginning considering Homura is supposed to represent Faust and Madoka's witch is named after Faust's lover, Gretchen.

Whats this concept trailer? It doesn't sound familiar.
I read that her relationship with Madoka changed when Madoka bopped her secret Sayaka grief seed against Homura's soul gem.
It's basically a trailer for the inevitable sequel to rebellion:


We don't know if it'll be a movie or TV series, since a "concept" movie is just concept art in movie form.
>All this focus on mami being badass
she's gonna die in the first 5 episodes. i just know it.
What about Tamura? Tamura is GOAT.
>The Joke
>Your Head

Now kys
Homura is literally so gay she can even take straights like Hitomi and start converting them.

>This basic rate of consuming energy while at rest amounts on the average to 1700 kilogram calories per adult person per day.
>1700 calories per day

The fuck kind of noodle-arm manlets is this Pokemon looking at

Oh, right...
>Anon was extremely agitated. "The picture doesn't belong there. Make it go away," he said pointing toward the picture. The poster calmly explained, "You are missing the point. Plz, do stop spergin'."
>"It doesn't belong there. Make it go away," Anon repeated with an increasingly high pitch. The other one again tried to reason with him, explaining the purpose of the picture and what it's for, and why if he knew what's for, then he better be seeing the b8 and not reply back to /this very post/. But Anon threw himself onto the floor and began screaming, "I DON'T LIKE IT! -- APUPUPU! WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIT! What even is a "test of realism"? HURR!! I'm too smart to be happy, if only I could be cursed with stupidity like the rest of these mindless sheep. I don't belong there." Anon began assisting then removing him from the room.
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>basic rate of consuming energy while at rest
>While At Rest
The problem here is that you can't read.

Men, on the average, consume about 2,800 kilogram-calories per day and women about 2,000.

The average energy consumed per capita per day by all the people in Burgerland, young and old alike, is about 2,300 kilogram calories.
You gotta realize that this shrill, all-caps greentext makes you look like more of a faggot than that other anon's post ever could, right? You can't be this oblivious.
Rebellion's climactic battle is probably the best example of what real magic combat should look like. Not two nerds in robes using magic rocket launchers on each other until someone makes a misplay, but just pure 'what the actual fuck is going on?' as two different reality warpers fight for control of the same space while throwing minions and haymakers at each other.
I can read, wimp. Can you lift?
I agree. My favorite part was that Homulilly's powers kept getting more and more ridiculous as the battle went on, right down to turning her shitty basic familiars into fucking giants.
On the average, in temperate climates, out of each 100 grams of food eaten, approximately 16 grams are proteins, 75 grams are carbohydrates, and 9 grams are fat. This food is taken into the body, oxygen in the air is taken in by breathing, and combines chemically inside the body with the food. Energy in the form of heat and work is released.

The heat produced by 100 grams of this average diet would be about 457 kilogram calories, provided all of this were digested.

Food + oxygen => carbon dioxide + water + waste products + energy (heat and work)

Do you want to talk about it? Diet, nutrition, supplementation, plyometrics, exercises, form, & injury prevention-care, etc?

> giant familiars
> weird clock hands
> floating shields with smiley faces
> teeth shooting walnuts
> puffballs shooting sparkles
> Mami just nuking half the battlefield with a Tiro Finale
> the very walls of the world shattering like glass

It honestly gets hard to keep track of whats even happening at some points during your first watch or two.
Kyubey is a hivemind, not a puppet. Every one of them is an actual member of the species. Where did you even get the idea that the body was a puppet controlled by something else?

> thread about a magical girl anime/discussions of entropy turns into /fit/

God I love /tg/

Not him, but I guess we don't have any actual reason to believe that what we see is the real alien. The Kyubee's we see are fluffy, adorable and nonthreatening looking, have powers for remaining hidden from anyone those don't select as targets while having built-in grief seed collection tools and are clearly disposable. Its not hard to imagine them as being purpose-built for appealing to young girls as their point of contact and doing the job on earth.

Also explains why they don't look like tool users, despite being a spacefaring race. Because this isn't the body design that went to the stars.
>I replied to the post that openly called itself a b8 post in order to deliver what might be a passive-aggressive swing rather than sincere criticism across the net to a faceless stranger.
I trusted you to be able to resist your own urges and not post back to such weak b8. But perhaps that can't be helped because your perception is very different than that of others. Anon, you might actually have... well, at least 16 of every 10,000 Anons are born with autism or one of its related disorders. Do not worry, I am not one to be of harsh judgement. I recognise you to be an individual with both simultaneously occurring impairments and intact abilities, and that your particular constellation of deficits are distictly your own, and that you should not be unfairly sterotyped because of that very reason.

#B8 #Don't reply #WarningHashtags #Imeanit #CancerInducingLevelsofIronyHere #UberShitpost #ReportOnSight
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We do see what may be the true Incubators though, in the movie.
>what may be
I love this Deepest Lore on them. We are being fed just enough to argue, but enough to not quite kill each other over it. That's what Waifu/Best Lebo wars are for.
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Is this Ai, the 15th clara doll?
Kyouko is and always will be best
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The significant thing about all this for our purpose is that it is possible to determine exactly how much energy is contained in various kinds of foods, and then after they are eaten to determine how much heat and work they can produce. This latter is accomplished by placing a man in a large heat-tight calorimeter, and measuring very accurately over a given time period the amount of heat given off by his body. At the same time the amount of oxygen he breathes, and the amount of carbon dioxide that he gives off, are also accurately measured. If the person is lying quietly and doing no work, it has been found that the heat given off in a given time is exactly equal to that contained in the food 'burned' or oxidized in that time.

By this manner it is also possible to determine how much work a given amount of food can be made to produce, or the efficiency of the human engine. This is accomplished by having the man turn a crank or pedal a bicycle attached to an instrument called an ergometer. The ergometer measures how much work has been done by the man; the calorimeter at the same time measures the heat given off. In this case it has been found that the energy represented by the heat given off and the work done by the man are exactly equal to the energy contained in the food 'burned' during that time.
So what the fuck was Walpurgisnacht? Like does it have some connection to Homura, or are the gears a coincidence?
There are three fundamental kinds of food substances: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Chemically, a protein consists of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen plus a small amount of sulphur and mineral matter. Both carbohydrates and fats are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Chemical content of food by weight:

Proteins: 52% Carbon; 7% Hydrogen 23% Oxygen; 16% Nitrogen
Carbohydrates: Carbon 44.4%; Hydrogen 6.2%; Oxygen 49.4%; 0% Nitrogen
Fats: Carbon 76.6%; 11.9% Hydrogen; 11.5% Oxygen; 0% Nitrogen

Examples of proteins: White of eggs, curd of milk, and lean meat.
Examples of carbohydrates: Sugar and starch.
Examples of fats: Fat of meats, butter, lard, and olive oil.
Most foods are a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Kilogram Calories per gram: Protein 4.1; Carbohydrates 4.1; Fats 9.3
That battle was absolutely amazing.

>Motherfucking OKTAVIA going toe to toe with Homulilly
>Familiars from the TV series' Witches holding the line, half of them blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameos

Forgive me if I sound stupid but where are the "true" incubators in the picture?

If you mean the floating faces, I just always thought those were far away incubators teleconferencing in, hence why some are just eyes but others seem like 70-80% of a face.
>I just always thought those were far away incubators teleconferencing
Me too. But I thought they were like that or some kind of apparatus to better monitor the conditions of the labyrinth of the nascent witch.
Walpurgisnacht was originally a more or less ordinary witch that for unexplained reasons started to combined with other witches, making her more powerful. It was compared to 2 tornadoes combining into a more powerful tornado (although when I fact checked if tornados did that, the answer I got was a tornado can get rid of another tornado, but doing so doesn't make the survivor more powerful).

Walpurgisnacht also seems to have dead magical girls as familiars, or at least her familiars take their form, especially in the manga, which I have not read.

Walpurgisnacht was Homura's biggest obstacle to keeping Madoka safe (and in all but the first pre-law of cycle timelines, human).
I think it's possible to view it either way, that's part of the fun of analyzing the lore of the series. That said, I find the idea Kyubey is just an extension of another being kind of stupid since he explicitly refers to his kind with plural pronouns and refers to emotion as a mental illness among his KIND, so I'm pretty sure they're an alien race as opposed to extensions of a large entity.
>The fuck kind of noodle-arm manlets is this Pokemon looking at
My mind went to Persona 5 as it fell upon that line. Also, I love you for that line, the whole thing about "noodle-armed manlets that this Pokeman is looking at", that got me cracking up. I don't care that it's not in vogue to shout out a compliment. You gave me sensible chuckle. A world that punishes people for polishing another's e-dik out of e-envy is not a friendly world at all.

I love you, Anon. I want to discuss our hormonal control measures to attain metabolic efficiency and appetite regulation in order to strive towards a higher standard of physical performance and general health with you.

Mucho homo, hombre.
The solution to that might be is if his kind were segmented into clusters. A handful of distinct beings, each inhabiting many bodies. The events of the third film take place on Earth in a desert, the odd architecture is merely that, some edifices erected away from prying human eyes, by the Earth-settled member of that species, that particular instance of which is known us as Kyubey. Any which are contaminated with any mental deviancy are eradicated in the fear that it might spread, like some kind of mind virus.
As you mention there are some logical reasons for that to be a possibility, but there isn't anything in the narrative that suggests that is how Kyubey works. I think it's just that I lean more on lore as established in the narrative rather than what can be logically extrapolated.

For lore discussion, sure.

But this is /tg/. Every lore discussion is, for someone reading, an inspiration seed. I like to extrapolate ideas on the off chance someone likes the odd spin on the idea enough to bastardize it for their own material.

Yep. Homura's problem was that every time she destroyed a timeline, that energy from that timeline had to go somewhere, and it trickled down and pooled at the focal points for the time loop.

Everything revolved around Madoka, so she got the biggest slice of the pie.

Walpurgisnacht was largely the bad fate that kicked off the end of each loop, so she got the second biggest.

Homura, as the time traveler, got a little power boost but it was smaller than Walpurgis, who started off stronger than any of the girls individually anyway. After a couple loops, Walpurgis was already stronger than most teams of magical girls not including Madoka could hope to beat. By the end, Madoka was literally the only capable stronger than her. Homura's chances of beating the witch went down more and more each loop, a fact she didn't realize until far too late to avoid being outclassed.

Though, I do think that this mechanism ultimately contributed to Homura's eventual devil mode, because combined with the ultimately very weird circumstances of her grief seed manifestation inside the isolation field, she was still starting off with an unusually high amount of magical power. The weakest person to benefit from NewGame+++++ is still benefiting from NewGame+++++.
Pretty sure she did realize it, but she didn't want to accept that directly wishing for something she wanted would be okay. She wanted him to fall in love with her because of her, not because of magic.

She made the classic mistake - she expected that if she was just kind and selfless and caring enough, she'd be rewarded with the life she wanted. Those are all fine and important things to be, but often the most noble things a person can do are the quietest, the ones least likely to be noticed by the people they're done for. Honesty is hard, but you've gotta tell people what you actually want and keep them in the loop about what you're doing. If you're really as good for them as you hope to be, they'll understand. Even if they don't reciprocate, they'll understand, and you'll be able to move on.
Continuing the trend here >>55367502 >>55367815 did anyone have a wish? (And yes, he did get that lightsaber, but as his weapon.)
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica credit card.
All girls, all suffering hardships together, it's not unreasonable to think relationships might deepen past just friends. Sometimes the yurifags get out of hand but there's yuri in every mahou shoujo show.

I didn't think Sayaka/Kyoko was much of a thing but then rebellion happened and goddamn I can see it now.

S and K in Rebellion is a case of it happening because the fans were shipping them anyway.
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No complaints here, the world can always use more purity
I like parts of your new game plus metaphor.

Something i've seen lots of people and posters complain about is how (spoilers for madoka btw) "how does Homura just reach out and grab Madoka's divinity and separate it form her?"

So my theory is thus:

When Homura makes her wish and gains the ability to time travel and whatnot, her base form is state changed into a magical girl, with all of her current potential for that next form used. Through time loops she mainly gains skill and efficiency.

Madoka, as a human in most timelines, gains potential as a magical girl, her next form, through each timeline. Whenever she would use it, Homura goes back in time and undoes it, but not necessarily her own state of magical girlness.

So it seems then that when you loop you gain the karmic suffering or whatever it is that empowers your next form.

Madoka (human) > madoka (magical girl/god)

so therefore

Homura (magical girl) > Homucifer (witch)

Homura gains, as a magical girl, potential for her next form. The following form of magical girls, is witches. Therefore it stands to, me at least, potential to be a godly witch, as Madoka is a godly magical girl. She just had to have the right circumstances for that potential to be realized, which the incubators provided, otherwise Madokas god power would have pre-cepted Homuras witchness and "stop it before it even happened."

But in the isolated area the incubators made she could fester and her potential could be realized. The Homulily they defeated inside the isolation field? As implied by the "i've been waiting for this moment for so long!" type of thing and the fact that she kind of ambushed Madoka inside the remnants of the field imply that was part of her plans or trap. When Homura reforms the universe it is essentially a giant witch's labyrinth covering the whole universe covering it.

The greatest magical girl, and the greatest witch so to speak.
Jesus Christ I should have pasted that in word or something to proof read it. The little quick reply box did not do the trick. I sound ESL.
Not sure if this matters, but as far as I know, in the law of cycles timeline she doesn't have her time travel powers. She has a bow like Madoka.

I think its also worth pointing out that in addition to the multiple levels of weird bullshit that Homura had going into that, she also had a very specific metaphysical card to play.

Madoka became a god because of her wish.

Homura's wish was the following:

"I want to redo my meeting was Madoka Kamane. Instead of being the one protected, I want to protect her."

In the timeline created by Madoka's wish, Homura's wish never gets fulfilled. Madoka doesn't exist, because Homura failed to protect her.

Its hard to say whether it was enough to matter, but I like to think that when the moment of truth came and Homura went to grab Madoka, it wasn't just a question of power (though she had plenty to spare) but a key part of that working was that it was her wish finally resolving now that she had the juice for it (since we know magical potential impacts how strong your wish can be).

Maybe its just a coincidence, but it lines up well enough in the established metaphysics that it makes at least as much sense as 'Homura REALLY wanted it'.
You're right, I never did think about that. She does have her memories though.

Not sure how much that affects my go to theory though.

They did leave the events post PMMM and pre-rebellion pretty vague. Lots of room there for them to put BS if they want, or fans to.


Also true, but its weird that her wish is something along the lines of protecting something that no longer really exists.

Plus it seems she is slightly different in Madoka's universe. She has the bow as the other anon mentions. And to me it seems she only remembers Madoka right around when Sayaka dies in that world, having gotten her ribbon there.

It might just be possible that she, before then, made an entirely new wish not related to Madoka. So then does she have two wishes or something when she regains her memories, reinserted into that timeline? Who knows. Lots of room for theories.
Isn't there literally a manga that covers the time between rebellion and meguca
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>destroyed a timeline, that energy from that timeline had to go somewhere, and it trickled down and pooled at the focal points for the time loop.
The best discussion of Madoka I've seen on 4chan in years. No ACK, no namefagging, actual and serious discussion and even learning a thing or three. Goddam do I love you guys.
Is this an actual quote from the series?

That's a bit smarter than I remember it being.
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>Is this an actual quote from the series?
No, this was not from the series. For example, if we had a /tg/ thread discussing the sudden outbreak of vampires in a setting which could rapidly devastate a populace, I would describe it in terms of: dx/dт = rx(1-x/K) - x^2/1+x^2

Here x(т) is proportional to the vampire population number at time τ and the growth coefficient r and population cap parameter capacity parameter K are positive constants. The first term describes the growth of the vampire population with a saturation effect included due to the finite living space available, while the last term models the decrease in population due to Van Helsing's presence.

I do understand why you may have been confused. When forming such models, they are very revealing about Kyubey as a character: One reason that exponential growth cannot continue for the population is because the environment in which a population lives cannot support an indefinitely large population of a given species. This simple truth may very well contribute as to why Kyubey does not hold individual humans to have much worth when they are already so numerous as a species. His comments about the human population and the value that individual human lives hold strongly support this assertion.

In any case, ever making a system that converges towards equilibrium is fraught with ways of it going horribly wrong. There is no possible way for Kyubey to achieve sustainable farming without inexorably destroying the Earth with an extinction level event; it needs constant intervention on his part. And that guy knew it all along, as revealed in the timeline where he meets his energy collection quota and then leaves the planet to succumb to its grizzly fate. He knew all along, right from the beginning!

But, if you ever feel like dying for the sake of the universe, call me. I'll be waiting.
I've kind of wondered about the quota. Where does it come from?

Is the universe doomed anyways and the quota is just supposed to post pone the heat death of the universe to the point it would happen after some other bad thing (e.g. the Big Rip)?

Is it supposed to simply be enough energy to hold the incubators over until another emotional species they can take advantage of evolves?
You sure spend a lot of effort typing out all that text just to look like a retard.
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>Unironically replying to 5+ hr old shitpost.
Nigger, what are you doing?
IIRC, depressed people performed better than normal people at the task of recognizing whether they did or did not have control over some external experimental condition-- normal people believed they had control more often than they actually did, while depressed people made more accurate assessments.

Can't say anything about the rest of it, though.
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