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Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 483
Thread images: 123

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Pump the breaks edition
>Death Guard preview

>Konor Campaign: Will Chaos finally get one?

>GW FAQ (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):
>Codex: Space Marines FAQ
>Codex: Chaos Space Marine supplement for Daemons, Thousand Sons and Death Guard players
>Codex: Chaos Space Marine and Codex Grey Knights FAQ

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-Anon doing the Emperor's work)
first for the dark kin
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Nth for Eldar are the most wifeable xenos
Second for NecrOwned
Bought my first boyz for my ork army.

Post orkspiration.
Isn't that one of those "They're totally primaris size you guys, they just have odd poses and angles" anon marines ?
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Read the 4th edition Ork codex to be truly indoctrinated
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Post dudes
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Redpill me on Tzeentch, what does a Tzeentch Daemon army play like, as well as Thousand Sons.
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Some Dude
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My models trigger some people, some start a dick sucking contest and most just enjoy playing the game with at least "painted" army
chaos ork? wuh?
And Australia? God damn it I forgot about that
Nice work anon
>think again
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>my list is six points over if that's okay.
They're pretty good. Long range shooting and anti tank isn't amazing, but close combat and psychic phase they're pretty damn hard.
Drop 2 conscripts from it
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Hey lads, rate my OC. I'm trying to make /tg/ great again.
Yep need to fix that. Thank god that is only base colour
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>My football team is one player over if that's okay
>not Cutedar
You fucked up.

What happened this time?
>sisters of basshole
>seam lines
I can see why.
>that's fine, I'll just add an upgrade real fast and go over so that were even again
>t. Not an autist
He wrote a book
Yeah, which book? Which is his newest shitfest?
No, that's genestealers.

>your genestealer waifu will be the wife of your dreams, perfectly fulfilling every role your culture has assigned to women. The only cost is your children might have an extra arm or eye (Great for sports!)
If you were one of my friends I play with, I'd be cool with that. Then again, I wouldn't have to be since me and my friends never go over the point level anyway.
If you were some random dude, I probably would be cool with it too, but thats just because I doubt that last plasma gun will actually help you beat me, and I don't give a shit.
But don't be a faggot, anon. Don't go over the point limit. Don't cheat.
You really should just stick
I thought you stopped this after nobody adopted your shitty forced meme.
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Just played a game this evening, tried to win a campaign mission.

The game went on for ALL 7 rounds, while these guys were waiting on the relic, at the end of turn 7 only the noise marine champion survived and the game was a draw. My lord managed to kill a landraider with his murder sword only for it to instantly respawn and kill him.
I like how people who think this is okay are so stupid they can't exercise basic logic. Let's take a ride:

- My list is X points over, that should be okay, right? Why isn't it okay, it's just X points? (Let's say X = 1).
- Now your opponent has 1 less point than you, because your dumb ass couldn't build a proper list. So let's give the opponent 1 more point, to make it even.
- But wait! If YOU didn't have to abide by limits and could go over by "just" 1 point, then your opponent should be able to as well! Therefore, instead of meeting your 2001 point list, the opponent should get 2002! That's okay, right? It was okay for you to go to 2001, so surely it's okay for your opponent to go to 2002.
- Now you repeat the process.
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>tfw you'll never bully a shy craftworlder with your big human cock
>tfw no one will ever animate a Cutedar version of video related

Why even live?
Just report him and move on. Global Rule 3 applies to /tg/.
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>>not cutedar
>you fucked up
Here you go.
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I agree.
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Black Legion.

Iskandar Khayon is a mary sue, and Abaddon is written like some bipolar retard who alternates mustache twirling real ultimate evil and melodramatic nostalgic feelsfag.
Same picture as always, at least the guy who did it mixed it up a bit. I appreciate it.
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Realistically, why would Eldar women go for Monkeighlets, when they could enjoy 7'+ chad marines or normal eldar men?

Why would human women go for manlets when they too could enjoy eldar men?
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Oh right yeah. ADB was split between writing a Mary Sue Imperial warrior with his hatred of Abaddon.

Good work anon. Underrated.
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Because mon'keighs are easy prey?
Either Carnac or ADB assuming they weren't the same person all along keep popping up here and wanking over how great yabbadabbadon is, and how he's misunderstood and not really a bad guy, and so on, in that BL book. People got fed up, and started telling ADB to fuck off.
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Blue Guard!
so many beautiful tires, they could have been used for awesome conversions.

no lets turn them into barricades.......
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Chads BTFO
He also said it was unironically the emperor's fault that abaddon fell to chaos and is trying to kill him.
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>not glorious norn queen wife
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Oh that's not new. Carnac is a shitposter and I wouldn't be surprised he is ADB. ADB has been disliked for a long time but MoM was the final straw. ADB is a faggot. Other people hate him for being a SJW faggot and forcing his jungle fever into the setting for no reason.

I just hate his deceptions of everything he writes about.
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>that sarge doing the MJ lean
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normal eldar men are pussies who are so scared of Slaanesh they never have sex lest it invite his attention upon them
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Thanks. I've got a couple more for >>55025819
Lets go 40kg. Prove you actually care about your hobby for once. Unpainted, thicc paint whatever. Post 'em all.
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Survey time!
The rules are simple, answer the survey so we can learn more about our community and you may win a prize
Let's start
>what army do you play?
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
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Thanks anon
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>"I gave my Chaos Pred a combi-bolter just because I had the points left over"
>"...and that is 2,001 points"
space marines are viewed with the same revulsion as exarchs, since they're exclusively devoted to warfare

also eldar men are puny eldarlets compared to the sisters of silence and greyfax
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Hey, fellow Death Guard, I need some advice on the new plague marines:
I look at the new profiles and I feel slightly overwhelmed. What choices to make, what gear to pick. At a glance the flail looks great and the bubonic axes are nice, too, but giving up bolters seems a little much. Should one just go full melee with one unit, i.e. max plague heavy flamers, flails and maces and equip the rest with axes for vehicle rush?
This looks bad Sarge....

How are the Death Guard codex' rules?

Already done.
>My models trigger some people

It's because the Dreamforge statuesque conversions are old, unoriginal, don't look anything like SoB, and worse of all, are both hideous and constantly spammed. I fucking wonder why people would be sick of your garbage.
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not out
Chaos of all stripes
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Sometimes they just gotta dance.
Wait so Eldar turn humans gay for them?
Dark Angels, Matched but I'd do a Mixed, Nah Son some of my stuff is ghetto-built as fuck, I'll tell them but there's no reason to get all antsy over it, 24, no I have never typed that word.
Not out. Do you ever follow 40k? Then again this is /tg/...
>tfw finally get to play Crimson Fists vs Orks

Does anyone else particularly love getting to play battles that'd make sense in fluff?
What's the best CSM transport; rhinos, or land raiders?
>I have never typed boipussy until 1 word ago
Not what I was expecting (expected Tau-faggotry), not disappointed.
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So what do civilians do in there spare time after work in 40k? Do they have dvds? Can they watch movies?

And if they can do the planets make their own movies with local actors that are famous planet wide or does the Imperium have some planet or sector version of Hollywood that works tirelessly to ensure the work ragged masses of the Imperium are entertained after their 12 hour shift at the local Foundry?

And if planet Hollywood made the movies would they all have to be Propaganda movies? Or would there also be love story's and stories about overcoming adversary and serving the Emperor or would it all be Just Imperium mandated propaganda?

And if it is Imperium mandated propaganda does that mean its ran by its own department? Would they have their own adepts where they take children from a young age to turn them into the galaxy's most charismatic entertainers? And what would they be called the Adeptus hospitium?
wait for the kit to come out.
you should aim for what u see is what you get
and you dunno how many of which are in there
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To be fair, if the Emperor didn't betray the Great Crusade and the legions instigating the Rebellion and the Scouring, then Abaddon wouldn't need Drach'nyen and the help of the Chaos Gods to get justice.

Abaddon suffers the taint of Chaos to make right what the Emperor did wrong. It has taken its toll.
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He said boypucci, now pussy.

To be fair, you're a cunt, Carnac.
>Depends on the day, usually matched
>no, I don't have autism
>depends on the severity, usually if it's going to fuck up the entire way they've built their list I just let it pass then tell them when the games over
>I'm bisexual and Love traps yet I've never used that meme term
Low effort bait, Carnac.
I am the nicest dude on this board. Truefax.
>So what do civilians do in there spare time after work in 40k?
Obviously it depends on the planet

If it's some feudal world they probably get shitfaced or churn butter or whatever it is Amish people do for fun

Hivedwellers do cyberpunk shit

Deathworlders play the knife game from alien

I dunno about the rest of the question. TV or movies are never brought up in any of BL stuff I read.

>what army do you play?

>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?

>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?

>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
I'd tell them, but I wouldn't get mad.

>how old are you?

>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
boipucci boipucci boipucci
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smurfs, guard, men in black
yes, empty bases and non-models (cups, bottles) are where I draw the line
immediately, though only if it's a mistake they repeat
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>mfw everybody cared more about my Duncan edits than the comic edit

Such is life.
>betray the Great Crusade
And in what way did he "betray" them when he went back to terra to work on his secret project?
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Actually won this match. I unfortunately didn't get many pictures.

It was a 3v3 for this week's event. We wiped out 2 of the Tyranid player's units right off the bat, and his babymaker on the next turn.

The Genestealers killed two infantry squads which respawned next turn. Pask survived after falling back, and the Genestealer player was wiped that turn.

The Cyclopses also wiped out the majority of his Genestealers, and quite a few Gaunts/etc.
>Different color
>Same annoying shit
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Your opponent pulls out this army at the table, what do you do?
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My WIP terminator inquisitor(next to his own carapace equipped self) before I realized termie inquisitors can't take incinerators but carapace armor inquisitors can
Ain't no bait. Everyone can see that the Emperor is the one at fault. Even Girlyman says that the Emperor failed his son as much as they failed him.
>Terrorist tanklet
>replying to Carnac
End yourselves.
Imperial Fists
Red Scorpions
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so there are at least 11 other 40k bdsm images?
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I've only got one model nearing completion, and I already posted it in a WiP thread. But why not.
Got more ready to paint, but I wanted to get the test model done. Should be able to finish this guy tonight. Still torn between black trim on the red shoulder pads, or keeping the shoulders the bronze color with black trim.
Ask him where he got the Tiger tanks and how he customized them obviously

Im terrified of getting my Orks annihilated turn 1. I've seen this in a lot of the battle reports ive watched
Thank god, at least you finally have a reason to fix that awkward left hand. We told you anon
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Gaydar confirmed canon, post more gaydar!
Pretty well painted for a Den of "Shitty OSL Everywhere Airbrush Only Final Destination" Imagination army.
>what army do you play?
Astra Militarum
>>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
Matched. Narrative if we got a new unit to test out
>>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
Nah. Every game is a learning experience.
>>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
Immediately? Why not fix it right away?
>>how old are you?
>>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
Hell no

>‘Your offer will not be in my interests. There is little of any Legion in what remains to us, Warmaster. I no longer believe we will be the death of the Imperium. I no longer believe we are true to our fathers. Corruption has its claws deep within many of us.’

>‘Then why do you still fight?’ Abaddon’s glower remained, his teeth clenched and his eyes raw in their open glare.

>‘Because I have nothing else. I was born to fight, and forged in the fires of war. I am Astartes. I fight because it is right that we fight. The Emperor abandoned the Great Crusade, and demanded humanity pave the way for His ascension to godhood. I don’t expect to topple Him from the Golden Throne, but such hubris, such evil, must always be opposed.’
Imperial fists are boring and bitch to paint.
Relictors are a literally who? tier chapter.

Play red scorpions, admire all the forge world gear they have they have you will never be able to afford.
How'd you get the Bronze to look that way?
relictors are too boring, scheme-wise
fists are too much of a pain in the ass, scheme-wise

Red scorpions are the middle ground. They're also an excuse to take a bunch of apothecaries.
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>What army

Both are good, but I prefer Narrative.

>Refused to play?

After the game, if they are new, right there if they aren't.


>Unironically typed that?

There's an audio file in the Space Marine game, left by a civilian as the planet is overrun with ork, talking about how much he misses his wife. He describes what the orks done to her. They ripped her apart with their bare hands while laughing.
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>>what army do you play?
>>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
I've never played narrative play.
>>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
No, I have no issues with people bringing what they want.
>>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
It depends on the severity. If it's a game-breaking situation, I'll bring it up. If it's something that isn't a big deal I'll usually tell them after.
>>how old are you?
>>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?

What's the problem? I intentionally have avoided conscript spam because it's not fun to play against.
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>what army do you play?
Grey Knights and Tyranids
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
Matched play
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
Tell them they made a mistake immediatly, but in a friendly way. Even if it makes things worse for me ingame, helping people know how to play and get their rules right is important. That way, they won't have to deal with someone who might actually sperg out over little shit like that
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
No. Why do we always have gay questions at the end of these surveys?

more pics. MAKE 40kg GREAT AGAIN.
So basically he didn't actually betray them but they thought he did and chimped out? Cool, good to know.
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There once was, but I deleted them. If you want 40k R34



That's about 70% of what I have.
its like asking what aushwitz inmated did in their free time

probably thinked about food
give one marine per squad some holding crate. to collect.
Compliment his cool army
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In the eyes of the Germans, the British were responsible for WW1. In the eyes of the Germans, the Jews were responsible for WW2. Perspective is a thing. Relativism is a thing.

Abaddon thinks something does not make it so, of course a guy is going to think it's somebody else's fault lmao. Literally admits to 'thinking' he did.
Red Scorpions for more unique models, unique rules soon, yet another entire FW book soon, cool paint scheme, more options, more support.

Relictors is second choice for almost as cool paint scheme and with options to play Chaos or Fallen that expand their models and army.
>what army do you play?
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
I like matched play that is balanced between competitive and casual. I like to be able to bring fun units and effective units. Too much of either and it makes sure someone is steamrolled.
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
No, but I play at the GW store so no one has 3rd party stuff. I played at home with friends all 5th edition and we used tons of proxies so I don't mind. I don't mind if someone's unpainted either, unless they are unpainted with no progress for a very long time.
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
If I notice, I tell them right away, if I find out a turn or two later, I usually try to make some kind of compromise, like giving wounds back or rolling to see if I had actually gotten a save earlier, stuff like that. Small fixes. If I notice way after the game, I tell them as soon as I see them.
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
Like various words, I say them as jokes, and then just start saying them in my normal speech pattern. I don't know if it's ironic or unironic, but it's certainly in jest or trying to upset someone who hates the word.
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Are space marine terminators models shit?
I'm not sure if I should get a box because i always liked their design and fluff but their models look goofy in many pictures (also the ones in the codex and the gw store). In some other instance, they look imposing and badass (see pic related).

What's up with them, /tg/? Is it a matter of paintjobs?
>gay questions
>not liking boipucci
What are you? gay?
Guard and SM
Mix, but people here play more matched
Never, though i would dick a traps and that kind of stuff if its looks cute.
I followed Duncan's Warhammer TV Minotaur's video exactly as described. Worked out nicely.
-2 Coats Balthasar Gold
-Drybrush Runelord Brass
-Wash Agrax Gloss
-Drybrush Runelord again
-Edge highlight with stormhost silver

The longest part of the whole process was waiting for the wash to dry. Could very easily finish a squad in an evening, once you get the hang of it.
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Did a Kitbash of some more Meganobz yesterday.

Favorite Ork Song
the generic termis are assold and rather boring sculpts.
dark and blood angels have newer and imho far better sculpts and poses.

I thought it released today
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>Im terrified of getting my Orks annihilated turn 1. I've seen this in a lot of the battle reports ive watched.

The games seem very shooty now. Pretty much every 8th game I've played has ended due to either my army or my opponent's army being wiped.

On an unrelated note, I need to touch up a lot of my models. They aren't based and the paint job while playable isn't acceptable to me.
I enjoyed 'Betrayer' tho
Comes down to paintjob and poses, probably also depends on how good you are at converting the arms/legs to make them more dynamic and adding little extra bits here and there to help and otherwise rather "empty" model. Also, the GW paintjobs on their websites don't help, those are years and years old.
They are old models based off even more ancient ones
Just buy cataphractii or tartaros and use them as normal termies
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I don't have any non porn versions, really.
so how does painting in the GW stores work? Do you need to bring your own paints? own brushes? Do they at least let you use the store tools?

I'm not buying a fucking drill just to drill my fucking dudes' gun barrels
It depends on how you pose them, and the paint job.
>orktism claims another victim
>what army do you play?
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
Nah, but people have been bros and let me proxy shit cause I'm new and shit is always sold out.
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
I'm new so most of the time I'm the one fumbling rules
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
How does the Cyclope do?
I'm making a huge FW purchase soon and I planned on throwing one in the order just for shits and giggles
Chaos Space Marines did, not Death Guard, that's this week.
Well the side mounted gun doesn't bother me but I'm questioning whether it's worth cutting the hand off and replacing it with a spare GK terminator hand so there's no angle
Yeah but i mean, I think i remember reading something about some people being show propaganda movies, and if they can make movies why not make it so every Imperial citizen can watch the Imperial Guard Curbstomp some Xenos in their spare time?

They showed movies in aushwitz actually, just most of the time they skinned someone alive half way through.
all termies look shit except the chaos termy lord and scarab occult termies.

Juries out on the new death guard ones
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>wants to stick a dick up a guys ass
>asks me if I'm gay
Are you, anon?
Bring your own stuff, but you can always ask others.
depends on the store.
normally its policy to bring your own stuff, however if you need just a small bit of this yellow its often ok. but ask first. and dont be disappointed if they say no.

this policy was, afaik implemented because too many used the store paints to paint their whole army, not payin a dime
I liked everything about Betrayer except the terrible fucking word bearers fan fiction OC character who is possessed and also angsty about a woman who died and is so cool he uses 2 custodes weapons at the same time and only he can do it because he's so cool
Reminds me of shitty sonic OC
Look at this faggot, doesn't wanna take it in the ass from another guy.
If you're referring to those specific types of Terminator, the trick is their head and arm placement. The kit is old and not as pose able as one would expect, so one wrong tilt of the helmet or arm turns you from lumbering behemoth to retarded head tilting arm flailer.

The DA, DV, SH, and BA ones are a lot better since they're newer and have monoposes. I make sure my Terminator heads are always parallel with the ground, even when their necks are making a hard right or left turn, which actually means you need to do some shaving or precise gluing. Trying to make them turn their head while fitting in the socket results in a retarded owl head rotation. I also buy a couple walking legs on eBay since they're better than the 4 wide legs you get per 5.
Depends on the redshirt, and how much stuff gets nicked. My local redshirt says on average the store loses a set of clippers each week, so he generally doesn't let others touch the tools and puts them away when he's not using them.

Paints, definitely bring your own.
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Hit or miss.

First game had one do 500 points worth of damage with one blast. (Each Cylcops is 40 points)

They're EXCELLENT at taking out small groups of tough units and tear through leaders/characters. Against larger units they'll kill basically everything they hit, but they're not as effective.

They're extremely fun to use as well, just be sure to keep a reroll available with them because their blast is based on a d6 range.
>what army do you play?
Dark Eldar
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
Mixed mostly story driven.
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
Not even almost I love seeing interesting stuff on the table.
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
I'll let them know after no need to freeze the game over something small.
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
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I prefer the absolutely radical, heterosexual premarital sex in the missionary position.
I know, shocking, right?
>How does the Cyclope do?
disproportionately well for its points

I wouldn't take more than one, just because of how much they can swing things with a good roll.
You fucking degenerate
Fought Cyclops for the first time three days ago in a quick 750pts. I was too busy cooing over how cute the tiny russes looked next to the Baneblade to avoid them and they blew my Dragoons to bits.
With today's game getting cut short and handing the win to the Marines who started on the Konor objectives that's four losses in a row.

Oh well, drowned my sorrows in crispy duck, cake, whisky and enough money to buy some more Admech. Was going to do a custom Archmagos, does anyone know how big the body of the Lord of the Rings Spider Queen and/or Shelob are? I was thinking of melding the FW Archmagos body into the top of the spider, mounting guns on the legs and head, armouring it a bit and turning it into a cool arachnid abeyant.
I can't really decide which one, though. Pic related....
Would it be better for me to have large groups of pink horrors, or split them into more small squads?
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....or this one?
Cute pink Nids, too bad they're unfinished.
I've noticed how DA are much more detailed and have better posability.
The head in particular look very different, like shorter and more detailed.

Right, poses are relevant it seems

Not playing chaos but yeah scarab occult look sweet

I'm not really digging the design for cataphractii and tartaros unfortunately, and the idea of using 30k patterns

Thanks for the explanation anon.
>retarded head tilting arm flailer
This explains how i feel about some of the models and yes one of the reasons i believe is actually the rotated heads.
I'd like to have the posability of newer sculpts but DA and BA ones are filled with chapter-specific details unfortunately. Maybe I should try out a small deathwing force at some point?

That model needs the bionic left arm from the Warsmith model and the half bionic head from (I think) the old Devastator sprue. Then he'd basically be the Tiniest Dreadnought.
>what army do you play?
Dark Angels
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
Mix of both, but preferably balanced with points
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
No, but I have complained.
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
Depends on what it is. If it's a recurring thing, I'll them nicely, even if it's in their favour.
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
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Oh, I almost forgot to mention. The most important part of sex to me is that its
The head is already bionic.
Then you just need the rest of the iron hands conversion kit. It also comes with bionic torsos.
i hope the prize is rape
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At what point do marines go "fuck it, put it in a dreadnought" Didn't Calgar lose all of his limbs to theSwarmlord? Seems like he would be prime dread material
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>Paint zombie noises
>b-b-but my spiritual liege
t. Matt Ward
Calgar is an exception to the rule, with plot armor and shit.
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>normies at local store and critics agree that ADB is one of the best authors in 40k
>/tg/ disagrees because they hate Chaos

Who to believe?
>Sending him to our waifu board's house
Actually, he kinda did. He left the Crusaders without guidance. Leaving them to stew in their doubts and uncertainties. There was a big suspicion that the Emperor was planning on getting rid of the legions and solidifying his rulership ship over mankind. It's not like he didn't do it before.

The legions struck back before the Emperor can destroy them.
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Pull out my army and have a game.
Why, are you some sort of bigot who doesn't accept other peoples veiws?
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Ultramarines and Tau empire are quite close to each-other yet they never seem to fight.
I guess GW doesn't know how to deal with their respective plot armours.
Like an unstoppable force, meeting an immovable object.
Why isn't he holding his flamer in his hands?
So the question is what does the communist army look like?
in before all black wearing conscripts
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well you already have the t'au so
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WiP Palanquin
Looks like it's gonna be wrist mounted?
why do they look like dangles
Wrist mounted like any other grey knight termie gun
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I'll finish him one day, I've got to be getting close now.
If you enjoy 8th edition, do you also enjoy r/incels?
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They also had a brothel and rabbit breeding hobbies. Im sure it was horrible.
Cant see shit, take another picture please, anon. I'd like to see it, seems cool.
>lego minifig in the background
>Joker riding next to the hellions
>khorne Daemons, harlequins and dark eldar right next to eachother
Damn son, you crazy
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ABD is one of the best, /tg/ just hates chaos so is biased.
Well it just looks weird
So what page in the rules does it say flyers can only be charged by other flyers? I've been looking for ages, did I get lied to /tg/?

Maybe, but it just looks like a fancy helmet. The bionic face guy looks cooler.
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Conscripts + commisars + tanks
I'm considering underslung at this point or just giving in and giving him a combi bolter
Khorne daemons and lego elf princess are my Gf's. But yeah it's a beautiful scene of miscellany I'd say!
Flyers can only be charged by units with the "Fly" keyword.

Flyers themselves cannot charge.
It's the Airborne ability, it has nothing to do with Flyers.
Shut the fuck up you retard
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>Khorne daemons and lego elf princess are my Gf's. But yeah it's a beautiful scene of miscellany I'd say!
>his gf plays with lego's
>they probably spend hours together, laughing, building, painting, having fun and being creative just like when they were children
Never change, anon
there's 10 pages of rules

the FLY keyword only lets you move over things and shoot after falling back.

everything other than that is in the individual unit's rules
Wrong, see >>55026968

He has the bionic arm from the devastator sprue, I just changed the chainsword
You're only immune to non-FLY charge if your datasheet says you're immune to non-FLY charges
It's on the flyers themselves. The "Airborne" rule.
Because I used a cheaper DAngle Veterans kit to make more Sorcerers using leftover Exalted Sorcerer bits. It was a fun conversion and gave them a unique look.
Thanks m8!
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Oh boy this is going to take me a while.
Looks great though keep at it lad!
Please tell me you'll use Titus
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N-no bully.
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Some smoothly primed dudes because the weather allowed it. Also some WIP Stealth Dudes behind them.
>what army do you play?
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
I like both but matched play is easier to pick up at LGS
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
wysiwyg no, 3rd party no, proxy once
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
Tell them when I think something's off, ask to check codex/index
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
Are Tartaros termies worth using? Sorely tempted to pick up a box for my Raven Guard.

I haven't painted any termies for them yet, and it seems like those are the type they'd prefer.
>this picture again
Hello, I am Polish and a catholic. Germans reduced my country's population by more than 20% during the war, this includes over a 1 000 000 of Polish catholic people dying alongside the jews in concentration camps. Go die in a fire you piece of shit denier.
Best loadout for a GMDK?

My head says daemon hammer

My heart says sword
And so it begins.

See ya'll in a couple hours this thread has been sacrificed
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not that poster, but who was hated more? Germans or Russians?
A big fucking sword
>what army do you play?
Emperor's Children and Slaaneshi Daemons

>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
Narrative. I felt in love with AoS Narrative play at the time, and tried bring it to 40k right away. Nice to see GW did the same thing in 8th edition.

>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
No, but there was a few instances where some dude didn't even bother to make his soldier distinguishable.
It was in 7th when this matter.
"Anon, while they actaully all look the same, I actually bought a single Storm Shield in my Vanguard, so I tank with him"
Fuck no. It was the guy that died two turns ago then. If you don't mark them, they die in the order I prefer.
Luckly this isn't a problem in 8th anymore, but what the hell, you can't do that shit. I'm totally okay with proxies, but you can't pull off weapons all of the sudden from guys that all look the same.

>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
Immediately. I'm the official referee in my club, and people come to me for every problem with the rules and tournaments.

>how old are you?

>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
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Thank you based anon
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The Chaplain Dread? I'm tempted, he's a cool dude.

Might feel a bit weird using him with Primaris though as he dies at Badab.
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You know it to be true.
>/d/-chan being raped by gentle loving intercourse
Does he? I was not aware of this. Where can I read such facts?
Nobody knows, no one had a chance to test them after they got nerfed.
> giving her soft, tender kisses, telling her how much he loves her
Holding her hand
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Why is grey such a cunt to paint? It dries up really quickly and seems really chalky
Do you think we will see this guy sold separatly or do I have to buy whole nurgle set(I got friend who wants sigmarites but I already have other nurgle models)
What music do you listen to while you work on your models, 40kg?
I put this thing on loop. The title says it all.
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I can see the inspiration, anon, but if that is meant to look Chaos you'll need to remove a lot more shit and add horns and crap to make it less imperial.
I dunno but those look super cartoony in the best way possible great work bruh.
They are the best for LCs. Are LC Terminators worth using? Eh.
rip and tear
pic did not load
What's your opinion on the imperial army?
What are some novels on average humans on 40k battles?
What's the opinion on average humans in 40k?
What's the role of human race in 40k?

Forge World's books of the Badab War, they should be in the mega. I think the ambush of the Howling Griffons is in part 1.

I could be misremembering, but I think he bites it.
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tip and rear
So do any of the FW characters survive?
They are manlets except for primaris
Every novel about marinelets
They are marinelets
Marineleting except for primaris

I love the Guard.
Read the Gaunt's Ghosts and Ciaphas Cain novels.
People who aren't Guardsmen lead dull, uninteresting lives for the most part. People either love or hate the guard, just like everything else in this game.
To expend their lives usefully in the Emperor's name.
Space Marines
Never encountered it but I wouldn't mind
Tell them immediately so they can learn, but not be a dick about it
Huron lives
Star Phantom guy who "kills" Huron dies
Most of them live
Dunno if it was Titus but the Executioners take down a HG chaplain dread and in honor of the fight they put the griffons broken chapter banner in the dreads hand and surround his wreck in a circle of broken executioner swords
>What are some novels on average humans on 40k battles?
15 hours is the gold standard for "regular dudes in 40k battles".

The Enforcer Omnibus acts as a decent view into a more civilian aspect of the Imperium, through the eyes of an Imperial cop.
He'll be available... eventually.
Honestly if you just want him ebay will be your best bet. Odds are good that folks will be wanting that femCast more so they'll be extra snailmans around.
I listen to old Opie and Anthony shows. If I'm laughing and in a good mood, I tend to paint a bit better.
Thats good to hear
Whine some more, but actual people buy the Black Legion books and no one cares about your opinion. ADB's a good writer.
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All options viable. More info needed.
I've seen this at meme image with trap
Ah, alright. Guess I'll just have to find out myself or wait then. Thanks anyways.
If he was a good writer he would have a famous or at least indie best selling series instead of writing for BL. BL hacks don't even have to come up with settings or characters other than "muh home brew [existing faction]". Writing about established characters doesn't even require even that. It's literally paid fan fiction.
> good writer
He's writing sci-fi schlock based on another intellectual property. Any dipshit can get a job doing that.
Most of them do, Titus and Androcles of the Star Phantoms are they only two who definitely die.

Corien Sumatris of the Astral Claws and Malakim Phobos of the Lamenters are believed kia but they never found a body, and obivously Huron gets fucked up and becomes his new hald bionic version.

Oh yeah and the Fire Hawks guy disappears in the warp to maybe become a dammed legionaire
Dan Abnett is reasonably successful outside of BL, I think he ended up writing the screenplay for guardians of the galaxy 2 didn't he?
yeah that was Titus, that was a cool moment. Interesting contrast with some of the conduct of the latter battles too.
There are two bandwagon morons that hate ADB. Truthfully, his writing is based. One of the few guys who understands Chaos and how to write it.
But can any dipshit get a Best Seller reward for it?
I like all your models, /tg/. You are the closer thing I have to a friend.
Are renegade knights worth the money/points? I am torn between waiting for Morty or getting a knight
daving for future OP
thanks anon, that helps me deal with my own crushing loneliness
If they're lucky enough to be assigned the novels that the Chaosfags slobber over and buy despite how shit they are, sure.

You realize even a publishing company with NO good books has a best seller list right? They have to make ZERO sales to not have one .
Twilight was a bestseller
Mortys probably not for another month, late septemberish

Renegade knights can have lmao 2 Gatling cannons which is just god tier aesthetics's and gameplay
Always clear play, so I tell them when they make mistake.
Old enough.

Question, with those new chaos dex where the fuck is DG unit list? or do I use those from old Index?
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my models like you back

Unless you like non-imperial models. In which case they think you're a dummy.
Very interesting. I am only half interested in Morty, because the fluff for my DG is that they are hardcore Nurgle worshippers following around Typhus, but if for gameplay reasons Morty was too good to pass up then I would make it work
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God damnit anon I was drinking.
Lots of trash makes Best Seller.
Just look at Twilight and all the Harry Potter books.
Traitor Guard/Renegades. May try to make a Traitor AdMech army
Haven't been refused play. Yet.
Tell immediately. It slows down the game, but the rules are tough enough without making mistakes.
No. And I hope that word disappears from use.
>those vertical color bars
>obviously hand painted

christ that looks excruciating. and really excellent as well
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HEY! You leave my childhood nostalgia out of this, anon!
You're getting a separate codex in september.
Fucking degenerated
How come you always see <your dudes> when it comes to marines and chaos marines? But very rarely when it comes to xenos armies?
At least the other guys stuff looks good.
Yours is shit anon
Y-You too...
Looking good either way, anon.
Thanks! It was a right pain, kept spotting bits that could be touched up, I think next time I might try masking tape.
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Because I'm waiting for our codex to drop so I can give my Twin Archons some <Your dudes> rules to go against my friends <his dudes> custom chapter supplement.

Their main gimmick will be the ability to act as one or two units.
Thanks! I am enjoying painting these, although I can't wait to move on from the grey to other colours
and thats why people dont post their stuff here often.
Please leave

I'm waiting for the Ork codex to give <My Dudes> some fluff. However, the warboss is going to be a Speed Freek, whose ultimate mission is to beat the fastest beings in the galaxy in a race.
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I have my own named custom craftworld, which I've made a supplement for, and created a model for my named autarch.

I have one for my farseer too
What should I get for a Legion of the Damned army?
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The Soviet government killed more of its own citizens then then the nazis could ever hope too.
Also the nazis and Soviets invaded poland together. England condemned germany but not Russia and went to war. They gave poland to Russia after the war.
Poland should of not taken german clay after world war 1.
Geo politics sucks for poland.
Don't they have literally one unit? Like, loads of Legion of the Damned, I guess.
Someone please post the comic of the hipster taking photos of his models
I still have my custom craftworld ziggy stardust space pirate riding a viper with a platform from 2nd edition

The thing was a death trap but boy did he make an entrance

Good times
Non metal models

Wait....are Scions just better Legion of the Damned too?
Honestly? Get some tactical squads (maybe even primaris, if you like the models, even though its bullshit if you care about fluff).
Then Grab the new GW skull kit, give everyone a skull face, then paint em up all spooky and shit.
Britain. Why can't Americans understand this?
Technically speaking, you could also get a bunch of terminators, tacticals, veterans, etc (infantry mainly) and paint em up as legion of the damned. Just don't use any tanks or transports, apart from maybe the occasional dreadnought.
Alright, thanks. Would Dreadnaughts be a good choice.
Honestly it's more about special weapon availability than anything although price helps

Only having 1 plasma gun and a ton of bolters doesn't really make your divine intervention all that effective
Out of curiosity do Iron Hands have much of an advantage over their non-cybernetically augmented brethren? I feel like "normal" Marine physiology is good enough that bionic bits wouldn't be that much of an improvement.
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Custodes guardian squad with grav-rhino(-ish) vehicle.
>you may win a prize
Sure we will

>>what army do you play?
Mainly? I have a few, but I'll say Night Lords for now.
>>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
Bit of both. I like making stories of games. For example, my NL have a bitter 'rivalry' with the Angels of Redemption because my friend and I were the it ones playing for while.
>>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
No, though I've started to enforce wysiwyg during PL games because of abuse.

>>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
I try to tell them as soon as I see it so they know for the future. If it's really casual and doesn't matter, I'll question then after the fact and have them check even if I already know, but that's because I used to be a tutor.

>>how old are you?

>>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
Yeah I'm sure Northern Ireland had a huge impact on allied command decision making
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>what army do you play?
Witch Hunters
>do you prefer narrative play, matched play, or a mix of both?
All three
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
No, but I have told people to fuck off when using a soda can without any effort. Just a random soda can they found on the way to the game.
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
Yes, specially if they are new. If they are old players and can't remember the stats for the army they have been playing for decades they can fuck off.
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
Yes, I've done some things that I rather not do again.
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Because marines and chaos marine players attract the biggest autists

your dudes is always cancer
Like I said, spooky and shit. Take one of those blood angel death company dreadnoughts and get rid of the BA bling, or just use a standard oldschool style coffin dread.
I'm a nid, I hardly got any <your dudes>.
What do you count that thing as during games?
Aren't rapid fire battle cannons better or is it for the heavy flamers?
They trade a tiny bit of reflex speed and gain a lot of durability and machine affinity.

Bionics are rarely a disadvantage: they are limb and body replacements and augmentations, not crutches. Of course it'll suck when you get hit by an EMP or fight rust monsters.
>>what army do you play?
Thousand Sons
>>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
>>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
>>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
>>how old are you?
>>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
No. I never typed it ironically either. the spelling makes me think it's Italian.
Britain was an Empire spanning 25% of the planet. There was more than just English people making a decision.
They're stupidly tougher than regular Marines. Just read Eye of Medusa and the visiting Raven Guard guy says he's never seen so many service studs on so few marines, since it's common for them to reach 300+
>visiting Raven Guard guy
Does he get turned into a Toaster?
The real answer is because their player bases are so much larger so of course you'll see far more individuals doing X for them.
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Whats the best Leman Russ to put Pask in, without caring for cost.

If it is plasma, what's second best?
Coronus Grav-Carrier in Horus Heresy, Venerable Land Raider in 40k. It's not an ideal fit either way (e.g. the Coronus has no side doors, the LR isn't anti-grav), but I really wanted some grav-rhinos.
Gatling cannons are better since you're trading 2 strength for an extra 5 shots per gun on average

The effect is that they shit all over infantry and are still equal to the battlecannon against T8
>Canada or India having a say in what the crown wants or can do

lol no, at most they can opt not to send troops and thats not very common thing to have happened in history.
Compliment his army and ask which kits he used for the kool konversionz. Never played orks, but I'm always a huge fan of well done konversioonz.
Because no one actually cares.
>>what army do you play?
Raven Guard, Imperial Guard, Tau, Imperial Knights, Grey Knights
>>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
Matched play
>>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
Yes, after seeing them use their proxies and lack of wysiwyg to cheat.
>>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
Immediately and I'd hope they'd do the same to me.
>>how old are you?
>>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
they were Dominions, so yes, they had a say. Every country (or area) had a minister in charge as well.
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>chaos almost won a planet
But I do. It's like calling American 'Texas'.
>what army do you play?
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
In order to play against me you must have as much of your equipment as humanly possible be official merchandise of Games Workshop. I won't even allow people to play against me if they used non-Citadel paints.

>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
I will slap them as hard as humanly possible if they count a dice roll if it went off the table.

>how old are you?

>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
Only around Slaneesh players.
You got this one man, I'm pretty sure GW designed in to be in favor of Chaos so they could win at least one.
I play SoB I hardly have lore, let alone models.
But I have more codex than the supposed popular factions.

We need only one man and that is the God Emperor
Nah, he just sneaks about and snarks at the protagonist and some Scouts.

Also, IH Scouts are insanely angry at fucking everything for some reason. No idea why.
>Raven Guard guy
> R G G
This triggers my peaches
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>reading ADB's new BL book
>nearly everyone described as having dark skin

ADB we gotta have a talk...
Lol it was practically utopian. Why did we even bother to change it?
It's more like calling America Mexico or Alaska. Or Guam.
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The Corona is bigger too
Is there any way to run a CRASSUS ARMORED ASSAULT TRANSPORT with a genestealer cult and actually put something in it without homebrewing the rules?
Alright, I'll bite. Somebody want to explain this spicy meme I'm seeing to someone who hasn't been here in a while?
There's nothing wrong with that.

Oh fuck my sides
>what army do you play?
Dark Eldar with a splash of Craftworld
Working on building up some Black Legion
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
A mix
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
Tell them immediately, because I don't want them making it against a grognard later
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
Yes, because one of my friends has a huge thing for traps.
Some anon hates people actually playing the game and having painted armies

leman russ annihilator (dont know if he can)
some dude has his guard painted up in a red colour scheme, so he is called Red Guard Guy, but they look more peach coloured. some people do not like Red Guard Guy
I don't see why not but....could you even put anything in it?
Suck my dick.
Post shit, get hit.
If you can't handle honest criticism, Reddit and bolter and chainsword are just a click away
Hello natsocs. It's a shame these get posted up on /tg/, since the communist mods on /pol/ banned all the natsoc generals. We could have had a cozy containment thread to post these on a containment board, but that got taken away.
Because America purposefully took their time entering the war because at 1940 they wanted to weaken Britain as much as possible and when USSR was invaded they wanted Moscow to fall (long story). But neither happened so they took their time and only entered cause of Japan.

In the end, USA said 'give them self-determination or you don't get money, Empire's are the cause of all wars!' and UK didn't have a choice. France tried it's best but eventually lost it as well (though their remaining countries have way more people than UK's remaining countries).
Is he a malcontent? Like a Carnac?
he cannot be put in an annihilator
>mfw Carnac thinks only two people hate ADB


Carnac is just a shitposter.
just ask your opponent before
its not really homebrew if you cant use it on a technicality
Why the fuck are Fortifications limited to only one unit inside them but transports are not?! How is this not ass backwards?
Red Guard Guy was genuinely fun and posted good content. He's remembered because some assholes chased him off by shitting on his painting quality every time he posted anything.
No, he's just a cozy guard player that liked to post batreps on the /40kg/. A bunch of autists didn't like his paint scheme, and shitposted any thread to death that he posted batreps in.

For reference, there's nothing wrong with batreps. They're just a normal part of the board culture for people to talk about the fun times they had playing 40k at their local gamestore.
Ask someone from Texas if they come from some other southern and when they proudly tell you they come from Texas say "isn't it all the same?" then watch them sperg out.

Unlike American states which have barely existed for a handful of years England, Scotland and Wales have thousands of years of history as sovereign states before joining the union.
I don't think raptors anon posts his models up either. He got nothing but shitposts about his modeling too.
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Guess I'm too old for these memes because I don't get it then
I can only take one IG detachment with a stealer cult, and as far as I can see that means I have to choose between taking the transport (its a LoW) and taking something (like Ogryn) that can legally go into it. Unless I could put hybrids in it, which sounds very unlikely.
People liked him and we reference him because he was fun.

Not everything is memes.
Americans are so easy to trigger it is not even funny.
I got a pine vice and 4 bits for like 13 burger bucks. Just buy your own.
Quick question, just wanna be sure I have this right. So for 8th ed, if I have an anti tank gun, and he has a tank, but there is an infantry unit between me and the tank, I can shoot the tank right? I don't have to shoot the infantry. I know I can't pick out characters, but I can shoot at a vehicle even if there's some guardsmen in front of it right?

>t. American
> willing to overlook the Mary sue times 100000 characters
> willing to overlook the angsty plot and chaos wank
> but the characters are mostly DARK SKINNED?!?!?!111!! TRIGGERED
Trump voter detected. Your tiki torch blow out brah? Maybe Home Depot is still open
isn't it that you can take one IG detachment per Stealer detachment?
why not make some 2 stealer patrol detachments then take 2 guard detachments if this is the case?

yes, you can shoot the tank
This got me hard.
He's actually taken the criticism and improved ALOT
As seen here.
Yet you don't see Chaos players doing that..

Thank fucking goodness.
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>imperium can infinitely respawn on a 4+
>favors chaos
Yet you all just told me everybody shit on him. So what is it? Like or hate?
>Eldar/Thousand Sons/Guard
>Na don't care
Implying I know the rules
>24 like about 50% of this board apparnetly
Final q doesn't warrant an answer
> thousands of years
> sovereign states!!!
Okay boy-o. Maybe a thousand, tops, 90% of that time as sheep fucking barbarians in straw huts. Let's not get carried away.
Lately they are super trigger happy.
A friend of mine likes collect USA president memorabilia thingies so I said sure I'll get you one of those Trump hats when I'm there.
Bloody hell i pick up one in a store and a group of random fucks started following me around the store, drop the hat and the dicks bugger off.
It was a rather surreal experience.

Back to 40k I got a brand new Knight because the store owner was amused that the closet GW store to my country was in Miami
RGG is just banter. Everybody hates Carnac and anybody who says otherwise is him or one of his mimics.

You do realise the Romans invaded in like 43AD. So yeah? 2,000 years.
Dudebro, Guard are totally a meme
No, you're a meme.
> start reading post
> hmmm interesting. Might generate discussion.
> oh look at all the replies! This is awe-
> see last question.
Holy shit /40kg/ can you not fuck up, just once? Just to see what it feels like? Without going off on tangents about traps, or holocaust deniers, or whatever the fuck?
>I don't have a preference
>Not for wysiwyg, but i did refuse a game because someone tried to use their homemade nought as a stompa
>Tell them immediately
>never even used the word
Current presidency has everyone shitting their fucking pants over what has amounted to nothing, really wish we could all just chill the fuck out sometimes
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>muh paint
>muh d00ds
>muh boiz
What do you think /tg/ stands for?
Traditional Games?
It stands for totally gay
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I know. Even when I stop actively posting you shits still get into arguments about me. I just try to ignore them so that one guy won't have ammo for his EGO argument.

t. "Punished Painter" RGG
Bretty gud Metallics anon
I don't understand what you're trying to say
PS if anyone knows where I can get JUST Praetoran heads like previous pic related that would be rad. That picture sold me on them and it's LITERALLY my color scheme anyway.
> considering the dissolute wandering tribes of scotland and wales; united only by their mutual love of sheep fucking; of the pre Roman times 'sovereign states'
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>thus fucking comic again
Ah yes I had misread the brood brothers rule. Very awesome. Thank you anon.

Now they just need to make my 3000 points of converted DE hybrids legal again.
>40k general?
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>3000 points of converted DE hybrids legal again.
I wonder if she does anal
You mean whites are easy to trigger.
How does this look? I might start using it as a baseline.

Night Lords 1000 (998)pts 4CP
>Outrider Detachment
Sorcerer w/Force Staff, Death Hex and Warp Time
Tzeentch Prince w/Sword and Diabolic Strength

Raptors x10 w/Melta x2, Combi-Melta, MoN and Icon of Despair
Raptors x10 w/Plasma Gun x2, Combi-Plasma
Warp Talons x10

I'm not sure if I want to mark the Talons or the other raptors yet. I don't have a crazy amount of CP to be super flexible.
Who is this Carnac, if you don't mind explaining to a newfag too lazy to do his own research? I see him (it?) mentioned a lot.
>Current presidency has everyone shitting their fucking pants over what has amounted to nothing,

This is by far the worst part of it all, the hypocrisy of americans. Where was this hysteria during the iraq war, which everyone knew was waged on false pretenses. Where was this "Political activism" during guantanamo bay or Obamas barely legal drone bombing campaigns? But you fuckers get a president thats orange annd all hell breaks loose because he opened his mouth, fucking americans you fuckers never do anything when it truly matters.
Mein negroid
> assuming race
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>IH Scouts are insanely angry at fucking everything for some reason. No idea why.

>be adolescent scrub on some armpit of a planet
>the Emperor's angels grace your pathetic rock and put you through trials that kill most of the boys around you
>surgically augmented and given god-like physique
>under constant pressure from your superiors to have this body taken apart
My original DE army was 100% converted stealer hybrids, long before the 7th ed GSC book. When the cult codex finally arrived I went into another converting frenzy, but now there are no more come the apocalypse allies my army is no longer legal. This makes me sad.
> hawhaw ameriFATS so easily triggered by mah URBANE YUROPEAN wit
> proceeds to go on rant about America
T. 'Global Citizen'
Carnac is a myth. A ghost. A guise people assume.

There was something called Carnac years ago, but now? No. It's just shitposting.

Carnac was a Chaos supremacist, using out of context quotes to justify his bullshit Chaos will win no matter what, special snowflake bullshit.

In short, Carnac was you, me, every one of us is Carnac. And we don't even know it.
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A anti-Imperial and anti-Eldar faggot who doesn't play the game but buys all the BL books (both physical AND digital of the same book) when they release and takes sentences out of context, applies his own headcanon or his misunderstanding of English in order to push his point. He believes there is only one person who hates him (he doesn't, but he claims as such, I doubt he's that retarded). He used to go by the tripfag name of TIDS or something. He was filtered and or ignored, possibly banned but I can't remember. So he dropped it and carried on his shitposting and spamming, specifically about a BL book set on the planet Carnac where he kept saying "END OF 40K IS NECRONS vs CHAOS CAUSE IT SAY SSO HERE ECKS DEE". So he got that name. He now spends all his time in /tg/ shitposting with said above and nobody does anything about it.

He's easy to spot. Right now he's switched to pretending ADB is a good writer when he isn't and people don't like him, so he likes him because it pisses people off. It's also sadly used as a word of insulting anybody.

Except Carnac is very much still in these threads and even if he isn't (hah) there are people equally as cancerous.
Did you just assume my race? Just because I look like a pasty white guy with acne you assume I AM? I identify as a 57 year old mother of 12 from sudan, you ableist shitlord, I identify as having experienced hardships you couldn't imagine.

Fuck you.
victoria miniatures does pith helmeted heads
Every country is having turbo retards recently. Sadly North America and Europe is having the most loud retards
Hell in South America some fucks still think there are good and bad dictatorships

t. guy that travels a lot

I prefer matched play. Narrative missions, like some of those in Konor are just too imbalanced to be fun.

No because I'm not a dick.

I usually correct rules mistakes as I see them. Not telling them just means they'll make it again. Telling them later risks them forgetting.


I don't know the meaning of the word.
Most of the IH Scouts are from Medusa, but I do see your point. Still, it's not like they liked those kids or anything, and they're proud of your augments. I think Ferrus's geneseed does some kind of extra RAAGE thing, since most Scouts aren't really "shoot your superior in the back with a shotgun" angry.
Wait, what?
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>There was something called Carnac years ago, but now? No. It's just shitposting.
m8 he's been doing this song and dance since at least 2012

It was always shitposting, and there were always pretenders, but the core autist is depressingly identifiable even when posting anonymously.
>what army do you play?


>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?

Matched points with Narrative scenarios

>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?

Yes, when a guy at my club back in 6th (when I played Chaos Marines) responded to my request to ally a traitor guard Shadowsword to my Iron Warriors with "only if I can use my custom Necron Lord" who had barely functional homebrew rules (it was a Necron Lord that was a vehicle that formed a unit with jetbikes that could look out sir for it, infinite Tesseract Arrows it could fire alongside other weapons and mindshackle scarabs)

>>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?

I'd mention it, because in the past I've always confessed when I realise I accidentally got rules wrong (in one club campaign game I realised after the game I'd used the wrong psychic powers throughout and gave my opponent the win)

>>how old are you?

>>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
this weeks mission let the attacker respawn troops on a 2+ and anything else on a 4+ using the sustained assault rules. to win they had to control 2 of the 3 victory points.
I wonder if codex releases will follow adversial grouping
GKs+UM enemies of CSM+DG
So admech with tau cause FoC
Then SW and TS would be paired, IG with Orks and Nids with BA etc...
This week mission is basically defender (chaos) loses by attrition
Attacker gets to respawn any dead unit on a 4+, Troops do it on 2+

Oh you killed 29 Knights? LoL back again now.
Unless the defender plays with like 100 PL / 2000 points extra points they will lose by attrition alone
I dont think it does, I think its purely cultural as Medusa is a planet whos clans were in constant warfare until the Emperor arrived so you got your clan praising strength and hating the burden of the weak, then you join the IH who take that and turn it into dogma and stayed like that for millenia.
Should add, I wanted to use the Shadowsword in an Apocalypse game, I'd converted it up to have Chaos-style weapons and Cultist tank crew, painted it as an Iron Warriors tank etc.

My opponents (an alliance of the two Necron players) were fielding a counts-as allied Warhound Titan (converted from a model War of the Worlds tripod) and a Transcendent C'Tan converted from a Galactus statuette.
Anyway to make Battlescribe consider Elite CSM legion units as troops? ala Noise Marines/Plague Marines etc.
Dunno if that'd work for a bunch
Eldar with?
Quinns with?
Deldar with?
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Chaos, I started with CSM then started daemons as part of a special deal with my LGS. Neither army is done nor fully painted, though my daemons are more painted.
Emperor's Children and Slaanesh Daemons.
>narrative, matched, mixed
Matched play is the best, I don't even know why the others exist, hell my LGS has been running campaign games as matched play games.
>wysiwyg, 3rd party model, proxy
Nope, as long as certain things are noticeably different I'm fine. Standard boltgun marine #4 holding a heavy bolter is annoying to remember, only dude in the squad modelled with a special weapon has the heavy bolter is fine. My store generally won't let you use 3rd party anyway but as long as it's not a campaign sometimes proxies are okay. If you don't own a model and you want to test it out you can always borrow from someone who does own the model, store owner owns a lot of models and actively allows new players to borrow in case they like it enough to buy it for themselves.
>casual game rules mistake
I tell them immediately, I don't want to win or lose based on something like that.
I have
>>what army do you play?
Glorious AdMech robobatallion
>>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
Only really played matched, prefer the idea of narrative
>>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
I only play with a couple mates, we proxy entire armies with other models or cardstock poorhammer versions on a regular basis, so no.
>>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
Immediately, mainly because my opponents tends to do the same if they can remember said rule.
>>how old are you?
>>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
The campaign mission rules for this week.

>Set up the terrain so that is heavily in favour of the defender (chaos) and set up three objectives in their area, wherever they like.
>Alternating deployment starting with defender, attacker takes first turn unless they seize.
Pretty bias so far but the attacker (imperium) gets the endless assault rules which means any unit destroyed comes back on a 4+ at the start of their turn, 2+ if infantry. This basically means the chaos forces have to fight off an endless supply of imperium troops for 5-7 turns.

I don't know man, it's HARD to be the defender, doubly so if you don't have proper terrain on hand.
Which one of you is Loyalist Space Marine?

My mate just said you posted my photoshop I posted early. It's cool and all, just wanna know if you're here.
space wolves
I'm building a Draigowing army. Draigo + 4 5-men paladin squads is about 1400 points. Then I'll probably add a ven dreadnought and an apothecary for good measure.
Should I use a land raider / stormraven or add more paladins with the remaining 250-300 points?
If you don't get butt hurt they wouldn't do, you don't fight trolls by getting really emotional and shit posting about in the same way you don't fight pigeons by throwing bread at them.

Well, just realized why the enemy Redemptor Dread in the game I played today seemed really damn powerful. Enemy was playing the Plasma MegaDisasterIncineratorDecimatorwhatever as a flat 6 shots, which I suspect explains why it started owning my Dunecrawler with repeated overcharge volleys.
You've said or typed it unironically, haven't you?
ofc the yiff posts on /b/ tranny threads
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the dudes abide
>Leveling Lelith Hesperax with the rest of the Aeldary kind
She's above and beyond them anon, she's a category of her own, she's a league apart.
Your opponent has tanks, what do?
asking again, what is the best Leman Russ to put pask in to counter Dreadnoughts?
Hello Mr. Transsexual son.
Mortal wound them to death? Hit them with hamers? Add more shooty dreads? Or I need a storm raven?
I'm not sure anon tell me
None. Take lascannon heavy weapon teams instead.
do not have any
How much is a GK dread woth LC/ML? A couple of those would probably be a solid choice.
>what army do you play?
I play Tempestus Scions
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
I love doing ITC missions and playing the konor narrative missions so both are fun
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
I would not refuse a game for not being wysiwyg, i think if it fits the other players vision then 3rd party can be cooler at times and proxies are perfectly fine due the fact that most of the stuff is out of stock
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
I try my hardest to play my lists with the rules as faithfully as possible. If I know that my opponent made a mistake ill try to inform them of the error as soon as I catch it and if we both cant agree I always offer the roll off to keep the game flow from slowing down. When I catch a mistake after the game I make sure my opponent knows about it when ever that may be.
>how old are you?
I am 24
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
> GSC, DE, Necrons, Nids (in order of fucks given about them, from most to least)
> Matched play rules, but I prioritize fluff when playing or list building
> Nope but nodody in my group uses proxies. Conversions are common but that's a good thing.
> Immediately but in a friendly way
> 30
> No
>I play Tempestus Scions
This makes you a total hipster shit....but I like it.
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Why thank you
Get a Brotherhood/paladin ancient, you might as well boost those squads to insane levels.

This anon is right. Give your dudes hammers , 1 per 5man is good. Vendreads should take a lasmissle loadout with astral aim. You should aim to deepstrike most of your dudes in, but remember that you need units on the table to do so (50%rule). That means either get a transport like a raider or a raven to put a unit inside, get more Dreadnoughts with lasmissle, or plop down a couple empty razorbacks down on the table for cheap.
WS2+ 4 attack thunder hammers per 5

Hammerhand and D3 damage in general
I can't be mad if you genuinely put up with FIVE codex choices this whole time.
Yarrick rerolls his own 1s correct?
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> GSC, DE, Necrons, Nids (in order of fucks given about them, from most to least)
>caring more about fetish BDSM edgy space elf pirates and undead egyptian style terminator ripoffs than nids
.....b-but anon, your little critters love you unconditionally...they deserve some love back, too
Well they're going to be better anti-vehicle than any Russ so figure it out.
Read the fucking rules.
Wait is that real?
If a character has the required keywords for his aura to affect him he is a legal target for his own aura.
Same goes for psykers.
So what does his aura say?
We pay extra due to psychic so regular 162 points, ven 185. A pair gives 324/370. Just about the cost of a godhammer LR or a SR with lascannons and multi-melta. I'm not sure what should be better

I was planning on hammers already for each squad. Astral aims seems sweet with shooty dreads I reckon... The 50% rule is the reason why i'm wondering about using a transport or not. The problem is, everything seems really sweet until you actually try to build the army list because every choice takes up a huge chunk of available points.
Ancient seems sweet but it's an additional 130 points, and one less elite choice for the detachment (out of 6). It's tough anons
Still looks like ass
>Yet you don't see Chaos players doing that..
Because we do it right the first time
Let's see your dudes anon
Oh wow someone actually plays angels of vengeance
I've been working on my painting based on criticism I get.
That reminds me though, is it bad form to post batreps without pictures of the game?
Because I wouldn't mind giving battle reports, but I don't want to start taking photos of the game while it happens. I'm not much of a photographer and I don't want to annoy my opponents.
Ok so the Elite slots issue is not an issue since paladins can be 10x squad and i can use combat squadding. So I can have draigo, 2x10 paladins, apothecary, ancient, 2x shooty ven dreads for 2014 points. 1 hq + 6 elites. Can go below 2014 by dropping some hammer or demoting a dread to not-ven status. Would it work without transports or is it suicide?
I can take one if i drop the dreads or one dread and the banner.
Or I could drop a paladin squad for that but end up with only 15 paladins.
Chaos Space Marines, Thousand Sons.
I prefer narrative and matched. Mixed.
I've never refused to play against someone. Heck, I once played against someone who proxied an entire Necron army.
I never tell them, small mistakes are part of the game.
I'm 23 years old.
I've never used the term.
Thanks. I'm in a shop and a guy was fighting me on it
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>what army do you play?
Black Templars, working on a custom chapter of melee bikers for fun.
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
If it's a pickup game I'll do matched, but if I have time to brainstorm a neat scenario I'll do narrative.
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
If the mistake is in my favour, I correct them immediately, if it is in theirs I'll wait until I have time to double check the rules.
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
>what army do you play?
>do you prefer narritive play, matched play, or a mix of both?
matched play
>have you ever refused to play against someone for not being wysiwyg, using 3rd party models, or using proxies?
Not yet
>if it's a casual game and you see someone make a small rules mistake with their army do you tell them immediately, tell them after the game, or never tell them?
If it seems to be substantial either player's favour I will generally try and verify at the time otherwise I will ask after
>how old are you?
>have you ever unironically said or typed the word "boipucci"?
And yet Chaos is winning. Chaos can still abuse the summoning rules which allows them to endlessly summon more troops, since these are narrative missions. Not to mention actually starting on the objectives, yes units come back but if you kill them they're further back, you just have to keep the attackers off more than one objective for 5 turns (6 to 7 if you're unlucky). I've seen a Chaos army get decimated but still win because the Imperium player couldnt get units up the board fast enough to hold the objectives, the Chaos player won by virtue of just having Cultists squatting the objectives all game and the rest of his army tanked the Imperium players.
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In 7th, you could actually play Chaos Orks with the Daemonic Adversaries special rules. Your warlord and psykers all get to be daemons and summon daemons. Pic related
Wasp/Bulge Archon DE anon
Just played 2 Konor games
Game 1
>vs Tau
>finally field Drazhar because I got my conversion all painted up
>turn 1, start shooting down his shit
>try to get my hellions in position to wipe out his shield drones
>get my ravager in range to blast apart his stealthsuits
>his turn, he blows apart my hellions
>continue, manage to get my reavers in range to annihilate his pathfinders, get my party boat with haem, succ, draz, and 5 incubi into the middle of his army, with a ghostkeel, riptide, 2 squads of fire warriors, and about 12 shield drones
>use my raider to oneshot the ethereal because he was in range
>assault in, pile in and pull in the riptide
>the shield drones manage to survive the assault
>riptide withdraws, but he had to move to do so
>he's super whittled down after turn 3
>I lost a venom and my hellions, but that's it
>he was tabled but for a squad of crisis suits and his ghostkeel, which had 2W
>victory against chaos

game 2
>two returning players from 5e, both know the game
>they finish their game, looking to play another
>offer to 2v1 them, using everything they have
>field my whole army, 142 PL
>however, as they're figuring out their army(guard/sisters and black legion ft abbadon), another newer player comes in looking for a game
>invite him to join
>he has sisters too
>do chaos and sisters vs DE and sisters
>turn 1, my ravager completely whiffs his tank officer
>get most of my army in position to t1 assault
>wipe out a squad of veterans near the middle of the board
>deepstrike my scourges in front of a squad of veteran CSMs and scions
>manage to whittle down the CSMs to be out of abbadon's bubble
>their turn, the sisters/guard wipe out the scourges
>failbaddon's forces unload on me, only manage to do a single superheated plasma wound to a venom
>proceed to basically table them by turn 2, except for a squad of warp talons, 2 squads of CSMs, and failbaddon
>victory against chaos

how were your games, gents?
Talons are better for the prince. Even moreso in lower point value games.
Hail Nurgle
Would Custodes play nice with an inquisitor? They seem to have a general disdain for everybody besides the emperor and I'm trying to find an appropriately fluffy choice to lead my custodians since I don't have hq options.
>can't even secure a planet yourself that you beg the fucking tau for help

Inquisitors is what GW typically uses (from their twitch streams and community/facebook posts). First eight edition match streamed used 2x custodian guard and a land raider guided by greyfax. She was slaughtered immediately, but it's the player's fault for diving into the opponent's flamers.
And they are considered bodyguards for very important people so yeah it is particularly fluffy.
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