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WIP - Work in Progress General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 354
Thread images: 107

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The old thread was on page 11 edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>This planet is ours, witch!

>Previous Thread(s)
>I forgot the previous thread >>54996737
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How's my sorceror? Decided to try watercolors.
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Put some mk 3 marine legs together and glued them to the base. These mold lines are a bitch.
>he put the arms on the scions before painting.

Oooh, good luck gettin those torsos anon.
I think another layer or two would help?
Right now it looks like you overthinned ur paint.
Perhaps so.
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Reposting from last thread because nobody had an idea for the tabbard

Hey can anyone help me out who knows his colors?

What paint would you use for the tabbard? Also how does the rest of the color choices look to ya´ll

i know some parts are chunky i´ll probably strip this guy when i have painted the rest of the squad
Green might be neat.
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working on this nigga tonight
Repeat but - How do the Elysian grav chutes look on Kasrkin? I really want Harakoni warhawks.
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About to start on some assembly but I was looking for a few answers. /40kg/ is a bit too fast and they don't answer my questions

How many relics can a custom chapter have? How do you determine which ones they can use? Which ones in the SM Codex are any good?
What are some cool new paint tricks to learn?
Been working on lenses. And wanna try blue tinting your armour with thinned glazes as well as muzzle burn with the 3 washes
Custom chapters use the relics of their "Parent" chapter, so pick a chapter tactic you like, and say your chapter is from that chapter. you then ge tthat chapters relic, strategem, and chapter tactics
I knooow. But its such a pain matching them up, ill undercoat black and be happy with what I can get.
Why is he shooting the pillow? Is the pillow holding the cat hostage? Is that why the cat is crying?
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Thanks for saying it in plain English. I'm thinking Iron Hand. I'd use Black Templar but I'm a Primaris only chapter and the only melee unit there are the Reivers, which I've heard don't do too hot without their carbines. Disappointing really, as I'd love to model some fresh melee weapons on them instead of those boring knives

Does the Warlord trait stack with chapter tactics? Would my Warlord get to negate wounds on a 6 twice?

Sometimes you don't need all of the answers, anon

Looks like you could do some sweet blending with those paints
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Starting to put the color on this bitch, guest starring johnny P in the background. What color would look good for the shoulder gem (unattached at the bottom of the base)?
I'd probably make it red. What color are the eyes going to be, though, cause I'd make it match them.
You could just do your Primaris counts as normal marine units.
I'm not sure if I want to paint the eyes at all. Not only would it add to that Artorias black hole face effect, fluff wise he's almost semi blind from his time fighting in the Warp. A red gem could work; it would resemble the weird red gems found all over Manus

Like "This model is a Primaris Reiver but I'm fielding it as a crusader/assault/whatever squad"? Is that legal/generally accepted? I'm fairly new to playing but not to painting although getting my hands and my mind to do the same thing are a different story
I know this is a stupid question but, Do you shade chaos black, I'm doing angels sanguine but I'm not sure if I'm meant to shade both sides with nuln oil/black shade.
Some people might get shitty with you about it, but they aren't the kind of people you want to be playing.

If you convert Primaris Marines to have the right gear for a Crusader Squad, no one should be shitty about you fielding them as a Crusader Squad as long as you make it clear.
Cool, that's good to know. Maybe I'll convert some Reivers into an Assault or Crusader squad, whichever is better in melee anyways
Make sure to paint black over black
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Working on two Death Guard Rhinos to get my slow as fuck troops into the fray.
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Would Breachers without antennas look good? I feel like it'd help differentiate them from their Strike Team pals.
They do look good, I'm going to do it for my Breachers.
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Lads, need help. Any thoughts, feelings, suggestions here, I wouldn't consider myself a novice but I'm always trying to improve (or spot silly fucking mistakes)

(Skulls aren't finished, GSC badge not finished, claws and nails not finished)

The biggest suggestion I need is is what colour should the Marine helmet on the base be?
(Also the Patriarch is holding a helmet, which I guess should be the same colour) - maybe I need some help with colour theory here?

The official model has them black because he was part of the Deathwatch box but I'm open to suggestions.

I painted my patriarch holding a blood angels head, because Baal was bullshit. Just paint whichever marine chapter annoys you the most
You've got quite a dark scheme going on, so it might pay to go for something bright and colourful. Maybe a red or a yellow?
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Go for something that contrasts the model nicely, maybe some bright yellow, red or white scheme.
Pic related is my WIP Broodlord with a Howling Griffon head. Genestealers grabbing mangled marine bodyparts is fun, ain't it?
Question for /WIP/. Are the newer plastic Blood Bowl Orcs scaled in-line with WHFB/ 40k orks?
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Abaddon's manlet resin model is terrible, so I decided to paint something else up so I could use his rules with my army. How'd I do?

Thin your paints. Learn to highlight. Learn to shade.
The massive gap between his left arm and his body is a bit odd.

His 30k model looks good to me, better than that
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My response is included on the attached picture.


m-muh feelings
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Not the guy who posted that model, but this is good criticism. You're a good 'un, anon.

>Thin your paints
Did that.

>Learn to shade
Did that

>Learn to highlight
That's next. It's not finished yet.

I wish my shitty submissions got this kind of thoughtful reply. Good on ya
Thanks, that's more useful.

I don't post much but when I can I try to spot ones that need it, I'm WFH today, so if you want to post anything I'd be happy to respond in the same way, perhaps a little clearer than using a yellow green on a cream background what a mong I am...
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>>Thin your paints
>Did that.
Ha. HAHAHAHA. Lies. Even a blind user would post on how thick your paints are. Just look at the gold trim, holy shit.
>>Learn to shade
>Did that
LOOOL, yet more lies. The gold for example doesn't look shaded at all, it's just a thick globby mess that shows some of the black undercoat because you didn't thin your paints and use multpiple coats like the retard you are. If it were shaded, there would be some dark tones near the rivets or the recesses. And the lightning claw has no perceptible shading at all.

Why you gotta lie on the internet, anon? It's not healthy. I did forget this is /tg/ WIP so it's natural that a lot of other shit painters white knight the fuck out of each other and ignore good painters because they "don't need replies" so the threads become more and more of 12-year-olds and their shit babby's first mini and others praising the fuck out of them. WIP used to be a decent mix of painters and most people had thick skin that the THIN YOUR PAINTS meme wasn't bitched about rofl.

I see stuff like this as well and think

>why did no one reply to me

Then I look at my post and it says

>I painted a space marine

If one wants feedback, criticism, suggestions *ask* for it, otherwise people might assume you don't actually want them and are just showing off your paint-job.
>Did that.
How many layers is each colour here?
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>b-b-but it isn't finished yet!
Holy fuck this is the best defese you can come up with? Your model is ass, anon. You asked how you did, and you were told. You didn't ask "How could I do it better?"
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Grabbed the GW skull box and had an idea for my box of termies
Can you take a picture of the sprues? That skull looks awfully like it's the same Chinesium as the Sector Imperialis bases.
Its page on the webstore has every sprue featured

Except you can't trust those. Details on the one you posted look super soft and washed out.
I can vouch that the skulls are actually sturdy. Pic came out looking shiny, but the skulls are pretty well done for how many there are.
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>Except you can't trust those.
Yes you can. I've never opened a box, old or recent and found anything different to the photographed product on GWs webstore.

Those terrible base kits from last year that were made in China looked as bad on their photos as they were in person.
Who hurt you anon?
Wait, how bad are Sector Imperialis bases are?
Damn Arty...Maybe do something other than chest day at the gym
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Still have a bit of cleanup to do on some of the detail bits/highlights, but I'm pretty happy with how this is coming out.
Looking pretty nice, I love the highlighting. I feel like the boots and gloves could have done with some darker shading though, they look kinda pastel as is.
interesting scheme
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This post is such a mess that the only reaction image I had for it was on my desk
I washed the gold with Nuln Oil you cretin.
Thanks, I think some of that may be my potato lighting, but I'll definitely take a look and see if I can darken them up/give more definition.

Good interesting or bad interesting?
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What did he mean by this?
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I like it. Only parts i'm not sure about are the backpack and the silver helmet stripe.
Grey and Red is the best choice for marine schemes, pic related.
Three plus shading, except for the black which is two.
If I hadn't already worked out my scheme I'd probably steal that one, it's got good impact.

The backpack I'm flexible on, right now it's black and silver all around. Do you think it's too dark, or just too plain? The helmet stripe is just me wanting to somewhat follow the "codex" scheme, but hating GW's white paints.

It's not quite but reminds me of Optimums prime.

Nice Scheme, nice highlights all good. Don't like metal stripe on his head though.
>Three plus washing
What is the base colour for that grey?, Dark reaper?
Vallejo German Grey.
All of GW's greys are too bright for my tastes
That little highlight on the knee looks too noticeable to me, but it'll probably be good once it's actually on the table.
You deserve the hollowness that's corroded you to this point, anon.
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Haha, don't say that! I don't think I could play an army of Optimus Primaris marines. I'm open to different stripe suggestions, I was going to do silver helms on sergeants, but if folks think the stripe looks bad I'm hesitant.

Some of that's the paint reflecting, it's not as noticeable in person.

I tend to agree, I've had okay luck washing Mechanicus Standard with Nuln Oil. Pic for reference.
consider a grey stripe not silver, it'd go better.
>That skull looks awfully like it's the same Chinesium as the Sector Imperialis bases.
AFAIK all of the stuff the scenery team design is made in china with soft details (so the moulds last longer).

See the sector imperialis bases, the horrible defence line, the new objective markers, etc.
Ulthuan Gey maybe?

You're a nigger lol
If the flesheads actually had that chin, I'd be more likely to use them.
>>m-muh asperger's
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Finished making the camo netting, and im so happy how it turned out, regardless of the nerve wrecking process.
Holy shit anon, that looks super good. Whole model does, really.
I love the blue/black you're using for the plating, it really pops against the brown.
You already had my favorite tank, now it's even better. What was your method for the netting? I have a friend who does catachans who's been trying to figure that out.
Thank you! Glad you like it.
Took a bit of gauze, spread it around so it looked more like a net, dunked it into a mix of warboss green/Stegadon scale green/water mix for some time, took out to dy. After dry, spread it out a bit more and made holes, cut to shape. Then added a bit of super glue and put it in place, watered down some PVA glue and dapped the whole area of the net with PVA/water, so it set into place. Then dry brushed it with Rhinox hide and Steel Legion Drab, and trimmed it some more. Also had to make it in 2 parts, since the gun is magnetized.
Nice- thanks, bro

Stealing that my man, howling Griffons it is!
do leman russ tanks not come with the bit that cover the tracks on top anymore?
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Someone last thread said something about greenstuff tape not being good, but the thread was dead when I read it. Can anyone elaborate?
the middle of the ribbon naturally combines the yellow and blue parts of the 2-part epoxy, as a result, that tends to harden over time. Having 2 separate components should make sure it stays good for longer.


/awg/ is doing a group build for the month of September. The theme is "monster", anything you can make fit that theme is welcome.

Model must be non-GW if it's modern stuff. Oldhammer stuff is fine but anything from 2000 onwards is out. Use Mordheim as the cut off point.

Requires a WIP shot at the start and then a finished shot minimum. Models shouldn't be any more than 50% built at the start (raid your backlog for something you started but put to the side and want done).

Start date is September 1st, end date is September 30th.
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wip DG boyos

I still have the lenses to do, plus basing etc.

what do you guys think?
Looks nice. Gore on the stomach of the middle guy is well done. You nailed all the fleshy bits too.
Any reason to use war paint, strong and dark tone over agrax and nuln oil?
Looks fake as fuck.

This is supposed to be some diseased demonic shit with goo, shit and blood dripping off every surface. So you make his finger dribble blood like he cut it while dicing vegetables.

You have all these exposed gorey areas and yet they're as clean as can be.
Not every DG army needs to look like it fell in a mud puddle.
price and volume.
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5 hours later and I've finally finished this motherfucker. I still don't understand how I can love and hate my paint scheme at the same time.

Pain in my fucking ASS.

Anyway....Comments and Criticism please, tell me how badly I wasted the last couple hours of my life
Never said it did, I'm saying you have all this exposed diseased flesh and then you put tiny amounts of blood on it. It looks like a cheap cartoon
The carapace looks really nice, I love the highlighting, looks very nice. I think the red skin is a bit lacking though, has a sorta mediocre range of light to it. Maybe try a darker wash or starker highlights next time?

That's me scraping the bottom of the barrel for complaints though, it's pretty solid. Very nicely done.

Oh, and while I'm being pedantic, put a dot of white in the corners of the eyes (on the helmet and the actual nid). Will make them look more reflective.
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and then it comes out sideways......
Lets try this again, 1/4
I think it's a pretty tasteful amount of blood. You don't want to go too overboard with that shit.
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Aaaaaand I just noticed the little blue dot on his elbow, gonna go clean that up
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Does that have an effect on the stickiness of the putty? I'm coming back to models after a long ass time and it's a lot stickier than I recall.
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It's supposed to look cartoonish. That's the style I chose.

I have literally 60 or so Death Guard in the grimier style already ( pic related)
That's not grim, that's just covered in shit.
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Plus I'm yet to highlight or paint chips and scratches into them yet.

Here are what they will look like once everything's done.
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after toying around in photoshop, I am confident that I will paint this fella like this.
Though, I'm unsure how to get the shell to look like in the image.
It's way too late now, but its cannon barrel is rather flaccid looking. Should've boiled it and bent it into better position.


Get a dictionary mate. And you just proved my point. Grimier meaning covered in shit.
I like 'em. I can spot a moldline or two in that picture, tho, and I think you could've kept the purple of the lords cape a bit darker.
All in all, those are some pretty sweet models.
Would nom' with my nids/10
You have a belly full of gnashing teeth full of blood and then the moment the mouth is shut the blood ends. Do you not see how that utterly fucks any sense of reality to the miniature? It looks like a painted model not a real entity in and of it's self. It's not universally consistent when blood runs off a paper cut but not a major torso tear. Does this asshole take a baby wipe to his toothy maw belly button before going to battle?
holy shit, didnt see it till now. What doesnt help is the gun being so heavy it makes the turret droop down a bit, so its not perfectly level, had to elevate the whole thing a bit so it can turn around more. Propably gonna insert a lead weight in the backside of the turret to balance it up. Thanks
I like the slug, but the yellow/purple plaguebearer looks like shit. Otherwise I like.
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cant read the green
Went and boiled the very end of the turret and managed to get it straight, without fucking up the paintjob, all good now.
its the theme I run for all my Plaguebearers as of yet. I like it, it's different than the standard green or brownish ones.
I'd make them all yellow, but that'd be too odd.
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Played a game with these guys I finished and pisted here. took a cool photo thought I'd feel like sharing it
Just cut out the middle part moron
>that massive shoulder gap

Every time I see a Cataphractii with this I die inside.
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C&c for my basing if possible? First time using slate.
what else are you going to be adding? Looks a little bland at the moment
Sand around the bottom, maybe some tufts here and there? I've never given basing much thought in the past, but I wouldn't want to make it so busy that it distracts from the model.
Anyone learning anything cool?

Slatefags > sandplebs >>>>>>>> corkshits

Goblin Greenies >>>> everyone
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Today was a good day.

WIP first company captain
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Another Captain

They are all around the same point cost
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Drop pod company captain
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Penitent mysteryman. No decorations or armor colors due to shameful display in the past. I think he probably let the previous Chapter Master die in an act of cowardice.

Probably counts-as Honor Guard ( relic blade ) or Death Company or Sword Brethren or just assault.

It's a pity Eviscerators arent more widespread in availability for SM units.
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The captain that started it all. Previously chapter champion for a long time ( its a rotative possition ), turned out to be a great zealous leader.
I wanna use this model in 40k for my orks.
The fuck can I use for it?
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And reposting the Honor Cripple. Might replace the power sword with a power axe in the future but I think the new 8th rules are retarded and unimaginative.
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i like the back story
paint him back and make him a black shield?
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>go into the game store first time
>w40k group is on the level, one guy looked like someone i'd have sex with if i was a girl, and had a normal personality.

>next week, come in
>two of the dudes who were okay were in, but now there are three new people who were not okay.

These guys weren't fat sperglords. I play EVE Online, I can deal with fatasses and sperglords. These two were those gangly-ass nerds that looked like they were freshmen at community colleges. One's personality was okay but he didn't shower or wash his face. The other one acted like he was a mildly schizophrenic twitter bot that regurgitated memes it got from interacting with internet trolls. His voice was filled with spit and he enunciated everything. Why can't there be more normal people in my town who play this game.
Add some armor plates and call it a grot tank
>one guy looked like someone i'd have sex with if i was a girl, and had a normal personality

You gay?
>tfw wish I was a super hot chick instead of an average guy

I'd probably be a lesbian though. Being a super hot guy wouldn't be bad either.

I was thinking unpainted ceramite which is greyish metallic or something like that, with a black helmet to denote shame.

Alternatively I could paint him in the colors of my chapter master which has a different scheme ( silver with purple shoulderpad inserts). My scheme is purple and bone white so it would really stand out.

My idea is to make a big unit or two of these penitent marines to count-as death company and Sword Brethren for when I want to play my chapter as BA or BT.
Chassis for a mek gun or big gun?
No, but I can take an objective viewpoint and say that if I was a girl, I'd suck his dick.
Wrong thread, lad
i like this a lot
get shit on other, less based, anon
There's nothing gay about being able to recognize if another man is handsome.

I mean if you get an erection because of him then yeah you're probably gay, but...
You are correct, I apologize my good anon. I didn't notice until you pointed it out to me.
Good, thanks. They'll make for great 'ardboyz.
Don't believe his words Anon, he is the father of lies.
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How'd i do for a malakim phoros conversion boys?

Decided my mystery squad would get painted up as lamenters and then I made him so they could have an HQ

How are you gonna paint em?
That's an odd way to hold a polearm. The lower knife on there is also a bit too obviously just a glued on knife.
Cut the hilt of the bottom of the spear-blade, otherwise anyone who looks at it will see to combat knives glued to a stick instead of a spear.

Could do with a more dynamic pose rather than "sticks gun and melee weapon out straight towards my enemy"

Otherwise, nice job, give him a nice paintjob!
literally nothing wrong with cork as long as you don't go full retard mountains of the stuff tier.
What the fuck is going on here, did you try to chroma-key the wall and it caught random light spots on the model?
>Khorne stuff
>Getting stabbed
They knew.
Duely noted
I will make some adjustments to the glaive

Not sure if i can make the pose more dynamic just cause im not too technically skilled at reposing dudes
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Not sure about the gun color though

Veterans have a silver helmet and sergeants black pauldron inserts ( like Blood Angels)
Even something as small as putting the gun hand down by his waist, raising the glaive hand and turning and raising his head slightly would make him look like he's heroically raising his staff, as to inspire his fellow men into battle. Its the small things that make a pose.

I scrubbed off some paint. All these models are unprepared, I'll leave them for a later date or for a good comission painter.

I still have to remove mold lines, scrub off the paint for good, greenstuff little things, sand other things down etc....
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What's everyone think of my wip
Good start, the red could use a little cleanup in some areas, same goes for the black on the backpack. Otherwise looks pretty solid, go give this guy a wash and some highlights and report back later!
definite room for improvement.
The coverage of the red isn't great and the application is messy. Easy enough to fix up though.
Looks nice anon
That base looks really cool
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I have just started a Fyreslayer´s army with a SC box, a box of auric hearthguard and another box of hearthguard berserkers. What do you guys think of my first finished model (Pappy), magnetized the fucker even to have him on foot and on magmadroth as needed. Plan to use him soon on silver tower and shadows over hammerhal... What do you think guys?
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Sry for the crappy pics; back too.
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All done my Adeptus Arbites test schemes, I think I am gonna go with the white/grey scheme. Would the red one be ok on officers? I was thinking either that or a judge dredd scheme.
Definitely prefer the grey one, you could incorporate areas of red/gold onto your officers but I don't think large areas of red is the way to go at all.
Go for grey but do what >>55026902 said with red.
The full red looks too much like an Inquisitorial Stormtrooper and not an arbites.
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not very. you just need to paint them well. >>55020676
just leave cheetafag. you arn't RGG. you are not Johnny boi. you are just a fucking asshole with no friends. leave.
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3 Down, 7 more to go.
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Cool, thanks for the input. It just occurred to me that the officers wear cloaks/robes, so maybe colouring those red with gold embroidery would be a way to get the old fashion roman colours onto the model without totally over-doing it.
I respect you for doing a quartered scheme and I like the red. That being said I don't like the yellow, it's too brown and I think you need to go brighter
>Cool, thanks for the input. It just occurred to me that the officers wear cloaks/robes, so maybe colouring those red with gold embroidery would be a way to get the old fashion roman colours onto the model without totally over-doing it.
The robes would probably look good in black, with some red areas and stuff.
Hmmm, I'm having a hard time visualizing that, maybe I'll make my next project doing the two colour schemes side by side.
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Good shit.
The highlights seem a bit thicc though, especially on the yellow.
Sorry where did you get the slate and what did you use to attach the models it look cool sorry

I'm a bit clumsy when it comes to detail work so the yellow highlights are messed up a bit. Hopefully it'll come out better next time.
yellow is soo hart ignore the haters
nah man, I want to do better next time, its not enough to just say its hard and give up on improving.
Anyone have a side by side shot of a Grot Mega tank next to a trukk or a battlewagon or any 40k vehicle? Or the dimensions?
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>I was using some Nuln Oil, as usual
>Leave the mini to dry
>When I return, the Nuln Oil is incredibly Gloss
>Looks like absolutely shit
>Manage to kind of fix it with matt varnish, but it still show up a little

What the hell happened?
It's the same pot I always use, but it never did that before.
Your highlights looks like you just need practice. More than a steady hand, good edge highlighting comes from patience and getting the knack for the sweet spot in paint consistency. Thin enough that it goes smooth, thick enough that it doesnt run wild or retract on itself. Enough on your brush that you can get what you want done, but not so much that it makes a wide line. Make sure to use the edge of your brush where you can. Stick to edge highlights over stuff like curved armor soft highlights until you're a bit more confident with regular highlighting and then come back to those.

Also looks like you maybe did an all over brown wash in the yellow then covered it? Washes usually shouldnt be used all over flat marine armor due to the blotchy way they will dry, though you can do an all over wash of cassadora yellow on averland if you make sure it doesnt pool on flat surfaces - otherwise, stick to a recess wash. You might check out duncan's imperial fists armor tutorial.

Good luck with your bold scheme, bro.
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Had a cast taken off my index finger today. Still not very flexible, but I've been itching to work on my models, so I tried to do a quick job on the grav rhino.
I'll need to get back into the grove, that much is clear.
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Alright I made some adjustments to malikim phoros and his glaive to make it not look like two knives ductaped to a stick (tho there's an idea for my chaos renegades...)

I also made him hold his glaive lower so it looks more like he is just raising his pistol to dome somebody
Thanks for the tips! I'll keep them in mind.

I was trying to just do a recess shade with the agrax but I guess I went a bit ott.
You might get some shit here for the main coat looking uneven/dirty but painting tank bodies without an airbrush is a fucking whore and i feel you're pain.

Looks good tho my dude
Yeah, big time. If only tanks weren't the most boring shit on the planet to paint.
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pike tends to break in that pose for me

that chest piece is super hard to paint GL
My army needs more heavy armour right now but i cant be fucked to paint anything that isnt infantry

It doesnt help that it gets exponentially harder to paint using a brush the larger the area/panel thats being painted is
If you can press through the drag of getting their main armor done, it's always a blast to do weathering, put transfers on, do freehand, etc, but man is it uphill motivation wise to get there.

On the other hand, I love vehicles that you can hit with a rattlecan and metallic the weapons separately.
Yea im not looking forward to painting those ropes and tassels

not too worried about the pike breaking because i never bring my army anywhere or play......
It's pretty much exactly the size of a battlewagon. Six and a half inches long, three inches wide, five inches tall.
ya i only play like twice a year :)

wheres your hood?
Thanks m8
Buffalo NY, so i got plenty of FLGS close by and even a GW shop around here somewhere iirc

But I just refuse to play anywhere until I have a full 2000pt army fully painted and already have a good handle on the rules
Looks much more interesting already! Get that guy primed and painted!
Thanks anon

Planning on painting him mostly gold

Not sure if I should do a red or white cape tho
White will be a bitch to paint, but it'll probably look better imo. Red and gold looks great, but white and gold is just A E S T H E T I C.
Sexy as fuck anon, well done.
"For those we cherish, we embrace the A E S T H E T I C"
fluff question; do the eyes on a space marine helmet light up?
I'm painting the dead marine on the primaris apothecary at the moment and i'm wondering about how to do the eyes.
it depends on if you want them to or not. I mean, going off of reality, they would have no reason to light up. They're lenses, not headlights. But its all up to you.

Had the same thing happen to me. Shake the shit out of the tub (like you're Michael J Fox at a rave) and it'll fix it.

I think the pigment settles and if you're dipping from the top you're getting mostly medium. It ends up drying like gloss varnish.

Another coat once you've shaken it should fix it.
So what do you guys use for stripping metal miniatures? Like to actually get the paint off? I got two lictors where the idiot seller clogged up the details with primer and I soaked them in nail polish remover for a week and still can't get them off. I'm about to bin them and get new finecast ones so i dont habe to deal with idiots on ebay.
Look up "Easy Off" oven cleaner. Works great, just make sure you have gloves and are in a well ventilated area. Also make sure to use the heavy-duty kind.
If nail polish remover isn't working the guy probably didn't use primer. He probably used some time of enamel cause that shit should clean most things.
No one, any pointers? What domyou think about the colors i chose? Any feedback or opinions would be apreciated...
Sorry that nobody commented yet buddy

Your dwarf looks great
Especially how the skin and beard came out. Especially the glowing tatto part of his skin.

What's collecting fyreslayers like anyway? I always had trouble following who the heck anyone was in AoS

Whats's your dudes schtick?
I think you're in that awkward skill zone where your technique has no major flaws but there is still room for improvement. Makes it hard to give specific pointers.

Not geat but saveable imo.

Go over the gold areas again with a dark gold like brass scorpion. Then give them a brown was (agrax) or even sepia. Then give them a lighter gold (auric gold) drybrush.

The black areas, to quickly highlight black armour, the quickest and easiest way is just to just very very lightly drybrush JUST the raised edges with a metallic like ironbreaker or leadbelcher if you want him to look really dark and dirty.

The iron areas don't look awful, I'm guessing you did leadbelcher, black wash, drybrush? maybe do a lighter metal drybrush lightly on those areas like runefang steel maybe.

If you can repose that right arm to get rid of the big space, that would be ideal imo. I wouldn't worry if it means he's holding his sword in a less dramatic fashion, it will still look better.

Honestly, I really like the model you chose. It does look better than the actual abadon model but then I'm a big fan of putting named characters in helmets because I think it looks cool and different.

Hope that helps and honestly it's not as bad as some of the snobs on here are acting like it is. The only really bad part is the gold and that's just because you washed the gold with the wrong colour.

Thinning paints is vital, but on metallics it's ultra vital. Metallics really really really need thinning!

But this model is not beyond saving at all. Just follow the instructions above and it will be fine.

From the zero responses, I take it that my painting is flawless. Thanks /tg/
Probably because your photo is really bad.

From what little I can see, it kinda looks like you overused wash and are a maniac who stuck a centurion head on a tactical marine.

I must have missed the part where you asked for feedback
You've exposed your models to so much bright light it's like your a girl with terrible skin trying to take a profile pic.

Do one model at a time, make sure its in focus, and don't bathe them in half-life 2 levels of bloom.
Fyreslayers are a duardin (dwarven) faction in aos of nekid raging, fire and axes loving slayer-like type of dwarf who instead of painting their skin with tattoes like to instead inbue themselves with ur-gold (totally not gold, OC do not steal) to gain more power. Just started collecting them so i dont really know, i do like dwarfs and axes mind you so they appealled to me from the start and slowly more and more. What is schtick? Thx for ur reply...
Whats with the several

>teeehee can i have some advice on my clearly virtually expert level paint job aka suck my dick

Posers in here?
> it's like your a girl

I make fun of people who make this mistake all the time and now I've gone and done it. Before anyone comments, yes I know I'm an imbecile.
Thxman, tho its not my hand, my wife pints my minis and she is awsome. I just give her the colors and effects i want and where to paint it. I kinda wished i had her skill really.
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>they imbue themselves with magic metal to get more powerful

Yep that sounds like dwarves alright.
Are your dudes part of any particular tribe or whatever group structure the dwarves organize themselves in?
What are you planing on doing to make them unique to you? Or are you gonna go for a generic approach (ie ultramarines) ?
>my wife paints them
Damn anon, does she collect her own too? Cause she looks like a very expirienced mini painter

Also you'll never develope skill without practice! I bet she could give you plenty of pointers too, considering her skill level.
Just used some on a talon. Holy shit, easy off plus toothbrush equals clean model. Cancel my shopping cart. I got metal lictors.
Now I need to get some more gloves and more easy off cause the shit I found under the sink is almost empty
damn, i dont really know all of it yet. havent even picked a main lodge either (the kind of tribe each fyreslayer is from ruled by a runefather, pic related) i do like the kind of obsidian we painted the axe and detail of the mini and i fluffed it as grimnir´s blood: black and red polished stone that is harder than metal but its also very rare and almost only found on this particular lodge lands. I plan to just use it on special individuals like heroes since its very rare.
Acetone was good for getting the GLOBS of green stuff off in this case, but not much else. It could be enamel shit.

>my wife's minis
She does have some adeptas sororitas, like 5 or so. She kinda only paints minis she finds interesting (i.e: she likes the colors, paterns or the sculpt itself) or the ones i ask her to. She doesnt have much experience painting minies but she has always been good painting in general and manual arts too. Used to do nails too so i took advantage from it O_o... Man, i have painted one or two minis before but frankly i lack the patience to paint (tho i really like the concept of a nice painted mini; love them in fact) and i think im too brash to be a good painter, i hope to at least bea a decent one with time, A LOT of time mind you...
That sounds like a fun idea anon.
I do a similar thing with my guys where I will give sargeants or special characters different colored power weapons or by freehanding symbols on their armor to make them seem like they got a "special" piece of rarer wargear
Neat. I have the same train of thought in the matter and im proud of how we came up with that particular pattern (although it doesnt show very well in the shitty pic i took).
Does anyone have pictures of the following? I need to compare:

>earthshade on cadian fleshtone
>earthshade on bugmans glow
>fleshshade on bugmans glow

I'm trying to find a quick and easy method to painting my plague monk skin.
Get ratskin flesh or whatever it's called. It works perfectly with either wash
Show me whose work in here appears to have zero room for improvement.

Even if there's very little room for improvement, I still enjoy seeing people's work to learn from them, imitate techniques, get ideas, etc. If there's something good someone's put effort into, hell - I wanna see that too. Good motivation to keep working.
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Recently got the Blood Bowl box, painting up some of the humans from it.
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>assembling before mould line removal
Looks gross, makes my stomach churn a bit.
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alright so I'm finishing up basecoats for this fucker. Do you guys think red on the cuffs and front folds of his jacket with some gold highlights would look good?

Otherwise the whole jacket is gonna be black.
>undrilled barrels
>two rows of minis
>couldn't even sit them on some white paper
>couldn't be bothered to set up more than one source of light either
>teeny tiny picture
Not him but
>where did you get the slate
Other than just going out and picking up some rock, you could probably get some at a nursery.
>what did you use to attach the models
Super glue obviously, what in the world else could you use?

Stop that shit.
That's a bit of slate on some 25mm bases. Not much you can do with 25mm without it getting overcrowded so uh, yeah looks average I suppose?
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Kommandos done
That's already at an above tabletop standard I'd say. Flesh looks damn good especially and the runes on his skin have a nice two-tone effect. Only criticism I can really give is that the metal looks a bit flat and the dark bits are really dark, might need another highlight on the plume and dark red bits.

If you want to try ascend to a more 'Eavy Metal/Golden Daemon standard I'd source guides and tips from elsewhere, /wipg/ can be real dodgy with advice.
If you're going the grey/white (which I prefer myself) then I think an officer would look better with a darker, more black and white scheme, possibly with a red helmet.
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Kind of want to do my recently Stripped Kriegers like pic related as I have had them fluffed as anti Nurgle. Just not sure how I would really do it. Prime black followed by layers of grey on the sides or center? Straight white coats for Grenadiers, Engineers, and Officers? Would probably keep my commissars Officio Prefectus standard tho. Going to try a couple things now.
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sorry for the bad pic but how's the base look? debating whether or not to go over the corpse again and make the armour more visable
>he did the shotty white like I suggested

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Anyone got the gem painting guide?
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I worry that that's too dark. I don't plan on doing a layer (though I probably could). I'm trying to rapidly pump out tabletop standard rats.
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Posted in the 40k Gen last night, these tanks are base coated, and in spooked of doing weathering honestly. Rate the pattern though?

The two Stug looking tanks are Leman Russ & chimera parts, there's a guide floating around.
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Heres the earthshade on cadian and bugmans. I think the bug is definitely too dark, but the cadian might work.
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Finished this deff dread, now onto the second.
I like the camo, simple and effective. Nice OSL on the plasma gunner, too.
That's adorable.
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>Anyone got the gem painting guide?

Well, I have this one, but if you look in the OP, there are some much more detailed instructions in the CMON Ultimate Painting Guide.
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Scythed Hierodule progress report!

Did the Administratum Grey highlights, mainly around the spines. Usually I do the claws in red, but that teds to look gaudy. I think I'm gonna do the scythes in grey at the base, then build up to white, with a nulin wash to even things out.

After that, I did the initially splatterings of Macragge blue for the carapace. I know I didn't get everywhere, but I was using a wide and large brush to try and get as much surface area. I'm gonna go back with a smaller brush to get spots I missed later. Unfortunately, my blue is running dry, and I'll need to get some more before I can continue. Once the blue is on, I think I'll Nulin Oil it before doing Kantor Blue for the feathering.

Feed back is appreciated.

Also, official song of this painting session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE4BxPwu4zI
Thanks anon
Yeah, i definitly think i get what u are saying, i really think with another well taken picture it will he less evident, also, i personally i prefer to keep soft hightlighs. Pretty much personal preference of course, your point are really valid. Ill try to take a better pic another day and will try to upload it. Id like that golden demon thing thx... hope u can link me to it.
>MFW I keep coming to this thread to look at what people have been painting but keep getting distracted by these sad cats and just end up hugging my cats for a while
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Love them while they're around anon. Models can wait
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What's the best way to speed paint skaven skin? I'm just going for tabletop quality. Want to use earthshade as my wash since I'm doing the clothes as death guard greed and earthshade with nurgling dry brushing on the edges.
Personally I would make the armor a little more visible. The corpse looks way too old and weathered for how fresh that blood looks. I could just be full of shit though, I think the whole thing looks great regardless.
What colors do you use to add chipping weathering to Grey Knights or anything silver? Brown? Silver-er?
I'd go a brighter silver
The basecoat I've got on this marine is Leadbelcher hit once with Nuln Oil. I've got Ironbreaker highlights and Stormhost Silver extreme highlights

Would I sponge it with Stormhost Silver then? I've seen a few tutorials sponging with Rhinox Hide then adding a line of Runefang Steel/Stormhost Silver on one side of it to make some kind of illusion of depth
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I didn't need this at half past four on a weekday, but I guess I'm getting it anyway.
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I never want to edge highlight anything ever again.
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Hot fucking DAMN, anon. That's gorgeous.
Would you be so kind to list out the colors used ?

I like your scheme and want to copy it.
>I never want to edge highlight anything ever again.

You're going to end up just another shitty airbrushing hack like Den of Imagination or Third Eye Nuke if you don't.
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I did a little more work on the exalted sorcerer. Anything stick out as bad to you guys?
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Got my thousand sons (of malice?) too. Any tips for a green glowy effect on the shoulders?


Main colours are Sotek Green, Wild Rider Red and Celestra Grey.

The weapons, vents etc are vallejo Jade Green and Gauss Blaster Green.

Armour Chipping/Damage is Rhinox Hide.


I know, but fuck me if this doesn't take hours.
I need to take a break from painting Tau I think, so many sharp edged/segmented armour plates.
You actually made that suit look really nice, and I've never been a fan of it.
How'd you put your Citadel paints in droppers? Did you use flow aid?
Definitely glaze the shoulders, then probably just use drybrushing for OSL.

I just used water, flow aid might have been a better option because they get clogged at the nozzle fairly regularly.

But then again, I'm a cheapass.
Did you just use cheap bottles from Amazon/eBay?

Considering pulling the trigger myself, it's tempting. 15ml, yeah?

I think so yeah, bear in mind though that after adding thinner you'll have more that 15ml of paint to transfer, I remember having leftovers when transferring full pots.

I think it's worth it overall though, I've started to move away from citadel for a lot of stuff though just because of the pots which is a shame, the quality of the paint is actually pretty good and there are some paints (the Edge range in particular) that don't have a good analogue in other ranges.
I might go with 20ml then. Not dramatically larger and it's not the end of the world if the bottle isn't full.
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Ballast-loaded filler with little gubbins and scrap on top >>>>> all
Peaceful Orkish Antifa
Hi guys, I'd like to make an specific effect on my Deff Dread and I am not sure how to paint it

I would like to get a metal box with bad painting (red/blue/yellow) on it to make it Orky, and add some rust.

I was thinking of making more or less like the citadel tutorial:
- Leadbleacher (Base)
- Rust shades/wash (rinox hide heavily, then more orange tones but less heavy)
- Paint the color but rather thin so you can see the metal below.

What do you think of this? Shouldn't I do the paint effect first then the rust? How should I make the paint effect (just diluted like 2:1 paint:water?)
Those look amazing. You really make me want to paint up my Ghostkeel good.

What parts did you paint separately before assembling?

>Citadel paint and the labels transferred over too
Are you some sort of wizard? That is a fucking brilliant idea.
I recently learnt how to put washing-up liquid up my ass so i can fart bubbles
The labels transfer over ridiculously easily, it's almost like they were made to be liberated and put on bottles that aren't awful garbage.
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Sounds good. I like the red cuffs idea, and doing up his medals and shit in gold/blue would also call back to Dredd without being too offensive.
More progress on the Official's House. Still needs more coating but it's late and my hands are shaking.
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GFDI, lost to cacpha and 12 goddamned iterations of street signs.
Noice, only thing left is do add checkers/diamonds
What did you make those buildings out of?

They look very sturdy.

The lower body, upper body, head, and arms were all done separately (and are magnetized for easier transport)
'Ey 'ey! 'O 'O! Dese 'umie gitz 'ave got ta go!
>not Oisis
Thanks. That was how I was breaking up my recast Ghostkeel but wondered if there was a better option.
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>What did you make those buildings out of?
>They look very sturdy.
Layered foamcore and spackle. The base is mattboard and stripped foamcore, with pecked holes for the support columns (all five are cut from the same dowel). The floors are coffee stirrers from Cash and Carry cut to length and glued into position with cross-members. I dye them with sepia artist's inks and then weather with light overbrushing and craploads of sand/glue. The coffee stirrers are the reinforcements/pediments on the walls as well.

Whole thing cost about two bucks so far, including paint, and it's taken ~three hours of work not including research. Floor plan is based on this historical Egyptian house, although I think I posted the last WiP in the /awg/ thread.
how well does a Black Templar tabard fit with a Primaris body? Is greenstuffing necessary?
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Would you accept this as a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh (with Dual Talons mechanically for what its worth).

Still not complete as I want to have a pair of Daemonette arms coming out of his back as well as give him a suitably scenic 50mm base, probably with a couple of fawning Daemonettes on it.
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I would not.
he looks way too small to be a former space marine and a daemon prince
>former space marine
Who said anything about Space Marine? Not all Daemon Princes were Marines.
In truth, there is nothing that says a daemon prince has to be a hulking monstrosity.
presumably he is going to be HQ for a CSM army so it stands to reason he would have been a space marine at some point
>presumably he is going to be HQ for a CSM army

No, pure Slaanesh Daemon
oh then where are the tits?
then how come he's dressed entirely in dark eldar gear?
non-astartes slaaneshi daemon princes usually look like nagas
Going for more the obsessed duelist thing ala Lucius
Because I haven't filed stuff down/painting him up Slaaneshi yet. Just messing around with poses and ideas for now.
>non-astartes slaaneshi daemon princes usually look like nagas
Slaanesh of all gods would probably appreciate some variety in his servants, the naga thing has been done to death
So long as he stands tall enough to have a similar enough silhouette to a normal DP (which seems like no issue here), then sure. It's nice and creative.
Maybe get some leathery wings or something, just to hammer home that he is a DP
He's about the same height and I'll get him a 60mm base if I go this route and cover it with plenty of corpses and groupies so he has the same footprint in terms of game space. I'm not 100% sold on it myself though.
Thought about it, kind of makes the hover tentacle board redundant though. You're right that its a lot more classically Daemon Princey though
I think the Daemonette arms might fill the visual role of wings pretty well anyway.
Lets take a step further, you can clip off one wing,or both halfway, make it all rugged

so that they look damaged and then the hoverboard makes sense again
Thats true, I'll see how they look once they arrive
I like that; or maybe just have them be wings too small to support him, either way he'd be vain enough to use the hoverboard to compensate
Jobs a good'un, boss. - Groin Kikka
Excellent work, F'io.
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Sorry for the shit photo.

I'm going to clean the model up a bit yet but is this too Templar-y for a Deathwatch commander?
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Anyone know where I can find some cheap skulls for basing in Europe?
I'm going to say the Ukraine. There were a few racial cleansings there right?
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Can anyone recommend an airbrush metallic range which doesn't clog fine nozzles? Been using vallejo game colour and keep getting jams with the metal, especially the 'chainmail silver'.

Also, WiP undercarriage for my dakkajet.
GW literally just did a box of plastic skulls. Don't think anyone is going to beat them on price per skull.
literally can't beat GW's price on that.
>Been using vallejo game colour and keep getting jams with the metal, especially the 'chainmail silver'.
Vallejo has a specific airbrush line of colors, called Vallejo Air. I'd give those a try.
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Huh, how bout that.

More skulls than I was looking for but probably the best choice.
>but is this too Templar-y
No, it's fine. Nice model.
Slap some black on the guy, I want to see him painted!
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I'm a while off that yet unfortunately, I'm working out how to make a mould of either the Deathwatch logo or the BT cross to put on the tabard as a little homage to the Deathwatch RPG.
Sorry, failed to write the paint name properly. I'm using the game air.
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Has anyone bought airbrush stencils from anarchy models? I want to try stencils, but most companies seem to be in the US and charge ridiculous shipping prices to the UK. Anarchy are in the UK, but their website is quite shit and doesn't have pictures of the one I want to try (the HS diamond cheques, which I'm hoping are suitable for harlequins).

Also, has anyone tried cutting their own stencils with something like the tool in the picture?
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Working on some Death Guard myself. Here are some bolter buddies from the Havok squad.
Love the bases, but desu that's a little heavy on the gold for my tastes. The death guard are defined by their avoidance of ornamentation.
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Maybe it doesn't line up perfectly with cannon, but it's not like its without some level of president. If nothing else, I think it gives them a nice level of pop for when I put them out to fight other plastic space mens.
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Watchu guys think about this "conversion" for my chapter/company master? I removed the sphere around the helmet. On the Inceptors it has sense cause it closes when they enter from orbit, but on Captains and aggressors? Why do they have it?

How do you think it looks, should I romove it from my aggressors too?
There are various gold coloured metals (including actual gold) which are very resistant to corrosion. Would make sense for DG to use them on their equipment to stop chemical weapons damaging it.
But they're actually mentioned as liking their armour as showing chemical damage to show off how much they could survive.

Gotta be honest here. Those looks awful. The paint is uneven and splotchy, it looks like you overthinned and didn't bother with a second coat. Can't even tell if the terminators are painted or not.

Also, mold lines errywhere
iirc, he's painting with watercolors
I'm not entirely sure but that might be even worse, but my limited expertise doesn't extend to the probably worst kind of paint to use on miniatures. Well at least he won't have to deal with too thick paint.
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Working on a "Space Adventurer" character to use for various sci-if games/RPGs. I want to file the aquila off his chest and replace it with something more sci-fi-y but I'm not quite sure what to put there at the moment, any suggestions? Also I've been thinking about clipping off the magazine on the bolt pistol to make it look less like a normal gun but I'm still on the fence.

They also sell a smaller pack of 32 skulls, plus a couple "skull pile" bits. If you don't need the whole shebang.
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