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/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General

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Thread replies: 374
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>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience


>/5eg/ Alternate Trove:

>Resources Pastebin:

>Previous thread:

Aside from Forgotten Realms, what D&D settings from previous eras have you played in? How have you adapted them to 5e?

And also just real earth
I am going to start running SKT soon, you anons have any advice for me?
Ravenloft, didn't work so well mostly because only one other person in the group really cared for it.
Mystara, worked pretty well just through taking the lore and reskinning a few things.
Brought a bit of Spelljammer in but did it through FR so don't know if that counts.
Why do Wizards keep releasing shitty Arcanas? What is the point of them? Who the fuck uses expirience in 5th Edition when CR is more broken than God Emperor himself.
People who bitch about CR and XP don't even look closely at them because it's more convenient to spout memes. CR and XP are both fine in 5e if you actually read in the DMG how to fucking use them.
CR isn't broken, it's just a rough guideline that people keep using as more than that for some reason
>Bitching about CR
>bitching about experience
>Bitching about the god emperor
Fuck off retard
Asking again this thread because I'm unable to come up with anything good: Anyone have any good ideas for an High Elf Arcane Archer backstory?

Dude is chaotic good and an uncharismatic tactician.
He got so high he started using his magic to shoot people
CR works the same way it did in 3/3.5, it does not. You can't use it as a guide for classes are not balanced to begin with. You will now say I complayin because I can't run monster propperly and roll high numbers, fuck off bitch. My average is 17, and still the fuckers manage to kill a deadly encounter.
Dragonlance (including fifth age), dark sun, motherfucking planescape.

Rest are a shit.
After last session:

>player a: hey I didnt like the game today because...
>player b: texts me how much of a fun session it was and how much he wants to play next week
>player c, the quiet guy: I text him to ask him what he thought of last night session, one of the bests of my life

Wtf, this is a constant for me, some players loving or not liking sessions almost randomly and I can't seem to pinpoint why. I know that people like different things but it seems really extreme the variation
It's pretty obvious that CR is only one factor of several. Any multi-factor model is bound to be too complex to be dumbed down to a single number.
Stop whining, fag
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Any ideas/advice for running a sci fi campaign?
I've ended up just using levels based on the amount of adventures completed. Once players complete an amount of adventures equal to their level (to a maximum of 9 adventures), they level up. It works for my group's playstyle, as we can never usually get everyone together so the story is very episodic.
No shit it doesn't work like it did in previous editions, you're playing 5e, you blithering moron. Learn the CR system for 5e.
So we're a party of monk, warlock, cleric and rogue, how screwed are we?
The Cleric is probably fine
You sound like a really terrible and autistic DM. Do you understand what system you're playing?
How would we be in melee?
Between the monk and warlock you might be kind of short rest dependent, but it's not like a party really needs a specific composition to succeed. That's entirely on the DM's ability to design encounters
Very good against single targets.

Hope that is a light Cleric
To be fair, I've found that 5e's CR system tends to favour the player characters past the first 2-3 levels.

Which is absolutely fine if you want a system in which the player characters are big, powerful heroes which the encounters are balanced when they provide a challenge, but are unlikely to wipe them out barring catastrophic idiocy.
Makes it hard to create deadly encounters without slaughtering them outright, though.
You have to add a bunch of NPCs for the first raid in Chapter 2 or else your party will get slaughtered. The Bryn Shander encounter for example is worth 26,200xp adjusted when a deadly encounter for 4 Level 5 PCs is only 4400xp. Even if it's just a bunch of cannon fodder guards to take some of the hits from the party.
Fighter, Monk, or Warlock for STK?
Monk and Fighter will get slaughtered. True giants do like 3d12+6 damage per attack, have multiattack, and have +9 to hit. The only martial that has any chance of survival is a Barbarian, but even then if he eats a crit he's fucked.

What? At what level? You fight these before level 3? How is this even fun or balanced?
Don't use 5e
>running a sci fi campaign?

Robots older than anyone.
And they are each crazy in their own way. Not necessarily destructive. Maybe just depressed.

Magic was released by a nuclear war
Keep it nice and vague what the war was over, and what exactly happened. Perhaps an age of myth, where THE GODS ruled, before the war.

Elves were genetically modified humans; Made long ago to be Perfect(tm). Something went wrong.

Mutants. Mutants everywhere.

Schizo-tech it up. There can be space ships and pole-arms in the same setting.

If you use 5e, and you have laser guns: Martials Can Boast , and cover is incredibly important.
I started my party at Chapter 2, so we started at level 5. The very first encounter they had was 3 Frost Giants and 2 Winter Wolves at the same time.
There's an encounter in Fireshear where the party is supposed to repel an invasion of like 20 Frost Giants. I'm probably going to just skip it because it sounds so fucking stupid, it would literally be like 12 IRL hours of combat before we could move onto more RP.
Straight up the only reason my party survived the Bryn Shander raid is because the gate to the town was only wife enough for one giant to fit through, and the Bard cast Tasha's hideous laughter on the first one while it entered to block the gate with an incapacitated giant. And then the Wizard made the other two giants in the back frightened so they couldn't willingly move toward the party.

If your players aren't smart enough to actually strategize, they WILL get absolutely SLAUGHTERED. The encounters are totally not balanced.
Holy shit, this actually sounds so fun.
Meant for
It's very fun, don't get put off by my bad language. I'm just really dreading running the 20 giant invasion because I know I'm going to have to pull a lot of BS to give the party a chance to survive
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I need some level 1 premade characters- are the D&D next sheets still the thing or is there a better repository?
People say it is hard for the party to survive, but im DMing SKT, and my party of 4 are doing really fucking well. I did the attack on triboar and they actually killed the 2 firegiants and a lot of the minions. This is with me fudging rolls in favor of the giants. And every single other giant encounter ends with one maybe 2 people dropping below max health.
There are some premades in the D&D 5e starter kit, I think.
>dual whip-wielding paladin that smites with reach
Is this viable? Is there any way to make whips good?
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I'm a DM, but for SKT, I am going to be a player. Fuck that man. I haven't used it yet but I'm a fan of putting the party in an impossible situations.

I don't mean impossible as in no way out, just give them a chance to really think about it and make plans. Also, if there's a way, plenty of warning will go a long way.

Give them warning a chance to retreat if they can and throw it all at them. See what happenes.
you've been watching adventure time
Magical or non-magical ranger /tg/? Which do you prefer?

I want to try a ranger character but not sure if I want to go the non-magical ranger route or the magical. I do like the non-magical version but having a little bit of magic is also useful so I'm stuck.
It clearly says two-handed
denial anon

RP that your ranger hates magic

make sure everything he takes is something that he can delude himself "it's just talent"
The spell-less ranger is a nerfed version of the worst class in the game. Do yourself a favour and play the revised ranger.
That's better but there are two fighters.

Anywhere else to get some premade 1st level sheets?

My big problem with the DnD next is the formatting is ass.
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>dual whip-wielding paladin that smites with reach
>Is this viable?
Fun, yes. Viable, not so much.
>Is there any way to make whips good?
Make it a d6.
That could be an interesting character to RP. Might work out.

Not the WotC spell-less this one. http://i.4cdn.org/tg/1501733301901.pdf Found this on a thread a little while ago and really liked it.
why is a whip d4 anyways?

Realistically, you could add some kind of sharp object on a whip to rip flesh off and it wouldn't lose it's whip-ness.
Probably balance reasons. Dex is already super good, a reach finesse weapon that can be dual-wielded is even better.

That said, you can dual wield hand crossbows and those are a d6, so I dunno.
>add some kind of sharp object on a whip
>it wouldn't lose it's whip-ness
I don't think you quite know how whips work
Because it's versatile with reach, meaning Dex abuse can be pretty stellar since you get an extra 5 feet of fuck your opponent's mother.
>Ears are in front of the whip

Such an easy thing to fix. Give me a sec.
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thanks for the spoonfeed

normally I avoid being the DM at all costs
Going to be playing for the first time this week. Any tips for an autist on how to roleplay well?
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>inb4 pixels
Give in to the autism, let it empower you.
Maybe not man, but I do know there are such things as chain whips, and it should be more than a d4.
>tips for an autist
Don't try to steal the spotlight from other players. Don't interrupt the other players or the DM, unless your character is interrupting an in-character conversation. DO NOT make any kind of sexual remarks.
>Don't try to steal the spotlight from other players

I will have to actively make sure I'm not doing this. Thank you.
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>Adventure Time was a DnD campaign substitute for Pendleton Ward
What's the difference between Dragonstar and Spelljammer, and which makes the better sword and planet setting / He Man / 80s cartoon setting?
>Martials Can Boast
What does this mean? Sorry, I'm new to /tg/
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It is a catch phrase for the opposite of "Wizards Rule, Martials Drool"
The UA ranger without spells is bad?

What's the best beastmaster ranger? Is the UA ranger hunter the "best" route to go?
Just to make it clear.

If a setting has fire arms, or lasers, that can be used by player characters, and they deal more damage than crossbows, then martial classes like fighter become far better than spellcasters like wizards.
>What's the best beastmaster ranger?
UA revised ranger beast conclave
Dragonstar is better for Space Opera, imo. Big powerful evil empire ruled by dragons is straight out of Star Wars.

So, Spelljammer is better for He Man - esque shenanigans. Things are automatically a smaller scale.
Can you still let yourself fall on purpose if you drank a potion of flying and are in the air?
Of course you can, just like you can drop prone when walking.
Probably. I don't see why someone would say no unless the player is trying to use "falling" as a way to get extra movement or something
Great. Next session we will have a rematch with a young black dragon who killed one of our teammates. I will drink a potion of flying we stole from its lair and use it to grapple it in the air and drop to the ground with it. Will be fun
Knocking something prone while flying is the same as knocking it out of the air. That seems a bit convoluted
I know that I can knock it down, but then it has the opportunity to get up and escape, which my character won't risk.

Our party is mostly melee, so I want to get it to the ground and hold it there. Also it will be funny
Players traversed into underdark, entering temple of a demigod, goes by title of "Molten Wand"

Anyone have any cool dungeon ideas? My imagination is running low today and I need some help.
Magic based traps and lava based environment, based on the name alone.
Explain this meme? Wondered if I was the only one who hated that picture
How would I homebrew a race of Half Aarakocra
Give them one wing and they can only fly in circles
Grant wings as a racial feat, like that Dragonborn UA?

Truly, a tormented existence.
Ebberon is probably my favourite setting.

Shame the UA wasn't that great.

Still hoping for ebberon campaign material ala SCAG.

If most of your damage comes from not just the attack itself I don't think it's too bad. I'd use it with a cleric or a rogue, and if you smite often enough it probably is alright on paladin too.

There's bound to be some eventually. Emphasis on "eventually".
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What are some good early level spells to grab for my spooky necromancer?
Hm, which UA was that again? I also completely forgot about them. Will probably take some shit that makes it all fit.

That's what I was thinking at base. And maybe no full flight. or if they do they just get the Circles
New DM about to start a campaign with new players, one of them wants to play a Kenku. I suspect he chose Kenku because he thinks their speech limitations will mean less roleplaying for him, but reading over their race it seems like they actually require extremely clever roleplaying to pull off correctly. Should I let him stick with it or tell him to change?
I've got an elf NPC in my campaign that's been around for thousands of years. Is there a way I can do this via rules? There's a thing in Druid that makes it so you only age 1 year for every 10 years you're alive, but it's like level 18 and even though he's supposed to be this ancient heroic legend, I'm not 100 percent sure I want to have my players just suddenly 'know a guy' with access to 9th level magic.
You could go with the undying Warlock they get a similar ability but at level 10.
>I'm not 100 percent sure I want to have my players just suddenly 'know a guy' with access to 9th level magic.
Why not? Someone that old would be wise enough to not just use his abilities because some murderhobos asked him to.
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>mister epic hero guy the world is in peril and you have a spell that can solve all of our problems immediately!
>nah I think you should solve this one on your own
Why do you need a certain rule for that? Just invent one or say he got this ability granted by a God, a mighty spirit or by some ancient magic ritual, that is performed once every thousand years or something like that. That shouldn't bother you
Also generally speaking, try to avoid giving NPCs class-levels, just grant them the features you want, because that's a lot less work and more fun and freedom for you.

If you really want to do so for reasons I can not understand, your elf may not be interested in helping the players or strict religious/cultural laws may not allow him to do so
it's called differing opinions. I know this sounds strange, but some people like things that others don't.
It doesn't say I don't have four arms
I'm just mocking the retard you replied to
>Why do Wizards keep releasing shitty Arcanas? What is the point of them?
They want to see what people think of different alternate subsystems now that the game has such a foothold.
It's gonna be these little things for a few months more, by the way, if the original announcement about it is anything to go by.

They're doing a big stretch of them now partly because we have Xanathar's Guide coming out soon, and that'll have enough unique shit to keep us all satisfied for a while yet. Plus, Tomb of Annihilation.
Either don't use 5e, or do like Eberron and turn everything sci-fi into the arcane equivalent.

Legions of sentient war androids being a new disenfranchised people? Warforged.

Impossibly large megalopolis where super-tech is conspicuously all over the place and people have jet packs? Sharn, with its super-magic aura.

1950s-style alien conspiracy fiction? Those psychic outsiders who fucking body-snatch people.

Post-World War irradiated hellscape? The Mournland.
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You mean before third level when you get animate dead? try branching out to other schools for things that are spooky. Hideous Laughter is pretty creepy out of the box, you can probably fluff something like Grease to be 'hideous ichor' or something like that. Darkness is self-obvious I think. Spider Climb is easy to describe in an unnerving manner and pretty much anything destructive can be creepy if you're describing it appropriately spoopy.

Don't forget about spells like False Life which have utility but also are eeeebil.
oh and Fog Cloud to create spoopy fog
I think about adding Greatswords to my campaign dealing 3d6 damage, that require 18 or 20 strength and medium size to be wielded and can only score a critical hit on a natural 20.

opinions? Would it buff fighters too much or be unfair to players specializing in polearm-fighting?
What is the point? You're just saying "if you've got high enough strength, you deal even MORE damage" which is already the case.
why are you trying to buff fighters at the thing they are already great at?
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in my game i have created arquebuses that are identical to crossbows but with a damage dice improvement, and they make noise.
my players now have aquebuses and pistols they use to shoot off a volley before they move into melee.
its super awesome and fun.
are you triggered /5eg/?
does my blatant homebrewing trigger you?
im changing the rules of the game to make it more fun.
you must hate that /5eg/.
i know you hate fun.
and i know you hate homebrew.
I thought about humanoid NPCs having these larger weapons for fluff reasons and what to say to my players when they are picking them up and wanting to use them
They have both wings, but they're so small they can only fly in short bursts, like the eagle barbarian.
>can only score a critical hit on a natural 20.
Why would you make some sort of stupidly good weapon every strength based martial would use, then pointlessly fuck over champion fighters?

Either way fighters don't need a buff, even more so one to damage dealing with heavy weapons
What's broken about it? I use the DMG calculations to help build encounters and they've all been pretty balanced.
Feats for races
NPCs don't need to follow PC rules. Just say they deal an extra d6 with greatswords.

i love that idea. Got stats on what those pistols and arquebuses are?
Or do it like the Tabaxi. They can fly for one round at speed of 50-60, but to use it again they have to not move a round.
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Q: I'm a newbie DM, running what I feel like is a pretty neat little horror campaign. Part of the fun is that I pretty rigidly reinforce the "do not communicate information if you're not in the room with the PC / do not pass along information OOC"

So, we're bringing on two new players (A & B) today. I'm having a little friction with PC A because they keep on trying to talk / chat OOC, and I'm kind of cutting it off every time it happens.

At one point, a character in a different room is about to execute a bad guy, and PC A says "don't! we need him to-" and I raise my arm and cut them off, perhaps barking out "shaddap!" in the process, and they immediately stop talking.

Later on, after we adjourn, this person reaches out and says that 1) they're going to be leaving the game and 2) they are in part leaving because I made them feel like they're not welcome to communicate with other players or work as a team.

I reached out, asked what they planned to do, apologized, and told them they're welcome to rejoin if they ever reconsider. They're probably not going to do it, so I'm feeling a little bummed.

It's not like the campaign is going to suffer, I just feel bad that I scared off a newbie player just by being a dick - though I swear I only did it because I feel like that kind of info restriction is fun and increases immersion. How should I feel about this?
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Be honest, how close are the arquebuses and pistols to what is in the dmg?

Just one die off for damage, full round reloads, and the NOISY tag?
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just look at the different crossbows in the PHB, up the damage by a die type. thats it.
>Underwater flintlock

Just give them the normal weapon types. They don't need to know where the extra damage is coming from. There's a lot of 'just cuz' extra damage sources on the NPCs.

A lot of tougher NPCs and monsters have 'Brute' or something like that, that just doubles their damage dice outright. I have an NPC antagonist right now who does x4 weapon damage instead of x2 on a critical (trying to mimic Sarevok's Deathbringer's Assault)
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I'll go for this then, sounds indeed like the better option as already mentioned in the other replies
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are you triggered that there are essentially exactly what you're describing in the DMG described as black powder muskets?
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Update: I talked to the person, turns out they had a pretty cool idea and were chiming out because they were excited (and hence engaging with the setting and getting into it) and they felt stomped on when I did it. It's not just hurt feelings, this person has said that they're not into the type of the game where table talk / collaborating with other players are not allowed.

So this isn't reparable. I just feel bad because this person was excited and into our setting and I made them feel unwelcome at the table. Damn it!
Huge-ass Sword
3d6 slashing damage
Heavy, Two-Handed, Unbalanced

Unbalanced: You have disadvantage on attack rolls with unbalanced weapons. If you would attack more than once in the same Action, you attack one less time instead.
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Anon, Underwater flintlocks can be fun, just call them out and own it.

The real issue is that the Merman's pistols seems to be of varying sizes, the pistol in his left hand has this weird stopper thing at its muzzle that the others don't, and his right nipple is non-existent.

I do like how the DMG muskets get disadvantage on attacks after 40 ft.
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So, my DM has told me that keeping track of food and water is BadWrongFun. Thing is, I like it.

How autistic is it to offer to be the quartermaster for the party, and keep track of this stuff?

It might involve bullying goblins for supplies when we run low. So the DM would need to sort out how the goblins feed themselves when I bug them about our low supplies.
>How autistic is it to offer to be the quartermaster for the party, and keep track of this stuff?
Bring it up with the party, if they're up for it go for it
Hey, /5eg/ I think I backed myself into a bad corner with my most recent PC. I'm running an Oath of the Ancients Paladin with an Acolyte background, but the God I selected is Neutral. Yes, I know Paladin =/= religious, but due to the typical LG nature, is N prayer going to be an issue? We only just made the characters last session and the DM is writing out the world/story for next week.
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>using alignments
Nah you should be fine dude
>but due to the typical LG nature, is N prayer going to be an issue?
Oh my god who the fuck cares
Seriously stop taking alignment so seriously. It's fucking stupid.
Point taken
Fuck you
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just.. don't

I mean feel free to find a game with this level of autism to suit your needs, but for god's sake don't force it on the DM and other players. they aren't going to care and they'll resent the hell out of you for cramming it down their throats.

seriously find a DM who also makes you take time to shit and then makes you roll based on your diet to see how bad it is and what saves you need. you'll love each other.

>ok Hambald of Greenbrian you failed you're fortitude even at an advantage so you need to shit
>right now?
>yes, right now. you can move up to half your movement to find cover.
>fuck ok, 1, 2, 3.. here, I'll shit here
>ok you've been eating what, hmm hard tack with weevils and not a lot of water over the last 24 hours
>cmon we went to a tavern last night
>no you didn't say you drank water and you only had two beers before the fight, I'm sorry that's not enough to loosen you up. roll a strength check at a disadvantage.
>a disadvantage, what?
>15 and 5, shit
>exactly. not only do you not manage to push out the gigantic rock of shit but you let out a small groan trying that is clearly heard across the meadow into the edge of the Deep Dark Forest Edge.
>well crap, what now?
>Exactly, crap- as in you need to. Now roll again at a disadvantage.
>(wizard) um, we heard the scream right, can we assist?
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Tell me about the character you're playing.
He's dead
Paladin who is only using his party to accomplish his means of ruling over a small band of Paladins that plan on creating their own quasi-religion based on their merits. Keeping it all secret from the party while I pilfer artifacts and the like to empower my other group. The DM and I are trying to figure out how to incorporate that and give the actual PC party the choice to intervene or allow me to continue.
Half-orc storm sorceress with a bit of a naive understanding of the way the world works thanks to assuming that everyone thinks the way her tribe does.

Spoiler alert: not everybody is going to let every fight go to the death unless someone explicitly yields, and slavery is generally frowned upon.

So yeah, that'll be fun.
Lizardfolk ranger (custom setting where lizardfolk don't all have autism) who's sick of living in his brother's shadow and has a somewhat nebulously explained apocalypse to stop
Don't sweat it. At all.

Example prayers to a neutral god:

>May I be a tool of balance, bringing justice to the wronged and retribution upon those who would misuse power

>That I might be an example of truth for others to follow

>I will to serve you, and strike against those would upset the true order of things
dueregar cleric with front lining as capable as the barbarian.
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>want to track food and water because you enjoy it
>willing to do it for the whole party
>DM tells you it's badwrongfun instead of making food and water a more significant element in order to engage one of his players more
Propose it to the rest of the party, tell them you'll do the whole thing yourself, and rejoice as you engage in one of the oldest traditions in gaming
Oath of Ancients is IMO keyed towards a nice but fairly neutral Nature deity. Should work fine unless your oath tenets and their commandments conflict.
A guy who was tricked into making a deal with a demon, becoming a warlock. However, due to the trick, he believes it as a religious experience and becomes a paladin in the name of this entity he can barely remember outside of his fever dreams.
The demon tattoos things on him to go find, little treasure hunt things that are actually for nefarious purposes. The demon also uses the tattoos to show him the spells from his pact of the tome and his other pact spells
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I'm playing the bitter DM who would rather be a PC introducing the game to people who have never played because I haven't been able to find a 5e group since only the core books were out.

The dilemma my character faces is that the more successful he is playing the DM the more likely the group will want to continue which means he'll just have to keep taking DM with no hope of even multiclassing as a PC on occasion.
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Half Orc Stone Sorcerer. He is covered in stone and very heavy, thus looks kinda like a golem.

He looks intimidating but is kind and helps those in need without asking for anything in return. Very keen on protecting those dear to him, while he searches for the cause of a dark sandstorm which turned his tribe into stone and gave him his current form and magical capabilities. He makes puns relating to stone, earth and ground all the time.

In combat he is a frontliner who deals good damage with quickened/twinned BB/GFB, while keeping up strong buffs for the party. Due to 20 Con, Shiled and Absorb Elements he is quite tanky.
>tfw you finally multiclass into a PC but the DM requires it to be a 4e player

It's actually fun. Though I really want to play a swashbuckler rogue
Thinking of making a Gensai Stone Sorcerer, should I go Earth for classic feel or mix it up with a different option?

Also anyone have some cool character ideas?
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>be me
>PC in a 5 player (6 w/DM) 5e game
>play at FLGS weekly for nearly 2 months
>DM moves group disintegrates
>go into FLGS
>check board: nothing
>ask guy, hey I'm looking for a 5e group do you know of anything, games, players any interest around?
>sorry champ, we're a pathfinder store, we only support pathfinder.
>yeah, ok, I just thought maybe someone else was playing 5e, maybe had posted on the board, maybe another group was coming in regularly on a different night...?
>look we only support pathfinder, we are a pathfinder shop.

and I never went back. Frankly I'd welcome a 4e game. Or pathfinder. Or warhammer 40k. Because it seems all we have around here are people who haven't given up 2e, have libraries of everything bastardizing 3 and 3.5 into their games over the years and hating on anything since.
I have an idea for a racial ability which is essentially freaky-friday'ing with a creature, taking control of its body for a duration. Similar to wildshaping, is restricting this ability by CR a good way of balancing it?
My 4e campaign was going great, but the DM kept saying "Oh I can handle more players" and inviting more people in. I know everyone in the group and regularly play games and stuff with them, but holy fuck this is painful

We're sitting at a total group size of something like 8 people, I'm just glad it's all online over discord so they don't have to see how bored I am while I wait 20 minutes so I can run up and twin strike the next enemy with my ranger

I'm starting to find out the whole "4e combat takes 4 hours" thing, because I'm starting to hate the idea of getting into combat
restrict it to half wildshape's CR.
>only works on tiny vermin animals til level 20
what exactly happens to the sorcerers body while the Gibbering Mouther is in it again?
I dunno. I've thrown encounters at my players which math out as deadly, and then added a few lower CR monsters to skew the action economy in the enemy's favour, and generally, the most they'll have to deal with is someone going down until healed.
Was anyone using GWM, SS or anything? Discussions about class balance aside, I've found those skew the CR's you need to be using waaaaaaaaaay past deadly to actually make something deadly.
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Bump, someone tell me how to feeeeel
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you destroyed what might have been a lifelong player and drove him to play boardgames for the rest of his life.

how do you think you should feel?
I'm playing an archfey warlock in an upcoming game and I need ideas for archfey.
Half-Wood Elf Arcane Trickster 3 that loves pickpocketing with her mage hand and breaking into homes and taking their cool stuff. She's multiclassing into Bard for level 5 so she has a cover career to gain likability and keep suspicion off of her
so your playing you're waifu?
Just don't steal from the party and you'll be fine.
The idea was that it's an ability that can only be performed as a ritual, with a casting time of 30min or something. The PC wrests control of a nearby creature's body from it, maybe with a charisma check involved if the creature is intelligent.
I also want to play around with exhaustion mechanics, so I thought the PC could receive a level of exhaustion in exchange for being able to control stronger creatures (for a limited duration).

I'm struggling to think of ways to make it mechanically distinct from Wild Shape, while making sure it's not overly powerful, because obviously I don't want a racial feature to be more powerful than a class feature.
She stole 8 gold from the sorcerer early on because he was being an asshole. He doesn't know it was her and She doesn't plan on doing it again. She may be a chaotic neutral thief but the party gives her a steady flow of coin and she's not gonna risk losing that
design-wise, yes
Normie with only 3e experience about to play a 5e campaign soon- how do bards and druids compare between 3 and 5? Trying to decide between the two and am feeling a bit overwhelmed
SS? Anyhow, no one in the party is using GWM. The biggest issue I've identified is the moon druid being able to take some three digits of extra damage, and the party intelligently placing itself such that their enemies have to go through a massive hunk of meat. I've found that enemies making clever use of magic can bring the balance back to normal, but the current leg of the campaign can't really justify it.

But again, I don't think it's a major failure of the system depending on what you feel is the purpose of a combat encounter. I think a deadly encounter per the CR system ought to be tougher, but it's not a dealbreaker, and I understand the system well enough to tinker with encounters as necessary.
its already 2x wildshape, it requires a 1/2 CR
The most versatile support, non-damaged focused, class.
Spend a lot of time as meat shields, but land is viable.
Bards are full casters with a good bonus action buff resource and lots of skill monkey stuff that can eventually steal spells from other classes.

Druids are full casters that can prepare from their entire class spell list (like clerics and paladins) and have utility through shapeshifting. Moon druids have more capable wild shapes for combat and are basically pseudo-martials because of how wild shape works in 5e (you get the new form's HP on top of your own).
Bards can be damage focused and approximate a full caster of almost any class + skillmonkey.

Druids are weird and not bad, but weird.

Druids aren't quite as terrifyingly strong as they used to be, but they're still quite effective. Land Druids are casters, and add spells to their list based on their chosen "land", while Moon Druids focus on shapeshifting, and are really hard to kill thanks to their healing mechanics.
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but again, vole, rat, or beholder, you're saying freaky friday, what happens to the PC body during the exchange?

if you actually mean possession they cast their mind out and:
1. they dont' get to pick the creature
>oh you wanted to be a sparrow? too bad you're a salmon
which also lets you control whether or not they gain pertinent information. I once broke a high level campaign in half by turning myself into a bird twice. anway:
2. the longer they are there (in the creatures mind) the more they think like the creature, the more instinct takes over, the less they bring back. ultimately if they remain too long they forget themselves and don't come back (rest of the party has to go catch a specific salmon...)
3. the salmon dies they die
4. the entire thing is a struggle of wills constantly. in a fishes mind, no worries except you start thinking like a fish. in a trained guard dog- yeah everything you want to do is a test. again you can use this, like they want info on the count and plan to fly in as a bird, eavesdrop from the window, oops you're seeing knees and not seeing much color- you're the count's fucking prize dog and the back door to the kitchens is open. can they overpower the dogs will long enough to get the tidbit of hook you want them to?
Every fucking time. Every single fucking time when i flip through backgrounds this little faggot just stands there and gives me this stupid look on his face. What should i do about him? Ideas?
Currently: Wood Elf Ranger with a massive hateboner for Dragons. She has not missed a shot yet.

Previously: Half-Orc Samurai who guides the spirits of the dead.

Soon: Goliath Forge Cleric who is tasked with recovering lost artifacts and such from a ruined world.
A goblin scout/demolitionist who served in The Last War that earned some medals for distinguished service thanks to some clever solutions in using magical items (mostly by developing ways to turn any sort of wand into a bomb).
After the war he got himself noticed by a fellow at Morgrave University and has now received some formal training in Artifice.

Now he's working with a few of his old squadmates after they all got pulled into investigating how their old captain was murdered (still unsolved) and saddled with his debts, though we're handling it about as crooked as you could imagine.
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>Party's checking out this weird ass dungeon under a necromancer's house
>Walk for literally an hour through a tunnel
>Walk through a door, finally
>Two undead beholders
>We're level 5
how the fuck did we even survive that
Anyone whip up some sort of homebrew for the Artificer? Found a few things, but only a couple interest me.
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Are you sure you did? You might have died, and are even now haunting the physical realm, unaware of your demise.
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That's a good point.
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Yeah freaky friday was a poor way of putting it, it is more like possession. My concept for it was being able to use creatures like tools to accomplish a task.
>Level 3 PC, control a cat and slink around eavesdropping
>Level 20 PC, man it'd be really nice if we could tunnel under this wall. Bulettes live in places like this, right? Let me see if I can find one.

I don't know how I feel about not letting them pick the exact creature, but they would naturally be restricted to the creatures that are physically present within a radius around them. Points 2 and 4 sound great and I will definitely try to find ways to work those into the ability.
Speaking of character art in the phb

Is anyone else bothered by the gnome on the race information page? Something about the forehead really bothers me
I'm the guy that initially posted that one with infusion slots and the armorer subclass, where it's mostly a Warlock with features shuffled around. I don't have the PDF on this computer so I'd have to go dig through my google drive view history to find it, if you'd want to see it. It's by someone named either Revlid or Revild.

I did notice someone complaining about wandslinger jankiness after it ended up getting reposted, but they were pretty vague so I'm not sure what their actual complaint was.
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I think you mean this?

I find it great and plan to make a Wandslinger
Yeah, yeah, I know /5eg/ is not exactly a fan of homebrew, but you guys were literally my only chance to ask: exactly HOW gamebreakingly overpowered is this racial trait?

Four Arms: You have two pairs of fully functioning arms. You can wield additional weapons in your secondary arms, but doing so does not grant you extra attacks. Weapons held in your secondary arms count as off-hand weapons for the purpose of multi-weapon fighting (see PHB, pg 195).
the reason we don't like homebrew is because people can't see how gamebreakingly OP their own shit is, ever. They should just stop.
Yeah, that's the one.
I think maybe they just didn't like Wand Holster or the phrasing on one of the level 10 features.
>5e is awesome, it's so great for making custom content!

>all homebrew is OP shit
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There's no such thing as an 'off-hand weapon' so I dunno, your rule is weird.

The penalty for making 'off-hand' attacks is only incurred when you've already made an attack, it's not based on which hand you're using.
There's no such thing as "off-hand weapons" in 5e, just the weapon you choose to make your bonus attack with.
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The fact that you seriously have to ask that, should show you that you really shouldn't do any homebrew at all
Could I dilute a single potion to reduce the effectiveness, creating two lesser potions from one?

How might I go about something like that? Perhaps alchemist's supplies with proficiency in using them would be sufficient?
no, all your homebrew is shit. All your friends' homebrews are shit. Basically all homebrew is shit but unrelated to the ruleset.

5e is good at letting DMs just go with shit instead of having to consult rulebooks for nonsense that shouldn't be written down.
It would be much better if you knew the system, like at all. Off-hand weapons aren't a think. "Multi-weapon fighting" isn't a thing. Having multiple weapons doesn't grant you extra attacks anyway.
Ask your DM.

I would say sure, but I dunno why.
It's all fun and games until I use two-weapon fighting and still get +4 AC from 2 shields.
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60 something year old storyteller who travels that kingdoms in his wagon to entertain for the children (think Gandalf at the shire in that regard). Has been on the road for nearly 30 years so he can use a sword to defend himself from brigands. Got roped into a larger conflict because a warlord had taken the kingdom and his soldiers harass and steal from the peasantry.

Mechanically he's a valor bard casting mostly heals, buffs, and suggestion out of combat.
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I made a Sorcelock, and was thinking of taking Moderately Armored to mitigate the low AC. Should I do it and just start rocking a shield and some medium armor with Con as my secondary stat (since I can already get the +2 max bonus from Dex), or is that a waste of a feat and I should just stick with Draconic Sorcerer's 13+Dex Bonus unarmored AC and make Dex my secondary attribute?
>+4 from 2 shields
So you're just removing the weapon-drawing mechanic from nonmagical classes, since most only have two sets of weapons anyways.
>Shield gives +2 AC
>Equip 2 of them
or is there some rule I don't know about that says you can't equip more than 1 shield at once?
Shields aren't a weapon so you can't use them with two-weapon fighting
Pseudo-scottish necromancer who has a massive hero complex. De facto party leader.
They're worn though.
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>You can benefit from only one shield at a time
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Unless your DM decides it's cool enough to waive, here's the rule.
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For this.
Don't the lines become blurred when you have 4 arms though? I'm not using the shields for two-weapon fighting, i'm using the 2 weapons in my other 2 arms for two-weapon fighting.

The point is, someone is going to ask this question to their DM every time they play this homebrew race, and the DM is gonna have a miserable time figuring it all out.

Well there you have it.
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i'm going to fucking vom
Basically, I got this group that really wants to do a 5e Dark Sun campaign, and as part of that, they want me to give them thri-kreen as a racial option.

I'm trying to figure out a way to make "you have two sets of functional arms" a racial trait that doesn't immediately make you the ultimate melee warrior.

Hence, this result, which is trying to tap into the rules for Two-Weapon Fighting on page 195 of the Player's Handbook.
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What's your opinions on a Main Gauche dagger that - if you choose not to attack with it on your turn - gives you +1AC until your next turn?
I'm pretty sure that by RAW that you cannot do this, but talk to your DM about using tool proficiencies and maybe committing some minor amount of resources if you need more justification.
>nsek oil.jpeg
I'm fine with you reskinning a shield to be whatever defensive object you'd want it to be

That's why the PHB doesn't go into great detail for equipment appearance, so the PC's can reskin a weapon or armor set to be whatever they want it to be - assuming the DM allows it (No you can't have your full plate look like cloth armor)
>Can we assist

I really fucking hate these people who think 'lol I'll just ASSIST EVERYONE' like, no fuckwit, you aren't part of this. This is MY SHIT and I'll take this dump on fucking solo. Fuck off and no you can't 'assist' me while I wipe either.
1. you can hold 4 things instead of 2
2. there is no #2

functionally just change nothing, homebrew nothing. it looks fucking bad ass but they get nothing except more expensive armor.
Make the secondary set of arms smaller than the primary pair and too fragile for fighting, and only able to hold a non-weapon during combat. Much more applicable in RP.
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You only get the second pair of arms when you have a magic watch equipped
I think the bigger problem with this is that you can equip two two-handed weapons, which makes GWM even better. Maybe put a restriction there.

I think it would be cool if it allowed you to pull or store more items in a round, allowing for throwing focused builds, or hold a spellcasting focus without the need of Warcaster. I think it should be fine if you do it in a direction like that, as long as you avoid straight up damage increase by allowing more attacks or equiping more than one heavy weapon.

You fucked up and you know it. You already know what to feel.
1 Fighters worth of arms = 1x XP
2 fighters worth of arms = 1/2 XP, or less.
Plus a dagger is only 1d4 as-is, same as you'd get for bludgeoning with a shield or improvised weapon.
+1 AC, lose the Thrown property, and maybe up the cost a little, and there you go you've got stats for a Main Gauche.
Fucking Christ.
Guess I'm rolling a Cleric now.
Is Battlerager the worst officially released sublass after Beastmaster? I see no reason to ever want to play one
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Purple Dragon Knight exists, so no.
So we're looking at a shield, except more expensive, and trading half the AC bonus for proficiency on attacks, and piercing damage instead of bludgeoning?

Sounds like a fair trade to me.

And most parrying daggers have a basket hilt or a wide crossguard, making them terrible for throwing.
Okay... and exactly how would I write the trait to convey it working in that fashion?

5e dumped the terminology of "Free Action", although page 190 of the PHB does essentially say you've got 1 free action per turn which is only good for x, y and z minor activities.

I'm okay with restricting access to weapons and more than okay with the trait not granting free attacks, it's just wording it that's proving problematic.
We have arrived, and it is now that we fulfill our charge. In fealty to the God-Emperor (our Undying Lord), and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I declare exterminatus upon the /tg/ thread of /5eg/. I hereby sign the Death Warrant of an entire thread, and consign seventy-seven anons to oblivion. May the mods account in all balance. The Emperor protects.

Circumstantial bonuses based on actions taken in the preceding turn tend to be a pain in the ass at the best of times. My recommendation is to just treat it as a shield mechanically but switch the damage type to piercing.
if you use more than two hands everything does half damage/protection

thus 4 swords do 2 swords worth of damage if they all hit.

two polearms with GWM do one polearm with GWM damage, if they both hit.

3 swords and 1 shield: 1.5 swords worth of damage +1 AC

2 swords and two shields: 1 sword worth damage, +2 AC

1 sword and three shields: ½ sword damage, +3AC

1 sword and one shield: 1 sword +2 AC
Alright, still unsure that this is really any clearer, but here's draft #2.

Four Arms: You have two pairs of fully functioning arms. You can use your secondary arms in a logical fashion - for example, holding or activating an item whilst your primary arms are holding weaponry or a shield. You can wield weapons in your secondary arms, but these must have the Light weapon quality, unless you have the Dual Wielder feat. Wielding weapons in all of your arms does not grant you extra attacks. Likewise, fighting with three or four weapons follows the same rules as Two-Weapon Fighting (PHB pg 195); you don't gain more than one bonus action attack, you simply can choose which of your secondary weapons to attack with as that bonus action.
What would it take for Purple Dragon Knight to be fixed? I think all features except for the core feature (which other fighter subclasses get at 3) are fine.

Maybe heavily increase the number of times you can use second wind? Even that seems underwhelming compared to the other subclasses
What the hell; here's another racial trait I'm trying to balance out, any assessment of how overpowered it is?

Serpent Body: Instead of legs, you possess an undulating tail, like the body of a giant snake. Its crushing coils are a natural weapon, which you can use to make constrict attacks as an unarmed strike. If you hit with your constrict attack, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, and the target is grappled (escape DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and you can’t constrict another target. The downside is that your unusual anatomy prevents you from using footwear-based magical items unless they have been specifically designed to fit your monopedal anatomy, or can magically reshape themselves to fit. Additionally, you must have armor custom-fitted; properly-fitted armor increases its cost by +50% (rounding up), whilst improperly fitted armor has its AC reduced by -2 points, minimum of AC 0, to represent the glaring vulnerable spots it presents. You cannot use magic armor unless it can be made to magically reshape itself for your anatomy.
This is basically just Amonkhet naga with a downside
this is not a good ruling
My players have a habit of trying to talk their way out of basically any situation, from brigands to orcish warbands to necromancers. They also have ridiculously high persuasion including some magic items that buff their charisma.

At what point is it okay to put your foot down and decide they can't persuade someone? I understand you can't talk your way out of every situation, and have had a couple encounters they tried to talk their way out of that ended violently. But I don't want to quash their fun, they seem to really enjoy talking down baddies, and at one point while some brigands were holding them hostage with a boulder trap, accidentally killed one of them with a spell they only meant to cause the guy to run away. And were kinda like "whoops, I didn't mean to kill him." before basically apologizing to the others and talking them down about how they didn't want to or mean to kill their friend, and they should take up a different profession than being highwaymen. They actually aced all their rolls and had persuasive arguments, so I kinda wanna have at least one of them come back at a later date to help them out somehow. Or at least have them come across one of them, now a reformed criminal doing an honest job helping a village.
Depends on what world you're conveying to the players.

If those orcs/necromancers have softer sides, perhaps it's time to throw something without that degree of persuasion: a wight or devil will have no qualms about "oh, that's fascinating; why don't you tell me more as I DISINTEGRATION!"
this is not a good explaination
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Guys please, my DM says I have until the day after tomorrow to decide.
That's basically the point; we got a (semi-)canon example of a "snake bodied" race in 5e, so I figure that maybe it can be used as a basis.

I mean, really, you'd expect straying from the bipedal body structure to have some mechanical impact, wouldn't you? Even in 5e?
Make the constrict attack a special action, not part of the attack action, unless of course you want a monk to attack 4 times a round, while the damage of the attack scales with the monks level. If only one of these 4 attacks he gets a free grapple.

If you really want the attack to be a part of the attack action at least make it an attack + a grapple attempt (so he has to use athletics), or put a saving throw dc on the grapple.
>If only one of these 4 attacks HITS he gets a free grapple.
Man I'm tired
>the brigands have a change of heart then follow the party around like lost dogs because they don't know what else to do

But I mean if it always works it's no fun either. Bring in consequences, once they talk their way in and snag the treasure no amount of talking will get them out/through all those guards/monsters. You can't convince dire wolves of anything. Language barriers.

I mean don't just quash all their fun because it's boring, make it interesting for both you and them. Make a talking door they have to convince at greater and greater levels each time they go through it. It recognizes them and steels itself to not let them through this time. Make it somewhere they have to go through all the time.
Let the BBEG be totally convinced by them, reform and ask them for help with reparations. See he stole this artifact from an orphanage and sold it to these guys and the party needs to help him get it back for the children, Oh pleese, lawdy.

Anyway they go on yon quest talking their way through everything and bring him the artifact which of course turns out he was lying and they just stole it for him and he laughs and their reputation is ruined until they restore it for real (and during this period they have a dammed hard time convincing anyone of anything since their reputation proceeds them and the BBEG has been vehement with all his minions to not listen to them, possibly to the point of deafening some of the dumber creatures guarding his lair).
>At what point is it okay to put your foot down and decide they can't persuade someone?

Skill checks only determine if you succeed at something that was possible in the first place. There are lots of cases where you cannot talk your way out of a situation or convince someone to do something they 100% do not want to do.

You might want to consider allowing partial successes instead of a binary state of the party getting their way or not. Say the party succeeds on their checks, and this allows things to get better, rather than resolved.
I mean I've been making them take multiple persuasion/intimidation checks and usually they end up on top. I mean at one point they tried to talk down a raving lunatic and ate a wand of magic missile to the face for their attempt, so I have been trying to draw a line somewhere.
All NPCs that oppose the party must have some REASON to oppose them, right? The highway men want money. The guard will get in trouble if he let's vagrants in. The police officer has a sense of duty and justice. The Goblins want something to eat. If the players can properly address the reason the NPC is opposing them and can avoid totally spilling their sphagetti, most NPCs should back off.

You can find a job for the highwayman. You tell the guard that you're important if if he DOESN'T let you in, his boss will be pissed. You can tell the police officer your quest of justice and how your actions are helping the country. You can treat the goblins to the best meal they've had in ages. If you can't neutralize the motivation behind enemy NPCs, no amount of rolling will save you.
How good is their insight?
I played a bard that did the same thing, only he WAS the bad guy. Used a lot of decent people to get what he wanted after just talking to them.
Ambushes also happen before talking too.
Have an enemy become a friend, look like a decent guy, then just be a total monster, and have the party ambush "some really bad guys".
Then when the party comes back for the "wtf mate" have him ambush THEM with good people convinced they are evil (for bonus points let the ambush they did be spun by the enemy to convince these folks to kill the party).
Then illusion and gtfo while the party is fighting the good paladin folks who jumped them (with silence spells cast by the clerics so the fight can be stopped right away).
Bards make the best monsters imo
How is the Sunless Citadel supposed to be a Citadel?

It's just two levels in a hole.
What do you guys think? Broken? Useless? Or just fucking dumb?
Because it's a fortress, sunk into the ground
Pretty useless, to be frank.
It's pretty not-as-good-as-other-options which means that it's a good, niche feat.

I'd allow it.
What would you suggest to beef it up a bit and make it viable?
I genuinely thought until just now that a citadel was some form of tower. I am retarded.
Broken and fucking dumb. Would allow/10.
Because "Sunless Citadel" sounds a lot better than a "Sunless Fort" or "Sunless Castle."

Sunless Keep would have been alright, though.
Ambushes can happen during/after talking, also.
>Sure, you're right. We'll stop being bandits. Let's shake on it.
shank shank shank

Maybe that'll learn em
That sounds like a proper deadly encounter. I'm not sure what your problem is. Do you want a PC to actually die?
Also, just because someone isn't murdering them right now, doesn't mean they won't jump them later... after finding out what the party can do, and fully confident in their victory
There is a possession spell, magic jar, if you want more inspiration.
This is a feat, right?

Honestly, I would do this:

>Increase Dex by 1
>Give you advantage on attack rolls when you use a weapon with the thrown property
>Gain proficiency in performance if you don't have it already.
And leave the rest up to flavor.
>>Give you advantage on attack rolls when you use a weapon with the thrown property

Auto sneak attack with thrown daggers. That is very powerful.
>when you use a weapon with the thrown property
As written, you'd get advantage even with melee daggers
Oh no, the rogue can do the same thing they could do if they had an ally picking their nose near the target, how terrible
Advantage for every thrown weapon is a bit much. If you wanted to focus on improving thrown weapons I think some sort of range increase might be a better route (maybe just say double in order to not be redundant with sharpshooter or whatever). A more specific advantage might work though
Nevermind, then. Ignore what I just said.
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Not that anon, but I've found that in 5e you really can't predict what will defeat the PCs.

As long as you don't toss anything at them with a CR two "tiers" above them, such as a CR 15 dragon against some level 4 PCs, most parties can find a path to victory, or figure out a way to retreat.

Most of the fights that I've DM'd that have resulted in PC deaths or party wipes have actually been up against a single creature with a CR equal to the party's level.

Here's two of them
That fire snake in Sunless Citadel wiped the party, so they awoke captured by the baddies. Another time, a single beholder against a party of level 8s killed a PC in a single turn by landing a petrification ray, and then the death ray.

I've found I can never really plan for what will kill the PCs, unless I actually railroaded them.
Yes, but this time at advantage to hit and crit.
>a single beholder against a party of level 8s killed a PC in a single turn by landing a petrification ray, and then the death ray.
That *is* a deadly encounter, and putting players against a creature with a CR higher than their current level. So that's not surprising.

The fire snake thing would be surprising--if they're level 1 or 2 in SC, a dungeon with a huge emphasis on resource drain through many low-difficulty combats, I could imagine that happening. Especially in a melee-heavy party with that heated body thing.
Anyone got a homebrew to make whips not fucking worthless?

Boost it to 1d6?

Make their range 15ft instead of 10?

A feat?
>putting players against a creature with a CR higher than their current level.
... is said to be particularly dangerous, via the DMG.
Would you consider a feat that granted +1 Charisma and a fourth attunement balanced?

If the artificer didn't exist I would.
It's a dex weapon that has reach and can be dual-wielded.

If you buff it, even slightly, it's going to outpace other options. It's not shitty, it just fills a unique niche that isn't raw damage.
Nah man, try this.

>Bracelet of Attunement
>Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
>While attuned to and wearing this bracelet, you gain a fourth attunement slot.

To be fair the players DO have advantage when it comes to the Action economy.
>Fourth attunement slot

You might as well just throw daggers though, or just go strength and use a polearm.
But you'd have to go pick your daggers up
You could, or you could use a whip.

They only weigh a pound. You could have 3 daggers for every whip.

And who the fuck uses encumbrance rules anyway? Just carry a whole lot of fucking dagger.

Or just use a polearm and go strength.

But it's a dagger with reach that can't be thrown.

it requires martial proficiency

You can't use polarm master with it or anything.
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Behold-anon here,
They were slowly grinding it down, but getting their butts handed to them, so I gave a player a wink and handed an old character sheet to him. A PC they thought was lost in the dungeon showed up to give them the edge in the combat.

>"Hey guys, you'll never guess what happened to me!"
>Cool, just roll initiative and you'll hop in at that roll. Your current character is still in the combat at their original initiative.
>Top of the round: Beholder
>Randomly decide who to target, and what to use. Oh shit, looks like the new guy is getting the brunt.
>Fails the petrification roll, giving disadvantage on the rest of the Dex saves.
>Fails the Death Beam roll.

The party carried the statue of the guy back to one of their home towns, thinking about resurrecting.
But you can't draw multiple daggers in one turn
>Feat: Whip Mastery
>You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with a whip.
>When you use a whip, its damage die changes from a d4 to a d6.
>As a bonus action, you may make a grapple check against a target that you dealt damage to with your whip this turn.

There. And Crawford already confirmed that reach grapples work.
You can grab proficiency from loads of things, backgrounds & prof shittery. You've also got things like maneuevers w/ whip reach that used to be fun.
>no written rules for disarm with reach
>bardic whip vanished

That's pretty cool, worth the ASI even if it's for a niche build.
Could a favored soul sorcerer use twinned spell to use cure wounds on two people at once? I was thinking since it requires a somatic component and you would need to use both hands to touch the targets it might not work.
You should stop being such an autistic dick.
Yes, you can. Sorcerers are one of the best support classes because you can twin concentration spells, but things like cure wounds can be handy - the only problem is that you need to be in touch range of both creatures, unless one of them is you.
You can draw daggers as part of the attack(s).
I'm trying to make a mounted half-caster, what feats / proficiencies should I need for this? I've never known how to make mounted PCs before.
As part of an attack action. So, you already need one out in order to toss two. You need two out to toss three.

Animal handling, and maybe Vehicles(land), depending on how your DM interprets the vehicle proficiencies. I think that it covers the old riding skill, but doubles for driving carts.
You're thinking of ammunition
I would say you can juggle two daggers in one turn, one as a regular action, one as a bonus action, and next turn you could juggle a third dagger as a bonus action and then throw all three daggers at a single target.

Two turns, three daggers. Still kinda weak though. Perhaps once you become "proficient" with it so to speak, you could upgrade that to drawing 3 daggers a turn and throwing 6?
You're right. I've forgotten that I had a rogue who used their cunning action to draw an extra dagger for those throwing games.
I believe necessity to pick their targets is important part of playing rogue.

Backgrounds give weapon proficiencies?
just looked at soldier and it doesn't give any weapon proficiencies for example
i think whip came from gladiator? I probly wouldn't allow it in many casews.
So on a scale of 1-10 how disappointing will Xanthars be? I mean if the SCG was anything Wizards still cant do mechanics right and since we already know what everything is it will just kind of be a bore.

And if you did playtest then congrats, you get to spend 30 bucks for all the hard work you did!
The only thing I remember being disappointed by in the Sword Coast book was the Purple Dragon Knight
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Try again when it's not the middle of the night in America, kiddo.
No bait annon. I trult have no hope in the book as ive got no reason Wizards can do anything actually good. And my point stands of the community doing the hard work and then payong for it.
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The mastermind Rogue and the Monk options were kind of trash too. Though the Wizard and Barbarian were ok, Though i may be mis remembering
His bait is terrible but he may have a point in that the SCAG did little to inspire confidence.

Also from the product description they have already chosen the blandest of Fighter archtypes so at least traditions still getting upheld
Swashbuckler Rogue was great, Long Death Monk was good for tanky monk or pure WIS builds, Sun Soul Monk was meh for mechanics but it fills the ranged Monk option, Bladesinger Wizard was... okay, Arcana Cleric was probably the thing in the book and Battlerager Barbarian is solid.
mm wasn't THAT bad
>INT still a dump stat
well, okay.
Paladin in a Curse of Strahd. Was planning to go Oath of Devotion, but after a PC who was a dear companion of my paladin bit the dust. He swore the oath of Vengeance after murdering/executing a priest in Barovia that was in his eyes responsible for that.
SCAG was a rushjob that was largely outsourced to Green Ronin. Not to say it's excusable, but it's very clear those subclasses weren't gone over at all by WotC proper (PDK has their capstone feature at the wrong level).

The only two class options in there that were playtested through UA were swashbuckler and storm sorc, and it's pretty clear that they were stuck in to have a little more content since their flavor is very much not Sword Coast-oriented. Compare this to XGE's UA cycle, which was extensive and saw public revisions during the development cycle.
>Compare this to XGE's UA cycle, which was extensive and saw public revisions during the development cycle.
Especially the fact they went and did a second cycle of playtesting for the ones they weren't sure about, I think that shows they're really going all out to make this decent.
Aasimar Stone Sorcerer, how should I fluff this without being too cringy?
I see what you did there, you cheeky cunt.
So they're trying to improve, at least you're not getting the mentality of the pathfinder devs who apparently can do no wrong.
>You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this magic weapon. If it hits an object, the hit is automatically a critical hit, and it can deal bludgeoning or slashing damage to the object (your choice). Further, damage from nonmagical sources can’t harm the weapon.
>damage from nonmagical sources can't harm the weapon
Does this mean most magical weapons can be destroyed by nonmagical means?
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Eladrin Gunsmith who was kicked out of his home city for being considered too willing to break traditions and a lack of ethics. I'm going to ask my DM to change the gun into a melee weapon with finesse I want to refluff as something similar to pic related's claws.

The general idea is the free magic items I get I want to have actually built into myself, but that means I won't be able to swap my attunement slots if something better comes along.

Is this too dumb an idea?
sounds PRETTY dumb but I dunno if it's TOO dumb
>the mentality of the pathfinder devs
weapon cords
What kind of motivations are there for an all-kobold party to adventure? Planning on doing a level zero funnel as a one shot.
Goblins took our dragon, are you all cool enough dudes to take it back?
It probably won't be overwhelming, but if we get all Arcanas in usable and non-broken shape, i'd gladly send the bucks their way.

What i am more worried is about the possible must-have options, OP feats and subclasses.
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Thoughts on the weapon a hobgoblin captain is going to be wielding? The crit probably won't work unless they somehow wipe the floor with this encampment
It's one-handed, not light. You need the feat to dual wield whips.
whip is finesse.
So big damn hero shows up and he gets killed and petrified mid-intro? So he's a dead statue? Should have worn a ribbon, because that sucker just got white holed. I don't care about CR right now, that's awesome and an accidental final fantasy reference.
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The finesse property doesn't qualify a weapon for dual wielding.
Finesse lets you use dex instead of strength for attack/damage, it has nothing to do with dual wielding
It is the only one-handed reach weapon. +2 AC from shield is enough to justify using it.
Spell Sniper
Booming Blade
I like the idea of Run to Ground, dealing exhaustion to enemies, but I don't think it's enough of a replacement for magic and realistically I don't know when I'd ever see it used. Most fights are direct confrontations and while that's a bit sad 5e isn't really built to have anything more preparatory than surprise attacks.

I feel similarly about Unflagging. It's a cool thing that no other class does but I think what it really needs is something that lets the Ranger do strong or special attacks at the cost of exhaustion because I don't see any situations where the Ranger takes advantage of this feature except for staying up all night to prevent ambushes.
Give it to Rogues.
It's bad. Once per long rest or per day would be OK
Gimme good ideas for magic swords for a level 5 or 6 fighter. Wanna give our Battlemaster something cool but there aren't a lot of options for that level range in the DMG. Might give him Sword of Life Stealing but I'd like better ideas if y'all got any.
I'm looking to run a Lv 20 mini campaign, probably going only a few sessions soon but I'm drawing blanks on how to bring this group of epic level characters together to have a plane spanning adventure.
Gladiator can have you start with a whip. The item, not the proficiency.
Wouldn't that then shift it into some tier above uncommon? Maybe if I change it into "The next attack is automatically a crit" so it's one guaranteed critical

It's still a +1 weapon even after the free crit is gone, which is good for some 3rd level characters (would hit 4 after this)
Yup. It's ok to let your players have fun things
>Weapon Proficiencies: One simple weapon of your choice.

Well then it still semi fits because whips are not nor have they ever been martial. Always exotic.
Maybe outsource it? Present players with premise of the adventure and then have THEM to come up with characters that want to get together and solve that shit.
I mean, the way it usually goes is "no shit, the world's in peril, it's always in peril, that's what you're here for, I gotta go and save the galaxy"
Every consecutive use raises the DC by 3 until the ability isn't used for like a month or something and it goes back to 20. Is that better?
Whip is a martial weapon
No, that is an error. Whip is not a martial weapon.

No army in the history of any planet in any galaxy in any universe has ever fielded it. It's not SIMPLE but it's far far far more simple than it is martial because anyone who has ever handled large livestock has used one. Nobody has ever used a whip in a war nor would they.
For the purposes of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, the Whip is a Martial Weapon.
You are mistaken.
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Read the book, my dog.
Zounds! I have been bested in a duel of wits!
>Nobody has ever used a whip in a war nor would they.
According to the world of the Forgotten Realms, they do.

Drow Priestess use it as a weapon in battles and war, the Zakhara Assassins wield whips and many other characters throughout the history of the setting have used it as a weapon.

In our world, the idea's retarded. In the Forgotten Realms (and nearly every other D&D setting) being trained to use one in combat is the same as being trained to use a Rapier.

I agree they should've kept exotic weapon proficiency and more interesting weapons, but this is what we've got.

Can you find me any source for that?
Its really just an improvised weapon with reach anyway. No need for a source, I'm pulling that out of my ass because of all common senses. They dropped exotic and couldn't list it anywhere else.
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>common sense
We need not your kind 'round these lands.
Oh and as for using rapiers, they were one of the most common swords in all of real earth history. As were bastard swords for a while. No reason they should have ever been exotic except to penalize their extra damage.

I would not let anyone with some soldier background use a whip with proficiency in a game, certainly wouldn't let simple weapon users do it.
Why do people keep saying you can get a weapon proficiency from the Gladiator background?

>You can replace the musical instrument
in your equipment package with an inexpensive but
unusual weapon, such as a trident or net.

is all it says and that doesn't just suddenly give you proficiency, it just gives you an extra weapon.
One guy said that earlier.
People keep spouting that you can get it on literally every website people talk about D&D on, it's fucking annoying to see people make assumptions about shit that's completely false.

Same as Revised Ranger, it's NOT AL legal, it says it will be at later date though.
you have a source for it at least?
Do you have any source that can confirm you can get weapon proficiency from a background or that revised ranger is allowed in UA? Neither of those ever existed.

If you were allowed there would be a note in the UA or in the AL rules, there's neither. Someone saw that they said they might make it available if it gets enough solid feedback and assumed that means it's legal.
I don't have a source for anything, I want to know who has a source for the comment?
There's this guy saying it in this thread, for example. People have this meme of weapon proficiency from a background
>You can grab proficiency from loads of things, backgrounds
>i think whip came from gladiator?
Yeah, but is it written down ANYWHERE outside this thread?
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