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Who would win in this grail war, /tg/? >both teams have masters

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Who would win in this grail war, /tg/?
>both teams have masters with unlimited mana pool
>surviving team has to fight inbetween each other to determine a winner
>all characters have the fame bonus and at their strongest with all myths about them backing them up
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the answer is obvious
very unfair fight
>implying he can beat Dante or Archaon
Well the right is composed mostly of dead people so...
bowie team would easily take it if he was summoned as anything but an assassin
Emperor curbstomps. He was the conqueror of an entire galaxy and was worshiped as a god by quadrillions for ten thousand years. He would make Gilgamesh look like Shinji Matou
This is one of the shittiest collections of characters I've seen in one image.

he's summoned as a caster and has to rely on his master's mana though
Archer 1 can literally stop time for huge periods, how the hell is anyone but Caster 2 going to stand up against that.
Saber 2 can also counteract.
He's a corpse who ruled a senseless empire that is rivaled by fungus people and space elves.

The other team has a witch who can literally never lose because she just keeps resetting things until she wins.
Which OP said was unlimited. If it wasn't then he would drain his master to death in seconds before disappearing
>Which OP said was unlimited

oh sorry, i assumed op wasn't a retard. carry on then.
10000 years of worship as a God combined with all of his previous accomplishments would give him an absurdly powerful legend. His noble phantasm would be something ridiculous like a whole fleet of the Great Crusade
That's Arthas newfriend
Replace the Emperor and Homura and give team 2 a real Archer and then we can start

>this >>54614290
Are you blind?
Also Arthas is weaker than most of Team 1 roster.
AoS Nagash and AoS Archaon, along with Doomguy are more than a match for him, each of them.
Yeah, Archaon's on his team
As is Nagash
All myths though, including the ones held by Chaos, reducing him to very near his actual true existence of a mindless psychic signpost.

And, Noble Phantasms only really matter if they can be used, and that little witch can literally just keep going back to before he uses it.

He's really a stupid pick for a caster, since he's got the weaknesses of 40k writing at his back, where all they know how to do is go bigger and make the numbers higher. He's about as useful in that role as a berserker would be. Which puts him at a huge weakness against anyone that can subvert raw power of huge numbers, which is what half of team 1 is.
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CIA with fame bonus is pretty strong, dude
What would Shepard's NP be?
>Emps doesn't get summoned because he's a Divine Spirit
>Dante doesn't get summoned because part True Demon
>CIA doesn't get summoned because he was born after 1900
>Weeping Orc doesn't get summoned because there's no human soul to be recorded in the throne.
>Shep doesn't get summoned because he would desire the grail and thus be disqualified as Ruler.

I don't recognize most of the schlubs on team 1, but I bet half of them would be booted out on technicalities as well.
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>grail wars
>rules actually mean something
Pick one

>emperor being divine and not just human with zero divinity
>Gilgamesh is half-god so Dante being half-demon is fine
>CIA using the Flight Plan to teleport into the Grail War as a heroic spirit
>Orc being summoned because he was a hero to his people
>Shep saved the galaxy and survived so he's just there for the pussy and free beer
You could summon the Emperor from before the Horus Heresy. He would lack the millenia of worship, but everything he did combined with his sheer age (like 40.000 years or something) would still make him overwhelmingly powerful
He is still, along with Dante, is incapable of carrying Team 2' weaker core of servants. Team 1 has better core, with Homura being the weakest, and even then she has fucking unlimited timestop with giant bag of holding full if firepower.
The Normandy and an M-8 Avenger
Emperor can definitely beat everyone in team one except Homura (who could keep rewinding if he can't kill her instantly) and maybe Lancer and Assassin (I don't know who they are or what they can do)
>Emps having zero divinity
Not possible under nasu rules. Even if The Emperor was human, and not a divine psych gestalt being, the combined worship of the Imperium would count him as a divine spirit. Assuming a fuckup war lik GO, there'd be ways to cheat his way in, but in an Apocrypha setup, he couldn't unless he pulled the Angra Mainyu trick and used a proxy him that's not actually him.
>Dante's only half demon
The key point being that Dante is part True Demon, not false Demon. A true demon could in theory be summoned just like any wraith could, but a True Demon has no Unit Designation and thus can't be recognized by the Grail.
I'll give you this one, seeing as we have cases like King Hassan and Scat who cheated their way into the Throne with varying shades of bullshit, so it's not inconceivable that CIA got memed into the Throne.
He's not a hero of Humanity though, and doesn't have a human soul, thus has no presence in the Throne
>Shep saved the galaxy
He couldn't even save his own franchise.
Have you seen what Berserker does with long-range glory kills?

Keep in mind we're talking about a guy who committed multiple mass genocides against hell, killed the most powerful demon in hell (NotSatan), then got a sword and new armour that just made him that much more ungodly.

He literally went on a rampage in hell for an unknown amount of time, killing so many demons of hell that the rest of the demons had to fuck off into deeper pits (where he also fucked them up). Only after a whole temple (Which in DOOM context is a giant floating island, maybe even a whole world) collapsed on him did they stop his crusade.

Also, OP, if by myth you include "Russian Overkill" then it's a straight victory for Doomguy
>beating Archaon
>beating Nagash
>beating Doomguy
He'd beat the rest of the team though, but maybe Varian with Saber Class spells resist could give him a hard time.
Archaon and Nagash are at a much lower power level than Emperor. He can keep the four chaos gods in check, defeated the Void Dragon and generally operates at a galactical level, while Archaon and Nagash are only a threat to a single planet. Doomguy only cares about killing demons and hellish entities, he is more likely to turn against Archaon
Archaon and Nagash are multiverse level in AoS, with Archaon being stronger than the chaos gods.
That's pretty standard for a HGW. Almost a prerequisite really.
Really? Christ, Age of Sigmar is stupid
>>Shep saved the galaxy
>He couldn't even save his own franchise

Absolutely savage
>He couldn't even save his own franchise.
Jesus fucking Christ
>He couldn't even save his own franchise.
holy shit
>summoning Garrosh instead of Grom
Well that master fucked up in summoning his Hellscresm
Grom was a berserker retard tho. Garrosh is an actaul strategist and tactician, can into using technology and has the power of the elder god. It's a straight up upgrade. Depending on the Mad Enchantment, he may even hold to most of his wits.
Ah my mistake. Didnt recognize Archaon on the left there. Apologies. It is an unfair match up. most people on the right lost/died already.
Needs a hunger games style simulator.
>all characters have the fame bonus and at their strongest with all myths about them backing them up

This would be great crusade era Emperor
this actually
>Emps doesn't get summoned because he's a Divine Spirit
Fate/Grand Order is a thing now.
>The other team has a witch who can literally never lose because she just keeps resetting things until she wins.

That's also what one of Kira's powers does.

I wonder how the two would interact.
You know that one kid who'd go "Nuh-uh, you didn't beat me, I had an ant-whatever thing" when you were playing in the playground? Imagine two of those, but it's not pretend
Alternately, imagine any given PbP forum
both teams can instakill t1 Archer and t2 Assassin. So they would have to hide/camp somewhere outside of combat
Doom Marine kills demons though. I don't know about any of the WoW characters but I think Doom Marine's Noble Phantasm lets him kill any demon and be unable to kill them. So if he encounters Saber, it basically turns into a stomp.

>Debuffing a Diablo angel with Lancer-rank luck
Those guys already get fucked over pretty hard by "luck" in D3, unless Lancer can revive, Diablo angel is out of the fight first thing guaranteed.
>Doom Marine kills demons though. I don't know about any of the WoW characters but I think Doom Marine's Noble Phantasm lets him kill any demon and be unable to kill them. So if he encounters Saber, it basically turns into a stomp.

Technically, Dante is (half) Devil, not Demon, and one of his most important qualities is him valuing his humanity waaay over his infernal ancestry.

I could see it happen if they trick Uncle Dante to go full on devil trigger though.
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Not make GEOM the ruler tsk tsk
Alternatively, they meet and accidentally time-warp eachother into a paradox and just TKO eachother.

It's the sub-game of the war, one team has Archer for near-auto-wins, the other has assassin, but if they ever meet then both teams lose a member, so they can't rely on them in case the other team has the same idea.

I could see some weird Fate/bullshit thing that causes Doom Marine to only kill the demon half of Dante or something I guess.
He would have to have no wish for the Grail.
The emperor can freeze time and kill the magical girl. How is this even a debate?
>dude empowered by the chaos gods
>more powerful than the batteries that charge him
u wot
There's 4 (5 but fuck skaven) batteries powering him. And to be fair, it's really only clear that he's a bigger guy than the Great Horned Rat, cause avain, fuck that guy
It still makes no sense that any of the gods would give more power to him than they keep themselves, and so say he is more powerful implies that they can't just stop giving him juice.

Its retardation manifest.
He's kinda holding the hostage. Also chaos gods somehow all want to suck Archaon's dick.
>luck mattering in this matchup
Imperius could take half of both teams easy
>. He can keep the four chaos gods in check,


>defeated the Void Dragon

Shard of the Void Dragon.

How many realities and universes has the Emperor destroyed? I thought so.

Not stronger. Just too powerful for the Chaos Gods to openly fuck with.
T2 Assassin could fuck people up but it's kinda nebulous how effective his power would be. Even outside of Bites Za Dusto you could make good use of being able to make fucking everything into bombs with someone who can otherwise look not amazingly overt but how powerful are his bombs? Do they vaporise no saves allowed or is because the people he killed weren't Stand users? He turned those chicks to nothing but Shigechi survived the first one... but that wasn't KQ doing it personally like in other instances.

Point is, he's either fucking strong or worthless trash against anyone more powerful than T1 Saber.
T1 Saber would be a godsend with all his combat experince being buffed by being a saber class
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>>Shep saved the galaxy
>He couldn't even save his own franchise.
Fucking destroyed.
Does that mean we're using post Rebellion Homura because if so her and Chaos Face McSpiky would be the only ones even comparable. Why the fuck does one team get two nearly omnipotent beings?
How is CIA an Archer?
>Luck not mattering
It's literally the "plot armour" stat. Having it high enough against someone who has low enough literally means even their Ultimate 1-Hit KO skills fail to kill even on 100% accuracy hits.

Imperius gets fucked because that's what angels/lancers do.
What's stopping Homura from just ignoring the servents she can't damage and instead killing all the opposing [i]masters[/i] using timestop and running away with her own master in time stop while emps and pals fade from mana deprevation?
He rides a plane like Gil and shoots people before throwing them up as a weapon

Dante can move in stopped time and on a 1v1 vs regular Homura he SSStyles on her, hard

Homura is frankly fucking OP in this. Attacking masters in stopped time as you said, but on top of that? Even assuming she can only go back in time as her Noble Phantasm, the ability to reset the war and start again, carrying over what she has learned, is HUGE. That offers a fucking incredible advantage.

As an Archer, she can survive for a couple of days without a master. Independent Action. So even if you off her master, as long as she can scrounge up the juice she can rewind and recover from even that.

And as if that wasn't unfair enough, as long as her soul gem is intact, damage to her body is temporary.

Dante and MAYBE the Emperor are the only players on the opposing team that can possibly fight her on an even footing. The rest eat 120 lbs of C4 between seconds, repeated until it sticks.

Though, the REAL pisser is that the Rebellion movie shows that with physical constact she can drag other people into stopped time as well. Homura giving Doomguy 5 minutes of wail-on-you time for free is a hell of a fight winner.

I can't even tell who the Caster, Lancer, Rider or Saber on T1 are, but Homura and Doomguy alone are no fucking joke, and that vampire bitch as Assassin isn't anything to scoff at either.

Its worth pointing out that Kira considered fighting Jotoro, a man who can also stop time, to be a literally unwinnable scenerio for him and was something to be avoided at all costs.

Bites The Dust triggers when someone asks the bomb carrier about Kira. In the Grail War, where Kira doesn't have a secret identity he is trying to keep hidden, I'm not sure how useful that trigger is.
The left has a women who can jump from one end of the planet to the other. Has infinite regeneration and can go back in time casually. Along with a teenager who can stop time. What the fuck dude?
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