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Queen Marchesa's Invading army

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Thread replies: 102
Thread images: 69


Queen Marchesa has started to eye Darien, King of Kjeldor's city, and the queens army is ready to invade.

ITT we build her deck to invade Darien's Kingdom

(i would suggest using some cards from the original thread)
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if you end up doing this, take the red and black cards from the original thread. then i can use darien himself as commander and take the splashes out.

remember, weak but flavourful, if we want dueling commander decks.
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So this is a Siege deck. Let's fuck that castle up.
that was the point week but flavorfull
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the invading queen should be prepared to battle the flying things they send over the moat... with a wall of her own
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Tear down the wall!

Darien, King of Kjeldor's city
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Let's go, boys!
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Well, if we're trying to break some walls
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i think both should get this
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I'd suggest this as an alternative. Better suited for taking out pesky blockers
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palace siege.png
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This whole cycle is pretty fitting for flavor
why not both there gonna be commander so i mean why not
I think it's more fun if there's less overlap between the two sides.
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Mardu Ascendancy.png
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The queen has offered citizenship to all who fight for her.

The goblins of course, no nothing of this. They're just along for the razing, pillaging, and wanton destruction.
true, but seeing as some things make sence on both sides, cuz both sides gonna have archers
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speaking of pillaging...
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they need something to rally behind otherwise moral will be lost
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Psst...hey guys, I found a hidden entrance into the castle. Don't tell anyone!
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Strike the earth!
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Darien here.
This is what you need, hoe.
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we could use more informers
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spying could be usefull
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Some sneaky blades never hurt. Well, not anyone we didn't want them to hurt anyway
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Just burn their food.
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then copyright food
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The Queen likes her dragons, yes?
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that seems super strong for this
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of many different varieties
Somebody is saving the replay, right?
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True, I just liked it since it fit with 'Dethrone'

Perhaps this is more our speed? I figure these decks will both need a rebalance at some point, since the King's deck right now seems to mostly be human/wall tribal centered on defense with no win-con, while this thread is filling up with big flying dragons and hard counters to a mono-white wall strategy.
This many dragons is overkill.

>>54523071 is the only one we really need.
yea the huge flying dragons seem kinda powerful for a week yet flavor thing
i think >>54524148
might be a workable halfway measure. get that dragon flavour, and that gorgeous card art without the game ending effects and damage.
That's not a real card.
aw shit. now im just sad.
Yeah, better to only have Siege Dragon I'd say. It fits much better, flavorwise, and it's pretty gimmicky. Plus, it can be countered pretty well if they just hold a wall in reserve and play it after it drops.
yea the other dragons can end the game super quick. espcially the dethrone one
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We're going full dragon now
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Biological warfare time
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so were staring a pleuge
we aint going full dragon your nitwit
king dude gonna get fucked
Too late
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why dont we just kill the king
that could fuck us over tho
The white deck is dead as fuck
Plus it's a three color deck, we might not have that many swamps
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Who doesn't like Gold?
Nobody has posted any swamps yet, son
we can sell there "corpses" for more troops
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not sure about this one
how do you guys feels about adding 2 more people
a group of Blue Black pirates that will help whoever "pays" them the most (mercanarys)

than a Red Green group of rebels who want nether side to win cuz they want freedome so they attack both sides
i would prefer a school of magician (mono-blue)
these are suposed to be weak but flavourful.
we've got a dragon, we've got an orc spy. i assumed we were willing to use monstrous servants. though just flat out random monsters like that one might be a bit too out there...

anyway, monstrous/unseemly agents or champions...

speaking of which someone get a vampire up in here.

that kinda stupid
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Even better, a Vampire Spy
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AND BOOM 60 cards
now for lands my dudes
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nvm we only have 43
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Just a bit of enchantment hate for the occasional less-physical wall
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we need noncreatures
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how come this is meant to be a siege deck and there are no juggernauts yet?
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It's what we're trying to do, after all.
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Okay, guys, I've got a brilliant idea they'll never see coming.
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I feel like we need some more White cards
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we should fuck up there armeis
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when i hear fuck up there armeis all i think of is this
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Thread posts: 102
Thread images: 69

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