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/osrg/ OSR General

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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General thread.

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>Previous thread:

What lurks in the clouds of your setting?
>What lurks in the clouds of your setting?
Nothing. Clouds do their own lurking.
probably some blue dudes who throw spears now and then idk

>Mazes and Minotaurs

Thanks, this is exactly what I wanted.

For everyone else here: http://mazesandminotaurs.free.fr/revised.html

I'm going to use this to make a game set in Homer's Odyssey (though with a different ship & its crew).
How do you manage multiple attacks? Are there any good houserules to deal away with them in AD&D, with all the mildly confusing half-attacks and the potentially unnecessary multiple dice rolls, without making fighters any weaker?
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Sorry to disappoint, but that's someone masquerading as me, probably to rile you up. I tend to at least post text with my links.

Sadly, I don't think the current group wants to go from "feudal plotting" to "giant mecha fights'. No worries, one day I'll find a use for this stuff. Or someone will.

10 or 6 seconds.
>Sadly, I don't think the current group wants to go from "feudal plotting" to "giant mecha fights'.

I think there's a Fate campaign setting like that...

Which brings up a curiosity of mine. Can Fate Core be considered, if in spirit than anything else, an OSR game?
What is a good OSR game for Victorian era combat? I.e. Everything on this guy's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK-MdBJJw-0glJZgw8dO1Ag

See "God-Walkers" in Godbound, you can easily replicate this within said game.
I mean, that happens all the time in Exalted.
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How often do you guys try to make quests and adventure tie into a characters class. Like, having everyone go looking for a spell that the Magic-User really wants to do or just have an ongoing thing where someone is really trying to be a druid or a bard if it's more AD&D?
All the time.

Just right now finishing an adventure where the party fighter wanted a magic sword.
Mystics only got 9HD.
Totally unplayable.
I can't make my fucking PCs leave this fucking castle alone. They've spent 130k gold on it so far and they keep trying to turn DCC into ACKS and won't even play ACKS. I actually reduced the entire thing to ruins with a massive giant attack and they were like "Oh man this must have something really valuable in the catacombs if a giant army wanted it." And rebuilt it. Dragons blow up towers and they have them rebuilt. They've been doing this so long they're on their third set of PCs, with around 19 level 10 pcs that just sort of wander the fuck around being walking demigods. I have this entire world built and all they want to do is hang out in this castle and "investigate the mysteries." I made the fucking mistake of having one of them, after 10 sessions of digging into the god damn ground, actually find a hidden chamber with a shitty +1 sword and now they've got armies of craftsmen in there, tunneling, holing out and making a small subterranean city. Had them bump into a dwarven thaig or whatever and get invaded, ruining all of their progress. Fuck it, we got lots of gold let's build it all again but this time with more shit. I can't fucking handle this anymore. My players. Will not. Leave. This castle.
>third set of PCs,
>around 19 level 10 pcs
How big is your group?

7 people?
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dont reply to bait anon
Keep on the Borderlands or Horror on the Hill?
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How am I doing now?
I'm glad this is catching on
Do the Aenied instead. It's more coherent and better.
>Totally unplayable.
If you only play from 1st to 14th level it's not that bad
I'm not.
They still have the janky advancement past 9th level (i.e. when they should be getting bonus HD).
And frankly, they're garbage at low levels.

I suppose they're fine around mid-level?
>this meme again
This is sadder and more tired than the castlepasta or getting buttmad at Skerples.
Bring back Peter Purplestripe.
I'm glad you fucking asked:
1d20 Clouds/Sky Terrain Wilderness encounters (Clouds are as firm as cotton candy But can be walked across like in Super Mario)
1. Bandits (some guys from below who are way out of their depth)
2. Lapitain Redoubt (a bone white tower filled by pilgrims who left into the sky, they have guns)
3. Floating Thalid (fungus hot air ballon)
4. Prismatic Owl (massive, eyes like search lights)
5. Zephyr (angry north wind man)
6. Giant Bird
7. Derelict Ornithopter (like in MTG but made of iron and wood)
8. Dark Kingdom Moon-folk (as from Sailor-moon gem based and throw curses)
9. Silver Millenium Moon-folk (as from Sailor-moon astrology based)
10. Atavist Moth
11. Winged Swallower (hybrid of a Pelican and a Whale 4 wings)
12. Oar Fish (like in the abyss only swimming through air)
13. Manowar (Portuguese)
14. Dragon
15. Nergal (as the Levant Diety mixed with an angel)
16. Raiju (fox, horse, weasel thing that can teleport via lightning)
17. Kheldonian Dirigible (Bowser's flying ships, can be entered like a dungeon)
18. Panopticon Fragment (downed Satellite with stats as Lich)
19. Dead _____ (roll again)
20. Conflict of two (roll again twice)
What happened to the trove?
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>What lurks in the clouds of your setting?
Read page 3
I should really finish these but I got burned out.
>What lurks in the clouds of your setting?

Floating wizard towers.
When it's not floating giant mutant fortresses.
Also there's a balloon in there somewhere.
>What lurks in the clouds of your setting?
BBEG, he kicked the gods out of heaven and they're now a bunch of petrified islands in the ocean. He sends out his minions (think ghost riders in the sky) across the expanse every night to spy and wreck havoc on the world
A question for medievalism-minded GMs, don't you get bothered by the rpg tendency to treat smithies as grocery stores where you go in with money and come out with plate armor? How do you deal with it in your games?

Another question: How do you feel about swords being commonplace in most settings?
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>according to the 1e DMG almost ALL magic swords are constantly glowing

Isn't that a drawback?
A character can get anything up to splint mail done with a reasonable amount of time, but anything more than that will take a good while and a good smith.

Swords are fine to be around: they're the most versatile of the weapons, after all.
Magic can be a drawback in many ways
Here's that post about Giants. For every one else it also contains mechanics for stalking predators.

wtf i hate magic now
>Anyone who spends a turn gazing at them may ask one of their answers a question.

What did he mean by this?
Fuck me, should read ancestors
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As usual ACKS has some help here - settlements are assigned a "market class" based on population which gives a rough guide to how many items of a given GP value you might find in a given settlement..

It's fairly simplistic and you could probably go more in depth than ACKS's tables if you wanted, but I find the market class tables provide a strong baseline to work with. Simple tweaks might be adjusting a settlement's market class due to extenuating circumstances (for example a market day festival at a small town might bump up it's market class). More involved tweaks would be setting the percentages and quantities yourself to represent a very abnormal market.

If you want to do a more medievalist-minded campaign, ACKS has some tools and advice to help, especially in the GM-focused chapters.
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As a Giant-centric post I rate it 6/10

As a setting/general monster post I rate it 8/10
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Swords were extremely common/cheap towards the 2nd ½ of the medieval period.
Plate was always a bitch to get.

Yes, but it's also free torches.

The typographic error was better than your intent.
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I made a mana points system. I think I made a decent amount of really simple, dungeon crawling focused spells. Any suggestions?
Which system/supplement/whatever has rules for parlay? I remember finding rules about it once but I've forgotten where.
1hp for 2 mana seems low to me, but I'm not sure how damage works in your homebrew.

How is radius determined?
In my setting, the 'arbitrarily evolved to live everywhere with elemental powers' isn't dragons, it's Krakens

Therefore clouds have cloud krakens. They've also got a lot of other things like wingmen and wizard castles and giants, but cloud krakens are both uncomfortably common and horrifying enough that they get a lot of attention.
>what do they farm?
>Oh. That's bad.

I like the treasure the most. Not sure how the idea of revealing the player lost to shadow when people try to talk to them though, I think I like it, but I'll have to try it. I'm assuming they're not allowed to speak to anyone/the note should tell them to be quiet?
To those in these generals who do 3d6-down-the-line ability score generation as well as roll-under ability score saves, how do you deal with the fact that this creates immensely unbalanced character?


Lol go back to Pathfinder and 3.5 and 4e and 5e you fucking kid lmao.
>strokes tiny cock to Into the Odd playbook despite the original intention of 3d6 being to make ability scores matter very little in comparison to character class

top stuff putting a single Etan shadow in an empty but puzzle/obstacle-filled dungeon sounds like a good time.
>Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics don't waste your time with long-winded speeches, weird campaign settings, or NPCs who aren't meant to be killed. Each adventure is 100% good, solid dungeon crawl, with the monsters you know, the traps you fear, and the secret doors you know are there somewhere.

What did Goodman Games mean by this?
this but unironically and my dong is very huge

Although! I do have that Jekyll-juice from whoever's blog that turns people into their opposite as well as reversing their stats into 20-Stat, so uniformly awful characters can become alchemical ubermensch if they make an effort.

Or they can realize that stats and level don't matter, 'not being a dumbass' matters
It means
>are you over 50 years old and yearn for the good old OD&D games but don't want to bother with any bookkeeping whatsoever and want only the cool parts? Then play this and pretend you can have those days back.
That they missed the forest for the trees
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Then why don't you play without stats and levels?

Tired copypasta is tired.
Merge both together. B2's Keep is superior to B5's Fort. B5's adventure is far more interesting than the meat grinder that is B2.
Needs some B4 too.
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You've heard of Race as Class.

Now try Class as Race.
>Your men look like women

What did he mean by this?
So, basically none of DCC's mechanics are OGC, right?
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I usually NEVER do that for an OSR game but I just ran a session and I'm curious how would you adjucate it. Scarlet Heroes has damage applied directly to monster's HD. But does the attack bonus get reduced together with HD, like dragon's breath in OD&D?
I would have the monster attack as though it had max HD
I like all of this, the only problem really is it seems like there should be a fifth race of regular joes, since a lot of the thing implies the classes living among others -- but all of them are the outsider, so...? (MUs live in ghettos, Clerics are from Paradise, Fighters are barbarians, Thieves are shiftless and little trusted -- so who's doing all the not trusting and living in the towns, outside the ghettoes?)
Did just that but not sure if it's in the spirit of the heroic solo shit. We're not changing anything, but I'm just interested in opinions.
>takes damage directly to hit dice

What does that mean?
>But does the attack bonus get reduced together with HD, like dragon's breath in OD&D?
Nah, that doesn't seem like it makes sense. And given that there's a typical way these things work in OSR generally, I'd expect anything like a decrease as the monster is injured to be stated very explicitly and clearly in the rulebook if it was meant to work that way.
What is the best OSR system for playing heroes? not regular adventurers?

Scarlet Heroes is a system for one-on-one play. The gist of it is that you don't inflate the numbers, you change the way die result is read.

So you damage not monster's hp but its HD. So 4 HD monster has effective 4 hp. That is coupled with the damage, which is done as:

1 - 0 points of damage
2-5 - 1 point of damage
6-9 - 2 points of damage
10+ - 4 points of damage.

So I can kill 2HD monster in one hit with 1d8. At the same time, monsters count damage just like that but it applies to PC's hp. There are some other adjustments but that's the main thing.
Playing as heroes is a bit outside the concept of OSR, where life tends to be shit and then you die. In order to find an OSR system where you get to play one, therefore, you need to skirt the lines of OSR.

AD&D 2e is probably closest to what you want, or maybe Dungeon Crawl Classics if you don't mind your heroes dying a lot too.
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Oh, sorry, should have been more clear. The issue isn't "couldn't" as in "could not have this change occur". It's "shouldn't" as in "this change would not suit the players or campaign goals."

Purplestripe for President

Made 2 changes: 1. there's a rural and urban cost split. Some stuff can't be bought in the country and 2. made it hella expensive.
>Another question: How do you feel about swords being commonplace in most settings?

Depends on the proximity to and nature of the nearest War, but yeah, if you really, really want a sword, you can get one easily enough. Getting away with it forever is less easy in orderly times but the times are disordered.

Neat! Reading it now.

Anyway, to get some shilling out of the way, here's 1d100 Horrible Peasant NPCs and 1d100 Horrible Peasant Smells

Seriously, stop posting these without the trove link


Maybe it's just them?

Fighters are Barbarians but many of them live in castles and forts, surrounded by villages of queer magic people or shiftless thieving peasants. Clerics live in paradise but many travel to bring the word of their Goddess to others, and must live among them. Maybe Magic Users live in tribal villages full of Fighting people, just a few hermits on the edge of town brewing love potions for lovers and magic lion-calling horns for hunters in exchange for not being lynched.

You could also just make a 5th race of average joe, or maybe mixed race people end up being the 'average joes' of the world.
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>Anyone who spends a turn gazing at them may ask one of their answers a question.
I've been reading way too much http://basicredrpg.blogspot.ca/today because that shit almost made sense.

>What lurks in the clouds of your setting?
use the 'evil twin' rule. If you roll bad on your 3d6 down the line, you can invert your scores. 3 becomes 18, 4 becomes 17 etc.
Any requests?
I just watched Dredd.

Shitty floors in a fantasy slum block.
>read S&W Quick-start and Light
>like them both
>read S&W Core and Complete
>bored to tears because they're basically AD&D-lite

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Dual-classing in 2e, the human race's way to play two classes: is it OP, or not? Can you think of an example of a dual class character that is OP?
Yeah, pretty much. The idea there is that they would exist in a vague sense of proximity until someone asked where they were and they wouldn't make any sounds as the other players searched for them.
Here are 20 villages to fill with your horrible peasants and their horrible smells.
People clearly sneak into Hell all the time in your setting, but how many people have broken into Heaven?
Unrelated: what happens to the bits of Heaven when clouds break apart or disperse?
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Lilty, Clavat, Yuke, Selkie
I had some very early faps to those Selkie models desu
So all adventurers just are greedy and see for themselves in osr? would you say that in osr characters are more like in real life?
>How do you deal with it in your games?

Play on a proper time scale instead of the kill-Orcus-in-6-weeks-or-your-money-back time scale a lot of games use.

> How do you feel about swords being commonplace in most settings?

Swords were pretty commonplace so I don't see the problem.
So, Wolfpacks's revised/improved/deluxe/2nd ed version is getting close to done. Shit that's going in it:
>Denisovans, Floresiensis and other hominid races
>more monsters, some classic and some weird
>actual rules for morale and chases!
>more in depth cave stuff
>liches and hollow ones and eloi and other stuff you can turn into in play
>full-page illustrations
>a bunch of other shit I've probably forgotten about but that's in the pdf.

But, Imma do some market research. Have you read or played Wolfpacks? What's it missing? What does it need? What needs fixing? What would be cool? What could be less confusing?
Any advice y'all have is gonna be incredibly useful in getting the second version to be as slick and well-polished as it can be.
Nah. OSR characters tend to be a bit too mercenary.
>in osr characters are more like in real life?
nah. OSR characters do shit that no sane sensible person would do, like going into caves full of skeletons and giant insects and hoping there's treasure. That's not normal behavior.
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I've bookmarked this to add to my own village post. Thanks! It's quite good.

>Villagers want it to leave so they can return to making loud sounds.
Is a great line. It's not "their usual activities". It's "loud sounds." These guys just love wandering around ringing bells, kicking goats, banging pots and pans, and howling, but then this fucking /bear/ turned up...

Quite a few. Why do you think wizards have towers on mountaintops?

Figure out what a single medieval-ish person needed to survive over winter. How much meat, how much salt. Make it scalable and reasonably abstract. Maybe use arctic expedition records?
No, but I hear about it a lot.
Dump or link the old version.
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>. Have you read or played Wolfpacks?
No, but I'll read this version.
>more in depth cave stuff
You've read (and stolen from) Veins of the Earth, right?
>Denisovans, Floresiensis and other hominid races
pic related
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0e and 1e assume PCs are like Wild West prospectors/tomb robbers/sociopaths

The iterations of Basic assume that the PCs are greedy but ultimately good-hearted

2e assumes PCs care about doing the right thing first and foremost, with phat loot as just compensation
MS Paint class that runs on masturbation.
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Wanklocks. Spanksorerers. Jilladins.
>That's not normal behavior.
It's reasonably normal. Gold isn't really wealth. It's a motive with a universal adapter.
Here's the current pdf.
If you want a print version it's available as POD on drivethruRPG. I might start putting bits of the new stuff up at some point, once I'm happy with them.

Veins is interesting, and I've taken a lot of inspiration from it, but actually not directly used that much. That said, as a piece of work Veins is kinda just beautiful in its own right even if you never game with it.
Go buy veins, you won't regret it.
I read it, it's not my favorite genre, but I liked your take, I'm a little skeptical about the way you handled HP, never did something like that.

Also it seemed very low budget, good to see a deluxe version in being made!

I can't sell a game to my group if the book doesn't have pretty images, they just won't take it serious
>very low budget
mate it's literally just me in my bedroom harvesting public domain art from wikimedia. It's about as budget as you can get, I am really very poor.
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Time for critique!

The scribbly borders are cool, but they use up my ink for no benefit, and they have lots of grey-blur scaling artifacts. The rest of the PDF is sharp black on sharp white; the borders are black-unwanted grey-white.
-it's 156 pages, which is... fine and all, but after a quick glance there's lots of fat to trim. It's a passion project, and when you're doing a passion project, you rarely want to take away when you could add more content.

The whole thing needs a serious grumpy English major line-by-line revision. That being said, it's pretty good.

p.4 oh dear god paragraph breaks
>the ice age wilderness is harsh, and filled with dangerous beasts, the largest and most well known of which are the herds of migratory Mammoths.
Delete everything after "beasts".
>In dark forests and the depths of caves, there exist other, stranger creatures; mad beasts that are the products of magic.
If you're going to start a sentence like that, considering doing "creatures: [list of 3 creature types]" 3 is the weird optimal number for this.
"product of magic, unfinished gods, and leftovers from former worlds." or something like that.
> Player characters
Start of a new paragraph.
>living just south of the northern icecaps.
Awkward phrasing. You could just say "ice caps".
> During the time period where the game takes place
Awkward phrasing. Plus, this should be further up. "The game takes place" is fine.

Structure for page 4 (each line is a paragraph)
WHAT this game is
WHAT the PDF contains
WHO you play in this game

Basically, just go back to the very start before you add anything else and start trimming, revising, and editing. Or see if you can hire a professional editor. They are handy.

It's good, but it will be a lot more accessible and useful if it's not just "all my words and ideas in a PDF". It could become, with editing, "the best words and ideas, clearly explained, in a PDF."
is 2e not that popular that there arent a lot of osr made for it?
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It's a tough call, but don't they lean closer to psychopathy?
HELP ME /osr/

I put shriekers on my wandering monster chart

How can I make this stupid mistake into something awesome

so far I got 'shrieker growing on a zombie'
Most people don't subdivide the Basic line on mechanics.
2e is a bit farther from AD&D than BECMI is from Bx.
But only a bit.

2e gets isolated for it's tone.

You can use AD&D content wholesale for it.
>I put shriekers on my wandering monster chart
this sounds like a hilarious feedback loop waiting to happen.
ambulatory shriekers that flop about and wail? It's like me when I've been drinking.
What is your experience with evil players?
But i thought that 2e had a lot of content, like classes and the like
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2e was around from 1989 to 2000 and is still relatively easy and cheap to buy.
Most of the dislike of 2e is kneejerk Gygax apologism ("We didn't NEED a new edition, TSR did it to cheat Gary!" - a fabrication by Gygax himself) or NOT MUH (no devils, assassins, or half-orcs). Other complaints are about kits (which aren't even in core anyway).
The only unambiguously legitimate complaints about 2e are the shift toward heroic fantasy (which was already happening in 1e), proficiencies, the removal of 1e DMG's random generators, and turning xp-for-gold into an optional rule.
Yeah, the borders are something that I'm working on fixing. I don't like how the greyscale came out either, but I was new to image processing when I made them.
A lot of the text is getting revised, probably in ways that you're suggesting already.

The new version is looking likely to be pushing 300 pages. A lot of that is actually from big illustrations using up space, but there's also a *fuckton* of new content. Like ten pages of weird cave conditions (radioactivity, halucinogenic gasses, magic rivers, stuff like that), so it's stuff that I find actually gets used in play.
Shriekers that have learned to imitate words but can only mash together gibberish and nonsense. Local weirdos have decided its prophetic and spend time recording, reciting, and doing bad poetry with the fungus.
Why did you chose playing OSR instead of newer dnd editions, what do you like more or what do you think it does better?
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>so far I got 'shrieker growing on a zombie'
Wouldn't it always be going off?

Regardless, why spice them up?
They're an interesting encounter.

It does, but the OSR movement doesn't make things for it.
My players in an epic game fought one of these.

Players had an intelligent amulet that had the spirit of a kamina that could spectral image itself.

Monster broke the amulet as first thing before fighting the party, really got them motivated.
Gotta agree with this guy. There's so much unnecessary text and zero appropriate use of headers.

Although the need for massive cuts and some restructuring was actually the second thing I noticed. The first was that as the first bit of prose you read, the introduction needs a hook way more interesting than "this is a game about...", though if you want to cheat like most game writers do, you could always just plop in a bit of narrative.

Honestly, your mates aren't wrong. There's a whole lot of homebrew out there, and a lot of it is shit. Going by aesthetics may skip some gems and fail to rule out some stinkers, but in general it's a good easy initial filter.
Are you Quidditchbiscuit?
If so, please draw a Yuke.
I like homebrew and improv-heavy GMing. OSR does that better. Why? Balance is less important because you don't have the expectation of 'you have to kill the thing to get XP' and the rules tend to be both simpler and less interlinked. So I can alter something or make something up on the fly without it risking throwing everything else off-whack.

I honestly and sincerely tried to learn D&D 5e when it came out. I wanted to learn how to run D&D so I could get easy players instead of running all my rules lite, FATE inspired homebrews.

But I couldn't manage it. It was too hard. I found OSR and OSR blogosphere and eventually I started to get it and really enjoy the game underneath all the modern bullshit fluff and skills and so on.

Now I just make shitty D&D-inspired rules lite homebrew instead.
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>tfw had a post on the clipboard but I'm working on my homebrew and wiped it
Anyway, the 2e classes are structured differently than any other edition and for reason some "people" hate the MC for having anything other game rule information.

>Why did you chose playing OSR instead of newer dnd editions, what do you like more or what do you think it does better?
3.PF is shit.
4e doesn't look bad but I'm lukewarm about it and don't have the maps/minis to go all out.
5e is 3e Episode II and doesn't feel very unique.

The simplicity of rules and wealth of content are a big draw for me. I love me some Monstrous Compendia.
I don't even like D&D. I'm a narrativefag and I like B/X and LotFP and whatnot more then PbtA and FATE for my games because it's easy to mod with whatever and the rules aren't shit.
>But I couldn't manage it. It was too hard
>5e is 3e Episode II and doesn't feel very unique.

I can't believe you guys hate 5e
I have been playing it like 3 years, i wouldn't say it is bad but i think it could do some things better
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I don't hate it, I just don't find it very compelling.
But as a 'Wandering' encounter? Shriekers don't move!
That's one dangerous looking frog.
You uncovered it or one suddenly sprouted nearby. Best as a general random encounter rather than 'wandering' because it IS hard to justify.
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-taste like mushrooms, are delicious. PCs set off on a quest for butter and garlic

-shriekers attract cholerids. Now you've got screaming and disease

-shriekers in ultrasonic. You can't hear them, but your dogs can, and the other monsters can. Find them in time.

-shriekers in some sort of weird shrieker mating ritual. Paintings or sketches of it are valuable.

-shriekers in infrasonic, make you shit yourself
It's in the next room.
Even if you turn around.
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>Shriekers don't move!

If you're dumb enough to let them roll more of themselves, they're sprouting rapidly.
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How do you handle helmets mechanically?
I like FG&G's variety but the "you only get the bonus with the matching armor set" mechanic to be clunky.
I assume they're part of armor sets. If for whatever reason you're not wearing a helmet, -1 defense.

If for some reason all you have is a helmet, that's worth +1 Ac though.
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You get +1 AC for each piece of armor you equip. +2 for Chestpiece.

That's it.
"Smith! Make a chain bootie for each of my toes!'
what's in the ocean?
>2 responses
what's in the cloud?
>8 responses
>cloud adventuring

All you need is flying, or maybe a really tall mountain

>ocean adventuring
Gotta be prepared for having no fire, no air, water rusting your equipment and fucking with spells and movement, or if you're on the surface you'll need a boat

Underwater adventuring is hell and few people would like it

Need I say more
on the topic of crazy Caveman shenanigans, you should take a look at these books for what a more fantastical Stone Age setting could be like

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Are you releasing a physical version anytime soon, or is that still a while away?

Bump for this question.
>Figure out what a single medieval-ish person needed to survive over winter.

Seconding a summary of medieval life stuff.
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Today I will remind them.
1st ed is in print, which is the version posted in this thread.
When the improved version is done, it will be available in hardback as well as PDF.
this is some weird shit. Awesome.
Explain yourself man, why is that thing better than everything else?
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You know, this summary: http://www.arcticwebsite.com/goldrushsupplies1898.html

Isn't the worst possible starting point. It's not brilliant, sure, but it's at least a guideline. I think I can work with these 2 articles and mash them together...
Not how that image macro works.
The further down you go, the worse it is.
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updated for dank goblinpunch memes
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Fixed that for you.
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would it be worth making a 2e osr?
Not going to say it's bad, but I preferred the previous direction.
this man knows what's up.

That's actually significant point. I think there's a subtle but noticable difference between two schools of thought in the OSR. You've got:
>people playing older editions of DnD, and clones thereof, because hey, TSR actually put some pretty cool shit out.
>people playing DIY DnD who use older editions as the foundation because they're easier to tinker with.
And while there's overlap, what these two groups are looking for isn't the same. Hence the wildly different definitions of 'OSR', since it encompases two distinct but similar movements under one banner.

>Previous direction
What previous direction?
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I guess you caught me.

Here's the thing, I was working on that concept but started getting to thinking on how higher level magic users were essentially going to take forever to reload their spells. So I had the idea to rule that Wizards can prepare any number of spell slots of a single *spell* when they study, which allows them to stock up on spells quickly, just taking 10 minutes for each type of spell they want to prepare for higher level stuff.

Then I thought this stuff was getting kind of complicated, so maybe stepping back to something more static and mana-based would be a good method, but now that's not good enough either huh?

What will it take to satisfy you people?! Or myself, more importantly.
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>What will it take to satisfy you people?!
Too many people for that.
>Or myself, more importantly.
By rote.
I mean, there's gotta be some overlap because 5e and 3.x are pretty easy to tinker with too, and there's tons of comparably easy games that aren't related to d&d.
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I'm guessing you're done with the conversation based on this post but seriously, I'd love any kind of feedback to figure this out.

How powerful should spell level tiers, based on the number of spell slots burned at time of casting, be? How should these direct levels be typed out? Should it have specific effects or bonuses each level it steps up, or should it be more abjucated especially once it gets to the 9th circle and up stuff? How can you balance Wizards who prepare a lot of spells vs Wizards who prepare a lot of one single spell or should you care to? Should mana potions be in the game? Is the over-reliance on spellbooks a problem? etc.

Using a mana point system means I don't have these issues. Maybe I could make spells based on mana still but make it based on spells known instead of a list of effects?

How DCC fiddly diddly ass magic system are we going here? +1 mana cost to add horns to your bagbeast. I'm down to clown, but I want to know how autistic everything thinks I am first.
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Slightly weaker than using the spell multiple times.

Having to read all of the above was dubious, but all of the above is an option.
So the sample Conveyence spell was fine. Just lay them out like that.

Adjuctation will happen either way, but leaning on it runs counter to the purpose of having rules.

See answer #1. I don't know about "should," but I wouldn't care much.

Should health potions be in the game? Yes.


>Using a mana point system means I don't have these issues.
It maybe gets rid of #4. Maybe.
It does nothing for the rest.

>How DCC fiddly diddly
It wouldn't be a turnoff to me, but I'm not a fan.
I assume most people here like that.

Apropos of nothing, >>54417108
>almost 1000 monsters
>almost 1000 spells
>rules for almost every conceivable setting including Native America, Indian, Africa, Asian, Arabian, horror, space fantasy, and post-apocalyptic sword-and-sorcery settings
>so many modules and adventure that you could make 30 adventure paths out of them
>autistically in-depth sourcebooks that actually provide interesting information
>several alternate spell systems (Wu Jen, Arcane Age)
>best psionics system
>best rules for monster PCs
There are way more potential groupings than just two in the OSR. There's the weird vs. medievalist, there's the historical ballad vs. pulp, there's the "GM rulings before rules" and the "GM referees the rules" groups, there's high fantasy vs. low fantasy, and so on and so forth. If you put any broad movement under close enough of a microscope it starts to evaporate.
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yeah, I'm a bit concerned. is it upset with anyone in particular?
>because 5e and 3.x are pretty easy to tinker with too
I'd dispute this. These systems care much more about evenly matched power in combat (in theory; they have horrible balance issues baked in, but let's put them to one side). Which combined with carefully worked out scaling mathematics means that there's a much greater chance the system will break down if you alter it too much. Every piece of the game links into and is built on the expectation of the other pieces, and altering one piece has knock-on effects.
There's lots to tinker *with*, for sure, but with older editions you can make much broader changes without worrying that it's going to have a knock-on effect somewhere down the line.
>So the sample Conveyence spell was fine. Just lay them out like that.

Nobody is concerned by how linear it is? Maybe it's just me. Writing an entry for every single spell-level was also a bit irritating.

Thanks for the advice anyway. Maybe I'll visit an oracle and figure it out.

possibly relevant to your interests

but muh modern rules
I need good plot-hooks for early Stonehell.
>evil players
I'm desperate enough to play with war criminals if needed.
Evil players, or evil characters?
Sorry, that was meant for >>54416902
Players are inherently evil
What's wrong with the adventure seeds beginning on page 10?

Goblin Raids is boring, but Laboratory Raiders is pretty fun.

Alternatively, a friend/local has been kidnapped by the orcs on Level 1 (or the hobgoblins on Level 2). Maybe a child or halfling, and the captors can't tell the difference so they put him to work as a kobold slave.
bumping my question from before.
Are clerics really necessary for an old school feel or whatever? Or can I roll them up into Magic User?

Shaman healer? Alchemist with healing potions?
I'm throwing together a binder to use for LotFP. What are some must-have printable to include with it? I have equipment tables, spells, a name generator etc. Anything you can throw my way?
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>not running a game were Cleric, Fighting-man, Thief, and Magic-User are banned but all the other classes are allowed
Clerics were a mistake. Thieves are worthless and only serve to make other classes weaker by reducing their abilities. Even magic-users were hated by Gygax.

How would you do an OSR game, party balance and cooperation and diminishing resources and all, with only fighters in it?
You should realize how awful an all cavalier party would be.
I like clerics and vancian casting.
except thieves are the best class, you dull motherfucker.
I prefer vances and clerical casting.
Clerical casting sounds like something from Brazil or the Vogons from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Magic-users have to go through all the proper channels and file the correct paperwork before they can cast a spell.
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>How would you do an OSR game, party balance and cooperation and diminishing resources and all, with only fighters in it?
>Even magic-users were hated by Gygax.

Why? Magic users are my favorite thing in Fantasy.
What is the best open/free-form magic system used in an OSR game? I'm tempted on copying that "syntactic Magic" system from GURPS, where magic consists of verbs and subjects (i.e. "Create fire" to either attack someone with fire magic or to light a camp fire).
All of Gygax's later characters were Magic-Users.
But yeah, he despised MUs at the start.
Look up Wonder & Wickedness.
Porting over The Mage from the Dungeon World Alternative Playbooks, as-is. Make a DCC-style table for the extra/negative effects.

So he came around to how cool they are? I need to read up more about the guy who started this type of gaming.

Thanks. I'll also try patching together my own idea and post it here for improvement.
Then I advise your read up on Arneson instead of that irresponsible highschool dropout.
You might be interested in this guy, he played the first wizard:

Evil characters
Basically he didn't like the idea of making them always super powerful because then they would just dominate the game.

I'd hardly call Gary irresponsible when Arneson submitted a basically unfinished supplement late.
>Basically he didn't like the idea of making them always super powerful because then they would just dominate the game.

That makes more sense, the best magic systems are ones that are well thought out and have limitations (making the story more believable, interesting, and human as a result).
>I'd hardly call Gary irresponsible
Completely disregarding all the shit he wasted TSR's money on,

the LBBs were done so poorly
because Gygax rushed to publish them
because Gygax distributed a shit ton on playtest copies
without requiring proprietary information agreements.

But yes, Arneson wasn't very good at writing.
Let's make a table of mega dungeon ideas.
I'll start: The World tree, holding together our world and the different planes. Traversing its hollowed-out innards does not only include the dungeon proper, but also the numerous openings and pathways into the land of the dead, elemental planes, the fey realms, and the home of the gods themselves.
Not how this thread works.
Too few people and too much expectation for spoonfeeding.

Go make a new thread, then harvest the ideas that are OSR applicable.
Except we did that a couple of times already for random tables, idea seeds, hex population, and what not.
3.x is more or less the everyday epitome of untinkerable. Sure, there are worse systems, but they're all obscure niche systems.
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Want a second opinion on something I'm thinking of implementing in my Machinations of the Space Princess campaign.

Essentially, unless you take at least one race trait as Adaptable, you are not a Humanoid. Is this a bad or good idea? It will certainly give rise to more "alien" sorts of sophonts, but is that just too restricting?
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So what is a must read dungeon master guide?
1e AD&D.

Also Dungeon World.
Ordered best to worst, but read all three:

DMRG1 - Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide
Dungeon Masters Guide no apostrophe
>DMRG1 - Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide
First time hearing of it. What makes it so worthwhile if I may ask?
That doesn't help at all.
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>What makes it so worthwhile if I may ask?
It a COMPLETE book of advice.
Covers all the stuff that usually gets left out.

Also, the bits on dungeon design were written by Jaquays.
You've come to the wrong place.
Awhile ago I was reading through the early A&E 'Zines and noted a radical change in attitude in Gygax from the earliest publication to a time just a year or so later. In issue #2 of A&E a letter from Gygax appears that is open and friendly to all those involved in the game. My personal feeling is that he and TSR were badly treated by many of not only the 'Zines contributors but many in the early D&D community. It seemed like it caused a heavy reaction beyond the proportion of the size and contribution of the people involved in with 'Zines and conventions. There were many suggestions by A&E contributors to just copy and distribute the LBBs and because Gygax and TSR shouldn't try to make a profit from the hobby.

It appears to me that there was a very strong anti-Gygax element in the hobby from the beginning and at a point where Gygax was extremely open to fan creativity in the hobby. Today that anti-Gygax element seems to be in the fore-front of what is called the 'OSR' and I wonder how many of the same motivations from four decades past still apply.

Personally I'm a fan of quality over quantity. I don't care if AD&D is spread among the largest amount of plebs as possible. "What a dreadful noise plebs make when they are happy." to loosely quote a favorite cable epic. What dreadful garbage is produced today. I don't mind stealing my ideas for my game where I can find them but today there is little grist for the creative mill outside a few stalwarts' work I thieve from regularly.

So I'm left wondering what might have been produced (especially by Gygax) had not this snobbish intellectual communism of creativity flourished when Gygax was driving TSR and what would come tomorrow had this plebeian egalitarianism of imagination not taken hold today where the only element not part of the OSR is the opinion that the original design was the best.
What use is this place then?
Partial compensation for being asocial.
If you actually have a social life, we'll just drag you down.

We've already got our hooks in you!
this post just weaves in and out of red onion word salad
>How do you deal with the fact that this creates immensely unbalanced character
It doesn't. Stats are almost completely irrelevant in most osr systems. As long as you have a 9 somewhere you're usually good to go
Oh, shouldn't have replied before reading properly
A giant demon filled titanic-style ship. An undead city. An insane asylum filled with murder-crazy criminals.
Can you tell that all of these are stolen?
minisix, brp or gurps? wich would do osr better
A library, wizard school, or academy of some sort.

A desolate city that's been destroyed by chaos/vampires/a comet/the plague and now has survivors picking over the scraps.

The sunken city of Lemurlantis. Waterlogged ruins on the top level, but it goes down down to center of the world where they tapped the soul of the world to power their magics.

Mount Olympus except the gods are evil. Or they were killed off and now there's a race to the top situation. So this is essentially just a straight megadungeon/underground cities, except it goes up instead of down.

an Archipelago of interconnected islands that have bridges, teleporters, ferries, giant fish and underwater walkways that take you between the different islands. (Think of seperate islands as Levels in a normal megadungeon.)

Obviously some sort of jungle or swamp, but I cant think of any great way of doing this as a megadungeon.

The last great civilization was ant-people, the location of there greatest hive city was just discovered. Possibly by you, possibly by accident.
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The dead body of the greatest dragon ever to have lived.
The dreamlands. Just like Inception, the way you get to deeper levels is by falling asleep inside the dream.
Gygax initially conceived of the game as being about Fighting-Men battling monsters and evil sorcerors, like Conan, the various Conan knockoffs, or Fafhrd and the Mouser. Classic Swords-&-Sorcery feed, in other words. In Chainmail itself, all the Tolkien influences (presumably including the Lawful side having access to wizards) were concessions to his friends and fellow-players, who loved that shit; from Chainmail they got pulled into Blackmoor, where the Cleric was added as well, and from there of course they flowed into OD&D. But Gygax himself, according to witnesses (Kask, Mornard, IIRC others), didn't like that shit initially and wanted the game to run more like his favorite S&S classics. Rob Kuntz and Mornard have both suggested separately and on several occasions that the best illustration of Gygax's ideal vision of D&D is the CAS story "The Seven Geases", which (this is an actual literal spoiler) involves a hero-guy going into dark and horrible caves with a large number of retainers with grappling hooks and shit, meeting lots of challenges and then dying to a retarded accident.

Read it here if you like: http://www.eldritchdark.com/writings/short-stories/192/the-seven-geases
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Gear city. A giant automated city that stills runs itself and is built up in a great mass.

Hell. Just like stone hell, but without the stone and with fire instead.

Hobo city. Populated by beggars of all kinds with some of the best treasures in the world.

Murderhobo city. Full of adventurers and weird ass people. There is nothing of value here. At all.
So large his now dead and empty veins and arteries serve as hallways, some cavernous but almost all wide enough to fit two abreast.
The world inside the mirrors. You can get there from any mirror and it's the largest dungeon in the entire world.

Escherworld. Its top is it's bottom. Its inside is its outside. Its a Klein dungeon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klein_bottle

Th slaughterhouse. Read the comments in this thread http://rottenpulp.blogspot.com/2014/06/negadungeons.html
What denizens have taken up residence in his now petrified or decaying corpse, and why?
This sounds like Kent.

But, that said, I do agree that the early A&Es are full of essentially shitposters and massive sperglords, and actually are extremely cringey because you realize the hobby has been rife with the same exact kind of shithead since day one. Mark Swanson is notable in A&E as a guy who contributes nothing but tardery and anti-Gygaxism (memorably including when he loses his shit in all caps over Gygax clarifying the magic casting/memorization rules). In PatW Peterson suggests that Gygax's attitude changes because of crass commercial considerations, but like you I also think that it's actually because of the overwhelmingly psychotic response from fans, and that the commercial considerations for Gygax only arose in the first place due to what entitled ultraspergs the fans were being (e.g. blatantly illegal shit like wanting to make products that were just compilations of bits of OD&D "but good"; aforementioned idea that Gygax was evil to profit from D&D).

>the only element not part of the OSR is the opinion that the original design was the best
This is just insane horseshit, though. There are plenty of people who like the LBBs alone best. Just here we've had several /osrg/ threads awhile back that were almost entirely focused on questions about using Chainmail combat, adapting the MTM table to modifiers to the alternative combat system's d20 roll, and so on.
Oh, it was Zavoda!

Well, never mind. I stand by what I wrote. It doesn't matter if the shitpost I replied to was original or pasta.
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>It doesn't matter if the shitpost I replied to was original or pasta.
I mean... in a technical sense. You're still a bit of a twat though.
White blood cell oozes.
>What use is this place then?
God only knows, anon. God only knows.

In any case, the answer to >>54428744
is "probably not". The change is so minor in the grand scheme of things that it won't really matter.
>You're still a bit of a twat though.
Well, duh, I mean... I'm on an imageboard for traditional games talking about Ur-D&D.
Jesus, Knights-n-Knaves are just the most insufferable people in OSR. What a way to spend your last years of your life.
Is there a list with the basic OSR spells? i am thinking in adding a magic system for minisix
Does the Basic line even have spells outside their core books?
Rule Cyclopedia probably has all of them.
Yeh, Kank-A is maybe the literal worst place to complain about how D&D fandom has always been toxic (although I'm sure the Pathfinder forums and rpg-net give it a run for its money). I don't understand faggots like bobthejester at all.
So after a couple months of not playing, I look like I'll have a game up next weekend. One of the players expressed his interest in old school stuff(he's never played it before) as "It seems less railroady, less generic fantasy and more lethal." while another potential player has expressed interest in more roleplaying type stuff rather than playing it as a wargame.

What's a good module that's fairly short for this group?
Village of Hommlet offers a bit for both.
>one guy makes an OSR thing
>declares the whole thing OGC

>group makes OSR thing
>nothing is OGC

In case you're wondering, the first is ZH-01 An Overwhelming Sense of Loss and the second is Monsters of Myth.
OGC on its side looks like a man wanking.
How can I best replicate Volley Fire in in an d20 based OSR games?
B/X initiative but let people fire at targets one by one instead of all at the same time.
Open Game Content
Do you think making everyone's health die d6s with different + or - bonuses instead of doing d4, d6, d8, and d10 really matters?
Anyone have a lock on the Adventurer's Guild modules published for AD&D™ in the late '90s? Top secret canonical modules sent to stores to throw in the trash?

Question for Godbound GMs: How do I make a lich PC using the mortal creation rules?
Question for >>54434564: How would you normally make a lich?
Not a huge amount,no.
Hackmaster 5E does a wonderful job of making mages interesting to play but placing a few limitations and downsides on them so that they don't just dominate the game.
>White blood cell oozes
What abut the fiery heart that still beats in its center? Who or what still uses it for their nefarious purposes and what better purpose could you put it to?
Is this a clue where to look for Adventurer's Guild module PDFs? Pretty hard to find them when photocopies of them are sold as originals for hundreds upon hundreds of dollars per each.
anyone got that godbound PDF?

My best guess would be to first make a heroic mortal human PC, then to level him up into being an archmage of low magic necromancy, and finally to give him a pseudo "word" trait that contains all the qualities a lich out to have (i.e. being a greater undead and what that implies, having a phylactery, etc.).
What about making a Lich PC in Basic Fantasy? Is there any free lichdom OGL ruleset around the Internet I could try to hack into BF?
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>all the Tolkien influences (presumably including the Lawful side having access to wizards) were concessions to his friends and fellow-players, who loved that shit
Cash-grab, actually.
Where do you start when you want to design your own OSR setting? I have ideas and a general theme but I'm not sure where to start in putting it down in text in a coherent form.
*blames someone else for elves*
*blames someone else for thieves*
*blames someone else for psionics*
*stiffs Arneson out of royalties*
*lies about TSR not paying him royalties*
A tribe of giants live near the center of the right atrium.
Once a fortnight, they make the 3 day trek to the edge of the heart and play the walls like drums.
1. Starting dungeon, 3 floors deep to start (or end if it's not really a megadungeon)

2. Starting town

3. Nearby amusements like ruins, wars, wandering monsters of the terrain

4. stuff the players will need to know, like magic system or religion
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>>54434995 c >>54389935
> 01. What is the deal with my cleric's religion?
< 02. Where can we go to buy standard equipment?
> 03. Where can we go to get platemail custom fitted for this monster I just befriended?
< 04. Who is the mightiest wizard in the land?
> 05.Who is the greatest warrior in the land?
< 06. Who is the richest person in the land?
> 07. Where can we go to get some magical healing?
< 08. Where can we go to get cures for the following conditions: poison, disease, curse, level drain, lycanthropy, polymorph, alignment change, death, undeath?
> 09. Is there a magic guild my MU belongs to or that I can join in order to get more spells?
< 10. Where can I find an alchemist, sage or other expert NPC?
> 11. Where can I hire mercenaries?
< 12. Is there any place on the map where swords are illegal, magic is outlawed or any other notable hassles from Johnny Law?
> 13. Which way to the nearest tavern?
< 14. What monsters are terrorizing the countryside sufficiently that if I kill them I will become famous?
> 15. Are there any wars brewing I could go fight?
< 16. How about gladiatorial arenas complete with hard-won glory and fabulous cash prizes?
> 17. Are there any secret societies with sinister agendas I could join and/or fight?
< 18. What is there to eat around here?
> 19. Any legendary lost treasures I could be looking for?
< 20. Where is the nearest dragon or other monster with Type H treasure?
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How does /osrg/ feel about Clerics?
I think they do their own thing different enough to be justified. A lot of people seem to not like them purely because it doesn't work with their very special setting.

The one in my Mystara game makes me smile. She is not the brightest, or the strongest, but she is the boldest and most sincere.

In my experimental house rules heartbreaker, I removed them and gave their spell list to Elves, to get a more Tolkien feel.
Worshipping gods is 10/10 but I'm kinda fine with everybody doing it rather than it being limited to clerics.

Same with thiefly abilities, fighting, and castig weird rituals from weird books.
Clerics are fine.
Wisdom was a mistake.
Depends on the setting.
Explain. Tried this search term and it didn't lead to any more Adventurer's Guild modules. They are the final piece in acquiring a complete collection of AD&D™ rules.
They left their name in the file.
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What about the time you posted content and didn't just ask everyone questions about everything they post?

It's possible to do more than the lightest of riffs.
Priests OK, clerics not required in my setting, your mileage may vary.
That may not be the guy who posted the pdf.

did he seriously lie about not being paid royalties?

I dunno man, Gary feels like a douche to me in many ways. He gets bizarre levels of reverence for his shittiest module(Horrors), he was a hardcore fedora tipping libertarian...
Wizards of the Coast?

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>Tried this search term and it didn't lead to any more Adventurer's Guild modules.
Mark A. Jindra

A former web developer employed by WotC.
He was also one of the RPGA coordinators.

>I welcome all relevant conversations via email at [email protected]
Maybe he doesn't have those files anymore.
I bet you half the money in my wallet he still does.
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What does /osr/ think of Scrap Princess' art?
Not a fan. Her writing is OK.
Very overrated. Same goes for Patrick Stuart's writing.
I love it
I enjoyed that story quite a bit.
when it's good it's really good, but when it's not it's... bad. There's no middle-ground, it's all either top notch or kinda shite.
Thankfully she's only been putting her good stuff into more recent work, so that's a plus.
You sure you aren't talking about Arnold K?
It's generally pretty good. It usually does what it aims to do, which is make evocative, scrawled portraits of weirdness.
Man, you really need to lay off the Word default table style. I say this as someone who writes his shit in Word.
For depicting awful monstrosities underground it's fantastic. I think it's very evocative of ludacris things and of someone making a shitty sketch in their notebook. I do think that her style occasionally gets repetitive, like Frank Frazetta has a very distinct style but he depicts more than the monster itself and includes the foreground and background. I wish she would expand from tiny scribbles to actual "art" pieces.
I see two sensible options. First of all, just sort of cheat by making a bunch of fighter+ classes, where each class works more or less like a fighter in combat, but has different abilities out of combat plus a few gimmicks that work in combat too. Like paladins and rangers and that sort of thing, but maybe with less direct martial focus outside of combat since it's assumed that everyone is a warrior anyway. Make the usual straight up fighter into a knight type guy or career mercenary/soldier.

The other option is almost the same but classless, put all those abilities into proficiencies and give the players some extras to start with plus an increased rate of receiving them. Do you have several proficiencies that are "do this thief thing" and a chain of proficiencies that are "unlock the next level of magic spells" which all require their predecessors and a certain amount of intelligence and/or level, and that sort of thing. And also throw in some profession and creating and social benefits. This is going to take a fair amount of thinking to get the details right, probably, but seems like a really cool idea for a system. Only thing I'm not sure of is how to keep characters from being similar in the types of equipment that they use, since if everyone wants full armor, there's going to be conflict at the table come loot time. Special weapons like ranged and reach and two-handed getting their own proficiencies can help with one angle of it, but it doesn't really make sense to do the same with armor. Maybe it requires a certain level of constitution in addition to capping dexterity?
You sound like you have good intentions but are actually reinventing 3.5 skill trees and enforcing cliches like 'you MUST be a big slow hulk in platemail' and 'to cast a spell you must be THIS brainy'

Which isn't terrible, but I think you'd be better off trying to think of ways to make plate mail vs magic robes an actual choice that any player could think about and then come to a decision based on what aspects /fighty/stealthy/social/whatever they want to prioritize, rather than binary 'I have Armor Pro III and 16 Con so I will wear Plate'
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THE CHEM RANGER - Genetic Troopers for Labyrinth Lord / OSR


Based on the Labyrinth Lord Ranger.
Requirements: DEX 12, WIS 12, CON 15 (nothing else below 9) Charisma max limit 14.
Prime Requisite: WIS, CON
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 7 (in my house rules levels cap at 10)
Chem Rangers use the same xp table as Paladins.

In homage to 2000AD's Rogue Trooper this fighter subclass excels at battlefield survival, having been genetically (or magically or whatever) engineered to survive the most hostile combat environments with a minimum of support.

Most player character Chem Rangers will be survivors of destroyed units and other failed schemes and so may have unique moral perspectives. However their genetic makeup makes them likely to be very loyal to their immediate peers.

Chem Rangers have the following restrictions:

A drawback is that the Chem Ranger is obviously not from around here and may even be obviously artificial/non human having for example, blue skin, bearing corporate logos, a beastman* or even looking exactly like Rutger Hauer.

*See the excellent Rogue Trooper story arc 'Cinnabar' for some examples of genetic 'beastmen' that were less successful than the program that birthed Rogue.

Chem Rangers face the same restrictions as Ranger regarding possessions with the modification that a mount may be a personal vehicle. They prefer to carry light loads and are unlikely to carry more than four weapons.

Though Chem Rangers are disciplined they are not trained in the use of heavy armour. Light or medium armour only.

Chem Rangers cannot hire henchman (but may utilise portable electronic sophont advisers).
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Chem Rangers have the following special abilities:
• Lifelong (however long that is) combat awareness and training gives natural AC of 7 (or two points). Light armour will improve this by 1. Medium armour may be worn but does not stack with this. Dex bonus applies.
• Chem Rangers receive immunity to all common low level toxins and bio weapons and advantage on saving throws against all others toxins, bio weapons, mutagens, radiation and poison etc, as well as against fear.
• Given a decent meal and full nights sleepChem Rangers heal 1d3+con bonus hp. Given lesser conditions they heal their con bonus after a pint of water and sleeping at least 4 hours (once per day instead of full nights sleep).
• Chem Rangers are able to track as a Ranger of the same level.
• At 2nd level Chem Rangers are surprised only on 1 on 1d6; they may surprise others on 1-3 on 1d6.
• At 3rd level Chem Ranger gets Uncanny Dodge. On a successful save verse area effect take no damage (only in light or no armour).
• At 5th level Chem Rangers get dodge missiles as a Monk (only in light or no armour).

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11025 4 5
20251 5 6
42501 6 7
90001 7 8
That is to say
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5465 3 4
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20251 5 6
42501 6 7
90001 7 8
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For completeness, I've tested my "just scale everything up" system for running a giant mecha OSR game against LotFP and 5th Edition (for some reason).

It's kind of boring, and pretty much what you'd expect, but I felt like I had to finish it to be sure my idea works.

Next post: story hooks, word clouds, missions, boss fights, teenage drama, why shows that start with a premise of Giant Robot Fights never end with the same premise, and also beach episodes.
Where in the trove is An Echo Resounding? I cannot find it inside of Labyrinth Lord.
How do these compare with the Godwalker rules from Godbound.
The whole point is that these rules are the same rules as normal characters, just scaled up.

So you have Tim, Jim, and Petunia (Fighter, Mage, Thief). They use normal human-scale OSR mechanics and stuff.

But occasionally, they get into their giant mechs, which can vary between biomechanical horrors, witch-engines, or holy cathedrals on legs, and go fight gigantic beasts... using the exact same mechanics, skills, stats, and damage as human-scale characters. Their mechas are /characters/ with HP and spell slots all that good stuff. No fancy extra rules like "hull points" or "shoulder-mounted weapon slots". Just use the rules you already have.

So significantly less powerful and a lot less magical in a general way.
But their not the same scaled up, the mechs are riddled with special rules and exceptions, not just a reskin.

An attempt has been made but failed at the halfway mark.
That's what I'm saying. I'm reading Godbound now - it's got lots of stuff.

My system of "just scale everything up" has absolutely no extra stuff.

I like it.
Except for the exceptions where you carve off things trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole.
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Also, wait just a damn minute. Is Godbound just OSR Exalted? It feels like a knockoff. All those endless fucking named fucking charms and feats and fucking upgrades. "Chakra flurry" this and "celestial power" that.

>Is Godbound just OSR Exalted?
Bx, actually. So is SWN. And just about everything else by Kevin Crawford.
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Look, given the two extremes (build a system to make it work or remove the things that make it not work), I'm going to pick the trimming system every time.

Otherwise, 156 pages of 2-column, densely spaced type, and rules for tying your shoes in the rain. Sure, you have to give up some stuff. So be it.
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Also, I don't mind posting this because the thread is almost dead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWd6XgBVIcg

I've always wanted to write a setting guide based on a strictly literal interpretation of /all/ Jack Chick comics. This might be almost as good.
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>giant mecha OSR game
Lamentations of the Flame Princess has early modern firearms statted up. It wouldn't be hard to just use that + repeating arms.

But not many OSR games are suited for a ton of combat. What you're more likely to have is a bunch of people blasting away at one another from cover, with the odd lucky hit putting somebody down.
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>It's kind of boring, and pretty much what you'd expect, but I felt like I had to finish it to be sure my idea works.
Deck plans, time scales, and normal combat would have gone a long way to spicing it up.

Wouldn't have been much more complicated either, since dungeon traversal and normal combat already exist.

This is like some weird reverse-personality cult
The problem is, if you think realistically, there's no reason that anyone going into combat wouldn't want full plate if he could get it. There isn't really a good way to make magic robe-only that's logical and not a copout. I'm not really a big fan of the attribute limits myself, necessarily, but I think otherwise you'd need to get into Riddle of Steel level detail to make armors different enough that you don't just go for the highest number and all be outfitted the same.

As for the skill tree thing, you're sort of right, but there are video games where a similar concept has worked okay, and this is sort of the class system so I think it's actually potentially workable with the right design details. I haven't actually designed this though, thus is just spitballing, so I can't say anything definitively. Maybe for magic I would drop spell levels as a gating mechanic and instead have a different proficiency for each spell school, with higher levels gated by casting stat (though I don't see why this wouldn't be intelligence) or just giving them rolls that are harder for more powerful spells. Since magic in a game where everyone's a fighter would generally be more oriented towards non-combat rituals, I reckon that should actually be fine. Could even make a dynamic ritual generator with general outline for delineating effects, costs in resources including time and sacrifices, and other stuff that puts the roll difficulty higher or lower.
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