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Hiroshimoot said we can have one meta thread How do we fix /tg/?

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Hiroshimoot said we can have one meta thread

How do we fix /tg/?
Bring back smut and quests.
For a start, don't let quests back in ever. Now that that's out of the way, this thread can be different from the last several of these. It's not is it? Well I tried.
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Stop making meta threads. Aside from that, it's pretty okay. Mods coming down harder on /pol/shit, off topic and obvious bait would be nice. Oh, and banning anyone who mentions bringing quests back. I know they can evade, but it would still be nice.
Just smut, not quests.
It won't be, because you're wrong.

/tg/ can only think in binaries: either bring no quests back ever, or fill the board with anime waifu quest faggotry. Anyone that promotes any kind of quests automatically wants the latter and therefore must be reeeeeed at.
Just /tg/ related quests, preferably with enforced drawfaggotry instead of just text, none of the waifu simulator bullshit.
get rid of metathreads
I feel like making meta threads when we don't have any urgent board matters to discuss is not in the spirit of Hiro's decree.
Start banning people who demand quests to be brought back.
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/tg/ has never been worse. We've gotten rid of all creative content, to appease the vocal minority that will always find some more shit to complain about - and without creativity, we are dead.

People shat on smut threads, but at the same time we also had people creating OC both to piss off the anti-smutfags and to gain an audience.

People shat on quest threads, but at the same time we also had some decent writefags making decent threads, as well as drawfags coming up with OC to set them apart from quests that were mostly text only.

Hell, even troll threads that got rerailed into decent discussion only happened because people wanted to piss off the troll who wanted flame wars and shit.

With all those things gone, bait's the only thing left that people want to discuss. It has nothing to do with fighting for a cause, it has more to do with the fact that there's nothing out there to talk about anymore because faggots drove away the competition.

We basically already won and now we have no idea what to do with ourselves anymore.
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As long as people like you still post here, the board is not okay. I'm so fucking sick of people posting 0.5 seconds long gifs and retarded shit elf threads, and people bitching about the /pol/ boogeyman with no provocation.
Bring back drawfags
If you would actually lurk you'd know that the retarded shit elf threads get deleted, now that they spiraled out of control some time ago.
For fucks sake, how many years will it be before you shut the fuck up about this? One? Three? If your containment board is broken make a meta thread there and FIX IT. I know you're salty because you were kicked out but it's time to put on your big girl panties and make the best of what you've got now. Now get lost and quit making these fucking threads here.

I'm advocating for those kinds of thread to get deleted more quickly.

And whether or not you believe /pol/shit exists (it does) isn't relevant to the fact that it's by definition off topic, rule breaking content that should be gotten rid of swiftly as well.
create 3 stickies:
-4 str
martial vs. caster
edition wars
and make creating threads related to those subjects bannable offenses.
martial vs. caster and edition wars are related. You only need a single thread for those.

Also make posting in those threads a bannable offense as well.
I would say this is bait, but you seem to have put too much effort into that picture so I'm gonna assume you're autistic.
Ban anime shit

Allow /tg/ related smut
Promote all /tg/ related creative content instead of shit-flinging and banning.

You know, I don't know that I've ever seen a liberal/SJW/whatever use the word Drumpf unironically. Certainly never on 4chan.

Anime has destroyed this board for too long.
I dunno man, /tg/ feels like it's gradually getting better, as far as content and discussion goes.

Exactly. Drawfags and writefags should be supported, unlike shitty questfags which aren't /tg/ related.
Exactly. /tg/ related quests should be supported, unlike shitty anime waifu harem quests which belong to /a/.
These are the two shit heads who've been shitting up /tg/.

These two guys should be banned as an experiment, and I'm betting /tg/ would improve tenfold.

No quests are /tg/ related. Forum games are not traditional games.
Matbe we should allow quests if they were based in /tg/ accepted games, such as a quest about being a 40k Marine?

It's also fucking hilarious, since 4chan literally started as an anime site.
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This board is fine, just talk about traditional games.
Drawquests were universally shit, nothing but memetastic crap
Taken as its own with no judgement to the shit it spilled forth, Ruby Quest was one of the best things to ever happen to /tg/.
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The fact that the site was created by moot to talk about anime doesn't mean that you should be allowed to spam this shit on boards where it doesn't belong, or start threads using NSFW anime pictures just for the sake of getting attention. It's off-topic and the only reason you're posting is because it makes your dumb 13 year old penis feel good.
Forum games as such don't really belong in anywhere, nor are they a big enough niche as to deserve a board of their own: the undeath of /qst/ is a show of proof on this matter. No outsider knows what it's all about, even those into quests won't find it half the time, fewer still would come to 4chan just for their sake.

It's best to let it slide and split quests and other forum games to relevant boards, such as /tg/ and /a/.
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This. /qst/, /v/ and /lit/ need to stay out, and otherwise business as usual.
>on boards where it doesn't belong

No such boards exist.
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I'm new here, so I just wanna know: how the fuck do you define a traditional game?
This would probably work
Create /tgg/.

And /tcg/ and /twg/.

And hell, create /fan/ and /sf/ while we're at it.
>our board is shit, therefore we should shit up your boards

No. Leave.

Parasites that can't survive on their own should be allowed to die, not supported at the cost of others.

Let's split D&D, 40k, MtG, WoD, GURPS, all other games to their own boards as well.

See how many survive on their own. Those that don't were just parasites.

Generally games with physical components played on a tabletop, so cardgames, boardgames, wargames and roleplaying games for the most part.

A game that is traditional, i.e not vidya, and isn't a sport, i.e fatasses can play without dying.
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Sure they do. /tg/ is one. It's fucking mentally regressive, it lowers the board's quality and it only exists to get attention and make your horny teenaged ass excited because you're a dumb nigger. It's time to end it, both anime-posting and your life.
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Hahahaha no. Directly relevant content is not the same as weird tangents desperately trying to survive despite their time being over.

Although honestly /40k/ and /mtg/ would probably do find. Maybe even /D&D/ too. At that point /tg/ itself would be kinda dead.
This post is an example of off-topic /pol/ shitposting.

But those are all of one kind and belong together.

Quests are not of that kind and belong on /qst/ only.
You hate generals too, don't you? Just split all the fuckers away. Then you can finally be happy.

Although, knowing you, you'll find some other shit to complain about instead.
So Chess, Monopoly, and Candy Land are acceptable topics of discussion?

No, generals are fine, and the meme of hating them was stupid shit probably started by questfags.
Read the rules
It ain't broken, Schmuckenheim.

And stop samefagging.

This guy has an excellent point though, quests must never be let back in.

They are, although chess threads are irregular and not super popular, while Monopoly is a fucking awful game, and roll and move games are generally derided as shitty relics of an old era.
Can you put on a trip? I'm pretty sure if we could track your posts, you'd be responsible for most of the shitposting on /tg//
They're board games. Why wouldn't they be you fucking nonce?
>File: 149
Go away, newfag.
No, but you should put on a trip so I could never accidentally read your retarded posts again.
Shit, I didn't notice those. Sorry for asking.

I've not seen them mentioned in the past few weeks that I've been here. This looks place looks more like /ttrpg/ to me.
Quests as a concept are fine.

They bring us plenty of draw- and writefags who will in turn spread to other topics and add to the life and vibrancy of /tg/. The clearly non /tg/ related quests, like the animu waifu ones, need to be kept away and put to /a/, but otherwise I don't see a problem with their presence.

If you still don't like having them around, you can just hide the few threads involving them.
>stale pasta on top of everything
Place a fucking autoban on the word "quest" or filter it to something even more humiliating.
Why are guys like you, who clearly don't belong on this anime website, so bad at banter?

>few threads

Motherfucker, Quests were a blight that was choking this board to death. My catalog filter was catching fifty of the fuckers on a good day.
Dump /a/ related ones to /a/, enforce drawn updates on the rest, the number will drop to a tenth of that.
Why are retards like you allowed on the internet? Also, drooling on a keyboard is not "banter".
>one of the best things to ever happen to /tg/
>if you disregard all the hideous consequences it had
hang all questfags
roleplaying games, board games, card games. Pretty much any game with no digital components and requires multiple players. Sports and different for some reason.
Your filters were garbage then. I've noticed that most people who post that and then actually show the filters were getting a ton of non-quests that they just assumed were quests. One guy went on a 40 post rant about how someone's homebrew worldbuilding thread was a quest.
As I said, "taken as its own with no judgement to the shit it spilled forth".

I'd allow quests back just for the off chance it would spawn another Ruby Quest, and on the far greater likelihood of getting some more drawfags and writefags here to bring us actual life once again. I can stand hiding a few shitty ones a day for that.
All of those things have digital components and have for the past 10 years at least. Most of /tg/ plays on digital platforms more than we play in person.
Move Jumpchain and all other CYOAs to /qst/.
This, but exile D&D and non setting/system specific questions.
/tg/ was literally founded to be /40k/, newfag. Moot just bundled in the rest of us as leftovers.

That's even worse. Good content was missed out on because I had to avoid the shit questfags spewed out. Thank fuck they're gone.

This. Change /qst/ to a general forum games board and just dump all the shit there.
All right, so make /tg/ /40k/ and drop everything else.

It makes no sense to ditch one of those "leftovers" into its own board and keep the rest here.
Moot also said quests were /tg/ related.

Moot's gone. We've got a new boss now.
Why do you hate quests being on the board so much? They don't stop other people from making other threads.
Take responsibility for your reeeeee.
You were the one who filtered the wrong things. You. No one else.

No it wasn't. The D&D threads on /co/ had more to do with it than a single thread a week on /b/ ever could. It also wasn't a containment board, but a positive development because Moot thought /tg/ stuff deserved its own board.
The anime exile has left deep scars to many of us. Still many an antiquestfag is shell-shocked, driven to frothing anger at the very mention of "I wish we still had quests".

Pity them.

I had to filter because questfags were here. Now they're gone, everything is better.


Because they made the board a fucking nightmare to use. They cluttered up the front page and killed off slower threads in favour of perpetuating their shitty circlejerking.
Bring back smut and /tg/-related quests. The creativity of drawfags and writefags should hopefully follow afterward.

Any /a/-related quest can fuck off back to /qst/.
Meanwhile there's 28 Warhammer threads in the catalog, which are not going to be very effective at containing discussion anyway. Don't those deserve a separate board?
Making quests bump to page 2 or 3 is still the best solution that never happened.
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What this gentleman said.
Use the catalog.
>I had to filter
No you didn't. And even if you did "have to" filter, you could have filtered more effectively. You are bad at filters. Shit. Shiiiiiiit.
>front page
Oh, that's why. You're just shit at using the site in general.
>Hiroshimoot said we can have one meta thread

He said you could have one. And you had one ages ago. This one is against the rules.
>They cluttered up the front page
>What is catalog
Just how new are you?
>killed off slower threads in favour of perpetuating their shitty circlejerking.
Funny how you blame quests, but right now, at this very moment, any thread that hasn't been bumped in more than 3 or 4 hours falls right off the bottom of the board.
How would we define "/tg/ related quests?"
>Now they're gone, everything is better.
/tg/ has never been more of a wasteland.
This. Quests never killed the slower threads any faster than they're dying right now.

The only difference is that we have more outright trolling and less creative people.
Look at this shit, The first poster gets called a newfag and is blamed for being responsible for most the shitposting on /tg/ at the same time, can't be both

that's the level we've reached
Ones that actually have a system.
None of this "it's too anime" shit. If it has an actual game system that is /tg/ based, it's a /tg/ quest. Hell, one of the ones that was active when all quests were pushed to /qst/ literally used Pathfinder as its system.
Quests strictly based off tabletop lore, so /40k/, D&D, Exalted, etc.
>newfags are responsible for the most shitposting
What's the issue here?
I'd add in any fantasy- or scifi-related quests, myself. The former is definitely /tg/, the latter arguably so.
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Thanks, I don't get to post this as often as I'd like to.
>30 people have been jewed by this shitty troll on repeat
>including me, to my shame
Hide, report, never stop shitting on questfags but don't help lift this faggot's bait.
OK, but if this is what we allow, how are we a better option than Roll20?
Because it's a different format. Multiple anonymous players with one character isn't the same as one character per named player.
Is it impossible to have everyone vote for the actions of a single character in Roll20? And if not, is the only thing we have going for us our anonymity?
Roll20 has actual maps, sheets, and a chat with on average about half a dozen easily identifiable people, each of them with a character (sometimes two) of their own.

/tg/ is one big anonymous clusterfuck where a theoretically infinite number of us piles down on a single character and tries to direct them where we want them to go.

We're closer to Twitch Playing Pokemon than Roll20, really.
I felt the quest threads were fine, there were some off the wall ones.But if the mods kept vigilant they would be kept in check.
>How we fix thing?
Stop complaining about shit you don't like.

Tg is a blue board, which means no smut. People still posted smut. Other people complained about the smut. Smut went away, and content followed.

Quests were a thing. The quality of quests was, same with everything on 4chan, like a fucking ocean of piss with a few diamonds thrown in. Some people liked them. Some didn't. No, I don't care about your definition of "some." Fuck off. People complained. Quests went away, and content followed.

The more you complain, the more will either get banned, or just get sick of your shit and leave. Yesterday, you said "Get it out." Today, you say "Good ridence." Tomorrow, you'll ask, "Where did it all go?"

As they say: you've made your bed now FUCKING LIE IN IT.
No, the post format and board culture (Yes really) also heavily affects how things run. It's not just any random gaggle of anons, it's this specific gaggle of anons running a character.
>What's the issue here?
It operates on the assumption that newfags only know how to shitpost and aren't simply uninformed. It drives new blood away from /tg/, which will end up killing the board in the long run.
Problem was, the ones complaining then are not the ones complaining now. They don't care of the content lost - not even the good content. They just care that they won.
Kill 4chan
A bad idea.

We kill 4chan, and all the worst scum of the internet would flood the other sites - Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, all others would be drowned under piss.

You know how /pol/ is a containment board? Think of that on a larger scale - 4chan is a containment website. We all need it.
>all the worst scum of the internet would flood the other sites - Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter
Did you look at any of those sites recently?
Tumblr and Twitter are both miles worse than this place. Hell, I'm here just to avoid the comparative ocean of piss that is rpg.net.

I'm not sure where you've been the last ten years if you think 4chan is relatively bad.
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What's sad is how these threads always contain the exact same dozen or so dedicated posters, and then the exact same twenty or so one-timers. Each of them comes in and says the same shit they always do and then we have the same fight we always do.

No one here ever takes anything the opposing side says in any manner of consideration. No one ever learns, or evolves, or thinks. We're all just stuck in our bunkers, throwing stale shit and never taking personal responsibility. I can guarantee I'll get at least one (you) with someone blaming either me or their opposition.

It doesn't even matter whose "side" I'm on or what I think of /tg/'s state right now - it's really fucking sad either way. We're all pretty miserable fucks.

Tell you what. Next time we do this thread, let's pick the exact opposite side we normally would. All questfags, promote /qst/ and oppose bringing quests back. Antiquestfags, argue that /qst/ was a mistake and that we need to let them return. Walk a few hundred posts in the other guy's shoes. Maybe that will help someone, anyone, see sense.

Would that sound even remotely plausible, or are we all too autistic to manage it?
Allow porn
I think an easier first step is to not reply to baitposts so much. And, as a step zero to that, learn to identify baitposts so things don't get derailed into pol or antipol posting.
But it doesn't matter, does it? If you take the opposite side you normally would, you would in this scenario -agree- with the baitposts, and therefore not bother to respond to them!
>Would that sound even remotely plausible?
It's actually classic rhetoric exercise dating back to Aristotle, possibly earlier. Proficient speaker should be able to plausibly support any opinion, even the one he personally disagrees with.
Ah yes, but how does one define a 'baitpost?'
I mean, in /40k/ there's the obvious 'femarines' bait, but many things get murkier after that.
Stay gone and mad questniggers.
If a post mentions "/pol/", it's probably bait.

Yes, including this one.
But how did "they" win? Did you ask that? Complaining is easier than defending, it seems. If those who now complain about "le good ole days" had actually put up a fight when the issues were being raised, they wouldn't be complaining today.
Democracy and the Whims of the Mods prevail.
I was here during "le good ole days", and I do remember us putting up a fight.

Trouble is, back then the board really was legitimately flooded with porn, so most of us couldn't complain too hard upon the prospect of seeing it gone. Just like how antiquestfags started to gain traction when /a/ quests were dumped in here and a similar thing of flooding happened.

It seems we just can't have things in moderation: we either have too much of a good thing, or not at all. That's the core of the issue, I think.
People argued back against them for 8 solid years.
Then, without warning, a mod came in and said he was making /qst/, gave all kinds of out of touch reasons for it, and that was that.
Except there's no democracy here, and never was, only whims of the mods.
>But how did "they" win?
By going off board and bitching in /q/ while the quest players just kept playing quests, secure in moot saying quests belong on /tg/. It's no coincidence the change came with a change in ownership of the site, and one of the anti-fags got made a mod too.
>Democracy and the Whims of the Mods prevail.
Sounds more like "Extremely vocal group and the Whims of the Mods" than actual Democracy.

Then again, I'm not sure the mods on /tg/ are all that active in the first place.

>a mod came in and said he was making /qst/
In other words, the mod who did this was an antiquestfag.
Would we all be happier if the mods set up a vote for whether or not to bring back quest?
The ones on the losing side i.e. antiquestfags sure wouldn't.

I believe there's a strawpoll on the matter. Someone should post it, on the off-chance there's someone in this thread that still hasn't voted on it.
No, because people would bot and proxy it to hell. That's not baseless conjecture either, they used bots and proxies to bomb archive scores before.
>In other words, the mod who did this was an antiquestfag.
Not per se antiquestfag, more of believer in division. Hiro has... history of running online forums, from the very beginning his plan was separating the content by topic into finer/smaller segments than mootkins did, because that's what worked for him before (to an extent).
/tg/ /qst/ sundering at least had somewhat plausible excuse
/d/ /aco/ came out of nowhere
The latter split works much better in practice, though.
Easy, none of them are /tg/ related. They are forum games that anywhere else would be thrown out as spam.
And that is the thing. Mods and moderation is black and white: either something is bannable, or it isn't. Saying "you can only have X many threads about Y" doesn't really work with 4chan's structure.

>People complained, something was done.
Such is democracy, such is life.

...Except people also talked about it in /tg/. People went into quest threads and said the mods were thinking of banning quests. They did this all the time over a course of months. Not our fault you have weak lungs.
If you make it free for all people will samefag the votes to hell and back.
Hiro might make it 4chan Gold Account voters only, if there's slightest possibility it makes him more shekels.
People complained, but more people told the complainers to fuck off. Far more. The complainers were always outnumbered by active anti-complainers.
Remember when "We don't even need other boards anymore!" was a badge of pride?
Please do, since I haven't had a chance to yet.

May the anon with the best bot/proxies win then.

Although I'm skeptical that anyone would put in the effort to use bots/proxies on a vote like this.
Then again, I'm a relative newfag to /tg/ and came after the division happened...
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>How do we fix /tg/?
Be excellent to each other, post more OC, and ignore bait.
Listen, these people complained for 8 years because there were a number of threads they personally didn't like. Then, when a mod moved those threads, they gloated to hell and back, and continue to do so. They've botted and proxied archives where there are no actual consequences, just to show that they don't like a thing.
If there was a chance that thing would come back, they'd mobilize every possible bot they could find to stop it.
That is just the Rallying Cry of the Off-Topic Shitposter. It's always shit like, "Wah /v/ is shit so I'll discuss vidya here," or the like.
The latter split settled down now. It was a mess initially. Things with seemingly unclear classification (Wakfu being obvious example - it's not anime, but it looks like one) were getting banned on both fronts because janitors went overzealous.
Hell, /qst/ was stuck in trial /optional mode for what? 4 months?
I'll just pitch in here.

I came to /tg/ after quests were a thing. The first interaction I had with made by 4chan beyond the standard images and shit you catch on youtube or as reaction images? Suptg's archive of quests and threads more generally. After reading what must have been 200 odd threads at least there, some quests and others not, I came here and yet even then I did not post, merely watched. I watched discussions, I watched image threads (and saved), I watched argument after argument and eventually I took part in every thread that interested me. From 40K to Eclipse phase to DnD to questions and quests, I was a part of this board as a whole.

Then, later on, I noted the sudden seemingly arrival of people who hated quests without reason. Who ignored quality or logic of the content and hated. Irrationally and universally they looked on quests with scorn. Yet for a time there were only one or two seemingly in the backgrounds, a single post a thread at most. Yet over time their numbers rose and their rage grew without reason or logic, yet it only seemingly happened in a few weeks. Then they convinced a mod that they were of significant number when they are roughly equal seemingly to us and got us shunted from our home-board, our place of discussion and community, into a new and cold hell to find our own path. We've struggled and most of us would see a reunification as the best result I imagine, if nothing else the additional players are wanted. The only losses being a few moderately useful features and one or two excellent ones like the anon-codes and the text-features.

I've heard people say that quests don't belong. By the very word of moot, this board IS for quests: all quests of all content and kind, within the dictations of the board's rules. I've heard people say that anime quests don't belong.
I wish that were true. The truth is it was better when we were just a bunch of fucked up assholes with no self awareness that took absolutely nothing seriously. Nowadays this site has been ruined by causes and self righteous morality infesting everything. If that anon thinks the fact that everyone's an asshole and no one gives a shit what they say is the problem with 4chan, then that person hasn't been here as long as they think.
It was better in optional mode. Some quests voluntarily moved and the only people who were bitching were the ones who wanted all quests gulag'd.
>the sudden seemingly arrival of people who hated quests without reason
They've been here since the very first actual quest.

If Drew The Lich had stuck around for a second thread, they would've been there as well.
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>tfw quests are never EVER coming back
>They've botted and proxied archives where there are no actual consequences, just to show that they don't like a thing.
Pardon my newfagness, but how does that actually work anyway? What's the point of going after the archives?
>By the very word of moot, this board IS for quests
The problem is moot doesn't run this place anymore.
Less tolerance for shitposts in general; more users reporting and ignoring it, more active moderation following up on those.

I think per-thread user IDs would be interesting. Probably wouldn't fix much of anything outside of the most flagrant and obvious shitposting.
>You were the minority
>No YOU were the minority
>Quests get banished
Well, threads on that particular archive DO get automatically deleted if they go too low, but the admin fixed everything he could find that was botted, so there weren't any real consequences.
They also misarchived stuff, adding words like "pantsu" and "waifu" and using dumb descriptions. LL also fixed those manually.
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Even Ruby Quest got shat on because it would run multiple threads at the same fucking time. The Quest itself, a discussion thread, and a fucking planning thread. Thankfully no one else followed that model.

I find it most telling that no board wants questfags around. /a/ and /co/ were the ones that whined hard to get them all corralled to /tg/. I heard similar things happened on /jp/ with their Touhou Quests.
This is 4chan: the first and last word describing this place is anime. Every board that isn't specifically for anime can contain anime-content if the thread / question is modified to fit within the purview of the board and to obey the rules. Many of the anime quests fulfilled these requirements and would continue to do so: Avatar: the last air-bender, Dragon-ball Z and so on can all be used to run quests as systems and thus they may be here.

Yet I am but one man and I don't pretend to be correct in what I say because this is a matter of opinion. However what I will say is this:

That is because porn threads can be much slower without suffering, in fact it can even benefit them to some degree.

I remember, it was a mark of pride that made it's way onto our very board-mark for that most joyful seasonal game we all watch and enjoy of football. A shame that others have came and defiled it, eh?

Actually even though it was supposedly a trial you'd still get banned for quest-posting on /tg/.

I know but what I mean is that they seemingly were one or two asshats, not 12 or so devotees of some sort of cult of hating quests.

And? His word was law and without word from that new false-god you seemingly follow I shan't change my ways.

They took their shit out of board complaining to Janitors, used proxies, shouted the loudest while we enjoyed our quests, apparently one even became a janitor and fit with the plan of the new controller of 4chan.

God bless him for his labour.
Sorry buddy, but the IP counter really revealed how many vocal anti-questers there were. It was not many.
And the mod said absolutely nothing about the board being made to appease a majority.
It was just /a/. Multiple mods will do what /a/ wants even when it affects other boards.
Actually, /mlp/ still has its own quests, since GR 15 is in effect.
Fuck off, /tg/ would be much better off if it wasn't shit up by permavirgins who can't stop thinking with their dicks.
>Even Ruby Quest got shat on because it would run multiple threads at the same fucking time. The Quest itself, a discussion thread, and a fucking planning thread. Thankfully no one else followed that model.
That is a cancerous model but quests have improved since then and we never had such problems with them hanging around on /tg/ thanks to the higher traffic rate than on /qst/.

As to /a/ and /co/ that is fair enough. It lands far outside of their focus / area of expertise.
God willing. We have to continue pushing back as hard as possible against them or they'll wear the mods down and weasel their shit back in here. BE VIGILANT.
Ban general threads. They're a cancer and just become enormous circlejerks were people sit around and endlessly bump it even if there's nothing to say, and they attract namefags in droves. Basically a general thread is like a mini-forum, which is literally what people went to 4chan to escape from in the first place.

also quests fucking sucks.
It could be the anti-questers came back, I was there at the height of the quests and it clogged up the board killing any creativity as new threads quickly drowned under quest threads and quest generals etc. I left for a bit and was happy to come back to find that quests had their own board.
>That spolier.
Shhh! The mods talk you know!

...so literally no one who goes on 4Chan is what you are saying?
It wasn't very good to begin with, it generated some interest initially (though that was mostly /b/tards playing civs and Risk) but that started fading by the second month. For some it might have been indication the idea if failing, for Hiro it was indication that the idea is good, it just needs to be forced more. And that's more or less where we (they) are now.
Generals will never go away. If you isolate them on their own board they just get way worse, and their shit invariably seeps into the home board. Look at /v/. LOOK AT IT.
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So... what exactly is your ideal kind of thread then?

Also, it's amazing that we have 167 replies but only 48 posters in this thread. Kind of makes you think...
No it didn't. Actual numbers show that quests didn't "clog" anything except page 1 (Which is 1/10th of the entire board) and that /tg/ has never been faster than it is now. Threads right now, at this very moment, without a single quest on the board, have to bump every three hours or they die.
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Here is the main problem with the complaints in general
>Also, it's amazing that we have 167 replies but only 48 posters in this thread. Kind of makes you think...
See >>54225233

It's always the same assholes saying the same shit, never budging
Question, would you mind naming a few of these quests? Seeing as you know there were that many you must know or remember at least one or two of them.

Because from my memory there were never more than about 4 to 6 quests on here at peak times and they dropped off at 6 AM most of the time and came back around 7-8 PM as a new thread since the old one had been pushed off.

Also there was only ever one active quest general at any given point in time. So the rest would have slid down to the bottom of the board and been pushed off.
These threads are just trolls trolling trolls.
>They also misarchived stuff, adding words like "pantsu" and "waifu" and using dumb descriptions.
.... So these people were basically the 'NO FUN ALLOWED' image personified?

They certainly sound like a fun bunch.
If this thread is any indication then your days are numbered.
I like to think that each thread such as this one secretly convinces an antiquestfag or two that they're being fucking stupid.
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Screenshot this post, quests are NEVER coming back. Might as well accept it now.
Are the mods really that ignorant?
They are modern puritans.

If the rate of conversion to rationality were that high then we'd have been done with this months ago.
Mods were never our friends.
How about you create a thread to discuss something you're interested in for the moment, have some discussion and then let it die? I mean it worked great for a long time before every single game needed it's own general. It's not a revolutionary concept.
Yes. The first draft of /qst/ rules literally banned almost all quests because the highly specific description of what made an acceptable /qst/ thread didn't match the description of any quest running.
>Select specific threads that you think prove your nonexistent point.
Clearly the next order of business is to get these thinly veiled quest angst threads declared off topic and start getting them deleted. Otherwise you people will never stop harping about this, despite the fact that /qst/ isn't going anywhere, no matter how much you refuse to try and make it work and instead come back here to throw a tantrum.

I'll see what I can do. Somebody needs to put you out of your misery so you can move on to "acceptance" already.
Posters are unlikely to get convinced, and they don't need to, only Hiro's decision matters. And I think he barely recognizes who either of the boards in question are.
Most of them have never played a quest. The one who actually suggest and made /qst/? He'd only played shit as far back as Ruby quest which is a bit like someone running a Motorsport team with their only prior experience being a model T.
>come back here
Ahhh, here's the classic "Questers are alien to /tg/!" argument.
Incidentally, your logic falls apart in the face of the complaints against quests. Complaining really works, and counter-complaining does not. This is proven by /qst/ existing.
You're alien now because you got kicked out. I don't care if you never left, you need to go to your board and figure shit out there. Stop trying to change history. Go.
Page 1 is the single most important page there is.
Proof: how often, when doing a google search, do you look past the first 10 results?
>Stop trying to change history.
He says, while being revisionist.
Don't false flag just go.
Frost Giantess Quest
Mahou Shonen Butler Quest
Strike Witches Quest
Tank Witches Quest
Parachute Witches Quest
Teen Titans Quest
Batman: One Knight in Arkham
The dozens of Pokemon Quests
Bizarre Jelly Interactive Adventure (It's really not a quest)
For House and Dominion (Honestly, I'm not trying to dodge filters)
Jumpchain CYOA (On thread #1600)

I can't find it but I used to have a screenshot of the front page that was 100% quests/stickies including three Pokemon quests.
There;s nothing to revise. There is a quest board and there is /tg/. These meta threads are made exclusively to talk about quests. Go to quest to talk about how unfair the world is.
Could we have a single thread for promoting quests while still hosting the quest threads on /qst/?
Yup, that happened. If you can be bothered, you're free to go and look up these posts in archive of choice for verification.
I haven't looked at page 1 on any board in 5 years. The catalog is infinitely more useful, and before that, I had an infinite scroll plugin that made all pages into one massive page.
Can I be entirely honest? I pity /tg/.

I mean it. You lost so many writers, artists and generally creative people in your rampage that I sit here on the other side of the fence tempted to ask for smut on /qst/ and for this and that as you cut and cut your own down like wheat in a field trying to achieve some strange ideal of purity.

Because eventually you'll be off topic or the board will be about nothing. And we will thrive in your death and will declare the purpose of our board precisely by community vote, as is the way of quests, and let is stand for all time.

Because remember, yours may well be the first to exile others but you will not be the last. You have set a prescient and it shall come to bite you.
You have a sticky thread announcing to anyone that visits /tg/ that quests exist and links to the board.
No, fuck off.
Why not?
Uh huh. I wish we'd lose one more writer, or however many of you are still in here that never stopped fighting since the trial board was first put up.
>Incidentally, your logic falls apart in the face of the complaints against quests. Complaining really works, and counter-complaining does not. This is proven by /qst/ existing.
Newfag again.
This anon has a point.

Hell, I wager one could make an argument that merging /qst/ back into /tg/ would save on bandwidth for 4chan.

If questfags want to come back, they need to appeal to Hiroshimoot's financial interests (because let's be real, that's the only thing he really cares about. He gives zero fucks about the content of the boards).

Dude, I'm a fucking newfag and I already know how the catalog function works. The fact you don't is your own problem.

If /qst/ was removed and all quests were split to their relevant boards, roughly 80% of all quests (counting the Pokemon ones as a single one) would instantly be culled.

All would be well.
Prudemod has brought a dark era upon this board. Bring smut back.
>tfw we need a lewdmod to balance out prudemod.

Also /tg/ writing DOES NOT BELONG ON LIT, they would simply bully us and call it off topic, return the writefaggotry.
Because you have a sticky that links directly to /qst/ you don't need two. People can browse the catalog as so many of you like to point out when it suits you.
because it'll be just another general clogging up the front page.
If banning smut from /tg/ was what killed the board's creativity then the creativity wasn't worth having in the first place. Go jack off on your own time.
You have a dedicated story thread to write in that you don't use. You don't need quests which is nothing more than an excuse for each person writing to have their own personal story thread.
I want quests back but page 1 is always the most visible, some people don't use catalog and some people don't scroll all the way down
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>Just joining

90% of this thread we are talking about fucking quests?! Not bring back more creative threads, like more world building? Or character creation idea threads? No more "Story threads" which we regal previous adventures and campaigns and their endings or hilarious outcomes? We have the drawfag thread back which is a start.

What about shit like we had in the old days like character rule help threads? Fuck I barely see that MTG rules thread that use to be a staple here on the board anymore. 40k army building threads use to be a thing.

Priorities! Whether you want quests back or not FINE, but there is WAY more important shit we should be talking about.
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Gentle sir, while I applaud your thinking, you forget G.I.F.T.
Yes, this.
You forget a significant portion of /tg/'s userbase is incapable of opening a second or third tab, thus their overwhelming need to shit up the board with off-topic bullshit.
Not controlled by those who
>do it for free.
This is why quests should be brought back and bump to page 2. Retards who can't use anything but page 1 won't see them, everyone who wants to play quests will, everyone who doesn't want to play quests, but aren't retards, will be able to utilize the site features to not see them.
World building was shunted into a general. Story threads are being kicked out as we speak, hated as some "lol epic 20 xd!" meme. The only threads that survive are generals and trolls.

We have lost.
>some people don't use catalog and some people don't scroll all the way down
Honestly I'll admit to this. I don't like using the catalog. I prefer seeing more of a thread's topic than an unrelated picture and the first 50 characters of the OP.
And that should not be seen as a negative.
I still see world building and character creation idea threads and art threads and a dedicated story thread which keeps dropping off page 10. The ONLY THING this thread is about is quests. Thats IT. You can say we need more of <insert thread> but nothing is stopping those threads. By meta thread they mean "I don't like that quests were removed even though we didn't want them to be"

These are the ones that will never move on, not on their own anyway.
>character creation idea threads? No more >"Story threads" which we regal previous adventures and campaigns and their endings or hilarious outcomes?
>MTG rules thread
>40k army building

These are all confined to generals.
>We have lost.
Christ... does that mean I actually have to give Reddit another try?
>World building was shunted into a general.
I still see world building threads outside the general that hit post cap where people bounce around ideas. Either "make an X setting" or help me with my setting or "what if this was like that" with a lot of discussion. Not as much as before, but it's still there, and it isn't being suppressed.
When we have "that guy what do" threads, recognize it's an excuse to be creative instead of sperging about maturity like an autistic fun-vampire.
But Questfags would lose the attention they so desperately crave. Without the steady stream of (you)s they wither and die.

We need better content for our NARPs like filename and screencap threads.
>90% of this thread we are talking about fucking quests?!
nah, it's like 50% quests, 30% smut, 20% general bullshit
It might. If you loathe the supposed punishment of getting /qst/ so much.
If you don't post it, you won't see it.
I post and post in threads I am interested in. If you want it, make it. Don't wait to be spoonfed.

/tg/ could be better, but there is nothing that seems actively broken on /tg/ right now.

We are not getting overwhelmed by a specific kind of thread. We are not infested with board-warping trollthreads. Our discussions tend to be relatively civil.

Would the board benefit from higher quality threads, with real writefags and drawfags like days of old? A font of content creation? Gods, yes.

But that is a problem with us, the users, not the board itself. No change to moderation can just call forth original content like Athena springing fully formed from the head of Zeus. If we want there to be more good shit, we have to make more good shit. Simple as.
It all revolves around quests one way or another, don't kid yourself.
Last I checked people aren't getting banned for posting about these outside the general, it's just that /tg/'s user base doesn't have enough people interested enough for them which is a fucking shame
Well then should we be talking about not confining shit to generals then?
So what you are saying is you would sooner drain your board of all artistic and creative individuals and be left with a lifeless husk than deal with a few quests.

>If banning smut from /tg/ was what killed the board's creativity then the creativity wasn't worth having in the first place.
So be it, you sign what death shall come in time.

>Go jack off on your own time.
Only when anti-questers stop stroking their own egos.

You do understand that we questers often made use of such threads to develop ideas or such? We want them just as much as you do. They keep the mind's of writers sharp and stop ideas going unheard.

I'd point out we don't "wither and die" on our own board without anyone paying attention to us. We just can't replace players as they die and move on and shit. Same with writers and artists.
Look at the bright side, comrades.
If this place gets any worse, we might actually quit.
At the long last, we will be free.
bring sage back
>You do understand that we questers often made use of such threads to develop ideas or such? We want them just as much as you do. They keep the mind's of writers sharp and stop ideas going unheard.
We had such threads in spades long before quests became prevalent- or a topic worth bitching about. So that point is really just moot.
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/tg/ is overall stable. The only problem I see is people who hate change and absolutely cannot let go, while crying the soul of the board is gone because of an undeserved sense of importance.
So many others have quit already.
Each time we banned something, many left the board, and were replaced with newfags and other shits that didn't understand board culture and replaced it with their own cancerous bullshit.
Many already walk free.
Perhaps one day, old friend, the two of us will also go and never look back.
Personally I think/war/ is a shitty board and is slowly dying even though I like quests
>Not bring back more creative threads, like more world building? Or character creation idea threads? No more "Story threads" which we regal previous adventures and campaigns and their endings or hilarious outcomes? We have the drawfag thread back which is a start.
The logic is 'bring back the quests', the rest will follow.

>40k army building threads use to be a thing.
They still are, just not as frequent as you're used to.
You misunderstand. The problem isn't that people shitpost or try to put these threads in generals, it's that they are put in generals and are not by the wider /tg/ population.

Generals were a mistake.
Yes soon the board will wither and die of sheer despair, just as soon as you leave. And then once it's totally dead you can come back and revive it, as there will be no one left to complain! It's genius! All you have to do is punish us by leaving.
Quests are fine on their own board imo. /tg/ has its own quasiquest thing in form of witty one-liner threads which are often actually related to TRPG content.
Generals are the only way anything lesser than D&D or 40k can survive.
Sage still works just fine. I just tested a sage right here >>54226065
This is also quite true.
I never understood this idea that sage had stopped working just because it stopped appearing in the email field. Who started that bullshit rumor?
I know I am just saying we made use of them and would happily host them if Mods allowed us.

Nah things are fine depending on the quest, such as Merc 2030 which came back from the dead.
/qst/ is slowly dieing, I can understand not wanting quests to clog the board but personally I think something needs to be done to improve the quality of quests

The reason we ended up with generals is because there is nothing people on 4chan hate so much as to see a fandom that they are not a part of having multiple threads on 'their' board.

Quests caused a shitstorm that refuses to die. Why? Because they had 'too many' threads according to the objective opinion of some random guy.

Go to /co/ some time when a new show or season is airing. You'll find 6 threads all with topics about how "Why the fuck are there 4 different Steven Universe threads right now?"

There is a certain kind of salty bastard that hates seeing other people have fun they can't (or won't) join in on. So to appease their delicate sensibilities, thou must stick to one thread or suffer their high pitched whiney wrath.

What you call a fix to this problem, other people will call a problem in itself.
>What you call a fix to this problem, other people will call a problem in itself.
I didn't call it a fix
yes. also less generals
Strive to better qst rather than wishing it away and you'll find that it will improve. The issue is that half its userbase feels shafted like they lost some great war and resent their new child as a result.
>I think something needs to be done to improve the quality of quests
"I want things to improve, but in a way that does not require me to make any effort whatsoever."
It was never a great war. For nearly a decade it was just a few faggots whining about not liking a thing.

Then suddenly moot sold us out and out of nowhere they got their wish.

Honestly I'm more weirded out than anything.
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>Go to /co/ some time when a new show or season is airing.
Can confirm this is true. I dropped into /co/ when the final season of Samurai Jack was airing, and there was at least 1 or 2 people bitching about the show having 'too many' threads (this always came the day after the episode aired, when anons were no longer confined to 1 gigantic general for the episode.
This will make /tg/ much better.
>Frost Giantess Quest
Exists, a long running quest from 2001-01-01 or 2010-02-01 to 2010-09-06.

>Mahou Shonen Butler Quest
/tg/ archive is reporting no such quest.

>Strike Witches Quest
Exists, a long running quest from 2012-01-17 to 2015-10-19 in a multitude of different versions ran by one man.

>Tank Witches Quest
2012-04-23 to 2014-11-14 and ran by the same man in many forms.

>Parachute Witches Quest
/tg/ archive reports no such quest.

>Teen Titans Quest
2013-10-15 to 2014-02-16.

>Batman: One Knight in Arkham
No such quest in the archive.

>Bizarre Jelly Interactive Adventure
No such quest in the archive.

>For House and Dominion
2011-12-22 to 2016-01-12 in two different quests.

>Jumpchain CYOA
Nothing in the archive.
/tg/ can't get much worse right now.
No, the issue is that its userbase are actually 150 separate userbases.
Most people who quest only participate in one or two quests at a time. If you're there for quest A, that's what you're doing. You don't care about quest B or C, because you aren't invested in those.
Right right of course, and you're not mad at all, and qst will never work, and it's really us who are against the return of quests that are going to suffer the most because of this, and muh.00001% of daily threads and blah blah.. Look we've been through all this, but you have a new board and it's time to stop fighting. I believe most already have and you hold outs need to get with the program. Quests will stay where they are.
>less generals
>not "fewer generals"
To fix /tg/, we must first teach fa/tg/uys better grammar.

Nigga Jumpchain CYOA is currently on the front page
Mahou Shonen Butler Quest definitely existed. It might have had a different name, but anyone who was here when it was running would recognize the image it used in its OPs, because it was a looooooong runner.
And Jumpchain is still running on /tg/ because it is a CYOA and not a quest.
Threads that aren't bait or generals have a hard time getting posts, the worst thing is that it isn't the even the mods fault, non general threads that aren't bait don't get deleted, they just fall off the board
If the sticky on /tg/ isn't enough try drawing from off site.
I was looking for historical examples of it existing on /tg/ as he was remarking about it being a quest and around at the "height of the quests" when apparently there were tons.

Seemingly based off of what I have found, this is bullshit.
>/tg/ could be better, but there is nothing that seems actively broken on /tg/ right now.
Except for the fact that we have the same exact troll threads cropping up daily that somehow reach the bump limit while legitimate threads drown in a sea of Generals, WH40K, D&D, and MtG threads.

No, aside from that, everything's fan-fucking-tastic.
Moot forced ALL quest content onto this board because he was sick of all the waifu quests on his beloved /a/ so then we had to suffer that garbage being forced into exile here.
>bring quests back
>keep quests out

The original reason quest threads even became a thing on /tg/ was due to the many game finder threads that demonstrated that there are sadly many of us in vast, gaming wastelands with no others of our kind around... someone started a campaign on /tg/ and off we went! That true element, the desire for mutual fun with anons anywhere, is what we clearly need to reconnect with!
From where? Quests are niche as hell.
>Mahou Shonen Butler Quest definitely existed. It might have had a different name, but anyone who was here when it was running would recognize the image it used in its OPs, because it was a looooooong runner.
You are certain it was butler? Because MAID is a system / game.

>And Jumpchain is still running on /tg/ because it is a CYOA and not a quest.
Like fuck that is true, those were meant to come with us.
For like a month. That event was blown way out of proportion. All the quests moved to /tg/ moved back after the mods stopped bothering to move them, which didn't take long.
Hey, I was about to post this exact thread. Except with the hiro screenie and a healthy dose of "how do we remove /pol/?" Fun times.
So...just like /tg/ has always been?
He just forgot the u in Shounen.

Nooo nooo, moot-sama (hallowed be the name of Poole) was an AVID quester and he knew what was best for quests and was quests greatest ally. Things were perfect when quests were all dumped into /tg/ it was truly a golden age of dozens of shitty god damn quests that moot couldn't give two shits about but now that he's gone we can retroactively lionize him to prove some nonexistent point and smugly play the part of the noble oppressed underdog.
I don't really understand, when there is enough content to make an entire an entire board, why want to merge is with another board?
Some kind of one stop shop laziness?

Name these threads, and by their names bind them.

I suspect you'll find that what you call a troll thread, a lot of other people just consider 'a thread'.
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Exactly. We used to have such quaint troll threads as "Why is /tg/ so Atheist?" and various Moralfag/Immoralfag threads. It makes me nostalgic for Flarefag.
>Mentioning /pol/
Good thing we're almost at bump limit, because this thread is only going downhill from here
A/pol/ogists are sensitive about this sort of thing
No, because now we have /pol/shit on top of it that stays on because morons keep giving the idiots (you)'s.
It lasted about a year or two. From 2012 to 2013. Unlike most of the other quests. With only two other quest running at the same time for a significant period or for the same length / greater.
There wasn't enough content to make an entire board.
There were about 8 or 9 quests at the time the board was made. And guess what, now that board is 8 or 9 semi-active threads and 142 dead ones.
I'd be happy if CYOAs got exiled to your containment board too.
That's because /tg/'s user base is shit, we need to improve the quality of the average poster, or at least attract a few high quality posters
I kind of miss shark tits and those draw chain threads. Those were fun.
>when there is enough content to make an entire an entire board, why want to merge is with another board?
Problem is, in this case there isn't enough content, and even less traffic: it's just got a bunch of single threads with their entirely different userbases, no one going anywhere or doing anything.

It's a pretty dead place.

To be fair, we had a diceroll function specifically for stuff like quests. Telling people that /tg/ was their board for it was not a lie, even if you didn't like it.
Let's get rid of everything anyone hates.
Because it isn't a matter of content it is a matter of longevity.

We can't attract players without some sorts of natural thoroughfare and the simple fact is /tg/ had the most...suitable conditions in terms of users for us to grow and replace our losses to time and events.
>Telling people that /tg/ was their board for it was not a lie, even if you didn't like it.
>even if you didn't like it
Oh the irony!
that was my point, its like dropping a rock in quicksand, once it disappears from the front page it rapidly sinks down and the chances of it bearing any fruit is slim.


You are making a classical historian mistake in assuming that just because the records dont exist means the thing itself never existed, I saw plenty of quests that would quickly bubble up and die on the vine after a dozen posts.
Bumping away garbage with other garbage isn't an improvement.
If you want to make /tg/ better, you need mods who actively enforce your vision of "better"... and then someone will call them nazi mods.
Honestly, there's nothing you can do at this point that will please everyone. Except actively pruning /pol/ threads, this would please more people than it would hurt.
Now I've never been interested in board history or whatever was going on so correct me if I'm wrong but before chasing out quests, didn't you guys also chase out the drawfags and writefags?

What is it that you people have so much against creative work?

No, just the things I hate. Keep everything I like.

My opinion is the only one that matters. Anyone who disagrees is just a shitposting troll. No one could ever like things I don't like, or genuinely enjoy topics I want to see deleted.
>What is it that you people have so much against creative work?
Most of us don't, just a few loud assholes.
You keep saying this but willfully ignore any solution to said problem that isn't scrapping quests and returning to /tg/ and the rest of 4chan like a plague of locusts.
And you willfully ignore that quests were never a plague of anything, so here we are at an impasse.
>How do we fix /tg/?

Step 1: Come to a consensus as to what's wrong with /tg/ right now.

Step 2: Determine simple methods to deal with said problems, easily implementable by site staff.

Step 3: Get those methods incorporated.


>good luck getting past step 1
Where were you when the First Free House fell?
I have no problem with creative work, I just don't want quests back. You want to write in the story thread or post in the other various threads that encourage creative discussion, please feel free. But your insistence that it has to be quests or nothing for certain people's creativity leads me to believe those people can go and stay go.
What would you think of a single quest general on /tg/?
Different anon. Quests were a fucking blight.
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The thing that actually needs to fucking be banned are mobile posters.

Quests were fine.

Smut was probably not fine, but mostly kept to one, two topics most and I think the current situation can get worse.

Mobilefaggots are all fucking cancer. They need to go.
No they weren't. The actual numbers that are actually counted show that they aren't.
I think we can all agree that without quests the board will surely die
>/tg/ isn't dead
>But the spirit and creativity is gone
No it's not fuck off.
True but if such a quest did rise then they would start dropping off the board immediately thanks to a lack of posting.

So your solution to my problem, of not being able to enjoy my pastime long term thanks to the knowledge that runners and players will die off, is that I entirely swear it off?

Also the fact you think we aren't still using here is funny. I mean I don't but that is because everything here is boring as fuck 99% of the time since I don't do art or models.
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How to fix /tg/: Post more warhammer stuff
I would think the sticky exists to advertise the board and the board has a catalog so I wouldn't see the point, but that would still be a better alternative than a bunch of different quests being run on /tg/ so why not? You convinced me. If you can convince everyone else and the mods, and promise not to try to take a mile from the inch you're given, then I won't be one of the people calling for your death.
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Moar and more
Nope. My suggestion is that you find a solution to your problem that involves /qst/. Something you clearly don't really want to do so you won't put any real effort into it.
Quests are still here though.

As a former content creator, I wasn't chased out. I just decided I couldn't afford to be spending so much of my free time working on /tg/ stuff anymore. If I didn't stop myself, I would never stop.

If I was still in college and had time to burn, I'd still do it.

I can't say why new anons never stepped up to fill the void. I suspect the answer is that, these days, there are just better sites for posting that sort of thing.

Drawfags that want to drawfag have other platforms to do that sort of thing that are better suited to it than 4chan. Writefags too, I imagine. I don't know where the people that write their own homebrew RPGs are now, but something has to cater to them these days.

/tg/ is like that town that prospered on the railroad, looking around as all of the out of owners and their fancy cars and wondering why no one wants to just hang out at the general store like the good old days. People still live in the town, but what made it thrive isn't going to be coming back.

If you want /tg/ to thrive you have to find the basis of a new golden age, not chase the shadow of the old one.
>You keep saying this but willfully ignore any solution to said problem that isn't scrapping quests and returning to /tg/
That's because returning to /tg/ is the obvious solution (at least for ttrpg-related quests. /a/-related quests need to fuck off back to /a/).
>Batman: One Knight in Arkham
It was actually Midnight in Gotham. It's stuck in my head because of its shitty ending.
Thread is sinking, we're pretty much done here.

Until the next """"meta"""" thread anyway. See you on /qa/ in the meantime, probably.
Having a single story thread is a really dumb idea imo. It is better for readability for each story to have their own thread. Its easier to read, easier to archive, and quality is maintained. It can get annoying trying to parse through multipost stories all on top of each other, and frankly its distracting having a great writer get followed up by a semi-literate dunce.
Replace the sticky with the general then, the sticky does a bad job of promoting /qst/
>That's because returning to /tg/ is the obvious solution
Because you want it to be. You quest runners are supposed to be creative. Think outside the box and figure out ways to make /qst/ work, or I don't believe you are creative. Just a bunch of attention whores mad that less people have to put up with your attention whoring. Go prove me wrong instead of trying to take the easy way out.
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And moreso

Post stuff, or go home.
This is an example of deluded paranoia.
The problem with /qst/ is that it has no new traffic and quests themselves have little cross-posting. That will never change as long as its a quest board. No, one sticky that just says "quests go to /qst/" does not cut it.
The board could be perfectly programmed with great features and perfectly implemented attempts to make it work and it never will because it being a board is the problem and will always be the problem.
>Bumping away garbage with other garbage isn't an improvement.
Here's the thing though. Quests brought in writefags, smut brought in drawfags, and even if the 80-20 rule was in effect, that's still a solid 20% of content that people can appreciate as opposed to the 0% of OC that we're "enjoying" now.

Nowadays, the only reason to come on here anymore is to post low-effort bait and gather (you)'s as fa/tg/uys continue bumping threads just because they want to appear as "right" even though it fundamentally doesn't matter.

Most people nowadays don't even participate in creative threads anymore, they're more interested in telling you how your stories are fake, how your art is garbage, how your "fanfiction" doesn't belong on the board, etc. and nobody's willing to post anything anymore because everyone left and the complainers have run out of shit to complain about.
That would be fine with me. You could link to the board or specific threads in the OP.
I am home, anon. In a sinking thread on /tg/ that's going down swinging,. having accomplished absolutely nothing but a bunch of insults, licked wounds and general negativity.
>Because you want it to be.
No, it really is.

A piece of /tg/ was isolated to a different place for arbitrary reasons, with consequences that only the few loud mouth-frothing anti-questers preferred. We could get all creative and try to have it survive in the wasteland, but it really would be better for everyone involved if it were brought back home.
Did we just come to solution? I am amazed
And I am telling you /qst/ is inherently a broken machine. People ain't going to go out their way to experience something so foreign and learn the system unless it is something they see constantly.

I've tried to get more players, I've actively tried to convince people I know to join in the quests I play yet none came.
I've heard that before. I'm not interested in talking points, how about some ideas for a change? What would increase traffic on /qst/? Where could you draw a crowd from to window shop that board? But no, nope, never. It'll never work. Everything sucks, /qst/ is an undeserved punishment, and all that jazz. If you're just going to keep saying the same thing so will I.
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You can't be home on a imageboard, if you aren't posting images.
>What would increase traffic on /qst/?
What could make an arm chopped off a body move and live on its own?
>What would increase traffic on /qst/?
More people. Easiest way to do that is additional content. Thus we fuse with another board.

>Where could you draw a crowd from to window shop that board?
In the middle of the nice busy town instead of in the middle of fucking nowhere.
>What would increase traffic on /qst/?
Advertising on /tg/, which has already been screamed at as unacceptable by multiple anti-quest faggots.
Like I said, it would be a middle ground that would still be a vast improvement over the previous status quo that people want to see returned. I only worry that they'll keep trying to creep back more and more, but hey you seem reasonable so I have faith. It's at least someone willing to humor the thought of not drowning /qst/ like an unwanted toddler.
>Think outside the box and figure out ways to make /qst/ work, or I don't believe you are creative.
>implying creativity for story-writing/world building is the same kind of creativity needed to 'make /qst/ work'
And this is where the newfag like me can tell you just hate quests with a passion and can't STAND the possibility of them ever returning.
I have a better idea: Allow smut quests and make /qst/ not worksafe. You'll have a lot of traffic then.
I already said I would be fine with that. Hell I would love that since I know of a few old quests and things we could revive immediately.
Ding ding ding. They needed their own board. I don't want them back. Holy shit, it's like figuring out Superman's secret identity in here.

Actually, the truth is I never hated quests on principle and I browsed them quite regularly for art and participated in a few such as Banishment quest. But I still believe they should be their own thing and not become like a second flavor of general on /tg/ and a handful of other boards.
>Advertising on /tg/,
Isn't that what the sticky does? Or do you mean it should be more positive and informative?
How does that do any fucking good? Everyone on /tg/ knows /qst/ exists. If they are in the mood for some questfaggotry they can go there. I guess that means your loyal (you)s aren't that loyal.
Then that's what you should be working toward here and if that's what you're doing you have my support. The others that are /tg/ are bust do not and I will be a staunch voice against them, because if I remain quiet this will go back and forth, quest allowed and not allowed forever.
/tg/ or bust, is what I meant
Basically this, if it's limited to one thread /tg/ wouldn't be swamped and /qst/ would get more traffic
I honestly wish to post something to contribute to the board, some worldbuilding or story-writing thread, but everyone on this board abhors the idea so much that they shun every attempt I make, before going back to their 40k circlejerks and "X Character/Story/Setting BTFO" threads. Because of that, I've pretty much given up on any attempt at contributing to this board anymore. Let it wallow in it's own filth and bile whilst screaming constantly about what exactly happened to make it this way.

Quests seemed really stupid while they were here, but once they disappeared /tg/ began withering. That's pretty much a straight up fact. My opinion is that the mere existence of quests was intriguing to people, and so it brought it lots of fresh blood to circulate on the board. Things were created, people were contemplating stuff like story structure, etc. /tg/ was one of 4chan's creative hubs, and that permeated the entire board. Now that it's gone, it's just dead fucking threads full of people lifelessly chattering about stuff that's long since been beaten to death. Most people that aren't hardcore grognards have sort of filtered out, and there's pretty much no more youthful creative energy.

Smut is part of that too. People used to draw shit, people used to write shit, there was literally an emerging /tg/ porn meta genre getting developed, people were excited about that shit. Now the closest we get to that kind of fun and cool stuff is when someone asks for the 6th time in a week to see the DnD fuck-chart, and that's that.

It used to be that if I had to estimate the total number of people browsing /tg/ at any given moment, I would say "Maybe like 500 people?"

Now it feels like 10 lethargic faggots going over the same shit over and over again.

Even now that those things are gone, are the vocal minority assholes happy with /tg/? Did they fix it? No, it's as bad as it's ever been, and they're still bitching nonstop.

t. a guy who only gets on this board anymore to find the pdf share thread and maybe drop in on CYOA threads because everything else is so fucking boring now.
Sure. In that case I charge you to convince the rest of the questers to get on the same page because that sounds at least reasonable. Replace the sticky with one more general. CYOA has one anyway. That's a lot easier to filter than the amount of quests that persisted on the front page, if people wanna go that route.
>Or do you mean it should be more positive and informative?
It should be something that tells people what new quests are running and what they're about, to generate interest. Quests cover a shitload of different genres and settings, and someone who might be interested in say, a quest set during Revolutionary France, wouldn't be interested in something set in a High Fantasy City as an alchemist trying to get by. Just looking at the /qst/ catalog doesn't tell people much, and having some kind of recommendation thread would help people find stuff they think is interesting.

Its worth noting that rec threads are actually not allowed on /qst/ itself. Technically no meta threads are.
It is exactly as easy to filter as quests, because quests tagged themselves as such.
And yes, there were one or two trolls who specifically avoided that, but they were actively trolling.
No quests and the tumour of a board that is /qst/ seems pretty urgent
Ban CYOAs as long as quests aren't allowed
Better then that it just be one thread then we don't have to worry about any trolls or abuse or anything of the sort.

Now here's the kicker: Do you want a general thread on every board because I can promise you that'll be a deal breaker for a great many people.

>Even now that those things are gone, are the vocal minority assholes happy with /tg/?
I'd be even happier without maudlin posts like this.
Realistic the general should only be on boards that are relevant so basically /tg/
Hi, I'm new.

I can't speak about quest vs. anti-quest, but I've found some great, creative content (for my own games or just cool discussions) since I started lurking here.

I think this place is still something special even if it's not as it used to be. Really, the only thing that bothers me is how often interesting threads devolve in low-grade arguments about utterly pointless shit.
That's great, try and support creative content as much as you can, maybe even share some of your ideas if you think there worth something
/tg/ is one of the better boards on this site and has been reliably for years. There were times when it was better and times when it was worse, but it consistently delivers in the areas I visit it for. I'm glad you're using it well.
The board is stable because it's rapidly becoming sort of inert and slow, kind of like /po/.

The reason /tg/ doesn't have any creative content anymore is because all the people generating creative content have been driven off, most likely completely off the fucking site since /qst/ is dead as hell and there is nowhere for the drawfags to really go.
aren't there literally boards made for drawfags? like /ic/ .
There's a drawthread on like every board, why can't drawfags go there?
>Hi, I'm new.
Doubt it, you're probably trying to do some kind of weird false flag because you have some kind of dog in this race.

Still, on the chance that you are actually new, acquaint yourself with the archives so that you know what's up: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/
Smut never left. It just mutated and infected every damn thread we have.
One of the main good things about /tg/ is that it was communal and drawfags intrinsically had really good context and motivation.

/ic/ doesn't really have any context. They just sort of post whatever they feel like without any relation to other stuff happening on the board.

Same issue. No context, and it's thankless. They have no reason to care all that much; they can field requests, but it's not like they have any kind of personal stake in what they're drawing. /tg/ presented a perfect storm of conditions that made it really cozy for drawfags to settle down in, a snug nook that isn't mirrored anywhere else.
Ban all political agitation and race-baiting.

Those are by far the most toxic topics to happen on tg.
>but if such a quest did rise then they would start dropping off the board immediately thanks to a lack of posting.

Yes but we were inundated with loads of new quests that where for the most part idiocy and circle jerking
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I just spent all night arguing about this shit, probably without getting anyone to rethink their stances at all.

Fuck it. I'm out.
Of /tg/ as a whole, I mean. Forever. Every year it's gone more to shit.

This only shows I should've left years ago.
What were you arguing about?
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Good luck with that mate.
>Not enough attention and cult following
>on 4chan
Yeah but if pfg wasn't the only thread allowed to have semi-lewd OPs it wouldn't be seeping into the groundwater this way.
It's like a shark ripping off its own remoras
I just want people to not be a bunch of hate-filled shits when they try to talk about things that affect the whole board.

Also I'm tired of metathreads. They're all terrible.
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Truthfully? Let anarchy reign. Fuck anyone who thinks that /tg/ should take any specific shape. I don't come around here much anymore but back when I did /tg/ was always the diamond of the this cesspit of a community. It as a whole didn't give half a shit if someone didn't like their quest or if trolls were infesting or if /b/ felt like raiding or fucking anything. /tg/ took shitposts about literal shit and turned them into interesting discussions about sanitation and septic engineering and glorious Rome.

The harder you crackdown on rulebreaking the more you chase off the productive members of this board or at least it seems that way. If you must enforce rule enforce the global ones, but let /tg/s reputation as a board for all topics bring it's members back.

Or keep doing what you're doing. I only come on here anymore to compare the board's bad opinions about magic to my own bad opinions about magic, so it's not like I give a fuck anyway.
just kill it and put it out of its misery

or this
We turn /tg/ into a giant salt mine and make a fortune!
There's way too much salt: the whole market will be devalued.
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