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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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Thread replies: 409
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Gayniggers in Outer Space edition

Fuck Discord and fuck Discordniggers

>FAQ (New FAQ), questionable rules lore wise:

>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Press F to pay respects

>WIP Math-hammer doc
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First for Renegades will someday come back!
F for listbuilder
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I unironically love Kaldor Draigo.
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They better. I can't make a full force out of marauders and tanks and still look like proper space romans.
Nth for something a cute
Why is he a Stormcast Eternal now?
That pose looks like one of those hoodniggers coming up to meet a fellow gang member
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>loving a slaaneshi grey knight
>Respects paid
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>There are people in this thread right now who unironically think Sisters will get plastic models
First for BTFO AstraMilicuck and BTFO buttblasted Gay DarkMarines.

*Snipes commisar*
*Remove 20 Ravenwingfahs a turn on 2+*
Nothin personel, Gue'la
Best post.
I'm torn on shelving them or using them. Using them as regular IG feels waac. ... also invalidates half my army design... if I turn them redemptionist I can at least use them along side my sister's and ministorum. But that means giving up entirely on my stuff.

My dad bought me them as a gift back in 2008. So they mean emotional shot to me.

I also have 10 converted death riders to chaos that I can never use, unless I go to IG rules.... at the time I didn't plan on using the FW rules until I decided on death guard. I'm a very plague themed force so you can imagine this edition had me excited. FW literally took my joy from me. I like fluff but I'd like to have a chance at winning too.

Dkok are ww1 man. Weapon carriages look ww1. They're trench fighters. They have cavalry still. Etc.
You seem awfully assmad about Dark Angels anon. Show me where the Black Knight spam touched you.
as I said, I'm retarded.
>pic related
Oh man best painting advice I ever got:
it's not the size of the brush that counts,
it's the size of the end

Bitches want a brush with a thick shaft and a dexterous tip.
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>There are Tau players expecting plastic Gue'vesa
Mfw so many other things need updates first
It's okay bro didn't see your reply.
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Can we discuss Mek/Big Gunz? They're so aesthetically cool, but are they viable? How many of these expensive fucking kits do you need?
>mfw dark angels outnumber everything else at my local store 2:1

that fucking dark vengeance box in 7E man. fucking everyone wanted to run the 'cool, mysterious' space marines while I alone chose the evil, edgy elves.
How many of 'that guy' go to your shop /40kg/?
>tfw played DAngels before DV came out in 6e
Just fuck my shit up my dude
None, kit bash your own.
haha you mean the shitsters of basshole haha fuck off England
>while I alone chose the evil, edgy elves.
>7E Deldar

I honestly wanted to play them but the reputation of being a bad army kept me from it. Loved the look and lore but I wouldn't mind winning sometimes.
I'm thinking about doing that Trukk/Gunz kitbash to make a couple. But is it worth the time?
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>niggeronbike scary when you remove 20 a turn on average with 6 unkillable commander even wothout the half range

Nice try Jamal
I can't hear you over the sounds of your gunlines and tanks being wiped out by the Deathwing that just deepstriked and charged into them. What, you didn't realize the Ravenwing were just a distraction?
I only really had problems with flyer-based shit like nids, heavy-flamer armies like deathwatch/grey knights, and necrons

of course, I was in a casual environment, so I didn't really get the full top tier cancer like deathstar marines or jetbike spamming ynnari.
>implying I need a commissar to beat your sorry blue ass
>Teleports Behind You
Nothing Personal, Kid
Go ahead and teleport behind me lol, good luck having those suits do any damage to me after I wipe out everything but them and still have 75% of my forces remaining.
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Which gunline and which tank, Jamal ?

Which part of "I'm the unkillable and sweet white Paper and you are the outdated nigga Rock" do you not understand ?
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Bring back old Ahriman
The last truly pragmatic chaos kid.
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>unironically fielding ravennigga and deathnigga in the age of 36 wound Fusion Commander and full flying army

Thanks for the EZ game Gue'la
Not even Taufag, just a friendly reminder your autism is showing.
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Hunhun news flash.
DA are literraly trash tier. Especially Wing lists as they have no tools fight the big boys of 8th
>deathwing teleport to 9" of crisis suits
>crisis suits get charged and killed
>all the remaining crisis suits fall back into the centre and get run down in a pincer strike between the combined forces of deathwing and ravenwing
Why are Taufags so delusional?
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>things that never happened and mathematically impossible

Haha nice try jamal
>fliers are shot down by nephilims and attack bikes
>walkers are taken down in CC by dedicated elites shredders
LMAO, see you next time!
>never happened
You have no idea how many assmad Tauniggers I've chomped up and spit out with that tactic lmao
>mathematically impossible
Command points make everything possible silly boy.

>EWO screeners established
get shot
>Attempt charge
fail but get overwatched anyway
Traitor Astartes/Questoris

Patrol Detachment
10 x Berserkers with Chainaxes/Icon of Wrath
15 x Traitor Marines, Champion with Combi-Melta

Superheavy Detachment
Knight "Crusader" 553
Knight "Warden" 454
Knight "Gallant" 402

rate baby's first 8th edition list while I wait for the primaris and codex stuff to release to start a new army.
Whats better for an Inquisitor in terminator armor? Force axe or force stave? I've had bad luck with the hammer.
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I like T'au.
Deathwing immune to Flamers? Can you show me that rule? If not then i am afraid it will be Fried Chicken Deathwing.
>implying i don't roll a 5 and a 2 to your delight but then spend a command point to turn that 2 into a 6 and successfully charge into combat
And have fun overwatching me when my unit has a flat 3+ invul and 2W and also have an apothecary tagging along to ensure that no wounds stick.
You'd need some super special snowflake flamers like the ones that TSons have if you want to actually have those flamers do any damage.
welp, this is the price we pay for nerfing those riptides into the ground. looks like a nasty list, i'd love to see it in person
>Command points make everything possible silly boy.
please show me the list :^) you lying Jamal :) Math says it does not happen.
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7/7/17 boys, whom nurgle here?
Well overwatch is 36d6 autohit, so youll die anyway.
It's 8th now.
That's almost allowed
1995/2000 points btw
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yeah your whole 20 HP knight squad will do something.

Oh Am I laffin Gue'la
Tauniggers don't get the privilege of seeing the hammer that hits them in the face before they're whacked with it.

>implying I won't just reroll your dice :^)

cant overwatch things outside of weapon range
Show me where you got those 9" flamers from buddy.

They are ok, providing some welcome anti-tank and hit on 4+

Not an auto-include, but not bad either.
>Nurgle gets new toys
>Gonna be the fourth codex released

But, why? Do they still need time to finish the new models or something?
>sergeant is A3 S+2 AP-3 D3 and excess damage spreads throughout the squad
>standard knight is A2 Sx2 AP-2 D2
Wanna bet?
>A3 and A2
Thats why we have 22 drones faggots. Im still waiting for the list :^)
Not that youll ever get to close combat anyway

Drop kharn, get a sorcerer

run the zerkers in a rhino and 2x5 marines to fill up the 3 troop slots.

Where is the power weapon on the zerker champion?
That sounds like an awfully expensive army list you've got there buddy. I'm only reading out my 2K list right now.

But anon you are just charging 1 drone i'll let you charge, not the crisis themselves :^) Still waiting for the list that i wont meet since youll get btfo by 50 conscript or stormraven anyway :^)
>since youll get btfo by 50 conscript

As you do
Why would you fill up the Troop slots? Zerkers are elites so you would still only have two. And for a batalion you need two HQs as well
22 drones is only 176 points

>not blobbing back with drones in response

You can take zerkers as troops if your army keyword is "chaos"
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>list got posted
>Since no jamalmarines players went to college they can't even read

Oh am I laffin
You realize that you'll get BTFO by conscripts and stormravens too right? Silly dumb taunigger scum
>What is 36 flamers

So you really can't read, thats sad.
>Jamalmarines actually believe this when this list btfo 100 conscript a turn/ charge stormraven/ BTFO 3 stormraven with 24fusion shot

you're not even worth my time anymore, faggots
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It's 531 points because battlescribe points costs are 32 points over, (tarantulas are 50 points with twin lascannons not 60 and the heavy bolter on the vulture is 8 points not 10).
So yeah, rate my 500 point list, I feel like I'm lacking removal of heavy infantry removal tbhq, feedback would be appreciated.
That's cool, wasting 176pts so that I can first laugh at them and then laugh at your crisis suits
You realize the nigger joke only applies to Fallen and not standard DAngels right? You've been applying an out of context joke onto the wrong group
>implying I'm not intentionally cucking you of my list because I enjoy watching you squirm
right, the world eaters. Kind of feels like following the letter rather than the spirit. But still why fill up the troop slots with only one HQ?
>He actually believe this
>call other people niggers
>is basically illiterate
>really makes me think

Or heretic astartes

Or khorne since apparently you can have khorne sorcerers now.

Or any non-specific-legion one

etc, etc.
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>Can't read
>Eternally BTFO woth no argument

What should the bulk of my genestealers cult army be made of? So far I have a primarch, 30 purestrains, 10 neophyte hybrids and a chimera. The hybrids will be done in a few days but I've not a clue what to get next. Any suggestions?

828 points of triflamer suits
126 shots, 84 wounds, 56 GEQ kills

800 points of drones
59.2 GEQ kills

Stick in a fireblade in volley fire range plus something with drone controller
133.3 GEQ kills
>Or khorne since apparently you can have khorne sorcerers now.
No, psykers can't have the Khorne keyword
You can't have khorne psykers.

Forgot the second HQ to be honest

maybe you can squeeze in a cheap lord to ride in the rhino with 9 zerkers, rerolls are nice.
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That's implying I can even understand your argument lmao. You basically just typed out this epileptic mess of this and that which anyone without autism cannot comprehend. Tauniggers truly are hilarious.

I did remember it as well but cannot find that rule in the astartes "mark of chaos" section or in the sorcerer datasheet.
C'mon. If they can make plastic Sisters of Silence, they can make plastic Sisters of Battle.
We've only been waiting 20 years.

Nvm, I'm blind

Commissar, commander, 100 conscript: 360pt

x5 = 1800pt
+ yarrik

400 conscript on drones with rank fire
1600 shots, 533 hits, 178 wounds, 89 failed saves
100 conscript with rank fire and yarrik reroll on drones:
222 hits, 74 wounds, 37 failed saves

So in optimal conditions you kill 266 points of conscript

I kill 1008 points of drones

Suits next turn.

Actually, Commissar, commander, 100 conscript is just 300, sorry.

So that makes it 6 groups, 178 more points of dead tau.
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>36 wound Fusion Commander
>this is where the taufags dreams fell apart
Not him but i think he is reffering to index xenos 2 page 31.
Not taking into account suicide drones of course, that will raise from 36 to something like 58 wounds
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Page 61, not 31. brainfart
Page 31 is an Ork flier. Taufags can run Ork fliers now?
Wait, Im kinda new to tau.
I know how i can get the 12 crisis easily, but how do I get 100 drones ?

This assumes they're all within range to take advantage of the rapid fire. That is to say, all within 12" of the enemy. That is the biggest part of where this math doesn't work too well. Every single one of those conscripts would have to be, at the furthest, 18" away from the closest enemy unit at the beginning of the turn, accounting for 6" movement.

It's still mighty impressive without the rapid fire bonus, but it is impractical to believe that your opponent will magically allow for that to happen.
thanks, will look into it

As he assumed everything was in range including flamers
can someone please give feedback on my list?

Not a fan of mortar HWTs, HB is better against anything but guard (altought shorter range).

Otherwise looks solid.
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Say something nice about them
That's implying there's anything nice to say about tauniggers.
I'll cheat, Farsaito is a pretty cool guy.
Slaaneshi like sex as i do.
I'm not a fan of HB hwt because HB tarantulas do the job of 2 HB HWT for 6 less points in my codex while having 2 more toughness, 3 more wounds +1 to its armour save and inability to be locked in combat while allowing your units to shoot whatever charged it. All those bonuses at the expense of having to shoot the closes infantry unit at all times.
Is the vulture too cheesy at 500 points?
Sisters of battle have some nice art

Tau got some great designs I'd appreciate in some other game
Marine Bikes look cool, and heavy weapon on tacs.
Tau would probably look pretty cool in a different setting.
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What's the best unit to run malanthrope with?

90 hormagaunts? Adaptability with horde nids would make them absolutely insane
I love these lists, it'll be such easy wins and so many Tau tears.
Can someone explain this bit to me from the Successor Chapters section of the Blood Angels?

>Note, however, that named
characters that can only be included
in your army once cannot be from
any other Chapter – Commander
Dante is the Chapter Master of the
Blood Angels Chapter, and not any
successor Chapter

So say I am making a Flesh Tearers list, I like the flavor and such. Can I not then bring Mephiston since he's a Blood Angels HQ and not a Flesh Tearers HQ?
I like vespid stingwings.
You love those lists because you wont ever post any of your own :^)
No. You can bring Gabriel Seth who's a Flesh Tearers HQ but not any other named HQ from any other chapter.
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Sounds good, Thanks for the quick response!
What should I bring to fight eldar shooting as nurgle daemons + death guard? Their wave serpent bright lances are annoying and long ranged.

I just play Stormraven spam like everyone else bruh
Should've just called this "tauniggers get btfo edition"
that's the title of the next thread silly
Should i be afraid of buying a thousand sons army to get me started because I'm afraid my painting will be full bore retarded and turn those little intricate models look fully fucked?
but anon, 4 quadfusion commander average 35 wounds AP-4 save against stormraven, and 12 crisis flamers autohit means another 12 wounds after save. Then you get charged by literraly everything.
I did it.

With some spare leman guns and a trukk kit I managed to make three of them.
6 Quad fusion commander*
Nobody takes only 4, silly me
should be the title of every future edition desu
>tfw this list remove 4 stormraven/turn on average
Are vehicles good or bad in 8th?
I bought a box of rubrics for my first models I painted. The duncan guide is really helpful, and I'm happy with how they turned out HOWEVER they were very time consuming for me.
What flamers? Conscripts can't take any
Why would we post serious lists in responses to memes anyway?
You realize it says models and not units, yes?

You use Venomthropes for hordes, you use Malanthropes to protect your big monsters.
A lot of them lack anti horde but their high toughness and wounds forces your opponent to use anti vehicle stuff. They can Fuck up monsters and other vehicles well or be marine/termie killers usually. One of their biggest strengths is superior mobility.
I do love me some Flesh Tearers. If I ever do Blood Angels, it'll be them or the Blood Swords. Probably Blood Swords, though, as I want to run a BA Dreadmob List
>90 hormagaunts
>Only works on MODELS within 3"
>5" move


Best use found so far is to babysit 6-12 biovores, providing them synapse for target selection and additional survivability against ranged fire.
>Reading comprehension 101

Suit flamers?
How many times have people been corrected regarding model/unit wording? If a model in the unit is effected, the unit as a whole is.
>5" move
they don't have to shoot, like the hormagaunts, so they advance
The forge world TS look pretty awesome but i reckon i might be setting my sights pretty high in terms of painting. That being said does 40k allow vehicles for thousand sons? Dreadnoughts and shit would be pretty fun for them. I might hold out for the codex if theyll get one. Their death guard brothers are getting one so there's a chance
I don't know if any of you people here are unfortunate enough to be currently living abroad in Japan and are engaged in this hobby, but the scene here is absolutely trash. I've seen some of the most beautifully painted armies ever and it's a shame because the people who play with them are relentless WAACfags. Every Japanese person I play against has a beautiful fully painted army which is completely WAAC'd out. At the very least they're polite about it and aren't shitty people but it's clear that they're in the stores solely to win games and have only a passing interest in the lore and having a fluffy list. Now for me, that's fine, it won't make me happy, but I get it. For now, let me tell you about an entirely different experience.

So the store I used to play at was the Ikebukuro location. It's alright. The staff aren't all that great but they're not completely shit either. What made me never want to return there was this American guy whose name I forgot. He was a big fat dude clearly in his early forties with curly hair and a big bushy beard. He and I sat down to a game and he said at the beginning of the match in the most autistic voice ever "You know my rule about winning and losing right? I'm sure you've heard of me since I'm kind of notorious around here! If you beat me, I get to break your favorite model or else I'll get REAAAAALLY mad!" at first I thought that this had to be some kind of joke so I just brushed it off. If only I knew...

I brought my Renegades and Heretics to the table. They're a small army and I'm a new player so it wasn't a very impressive list. The guy must've wanted to make things fluffy so he brought a similar Imperial Guard list. I thought "Finally, a guy with a fluffy list who has a sense of humor too." but it all started becoming clear to me as the game went along.

The first red flag was when I killed his company commander. He got red in the face and started stomping his feet. Continued in next post...
I want to know if the Leman Russ, chimera, Goliath truck/rockgrinder are worthwhile for GSC. Or better to just go mass troops?
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Alright, so i've got two of the Intercessor squads and two of the Hellblaster squads arriving tomorrow in the mail. Later on next week there will be a Primaris Librarian arriving, too.

My plan is convert them slightly and have them as two counts-as Deathwatch Kill Teams with the Libby as leader. 10 Veterans each, 5 with Stalker Bolters and 5 with Plasma Guns.

The question I have is this: How the hell do I go about converting them? The shoulderpads are all part of the model (except for the Primaris Librarian, which is basically just like the older kits as far as I can tell), and there's hardly any room for swapping of heads etc as far as I can see. I haven't actually had a look at the sprue yet, so can't verify any of this though. Does anyone have any ideas, or experience converting Primaris thus far? If so, share your stories or advice!
>Japanese are competitive people
No shit, go to your local arcade and challenge someone to SF while you're at it

If it affects a models, it affect the whole unit, but you would have to read the BRB at least once to know that, I know I cannot have that much of you Astartes Retardates anyway.
He said to me "That was my favorite guy... You'll pay for this by the end..." he spoke like he was in a movie or something, it really got me concerned. I thought to myself "This has gotta be a one-off type deal. If he has another outburst just walk away but for now just let that one slide." the rest of the match things progress normally. We both trade blows and eventually I end up winning. He seems amiable at first and even walked up to shake my hand. He said "Well played." and paused. I figured "Okay he's a little weird but at least he was a good sport." then out of nowhere his hand tightens around mine in a really firm grip. With his unoccupied hand he picked up a chimera (the first vehicle I'd ever done. I even decked it out with chaosy spikey bits) and just tossed it on the ground. He absolutely wrecked the goddamn thing. Now at this point I'm completely in shock, my eyes just transfixed at the sight of my poor chimera in pieces on the floor. Without thinking I get up in his face and the manager pulls us apart.

I tell the manager once I finish collecting myself that I expect him to pay for the damages he did to my model and he agrees that's fair but the fat fuck is busy gathering up his models and stuffing them into his case, obviously packing up so that he can make an escape. NO ONE was trying to stop him and he just walked out. Now if I was in the US I would have started throwing punches but this is Japan. If I get caught up in a fight here my visa status could get revoked so I just sucked it up and let him leave. I was really pissed at the manager for letting it all happen and made a big fuss so he compensated me out of his own pocket. A generous move but not the point. Never went back to that store and don't plan on going ever again. Ever since I go to the Harajuku location but I'll never forget that fat piece of shit.
>says in an autistic voice
>thought he was kidding

Congratulations you played yourself
The Tau player assumed...
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>nips are soulles autistics
Honestly speaking what were you expecting?
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>If a model in the unit is effected, the unit as a whole is.
I think you need to kill your self
Yeah. I don't really play against Japanese people anymore.
I should have known better. Period. I repaired the chimera but it's never been the same. It's ever so slightly off-center.
This guy wasn't Japanese. He was American. All the Japs I play against are polite. Soulless WAACfags, but polite.
>HQ for vanguard detachment?

Drop the HQ dread, replace with captain + primaris LT.
>Put non-dread in it.

I think you've missed the point here.
The worst part about this is that the fat autistic guy is probably reading that story, knows full well that the story is about him, yet still thinks he is in the right.
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What Forge World is the best?
>All the Japs I play against are polite. Soulless WAACfags, but polite.

I must be japanese without knowing it then.

Are my conscripts kawaii anon-kun?
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So a fat autistic neckbearded fuckface then. If you ever see him again do me a favor and punch the aspergers out of him.
Sure they're kawaii, atleast until they get reverted back to 0-1 allowance per however many infantry squads like before. After GW has made enough money ofcourse, in addition to brimstone horrors, poxwalkers and shield drones.
Mars, because that's the only way to get Cawl.
>asked for proof
>cant provide it
>tries to meme his way out of it
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Ryza master race
Is it true 2 chainswords gives 2 extra attacks ?
I've got autism and let me tell you one big problem is you assume people understand your special interest perfectly. That is, you assume that if you're an asshole that doesn't give a shit about other people and actually having a conversation with them.

Oh, and since 40k army lists aren't my thing I don't understand jack about that thing, but I thought the system was intended to generate a plausible OOB for a 40k unit, not some blob.
>being this bootyblasted that your shitty crisis suit list gets BTFO by a bunch of gay KKK members
Xana II
Tau make sense in a science fiction campaign world.

(and that's why I've never understood why they're in 40k at all)
Would a 40 pt tax per 150 pts of models fix it though ? That's like a points increase of less that 1 per conscript and you get a useful backfield objective camper
yes, but only woith thoses chainswords. Read the FAQ
>should have known better

Yeah if i were in your shoes as soon as he said that I'd be like "yeah you know what I concede, you win" because dealing with the tard rage of irl autists just isn't worth it.
Yes, look at the faq. Both extra attacks are only with the chainswords though.
The best fix for conscripts has already been posted several time

They simply lose the <REGIMENT> keyword.
These captchas are usually road related for me, are we doing some kind of image recognition database for self driving car software or something ?
baka gaijin
How many points does an iron cost?
I am somewhat lacking in heavy support choices for my nurgle themed chaos stuff, all I've got is a soul grinder. What kind of heavy support is fluffy for death guard or nurgle daemons?
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I haven't tried the actual Mek Gun kit. But a single Trukk kit easily yields 3 chassis. I just used spark plugs and electrical wire for these, but the Mek Guns from the actual kit would doubtless slot on fine to these.
It absolutely balances it when you have only so many troop slots in a battalion detachment, unless you want to take a brigade but even then 3-4 troop slot requirements to fill a 5th makes it so you can only ever get 1 conscript blob per detachment.

Not every fucking guard list should be "penal legion". It makes taking regular squads absolutely pointless.
And here we see a prime specimen of the asshole autist. It has discovered the pleasure of random arguing on the internet, but has yet to demonstrate an understanding of context.

If it is (as is likely here) American, it will likely not only argue randomly, but also display American habits like quoting the list of logical fallacies. "False dichotomy", "ad hominem" and "nigger nigger nigger cuck" are to be expected.

That is a pretty fucking good kitbash anon
I don't have the BRB in PDF but this has been proven numerous times. Learn the fucking rules.
Holy shit how are you so anally ravaged lmao

>I cant't provide any proof for my argument, so I'll just say I don't need to.

The PDF rules are in the maga link at the top, anon.

Isn't the original anon talking about Prey Adaptability? Where if the Malanthrope kills an enemy unit, the whole army gets rerolls of 1's? No range on that ability.

See to me this reads as you can take Dante in your Flesh Tearers army but that he wont infer any of his bonuses onto a unit that isn't Blood Angels.
What side on the argument are you on anyway? And why are _you_ bothering?
What the fuck is this autism right here?
And yet in a sick twist of irony, here I am.
That actually makes sense because hastily trained conscripts would not have any ingrained sense of identity for their regiment as they'd likely be conscripted from tonnes of different worlds speaking different languages and with different cultures.
Dude I don't even know what you're arguing about or why you responded to me baiting some retarded taufag. Fuck off to reddit you dumb projecting shit.
Talking about the -1 to hit for models (units) within range
Stop pretending you're me.
I agree. Nothing was worth having that chimera broken... I loved that goddamn thing.
Ah, now I understand, you were coming off as such a cunt I thought you were the Taufag spouting random gibberish. You may have to have that dead facial expression and body language seen to.

Battlewagon with Deffrolla and 'Ard Case is 16 wounds, 4+ save, T8, with 6 attacks hitting on 2's at Str 8, Ap-2. It's got 12" of movement too, clocks in at 180 points even. They can dump off a unit, then charge in and be a surprisingly effective melee unit. I've found them to be relatively useful as Nob delivery vessels.

Sadly since the FAQ ruling definitely ruled that Mobile Fortress doesn't affect units on board, their other use as gun platforms has been severely curtailed. T7 is too low to provide much protection and being unable to move and shoot without penalty means Lootas and Flash Gitz don't really have a place in one.
I have to ask you if you're a reasonably big guy, Anon. Because if you are, that sort of behavior just invites an offer of getting to eat whatever model he breaks.
Go back to 1st grade english and come back to me after. Jesus your writing is had.
I replied to my own comment.

Yeah there's no way I'm letting some fat nigger fuck literally obliterate my precious tantalus that I've poured hours and hours of work and love into.
>This guy wasn't Japanese. He was American.
Do Boss Nobz in an Ork Boyz unit cost 6 points, or do you use the cost of a Nob from a Nobz unit?

Yeah but the original anon said >>54197173 Adaptability with horde nids would make them absolutely insane

He's clearly talking about the Prey Adaptation ability synergising well with horde lists. 90 hormagaunts rerolling 1's does indeed sound pretty scary.
Nope. I'm completely average by all measures. Both horizontally and vertically. Though I don't think eating plastic would taste very good.
>places commissar behind rock

checkmate atheists
Its in the OP moron, go provide your proof
What's the best load out for vanguard vets?
Hormagaunts already re-roll 1s to hit. They got scything talons.

Marines get lots of attention and models, good for them.
I'm that original anon, since posting I remembered hormagaunts already reroll 1's to hit with scytals so I'm still wondering what would be most optimal to run it with

My mistake.


They're 6. They take the place of a Boy, same wording as the Spannas in Loota squads, which have been confirmed by FAQ to cost the same as a model from the unit they're in. Basically no reason not to take one.


Well it's shooting too. Any spicy Nid shooting tech?
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>STILL no pictures of Mortarion
The best shooting that nids have access to belong to biotitan, barbed heirodule and exocrine. Bioplasma. Aside from that it's stranglethorn but warriors/foot hive tyrant aren't worth it
It's still early, anon. Let's pray GW pays proper respect to Papa Nurgle.
How do Magnus and Aetaosraukeres compare?

Backline artillery (biovores, exocrines, hive guard)
Don't do the spelling and grammar flame thing, Anon. You'll never get through an entire post without fucking up.

Also, your English has been pretty shit throughout.
It's not the taste, it's the abrasion.
>flame thing
Please stop. You're just embarassing yourself.
You know, you're being retarded enough to make me think I might be the retard. Are we both looking at the screen picturing some frothing neckbeard on the other side?
given it actually does provide -1 to units wouldn't ablative wounds be better to provide that. especially when they'll be in range of a majority of the opponents ranged weapons?
I don't even know what you're trying to say anymore. Here, you can have the last say. I'm not gonna bother with your autism.

How do you give ablative wounds to exocrines?
What Im asking is would a -1 to hit not be better for 30 individual wounds belonging to say, hormagaunts or devilgants than it would be 12 wounds and a 3+ save, still leaving points for more gants/gaunts?
Can't your opponent, just like move more than 12 inches away and shoot you?
its *MantaStrike behind u* now
Cause I mean even with a -1 to hit the exocrine gets substantially worse when it loses half of it's wounds, which it will rather easily.
I assume a barbed heirodule would be vastly superior than an exocrine to babysit with a mal

Think in terms of points, not wounds.

Also, the problem is hormagaunts will outrun it quickly thanks to the 8" move.

And all of this is moot since i still ave to see any proof of the model = units claim.
should be 24" away to be safe but yeah I guess.

Pretty sure i can take it with my 1500pt list.
nice list btw. Im pretty sure i can take your with my 800 poonts list
Draigo created Sigmar who created Stormcasts. It's canon.
No no, you have it. Please. You've earned it, and you're a beautiful person.

Let all share a big loving hug
If you're worried about synapse for your backline 3 warriors with spinefists and scytals are only 60 points.. I think the best option would be either an exocrine with hiveguard or a barbed heirodule
I'm in the middle of something so I can't correct you about the BRB wording but as I've said it's been explained 100 times over whenever someone green texts >models
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>3 warriors with spinefists and scytals are only 60 points.

And they die horribly to autocannons or any other medium-strength fire, leaving you sinapse-less.

I'd rather spend 30 pt more for an unkillable synapse AND -1 to hit aura.
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So I got my scarab swarms all primed and I sit down to paint and I have to ask.
WTF was GW thinking with the big scarab? It won't sit fucking still and every minute or so it tries to fly away and crashes into all the shit in my room. Also it outsmarted the jar I put it in and everywhere it crawled on me with its fishhook legs now has a red bump and itches.
Shit model/10
>Inb4 all talks about T'auâ„¢
I really love the Ghostkeel and Firsight Char Clone idea because i am a huge mecha weeb. If It wasn't fault of them being xenos Ultramarines, i would like to play a Ghostkeel+Crisis suit list.

My problem is that i hate most of their battlesuits designs.
Unless you keep them out of LOS that is, but even then you're dedicating a -1 debuff to enemy hit rolls for one model with 12 wounds and maybe a few 3 wound models. Thing is about exocrine they're absolute shit when they hit 6 wounds
So Hormas>Termas, right?
Are Rhinos garbage now? For 70 points all they do is metal box stuff. Take 5 in a 1500 point game and you've spent 1/3 your army on units that can't hurt anything.
literraly not . especoally with the retarded amout of triflamer suit faggots and flyers
Just charge with it into shooty unit so they cant overwatch something important

You can stick quite a few models within 3" (note, does not say wholly within 3")
Exo, biovores, hive guards, etc

It's not really worth tho have him babysit 200 points of stuff, but if your long range department is in the 400-600 points range, he's pure gold.
It's not a bad idea to throw a blob of hormagaunts in a list with a tervigon/devilgant swarm or trygon prime/devilgant but termagants with devourers are the best troop option you have for the price.
So you don't play anymore or are there a fair amount of gaijin?
This is awesome!
Also the reason why GW will never intentionally make Orks top tier. If you can home make the models, GW gets less money
Can someone explain what makes each Primarch "cool"? They all seem like losers to me.
Aren't biovore awful?
>no more top hatch
>can't exit transport at the end of the move
>razorbacks are 65 points base, just as tough and can mount heavy weapons
yeah, kinda
If you have nothing worth putting mortal wounds on maybe, otherwise they're great.
That's what I originally thought too, I'd like to see what others think about this, that would definitely increase the options for a Flesh Tearer / Death Company list.

Hormagaunts are way better than base Termagaunts as always, but this edition they made devourers retardedly cheap so you can just field Termas that have tripple the firepower and 1.5 times the range for only double cost.
Exactly, without the fire points, what's the point of even taking them? And poor chaos has no other transport options besides a land raider. Guess they're footsloggin now?

>What makes Primarchs "cool"

They're REALLY BIG and make everyone nearby who isn't a Primarch COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT because they're so SUPER SPECIAL GODLIKE.

Or basically, Primarchs haven't been cool since some gibbering retard decided that the background legends about the founding of the imperium had to be taken literally despite clearly being a 10,000 year old myth distorted by the same imperial cult that declared the emperor a god.
Doesn't a full unit only put out around 1.5 mortal wounds?

But don't devourers have no parts? I'm p sure Termagaunt kits only come with Fleshborers.
At least you have something worth transporting with it unlike devilfish
termagant kit comes with devourers and you can find additional sprues of 12 devourers on ebay for around $5

It's easy to overestimate the value of mortal wounds.

Most invulnerable saves are 5++, so a mortal wound is usually worth about 1.5 high rend wounds. 3 at most if you target someone with a 3++.
DE got some nice boats
You get a second chance on a miss with the spore mine. They can kill it easily, but it can be a pain if you're using it on backline stuff that doesn't want to target a sporemine.
What invuln units would be best targeted by them?
>not calling the police and pressing charges
Nice job enabling his behaviour.
Things like terminators really dislike mortal wounds.

Well you can't target characters with artillery so I dunno, a leviathan dread? It has a 2+, 4++ and T8 14 wounds so you're gonna take a while to gun that thing down by conventional means.

As far as killing potential goes, they are meh, dishing out 0.5/0.75 MWs each

Their MAJOR selling point is the movement denial. In big numbers (6-12+) they will cover the board with spore mines from missed shots. Now the enemy cannot move within 1" of a spore mine in their movement phase, limiting his mobility to 2".

Afterward he as either to waste fire popping the mines or to eat more mortal wounds.
Delivering dudes. They can assault out of transports now after all.
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IW, trying to be fluffy.

Thoughts on what to add?


I had 12 vs mechanized orks.

In 3 turns his three battlewagons did not make it past his half of the board.
Anon I...
meanwhile if you had 2 exocrine you could have killed his transports instead of making them traverse speed bumps
>i like my lore vague just like my girlfriend's answer to me asking her if she's cheating on me: the post
> mister police man the mean man broke my model
> get fucked nerd why you waste my time? Also aren't you fucking old for toys?
Real police reaction
> Well well I'll tell his supervisor!
He also won't care.
Is the Wyvern actually worse this RD or is it because the shitbird I fought had nothing under T7 except his Plague Marines?
Kek. Isn't that a dung beetle
>t. enabler of criminals
Where are the Basilisk???
coconut rhino beetle

Nah, the Horus heresy novels could have been a lot of fun if they hadn't taken the legends so literally and took a more "what actually happened" approach.

Huge wasted opportunity.
You can't seem to do that on Battlescribe, so I didn't bother.

Can't put two factions in one detachment for some reason.
>autistic unpleasable fans proceed to screech about it "being inaccurate" to 2e lore
The way battlescribe limits you now with detachments makes my inquisition army unplayable
select "unbound" faggot

It's too accurate, that's my entire damn complaint.

Litteral-minded autists read a perfectly good legend and took it literally, causing pretty much everything wrong with the current lore.

You realise at one point it was dubious the Emperor was even contributing to the Astronomicon? When you have the death screams of a thousand psykers harvested by a machine nobody understands anymore and a shrivelled body stuck to the top, it should be pretty bloody obvious which end is making it run.
They did thou. Actually made 3 of them.
>i always beat tau with this list but you cant see it
>implying it exists
I'm not the anon that you're replying to but that would have been an interesting way to go. Have the Primarchs just be brilliant but ordinary Astartes generals who get canonised into mythical demigod saints after their deaths. I enjoy the current fluff but I definitely see the appeal of what you're proposing.
>h-how could anything possibly beat my crisis suit list
>muh superior tau faction
You can, but it is not obvious, since BS is fucking horrible.

I mean hey, you need to be damn impressive to be hand picked as the first leader of a 10,000 strong Astartes legion at it's founding.
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>10 faggots havinf inferiority complexe to the unbeatable Tau list
>Not a single list have been posted

its like they know its bullshit when they run the number and get their list tabled by turn 2 everytime.
But can't hide back into cover this edition.

So even a bad SoB list should table them
t. Bitch who has never been in the real world
One thing I'm really glad FW did was bump all the legions to at least 100k Astartes. Even 2 million marines in the whole galaxy is ridiculously small but 10k legions mattering was absurd.
> implying 95% of the posters on this board are not still virgins, let along have a significant other

I'm pretty sure the thousand sons were, ridiculously, ten thousand.
No. Book 7 Inferno confirmed they were around 88,000 before Prospero.
It only seem to work for vomiting DCA, Arco-Flagellants and Crusaders with priest.

They can be use inside an Immoaltor but 6 models really screw over the glass melee units
Warriors with Deathspitters aren't bad, Dakkafexes with double twins aren't either. Exocrines are nice, Hive Guard are also nice.
You're getting baited by Ivan. He's not even a taufag.
Was that number before or after the Photoshop picture that has fucking tourists in it? Or the awesome Future Proofing(TM) rules that didn't make sense or were not referenced anywhere else?
TLDR- Inferno can't be taken seriously by anyone.
Yo dude we got it you are a shitposter but please stop your pathetic posts
t.T'au player
If you have any experience converting you should be fine. the pads are all attached sure but you can just clip them down to form the usual joint under it. As far as helmets go the normal marine heads are the same size (normal marines are just weirdly proportioned so same head size but better body size for primaris) I even cut the helmets off the two primaris that have the helmets on the belts and put them on instead of having faces.
Forge World's rules and formatting are a mess but their lore is top notch. The writing in the Black Books are way above anything I've ever read in a Codex.
Why are GSC models so expensive? They are basically guardsmen.
10 dudes is $40 while 10 guardsmen is $29

It is like they are asking for third parties and recasters
Eldar have hot girls.
Because the Guardsman are old and busted sculpts. Genestealers look nicer so people are willing to pay more for them.
fucking hell man, have you seen the acylites? 25 quit for 5 models. THE.FUCK?!
>Army with cheap 4+ infantry , 3+ crisis suits and 2+ riptides
>can shift wounds onto cheap drones
>only weakness - melee
>in edition where everyone have hit and run
Those tauhating fags' tears are so delicious and they keep on crying.
>have been
LMAO, are all Taufags illiterate weebs?
>25 quid
You limey fucks have it easy. Everybody else has their price inflated way more than the exchange rate.
Who the fuck is Ivan? Fuck off with your tripfag discord drama queen shit.
man, I love how easy it is to convert a primaris lieutenant into a captain
>scope on gun? check
>iron halo bit on backpack? check
>quick field promotion? done
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Bitch please. We are talking about GW their pricing makes no fucking sense.

Well a single girl with HB is $14 burger dollars
>Single metal model from the dawn of time
>New fresh plastic
i mean, you get what you get
>they will display American habits like quoting the list of logical fallacies
>proceeds to quote logical fallacy
Lmao@your life
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$23 dollarydoos for one girl with HB
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Say, what's the most compelling mystery to you in 40k?

Mine is either the whole omnissiah, "something evil lives underneath Titan", or that black star thingy that turns people insane
>Mine is either the whole omnissiah
What about the omnissiah? It was pretty much entirely explained.
The war against the other dimension. It was so bad that everything related was deleted.
Not even fighting chaos cucks is bad enough.
Biggest mystery to me is what were they smoking when they made this chad marine mess.
Without being BL lvl of shit
Isn't the omnissiah basically the void dragon?
Also I'm interested to find out what the fuck the Alpha Legion have been doing during 40k, which from my knowledge (I may be a but uninformed) is jack shit so far, with their allegiance to chaos clearly being fake what are their motives, goals and operations.
Are you new here? He's easy as fuck to spot and I don't use discord you faggot.
I was on /tg/ before you graduated from middle school, faggot. I don't pay attention to your favorite fucking internet trollmasters.
Whatever the fuck the Alpha Legion's master plan was/is.

Eh. BL is a mixed bag. Some of it is great, some of it is shit, most of it is mediocre.
That's the point- we have no fucking idea! He could be void dragon, or a Chaos God, or a hivemind AI, or what the Mechanicus thinks he is. We have no fucking clue!

That being said I pity Admech players, even though they're 50% of the imperium they get passed over in the lore and game constantly to showcase Marines or Cawl bullshit. Nids can zog off, they're the real NPC faction
>I've been on tg longer than you
How did you come to that conclusion? Why are sperging out at nothing anyway? Do you have autism? I'm not even meming here I'm actually curious.
>nids can zog off, they're the real NPC faction
I'm not even a nid player and I think nids are a cool faction, I'd probably never start them due to being in the middle of a second army currently but I respect nid players who powered through 6th/7th and lived to enjoy the green pastures of 8th. Also the nids really need proper character, like they should infest someone kerrigan style and have them try and coerce planets to donate prisoners/material as food or be entirely consumed in some grotesque modification of tau diplomacy, maybe have the tau reconsider nids if they encounter this infested character. Or alternatively have some guardsmen infested and have them attack the imperium out of spite/anger for conscripting them or having a shitty commissar. the possibilities are endless
>heh kiddo betcha didn't recognize this cool and totally awesome trollster right here
>what the fuck? return to reddit with your stupid internet personalities
And people ask why 4chan is dead.
Kindly cease responding to me anytime.
The what? I sorta stopped reading after Watson quit.
>we have no fucking idea!
Mars has a C'Tan locked beneath its surface. The Omnissiah is pretty clearly just the Void Dragon leaking.
The Hollowing, Horrowing. Can't remember the name of the event.
Cos he is typical cro-magnon.
>Also the nids really need proper character, like they should infest someone kerrigan style
>let's take the faceless locust faction and give it a face
Way to miss the entire point of the Tyranid faction, retard.
Holy shit. This is the saddest thing I've seen in awhile. I tried to warn you that you were wasting your time with an obvious shitposter and you went full on retard. You don't need to try to act so cool on the internet either.
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Oh god no

I do't want the Cron treatment

I can hardly stand named nids at the moment.
>being this poopypunched over the fact that no one cares about whichever retarded minor internet celebrity you're trying to suck up to
Ok reddit, your safespace is still around if you ever feel threatened by le evil 4chinz man.
Silly, you play bunch of guys. Tyranid player play the Hive Mind itself.

And they just need Doom of Malan'tai back (fuck GW gay niggers)
That is why they made genestealer cult, It would be cool if they have rules for others races.

And about the named characters, i think the strong point about Nids is that they don't need "named and with personality" units, mutations and legendary kaijus are more cool, though i think we need more.

Something like a "Primaris" Warrior, since they were originally made after the Nids eat a few of normal Marines.
Now you're just resorting to whatever memes you can. I'll let you continue to be an easily baitable retard then. You won't get any more (you)s from me, spergo.
hang on.... how do you know what goes on on reddit?

Honestly the fact that they didn't upscale the heads and pauldrons for the primaris a little bit makes them look subtly wrong.
Shouldn't you be busy worshipping some shitty internet celeb youtuber now? Shoo shoo.
for me its the alpha legion's true motives and the missing legions. In theory they'll never get answered, but knowing GW they'll get an answer eventually.
How was I ever worshipping anyone? You are a fucking retard.
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This fucking guy making me kek so hard. Got trolled, and when someone pointed out he throws a tantrum. Now he thinks that whatever that "Ivan" guy is actually someone named Ivan.
Its like pottery that writes itself.
>makes them look subtly wrong
Maybe if your definition of wrong is "not suffering from major birth defects". They actually have tolerable proportions.
It's ok, I'm sure your favorite eceleb troll Ivan will still take you back in. After all people like that really are just chasing after attention.
To be fair making marines is easy.
The Emperor made them in a cave with scraps.
Cawl made a better version since he didn't had to work with scraps.
Necrons had Pariahs
Nids had the old lore about guards

The only race dumb enough to not find a way to make marine like stuff are the Tau.
>but muh BL
No go and read it, Tau are basically fuel for the AdMech nothing more. No marine thing for the Tau there.
>projecting this hard
Shoo shoo beta cucks. Go to /soc/ if you want to suck off your favorite 4chan celebrity.
Dude you have multiple people making fun of you for being an idiot. That should make you stop and consider your position for a second.
>let me just appeal to a nonexistent popular opinion right now...
Good work! I'll let you have the last say for your exemplary retardation!
lol gay thinks we're same faggin

I just wish for tyranid units derived from other xeno races genetic material

>psychic Eldar nids
>Killy Ork nids
>stealthy Kroot nids
I tried to help you. Continue to do you, my dudes.
I want a big badass combat guy for my Guard thats not a Tank. What do? Everyone else has some kind of asskicking commander in their army and I just have T3 dudes that can shout really loud at other T3 dudes. Is this just not a realistic want?

No see, the primaris have pretty much perfect human proportions. Space marines are bulky, the art style 40k models are rendered in also tends to make things look a bit more bulky than normal.

So the primaris look faintly unsettling specifically because they're too "correctly" proportioned. They look like humans in power armour.

Yarrick is a VERY badass T4 dude, which can bitchslap several other HQs
well when your entire army is T3 dudes what can you expect? Yarrick is T4 if it matters
I though Tyrant Guard were the marines?

Either way, some more options for mid-level beasts would be nice. Tyranid Prime needs to be able to take wings too.
Yarrick, straken, harker (he isn't squated right?) and the named ogryn.

I just wish Major Commissar were T4.
Should I magnetize my Poxwalkers?
Were they? Now i am not sure.
Tell me about the Straken. Can he punch out a Carnifex?
S6 doesn't sound too impressive when Tyrants are hitting on 10+ and other dumb shit.
Lord Commissar* i went full retarded mixing the differents names
No, Harker isn't squatted. The only one that is squatted and has a model is Marbo for some reason.
Harker is actually unironically better than Master of Ordinance. Kind of impressive.
So you're telling me to put Harker,Straken,Nork and a Catachan command squad with a medic in a Valkyrie and blast out IT AINT ME as I grab drop them 9" from MCs and Characters?
I am still not familiar with 8th rules and the last mathammer, but he have a natural Power Fist and good buffs to catachans troops.
Pretty much.
Now in this edition i miss the named veteran sargent that could give orders. Wasn't he Cadian?
I THINK he can reroll wounds against MC too honestly. Somebody double check me but it seems possible.
Yeah. He chips off about 2 wounds a round, so he's better left to other stuff.

He's natty S6 but doesn't bump it at all, so he's best at chopping up T5/6 stuff. Unfortunately most monsters are T7 or more, but he's still a beast and a good army HQ to boot.
This is what has really upset me about 8th. They finally had a chance to make some of the minor and forgotten about units usable and they FUCKED it up. I loved the fluffy idea of having a Master of Ordinance, Astropath and so on in my IG army. But, alas, GW can't do anything good. Master of Ordinance should give a 6" bubble to any artillery or tank.

So he has rules to fight MCs but actually sucks against MCs. Neat
colour sergeant kell is still an elite choice
sergeant harker is an elite choice though he's catachan
I really wish that with the new Guard Codex they add a cibernetic protesis rules for HQ/Officers adding +T1 or some shit, like the old 3th(?) edition codex
yeah Bastonne, in this edition with new rules mechanics he would be pretty cool.
How many of your games end early? I'm still steamrolling everything as Ynnari, albeit talking more losses than before.


Riding them up in one, firing as they go, and then unloading and firing them all one more time before charging in with the Battlewagon is a terrific 1 - 2 punch for big multiwound targets. Just make sure that your tankbustas aren't too exposed afterwards.
Yup. He's got a weaker power fist with AP-1. Scrap MCs, the dude is a beast against T3 and should be treated as such

The big issue is his main rule gives +1A to friendly catachans, but Guard does fuckall in melee. His rules are all cool but Janky and out of place imo.

Best thing I can think of is getting him+ministorum priest+Fix Bayonets! on a conscript blob or laffin it up giving baneblades and shit extra attacks
The "just" is pretty clearly not the case.
Learn your fluff.

>Zoanthropes (Tyranicus animus-aborrens) are perhaps the strangest and most bizarre of the Tyranid's myriad breeds. They are powerful psykers, apparently engineered from harvested Eldar DNA

>Tyrant Guards are scientifically rumoured to contain the DNA of defeated Space Marine chapters as their bodies appear to include a fused ribcage and a Black Carapace
They were.

>If you can home make the models, GW gets less money

In this particular case, they only have themselves to blame.

The Mek/Big Gunz kit will likely stand for years as the bar for GW's pants on head retarded pricing schemes. If that kit had been priced appropriately, they would have been making money hand over fist: a kit that yields easily repurposed turrets and weapon barrels, small wheels, and various other bits and bobs would have sold as well or possibly even better than their most successful ork kit to date (the current Trukk kit). Ork players are creative, certainly, but most of them do prefer to work with GW bitz whenever possible, which they can only get from buying GW kits (or recasting but that is a symptom of the problem). What keeps them from buying GW kits is when they're retarded expensive, like the Gunz, and not like the Trukk.
>The "just" is pretty clearly not the case.
How so? What's been established that the Void Dragon can't take responsibility for?
Not finding anything. It's probably for the best.
looks like tropical fruits
My hope is we'll get Catachan rules in a codex that'll have like warrior weapons back or something.
That's not 'pretty clearly' it's 'at least plausible to maybe probable.'
What does this even mean?
i never played a 40k game nor do i have an army i just build and paint figures, where can i learn on how to build an army?
File: dare you ever my cog porn realm.jpg (38KB, 222x266px) Image search: [Google]
dare you ever my cog porn realm.jpg
38KB, 222x266px
>I leave thread
>it dies

Don't worry lads, I'm back.
I'm getting ready to pick up thousand sons. Assuming I'm playing with magnus, what all do I need?
please stop posting that god awful picture every thread
Scarabs occults, some rubrics w/ flamethrower, ahriman rhinos and landraider/predators
how much of each? I have absolutely no idea where to start. 2-3 boxes of rubrics and scarabs?
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