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Exalted General - /exg/

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Thread replies: 226
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What is Exalted?
An epic high flying game (20/25 km) about anime heroes in a world made for feet fetishists.

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read a book or something. I don't know.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Sufficient Velocity has a large and inclusive exalted fanbase always willing to help you discover new groups.

Resources for Third Edition
>Tv Tropes



Previous Thread
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Man I am going through the ask the Devs thread on the forums and GOD DAMN I want this book now.

Siege weapons will be included on top of warstriders and Hearthstones. Then you know all the actual Artifacts. I was hoping we would be getting this at the end of the month but Rich seems to think we may drift into July.

Monarchies of Mau Early Access seems to be coming out this week after being in the same place as Arms is now back in early May. So hopefully we can get it second week or so in July.
Check out the monday meeting notes and look at Arms. It may be here sooner than you think.
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DBs when?

If you're an infernal, can you fuck your coadjutor?
As much as the horsefuckers can fuck their tulpas, anon.
Can you waifu your Coadjutor?

Siege weapons will be interesting to see just because of their niche use. The fact that there was a charm that interacted with them but no rules for them was a bother.

Any ideas on what the Battle of Alesia might be like in Exalted?
So, anons, you're playing a hypersexualized Zenith Caste whose character concept is basically "the best courtesan/temple-prostitute in the world".

Which suit of artifact "armor" would you rather have, assuming both of them had the same mechanics as Freedom's Cadence?

A: An orichalcum and gossamer bellydancer outfit, with a double-slitted skirt and a sash that's worn around the breasts (starting behind neck, then crossing over chest to go beneath each breast then being tied behind the back) which doubles as a dancing prop when removed, with all of its cloth being fringed by orichalcum wire and loads of little bells and coins. The cloth is Fair Folk gossamer in the form of solidified air, and can assume any color of the sky, from starlit black, to sky blue, to the reds and purples of dawn and dusk or the many whites and greys of the clouds, and can likewise alter its transparency from "almost opaque" to "so sheer it might as well not be there".

B: A dress made from firmin resin alloyed with a touch of moonsilver, 3D printed around the soul of an agata to create a design similar to this:


The moonsilver allows the resin to reshape the petals of the design at will, allowing the dress to resemble a cloak of iridescent feathers, the pebbly hide of the greatest lizards, or simply remove the petals to make it look like a dress of metal fishnet that does little to hide what is beneath.

If they're both mechanically identical, would it just be a matter of personal preference? I'd personally take the first one if the sash/cloth can be used as a whip for the purposes of using Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style.
In dreams, theoretically. But the coadjutor has no body. The most you could do is, "think dirty to me."
The first. Seems lewder.

Remind me, will Arms have rules for homebreweing Artefacts?
Holy shit. I didn't think it was possible to make an even more useless OP than the last one, and you somehow still managed it. Good job, retard
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>Tv Tropes
We've been told it will have guidelines for artifacts and evocations, yes.
Happy anniversary everyone!
As of today it has officially been three full years since the very first exalted third edition leak. You know, the one that was just a bunch of play test documents. archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/32755548/
If you're wondering why these threads seem a little bit dead about now, well this is more than likely why. It's been years from our perspective since the core material came out, even if it was only released properly a year or so ago. In any case I invite everyone to reminisce about those early days. It seems our first arguments were about the various anima powers. Remember how long it took the material to actually get out beause no one would leak it? Remember how we apparently used to care about the devs?
In any case, I actually enjoy these threads and hope to see you guys for more books and years to come.

>tfw no red panda lunar waifu
>Ketchup carjack did nothing wrong
>Those early threads of anons posting charm spoilers and people freaking out over them
Those were fun times. I wish we could go back.
Punch a Shinma until you can.
Anybody got any good ideas on what powers to give a combat focused Fair Folk Noble? I want to make something a bit more potent then the Fair Folk combatant in the core.
give them some grappling powers, maybe an extra pair of arms to defend properly while grapping. maybe the ability to spit out vines that tie up their enemies so they can get some easy murder hits.
First off, what is its schtick, its "story"? Is it a dashing, showy duelist with a rapier? Is it a rampaging mad brute? Is it a ronin type that unsheathes its katana and teleports behind you?
what region of creation would have a naming scheme that would support calling my philosopher/crazyhobo lunar "diogenes"? (spirit animal of dog)
Alright cool.

Vlad the Impaler. He is leading an army of Hobgoblins and crucifying and Impaling people while sieging a city.

why remove the past editions resources? they've already been banished to a pastebin, how was that not enough?
Because OP is a faggot
Sounds like he could do with some intimidation powers. Like anyone who sees the impaled has to check against supernatural fear.
Ok, how about a custom charm that lets him impale somebody with his lance. Functions as a grapple made with his weapon's dice pool that, when successful, also rolls 1 dice of unresistable damage against the foe per round that they are grappled on their turn that stacks per round to a limit of the Noble's Essence.
What would be an MA that has good synergy with Righteous devil style in 3e, I wanna find something that works well with flamethrower Kata but I'm drawing a blank

The only thing compatible is White Reaper. Arms should have some good Evocations for the style , though.
That's a bummer, thanks
Oh god, remember how much people fucking got angry over doomboat charm? And that one lore on as well.

Good times, good times.
>And that one lore on as well.
>Remember how we apparently used to care about the devs?

When did you change your mind about Holdorke, Anon?
When in doubt: scavenger lands
Personally I never did. I still wish they were on the team. But then again, I'm not some sort of super fan so I'm fine with release dates being a little slow.
Remember the constant back and forth over whether the new solar set was to strong or to weak?
Remember people saying integrity was useless? Or resistance?
Man those early threads were absolutely insane. Hell even the threads before, with 2e, were all pretty fun.
God I can't wait for new books to hit. I want this place to be lively again.

come back in April 2018
Just for my information, what age are you?

You all seem to have the emotional maturity of a 14 years old, unable to understand jokes and getting angry over small teasing. Do 14 years old play Exalted? It's an interest for me. It sure speaks well of the fanbase if 14 years old are getting into it.

1. There was a standard OP post. Some people (myself included) think some standards should be met
2. You shouldn't forget that many people actually have emotional maturity of 14 year old. Why be civil and eloquent when you can be a screaming man child?

Pirates get mad when you take away their free stuff.
What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world where shoes are optional.
Start here: http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
. It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/.

Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Arms of the Chosen Previews

>Dragonblooded Charm Previews:

>Other Ex3 Resources

>Resources for Older Editions

New NPCs and a Behemoth rework

Previous Thread
The one lore charm that lets you declare doom on a town or whatever
>I did something shitty
>people get mad at me doing something shitty
>better call them 14 year olds, LEL
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>links to TV Tropes
>calls others immature
Just hurry up and kill yourself m8.
It's better off not finding out.
So many of the retards are in their 30s with jobs that make you fear for the future of the human race.
takes one to know one cockgobbler
you don't like it make your own thread you 14 year old autist
>being this mad over mild criticism

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I miss happy Exalted threads.

The saddest thing is I don't remember E2-era threads ever being so slow and prone to dying as the ones we have now.
That's because E2 era threads were almost nonexistent. It didn't have a dedicated general or anything.
What? No there was an exalted general up and running well before the leaks came out. I vaguely remember them going back almost as far as /tg/ did back when we had archives that actually went back that far.

>>53802787 is right, you know.
Speaking of 2e era threads, has anyone ever fought the deathlords in those games? How did that even work?
Deathlords had the retarded "All Abyssal and Solar charms" so they were a bitch to do anything with RAW. My groups just houseruled that shit out and gave them badass Solar/Abyssal builds.
Yeah I know that part, I'm just thinking someone somewhere out there had to give it a shot anyways. Particularly with some of the dreams of the first age material in mind.
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>How did that even work?

It didn't unless you basically stripped away all of their rules. As written, they're unstoppable because they have more motes than anything else and all of the dumbest shit they could ever stack on one creature without just going "lol they're so strong they have no stats and you just lose if you ever confront it" like games used to do back in the 80's.
Re-requesting that someone post the spoiled warstrider tree

>TFW the spoiled Warstrider is stated to be a cross between Evangelion 01 and Numidium
I know what neither of those things are. What exactly does this mean?
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Warstriders are going to be living berserker mechs that eat their enemies to gain power.
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Karvara itself is going to be able to speak a single syllable of anti-language which negates reality in front of it.

Go outside, find a brick wall or very large rock and punch it for 4-5 hours.

Exactly what fighting a Deathlord in 2e is like.
Except the brick wall is made of knives.
And hate.
evangelon is an anime, numidium is the dwarf-made "brass god" from elderscrolls, features heavily in the ending to the daggerfall game
this reminds me, did that guy ever post his 2e from scratch custom 'themed' deathlord charms awhile back?
Yes, though the secret weakness was almost invariably invoked or the Deathlord made stupid tactical choices
There were occasional Exalted threads here and there but not a dedicated general IIRC
There was a dedicated Exalted General back then, but they weren't quite as regularly up or with a regular OP splash. So, yes, but also no.
Man the charm spoiler days really were alot of fun, even if each new one could set off a new shittorm. Anyone have the date of the second leak? I'd like to see the reactions to that as well
Can't recall, though I want to say maybe a year passed?
I'm not even the OP I just like seeing if I can get things to escalate

In that case, carry on.
How would you stat Cluivnarihe from Keychain or Creation?
Post more Abyssal waifus pls.

What does Cluivnarihe do? From what I remember she can transform between a sword and bow, and talk shit.
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Abyssals aren't fit for waifu's, because every time you give them a solid dicking they cause a city wide abortion.
only a problem if you want babies
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But thats not the only problem. Three words: Vaginal grave rot
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And next to that, all the noise. Do you have any idea how much noise a skeleton army makes? All that rattling and chattering? They don't look deathly because of their Exaltion, they look that way because they haven't had a good night's sleep in years.
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Looks like another downside is Micheal Jackson face.
This just in:

Vance will put obese fatties into the game so tumblerinas won't feel bad about being fat.

Are you not down with the thiccness, anon? Also, sauce?
Can he start putting retards into the game so Morke and Holden won't feel bad?

>Do y'all have any plans to introduce more Exalts down the line with varying body shapes? The setting's surely already got enough guys with rock-hard abs and girls whose only body fat is on their chests, right? Can we see a soft belly that isn't Sesus Nagezzar's?

>Yes, representing a diverse variety of body types is something that's important to us. You'll see this starting with the new signature Dragon-Blooded characters.

>I really appreciate this, by the way, thank you. It's not that I dislike Nagezzar - he's great - it's just that, frankly, we need more Exalts who lack an action-movie-protagonist physique, since otherwise people will make it their headcanon that "an Exalt only gets fat if there's something wrong with them." (Yecch! Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.)
I'm going to regret asking for sure, but... details? Links?
>so tumblerinas won't feel bad about being fat.
-Or he's trying to appeal to guys with a fat fetish...

I'm just saying.
I'm not too bothered by the idea (a Wood Aspect with the physique of an old-school fertility goddess is something that absolutely should be), but it bugs me that this is really just another virtue-signaling call-and-response session. I'm just glad Vance generally refrains from bringing it up outside of direct queries.
A: As a Storyteller, you can easily change the BMI and looks of a character without it influencing the story at large.
B:He's talking about different body types, not specifically hyper fat people. There are other body types that easily fit within exalted that could work. (I'm not saying they're going to go with reasonable choices, just that there are options.)
>"an Exalt only gets fat if there's something wrong with them."
This is such a nonsense sentence. Being fat is 'something being wrong with them' already. I mean, I don't mind a chubby Lunar or anything as long as it's a badass kind of chubby with muscles underneath (like a sumo ringer or something.)
Perfectly spherical 400kg DBs with custom 'roll over and flatten the enemy' charms when?
sorry anon, that'd have to be an exigent.

Anon don't you know? There is nothing wrong with fat people? They are able-bodied, dexterous as fit people. It is just body-shamming . Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Those 80 pounds of body fat doesn't do anything to handicap them in any way.
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Only if they can form an avalanche of Dragonbloods rolling down the hills like giant boulders of fat destruction.

I can also see a kind of Maitreya type figure if they want go all the way with it. Might not have the highest physicals in the world though.
Mortal ears will only understand the most profane version of fuck you when this happens
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And it will be the last thing entire armies of mortals will hear.
Someone with low physical attributes is out of shape and therefore it's reasonable to them to be overweight. But ultimately the Dragon Blooded (whether part of Lookshy or the Realm) are a warrior culture and there is probably a heavy onus on people keeping in shape. But unless there is a tradition of sumo wrestlers in the Realm, it seems unlikely you'd be seeing very many obese people with high physical attributes.
Nah see they all virtue break around that one place that serves the really good cakes. The Dragon Blooded all wake up a day later completely spherical.
>>Yes, representing a diverse variety of body types is something that's important to us. You'll see this starting with the new signature Dragon-Blooded characters.
Wow, that sure is something. No wait, it's actually nothing. Nothing worth discussing, nothing worth getting upset about. The guy worried about people thinking that there's something wrong with fat people seems kind of dumb - I weight more than I should myself, and it's a consequence of laziness and probably a cause of future health issues - but Vance's position seems completely reasonable.

Yeah the only thing that I can think of is completely non-physical Exalts or Lunars with particular totem animals.


The place run by a Twilight with a jealously protective Lunar mate?
The twilight sells the cakes that the Lunar sits in the back baking all day. The Lunar doesn't get much for it but it's all worth it to see her honey bunny smile right? Right? She has to protect that smile.
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>fucking tumblr fatties want to see fat Exalt's

I'm a huge fat fuck myself but even I know that would be extremely unrealistic. Fatties don't Exalt unless they're DB's (because lol genetics), because fatties have no potential.
Sauce of that pic? I'm asking for the purposes of scientific research of course.
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>it's all worth it to see her honey bunny smile right? Right? She has to protect that smile.

A romantic, heartfelt tale of a Lunar giving all of her love to her mate, whether it's wanted or not.
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No idea. I never bother with sauce for my pics. I just collect'em, thousands of them.
Yandere stalker Lunar best Lunar
The fuck are you talking about dude. Are you saying I can't make a fat cigar-smoking crimelord? Are you saying I can't make a bulky ass wrestler who clinches titans? Are you saying I can't make a chubby, pasty-ass twilight who's a master scholar? Fat people exalt same as anyone else, physical fitness isn't the only criteria for an exaltation.
Yeah, this. There's nothing inherently wrong with the IDEA of it. It's the REASONS for it that are bothersome; relegating them to just tick marks on a quota.
Stats don't have any correlation to physical appearance in Exalted because of magic. You could be morbidly obese and still have 5 dots in every attribute.
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You shouldn't have looked at that Dragonblooded.
Wait a second, this raises a metaphysics question out of no where
Would the various body types have gods associated with them? Is that how things work?
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>mfw max dex with explosive charms.
I don't give a rat's ass about the reasons why they're doing it so long as the products of it enrich the setting and make sense in the context of the setting. I wouldn't care about a lack of it, either, but why they're doing it isn't even a fraction as important as how.
"LAUGH AND GROW FAT" Charms when
>I don't give a rat's ass about the reasons why they're doing it so long as the products of it enrich the setting and make sense in the context of the setting.

The reasons they're doing it bother me specifically BECAUSE simple quota-ticking can lead to things that neither enrich the setting nor make much sense in its context.
I trust Minton enough as a setting writer that I think they won't just do quota-ticking. Not to mention that anthropology and exploration of culture is a big focus in Exalted, so something like a society that has some weird gender expression or third gender thing going on isn't out of place in-setting, really.

The problem would be when you end up with a world where such expressions are universal and there's no real variety between cultures, but I trust the writers not to fall into that trap.
Let's hope so.

>TFW Abusing Arcane Fate to NTR your Lunar nemesis, causing her to lash out at her Solar mate

And they say being part of the Bronze Faction is dangerous.
Exalted has a long history of good treatment of this stuff to draw on, too. The Delzahn are a culture with very strict gender divides: Either you are a man, or you are a woman. But there's a unique twist on it: wearing grey. The thing is, is that it's not the freewheeling kind of loosey goosey idpol bullshit where you're whatever gender you claim to be, it's a shared tradition among that people that comes with strict social requirements. A male who wears grey is female, sure, but you must act the part. It's a handling of these kind of issues in a mature and well-considered way.
Yeah, that's really exactly how that kind of stuff should be handled.

We've also been told that there will be at least one transgender DB sorcerer and a satrap who is gender non-binary, that said. But hopefully those characters will be sufficiently interesting where it'll still feel natural and not like you're looking at tick marks.
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>SJW shit thrown in to appeal to the loud extreme minority
Which should be a concern, I agree, but here's hoping it'll be unfounded.
Do they have different courtesan castes in the Realm, like in Japan?
So outside of combat stuff, what were some of the craziest charm combos you saw in 2e?
Not that I remember. There are sure to be courtesans, but I don't think there's any particulaly formal or strictly defined culture around them.

>I don't think there's any particulaly formal or strictly defined culture around them.

Someone didn't read the 1e whore Dragonblooded whose speciality was having sex.
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>Sufficient Velocity has a large and inclusive exalted fanbase always willing to help you discover new groups.

And he wonders why we ragged on him.
How does a "whore whose specialty is having sex" count as a formal and/or strictly defined culture of courtesans?

No, but I think something like the White Veil would count.
The only larger Exalted I could see is like a Merchant Prince or Super-Scholar, but even then it would be less obese and more Strongfat.
I wouldn't mind to much if we get some sumo types. Crazy muscles under thick layering. Perfect for cracking heads and belly bouncing.

That and a pig/cow Lunar just for the jokes.
This is what Earth Dragon Style should be. Either that or a reworked Jade Mountain Style.
Hey, what happened to that melee charm that let you defend other against anyone in short range?
Its on page 346-347?
man I hope the next batch of martial arts are good.
Okay, I have a question: how and why would anyone ever want to run Exalted?

The rules are not easy to get into and there is an overabundance of CHARMS everywhere. Would it not be easier to use XP to get additional dots in attributes and skills as well as buying feats (charms) that let you reroll certain things?

It would probably cut away so much in the mess that are charm trees and shit.
>Okay, I have a question: how and why would anyone ever want to run Exalted?

Because of the charms. Its why I started playing and why I still run Exalted to this day.
Okay, I have a question: how and why would anyone ever want to run D%d 3.5 or Pathfinder?

The rules are not easy to get into and there is an overabundance of spells, feats, and prestige classes everywhere.

Honest answer from someone who hates the overwhelming crunch of the system: Because the setting is really good, and unfortunately the system is built around the Charms which are the very basis of the exalted themselves. It'd be very hard to run Exalted without the Charms system and still feel like an Exalted game. It's just a shame that the system for every edition sucks and is needlessly complicated.
I find the crunch easy and kind of nice, but different people like different things.
How would you stat a serving of Sweet Sundae Ramen as a Craft (Cooking) project?
I require a houserule to prevent my players from amassing tons of artifacts at no real cost (either by looting, stealing, or crafting).
Following are two possible houserule, maybe I will apply one, maybe both (both based on previous discussions in /exg/):

1) Artifact weaponry (and armor) gets no bonus factors - a mundane sword and a daiklave are the same in pure stats, but a daiklave won't break as easily and has Evocations. Maybe every Artifact gets a generic Evocation on Essence 2 that gives it a round-long bonus or something for late game fun.

2) "Stolen" artifacts (that includes killing the bearer and looting the artifact in question) are unhappy with their new user and give them some kind of mechanical disadvantage - maybe additional Limit, or limiting essence gain in combat, or something like that.
What are problems with those changes? Is it a good idea to make players both be okay with mundane weapons (at least for the first session or so) and to prevent them from murderhobo-style looting every Dragonblooded with Jade weaponry that just happens to be in the same region as them?
The mote commitments for artifacts is already a pretty big cost to lugging around too many of them. There's really nothing too broken if the entire circle has an arti weapon + armour.
If you really feel it's getting out of hand bump up the mote commitments. You still want to make artifacts feel like they're special things in the world no just slightly better normal equipment.

As for the stolen artifacts I would suggest having them deal with heat coming down because someone see's a bunch of Dragonbloods getting killed for their jade.
if you combine both of those, the only artifacts worth having are crafted ones. so they'll just murderhobo across creation, killing DBs and breaking down their artifacts to make their own. also, be careful about removing the bonus factor for artifacts in combat, that'll hurt non solars more since they don't have access to cheap or efficient excellencies.
Sanctity of Merits, my man. Also yeah, attunement cost is the big barrier to hoarding a shitload of artifacts on your person.
Even if you min max, you start out with a maximum of 19 charms. You then at most gain one every other session, and that's assuming you have as much time to train as you need in between each session.
Furthermore, save for your supernal, you only need to worry about essence 1 charms for the first ten sessions, and don't need to worry about essence 3 until another fifteen sessions have passed.
That statue is clearly not comfortable with having a bridge in its mouth. I think this might be a dentist's appointment for it.
if they murderhobo around the land killing dragon-blooded sooner or later they're going to band together and do something about it, lol. that's a horrible thing to do, and the world will let them know. Just roll with it, and let the realistic consequences of their actions play out.

The fact that daiklaves are something people will kill for is a feature, and something for you to also keep in mind as a GM.

Now open wide and say CHIM.

>Sufficient Velocity
you're too slow
What's good for gotta go fast in 3e anyway?
Athletics charms, sorcery, artifact vehicles.

Faster Than Self Technique seems to be the last word in "You're too slow" shittery.

Not unless they overhaul the rules for them entirely.
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You don't really need any house rules for this, the attunement costs alone are more than enough.

>and to prevent them from murderhobo-style looting every Dragonblooded with Jade weaponry that just happens to be in the same region as them

Thats gonna happen most likely anyway, probably not even due to artifacts, and it usually escalates to war, because by the time you've killed every DB in an area you're usually standing alone in a bloody throne room of satrapy. Welcome to Exalted.

They're fine as is.

Unless you're talking about Steel Devil anywho.

Aren't Mantis and Golden Janissary going into the DB splat?

Not with that Merit surcharge, closed styles, and some styles being notably weaker.

What's wrong with closed styles that can't be fixed with Evocations?
>slapping a bandage on an issue will surely fix it!

And thats how you know you've got a shitty rule. For all the sacred cows and old lore they spent their time slaying, they really didn't go and get rid of some of the few that really needed to be tossed into the trash heap for the betterment of the game. Instead, they kept it nearly the same, and added a surcharge to it to boot.

Well obviously you're not going to use the same Evocation across multiple Artefacts, but how many characters do you want to give the new charm to?

Oh for fucks sake, you again?

We've been over this several threads.

- The merit surcharge is stupid yes. Pretty much no one will disagree on that.

- Aside from Steel Devil and possibly White Reaper, all of the MA's are pretty good in terms of overall power with some out liars existing (Single Point, Snake)

- Nevermind the fact the book states it's possible to go on secret quests to discover lost techniques, let's assume that bit didn't exist (Because it seems you ignore anything doesn't match with your viewpoint anyways). Virtually all the damn styles in themselves are very damn strong when played to their strengths. Single Point has the highest burst point damage in the game with only Brawl or Melee coming close, Tiger can constantly belt out brutally strong decisive attacks with the capstone, Snake can dispatch opponents without needing to reset initiative, Black Claw can make a hero into a villain within the span of a scene (something which social charms even have a hard time doing), Crane with its bonkers form, I could go on.

>But they suck compared to native combat charms!

They're amazing for people who have a secondary combat focus or for people who know what they're doing. Righteous Devil can pretty good with Archery for example. Pound for pound MA charms are stronger than native charms (Usually by their own, but most definitely by the time you get the entire set). For those who have a secondary combat focus then Martial Arts allows their main method of fighting to be purchased with Solar XP. This is huge as it allows people to remain pretty good in combat without sacrificing their primary niche, be it Social, Intelligence, Athletics, whatever the fuck.

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>But MA has giant holes in it!

That's been intentional since 1e. Martial Arts express a facet of combat, one which you can do pretty damn well. If you have a martial art that has a big flaw (EX: Crane with damage) then you can learn another MA to help cover the weaknesses. If you pair Crane with Snake, then not only your damage issues are solved but you can now also dispatch opponents without even harming them. Tiger and Ebon Shadow go pretty damn well together assuming you can afford the STR and DEX needed.

Buying up a whole new ability kinda sucks yes, no way around that barring houserules, but as you said you don't want bandaids.

>You said you needed native charms to support them! They can't stand on their own! Which means they suck!

Again, something that has been around since 1e. Martial Arts have always been something which encourages you to supplement your style with native charms. It was how you can tell the difference between a Sidereal Master vs a Solar Master. Very often this is Resistance or Dodge in order to help survive, but with styles such as White Reaper/Single Point/Steel Devil you can also go into melee if you want (Though if you are using the latter you may as well just use melee). Hell if anything a master martial artist will even have the edge on a person without MA as more than likely by the time they have mastered the style that means they'll probably have 9-10 combat charms with 9-10 supporting combat charms vs the ability user with 9-10 combat charms only. It'll be an uphill battle for the latter unless they are VERY specific in their charm selection and build. Don't you dare mention artifacts and evocations, because as you said that's a band-aid! Or hell even if we allowed it, the martial artist could just as easily get it and still have an attunement bonus that could help him out too.
>Oh for fucks sake, you again?


>it's another "Anon thinks everyone is the same guy" adventure

Oh boy.
Different guy, but there was someone being quite dense about this very topic with almost the exact same points, ignoring everything that was said in response. This was maybe a couple of weeks ago.

So much so I was tempted to write up something that would have been very similar to the two posts that were just made. So if you aren't the same guy, don't do what he did, read what was said and don't assume what you feel should be the case is objective fact when it's more personal taste.
In the Celestial Directions Yu-Shan, it says only Abyssals can't really be charged with crimes, as unlike other Celestial Exalts, they are not considered the servants of the Incarne, even by the largest extention.

So what about Infernals? Were infernals not yet made when this book as written and they would be like the Infernals, or since the Yozi surrendered themselves to the Incarne they may apply too? I mean Haven has an embassy in Malefas.
I like One Extra Step. As the charm is ruled, I picture some weird time shenanigan where you are literally faster than the time of a turn.

Like, you can take a super slow movement action where you casually stroll in front of your opponent, and then take another one where you casually stroll behind it in the same turn. He'd see some weird jerking of motions and speed that shouldn't be here, because, well, you're slow, but you're also fast.
I can see Malfeas standing under the authority of Heaven, at least partially. The Yozis probably agreed to terms and conditions as they surrendered themselves, and it seems that an agent of the Yozi that acts in violation of these terms would naturally be prosecutable in Heaven. Malfeas is, after all, Heaven's Prison.

Considering the singular nature of said prison, I don't see Heaven's authority extending much past those things I've mentionned, though. As I understand it, most of Malfeas still abides by the Old Law of Cecelyne.
This is on point because the immediate answer is
"I only keep track of the feats and spells that are relevant to my game".

Exalted doesn't have a conventional class system to enforce character archetypes but self-enforcement usually works.
>most of Malfeas still abides by the Old Law of Cecelyne.
That's more like the New Law of Cecelyne, isn't it? Laws of Hell aren't the laws of the old, unmutilated Primordials. They're more like Cecelyne's equivalent to Malfeas banging his layers together.

Infernals, by implication, would not be able to. They're not subject to the oaths their Yozi masters are subject to. Also, they're Outside Fate, if I recall correctly. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Speaking of, is it still going to be only 64 pages? It seems like a lot of ground to cover in just that much room.
>that's a horrible thing to do, and the world will let them know
that worked so good during the First Age, didn't it?

But this time, the Solars have experience...
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>Exalted doesn't have a conventional class system to enforce character archetypes

Castes are literally your class though. And in 3E they're more restrictive than ever because your Supernal is your big thing, and chances are most people are going to invest heavily in it, and certain things are now 100% certainty because of how Supernals work-You can't be a fighty Twilight anymore for example, because a Supernal Dawn IS the fighty character, period, and anyone else will lose out in trying to match such a thing until they've got a few hundred EXP under their belt, etc.
Its over 100+ pages now last I saw.
Read the rest of what I said.
A Caste isn't a hard restriction like a Class if it was a Twilight wouldn't be able to touch Melee charms at all but it informs what a character is going to be good at to a large extent.

The point is that a lot of the charms in the book need not concern you anymore than what a prestige class none of your D&D PCs are interested in can do.

Isn't be all end all though. I mean the difference between a Twilight and a Dawn is fairly big but a lot closer than other tabletop RPG's which is like Bard in melee vs a Warblade.

Why is it bad that the dedicated combat caste is the best at combat? The basic entry level charms or favouring Martial Arts are more than enough against most foes.
Exalted newbie here, so forgive the question.

How big is Creation? I've heard everywhere from "Earth-sized" to "8 times Earth", on top of the fact that First Age Creation was bigger due to the Wyld not pressing in so intensely?

Additionally, I plan on GMing it soon, any advice?
It has roughly the same *total* area as Earth, but significantly more of that area is dry land.

Thats not a bad thing. I am all in favor of specialized roles, I prefer them because it tends to give players something definitive to work with. However, you're kidding yourself if you really think the baseline E1 charms are going to protect you VS someone actually specialized in putting their foot into peoples asses.

>Additionally, I plan on GMing it soon, any advice?

I did make a guide for people like you. Dunno how useful it'd be, but at least it's better that the 3e core's nothing.

They'll keep you alive long enough for the Dawn Caste to get there.
>In the Celestial Directions Yu-Shan, it says only Abyssals can't really be charged with crimes, as unlike other Celestial Exalts, they are not considered the servants of the Incarne, even by the largest extention.
>So what about Infernals? Were infernals not yet made when this book as written and they would be like the Infernals, or since the Yozi surrendered themselves to the Incarne they may apply too? I mean Haven has an embassy in Malefas.
"So you're saying that you are outside the law, that it does not apply to you in any way? Wouldn't that make you a literal outlaw?"
Wew I think I signed up for a suicide mission to GM Exalted, from the looks of that.
"No I'm the representative for the laws of the demon city Malfeas in creation. I AM THE LAW!"

I find it pretty easy to do as time goes on.
Question about the lore: What the fuck is a Devil Tiger? I know it lets Abysals give the finger to the Yozis, but nothing else. What is it and how does it work?
It's basically a Infernal who has become enlightened as to what an Exaltation with primordial juice means. They're basically a baby Yozi who with time can devolp into a full power one and keep growing beyond that.

Also something something might be the thing mentioned by the Book of the Broken Winged Crane as the beings greater then the primordials ever were.
>They're basically a baby Yozi
Jesus, what does that even look like? I mean, weren't the Yozis kinda like giant living planets and shit?
Devil Tigers have an inner world inside themselves once they get a certain charm. They're pretty crazy.
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>So what about Infernals?

Infernals are probably an "OH SHIT" moment that immeadiately triggers Heaven going into "scour several realities to remove them from existence and figure out exactly how the fuck these imprisoned assholes managed to shit out Exalt's before they do it again".
First they would try to have the Yozi's recall them. When that doesn't work because they have actual free will Ketchup Carjack starts screaming because FUCKING YOZIS ARE DOING THE COME BACK TOUR!
It comes from a Charm in Broken Winged Crane called Triumphant Howl of the Devil-Tiger. It does basically what >>53864970 describes.
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Devil Tigers have their own world bodies inside their own souls as per >>53865038. The also create their own third circle demons from themselves who are infallibly loyal to the infernal. The 3CDs then go on to create their own 2CDs as normal. He is also technically his own Fetich Soul. The Infernal creates his own Yozi charmset based off of himself, and reconfigures his anima power, his caste abilities, his Act of Villainy, and Urge. He may have one of his demons learn to create Akuma to enslave other Exalts.
>A combat specialist will dominate someone with a basic set of combat charms

Quite the revelation.
>devolp into a full power one and keep growing beyond that.

stronger in some ways(iirc mostly in that they stay human enough to be a bit flexible rather then being totally bound to their concept) but much weaker in others such as their motepool staying only in the solar max rather than the 1k personal motes from cosmic principle
more relevant is that the combat specialist now HAS to be a dawn where in 2e you *could* make a fighty twilight or eclipse(2e's problem on the other hand was that the fighty twilight or eclipse was *better* than a dawn because favoring all the weapon skills vs favoring just the one you use gimped dawns)

If the Caste abilities were not utterly terrible, you could make a combat Night.

But for some reason, Nights only get stealth stuff when you can make a Night who didn't even take it as a caste ability this edition.

They really should have made it wider so it works for masters of disguise, spymasters who can read a room at a glance or prince of Persia acrobats too. Not just ninjas.
>What is an Athletics Supernal Night?
>Combat ability
Thunderbolt Attack Prana is essence 1.

Dodge is better for combat Nights (And pretty good).

I was more talking about how the Night Caste abilities are generally pretty terrible unless you play a very specific subset of Night and 'Combat Night' isn't really one of them.
How hard to break are the five magical materials?
The books seem to describe them as basically indestructibly, but they can't be totally unaltered by outside forces because they can be forged. What's the approximate feat of strength rating required to snap a 3-dot daikave in half?
It's also a wonderful Charm, and one pof the reasons why it's entirely possible to make a competent combatant with Essence 1 combat Charms. If you want to be not just a competent combatant but a particularly dedicated combatant, you'll go for the combat Caste. This is, pretty obviously, not in any way a problem, unless you consider the existence of Castes a problem in itself. Now, I' probably prefer Exalted without Castes, or at least Exalted where not every type of Exalt has Castes, but if they are going to exist, they should mean something.
I'd have it require a "break fucking anything" Charm, personally.
>What is a Larceny + Stealth specialist who starts battle with 30+ initiative and launches a massive, one-hit-kill Decisive attack before their opponent can even take an action.
I'd just remix old 2e rules. Have it be a very high feat of strength, something in the twenties or maybe thirties depending on the dot rating, and more importantly the feat takes several minutes to complete. That might seem like it's high, but keep in mind that with all the feat of strength charms you can roll in the 40's pretty regularly.

Yea Night's are great.

Can I get that build?
Wait where? On the schedule thing?
Ask the devs thread. Somewhere in there. Its pages and pages back.
Well at least niskkira makes searching that easier
how did your last character die, /exg/?
Fighting a Deathlord with an N/A Artifact in 2e. The game was over anyway and felt like going out with a bang. Nothing since then but I have mostly been running games.
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>try to answer question
>literally cannot think of a time when a PC of mine has actually died other than one time where I literally threw a fight just so I could change over to a new character because my old was boring me
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