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Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

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Thread replies: 625
Thread images: 140

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Whole lotta Diddely edition

>Previously on /40kg/

>Warhammer 40k 8th Edition: "Leak" Compilation

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>40k rules reference in wiki format:

>Latest GW teases:

>Latest GW FAQs:

>8th edition FAQ:
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>mfw markerlights can reduce armor saves in 8th
What is that? It is barely recognisable as human
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Say goodbye to Dark Angels and Black Templars
>buy the dark angels upgrade sprue for a couple of bits I needed for some guard conversions
>use the leftovers to make actual marines
>now have 5 dark angels sitting on my desk
What the fuck do I do with them?

I legit thought that was a dude, but the hairband proved me wrong.
Can they afford to be that homophobic in current year?
>but keep your eyes open for the new edition
Well thats ominous.
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USA here just waking up, did I miss anything good lads?
they're space catholics, monks and crusaders

Also, confirmed that manletrines (not Primaris) will get new kits. They aren't squat'd.
source: Charlo, B&C

As if I didn't need anymore reasons to be deeby goncearnd.

It doesn't.

If you don't wear a fucking bin-bag all day and praise Allah you're fucking waycist.

Did you not get the memo anon?
I'm gonna be in Amsterdam when 8th drops, does anyone know if they sell English books at the GW there?
What about in Germany?
>Thinking GW is turning SJW just because they said to some guy to keep his eyes open for a new edition fun for everyone
Literally an answer to shut him up and look concerned for his ideals at the same time

They should have just called her a sub-human and then sent the Inquisition.
Woah, so epic xD

t. Muslim semen slurper
female ogryn
Yeah there are no dutch codexes. Probably because everyone here know english. No clue about the germans
Sorry, I'm just a normal guy who realizes that anti-sjws are just as bad as their sworn enemies and should be all ran over multiple times
>They're both terrible! Look at how superior I am staying in the middle
Fuck off fence sitter.
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Has GW ever reprinted old transfer sheets? It doesn't seem like it would be hard to do. I want to make a house Griffith detachment but good fucking luck finding the original knight transfer sheet these days.

No you're supporting pandering.

If someone doesn't like something they should build a counter argument rather then just complain and expect the other person to change because 'mug feelings'.
Fence sitters are even worse than both sides combined.
I'm no fence sitter lmfao, I'm actually heavily opposed to mass immigration as I live in a country that is slowly being fucked up by immigrants. You don't have to be a fence sitter or a leftie to realize that some dumb nerd on a 40k general calling for an exterminatus xD might just be your average Imperial Guard player that spouts memes all the times and generally looks like shit. I mean, you might be no rapefugee but at the same time you don't look like an example of a human being lmfao
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What do I do to thank my painting buddy for being such a great friend and making painting so much more enjoyable together, anons?
I didnt know I posted my fucking picture here but okay whatever.
How is avoiding a question and giving someone a standard response pandering? It's no different than having a complaint with someone and getting the "Thanks for your feedback, we value our customers' opinions". Sure, looks nice and it might feel like they care about you, but in reality they don't give a shit and just want you to shut the fuck up.
Just look at the GW facebook page, it's full of these kind of people and they never addressed their issues. They just reply this way and be done with it.

Who wears that out in public? I'm a fat motherfucker and I at least wear a button up shirt and pants with a belt.
Buy them a Warlord.
Depends on the weather, but yeah isnt warhammer fest in fucking britain, country of perpetual rain and misery?
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Ok one of you must know what I'm talking about.

There's a french comic that looks like 40K, it's got robot dinosaurs with flags on them.
It gets posted on /tg/ all the time.

What the fuck is it called?
Gib boipuccy
Weather's pretty hot and humid by our standards today.
Oh that was just a one off thing but you're probably thinking about Requiem: Chevalier Vampire.
So its 12 degrees today huh?
Why does chaos only fuck with humans? What the fuck is their problem seriously
Tau are null, Eldar are hiding, Crons Nids and Orks aren't gonna get culty any time soon
They fuck with the Eldar too, and probably plenty of the smaller races, but a lot of shit in the universe is just under the radar or immune
>Tau souls are too small
>Nids are fucking Nids
>Necrons are robots
>Orks are protected by Gork and Mork and not even Khorne is willing to go up against those two madmen
Chaos are just cunts, who can't be defeated and will eventually win regardless and Humans are fast breeding psychic punching bags. So they go perfectly together.

But the eldar also get fucked by chaos regularly
Why are dreads so fucking stupid looking? Worst units in 40k easily.
>Who wears that out in public?

Only real scum actually attend conventions if they're not being paid to be there.
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please accept this as tribute.
I've been looking for that all day.
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But I'm not sure if he would like a gift like that, anon. Do I try anyways?
Actually been pretty damn nice recently, glorious sunny breeze for maximum comfy levels. It's wierd, I'm wondering if there's some kind of massive storm going on over the med or something to balance out the universe.
How long until someone puts a massive lascannon dick on that thing? Or maybe an Earthshaker?
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Luckily we came prepared.
Humans are the easiest race to corrupt and subvert to the chaos gods' designs. Least effort required and most profitable for them.
Depends if you're a smug anime girl irl
Ka'bandha just suplexed Leviathan so he could warn the Blood Angels to watch out for him.
>it can kamikaze the fuck out of the battlefield
that's pretty fucking cool
God damnit, unless the rules are super good, i'll never get this.
Why is Khorne the most popular Chaos God in the fluff/games etc?

He's so boring and one note.
>Buying a model you don't like for a bunch of abstract rules that could change at any moment
Because edge
he's the most showcased because he's simple

he's one of the most popular because he's the most showcased

in the end relatively to the amount of exposure nurgle is the most popular god
He's the strongest thematically.
Because he's a thrash metal album cover.
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As unfortunate as it may be, I don't look like that. Is it hopeless for me?
Does this mean that GW will make their own kit for the Chaos Leviathan Dread or will it still be FW conversion only? What do you think?
I really want to like the model, but it looks so stupid. It's like twice as wide as it should be.

I see they were trying to go for for the same look as the first one they made.

Still looks like shit though. This whole 'nu-marines at two different scales' is a mistake.
It'll be a FW thing, since this was from a preview of updated FW rules.
FW only of course.
It only happens on a roll of a 6 inflicting up to 3 mortal wounds per UNIT that are within 6"
It's barely noticeable even against most elite units (with the exception being Grey Knights and Tzeentch daemons), while horde armies don't even notice it
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Does anyone know of any archive for old White Dwarf issues? Looking for PDFs of issue 296 and 298

just gib him company then, also bring sneks
Is there a tutorial to paint the new Death Guards like they are in the pictures they have been showing?
Master Dunc will do one when the set is released.
Duncan will probably do one after the release.
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Humans are the blessed people of Chaos, their chosen servants among impure xenos breed.
He's actually got some kinda cool lore about honor in combat, but most of the time it's because it fits the chaos stereotype: big, red and angry. There's a reason death and war are more popular than plague and famine.
That is unfortunate. Maybe FW will at least make a chaos version then.
I love Duncan.
Who the fuck doesnt anon? He's teaching me how to paint one video at a time.
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Is there no other way? No satanic rituals I can use to be cute or something so that I can at least thank him in some way?
Eh, those wounds stacks up on the morale phase.
Holy fuck I just realized Grey Knights are gonna be fucking terrifying

>2W termies
>force swords are AP-3 Dd3
>the wrist-mounted guns are probably gonna be able to be fired in close combat
>everyone's a psyker, so enjoy D3 mortal wound spam
>plus whatever S/T boosts psychic powers give them
>their special assault cannons and other guns will be useful now
>Paladins are potential 4 wounds
>not to mention whatever the ungodly damage a nemesis hammer will be

hory fuck the Wardknights will be good again, not to mention the potentially W12+ dreadknight
>assault cannon
>two stormbolters
>missile pod
>heavy flamer
Well, thats not overkill at all
Thats not an assault cannon though.
Yes, there is one secret ritual we have.
Buy him a beer.
It is most effective in male company.
>Why is the war god so prominent in this war game setting
We may never know, anon.
or, buy 2
Yeah, it's probaly gonna be called
>mk.IV B.Cawl pattern boltstorm autoripper suppression gun
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Oh shit, not to mention deep strike will potentially smack down an army of shimmering steel turn 1.

Plus whatever super primaris marines they get
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Thanks, anons.
Iyanden or Ulthwe for Eldar?
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Enjoy anon.
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Isn't Biel Tan now gone though?
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I'm really curious how scarab occult will perform in 8th. so far I liked the ne rubricae, only thing that bummed me out was a 5++ instead of the old 4++
(well it's 4++ against 1d weapons). and sofar the psychic phase is a bit lackluster, for now. hop there are some cool TS powers to be revealed and cool and fluffy rules for picrelated. also aspiring sorcerers seem to suck, again. can't wait for more stuff.
That trigger discipline
Wrist-stormbolters arent going to give pistol-bonuses since the point of wristmount is just give them way to carry them since GKs actually 2h their melee weapons in close combat.

>everyone's a psyker, so enjoy D3 mortal wound spam
You'll get your Banish and Hammerhand and you'll like it.

>Paladins are potential 4 wounds
Meganobz went from 2W -> 3W so its quite likely that Paladins are 3W too. Makes them quite tough thou.

>not to mention whatever the ungodly damage a nemesis hammer will be
If I have to guess its better than Thunderhammer which is better than powerfist. So probably S:2x ap-4 Dd6 -1 to hit in melee.
So, all models are able to shoot ALL their weapons in 8th.

How fucked are tyranids? They only have one kind of weapon equipped and how are they supposed to get into combat when they got shot into bits?
Global rules on wounding and armour saves plus their speed should mean they get in easier
Entire armies launching their attack from Trygon tunnels, Drop spores / Outflanking + GSC Ambush

The enemy fucking better shoot all their guns, because when the Tyranid force shows up 9 inches away and the average movement is 6-8 they only have one turn to gun them all down.
You are underestimating the new rend mechanic.
They basically have 2+ armor now. Put them in cover and they have 2+ even against ap -1 weapons.

If you use weapons that do more damage to avoid their ability, you are wasting their potential because they have 1 wound each.

Use weapons with high ap? The invulnerable save comes into play.

Basically there is no good way to kill them.
Paint it tan and call it an XV something-something, and nobody would say it has too many guns.
>Heard about your craftworld bro
>That's a real ouchie bro.
Put it next to an ironclad, I want to mock it harder
>Basically there is no good way to kill them.



With overcharge and rerolls to 1's. Atleast Primaris Marines have ability to guide their fire and reroll 1's so I hope guard gets the same. Then you just sneak into 12"/15" range and fire at will.

You need 12 shots of BS4 plasmaguns to kill a 5can squad of rubricae
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You don't like a god of murder, war and blind rage who protects little children and old hags because muh honor?
>maybe if you'd ever been in a real space battle you wouldn't be so keen to be in another.
Nu-marines with all plasma is gonna be expensive as fuck though. like 250+ surely when they all hve 2 wounds and such
>muh honor
>noo don't kill innocents I don't want their skulls their blood is icky
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I am Alpharius
We know their costs, it's gonna be 200.
Dear god, the Kataphrons or Plasma Calivers are going to be insane, since they can pull reroll 1s out of a few places. 3d6 S8 AP-4 D2 hits, anyone?

I hope they don't go Shadow Wars on us and leave Admech plasma as a shitty version of a regular plasma gun locked to Overcharge, though.
Just do 10 and hope for the battleshock.
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>Whines about racism and supremacy of the patriarchy.
>Profile picture is a woman wearing a burka.

Really makes my zoggin' fink
fuck, these things are cringewhorty but I can't stop looking at them

where are the ones where they ride on a tank or a tyrannofex, I remember they did those too years ago
I'm I the only one who's bothered about the human sized grip on an astartes gun?
Actually you gain nothing by overcharging your plasma VS rubrics.
Statistically though uncharged Plasma is the only weapon that I've so far tested that they are worse against compared to Numarines.

The points costs have been leaked it's 200 points exactly.

>fuck off with your weak ass sacrifices and bring me the head of someone that's actually worth a damn
>who cares if you accidentally kill some innocents along the way though
Sjw invade our hobbies and attack them. Anti sjw just want them to stfu and leave people alone. If you can't figure out which of those sides is more annoying... I'm not sure what to tell you.
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that's a great nurgle cosplay
>I'm I
*Am I
Can't into English for fuck's sake...
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Wow, some of these poxwalker cosplays are really good!

seriously though are there any photos of actual humans, what the fuck
>2+ to wound
>4+ invul becomes 5+

You gain a lil'
I don't understand why he didn't pose with the new weapons
Only advantage primaries get in shooting plasma is they are -4 instead of -3. Quite minor really.

Because the new weapons are for those wussy primaris faggots. Give him his trusty power fist and stormbolter any day.
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>why is muh hobby for unwashed nerds/neckbeards full of nerds and neckbeards???
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How would you feel seeing a full army of plasma gun Primaris marines with couple psyker HQs for detachment requirements?
That seems like a really good idea.
because he's an OG
Oh fuck, i just saw it fucks over psykers
My TSons do not want
>crimson fists
>using anything but their crimson fists and stormbolters
Nigger they dont have anything else to use after they blew up their own fortress.
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You take that back

Classic boxnaught is a masterpiece of design

>Expensive per shot 1 damage weapons
>If you go up to 2 damage 1 in 6 die

That'd crash and burn hilariously, please try it.
>still no faction focus for your army
I'm pretty sure the chainsword's handle has become somewhat hallucinogenic

people make strange expressions
10/10 model
Space Wizard...in a box
plasma guy got that lee mack thing going on
For starters it's only a 1/6 chance, second you can just keep it outside of 6" which isn't that hard.
>tfw primaris ancient
Newcrons are an abomination and deserve poor treatment
guns look silly
Well more like and egg.
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> Tau player
> Go WH fest with mom
Hard to get out of the mentality that your dreads just die in your deployment zone majority of the time
Question: the "imperium" keyword means that every cheeselord out there will be able to minmax their armies and fuck everybody in the ass with combinations of armies ignoring fluff?
I don't even know what to say here, especially with the next pic already in mind
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She's there so he doesn't get bullied by all the Space marine chads and Khornate heavy metal neckbeards
>takes care of his elders and his sept
>meanwhile marinebabies are snorting plastic crack in their basements
Do the right thing, kids. Join the greater good
last one

my littlest operator can't be this tacticool

Would still fuck
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> Daughter does plastic crack with you.

I want this as well.
One out of about four people in all those pics who knows how a scope works. Give that kid a Black Carapace.
>post yfw the new tank for space marines is called the roboute guilliman
>that faggot with shitty trigger discipline
Not even serf material desu
>Gran knows what she's doing
Get this bitch a black carapace
the thought of it made me feel physically sick.
Their plasmaguns are also 30" instead of 24" which is actually pretty big.
I've never got this. Refusing to go to extremes is now "fence sitting"? was called fucking common sense i thought.
>primaris marine pictured with an older battle brother
New Land Raider variant? Cool.
>primaris marine is more talented and qt than the manletmarines
Makes sense
Looks like a Land Raider Chassis
Khorne is metal as fuck. It's his whole point. Theres none of this "master plan in the making for 100000000 years!" shit either. just straight up fightin. thats cool
This pleases nurgle
I can't tell if that's a Land Raider or a Sicaran or some dual kit that tries to be both and ends up looking like shit.
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Looks like the lovechild of a Land Raider and a Predator
Will it be called a Land Cawler?
Land Raider. Back is the same height as the front and the tracks aren't wedge-shaped.
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Just don't try actually swinging the axe
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Is that really a kid or a woman that on her knee ?
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A kid at a toys convention
What's the issue
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are those new terminators and new librarian too?
Who cares I'm sure a lot of people in this thread would still fuck her.
Looks like regular stuff
We're worshipping boxes on cylinders, get your sphere on boxes heresy the fuck out of here.
Just asking.
the axe doesn't swing

the dread does
Cawl raider
An army with guardsmen, Marines and Inquisition will only have access to Imperial stratagems (the things you spend your CPs on).
An army with Iron Hands and Space Wolves (for some WAAC-combo) will have access to Imperial and Space Marine stratagems.
An army of pure Blood Angels will get access to Imperial, Space Marines, and Blood Angels stratagems.
That's how I understood the whole thing at least.
Invuls are unchanged by armor modifiers. That's why they're still there.
Posters: 69

Le sex number!!
you're just jealous of his curves
>An army with Iron Hands and Space Wolves
Will have access to Iron hands AND Space Wolves strats, but IH only affect IH and SW only effect SW
Are you new at this, Anon?
It would make more sense than Leman Russ who disdained Imperial Guard.
That looks more likean Avenger bolt cnnon than an assault cannon.

Though I'm not sure whether the size of the Fist mounted cannon on the trailer Dread is more assault cannon or rotor cannon sized

I believe he's an average person a lot more than I believe you aren't /pol/
I want to know if its old termies on background.
I see! thanks.
>not dangerously androgynous.

I don't see it.
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>that expression of absolute joy
This is what 8th has done, it's brought so much happiness already
Do we know the rules for Tyrannofex gun?
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Are there any more point-efficient Lords of War than this thing and it's big brother? They kinda tear through everything and can't be Deathblow killed at range. Tau'nar hasn't got shit.
Wait a sec, how does he swing that?
D6D6 s3 ap-4 hits
>Burning of Prospero has Mark III Guys in it
>I can finally do a chapter of marines that were in the early founding but got lost in the warp and are now terribly confused as to whats going on.
Slightly worse battlecannon.
Turning it's body, duh.
>heavy d3, str12 ap-3 dD6
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I wonder if the deathstrike will be worth considering now. I kinda want one for a tank company list.
Bluhd Ravenhs?!
>muh triguhh

They're clearly in combat
>Cawl Raider
>space sharks
They didn't get lost in the warp but they are second founding and disappear for sometimes thousands of years at a time just to show up, nuke a planet, then leave while playing Pacific Islander thrash metal at max volume
What is their reaction to their taller and better equipped brothers
So they're Merrill's Marauders in Space?
>Axe locks into lawnmower angle
>Begins spinning
>Servos screaming.
>Walks slowly through the mob of heretics
I'm wary of anything that's one use only, and I don't think they'll get rid of that since the that's its whole gimmick
Honestly wheeling an ICBM that can shot from continents away on to the battlefield not even ready to fire really hurts my autism
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man, this thing desperately needs the bell-bottoms that the leviathan got

fix those ankle joints and it'd look passable
Nah, was figuring some loyalist Iron Warrior remnants that finally got formally organized and set loose for maximum Special Snowflake.

Nah, I'm thinking something for myself so I can really grind home that "Look how special we are!" flavor.

Being bigger makes them a bigger target.
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>tfw no qt bolter queen gf to paint minis and go to warhammer cons with
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What do you guys drink while you hobby/play?
>pic related
>under age fags get fucked
Brothers we have shrunk!
reread rubrics pls
>IW Using numarines as cover
I love it
I swear to god the same 2 people spamming space sharks every single fucking time need to stop.
tell me you play at the portal comics and games in bethlehem
>Brother! Their armor is tougher than ours!
>Excellent, it means their corpses will leave us with a more fortified position!
>Pacific Islander thrash metal
Can we make this a thing so I can build a space shark army and play this at max volume
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Sorry desu-sempai-chan, I haven't been on this site for a week
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pic related. some times a nice cold northern german beer like jever.
I feel like its presence on the battlefield is more of a sign that things have been going to shit than something you would just bring with you to the front lines, like your army has been pushed back to the point where they're defending the continent scale big guns way in the back field now.

I'm sure it'll still be gimmicky, but maybe it'll at least be a fun gimmick.

Also want to know how this will work ... only hitting a single unit with it would be weird
Alcohol is haram m8, can't do that
As an artillery guard player- every scenario is the guard being attacked.

Like a real counter-artillery assault, I guess
If it only does d6 hits it will need a price drop
I miss Yuengling, at least WA has nice Gins so it balances it out
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For playing, usually nothing.
For painting, smooth bourbon on the rocks, because you can make one glass last ages despite its deliciousness. Shame about the slightly tacky bottle, but whatever.
there was an entire wall of shame at HQ with all the miniatures people painted while under the influence

I save the drink for after I put the brushes away.
france pls go
>everyone's a psyker, so enjoy D3 mortal wound spam
It's possible they might get the mini-nerf to Smite that Thousand Sons gotto prevent Smite spam

I mean, this is just me guessing, certainly we've heard nothing official about it
>d6 hits
>3d6 mortal wounds
Would still buy?
>American Beer
So, just water?
Holy fuck anon, that's a bit much
Like 15 mortal wounds on average
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>Dreads for Primaris
>Rhino/Land Raiders for Primaris
>Terminator Primaris
Primaris Land Speeders

>They're totally not replacing the SM range, guise!!1
Fucking this. I'd kill to find the old transfer sheet. House Griffith has by far, the best color scheme and lore. Surely, there's a way to make the transfers.
i couldn't take it lads, i bought 2 leman russ and 1 demolisher boxes from a 3rd party for more than 80 dollars cheaper then games jewshop

will imperial guard be OK in 8th? It's not that important cause i fookin love the tonks but it will be even better if they're half decent
I say that but I'm also an artilary guard player and love manticores, basilisks and of course wyverns
I guess it's just literally thousands of miles instead of a few miles hurts the realism even more, that does remind me of a fucking great scenario we played
>6000 pt game of 2v2
>alpha legion and iron warriors vs guard and space marines
>assault on a guard command base
>3 deathstrikes set up that are going to kill a titan on the other side of the world if chaos doesn't destroy them
>killing a deathstrike in melee makes them detonate their payload because they've been rigged to blow by the saboteurs
>raptors thread the needle with a deep strike turn 2
>only a couple raptors left after turn of shooting
>they charge and kill the deathstrike, blowing it up and chain reacting and either shaking or exploding the entire artillery park
Bad day to be in the guard but fun fluffy game

Usually play instore at the (TM) machine too so no boozing up.
8th might change that though
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Professional brewer here; currently about to whack out the first of my primarch beers for my group. Magnus is going to be an Irish Red with some added aromatic spices, then after that a dry hopped cirtra lager for Roboute then a sour DIPA for Mort.
Beer is bitter, don't like it. Usually some snacks and coke.
>Will have access to Iron hands AND Space Wolves strats, but IH only affect IH and SW only effect SW
that's not how I understood it
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Days since alpha legion tricks: 0

I need a link, anon.
"Brothers, I regret to tell you that stupid has infested the imperium while we were away."
What about Fulgrim?
Brother Dunc.
This pictures worries me. Why would GW even respond to this comment?
only doing these 3 to begin with as they've come out. For Fulgrim I was thinking of a chocolate/rose light porter to try and get some turkish delight flavors through. He's a tricky one.

Can't wait for Ferrus, going for a imperial stout with absolutely no head retention.
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What's wrong, Marines? Feeling upstaged by an elite army of power-armored super soldiers who are better than you in every way?

How difficult it must be for you!
Found a chapter called The Soul Drinkers.

They become traitors.

What a twist.
I want to learn how to brew just to do this now, badass as fuck idea

In the lore mort did shots of pure poison with legionaries he considered to be bro tier so it fits
Will Guardfags cry twice as hard when a Primaris Marine cucks them?
found le chapter called dark GAYngjels

their traitor[spoiler/]

>Soul Drinkers

Keep reading son
Because marketing drones are told how to respond to comments, but not how to ignore bait and idiocy.
You didn't hear?
No underage fags
Wasn't that the chapter who's CM turned into like a spider?
That's pretty fucking heretical

Nope, eurofag
Come to think of it, with wound allocation rules, Primaris Marines are like a squad of 10 Tactical Marines in terms of toughness but with half the firepower. This is supposed to be good?
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I just hate alchohol k ?
Found a chapter called the flesh tearers

they're still loyalist
learn! It's really easy to get into and hard to master, but once you've got that maths down you can essentially brew any beer you want in 4 hours. 40k and brewing go hand-in-hand, there's like 2 hours breaks during the brewday so it's very easy to paint in between mash/boil stages :D
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The Duncan Heresy begins.
Not that anon also straya cunt also hungry for info.
I'm not sure what you mean. The wound allocation rules are
"Any Model you want...but if one of them already has a wound you have to apply to that one first."
>He doesn't drink to silence the voices in his head a while and let him focus
What are you, gay?
A guard regiment not called Steel Legion or Cadian getting attention from GW? What alternate timeline is this?
Of course it would. Thats sickass cosplay right there.
no, getting upstaged by bigger soldiers and getting upstaged by bigger soldiers sound about the same
Did Duncan paint those outfits?
How many layers did he put on?
Did anyone shake his hand to feel how steady it was?
>consider the next army you plan on making
>8th comes out and it becomes the extra broken bandwagon army like tau and Eldar is now
Do you still build it?
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>sisters get ignored again
>as they should be
yes, but funnier
Wait a year and they'll fix it. So yes.
>dat purse bolt gun
You couldn't kill a grot with that!
>"Every space marine is worth a thousand imperial soldiers"
>*Smirk* "Better send two"
>"Every primaris marine must be worth ten!"
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Anon pls, they've been abused enough
Except she was posted in the community liveblog and you took the photo from there.
Why not? I do it for the keks.
No article today?
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You seem near to understanding what the post was referring to

good anon, keep it up
If you don't like beer.
You're too young for beer.

Whiskey intolerance is allowable though.
Many grown women dislike whiskey.
he should get some Dark Angels to complement his hebrew ancestry :^)
>New player walks into your LFGS
>Says he plays Space Marines
>Asks for a game, you agree
>Pulls put his army and lays them on the table.
>Normal enough army...but wait. Some of his guys look strange. More....effeminate
>"Oh yeah, I put a few female heads on my marines, I just felt like they could use some female representation."

Would you keep playing?
Your waifu a shit.
>every space marine is worth a thousand guardsmen
>A squad of 10 vets with just lasguns will easily kill a space marine
Plot armour and propaganda doesn't mean shit on the table top
>some guy with a meme image as his youtube profile icon made a comment on a warhammer related video
>therefore 40k is racist
cool b8, here's your (You)
Sure. Maybe ever ask for tips if he's done a good job making them.
Guys, since I am completely new to WH40k, I am not able to reliably figure this out - I'm building a Skitarii Ranger squad and would like to have the Alpha keep the base Galvanic Rifle. Is it possible to still take a melee weapon?
The Ranger info states:
>The Ranger Alpha may take items from the Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons,
Special Issue Wargear and Relics of Mars lists.
The melee list does not have the "replaces" condition.
I laugh him out of the store
While I'd probably keep playing, that doesn't change the fact that the guy has shit taste.
No, I don't play with cucks and don't wish to contribute to him feeling welcome.
Yes because I don't have autism
not boxy enough for my taste, but not too bad I guess
I would honestly straight up call him a cuck to his face

then probs still play him out of spite
Yes, it's retarded, but I'll still play.
You know Duncan will make it, because he's the only one not wearing a helmet.
>those dreads are filled with heroes from the Horus Herasy era such as siggy and Garro
What would this do to their cool factor?
They put a stormhawk on legs

The flesh tearers, marines malevolent and grey knights have a competition to see who can cause the most civilian casualties.

The flesh tearers win.
When asked to comment, their captain said COMPETITION? WHAT FUCKING COMPETITION!?
That term is the single most terrible and abhorrent thing to ever come out of 4chan
I would throw all my efforts into killing all the women
Decrease it.
Lets be honest, Heresy Era Marines were cucks.
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This angle is better but the legs still suck.
>if your face is covered you won't survive
This is a law of story writing unless your judge dredd or master chief
Even V became rip
I'd immediately mark him down as a dumb faggot, but keep it to myself.
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made me think.gif
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Hmmm.... i wonder which board he come from....
really activates my almonds
I don't particularly like it either. It gets the point across quite easily though.
I like them. Very influenced by eddie, which is always good in my book.
/mu/ obviously you racist bigot
it's just pure coincidence
Now they need bigger dreadknights operated by sibling marines.
>Seeing boobs on Samus is weird
>Realizing Nintendo was the first non-sexist
>Not caring
Just heads? I'm not likely to notice without looking closely, and even less likely to comment on it. If they bring it up without prompting then their choice of plastic soldier heads is not going to be the most obnoxious thing about them.
Fucking preach, brother. I've heard suggestions about reprinting it ourselves but I don't think I've found a high quality enough image to use yet.

House Griffith lore is so fucking good:
>fight literal dragons as knights with lances on horseback
>upgrade to fighting dragons as knights with Knights
>run out of dragons so fight each other in constant tournaments
>main event is free-for-all melee on top of an erupting volcano
>only use chainswords, power fists and meltaguns in battle because anything that doesn't involve fire or punching is faggotry of the highest degree

But no, they had to push the Knight equivalent of the Smurfs, down to the paint scheme.
The Thousand Sons will form their own Human Empire free of both the Imperium and Chaos.
The Space Wolves will turn to Khorne.
>tfw in 15 years nu-nu-nu-nu marines will be the size of a dreadknight
The legs are clearly a call back to the skinny legs of the RT dreads. They could do with a bit more armor though.
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Nobody excited about the new Titanicus?

[1:45 pm] A bit of news about Titanicus from the Specialist Games seminar and a few pictures from the Specialist Games display area…

>Detailed tabletop wargame
>Smaller scale than Warhammer 40,000
>Set during the Horus Heresy
>Wide range of Titans and Knights
>Terrain and modular buildings
>New rules inspired by the classic 1988 game
>Out soon….ish
oh shit a new batch
How many designers did they go through trying to find one who wouldn't overheat and explode from trying to design sammy's armour with no boob plate?
>Nintendo was the first non-sexist

Except it was a funny joke at the end of the first game.
They need to stop blueballing me and release it or announce it
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This is a great idea, but when you get around to Lorgar you have to alcoholize those little twist off fruit drinks you get in the kids juice section at the store.
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>they're actually qt traps
I shake his hand
Yes but with -4str
What's his name, 40kg?
Didn't know Kevin Owens played Warhammer.
The male feminists have arrived!
>a group that attracts some people who happen to be racist is the same as a group that holds racism as one of its central tenets
look at yourselves lads, you most likely got picked on at school and bullied by the taller, fitter, kids right? You sweaty cunts.
This is how adults behave.
probably would the cadian girl tb h
>god i wish my gun was that big
>a-at least she has tyrone, r-right?
Looks like a Stephen.
So that's what the people who demand female space marines look like.
>I unironically like the girl on the left's hair
What's the fastest and most painless way to end my life?
Right? She's kinda cute and into WH

I feel like pt for pt, space marines would always win (with some attrition)
Definitely in 8th
normal hair are a rarity at wh-fest

would still restore the pylons on cadia with if you catch my rift [/soiler]
>Pictured: Average Imperial Guard players
Specifically fire all Exile Rays at femarines
Oh they mixed it up, Cadians are supposed to have violet eyes, not violet hair.
>t. owns "custom made female space marines"
No because they are probably actually fans of 40k if they are going to an event for it
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>Those soulless, empty eyes

I wouldn't even get near that thing, fucking spooky. Hair is like a warning sign.
>look at yourselves lads, you most likely got picked on at school and bullied by the taller, fitter, kids right?

No, if I was then I'd probably meekly submit and play with him. But I don't waste my time with his ilk.
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this man is the essence of warhammer

The autism in here is palpable. Jesus fucking christ no one likes you and your friends think youre cringy as fuck.
Her hair is a bit too short IMO and hair should never be dyed any color like that unless you're in a cyberpunk world or something, but yeah, she's pretty qt.
She looks like Grimes if you somehow managed to remove her' chipmunk genes
>t. "just an average guy who hates anti-sjws as much as sjws"
Can't we just discuss why The Space Wolves are the worst Chapter in existence?
>Reddit tier memeing
AP -3 cringe
>Welcome to /tg/, i will be your guide...
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>Calling tanks after Malcador and Macharius is okay but Bob is no way
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It's true, Discord really was a mistake...
Fuck me hah, you even talk like a katana wielding nerd. I WONT DARE SPEAK WITH HIS ILK, FOR I AM AN INTELLECTUAL ARYAN WONDERBOY.

You know when you cringe so much your balls kind of pull back up into your body?

That's what this image is doing to me.

Also, Cadian girl can have my gene-seed any day.
I was joking when saying it would be called the roboute guillyman

are they serious?
>Why are there NERDS at a toy soldier party?
No because we aren't going to discuss something that has been a known fact for years
all tabletop conventions are mental wards
le cuck maymay, go back to /pol/ as someone's toy soldiers have triggered you.
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>implying there's a difference
>Ah hahaha XD
Is DAfag in that discord or something?
What army do you play anon?
When was your last game and how did it go?
Have y'all seen this yet?

>Not communicating their displeasure at someone else's faggotry
That shit can't be a one-way street anon.
That's how all this shit started.
>calling someone a cuck out loud in public
Femmarine guy could give detailed descriptions of who each model is and their place in his waifu harem and he would still be the winner in this scenario.
>would still restore the pylons on cadia with if you catch my rift
That would be a horrible idea. Look at her dead, souless eyes. That girl is either insane as all get out or has seen some serious shit.

Either way, best to not risk sticking your dick in crazy
Sure are projecting a lot on the word ilk.
Go swallow your dildo and calm down.
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Has /tg/ ever not fallen for b8?
don't care if she's mental, most women are
would still fuck her
+ she might even be a nice person
>le fedora XD shitposter
>posts ghetto nigger maymays
On a scale of 13 to 17 how underage are you?

Not sure if a land raider conversion kit, looks big!
>soulless eyes
>watched her friends die and homeworld destroyed by eldrich horrors
Don't be mean she's just seen some shit
I don't understand the twenty year olds that act cool for drinking beer. Get some liquor or kill yourself.
Being an even semi fit guy that's neither a skelington or a disgusting fat ass makes you seem like a god damn Greek god in comparison to these people
Why are so many nerds disgusting, it's not exactly a requirement for interest in /tg/ related stuff
is that
is that a turret?
Lads, it's plastic soldiers. Stop being triggered.

Looks like a new Predator.
>Land raider gulliman
>Politician tank
>Constantly spewing shit

Seems about right
>best to not risk sticking your dick in crazy
If I had more options I'd go with this, but crazy is all that's left in these dark times
Talk like a normal person, perhaps then people will talk back to you instead of down to you.
maybe once or twice every few years
Fires of Cyraxus was supposed to be out soon two years ago. Call again when its actually out.
oh fuck off
>le im so epic for drinking vodka with the lads!!! xD
hows it going 16 year old me
is it falling is people want to fall?
Is that you dad?
Projectin' harder than an Epson lad
Laugh as i Blaster/Poison them off the board by T3

Then call them a faggot, unless they're a little girl
I'm not the one using caps lock and fedora memes because some guy on the internet said he wouldn't play against female space marines.
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this board is full of concentrated autism, and I mean real, unironic, honest, lacking self-awareness autism, not "waaah girls don't like me" autism like /r9k/
so yeah, it's no surprise that most people here can't tell the difference between shitty b8 and genuine stupidity, and get upset about toy soldiers, myself included
Is it falling if I reply to my own b8?
>i'm not triggered by you refusing to play against a politically correct cuckold! you are!
>Gotta use one of my pasta responses because I'm so triggered I'm literally shaking

gg, gf son
I bet you think you're rebellious because you're conservative? You're cool.
No, he is not Paul Joseph Watson. Stop browsing /r/the_donald.
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If its Guilliman it should mount Falcons, Dire Prisms and Wave Serpents.
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Like all I would have to say is the 14 words and reply with standard extreme right wing rhetoric to anyone that (you)'d me and I could derail this thread every time, every day, for like a week straight
I want to believe /tg/ will learn their lesson one day
There's that baseless projection again.
Make sure you sit on your dildo before you swallow it.
One million free helicopter rides for you!

Yeah, but an entire round of shooting into things that are a few inches away means almost every unit can shoot at it. I doubt you have much left after
>duncan upgraded to a primaris when?
imagine the nonstop painting vids he could do if he didnt need sleep
Why do the qt Asians never do porn and it's only the loud-mouthed foot-faced who are willing to take a good reaming?
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I refuse to believe even people in the alt right actually think PJW is cool
I'm pretty sure that the fact that /tg/ continuously fixates on certain posters and refuses to fucking stop talking about them even if they're gone and even if they're obvious baiters is a sign that this board is fucked.
>posting commies
And out of the helicopter you go
Nose looked better on the dragon, liking the new prime shit less every day.
The problem is that half the people writing here are tryhard alt reichers that have spilled over from pol. its fucking pathetic and makes me sad
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Why won't qt asians do me? :(
because the qt will get more money by looking like pure idols to the consumers
Nope, they don't. People who like PJW are /r/the_donald "BASED NIGGER WEARING A MAGA CAP" type pseudo-conservatives. Same with Sargon and Milo.
so you can switch out the chest bolters for more missiles huh
hopefully the pod on the top can be switched out too
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you keep saying projecting like its a mantra. perhaps look upon yourself and have an epiphany?
because you're a man for ants and a weeb
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>his plasma weapons actually have a chance to hurt the user
Autists here are the worst, they complain about something then spam it way after it died like some sort of recycled reddit tier trash shit
Autists need to be shot
Man, Ryback needs to stop eating.
Muh cobra
>Doesn't drink whiskey
>Get some Liquor!

Might wanna slow down on the pink drinks there anon until you stop dribbling shit.

3/4 of those are fucking obvious trolls, and people refuse to stop fucking giving them attention.

It's amazing.
dude, i havent been here for days and its fucking rank in here. If everyone thinks youre from pol then take the hint and gtfo
Last time I talk about this out of fear of a banning, but Sargoy is pretty clearly not a conservative
Also did anyone know he's actually a quarter black?
And he played 40k when he was a kid apperently
>shoots down the helicopter
>then eats the pilot because that's the closest he's come to food all day
If that actual happens I will cry tears of knowledgable joy

God I love the 1ksons
Where today's article?
Interesting that you see that as a nose. My interpretation was just that its walking around with a massive bulge hanging out.

trapnaughts when
he's the new face of 40k
I keep saying projection because that's all you're doing.
Sargoy is a libertard all the way. He's the "anti-SJW" type that most of /b/ and /v/ were early gamergate.

Milo is literally just fucking controlled opposition. That's it. There's a reason why Antifa aka literal IRL paid shills sperg out over him so much. They get a pay check bonus for targeting specific people, and some of those people are the controlled opposition, to hype them up. Seriously, a gay jew with a nig boyfriend?

And PJW is just an edgy kid who's doing it for the shekels. That's it really.
Lol left this is england for the new series, This was Cadia
>Wanting an old-fashioned eastern girl to do new-fashioned western secks.

>muh /pol/ boogieman
Anon, conversations are a two way street. If people like you didn't sperg out everytime someone said cuck, nigger or kike, /pol/tards wouldn't be able to bait you into endless replies. And when fags start posting stuff designed to upset /pol/acks and /pol/tards, then you sll have nobody to blame but yourself.

Hell, /hhg/ has quite a few /pol/acks, but they don't get constantly derailed because people are able to act civilized there.
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Are you sure about that.
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this guy should be the banner image for /tg/
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Just fuck already
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>great work imperials, just keep derailing this thread...
Buy them lunch at a high end fast food place like noodles and company or Moe's/Qudoba
>muh/pol/ anon is actually playing 8th demension chess
>he knows if he constantly blames /pol/ for everything it'll make people spurg out and enable the shitposters
>the absolute state of karl anderson
space marine players are all shit and never contribute anything of value
>posts relevant memes that are as fresh as this week
See at least /tg/ isn't stagnating
Bourbon is the pink drink of whiskey.
If it doesn't taste like charcoal you're doing it wrong.

but still a better drinker than 4/5 of this thread
>ayo whitey be all raycis an all yall whitey n shiet be stealin our cultah, u jus be contributin NUTIN yo
Tell me what German beers?
I have to spend a week in Kassel and need something to get me through
t. Tzeentch.
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hannen alt
When's the next leak damnit?
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when that fucking forge world book finally hits letting me take my Thanatars in 40k, I'll finally be content with this abortion of a hobby.
After Warhammer fest. So Monday.
Try some wheat beers, it's a little different but you might like it. Hefeweizen is good.
Calm down anon, all it takes is one GW employee with a camera phone
Aren't there any GW employees here that can help? Kek wills it
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>30k mechanicus units in 40k
O-one day, r-right?
>Kek wills it
you can go back to /r/the_donald now nu/pol/
What more do you want? Haven't we seen pretty much all the rules?
When IA14 hits, sure. Atleast they are giving out the big bots.

And for some reason in Warhammer Fest diodrama there was Cawl and Myrmidons in same picture.
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nu/pol/ pls
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Do good battle report channels exist for 40k?
>those shit digits
Be gone false prophet
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fuck off with your aged le praise kek shit
They can call it whatever they want but if that top turret has zero impact on troop capacity I'm gonna be burning down my nearest jewstore
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Yeah That's what I thought
Three words to trigger all of 4chan
But seriously when is kek getting an article on 1d4 to solidify his normie status?
Check Visicast. They've haven't uploaded anything in a while, but the stuff they got is good.
We've seen Plasma Gun stats, they have two settings. Normal plasma and Super plasma. Only the latter overheats.

You Aeldaricucks are gonna need to be buffed, or else your plasma weapons will be objectively inferior to Cawls side project that he kept in the garage.
What do you call 'good'?
Cheese v Cheese?
Fluff v Fluff?
Fluff v Cheese?
but anon,the turret is not top, why would it impact how many guys fit inside :^)?
>inb4 butthurt 1d4fags sperg out screaming "MUH 1D4CHAN IS NOT FOR NORMIES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
>Not using a Gravis Cap to reroll 1s to hit
Its gonna hurt with your S8 Ap-4 D2 spam
You mean channels that don't fanwank the top tourney fags and their lists?
As far as I know you'd be better looking for a fucking unicorn.
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>her gods actually got raped to death by a kink daemon
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>What is a Predator
>What is a Falcon
>What is a Hammerhead
>What is a Mega Killkannon
Winters SEO is good, as is Geeks40k sometimes, although I mostly watch their 30k stuff.
>>those dreads are filled with heroes from the Horus Herasy era such as siggy and Garro

I mean, fluffwise that doesn't make much sense, should't they be contemptors then?
Visicast and MWG are my mains with long war as my pocket
All have their strengths and weaknesses in different areas
Luckily I'm in a position where I get a game or two once a week so I just play instead of watching bat reps
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Trying to find a Sad Tau meme but they don't exist in 7th.
He's just saying hypothetically.
I like to watch Striking Scorpion.
They've been in stasis until a time when the imperium needed them just lol nu-marines
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>the lists are the most important part of the battle report
As a Guard player I am laughing so hard at Marine players. Not only are the new models butt fuck ugly, but they will replace normal Marines by 9th.
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Where is he looking?
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>why wont GW release new plastic sisters of battle!

Care bro, I'm an IG player too and I'm still wondering what GW will do to fuck us over like they have the SM players.
>heh, unlike you foolish gay Dark Angels players and you stupid squatted Blood Angels players, I play the superior Eldar
>*tips fedora* Space Marines are just gay in general, hehe
Her ass
Who's the Cringiest guy at your LGS /tg/?
We've been fucked over since 5th codex to the newest one. We lost lots of good vehicles and characters. Any new fucking over will be a drop in the pond.
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>Charasmatic host playing scatbikes
>Awful neckbeard guest playing tempestus
>Expecting a satisfying BR.
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Striking Scorpion and Winter SEO are the only two I even consider battle reports anymore.
We'll at least they made my 20 ratlings better
Can I please use my solar macharius model again? I liked going first every game and my guard blobs almost never failing LD checks
They're just gonna squat cadians for armageddons
and then in 9th squat those for vostroyans
>people in this thread will say it's someone else
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Why does everyone bitch about character losses for guard?
Back in 3rd we literally only had 3 characters if you didn't count the last chancers
Thats because its a primaris bolter anon. Go back to /k/ where guns can be mistaken for people, this is /tg/
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Valhallans when?
Because they introduced some really awesome characters, then were like, oops nevermind. Marbo I can understand, he was just an accurate demo charge, but Bastone was really neat. A Vet Sgt able to give the squad orders is a neat concept.

The real kick to the nuts was getting rid of Platoon Commander characters. That was really neat. Chenkov and Al'Rahem changed up the way a platoon could be played and that was special.

It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that we had less before, it's that we got more and then gutted in the form of vehicles and characters.
Oh ok then
Back to r/the_donald with you

These look phenomenal.

Also, finally an assault cannon (?) without that idiotic front muzzle.
I dont have an LGS. i just sit here waiting for someone to call me for a game anon.
I wanted a "heroes of the Imperium" splat book for guard leaders and heroes in 7th. I hope we get some more characters back in 8th.
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All the vehicles are still in imperial armour 1 2nd ed. The characters were what, Chenkov, Marbo, Bastonne and Mogul Kamir.
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qt SJW Cadians when?!
Found the chaos players
too big to be just an assault cannon
if I didn't know better i'd say it was a punisher
But Blood Angels have the best fans of any faction.

BT fans are usually fun too.
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Found the SM players
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Help! That man swallowed the Primaris Marine and stole his gun.
dat outrider detachment
ork warbiker mob incoming for 8th
Bastone was the least interesting character there. Marbo was just a demo charge with some cool fluff, but Bastonne was just another set of orders with "he has a really good memory" for fluff. Chenkov's redundant with 3pt conscripts, his 75pts to bring them back wasn't even good at 4ppm. Al'Rahem and the Rough Rider guy were the actuall losses.
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Shit. Cain's still around at this point right? He can fix this.
So yeah I've mathhammered it out and Primaris Marines are equal or superior to Rubrics in almost all situations except for against high strength multi damage weapons where the Rubrics are marginally better.
With this in mind Rubrics should have 2 wounds.
Look like ork players to me

Look like 40k players to me
He's old and retired after killing (not) space Hitler
He's on Perlia, somehwere vaguely near the Damocles gulf.
Cain might be the only commissar to ever die from old age
Sometimes I look at my pitiful gut and think myself fat.

And then I see landbeasts like that and know that I'm pretty lightweight.
I'm pretty sure he already got dragged out of retirement to join some crusade at least once. If there was ever a time the HERO OF THE IMPERIUM was needed, it's now.
Ah yes
The British
Hey, I mean at least it looks like they are having a good time
Space Marines stronger then Tau in everyway, SM players still pretend Tau are OP.
The hero we need and deserve. All hail the King!
Hey! As someone who lives within an hour of Warhammer World I.. well... yeah, pretty much. Welcome to the midlands, here be mutants.
Considering that Primaris have the same power rating as Rubrics and a psyker... yeah? I mean without the psyker Rubrics are even lower power, right?
>Veil drags Cain out of retirement because Jurgan's blank status lets him calm the warp storms and allow easier travel on the ship he's on
>but if I had known what would actually happen on that trip I'd have ran screaming from the ship like a mad hatter...
What are you talking about? People enjoying the same hobby can be fat as fuck or ugly as a barnacle but still happy because they're doing something they like?

Obviously you're wrong, fat/ugly people should stay at home masturbating to anime child porn and shitposting on /tg/ all day like I do.
No problem, I'll just eat all of the free razorbacks and drop pods at my local tournament with gravity cannons as a chaser. That much cheese will more than rupture my dogestive tract.
Rubrics get better guns, and they are strictly better against anything with damage 2 regardless of strength.
this 6MB jpg's fatter than he is
So, how fucked are tyranids in 8e?
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>I'll never be able to go to a convention or anything like that because I dont want to be surrounded by fat smelly spergs with bo fashion sense
Please stop ruining my hobbies
>it's not even gay
is this not delusion?
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>can't run into a warpstorm armed only with a rusty spoon if everywhere is already warpstorms
>masturbate to child porn
Enjoy your ban fucking sicko
Tyranids are looking pretty solid from what little we know about them. Swarmlord+Trygon+20-man Genestealer blob seem like they'd be a fun combo.

Warriors are still garbage which makes me sad.
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>tfw the only race in the galaxy to do actual perminant harm to the biggest badass in the galaxy is one you play
I was talking thematically, cult marines should always be model for model superior to loyalists.
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>cult marines are better than loyalists in the lore
>being this deluded
I bet you think you'll get immortality for serving chaos don't you?
What's a Cain?
Clearly the big blonde blueberry is going to fix this right after he makes the Primaris-Ex-Machina happen on Baal.

Chenkov will get his promotion to battalion XO except he's actually a kind and wise commander who cares about his men and always has been, and they'll join the glorious primarus crusade but never get plastic models
This is exactly the kind of stupid campy shit I want in my 40k.
Can we just loop around to rogue trader already? It's clearly inevitable
I mean that's literally what daemonhood is.
New thread when? I'm drunk and on my phone or id do it, be sure to make the op image a cute 40k themed trap
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>What's a Cain?
Ciaphas Cain HERO OF THE IMPERIUM is the protagonist of arguably the best 40k book series out there.
At least the comic and video game convention have almost naked qt cosplay girls. Maybe boys too.
The rubric psychic is so far seeming quite lacklustre.
Doesn't have a ML, doesn't even get Tzeentch spells.
Cain model when?
>Primaris are 6
>Rubrics are 8
>Inceptors are 8
>Hellblasters are 10
There actually was one, way back in the metal days.

Fun fact: There's a stepladder modelled on the back side so he can climb up the Ork pile to pose easier
I think he knew who Cain was.
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Whoops, forgot the picture
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Probably, but I'll take any excuse I can get for Cainposting.
But anon Cosplay isnt consent
>Only after seeing the WarhammerCon pics do I realize

>Round doughy shoulders
>Chicken legs

Holy fuck they're fat people.
Basic Primaris are indeed the same price as Rubrics sans sorcerer and are better in almost every situation except against lascannons and meltaguns, where the rubrics are a few decimal points better. Also 6" extra range is much better than an extra point of rend vs infantry.
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GW shitposting station
I thought the reasoning was.
>Eldar get even more fucked than humans due to being a more psychically inclined species
>Tau souls are not even like bread crumbs to daemons, as we don't even see tiny, singular demonic beasts going after them
>Nids don't have souls, and their warp signature is strange due to the shadow in the warp.
>Necrons don't have souls at all. Not sure about how the C'tan function in regards o the warp.
>Orks function on the whole "group mentality" spiel instead of harnessing the warp.
Except rubrics are strictly better at shooting than primaris are. Here's the output for jumpack primaris vs rubrics:

7+: 10
6+: 10
5+: 8.333...
4+: 6.666....
3+: 5
2+: 3.333...
1+: 1.666...

7+: 8
6+: 8
5+: 6.666....
4+: 5.333...
3+: 4
2+: 2.666...
1+: 1.333...

7+: 6
6+: 6
5+: 5
4+: 4
3+: 3
2+: 2
1+: 1

7+: 4
6+: 4
5+: 3.333...
4+: 2.666...
3+: 2
2+: 1.333...
1+: 0.666...

7+: 2
6+: 2
5+: 1.666...
4+: 1.333...
3+: 1
2+: 0.666...
1+: 0.333...

Rubrics with flamers:
7+: 11.666...
6+: 11.666...
5+: 11.666...
4+: 9.722..
3+: 7.777...
2+: 5.833...
1+: 3.888...

7+: 9.333...
6+: 9.333...
5+: 9.333...
4+: 7.777...
3+: 6.222...
2+: 4.666...
1+: 3.111...

7+: 7
6+: 7
5+: 7
4+: 5.833...
3+: 4.666...
2+: 3.5
1+: 2.333....

7+: 4.666...
6+: 4.666...
5+: 4.666...
4+: 3.888...
3+: 3.111...
2+: 2.333...
1+: 1.555...

7+: 2.333...
6+: 2.333...
5+: 2.333...
4+: 1.944...
3+: 1.555...
2+: 1.166...
1+: 0.777...
As you can see, rubrics are better at killing everything except T5 models and T8-9 models.
And that's ignoring the damage from whatever weapon the sorcerer has, and the damage from smite.

As for taking damage, rubrics are better at at tanking any D:1 weapon except for those that are S:4 and S:5.
Rubrics are completely fine, sure the primaris are better than them at a few things, but it wouldn't be balanced if the rubrics are outright better than them at everything, then the primaris would need to be buffed
>You will never talk about IG lore and paint minis with a qt girl

Emperor take me.
Are they on /tg/?
>you will never talk to a girl
Brb drinking my paint water
I wonder if GW employees browse 4chan while at work to fill the time.
>rituals of shitposting echoes in the distance
You can but it'll cost you.
Trust me it was more empty than I thought it would be.
What if all the shitposters were actually GW employees?
What if cheetah-anon is Duncan?
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If you are here then there is one thing I must tell you guys.
you a faget
>Rubrics with flamers:
You are completely ignoring the instrumental importance of range and maneuverability here.

Also Rurbics are better at taking hits but they also have less wounds, and S4 and S5 weapons are also the most common.
Yo, besides Predator, Whirlwind, Hunter, Stalker and Vindicator are there a other rhino chassis tanks I'm forgetting?
New thread is on its way, hold on to ya butts
Red and black shirts do at least, we know of them.
Im already pretty empty. Even my "friends", who are a bunch of nerds, make fun of me. I don't even want physical contact just talk with someone else, and if she's as cute as the girl in the picture id be the happiest man alive.

Im sick of being surrounded of people who shit the table everytime he fails to revive his necrons, or people who complain about every 6 you roll, or people who make fun of your paintjob, or people who always reminds you of something they found funny and keep sprinkling salt over your wound.
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You also need to include the heavy weapon that's factored into the Rubric's 8 power level that they get to move and shoot with no penalty.
Nononono its because he was talking about space marines. When will GW stop being so racist. Orks are playable too, but noooooo must be gary stu space macaroons. Racist as shit.

New thread
No krork allowed
>Basic Primaris are indeed the same price as Rubrics sans sorcerer and are better in almost every situation except against lascannons and meltaguns
But that's fucking wrong.
It the same number of turns for any D:1 gun to kill a basic primaris as it does for them to kill a rubric. and rubrics are better at tanking anything that's AP:-3 or greater with a D greater than 1.
Rubrics are only worse against guns that are D greater than one but with AP:-2 or worse.

And that's fine that rubrics are worse at somethings, it's called balance. If they were better in everycase, then the game wouldn't be balanced, it'd be like 7th edition.
But anon you talk to girls on /tg/ all the time, you just don't know it
How are people who want bullies to just leave just as bad as the bullies?
Have you even met any of either group in real life?
i want 212, do you have another archive? This one doesnt ahve it
No, but that has more to do with his reasoning than his deed.
Anti SJW just shitpost on the internet, an sjw beat me up because i dared grow ana fro as a white person, despite this being the way my hair just grows
If you can't see the difference you're stupid, insane or both
This is some gay 2nd edition shit

>He's so boring and one note.

Khorne was definitely flanderized over the editions. in Slaves to Darkness he was pretty badass. Gifted his followers with Chaos Armor instead of just +1 Attack. In fantasy, he would give Chaos Champions shit like lascannons and bolters. In 40k, his followers were more likely to wield daemon weapons

He was always angry, for sure, but there was some cool stuff he could do. He was about ALL combat, not just close combat.
>islam isn't racist, it just happens to attract lots of racist people, its a coincidence
Around half a decade ago /tg/ was actually known for never falling to bait
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people actually using sjw unironically, Fuck I knew 40k attracted autists but it must be all the retarded space marine players coming out of the woodwork
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Just let it go.
ITT: Anon in this thread pretends like SJW don't exist despite the overwhelming evidence and normies joking about them
Can't mods just clean up that derailment? It's not /tg/ material
>beakie grey knight
NEEEEEEEEED so much need
Isnt that already in game? The spotter bullshit for the space marine hail hydra does that shit already? Reveal cloak units to remove cover saves and shit for concealment. What is this shit? Are we tacking on "Venerable" to shit again like back in 5th to make it fancier?
Aren't the both just T4? One with 2 wounds one with 2+ if damage 1 and an invun, what does the S matter in regardes to which statline is better to tank it?
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because one is the equivalent to 10 T4 3+ wounds, while the other is more like 5 T4 2+ wound, so not exactly the same
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