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>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
>Red shows up in Marvel's Hell and all the demons find out she's a soul vegan
>laughing Mephisto, Nightmare and Dormammu.mov

Technically no, but without SS they can't do the more refined applications like sealing and summoning-just hurl around globs of magic like a big dumb DBZ character.

Thor does magic all the time, for example. His signature spell is "I hit you very, very hard with my hammer and the thunder goes boom"
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Yes, they are all laughing at Red. And then she eats them.
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Sabaton IIs collectively my spirit animal. And also a helluva psychological warfare tactic against Japanese schoolgirls
Reposting this to get more answers:
Is the [Free Space] Option in the warehouse supplement a doubling of dimensions (length/width) or a doubling of area?
Am I reading the end of Mystery Dungeon right in that your Partner, if turned into a Companion, can't be imported? Because being a companion and being unable to be imported seem a little counter-intuitive.
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>Destroyer of Worlds, Decade, is about to encounter a miracle.

Jump 72: The God of High School
Origin: Drop-In
Race: Human
Location: King Uma's Castle
Type: Genuine Fighter
Getting You Started
It's time for a REVOLUTION!
Revival of X
Just A Senile Old Man
Jump Hui
Jumper-Jin [1500]
Now We Can Fight to the Fullest [900]
That Was My Old Life [800]
This Is What I Want [600]
War Trophies [300]
A New Era of Martial Arts [0]

Healing Nanites
Bandanna Forever
Friendly Smokes [2200]
Wisdom of the Sage [1000]

Genuine Fighter[+400 for this section only]
Mundane Martial Art - Karate
Blade of Tathagata [1800] [0]

Import x7 [2250]
[Work in progress. Dear god am I going to need them.]

Special Human [2000]
Purse Snatchers Again? [2100]
Clone Troubles [2300]
Greed Is A Deadly Sin [2600]
Revolutionary Style [2700]


Full write-up will probably take a day or two. I'm not even done with companions yet.
So, looking at the WoW WIP:
How OP would a Retribution/Holy Paladin with a cross-class with Holy/Shadow Priest be?
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As hilarious as that sounds, at 85 I'm not sure I could do that unless they really, really fucked up.
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As in it's No. 85 in my chain.
Rolled 545 (1d816)

Rolling because I missed rolling the last few times for a jump to discuss. WHO'D WE GET.

Oh shit uh... Can't really list a single favorite.

Worgen are up there, werewolves are badass.
Tauren and Trolls are also on that list.
Vrykul are fucking badass and I just wish Blizzard had a better idea of how to fucking USE THEM, their inclusion in Legion was... a bit hamfisted.

Just go Discipline Priest, for one. Also means I wasn't clear on a secondary class only being able to purchase one spec, shit. Sorry anon, and thank you for helping me there.

And as for your question, it'd be a tad redundant due to the sheer amount of Lightborne shit, but you'd be REALLY potent as a holy figure / messianic warrior. Like, that and the mixed discount Lightbringer would make the Draenei stare in literal awe.
Greetings to you too, /x/.
How many dragons are being included?
ah. Do you have your bow yet? Or digital pun pun? Or your garden(it could eat them I'm sure).
>Only one off-class spec
Well, fuck. I even had the whole situation planned out where I gained shadow spec too, since I wasn't going to actually start with it. Oh well. Thanks for the clarification.
I always assume it's a doubling of area, because the size is given in area and there's no mention of whether it's initial dimensions are 4x10000 or 200x200. Plus, doubling the dimensions would give you 4 times the space, not twice the space.
Black, Blue, Bronze, Green, Red, Chromatic, Infinite, Netherwing, Twilight, Storm, Faerie, and may do an Undead dragon of some sort. Unsure at this time.

Mmm. Sorry anon. Did the rest of my answer help, at least?
Yeah, it did. Human Jesus as the counter to Green Jesus is a go!

I keep hearing people in the know say good things about them.

Aren't they wolf people? Bit surprised the general reaction hasn't been more FURFAG REE
>Do you have your bow yet?
Not at the levels you're thinking. Nowhere near.

>Or digital pun pun?

>Or your garden(it could eat them I'm sure)
It doesn't really have the 'oomph' I'd need, only the Seedbed with Dimension Lord from DC Occult and Hell Lord from MM. I do however, have a metric shitton of demon authority perks and some magic boosters. Along with demon power boosters and the ability to more or less eat sin to boost myself.

Unsure of how well that would go.
Worgen are Not!British druidic / pagan werewolves, anon.

if that's not the tightest shit, then the person who'd yell FURFAG REEEEEE can get the fuck out of my face.
Basically? They're British werewolves. That's it. Their major members are pretty fucking badass, though, so there's that.
But they did suffer from a major lack of exposure or any significant lore, so there's also that.
werewolves or something

Anybody? The end of the Jump states that the Partner won't be able to get any other abilities from later jumps, but it also calls them a companion. I'm happy to wank it away and just count them as a companion, but I wanted to see if there was any kind of consensus.
hmm, well I suppose you could wait on eating them till later.(Or wait till they are distracted by various things. Like Doctor Strange in Dormamu's case)
Here's the thing, aight. Furfags focus on fuckability and making their fursona looking horribly pretty and sparkly and neon-colored and eugh.

Worgen are fucking badass.

There is a large difference.

Far as I know, that might be an artifact from before Quicksilver opened up /jc/ to other people making jumps. Before companion imports even existed as an idea.
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What is the most evil thing you have ever created jumper?
A baby.

Regular or Wrathion-edition?
Awfully specific there, anon.
Just eat the souls. Oblivion is like death but better, because nobody can fuck with you anymore.

It's bedtime bitch and aint nary a fuck gonna stop me once I cease to exist.
Wrathion-lite. Best way to make it work to avoid Old God shitfuckery.

The crimes of a youthful curiosity, anon.
Let us not dally any further on this topic.
Wait, so when you buy the secondary class you don't get the specialization with it? You have to waste more CP to get the specialization? Wouldn't it make more sense just to give the specialization and say "can't buy another specialization for your secondary class"?
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A crown with the living souls of one of each of the colored dragons from dnd, they whispered secrets into the mind of the wearer, granting him or her skill as the enchantments made him a wizard of great power. The evil dragons attempt to consume the wearer, as do the good dragons because the only way to escape the cfown is to destroy it. Too bad I made it nearly indestructible except for in ways only achievable by muself.
Hmmm, it might, but not feeling it for one reason.

The current set-up is you already get a free Spec with your first Class, and because Class + Spec is what nets a discount on a Class Artifact.
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I made a magical version of pic related, except instead of only having the memories of a little girl that was murdered, it instead was given the ability to hear calls, desires, and prayers for revenge, so it would go on a rampage to bring about that revenge. And if people wanted revenge against it, it would promptly multiply and then fight itself, causing even more devastation in the process until only one was left.
Bride Stories
Do you think that summoned elementals from The Gamer could be brought with me without needing to be podded? There's the whole soul fusion thing going on between an elemental and their contractor, and since Gnome's stats are dependent on Jee-Han's level in Summon Elemental her essence does seem to be tied to him. I
That jump has no business being as beautiful as it is.
Anything really dangerous to look out for?
Isn't that just Nemesis Prime, though?
it's mundane Earth in early 19th Century Central Asia. You got tribal conflict and potential diseases and that's mostly it.
Wasn't Nemesis Prime just an alien super weapon that landed on Earth, coincidentally brought about vengeance in her rampages, and was worshipped as a goddess for it?
Various empires would also have their eyes on it by that point. Mainly the Russians and Chinese iirc.
Well, you're in Central Asia during the late 19th century. So China and Russia are going to try to conquer the area. It's not going to be super violent, but you might get caught up in it.
Probably one of the Cursed Rings I made. Most likely the one that gives great control over resignation and darkness, along with a softcap on your abilities, but also makes you utterly aware of how small you are in the universe, forces you to think about it constantly and won't let you take it off until you die.
She is an alien bio-weapon, yeah, but she is actively seeking vengeance. Something about the human capacity for evil and cruelty actually being the result of her creators' enemies trying to mutate us into a slave race. She identifies people who do bad things as being like her intended targets. And she does reproduce more Nemesi, that's where the kaiju in the second book comes from. They potentially can wind up fighting, too. So aside from her not being magic and just being advanced alien biotech, she fits the bill.
>Doesn't have the 'oomph' I'd need
>only the Seedbed with Dimension Lord from DC Occult and Hell Lord from MM.
Wat. That's more than enough. Like, way, way more.
Ohey thanks for finding that jump name.

>Otoyomegatari (Bride Stories) - 650
Location: Numaji Clan Town
Culture: Nomad
Background: Bride
Age: 16-years-old
Drawbacks: Culture Shock (+100)
Final Point Count: 1,100 CP

-Eye For Detail (Free)
-Warrior Blood (Free)
-Sing Away The Time (Free)
-Steppe Rider
-The First Is Always The Hardest
-Grow Together
-Beauty Shines Through
-Window to the Soul
-Knockout Kiss

Items & Companions:
-Period Wear (Free)
-Pomegranates (Free)
-Extended Family (Free)
-Wedded x1 (Free) - Seras Victoria
-Twin - Nali R. Espeon

Mostly the Russians, and even then you're still running on the average decade-long stay.

>It's a slice-of-life/romance story first, historical drama second, so fanwank something and run with it.
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Do you count making a program that dampened the wills of heroic spirits, essentially being a digital version of Pandora's Box, so I could make a card out of them count?

That was before I refined the program I used to edit Heroic Spirit Souls and copy/pasted their powers/abilities instead of their consciousness and used Kamen Rider tech to make a weird fusion between Heroic Spirits and Kamen Riders and Magical Girls via the Hero System.
I made a penis pump that makes the user's dick smaller.

Mother Mavolence wasn't too keen on destroy everything. She really wanted to just enjoy herself. Rather than kill everyone. You can't have lots of crazy kinky sex when everyone's dead. I mean you can, but it wouldn't be any fun.
Necromancers can.
you monster
Huh. Well, then I guess I created magical Nemesis Prime instead, then. Thanks for letting me know, anon.
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>Being a Central Asian Muslim tribal.
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How many linguistics perks do you need before you learn languages just by hearing one word?
There are worse fates, I'm sure.
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>being an Aussie eaten by dingos
No problem. You should check our the other Nemesis books, they're really fun. Jeremy Robinson's a good author when he's not getting super religious on you. He's only done it in a couple books, so it's not a huge problem in his writing. But it just feels really weird when you realize the giant radioactive crustacean that's terraforming the world into an alien ecosystem is actually a metaphor for Abraham's trials from God. I really should have figured that one out sooner, the protagonist of Apocaylpse Machine is actually named Abraham and has two sons by two different women. It was not subtle, rather shameful how long it took me to get that one.
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Is there a jump where you can be a geneticist?
Adult recreational owned people sex slaves
In Harry Potter I oblivated a bunch of pureblood women and turned them into pornstars. I was making a pretty penny from my investment in Legal Porno.

I was a member of House Cynis when jumping Dragonblood and a member of the Guild in Infernals.
Why would you post that.

Also, Geneforge.
Well i'm gonna make some of those and probably find a cure for M-pox
Will do-

>giant radioactive crustacean that's terraforming the world is a metaphor for Abraham's trials from God
It's from before Companions (capital C) were really a thing. So feel free to follow the letter or the spirit, whichever fits your chain better.
So what happens if you pick all three Paladin specializations? Can you be the one paladin with a two-handed sword and a shield at the same time?
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For the trollols
Apocalypse Machine is one of his weirder books. Like I said, whenever he gets into religious metaphor his stories go off the rails. Maybe skip that one. Kronos, too, that one turned out to be about Jonah and the Whale. Antarktos Rising is fine, though, that one's upfront about it being a religious thing and has it as text, not subtext.
Ashbringer + Truthguard?
Fuck yeah.
Well okay then. Thanks for the suggestions and warnings, anon.
> duel monsters is 141 pages
also, totally taking my rival there right after the yugioh jump
what could go wrong
More like Ashbringer + Truthguard, with Oathseeker brought out for the really close quarters stuff. Keep the sword sheathed to the back of the shield, or something.
>Not being a bow aimbot horse master
>Not vacationing their with your waifu
>Not holding her hand while fully clothed
Also you can convert or not practice if it bothers you.
Dragon-fetishist goes on a rampage.

More news at 11, back to you Tom.
>Also you can convert or not practice if it bothers you
That's how you get beheaded.
What happens if I go Worgen, then take the Undead modifier to go Vampyr?
A big blue T appears on your chest and doesn't leave

too big for you kid?
Nah, just takes forever to load that many images where I am currently. Shit internet.
The Worgen are kinda immune to being raised as undead, so...wasted CP?
Worgen Death Knights.
How the hell did I forget about that.
Maybe it was the Plague they were immune to. Fuck it. WEREWOLF VAMPIRES FOR EVERYONE!
Are there any HFY jumps?
Damnit Russ, stay in your own fandom
Halo but I would love a jenkinsverse jump.
It's getting reeeeeeaaaal Underworld in here.
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I want troy rising but other than that we have halo and mass effect.
Silverpine Forest's plot is kinda everywhere. There's a reason no humans take part in the battle there, but apparently it's both undeath and blight related and-

Yknow what fuggit.
Mr. Smith gets along just fine and the people in that region at the time were pretty heterodox iirc. Probably not something you want to do particularly openly but you're their before a lot of the
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I seem to recall some history anon saying the faiths practiced at the time were (mostly) more tolerant than that?
And locals trying to behead even a young Jumper are likely to have a very bad day, which would probably deter repeat attempts.
If this is the guy I think it is, talking reason won't get anywhere.
Russ is the second worst primarch.
Is there a way to make a weapon I own a part of myself? Like merge its properties with my bodies?
There's a level of tolerance for dhimi built into the religion, but atheists have never been tolerated by anybody. On top of that, conversation away is spelled out explicitly as a death sentence. Whether they'd want to kill you or not over it is going to depend very strongly on how devout your community is.
My God, that goon possesses the rarest super power of all: common sense.
Who's first worst?
Lorgar for being a whiny baby and starting the entire heresy.
In orthodox Sharia yes. They weren't practicing that form of Islam.
How do I make myself immune to sleep?

Like, A not needing it, and B magic or drugs and stuff like that.
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Jumpers! How many settings did you visit before it sunk in that sticks, stones and bullets could no longer break your bones? Was there any particular situation involved, or was it just something you realised over time?
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I have no shame in admitting it was made because of aesthetics.
Also previously some anon had said they wanted historical jumps, and someone else said they wanted 18th-19th century stuff, so it seemed like a perfect match.
What is twmple of thought from?
So, in the yugioh jump, I have to take companionizification in order to carry my rival out of the yugioh universe, right? Or do they follow me anyway?
Does running on HP count for that? I probably still die to enough bullets, but people probably freak out when the first or second fails.
Trigun jump for main chain, it really sunk in that I was pretty untouchable by the setting's standards because lolmmunity to bullets out of angel arms.

Mind you, it was jump 23ish, but my jumper had never been in intensive combat situations that used lots of guns.
I created.....TIMMY!!!!!!!
But I created Timmy.
You're both wrong, I created Timmy!
He's a Golgothan born from the sewer, so in a way, everyone played a part.
>Jumper accidentally walks in on mob hit.
>Promptly double-tapped to avoid witnesses.
>Jumper stares at smoke curling from gun.
>Mobster stares at the two ragged holes in Jumper's shirt.
>Jumper looks down at chest, pokes unblemished skin.
>Jumper looks back up. Suddenly smiles.
>Mobster.exe has crashed, reboot brain y/n?
Would anyone be interested in a Pirates of the Caribbean DMtnT jump? I already have a ton of jumps and updates on my plate so this is just an interest check not a claim.
No, I really don't think that'd be okay. The existing one might as well cover that movie, they take place within ten years.
We have a Pirates of the Caribbean thing already.
Might be cool; just came back from seeing it today actually. Don't really remember where it is on the timeline, but I recall a "Nine Years Later" somewhere at the beginning, so it's probably safe.
Might be more appropriate for it to be an update to the existing Jump, if whoever made it is still around, though.
That's not how language works, you'd need some sort of mind-reading ability or specialized divination to do that.
Not that anon, but it's after the jump is over. Will's son is around the same age he was in the first movie, which would definitely make it after the the ten years would be up.
I struggle to see how you could make it very different from the existing jump. Then again, you've never had a problem with ripping off large sections from other jumps when you do your own ones set in those same settings.
I would love that, partially because that jump is lacking some of the cool things in that world. That said it looks like the next couple of movies are going to be in the same time period so unless you want update hell you might want to wait.

Oh wait it's KOTOR, you're already in update hell. Carry on.
Hey, is it kosher to use the CP given from a scenario at the end of the jump to go back to the start and buy a different race in the Overlord jump?
The new movie is set way after the current jump would end.
I'd love that. I've always struggled a little bit with the current PotC jump, for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. Plus it's just be fun to spend more time in that world, and see the things that are going on later.
At least two people already wanting it to give stuff the old jump didn't.
The current pirates jump says it starts one year before the 1st movie and there was a nine year jump after the intro of 5.


Anyway, like i said I just wanted to see if people were interested. If I do decide to do a jump for this it won't be for a long time, and may change my mind later on.

>it looks like the next couple of movies are going to be in the same time period...
True. Although I really want this to be the last movie it's already obvious Disney is planning more sequels.
You know, that's a good question. My first instinct is to say no, since buying a race is a little different from buying perks/items/companions/etc. However, the jump is based off of a setting with lots of MMORPG themes and substance, and a lot of MMORPGs had quests where you could become a new race. So, sure, that would work.
If you do please offer Blackbeard's cool magic sword.
I'd say probably not. Traditionally speaking unless a jump document says otherwise you can't more than one race/alt-form.

Leaving that aside the Overlord jump explicitly states, in underlined text no less, in the very first paragraph of the Race section that you can only be one race, period.
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Full build: https://pastebin.com/yEJJThn2

This is a world in which humans war with gods using their fists and the powers of myth. It is a world where a young man will compete in a tournament, gain new friends, and discover his heritage as the war for Heaven and Earth begins anew. It is a story of combat and grandeur, a modern retelling of mythological heroes and villains battling for the fate of the world and who gets to hold the spoils.

Ah…it's nothing spectacular, of course. Why, it's downright predictable if you know where to look. Let's change the plot up a little. Why not…ah, here it is. Sworn enemies and friends alike uniting against a single, common foe. But what would persuade them to lay down their arms and hunt a single individual, despite all reason to simply prioritize their own matters? It would take a miracle.

A Witch of Miracles, to be more specific.

I wouldn't know, of course. So, mere moments after his appearance, the jumper called Decade is viciously assaulted by a rabid clone of his. The battle is unexpected and catches them off-guard, but as many of their skills and powers revolved around intellect and wit that he doesn't use very often, and his companions being able to make up for the difference, the clone is defeated. However, the widespread destruction and the fight taking them from the realm of Demons to the realm of Earth alerts many to his existence. The world reacts, and shudders, sensing its natural enemy within its borders.

Within hours, everyone knows about the presence of Decade, Destroyer of Worlds. I wonder what was reflected in his eyes when he realized the gauntlet he was now destined to face…? Ah…I would have savored it like candy.
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Your jumper finds a note explaining that, due to a filing error, they will lose access to the warehouse and all perks (yes, even body mod) for 24 hours ins the next five minutes. And that their benefactor is sorry for the inconvenience.
What's the worst/funniest moment/jump for this to occur?
How does your jumper react?
How do their companions react?
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Speaking of Jumps, so far I've got these "Roles" for Generic Kaiju so far. Are there any I might be missing?

Force of Nature (Godzilla, King Kong; basically territorial monsters that wreck other monsters because they're in their territory)
Protector of Mankind (Gamera, Ultraman, Mothra; more benevolent "monsters" that fight for justice and to protect Earth and all mankind.)
Conqueror of the Earth (Basically all the evil Kaiju)
Divine (Mothra, Kong 2017; you've got a cult basically)
Scientific Aberration. Created or mutated by science/nuclear radiation/genetic engineering, etc.
>What's the worst/funniest moment/jump for this to occur?
Dead Space

>How does your jumper react?

How do their companions react?
Dude, you're fucked.
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That's more of an origin; I posted those a few threads ago. These are what I have so far for them:

Primal- King Kong, Godzilla, Rodan, MUTOs, Anguirus, Cloverfield
Alien- King Ghidorah, Gigan, Orga, Zarkorr
Accidental - Godzilla, Destoroyah, Biollante, Kamacuras, Hedorah
Bio-engineered- Gamera, Gyaos
Robotic- Mechagodzilla, M.O.G.U.E.R.A, Mechani-Kong
Monster Sized Man- 50 Foot Woman, “Frankenstein”, Ultraman

Still not sure if I'll have a "Drop In" origin, or if I should just make it a thing you can choose to have apply to you.
>"But you're the dungeon master, you plan for everything. What do you mean your powers are based on celestial bureaucracy and stuff?"
>"If I were to explain, your brain would blow up. Not for your minds to comprehend. It's only for 24 hours, I'm sure you'll be okay."

Everything else:
>"...You made a mistake?"
>"It happens. I am sorry."

In all chains:
Jumper fucks off with a wad of cash and leaves to go on a huge walk in town to have fun and makes sure NO ONE THEY KNOW sees my fat ass, because if any of their spouses saw me as I truly was, I think I'd fucking die on the spot.
Oh, that's cool then. What about a vengeance-driven kaiju that doesn't seek to conquer as much as destroy a specific target - person, structure, etc.?
Quickly realizing he was going to be fighting enemies that would eventually outclass and overwhelm him, Decade quickly gathered his allies and, for the first time, arranged for them all to fight as a long-term team. He would take advantage of both the bonds with his friends and their own unique abilities, with them able to break the Taboo and remove the first major obstacle in the coming battle. They take advantage of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and its cousin, the Time-Accelerated Garden. They hoped that in training and perfecting their abilities and cultivation during that time, while forging artifacts of power to deal with the trials ahead, they would be able to emerge victorious.

Honestly, when your primary advantage is stalling for time, you should consider handing in your 'main character' badge. Were you perhaps hoping to eventually come to this world much later and then defeat your foes with a wave of your hand, Decade? Either way, with them able to change days into years and grow in strength, the party would race to meet the heights they would have to climb.

And not a moment too soon: The majority of Earth's militaries had mobilized and launched their attacks, and hordes of martial artists and elite warriors would quickly fill the gap left behind as Decade and company retaliated. I imagine it must have looked like festival fireworks, if you looked at it from the right angle.
I feel like that might be too narrow to be it's own origin; that could easily be the motivation of a Conqueror or even a Force of Nature, for example.

Eyyyyy fuck you lady.
Don't sass me, washboard.
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The funniest would probably be Persona 5, since I played the role of the mysterious ally in that jump. I'd try to hide so that my mystique didn't get ruined, though then again I doubt anyone would realise who I was anyway.

>My reaction: Oh shit oh shit OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!
>My companions' reaction: pic related
Has there ever been any explanation for how long Captain America can live for?
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An excellent point. All suggestions redacted on basis of short-sighted idiocy on my part.
Perhaps Divine works better here >>53469311? I mean, that seems like less of a role and more of an archtype, much like Primal or Alien.

Can't say no to that. I like my cardboard shield!
Ha, jokes on you, Bitch of Miracles, I have never used the Force Wall personally once! I had my more fragile companions and allies hide behind it, but I've never needed it!
At first, they had little to no difficulty. Bullets and missiles were annoyances at best to all of them by now, and the many armies of Earth fell handily to Decade and his allies. I hesitate to call them his 'friends', as does he. They weren't using to working together for longer than a few minutes at a time, with the exception of the Solar Exalt and Ange Ushiromiya.

Then, the wave intensified as hordes of Nephilim, Demons, and more manifested and raised their fists to challenge the party. Once again, easy enough for all of them, but the mounting challenges couldn't be overcome in a day. They only had so much stamina and energy. They would temporarily regroup and move to the Demon Realm, where the armies they were meant to face would chase them. They would recover and continue their training and cultivation before emerging again to fight. They knew these moments of respite would be precious and few, and had to be used whenever they could be found.

…hmm. I suppose if you look at it that way, this really is just a glorified game of whack-a-mole.

The group would overcome the trial by fire but the battles would become more and more strenuous. Once the small fry had been dealt with completely, the High Gods and the Demon Kings would take to the field to meet them. Realizing by now that playing fair was an exercise in eventual failure, Decade turned to his arcane arts. Magic - actual magic - was a rare and unusual ability in this world, so abruptly teleporting scores of their foes into black holes or worse had very few counters or defenses. If that didn't work, Decade would channel a tremendous amount of magical power into direct attacks by pulling power from other worlds with Second Magic.
Don't worry about it, Anon. Any suggestions are useful.

I don't think there are that many explicitly divine/magical Kaiju, though; Mothra's really the only one I can think of off the top of my head, and even then the only magical ability I can think of is her reincarnation (which is likely just regular reproduction) and her connection to her fairies.
Would Jumper does not Serve from Tomb Kings prevent someone from taking control of my cybernetic bits?
So, how strong would you have to be before you could kill God of War gods relative to the actual Greek Gods of mythology? I'm going on a Deicide spree, so it would be nice to know what I'm in for, and how much stronger it'd make me for taking their power.
It would.
Well, there's also Battra, but aside from that Mothra Leo had more magical abilities like the power to transform into newer, stronger forms, though it was usually caused by an ally sacrificing their life.
Fantastic! Thanks.
>worst possible moment

Far Cry. Closest I ever came to dying anyway. Everyone probably freaks out.
The battles would shake the foundations of the Realm, tearing holes into both the ground and reality as Decade's own magical power was put under increasing strain. His resources hadn't been pushed this far for many, many years, nor had he encountered a challenge he couldn't use his wits or a well-placed retreat to overcome. The hordes of many Greed containing individual powers from previous worlds meant no moment in battle would ever be the same, nor could everything be accounted for.

I imagine, if it wasn't for the counsel and strategy of his allies, this alone would have ended the Jumper. I'm rather relieved it didn't. That would have been terribly anticlimactic, after all. Instead, the war would continue, until there was only one victor. Whenever he could spare the energy, Decade used his magic to decisively end fights, bypassing durability entirely and striking right at the major organs and nerves of foes. After a while, that stopped working, and he was once again down to using pure destructive force.

Eventually, all that was left were the top dogs. The original Greed, the Monkey King, Satan, Taejin Jin, the Emperor and his successor…all united to battle with Decade. But, ah, no tale is complete without a twist, is it not? The one bearing the original Greed wasn't Ultio R., but instead his nemesis, Hyde. Holding all the powers he had gained from following Decade in the shadows of the previous worlds.

As I'm sure you can well imagine, he was bearing this with utmost stoicism, trying to look competent and confident even as his heart sank into his stomach and his hopes were beginning to fade…!
>File name

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Might as well jump on the bandwagon.

It keeps roaches out of my food supplies, though.
I want to completely shatter beyond any recovery that smile.
Do I need to take Guardian Spirit in order to benefit from Apothesis?
That's a good point. I'll think about switching Divine over to being an Origin rather than a Role, in that case. Having just three Roles might be better, anyways, since their purchases are more along the lines of skills and perks than powers.
God of War gods are pretty damn weak as far as mythologically-based gods go. At their strongest, you can compare them to DCEU Superman... so not exactly unimpressive, but not likely to aid much in your future god-killing.
So considering the definition for Super Saiyan Rose, is it just me, or does that mean the God Ki perk in DBZ is a lot more broken than once thought?
Realizing that victory here would be Pyrrhic at best and he would eventually reach his limits before these final, ultimate foes were vanquished, Decade would invoke the power of the magic of Arcanum Exo and call for Outside Help. A quirk that he picked up from the world of Anima was being able to call on the power of greater entities without having to heed any sort of terms or pay any debt.

So, yes, he was in fact going to snatch victory through the metaphysical equivalent of dine-and-dashing. Having been both a student of Doctor Stephen Strange and an avid magic user in the world of Gaia, he had no shortage of entities to call upon aid from.

The Jade Emperor and his successor would be banished from the flow of time. The Monkey King would be sent into the maw of space before being crushed by the weight of a galaxy. Satan would swallowed by the void of Oblivion. Taejin Jin was commanded by the sound of his True Name to tear his own body apart. That left the two old foes staring each other down, along with the allies of Decade who could still fight.

Naturally, he was victorious after an elongated struggle. But the damage was done.

Decade had personally slaughtered and destroyed a world he had liked, from a work he had enjoyed from the bottom of his heart. And in the end, he couldn't even do it with his own power. What's more, as a result of the resonance of this challenge with the greater multiverse…Decade, Destroyer of Worlds, would be hailed as both an actual apocalyptic force and something to be feared. No longer would he be able to remain on the sidelines or depart at his leisure. This legacy will miraculously follow him, even to other worlds, from this point on.

The End.
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TOME or Captain SNES. Because suddenly, there's a flesh and blood human physically stuck in a videogame somehow. Possibly unable to meaningfully interact with the world.


Complete mental shutdown, probably.

I've seen things you wouldn't believe. Attack warehouses off the shoulder of the Benefactor. I watch CP glitter in the dark at the boundary between worlds.

All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.


Mutual groaning and slapping of foreheads at me having taken one of those drawbacks again.

Which one? The MCU version at least, they froze him and woke him up in the 21st century so he isn't confirmed to be especially long-lived.


Oh, please. That's a losing proposition when you're up against a bunch of shounen protagonists instead of hitting and running. Fight smarter and earlier, not harder.

You of all people ought to know

But that already is a smile that is shattered beyond any recovery.

Let's see, out of the big three-Poseidon caps out at generating a mountain-sized stack of water horses and Hades turns into a big guy who can yank souls out with his chain scythes. The Titans do really poorly as long as you're as strong as Kratos-and also small enough to crawl near a vital organ. Hermes is supernaturally fast and agile-but not gamebreakingly so. And Herakles struggles with lifting one mere platform, so he's much punier than his mythic counterpart.

Overall, just aim for Kratos' level and bear in mind you may have to forge your own divine weapons


...exactly which entities did he call on for the assist in the end?

Wasn't that a unique thing that only happened because Zamasu body hopped into that other Goku? Since normal Super Saiyan Godliness just makes red or blue flames.
>those trips
Well, that's fitting. Anyway, not that anon, but the reason why Rose happened was because Zamasu/Goku Black already possessed God Ki before he ascended, so his Super Saiyan Blue form was instead the much more powerful Super Saiyan Rose.
You still have to surpass Super Saiyan God to get to Blue or Rose. I assume it'd just mean that if you either did the group ritual or however Vegeta achieved it you'd just end up with Rose instead of Blue.
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The entities invoked were a Great Aeon from Anima (the name escapes me, but the effect let you temporarily-to-permanently toss a motherfucker into a null time zone) and most of the non-Tribunal roster of Marvel Cosmic. The Vishanti, Eternity, etc. The ONLY reason that worked is due to Seeker of Names meshing horrifyingly well with By The Hoary Fucking Hosts. Since Decade was Strange's understudy, he interacted with these entities at some point and likely learned the necessary gestures from his teacher.

Also, I can't speak for her ICly without implying potatoes, but would you really expect Bern not to take a sadistic jab at the audience for fun?
Did you ever decide if you were going to let people trade their SW OT customizable ship for a corvette?
Rose isn't any more powerful than Blue.
What I decided on was to just add a corvette sized frame to the ship customization options along with a droid crew and turbo laser upgrades. I was close to updating it but I stopped after I couldn't decide on how to tweak/reword a few things that would rebalance some of the other options.
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So it basically got amplified from double god power? Makes sense.

Makes me wonder what'd happen if kamis could fuse now. I know Zamasu's a huge prodigy but that's one helluva rank up.

Didn't he explicitly surpass the other blue Saiyans, though? I thought Vegeta and Goku were having some serious truoble for a long while in terms of raw power during their fight.

>Seeker of Names+Hoary+the Marvel Cosmic roll call

DAMN. Yeah, that'd do it alright. In fact that's a bit, but given the circumstances I can't blame Decade.

Hah, fair enough
*a bit overkill
He was stronger because he had a higher base, not because his Rose was better then their Blue.
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You hold the two-handed in one hand, or you have an extra set of arms. It's fine.

Just like my shitty fanfictions!
Or my Battleon!

I would say Perturabo, but he's just too forgettable to be "worst"
...Although it would be funny during Generic Xanxia, considering how my jumper had a job protecting a nature preserve there and Fook Yu always lurked around at the edges.

"Teacher, I cannot defend the nature preserve today."
"Why not?"
"I am sick."
"Bah, you can't get sick. You told me so yourself. What's your real reason?"
"I wish to focus on my cultivation today. Do not enter my room, else you may disturb me."
"You'll have to come out for food some time. You may be immortal, but you are NEVER late for dinner."
"Teacher, please try to understand...I wish to eat my room today."
"Fine, fine."


"Fook Yu is outside demanding a fight."
"Tell him I don't want to fight, teacher."
"Fook Yu never takes no for an answer, you know how irritatingly entitled he is to everything that lies under the sun."
>that image
Friendly reminder that All Might is an awesome hero who not only wins the battle, but the war, inspiring countless people to heroism as the Symbol of Peace. Friendly reminder that he's beaten One for All, one of the original Quirk users who has stolen countless quirks, not once, but twice. He has defeated the guy who is not only the most powerful villain and intelligent villain, but should be the strongest being on Earth period, twice. This is despite the fact that One for All has had a long time to plot and plan a way to defeat All Might.

Friendly reminder that beside all that, All Might is a truly good person, and great friend not only to justice, but to...well, pretty much everyone not a villain. He's inspired people so much that even when his weakness was revealed they still cheered for him to win, still believed in him. All Might is a true hero.
>One for All
Whoops, that's supposed to be All for One. Damn it, brain.
All Might is fucking awesome, and I wish Justice could be like him.
I made a magic, psychic, crystal monster by accident once. or three or four times It tore up half a city, sunk an island and seemed to be made of pure malice and insanity that took most of my companions and myself to kill because it was so stupid durable. I eventually perfected the recipe.
How did you make it?
He asked how tho.
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I said 'how', not 'why'. I make giant monsters all the time, and I'm always looking for more kaiju creating recipes.
Yes, I am aware, and I deleted the post. I'm a moron that can't read.
Anti-multi-verse Von Neumann bombI have never tested it because it would destroy too much if it actually worked, but it does work on paper
We all got our moments.
Happens to the best of us. Now about that recipe...
We call that the Cancerverse, Bancho.
It was a long time ago so I might be misremembering thing (may need to look for the project documents) but it was a crystal-centric chain and a dream about the mind, body and soul inspired me to try and make some uber crystal that concentrated each concept into one so I could have an artifact of power. I can't remember what the three concepts were represented by (Probably Jumper psychic energy, blood and soul stuff, but it might have been something more concrete collected from elsewhere) but they were concentrated into some crystal Jumper learned how to make and grow like plants influence by energies in their environment.

The perk I got for this was from some Final Fantasy Jump and it seemed convenient at the time for the project. So I seeded the crystal inside a chamber that compressed whatever other materials and energies I collected for the job and allowed it to grow and condense over hundreds of years (I was performing the project in Civilization Jump) once I'd done some test runs to see it was making pretty potent crystals just in the short term.

Well, turns out later that this specific crystal turns into unstable monsters when it gets too powerful or some shit, so when I got it out of the chamber to start working on it, something I'd used in the processed trigger rapid mutation. Then it beat me up and hauled ass out of the warehouse, then I needed to hunt it down. The crystals were great though so I was determined not to give up as monsters of escalating power continued to beat my ass, destroy my security and cause rampant destruction. Was honestly pretty much gonna call off the project if the last attempt hadn't worked.

I think by next Jump I ended the chain since that was basically gonna be the best story that chain had to offer. Still have it written down with the project details somewhere.
I don't know quite how to parse that could you elaborate? What are you saying?
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Sounds interesting. Thanks NikaMoth, looks like I have a new giant monster project to look into.
No it wouldn't cause a cancerverse,It rips reality into its constituent "fibers" there would not be enough left for a cancerverse. but yes my Jumper is of the mindset that things keep escalating . Eventually I'm going to encounter an intelligent malevolent multi-verse.
Oh right the thing you made to 'kill' ASA
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No problem dude, have fun . . . .NikaMoth?
I gotta wonder where the vagina is.
>tfw apparently everyone except me has been having jumpchain dreams
>tfw just fall asleep and wake up

Also-sounds like FF13? That one's all about crystals going whack

Death is kill

Pretty sure they have evolved beyond vaginas

Wait, what?
Whoops, talking to NikaMoth before so I wasn't paying attention to the name. My bad.
you are assuming all those toothy maws are not Vaginas
I don't.
It's all a vagina

I thought that too at first, but the crystal perk was definitely from an earlier one. 11 perhaps, I vaguely remember it being in the same Jump as a perk that causes your projectiles to split apart.


No worries.

Found the document with a bunch of other projects from that chain. It's like 47 pages long so I'd rather not dig too deep, but it seems like the crystal perk was "Magicite Bloom" from Final Fantasy 12.
Just throw a hot dog at it. It's all hallway. So many hallways. Non-euclidean hallways.

Don't worry, the hot dog probably won't even hit a wall, that's a universe with a whole LOT of miles on it.
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Yo I'm in middle of updating Arrowverse.

Ask what you wish to see added now or else it'll be awhile before I update it again.

Changes so far:

1.) Metahuman abilities that were purchasable multiple times are now one time purchases but they grow in power with training.
2.) Vibe & Speedsters are able to do what they do in the show elsewhere too.
3.) Cryokinesis is reworded hopefully its legible I have been drinking.
4.) Organic Steel transformation is now based on Legend's Steel, which is now 1000mp. He's probably the most durable person maybe on par with Supergirl, but not as strong.
5.) I'll be adding Savitar's stuff like his power armor & idk about the Philosopher Stone. It's pretty powerful plot device item.
6.) Wavey-Rider will be able to time travel post-jump.

Other than that, maybe a few more drawbacks & changing the drawback limit to a CP cap. That'll be the update for Arrowverse at least from my end.

If you have something you wish to see added post it. If I like it I'll add it. Expect things to be fully updated by Sunday night if not earlier.

Here's what I have so far. (Note I haven't put in the Savitar stuff or new drawbacks yet)
Where's the generic creepypasta jump on the drive?
It's in a folder in the imaged Jumps section.
>Ask what you wish to see added now or else it'll be awhile before I update it again.

Vandal Savage's immortality
The other totems
Some sort of business
Some sort of large lab (on the size of S.T.A.R Labs, particle accelerator optional)

Maybe give full comics Speed Force post-spark(maybe with some condition, like, you must have been/go to at least one of the other DC jumps and get superspeed from there or something)
That spoiler makes no sense for arrowverse.

No. This isn't even comics Green Arrow.
What's your spirit animal, /jc/?
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I'm not gonna put a condition on the post-spark stuff. Honestly if you spark then you deserve full on attosecond reaction reaction times.

There's other totems? When was this?

>Some Sort Of Business

Ok. That sounds good.

>Large Lab

Alright I'll have to think of something.

>Vandal Savage's Immorality

His agelessness I could do, however his ability to come back from death including being disintegrated I wont do.
Her names Jenny, and I crafted her as a Thyrsus in Mage the Awakening. She's like a cross between a lobster and a mole, and seems to really enjoy losing at chess.
you mean like what mystical animal guides me spiritually? That would be my appetite demon:The Cobracken a massive squid with venomous snakes for tentacles.
And it doesn't matter that the arrowverse version doesn't do that huh?
>post-spark stuff

You had one job, dammit. One. Job.

Just. Don't say anything. Especially nothing that defies canon.
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Post-Spark? No. It really doesn't matter. Because you "won" in a sense. Arrowverse in general is less powerful than their comicbook counterparts, but you already get Arrowverse Speedforce post-jump. Post-Spark gaining access to Comicbook Speedforce is just something you add that doesn't really matter.

I assume you're not just gonna go spark post-Arrowverse, seeing how it ends your Chain.
What can you even do with the Creepypasta Pocket Realm since you can't store anything in it or bring anything out of it?
No. It's like getting STTGL from the Disney Princess jump post-Spark. It's completely not canon.

What is even the purpose of saying this? You didn't have to say anything about post-Spark. You could have just ignored that spoiler. You could have done literally anything except rule that thing in your jump works like that thing from a completely separate jump.

Which was a bad idea.
If it doesn't matter, why do it? Why say anything? Why are you such a blithering idiot?
Disposable battlefield or hunting ground for luring an enemy into, testing area for particularly dangerous spells or projects, holding parties, stuff like that I imagine. It's space you don't have to care or worry about keeping in good condition.
Oh great, he's going full autism mode over postspark again. See you guys in an hour when he decides he's had enough shitposting for one night and goes to fucking bed.
Maybe this time Manyfist will get over his autism quickly enough.
Fuck you in particular for starting all of this with your powergrab.
If you're paying attention, there is literally all of one thing anyone wants you to remove.

That is the statement you made about the Speed Force.
He doesn't have that in the update. It was just an Anon who brought it up.
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Should've told me just to remove the post-spark thingy.

Consider it done.

See this anon knows how to do things. Tell me up front. However be nice about it.
I know, I was talking about his reply to that anon
The obvious samefagging makes you look like the more autistic one.
He's not samefagging. I was one of the other people objecting too.

Someone said a while ago you could check IPs on 4chan, that true?
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I use my companies to create a version of Westworld everywhere I go.
Why WESTworld in particular?
>His agelessness I could do, however his ability to come back from death including being disintegrated I wont do.

Not the same anon, but just do like many others and limit it to one 1-up pre-spark and then remove the limit post-spark?
>1/jump 1-up

I could probably do that.
Bullshit. People have done that in the past and you've done your usual smug cunt act to them. At least don't lie to try and make yourself look reasonable.
Man, that's not a very high quality life model decoy. You gotta build them like you'd build a proper artificial person, ceramics for bone and teeth, artificial organs to keep up the facade and fulfill other functions, arc generator integrated into the braincase with the quantum CPU and sealed with Adamantine, and so on.
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Whatever man. Whatever.

Right now I'm in a good mood I'm changing/adding what's asked.
>continuing to act like a bitch even after you've gotten the jump maker to capitulate
The kid is supposed to be one first models. The newer ones are basically real humans with some machinery inside and a different brain.

Because Samurai World was too good for the multiverse.
>Robots committing Sepukku over a trivial thing

I'd pay to see that.
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Can anyone explain the evolution power in EVO?
Okay, so whenever you kill shit or survive a dangerous event, you gain some measure of EVO depending on the creature or event. You can then use that energy to forcibly mutate yourself in various ways, each transformation costing varying amounts of EVO. As mentionned in the jump, IIRC it takes from 2 to 5 minutes for the change to occur, and you can only store so much EVO before hitting your limit.
okay so I seem to have neglected to pick up Free use,quick,fine control telekinesis that doesn't require concentration in my Chain, any suggestions where I can get some? I Need it to work my transformation belt.
So can you apply it to your base form outside of the jump?
You can apply it to your EVO form freely, and to 4 other forms (one of which can be your base form) if you take one of the Gaia perks IIRC. To apply it to your base non-EVO form you'd need something like That One Perk from SAO.
Can we import something into the wavey-rider?
This anon has the right of it >>53471782

Your evo use can also be used to turn you into a higher evolved creature such as one that would have been created from you naturally evolving for hundreds of thousands of years. It is a wonderful power and it is all gained by eating meat.

I like to combo it with the perk that lets you evolve creatures outside of yourself and the perk that lets you return to a previously evolved to form that way I can make other creatures super evolved into my own powerful abominations.its really neat to use on something like dragons who havent evolved much, lets you make all sorts of neat stuff.

I am currently, and have been for the last few jumps, attempting to breed a snake that can survive on the surface of the sun or in antarctica.
Yeah. That's in the notes IIRC?
Welcome to hell +600
rolling for location 4.) Central City (Earth-2) - Parallel universe version of Central City, home to Jay Garrick & Zoom.
drop in
Abrasive Charm Free for Drop-In
Magical Peddler -100 Discount for Drop-In
meta-human -600
Ace of Winchester -200 Discount for Drop-In
O.M.A.C. -600
vibe -1000MP
#the plan: I remember that night on the boat nothing could ever make me forget that night on the boat there was a woman with green hair and a leotard running around in the storm knocking our boat onto that horrible island then I remember I remember all my failures I remember all those treasures and friends who got away all the lives lost and all the opportunities missed.... she was in the background.
>I am currently, and have been for the last few jumps, attempting to breed a snake that can survive on the surface of the sun or in antarctica.

for the First part at least, you might want to check out eclipse phase since they do have biological organisms that can survive in the colder parts of sol
>I am currently, and have been for the last few jumps, attempting to breed a snake that can survive on the surface of the sun or in antarctica.
Maybe look at how Surya's from Eclipse Phase regulate temperatures to help with that?
Coronal morphs live in the sun's corona, the hottest part. The surface is much colder.
Okay, that was not my understanding good for them
I am already trying to alter asura dna for the purpose, it is not going well, asura use pods of other asura to share their magnetic fields and not overheat. Not so good for solitary creatures such as snakes. I could get around this by making the snake larger but I would also neet a way to push the heat tolerance higher. Asura dont go deeper into the sun than the coronal layer and I need to get my snakes right down onto the surface.

The opposite side is how do I do that and make it able to survive on a planet like earth? I mean if it can survive the pressure of the sun it could survive entry through earths atmosphere but that also has other problems.
Wait it is? I thought it was hotter.
Yeah. The surface is about 6000 degrees, while the corona is a few million degrees or so.
>The opposite side is how do I do that and make it able to survive on a planet like earth? I mean if it can survive the pressure of the sun it could survive entry through earths atmosphere but that also has other problems.

are you referring to the impact and square, cube law problems of something so large? schlock mercenary has animals with metal for bones and how to train your Dragon has animals with Metal for Scales,And Blam has machines that can Create super materials as well as very impressive super materials,Hive Queen Quest and G.I. Joe have perks to turn mechanical science into bioengineering combined with supreme commander energy/resource generation to,maintain body temperature,Grow and feed these massive beasts and you should be set for what you're looking for.
The corona for some reason is at around the same temperature as the core.
Neat, I did not know that.

I want to keep it as organic as possible, I could use the g I joe cobra la to make a sun serpent in one go by making a robosnake for the sun but that feels like cheating.
Probably a good idea. Cobra la creations look like ass anyway.
well yeah with the G.I. Joe and hive queen perks. It would be completely organic which was kind of why I threw them in
btw banchô thanks for helping me out last thread
the perk is "She’s Gotta Be A Lesbian"
it's exactly what I was looking for
my chain will now be a lot more fun & relaxed
you are welcome.
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I approve.
So pokeballs dont work in magical pokemon? Thats disapointing.
I thought they just didn't exist in the setting.
Now I'm curious what the other versions of that pic look like


>You live in a small town somewhere in a world filled with Pokémon. It’s quite different from the normal Pokémon world of the games and anime, as you will soon discover.* Pokéballs are unknown here, and will not function, so Pokémon and humans just live everyday lives.

>Pokéballs are unknown here, and will not function

It's a a trap!!!
The Flamboyant Cuttlefish.

Fancy as hell, and deadly poisonous so one messes with them as they strut around. The little critters are a continuing inspiration to me.
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Is there a dinogirls db/perk in Jurassic Park?
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Jumpers, has anyone hit your weak point for massive damage before?
How can people like his art? It's technically uninspired (amateurish, even), all the women he draws are cartoonishly proportioned and positioned (beyond "it's a style" and into parody), and every single one looks like a makeup-caked whore. Even disregarding the subject matter and lack of technical skill, he manages to make every single drawing aesthetically unappealing for reasons I can't adequately convey. It's just disgusting.
I wish there was.
Reminder that he actually makes a fair bit of money from it.
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I think you just fulfilled >>53473191
You pretty much described why people like his stuff.
>Why do people like what I don't like?
>Words words words words
Get over yourself.
Listen m8, it's porn

It doesn't have to be the mona lisa, it just has to have babes of the bodacious variety being penetrated to an exceptional degree.
Right before the climactic boss fight.

Career Model right in the middle of a shoot.

I have a benefactor? Who? What?

By all means, recommend some patrician cartoon porn artists only suitable for gentlemen of refined tastes such as ourselves. Preferably anal without futa.
>Without futa
Get out.
Can we be /aco/ and /d/ now?
Anon, I thought we already flirted on the edge of /aco/ already what with the occasional waifu of the week.

/d/ on the other hand can go and stay go specifically because dickgirls are plebian trash that exist only because artists are too lazy to draw either a strapon or an extra dude
Enhance/d/ jumper did nothing wrong
What jumps have the best futa perks?
>/aco/ doesn't have futa
Look at him. Look at him and laugh.
>specifically because dickgirls are plebian trash that exist only because artists are too lazy to draw either a strapon or an extra dude
I vehemently disagree. The penis acts as an outward indication of arousal and orgasm, which can be coupled easily with feminine embarrassment or facial expressions of ecstasy for greater effect than traditional female genitalia. Futa is a way of making female emotion and pleasure more accessible to male readers, in lieu of more obvious physical clues or over-exaggeration.
Don't you get it, anon? Futa is love.
I agree, /aco/s bestiality fetish is far less degenerate than /d/s dickgirl fetish.
>Futa is love.
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The animation alone makes it so I always watch that gif several times whenever I come across it.

The content is nice too.
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What realms and concepts do you command as a god?
Check out God of War. I believe the monster origin had one to merge it with one of your natural weapons.
The most obvious is fire and it's related concepts of smoke and ash, and also light due to them being the things that I use the most and giving me a reputation as a sun god. There's also war, blacksmithing, cooking, justice, destruction and rebirth (due to my healing factor and my light-based abilities giving me healing capabilities), among numerous other smaller and lesser-known things.
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It is nice, this was the first time I've seen it and I' glad I clicked on it.
Exhaustion, irritation, impatience, arrogance

All the good things that fuel a Jumper.
Chance, wine, love, and song.


Instant party god.
Beauty, Love, Desire, Compassion & Healing
it's a pretty boring vanilla chain but I like it.
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Chaos as my main domain, and information, business and relationships as secondary themes.
just as a God ? time, blacksmithing, fire,trickery, and social change.
I take my lead from Bancho and kill people for small harmless crimes in brutal ways on national television, uncensored and in horrific demeaning and brutalising ways, forcing the public to watch or be condemned as criminals.
I am a just God.

I work it into my Justice. You probably don't want any details, but have you seen two girls one cup? Like that.
>Tera posting
Not even once, m8
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>mfw devil arm arm worked wonderfully as a weapon import
Anybody know what bug I'm running into with the Drive? Half the thumbnails aren't loading in any given folder and the resulting files aren't opening, yet I can re-open the folder and those same files load and open while... the other half suddenly spaz out.
Self-actualisation, often through cultivation.
Self-sufficency and responsibility.
Consistent goverenment/culture/societal structures with an emphasis on fairness, justice, compassion and neatness.
As far as elementals go, I'm Lightning all the way, with works well with my being a Skyfather. Also, Wood and Metal.
I try to be a mix of Odin, Hephestus and Athena/Toth. Being a sagacious, creative and intellectually robust divinity.
Glad to help. Have fun with that.
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Obscurity, erasure, revelation, darkness, ignorance, storms, deception, secrets, and eldritch.
Go on, try it. You'll like it.
Unleash your inner monster/Ebon Dragon!
>implying that I'm not already a monster . . . from a certain point of view.
Children, Love in all its Forms, Equilibrium, Balance, Failure, Spirits/Souls, Art in all it's Forms, Community, Perception. I've got a few more, but those are the major ones.
>Love in all its Forms
Including the disgusting types, like futa and furries? Or a love of Marmite.
I see now, you are a God of Evil!
>Draw porn
>No like dude hairy ass or muscles or whatever
>Leave dick, add another girl
Black-tip reef shark.
>Including futa and furries? Or a love of Marmite.
Yep. As long as moderation and balance are maintained when it comes to love and lust, I govern and approve of it all, as long as it doesn't conflict with my other spheres. So no pedophilia,
for example.
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Death, war, magic, craft and cuckolding
Still thinking about it, probably just Love, Weapons and Monsters right now since those are pretty important chain themes I guess.
I've just got command of Space and Fire for now. I'm kinda early in the chain.

Aiming to get Fertility, Light, Storms, Water, Magic, Dreams, Joy, Desire, and Sloth later on though. As well as get my own dimension to be a god over.
4X fire weakness.
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Major: Life, Mind, Wisdom, and Humanity
Minor: Arts, Magic, Beauty, Celestial
Whats up with the soft cap of mach 40? Barry was much faster than that by season 2
Flame, Earth, Metal, Smithing, Weaving, Light, Music, Dance, PASSION AND LUST, Blood, Cooking, Love, Beauty, Greed-

There's too many so I'm just gonna leave it at that.
Where can I get a kickass forge from?
So in the One Piece jump, the Faded Map is pretty much a 'create your own reasonable Devil Fruit' option, right?
Russ is more like the fourth best Primarch.
Pretty much.

Actraiser, Marvel Magic, Endless Legend, Jade Empire, Boktai for Solar Smithing-

Really, you just want to shop around for all of them and them build your own, badass forgeshop from them.
Was it ever explained why Speedsters can interact with themselves from different points in time without filling modern earth with dinosaurs? Or, hell, why that didn't happen when they were hiding their younger selves from the Time Masters in the first season?

Also, and this is just me throwing a random idea out there, I think it would be pretty cool if we could buy a miniature vanishing point. Like a building that's outside of time, space, reality, and the influence of fate.
He isn't actually, he still hasn't reached that even now I don't think. Many's statement on that last time was that you can preform all the feats Barry did at X speed at X speed even if it would logically require a lot more speed than that. Because speedforce bullshit.
Other than Marvel Magic and Lord of Light, are there any other jumps where can we get similar powers over some domain?
Mind, Heart, Time, Space, Hope, Rage, Doom, Life, Light, Void, Blood, and Breath. Outside of that though, realizing just how small you are in the grand scheme of things, buisness, language, game design, bombs, and chaos theory.
Got to say having a place outside of time and space sounds fuckin awesome, possibly import a place we already have?
Kamigawa can net you a lot of different domains.
Okami, Kamigawa, In Nomine, God of High School, Supernatural, Smite to a minimal extent
>God of High School
Really? Aren't they more like powerful demons or something? Some of them had elemental powers and stuff, but I don't remember any of them having actual authority over something.
So what happens if I share the ability 'Descending Hierarchy' with my Third-Circle Demons.

Making it so that my Third-Circles are capable of making their own Third-Circles.

What happens subsequently if I grant this to the sub-Kami from the Kami boosted capstone in Kamigawa?
Fire, the sun, will, determination, and humanity. Also the god of "stop worshipping me and do something useful with your time instead".
Yes. Even with all my dodging and escape perks, fire just gets everywhere. I really should have shored up that defense earlier.

Freedom, the forest, compassion, spirit/souls, emotions, healing, self-improvement, tricksters, and death

I basically hide in the woods and laugh.
Looking over marvel magic now, which is a better purchase worthy weapon or necrosword?
Why are domains so expensive........wwwhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyy

become Necrothor
But I cannot afford both.
Well that depends on if you want to be a warrior god or a living death metal album cover.

Or this >>53475555

Whaddya want, to become god of all the colors of the rainbow?
Anyone know where I can find a copy of Reborn's newest version of the Bleach Jump?
Dude, 4 domains is 800CP. Just makes it hard to be a multi-faceted Skyfather is all. Love the jump, just having a hard time with the pricing for the build I want.
Don't you guys already have your own replacement for that jump? I'm pretty sure Cthulhu went out of his way to replace it and post it "just for SB."
A-M Unimaged?

Sorry, but gods that are explicitly gods of more than one or two things is pretty uncommon in Marvel.
Currently up in the drive.
Odin is just the God of Wisdom and Thor is just the God of Storms. You can be multifaceted with just one domain.
Huh, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks anon.

Fair enough, I guess. Do you know of any examples of multi-domain gods?
If you buy worthy weapon you get a second domain free.
He says not to use it and to use Reborn's instead. Also, NuBleach doesn't connect with German Hollow Quest and Reborn's does. Also, Cthulhu's NuBleach jump was done before Reborn redid his.
That's so weird. I loaded by searching the drive and got the old one. then tried navigating manually ust now and got the new one. Terribly confused.
So am I absolutely insane or was there a Zendikar jump at one point?

Yeah that's never reliable.
You're probably in the wrong folder. In the drive it's title is MTG - Zendikar, I think.
Magic the Gathering has it's own section in Jumps with Folders in unimaged. So does Persona now, for those that didn't notice.
The Drive gets fucked sometimes because of the absolutely ridiculous number of files in it.

Huh. I know there are some, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
How can Odin be a god of wisdom when Marvel constantly has him doing stupid shit? Not bagging on Odin, I'm just wondering if Marvel ever explains that disparity.
Because he's written by writers who don't know how to logic and use Rule of Cool instead.
Well they say god of wisdom but god of knowledge is far more accurate, he knows a lot but doesn't actually apply it all that well most of the time.
Rolled 14, 17 = 31 (2d20)

Rolling to see how many gods Domains to take during the Greek Myth jump. The highest roll is how many I even manage to encounter, the lower roll is how many I coerce into giving me everything they own, including all their metaphysical power.
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What is this even supposed to be in response too?
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>How can
Well there's your answer.

Also like >>53475902 said, he's mostly referred to as such because of the whole "hanging himself for magic secrets" thing. The closest he comes to wisdom, generally speaking, is his keikakus.

He does occasionally do wise stuff, but a lot of time he's kind of an arrogant dick. It's just been kicked up to 11 as of late.

>Rule of Cool
If that's what you want to call it.
Probably the post just above it. He is implying that the guy is posting because he wants to bait people into telling him off for powerwanking.
That picture sums up everything that's wrong with Marvel right now.
Why? That's a fucking leap of logic and a half.
t. wolf fucker
Eh, I'm inclined to agree with him. The post is COMPLETELY out of context, and doesn't in anyway relate to what anyone else has posted. If he wanted some randomization, he could just a easily have found an random number generator online. Instead, he went to the trouble of writing up a post explaining what he is rolling about, and then uses the 4chan dice rolling thing while posting it publicly.
Oh for christ's sake. You people are retards.

Someone post the Oglaf overthinking image, I can't be bothered, but god damn.
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Arrowverse Jumpchain.pdf
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Alright I think everything is done.

Changes from last time:

-Formatting changes
-Immorality metahuman power
-Fortune 500 company & research labs
-Savitar like armor added.

Also removed the post-spark stuff from Speedster.
What number is rogal dorn?
So, while we're debating your trolliness, who'd you get? Who didn't you get?
Loading problems their bud? Also I'm not sure you could really call it overthinking. It didn't really require and higher thought or anything and is a fairly simple connection to make considering both posts are out of context and right next to each other.
You double post and yet somehow other people are retards.
>Immorality metahuman power
Wow, sounds fun.
I cast no aspersions on my own intellect this day, oh achiever-of-trips.
Not that anon but I think the pic was posted just to make others reply to it as it even says the replies were guaranteed.
Rolled 6, 4, 3, 3, 2, 4 = 22 (6d6)

I don't know. I haven't actually thought of a way to determine what domains I got from that roll. I think I'm just going to roll a few more times to see what gods didn't get caught in my web, then cross reference it with the list to see what I get.
You might be right.
>I cast no aspersions on my own intellect this day
Bravo, that makes you a better man (?) than at least half of us here.
Its basically agelessness, immunity to natural poisons & disease, and decent regeneration. Like being able to heal missing limbs in hours. So more or less like early Wolverine, nothing too crazy. Besides being able to regenerate from death once per jump.
Rolled 5, 5, 3, 12, 15, 16 = 56 (6d20)


...Should that be Immortality? Or does it also make you ignore moral restraints?
Is this an accurate list of upcoming jumps?

>Val: Vampire Counts, Tyranids
>Heavens: Mother CD, Chrono Cross
>DeSu: Nocturne, NiGHTS
>Red: Black Crusade
>YJ_Anon: Fables/Wolf Among Us, Generic Kaiju, Marvel vs Capcom
>Brutus: Orkz, SWTOR
>KOTOR Anon: Updates
What about a place outside if time/space?
That would be IMMORTALITY, not IMMORALITY. You left out the "t", and made it a completely different power in the process. A fun power, but not as useful as the other.
I want Immorality powers now.
if we're specifically ignoring a few people, sure.
Oh anon, didn't you know? It's actually the readers' fault for hating diversity and good stories.

>implying Space Corgis wouldn't be the best chapter to be an actual member of
What are you, a cat person?

Rogal Dorn is not a number. Rogal Dorn is an artificially created son of the Emperor.
>Rogal Dorn is an artificially created son of the Emperor.

Exactly why he is best son.
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I've also got Thunderbolt Fantasy and GaoGaiGar on my plate, but yeah, that's correct on my end.
If this is what passes for good stories... but then, that's what the morons behind Marvel these days really do believe, isn't it?
Presumably he's including only worthwhile jumpmakers in his opinion
Wukong said he'd do Solars in a couple of weeks.
Did you see >>53475103?
I am surprised how we have not had anyone even bring up the idea of an Owari No Seraph jump desu.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

I definitely don't get War, don't get the Sea, Wine, Victory, Beginnings, Choices, or Doorways, but since I rolled War twice, I'll reroll to see what else I don't get.
What the hell is that?

and no I won't google it, I like hearing the thread explain shit
Somebody was working on a Genesis jump too but I haven't seen them post in a while.
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>Wanting nationalistic garbage
OAA (I think it was him) is doing WoW.
If they weren't listed, they weren't worth remembering.
Haha that's my bad. I get them confused spelling wise. They look so similar. Thanks.

Like the Vanishing Point? Yeah I could do that.

Its an aspect of time travel in this universe. The Legends have ran into their past selves from time & time again. The only reason they don't intervene a lot with them because it can cause time aberrations.

As for the mini vanishing point yeah I can do that.
>Space Corgis
It's more like a space version of those fat people obsessed with wolves who put them on everything.
>Also the god of "stop worshipping me and do something useful with your time instead".

Meh god

>Whaddya want, to become god of all the colors of the rainbow?
Oh, who did I miss aside from Wukong like this anon >>53476283 said?

Sounds good, good luck with those then.
Post apoclypse shounen. Theres a virus that kills anyone over q3, then vampires move in and take over. Mc escapes vampires and swords his way into an anti vampire army.
We have Gate.

He is, yes.
You act like such concepts are a problem, that's commie talk right there.
are you including Betterman stuff with that second one because I loved that show
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Did Pod Racer ever get completed?

>Like the Vanishing Point
Not that anon, and haven't been keeping up with Arrow, but what's that?
Its a place outside of time and space, you can spend time in it without missing time outside it. Super useful if you need to take a break.
So I also don't get Love or Beauty.

That leaves Sky, Marriage, Family, Agriculture, Wisdom, Arts, Medicine, Crafting, Metallurgy, Roadways, Death, Sleep, Revenge, Magic, Crossroads, and Luck.

I honestly kind of feel like I missed out though, because Beauty, Victory, Choices, or Beginnings, which where what I really wanted all along. Maybe I'll just wank that I meet those Gods and made a trade of Domains them or something.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about him.
I'm planning a fairly extensive update to X-Men Movies.

On a related note, how attached are people to the "upgradable" powers thing? Because I was never fond of that to begin with and I'm planning to double the amount of powers available. So if i just moved the more popular ones like Self Molecular Manipulation up to Omega where most people seem to buy them anyway, how mad would everyone be about not having variations of every power and instead just having a lot more powers in general?

Yeah, but they're the only Marines who have alcohol that actually affects an Astartes. So they're automatically the best to be a part of.

Now THAT'S how you have a wizard duel.
~weeps silently~

I am working on getting Charmed out in the next few days, with at least a mostly complete WIP, if not actually jumpable.
No promises
I'd be kinda frustrated with not being able to upgrade or downgrade some powers, but I can live with it.
The fact that that isn't an edit and it's played completely straight is so disheartening
I forgot to mention that Ray Palmer was actually at one point was flung through space & time to the age of the Dinosaurs. In beginning of S2 the Legends were scattered throughout time. Ray ended up in cretaceous period, where he ended up getting chased by a T-Rex. Sara was in Colonial America where she seduced & slept with all the puritan women. She was gonna be burned at the stake for being a witch.
I mostly post on the dead hours in the thread
Doesn't that defeat the point of rolling, oh lord of Airports.
How's the jump coming along?
Still not as terrible as Julius Zimmerman.
Fire and Ice, and Firestorm are the only interesting characters on that show. The chemistry between Fire and Ice is definitely the best duo chemistry in tv cape shows, and it is among the best in tv duos period.
I'd prefer it if Self-Molecular Manipulation and Spatial Warping at least remain available at the Alpha level. Because that's where I go them, and I don't have the CP to upgrade. Nor did the upgrades seem worth it.
Yeah, but I rolled 2d20, with the higher being gods I met and the lower being gods I beat up to take their lunch money(and their divine portfolios). Because there were three gods I met who didn't fold and give me everything I wanted, I can say I made a deal with them to give them something else in exchange.

That said, at that point it's about trying to determine a fair price. I also failed to realize I also got the Moon, Hunting, and Maidens.

Okay /jc/, what domains do I have to give up to get Nike to cough up Victory?
I like having the upgradable powers options, the jump could still be good without it but it would be disappointing to lose that.
Futafags are the new furries. You're loud, annoying, and shove your fetish everywhere, even when it explicitly isn't wanted. Sure you don't act like victims when people want you out, but instead you act like cunts who are 'enlightening' the 'foolish masses'.
It's going slowly but here are some of the perks I have been working on. Haven't spellchecked so there may be grammatical errors

???(600) Discount Demon: Mankind prides itself in being above animals, possessing the capacity for thought and reason, but you know the truth about the nature of man. They are more close to pigs and other filthy animals than they think, requiring just a simple push and they will end up overcome by their primal desires. Whether solely by your mere presence or by a more active approach you now have the ability to awaken this primal nature. Creating degeneracy of the likes seen in Sodom and Gomorrah will be as easy as lifting a finger, with the more people succumbing to their nature the more your power and reach will increase. Perhaps you will be able to corrupt God's chosen ones and his loyal soldiers with time and experience.

If you have any source of material apart from >>53429048 you are welcome to say it.
In something like Doctor Who, would the WaveyRider just use the Time Vortex? Since the Temporal Zone is almost literally the same thing?
>Yeah, but they're the only Marines who have alcohol that actually affects an Astartes.
Giving Spess Mahreens Ryncol.
Good idea, or best idea?
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>mfw that capstone
I fee like I'm going to be bullied by these demons for not taking that, and wanting people to mostly give in to temptation by their own free will.
Give her the Sky and the Moon to Nike if you want Victory.

Give Marriage and Family to the next god over get Choices, and give Sleep and Maidens to Aphrodite to get Beauty.

Give up Roadways, Crossroads, Agriculture, and Metallurgy if you want Beginnings.
I have a question about SMM, since you brought it up.
Is there any sort of special sense attached to it?
Does it bestow the ability to feel what's going on in your body at the molecular level, or are you just flying blind?

Also, I guess I wouldn't mind SMM just being Omega, since that's where I purchase it.
It'll use the Zone. If you wanna ride the Vortex you'll need to retrofit the Waveyrider.
Zephie probably commands Redemption, Determination, Love, Revenge, and Crafting.
Guess I can just keep it, then. Going to try to streamline it, though.

You should be able to feel it.
Would it kill you to list shit in order by price, and not have it jump around a fuckton?

Just... Make it look neat?
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Are you serious right now.png
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>On a related note, how attached are people to the "upgradable" powers thing? Because I was never fond of that to begin with and I'm planning to double the amount of powers available. So if i just moved the more popular ones like Self Molecular Manipulation up to Omega where most people seem to buy them anyway, how mad would everyone be about not having variations of every power and instead just having a lot more powers in general?

What's so wrong to having it like it is? I think it's a good system as it is.

Not only Self Molecular Manipulation, but Spatial Warping, Technopathy, Healing Factor and Precognition also have interesting upgrades.
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> skim this post
> misread as "let us taunt her and wave our HIPS"
Eh. Its alphabetized.
Having just caught up with Legends, I want to say that I really like this update. But it kind of feel like the companion options are way overpriced. For one thing, there's no reason to buy Gideon when you could buy the WaveyRyder for the same price and get her for free. And don't get me wrong, Gideon's cool, but she's not exactly that huge of a deal in setting. And 600 CP is kind of ludicrous for even the more bullshit metahuman companions – especially seeing as Hawkgirl costs the same as Firestorm or any of the Speedsters.
LOVE & JUSTICE! With the possibility of also covering things like, hand to hand combat, craftsmanship, science, enchantment(of objects not people), fire, song, cooking, teaching.

Also things like "charity, compassion, healing" but those fall under the umbrella of LOVE & JUSTICE

You're wrong, but at least you're not saying the wolf is better than Best Primarch Sanguinius.

Wisdom =/= Intelligence.

Dorn is....special.
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Is it possible to lose when you have keikaku perks?
>Best Primarch
>Not Vulkan
I mean Sanguinius is great, but c'mon.
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Anyone ever jumped Spice and Wolf ? I think we focus too much on power.
I'm kinda new at the whole chain thing, so apologies if I'm asking a controversial question.

For Jumps that don't provide an option for importing companions - should I just let them be, or act like there's an unspoken option? If the latter, how much CP should I pay? You usually need to pay up to a couple hundred and then they get double to spend plus freebies, right?
Vulkan is #2.
I'm not big into economics, so no.
>Is it possible to lose when you have keikaku perks?

your enemy can always have better keikaku abilities
That is hilarious.
You don't have to import companions to have them around you know, but if you do decide to do that little idea of yours don't mention it Anywhere in any way
>Precognition also have interesting upgrades.

For some reason I thought we couldn't upgrade precog. What level of precog would it be at Omega anyway?
>Wisdom =/= Intelligence
Decision making is usually relegated to wisdom, intelligence is more about abstraction.
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I did
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>Meme!Ainz's Keikaku
>Aizen's Keikaku
>Kira's Keikaku
>Zero's Keikaku

Is there a being that could beat the four put together?
The best way I heard it put was this, Wisdom helps you pick the best option, Intelligence gives you more options.
Odin might always pick the best option available to him, but he's a dumbass so they are all terrible options.
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It's a super comfy setting and jump. I prefer macro economics though.
there's a reason why stasis pods in the warehouse exist.
people just houserule things to make their imagination game easier.
That's not a great analogy and it's a poor description of Odin
You realize how dumb that sounds, right?
> Hit him with hammer
> Stab him with big, black sword
> Stab him with big black sword AND hit with hammer
Truly, the odinforce is a masterpiece
What's that jump labeled as?
Yeah, but companions with superpowers is cool.

I wasn't trying to steal people from jumps, just take old companions and give them some abilities and help them fit in with the setting a little better.
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Don't you mean,, Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but wisdom is knowing that a tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad

It got me fluffy tails, aesthetics, and a title of duke.

It was /good/.
And marketing a tomato-based fruit salad as salsa is CHA.
is that what Mango Salsa is
Shhhhh, hush baby bird, don't ask questions you're not ready to know the answers for.
>putting actual fruit in salsa
What in the blue fuck is wrong with you?
What's salsa made from Cracker Jack?

I think it'll explain the joke.
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha I think
>As if some mere demon can have hips greater than Red's
>What's salsa made from
The crushed bodies of Chili's employees who show up too late too often?
You know tomatoes, corn, and peppers are all fruits, right?
Man, some mango habanero salsa is to die for. good shit. 10/10
Maoyuu Hero and Demon King
Tomato is a fruit.
Tomato is the main ingredient of salsa.
How the fuck are you supposed to make salsa without fruit?
Culinary vegetable.
Tits are her thing, not hips.

The sheer volume of hip swaying may give even her pause.
What is a culinary vegetable, anyway? I feel like being spoonfed my food info today.
Maoyuu Hero and Demon King.

But sadly there is no canon companion option for her.
You have something better?
Her tits are too big.
Her hips are perfect.
The demons will go to taunt her and be intimidated by her hips.
something decided by culture and not science. The technical definitions of fruit and vegetable are weird and would definitely defy your expectations. Cullinary vegetables are flora defined by their taste, texture, and whatnot as opposed to their biological features.
I said real fruits. Tomatoes don't count.

See above.

Who puts corn in salsa?

...Peppers are fruits? Okay, I legitimately was not aware of that.

Just eat real salsa like a fucking man.

It means you treat it like a vegetable in your dishes rather than as a fruit.
Meant to reply to >>53477344
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>Red Hips
Do Custom NPCs in Overlord get Item points to spend? It says they count as players so I assume so.
mmmm Economics.
Thanks. So, defined by how they'd be used rather than what they were made for.

You grill the corn first, and it's not uncommon.
>But sadly there is no canon companion option for her.
I know and it frustrates me to no end. She'd be an amazing companion for an empire building jumper
Mentality I guess. You think of fruits as something innately desert based like using them in icecream, pie, cake, candying them, etc. Vegetables are used in savory things, you have meat and veggies, you got vegetables in tacos and strew, that's main course type stuff. So instead of treating a tomato as a fruit, which is what it is, you tackle it like it's a vegetable. Just taking a stab in the dark, I don't actually know.
I pity you. You've never had delicious mango salsa. It is strange at first, but it is good.
Isn't Spice And Wolf also about economics?
Micro-econ. That's the joke. Those two are made by the same guy and Demon King is macro-econ while Wolf is micro-econ.
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>Posting that heresy

or at least duel you in a card game
I'll go get the shadow realm.
>Mentality I guess
Yeah, how about instead of some vague undefinable bullshit, we classify things according to their physical characteristics.
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Could just be Fire Kings
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> think "those hips are barely chel level"
> "wait"
> go to look up Chel photos
> nah they're actually about the same
The boobs are throwing it off. You can't see the forest for the GREAT STONKING TITS.

Or maybe it's the clothes.
She should wear less of them.
>And those great stonkin' tits
Physical characteristics which includes taste, texture, smell, nutrients, and what those are best paired with, etc. Culinary means cooking. It eats more similar to things in the category vegetable, but functions for plants as category fruit.
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>Not liking women in suits
Bad Taste
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>not trying to get those women out of their suits
Bad Goals.
There's a difference between "She would look better in skimpier clothing", which is just wrong, and "I want to undress her"
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Jumpers, jumpers, please. There is no reason that DEM HIPS and STONKIN TITS cannot live together peacefully. There is no reason that they cannot work together.

End this divisiveness.

Paying attention to ones attire benefits everyone.
I keep being reminded of which site I'm on when it gets like this.

I'm not sure whether that's a good or bad thing.
Any damsel that's in distress be outta that dress when she meet Jim West.
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Commenting on it just makes it worse.
Pretty sure that's part of the joke anon
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It's definitely the coat. It kindof frames her ass and makes it look a bit smaller in comparison, whereas her boobs are allowed to expand freely, making it... like...


Gonna need some feedback on Vanishing Hideout, which is mini-vanishing point.

>Vanishing Hideout (400cp) - There exists something that’s out of time, somewhere that’s only accessible to the Time Masters, a secret group of individuals chosen throughout time to shape & protect time itself, this place is called the Vanishing Point. Unfortunately it gets blown up, twice, but don’t need to worry because your benefactor has saved a chunk of it. By placing it in your warehouse you’ll have access to the “Vanishing Hideout” where time doesn’t exist as a separate room. Inside is a comfortable living arrangement filled with highly advanced technology, here you may review your adventures, remote view nearly anywhere on Earth or any planet you’ve visited anywhere & anywhen. Want to know how the dinosaurs died? Was there a real Jesus? You have access to that knowledge in form of an interactive hologram movie played out in real time. These holograms can also with varying degree of accuracy possible futures.

Women in suits is pretty hot.
If it is a joke, it's rather poorly done.
Good Jumps to achieve Za Warudo(Time Stop) in?
>blue's forbidden lust for red bubbles to the surface
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Konota why have you betrayed me so.

I will remember this betrayal.
Pick one and only one
Shhhhhh... /jc/ OTP
I don't know, she seems like she's missing something...something like...
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Last sentenced replaced.

>These holograms can also with varying degree of accuracy predict possible futures & alert you of changes in the timeline.

She is hot just her personality is rotten.
>ywn be in an odd couple Will They Or Won't They OTP as pure as BluRed
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The Great Detective in a suit.
Blue&Red OTP.
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>NuBee and Valeria.
>Ricrod and That Nameless Guy

Where were you when /jc/ got hit by cupid with an itchy trigger finger?
>this betrayal
>after the constant teasing about height, bust size, and general adorableness

Flatlets never forget Red. They never forgive.
Why would you save that?
And like that it's worse.
>that feeling when your preferred Naruto waifus are either dead, taken, or to old
Wondering if anyone is gonna get paired with Justice, the slut.
Cringe levels are off the charts in this quadrant, Captain.
Ebberon anon, how is the jump coming?
Any WIPs you'd like to share?
Don't forget: Tenten is 10/10, and if you disagree you're a massive fucking faggot.
That's exactly why no one will get paired with Justice though.
Wondering what will happen with bancho.
>>NuBee and Valeria.
Somewhere in the vastness of the multiverse, an Arleigh Burke class destroyer cries.

Dude, EVERYONE gets paired with Justice. He's the guy who connects all the pairings.
This guy gets it.
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Arrowverse Jumpchain.pdf
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Alright I've added vanishing hideout. I might organize it by cp costs later.
Tenten is the mother of Rock Lee's son.
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No idea. I like to think Cosmic Energy is somehow responsible.

Good thing I'm immune.
I'm sorry anon, were you crushing on Valeria? . . .Crushing on NuBee???
>he wasn't around for the crazy dance of hope, corruption, and destructive attraction that was Val and Strike
I'm sorry, anon. I am so, so sorry.
Don't worry heavens, ilu
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Reminder Justice NTRed god in DxD.

Probably because you waifued a NEET cosmic energy snow lady person
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no option to companion her in the Persona Jump either sadly, and no opportunity either because you arrive after the end of the main game.

No answer?


Ah man, I hate when I miss shit. What happened?
Someone would have to be a LUNAtic to love you, HeavensAnon.
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He pairs up with his right hand.

But his refusal to not wear the codpiece tears them apart.

And they end up getting separated.
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Pack it up everybody, doesn't get worse than this. This is not a challenge, I repeat, this is not a challenge.
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Pffft. That's like asking what happened over 5 seasons of Babylon 5. Summarizing is worthless, as the thing entire was uplifting, heart-breaking, and personally transformative.
Even the dead?
Not even his right hand wants him.
Hell, his dick separated from the rest of his body due to rampant faggotry.
Why do you think he wears the groinsaw? He's compensating for something.
Let me know when we're actually discussing jumps again.

Or should I just wait for next thread.
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That's it, I'm banning romance.
Sitting around, being less pretty than other jumpmakers.
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S-shush! Don't let anyone know my terrible secret! While I'm at it MY PARTY ISN'T A HAREM, GOD DAMN IT
>pic related
Gimme your top 5 lewdest jumps
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Where are the best jumps to adopt kids?
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too late
Don't feel bad Justice, I waifud Yggdrasil in Digimon.
Generic Parenting seems like the obvious choice.
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I bet they'd like that anime if she was a cute girl instead of a gremlin.
Blame if you've been to Biomega, to rescue Yion Green
Generic Parenting if you go for the adoption angle instead of biological descendant.
Nechronica. The Dolls deserve better.
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>tfw you'll never be shipped with anyone on a self-insert fanfiction subsection of the play acting section of a vietnamese pottery class forum
Wait for next thread. We hit bump limit long ago, so now we're just fucking around.
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>Heavensanon, minutes later
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Yeah, your evolution is super lewd, Alolan Garfield.
You're kind of a huge slut. Married people can be sluts too. This is an intervention.

Well drats, now I'll never know what once was and yet will never be again. Get cucked, Strike.

You can try. You'll fail.

I'm sure we'll get someone you can flirt with eventually.
Pretty much how it be.

So how's life.
Prepping for another move, cleaning house, etc.

And you?
Trust me. As a fuck who used to be in that zone because of a pre-existing condition, value your place. Embrace it.

It never does well to be in the spotlight.
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Crona 34.jpg
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There there big guy, someone will make an Elona based OTP eventually. Is this Crona smug enough? I'm going for smug and not sure if I'm pulling it off. In case wasn't clear yet I'm smugging in your general direction.
Could be better, hate my classes but doing it because I gotta get a better job to pay steadily-increasing bills.

>another move

How often?
If I make a jump and get a name can I be included
I'm so lonely
God you've become insufferable.
I think Crona's face when she ate Asura was the closest thing we'll ever get to Smug Crona. Or when she exploded and ate a city. And to be honest, both of those were more psychotic then smug.
>Blame if you've been to Biomega, to rescue Yion Green
>Still pushing your invalid jumps
To be a named jump maker is suffering, anon. They are many in number, yet few fulfill the calling of pure memetic existence. Most are forgotten, like the old gods of dead civilizations. Are you willing to do what it takes to become Memxalted?
Choke on my dick, asshole.
I was busy getting his payment ready. Everything is going JUST AS PLANNED.
That don't make sense
Unless you mean Desire for vanilla ice cream
dating my gf
Unfortunately I plan on making jumps, just dunno what yet. Thinking on making a movie jump or two just to try it out, but dunno what movie yet. You may yet see me again, anon.
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That is a very cute ice cream.
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Yeah, you might have a point there. Maybe without context it could look smug, but with the context it just ends up being mad glee. Maybe even without the context it looks like mad glee. I'll probably veer away from smug posting as long as I just post Cronas, they're just not made for it. People got that I was joking, right?
That's... not smug at all.

Every 8 to 14 months. Sometimes across town, sometimes cross country. I mostly just move to take care of family, who are very scattered.

What do you do that you need classes for?
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Same as >>53478503, desu sempai.
>mfw nobody knows what my personality is like because I suck at the Jumping part of Jumpchain
I'm not a Jumpmaking AI, I swear!
Not smug? Then I've utterly failed and deserve to get thrown in the trash where I belong.
Crona's expressions are great for a lot of things, but smug posting is not one of them, sadly.
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getting a license for Network Administration.

I don't even want it but I have no idea what I want to do with my life so the next best thing is basically 'get a well-paying career like everybody in my goddamn family has been pushing me to do since that failed attempt at art school.'

Sorry for blogposting there. And ouch, at least the moves aren't too often.
>failed attempt at art school.'

Everytime I hear of this I think 'please don't be next hitler' is that weird?
I thought about it.

I gave it some serious thought.

But I didn't have enough money to give it a shot.
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I can't deal with that.gif
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Agreed, though I find Crona excels at utter despair and freaking the fuck out, personally. I haven't found much reason to use the ones that I have stored away since I've been having a pretty decent time all things considered. It's pretty good problem to have.
tbf hitler started out as a WWI vet hobo in prison.
Hey YJ_Anon, for Generic Kaiju, could we have a perk/perks based on Shin Godzilla's biology? His ability to rapidly adapt/evolve, his transformations, his ability to spawn lesser monsters, and that thing where parts of his flesh that came off transformed into smaller versions of him?
Well, you're working on that part. Please don't be the next Hitler.
What's wrong with his legs? I'm not talking about those boots or whatever, but aren't his legs grossly out of proportion with the rest of his body?
He dreams of being a Hasbro toy.
I think it's the angle which you're seeing his lower legs.

That or he just skips leg day.
I think he means the legs inside the dragon legs, which appear to be made of slime or energy or something. I didn't see this weirdness at first either.
There are many questions one can ask and at this rate i dont feel like looking into them
Probably atrophied because he has those dinosaur boot things.
....Jesus christ that color coordination. Pick four colors at most and stick with them, unless the point is that they have to be colorful.

Get rid of that belt and it becomes less of a pain to look at.
That sounds more like a set of perks, but yeah, I was planning on including some stuff from Shin Godzilla as well.

I was actually thinking about making Drop In based off of him and Cloverfield, since they stand out as the ones that are really "Eldritch" to me (albeit Cloverfield to a much lesser extent than Shin Godzilla) and I often like to base Drop Ins off of those sorts of elements; however I'm concerned that there aren't enough Lovecraftian-esque Kaiju to be inspired by for it.
Is that weed on his groin?
Pubic hair weed.
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