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Worm Metropolis CYOA thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 358
Thread images: 73

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Hey. I tried something like this in the CYOA thread and there was enough interest in forming teams and shit as characters I decided to make this into an entire thread on its own. Basically you use the Worm CYOA to make yourself a superhero and join a team. The goal of this thread is not to build super OP characters, but build interesting characters who would work together in teams. Compared to the regular CYOA this is a low-power game. The CYOA itself is super easy to break, so there’s a few rules to go along with it to maintain the theme of the thread, keep things balanced and prevent this thread from turning into a race to make the most OP character possible.

1) Duplicate powers don’t stack. Two people with power fluctuation standing next to each other would not buff each other’s power fluctuations. This is to stop the most OP builds.
2) You can only spend a maximum of 15 Shard points on powers. This includes the 3S it takes to upgrade a power to its second trigger. This rule is in place to stop people building characters with a million high S powers (vigilantes I’m looking at you) or who are otherwise obscenely broken – Worm parahumans are closer to being x-men than justice leaguers in power level. It also stops everyone from taking a million flaws to get ridiculous powers. We can’t all be vagrants who got kidnapped and tortured by S9 and Ziz. Conspirators are the exception to this rule – they can spend up to 20 points on powers (perks of being cauldron).
3) No Abaddon shards or Negentropy. No-one has Abaddon shards in canon Worm and this is a low power game anyway. Negentropy is a no go because the entities lose all incentive to hand out powers if they’ve developed immortality. If you’re upset because “muh immortality” keep in mind as a parahuman you’re unlikely to live for much longer than a decade anyway (life in spandex is violent and short).
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4) No more than 3 Endbringers at a time. First come first served, and you play like canon Endbringers – you periodically show up to wreck everybody’s shit.
5) I’m thinking of making this into a proper RP if I can find a decent place to host it. No drop-ins or gifts – let’s keep it in-character.
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The setting itself is Metropolis, a typical extra-large New York sandbox rip-off. Even though it’s all the same setting you can pick Gestation, the Golden Age or Worthless Opponent as your scenario, but it won’t mean much more than a difference in starting points. Canon characters – Contessa, Skitter, Eidolon, Glaistig Uaine, etc – don’t exist in Metropolis. Every organisation mentioned in the CYOA still exists, but with none of the canon characters in it and they are based out of Metropolis. The Protectorate and the Wards still exist, as does the PRT. The Guild is not Canadian. The Undersiders are pre-Taylor heisters. The ABB and E88 are locked in a turf war and the Merchants sell drugs to homeless people. S9 exists and you can be in it, but you’ll probably end up with a kill order on you.

Cauldron still exists and is still a secret organisation that wants to manufacture more parahumans and take control of as many parahuman organisations as possible in preparation for fighting the Entities. Conspirators are active members of Cauldron and still get access to those sweet, sweet Cauldron powers. If you have a dead shard and you aren’t a case 53, you either stole from Cauldron or secretly work for them. If you work for them, your job is to get into a position of power within your organisation to further cauldron’s reach. If you stole from them expect Conspirators to hunt you down – or heroes working for Cauldron.

The Birdcage exists. It is not in Metropolis, and unless stated is exactly the same as in canon – a giant guardless prison run by AIs with no way out. If you are a villain and you get caught three times or you get caught after doing something horrific you end up here til it’s time to fight the entities.
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A few final notes:

Case 53 flaw x1 = you are a human with a few extra parts, like elf ears, feathers in your hair, weird pupils/irises/sclera, extra fingers etc. Think Canary from canon.

Case 53 Flaw x2 = you are still recognisably humanoid, but not as a “human”. Think Gully or Weld from canon – you genuinely look like a monster and ordinary humans might be nervous or quick to judge you.

Case 53 x3 = you are no longer recognisable as human. Think Garotte or Mantellum from canon. People who see you will think you’re a monster and may run screaming from you.

Having a kill order on you means you did something truly horrific or awful, or have repeatedly shown yourself to be too dangerous to be safely apprehended by the authorities. In short, you’ve killed people and as a result there's a fuckhueg bounty on you, which anyone - from heroes to sinister villains to rule-breaking vigilantes to every yahoo with a gun - can collect on, with no questions asked an no attempts to arrest them. They just stroll into Protectorate HQ, drop off your severed head, get given their money and walk out, even if they're a wanted felon.
And that's it. I'll post my build soon. If you have any questions feel free to ask. When you post a build, remember to include your character's name an a few sentences explaining who they are. I've got a pastebin up to record everyone's names, affiliations and character data. I'll post a link soon.
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Gestation – 15, 15
Insert Female Adult
No Identity – 17, 15
Bodysuit – 16, 15

Martial Arts – 12, 15
First Aid – 9, 15
Strategy – 4, 15
Tactics – 0, 15
Investigation - -2, 15
Parkour - -4, 15
Banter - -5, 15

Natural Trigger - -2, 15

Case 53 x1 - -2, 15
Rough Start x3 – 4, 15

Second Trigger x1 – 0, 12

Regeneration (ST) – 0, 2
Razor Hands – 0, 0

The Protectorate
Team Leader

Hastet is the weary leader of the Protectorate. After a trigger involving her cat shelter and an abusive ex-boyfriend she mutated into a catwoman. She found her way to the Protectorate and quickly became a media darling, rising through the Wards to eventually join the Protectorate proper. She quickly became famous for her quips and stylish acrobatics. Sadly, that was a while ago now. After her promotion to team leader when her predecessor was killed by an Endbringer, she became much wearier. Suddenly having to manage a team, deal with her superiors in the PRT, be diplomatic with the Guild and Haven, and organise Endbringer fights on top of her regular job fighting villains has taken a lot out of her. And that’s without mentioning her mounting frustrations with her fetishisation by certain people as “a real catgirl”. She’s still a great superhero, but she misses the days when the only thing people expected from her was snark and violence.
Buddy, if you want replies maybe you should actually tell people in the cyoag that this is a thing.

Probably not a good time either, as it seems they hit the bump limit.
Can you use SP gained in flaws to buy perks? Like Noctis Cape?
Yep. You just can't spend more than 15 SP on powers.

When this thread is archive with <dozen posts I'll remember it for next time.
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-40 Meters

-All at Once
-Sibling Rivalry

>An unknown serpent-like creature was recently discovered off the coast of North America. It was quickly classified as another Endbringer, not only due to it's immense size, but it's ability to fire highly pressurized jets of water and lightning that managed to take down all surveillance vehicles. It has also been recorded in combat with other Endbringers although the question why is still under debate.

>Although rarely seen on land, the few times it was encountered near the coast, it seemed to have altered all the surrounding terrain into open ocean. However Oceanus has not ventured very far inland with this terraforming ability so it's extents are still unknown. This ability seems to precede Oceanus and has been used as signal of his appearance. It's other abilities include being able to utilize water as a weapon, much like Leviathan, although Oceanus seems to favor using extremely pressurized jets of water as opposed to large waves and blasts. Oceanus also has been monitored generating and expelling bolts of electricity although it seems to be a fairly rare occurrence.

>Thought to be strictly bound to the ocean, given the fact that Oceanus transforms land into ocean before heading close inland, an impossibly large serpent-like creature has been recorded "flying" in large storm clouds. The only creature resembling the thing in these reports are Oceanus but if this was true, then it must have some sort of telekinesis or flight ability, making it an even bigger threat then was previouslybelieved. However reports of this flying serpent are few and far between, making this nothing but a rumor.

>Insert (Female, Adult)
Civilian Identity
>No Identity
>Custom (Somewhere between armor and thematic. Doesn't restrict movement at the cost of some protection, but still has some tinker goodies installed. Indian themed)
>Martial Arts
>Natural Trigger
>Voice in my Head
>Noctis Cape
>Infinite Credit
>Secret Lair
>Plot Convenience
>Case 53 x (Third Eye)
>Numbed Emotions

Alright, I guess I should explain how I think the Manton Effect of this power combo works. The common ratio is 2, the effect multiplies the kinetic energy of a punch, and break's Newton's third law, (the effect of a punch is only multiplied to those hit). It only applies to living beings and when the intent to harm is present. Punching a door does nothing, but punching someone in armor is fair game. (I don't know about stuff like cars or tanks though. I want to say it works because punching a tank apart would be dope, but it's kinda stretching it.) The effect will always be something more like a cone than an explosion, to prevent Durga from just immediately blowing her own arm off when punching with decent force, though when it gets pretty extreme she has to be careful.

Does that sound fair?
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Sure lets give this a shot, a little edited to fit in the rules. Got two shard points just hanging out at the end but whatever. Guess I just have a little more juice in my dead shard's tank.

Scenario - Gestation 15, 15
Path - Conspirator
Origin - Drop-In 18/18
Civilian Identity - No Identity 20/15
Costume - Thematic 17/15
Skills - Tactics, Stealth, Investigation, Hacking, First Aid, Banter, 3/15
Shard - Dead Shard 3/18
Perks - Plot Convenience, Secret Lair, Noctis Cape 0/17
Flaws - Humble Beginnings 5/22
Gifts - Metaknowledge
Powers - None 5/22
Conspirator Path - Resurrection, Door Me, Undercover (Heroes) 0/2

I'm Back Up! Your post-death solution! I come with my own secluded haven with drinks and snacks for the freshly revived to get their bearings back. Don't worry about getting squashed by those Endbringers or evil villains! I can get you right Back Up!

Nominally a non-person but their services are too valuable to ignore. Hired on by Hastet and mostly does the paperwork she doesn't feel like doing since Back Up generally sits around the base unless someone dies. Jokingly considered fueled by coffee as no one has ever seen them sleep.

-THE CAULDRON; Conspirator
-The Protectorate; Medic, cook, filler of paperwork, and life insurance provider.
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- ~2 Meters

-Sibling Rivalry
-Dormant Periods

Preferring chaos over destruction, turning otherwise kind people insane. Sibling rivalry, not out of distaste for kin but simple impartiality.
And we have our first Endbringer. That certainly didn't take long.

Go for it. This is exactly the kind of power we want to see - a creative combination of weaker ones into something cool.
Welcome aboard Back Up. I get the feeling you'll have to use your power a lot, considering...

We already have a second Endbringer, and they specialise in fucking with people's minds. Welcome aboard!
Are we still using the previous thread's pastebin link?
Nope, setting up a new one. https://pastebin.com/g1a4z0HM
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>Scenario: Gestation (15c_15s)
>Path: Hero (Prepare for UNLIMITED BLAND WORKS)
>Origin: Drop-In (+3c,+3s) (18c_18s)
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (~25)
>Civ Identity: No Identity (+2c) (20c_18s)
>Costume: Thematic (-3c) (17c_18s)

>Skills: First Aid (-3c), Tactics (-7c), Investigation (-9c), Parkour (-11c)

>Shard: Foreign element (-3c,-3s)

>Perks: Plot Convenience (-1c), Secret Lair (-3c), Second Trigger +3 (-15c,-9s), Blindspot (-18c,-13s)

>Flaws: Rough Start (+2c), Worst Day Ever +3 (+8c, +3s), Slaughterhouse 9 (+12c,+5s), Endbringer Target (+15c,+9s)

>Gift: Metaknowledge (Seems like the most useful)

>Powers: No Clip [ST] (-2s), Blink [ST] (-9s), Peak Condition [ST] (-10)

Team: Other (too lazy to make friends it seems ._. goodness me)
Perks: Companionship! (just because I can)

If you're wondering, the best plan I have to avoid insta-dying on my first day is to either hide in my super secret broom closet, or pop in and out of pictures around the world because Blink can do that for some reason.

Now you might think 3 Second Triggers is overboard, well I think it'll be harder for you to voice that opinion of yours when I slap you in the lungs (until someone mindfucks me out of my powers or something.)

But other than that, I plan to poke the evil intentions out of all your dastardly kidneys, in ALL of my naked glory. Maybe I'll teach some kids how to be cool like this silly bitch right here

I should probably find someone smart and good with computers and stuff so I can, you know, survive for more than a week.

(God I hope I didn't fuck up my points T-T)
Would you like to buy some life insurance? The Protectorate offers reasonable rates.
Close but no cigar. Your maths is fine, but there's no abaddon shards and no drop ins. Also with three STs and 10 points of powers you have 19 points worth of powers which is over the limit set out at the start of the thread.
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Ah ha! I knew I fucked up some where

Thought to be honest, I didn't pay the closest attention to the OP beyond post your build here...
Who is this character?
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Tin-Tin got a manga adaption, didn't you hear?
One of the characters from Boku no Hero Academia iirc
>Maximum of 15 points on powers

How does this apply to Stand users mister Hastet
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Steve Johnson
Once, I was a man, a small, fragile little thing, destined to die of disease, or age, or violence, or all the million other little things organics are vulnerable to. Now, I am a machine, free of the weakness of flesh. You too can be raised to such a state. For a price.

Scenario-Golden Age (10, 20)
I was one of the first tinkers to appear. At the time, as my vision swam with images of ways to replace my fragile shell of a body, I thought I had gone mad.
All those silly villains, trying to get rich through theft! Don't get me wrong, they make excellent customers, but couldn't they go into business or something?
Insert-Male Senior
I was quite old at the time when I first gained this gift. Had I not abandoned my shell, I would be dead by now.
Isn't money great? This company, PENTEX, is my little baby. Yeah, Congress keeps trying to regulate it out of existence, but that's what lobbyists are for, right? Besides, who can say no to immortality?
Strategy (5, 20)
I'd say I'm pretty decent at long term planning and such. Wouldn't have gotten this far if I wasn't.
Hacking (4, 20)
I mean, I am a computer. Although most of the time, putting in P@ssword is all it takes.
Tactics (0, 20)
Sometimes, some hot shot screaming about "corruption" or something will try to use his fancy new powers to disrupt my company. Can't have that, now can we?
Besides, sending out HiTmarks<sup>TM</sup>
Natural Trigger (3, 20)
I remember my trigger event. I was at the hospital, and my doctor came in, claiming that I had pancreatic cancer. I've gotten a whole lot better though.
Identity Reveal (6, 20)
Didn't really care about the whole "secret identity" thing.
Blindspot (3, 16)
Someone once told me that all those fancy precogs couldn't see what my company was up to. Good for me, I guess?
Nemesis (6,16)
There's some eco terrorist bitch who hates civilization, and me in particular. Something something "unnatural abomination."
It doesn't - ur copies still get 10 SP of their own. However, looking at Stand as a power for 7 points I feel all the copies should have the same powers, ie you pick them during character creation and all the copies have those powers. Otherwise its kingmaker but cheaper.
Sometimes, some hot shot screaming about "corruption" or something will try to use his fancy new powers to disrupt my company. Can't have that, now can we?
Besides, sending out HiTmarks<sup>TM</sup> against Endbringers is good PR. (sorry, I'm on a laptop)
Rough Start (8,20)
Yes, I have tons of money, but the PRT is on me, trying to label me as a villain or something. How am I supposed to tell that a bald guy with weird tattoos is a gang member? And what do you mean I can't give money to politicians for favors? That's what everyone else is doing!
Augmentation, Second Trigger (4, 8)
Definitely my favorite part about my power. I really wish I could give this to more people, but this stuff is complicated, and my R&D team has trouble converting it from tinkertech to normal tech.
Robotics (4, 1)
Now this is what the majority of my sales come from. Everything from small helper bots to battle mechs. Sure, they break down, and yeah, Congress keeps trying to ban them (thank you NRA), but there's always the black market.
I keep the best for myself of course. Nice to have a physical body to myself, just in case some villain or vigilante or rival company want to get some undeserved discounts.

Thriving Business (1,1)
Everyone knows who I am, and that I have the best equipment for sale. Unfortunately, all those other rogues are jealous of me, the PRT is pulling lawsuits out of their wherever in a blatant attempt at recruitment, and most of my employees have left in fear of being attacked by the eco bitch.
All in all, life is pretty good.
Cool. Welcome aboard. Can always use more help against the Endringers
Sorry for the bad formatting, I should have proofread before hitting the post button.

Also, do you know if superscript works on 4chan? I'm a bit of a newfag.
Sorry, no clue. I know how to do spoilers and that's it.
Gestation - 15 CP / 15 SP
Vigilante - Unlimited power (slots)!
No Identitiy - 17/15
Budget - 17/15
The Warrior Entity 20/15
Rough Start x3 26/15
Identity Reveal 29/15
Nemesis x3 38/15
Worst Day Ever x3 44/18
Vigilante Path:
Anti-Villain 46/19
First Aid
Martial Arts
Total Cost = 34 -> 12/19
Infinite Ammo
Peak Condition
No Clip
Fake Death
Power Sight
Pocket Room
Total Cost = 15 -> 12/4
Blindspot 9/0
Vigilante Equipment:
Tinker Tech 5/0
Supply Line 1/0
Blade 0/0

Don't know if I did this right. Anyway, too tired to write up my idea in any detail:

Guy had a bad day. Guy had a really bad day, and it was all due to those pesky villains.
Now he's really pissed, and he's out for blood.
Walls or doors can't stop him.
He doesn't run out of ammo.
Somehow he's aiming at every target at once.
No one can record him, and security systems are useless.
Powers? He knows if you have them, he knows what they are. He knows.
His guns are as infinite as his ammo, he keeps taking them out of nowhere.
And his ass is full of gadgets, it's like he can mix gunpowder with a pack of chem fluids and out comes an explosive bullet.
so a very angry videogame character abusing console commands
Hey Cyka Blyat. You're fine. You took no identity and identity reveal together, but that's not the end of the world. Welcome aboard.
Crap, you're right.

Guess I could be a dock worker and instead fix the balance by adding the Numbed Emotions to truly make me the avatar of a russian hacker.
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Also, here is the Nemesis. I was a bit lazy with her, as the specific build doesn't matter as much as her power and methods. The main idea here is that her shard "encourages" her to get into fights with "polluters" by making her think that she can feel the pain of the ecosystem. Feel free to expand on the idea.


Vigilante (Anti-Villain)
Identity: None
Natural Trigger.
Power: Living Forest, Second Trigger. Peak Condition.
Skills: Survival, Stealth, First Aid, Tactics, Parkour.
Perks: Noctis Cape. Voice in Head.
Flaws: Case 53 x 2. Woody body with leaves in certain places. Pointed ears.

Every hour of every waking moment I can feel it. The pain of the earth and her children, as they are choked on by smog, burnt with fire, blasted with lasers and missiles and powers. I can't go to sleep, and I can't forget their cries. So I have to stop them. Who else will?
The government won't. They're too busy getting bribed and selling away their humanity for shiny new parts by that, thing, that runs Pentex. Sure, the PRT is "investigating" him and his "business," but I know how that will end.

The PRT won't. They have their precious "public image" to worry about. Can't put those criminals where they belong, that'll be too harsh! So what if all the little people are preyed upon, and the environment gets blown apart? As long as the boat isn't rocked too hard, you can get away with pretty much anything.

Well no more I say. Me and my good friends, both little and big, have something to say to these soulless machines and politicians and crime lords. Something I'm sure they won't forget for the rest of their lives, however short they may be.
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Ryley English/ TBD
Scenario: Gestation (15/15) >All The Cool kids are doing it, right?
Entry: Insert
>Rules are rules
Gender: Female
>Statistics show a strong correlation between being a teenage girl and time powers.
Civilian Identity: High Schooler
>Kind of the normal thing for people my age, right?
Path: Hero
>I like doing the right thing.
Costume: Budget (15/15)
>I am but a middle class student. Also I'll probably end up joining a team, so that'll save me money.
-Marksmanship (10/15)
>All Thinkers need guns. I'm pretty that's a law.
-Strategy (5/15)
-Tactics (1/15)
>Kind of benefits me to know what to do.
-Stealth (-2/15)
>I had three points left, and there's probably going to be a healer.
Shard: Natural Trigger (1/15)
>Not rich enough to afford a vial, and I'm already kind of aggressive.
- Follower x 2 (1/15)
>It's a freebie. I'll design them later.
-Second Trigger (-3/12)(3)
>I'll spend this later.
-Plot Convince (-3/11)
>Being relevant is important to me.
-Blindspot (-6/7)
>I blame the temporal shenanigans.
-Worst Day Ever (-4/8)
>Well that is how triggers work.
-Humble Beginnings (1/13)
>Just an average girl, before the incident.
Gift: Plot Relevance
>Are Gifts even allowed?
-Save and Reload (Second Trigger) (1/3)(13 )
>My actual power.
-Peak Condition (1/2) (14)
>A Convenient Secondary Ability.
Path Specific
Team: I'll just join whatever hero team you all make.
Perk: Companionship.
>I've got a few friends, and they're pretty cool I guess.
Turns out I have points left, so…
Hacking (0/2)
Voice in my Head (0/0)
As a Thinker, my trigger was experiencing large amounts of emotional and mental strain while a crisis point is reached in a short period of time. So I'm a new Cape who's friend just committed suicide, via shooting herself in the head close enough that the blood got in my mouth, leaving me horrified and with a power that can go back far enough to fix everything except what I actually care about.
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Anyways, now I've got a good power, a decent amount of violent tendencies, and some good planning skills, but also a power that isn't spectacular in combat, a martyr complex, and a lack of experience. Does this seem like an okay character?
Bumping first, reading the CYOA now.

I've been dying for more Worm on here and /qst/.

JimMac if you're reading this, we're waiting for some more Blindside in Rain City.
Yeah, your fine. As a leading member of the Protectorate I recommend you join the Wards. You'll get the best training around plus a salary that gets put into a trust and saved until you turn 18.
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>You can only spend a maximum of 15 Shard points on powers.

Stand ( 7s points )

The Procterate
Fan Club
Dead Shard
Nemesis x3
Rough Start x3
Case 53 x2
Rough Start x3
Memory Loss
Physic Nosebleed
Slaughterhouse 9
Endbringer Target
Humble Upbringing
Plot Relevance

Martial Arts
First Aid

Noctis Cape
Broken Limiter

Stand Powers :
Quality Assurance
Shock and Awe
Revenant Blade
Pocket Room

posting updated writefag in a second
seeing this become a true roleplay or weaverdice-like scenario would be neat
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You appear to be an independent Vigilante. Statistics show that the majority of independents end up dead or severely maimed within the first six months of operations.

This is where PENTEX steps in. We have the technology to rebuild you in case something goes wrong. Our health insurance plan costs 800 dollars a month, and offers cyborgization in the event of severe injury that modern medicine cannot cover, with free repairs for a year.

Other offers include:
A secondary pair of arms, suitable for using two guns at once.
A scout drone connected to the brain for constant updates on its surroundings.
A sub-dermal layer of armor, capable of absorbing rounds up to .50 caliber.
We're still assuming he and Back-Up is on Hastet's team, right ? Anything else I missed ?
aaaaand forgot the picture
Nah. Welcome aboard Wrath. Please keep the teamkilling to a minimum, I don't like pulling Back Up away from his desk too often.

Whine harder anon. If you don't like it post your build in the CYOAg, this threads for a special type of low-power build. Or just be an endbringer. We've still got one of those slots free.
Mr Johnson is that you?
>ctl+f Endbringer

I could be wrong but it looks like there's room for one more? >>53318826 would be where I'd start but I'll flesh out the concept more to fit the notion of actually intending to wreak havoc.
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oh for christs sake
I must be as mentally disabled as Wrathchild himself
" I don't like hurting my friends that much. It's why I don't like to go out with the others to patrol. It scares me. "
Nice. First in first served - get a build posted before anyone else and the slots all yours anon.
>Broken Limiter
Hey. Just checked your build - you can't spend more than 15S on powers. No broken limiter, sorry.
Yes Mrs. Hastet? I believe that I am still allowed to sell my products during the investigation.

Should I get a name while on this thread? Also, is roleplaying allowed at the moment?
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Moth(wo)man - Because of her appearance she is often called "mothman" but is actually a lady moth. She has taken the name Mothwoman.

Insert Female Adult
No Identity
Budget costume (she's too mutated)

17 points

Zion shard

secret lair
one follower
Case 53 X 3


peak condition

Hero of the protectorate

Moth(wo)man is a hero who is seen as mysteroius, monsterous, and downright frightening. She was originally a schoolteacher whose powers (and mutation) were triggered duringa nearby villain attack. Her muttion was so severe that she was seen as a monster and had to give up her civilian life, however, she did have the support of her friends and family and dedicated herself to the life of heroism.
it's cool, I didn't see that
i'll replace Broken Limiter with Counter
5 ( Counter ) + 3 ( Elemental ) + 7 ( Stand )
Why not delete the 25S powers from the CYOA then since you can't get them. You're just being an asshole leaving them there if you can't get them.
I don't think he's the author of the CYOA.
I understand that Mr Johnson. I would just recommend you refrain from selling military technology to wanted felons. The PRT budget is up for review soon and we may have to renegotiate some of your contracts.

RP away. Once this thread is done I'm going to set up a Rizon chat channel for proper RPing so people will be able to set up secret messages

Well, I only really needed that one page.



If Tattletale is to be believed, I was never human. I seem to recall people, names, faces and such, but given my insights, it might just be memories of a possible world rather than the one I'm in now.

For the moment, it's enough that I have something to do. Things have been interesting since I woke up; sure I could thrash about, hurl city blocks around and tear people apart, but there's no Challenge in it, no worthy confrontation.

So I take their side. Take their shape, their forms, their language, their flag; all of it. I walk among them, offering insights, giving little pushes into possibilities that will lead to the greatest calamity. Best of all, my siblings consider me a threat, and act accordingly; this city will crumble from within and draw out the most powerful among its denizens, or from without and yield the same results.

>Humanoid Form, ~2 meters.
The layers are all there, but most of Me is around what looks like me. Outwardly stretching is a weird experience in four dimensions. Still, I try not to use much of anything overtly; can't have anyone catch me bypassing the Manton Effect as they call it. They think me a Thinker, with a slight hint short-range teleportation via moving briefly through hyper-accelerated time-frames. After that, just a little nudge to their aggression, their insecurities and their zeal...

This is going to be amazing to watch unfold, with the perfect desert of striking down the ones that survive for myself.

>Sibling Rivalry
>All At Once.
Nope I'm not the author and I have no skill with photoshop. Just someone who likes to RP, especially in superhero shit.

Welcome to the protectorate Mothwoman. Good to have you.

Cool build, but we've already got a sneaky humanoid mindfucker Endbringer. Could we get something more monstrous?
Fair enough. Lemme see what I can sort out, but for right now consider that third slot open still.
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Finished the followers/ other soon to be Wards.
It seems like two of our Endbringers have taken the All at once Flaw, and combined it with sibling rivalry. Does this mean Metropolis has to fight off 20 Godzillas at once? And I don't think its realistic for law, order, and civilization to exist when there are 20 Endbringers.
Welcome to the team. We really need to get you guys some proper costumes though.

Might want to change up Erics powers, Johnson already took thosee ones. :P
Companion: Tiger Beetle
Teenage Male
High Schooler
Thematic Costume

Martial arts

Hyper Speed
Do You Even Lift

Tiger Beetle was originially named "lightning surge", but after being one of the first heroes not to immediatley attack Moth(wo)man, the two struck up a friendship and he agreed to become her ward and advocate. He change his costume to fit a "bug" theme and to help convine the public that moth(wo)man is a hero. He wears a kamen-rider getup based on the fastest bug, the tiger beetle.
...Noooope. I'm just gonna say each Endbringer will attack all at once and fight each other in Metropolis. The only thing worse than one Endbringer? Three Endbringers!
My thanks, Hastet. You know, I never really thought someone like me would end up finding their way to the protectorat and meeting someone as famous as you!

My students oh, they loved you so much!

She then looks down to her feet

"Hm, for some, maybe a little TOO much."
Ok, got the chat channel set up. Go to #WMCYOA at Rizon chat to join
Yeah, I get that a lot Mothwoman. Good to have another Case 53 on board too.
We're gonna pretend we're our characters using Procterate-only online chat, right ?

A moth, a demon. and a catgirl. We're like the new Irregulars.
Durga has been called, rather unkindly but not inaccurately, Cauldron's attack dog. Born in abject poverty, her parents died when she was very young and she was largely left to fend for herself in the streets. Starving and sickly, she was one of those abducted by Cauldron in the creation of the Case 53s while she was in her early teens. Ironically, the trauma of being abducted to what may as well have been an alien spaceship ended up causing her actual trigger event. Training and raising her from then on, she grew to develop a deep respect for what the Cauldron was trying to accomplish and entirely forgave them for the event. She harbors a deep and abiding antipathy for the apparently fumbling idiot gods that threaten all of reality. Trained to be a lethal weapon, a tool to precisely remove threats, she's terminated both villains and heroes on Doctor Mother's orders. She's not quiet or discreet about what she does, she's a high powered sniper rifle from a rooftop rather than a blade in the night. As such, her name, or at least her MO, has circulated among the parahuman community for some time. Most assume she's some sort of well funded vigilante with her own agenda, but those in the know recognize the bloody smears she leaves behind as Cauldron's work.

She spends most of her time in a hidden safe house in Brockton Bay, living a comfortable enough life on a Cauldron allowance. While taciturn and even fearsome while on the job, she's surprisingly mellow when on her off time or interacting with her superiors. She has a solemn, almost wistful or absent personality and tends to come across as a hazy dreamer. In reality, it's simply a thin covering over her iron hard beliefs and disturbing ability to kill without remorse.

I'll be honest, I'm currently learning everything about Worm through the fan wiki because I've never read the story. Pardon any lore discrepancies.
That's fine, lots of people haven't.
Yeah, i'm surpised the CYOA is drawing in so many people that haven't read the story. It's not required by any means but I urge those who haven't to read it just because it's fun.
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It has been seen with state-of-the-art camera and telescopic technology; distant, mobile, but deadly in application of its strange talents.

It was first spotted by various space agencies, and though its presence was hushed at first, Amateur astronomy soon put an end to the secrecy as the strange shapes on the moon began to appear and tell of the dangers to come.

The Endbringer's true nature is still unknown, but it is safe to assume that it is some variety of Tinker.

Given the destruction of several major cities since it began its work, it is also safe to assume that it is a very capable entity in its field.

Attempts to bombard it with conventional weaponry, and even WMD's have fallen short; missile arsenals have been met with point-defenses and while some of the entity's efforts were set back, the more successful defenses have been Actual Defenses rather than good offenses; the massive projectiles launched by Luna's creations can be deflected with sufficient force or causal disruption.

Where they are Not re-directed...the result is not atomic in nature, but deadly none the less in massive areas.


>Dormant Periods
The CYOA makes the setting a little more palatable I think for two reasons. One being that you operate through the eyes of your own OCdonutsteel and not what I gather is a temperamental and equally Sue-ish teenage girl, and because it presents a lot of the more interesting information in a really concise and well formatted way.

It's almost like an extended introduction for the story.
cool. welcome aboard
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Gestation (+15) [+15]
Ambivalent (+4) [+4]
Janitor (+1)
Budget costume (0)
Natural trigger (+3)
1. Second trigger x3 (-12) [-9]
2. Plot convenience (-1)
3. Secret lair (-2)
1. Martial arts (-4)
2. Stealth (-3)
1. Peak condition [-1] 2nd trigger
2. Jump (-1)
3. Stone skin (-2) 2nd trigger
4. Boomerang (-2) 2nd trigger
1. Blade (-1)
Almost done with my character, but what's the best powerbuild to mimic personal friction?
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I'm just tweaking a build I made in a previous thread. I like the fact that you're trying to limit OP builds.

Name: Eviscerator/Emilio

Gestation 15/15


High Schooler

Custom Costume 11/15
I'll combine the flexibility of a body suit with the power and durability of armor

Martial Arts 7/15
Stealth 4/15
Parkour 2/15

Natural Trigger 5/15

Voice In My Head 5/13
Noctis Cape 5/12

Rough Start x2 9/12

Augmentation 9/7
Genetics 9/-3
welp there goes the 15 points I'm allowed to spend

Ambivalent 13/1
Blade 12/4
Tinkertech 8/1
Tool Belt 7/1
Supply line 3/1
Bombs 1/1

Before he was the "Eviscerator", he was just an ordinary high school student named Emilio. He was the type of kid who was smart but never tried or applied himself. Emilio grew up lower class near the docks and got into a lot of fights as a child. His powers were triggered by a villain attack that left him maimed. He was able to repair himself by creating prosthetic augments out of a pile of scrap metal he found. Through the use of his skill in genetics he is able to synthesize drugs that furthermore enhance his abilities. He dons a 'cyborg ninja' costume inspired by a character in the Chinese cartoons that he watched as a child.
I'm in the process of reading the story. As of now, I'm nearing the end of arc 3 and it's pretty good so far.
No clue, sorry

Cool. Welcome aboard.
Avery White.

Gestation 15/15


Insert 15/15

Journalist 15/15

Budget 15/15

First Aid 12/15
Stealth 9/15
Investigation 7/15
Bants 6/15

Second Trigger 2/12
Secret Lair 0/12
Noctis Cape 0/11

Protocols (ST) 0/10
Replication 0/0

>Rogue Path
"Mundane" Assist
One night, Ms. White was chasing a lead, and the trail split. Wishing she could find both truths tore her up, and the truth she did follow tried to do the same
She's never slept a wink since then, and has been using her resources to buy hair dye and some fake IDs. Her new sources are very reliable, and she's going to get to the bottom of whatever the hell is going on even if it kills her. And then kills her again, and again, and again...

Hmmmm.... I may take Humble Beginnings just to take Voice In My Head, but I'm too high and tired to do that right now. I'll do a bit tomorrow before work. Good night /tg/.
Hmmmm... Yup, Doing the Humble Voice. It fits too well not to.
I'll work out the rest of the math, and how it will go when I wake up.
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Cross posting on the CYOA Gen page:

I've got a question about the new Worm CYOA. If I do drop-in and am mtf trans, how does that affect Cosmetic Shapeshift level 1? Do I look how I'd like to look, with no change to my primary sex organs? Because of the "permanent" effects of the power, will I not need hormone therapy anymore?

Here's a gif of a happy toddler to compensate for the awkward question.

>Insert (Male, Adult)
Civilian Identity
>No Identity
>Natural Trigger
>Second Trigger
>Voice in my Head
>Secret Lair
>Plot Convenience
>Case 53 x3
>Memory Death
>Slaughterhouse 9
>Repair (Second Trigger)
>Other (The Savages)

Vandal and his gang are a recent addition to the Brockton Bay underworld but are already making waves. Vandal possess the ability to upgrade virtually anything he comes into contact with, both organic and inorganic. While the upgrades are often crude looking (in the case of the upgrades to people or animals, they universally come out looking monstrous regardless of the actual improvements made) they are often shockingly effective. Blunt, rude, but oddly charismatic and competent, Vandal has become a natural leader for his band of miscreants. While he operates as an arms dealer of sorts and has committed more than his fair share of violent crimes, the Savages is more than just a criminal enterprise to Vandal. It's a brotherhood, a band of outcasts and vagrants who just want to finally get their piece of the pie, by any means necessary.
I don't know why CS1 doesn't let you change gender when you can change everything else. I'd say just ignore the "no gender change" thing and change yourself to whatever gender you want. And yeah, u won't need therapy, its permanent.
I say we can fudge it to change gender, I don't see a problem with it.
When is the chat going to be tomorrow?
Oh, also, is taking Case 53 fine if you're not actually a Case 53, but are just horrific as a result of your powers? Because it seems like there are those who get negative physical side effects without that whole Cauldron fucking you over thing.
Checking those bodacious digits my friend.
Could be the team & friends getting to know eachother, maybe hanging out on the street.

Checked !
>Could be the team & friends getting to know eachother, maybe hanging out on the street.
That's great, but at what time will it take place?
He's from Boku No Hero Academia.

His power is intangibility, and when he deactivates it while he's in something he gets instantly ejected out of it before rematerializing.

He uses this to phase through the floor and instantly pop back up behind people, basically just teleporting all over the place.
I'd assume mid-day, the day after the new guys are introduced to the team. Naturally, the people who aren't Case 53's would still have to wear masks, but Hastet and Wrathchild wouldn't.
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We seem to be lacking in villains!

Total Points:
-Character: (28)(-28)
-Shard: [24][-24]

-Luna Rune, Magnum-Opus

Scenario: (+15)[+15]
-Gestation (+15)[+15]

-Villian: +1 to each point type granted by flaws

Origin: (-1)
-Adult, 20
-Civillian Identity (-1)
-Office Drone (-1)

Costume: (-4)
-Other (-4)

Skills: (-14)
-Martial Arts (-4)
-Marksmanship (-5)
-Parkour (-2)
-Mechanics (-2)
-Hacking (-1)

Shard: (+3)
-Natural Trigger (+3)

Perks: (-6)[-12]
-Secret Lair (-2)
-Power Slot x2 [-2]
-Second Trigger x1 (-4)[-3]
-Voice in My Head [-2]
-Noctis Cape [-1]
-Blindspot (-3)[-4]

Flaws: (+10)[+9]
-Rough Start x1 (+3)
-Case 53 x1 [+1]
-Worst Day Ever x1 (+3)[+2]
-Identity Reveal (+4)
-Numbed Emotions [+3]


Powers: [-12]
-Shaker [-1]
-Pocket Room [-1]
-Brute [-1]
-Peak Condition [-1]
-Tinker [-8]
-Small Arms [-3]
-Second Trigger
-Augmentation [-5]
-Blaster [-1]
-Infinite Ammo [-1]

Path Specific: (-3)
-Money (-3)

Write up on the way!
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>Luna Rune seemed like a simple, background character, one that would be swept up in any disaster that hit her city. However, unknown to others, she had awoken from a combination of stress, anger and general annoyance at everyone around her at work. Early on, she was able to keep the effects of her powers from showing, but soon enough, her mental state took a turn for the worse. Massive amounts of stress and a talking shard slowly drove Luna to the edge of insanity. Her official reveal to the general public was a gruesome one as she quickly reduced each of her coworkers to pulp one weekday morning. After that event, she quickly went into hiding, not to be seen for quite a long period of time.

When Luna appeared next, she was completely different. Extensive use of her powers have caused most, if not all, of her emotions to fade away, leaving nothing but cold logic in it's place. This seemed to explain her appearance, being more machine then human. Luna, or Magnum Opus as she called herself, continued to appear every so often around the world, conducting raids and attacks on storage facilities containing rare and valuable resources. Surprisingly, these raids lacked the death of her first exposure, attributed to the fact that killing these grunt civilians was "inefficient" in hey eyes.

Eventually, Magnum Opus was confronted by a group of younger heroes in one of her raids. The storage location was quickly reduced to rubble as Magnum Opus was basically a "living weapons platform". However, after a grueling fight, the heroes seemed to finally have pushed Magnum Opus into a corner and were on the brink of victory. That's when the world got their first glimpse at what Magnum Opus was doing during her
time out of the spotlight. Opening multiple portals, mechanical arms appeared, replacing Magnum Opus's exhausted and destroyed armor and weapons pieces, even seemingly switching up her entire load out and specialty in mere seconds.
>Cape Name: Manticore

>Real Name: Eugen Fischer

>Scenario: Gestation

>Path: Conspirator

>Identity: Male, Senior

>Civilian Identity: Medic (Doctor, if possible)

>Costume: N/A

>Skills: Martial Arts

>Shard: Dead

>Perks: Second Trigger, Secret Lair, Infinite Credit [Cauldron], Noctis Cape

>Flaws: N/A

>Powers: Genetics: Second Trigger, Consumption

Eugen Fischer... a mad scientist even before his bargain with Cauldron, he was an off-the-books researcher for the United States military for decades, doing unethical studies unsuitable for public scrutiny. After his government project was shut down, he was stripped of his lab and unceremoniously forced to retire. Embittered but seeing no way to continue his work, he grew increasingly resentful at the Powers That Be - until Cauldron contacted him and revealed themselves to be the true Powers.

Given powers in exchange for loyalty, Manticore plays with life itself for Cauldron. He can even assimilate traits from lifeforms he has created; this allows his body to reveal the inner monster he always was.
>Small Arms [-3]
>Second Trigger
>Augmentation [-5]
Its a bit unclear. Is the small arms power a second trigger, or the augmentation?
The fight that followed was brutal as what hope could a group of young, exhausted, naive teenagers do against a fresh villain that had shown abilities never recorded to be in her profile? Later reports of Magnum Opus record vastly different weaponry, ranging from incredibly devastating rail guns to plasma armaments to seeker missile to close range ion cannons.

Small Arms is the augmented one. Cant be all machine now can we? Have to just settle for a mostly machine android devoid of human emotions.

Right, I haven't addressed the whole gang thing.
>Magnum Opus operates mostly alone due to it being hard to get along with her almost emotionless personality. However she has been rarely seen cooperating with other villains when they seem to share a common goal.

>Advised to avoid if possible or appeal with reason and logic instead of blindly running into combat with Magnus Opus. Let it be noted that certain encounters in the past have ended peacefully when logic, reason and efficiency arguments prevailed.
>Her official reveal to the general public was a gruesome one as she quickly reduced each of her coworkers to pulp one weekday morning
Yeah, that's a violation of the Unwritten Rules at best, a Kill Order at worst.
As it is, I think that's fine. The Unwritten Rules say no widespread killing of civilians. So no bombing a city or shooting up a mall. One offs or small groups is fine. If it wasn't, what would make villains villainous?
It will still send you to the Birdcage. Look at Lung: he killed people, so the PRT sent him to the Birdcage when they caught him. Also Canary.
>what would make villains villainous?
Robbery, assault, drug trade, etc. all get you prison time, but you can still easily break out.
I don't understand, basically all regular crime is wrapped up with murder. Drugs, prostitution, black market goods. It all involves not just hurting people, but killing them. It seems like most criminal organizations have parahumans at the top of the pile, so has murder as a conventional crime actually pretty much disappeared?
Tinker's Bane
Scenario: Gestation C:15 S:15
Path: Hero, The Protectorate
Secure Identity
Origin: Insert
Engineer -2
Costume: Thematic -3
Strategy -5
Shard: Natural Trigger +3
Second Trigger -4 -3
Second Trigger -4 -3
Gifts: Payoff
Technopathy (2nd trigger) -2
Machine Spirit (2nd trigger) -7

Tinker's Bane is the Protectorate's answer to villainous tinkers that go overboard in the destructive use of their powers. His abilities to control and disable tinkertech at a long distance make it almost trivial to remove enemy tinkers from play. Combined with the power to posses inanimate objects, including electronics, and travel through electronic connections, TB can appear at almost any location at a moments notice to counter the latest nano-plague or tech-augmented parahuman.
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>Advised to avoid if possible or appeal with reason and logic instead of blindly running into combat with Magnus Opus. Let it be noted that certain encounters in the past have ended peacefully when logic, reason and efficiency arguments prevailed.
Logical argument: attempting to rob, sabotage, or interfere with PENTEX operations will be met with a corresponding level of force.
I mean, if the defense force is overkill, I don't think Magnum Opus would even bother attempting a raid as it just won't be profitable.

So congrats, you did it!
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Well... tinkers are bullshit anyways
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>TFW Gene-tinker
Tinker's Bane's Bane?
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Alright, let's go!

Name: 'Ex Machina'
Scenario: Gestation (15, 15)
Path: Villain, Other
Origin: Insert, Female, Teenager
Civilian ID: No ID +2
Costume: Custom -4
Skills: Martial Arts -4, Strategy -5, Tactics -4. Stealth -3, Mechanics -2, Hacking -1, Investigation -2
Shard: Natural Trigger +3
Perks: Follower -3, Second Trigger -4 -3, Secret Lair -2, Blindspot -3 -4, Noctis Cape -1
Flaws: Rough Startx3 +9, Case 53x2 +4, Worst Day Everx3 +9 +6, Numbed Emotions +2
Power: Augmentation (ST) -5, Robotics -7
Villain Perks: Money -3
Villain Flaws: Dishonorable +2 +2

Follower: 'Ghost'
Origin: Insert, Female, Teenager
Civilian ID: Homeschooled -2
Costume: Armor -5
Skills: Mechanics -2, Stealth -3
Shard: Natural Trigger +3
Perks: Second Trigger -4 -3, Blindspot -3 -4
Flaws: Rough Start +3, Worst Day Everx3 +9 +6
Power: Repair -2 (ST), Small Arms -3, Fortification -7

Widely acknowledged as - and believed to be - a simple if incredibly skilled hacker, master at leaving no tracks and being seemingly untraceable, Machina's agenda is a complete mystery, her actions seeming random and unrelated, even to those who attempt to gain any foresight on her plans through more-than-ordinary means.
Still, there is no doubt that she is a dangerous individual - being reported to have broken into the systems of banks and stock exchanges, military and government agencies, as well as being involved in blackmailing several powerful figures all across the globe.

Among the few known facts about her are her nickname - Ex Machina - and her avatar, being that of a girl that seems to be partially cybernetic, as can be attested by any who has been on the receiving end of her actions. What is less known is that a lucky, powerful, chosen few seem to be able to randomly stumble upon very specific and uncanny websites, looking like a very simple chat room, where one may contact or be contacted by Ex Machina.
To those, she offers nothing but fair trades – information for favors.
Being aware that her living body and old life had been forfeit for once and for all, Machina chose to leave behind everything she once was, and to fully embrace what she had become.
Her only companion is perhaps the one thing from her past life she could not leave behind – the one who she saved through her sacrifice, but who she sadly could not prevent from being cursed with powers much akin to her own.

Choosing not to abandon that person - or perhaps not wanting to risk bearing any more regrets - Machina took the girl under her wing, as her protégée.
Ghost, as she calls herself when donning her tinkertech power armor, is a loyal friend to Machina, never being able to forget how she was saved from certain death by the automaton which rose out from under the piles of scrap metal that day.

She serves Machina mainly by tending to her base of operations, acting as her proxy in the material world, repairing and upgrading her automatons, while building new defenses and tech that may aid the machines when “the time comes” (in Machina’s words).

While Ghost would not have hesitated to give up on her old life, Machina demanded that she continued to lead her civilian life as she always did, and only came to her aid when the circumstances allowed. For those times when Ghost is not present, Machina possesses a state-of-the-art android body which inhabits to affect the physical world.
Damn, I ate two paragraphs. These two are meant to come before the ones in the quoted post:

"Despite her “public figure”, Ex Machina, or just Machina, is but one of the many who paid a dear price for the power granted to them by the shards. The trigger for her powers were the many events of the day when she lost everything that connected her to her previous life, a day she wish she could forget, but was, alas, cursed with being able to remember every single second in vivid detail.

Suffice to say that the price she ended paying was nothing less than her own body - she is now nothing but data, strings and codes, information stored on a vast network of machines. Never again will she know the feeling of a light breeze on her skin, the heat of summer or the cold of winter, the fatigue of exercise or the peace of sleep. "
The fact that all of our villains are tinkers is... concerning.

I'll rectify it in the morning.
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Golden Age
Male Highschooler
Budget attire
Martial Art

Live Shard
Noctis Cape
Second trigger

3 x Nemesis
3 x Cauldron vial

Unlim. Shard works (2nd)
True of false

2 free companions


Companion powers
Dead Shard
Female higschooler
Psychic nosebleed
Numbed emotions
3 Cauldron Vials

Wavelength Manipulation
Cosmetic Shapshift

Female Highschooler
Dead Shard
Worst day ever
Case 53
Secret Lair
Numbed emotions
Martial art

Broken Limiter
Shock & Awe

Female HIghschooler
Dead Shard
Martial Arts

3 Cauldron vial
Rough Start
Hyper Speed

The Wards

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Too lazy to do the villain, but just some girls with visible powers.Good rules, had to use a little bit of creativity.
It says no 25 point powers.
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Caped Baldy
Golden Age - 10, 20
Ore wa hero
Insert Male Adult
>Civilian identity
No Identity - 12, 20
Cape + Bodysuit - 9, 20


Second Trigger - 4, 14
Plot Convenience - 3, 14

Worst Day Ever [3] - 9, 18
Numbed Emotions - 9, 20
Humble Beginnings - 14, 25 (100 PUSH-UPS, 100 SIT-UPS, 100 SQUATS, AND 10 KM RUNNING, EVERY DAY)

Plot Relevance

Broken Limiter

The Protectorate

>Follower: Genos
No Identity
Budget costume
Dead Shard
Power Slot x2
Powers: Jump, Peak Condition (2nd Trigger), Immunity, Flight, Blitz,
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mad scientist.gif
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Everyone wants to be a mad scientist, anon. It's so cool!
Gestation (15, 15)
Insert, Female, Teenager
Homeschooled (free)
Budget (15, 15)

Mechanics (13, 15)
Hacking (12, 15)
Investigation (10, 15)

Natural Trigger (13, 15)

Second Trigger x2 (5, 9)
Secret Lair (3, 9)
Noctis Cape (3, 8)

Technopathy (second triggered) (3, 6)
Power Sight (3, 5)
Perfect Mind (second triggered) (3, 0)

Product Sales (information)

Thriving Business (0, 0)

Everybody wants to know something. When their curiosity gets the better of them, they turn to Delphi Solutions LLC. A mysterious organization accessible only via a webpage, Delphi can find out anything for you... assuming you have the money. Worried your lover might be cheating on you? Delphi can deliver you a dump of the last 9 months of their emails and text messages. Vigilante looking for a villain's hideout? Delphi can point the way. Up and coming supervillain in need of an edge over the local heroes? Delphi can find their Achilles' heel. With an unbroken string of satisfied clients, all of Delphi's information is fully guaranteed accurate and up to date. We will answer all your questions or your money back.

Behind the facade, Delphi is actually just a 15 year old girl with intense agoraphobia, parents who are out of the house 18 hours a day, and a suite of super powers that allow her to replicate the work of scores of private investigators and hackers all by herself. After her first few jobs she was easily able to afford renting out a basement studio across the street from her house and proceeded to fill it with an array of custom-built computers. Being able to operate dozens of computers at the speed of thought (and Delphi thinks faster than just about anyone nowadays) plus not really needing to sleep anymore means that she can bring in tens of thousands of dollars per day selling secrets to desperate people all over the world while never leaving her bedroom.
(I should perhaps note that this entire build is predicated around being able to use the internet via computers operated by Technopathy. If that's not kosher then I'll need to rethink things a lot.)
I'm trying to decide whether it's worth Worst Day Ever x3 to get Blind Spot. We do have a precog Endbringer...
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Kosmos (Valentia O. Ripley)
Gestation (15,15)
Teenager [I'm 14, I like long walks on the beach, stargazing and building doom lasers. Your typical teenage girl really.]
High Schooler (Ward)[Classes are a yawn but what can you expect?]
Thematic (12,15) [Uh, Astronaut theme, hello? My suit provides protection and sweet looks, I'll be styling all over those villains!]

First Aid, Marksmanship, Parkour, Banter (1,15)
Zion (4,15)
Psychic Nosebleed (4,18) [Tinkering for too long or trying to force a new schematic out gives me bad migraines. Once I blacked out and woke up on my desk face all covered in blood! Not fun. Thats when I figured I might need some help and joined the wards...]
Second Trigger, Noctis Cape, Voice in my Head. (0,12)
Small Arms II(0,9), Repair(0,7), Gravity Control (0,0) [Jumping around at low gravity and zapping baddies with my custom raygun. Mwaha, your tax dollars are for a good cause at last!]
Wards (or whatever hero team)

Kosmos is a spunky little hero whose a touch naive; she was a pretty fun character to make. She's got a good heart and hopefully will be a stellar teammate and ward! Hah.

I thought about grabbing humble beginnings for blindspot, but ehh. Its more fun this way.
Armory/Elizabeth "Lizzie" Everett
Gestation (15 CP, 15 SP)
Female Teenager
>Civilian Identity
High Schooler
Thematic (12 CP, 15 SP)

Martial Arts (8 CP, 15 SP)
First Aid (5 CP, 15 SP)
Mechanics (3 CP, 15 SP)
Hacking (2 CP, 15 SP)
Investigation (0 CP, 15 SP)
Parkour (-2 CP, 15 SP)
Natural Trigger (1 CP, 15 SP)
Follower x2 (Free)
Plot Connivence (0 CP, 15 SP)
Infinite Treasury (0 CP, 5 SP)
Proficiency (0 CP, 3 SP)
Quality Assurance (0 CP, 0 SP)
>Path Specific:
Fan Club

Although some think she's an overachiever, Lizzie is actually kind of relieved to be a Ward. It means getting away from her parents and their unreasonably high standards for their smarter-than-average daughter who really just wants to fix up old cars and run around the city rooftops like a maniac. Not having to learn all the things anymore is nice... well, her parents made her learn martial arts for her own safety, but that's okay. It's a practical skill!
>Civilian Name | Cape Name
Alex River | Medic

Gestation (+15c|+15s)
Hero (2 Followers free)
>Entry, Gender, Age
Insert, Male, Adult

>Civilian Identity
Medic (-3c) (+12c|+15s)
Bodysuit (-1c) (+11c|+15s)

Martial Arts (-4c) (+7c|+15s)
First Aid (-3c) (+4c|+15s)
Stealth (-3c) (+1c|+15s)
Mechanic (-2c) (-1c|+15s)
Parkour (-2c) (-3c|+15s)

Natural Trigger (+3c) (+0c|+15s)

>Perks & Flaws
Follower (x2) (free) (+0c|+15s)
Power Slot (x2) (-2s) (+0c|+13s)

Mover: Blink (-7s) (+0c|+6s)
Shaker: Pocket Room (-1s) (+0|5)
Shaker: Barrier (-2s) (+0c|3s)
Brute: Peak Condition (-1s) (+0c|+2s)
Thinker: Presence (-2s) (+0c|+0s)

>Path Specific (Hero)
Secure Identity

Bit of a grab-bag hero, Medic is a first-response support character on a battlefield, lending first aid where applicable, and using his abilities to locate and reach those in trouble. While able to put up a fight, he knows when he is outgunned and will call in for support as necessary.

He considers Back Up an immense load off his back knowing even if he screws up there's someone there to help those who he could not aid, but it also pushes him to do his best that people didn't end up in that bad of a shape unless it couldn't be helped.

(Followers not done)
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OP here. I go a away for a few hours and the whole thing blows up.

>>53334781 (there's already Johnson, who had the same idea as you - augments, robotics and then make self full cyborg)
Cool to see we finally have some villains showing up. Welcome!

Same to the conspirators!

And heroes! Welcome!

Wow, rogues too?

U needa read the rules I posted at the start of the thread man.

I don't know your time zone so I don't know. But In aussie eastern standard time,maybe 8ish?

I'm going to update the pastebin with all the new characters. I'm thinking of putting a kibosh on followers, there's just too many of em.
And hello to you too!
I didn't really want to make followers anyway, but that takes away the one perk Heroes had over the other paths. I mean, I mostly just took it because I wanted to be a hero, but it seems a little unfair for there to be a power disparity, don't you think?
>Mad void

Gestation, Villain 15/15
Male self insert, Adult, Dock worker
Costume: Thematic
Natural trigger
Skills: Martial arts, First aid, Stealth

Perks: 2nd trigger, Power slot x2

Powers: Shock and awe, Blink, Vampirism ST,

Gift: Interludes
Group: Merchants

A dock worker who lost his job and his place in society thanks to leviathan shenanigans destroying all sea ports over the world.

Joining the merchants was a act of desperation, even something hateful like selling drugs for kids can be overlooked if you are hungry and desperate enough.

His trigger came when the E88 made the choice to cleanse the city of the merchants, even if the man himself despised their drug trade, the merchants were still all he had, watching E88 kill the few genuine friends he had in the gang drove him beyond his limits, and there he found the power to fight back.

Getting powers changed his standing in the merchants, he was no longer just another disposable worker, he was a "cape", he was "Mad void", someone who could fight on equal terms with all the other heroes and villains of the city, it also meant that he had a voice in the gang, a voice that could actually be heard by the leader, a voice that he could use to convince the old man to take the gang to war and take new territory, to make the merchants a name to be respected and not just a total joke, for Mad void knew the city did not belong in the hands of the ABB or E88, it belonged to him and his merchants, and they would take it, together.

Tried creating a villain for that could actually help the Merchants get some respect, kinda wanted to make him the leader so I could get rid of the drug trade for kids, but that would be somewhat mary sue territory.
Yaysies another Ward! Wanna be teammates? It'll be fun, hopping from rooftop to rooftop taking down crime. Between the two of us we could do some real damage; the baddies will be seeing stars for sure!

Ello boss lady! Thanks for having us

Ah damn, I forgot to erase "Power slot x2", every time I only notice mistakes like this after I posted the damn thing.

I am using a spreedsheet another anon posted:


It helps keeping the tally of your points when you are trying to change your build.
You bet! We are going to kick all the ass. All of it. You hit 'em from afar, and I will smack them with a stick. Turns out an indestructible bo staff is a pretty awesome thing to hit people with.
Thanks for the welcome! Aw jeez, sorry, Johnson's build completely flew under my radar, didn't notice someone else had went that route.
If I have another idea I'll post something else, for I don't like to copycat stuff. And here I was feeling smart for pulling a SOMA, because Ghost is the human Machina, the consciousness left behind, but she doesn't know that since traumatic data transfer-induced amnesia.
That's cool, just fluff your powers as being different to his. There's a lot of overlap between the tinkers anyway.

I've got a pastebin set up with descriptions of everyone who's in the thread so far. We've got good numbers on heroes and wards, have all 3 Endbringers and have a decent number of conspirators and rogues. We just need a few more villains it looks like. Sorry for the issues, I've never used passtebin before and im learning as I go.

Heya, welcome back, and it seems I took a break just when you returned apparently.

On Followers then... 1st off...

>Civilian Name | Cape Name
Samuel Eastwood | Link

Gestation (+15c|+15s)
Hero (2 Followers free)
>Entry, Gender, Age
Insert, Male, Adult

>Civilian Identity
Engineer (-2c) (+13c|+15s)
Bodysuit (-1c) (+12c|+15s)

Marksmanship (-5c) (+7c|+15s)
Mechanics (-2c) (+5c|+15s)
Hacking (-1c) (+4c|+15s)
Parkour (-2c) (+2c|+15s)
Banter (-1c) (+1c|+15s)

Natural Trigger (+3c) (+4c|+15s)

>Perks & Flaws
Followers (x2) (free) (+4c|+15s)
Second Trigger (-4c, -3s) (+0c|+12s)
Blindspot (-3c, -4s) (-3c|+8s)
Rough Start (+2c) (-1c|+8s)
Worst Day Ever (+2c, +1s) (+1c|+9s)
Psychic Nosebleed (+3s) (+1c|+12s)

Tinker: Nanomachines (2nd Trig) (-10s) (+1c|+2s)
Changer: Cosmetic Shapeshift (-1s) (+1c|+1s)
Breaker: Immunity (-1s) (+1c|+0s)

>Path Specific (Hero)
Fan Club

Link is a bit of a prick at times, a motor-mouth that never seems to shut up. He managed to get fired from his job for his bad jokes and temper, and has on occasion ran into some cringe worthy trouble, though managing to pull through in the end though more often than not owing a few favors to people for it.

He's triggered with the natural ability with working with small things, which disappoints him partly because he wishes he had a chance to craft a very cool tinker gun. Instead, he goes around with a regular gun along with a stun-gun, and a couple of ready packages of nanomachines to put to use.

Why bother learning to investigate when you can sprinkle the area with little bots to scan it all up for the real thinkers to whimper about over coffee?

Yeah, he's not exactly the prime quality for a hero really, but for some reason he's got a following for his positively ridiculous boasting and tooting his own horn.

(I'd imagine followers that are heroes don't actually get their own followers)
aand wrapping up with the 2nd follower (sorry if went overboard with that)

>Civilian Name | Cape Name
Richard Wilson | Arrest

Gestation (+15c|+15s)
Hero (2 Followers free)
>Entry, Gender, Age
Insert, Male, Adult

>Civilian Identity
Dock Worker (-0c) (+15c|+15s)
Budget (-0c) (+15c|+15s)

Martial Arts (-4c) (+11c|+15s)
Tactics (-4c) (+7c|+15s)
Investigation (-2c) (+5c|+15s)
Survival (-3c) (+2c|+15s)
Parkour (-2c) (+0c|+15s)
Stealth (-3c) (-3c|+15s)

Natural Trigger (+3c) (+0|+15s)

>Perks & Flaws
Followers (x2) (free) (+0c|+15s)
Secret Lair (-2c) (-2c|+15s)
Rough Start (+2c) (+0c|+15s)

Stranger: Cloak (-7s) (+0c|+8s)
Striker: Paralysis (-5s) (+0c|+3s)
Mover: Flight (-3s) (+0c|+0s)

>Path Specific (Hero)
Secure Identity

Arrest is a bit of a quiet guy. He prefers to go unnoticed but he keeps observant of others, and if he sees a situation is about to escalate too far, he tends to interfere quickly.

His power reflects this, being able to paralyze someone to stop things before they can get worse is something he considers handy, but he's quite aware of its limits. His ability to cloak and recon places from the air helps him work with his team mates, though he tends to prefer not taking any credit if he can avoid it.
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>Tfw your cape idea is taken Augs (T2) + Robotics sure is popular.

Vigilante Cape Couple, Null and Void

>Name: Null
Sex: Male
Age: Teenager

>Scenario: Gestation
15CP 15SP

Anti-Villain - 18, 16


Military Gear - 14, 16

Marksmanship - 9, 16
Parkour - 7, 16
Martial Arts - 3, 16
Stratergy - -2, 16

Natural Trigger 1, 16

Rough Start x2 - 7, 16
Identity Reveal - 8, 16
Worst Day Ever x2 - 12, 18

Follower - 9, 18 (Void)
Secret Lair - 7, 18
Blindspot - 4, 14

>Vigilante Equiptment:
Toolbelt - 3, 14
Sniper Rifle - 0 , 14

Shroedinger - 0, 9
Glimpse - 0, 4
Peak Condition - 3
Copycat - 0, 1
Infinite Ammo - 0, 0

>Civilian Life
Affected by Void's unmasking due to his proximity and relationship to her in highschool, causing some undesirable, unspoken rule-breaking rumors. Making civilian life a little difficult to maintain, especially with villains' henchmen attempting to kidnap and use you as a bargaining chip to get Void under their thumb. (Thankfully nothing too serious, to require use of powers)

Null is still able to, precariously, live a civilian live. And does so only to gain an upper hand in his and Void's cape lives. Having a civilian identity can be very useful for activities which require interacting with people.

Null takes down villains brutally with life rounds to non-lethal areas of the body and their own weaponry, using Shroedinger and Glimpse in conjunction to make needle perfect precision on targets and ensure no deaths. He plays off his powers as 'merely' the ability to shoot extremely accurately, trying to hide as much valuable information as possible. Restricting his use of his copycat ability to times of extreme danger, or if he can safely get away with it.
Being in close proximity to the blindspot, Void, extends her protection to him.
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>Name: Void
Sex: Female
Age: Teenager

>Scenario: Gestation
15CP 15SP

Anti-Villan - 18, 16

No Identity - 20, 16

Light Military Gear - 16, 16

Marksmanship - 11, 16
Stealth - 8, 16
Hacking - 7, 16
First Aid - 4, 16

Natural Trigger - 7, 16

Numbed Emotions - 7, 18
Rough Start x2 - 11, 18
Identity Reveal - 14, 18
Worst Day Ever x2 - 18, 20

Noctis Cape - 18, 19
2nd Trigger - 14, 16
Blindspot - 11, 12

>Vigilante Equiptment:
Tinkertech - 7, 12
Tool Belt - 6, 12
Supply Line - 2, 12
Stealth Suit - 0, 12

Cloak - 0, 5
No Clip (2nd Trigger) - 0, 3
Recordless - 0, 1
Pocket Room - 0, 0

>Civilian Life
Stuck with a power completely unsuited to keeping a civilian identity, her inability to be recorded and photoed inadvertently unmasked her.
Making her civilian identity, Null and Void.

She immediately went into hiding, so as to not show her capabilities and protect Null in his civilian identity from any serious kidnapping attempts to influence her into joining a gang, her power would be extremely valuable to any truly despicable villains wanting her to discover secretly the civilian identities of capes.

With the power to essentially become non-existent, both to vision and precognitive power, she primarily aids her companion Null, keeping herself invisible and intangible to scout out dangers, and provide intelligence gathering, scouting, and other battlefield aid, with the use of tinker tech and black market bought equipment.
She keeps in close proximity to him, prepared to provide unseen aid in the even he is unable to protect himself, and make use of her copycatted No-Clip power, if truly in danger.
Scenario: Gestation (15;15)

Path: Rogue

Origin: Insert (Female teenager)

Civilian Identity: High Schooler

Costume: Budget

Skills: None

Shard: Natural Trigger (18;15)

Perks: Second Trigger (14;12)

Powers: Kingmaker (Second trigger) + Power Sight (14;1)

Path: Product Sales; No perks

I have always been kind of an unassuming cape geek, lurking on PHO forums to learn more things about powers and stuff.

My trigger event happened when I got into a car accident with my family. I saw my parents and brother were in bad shape and wished I could do something to help them before I blacked out.

Second trigger was soon after when I woke up in the hospital and realised they were all dead. My aunt's family took me in but they don't really care all that much...

Please tell me if I did something wrong.
Well, since you can only use 15 points, the villain ability doesn't matter either. It's only natural that being a hero or villain is harder than being a rogue or endbringer - you are putting yourself up front, anyways.
I'm going to be real smart and make money by renting powers through PHO. I guess the power granting thing should work through line of sight? If so it's pretty easy to set up a safe way to do it, I ask for a way to identify them and tell them to go to a given place where there will be many other people so I can empower them without risking to be identified. They can then pay me by transfering money to some account I have. The price depends on the strength of powers and rental time.
Did you actually read the OP you linked?
Sorry been up since Last Night, thought it was the same from the cyoa thread. I'll re-edit it quickly.
Your build is interesting though, you should post it somewhere more relevant.
Right then, off to work.

Avery White.

Gestation 15/15


Insert 15/15

Journalist 15/15

Budget 15/15

Natural Trigger 18/15

First Aid 15/15
Tactics 11/15
Stealth 8/15
Hacking 7/15
Investigation 5/15
Bants 4/15

Second Trigger 0/12
Secret Lair -2/12
Voice In My Head -2/10
Noctis Cape -2/9

Humble Beginnings 3/14

Protocols (ST) 3/13
Replication 3/3

>Rogue Path
"Mundane" Assist
Corporation 0/3

Avery White knows that something big is going down. The problem is, whenever she goes out to investigate, something else pops up somewhere else. If only there was a way for her to be in two places at the same time. Why, then she would be able to infiltrate the lower levels of multiple organizations while still keeping her day job.
Hmmmm... a direct feed like that would useful.
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>Civ Id
No Identity
First Aid
Natural Trigger
Noctis Cape
Power Slot
Second Trigger (Unlimited Shard Works)
Rough Start x 2
Power Slot X1
Case 53 x3
Numbed Emotions
Unlimited Shard Works EX
Power Sight
>Villain Group
Faultline's Crew

Pic Related for my Case 53 mutations. I'd be a merc with Faultline for the pay and also using Shard Works EX+Power Sight to gain new powers plus use my tactical leadership to become the best lieutenant in the group. Using Barrier+Mountain to stand around like an idiot watching people use their powers seems stupid but considering my appearance it allows for better roleplay as I have an aloof look while watching the scene. Barrier being a backup in case of shit going cross eyed for the team.

I got together with Faultline's crew after I triggered and became this eldritch abomination. My trigger event would be that everyone wanted to be a hero and I wanted to be seen exactly like them. When a villain/hero scuffle nearly claimed my life and soon the lives of a few civilians from collateral damage, I triggered as I wanted to be the hero I thought they truly were. My body shifted into eldritch horror mode because what is "seen" as a hero to some is a monster to others in a fit of poetic irony but it gave me "sight" powers so I can emulate those I once looked up to. Waking up I'm greeted to several people wounded and the villan and hero nodding each other off like nothing happened. The survivors start screaming at my appearance and throw bricks and stuff at me because they think I'm with the villain and I run away angry and confused.

Faultline finds me feeling sorry for myself in the gutter and offers me a job to test out my knowhow and powers. Didn't trust her at first but being disillusioned I gave it a chance.
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Since pretty much everyone seems to be a Blindspot, how big of a radius should they block Save and Reload for?

Rebuild because the old one didn't work for the setting but because of my Numbed Emotions, appearance, and increasing power level people would be looking at me funny for a lot of reasons. One of the recurring problems would be that people constantly think I'm some form of Endbringer-lite abomination and everytime I use my powers, especially in self defense, the more I retreat and turtle into myself. This is why I got the Barrier/Mountain powers as it offers a somewhat safe but unhealthy reprise from the constant attacks on my being. I'd think my shard would be called "Warden" as it was made to turn it's host into a powerful but emotionless husk of a person that watches/catalogs the powers and their usage of other Parahumans for the next cycle. It constantly pushes me into conflict so it can record more powers, how the host uses them, and to slowly erode my emotions so I can become an apathetic but effective tool for the next cycle.
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Rosemary "Pentacost" Smith:

Teenage (17) Female Hero:
Gestation: 15c/15s
-0C School
-1C Bodysuit
-3C First Aid
-2C Parkour
-2C Investigation
+3C Live shard
-8C -6S second trigger (X2)

-3S Omnicombustion (ST)
-1S Powersight
-5S Power fluctuation (ST)

Path Specific:
Companionship / Wards

Remember when Lung fought off Leviathan that one time? He also burned down half the city. Rosemary triggered in the basement of her father's church, scared out of her mind and praying the whole time. A lover, not a fighter, Rose is making a name for herself putting out fires with her power and providing support for more combat oriented heros. Near useless against common criminals she shines in Cape fights, acting as a force multiplier.

She dreads her first Endbringer fight knowing she'll be expected to stand beside the greatest of the greats and provide assistance, putting her 100 meters in harm's way. She keeps her ability to see identify other people's powers on the DL, fearing accidentally breaking the Unwritten Rules. She's embraced her abilities with fire, finding joy in shaping it to artistic ends.

Rosemary is still unsure of how to think of her powers in light of her faith, but has found a mentor in Escalation, an older Sikh cape specializing in genetic manipulation and swordfighting. She maintains a lively (though censored) letter-writing conversation with her father and has formed a deep friendship with her more outgoing teammate Sleet, a weather and ice manipulator.
Having so many blind spots is a bit silly imo.

I should have linked this >>53339517 to the CYOA.
I don't think there's really a radius, more that that person is him/herself a blindspot.
Maybe if you interact with a blindspot cape if they are anywhere in your line of sight you are forceably shunted back to your first save.

Save and Reload is a kinda confusing power for me, there's alot of guess work to this CYOA.
I think the best way to go about this is for the cape having Save and Reload to forget all about the people having Blind Spot when they load.
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It seems we have a shortage of Villains here, let me fix that.

Name = Phantom of the Opera
Scenario = gestation
Path = Villain - Other
Origin = Insert - Adult - shopkeeper
Costume = bodysuit
Shard = natural trigger
Gift = Second Chance
Banter - Mechanics - Hacking - Investigation
>Flaws and perks
Second trigger x3 - Secret Lair - plot convenience - Blind spot - Worst day ever - Nemesis - Dishonorable
No Clip ST - Remote Transfer ST - Trance ST

Car mechanic by day, phantom thief by night. I steal mostly cash or things I could personally use and never something too traceable.
I use my investigation and hacking skills to keep track of my targets and to infiltrate in the protectorate/heroes building and keep track on the data they have on me.
I always leave a red rose when I strike and that's why the Heroes gave me that name.
From time I will announce I will steal something publicly as a taunt to the local authorities ...



I'll go out of my way to steal your custom ray-gun, every time you make a new one, but I wont take it to my lair I'll simply teleport it over the sea or into other villains lair (Tinker tech could be easily traceable).
Are multiple builds allowed?
One question about Telekinesis: Does "Line of Sight" includes everything what I view through a camera?
>tfw you wanna try this but only gotten to the beginning of imago

/tg/ already told me it ends big interdimensional portal mind control clusterfuck fight or some bullshit. Any other spoilers to watch out for?
Is there anyone in the IRC?
Not really.
Man, I just really like making characters

Total Points:
-Character: (31)(-31)
-Shard: [21][-21]

-Nathan Rune, Arsenal Phoenix

Scenario: (+15)[+15]
-Gestation (+15)[+15]

-Villian: +1 to each point type granted by flaws

Origin: (0)
-----Adult, 20
-Civillian Identity (0)
-----Dock Worker (0)

Costume: (-4)
-Other (-4)

Skills: (-21)
-Martial Arts (-4)
-First Aid (-3)
-Marksmanship (-5)
-Tactics (-4)
-Stealth (-3)
-Sruvival (-3)
-Parkour (-2)
-Banter (-1)

Shard: (+3)
-Natural Trigger (+3)

Perks: (-6)[-6]
-Secret Lair (-2)
-Power Slot x1 [-1]
-Noctis Cape [-1]
-Blindspot (-3)[-4]

Flaws: (+13)[+6]
-Rough Start x2 (+6)
-Case 53 x1 [+1]
-Worst Day Ever x1 (+3)[+2]
-Identity Reveal (+4)


Powers: [-15]
-Shaker [-1]
-----Pocket Room [-1]
-Brute [-1]
-----Peak Condition [-1]
-Breaker [-10]
-----Respawn [-10]
-Tinker [-3]
-----Small Arms [-3]

Path Specific: (-3)
-----Money (-3)
>Nathan Rune had always got into trouble as a child and that knack followed him into his early adult life. Getting into fights with others just seemed to be a regular part of Nathan's life. So when he awoke as a parahuman, no one in his, albeit very small, inner circle of firends were surprised that the most violent person they knew had attracted a shard that wanted nothing but conflict. What people didn't expect was the stupid name he chose for himself, and a costume that seemed far out of place. A cowboy outfit with red highlights doesn't fit with the name phoenix at all. He countered that he was a phoenix because he would always return to the fight and rise to meet any challenge. His friends, knowing better then to encourage him, just let him work with his stupid antics.

>Nathan, or Arsenal Phoenix as he licked to call himself now, began as a general good guy, protecting civilians and non-combatants from the destruction between fellow parahumans. However, that phase was short lived, as soon his ethics and attitude brought him into conflict with other heroes, which ended up with him being ostracized. Betrayal and anger were felt, but by far the strongest emotion Aresenal Phoenis experianced that day was excitement, the chance at engaging in combat with worthy foes. Being a natural conflict seeking individual, the shard had seemed to amplify that part of him.

>Arsenal Phoenix is quite an interesting villain to say the least. He attacks fairly frequently, performing anything from storage facility raids to general terrorizing of the public. These bizare, seemingly isolated acts have caused much debate over what goal Arsenal Phoenix might have, but that general consensus is that he is simply looking to fight other parahumans for "fun".

>Not part of any major gang, Arsenal seems to go at others by himself as he likes that "challenge". But let us be real here, the reason why he isn't a part of any gang is probably due more to his attitude and personality then anything else.

>Arsenal Phoenix isn't as dangerous as other villains, when you consider that he seems to be nothing more then an attention seeker who likes to monologue. In fact, other heroes have mentioned he likes to yell the name's of his attacks, which besides being stupid, is completely unneeded since all he does is use fire arms. He has been observed wielding high tech weapons, that are surprisingly still
within the realm of possibility and creating portals to access other weapons, ammunition and supplies. Another thing worth mentioning is Arsenal's uncanny ability to survive his fights. He has been seen taking extreme physical damage from brutes and blaster, but seems to be able to walk away from them as soon as the dust is settled.

Just wanted to try my hand at making a more chaotic character, and who could ever resist not picking banter?

Gestation 15/15
Office Drone 14/15
Anti-Villain 17/16
Bombs 15/16
Martial Arts 11/16
Marksmanship 6/16
Tactics 2/16
Parkour 0/16
Banter -1/16
Investigation -3/16
Stealth -6/16
Zion -3/16
Nemesis (Stupid Flanders) 0/16
Infinite Ammo 0/15
Stand (Justice Couch) 0/8
Training Montage 0/1
Noctis Cape 0/0

Gifts are whatever just making this for fun.
Just wanted to say this is a pretty nice setting, and OP's homebrew rules are nice.

Is Worm web serial worth to get into?
>Forgetting to stat the couch
It's aight. Doesn't take long to read, so it's not a lot of time to invest anyway. Personally I'm liking it.
Its 1.6 million words, and the author loves to escalate things non-stop. Be sure to have good time management.
conflicting posts
It's not bad, I'm reading it right now (I'm on 15.2).
Even if /tg/ spoiled most of the endgame for me it's still pretty enjoyable.
The quality of the writing can vary a lot tho. Some chapters are great some are meh.
It's long but it's a light-read.
Hastet you dumb cat, CAN barrier be moved by other forces????

We need some kind of consensus so i can use my stand as a fucking flail.
Been reading it low intensity for a month during my 70 hour work weeks where I'll usually have 15 mins of uninterrupted reading at most inbetween answering stupid questions from drunk people, chasing gypises, making hotdogs, baking pastries and wrestling hobos.

Doesn't seem particularly long, and I'm a terrible reading who has only read about 5 books on my own over 27 years.
Hol up
>villains: drawbacks give one additional point per point type

So kill order is actually 7/7?
I think drawbacks mean Flaws? not OP by the way
I would suppose so, but I also would seriously recommend not taking kill order. There's a reason it gives more points than endbringer target.
Consider this an experiment.
>a maximum of 15 Shard points on powers.
And like that my character concept is up in smoke.

I wanted to be a Rogue with Shard Administration, named Faust. Sell powers to people without them, sell upgrades to existing powers.
With some clever flaw management, you could probably make it work. Drew up the basics for a retardedly stronk fire based villain with 42ish shards. You can make it work, if you're down with the entire world, including every cape, endbringer and S9 gunning for you, also freaky looking.
Not by the rules of the thread, you can ONLY spend 15 points on powers.
Is there a PDF of this CYOA?
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Insert, Male, Senior
Budget Costume:A simple labcoat and skullmask
Natural Trigger
>Perks: Secret Lair, Follower x 3, Noctis Cape
>Flaws:Identity Reveal
Plot Relevance
>Powers: Fortification, Robotics
Money, MooksX2

You may call me....Wily, Dr. Wily.
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Here's my build.


Gestation +15b +15r




Armor -5b

Investigation -2b
Banter -1b

Natural Trigger +3b

Follower x3 -9b
Cauldron vial -2b
Plot Convenience -1b
Blindspot -3b -4r

Humble Beginnings +5b +5r

Bodyswap Second trigger -10r
Exchage Second trigger -2r
Unlimited Shard Works Second Trigger -7r
Stand (Kingmaker)
Paramount Second trigger (Bodyswap)
Cosmetic Shapeshift Second trigger (Bodyswap)
Peak Condition Second trigger (Bodyswap)
Immunity Second trigger (Bodyswap)
Protocols Second trigger (Bodyswap)
Regeneration Second trigger (Bodyswap)
Augmentaion Second trigger (Bodyswap)
Quality Insurance Second trigger (Bodyswap)
Razor Hand Second trigger (Bodyswap)

Follower 1
Cauldron vial -2b
Humble Beginnings +5b +5r

Power Fluctuation Second trigger -5r
Kingmaker Second trigger -10r
Copy Cat Second trigger -5r

Follower 2
Power slot x6 -6r
Cauldron vial -2b
Humble Beginnings +5b +5r

Paramount Second trigger -10r
Cosmetic Shapeshift Second trigger -1r
Peak Condition Second trigger -1r
Immunity Second trigger -1r
Protocols Second trigger -1r
jump Second trigger -1r (Exchanged with Regeneration.)
Pocket Room Second trigger -1r (Exchanged with Augmentation.)
Shock and Awe Second trigger -1r (Exchanged with Quality Insurance.)
Power Sight Second trigger -1r (Exchanged with Razor Hand.)

Follower 3
Power slot x1 -1r
Cauldron vial -2b
Humble Beginnings +5b +5r

Regeneration Second trigger -10r (Exchanged with Jump.)
Augmentaion Second trigger -5r (Exchanged with Pocket Room.)
Quality Insurance Second trigger -3r (Exchanged with Shock and Awe.)
Razor Hand Second trigger -2r (Exchanged with Power Sight.)

We all take our Cauldron vials since we have no powers because of humble beginnings giving us free second triggers. Then I exchange Follower 2 and 3's powers to make Super Follower 2. Then I swap bodies Super Follower 2 and get all their powers. Then I get buffed by kingmaker.
You can still be a rogue which RENTS powers to people with Kingmaker.

Nothing like suddenly taking away their power and demanding payment... with prejudice.
You can only hand out so many powers that way, not exactly a business that can be kept up.
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kill repin goddess.jpg
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>worthless opponent (20:10)
not a card-carrying supervillain, but still a bad guy
>CEO (20:10)
money is my superpower
>no custome
not a cape
>martial arts (16:10)
>strategy (11:10)
>stealth (8:10)
>investigation (6:10)
if you already have one of these skills in reality then you don't have to pick them here? that screws things up a bit. I'm just going to ignore that rule
>dead shard (3:13)
bought it from a saudi guy in exchange for a few kingdoms' worth of swiss gold, the only nazi cash I had no way of laundering
>nemesis (3:16)
this should be fun, I want a bit of Buffy the vampire slayer type rival
>>worthless opponent [20:10]
>>teenager, 16/17
>>cape [18:10]
>>martial arts [14:10]
>>tactics [10:10]
>>parkour [8:10]
>>banter [7:10]
>>foreign element [4:7]
exposed to my experiment, you bet that if I manage to catch her I'll try to find a way to extract it
>>second trigger [0:3]
>>brute: peak condition [0:2]
>>thinker: proficiency(ST) [0:0]
>>the wards

>memory death
something you should assume when playing a CYOA, I'm not even going to accept the points for it, I wouldn't know what to do with them
>case 53 x3 (3:18)
>psychic nosebleed (3:21)
>numbed emotions (3:23)
>humble beginnings (8:28)
I'm a whore for shard points. But here's the rub. Listen to this. All those drawbacks don't apply to me until I actually get my power. I'm a mundane person trying to gain superpowers. Then when I get them it blows up in my face, that's the end of my arc.
>negentropy (3:23)
>secret lair (1:23)
I'm so close to 25 points I'm going to do this
>endbringer target (4:27)
>worst day ever (6:28)
>plot convience (5:28)
>mover: flight (5:25)
>brute: broken limiter (5:0)
I went through a lot of alternative builds here. From thrallherd, to bruiser. I was going to take the second traigger on broken limiter, but that seemed lame. I have to be beaten in the end. So I went for a flying brick instead.
Read the rules. No Negenthropy, and 15 point limit on powers.
>foreign element
>broken limiter
>breaking this many rules
>having a character that op
lrn 2 read fgt
I think that as long as you charged the right price for the powers, empowering 7 people at any given point should grant you huge loads of money, not mention requesting payment in form of tinkertech from your empowered tinkers.

Still, there are a few borderline illegal workarounds for that, if you want to be a pretty big business nonetheless:
A) Take two Followers, one who also has Kingmaker II, and have him grant you Unlimited Shard Works. The other Follower has Replication II. Then, use your clones to grant powers via Kingmaker.
B) Take Copycat as your other power, and a Follower with Replication II. Again, use the clones to empower people.
C) Take a Kingmaker follower, but he just grants you Mirror Image II, use images to empower people. Whether the powers would persist after the images vanished is anyone's guess.
Hey guys, OP again, updating a new pastebin with all the new characters.

If you want followers, that's fine, but I'm not going to keep track of them, there's already enough of you without them too T_T

Pastebin here: https://pastebin.com/v9N1nhm3

I'll be in the rion chat in half an hour - #WMCYOA I hope to see you there!


At the very least, you spent too many points on powers.
>mundane assist
>suborninates (2:0)
I won't have my powers for the most part.
I had funded the development of the cosmic wheel with stock-holder's money and an anonymous donor that wanted to see the technology for summoning shards a reality. However, I knew it would never be mass produceable, the so called "proto-type" was going to be the full recipient of all funds. I had planned to escape these mortal bonds and rise as a goddess.
Naturally, it had to go wrong. When a regular highschooler, climbing the roof of my facility as part of some juvinile dare, ruins my plans like a spanner in a machine I have to track her down. The shard embedded into her, giving her some crude approximation of true power rightfully belongs to me.
A cat and mouse game begins, she can't prove my wrongdoings, at least not without exposing her true identity and I can't trace her true identity without exposing myself. What left is me orchestrating scheme after scheme of convoluted proxy warfare to find out who she is so I can capture her and squeeze out that foreign essence into a shard for my own selfish purposes. Sure, I'm spending other people's money and the procedure will probably leave the thing unstable. But you need to be willing to make a few sacrifices for godhood right?
Ah crepe, forgot that Shard Works is a Trump power. Scratch option A. The others persist, though.
I read it again and again until I realized you meant the OP.
The CYOA is so long I forgot all about it and why I was doing it.
:P don't feel bad, you are NOT the first person to skip reading the thread rules.
Does Shroedinger mean you can attack 10 times with a single hit?
Pretty much, a dude in the normal cyoa combined it with combo
I want to know what you've read in the past if you think Worm is just "aight."
>Get Second Trigger for Shroedinger
>Punch with 1 action
>Say ora with the other 9
>Surround target infinitely with superpositioning


So my character concept would work. Thanks.

Blink(7) + Shroedinger(5) + Razor Hand(2) + X-Ray vision(1, use power slot perk) so I can blink into an opponent from nearby buildings unnoticed, slice him upx10 times, and then quickly retreating into hiding. Repeat until he dies
Soo... could I buy Stand twice for two different stands? Or does that not work with the OP's rules?
I've been wondering what Exactly is a Perfect Mind capable of?
Greater intelligence, genius level, sure but what could they theoretically do? What about Genetic Tinkers, or Augmenters. Could you, with superhuman intelligence, replicate tinker tech via normal means? Because that's all tinker tech is - technology that's merely advanced beyond what humanity is yet capable of.
Uh, I guess? If you mean you want to be able to produce two different types of clones, go for it.
I'm new to this RP stuff I just like doing CYOAs for fun when I'm bored
pls no bully
Tinkert tech is, generally, *highly* advanced. A perfect mind could maybe make progress, but you'd have to devote yourself to classic scientific research, and I doubt you could make enough progress to replicate anything important. Realistically, you'd probably look more like canon Alexandria.
When are we gonna get back to IC talk ?
Also, how are we gonna handle fights between PCs ? Just text and see where it goes ?
Hastet is looking into getting a dicebot.
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I only spent 20 points or less on each persons powers which as a Conspirator I can do. The Conspirator says that cauldron vials you buy contain second trigger powers for free, and the rest I got from creative use of bodyswap and power exchange. I didn't break any of your rules as pointed out in the OP.
This place has an IRC too?
>This rule is in place to stop people building characters with a million high S powers (vigilantes I’m looking at you) or who are otherwise obscenely broken
"This rule is in place to stop people building characters with a million high S powers or who are otherwise obscenely broken"
>tfw i was going to make a villainous rogue tinker too but stopped as it didn't feel quite right.

That's not actually part of the rule. the rule just states that you get 15 points to spend on powers and 20 if you're a conspirator with the rest being meaningless fluff.
The whole idea is to not make overly OP characters because that's not fun and if you act like a powergaming asshole you aren't invited to the secret club. Congratulations for cheating the barebones homebrew rules we threw on the CYOA, but c'mon man, don't be like that
I still wish there were a power to grow super huge.
Id totally go for other community approved dlc powers
It's not so much he cheated, as he found a loophole which is fair.
Hell that 15-point limit is ridiculous since one of the three available 'origins' starts you with 20. God knows that with 20 rather than 15 I could have perfected by build.
Perfected isn't really the intention though, and there's perks to use the other five for.

So what exactly do conspirators do to interact with other people? Given the nature of Cauldron being almost completely secret at the outset. >>53330056 Has a workaround by pretending to be just a regular hero, but the ones that aren't; what do you plan on doing exactly?
Bro I was going for a theme, and was incapable of doing that theme with 15 points on powers. I could have done it on 17 points, and 20 would have made it perfect. The fact we can only spend 15 on powers, second trigger included, when an origin offers 20 points is legitimate bullshit.
There is an argument to be made for twenty, but definitely not 25.

I guess bumping it up to 20 couldn't hurt that much, but I haven't gone through and looked for all the overpowered combos that are accessible at that tier but not at 15.

The main reason that conspirators get twenty instead of fifteen though is just so they can take the conspirator specific powers. So it could just be stipulated that it's only twenty if they're taking one of those but otherwise it's fifteen like every else.

I'm in favor of fifteen instead of twenty overall.
As an example I also have a build concept I really want to pull that's 20, based around combining a seven and a ten with the ten second triggered to make a character with a specific gimmick. But really want to be a Villain instead of a Conspirator. It seems poorly thought out to give one particular option more points and access to ridiculously broken powers when the other origin benefits are comparatively small (Villains especially get hit hard by the limit).
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Have a build I guess.

Gestation (15/15)
Rogue (15/15), Female, Adult.
Journalist (15/15)
Thematic Suit (pic, 12/15)
Rogue Path, Bodyguard Duty, Act of Neutrality (9/15)
Natural Trigger (12/15)

Stealth (9/15)
Investigation (7/15)
Marksmanship (2/15)
Parkour (0/15)
Tactics (-4/15)

Memory Death (0/0)

Noctis Cape (0/14)

Beacon (0/9)
No Clip (0/7)
Proficiency (0/5)
Power Slot / Mirror Image (0/2)
Power Slot / Pocket Room (0/0)
Kill yourself m8. I could clearly see why OP made it 15, as if he upped it even to fucking 16 I could have built a much stronger character than what I could with 15.

15 is perfectly balanced. I don't give a fuck about your theme. OP was right and I love him. I would suck his dick.
Villains are made worthless by the limit.
Hello OP, or guy trying to make OP look bad by agreeing with him in an incredibly stupid way.
" This guy is acting autistic on an image board full of autistic. Fucking faker. "

Everyone gets hit hard by the limit if you aren't Cauldron. Even then, the 15 point rule is only if you want to be counted as an 'official' character in the chat and pastebin, because we don't want a bunch of superman asshole power-grabs running around. That, and Cauldron having 20 points is because Cauldron in-universe is batshit OP in multiple levels. I feel like the only reason people don't like only having 15 points is because they haven't read the source material or just want to be better than other people.
I made a Cauldron build and only used 15 points, still came out pretty damn strong I think.
>People who don't agree with me are power-grabbing assholes who just want to ruin everything
>We all take our Cauldron vials since we have no powers because of humble beginnings giving us free second triggers. Then I exchange Follower 2 and 3's powers to make Super Follower 2. Then I swap bodies Super Follower 2 and get all their powers. Then I get buffed by kingmaker.
what The fuck
It's just a standard CYOA thing. If you put in a large amount of options, people will try to maximize their purchases. Even in cyoas where it's supposed to be single player like jumpchain you see the same problem with people shitting on each other over perceived limitations.
Kys fgt
Their one big benefit is extra points from drawbacks. By instituting the limit at the starting amount it removes a great deal of the benefit. Sure you can pick up the side perks that cost power points slightly more easily, but it removes the biggest advantage of their origin. All the people complaining about a low number of villains miss the fact that it's a fairly sub optimal choice for most builds.
I'm objecting because it's massively favoring one already strong option over the others. Fifteen is enough to build a decent Cape, but frankly I want 20 so I can make someone who has fun using Infection to get charges for a non-Second Triggered USW. I mean I could just go for the average Shard Works build of Second Triggering it to win everything forever but I want some interesting constraints and don't want to just sneak it in via followers.
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Gestation (15/15)

-Anti-villain (+3/+1)
-Blade (-1/-0)
-Tinker tech (-4/-0)
-Supply line (-4/-0)

Adult Male
-Dock worker (-0/-0)
-Body Suit (-1/-0)

-Tactics (-4/-0)
-Survival (-3/0)
-Parkour (-2/-0)
-Investigation (-2/-0)
-Stealth (-3/-0)
-Mechanics (-2/-0)

-Natural trigger (+3/+0)
-Secret lair (-2/-0)
-Plot convenience (-1/-0)
-Noctise cape (-0/-1)
-Voice in my head (-0/-2)
-Rough start x2 (+4/0)
-Worst day ever x2 (+4/+2)

-2nd Trigger proficiency (-4/-5)
-Small arms (-0/-3)
-Repair (-0/-2)
-Recordless (-0/-2)
-Peak condition (-0/-1)
-Immunity (-0/-1)
-Power sight (-0/-1)

Trigger was being caught up as a bystander/victim of an all out gang fight with multiple capes (explaining the grab bag nature of the powers).
Got laid off from the docks the same day I got kicked out of my apartment due to both lack of rent and suspected drug use for the first part of drawback (none there, just a result of the off hours I kept plus the talking too myself thing). Used all my money getting the tinker tech, connections and gear to begin my crusade against the villains that destroyed my life/sanity with their fighting.
I can see capes, I don't sleep or take a day off with Immunity. I have a variety of powers, tools and skills to track down my targets. I can maintain my gear while using any tool or tinker gun.
Because I feel like all good enemies need a theme

Oceanus Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ-QLl5qjLg

Magnum.Opus Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atIWk8Nmerk

Arsenal.Phoenix Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXaRilbcAKQ

Some Edits to the builds:
>Arsenal.Phoenix is Magnum.Opus' follower
--Opus gains an additional Rough Start
--Phoenix loses his gift
----They're twins, albeit not anymore considering one is basically a robot at this point.
So have any villains or non heroes made any followers up as loyal goons yet? Id like some examples.
>but it removes the biggest advantage of their origin.
How? They can easily have +5 powers at the same time, just because they are limited and cannot take Second Trigger perk if they want to be of any use, doesn't mean they are completely useless.

Just get a shitload of level 2 powers with one that costs 5 or some shit. come on niggers be creative.
That's the Vigilante Advantage, not the Villain.
>Name: Michael Underwood
>Gestation (15,15)
Money is all I've ever wanted, now I have plenty
>High Schooler
>Skills: First aid, survival, stealth (6, 15)
>Natural Trigger (9, 15)
>Perks: Second Trigger, Noctis Cape, Secret Lair, Thriving Business (0, 11)
>Powers: Kingmaker (ST), Power Sight (3,0)
>Job: Product Sales
I offer contracts to those who don't wish to go through the... trouble, of triggering naturally. I offer contracts to people, make sure they pay on time to keep my services. If they can't pay with cash, they can do some odd jobs, make sure the street stays clean. After all, If a hero has the powers I gave them, tons of people would want my services!
My parents weren't the best out there, but they worked hard to make sure I was safe and wasn't on the streets. They worked long hours, my dad was a dock worker and Ma was an insurance agent. Things were tough, but we pulled through. Until one day, that bastard came and killed my dad while he was on some rampage. By the time they caught him and sent him to the birdcage, my dad was ripped to shreds by that damn Brute... That's when it happened. I "Awoke"... Or, I triggered. Let me tell you, not needing to sleep anymore was pretty rad... Ma didn't think so. She was a wreck after dad died, drinking and slamming pills whenever she was home, which was much more often after she was fired. I tried helping whenever I could, do things around the house, be nice, but it was no use. One day, while walking home from school, I saw our house was burned to the ground. They never found my mother.
That was my second trigger
Currently, I'm raised by a foster family, some friends to the family. I doubt they even realize that the kid living feet away from them was selling powers to poor saps who were too rich to have problems. But hey, the cash was nothing to sneeze at.
(Does not know Cauldron exists)
Nah. Not sure what powers I want Dr.Wily's minions to have.
You can either fill them up with powers that compliment your own, deal with what you are weak against, or just have them take all the trump powers.
Are you retarded or something? Villains can easily get more power shards than Vigilantes can due to the flaw advantage. Use Power Slot perk to get more than 3 powers. Just work around low cost powers.
I was gonna make a couple for Vandal because that's kind of his schtick, but I didn't have time and just gave him mooks instead.
Vigilantes don't have to buy more power slots. Villains can use their advantage to be a shitty Vigilante, yay.
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Forgot Pic
>Vigilantes don't have to buy more power slots
And they get less power shards than Villains. It evens out
No. It doesn't. Because you start with the max of 15 for actual powers with a single origin.
I didnt stat them, but I added them into the bio:

>Rosemary is still unsure of how to think of her powers in light of her faith, but has found a mentor in Escalation, an older Sikh cape specializing in genetic manipulation and swordfighting. She maintains a lively (though censored) letter-writing conversation with her father and has formed a deep friendship with her more outgoing teammate Sleet, a weather and ice manipulator.
And before someone argues that the bonus points to background make villains better than Vigilante I'd point out that Vigilantes get a relatively nice path specific mandatory drawback. Which means if a Vigilante goes ambiguous it requires a Villain to take four drawbacks to catch up points wise.
>People arguing about how 20 for everyone is overpowered
>Everyone ignoring you can buy Khepri and Door Me as Conspirator and be the strongest thing
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raw power Villain wins.png
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Uh-huh, the same for both. Villains and Vigilantes.

>it requires a Villain to take four drawbacks to catch up points wise.
You mean just one right? Birdcage does the job just fine, it gives one more than what the Vigilante at its best can take. And not every vigilante takes Ambiguous, plus the villain has an even stronger perk although not recommended.

Villain will always beat a Vigilante, because he is shite.
Scenario: Gestation (15/15)
Path: Solo Villain
Origin: Drop-In (18/18)
Civilian Identity: No Identity (20/18)
Costume: Custom (16/18)
Skills: Stealth, Investigation, Hacking, Tactics (6/18)
Shard: Natural Trigger (9/18)
Flaw: Worst Day Ever (11/20)
Perk: Second Trigger (7/17)
Perk: Noctis Cape (7/16)
Perk: Blindspot (4/12)
Perk: Connections (0/12)
Power: Animorph[ST] (0/7)
Power: Bluff (0/0)

Alas, impersonation, corporate espionage, and the occasional false imprisonment are all considered crimes. Society callously labels me a villain, when all my hard work goes to exposing the hypocrisy of their fallen institutions, but I can live with this betrayal. It helps that I can adopt literally any form and borrow any identity I please, of course, but I wouldn't call that "running from the consequences of my actions." I'm simply meditating on my next move from a slightly different perspective, is all.

That's the difference between me and the rest of you. Superpowers remove their wielders from the human experience. This so-called elevation naturally undermines your empathy for everyone else. A shapeshifter, though! Why! I can experience life in anyone's shoes, and truly see what it is they go through, whether they be male, female; black, white, hispanic, asian; young or old; beautiful or hideous. That's why you can trust my judgment.

I really am sorry that the ENTIRE cathedral caught on fire, though. Honest mistake.
Being a conspirator is like being a endbringer. It kinda shoots you in the foot, in a narrative sense. You're pigeonholed into doing only one thing, never really interacting with the other characters beyond extreme circumstances, and essentially having a kill order on you at all times.
>Ignoring that for 10 you can get the powers of literally everyone else you see active, making this whole thing a joke anyway
Yes. And that means Vigilantes can use their advantage to get as many weak powers as they want, without spending points buying power slots
Whereas Villains have to get the points to buy power slots, in order to buy lots of weak powers.
They are worse Vigilantes.
Yeah, but everyone hates vigilantes. Villains at least have other villains to work with.
Do the math nigger, the extra power shards the villain get and uses it on power slots makes him equal to the Vigilante.

The vigilante is the shittest option you can pick.
Nigger you have to spend points to do what Vigilante does automatically.
Vigilantes has shit fucking path bonuses. Mooks, money, and connections are all really strong. Way stronger than any of the pieces of gear that vigilantes get. Especially because you can literally just buy all that gear with money.

Oh, I forgot to explain the costume. It's just a bit of tinkertech I exchanged for some professional services, which helps with the embarrassing side-effects of occasionally turning into a hawk or alley cat. It's the only thing and everything I wear, extraordinarily handy in my line of work. Since it's as versatile as I am, and responds to the merest though, I'm aware it must be reading my mind somehow... but I try not to think about that.
I think your missing the point that maybe you dont want to start you Worm life in the birdcage? Like, do you want to go to prison? I dont.
So what retard? You CAN spare the points. You get extra power shards for every single flaw, including the other ones where Nemesis, Rough Start are. You get a shitload of power shards.

Being a villain means you are rich as fuck, power slots are meaningless.
Vigilantes automatically go to prison? News to me, wonder why Shadow Stalker isn't in prison then.
Yes, you can try to match it by taking a drawback that removes you completely from the setting. The villain drawbacks are nasty, while Vigilantes at ambiguous get more points for a drawback far less damaging than Dishonorable.
The autism saved him from prison.
Shadow got turned to the Wards program though, she was young and tried as a minor
You can literally just escape if you have (((connections))), come on nerd. No villain has ever rotten in a prison.
I guess its a dumb question, but worm setting was shaped in part by the original trio of endbringers, will this setting consider that the original trio never existed or that they went dormant to make for the new endbringers? Do we still get travelers and Echidna showdown somewhere down the
road or are they forever gone thanks to no Simurgh?
And an outright Villain in the form of Madcap was allowed to join the Protectorate, being a Vigilante doesn't mean you go to jail.
Yeah, and they can spend their extra blue points on the incredibly strong path specific perks. Villains don't have a reason to try to get more power points, but character points they make better use of than any besides conspirators.
No, the whole discussion about Villian vs. Vigilante point counts seems to be ignoring how much it would suck to go to the bird cage or have a kill order on you. Points wise villains beat vigilantes, but that requires the villain to pay a pretty steep cost.
Then why talk to me? I'm arguing Villain is worse than Vigilante.
>The Birdcage
A-anon, I'm not so sure that it will be as easy as you think...
Villain is better than vigilante narratively and perk selection wise. By a wide margin.
Birdcage is legit nearly impossible to break out of. The thing is actually in another dimension with as many failsafes as possible included to prevent anyone getting out alive. Only way people get out is Cauldron using Doormaker to conscript everyone for the end of the world. Connections aren't going to get them to blow their load early because the people running it can and will devise countermeasures once someone discovers that fault.

Shadow stalker had no kills on her name, she killed before but hid it well enough that no hero could know, and when the prt caught her she was pinning a guy to the wall with live crossbow bolts, something that would send her to jail, but not to the birdcage, and at the end of the day the PRT is desperate for new heroes, Mad cap in the canon story managed to avoid going to the birdcage by turning himself into the hero Assault, mind you that mad cap had zero kills on his name.

I guess beating villains with an inch of their lives and breaking some legs would get you some jail time, but not the birdcage at first, its when you start to kill that the heroes will take the kid gloves off.
My mistake. Friendly fire.

Case 3 x3 = 3
Worst Day Ever x3 = 3
Numbed Emotions = 2
Path specific = 4 (his strongest)
Total = 16 shards


Case 3 x3 = 6
Worst Day Ever x3 = 6
Numbed Emotions = 3
Path Specific = 3 (his weakest)
Total = 18 shards

On a legit objective way the villain doesn't seem that good over the Vigilante, considering he has to waste his two points above the Vigilante on power slots. And that was using a shitload of drawbacks.

But then again, the villain might be better with a Kill Order and going as stealthily as possible to increase his chances of survival. Villain does have better character point option, and a lot more than Vigilante which is nice.

What does /tg/ think about the villain vs the vigilante?
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You went full autistic and completely missed the point of the thread. Good fucking job shithead.
Villain is better. The patch specific stuff is head and shoulders above anything vigilante has. Why spend 22 character points when you could spend 7 for all the same stuff?
I don't have a dog in this fight, but, uh,

3 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 12, not 16
Wait so the difference is 4? That's a lot. Looks like I suck at math. Then it is objectively better to be a villain. Considering the Vigilante will probably die in his sleep as he is being hunted down by both heroes and villains alike.
What if your dad works for the prison? Could he let you out?
Yes, well, please reconsider your premise that one option or another could be "objectively" better in what is a silly escapist power fantasy. If your metric for success is more points = better, then indulge in the abundantly obvious Trump / Thinker cheese which is available to any Path. As for me, I'm going to have fun with shapeshifting and a silver tongue.

Thought for the CYOA creator: Bluff's second trigger would be more interesting if you borrowed a page from the Cassandra myth. Give the parahuman what Exalted calls Avoiding the Truth Technique. When using the power and telling the truth, you can guarantee that the listener DOESN'T believe it.
>not using Bluff's second trigger to tell someone as he is about to kill you that his mother will die tonight unless he goes there to protect her
Boom, saved for lyfe, as if he come backs the next day you can just bluff him again. He is compelled to find prove that you lied otherwise he will believe it.
This is from the wiki page

>The Baumann Parahuman Containment Center was designed and is maintained by Dragon. It is inside a hollowed out mountain whose walls are lined with ceramics that were designed by Dragon, each layer of the mountain contains dormant containment foam, which will automatically start expanding upon a wall breach. Inside the mountain is a vacuum, and three thousand anti-gravity drones, which will detonate upon an abnormality. Some of them contain containment foam and some are much more lethal.

>The prison itself is suspended inside the mountain by the same pipes that supply it with it's supplies (such as books, blankets, cigarettes, food, water and air, and other objects), it is also split up into wings, the walls between which are negligible, allowing all the prisoners to intermingle. Although the cell blocks are usually run by someone and some are very organized, such as Marquis' block, block W.

I'm not sure if your dad would be even ALLOWED in the prison, even if he worked there. And not even Dragon has enough pull to get people out.
>he won't just shoot you before leaving to protect his mother
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A few hours is really all you need for most bluffs, including that one. The thing is, if you don't know him, his response might very well be "Worth It."

Bluff is particularly weaksauce compared to some of the Thinker powers, which let you brute force a perfect lie through iteration, or simply get to know someone to the point where you can tell them what they want to hear.

The specificity and limitations make it interesting, imo.
Bluff him that if you die she dies. How could he find direct proof that such a claim is not the case?
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>Golden Age 10,15


>Male Adult, 19

>No Identity 12,15

>Custom 8,15
Top of the line body armor. Basically a batsuit. Pic related, FalloutNV Eliot Riot Gear Armor and the Recon Mask from ME3
>Skills -10,15
Martial Arts, Stealth, Strategy, Tactics, Investigation

>Natural Trigger -7,15

>Worst Day Ever x3 -1,15
>Humble Beginnings 4,15
I'd say near death experience wakes up my powers during my worst day ever.
>Second Trigger 0,12
>Noctis Cape 0,11

>Second Chance
I'll swap to mind powers if punching doesn't work.

>Peak Condition 0,10
>Combo Second Trigger 0, 0

>The Protectorate

I'm going to build up a network of capes. Heroes, vigilantes, and even villains.

You know, I think I basically became a version of batman with this build, just now with the power to punch harder with each hit.

On my 19th birthday I went to the pier with friends. It was there that a battle between villains and heroes broke out, catching us all in the midst. Battered and broken I got thrown around, until I landed in front of the mutilated bodies of my friends. This made is the traumatic event that awakened my powers and was taken in by the heroes after they saw me punch a villain to death. It was from then on I trained my powers, my goal to become the best hero so nothing like that day at the pier happens again.
He simply tries it, of course. Also, his mother might already be dead. Or he simply might not like her. That's the fun thing about Bluff, it doesn't do general-purpose iron-clad solutions. It's a tool that's situational, which rewards you for knowing your enemy.
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Ah yeah, new hero joins the fight!
>Bluff is particularly weaksauce compared to some of the Thinker powers
But if you combine Bluff with Retrospective, you can work your way around basically anyone to avoid harm. The drawback is that it has to be a direct face to face encounter. If you are ambushed from behind your powers are useless.
In the OP, it says we don't get gifts. Everything else is great though!
Which is why you instead say that you've got multiple nuke equivalent explosives on a dead man's switch. Or that you're a Butcher style Cape and that killing you will just cause you to take over his body and gain his powers in addition to yours.

And you have King's power and touched everyone he cared about in the last 24 hours.
Aww fuck. Didn't see that no gifts was a thing.

Damn. There goes the dramatic death and instant revival with all new powers.

Since this game has a 15 points limit on powers, Vigilantes are better because then can mix and match multiple cheap powers without paying for additional slots.

Now a game without limits on shard points, Villains win because they are the only ones who can reach 56 shard points and buy two broken 25 PT powers, you can mix and match broken things like perpetuance+broken limiter or perpetuance+bringing an end, not even Scion can touch you at this point.
Second Trigger on Combo is the sort of thing that's going to make you a priority target, my friend. How do you expect to stay alive when a hit is put out on you, much less when the Endbringers decide your punches actually hurt? Take it from me, you're better off playing a support role for the day-to-day. Use that brilliant mind of yours, and leave the engagements to the Brutes.
See, now you're starting to get a little more creative. The problem is that Tinkers and Thinkers can still work their way around your lies without too much trouble. Say, you know what would be fun? Forget Second Trigger, just run Hindsight + Bluff + Fake Death.
The vigilante has 12 points though, not 16. So he can buy six 2 cost powers.

The villain has 18 points. So he can buy 6 power slots, leaving him with 12 points left, and then six 2 cost powers.

You are wrong, as the villain gets much more character points as well.
With the skills I got I can train to the point to be able to dodge and weave anything using my newfound strength. Add that to my armor and I'll dare people to try and hurt me.
Plus since it's second trigger, I can take my time hitting them. Going in on an Endbringer while it's distracted by a huge ass team and then retreating. Might not be the best plan, but I like the odds.
And why would hits be put out on me? With Companionship I'll make love, not war.
There is this big argument of Villain VS Vigilante, but isn't this entire thread based on RPing? I don't think mechanics and which one is better matter much. I think what matters more is the kind of character you're trying to make.
Of course, at that point you're an inhuman monster who is probably multiple kinds of deranged. Also, you spend a lot of time (invincibly) unconscious after exerting yourself too much, during which any Thinker worth their salt can arrange your banishment to another dimension.

Maybe it isn't that Negentropy is impossible, it's just that a natural result of its evolution is the subject shard keeps getting banished to exotic non-spaces.
Cape Name: Annales
Real Name: Sam Glazier

Gestation (15/15)
Path: Villain
Adult Male Lawyer (12/15)
Costume: Budget

>Perks and Skills
Martial Arts (8/15)
Investigation (6/15)
Follower (3/15)
Noctis Cape (3/14)
Blind Spot (0/10)
Power Slot (0/9)
Money (-3/9)
Hacking (-4/9)

Endbringer Target (0/14)
Case 53 (0/16) Eyes appear blank. Still function but no visible iris or pupil

Retrospective (0/11)
Unlimited Shard Works (0/4)
Power Sight (0/3)
Recordless (0/1)
Faction: Independent
A newcomer to the cape scene, Sam spends most of his time pretending to be a cape groupie so he has an excuse to collect memorabilia and visit the sites of Cape fights so he can make use of his powers. From there he plots elaborate heists burning through large numbers of stored powers while receiving help from his ally, Clotho. Between the two of them it's a massive pain to deal with. They're a bit small time for their powers but it's almost more about getting to go have fun hamming it up and messing around than it is about getting the money. Generally to keep it "fair" and obscure his abilities Annales sticks to using a few pre selected powers per heist, picking one per hero involved. The risk of getting out before he runs out of charges just adds to the fun.

Clotho to follow shortly. Second Triggered Glimpse is an obscenity.
Oh, there are plenty of people out there who don't want to be your friend. Please consider how you intend to protect yourself once they realize that you have grown to the point where you can whallop them in a single punch. Moreover, consider what you'll do when you reach the point that a single finger-flick might outright kill a member of your rogue's gallery.
And again I say my friend, I dare people to try and hurt me. I'll have enough friends at any given time to help significantly.
It all started because some dude wanted to make a 20 point character. Using the villain as an example of a gimped role, when in actuality the villain is better than the vigilante in almost every scenario, and isn't any more gimped than everyone else due to the 15 limitation. So everyone's claim was bullshit and the game is fine as it is.
Not everyone here frequents /cyoag/ so they weren't around when this cyoa dropped and people made builds, so not everyone here is really part of the RP, some people are just looking at this like another cyoa.
One of the little details I like is how Second Trigger Glimpse is balanced against Save and Reload base. S&R is much better except for once a day, right after your save. For the five minutes after your save, you're just a limited Glimpse user doing the hard work of living through all the possibilities in real subjective time.

I'm surprised no-one has combined Unlimited Shard Works with Radar
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Gestation – 15,15
Path - Villain
Insert Male, Adult
Shopkeeper (-1/0) - 14,15
Budget - 14,15

Banter (-1/0) - 13,15
Stealth (-3/0) - 10,15
Strategy (-5/0) - 5,15
Tactics (-4/0) - 1,15
Mechanics (-2/0) - -1,15

Natural Trigger (+3/0) - 2,15

Voice in my Head (0/-2) - 2,13
Second Trigger (-4/-3) - -2,10
Blindspot (-3.-4) - -5/6
Plot Convenience (-1/0) - -6/6

Humble Beginnings (+6/+6) - 0/12

Unlimited Shardworks* Second Trigger (0/-7) - 0/5
Perfect Mind (0/-5) - 0/0

Other: Solo

A humble clockmaker turned serial killer, he triggered after a gang of low-tier capes tried to rob his shop and he was forced to kill for the first time.

The voice in his head made him realize how undeserving some capes are of their power, and is slowly driving him to reach "perfection".

He focuses on staying behind the scene and striking when his target is alone and vulnerable. Will prefer to target new and weaker capes in the beginning, and proceed to target bigger game once he develops a nice power set.
sylar pls
I'm surprised you didn't take your free points for Slaughterhouse 9, because they are definitely recruiting you.

I think I am wrong, but I think extra slots are also counted for the 15 points limit, in that way you cannot spend more than 15 points total, and both the 2nd limit and extra slots are counted for this limit, at least thats how I am playing.
Cape Name: Clothos
Real Name: Samantha Richardson

Gestation (15/15)
Path Villain
Adult Female Teacher (14/15)
Costume: Budget

Martial Arts (10/15)
Stealth (7/15)

Natural Trigger (10/15)
Plot Convenience (9/15)
Secret Lair (7/15)
Connections (3/15)
Noctis Cape (3/14)
Voice in My Head (3/12)

Numbed Emotions (3/15)

Glimpse (3/8)
Second Trigger Glimpse (0/5)
Counter (0/0)
Samantha is having a grand time working with Annales. Sure he causes some trouble for her powers but that's not too especially relevant except for lines she's keeping. Instead she tends to use Glimpse to scout out everything beforehand, discover what Capes are on scene and how to Counter them. From there they perform the actual heist, with the occasional use of Glimpse for further scouting and testing of enemy defenses.
They're actually even closer than they look at first glance. Glimpse activates automatically where Save likely requires conscious direction, and Glimpse doesn't suddenly fail completely because your save was on the other side of an encounter with a blind spot. Save has a lot of tricks Glimpse doesn't, but there are major reasons to use Glimpse as well.
Doesn't say that anywhere in the rules. It also wouldn't really make sense if it did.
Pretty sure they're not since the rules felt the need to note that Second Trigger counts, meaning it defaults to solely actual power purchases. The slots while they can be considered a surcharge are perks, not powers.
I agree with you I think. The OP says 'max of 15 points on powers' feels clear to me that its 15pts on powers full stop. Spending extra points on perks otherwise seems fine though, like Noctis for example, or voices.
>Glimpse (3/8)Second Trigger Glimpse (0/5)

Second Trigger is -3/-4 or -4/-3 I forgot. But it's not -3/-3
Thought about it, but Sylar works better alone and didn't need the extra attention.

Honestly wouldn't know what to do with the points if I took it.
Is this thing stil alive, do you still need villains?

Won't be at a computer until i get home about 2-3 hours from now?

For the sake variety, what would spice things up the most? Are tinkers over represented? Should i make something with fire instead?
This. If you gave him more powers it would stop being Sylar.

It's a shame really that there is no power that gains other parahumans' powers upon consumption. Because Sylar didn't gain the power by observing them, he consumed them.

It was Petyr the guy that copied them.
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Oh man, I come back from work and the thread has exploded in activity while I was away. I was a little worried with how slow it was. Time to catch up on all our new villains and hero-buddies!

We have any RP stuff in development yet?
>Are tinkers over represented?
From what I read yes. So no more machines.
it exploded in autism, don't get your hopes up
Right, was probably just gona turn into some shitty tank girl+jinx+mechromancer+bakuda mix/rip off anyway.
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>when you realize you made a mistake right at the top and you have to recalculate, and change every number
We did a little RP in the irc with some characters but it has been put on hold until Hastet can get a dicebot and whatnot
Or when you read the OP retroactively and realize you fucked up.

Aw, a bit of a shame but I understand. I even got my own nemesis it seems! Guess I'll just have to wait and be patient. Thanks for the update.
Aren't there Case 53-esque people that aren't case 53? Just happened to be made ugly or weird by their shard? They are a significant minority to actual case 53s though, like 1/3.
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>the villain can take Nemesis and get 4cp
>he now has a nemesis, obviously
>with those cp the villain can get a follower, and gains 1cp after calculating the difference
>he can do this 3 times, so he can have 3 nemesis that fight his 3 followers, while the villain perse gains 3 free cp
Really made me think. There is no reason to not do this, as the combined power of the followers and villain will always beat the nemesis and the followers can overcome some of the villains weak points (like mechanic, survivalist, etc), its basically free followers and free skills.
If you made the nemesis' heroes, wouldn't they each also get two more followers, thus making you horrendously outnumbered?
It says in the Nemesis description that my Nemesis can't have followers. So I will always outnumber them!

Your nemesis could join a hero team and fuck you over like Battery fucked Mad cap.
>Sikh cape
T-They can team up? damn
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Yeah, to reach the 56 points you have to take so many flaws, your body will be completely fucked up, if its power you desire, its better to go full endbringer and grab the negentropy perk with the extra points, you get endbringer immortality and no headaches.
Drawbacks? Who needs those?




>Male, Adult


>Bodysuit (Think black panther, but without the ears and the colours inverted)

>Martial Arts, Banter, Parkour

>Natural Trigger

>Second Trigger x2, Plot Convenience, Secret Lair, Secure Identity

>Cloak (Second Trigger), Razor Hands (Second Trigger)

>The Guild (Maybe the Protectorate. I dunno. I can't really decide.)
What if with those +3 extra cp you get you invest 2 of them into a Cauldron for one of my mooks? Would that make the 5(me, 3 followers, cauldron guy) of us be able to beat 3 Nemesis and their teams? Are cauldrons forever? Seem a bit overpowered.
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This deserves a counter. Introducing Signal.

Path: Heroine
Origin: Insert, Female, Teenager
Civilian Identity: Homeschooled
Costume: Budget
Skills: Hacking, Strategy, Tactics
Shard: Natural Trigger
Perk: Follower x4 (Two Free)
Perk: Secret Lair
Perk: Second Trigger x2
Perk: Noctis Cape
Flaw: Unruly Passenger
Flaw: Nemesis (Zylarc)
Flaw: Worst Day Ever x2
Power: Radar [ST]
Power: Unlimited Shard Works [ST]
Path: Other
Perk: Companionship
When her mother killed herself in front of the little girl that would become Signal, she awakened immediately, silently, and completely unnoticed, even to herself. The doctors that tried to interview her all claimed it was a textbook case of repression, but nothing could be further from the truth. Instead, the events played over and over in her head, in perfect clarity, drowning out everything else.

The only thing that provided any relief was getting lost in the internet, working her way through networks to add to her collection of livefeeds. Television, even live broadcasts of sporting events, always seemed too unreal to her. It did nothing to alleviate the memories. No, her addiction was candid footage, surveillance cameras, and spy satellites. Eventually, she started extending her network with devices of her own design. It was wrong, maybe, but not very hard to obtain the necessary supplies--just moving numbers around, when people wouldn't notice. And her caretaker hardly cared (no, that's not fair, he cared, but what could he do?)

One day she caught, live, footage of some desperate soul standing at the precipice of a tall building's unthoroughly-secured roof, through the lens of one of her little surveillance drones. She didn't hesitate. Within seconds, a PRT on patron was rerouted to the location, and not even her regular dispatcher noticed the intrusion. That one-off coincidence quickly became a habit, and that habit has become an obsession. It was only three days later (when the cup noodle ran out) she realized she could fly.

She no longer sleeps. Instead, she coordinates the actions of a growing number of capes, heroic or otherwise, to foil suicides and other high crimes. Every now and then, something deep inside her thrashes at her conscience for sending others to fight in her stead, but she refuses every call to the front lines, even when things look grim. And they have never looked grimmer. Someone with enough talent to slip through her passive networks is hunting capes, and worst of all, he has the same powers that she does. She's foiled him twice so far, but it's only a matter of time until he catches on to the fact that someone has noticed his pattern, and switches tactics. When that day comes, will she finally be brave enough to leave her room and face the peril herself?

No matter how the wolf chained to her heart lunges at the opportunity, she knows the answer is No.
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>he is a hero janitor
>on a Worm Metropolis
>he does it for free
>+1 character point is working for free
Honestly, I could have not taken Janitor and just dropped plot convenience but I liked the idea of such an edgy power set being attached to what I imagine to be an incredibly laid back guy. He's a janitor because it's low key, low intensity, and he feels like he contributes at least a little to wider society. He's a school janitor specifically.

it fits
>Cape Name: Paragon
>Scenario: Gestation
>Path: Villain
>No Identity
>Costume: Budget
>Shard Type: Warrior Entity
>Perks: Second Trigger x 2, Noctis Cape, Plot Convenience, Secret Lair, Connections, Voice in My Head,
>Drawbacks: Case 53 x 2
>Powers: Small Arms (ST), Augmentation (ST), Mac Gyver
>Villain Gang: (Own/The Elite)

My name is Paragon. I just want to make a quick dime. Parahumans aren’t allowed that much freedom inside of businesses because of NEPEA-5, so I’d prefer to work with an organization such as the Elite. Besides, they provide me with the resources I need. My shard works best with bodies and fresh meat, and an organization such as the Elite provides just that. I don’t intend to be combative towards heroes, but I don’t enjoy having some two-bit villain mucking around in my territory and the Elite forces me to take out rogues.

My appearance looks relatively normal because of my knowledge of cybernetics. While I still have an unfortunate cauldron mark on my body, the really monstrous body I had has been completely replaced with an artificial one.
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>be villain or rogue
>get 3 folllowers
>give all 3 plus myself the Blink power
>we don't steal or kill, all we do is annoy heroes by blinking all over the place like a bunch of teleporting apes while screaming at them
>Taking kingmaker to give even more people Blink
>Khonsu shows up
>Begins chasing the blinkers
>All is lost
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He smiled as he ate the ice-cream, admiring his handiwork smeared all over the wall. It had taken him a week to hunt down the capes who foiled his plans. He had captured them alive. He wanted to know how they got there and how they knew he would be there. He needed answers and eventually they gave it to him.

With a button press the old webcam turned on to capture the blood smeared message on the wall, the twisted corpses of the capes piled neatly underneath.

"Hello little sheep. I'm coming for you."
I have realized the most efficient way to have followers is to make them literal copies of yourself.

4 times blink
4 times shroedinger
4 times vigilante bomb + hyperspeed
4 times kingmaker + villain mooks
4 times second trigger Accelerated Decay

Followers are pretty good.
I was thinking of doing that.
>Have myself as i like and them be all the same in abilities but completely different to compliment where i lack.
The loyal fuckers will be goons yet! And not the starscream sort.

A less experienced butcher might have never noticed, but the telltale sign that gave it away was the way his foot slipped in the slowly expanding pool of 'blood'. It too slick, like oil. The webcam watched placidly as Zylarc gloated over the corpses of the replicants, every passing second being used by the squad's Thinkers to analyze the exhaustive footage of his hunt. Never mind his powers, his tactics had to have a weakness.

Ally 1: Male Rogue, Wild Card. ST Kingmaker, Copycat.
Ally 2: Female Villain, Gangbang. Replication, Animorph.
Err, I don't know how to feel about you taking the exact same powerset I chose.
Healthy competition is fun in superhero fantasy
SO VILLAINS, tell me about your GOONS and Followers!!
Although I have to say, it would be pretty scary if we teamed up.
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Posting in a dead thread.

Gestation (15/15)

Villain (Because heroes need something to fight.)


Civilian Identity
No Identity (17/15)

Budget: Because there is none, sometimes random clothes, but it rarely lasts before it burns.

Strategy (12/15)
Tactics (8/15)
Stealth (5/15)

Dead Shard for that real Case 53 feel, or Natural Trigger in case Cauldron cases don't get second triggers, not really sure what to do with the points anyway. (5/18)

Perks & Flaws
Power Slot 2x (5/16)
Second Trigger (1/13)
Plot Convenience (0/13
Voice on my head (0/11)
Notice Cape (0/10)
Case 53 2x (Double because villain.(0/14))
Numbed Emotions (0/17)
Worst Day Ever 3x (9/23)
Blind Spot (6/19)

Flight (6/16)
Omni Combustion ST (6/13)
Vampirism (6/11)
Elemental (6/9)
Immunity (6/7)

Not sure what to spend the remaining points on, picked most of the flaws for flavor, maybe Martial Arts and Parkour or something, even though she flies, so:
Martial Arts (2/7)
Parkour (0/7)

Dumped onto Earth Bet by Cauldron, seemingly birthed from a blazing inferno to any witneses, her initial confusion and horror coupled with her poor grasp of her new powers caused her to start multiple uncontrollable fires that took days to put out, causing a small fortune in damages, and left a number of wounded or worse. Since been drifting around comitting seemingly random acts or arson whenever not somehow temporarily recruited by other villains as heavy hitter, sometimes only to burn any stolen goods out of either carelessness or by accident. Risks losing herself in the act of simply burning things as it makes her feel at ease, threatening to simply become the fire. Tries to avoid bringing unnecessary harm to people, but as she drifts deeper into the fire, she becomes less aware of what is and is not supposed to burn. Burns things, flies, turns into fire, heals self by burning things close to her.
10/10, would feel up in prison.
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