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/cyoag/ - CYOA General

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Thread replies: 408
Thread images: 86

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Previous thread: >>53311742
Archives and other resources: http://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
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I've seen that other, newish Genie game on /d. I can't remember, is there something about it that makes it impossible to post here?
So what's with /cyoag/ and its obsession over waifus and the futile hopes and dreams it entails?
Everyone here is desperate, anon.

Absolutely desperate.
CYOAs are all about fantasizing and mostly about wish fulfillment of some kind. Futile hopes and dreams just come with the territory.
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My obsession waifus started back in 2012 when I ended the most serious and longest relationship in my life. Encountering VNs and the idea of waifus is the only that's kept me going ever since.
But personally, my ideal CYOA would be 50% generic adventure and creating a different you and 50% well thought out and interesting waifus you can choose from to come with you.
Many CYOA have a higher focus on the first half and my own is much more focused on the Waifu with only a limitted amount of self customization.
Pleasantly surprised.
Fantasy. The potential just surpasses all the other options.
Assuming you mean "Dream of Genie", there is not. This is where it was first posted, after all.
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So I have two ideas for a Supervillain CYOA

One would be a Thunderbolts CYOA. You're the warden of the Thunderbolts program, using supervillains to go on missions and they get reduced sentences in return.
Choose the villains, missions, and some perks for yourself and the villains. You have a power dampener to make sure they don't try to rebel against you.


A henchman CYOA. Choose a supervillain to work for, your perks you get with the job, position you're working for in the company, and the super hero who will try to stop you and your boss.
I like the henchman idea. Being the right-hand man of the big bad would be pretty cool.

Like the stereotypical evil sorcerer working for a malevolent king.
>Thunderbolts CYOA
Cool! I like that one.
For Thunderbolts, would you being using Marvel villains or OCs?

Personally, I'd prefer the latter.
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I'd probably go Marvel, just because I know them better and it'd be easier than coming up with a ton of all new characters.
Both sound like great concepts, there are no good henchman CYOA for some reason.
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>there are no good husbando CYOA for some reason.

Imagine if we had both anon. That's the problem with Husbandos, they are more often than not the main characters of their own story and doms, as such i'd rather be a henchman to one than be my equal or lesser half.

>But personally, my ideal CYOA would be 50% generic adventure and creating a different you and 50% well thought out and interesting waifus you can choose from to come with you.

Add in some non waifu friends to flesh it out and that's pretty much my ideal as well.

A question if I may while you're about, can you give us an estimate for the powerlevel for the Guardian elixir?
Both sound pretty awesome, I've vote for the Henchman one if I had to though

What do you think of the balance between followers and adventures that Eternal's Rising had? I thought that CYOA handled it quite well.
Speaking of thunderbolts, I made a new companion for Traveller's Tale.
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Hell yeah.

Ghost would definitely be one of the villains I would use in the Thunderbolts CYOA.
I'm a bit worried, but I didn't save something. It was a CYOA that started on *****'s /cyoa/ board and was lewd, but lower image quality. you could make nearly anything, including animals and beasts. (It's primary purpose. was rape monsters.)'

There was a section where you coudl take companions, which were 'generic' archtypes and a few premade characters.

Anybody has any ideas?
I vote for henchmen.
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Anon, please make an expansive henchman CYOA with a wide variation of bosses, strong and predominantly male.

Also armours/clothing and vehicles/mounts.
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Gee I wonder why someone would fantasize about an impossibly perfect girlfriend.

It's fantasy. If you can fantasize about omnipotence or someshit I can fantasize about a hot nice cute girl that loves me for no reason.
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Hahaha more progress matees, even though I am sobering up because I have shit to do today, I am making more progress!
Where's mead, you faggot?
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Do categories have enough choices? Are specializations varied?
Does it look to be ready to get visuals?
Some of the images seem to be stretched in unpleasant ways.
Shit, knew I forgot something, will add it shortly, ya knob.
Yeah, those were probably the ones that either I fucked up or came fucked up. Point em out for me, and I'll see what I can do, mate.
is there a third page?
Jeez why doesn't everyone fantasize about the things that I fantasize about, what a bunch of wierdos!

t. you.
Origin: The Now; Watcher
Skills, Perks & Traits:Advanced Tech, Berserker, Biological Adept, Hearty, Pariah, Unarmed Combatant, Weightless Combatant, Voidling, Fourth Wall Awareness, Stone Soul, Violence Mutability
Initial Equipment Requisition
Clothing: Babr-e-Bayan, The Green Armor (I'm sure I can get someone to combine these somehow), Tartan Cloak, Everwalkers Cloth, x3 Turag Imprints
Weapons: Upgrade 1, Yuta partner Brace, Cestus
Knick-Knacks: Magical Protection Vestments, Advanced Medical Kit, Ring of Dispel, Gene-Mod Equipment, Abstract Shoggoth Major
Little Things: Forever Alone x3, I don't need no Governa's dalla! x5, Can't wake up inside, My Best Friend, Harbinger, Knee-Breaker
Factions, Departments & Others: The Void Hunters (do I pick a sub(?) faction? If so) Enforcers of the Third
The Covenants: The Ubermensch Society
Allies: Mochizuki Chiyome, 427, Administration, Master Assassin
Home District: The Testing Ground – The Land of the Divisions
Hubworlds: The Tower - Series of Trials
Do I need to pick a mission or something? If so: And Touched the Face of God
PANIC BUTTONS: The Iron Warrior
What about cocktails? Where's my margarita?
Eh, I guess I can add a cocktail, it's only a lil bit more work anyways. I gotcha covered, mate.
Martinis, Bloody Marys, old fashions, Mint Juleps, high ball, white Russians, sangaria...
There are a lot of different cocktails out there.

Also, where's champagne?
I second this, anyway
Difficulty level: 9 days
Environment: Forest
Location: Cabin
orbs of communication
mirror of the bashful
halo of the saint
the carpenter
the the skellington
the priestess

I feel like this lacks enemies or difficulties, it feels way too easy, I could probably survive 9 days in a forest without the allies or items
>Listing cocktails
>not putting it the best 3
mojito, long island, piña colada
Got some credits left over, so might as well take Physical Formatting and Physical Restructuring, as well as Forever Alone again since I have a free companion. As well as I don't need no Governa's dalla!, since I have the money, and I'll pick Memory for that.
The Ares Mechanism is still on the way. Got caught up in relatives dying, losing my job and funding for school, catching some kind of gastrointestinal disease, etc. I'm also reworking a large part of it, so it'll take me a bit to finish it.
Take as much time as you need. Sounds like you have bigger things to deal with than making a CYOA.
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Did anything come of the idea from the prevoius thread about making teams or somethin? >>53312195 ?
Jesus, that escalated quickly.
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I'm already in a happy relationship where the odds that I'd find a better partner aren't worth the time, effort, or risks. But humans are creatures of unlimited wants, so sometimes I just want to fantasize about someone impossibly good for me.
I'll be adding Mead, Cocktails (with a note in the description that it's customizable because I wanna keep shit simple), and possibly/probably Champagne.

Anything else people really want?

Note, I'm trying not to add so much shit that this becomes bloated because that's not my style. Also because this is my first serious CYOA and whilst I'm pretty damn ambitious, I also know my limitss pretty well.

I'm totally willing to make a V1.1 or V2 later down the line to add more stuff, so this is kind of the last entry drinks for now, kay, mates?
wow lad, if you're not kidding I wish you the best of luck
stop being a faggot
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Thanks, anon. Still want to try and get this out as soon as I can.
Might I trouble you for some hard cider?
Man, I dunno, this all seems a little too good to be true.

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To my eye, Beer and Brandy under Brews and Absinth under Companions. The images seem a bit squished.
Would there also be selections for why we're working for the villain? Do we build our own villain or is the list presets?
I picked money because it looked like the choice most unlikely to backfire.

now I regret being a pussy.
Holy shit there is bad luck and then there is you I hope everything works out in the end
Caipirinha, of course. And there's a local one whose name is just awesome, which you might incorporate (and it kicks like a mule):

The 'War Body'. It's made of Stroh Rum (rum with 80% alcohol), vodka, gin, cherry infusion and dark lemonade (whatever the last two are)
What world are you thinking? I'm torn between Star Trek (where I would never set foot on a ship with an exploration mission), CATastrope, and Oz.
Thanks, mate, will fix asap.
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Scenario: Gestation
Path: villain/other
origin: drop in
Costume: budget
foreign element
humble beginnings
worst day everx2
numbed emotions
kill order
endbringer target
case 53*3
second trigger x6
extra powerx4
plot convenience
noctis cape
Augmentation ST
Nanomachines ST
Technopathy ST
Radar ST
small arms ST
robotics ST

How big is the Archive?
Thanks anons. I'll do my best to get it out soon.
Damn, all the best anon. Don't stress about a CYOA of all things, just do it if it makes you happy.
Metal, you say?

Which one?
Honestly, until fall semester starts, I'm doing two things. Fuck all and job searching. It's nice to have something to do which will distract me.
You ever come up with a great idea for a build, then realize you're just an idiot?
>infinite treasury plus tinker means I can make anything my tinker powers could come up with
>wavelength plus second trigger means I can create basically anything
>look our world, God mode achieved!

One almost-completed write up later...
>wait a minute, tinkers don't actually understand how to make anything they're making
>it's their shards doing all the work
>it's actually a plot point that the shards make sure nobody can figure out how what they're making actually functions

Well, back to the drawing board.
The dropbox.
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Just use Second Trigger Infinite Treasury to copy any existing tinker creation. That's pretty damn good considering you have 1 ton worth of tinkertech at will.
how does the stand work ? can it be killed, does the damage on the stand damage you too? it's very vague.
you didn't check what happens when you refuse, did you
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Be gentle senpais, its my first time

I would appreciate feedback on this though, I confess I probably won't make any alterations to this one until I learn how to use editing tools better, but I'd like some ideas of how I could do better on my next CYOA. I'm sure I made a lot of rookie mistakes on this one in layout and design for starters.

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Can you tell which page I lost patience trying to align pictures and text neatly? It's 2.
Just assume it works like all Punchghost stands in JoJo. Stand can't be killed, can only be damaged by other stands, can only be seen by stand users, and damage on them = damage on you.
I mean, a good set of power armor probably weighs more than a ton.
Black text alone against the background blends in at some points. You should put a semi-transparent box behind the text.
The black on dark blue text is very hard to read. You need to use some boxes to make it more legible.
Reposting my build.

>Name: Dubh

>Scenario: Gestation (15C, 15S)

Case 53 x3 (18S)
Worst Day Ever x3 (21C, 21S)
Memory Death (25C)
Slaughterhouse 9 (29C, 23S)
Endbringer Target (32C, 27S)
Humble Beginnings (37C, 32S)

>Path: Vigilante

>Path Specific Flaw:
Ambivalent (41C, 36S)

>Insert: Drop In (44C, 39S)
>Identity: No Identity (46C)

>Costume: Armor (41C)

Martial Arts (37C)
Stealth (34C))
Investigation (32C)

>Shard: Foreign Element (29C, 36S)

Second Trigger x3 (17C, 27S)
Secret Lair (15C)
Blindspot (14C, 23S)
Negentrophy (9C, 18S)

>Gift: Meta Knowledge

Peak Condition (17S)
Proficiency [Second Trigger] (15S)
Power Sight (14S)
Unlimited Shard Works [Second Trigger] (7S)
Adaptation [Second Trigger] (0S)

>Path Perks:
Tinker Tech (5C)
Toolbelt (4C)
Supply Line (0C)
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And appearance without armor and shitty writefagging.

>There is evil and corruption in this world. I shall do good for the common man, with no affiliations to impede the passage of justice.

>There are 'Heroes' who are little better than the villains I face. Though it may earn me enmity, my path is set. Those who are are not true allies of justice shall be punished.

>I have awoken to this world with not an identifying memory in my head. All I know is that who I am, what I am, is not who I once was. I am host to a wealth of knowledge about this world, and its status as a falsehood. While the existential ramifications of such knowledge keeps me up at night, it has also given me a great advantage in seeking out both allies and enemies.

>Some of my powers are developed beyond the norm. Though my own powers began quite undeveloped, I found myself physically capable, eerily competent, and able to sense what powers a person might have at a glance. Though I did not realize it during the first day of my new life, I am selectively immune to the powers of others, a great boon for hunting enemies of justice. Beyond that, I seem to be able to learn and copy the powers of other parahumans through observation, to which I can only call that first day a blessing in disguise, as it allowed me to bear witness to a great many powers.

>Thanks to my abnormal competence and foreign shard, I can in some cases, develop powers even more quickly than its original owner.

If it wasn't clear, I'm using Ambivalent to be both an Anti-Hero and Anti-Villain, with the intent of rooting out and pushing corruption among Heroes just as harshly as I would to Villains. Rogues on the straight and narrow are cool, though they are to be eyed with scrutiny.
I'm not one to nitpick and I ask out of genuine curiosity - how do people plan to survive with Humble Beginnings+more than 1 Worst Day Ever+Endbringer Target?
This combo almost explicitly means that on day one, an Endbringer is going to come for you. It's hard enough to survive that with powers, let alone as a normal human. Especially if said endbringer is Simurgh.
So basically only other projection like the Siberian could damage it?
endbringer target only works during canon endbringer attacks (according to the text), so you have some time before Leviathan came in Gestation to get triggered, my hope is that worst day ever x2 is enough to get the job done. If it isn't or if it's too much then i'm fucked. I'm the robot btw.
Because if you were going to take worst day ever and endbringer target anyway, humble beginnings is a free +5/+5 in a sense, because... well, it's a traumatic day. Triggering is caused by trauma.

You can mitigate the risk by taking the second chance gift, and nobody is reasonably going to assume 'oh, I guess I died on the first day' as an outcome.

It's free points. All brief disadvantages like that are, really - the only ones that actually make you think are the ones like Nosebleed that are permanent.
Mount: Manticore
Discipline: Hunter
Ally: Andrea
Quest: A New Breed

Even if the city establishment is corrupt, the city itself still protects an entire, well, city's worth of people. The Manticore is good for wounding, but not killing, potential new specimens in silent ambushes.

I had a really bad feeling about The Emissary.
I tried with The Good Samaritans if any hero/rogue is interested. Only saw a few other heroes and rogues though.

Yep, pretty much.

Oh, I see, its a high risk high reward strategy then. True, depending on how bad things get chances are you'll trigger the shard before the day is over.
Also didn't notice the bit about endbringers only attacking on the canon dates, that does give a lot of room to maneuver. Sounds fair, carry on glorious (anti)heroes!
Just the bit at the start of the Pegasus description, or anywhere else?

You're a wise man.
Worst Day Ever guarantees that you're going to be dealing with a huge number of parahumans that you can copy with Unlimited Shard Works. After that, it's a matter of keeping on the run while gathering strength, which can be accomplished via USW.

In my case, Second Trigger Adaptation renders any sort of direct power useless against me, and Blind Spot makes me that much harder to track. With Foreign Shard and Proficiency , I can develop skills and powers at a significantly greater rate than the average parahuman as well, and my choice of powers don't have any clean-cut hard counters, save for someone being specifically prepared for my early lack of durability and just guns me down or stabs me. Since traditionally, Brutes are common power archetypes (outside of /tg/ minmaxing), I'd imagine I can pick up at least a Brute power pertaining to healing and durability before someone with no knowledge of my weaknesses decides to chance shooting me.

As for the Endbringers themselves, the best I can hope for is powergaming using Metaknowledge to aid in avoiding them for the first day to reduce their interest in me to that of a normal Endbringer Targeted. After that, I can be pragmatic and try team up with other Endbringer Targeted individuals and we can just USW each other to stand more of a chance against them. If I'm lucky, this will lead to any undesirables in this alliance cleaning up their act, but that's being optimistic. Even then, I've got to contend with Slaughterhouse 9, though I'm going to try using the chaos of Worst Day x3 to bait an Endbringer over to them and get out of dodge immediately after observing their powers.

That said, even if I do survive the first day, I probably won't last long enough for Negentropy to matter, but hey, I gotta try.
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Name: Ryley "Wendingo/ Yaldabaoth"
Path: Endbringer
>Megastructure: Got those mad architecture skills. I guess I'll just build homeless shelters or something.
>Time: I have an unhealthy fixation on this kind of ability!
>Power Mimic: I'm just going to copy Tinker powers, but it's good to have options.
Appearance: A tall, slender, well dressed deer looking thing, usually surrounded by devices.
Size: A paltry five meters.
>Sibling Rivalry: I'm the one that isn't a rude asshole, and they're rude assholes about that.
>The Entity known as Yaldabaoth was first spotted October 15, 1987 in Halifax, Canada. While at first it appeared to be a normal, if large, Case 53, later research has determined that it is physically and chemically identical to an Endbringer. It's usual behaviour has been show to be wandering throughout North America, building structures of often unclear purpose or moving towards large concentrations of Tinkers, occasionally coming into conflict with both other Endbringers and local power structures. When confronted, it has been shown to use a form of teleportation to immediately escape, and if that is made impossible use a some form of mover power to multiply it's speed exponentially. Avoid contact if possible, since while it's fatality rate is near zero, assuming benevolence could lead to another Lausanne.
I'm really just going around making whatever strikes my fancy because I have a short attention span and like science.
I kind of want to join, if that would be okay.
Mount: Griffon-gotta love that power
Role: Heavy Cavalry-Makes the best use of the griffon's power
Ally:Andrea- for SCIENCE!
Mission:Hunt The Renegade

I want to take The Emissary, but it just seems off.
I would take The Black Knight but I don't think a griffon can take a dragon unless I kanikaze
>Just the bit at the start of the Pegasus description, or anywhere else?
I'd say behind every bit of text on the first two pages that's currently sitting directly on the background image.
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Why does this CYOA need to be point-buy? it seems like it would work just fine with a "pick X amount of things" for each section.
After Lausanne they'd probably tear down or quarantine anything you build near human populations. Though if they see other Endbringers targeting you, they might be more trusting. Might.

The Good Samaritans are not officially dedicated to fighting Endbringers, though many in the organization do so voluntarily. So the group is not inherently hostile to you at least. However, an entire country got wrecked by a seemingly benevolent Endbringer - the group cannot work with any Endbringer in good faith after that. Since the group is mostly for organizing humanitarian efforts, not dictating what members do like the PRT, individuals affiliated with the group are free to try if they wish to take the risk.
I'd only take those combos with a Second Trigger 25 point power with anti-Endbringer capabilities. And never with Humble Beginnings. Honestly, any set of serious disadvantages (including 3x Worst Day) with Humble Beginnings means you're probably fucked.

You cheat however you want.

I think you're misreading that. Endbringer target means canon attacks happen to YOU instead of their original target, which means Canberra isn't happening - instead, Brockton Bay is getting Zizzed. Then it's getting Leviathanned. It might also get Behemothed too, although I think the last Behemoth attack happened just after Gestation begins. Still, its close enough timeline-wise that three buys of Worst Day and Endbringer Target just might rearrange time a little bit.

That still means you have time, but not nearly as much as you thought you did.
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>Insert (Female, Adult)
Civilian Identity
>No Identity
>Martial Arts
>Natural Trigger
>Second Trigger
>Door Me
>Infinite Credit
>Plot Convenience
>Case 53 x2 (Third Eye, Blue Skin, and a few other things taken from the Goddess namesake)
>Endbringer Target
>Slaughterhouse 9
>Humble Beginnings
>Psychic Nosebleed
>Plot Relevance
>Invulnerability (Second Trigger)

A slightly adjusted version of my OP build from the last thread.
>Blunt: Flail
>x100 Str
>x50 Speed
>x500 Durability

>Elemental Weapon: Fire
>Summon Equipment: Armor
>Ultra Element: Fire

>+5 Points for making and posting a CYOA!
which I spend on
>Ultra Weapon Upgrade

Fairly standard smash and burn build, I don't have any of the crazy tier three stuff but I probably do alright

I just think flails are cool
Oh and
Choice 1
In the last thread, I had Sebastian explain that Gaurdian's powerlevel is entirely dependent on you.
I sighted Golden Expierence Requiem as an example of what the most powerful Guardian Spirits are capable of and I'll just post
>pic related
as an example of the lower tier manifestations
I adore ER. The only thing I could have asked for more of was the descriptions for the companions, but them growing up alongside you and changing depending on your choices make up for it for me.
>pic related
>as an example of the lower tier manifestations
Perfect. Thanks, thats a good benchmark.
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I'm making a another cyoa in the same universe as this one, mostly to see how how it ends up.
This one will be for shamanism instead of necromancy, hope you anons will like it.
Also, shoot some ideas at me if there's something you want see.
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I have a pretty free weekend ahead, so I might go back and redo some of that then. Page 2 bothers me anyway.
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Ok then I'm with you, the name sucks tho

Name = Cavalry
Scenario = gestation
Path = Hero - The Good Samaritans - Fan Club
Origin = Drop-In
Costume = thematic
Shard = natural trigger
Gift = Second Chance
Tactics - Parkour - Banter - First aid - Investigation - hacking
>Flaws and perks
Plot convenience - second trigger - slaughterhouse 9 - Followers*2 - secret lair
Summoning = Second Trigger - Blink - flight

They call me Cavalry because when I come, I'm never alone. I can summon to me everyone of my allies or every major hero of the world at any given time. If I want to be unfair I could even summon criminals directly to the birdcage.
I've got my lair plastered with the pictures of every major city in the world and I always take with me a picture to move back to the it (etched in my costume or even tattooed on me if it works).
I'm famous for my rapid response and my mobilization powers in the endbringer events.

I'm too lazy now to do the 2 followers.
And how would you explain the power range to someone who isn't familiar with either of the two examples?
read only the pegasi description and I already know nobody is going to pick them
Magic Variant - Staff (20 SP)

x10 Strength (98)
x20 Speed (90)
x20 Durability (87)
x2 Perception (84)
Sensory Overload (81)

Clone (69, 30 SP)

Boost (30, 55 SP)

Extreme Shapeshifting (-35, 90 SP)
Drawbacks: Don't Lose (-5)
CYOA (0)

Monster Mash

The fun thing about Clone is that whatever copies you make are exact clones of your current form. Which means they may not be able to Shapeshift or use Boost, but if I copy myself, they'll have those abilities. Since I'm already at the level where I can turn into a copy of any monster I encounter but with drastically boosted abilities, and can boost myself x10 at the cost of a few seconds of agony... well, I think my clones may just be able to take down damn near anything.

And when in doubt, turn into a spacewhale and GTFOD.
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I call this build "The Paragon of Humanity"

Weapon Type: Blade 2-handed sword

Some on I love will die +15
Every time I loose a fight I loose an active power for 1 year. +30
Mute +10p
Wait 2 months +10
Passive Powers:
Strength: X100 16p
Speed:X50 15p
Durability: X500 19p
Magic Immunity 60p
Magic Boost: +20SP 20p
Ultra Weapon: 5p
Shape: pic related 2p
Immortality: 25p

flashy magic is shit

note: magic isn't actually shit

Choose 1:
Inside Job. I will wander eternally to fight evil and safeguard those who remain human
>tfw just mindlessly browsing and skim over worm while On Your Mark comes on in my playlist.

WELL fuck now I have to take part!
Ah, well. Maybe I'll make first page and then ask for feedback.
Psst: you can't take any drawbacks if you're taking the cheap Immortality. You only get access to the first two pages and the last page - the one that says what's going to happen.
Been a while since I've seen this.

Starting SP: 140

Weapon: Staff

Passive: x20 Durability, x2 Perception/Reaction

Tier 2: Ultra Element: Electricity [26]
Tier 3: Indefinite Upgrade [80], Time [85], Extreme Shapeshift [75]

Drawbacks: Mute [+10], Someone you love will die [+15], For every week you don't fight someone, lose 1 SP [+30], Lose an active power for a year if losing fight [+30], Spirit weapon is fragile [+50], Made and posted CYOA [+5]

I stay transformed to mythical creatures and keep my spirit weapon staff hidden inside my body.
Hulk waifu cyoa when?
then why does it say that you can't take any of the age drawback if you have immortality>
dragon - heavy cavarly - alberich - hunt the renegade

The cyoa looks okay. Smaller pictures would allow downsizing it to two or maybe even one page but it's still only 3 page long so it doesn't bother me too much.
I really don't know what to say anon, I hope things get better for you.
I suppouse this is the Persona 3+ Alice?
Because her power really changes through the titles. If I'm not mistaken she is the super boss from Devil Survivor 2.
>Oh, I meant individually. Just curious what of nicknames you'd like to give your future selves to stand amongts Alexander The Great and Vlad The Impaler, etc.

Oh, in that the case I guess I would just want something like "Anon, 'The Best King Ever', First and Last of his name".
I'm quite curious, are most of these made in Adobe? I can only into ms paint and some of these are fucking way detailed.
Golden age +10 CP +20 SP
>Path Conspirator
Drop-In +3 CP +3 SP
I like me thanks
No identity +2 CP
No need for dumb clothing
Martial arts -4 CP
Tactics -4 CP
Strategy -5 CP
Parkour -2 CP
Stealth -3 CP
Hacking -1 CP
Dead shard +3 SP
Worst day ever 1 +2 CP +1 SP
Humble beginnings +5 CP +5 SP
Rough start 3 +6 CP
Negentropy -5 CP -5 SP
Blind spot -3 CP -4 SP
Plot convenience -1 CP
Alright It makes no sense to take negentropy if you don't have inmortality But if i can find myself a Shard admin that won't fuck me over i can get cheap inmortality via Cosmetic shapeshift maybe i don't know
Gotta get back back to home
Gate of Babylon -20
Power Sight -1
Cosmetic Shapeshift -1

After getting thrown up in to this world with nothing but a terrible day and knowing that the only way to go back is for the entities to die i had to find cauldron and get myself some powers sadly because i am broke as fuck now i am now forced to work for them but their plans are in accordance with my interests so it does not bother me that much anyways my chances of getting back are very very slim but i have to do it if i want to go back
I personally use paint,net
I honestly am having some difficulty coming up with a good explanation...
Anyone think they could help me articulate what I'm trying to say better?
Yes. As I'm a giant fucking casual, I've only ever played Persona 3-5 (and Catherine but that doesn't really count) so I mean in the scenario where you have the ability to call upon the spirit of a young girl who can cast devestaing Magic on your enemy. She's also an example of a Guardian in the scenario that's their own individual.
By contrast, GER is insanely powerful Stand with the ability to return anything to zero or basically nullify an action by returning it to before it occurred, but it's also just a manifestation of Giorno's will for the most part, not quite having much of its own personality.
>are most of these made in Adobe?
Which Adobe product did you mean?
I think it is called CCS. Its their ms paint but with 100000x more options and it also auto smooths lines and shit.
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Photoshop and the CC suite
>I think it is called CCS.
I think that's just one among many of their application suites (i.e. a collection of software, kinda like Microsoft Office or Microsoft Visual Studio).
>Its their ms paint
Scenario: Golden Age
Path: Villain (Solo/Other)
Origin: Drop-In
Civilian Identity: No Identity
Costume: Budget
Shard: Dead Shard
Skill: Tactics, Stealth
Perk: Secret Lair, Plot Convenience, Second Trigger x2, Negentropy, Blindspot
Flaw: Worst Day Ever x2, Birdcaged
Gift: Interludes
Power: Animorph (Second Trigger), Body Swap (Second Trigger), Survivalism

Reposting a build without the follower, so we can get some villains together. Anyone want to follow me into a Norse theme? If at least two of you join up, I can offer free makeovers or power swapping by way of Body Swap shenanigans.

If not, oh well. I'll occupy myself somehow. Worst case scenario, I bodyswap Eidoleon into a mosquito and play good guy for a while until I get bored!
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Nothing OP, so no 25's and no Trump powers.
Scenario: Gestation +15cp +15sp
Path: Vigilante
Origin: Drop-In +3cp +3sp
Civ Identity: No Identity +2cp
Costume: Budget
Skills: Strategy -5cp
Survival -3cp
Parkour -2cp
Shard: Foreign Element -3cp -3sp
Flaws: Case 53 x3 +3sp
Worst Day Ever +2cp +1sp
Memory Death +4cp
Humble Beginnings +5cp +5sp
Perks: Negentropy -5cp -5sp
Gift: Second Chance
Powers: Regeneration -10 Second Trigger -4cp -3sp
Consumption -7 sp Second Trigger -4cp -3sp
Mist Shift -7 sp
Path Specific: Vigilante: Ambivalent +4cp +4sp
Supply Line -4cp
PRT Info -5cp

So with Case 53 and those powers I'm probably going to look like some fucked up abomination.
Maybe as bad as >pic related
Bless you SDA, your guides are the reason my cyoas don't look like absolute garbage.
The S-06 changes the guardian or only your ability to use it?
Generally all text should have a transparency background and be unquestionably easy for everyone to read.

Which is hypocritical of me to say since I'm the anon that included cursive and found out how many here are cursive-illiterate.
I keep stressing that those are just the basics.

A ton of templates for layer styles, textures and shapes are available online, like this:

Sometimes I like to take existing templates and tweak them to by own fitting. There's a slew of ways you can apply this stuff.
I don't quite understand how to integrate this stuff, but I'll certainly give it a shot. Thank you!
You just have to put them in the correct folder in your photoshop installation directory and then load them in photoshop. Same applies to new brushes, textures and shapes.

Oh ok. I don't use shapes or brushes too often but these layer textures seem to be incredibly helpful. Thanks again :0 Do you have any textures or other styles you really like that you wouldn't mind sharing?
Taking S-06 will increase the Guardian's overall abilities and help you deepen your bond with it more easily if it's sentient or enhances your ability to use if it isn't.
If I did, I wouldn't know what to give you. I just go on random download sprees.

There's a million things you can find on google and Deviant Art, just start searching there.
>conscripted to fight in the air

I think the quality of the CYOA if fine for a small one, but I'm having difficulty in making a build where I stand a chance of survival.
You got it, you've been a real help! I think I'll do that right now! Though I don't know if I'll start trying to integrate these new tools now or wait till i start my next little project.

I hope you don't cringe at my stuff when I end up posting it
Is stand broken?

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Everything in this thread is cringe.
You'll be fine. I can't recall any CYOAs that I found cringey.
Only if it's Made in Heaven.
>Create stand
>Give it combo
>You now have star platinum
A shame you can't squeeze a extra point for shock and awe
What I mean is that you essentially get free 3 free points without really paying anything. Theres no real downside other limiting SOME catagories.
Any kind of ability that affects you is pointless to give to the stand and stuff like temporal bubble affects you so i would say it is kinda balanced
There is the fact that the powers aren't attached to you. Only your stand can use them, this mean some power comboes are unavailable to you
Sure there are. The powers all apply to it and not you, which greatly limits the utility of a lot of powers. E.g., any Mover power, any Brute power, any Breaker power, any Stranger Power, and any Changer power. You're also limited to precisely 10 powers, as noted by >>53324618 - if you want an 11 point Stand, too bad, you're fucked.
I've seen 0 builds taking it up till now tho. Giving this powers to a proxy is clearly enough of a downside.
Only if your use Paramount to give yourself Stand, and even then I'm not sure.
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Gestation 15/15
Villain - other
Drop-In 18/18
no identity 20/18
budget 20/18
plot convenience 19/18
second trigger x3 7/9
power slot x4 7/5
worst day everx2 13/9
humble beginnings 19/15
Zion 22/15
dishonorable 24/17
Second Chance
No Clip ST 22/15
Cloak ST 22/8
Sound control 22/6
Infinite ammo 22/5
recordless ST 22/3
Remote transfer 22/1
peak condition 22/0
Banter 21/0
Parkour 19/0
Martial arts 15/0
Marksmanship 10/0
stealth 7/0
Investigation 5/0
Hacking 4/0
connections 0/0

I'm basically shadowstalker on steroid, I'm intangible, invisible, leave no trace, make no sound, can't be recorded, have unlimited ammo and can steal shit by teleporting it away. I don't need any costume cause I can't be seen anyway.
I will pick a victim every now and then and follow her/him around making pranks (with various degrees of seriousness) to pass my time.
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maybe I'll make a cyoa where you're a low-powered but immortal dimensional traveller. That sort of thing always appealed to me. I kind of tried once (pic not related, it's not mine), but didn't really know what I wanted and didn't do a very good job of it.
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forgot to attach the third page.
Wow, this is very hard to read, the spacing between words is too big and so is the text. Usually it's the opposite.
>A cyoa where you are a eternal wanderer
Please make it
I would prefer something like a Planeswalker CYOA. Not sure how would it work, but Planeswalkers are awesome.
>a non-shit version of Jumpchain
I'm in.
Isn't that conduit?
Golden age, Villain
Insert, Teen Female
Bodysuit (-1 c, 9)
Martial Arts (-4 c, 5)
Stealth (-3 c, 2)
Parkour (-2 c, 0)
Natural Trigger Shard (+3 c, 3)
Flaws: Case 53[all teeth very sharp] (+1 s, 21)
Worst day ever (+2c, +1s, 5c 22s)
Perks: Power slot x2 (-2s, 20s)
Gift: Failsafe
Powers: Cosmetic Shapeshift (-1s, 19s)
No Clip (-2s, 17s)
Peak Condition (-1s, 16s)
Razor Hand (-2s, 14s)
Cloak (-7s, 7s)
Blink (-7s, 0s)

Villain path specific- Other (alone)
See, i'd like to take money here but it would completely defeat the purpose of the thief im trying to create.

But yeah that's the end of my build. I basically just want to be a petty thief, using my powers solely to sneak into places and steal things that i want
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Had a bunch of free time, made a few minor changes to this one based on some of the most common complaints -

* Most significant was a complete rephrasing of The Beloved choice, which clearly caused some division previously due to the inherent ambiguities. I did want to keep some things deliberately ambiguous (i.e. if you're concerned about WHETHER or not there's alien life out there to the point that it might affect your choice, you weren't forged of Explorer material), but this wasn't one. If whoever anon suggested the actor interpretation is reading this: thank you. This was exactly my intention for the core "question" of the choice.

* Degenerate can now vocally communicate with people in order to facilitate multiplayer videogameing. However, since the essence of this choice is still isolation I had to bring back the "revulsion effect" from the previous version of the CYOA (despite, admittedly, not liking it much myself), so while you could play your videogames right you're still denied any meaningful interpersonal relations.

* Clarified whether or not it's possible for the Hero to defeat the Nemesis in any way other than a one on one fight (for the most part no, unless you can convince the world militaries to nuke one of our own cities once a month for the rest of history). To counterbalance this, I've left it ambiguous as for whether or not the Nemesis would only be satisfied with your DEATH, or merely some other form of defeat. I'm leaving this for you to argue over, it sounds like an interesting venue of discussion.

* Magician gained the additional power of astral projection. Some people said it was underpowered and I seem to recall someone specifically suggesting this, although for some reason I can't find the post in the archive. It does fit the theme, so whatever.

* Various typo fixes.
GER's abilities exist somewhere between "Jesus fucking Christ" and "What the fuck, holy shit". It's the powered up version of the protagonist's usual Stand and it appears near the end of the story arch, where the story makes even less sense than normally and resembles a fever dream.

I don't know Persona so can't comment on that little girl but looking at wiki, Personas seem to have fairly typical punch/stab/cast/curse abilities overall, Stands on other hand can have incredibly weird and abstract abilities. Stance that appears to have incredibly weak ability can actually be super strong because the power can be used in completely unexpected or almost nonsensical way.

* Changed the Navy SEALs and Apache helicopter in the Terminator option to generic operators and a combat helicopter, since there was apparently some confusion as for whether or not you're being employed by the US Armed Forces (that wasn't my intention, in any case).

* Clarified how much walking space is available on the Explorer's space vessel.
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Higher res version (the one in >>53325326 has been specifically compressed to be less than 2MB to allow for posting in /r9k/, they did seem to enjoy the previous version).
so all the choices suck? is that the point?
>can't comment on that little girl
She's mostly known for "Die for me" which is an attack with a 90%+ or something chance of murdering everything in battle that doesn't resist it. Only she learns it.
Choose the Stranger, overall you'll still probably be objectively better off than you're at the moment.
Wait a second, couldn't you just go with Death Perception and put this whole snafu to an end by killing entropy?
im not so sure that killing entropy is that good of a idea
There's no way in hell I'm choosing anything but the Dragon.

Gonna be an archer. Probably the best option for riding on a huge dragon.

Andrea seems like she'd be pretty useful.

Choosin' a new breed because having some more flying reptiles around would be nice.

The emissary was tempting, but not tempting enough to betray my country.

I'd suggest giving the text a background or border, some of it was hard to read.
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>GER's abilities exist somewhere between "Jesus fucking Christ" and "What the fuck, holy shit".
At least I can wrap my head around them even a little.
It returns things to their state before an action of transition.
Such as making someone who dies revert back to the moment of their death and experience it in a continuous loop for eternity.
Which is fucking twisted and bad ass on so many levels.
But I've read Part 5 twice and read the entry multiple times and I still can't figure out how the fuck King Crimson works.
>"Die For Me"
In Persona 5 casting it causes a flower border to pop up around the edge of the screen as you hear high pitch giggling coming from off screen.
Then a bunch of giant teddy bears with TNT strapped to their stomachs at kamikazeing the target.
It is my favorite skill in the entire game.
Including the one you only get at the end that lets you shoot the Old Testament God in the fucking face.
>Death Perception
pic related
Kill bad ideas. Or better yet, kill consequences.

Kill any concept at all. The possibilities are limitless.
my life is more like the Degenerate actually
Once entropy is dealt with there is the heat death of the universe to worry about.
yeah i like the cyoa but the 25 point powers are ridiculous.
do any of the canon characters have these powers?
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Presets. You're applying for a job, not creating the villain.

And I'll leave the reason for joining up to you.
Maybe they just have a really good dental plan
How are you going to kill those? you have to see the death line and then cut it you would probably need a shard admin for doing that kind of shit
Second Trigger Death Perception. You can see the death lines of anything, conceptual or not, and cut them.

I guess you could argue there is the matter of finding them, but still.

Why would that happen if energy is no longer being lost? Shit, I could just kill thermodynamics and get it over with so we can just create energy.
head death is caused by a state of maximum entropy though
You should probably calm down on the killing of abstract things
>Kill thermodynamics
That would be a very bad idea anon
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Try Conduit.
For you.
You can't do anything after you kill entropy. Everything will be static and unchanging forever. No ability to act means no ability to cut.
the Nemesis doesn't make much sense to me, so he'll just keep killing people until... what? it's too ambiguous to make a choice

can I pick my new body's physical age with Paragon?

as the Predator, couldn't I just buy or acquire flesh and blood from donors or already dead people?

in the Beloved path, do I know he's just an actor?
some of them, yes
Not that guy, but it's pretty clear he'll kill people until you defeat him in a duel.
but you can't, he's at 150% of your strength and he has a spaceship and shit.
socialite is pretty good.
Change probably established because everyone just went "I'll call the US army and have them shoot missiles at him until he dies" (disregarding the fact that this by itself would be some feat, someone's going to have to deal with the political fallout from convincing the US army to start bombing foreign cities to catch an alien)
The anon inthe last thread who said
>Any man who does not enjoy the company of a sumissive lady will never become more than a pleb.
Wasn't wrong, but it is more fun if they start out trying to be dominant. Nothing beats the feeling of assertion of dominance, molding someone dominant into someone submissive.
I guess it's one of those "ambiguities" the guy intended, but my interpretation al is that you're supposed to figure out some plan via which you work with armies or whatever to weaken him or something but still need to do the brunt of the work yourself. Guess it all depends on how far you can convince him to let you call on human support without the battle stopping being an "honorable duel". It's actually pretty interesting, adds an element of diplomacy to the whole affair.

Can OTHER forces move the barrier?
Can surgery place injury on non-living material?
Can boomerang work with something like energy bolts?
Read the new phrasing. "Only once you have satisfied his honor with a magnificent, one-on-one duel, will he judge humanity worthy of existence". IMHO nobody needs to die here, you just need to prove to him you're a worthy foe. Go full Dragon Ball Z on this shit, give it your best, lose with grace and he'll go away and let you be.
He sounds more like an anime villain than a General Zod type.
!!! Important question !!!
concerning "The Adventurer"
Are there hot girls in 14th century magical world? What about hot elves, mermaids, witches, succubi and so on?
>Are there hot girls in 14th century magical world? What about hot elves, mermaids, witches, succubi and so on?
You get a dragon waifu by default, anon. The answer is clearly "yes". The question is whether you'd like one more than being able to brush your teeth.
All of the choices are still terrible and the benefits are vastly outweighed by the downsides.
>Can OTHER forces move the barrier?
The barrier is centered around you, so probably only by moving you.

>Can boomerang work with something like energy bolts?
Pretty sure you have to be able to hold it, but if you can, I guess it should.
Predator. I'll just eat dead bodies and donated blood and fight as a hero of justice to protect the weak.
Well i mean, could i in theory have golems that carry me in ball form??

I guess that makes sense, my idea was using chain lightning like a whip to save power.
Paragon doesn't seem as bad if you have a support network. If there are people you're close to who you could convince you're you, then you've got a good start.

So I guess it's basically oblivion for most people here, right?
Thank you.
I don't care about brushing my teeth with modern tools, I'll just not eat sugar and use whatever herbs they have. The thing that does bother me is the lack of immortality... I could make it my quest there!

All right
I pick The Adventurer with the Magician's powers, even though that is severely underpowered. I try to learn more magic and either through pure lore or the discovery of magical artifacts, I seek eternal life.
you talkin bout yourself?
You could probably find the secrets of inmortality if you travel far enough But yeah Adventurer with magician is the shit
Yes. It's classic SDA projection.
If this world is a mirror to this time period's beliefs then you're totally right.
In the 14th century they had legends about the philosopher's stone in Europe right? Nicolas Flamel lived at that time.
And in China they had a whole slew of sages dedicated to prolonging their own lives and the Emperor's life.
>Can surgery place injury on non-living material?
I'd say no, only because there's a similar power in canon and he couldn't.
Yall gonna die. How you even gonna provide for yourself??
What do you mean?
I mean dudes who take the Adventurer path are gonna be alone in world they dont know shit about which is full of danger and weird shit and theyll have no skills and no allies except dragonfu. if you read the drawback dragonfun is much weaker and less nasty than a lot of threats in this world.
Am I the only one creeped out by th village CYOA?
Same here. Can you articulate what creeps you out specifically? I know I can't.
King Crimson isn't complicated. Step one: Everything in the universe turns into a ghost. Step two: All ghosts move to the locations they should be in post timeskip. Step three: All objects de-ghost.

The Boss alone can watch the ghosts as they move and move around during the skip, though he can't interact directly (hence the impalement or blood throwing trick). Without his future predicting power, King Crimson isn't that useful.
Well, can it be put on an endbringer?
>Zodiac Waifus when
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what did he mean by this?
Wavelength and Path to Victory are based on Hero and Contessa respectively.
Hero was a very early Cauldron cape and Contessa has a Shard from Abaddon.
I don't know, it has such a strange quality about it, as if the whole world of the village is a terrarium watched over by the equivalent of a child with pet ants.
The whole thing about the rest of the world either ending suddenly, being walled of by a wall that seems as if it would get violent if you tried to climb it or turning into inhabitable wasteland seems as if someone cared for making the village and especially the village the only civilization and every bigger bit of that being smitten and strange seems only to reinforec it.
In between this and strange supernatural phaenomena it seems both artifical and like thinly veiled hostility in a way that gives me the feeling were I to escape I'd only find myself squshed by my apparent owner trying to get me back in or just not noticing me...
Cape Name: Armory

Scenario: Gestation (15 CP, 15 SP)
Path: Vigilante
Origin: Insert, Female, Teenager
Civilian Identity: High Schooler
Costume: Thematic (12 CP, 15 SP)
Strategy (7 CP, 15 SP)
Tactics (3 CP, 15 SP)
Stealth (0 CP, 15 SP)
Investigation (-2, 15 SP)
Parkour (-4 CP, 15 SP)
Shard: Foreign Element (-7 CP, 12 SP)
Follower x2 (Free)
Second Trigger x2 (-15 CP, 6 SP)
Plot Connivence (-16 CP, 6 SP)
Worst Day Ever x3 (-10 CP, 9 SP)
Slaughterhouse 9 (-6 CP, 11 SP)
Endbringer Target (-3 CP, 16 SP)
Gift: Second Chance
Infinite Treasury - Second Triggered (-3 CP, 6 SP)
Proficiency (-3 CP, 4 SP)
Presence - Second Triggered (-3 CP, 2 SP)
Quality Assurance (-3 CP, -1 SP)
Path Specific:
Anti-Villain (0 CP, 0 SP)
well, those two seem the least broken.
Dragonfu is still strong so you can keep it small and not go to explore the unknown until you are ready take it on and don't forget that you take the terminator or magician powers without drawbacks so you are not without skills
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That's good. I forgive you for your past foolishness. Enjoy the waifus.
i'm much weaker than a tank, but i rate the chance of me dieing from a tank very low
you gonna post the rest?
I'd like to enjoy a waifu. Where can I get one?
What kinda jobs are you gonna have tho?
These dudes are talking bout seeking immortality so they definely WILL run into tanks
Just so you know, I'm pretty sure that if you can drink your own Cauldron Vial--at least if you take no powers. That's how you make a stupidly broken Conspirator character.
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I updated page 1. Barely.
I'll post what's done, but I still have a ways to go and it's Pathfinder day...
So please try to be patient, please.
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I really hoped you didn't have a stroke.
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I think you're kind of supposed to be. I mean it's kind of clear there is something wrong with the place, and that things aren't exactly right. Though I'm not sure how creeped out you are really supposed to be, and I think how much varies by the person and how they interpret the options. Personally I do find it quite creepy but I do feel like it's something that should be able to be dealt with if you're careful.
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Someday I'll post the completed CYOA...
>Posting Eastern Houses Before The Northern Houses
i want to rape vignette's butt
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I'm just gonna keep posting them in order because this whole thing is making me cross-eyed.
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>Guardian text refers to it as M-10 instead of S-10
shit cyoa
What did you change?
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Fuck... Gonna go fix that.
Literally just fixed my name.
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waifus coming right up.
Were that a possibility you'd have to go through me.
>Path to Victory
>Not broken
Ah, yes, the ability to always win. I always thought of it as pretty weak, too. I mean, what could it possibly do? Meh.
i'm still going to rape her butt though
That's lovely, anon. I love seeing the joy shared between people and their waifus.
One of these days I was reading a comic, and in it there was a cute girl that was going to be raped but some guy saved her. After that they started dating, but she was still too traumatized to even kiss her then boyfriend for at least three years.

In a way it was very cute and reminded me of Vignette, the idea of staying by her side until she slowly surprasses her trauma and manage to kiss you melt my heart.
(not that it would be a good thing that she becomes traumatized, of course).
The only limitation i can think of is that's not really limitation is that it can only work with what it's got.
Contessa is a base human, her path shows her what a base human can accomplish. Stick Path to Victory on superman and, well...
You don't need to have additional powers yourself, as you live in a world with thousands of superheroes, which you can manipulate to achieve your goals. You have virtually unlimited options.
There's something off with the symbol for House Taurus.
I like the Henchmen idea.
It's espepcially those edge of the world options that give me the creeps. They are jut so plain wrong and that makes me thing about the other options and view them with more distrust. Whatever the circumstances are, what's causing them, their root, is the true horror of the place.
That Pisces still fucking triggers me.
What about her?
She just looks unpisces-like.

And honestly she's kind of ugly, least attractive girl in any of the pictures by far.
Leo OP
That's nice for you, I hope her friends return the favor with a dildo of rolled up sand paper.

That story isn't so cute if it happens in real life.
There have to be some other limitations as well. Otherwise she could use Path to Victory to make Tinkertech on the level as the device used to kill Zion.
I kind of like her...
Fuck Sabers.
>real life

I haven't seen that one. Someone post it.
I mean the design is fine, but in that picture her face is unattractive at least. All the other girls get cute faces, I just want a cute dreamy artist pisces waifu damn it.
Oh yes. Pretty sure she wipes the floor with the others under almost any circumstance, if she's got a little time to prepare.
Okay, what is unpisces-like in your opinion?
Yeah, we're in agreement on that part though
>Not cucking her with the other girls as well
All I care about is whether she Pisces on me.
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With pleasure.
Do it.
I'll take saber autism over whatever the current autism is any day.
Off the top of my head.

Pisces are head-in-the clouds artistic types. Moody and emotional. Very empathetic and self sacrificing, conflict avoidant, lazy, bad at dealing with reality, a lot of escapism. Idealists. Might be forgetting traits, been awhile since I was into zodiac stuff but that's the gist of the pisces personality I think.
To be fair only parts of the story were cute, after three years she ended up raped by other guy before even kiss her boyfriend.
you do know that whiskey is either corn mash whiskey (american bourbon whiskey), rye whiskey, or scotch whiskey (which also includes Irish whiskey).

bourbon and scotch are types of whiskey.
>won't even kiss her boyfriend but drops her panties for every bad boy "rapist"
This is why we need waifus.
This is why we need unsalted potatoes.
That's fascinatingly fitting
Not for her though.
Then for who?
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You asked for this.
Me actually.
Me too.
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Abirathi is still my favorite, but Cancer on looks alone is certainly giving her a run for her money.

Crabtits can't win on titty size alone.
I could probably get a job as a spy with the whole astral form thing or are you going to tell me that secrets don't sell?
I'm glad someone else likes her. She seems like fun. You could go on adventures together.
>Update never
>Your imouto will never have any friends
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Shit the wrong one!
Yeah, I know, mate. I was just having trouble thinking of things to replace them with at the moment. They'll changed by the time I put up another progress update.
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That's better... I hope.
Wedid talk about that german stuff last thread, didn't we?
Degenerate scum.
You say the hottest things.
That sounds dumb
Degenerate? I don't get it.
Which class works best for kung-fu? Would that be assassin?
True, I'll probably use of those then, thanks for reminding me mate.
Did someone let Vignette on the computer?
>That's nice for you, I hope her friends return the favor with a dildo of rolled up sand paper.
Sure, but first it goes up Vignette's butt.
Ladies first, eh? Ever the gentleman you are.
There need to be more CYOAs that let you be a dragon angel princess.
Name: Revenant

Scenario: Gestation

Path: Villain

Drop in

No Identity

Case 53 x2
Worst Day Ever x2
Memory Death
Numbed Emotions
Slaughterhouse 9

Power slot x2
Second trigger x2
Plot convenience
Secret lair
Voice In My Head
Noctis Cape

Starting point total:
26 character
25 shard

Costume: Bodysuit (1)

Martial arts (4)
First aid (3)
Stealth (3)
Strategy (5)
Investigation (2)
Parkour (2)
Survival (3)

Shard: Foreign Element

Gift: Meta knowledge

Blink (7)
Schrodinger (5) (second trigger)
Revenant Blade (2) (second trigger)
Combo (10)
It really is. It gives you something around 32 free SP and 14 CP. Really, really dumb.
In /extra there's a kung-fu fighter that's an assassin, and later, berserk.
Considering that and that if you are a conspirator you get Second triggers for fucking free it is even more dumb
Both berserker and assassin works fine for martial artists, berserker is the punches-through-40-slabs-of-stone kind and assassin the makes-your-heart-explode-in-a-single-touch kind
No point in taking Berserker though, aren't they too stupid to do anything?
They are too stupid to use advanced strategies, but work well enough for direct offensive.

In the case of the character from /extra it wasn't his plan to become a berserk. But he still "worked".
That really depends on how much mad enhancement you get. D is a small bonus but your servant can at least plan in advance and just looses herself in battle.
Exactly. You get an independent 20 point pool for powers which you can't add to, meaning you don't have to take as many disadvantages. Every power in that 20 point pool is second triggered for free, saving 7 points per. You can buy Power Slot from outside, without depleting those 20 points. That's enough points to get USW and Kingmaker together (oh god why). Or all the important utility/defensive powers and a solid offense.

Conspirator gives more free stuff than all the other options combined and then quintupled, assuming you drink your own vial.
It's not that good. They contain up to 20 points worth of powers, and most of the red-cost perks that give you powers refer to "your Shard," which you clearly don't have. Good if you wanted Gestation and didn't want to take drawbacks, not so good if you wanted a power combo that costs 21 or more, or makes use of Perpetuance.
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Does anyone have the lewd genie CYOA with this image?
Mad Enhancement is badly represented in that CYOA, but the simple reason being that it would be otherwise too easy to abuse.
Mad Enhancement doesn't always take away the servant's brain power, it can just as easily warp the servant into a caricature of their real selves.
Take Vlad Dracul Tepes III for instance, when summoned as a Berserker, you are literally summoning Dracula - a monstrous 'demon' of a 'man', but still a genius - and he has Mad Enhancement EX!
>Drink the vial
>Now you have a shard
Yeah... about that
True, I was talking about berserks in the Animes/games mostly.

That said, the Berserk class start with mad enhancement B.
If he just wants a little bit of Mad Enchancement it probably would be better to take Assassin and then buy the ranks of Mad Enchancement that he wants.
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But you didn't when you bought the perk, now did you?

Hell, you could look at it another way - by buying those perks, you now have a Shard that just gives you those perks. Or yet another way - there's no option to start Shardless. Don't buy powers, and you're just the guy who got the Shard containing Zion's porn collection.
EX-Rank Mad Enhancement trades in the screaming rage mode for a different brand of insanity unique to the servant. It makes them even harder to control at times, but no longer lowers their mental abilities.
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My mistake, there is a way to start Shardless. It's a drawback. That says you're a "simple human." Further suggesting those Perks are tied to your Shard.
I think you missed the free second trigger part. That's what makes it ridiculous--and makes that 20 point power pool stretch far, far beyond what it should. You could, theoretically, get an extra 64 CP and 68 SP by picking Conspirator. It's not an efficient build, but it's possible and that alone is ludicrous.

You can't pick up Perpetuance directly, sure. But Second Trigger heaven more than makes up for that--and you can get Perpetuance anyway if you do Trump cheese.
Refuse. Get an unhelpfully helpful genie roommate. After enough magic hijinks I wish for her companionship
> the series will end before I make my wish
>Zion's Porn collection
If i get that i will probably get desentized to everything
>Shard containing Zion's porn collection.
OP pls nerf
And that is without second trigger imagine with it on

Decided to have a bit of a challenge, no titles, no contracts, just the base 100m. I think I came away with a pretty decent ship.

The UFN Cursus is a recently commissioned frigate of the Rhino hull class. Commanded by Lieutenant An Seth, she serves as a courier for specialty cargoes and is occasionally present in skirmishing formations where it assists in overwhelming point defenses through its sizeable missile armament.

It normally operates with a minimal drone complement to allow for cargo transport but can be re-equipped at a UFN station or port as necessary.
>Another world, Perhaps
>Obligatory be the girl
If it is where i truly belong then i am bringing me with me
I mean, there is that. But getting the most out of it means a mix of weak powers, while doing a pair of 10s means you're getting the smallest possible benefit. It also at least potentially locks you out of many perks, and absolutely locks you out of Ahriman and the 25s, which are what you go for if you really want broken shit.

All in all, it's a nice exploit, but it's like talking about power combos in first Worm CYOA when Kaleidoscope exists.
Does Happy Childhood put me back in the past, or would everyone I know simply think I disappeared? I don't want everyone to worry about me, and I certainly don't want my cats to go hungry.
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Sir Gareth
Wish: Create a Saber
Alignment: Lawful Good

Saber Type: Classic
>Kind, Servile
>Friendly, Idealistic, Honorable

Class: Saber
Lone Ahoge
Short Ahoge

>Medium Armor
>Uniform (Chef's Uniform)

>Strength: A (13)
>Endurance B(A) (20)
>Agility B (27)
>Magic B (34)
>Luck C (37)
>Noble Phantasm A (50)

Class Skills
>Magic Resistance A (6)
>Presence Concealment A (24)
>Riding C (30)

Personal Skills:
Charisma C (6)
>Mana Burst A (21)
>Instinct C (27)
>Expert Specialization D (30)
>Bravery A (45)
>Battle Continuation D (48)
>Golden Rule E (49)
>Information Erasure E(50)

Noble Phantasm
>EX Rank+ Anti-Unit Ability (20)
The ability to convince anyone she defeats to serve her cause if she spares their life.
>C Rank Anti-Unit Ability (24)
Attacking Gareth can cause feelings of guilt and regret

I tried to keep the character mostly based off of the myth the best I could. Her EX is based off the stories of Gareth convincing three knights to join him, the concealment skills and chef outfit are based on his pretending to be a kitchen boy, and his C rank is based off of the guilt Lancelot felt at murdering him

I think honorable still works despite his pretending because he tended to strive the most out of his brothers to remain to his ideals.
Did they make a yandere servant then?
god damn that's an old ass pic.
Contessa has a shard from Eden/Eve not Abaddon. This is why Eden was able to modify the shard so that she couldn't see the entities, before Contessa killed her.
>So what's with /cyoag/ and its obsession over waifus
As someone with an actual wife, I can't get into it. I'm just here for the power fantasies.
And who did Eden get the Shard from?
Why, if I'm not mistaken, she got it from fucking Abaddon as they passed each other by in space.
>power fantasies
As someone with actual powers I can't get into it. I'm just here for cute waifus.
I don't care what those indigo child sites say, autism is not a super power anon
Find the reference whore. Wiki says you're wrong.
The wiki can be mistaken anon
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Damn son that was brutal.
Find the passage in the story to prove you're right.
>As someone with an actual wife

My condolences.
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For the most part, the 25 point powers seem like a trap to me--with the obvious exception of the future manipulation ones. Especially since people generally take Kill Order/S9 target/Worst Day Ever to get them. It's one of those settings where there are a lot of unconventional instakill attacks you have to watch out for, ones that can get you from weird angles or bypass normal defenses. The lower powers used together seem much more powerful while allowing for defensive options.
Well worst day ever is actually dangerous if you take more than 1 and if you have a 25 power you could take on worst day 2
>In the doing, it alters one of the third entity’s powers, replacing its own ability to find the optimal future.

>In that very instant, it recognizes that it has made a grave error. The simulated world and the glimpse of the optimal future are already gone from its grasp. Too late.
So it's actually Eden's own Path to Victory shard that Contessa got - she set it aside when she was working on a different Shard she got from Abaddon.
Which author has the best writing style?
Dunno but I like Ferrean's.
I never finished page one of Derelict Station, thought it made no sense
Terry Pratchett.
Was there anything that was particularly confusing?
It was pretty shit. Looking back on it.
>Ferrean still never made his new CYOA
What has he made? Can you post your favorite work of his?
He made a dragon CYOA and a comfy CYOA but was ran out of the threads when he tries to make a furry CYOA.
I can't upload anything for some reason. But I thought his Beard CYOA was funny for instance.
How many CYOAs can we say were lost by one single argument?
Magic race war was never heard from again
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A lot more progress mates, tell me if anything looks off besides the cost thing which is being removed.
Well, I'm pretty sure EVERYONE will take Kumpeltod. We're kinda addicted to immortality.
I can't imagine more than one being lost by a single argument
Yeah, immortality is the sorta must-have option, though I'll entirely willing to take it out if I come up with a more clever/fitting/funny power to replace it.
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How many CYOA must one make before they get a cool nickname
root beer and companion descriptions:
brandy is the niece or the cousin....?

Also, I can't manage to drink alcohol and your root beer deal in an insult, fuck you, I will have a glass of water.
Read the Bible if you want immortality, scrub.
Only one if it's good.
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>Wanting to live forever in this hell on earth

I have places to hopefully be after I'm gone anon


You'll get one depending on what the initials of your cyoa is called or if it has anything outstanding in it
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Just give yourself one.
Depends on the amount of them, depends how good they are, depends on the name and whether it's given or taken. If it's taken you get one try to get it right. What I mean by that is if it's a bad name people will forget even if you did good work.
I think most of the named anons just started signing their work, or using a name to distinguish when they were answering questions.

Otherwise if you create a cyoa called "thing," and it becomes popular enough, people will start calling you "thing anon."

Also when I put that spoiler I meant Hopefully as in my name was in the book
Looks like I need to create a really popular golden shower CYOA.
Just don't be like DSA and you'll be fine.
1. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll fix it mate.
2. It's an Alcohol based CYOA, and Root Beer is in no way an insult, not intentionally anyways. You get 36k dollars a year without doing anything, a cozy apartment (in which I'm planning to take off the rent part), and all you have to do is spend a week each month looking after someone who is kinda bitchy. I'm willing to change things if that's too hard anon, but insulting me ain't gonna fix things. Offer a reasonable change for Root Beer's deal and I'll change it mate. Or i'll add water that gives you low-tier magic or somethin.
I was joking anon, I'm sorry if you took seriously. When I said "fuck you" and telling that the root beer was an insult it was intended to the spirit of alcohol in the CYOA, not you, the author.
As a teetotaler, I appreciate the root beer option.
Re-reading my comment it really looks like I was insulting you. I'm sorry, it was just a matter os miscommunication. I ask your apology anon.

I probably should have made the comment about the niece/cousin thing in spoiler and the rest of the post in a more clear way that was a response to the narrator and not to you.

Don't feel the need to change the CYOA because of me
It's cool mate, tone doesn't carry well over the web so misunderstandings and shit can happen. I'm not angry or anything, just want to handle shit in a constructive way, ya know.

It also might not help that I've had a few(a lot) shots today do my judgment ain't the best currently.
Blade variant

Lose 5 years of life (+ 15)
Someone i love dies (+15)
Powers come two weeks late (+5)

Passive Powers
Magic immunity (75)
Second variant ; ranged (50)
Sensory overdrive (47)
2x perception (44)
100x strength (28)
50x speed (13)
100x durability (5)

No magic

Scenario: inside job
You're the best SDA.
Is it finally dead for good?
Thanks, mate, didn't even realize that my nametag thing came out to SDA. Huh whata weird coincidence, maybe I should change it somethin.
yeah, kinda hard to give an opinion on only text
That which cannot be having death can never not be not dead.
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