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/srg/ - Shadowrun General

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>Welcome back to /srg/, chummer
>Last Viewed Files: >>53233182

Personal Alerts
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* You have 1 new private message, titled 'That's it, chummer. Not buckling up? Acceptable. Getting blood on the interior? Questionable. Puking inside? Unforgivable. From now on you walk'
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* Cloud File Storage: http://pastebin.com/SsWTY7qr
* Running T-Bird.BTL...

>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon

Rigger edition
What kind of Rigger are you?
Do you have a yerzed out ride with which you can do stunts at incredible speeds?
Do you have a swarm, a cloud of guns flying around you, shooting with just a thought?
Do you have some murderbots, louder than the sammies revolver and twice as shiny?
Or is the only vehicle you own your bicycle?
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Everyone needs a drone. Something as simple as an extra set of eyes to watch your back, or something that can swoop in and suppress when you're in a pickle, is a cheap and wonderful force multiplier.
>Game and community constantly tell you "never cut a deal with a dragon"
>GM reveals Johnson is a dragon
>Dragon shows up and demands we hunt down the macguffin for it
>Our team knows the runner mantra so we tell it to fuck off
>It slowly and methodically dismantles our social network until all our contacts have gone quiet and turned against us before telling lone star where our base is in retribution
>We all die in the ensuing shootout

Fuck you guys we 100% would have been better off just dealing with it
>We all die in the ensuing shootout
>implying it wouldn't have let you die anyway
anyway, what kind of dragon was it and how powerful were you guys? because if you are low enough that the star is a danger to you, then it probably would have disposed of you anyways
You do realise that Lone Star is a massive multinational corporation devoted to public security, right? They literally maintain a private air force, coastal fleet and squads of armoured vehicles, not to mention magical and Matrix assets, to provide for the 62% of the UCAS that has contracts with them. If you only think of Lone Star as beat cops with Cavaliers and a couple doses of Jazz, you're exactly the kind of person that they would mop the floor with.
yes, and if the star, the gigantic corp, is still a threat to you then the dragon would have disposed you
you need to be pretty high level before dragons think twice about betraying you
You were literally fucked from the moment a dragon tried to hire you. You should have invested more in trying to avoid being noticed by the scalies.
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Have they said what's going on with /dev/grrl?

Last I remember hearing about her was in Hard Targets, where the fiction stories were her getting kidnapped, escaping, and following some sort of magic phenomena away. Hasn't commented in the last couple books. Does CGL have the stones to actually kill off one of their pets, or is she coming back with new magic powers in another few books?
What the fuck is wrong with my group. Every time a challenge comes up of ANY sort they bitch and whine without even trying to find a solution, or even discussing it in character. They complained I was putting them on a "decker run" because windows were locked with electronic locks and cried when I proposed to them a challenging run and suggested they either refuse or subcontract for it. Is there anything I can do save stop running for this group of ingrates?
Play Exalted because they clearly get off on power fantasies.
kill them
not their characters
>Play Exalted and watch them whine even more when another Exalt cockstomps them. "His Perfected Defense is blocking everything! Reeeee!"
What's worse, they complained I wasn't "tailoring runs" for them because of it (they don't have a decker). What the fuck do they expect me to do? Gut the technology out of shadowrun? They won't even *try* to RP, or sometimes even let me fucking finish sentences before crying about how unfair I'm being. Sorry for the blog. This shit just makes me so mad I had to tell somebody.
>Fuck you guys we 100% would have been better off just dealing with it
In which case, the dragon to fuck you over would have been one undermining the power base and resources of the dragon you dealt with.
If they don't have a Decker, they need to understand that they need to work around it. Have a Physical or Social infiltrator, being creative is a blessing.
Nope. Apparently I'm being unreasonable. It doesn't matter the run was to "get rid" of data, that meant a decker was needed and they shouldn't be expected to do anything other than turn up to the run and shoot things.
They sound like bitches but they're right about tailoring runs. No Johnson is going to hire them for jobs that need heavy matrix work because they have zero matrix presence. Have them doing shit like hitting armored cars in transit or something.
>a AA that is practically a AAA (if only they can sort out the politics of getting a seat)
Surprisingly, that's not a small number of AAs. To get to AA status, they need to be multi-national and stable in every regard.

>The life of an AA corp is good—there’s a lot of money pouring into those things—but if they have a complaint, it’s that they ofen have the size of an AAA but not the clout.
>Double-A corps may be as big as, or even bigger than, AAAs, but if they don’t get a seat on the court, they’re not as powerful. And that ticks them off.
So either drop the group like a hot turd, or tell them to man up and hire a decker if they can't think of another solution.
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Quick I need your help /srg/. I need a picture of a smug asshole looking corp kid.
I don't know for sure, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that she's going to be just fine.
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Yeah, almost certainly. Right now I'm wondering whether she's caught up in the retarded Faerie metaplot, and she'll come out of it Awakened or with a half-dozen Tarot cards shoved up her vag.
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There's comments from her in Forbidden Arcana, nothing really interesting.
Male or female?
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>slandering best Tay
Male, but Im going to go with >>53295075
since I needed one 30 mins before my roll20 game started. Feel free to keep posting though, I will save them.
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That's a middle aged woman. I actually used her as a fixer in one of my games though.
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So, cyberpsychosis and superhuman psychosis, how do you handle them in your games? Especially when characters develop them over time instead of starting with them. I'm struggling with how to balance out making them changes something for the player to work around and how to keep from taking away too much of their own agency and characterization.

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I'm having a hard time seeing anything older than 20 yrs there.
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and finally...
>Houseruled shadowrun
>No magic

Just play fucking anything else. People need to figure out not how to have system Stockholm syndrome.
stripping magic is much, much easier than learning a new system
From my experience, Shadowrun is a real mess of a system. Especially compared to some of the alternatives out there. I played exclusively D&D 3.5e for five years before learning a new system. I played all kinds of terrible homebrews in that system to make it work for different settings. I can personally espouse how rewarding it is to give learning new systems a chance if you want to try something new, even if at first it seems daunting.
3.5 Rokugan is the textbook case for "no system can do everything."
3.5 by itself is a good case for that.
The system has it's problems, but watching the hoops it tries to jump through to recreate L5R is painful.
you're not wrong, but there's a pretty wide gulf between removing one element of sr and shoehorning everything into cancerous d&d homebrew
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Fair enough. It's just something that really gets at me. I would suppose it's some kind of PTSD at this point.
Since we're on the topic of removing magic houserules, my group is all mundanes so I'm thinking about removing spirits from the game so they don't get fucked over by them. Good idea or bad idea?
I'd just figure out some way to never have them come up in regular combat, rather than saying you removed them. That way you could still throw them at them if you just want them to fucking leave some place, or give them some way to summon their own from time to time.
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Don't need to remove them, just play it closer to RAW rarity. 5 in 10,000 have the ability to conjure, and those aren't all going to be MAG 6 specialists or elf shamans. A spirit might patrol a high-security area, but those are more likely to be watchers or have orders to report back to their summoner instead of starting to fight immediately. If the party goes in loud to someplace where the target has reason to get maximum security there ASAP, a fire spirit might show up to go at the party, but at that point they know what's going on.

Remind them that Astral Powder and FAB exist, and you can get through it without axing spirits. Though the most surprising thing by far is an entire mundane party. Decker, sammy, rigger?
Not that guy, but my table ended up being a Technomancer, a Gun Bunny, and a Mundane Face. Not exactly all Mundane but I'm excited because magic is for pussies.
Magic ain't actually for pussies
>Though the most surprising thing by far is an entire mundane party. Decker, sammy, rigger?

Yeah, decker, rigger, melee sammy, and gun sammy. Everyone was sick of playing magic users in other game systems.
How do you get the party together? Aside from Food Fight, of course.
You meet in a tavern...
Give everyone a good (or even very slightly better than available) fixer contact.

A job comes in that would be just wiz for this group of toughs he knows. They're unfortunately all shot up, so the fixer's trying to cobble together a group from the party memebers (any or all of whom might have worked together before, but probably not lastingly for all).
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I house-rule spirits to have slightly more physical effects. Fire spirits cause temperature increases when they approach, earth spirits cause slight vibrations in the ground, beasts usually have a musky aroma and men cause foreign thoughts and feelings to pop into the heads of those nearby, a watcher just makes you feel as if you are being watched.

These basically allow for a perception check the split second before the spirit comes within LOS to notice an approaching spirit. This gives a runner a chance to immediately dodge for cover before they can be registered. It means a team without an astral guy can still get by but the presence of astral guards will constantly put them on the defensive.

I also allow some special sense to pick up spirits on a 4-5. Ultrasonic for Earth, Air and Water, Thermo for Fire, Beast and Man. A hacker can also learn to pick up presences on a matrix Scan. I have magic subtly mess with electronics, because that fits so well with the psychic-new-age-occult thing so much of the magic seems to be going for. Must of the interference seems like the standard noise of the sprawl but a skill operator with enough knowledge of magic can identify the specific disturbances in the flow that imply astral bodies.

It's really not canon, so it might be uselessness to you. However, in defence of my decisions, the canon is filled with silly, occasionally dumb choices that fail to capitalise on the strengths of the setting overall.
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I like to have everyone know each other beforehand. If the players don't have ideas of their own, I go around the table and ask each player how their character knows the character of the player to their right. If I'm feeling cheeky, everyone also gets a card that has a relation written on it they need to work into the backstory: stuff like FRIEND, BROTHER, LOVER.

That's just for every game. In SR, I go over the PC's contacts and look for someone who sparks an idea for a run. Then that contact gets in touch with the PCs he knows to offer a job, they get in touch with the others. Bada boom.
my bad, meant to reply to >>53297316
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Man oh man, forbidden arcana makes me so happy. Perusing it tonight I discovered the pyrohemetics spell and thats just awesome. Yo don't even need to sacrifice anyone for it! Lady Maria is a go as my next street sam no doubt.

I wonder if blood ministration could be a thing as well...
If you alchemit properly, yes. It can.

Just make sure that you don't get the wrong kind of blood. Definable several different ways.
No system can do everything, but GURPS makes a pretty good go at it.

Then again, I'm not 100% on whether I'd consider GURPS a system as opposed to a Build-Your-Own-System kit
Even GURPs has it's limitations, it tends to get ridiculous points bloat above a certain power level and it doesn't handle high combat games well, due to being overly simulationist.
But you kept your soul and sanity.
So you got out good.
Can you take the metagenic thing that increases attributes multiple times provided you take the resulting negatives to meet those positives (or pay karma)

I chuckled irl.
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So there's a slim chance that Chummer is about to break completely and horribly for adepts in the nightlies. All my testing has worked properly, but there are probably some edge cases I've missed. If you or anyone you know is using the nightly builds and complains about their powers doing weird stuff, please contact me either here or via email at [email protected] and I'll do everything I can to resolve it.
You can take it once per Attibute
Ghost bless you Yekka
Be there any bigger or more comprehensive list of Seattle gangs than you find in the Seattle Sprawl Digital Box gang card? Any tools for making your own gang anywhere, maybe a random roll board or something?
Hey guys. Running for some friends tomorrow. Fairly simple run planned. Not quite milk run level, but the place they have to hit isn't exactly well armed. It's a mental hospital, they have to extract this dude, and replace a dead body double. More cash if they can accomplish all of this without revealing anything. What are some good twists and such to have? What do i need to make sure I have planned? I have the johnson worked out, and the facility plan, security, and personnel too. One twist is that the person they're extracting is a mage, and when released, will likely do some crazy shit counter to the party's goals.

Any better suggestions for a run? I like this one but it's perhaps not as deadly as it should be, as one's first foray into shadowrun, as my group shall have.
You could use the Ganglands system to whip out a bunch with NPCs.
Please stand up for the national anthem of /srg/
You could check the 4e Seattle book.

Just whip up a bunch of categories to roll with a handful of d6. Metatype, location, connections to organized crime/other gangs, special traits like wiz gang, ghoul gang, etc. Then just roll as needed.
Well yeah man. I mean after food fight. Like food fight is the default. I just mean after that shit happens.
The 5e book is a copypaste of the 4e one, but with worse maps. Nothing different in content.
Here's my pitch: there's some sort of crisis going on at the facility and the runners have to find their way through a combination of emergency security and all sorts of escaping crazy awakened weirdos.
I love it. Cheers man. Gonna figure out a few of the special inmates and such, see what I can come up with.
So /srg/ since apparently tactical nuclear weapons still work in SR why has no one used them against a dragon to stop those assholes from ruling the world. It really does just seem like the best idea. It would have stopped the invasions of both Texas and California.

Azzies didn't use dragons to invade Texas?

And nothing was going to save California.
They didn't?
Still, should have tacnuked those fat fucking taco indians
No, the azzies don't have any dragons, unless you count the hypothetical corrupted dragon that may or may not exist. Closest country with major dragons I can think of is Amazonia (nee brazil). Brazil's minister of war is (well, was) a dragon, and he set a lot of azzies on fire in the war with them before they took him out.
Hmm yes. Nuke the people who grow your food. We truly have a great strategic genius in our midst.
No they didn't.
I agree, it'd be better to nuke them and fuck up background counts and bring on rad spirits than to let those blood-fueled nutjobs usher in the Horrors.
They're already fucked. Sirrurg kinda put most of their fields to the torch. Then again, you sound like you don't know much about modern nukes.
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I might be in the situation where I take over for my GM for single, one-off runs.
In the event that happens, what are some fun/dumb/simple run ideas for a novice GM? I can't really do food fight since my team's been running for a while.
I'm not talking about the radiation, I'm just talking about the immediate food shortages because suddenly people can't grow your food because their country was nuked, the infrastructure is fucked, and they all died.

Sirrug burning some fields and causing short term food shortages doesn't seem like anywhere near the scale of trying to nuke the country into submission.
Random run generators in the pastebin, chummer.
>Torching the fields isn't both literal and metaphorical
>Sirrurg totes just burned farmland and didn't do any lasting damage to infrastructure.

Chummer, are you even up to date on the 6th world's current events? Or do you just enjoy talking out your drekhole?
Ah, thanks for the tip.
I just think that nuking the country would be at least an order of magnitude worse than whatever Sirrug did, and it would have to be to have any effect on the country.

Sirrug did not bring the country to heel permanently. Nuking it with the intention of doing that would obviously have to be worse.
Nope. Shows what you know about nukes though. Airburst over city centers would disrupt the economy and wipe out most of the leadership, while leaving the farmland mostly untouched.

And Aztechnology isn't the only producer of food in the 6th world chummer. Are you autistic? You look at the world in such black and white that it's hard to tell.
>Airburst over city centers would disrupt the economy and wipe out most of the leadership, while leaving the farmland mostly untouched.
Correction: A CORRECTLY EXECUTED airburst would do this
which isn't guaranteed
Null sheen chummer. Just use THOR shots if you're that paranoid about a little fallout. It did Japan good, look how great they turned out after a little shake'n'bake from Little Boy and Fat Man.
>Just use THOR shots if you're that paranoid about a little fallout.
which also create a massive BC
>Background count
You saying a nuke wouldn't do that AND fallout? Thor shot sounds like a better deal here.
You do realise there is no reason for someone in a position to do so to either nuke or THOR shot Aztlan.Aztechnology, right? The closest it ever got was during Operation RECIPROCITY, when regular air strikes convinced the Azzies to stop breaking the law.
>Implying Aztechnology learned anything other than not to get caught.
>Implying they're not still using blood magic and bringing the Horrors ever closer.

Let me guess, you work at Stuffer Shack as a day job don't you omae?
Well, it got brought up a few threads ago, but proof of the widespread use of actual blood magic and trying to summon horrors being released publically might be enough for a couple countries to go to war with them. But that'll probably never come out save for if a bunch of players intentionally do that.
>implying any others are better
The dragons and elves are trying to take over the world, not destroy it. That at least presents the chance to one day take it back.
>Implying Implications.
Chummer, we already know the Corps made CFD, Ares is fucking with bug spririts, but it's a matter of scope. Aztechnology is kinda the frontrunner in badness.

You better not be one of those drek-heads that balks at solutions to problems because they're only good instead of perfect.
You're the one saying that the solution to a small cabal of shadowy, faceless manipulators possibly bringing extraplanar beings around a few centuries early (beings which are not mythical but entirely unknown to 99.9999999% of the global population) is to destroy multiple cities and millions of people and definitely create conditions for cartloads of rogue blood mages, toxic shamans, and unrestricted Azzie military assets to run amok.

You're the guy who hears that a hurricane is coming and as a preemptive move sets his house on fire so his property doesn't get wet.
AZT is like pol
it's bad
it's supposed to be a containment board but bleeds over into the others
but banning it would mean they go FULLY on the other boards
No, but I am the guy who uses gasoline to kill fire ant and ground hornet nests when all I need to do is kill the queen and any immature queens.

It's the same principle at work. If you just take out the top people, proteges slip into the position. You need to wipe out as much of the high command as possible, disrupt coordination, and do enough damage to encourage capitulation in a timely manner.
Yeah, but unlike /pol/, /azt/ isn't really right about much except Nerps.
>Yeah, but unlike /pol/, /azt/ isn't really right about much except Nerps.
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A big time shadowrunner hires the PCs to kidnap a local single A business exec for revenge. He keeps a tight schedule, so the best time to catch him is on the road. When they go to retrieve him they find out that an enemy team got to him first, and they aren't far behind. High speed chase ensues.
Let's not go there.
Using your metaphor, you're soaking the entire neighbourhood in gasoline while all your neighbours are asleep, then lighting a match.

There's not some big org chart dictating that everyone who moves up in Azland gets more and more info about Smoking Mirror, and dead men's shoes come with anthame. If you want to take out the cult, you take out the cult. Trying to destroy a nation and a multinational corporation (of which the population is so far weighted towards regular Joes who don't want to have their lives ruined that people in the know are rounding errors) just means your attention is diverted fighting the largest war the world has ever seen, and the cult continues to use the anonymity and positions of influence to stay hidden and safe. A war of mass destruction against people only tangentially related to your targets is counter-productive.
Yeah, you're one of those guys that wants a perfect solution when it's too late instead of a good enough solution now.

You knock out the key players of the cult, and dismantle Aztechnology and the cult's powerbase is gone. That buys time and slows down the approach of Horrors, as well as STOPPING the large-scale blood sacrifice.

I'm kind of amazed that I have to explain realpolitik to people who are familiar with the 6th world.
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A sentient awakened carp wants the runners to smuggle a nuclear explosive onto a military research station. The base is on high alert because for some reason the carp declared war on the station before the sending the runners in.
>you are DM
>list an open game, start accepting applications
How do you handle it?
Do you houserule the missing drawbacks (lifestyle costs, physical limitations) or reject them outright?
What "races" do you not allow, if any?
They do get increased lifestyle costs, though?
I've turned down a player based on race alone if the the rest of the character looks in order. I've also never regretted it.

Though, with faeries specifically, I have houseruled stuff like the lifestyle costs yeah. I have also fudged stuff in the opposite way if I feel like the game makes some choices too shitty.
Where? It's not where it should be (racial table, like where Dwarves have it) or anywhere I could find.
the ganglands system, that sounds interesting ,what is that? I'm just getting videogames from google searching it.
>accept other applicants
>sorry better luck next time
The fact that I'm actually having to post a screenshot of this honestly shows that you shouldn't be GMing.

You are, literally, so staggeringly incompetent that you didn't bother to take less than thirty seconds to just Ctrl+F the PDF until you found it. It literally took less than thirty seconds from opening it.

Please, for the good of anyone who might have played in your game, disband it. You are a legitimately worthless human being and nothing you will ever do could be interpreted as being fun, enjoyable, or worthwhile in any way.
And you're the kind of guy who has been arguing since 1945 that every international problem can be solved with nukes.

>You knock out the key players of the cult
Who and how. The whole thing is that it's a secret cult. You can kill every member of the Azzie board of directors and you won't get half of them. Maybe your genocide will dismantle Aztechnology, but there's lots of other players who will be happy to scoop up those loose mages and magical research to learn their secrets (stuff like Blue 227, the ritual used to knock out Amazonian spirits at the start of that war or the thing that spirited Azzie assets away from Denver), and the fact that it involves blood magic will bother exactly as many people as Nazi rocket scientists did. Now the Smoking Mirror, instead of being a somewhat concentrated organization that could be infiltrated, spied upon and hopefully terminated in one act, is spread out through every power structure on Earth, with the members free to pursue their own ends and work within their own support networks.

I'm kind of amazed I have to explain that Operation Iraqi Freedom was a failure to people familiar with the 5th world.
So, to play a naga, how do I play a naga?
still better than those clowns that banned adept decking
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Googled "ganglands tabletop" for 2 minutes. Got this. You need to work on your matrix search.

From what I could see there were a few other similarly named things they could have been referring to, though.
That is literally not in my book. Mine only has one line for the racial traits. What edition is that?
Ahhh, they re-released Run Faster with errata on pdf. Check the pastebin.
thanks man, my google-fu is toilet
I'll take that as an apology, thanks for the help hombre.
I personally ban Run Faster altogether except for the qualties and sum-to-ten, but that's the kind of thing you better say in advance.
I'm not the guy who sperged out, just helping you out.
Governments don't have access to thor shots. Just Ares and SK.
They are. Like, the other corps are just normal evil. Meanwhile, the azzies are trying to blow up the world.
Double thanks then.
Mage or adept omae, probably better as a mage since a number of adept powers require limbs.
There's a lot of things that should be adjusted for pixies but aren't. For example, 1 dose of a drug costs a pixie as much as it does a human, even though said dose is probably the same size as the pixie's body.
what is a naga look like in shadowrun?
Mage, because you NEED some kind of spell to make up for the fact that you don't have hands unless you want your greatest enemy to be closed doors.
This is just the optimal thing to do of course, you're welcome to make a decker snek if you want.
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You could argue that said drug has to be modified for their biology, using a lot less baking soda and oregano to cut it.

is big snek
literally a snake but bigger. This gives some huge issues with things like doors.
HUGE snake, or more rarely, HUGE snake with human facial traits.
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You could be a rigger naga, and have a Praetorian with you at all times to open doors. Or you give the Street Sam a collar that says "Feeling Hands Orc"
Pixies are about 1-4 feet tall, so unless you are measuring the amount of coke you snort in a sitting in fucking CHILDREN, uh, no.

"Yeah man, let me get six toddlers worth of novacoke"
>not buying novacoke by the toddler
Gotta start somewhere, I suppose.
To be fair, that does sound like something a Shadowrunner would say.
>Feeling Hands Orc
That sounds like the name of a porno
Huh, that's bigger than I thought. I always assumed Pixies were small enough to kill with a flyswatter.
It's actually half a yard, so approximately 18 inches (45cm).
Actually laughing on a bus thanks chummer

This. Enjoy your brazen blood mage acts of Terror that ineveitably spreads mass panic and creating the ideal BC to do rituals worldwide
It can be difficult to exactly pinpoint how big they are when we get art like this.
I mean, Trolls can reach heights of upwards of 4m tall.
She got the clothes from a doll. (It came with the dollhouse she lives in.) No clue about the hairspray.
Pretty sure that's spraypaint, judging from the graffiti in the background.

Still no idea where she got it from though.
If you electrify the flyswatter enough, yeah.

A pixie can be killed by a flyswatter. But at that point, the list of things that can't be killed by a flyswatter is probably a more useful list.

Monowire flyswatter omae.
That's going to definitely ruin some countertops and might not have the right mix of damage code and AP that you'd want.

At least with the electrified one, you know that it's going to have the AP you want, and the stun you're going to have to accept if you don't want to work around it.

Electrified Monowire Flyswatter.
I know I'm late, but some one-offs I always liked were pseudo-parallel Lonestar or HTR games that sometimes intersected with the results of runs from our main games.
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Hey, uh, while the new Adept Powers thing is overall GREAT, would it be possible to please add in a House Rule that can be ticked off to allow any power to be discounted by an Adept Way? It's a fairly common houserule to let people discount thematically appropriate ones, rather than just what's listed under the tradition, because the traditions are just... really fucking bad about that.
You mean Adept Ways or the suggested powers for Adepts under Traditions, because you're mixing terminology here.
Basically, I'm asking if there can be a houserule that allows for the discount for an Adept Way to be applied to ANY power, rather than just the specifically listed ones.

I'm aware that there's a normal list, and that there's seperate lists for "This tradition would probably take these" type shit, but in the interest of it being flexible and allowing Adept Ways to not suck quite as much dong, it'd be a really helpful houserule.

And because it's been a common houserule, it'd also allow it to not break characters that've been built under the assumption that you can discount any power as long as it's thematically appropriate.
Build it!
One of my players convinced me to stat something terrible so I figured I'd inflict it on y'all
Evo XL69 (large drone)
Handling 4
Speed 1
Accel 1
Body 4
Arm 1
Pilot 4
Sens 3
Availability 10
Cost 8,000
Standard upgrades: Drone Armx8 (str 3, agility 3), specialized weapon (Zapper, 1s, ap 0), Realistic Features 3, Tentacle Bondage (4) skillsoft
A drone made for the more… discerning customer, the XL69, (or six-nine for short) is equipped with eight self-lubricating tentacles, each of which can deliver a mild electric shock for those into that kind of thing. Refill packets for the lubricant and… other fluids cost 100 nuyen.
Say a rigger jumps into it. How do the RCC bonuses work out during..uh..use? Asking for a friend.
You get to enjoy the increased Handling (limit) and skill bonus a bit more literally than most.
Need one then. This could be neat.
Nymphomaniac street samurai off her meds.
Orderlies mistake lone runner for inmate out of their room.
Wacky Face/Mage thinks runner is his dad here to rescue him.
Orderlies mistake team for a group of runners scheduled to show up to purchase prescription drugs
Sounds like fun.
It's doable, sure.
Thanks, man. That'd be really sweet.
I want to make a plot hook that a group of people has stolen a lot of high force foci and changed them to one tradition to do some wicked shit
Since I can't currently remember this: On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is "totally possible" and 10 is "totally impossible" how concurrent to established rules is this?
Foci are tradition-agnostic; they don't care what tricks you use to channel mana. they just care that you've got the mana available. A lot of the rules go out the window once you've got Toxics and blood mages involved though.

is corrupting the foci your antagonists' end-goal, or just a way to achieve their goal?
>Foci are tradition-agnostic
Hmm, I was fairly sure that you had stuff like druidic foci, hermetic foci, norse foci, black magic foci, etc.

Corrupting the foci is just a method to achieving the goal
hey, how shit is Shadowrun Anarchy?
if you are willing to learn it, why not put the sliver of additional work in and actually learn 5e?
Because it isn't rules light, it's rules light-ER
Sperm whales are lighter than Blue whales, but they are both heavy as shit
You do, but there's no major penalty for using a focus that's not of your tradition, unlike Reagents.

The biggest penalty I can think of is that you are less likely to be able to have a talismonger or talislegger personalize the thing for you, and that's not exactly a huge karma savings there.
Technically yes, in that the personal style of a given talismonger will generally be based on their tradition, but there's no actual penalty for using a beard-ring that was created by a devotee of the Norse gods if you're a druid who'd prefer that it be a twined ring of wood or somesuch.

It wouldn't be outrageously against canon for your antagonists to have uncovered a metamagic that lets them bind the focus in a way that corrupts it against other traditions or somesuch, particularly if they serve a toxic tradition, though your party mage might sulk about not being able to loot that force 6 power focus or whatever.

Had a thought. Perhaps go the other way around and make it so that these guys managed to do a ritual that gave a strong focus even more power when used by a certain tradition.

Everyone is now interested because nobody know the limits of the ritual yet. Perhaps it can give you another Arrow of Red Dragon Slaying. Perhaps it gives something like that Scottish Banner, only less so.

Perhaps it just goes along with my captcha and makes the bearer a center for centering.
Technically, but it really only matters if you're using the improving foci rules in Street Grimoire
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Would anyone happen to have any other naga/snakeman art that'd fit Shadowrun?

If it matters, it's a military-type campaign of mercenaries.
well, do you want one for nagas (giant sneks with human facial expressions) or possibly SURGE snekmen?
I'll be taking arms, so nagas with arms.

Really, just anything that at least somewhat fits that general theme, and is preferably male?
>with arms
so SURGE? because again, Naga in SR are magical snakes and thus have no arms. SURGE meanwhile is humans with phenotypical changes, like gills, fur or scaly skin

if you want arms on them you need SURGE
Yes, Surge, but still a Naga. I was clarifying because I thought you meant like, Pathfinder Serpentfolk, which is just snakepeople with legs.
For the last time, "Jimmy the Thor operator" is not an acceptable contact!
Can't you SURGE non-humans?
Yes. Anything can take Surge.
>5 in 10,000 have the ability to conjure
Double that and you're there. 1/100 awakened, 1/1000 is a full mage. Full mages can summon.
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Are you illiterate? It literally says right there that for every 10 000 people there are 10 full mages. 10/10000 is exactly 1/1000.

And it goes on to list that of the forty ASPECTED MAGICIANS, 8 are conjurers.

So we get 10 full mages and 8 aspected conjurers, so in total 18 people of 10 000 can conjure.

Want me to draw you a map?
Dude, fuck your GM.
Anon, literally everyone can conjure. It's called the Calling ritual.
Yekka, the Naga Bite natural weapon has it's category incorrectly listed as Quality rather than Unarmed, leading to Critical Strike to not apply properly to it in the damage calculation under Street Gear.
I need some help understanding the usefulness of Alchemical Preparations in 5e. (Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding anything, I hardly claim to be an expert)

Lets take casting a force 6 Heal spell as an example and assume that every roll gets exactly average hits. Casting pool is 12 (6 Magic + 6 relevant skill).

For normal sorcery: Roll is 12 dice [6 limit] nets 4 hits. Which heals 4 boxes of health if you sustain it for 4 rounds (-2 to all rolls until that's complete). Then resist 2S drain.

For alchemy: Roll is 12 dice [limit 6] vs 6 dice. 4 success vs 2 success for 2 net success produces potency 2, force 4 preparation. Drain is 4S because it has to be a command preparation. When you use the potency (assuming it's within 2 hours), you roll 8 dice (2 potency + 6 force) [limit 6] and get 2-3 successes.

End result: It takes more time to make, you take more drain, and you end up with a weaker end result. The only advantage is that you can set it up ahead of time (and thus recover from the drain ahead of time) and can occasionally do shenanigans with certain triggers.

Am I missing something?
Yes, Alchemy is absolute shit.

Also, no, you actually can't set it up beforehand, because how fucking often is taking your Drain 2 hours beforehand going to seriously be that useful? Additionally, it's Potency x2 hours until it starts to become shit, which is FUCKALL.

tl;dr: Alchemy is shit. Make is a straight test in the vein of Spellcasting, you just record the hits for later. Replace all mentions of Potency with Force.
Here's a few corrections.

If you cast it as a force 6 spell and got four hits, you split the hits between healing boxes and lowering how long you need to sustain it. It needs to be sustained for (Force) turns before it becomes permanent.

The preparation will automatically sustain itself for six turns, so if you don't need the speed, then you can just put all two or three hits into healing wounds because you're not sustaining it.

The only core healing spell that's really worth using as a preparation is Stabilize, as even one hit's enough for that (and most people won't have more than 6 overflow without dying).

FA's got a few things that help some, but don't fully get rid of all the issues with Alchemy. Specifically a Crucible lets you get higher grade Reagents easier, the Vault of Ages slightly mitigates the fading issues, and Practiced Alchemist makes it fade slower (half speed) and gives you a small dice bonus when using it. Alchemical Bomb Maker also reduces drain for a trigger, which can be used outside the trait's niche of stronger alchemical bombs.
Hey /srg/, I was wondering: What are the absolute worst SR books, across all editions? Like, worst editing, worst rules, worst fluff, worst overall?
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War! is chock full of godawful power creep.
I never got into 4e, how bad is it?
Friends in High Places: THOR Shot operators, Z-O datavault techs, Gagarin Base managers.
>Want to make a Cyberware character
>Every single fucking one has In Debt 15, every time just to afford being workable
>Not in debt 25/30k
>With 100 karma in nuyen
>And born rich for another 20 karma
>Blackmarket pipeline for a 10% discount too
>Born Rich
You're a saint, anon. I totally forgot about that shit.
I hate taking In Debt. It feels so outrageously cheesy.

You'd think making a full-body-replacment gnome wouldn't be this hard. It's 2075, the stuff's been out for 50 years now, and Cyberware is still expensive as all fuck.
Keep in mind that 'In Debt' is a license for the DM to fuck you in the ass without lube whenever he wants.
All I wanted to be was a cyborg. ;_;
Big deal, so is every second negative quality.
Biggest problem I have with it is I'm not entirely sure how it's supposed to work.
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>make optimized cyberware character
>still weaker than unoptimized magical character
4e is best Shadowrun edition.

War! is awful in comparison to pre War! sourcebooks.
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You don't have to be in debt, but you may have moderate your expectations. Torsos are the real problem, they need a serious overhaul.
I'm trying to switch a campaign from DND 5e to Shadowrun via some dimension hopping since my group has responded really well to the light sci-fi elements I've thrown in
The I ly issue is that I have absolutely no clue how to make a decent story without it being fantasy as fuck.
Can anyone shoot some ideas my way?
>Make cyberware charcter
>spend an hour trying to figure out how to weigh all my 'ware to not run entirely broke and have at least 2d6 init die and tolerable stats
>The nature of stats means I have to have either an arm of god, be an adept, or have 100% all STR/AGI taken care of by my 'ware
>Have to abuse drugs to stay alive in combat
>Affording my gear requires me to take Restricted Gear twice for my Torso and Adapsin so I can have physical stats
>I'm forced to take in debt 75k to afford this, too
>Adept gets 6 magic and is instantly better than me at everything except super-specialized damage soaking builds
>You will never have enough essence for an init booster, stat boosting limbs/bioware, and pain editor
Try to persuade your GM to only average arms and legs for stats, including the torso makes cyberlimb characters basically unplayable. It's a common houserule and is actually in the German version of the game.
Devs only expected you to take cyberlimb when you tragically lose your natural limb and are too street to afford cloned limb.
Thanks for tolerating my venting, guys.
Now please dump some qt cyber-gnomes, if you can.
That query was written really badly, I meant that I never got into 4e, so I can't really tell why War! is so broken.
In short War! adds a bunch of stuff for..you guessed it, war. Which is a bit more powerful than the stuff we had previously and outshines a lot of it.
Is it alright if you use it in an actual pitched war/battle situation (not that those are exactly common in SR)?
How bad is the background count in Auschwitz?
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Swimming pools and recreational camp bands doesn't seem that bad, anon. A mild -1, maybe, due to not everyone being thrilled about being there.
I mean, the typhus epidemic towards the end of the war probably caused the same background count as any plague.
The major problem you'd have is that Shadowrun doesn't... EXACTLY have teleportation, short of metaplanar shenanigans. I guess you could Shamalan it and have the characters drift off to sleep one night, only to wake up on a bed with trodes at their temples and AR goggles covering their eyes, a floating neon sign in the centre of their vision proclaiming that their free trial of GygaxWorld has expired, and their credsticks have been maxed out from all their DLC purchases.
Nothing canon, but I'd peg it around -4 to -6 at least. Fun fact, one of the many reasons War! is a terrible book is that one of the adventure seeds is that the players raid Auschwitz for Nazi treasure. Also it's apparently full of ghosts, which are kind of not supposed to be a thing.
I don't think in light of the setting and the concept of a Street Sam, you can possibly justify that position. Especially as a cloned limb is half the cost of a halfway decent cyberlimb.
oy vei shut it down the goyim know
It's in Street Grimoire, I think it's -12 or something massive.
-16, on par with Blackstone. Pretty fucked up place.
Easy: The characters have been in a UV host this whole time. Maybe they've been getting trained, or perhaps more creatively, it's a containment method for the high-security prison they're in.
Roleplaying games have remained popular even into the sixth world, it's actually feasible to pitch that a UV host with a D&D paradigm exists. Why the players were in it, on the other hand, is trickier.
>The major problem you'd have is that Shadowrun doesn't... EXACTLY have teleportation, short of metaplanar shenanigans.
That's exactly where D&D tards would come from.

Heck, there's even canon random shit that shows up from whatever astral planes via materialised alchera.
So that would make toxic mages real powerful, right?
No, the background count isn't toxic-aligned. It's just really, really fucked up, and not aligned to a particular tradition at all.
Toxic mages become more powerful in background counts caused by pollution and decay, places like waste dumping grounds.
That would make a genocide mage really powerful.
...So your cyberzombies should get +16 dice.
Not quite. A background count you're aligned to increases the limit for any magical shit you do in the area. So they wouldn't have +16 dice, but they'd have limits of over 20 if they tried to do magic.
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So far all I've played with my group is a post-apo-fantasy, classic fantasy, and 1920's CoC.
Since I want to do something more cyber I'm torn between either Shadowrun and Cyberpunk. And since there isn't a Cyberpunk general at the moment I ask here :
>What are the main differences between the games?
>Which one of them is easier to learn and play (both as GM and player)?
I have pretty experienced player but I'm relatively new to Gming.
Thanks in advance
>What are the main differences between the games?
Mechanically, SR is dicepool while CP2020 is d10 roll over. Setting-wise, SR is cyberpunk + elves and orcs and magic and shit, while CP2020 is straight cyberpunk. CP2020, however, hasn't received any setting updates to account for smartphones, wireless, and other things invented since 2000, while SR has. Shadowrun also has problems with space travel in-setting, due to how the magic works, while CP2020 has no such issues. Playstyle-wise, SR generally intends for you to be playing corporate-hired mercenaries doing black ops and other such dirty work (unless you're playing at street level), while CP2020 has less of an implied playstyle to it.

>Which one of them is easier to learn and play (both as GM and player)?
CP2020, no doubt about it. SR has a lot of moving parts.

However, there are more than just CP2020 and SR in the way of cyberpunk systems. You also have Ex Machina (Tri-Stat), GURPS Cyberpunk (GURPS 3e, but it's pretty trivial to get it to work with 4e), Cyberspace (Rolemaster by way of Spacemaster), Interface Zero 2.0 (Savage Worlds), The Sprawl (PbtA), Technoir, Underground, Corporation, and many more.
I see. Thanks. Shadowrun might be my final choice so my players will maybe feel more at home with orcs and magic etc.
I'll look around for the other games you've mentioned. Technoir, going by the name, sounds interesting.
Thanks again
Technoir's a very light system, so if your players aren't into that they may not like it. On the other hand, SR's quite a heavy system, so if they don't like that, they'll not enjoy SR.

I've not got that much experience with most of the systems I listed, so I'll probably get this wrong, but a rough complexity order looks something like this:
Light: Technoir, The Sprawl
Medium: IZ2.0, Underground, Corporation, CP2020, Ex Machina, GURPS Cyberpunk (with only a few other sourcebooks in play)
Heavy: Cyberspace, SR, GURPS (lots of sourcebooks in play)

SR's big problem (other than the awful editing in 5e and the totally fucked cyberspace rules in 1e) is that while most cyberpunk games just have you coordinating action across the digital and physical realms, SR has you coordinating action across the digital, physical, and magical realms, which can become overwhelming.

That said, there's no problem in shopping about, and if you can convince your group to go through a few one-shots to see how various systems play out, the Beginner Box and Alphaware Box for SR5 have pregenned characters for just that sort of thing. Never looked into them myself, so they might be shit, but they're there.
>Problems with space travel

Cause magic doesn't work in space per it's description in world right? No access to Mana. I was thinking about this the other day.
I think it's pretty absolute. No gaiasphere, no magic. But I personally think that mages should still have access to their and others' mana. So fancy spells should be right out, but subtle and internal magic (adepts) should work.
'Mana' is produced by life. No life in space, and because it's actually quite hostile, mana tends to fizzle when it's introduced.
But that's the thing, there are living things in space. The astro/cosmo/taiganauts. As well as any hydroponics they might have.
And they produce very, very fleeting, small amounts of mana in and of themselves. Some ecospheres have been set up in space to allow magic to work up there, but they're still operating at massive negative background counts.
Is there anything stopping me from wearing a ballistic mask inside of a helmet?
...yeah. It wouldn't fit.
No, but you'll only get armour and benefits from one of them.
Yeah that works too.
Common sense
To be fair, some ballistic masks fit in open-face helmets just fine, and they're both armor accessories.
I know. It's stupid is what I'm saying.
I'd disagree otherwise we'd be seeing ADEPT mattress that persisted through the 5th world into the 6th. SRs own shitty short sighted nature backed them into a corner for their favorite class. Yesssssss.

That's what I thought.
It's more that I have Faceless as a quality, which de-facto requires I wear a mask. I figure finding a helmet that could fit masks wouldn't be impossible.
Armour doesn't stack. You get the benefits of a helmet by wearing a face mask, and since the value is the same, you can envision the mask covering your whole noggin, in a sort of feudal samurai helmet fashion.
Adept mages*
Just put on a synthskin mask or a bandana or a full helmet or something.
Full helmet gives +4 and should conceal your identity pretty well

>It's stupid is what I'm saying.
chummer, the earth manasphere is made by millions of tons of biomass
some plants in a space station ain't gonna give you much

Just get synthskin and say it's full body and head, get the kind that repairs itself then bam. Permanent mask.
I disagree from the point that no player character should ever feel useless. The negative background counts need to be reworked in a fashion that makes magic dangerous or unpredictable, not negating it altogether.

Same goes for deckers too.
Sure. But that's not the way the game is written. Sorry Charlie.
And that's why I invoke rule 0.
In any other scenario I'd agree with you, but you're talking about literally the biggest plot point in Shadowrun that you'd be saying byebye to. You might as well play a new system at that point.
>mages being useless for once
>No fuckin way dude reeeeeeee
Functionally nothing changes in the way the world works. I'm more of the opinion that suddenly losing access to the gaiasphere is more of a mental thing, like suddenly losing one of your senses. Everything would be dulled, but not to the point where you're completely unable to function at all.
Did you miss the point where I said that the same thing needs to apply to techies too?
You'd only be able to not function in space or on non-Mana infused planets. Why's that so bad? It makes mages ridiculous powers actually make some sense.
What do we actually have in the way of spess supplements for SR, anyway?
Nothing because CGL won't neuter their favorite class and they've wrote themselves into a corner. You're not gonna see space ex until a huge retcon. Or new edition.
They have to have mentioned it at some point, though. Was it just a throwaway mention of 'magic don't work in space because no gaiasphere, now moving swiftly along'?
>Or new edition.
you wish
They won't make another edition till all the books are out
and the TM book has an ETA of about (heat death of the universe)+5
Lmao true.
They mention orbital stations in passing and that Evo is trying to do space stuff. That's about it.
I forget, do metahumans require a certain background level of magic to stay alive?
No, but awakened do take stun damage by the combat turn in mana voids.
Mainly because I don't feel comfortable with negating a player character's whole raison d'etre. Magic is their thing, and so I'll refluff the world to accommodate that. The same way people can be born smarter or more agile, you can be born with more reserves of magical power. This would then also work in places where no living thing exists.

You could of course actively suppress magic, but that would be taking effort to maintain compared to space being an inhibitor by simply existing.

Granted, it's very unlikely that my campaigns ever end up in space, but it's harder to rework things when you're already there.
So mana voids do not exist in your version of SR?
I'm specifically talking about a campaign set in the realm of space ex. Not if your group happens to go to space for a run. And I wouldn't be opposed to Mana reserves in that case. But in a space ex campaign I'd make Mana reserves cost at char gen. And they'd be expensive.
Same guy

It'd be fuckin sweet honestly, cause I'd take the normal restrictors off mages. So when they're able to be used, they'll be the main thing in the group by a long shot. This way, you simply ass end balance and give the rest of the group a chance to shine without having the mage run every encounter.
>space ex
I'm unfamiliar with this term.
Given that Shadowrun was set in the 80's vision of the future, what happened in Rhodesia/South Africa? Anyone got good lore on Azania?
>Anyone got good lore on Azania?
There's really very little on Africa as a whole. Most of what we know about it comes from Cyberpirates, and that doesn't cover Azania. The only thing that really does is the novel Nosferatu.
Although if you're just looking for lore on Cape Town, there's a reasonable amount here. http://shadowrun.wikia.com/wiki/Cape_Town
Note that this is probably the biggest SR Wikia article on any location in Africa.
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Tfw you thought playing Shadowrun was going to get you away from caster supremacy.
If they're sporadic and avoidable hazards, I don't mind them.
Space exploration.

Quints! it's glorious.

My only thought at this point is that magic just ruins any system it touches.
The answer is simple then... play Cyberpunk 2077.
>The answer is simple
>Offers up video game that isn't out yet

I'd love to play it Omae. You got a copy?
Or just find a GM that isn't trash.
Option 2, just run all your games in Space where mages shrivel and die without their precious Mana Sphere.
My issues with that have been most GMs don't see mages being the most broken thing in the game as a problem.
That's what I'm gonna do. Space ex campaign baby.
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Hey, chummers.

I'm trying to discard some of the crunch and I'm wondering what are some rules that you guys just don't care enough to adhere to?

Things that there are rules for in the books that no one cares if the GM just says "eh fuck it" and makes some shit up rather than look it up?
I don't agree with it, but no one ever mentions background count.
Noise, Background Count and Visibility modifiers are all frequently ignored, which generally makes the PCs more powerful all the time.
You should ignore the hardened rule for spirits and thank me later.
How do you make deckers more active?
As in, make them work with the team as opposed to sitting on their butts at the back, holding everyone up as they do their prepwork, then just sitting around while the others get into the thick of things.
What about things like Guardian and Task spirits, or spirits that are possessing a material form?
The host/server is hardwired into the building and you're going to have to physically get into the building, with your buddies guarding you.
I suppose I mean to say, can a Decker still fight?
Not as well as a street sam or an adept, sure, but as long as their gun skills aren't completely useless.
Yeah, totally. The best deckers max out their initiative and hack *while* fighting.
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>hacking while fighting
Tell me more.
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Bad enough that there's literal ghosts coming out of it and fucking with the surrounding countryside, and there's a permanent detachment of the Order of St. Sylvester that maintains a massive mana barrier to keep them in.
A permanent mask kinda defeats the purpose.
AR decking is 'technially' possible, though not on a standard chargen budget sans becoming a jazz addict. So your decker will have 1d6 less init die than everything in the matrix, off the bat.

He'll also be worse off IRL than everything IRL, too. Because his deck is pretty much all of his starting income, and the three stats/ four skills at six required to deck are all of his starting karma, he's looking at maybe 9-12 dice to shooting things, smartlink included.
It definitely does. But you don't come to 4chinz unless you wanna power game.
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Run and Gun (iirc) has some space suits and other gear in their section on hostile enviroments. They cover pretty well what sort of things are going on in books like Corporate Download and Sixth World Almanac - Ares and Saeder-Krupp are the biggest players in space, with multiple stations they use for zero-g manufacturing, but other companies have their own for a variety of reasons, from Zurich-Orbital's great bank in the sky to an EVO resort for the super-rich.

50ish stations in Low Earth Orbit, a few out at Lagrange Points, a couple Lunar arcologies, and Gagarin Base on Mars (owned by EVO, taken over by headcases - the headcase book for 5e covers the most recent space stuff, because they are all up in the space program).

Kilimanjaro has a mass driver they use to get stuff up into space, which causes fights with local spirits who don't like their house being used as a slingshot. Aztechnology was working on a space elevator near Panama City, but they've had a few dragon terrorist-related setbacks.
Arm of God
Is it still terrorism if it's against the Azzies though?

Also, any mention of magic and how it interacts with space in all that stuff?
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>miss a session for a wedding
>come back home last night to hear that the other PC's made a deal with a roach spirit for gold bouillon in order to deliver a package to Chicago
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>The same way people can be born smarter or more agile, you can be born with more reserves of magical power.

But that's not how mana works. You don't have a little reservoir in your body that you fill up with magic, and deplete by draining your manaballs. Awakened work by being able to shape the mana that is flowing through the world around them, either by taking it into themselves (adepts), shaping it into effects (sorcerers/alchemists), or contacting the beings that exist in the mana (conjurers).

That's why aspecting and background counts matter; it's not you that's changing, it's the world that's helping or hindering you. You're reworking every aspect of how magic works because you can't understand that a character having to temporarily deal with a situation where they are not able to use their abilities as well as they can in other situations is an interesting challenge.
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Already said itt. Space makes a fuckhueg background count because there's no manasphere. Magic is near-impossible, spirits can't be summoned, and looking in the astral makes you go crazy.
My bad, didn't realize you were the same guy Chummer.

>That video though
>Space makes a fuckhueg background count because there's no manasphere

From a player perspective, what happens if you have like a 16 mage adept some fucking how? Does he just say screw the rules and he's able to create mana within himself while suffering a huge background count? Can he adjust to the bgc like you can other counts?
You can't really adjust to a void.
I feel bad for all those Cosmic Tradition mages who have tried.
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I'm not. I'm just pointing out that you should read before posting.

Background Count was the wrong word. It's a mana void, imposing a -20 penalty on any test relating to mana, impossible to align yourself or acclimate. If you were a level 15 initiate or whatever, the understanding is that you are good enough to take the tiny wisps of mana coming off yourself and the other people nearby, but obviously you'd be able to do very very little.

>A background count with an absolute Rating value of 12 or greater is dangerously powerful, regardless if it’s from a domain or void. Anyone magically or astrally active in any way (dual natured, astrally perceiving, casting a spell, active adept power, etc.) takes background count – 12 Stun Damage each combat turn they are exposed to it. They can resist this damage with a Willpower Test.
>Read before posting

I did, but I was assuming the person talking about it didn't have as much knowledge on the topic that you did. So I was asking if you had anything other than what we were already given in terms of how it works mechanically.
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Run and Gun 161 has the rules for doing shit in space, including combat, decking, long-term exposure, decompression, etc. It also has a list of some high-profile space assets.

On magic,
>Anyone attempting to assense away from the safety of Earth must make a Willpower + Logic (5) Test. If they fail, their Logic is permanently reduced to 1 (though it can be raised again with Karma).
>Anyone foolish enough to astrally project in the emptiness of space doesn’t deserve a chance to stay sane. Their Logic drops to 1 as above, and they also lose 2 points of their Magic Rating due to the soul-scarring nature of becoming one with nothingness (though again they can rebuild those points with Karma). Spirits cannot be summoned in space, as the summoning power of a conjurer away from Earth is not strong enough to convince them to be suicidal.
Tasks pick up as Ultra and Guardian as Thermo.

Possessing thermo spirits give off a slightly increased signature than whatever their vessel would normally have. Even while possessing they still create odd signal patterns.
Sum to 12.
Prime runner.
Avail limit 14.
Military campaign in the middle of Africa is why I don't have a SIN.

I figured I'd make a gnome cyborg for fun. Really excited I managed to squeeze in FBR+ Synaptic II there.

Anything I missed?
It should be sum to 13 imo. But that's just personal preference on prime runners. I also allow up to betaware at gen.
Different player in that game.

What's your reasoning on that?
Yekka? I have characters in Ch5. that can't reduce their stun damage they had before opening them in a new version... This a known bug, or is ther esomething I am doing wrong
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