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Dungeon Meshi ch34

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 113

It's storytime /tg/!
Alright I'm bored. I will read it for you, OP. This food manga better be good.
>elves' ears are super sensitive confirmed
oh my
Farlyn just keeps getting better.
Nevermind, every character just keeps getting better. I wish anyone in my parties was ever as cool as Chililack.

I was just about to do this.
Chilchak is a professional.
How did you download this? Doesn't EHScans not release zips anymore?

great minds think alike, and all that!
The expressiveness of this manga is so good.
Mana sickness is a bad acid trip?

EHS still posts their latest TLs in bato.to
I appreciate the small details that go into the worldbuilding. I'd be interesting in knowing more about mages and their implements in this world. It seems like Marcille's staff acts as a mana enhancer by how the leaf flops or stands up based on how charged she is.
So you're just saving it straight from there? Damn, I was hoping they put it on an IRC or something so I wouldn't have to wait for Madokami to rip it.
It happened. I respect an elf too much to sexualize.

>not saving each page manually
how else will I show my love and devotion for this manga?
I'm sure most of /tg/ does not share your problem. There's still the other cute elf in the amateur party though.
>Infinite energy from the alternate dimension.

That doesn't sound good.

>Marcille's stealth theme
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>please look at the top-left panel and describe you sides current status please
I want a clean, exploitable version of that top left panel.


based /tg/
Kinda feels like Farlyn is more talented though.
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>If I go down I'm taking you with me!
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/a/ obliges.
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Fucking noscope hax.
There is a yokai like that.

It's amazing how a big-ass chicken can look so freaky and intimidating. I will be super disappointed if they don't outright FEAST on this one - it's practically normal meat!
>P O T T E R Y

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>Sculpture 101
I'm fucking DYING here
>It's Byoutiful!
It's like a beautiful shrine to a maiden cooking goddess
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>S U S P E N S E
Will Marcille ever spend one chapter without making a complete ass of herself?
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>New player being forced to read a new system
Be fair, it wasn't her fault this time. And that point-blank fireball was badass.

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Yep. Pretty much every character has had at least one spotlight chapter or highly competent moment. You might as well ask the same question about Laius: he's often an idiot, but still comes through when it counts.
yurifags BTFO
>Pickle press (Marcille)
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yeah but other characters only come off as complete dumbasses every once in a while. For Marcille it's a daily occurrence
God they eat like fucking kings.
>Credit goes to whom credit is due
hope you liked it as much as I did /tg/!
If you say so. I think Laius is given stupid moments very regularly, as is Marcille, and the others less so.
15 INT 7 WIS 8 CHA.
Also I don't like your "complete ass of herself" because she's legit saved their asses a bunch. Again, so has everyone in the party. They all function well together despite their kooky personalities.
I think it matches her character pretty well. She seems to be the least experience person out of everyone in the party.
I feel like everyone is glossing over this detail. The dungeon is tapping into a realm of pure energy.

Now the question is does "coordinate" magic factor into every dungeon or just this one for the obvious reason of the Dark Elf tapping into it?
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goofy sorceresses are the best
>15 INT
And I don't like the fact that you erroneously believe that it somehow prevents her from making a complete ass of herself. Because she does make a complete ass of herself on a daily basis whether you like it or not.
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Strictly speaking, the others made an ass out of her this time.
Two things can be true at the same time. She saved their asses but she also messes up because she relies too much on textbook approaches. She is starting to learn on the fly, like during the encounter with the undine.
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I don't want to get too into this man but I do think you've got a fucked up perception of the character for whatever reason. She doesn't really make an ass of herself more than Laius. She is haughty which is often used for comic relief and her expressions are exaggerated but it's not like, egregiously more than every other character nor is it every chapter.

I mean chapters 26, 27, 28, 29 she bails the party out and in what way does she make an ass of herself there?

I do agree with >>53225046 and >>53224967 but just dislike the notion she's exclusively the ass or the goofy one when they all are, really, and the author does a good job of giving each character moments to shine and moments to laugh at.
Get too into what?

Why does it sound like you're trying to whiteknight her or someshit? She's always been the butt of most jokes and it's customary for her to make an ass of herself in more spectacular and frequent ways than other characters, what's so offensive about that?
she mad, damn she mad.

What a good moral!
>"her body was part of the dungeon"
Is she sure that she canceled the effect? Cause the D-Elf sure as hell mistook Farlyn for the dragon she was (re)born from.
I love pissed marcile looks.
She should made that expression more often.
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I think its the (accidental) soul fusion between farlyn and the red dragon that cause it.
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>even in the Meshi universe healsults are a problem
I can honestly see Marcile believing she performed the ritual correctly, but in reality she fucked up. Because she's fucking with Magic she has hopefully only studied theoretically.
Still, nice to see world-building.
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I want Marcille to press my pickle.

>Chilchak looking so cute n' tiny at that normal sized table.

Chilchak is cute! CUTE!!!
He is 29. Adult men are not cute.
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I assume it's part of pretty much any large-scale magical project. It seems to be easy to do at a basic level (Marcille didn't have any trouble deciding on the placement for her ritual circles), so anyone who's planning to build a dungeon would probably do a ley line survey to find a good location first.
The bottom two bubbles in the acid trip I can't tell, but the top one looks to say "please help" or something. I think its the ghost people talking to him?
Yeah man, and without even trying to track their meal plan, it just comes to them.
>the effect was only momentary
The "did I turn the stove off?" moment is barrelling down the highway toward her, isn't it.
yeah, I'm starting to think had they erased the sigil, Farline would be safe from dark elf's influence
>learns healing magic
>advised to learn diplomacy and being a charismatic leader

Laius is gonna be a based paladin.
I could definitely see Laius as an example/hero/patron saint of (self reliant) adventurers
God's work anon. Bless you.
Dungeon Meshi riffs Wizardry and Wizardry riffs Bx.
Bx is OSR. And attributes matter very little in OSR.
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now wall-free
Yeah, it always bleeds at first.
I want Marcille to press my pickle.
here an unofficial DDL ripped from potato

When you think about it a T-rex is just a giant chicken.
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>Laius has low CHA

Not even surprised.
Old link no longer available

use this one instead

Chapter 34v2


Scanlator Note :
sorry, we really goofed up on this one.
ch34v2 fixes erroneous dialogue, missing translations, and missing SFX. enjoy!

reminder this is an unofficial DDL
so basically, this pretty much confirms that the Elven Kingdoms are Skyrim's Aldmeri Dominion equivalent, no?
You can always count on elves for that.
I get the other stuff, but why do you have to take your pants off?
>fondling her ear
T...tha....thats lewd.
I don't think they want to rewrite all reality into a null state to rejoin their divine precursors, so no?
No its not, he's just being a baby.
>Marcille isn't bothered by close contact and ear fondling
>Marcille must have plenty of experience in situations like this
>Marcille is a slut
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No idea. If it were any other work, I would say either "to screw with her" or "for lewds". But here, I don't have a clue.

The pants can't really snap off or make anything snap easier. They don't add significant weight or imbalance. The most likely reason would be that Marcille can't sit down like this with her pants on due to the cut, but it seems highly unlikely.
then maybe the Dwemer, point is, by Chilchaks and Gnome's statements the elves ARE up o something involving eternal life and tapping into the mana dimension and they're being quite ruthless about it
If it's zipped, it's a fitted shirt that contours to the body shape in a stylish way. If you unzip it, it's looser around the ribs and shoulders, presumably allowing for easier movement.

Pants are light and floppy, but turning to stone would make her a uniform density and weight, making it harder to move, and due to various folds, adding possible extra shear points or things to get caught on.
Maybe is so you can be dragged around if need be without ruining the seat of your pants.
Well. Marcille started by saying she was in the dungeon to study it so she could make safe dungeons for producing magical reagents. Then she was studying it because of the anti-death spells. Then she was there because she wanted to study and practice ancient dark blood magics. But now she's in the dungeon to practice ancient dark blood magic so she can directly tap into the primal source of all magic.

Thankfully she's goofy and cute but she's quickly becoming Jon Irenicus screaming at passing heroes "You will suffer! You shall all suffer!" while draining the world's life tree.
I'd like to see Marcille drawn as the BBEG. She's probably studying all of those things, isn't she a prodigy?
She's lying her ass off, but we all know the rel reason she's down here.

She's rescuing her friend.
Reminds me of first aid during my conscription.
I'm starting to ask myself just how involved Marcille would be with the elven agenda?
will her friendship with Laius and Farlyn might make her stay her hand?
and who'll make for a better Dungeon Keeper Candidate her or Farlyn, since I know Laius will get the Crown
The top bubble looks like tasukete, but I can't read the others.
So yeah dungeon ghosts are asking for help.
Or it's just a bad trip.
You had to awkwardly fondle a midgets moobs?
If Marcille were to go full Jon Irenicus, I can imagine she would bind Laius and Farlyn's spirits after they die to keep the around as company. They'd be hollow revenant shells of who they were but she'd still speak to them in the exact same way.

Senshi... I don't know. I think maybe he would end up fully integrated into the dungeon; perhaps as some kind of monster hybrid, as a created monster like the golems, or maybe fused into some sort of golem.

Chilchak would have gotten out of there once he saw how it was going and would probably be the shady hooded stranger who contacts the PCs and tries to recruit them to fight against the BBEG.
k', and what would be your good end scenario?
It's all elf porn
Not a single sexy dwarf, halfling or orc
Fuck Japan
The good end scenario is they rescue Farlyn and master the dungeon, but don't use it for any conquest-driven or malicious end and either dissolve it, releasing the trapped souls, for a bittersweet end or turn it into some kind of fantasy nature preserve run by Senshi and/or Farlyn.
Yeah, her friend the mad sorcerer
Dark elves gotta stick together after all
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where'd these pages come from? the ones on batoto have a translation for the acid trip voices
v1 of them see >>53228226
>mouth open, throat visible
>no pants
i feel like there should be some hentai like that
Because the "Marcille is useless"-meme is a meme and some people get tired of it.
There are several.
>Side Status: Fucking GONE
They taught you healing magic?
Some people who?
Who the fuck cares? It's a chinese cartoon elf
You wanna win the war or not?
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Oh anon, you are so aloof and cool about it.
as well as a dozen of folk-tale spirits found across europe.
just around my turf there's at least 4 critters who can do that
Could you give their names so I can look them up? Folklore is very interesting.
Your comment seems to imply that I would pose as that to look as cool as Ryan Gosling in Drive in front of my real internet friends.
Maybe, maybe not, but it's certain that you neglected to answer my question: what do you care about what we think or say about Dungeon Meshi?
Because I like this manga and I like this character. Though you seem awfully concerned about what other people care about as well.
I could spend weeks trying to crop out every great expression from this manga. fucking marcille man.
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there is this guy
i don't remenber the others, generally some kind of shapeshifting critters that turn into wood/sit on your shoulders invisible, and become heavier and heavier as you walk across the mountains.
There is also a story about a hag that ask you to help her cross a river, and become heavy when your in the middle of it, as to drown you
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I feel like this panel deserved a little more love.

Petrified pixie perfectly posed pickle presser
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Now lets see if I managed to fuck this up.
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kudos on cleaning up around senshi.
This was an awesome episode...

But is it wrong that something I felt really glad about, was the return to actual cooking?
why would you feel bad about enjoying the best part of the manga?
Amateurs. You're supposed to say "no homo."
Because the plot's really good anyway. I just really like the return.
>Touching ear
This manga keeps getting better.
Is she one of us or what?
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>literally every single Marcille on this page
>the repeated words are in a different font
it's the little things...

glad to see chilchack get more development.
but I'm really impressed by the balance between action, primary plot, worldbiulding and all the characters.
Thank you. Very interesting.
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>as cool as Ryan Gosling in Drive
I never really got this. When I watched Drive I figured the Driver was meant to be weird socially awkward guy that really wanted to be an action movie hero. I figured he was supposed to be a more talented, altruistic Travis Bickle. He was way too overtly cool to seem naturally cool, the biggest giveaway being his toothpick chewing.
I didn't think he WAS a cool guy, just a weird quiet guy trying to be cool.
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Very epic.
Is it sad that I found Marcille to be particularly attractive in that panel?
Ah, fuck, I think I might be a shipper now.
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she looks good with the peek-a-boo bangs. the vein and her squinty, slightly baggy eye kinda ruin that one panel for me though.
Also linked from the Ubumi page is the Myling https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myling
The eyes are what makes that panel for me. She looks like she's ready to fireball a bitch.
Time stop porn is a genre.

Petrification though is a fetish you'll mainly find in terrible western fanmade porn.
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>Some eyelashes snapped off
>One of her eyes here has missing eyelashes (thinner upper eye shade definition)
Welcome to 2, months ago. /d/ had a field day when some pixiv artist was releasing a Marcille, petrification doujin.

No this is a better look when she's not in rage mode. But something about that last panel keeps me going back and it's not for the humor.
>Time stop porn
>sexy _blonde_penetrates_a_redhead.jpg
>(thinner upper eye shade definition)
>the repeated words are in a different font

I love this authors attention to detail. I never even noticed these until you all mentioned it.
Bloody hell, that's awesome.
This chapter was amazing as always.
This is my theory as well.
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>every chapter reminds us how great girl Farlyn was
>every chapter also reminds us she is forever gone
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>every chapter also reminds us she is forever gone

Nah, she's a shapeshifting dragon now.
I mean they must have practiced that kinda stuff a lot at school.
Not only Farlyn but all manner of students have fondled Marcille's ear.
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>Save as "Buh'Gock Motherfucker"

>swiggity swooty, Im coming for that booty
and thus, another russian proof? meme is born.
Between this and the ear fondling? We know the author browses /tg/. I do believe we're being pandered to.

I have surprisingly little problem with this.
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To all the panel cleaners here, I don't wan't to reply by quoting a dozen posters, but I've saved everything, thank you for your work.
Ehhem a little less shit version
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>Laius, you need to rest.
>Don't expect us to prop you in a confortable position, though, you got enough touching for the day.
>See ya, don't choke on your vomit!

Are we sure? I thought she just signed an anon's book.
why did she have to take off her pants?
what did we do to get blessed with this wonderful manga. we are unworthy.

I fucking applauded IRL.

Anyway lewds/laughs aside I'm not sure I understood Marcille's explanation of the magic energy. There are some kinda of ley lines by which monsters are summoned? Or do those points make some kind of natural spawning points?


I thought because baggy pants in stone form would be fragile as fuck, but apparently her clothes didn't turn to stone.
I think probably because it would make it easier to slip and topple over.
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Larius is hero, heroes don't choke on their vomit, they die in battle or in a duel.
Why would she browse an english imageboard if she doesn't understand english
That zipper, would give you delicious underboob when unzipped. If it were worn by somebody bustier.
>if she doesn't understand english
You grossly underestimate efficiency of Japanese education system.
...That's fair.
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>simultaneously browsing a Boku no Hero thread on /a/
>momentarily thought I was in the other thread
>that marcille in the background

Why can't I stop laughing?

well it was a mistake to take a drink when enlarging that image.

Mangaka owes me a new keyboard
>Actually reading Boku no Shit Academia and Dungeon Meshi

You got to stop having tastes so shit.

Senshi and Chilchack are many things, and now add "dumb enough to send the party's main healer out as a tank" to that list. Geez.
>Monday morning.jpg
It's better than sending out a smaller less intimidating member to get ultimately nothing done.
Hah. Fat chance.
on the /a/ thread it's along the lines of.
Help us
Let us Die
And that sorceror too.
About the pants conundrum, I think it's so here legs are pressed together without fabric between them, so it doubles the effective thickness and makes it less prone to snapping off.
That's the only thing I can see.

So, did you like it?

We're talking about the guy that got a parasite from a kraken, and had to get constant healing magic to get rid of it.
Well if it takes a few years for the curse to wear off then wearing pants during that time invites various creatures to make a nest in your pants. I imagine that would be a particularly unpleasant thing to wake up to.
so Laius could look at her panties
>that crazy mind laius
I'm a sucker for character appeareance changing depending on the PoV, and this manga doesn't disappoint.
bah gawd chilchack that elf has a family
The stoop is what kills it for me.

The worst it could do is easily fixable by the party's healer! Just send Chilchack out to get bit, then senshi can fuck it up with support from the fucking caster and chilchack can be destoned.
Losing anybody in the fight doesn't necessarily mean that someone else could get the job done. Worst of all, if Senshi actually bites it, Marcille's magic is not necessarily safe if you're trying to avoid hitting your injured allies.
not to mention senshi is still recovering, Laius felt up his man-boobs but didn't seem to actually heal him.
Grimgar is still by far one of the dumbest shows to air that season.
RiP my sides
I might ship that
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the only true ship is Laius x Dragon Meat
Which will make the next Fairlyn appearance very interesting
I'm rooting for the threesome that will never happen.

>Laius x Dragon Meat
Scratch out the above part about the threesome, make it a foursome.
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not exactly porn but..

I'm only shipping Chilchak and that kobold who likes food.
Also expecting Farlyn to kill the oriental swordsman.
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>This chapter
And that's my fetish!
>there's probably some dragon lover club in town full of nerdy knights and barbarians

Wait, the kobold is a female?
I've been taught by that very same system. Their language education is shit. Only people who knew how to communicate and understand English were those that used after school time to learn it properly. My school had "English conversation club" that was run by some British bloke, and the girls I knew from that club were brilliant, with posh accents instead of that terrible ingrish that the Japanese born English teacher spoke.

All normal classes had was memorization of grammar rules and words, with written tests only. That was comparable to middle school from where I'm from. No one else apart from the conversation club dared to even speak English, in fear of making some grammar mistake or sounding terrible. Their system sucks. It has sucked before, and what I've heard from there, it continues to suck to this day.
>No one else apart from the conversation club dared to even speak English, in fear of making some grammar mistake or sounding terrible.
I will never understand why Japs have such fear of making mistakes.
This is true for english in Asia in general. They learn it in class but never use it in real life since they hardly ever encounter a reason it use it.
Their youths are so cutthroat that anxiety levels run high.
The discussion was based on the premise that the author was reading this board (which seems a little self-indulgent, but whatevs). Reading, not speaking, unless she was using some dictation shit. Is the level of English education not sufficient to comprehend written English?
English has too many idioms. Also like this sentence, most online posts are grammatically awful and very hard to translate.
>Only people who knew how to communicate and understand English were those that used after school time to learn it properly.

This. You either take it up as a hobby or you probably won't even be able to read english newspapers after you're out of school.
No, reading 4chan and understanding what you read isn't basic stuff. I took few months or so shitposting here before I started to understand the slang and cultural contexts of what people talked about in here. And I've been a student in UK and Malta schools before that, read English books and watched movies and TV shows without subtitles. I have no trust in Japanese language education producing any individuals who could follow discussion in here from the first visit.

Of course, the author could be like those girls from the conversation club, and actually learned the language the right way, outside of the education system.

I'll stop ranting, time to sleep.
Man that sucks since English is generally a very easy lazy language (I mean that also in a positive way).
On my trips to Japan I've met quite a few people who speak good english (one of them who was at least sixty) so there are people there who are willing to learn the language past what is taught at their schools. And I'm not counting people who had to know english because of their jobs.
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No, fuck no. English is a grammatical and pronunciation nightmare.
Try Russian or French. Then tell me how hard english is.
So, elf Illuminati is real?
You've got to remember that one of their ancient school/application systems was an unending series of tests. If you made ONE mistake or didn't score absolutely amazing you were out and considered a complete failure at life. This continued for several years before you finally got the job you trained for your entire life.

The end result is a cultural impact where centuries after that system was removed all Asian parents act as if that system is still in place.
It isn't basic but it isn't rocket science either.

English is not so hard to understand and be understood in. Sure you will make mistakes, but who gives a shit if your post is flawless if it is readable?
Especially when in any nationality there is sizeable group of people unable to use their native language?

Pronunciation if fucked up, but you don't need it to write.
Spelling is also fucked up to 11, but you have in browser build spellcheck so tech got you covered.

Board culture is a culture thing not language thing and native speaker normalfag would have to learn it as well and there are "national chans" where one can learn chan culture in their native language.
>I can feel the warp overtake me intensifies
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>hardwire your ritual into the dungeon physiology by drawing a circle on the ground to facilitate the co-opting of the dungeon's natural transdimensional energy conversion
This sounds like some goddamn insanely convoluted stuff for a mage to pull off on the spot. Sasuga Marcille.
I can't wait for the horrors beyond the veil to begin to seep into the dungeon.

Nobody expects the eldricht electric company.

Seems like a bit of a stretch, but not a very far one. I just find it super interesting that the first time Laius tries using healing magic he can hear (what I assume from the content of the words) the spirits of the dead residents of the dungeon.

I can only imagine that it's something to do with their bloodline somehow, as I can't imagine other parties wouldn't bring healers.
The dude in the other party who's player takes notes will end up Dungeon Keeper
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>every chapter also reminds us she is forever gone
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Someone edit this to say 'you impudent slut' instead, please.
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I'll be your slut any day, anon.png
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the font is wild words (italic bold, for this one specifically)
this is the easy shit.
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these are some comfy threads and I'm glad I get to share them with you guys
Man Meshi always has the best OC.
No the dungeon is teeming with ghosts since it looks like the dark elf chained the souls of the original city inhabitants to the dungeon in order to make them wait for the return of their king. Farlyn was just gifted with the sixth sense.
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Well we've learned there's more to it than that - Dungeons in general are presumably formed around key areas of Coordinate Magic where the endless energy that can be tapped allows casters to bring through and create monsters like the red dragon, on top of the ghosts that the Sorceror's spells bind to the dungeon.

Half of the weird thing this brings up is whether the dank elf mistook farlynn for the dragon because of the meat or because Marcille's spell reused the dragon's energy or wrote her into the fabric of the dungeon in the place of the dragon because she used the dragon as a major material component for the rez spell.

Cool thing is that it explains why Marcille did two circles >>53224295 one for the rez spell itself and another to draw forth the Coordinate Energy.

Might be because the petrification links the head to the knees in that posture unless there's something in the way like pants.

like if two body parts are touching, they're a single solid peice of stone after petrification and thus are hard to snap off.

Or I suppose if the pants get snagged on while being moved they could lever the legs away from the body and potentially snap the entire person.

or laius wanted to wear her pants for a while without her knowing.
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Where to download the other volumes?
the dl links are gone broski
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Only alternative you have is to save each page individually from Batoto.
not really, I could upload them, but the links won't last more than 2 days
wacthu looking for? all of it, or any chapters in particular?
Madokami, if you cant figure it out you don't deserve to have better than mangafox
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>you will never have a chilchak rogue in your party
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I've been reading on mangafreak, I was just wondering if there were cbrs or pdfs since this manga is so popular. It's just something I'd like to have offline for reading while camping.
So all of it I guess?
Marcelle is such a waifu

This will make it even better when she turns out to be the villain
right, il'll upload the volumes by separate folders btw, hope you don't mind
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Thanks anon! You're the bestest!
Volume 01
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Volume 02
had to split due to size


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Volume 03

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Volume 04

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and everything else up to date

>This continued for several years before you finally got the job you trained for your entire life.

Anon, they used to train their people on the job. The education system was mainly filtering them out by how easily they take to on-the-job-training.
My Laius can't be this cute.
Muh heart
Marcille's got some sick moves.
only true if you have western relative language background to refer to. Asian usually have to learn a whole different lingual system from scratch
>rogue Senshi.
I'm in love
no homo
>keeps getting better
>just revealed that she sucks at teaching
Did the mangaka forget to finish drawing Senshis head?
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elf rape in action.png
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Who let the edgefaggot in?
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post more marcille being dumb
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totes adorbs
is LWA any good for cute witches being dumb? i've been out of the game due to deployment and need my fill of cute heretics
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It's a good show, the quality of the episodes can vary. The movies are better, though. Akko, the MC, is very dump and cute.
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>Kentucky Fried Cockatrice
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Says you
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He didn't knew about how people are made.
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He did know, Senshi just assumed.
Most of them don't even draw her right
I think it is because they could either potentially catch on something if they needed to move (the dungeon is rearranging itself after all), or hide any damage done to Marcille' s legs if something went wrong. Gotta make sure the legs don't crack off after all
I never could have imagined Marcille could be this cute.
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This was not already evident in chapter 1?
In the book he has autism, so many here can relate

fucking magiclets, when they will learn!
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So the next big encounter is obviously going to be Kabru + Sureau meeting Laius & Co. How is this going to play out and how pissed will Sureau be when he finds out that Farlyn died, got revived, and is now in the thrall of the Mad Sorceror. As well as how pissed will he be that Kabru tried to use him.
>You trespassed into the wrong chicken coop, motherfucker.
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Camper anon here, thanks again m8. You rock!

>party has 4 martials.
Was it more balanced in Wizardry than in D&D?
I somehow feel a need to read from the beginning.

Is there a link to that?
download links in this very thread.
Check upthread.

Can't speak for Wizardry offhand, but in anything D&D before 3rd edition a party of 4 fighting men, both types of magic-user, and a thief meant you were golden (until a magic-user or thief died, then you were screwed).
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