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Megastructure world building thread 2

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Thread replies: 83
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>>53129587 old thread image limit reached, new thread with pdf and continuing storytime

>So there's this giant, self-replicating mega-structure about the size of a planet. Nobody knows why it exists or why it keeps extending itself. There's billions of human and post-human settlements on the millions of levels that now exist.

>Please pick a numbered section and develop the culture and creatures that live there. Claim your section in your post. Keep in mind even the smallest section is still bigger then Manhattan island.

>This particular section of the megastructure is suspended like a bridge over a massive drop, with more megastructure below. The white space inbetween the sections represents a steep drop to the levels far, far below.

>Also I'm going to be storytiming blame! while we worldbuild, but I have a third world connection and will probably have to stop when the grid goes down
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Continuing storytime from old thread >>53129587
catch up there on a crazy ass cowboy story in a sci fi megastructure
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Oh well, you changed thread while I was typing. I did a weird section 26 in the other.
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got it, ill add it to the next pdf/map update
Section 9 is an immense shanty town. It is a place of illegality and if you desire something that is outlawed in the Mauve City you can likely find it in the Great Favela. In fact, it's said that's part of the reason it exists. It's said that the Favela's original inhabitants came from the nomad clans, apparently seeking a better life there. However, many of the gifts the pilgrims brought for the city's leaders were considered illegal within the city proper and so those who brought them were turned away. Having travelled a great distance the pilgrims were in no mood to go home, so they set up shop in section 9, awaiting the day they will be granted entrance.

Most have given up on that dream and so the Great Favela now attracts escaped criminals from all throughout the structure, seeking shelter and profit. The end result is that the Favela is controlled primarily by crime families, many of whom can trace their blood lines back to those among the original pilgrims who caused their pre-emptive exile and who employ the escaping goons
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just to clarify, the pilgrim's original destination was the mauve city and that's the place they wanted entrance to. Just in case it wasn't obvious
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I have no idea what the fuck just happened
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The "child" they killed downloaded into a new body and came back to fuck em up
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Did he died from bloodloss or something?
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I think so, or transcended, who knows
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Section 3, also known as the Tiled Wastes, is a single massive room with a miles-high ceiling. Despite being sealed off from the outer atmosphere, it has its own system of weather driven by humidity and heat buildup from lower levels of the megastructure. Virtually featureless tiled floor runs for miles upon miles. Dust storms and strong winds whip through nearly constantly. Travelers seeking to navigate the wastes face very real threat of becoming lost for extended periods of time without a compass or other navigational device. Getting lost in the Tiled Wastes usually guarantees a slow and lonely death by starvation. No one is quite sure what purpose the room was built for, but now it stands as the largest navigational hazard in the region. Regardless of the dangers, many make the journey across Section 3 to save time on the way to Mauve City.

Section 2 is better known as the Atrium. Here the tile pattern on the floor changes from a simple square grid to rows upon rows of concentric circles extending from Section 1's walls. While storms still blow in from the Tiled Wastes, they are broken up to an extent by the large number of huge, abstract sculptures that dot the landscape in an even pattern lined up with the floor tiles. What exactly these angular, geometric hunks of metal and stone are supposed to represent is anyone's guess. They are devoid of markings or inscriptions. The Atrium is deceptively calm. Though the sculptures offer shelter from the dust storms, they are haunted by ancient machines that patrol the Atrium constantly. Moving silently, these metal humanoid giants attack anything on sight with mechanical strength and advanced weapons seldom seen anywhere else. Even the greatest of warriors think twice before attempting to slay one so as to lay claim to it's corpse as scrap. They only become more frequent and aggressive the closer one comes to Section 1, as if protecting it...
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gonna take a break and eat, bump the thread for a continuation of the storytime later, discussion and worldbuilding is always welcome
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So Section 13, the Alchemist's City, seems to be mostly populated by cloned militaristic 'orcs'. I'm guessing since this is a scifi setting they're actually some kind of genetically engineered slave-solider race that were deemed orcs by the ignorant, superstitious humans of the Bridgelands.

What other races walk the region?
I'm alchemist anon, and I was thinking there was a fairly sizeable population of humans living alongside the military orcs. Not that the orcs have much of a culture, as their life expectancy is very short. There could be strange walking behemoths like >>53135702
But they're docile
Section 8
the Necromancer's domain. Controlled by a mad scientist who's obsessed with both science and magic. His domain is populated by zombies and cronesburg esk abominations, and a small human population. The human population is protected by the Necromancer, as most of the clans in the area help him aquire slaves and test subjects. The human society has adapted to the Necromancer's rule, and has mostly adopted slavery and human trafficking industries
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>The Necromancer and the Alchemist fight it out in the ultimate battle for our souls
Section 15, The Crossroads. A "Highway" between sections, Extremely dangerous due to the many outlaws who live near the edges of the bits that drop down, and often dig into the side of the Structure. Led by a man named Dellard. They are traditional robbers and more. A few good people live here, but most cannot survive and remain good. It tends to make travel difficult in this path. The Natural wildlife tends to be more rodentlike, and even the normal people appear to have crossbred with the rats at some point
while many crime families fight for control of The Favela there are four major ones among them who between them control most of the slum. Each of those families has not only their own physical territory, but also their own territory of illegal activities and trespasses of either by the other major families (either muscling in on locations or offering similar less than legal services) are dealt with harshly.

These Major Families are:
The Lucero Family, whose ancestors offered narcotics to the mauve city. These days they are best known for selling drugs of all descriptions, but they are most famous for Dream Dust, which allows one to lucid dream every time they sleep, but can mean that they never wake up. They are found in the north
The Azarov family, who provided and still provide illegal weapons and those who know how to use them. They are found in the west
The Balzac family, Who offered the mauve city sex and now most of the brothels in the Favela belong to them. However, some of the inhabitants of these brothels supplement their income with the occasional assassination, commissioned by the Balzacs of course. They are found in the south.
and the Varken Family, who deal in secrets and mysterious magics/technologies most of which nobody wants in the Mauve city, not even the Varkens. They are found in the east
Section 9 is a massive factory that stands quiet. It's original purpouse has long been lost, but right now it's also the home to many outcasts and scavengers who are hoping that they will find something of value
Sorry, didn't see that 9 was occupied, change mine to 26 then
Section 9 was already claimed. >>53134893
Claiming section 1

>On the outskirts of the Atrium and the Tiled wastes lies the largest, densest city in the bridgelands, Hive City. There are more people packed per mile then almost anwhere else in the known world, with the city extending up, down and all around in every direction. The massive amount of residents in the tower-like city leads to extensive trade routes through the Atrium and the Tiled wastes, and rich is the man willing to brave them.
Great stuff guys, doc'd up the pdf and I'll work on the map later, this is gonna be a insteresting game
claiming Section 16

A massive library of books that stretch back thousands, if not millions of years. The tomes contained within hold knowledge both wide-known as well as forbidden and the book-keepers and librarians hold a striking resemblance to the mechanical figures that roam the halls of Section 2. Who collected the gigantic collection and for what reason has been lost to time, but one thing is for certain: the vaults of the library's collection stretches on for farther than the human mind can comprehend.

Need help thinking up a name and with any other info. Any help?
Section 19 is a heavily fortified, religious settlement that occasionally trades with the tribes it has contact with in Section 18. The fortifications are primarily directed at the Great Causeway, a stairway leading down farther than anyone can fathom. Those that have tried to figure out where it goes have never come back, and occasionally strange lights can be seen in the distance of it.

Those who believe in the local religion believe that this is the gateway to the underworld, and that those who live in this section were put here to keep the degenerate monsters below from Paradise Above.
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