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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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Morale and Morality edition

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>Duncan does dank
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First for Age of Smegmar faggots to go back to their containment thread and to stop trying to drag down 40k with them
First for Chaos, we Captured it!
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First for bugs
What if i were to tell you i have never played Smegmar?
Reminder to ignore shitposting
Sure you haven't anon, sure you haven't
So what do you guys do with your spare bits, just been wondering since Im gonna have a whole bunch soon and im interested to know how you guys use your leftovers
Tyranids have a special rule on their data slate as follows:

While this unit is within 12" of a unit with the Keyword "Synapse Creature" it does not take battleshock tests.

space marines have a special rule on their data slate as follows: We are awesome and never run away from anyone cause we have reasons and therefore this unit never takes battleshock tests.

there are precedents for this all over the place in AOS don't worry
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Which one of you fucks is this?
I never played Sigmar and have no interest, but I'm hype for what they're doing with the rules. Maybe you should stop projecting shit just to have a specific target to whine about.
I hope you enjoy the deadgame making your models worthless when Tyranid and Ork players all leave and GW stock drops again.
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Because they are made from belief and emotion. The Emperor cannot destroy those things. He cannot destroy the gods directly, but they are no threat to him directly either. He could have gone into the warp and blasted them apart all day, but new ones would just manifest and he'd be just wasting his power. He needed to save humanity from their influence.
But Anon, 8e is an AoS in space. If you want, you can still burn all your models and shitpost with 3 other anons in fantasy general - noone will miss you
I bet he plays CSM.
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>kept things under wraps
Does anyone know:
When you buy audiobooks from the black library webpage, can you download the mp3 immediately, or do they ship you a disc or something?
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>can't tell who's worse, the "40k = AoS" faggots or the "muh Fearless Synapse" shitposters
>tfw they're probably the one and the same
Yeah I never thought about this until now but, previous editions did always have playtesting leaks coming out months before they went live and we have heard nothing this time, which doesn't follow with the idea that they have the largest ever external playtesting team.

We might just be getting straight up rused. I hope some of the playtesters come forward.
You can download it immediately assuming it's actually released.
>I can't believe you had nothing get out
>/40kg/ and leddit flooded with rumours and leaks for last year like morale phase sigmarification, NuMarine pic, dropping the codices etc
next has got to be /40kAoS/ general
>"muh Fearless Synapse" shitposters
It's not shitposting. They're destroying the core identifying special rule of an entire Faction. This is like if they took orders away from Imperial Guard, just, completely.
Nah. As a CSM player I can already tell you I'm on the up side of this not hyped but optimistic. Nothing they have revealed is too horrible for us.

Probably a Nids player, worried he has to lose 1-3 bugs a turn from their little buggy brains burning out from all the psychic death screams pumping through them.
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>tested under the "cloak" of AoS
Says who?
Some shit got out, but I get the feeling GW is just throwing money at people after launch if they can keep their mouths shut.
Those old enough had rather big rummours regarding 2nd to 3rd. We knew shits before 3rd was release. Here we know shit. I really doubt that we have nothing in the age of wikileaks
Yeah. There's even some precedent in that happening with Tervigons, but apparently just being able to use the arbitratility high leadership of a nearby Synapse creature won't work out. Not even if their leadership is above 10, which is possible now.

10+d6 loss of gaunts per turn. Enjoy
What armies do you play and why?
How about you go and make your "9th age general" for the "real" 40k?
stop being salty about thermodynamics, carnac

read a book, nigger

Frontline gaming seem like pretty cool guys so they probably would have keep to their NDA.

source: the livestream Q&A
1-3 bugs? You mean 11-16
Admech because I have a fetish for Gas masks and Bolt Action rifles.

Harlequins because that fetish is gay.
>10+d6 loss of gaunts per turn
Hey cheetahfag - trying to make up a new avatar?
Focusing on getting my Thousand Sons force painted up and expanded with a ton of plans and things to paint. Also have a minor force of Necrons. Egyptian, magical or incomprehensible cool things are really cool.
I started collecting Blood angels and then got bored of marines and have recently started collecting nids.
Oh no they are changing your Synapse to do something new. There is the river, go cry there and see if you turn the water salty.

The fact is Shits changing for everyone not just you fearless is all but a memory. Get over it. At least they aren't saying your bugs are running away. They came up with a good in game reason.

This is a war game, expect units to die. Expect to slaughter and be slaughtered. Grow a pair of reproductive organs you neutered pansy.
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>tfw Sisters have a history of stubbornness
>we'll be the true masters of the battle shock
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I don't know why but that was the funniest shit-on-carnac post I've seen in ages.
Shhh, don't engage them or they'll shit up another general
>Caring about the lore
Pick one
No I mean 1-3 because Synapse will give you some kind of mitigation. It will cut your losses to a d3 or something like that

nah orders were not a part of guard until 5th ed.

this is like taking away shuriken catapults from Eldar.
Tyranids, GSC, and Skitarii.

They all have the best model aesthetics and cool fucking lore (discounting the new tyranid lore that shits all over ACs god-tier stuff). Skitarii and GSC also have very fun playstyles and almost all the units feel viable, and they aren't overloaded with too many units so the Codexes just feel.. I don't know, cleaner and more solid somehow.
>fluff for sisters battleshock
>orks killed more than you thought before
At least that's most of what I've seen of their stubbornness.

Which sucks because I like sisters, even though they're powered by most of what's wrong in the Imperium.

Bitch, I'm talking about table top.
You just get to auto win against Nid players now because they will all die in the leadership phase.

That's fun right? Those are good game mechanics right? This is an amazing game right?
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>nid players
>adapting to a changing environment

btw its Cruddace*
Except they are shitting on the lore to the same extent they would be if they said "Sisters of Battle have a new special rule where if you shoot a bunch of them and they fail a Leadership test at the end of the turn, X amount of them suddenly convert to Chaos and their squadmates have to shoot them in the head for heresy".

That's about how much sense battleshock in synapse makes.
Tyranids died all the time in every Edition. What the fuck are you on about are you on about?
At least its shitting about 40k and not /pol/ crap.

really there is nothing to indicate what compensation for the loss of synapse will be and losing one of the key features of tyranid gameplay is rather depressing.
I'm pretty sure he means in reference to the game, as in GW doesn't care about the lore when writing rules and regularly goes against it.

I know he didn't say much, but context, nigga.
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Every /40kg/ will be shitted up until 8e launch. Then they will make /real40kg/ or /7eg/ threads few time. When the 8e will turn out to be a good game they will try to spam it like fantasy salt-fags tried to spam AoSg. Then, they will just find another game to shit up it's community
Necrons and Iron Warriors. Necrons since their 3E debut and I'm sticking with the oldcron soulless murderbot vibe and staying away from the egyptian stuff. Iron Warriors because I wanted something to convert and fiddle with army list options because oldcrons were very boring on both those fronts, and 3.5 CSM was very interesting.
>Oh no they are changing your Synapse to do something new.
I'm pretty sure synapse already bumped units' ld to 10 I believe

it's not even new, it's just less
Do they still send you a disk of some sort, or is it just the download?
It's rather depressing because you're going to lose your entire Army in the leadership phase
By lore Nids are mere NPCs and would just auto lose anyway. Be glad your shitty army is not held to the lore.
Right nids who will get to do something like roll a d6 for every potential Battle shock loss and on a 4+ ignore a guy lost. Or use the Hive Tyrant leadership from across the board as long as the Synapse network is up, or only take d3 on a failed moral as long as they are in Synapse.
It's more obnoxious when someone makes an on-topic post but uses a word that /pol/ uses, then autists feel the need to rage that /pol/ exists and the user must be a pure /pol/ poster just here to fuck with us or something.
There's literally nothing that says synapse is gone.
More like because you can only drybrush silver.
September can't come fast enough for this reason alone. I say September because I reckon it will take a couple months for all the salt and "muh 7E" to die down.
By the actual lore, not shit lore from an autistic anti-fanboy who started writing them after the actual writers left, they would fuck the living shit out of any other single race in the setting. Be glad the current writers are chaoswank autists like you instead of people with talent.
It's just a download, unless they specifically mention a disc, but I don't think they've ever done that.
You would think a legendary shit poster what actually be good at triggering people.

The non-player character meme is really old

You have so much more new material to trigger me by Carnac, but this is just ancient.
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except AoS isnt a good game.

and 8th ed Fantasy was suffering from imbalance and bloated ruleset like 7th ed 40k. 6th ed was the golden age for the skirmish game WHFB, 7th ed onwards was a money grabbing army size explosion which started the death spiral for the game.

However 40k is more suited to what AoS should be anyway so I have some optimism on AoS2: electric boogaloo.
Exactly every indication is that it's just been changed to a mitigation.

Hell it would be cooler if everything that had Synapse before could do something new and cool with it like Zoathropes arcing their psychic powers through warriors.
They literally say only a few units, not factions, will ignore battle shock.

They literally say to many armies ignored the Ld phase.
But anon the writers past 3rd are autistic wankers they can't write basic rules nor fluff.

And I playing fucking Ultramarines and Eldar I got enough broken and attention
I think people would rather focus on the fact that nothing says its still here then try and be optimistic and maybe get let down.
Regardless of how anyone feels, that is the actual lore. It's real. It's how the universe works now. Not liking something doesn't make it invalid. Ignoring something of a lower quality doesn't mean the stuff you focus on in your own head matters outside of it.
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You are working for GW? Tell me more about Nids new abilities and stuff - I want to know them now
I am not chaoswanker.
But funny isn't it? You don't like chaoswank but are fine with nidwank.

I am not the carnac poster.
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Imperial Guard because I love the idea of common soldiers standing up to a universe of horrors, coupled with the fact I am also an unrepentant tread-head.

Really hope the Orders system survives into 8th. I love that shit.
>Chaos fills the galaxy with psychic spooge
>Nids die from psychic backlash all the time now

>Exactly every indication is that it's just been changed to a mitigation.
But that's not what synapse IS. It's a deeply established thing in both the mechanics and fluff that's been more or less unchanged since the dawn of Tyranids being a thing. It utterly fucks their fluff up. Tyranids suffering Morale effects in synapse at all is like Grey Knights getting possessed by Daemons, it's like Orks suddenly becoming pacifists, it's like Tau being relevant.
I've played through 2 of Cruddance's shit codexes and now he's in charge of the core rules.

They always fuck Nids. GCults changed from BBC to AoC. Terrible supplements terrible formations no 7th edition codex and absolutely no major detachment

Please tell me more about how I should trust Games Workshop? Eat my ass
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>except AoS isnt a good game
Well, it's you opinion like mine it's a decent game and I'm looking forward to see new battletomes and updates. Just have fun with whatever you like
you don't know what a wank entails
You seem to be missing a lot of shit the west is experiencing.
It has gone so retarded that even previous supporters of said stupidity are trying to leave the sinking ship.

My feelings are more important than facts. So if Chaos wankers need this shit lore to feel better they will have it.

After all chaos marines are basically SJW, needing a safe space (Eye of terror)
Exactly, no leaks at all.
It's not a morale effect, it's a psychic backlash.
You've got a point, no way Nidfags could wank with such tiny dicks.
My 'crons are actually various shades of gloss black with some gold thrown in for a sort of living obsidian vibe, and it's a bit of a bitch to apply properly to get a glassy smooth finish without cheating and burying all the details in glosscoat.

IW are admittedly a bunch of drybrushed metallics, but more than anything I had fun converting pretty much everything.
>is like Grey Knights getting possessed by Daemons, it's like Orks suddenly becoming pacifists, it's like Tau being relevant.
I think all of those things already happen, except for the tau, where they might now
>It's not a morale effect, it's a psychic backlash.

Did you vomit while trying to make this point? 10+d6 lost per turn is because of psychic backlash?
Oh no your bugs brains burn out if too many of them die too quickly? Oh no the still fearless bugs are effected by something my fearless since at least 3rd noise edition noise marine are. Hell my whole damned army was fearless because I gave everything MoS which used to give fearless.

Guess what 3rd ed fearless worked this way too.
Technically speaking they don't have a dick, they have clitoris. All Nid players are female.

Check your privilege!

>Tervigon dies
>Nearby gaunts suddenly fall over dead from psychic backlash

Fucking 8e rules, am I right?
...which has never ever been a thing mentioned in the fluff for over 20 years, other than Tervigons specifically doing it to Termagants (and even that is retarded and surprise, it's post Cruddace-era). They're just making up new bullshit to justify it.

If my guys are dying to psychic backlash, then why aren't Eldar dying from the Shadow in the Warp for just being on the same battlefield as me like they do in the lore?
>It's a deeply established thing in both the mechanics and fluff
We heard you the first time you fucking autist, repeating it over and over isn't convincing anybody.
B-But i am a guy and i play nids... does this mean i have to become a femboi?
No it didn't you dumb faggot, I've played this game since Rogue motherfucking Trader.
Just put your cock on the table and hit it with a brick.
What does that have to do with a fellow Gaunt dying?
Did you factor in using the hive tyrant leadership of 10?

Did you factor in that you will have mitigation?

No your being a whinny little bitch. Grow a pair, wait till you see the rules for the units.
You can flavor removed eldar models as Slaanesh claiming their souls if you want but you gotta play with the same rules as others now.
>waaaa stop repeating the thing that defeats my bad argument
Then stop making retarded arguments that are btfo by that fact, faggot?
You can always try to be some qt trap.

In case you want to play something else.>>53048712
>they will have mitigation

Not with Cruddance in charge you faggot
Name a single case of a Grey Knight falling to Chaos.
Isn't the deeply established in fluff thing that they're a hivemind and they wouldn't just run unless the whole hive left or they were out of synapse? Since battleshock isn't just running away, but also various ways things could disappear from the battlefield such as ripping each other apart or having backlash from being the weakest pieces of crap in a hivemind sustaining heavy casualties.

I think you're just focusing on extremely specific parts of the concept while ignoring others.

You overextended a bit, the safe space thing and "my feelings are more important than facts" is just pushing it if you're trying to get a real angry response.
He also didn't factor in the idea that 10 gaunts might not die every turn. He isn't interested in feeling better, he only wants to complain
Yeah it did, 3rd ed fearless. You took a wound for every point your fearless unit lost combat by.
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I literally cannot stop collecting ork heros
Draigo is pretty much inside chaos. Does that count?
Tau because I like the aesthetic and crisis suits (FSE army).
Death Korps because I like aesthetic, I'm a vet, and I'm a /his/buff and they are like WW1 space Germans.
Iron Warriors because I like the aesthetic and their motto gets my dick hard.
Black Templars because I thought that they would be easy to paint (like 12 years ago...was my first army)

Thinking of making a GSC or Skitarii SWA KT for fun next. Or possibly an Agents list
I think he's talking about how they would take extra wounds rather than retreating. It was only in assault but overall it's not very dissimilar.
>not even the guy he's arguing with but I'm sick of every 3rd post being "MUH FEARLESS SYNAPSE IS CORE TO NIDS LORE AND ARMY MECHANIC"
Here's your (you)

those spikes are fucking hardcore.

stepping on legos looks like marshmellows in comparison.
If I rwxall, Grey Knights can get possessed, but their bones have explosive runes that cause them to die if they are.

So yeah, if your Grey Knights lose morale to Chaos forces, you could fluff that as a sufficiently powerful Daemon trying to possess them and blowing up because of it
None of that made any sense what so ever.
That was 4th ed No Retreat rules, and that was only from losing combat, and wasn't related to Leadership or Morale whatsoever.

These new rules are basically "oh look, a bunch of fire warriors shot half your gaunts off the table, I guess the other half are just going to have a psychic seizure and die for no reason now even though that's never been a thing that has happened ever in the history of Tyranid fluff"
>hive tyrant leadership of 10
No indication this will happen
nor for this

Cruddace has been involved in writing all this and he has proven nothing but vitriolic contempt for tyranids and shat all over them repeatedly.

those are dope.

you need better lighting for the camera though.
Name a single pacifistic Ork.
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just use another of the justifications they spelled for you: it's sane individuals retreating to bring back wounded soldiers

in this case a percentage of the attacking wave bringing back biomass to fasten up the next wave without the need to spawn tippers too soon

just make shit up; how many models are you expecting to lose with ld10 or more (since large units get bonus to ld and characteristics can go above 10)?
You realize it's like 3 different nidposters posting about this right?

Fuck with a core mechanic of a race thats already been treated like shit for 3 straight editions and all of its players are going to get upset, what a surprise.
And he personally wrote all the rules for all the armies, and didn't change anything that the play testers found that needed changing. That's so stupid that it made the Warp weep at the sheer arrogance of the stupidity of it.
I'd say the vast majority of whining I've seen makes no sense, but people are more concerned with venting than anything else.
By that logic, you have no proof that Gaunts will have low Leadership. Maybe they'll just be Leadership 20 or something to represent their cannon fodder nature.
Toxinspike or prehensile pincer for a trygon/trygon prime?
>in this case a percentage of the attacking wave bringing back biomass to fasten up the next wave without the need to spawn tippers too soon
That's not how Tyranids fucking work at all, holy shit just stop
The part with him not changing anything is possible. It was said he had done that previously with 6th ed.
isn't one of the 666 trials to get possessed or some shit?

aren't there specific grey knights supposed to hold the powerful daemon artifacts because the others will succumb? do you think they theorised that or learn from trial and error?
They said very few units will be immune to battleshocks
Oh he'll personally make sure to write the Tyranids Codex like he always does.

He has always, is and will always fuck us because he's shown to have hated this faction for many years.
>explosive runes
They don't, they are simply immune to possession due to their phenomenal psychic power and training.
>Previously on /40k/
>Synapse is shit and needs to go, I hate instinctual behavior!
>Today on /40k/

The wheel keeps turning
>And he personally wrote all the rules for all the armies, and didn't change anything that the play testers found that needed changing.
Well since he's done two nid codexes they probably at least put him in charge of nid rules again. And in 5th yes he SPECIFICALLY didn't change things that playtesters told him needed changing and in fact threw a temper tantrum at the idea that his rules weren't perfect and made things even worse when the playtesters DARED suggest his rules were bad. I have personally spoken with two of the net-famous nid players from the white dwarf community back in those days who playtested for him. Cruddace is a manbaby piece of shit.
Work on your basing game my dude
Fuck me, you guys can outproduce the salty SHillary supporters.
And Synapse will reduce that, or let you pull from a different unit if you want, or do something to mitigate the loss. There has been every indication that mitigation (not denial) is something whole factions get.
It's explicitly stated that no Grey Knight has ever fallen to Chaos. Not a single one.
Nidfags have become addicted to being a victim.
Synapse was the only reason Nids were playable. Who the fuck told you that?

Neither. Save points.

Cruddance controls our Codex so we do.
Dark Angels because knights with hoodies are cool.
>Spend $200 on inferno and the 2 books needed for horus heresy
>Less than 3 months later its all going to be worthless

Thanks gw
Can't wait to see what 8th ed's and they shall know no rules will be.
why not? it's plausible for the hive to repurpose front line units if there're not specific devourer organisms around or if it learned the enemy is going to ruin it and need to repurpose the biomass it has faster
>Synapse is shit and needs to go, I hate instinctual behavior!
No one has said this unless they were a total newfag nid player. Most people just wanted Instinctive Behaviour fixed back to the way it used to work, which is different from synapse - in fact it's the very opposite of synapse, it's the rules that only take effect specifically when you are NOT in synapse.
I've got a gigantic packet of dressmakers pins I use for all my pinning. The razor sharp tips were piling up and I figured I'd put them to good use. My FW dread has a siege drill that's been Chaos'd up in a similar manner with a ring of spikes around the 'wrist' of the drill. It stabbed an Unsupervised Game Store Kid once because the little prick picked it up before I could warn him about the spikes. He gave me this betrayed look, like I'd somehow tricked him, eyes literally on the verge of welling up with tears, and I shrugged and said "If you'd asked first I could have warned you."

They never hated synapse. They hated Instinctual Behavior.

There's no reason to believe synapse is gone. And while it's possible, it seems much more likely that the new Morale is taking the place of the fucking stupidity that was hormagaunts eating each other instead of doing their job, which I'll take any day of the fucking week.
No nid player ever claimed that.
Soon! The Daemons codex talks of how the Changeling has planted seeds of doubt in a GK Captain(?).

But yeah, the GK are the only Imperial organization not including Custodes (of whom we have no canonical representations of ever falling), and Sisters of Silence (who as Blanks are immune to Chaos).
Who would win: a Jedi knight or a librarian?
falling and getting possessed can mean different things
But denial of it entirely is Tyranids thing. It's always been their thing. And don't say something head-in-ass retarded like "but that's OP and unfair only that race gets that" because Tyranids are literally one of the worst races in the game even with synapse, were never OP with synapse even when they had good rules, and racial diversity and distinction is a thing that makes the game more interesting and worth playing.
HH will be 7E for at least a while longer while they port all the rules over. At a guess I'd say you've got at least six months.
Probably the librarian. Jedi wins in the weapons department, but the librarian has far more powerful offensive abilities
Have they said anything about what stats melee weapons will get? Because the thing that concerns me about removing the Initiative stat is that was what was balancing things like power fists: their big drawback was striking last/at Initiative 1 in combat. Without that drawback, I can see power fists being everywhere.
Librarian. Jedi have instincts honed by the force, but Librarians have instincts as well as centuries of training and the ability to use malevolent (AKA: Violent) powers at will.

Also because your average Librarian usually has at least a pistol.

vote you salty genecultists

desu I'd rather have battleshock over synapse currently.

This game needs less fucking tables and overpriced shit.
The only ones freaking out are complete and utter losers. Their shittily designed rules don't fit in the game and it's getting edited. When people start making shit up about how things are going to go then they have no purpose in talking, because no one gives a fuck about their imagination but them.

It's about as realistic as whining that assault marines are definitely only getting one attack because of the pistol changes, like editing the unit profiles isn't likely to change how they work to compensate. I would just be making shit up to complain about. Unless people are just upset that their rule changed, in which case autism is no one's responsibility but the autist.
There was never anything wrong with 7th edition Horus heresy though
Librarian. The average Jedi is not very good.
Jedi Knight is, at best, an Eldar Warlock

did you then take apart his poorly painted smurfs in front of his very eyes and proceed to impale them on your miniatures?
Agreed, but GW's language has been that the 8E port is inevitable.
Where's the vote for "any mechanic at all that actually fits the fluff and isn't retarded".

I mean it's not hard to do. Tyranids had working synapse and instinctive behaviour and both 3rd and 4th that was simple, streamlined, and fluffy, with either less rolling on tables than now (3rd) or none at all (4th).

Giving battleshock to Tyranids adds nothing to the game. It makes playing them feel less like Tyranids, makes it less fun, slows the game down, is an unnecessary nerf for an army that already has tons of drawbacks, AND the fans all fucking hate it.
Claiming Games Workshop will screw it all up isn't an imagination it's their track record
>Their shittily designed rules don't fit in the game and it's getting edited.
To fit the game even less.

Their rules fit just perfectly in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
So what exactly is girlyman creating? Will the mechanicum find that complete STC library on that one random daemon world and will it actually fuck over everyone because it's corrupted?
Store them in bins and collect more bits from the flgs bits box. That way when I need plasma veterans I don't need to buy 3 platoon. Command squads. I got like 8 extra plasma guns now.
It's next to the vote for 'waiting to see what special rules they have'

Guard didn't even have orders for over half their existence.
I'll probably never play it then because they made artillery completely useless. I bought my Army for the artillery
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Quickly /tg/, come up with a brand new unit for your favorite army!

Bonus points if it's flavor/lore accurate.
>So what exactly is girlyman creating?

Super Marines.
Likely other things for other Imperial Armies as well.
let kneejerking idiots be kneejerking idiots... you can't stop them from being this retarded. Just be the willow

yeah but this is a wargame. having one faction ignore all the stuff other factions get rekt by would be bad game design.

Having Synapse give a bonus Ld to the shitters would be a fair compromise. Not fearless however.

also they might not get shafted this edition due to all the rebalancing thats been done :^)
Whatever, I'll just quit 40k, it's nbd. More money in my wallet.

The nidhating shitposters can laugh all they want until they realize the fanbase of the game is dwindling and GW is losing money and the quality of releases goes down for everyone.
meh, and?
Yes, the big evil, he's out to get you! BEWARE
Maybe, but pitching this much of a fit with only the possibility that Tyranids might somehow end up with no special rules relating to leadership at all is stupid.

Especially since we already saw that Dark Apostles got something in the form of a Leadership boosting bubble.

Even with how lazy GW is, they could just copypasted that for Synapse and be fine

wait until the rules are out before you set your army on fire pls.
SM and IG
because humans and I like making my special snowflake piece of shit chapter that employs IG cohorts to make up for their low numbers
I love the aesthetic and a dynasty of golden necrons that just want to reconquer what was theirs appeals to me
>yeah but this is a wargame. having one faction ignore all the stuff other factions get rekt by would be bad game design.
No, it wouldn't, it's asymmetry. Just like other races don't get Reanimation Protocols like Necrons. There's already counterplay to Tyranids synapse, it's called shooting the synapse creatures.
No I'd go with, "That violates the basic idea and design consession that no faction is immune to the moral phase." You might have units immune like who knows Genestealer swarms but this edition will kill more guys.

But dont expect to lose propotionaly more guys per unit than the Space Marines.

Jedi are pacifist monks. The Lightsaber is just a plasma sword, as all weapons in Star Wars are plasma based and are not lasers. In fact, they don't have any other type of weapon like a slug thrower anymore since Disney utterly destroyed there lore, (there is pretty much npthing to SW now).

Given Just the insane mental fortitude and the strength of will a psyker needs to retain their mind from the warp. Any and all Jedi would be fucked over entirely and without mercy.

Btw SW has barely any canon lore at this stage, the fucking franchise is a mess to those who were ever following it.
I hope that you burn your army eight before people figure out that a combo of special rules and command points can effectively nullify morale for Tyranids anyway
But i am a nid playing anon and i am not doom saying because i havent seen the full rules yet. I think you are just being melodramatic
I'm going to ebay it, not set it on fire. Less money for GW when some rube buys from me instead of them.
its arguments like this that honestly make me wish they'd just remove nids from the game, even knowning those players would just pick a new faction to be fucking insufferable about
Berzerker terminators/dreads.
Christ you nidfags are the worst.

You're making me regret buying 1000pts worth of Tyranids a few months ago, I won't want to post my shit on here just to be reviled because of you twats shitting up threads whining incessantly.

>Muh Battle shock!
>Muh Synapse!
>D6 Gaunts!!!

Do you not hear yourselves? For entire editions, players have hated whole armies' ability to ignore an entire mechanic of the game (ATSKNF, fearless handed out to everyone). And now that has been addressed, morale matters to everyone and loss prevention will be a huge part of the game, you're crying like fucking children because you 'might' have to take a few more casualties.

Grow up and just play the fucking game.

There is absolutely nothing unfluffy about psychic backlash killing Tyranids.

It's an outright fact that the entire Kraken Hive Fleet on Iyanden turned into dribbling useless retards once Yariel killed the Hive Tyrant.
Vect's Castigators.
I play Tyranids, and it's literally just one factor shitposting up a storm. I have no doubts that we'll get something for it, and. I hardly use Gaunts anyway so I doubt I'll even notice the difference.
Were you here for the 5th and 6th Codex releases? If not then you wouldn't understand, but for some of us, we've already heard the "wait til we see the full rules it might not be that bad", or the "you just need to figure out how the army plays now, its not worse just DIFFERENT" multiple times over.

But it always will work out this way as long as that faggot Cruddace works at GW, Tyranids just get dicked over and over.
simple bases with rocks/pebbles are fine
Also instinctive behaviour as it is now might be gone. That eat your own dudes part? Battleshock.
You should have regretted buying nids once you knew Cruddance was writing the core rules.

A few more casualties? You really are blind . Try 10+d6 when a Tau Fire Warrior squad downs 10 gaunts turn 2.
How did you let yourself become such a fucking loser? Like, do you read your own posts, or ever talk to other people? This kind of reaction isn't normal.

Also he has a new boss, who can just say "no you're not fucking this up, no your rules aren't perfect, we'd prefer to have customers so do your job or you're fired". He doesn't own the fucking company and he still has to do his job.
I don't expect newfags to understand. You guys don't even know what playing nids is actually supposed to feel like because you came in after Cruddace already fucked them all up.

It's whatever. I'm out. Pick up my models for cheap on ebay, I'll post a link here in a few weeks once they've confirmed we're getting shit rules again.
Oh thank God that the nids don't eat themselves and just straight up disappear instead, that's much better.

not if you built the rest of the factions around influencing the effect of Battleshock not flat out ignoring it.

Distrusting Games Workshop isn't the same thing as knowing what changes they're going to make, faggot.

Yeah, it's fair to assume that Tyranids are going to get fucked like they always do, but the manner in which it's going to happen is a mystery to all. So bitching about a mechanic we know absolutely nothing about just makes you look like a fag.

Some kind of giant ass bug that can suplex Dreadknight or Dreadknight like things.
bruh, reanimation protocols have been watered down to just fnp+ i wouldn't be surprised if this addition they just made it to regular fnp. And now everyone has Gauss Weaponry. So we really aren't that asymmetric top bitching because your bugs are losing their uniqueness too. I'm sure they wont be absolute shit. Look how good horde armies are in AOS
Why do you think that? What is Games Workshop ever done for tyranids? They screwed us for three editions in a row. Do you like the pain? Do you believe Games Workshop will end of their torment of our faction? Why are you so delusional
Can probably expect that with the WE update going by the update format so far for cult legions.
Silver tower, maybe as a fortification or something.
Do you literally believe Cruddace has some kind of vendetta against Tyranids?
Get off the memes, son.
It's not 10+d6 models it's 10+d6 the difference to ld
>Also he has a new boss, who can just say "no you're not fucking this up, no your rules aren't perfect, we'd prefer to have customers so do your job or you're fired".
And I want to believe that's true but literally nothing theyve shown yet makes that sound like the case.

Even the Shadow War Armageddon rules they released for nids were poorly written ass, badly in need of FAQ.
Thank god

just think of how orgasmic it would be if they got good, fresh rules though.

>Blames Cruddance for being a manbaby
>Mirrors don't exist in my reality.

Everybody forgetting the ad-hoc patch nature of the game?
Or are people just retarded?
>Try 10+d6 when a Tau Fire Warrior squad downs 10 gaunts turn 2.


Giving battleshock to the Tyranids adds plenty to the game, because models that interact with morale can then actually see play against them.
They literally named them in the live stream...
I trust GW more than random shitposters saying the sky is falling
Sometimes your'e delusional and projecting onto other people. How successful is your life? If it doesn't seem relevant, maybe you should take into consideration that you might not have any superior reasoning skills and that the shit in your head isn't any more logical then the shit you're responding to, even the worst of it.

It's not that you see things other people can't, it's that you greatly overestimate your own ability to draw conclusions from what you've seen.
New Games Workshop tm
They did and he apologized for forgetting guys names.
He accidentally wrote two shit Tyranids codexes but gave the Guard the leaf blower meta?

Are you gullible?

he actually does though.

Hes the guy who's first codex was Guard to instate Leafblower and ruin 5th ed with it. He clearly hates nids because they used to bully IG back when IG was shit.
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I'm not arguing that Cruddace has problems writing good rules, but surely you have to see that thinking he has a nefarious anti-Tyranid agenda is a little silly.
I mean, if you asked my to write a codex for my army, I'm sure I could do a good job, but if you asked me to make one for Ad Mech or something I wouldn't know where to begin. I'd probably just end up making them Guard Vets with 4+ saves, bolters, Plasma, melta, and Rhinos.
Use reading comprehension, that was worded as a question followed by
>Are you gullible?
In response to saying someone doesn't have a grudge

He means it's not an accident.

But actual leaks of this rule-set would probably get drowned out by people just guessing that 40k 8th edition was going to look a lot like AoS. Like, if someone said 'morale will be basically the same as in AoS' that wouldn't really get much attention because literally anyone could look at AoS and guess that might happen. Same with basically all of these changes; they are either taking stuff from AoS or adding stuff that some people have been wishlisting for years. There's nothing really unique about any of it which would stand out if someone leaked it.

Not that that's a bad thing. I'm perfectly happy with what I see of the new system. No point in using completely new rules for no good reason. Use what you are familiar with and then refine it.

Even if AoS was the 'beta' for new 40k though, there still should have been significant testing of the army-specific rules which are an essential component of game balance. In fact, I'd rather they spend most of their time getting the balance between units and armies right rather than messing around with the core system. A workable core system is fairly easy to come up with. Balance is the hard part.
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What does the Imperium have against wheels?
Like I said, I've personally spoken with well-known nid players who were featured in White Dwarf and friends with the dev team many years ago, who were invited to playtest Cruddace's first Tyranid Codex back in 5th, and he definitely put a really bad taste in their mouth and basically made them quit the hobby.

The guy is known for being a shitter. The memes didn't come out of nowhere. Read older Tyranid Codexes and then read his and see how fucking awful the difference is, he had an intentional fucking grudge.
Super-heavy Tau skimmer tank serving as a command and control hub for a cadre, geared towards suppressing infantry and sweeping the skies, leaving supporting units free to range ahead and flank or focus down key targets.

Alternatively some big fukken tech-priest warriors. I'm thinking some shambling monsters like Cawl but dedicated wholly to war, scuttling over ruins or tanks, lashing at targets with claw and pistol.
That's actually just retarded, not the about the dude everyone wants to bitch about but the idea that you couldn't be more creative than copypasting is a horrible example. Fucking up a codex isn't the same as copypasting one.


just buy my upgrade kit goy.
It's far to suspicious that he wrote a crazy good Codex for a vehicle meta army and suspiciously nerfed the MC army. We all knew ever back then MC>vehicles.

Pretty suspicious.
Yeah I was talking about faction specific stuff though. If theyre playtesting every army there must be someone out there who could leak specific rules.
>Without proof.
>You are only blowing wind.
>And it smells funny
They're soft and weak like women.

People quit the hobby because of a tiff with a GW employee? Surely you jest. How committed could these elite playtesters be?
I know about it, I'm just wondering why there weren't wheels on it from the beginning.
the antiair vehicle was build to kill a tyranid fast attack flyer in one turn of shooting

I'm talking about averages

no other flyer can say to have a specific unit dedicated to its elimination in a single turn
I'm more trying to get across that I wouldn't know what sorts of things the players of that army would want. I'd price things in comparison to what I already knew, and anyone who actually played the faction could certainly do a better job.
I literally don't give a fuck if you don't believe me. You can believe Crud only gave us bad books out of incompetence, fine. Point is, results don't lie - when he writes Tyranids, they fucking suck shit out of a dick, and I'm tired of waiting four years for the next update only for this same shitter to find a way to make them even worse. Until I can hold the rules in my hand and get excited about Tyranids actually feeling the way they did back in the day when AC and Kelly wrote them, I'm not expecting things to change. It's not even the same fucking army anymore.
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Stay mad and enjoy having morale affect your army.
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Well it was a little more involved than that. This was also the time of the corporate takeover and GW becoming less friendly and open overall, taking down their hobby articles and background fluff from the website. It was a combination of getting a terrible codex and losing connections with the people they knew in the studio and Kirby turning GW into Jew W, and I didn't get all of the details either.

Fair enough. What White Dwarf were they in?
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Demi Knight, Grey Knights.
>Lacking the mental control to tame the wrath of a full Dreadknight of the Chapter, the Grey Knight is given the choice of operating half of the fabled man/machine. Given a gigantic set of Dreadknight legs, he leaps across the battlefield, dispensing his fury with Nemesis weapon and psycannon.

>mfw when
When the Tyranids Codex is out and it's fucking hot garbage and you wonder how something this terrible was allowed to release, you'll remember Cruddance.

Just wait for it.
I'm not gonna stay mad I'm just gonna quit, sell my stuff, and buy into a new hobby. Dropfleet Commander looks pretty fun.
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>a gigantic set of Dreadknight legs
No, I don't regret that, the models themselves are great and are a joy to paint. Owning them, however, does lump me with people like you who can't read.
It's ironic that you call me blind when your reading comprehension of a simple rule is that fucking bad - let's talk worst case:

I have 30 gaunts in a unit and they are out of synapse for some fucking reason. Because I'm a shit general I guess. They are, let's say for the sake of example LD 5. The Fire warriors fire, get... ~14 assuming a 3+ with marker lights, wound 11-12 of them and then I save 2 of those, as the precedent has been set for AP5 to become Rend -. Battle shock, I lose at least 6 gaunts, as 10+d6 - 5 is a range of 6-11 more dead gaunts. Under 7th, I would have lost the rest of the squad to falling back anyway. Now, in 8th, I still have at least 8 gaunts who are alive and kicking. And that's worst case scenario.

You won't be missed.
When it happens i will admit that you are right okay? but till then i will keep my optimism.
One of the two was featured in a Kill Team article with his converted genestealers, he also had display models in the very back of the 4th ed nid Codex. I don't know which issue and I don't know if I feel comfortable naming them directly, but if you actually care enough to look around you'll figure out who I'm talking about.
You really shouldn't. Cruddace is known to be extremely intelligent, but a right cunt. As other anons have stated, he had an autistic fit & intentionally made shit worse when people indicated his rules for Tyranids were bad in the 5th Ed codex. Some of their stuff Phil Kelly developed, but Crud made the shit-tastic 6th book more or less alone, & increased complexity to have them hurt themselves for no reason.

Just like he did with Orks.
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In 7th you'd be inside synapse and just fine.

The game is ad-hoc patchable now. Are you dumb, or just plain stupid?

Good enough for me, thanks anon.
I don't think there's any evidence he wrote Orks though. Unless you're just memeing.
>Just wait for it

That's what we've been saying. Wait for the actual rules to see what they are>>53049500
Sisters of Battle melee squad that uses giant spiked censers on chains as a weapon, like a meteor hammer. Also maybe the incense has some kind of combat drug/stimulant effect on em.
The game right now is shit.

8th edition looks to be shit for Nids.

Do you want me to pick my favorite shit?

I hope he videotapes his autism as he burns his army.
>3 editions of trash
>implying 8th will be any different 'patches' or not
Other anon here:

There's no direct evidence Cruddace wrote Orks, but if you read the Codexes that we know he wrote (Tyranids, Deathwatch) you can kind of get a feel for his writing style and rules wording syntax and so on, and it's pretty likely that he also was mainly responsible for Orks. I don't usually mention this because without proof it just makes people look more paranoid but we KNOW he fucked nids.
I'll never burn my army. I'll just bitch like I've been doing since 5th.
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Same. Imperial Guard also have so much potential for creating you're own unique force and still make sense.
So this but for sisters?

It means they can change the rules for units that under perform much easier. Stop being fucking retarded.


By all means please eat that shit.
>and they are out of synapse for some fucking reason.
I think he's angry that they will suffer morale UNDER synapse

in 7th edition an unit falling back could be regrouped pretty easily

the idea of having 30 gaunts and losing 10 to shooting and then d6 more for battleshock while under synapse is stupid, especially coupled with the hastily put fluff justification that doesn't match the previous lore.
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I play Death Guard because I love their aesthetic, lore and rules. They also offer ample amounts of conversion opportunities. Typhus > Mortarion

>I have a fetish for gas masks and bolt action rifles
patrician reasoning my friend
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If those are censors, yeah. But I'm talking about more like this as opposed to a flail
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I'm just gonna start listing shit.

>Bomma boy - literally an Ork boy holding and covered in as much explosive as he can carry, who just sprints at the enemy to explode on his death.
>cult dreadnoughts/helbrutes - sorceror, berzerker, etc
>a dreadnought HQ or named character of some kind for CSM
>fuck it, everyone gets a dreadnought HQ option
>I just like dreadnoughts
>a larger, more completed C'tan HQ for the 'Cron players who wanna fluff their army up like the old days as servants of the C'tan
>Dakkanite - a large, mostly empty orky answer to the imperial knight with no weapons base outside of some klaws. The kicker is this - it costs a third of the points a standard Knight does, and every gun you attach to the body of the dakkanite only costs 3 extra points, with literally no limit to how many guns you can attach to it as long as they fit on the chassis.
>They are out of synapse for some reason
>Worst case

Your reading comprehension really is godawful.
We don't even know what benefits synapse creatures give tyranids.

Plus, cover being hard +1 and armour save modifiers being seemingly absent from standard infantry weapons, the gaunts are much more survivable than they were before.
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>I psychically know Nids are going to be so bad i'll sperg out and quit playing
>rather than manning up and sticking to the army i "love"
>hehehe some poor bastard will surely buy my army confirmed to be shit!

Yeah those Gorkanauts are just flying off ebay in 7th right?

I'm the nidfag people are mostly responding to on this issue, not the one from that reply chain, but the problem is that even under synapse they're getting fucked now, which makes no sense from a fluff OR crunch standpoint.

Tyranids that aren't in synapse range can totally get battleshocked, that's fine, that's fluffy, that gives tactical incentive to shoot the synapse creatures which is how you're supposed to beat nids.

Being in synapse and losing a single model ever to battleshock is just retarded as a matter of principle.
>It means they can change the rules for units that under perform much easier
Can is not the same as will.

each edition they've had the chance to fix shit and haven't, patches won't change how the army is treated

Cover is now completely different and Venomthropes are going to be literally MVP all year every year forever.
>>rather than manning up and sticking to the army i "love"
I've already done that for the past 8 years of the army already being so bad most other nid players already did quit playing. So. That kinda shits on your point there.

No it isn't because he also wrote the 6th edition IG codex and it was fucking shit.

The whole system is different now. Jesus, you are a dense mother fucker.
>Lictors may as well have a rule that allows them to NEVER be the target of a shooting attack if they're in ruins/LOS blocking terrain even if they're peeking out a bit/in a window
Why should Tyranids as an army be largely exempted from morale when the stated intent is to ensure that all armies must contend with it? It's not enough to say that only models outside of synapse should be effected.

Please stop whining until we get more information on how hordes, and Tyranids specifically, will work under the new rules.
Except we don't know what Synapse does now. It's all assumptions that it's gone.

For all we know, it'll make your gaunts ld 10 and then further reduce the result of battleship tests by 1 for every synapse creature in range

Then you lose 10 gaunts and roll a 3, and lose nothing because there were 3 warriors nearby.
Get an early start in quitting 40k and leave this thread already. Farewell!
>The whole system is different now.
the people behind it are the same, we'll ge the shame shit as always while other armies get loving care and attention
none of them are

And this is why you are Dense. You won't accept anything unless it fulfills your own bias.

You are very much cut from the same cloth as the religiously devote lunatics of this world.
Also, everyone seems to be acting like it's just them that's being victimised by battle shock - you are inflicting this on your opponent as well.
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I'm more worried that tyranids getting hit by psychic seizures or instinct behavior while under synapse due to stress is going to affirm itself in the fluff rather than battleshock being a game mechanic desu
>Why should Tyranids as an army be largely exempted from morale when the stated intent is to ensure that all armies must contend with it?
Because one of the primary concepts of their entire faction is and has always been that they ignore Morale within synapse but suffer extra hard when outside synapse, and the way to deal with them is to kill the synapse creatures?

It's like asking why Sisters of Silence should be exempt from being shot by psychic powers.
You're missing the point of the argument.
it's not really out of character for other races tho

>G-guys i-i'm quitting okay?! I'm going RIGHT NOW
>y-you'll be sad to see me go haha.
>I-is no one listening!? I S-SAID I'M TOTALLY LEAVING YOU GUYS.

This is a great reason for synapse to mitigate battleshock, rather than obviate it. The last thing we need is for the morale immunity arms race to start up once more.

>lictors being relevant

but seriously the retarded ass wording cruddace gave them was so bad they had to wait for a turn (maybe they still do?) to assault in or use the pheromone trail other units and stand around fire flesh hooks at things or something idiotic.
Some people would be optimistic until they see the army book. Given the trend tyranids have followed, I'll be pessimistic until its known that nids haven't been fucked over again.
Jesus Christ is it so bad for nids to have their ONE THING?
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Couple of examples from 1st edition of orks who don't like fighting.
Yeah, and unless my opponents are playing Tyranids they don't have fluff and crunch that for 20 years revolved around a gameplay style and theme of killing the brainbugs to disrupt the unbreakable fearless iron will of the swarms around them.

It's more of a fluff issue and playstyle issue than it is a balance issue. It's taking away fun, flavor, and racial diversity from the game, and causing them to rewrite fluff like >>53049873 said to write in this brand new retcon bullshit about Tyranids having "psychic feedback shockwaves" killing them off, which has never been a thing.

On top of that, if this is any indication, then it's possible Tyranids might be subject to shit like Fear special rules and things that ABSOLUTELY should not in any way affect them ever. That's even worse than "psychic feedback".
wasn't fearless enemies suffering additional casualties when losing a combat in exchange of not falling back the norm in most previous editions until the last pair of rulebooks changed it?
why was it okay back then but not now?
With current knowledge daemons will suffer from morale effects. Necrons will. Mindless berserkers will. Brainwashed, genetically and chemically altered dudes that knows no fear will. Chaos lords that has everything to lose and little to gain will.
>wuwuwuwuuu muh nids
Man madboyz were the best. I don't care if they're gonna be trash or not but GW should bring them back.
Especially since J.J. Gaybrams is making OogaBoyega and Captain Guido gay. its just Space Identity Politics now
I didn't say I was leaving the thread, I said I'm quitting the fucking game.

Also one of those posts wasn't even me. I told you faggots before there are at least 3 if not more nid players here arguing my side of the issue. There are also a ton more of them on GWs facebook page, it's not going to go away.

You need to take like five deep breaths, anon. You're a hobbyist, not an advocate for an imaginary faction of plastic toys.

Why is it so overwhelmingly important that no Tyranids player ever lose a single model to battleshock while in synapse? Why can't synapse just reduce the effects?
Yeah but Madboyz are insane.

and still canon, which I love
And did all those units completely ignore morale rules last edition?
If not then shut the fuck up.
If so, then they should keep them into this edition.
No, not at all. There doesn't need to be a morale immunity arms race, it's just supposed to be Tyranids deal. They literally have a special rule called Instinctive Behaviour that's purely a drawback to counterbalance it. It's a key feature of the whole fucking racial concept.
>In CC with a C'tan and two large units of scarabs
>Unit of Purifiers charges into it
>5th edition cleansing flame followed by Ld. test for free instant death auto attacks
>One scarab base survives
>C'Tan and remaining scarab implode thanks to combat resolution

5th edition might be one of the better ones, but it still had its silly situations.
Because it wasn't okay back then, they changed it because it was horrible. Also, it only happened if you lost combat, not if you lost any models at all, and also it wasn't a morale issue or in any way interacting with Leadership, and ALSO it didn't occur if you suffered casualties from shooting.
now they likely won't have any instinctual behaviour of sort
It's overwhelmingly important because that was one of their few advantages, and one of the core tenants of their fluff. I don't even play Tyranids but for fucks sake their should be an attempt at the very least to maintain their attitude, theme, and general feel on the table top, and maintain it's connection to the lore.
Even retarded lore from decades ago is better than the shit it has been made past 3rd

If you bring in the "it's just X faction's dealt to interact with morale differently", then we end up right back where we started.

Synapse should obviously persist, but I can't imagine why someone would be so fanatically devoted to the idea that Tyranids MUST always ignore battleshock completely while in synapse.
How is synapse mitigating, but not negating battleshock not an attempt to preserve its flavor? I'm just baffled by the rabid insistence that battleshock must be completely negated by synapse, that's all.
Exactly, it's removing fluffy rules from the game for the sake of making nids play more boring and like everyone else.

All they need to do is revert to 4th edition IB which was so streamlined it didn't even have any fucking tables or rolls.

Instead what we're probably going to get is mitigated battleshock in synapse, unmitigated battleshock AND retarded IB out of synapse, fuck the lore, fuck the streamlined gameplay, have even more flaws because your rules writer hates you.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope shit comes out that proves me totally fucking wrong and shuts me up and this whole issue can go away. But I've been in this hobby too long to have blind faith on this shit, and I guarantee you if the nid rules are bad GW is going to get a SHITSTORM they were not expecting because I'm far from the only person pissed off about this.
>If so, then they should keep them into this edition

>Too many things have fearless or otherwise ignore morale, so we're reworking it to make it more relevant so armies aren't immune
>B-but everything that was immune to morale will still be immune to it, right?
Read some Tyranid fluff maybe and then you'll understand?
but the core concept was the same: losing dudes because you list dudes

I think it was justified as fearless enemies dying because they kept on throwing themselves on the chainswords instead of ducking away
the same could be used for shooting: instead of looking for cover and possibly get left behind the uncaring gaunt keeps on running into the salvo

basically dying to imaginary additional hit rolls caused by the continued advance
>and I guarantee you if the nid rules are bad GW is going to get a SHITSTORM they were not expecting because I'm far from the only person pissed off about this

People really don't care about this battered wife attitude that much, anon. If you hate playing the faction that much, pick a new one.

Read some Marines and Necrons fluff and maybe then you'll understand?
My bet would be that synapse will be something like "all units with keyword Tyranids within X inches" for a static affect that fits in a unit entry, and not some needlessly complex rule that spans multiple pages.
no u
I do read Marine fluff and I agree that battleshock also doesn't make sense for them, but I can guarantee they're going to get some sort of ATSNKF that modifies it significantly because they're Space Marines and always get good shit.

Tyranids do not have a good track record lately and of all the races in 40k are supposed to be the MOST resistant to Morale.
No, but I think they said they would show some on friday.

Speculation is that unwieldy weapons will be changed to giving -1 to hit. That doesn't seem adequate to balance them for me; they become a strictly better weapon for anyone who is worth sinking the points into, unlike now when there is a real choice depending on the expected opponent and what you think the odds of surviving to make your attack are.
How much better do you guys think wyches will actually be in 8th based on what we've seen so far? I have a small wych cult I have yet to finish because it just isn't worth the effort in 7th. Now, 8th is giving me a little shard of hope.
Tell me about the Madboyz, anon
>I'm pretty sure GW will do right by Tyranids even though it never has happened before.

>marines strategically retreat all the time
>necrons got emotions-simulation protocols installed with their 5th ed book
They've been removing my necron fluffy rules since we got our damned 5th edition codex. Now everyone has gauss weaponry but you don't see us shitting up threads. Fucking. Deal. With. It.
And Tyranids will assuredly get well-deserved mitigators to battleshock via synapse, so why are you arguing with me?
>My bet would be that synapse will be something like "all units with keyword Tyranids within X inches" for a static affect that fits in a unit entry, and not some needlessly complex rule that spans multiple pages.
That's how it is now though. All it has to say is "all units with keyword Tyranids within X" ignore Morale tests and Fear effects" or whatever. But GW is making it sound like they are actively avoiding doing this because fuck Tyranids I guess.
c'mon, this is new games workshop tm
Reread my post, that's the opposite of what I said.


It was directed at you just in general agreement
Because "mitigating morale" is not what synapse does. The entire concept does not allow for this wishy-washy bullshit. They're a single alien mind in billions of bodies and every one of those body is a disposable, suicidal killing machine that literally is born without the concept of fear or self-preservation as long as they are part of the synaptic network. This leads to a style of fighting where you need to kill the synapse nodes that hold this together, and then the instinctive creatures go ballistic and become uncoordinated. This is interesting, dynamic, different than other armies, and rooted in literally decades of lore.
You joke but retarded idiots like: >>53050210 actually believe it.
Maybe you should go ask GW about it on facebook then instead of here. Perhaps they can give you a better answer
Meant more that there's just vanilla morale checks if you're out of range of synapse in 8th rather than instictual behavior
My argument is that their insistence on almost completely removing fearless equiv. rules instead of making it a little rarer but still prevalent in units that deserve it, is stupid.
>without the self-preservation
BAM, there's your battleshock result. Going too berserk and got extra shots/stabs. All well established into the lore.

And mitigating morale is not what ATSKNF does either, but we can rationalize that just fine, as we can for nids.

M8, I never said that Tyranids won't be shit in 8th. I have only said that I don't agree with them receiving total immunity to battleshock while in synapse.
>Someone actually made the Blood Jaguars

Fuck, I wish I had the patience to do that.

Long War talking about 8th Moral and Nids
Cruddace added a table to roll on for Tyranids where they eat themselves, because he is shit at fluff and rules. You do this *after* you roll for and fail leadership.

When he wrote Orks, he lazily made some few changes that invalidated multiple play styles and strategies by leaving out Ramshackle, invulnerable saves, & not even bothering to change Stikkbomb chukkas when every Ork got grenades.

He also included a table that you roll on to have your dudes kill themselves after you fail leadership.

Pretty cut-and-dry.
Holy hell that is one beautiful kill team.
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Fine. You know what. Fine. Let's say that's the justification for it.

But it still gives me no confidence in GW writing any of the Tyranid shit properly that this even needs a justification in the first place, and on top of that, we all know they're using this "psychic feedback" bullshit explanation that's going to retcon like 20 years of fluff. It's still a major reason to be concerned as a nid player that we're overall getting fucked again, which is really the larger issue behind all the bitching about battleshock.
>the people behind it are the same
You... you know GW is under new ownership, right? This is the first edition under said new ownership. The nigga that wrote the shitty nid codices has a new boss who decided that balancing a game to sell everything instead of just a few armies is a better business model.

Your argument it outright incorrect.

Too bad Numarines are going to make all that hard work irrelevant
>Plasma pistol sergant

Already tooled up for the upcoming edition I see
Had a friend recently spend £1300 on a artillery heavy Krieger army. Tbh £200 really isn't that much when you are paying for HH things esp the books.
>The nigga that wrote the shitty nid codices has a new boss who decided that balancing a game to sell everything instead of just a few armies is a better business model.
Honestly I hope to fuck you're right.
You're doing it to yourself more than them. You're hyping yourself to get mad. It won't be long, just wait before you claim that you know a company that just overhauled itself. You'll enjoy life more when you aren't focused on telling people how unhappy you are and coming up with reasons that the signs for good don't matter and the signs for bad are absolute.

There's concern, but fuck people keep acting like it's set in stone when this is the biggest chance to improve we've had in fucking forever.

They might fuck it up, but you can't tell me a change in management isn't a big sign that maybe they won't let all the same old shit fly when their big thing about 8th is "we don't want to do that same old shit that pissed people off and it's time to listen more" compared to "we're a company for collectors, not gamers".
Plus gave every army, every thing, to the Adoption, LVO and other tournament big wigs and people known for finding the broken combos and told them "Break it."

So my optimism is higher than before.
They're overhauling the entire fucking game with the focus on listening to player input because the past few editions have been run by a company that explicitly stated it didn't care about the game. It turns out that when someone takes over a business and the previous management had been driving a goldmine into the ground, they don't want to do the same shit, they'd prefer money.
During the live Q&A it was said that GW has been trying to actually do something with all the feedback they get and make it easier for people to provide set feedback since like a year and a half. And that the plan is to adjust things that really do not work if they get enough feedback about it.

So if Tyranids really are trash upon release of the new edition, don't only shitpost here and burn your models, but also let GW know that they fucked up and what you think they should do about it.

>Here's hoping the butthurt Eldarfags will be outnumbered by the rest.
Because Tyranids literally do not have emotions or feelings in any way, shape, or form? They do not experience anything that would make them respond to anything related to "battleshock," not even psychic backlash, because Shadow in the Warp disrupts everybody else's Warp shenanigans.

They are literally meat robots commanded beyond even the exceptionally enhanced physiological limits by an unfeeling hyper-intelligence that knows only hunger.

But tell me more about your feelings in the face of these mountains of established lore.
*said feedback

>Maybe I shouldn't post when tired.
I have been agreeing with you the whole thread man but I think we drove the point into the ground. Let's just listen to
And wait and see what happens from here I guess.
Your description makes tyranids seem incredibly dull. I'm glad we're going back to 1st edition style tyranids with individual intelligence, personalities, factions and so on.

Can't wait until they turn necrons back into chaos androids.
>I'm glad we're going back to 1st edition style tyranids with individual intelligence, personalities, factions and so on.
Thats.. not what's happening.

Also nids do have individual intelligence, it's just that these all get linked together within the synapse network.

The Hive Fleets each have individual personalities and are in a way separate factions because they'll fight with each other if there are no other enemies around.

Basically you have to think of the nid Hive Fleets as the characters. Behemoth is a Tyranid personality, Kraken is a Tyranid personality, Leviathan is a Tyranid personality, but all the creatures within those are just the cells in their body.
Me too buddy, me too
The Psychic backlash is within the hive mind. It's the death screams of all those meal robots being killed.
The problem people are having is that that has literally never been a thing in 7 straight editions of fluff.
Being out of synapse has always been a thing, and since they're not physically connected it always seemed dumb that it was an on and off thing with no interference just from all the shit going on in a battle while a fleet is controlling a shit ton of individuals simultaneously while a bunch are dying. While not often, I could see closer tyranids (aka the unit they're part of) causing interference with an effect as big as dying fucking horribly.

The psychic backlash is just one of pretty much limitless explanations of "shit goes wrong".
But as one person pointed out, it's been in the fluff, when Prince Yuriel took out a Hive Tyrant.

So it's been there.
Lots of things havent been in almost 7 editions straight. Things change, Adapt or quit.
>it always seemed dumb that it was an on and off thing with no interference just from all the shit going on in a battle while a fleet is controlling a shit ton of individuals simultaneously while a bunch are dying
That's why the synapse creatures are right there next to them, 12" away on the table, for strongest possible synaptic wifi signal. It's not just the Hive Ships in space controlling everything at once, it's EVERYTHING controlling everything at once.

You're not just looking for free rules are you? I thought Tryanids were supposed to be good at adaptations.
What the fuck are you talking about
Yes, but the thing you're physically standing on is sharing the signal sent to the synapse creature. I know it's not just the ships, which is why I mentioned the whole thing about interference from other nids.

Yeah, the signal can be strong, but electronic interference is a thing if something close enough sends a strong enough signal. Even if the connection is still clear. It's not "this totally works like that", but for me it's a viable concept and in a series that overwrites old lore regularly this doesn't seem like much of a stretch.

New bread, please, this one's getting stale, folks.
>the combined size of their auxiliaries and allies making them almost a noticeable threat

damn where can I read up on this? sounds a lot cooler than "throw suits at the problem until it goes away" Tau
Old Tau lore
would the 3e/4e Codex have this? any other books?
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