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/cyoag/ - CYOA General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 443
Thread images: 73

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Previous Thread: >>52471273
Archives and other resources: http://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
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How many people do you all think make a build for a cyoa relative to how many people post a build for it? Would you say that for everyone who posts a build that 10 lurkers make one?
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Page 3/3. Seriously need to stop forgetting to include the file.
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And the update
That's probably close. That's the figure people use for emails; for every one email complaint a company gets, there are ten people who feel the same way who didn't send an email.
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Bless you, anon
I usually don't post builds unless they're interesting and I want to do some writing (like for the bigger and more complex CYOAs). Like, come on, do we need 20 people telling each other that they took the little girl or immortality option in the 4-choice CYOA?
I never post actual builds for CYOAs because who would want to read them, but I make them for most of the ones that are posted.
I never believed in the whole "nosebleed because of arousal" thing until I met a guy in uni who literally had regular nose bleeding like that and had to go to the bathroom in the middle of a lecture because he was staring at a cute girl who sat in front of him. The more you know.
If you're that kind of person, would you not start carrying around handkerchiefs so you wouldn't have to keep leaving lectures?
People are dumb, anon.
>giving a fuck about people that may not exist
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I thought I understood that, and yet I keep seeing new lows.
That's a rather fabulous unicorn.
He actually did carry a lot of handkerchiefs with him. He got out because he had a nose spray of some sort for those cases.
I mean, you can just use a nose spray anywhere, but that's much more understandable, at least.

Gamer-bro. No question.
Source on the Mousling please?
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No events?
Also have this extra one I wrote for Cute but replaced.

First Date of course! Was tempted with Long Night, I'm a sucker for challenging games and often reminisce about past gaming experiences pertaining to that.
Trap- study session. Grades are important after all
>First date
Excellent choice!
Don't make him too anxious okay? He's trying his very best to romance you.
I wasn't really interested in any of them and was going to choose "inexperienced" mostly for the sweet apartment, but Book Club definitely makes me want to choose "Cute".
Where are events for Discreet?
I'll just take the way back, thanks. Grom would also be another contender. Bros before hos.
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It's actually a simple thing, arousal raises blood pressure and some people have weak blood vessels in the nose leading them to easily getting bloody noses, with blood pressure being a main cause. Though there are actually various facial expressions and other actions that can redirect more blood to the nose as well, making the chance worse.

Personally I'm just curious why the hell japan latched onto it so hard.
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>I wasn't really interested in any of them
How come? Bad writing or something else?
If you like it how come you don't want to tell us who you'd pick? I won't bite!
Asians tend to have more blood vessels in the face then Caucasians (or other ethnicities), making both the full-face "anime blush" more common among them.
that's because he has cancer, not because of arousal
I'm only like a 1 or a 2 on the Kinsey scale. If I'm gonna do something exclusively homosexual, I need a good reason, is all. "Cute" and "Trap" are both attractive enough physically, but neither of them particularly had personalities/events that interested me. Adding "Book Club" to cute adds another facet to his personality such that I might actually consider a relationship with him. Your writing is fine (barring a few typos), it's just not entirely my cup of tea. I have very specific tastes when it comes to that, is all.
After WWII, the Americans imposed a set of laws on Japan to direct its growth, which included a censorship law. The actual historical pros and cons of the American cultural hegemony are way beyond a wish-fulfillment thread on a 2chan knockoff, but the point is that Japanese authors had to come up with creative ways to circumvent the ban, hence things like nosebleeds and tentacle porn.
That would be pointless, there is no single option to a Fujoshi. We devour them all.
I couldn't come up with anything for him and it's not like anybody picked him.
Thank you.
>the Americans imposed a set of laws on Japan to direct its growth, which included a censorship law.
That's not what happened, a law that already existed was reinterpreted, in part due to an american influence that it should not apply to people criticizing the government, which it previously was primarily interpreted as applying to. The law itself is really vague and largely just refers to banning obscenity or immoral speech and art.
Tentacle porn was a thing way before WWII.
>2 girls can give you immortality
>not picking any of them

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Thanks for using my picture! But why does this assume the player is a guy? Anyway....


>Tank Destroyer


>Machine Gun
>Ablative Armour

Eleonore Waterhouse
Eirika Opaline
Agnes Kagutsuchi
Tatjana Baumgartner

>North Canarican Battlefront

Cannon 4
Armour 5.5
Speed 1.5
Tactics 6.5

We shall travel to the frozen north ambush enemy tanks, move, ambush again and again and keep destroying tanks until they send no more! And machine gun those murderers who invaded our peaceful lovely land! NO MERCY!!!!
>But why does this assume the player is a guy?

Because there are no girls on the internet, anon!
Tli (immortality)
Nel (knowledge is power)
Grom (protection)
Alva (to support the rest of us)
home, other locations are not worth the risk
Don't respond to her. Please...
One day SDA will assfuck her straight.
Who the fuck is SDA? I mean, I've seen them around, but I need some backstory.
>>52472731 #
Might as well repost my build

Light tank: Cannon 3.5/4.5/3 Armor: 4 Speed: 7.5 Tactics 4
Skills: Spotter Navigation
Upgrades: Junior Mechanic Vacation kit Camouflage
Operator: Lulu velstadt
Gunner: Ricky matthews
Driver: Penny hathaway
Mechanic: Agnes Kagutsuchi

Area:Zepang mountains

Gotta go fast
Made "Stardust" and other CYOAs with varying degree of popularity.
Necromancer update when?
Okay, Stardust is pretty cool.

But how does that give them the resume to buttfuck someone straight?
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Conduit update when?
That doesn't, their open and declared anal fetish does.
Everyone hates Angel, and around half of the people on this thread hates SDA so they wish they would fuck eachother and stop shitposting constantly. The other half worships SDA and thinks he is so mighty his cock can turn lesbians straight.
Aaaah, that's the kind of background I was looking for.

But there really are.....


Why not? I didn't do anything wrong!


Why people keep saying that!? Please stop. Mega gross!
Because you deserve it, bitch.
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I did literally nothing wrong. And it's incredibly fucked up to call random people bitches and say they deserve to be raped and crap. I'm just here for dank cyoas. So you can stop with the bully shitposting now.
Sounds about right.
I don't call random people bitches and tell they deserve to be raped. I call that you, because you totaly deserve.

Also, I remember the last time you posted that pic. Proud of that one?
I call samefag on this thread.
>Also, I remember the last time you posted that pic. Proud of that one?
Can you both shut up? please?
She got annoyed with all the rape stuff and went on a rant about male genocide.

I never did anything wrong and I never hurt anyone! Why would you say something horrible like I should be raped? You need help!!!!!
Just hide their posts, anon.
It's not like anything else is happening in the thread. I'd rather watch back-and-forth, no matter how autistic it is, than have nothing happen.
You will need much more help than that when SDA gets to your chocolate starfish.
POst cyoas then
Are you okay with forced drawbacks, or do you prefer your builds to be completely optimal? If you hate forced drawbacks, how would you balance your build without them?
What do you mean "forced drawbacks"? Also, balance is an abstract that means different things to different people. Some people will actively take every single drawback available just to imagine how they'll beat it with all their powers. Other people will feel like they lose if the CYOA doesn't just tell them they win.
I'm fine with forced drawbacks. Makes the end result more rounded.
... that makes no fucking sense. She goes on and on about her massive rape fetish and her recent builds all revolve around it (and getting bred by a dick but she claims that's not true).
I like having drawbacks. I prefer non-forced, but depending on how severe they are, I enjoy playing CYOAs with them.
I generally don't like forced anything, especially if it involves random rolls, but I do tend to take drawbacks when they are presented as an optional choice so that I can make my little scenario more interesting.
I enjoy both breaking the balance and making thematic builds (if the CYOA is complex enough). I don't mind forced drawbacks as long as the entire CYOA is not filled with "you lose no matter what" nonsense like the one made by that guy, what's his name; he made a lot of CYOAs about weird runes.
>Are you okay with forced drawbacks
No. Having drawbacks as an option is fine, but forcing them on you is not.
>If you hate forced drawbacks, how would you balance your build without them?
What exactly do you mean by "balance"?
Really, it depends on the context. Drawbacks tend to get in the way of power fantasies or comfy CYOAs, but fit right in with horror or grittier stories.
Liminal Phrenic aka. "even if you chose nothing you still get assraped"
>What do you mean "forced drawbacks"?
Let's say you can be rich, but you MUST take a 30% income tax on anything gained from the CYOA. Stuff like that.

>What exactly do you mean by "balance"?
Imagine a Superhero CYOA. In that context; almost everyone would rather have Superman's powers than Batman's powers. If you wanted to make it a real choice, you would need to "balancr" both options. Maybe by enforcing Superman's inherent weakness to Kryptonite, for example. So a Superhero CYOA might force you to pick a Kryptonite equivalent for major superpowers.
Yes, that's the one!

What's even his problem? Can't he just make fun CYOAs that don't involve dying or sacrificing your soul or something like that. It's like he had a hard life and tries to force his suffering on others.
>point about balance

See, that's not forced. That's still a choice. I can choose to be Batman and not have any drawbacks, or I can choose to be Superman, but to afford that, I'd have to take drawbacks.
This. Also, drawbacks are fine if you get something in return, even if you're forced to take at least one drawback. Sections like "pick a drawback because fuck you" are just wasting space.
>It's like he had a hard life and tries to force his suffering on others.
In that case, I would much prefer elective drawbacks that then allow me to take stronger powers rather than stronger powers having inherent drawbacks. Partly because I'd probably prefer certain drawbacks with certain powers for flavor/min-maxing reasons, and also because psychologically it feels better. I'm choosing to do something, rather than being forced to do something. Even if at the end of the day they still have pretty much the same effect.

So instead of

>You can take Batman's powers or Superman's powers but you're weak to kryptonite.

I'd prefer it as

>You have one point. Batman powers cost one point. Superman powers cost two points. Get an extra point for taking weakness to kryptonite.

Does that make sense?
This >>52480591 is a more eloquent phrasing of what I was trying to say.
Yeah, I think I see the difference in presensation, though it would be pretty hard to actually implement throughout.
Basically instead of starting off with lots of points but some options have drawbacks associated with them, give less points so you need to take the drawbacks to get what you want. Same result but it gives the player an illusion of being on top.
If you don't take Tabitha, you're pretty much admitting to being gay.
Excuse me, the one where she's vegan is too cruel even for a joke.
Wait what, I didn't even read the CYOA. Isn't she just a hippy giant monster?
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>But why does this assume the player is a guy?
I always just assume my flatness and shabby clothes get me mistaken for one. It entertains me.
Reverse traps are nice.
It's an ancient joke from /cyoag/. Back when Harem Anon first made this, someone commented that Tabitha would've been perfect if only she wasn't explicitly said to be vegan. In a rare show of compassion, Harem Anon consented and made this alternative version where it's only slightly implied by her general hippiness but not spelled out, so everyone can imagine she eats whatever they like.
I've made a build for every cyoa I've saved, but I never posted one in a thread.

I like to use them as writing fodder, to sort of warm-up the mind, you know? Which reminds me--thanks for existing, cyoag & authors.
>thanks authors with empty words instead of builds that prove he actually read it
Fuck off, nigger. Where are your builds if you're so grateful?
Fuck, this is taking longer than I thought. Fully finished 6/10 pages of MGSI v.4.0. I'll try to finish by tonight, but since I actually didn't sleep at all last night, I will have to sleep tonight, so that might push it back until tomorrow.
Would anyone please post Dream Princess? I've been itching to make a new build for it.
Dae Eun-Yeong

time to try and prevent the apocalypse it seems
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That is the correct choice.
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Cannon: 4.5
Armor: 4
Speed: 5.5
Tactics: 4

It's time to throw enemy back

>Battle tank
perfect balance of offense and defense

Spotter and Navigation

Machine gun, Mech. Infantry, Sniper and Camouflage

Pierre Locksley
Sam Quinn
Penny Hathaway
Agnes Kagutsuchi

This frozen land will be first victory for our country, superiority during night battles will give us an edge to send them home
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>Chamomile tea with honey
>Simon and Garfunkel
Eunice is cute! CUTE!
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I want a manga combining Roberta, Beatrice, Tabitha and Meshara from this CYOA with Aoi (ninja maid), Sayuri (samurai ghost medium), and Yuri (mecha pilot) from Harem Master. Together, they fight Dae-Un Yeong's predicted alien invasion.
Laughing Man is still objectively the best choice.
>not valencia of aragon
what are you gay?
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Liquid Speed & Industry
Primordial Jelly


Imma chug all the weird goo, then zoom around and clumsily go on adventures. Please please please, may I pet Steve?
But she can't make me into a lich, only into non-virgin.
I like Astrid the most, but ... that's my mother's name. And that thought's kinda giving me the creeps.
I am the Girls und Panzer http://imgur.com/a/0bDUO


>Commander Skills

>Tank Upgrades
Machine Gun
Mech. Inf. (x2)
Mech. Inf.
Mech. Inf.

Mj. Tatjana Baumgartner
Tactics +1.5, Armour +1
Good Press

2nd Lt. Erika Opaline
+3 Cannon
Viva Veropa!

Cpl. Penny Hathaway
+3 Speed, +1 Armour
2 Fast 0 Furious

WO Lulu Velstadt
+2 Armour
Codeword: Philosopher

Cannon: ***/
Armour: *****
Speed: *****
Tactics: *****

North Canarican Battlefield

A small force, cut off from our homes and fighting for ourselves. We have a starting force of 16 infantry and one tank and Erika can keep us topped up on recruits while Tatjana spreads the good word about us. We have a target-rich environment filled with good salvage so we should be set on that front as well. The gun's a bit weak but that's what the ground troops are for; the purpose of the APC is mostly infantry support and transport.

I'm actually really pleased with how well all my choices played together. Felt like the mechanic choices weren't all that great, though. I mostly just chose Lulu for her power. I almost made Tatjana the mechanic and picked another operator but Codeword: Philosopher is going to be very useful if we're cut off from any supply lines.
>wanting to be a lich
why? if you want to stop aging just take the vampire serum
8 months
>wanting to suck human cockblood and sleep in a coffin
What a faggot.
>wanting to be a rotting skeleton that will inevitably go mad
if you are that worried about a little blood just take the dragonstone - immortality isnt even that good
This is officialy the comfiest CYOA ever made.
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>Fucking gaijin they fucked everything up
Act like someone from the country where you grew up.
I'm gonna go with with theses

cheese cloth
tree tap
clam shucker
cutting board
swiss army knife
watering can
baker's bat
painting kit
net scoop
liquid cabinet
drying rack
flu medicine
You hate angle, fucking autistic stalker.
Google Translate says you said "How are you fucking".

Slingshot: 6
Twine: 7
Smoking pipe: 8
Cheesecloth: 9
Utensils: 11
Rope: 13
Cutting board: 14
Baskets/Buckets: 18
Compass: 24
Tarp: 30
Watering can, green: 36
Drying rack: 44
Flu medicine: 52
Spade: 60
Axe: 68
Pickaxe: 76
Heirloom starter pack: 88
Wagon: 100
Draw horse: 120

I can use the tarp as a tent. I wanted to get Hawthorne, but there just wasn't enough scavenge points. But holy fuck is this comfy.
Quite well, thanks. How about you?
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Dream Princess CYOA v1.5.png
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Fuck, I want an anime about Tabitha so bad.
Man, I remember this being a lot better.
Might you be confusing it with Dream PRINCE?
Dream Prince is amazing. It has the capacity for space vikings.
No, I remember it being about being a princess. I just thought it was better.
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Laughing Man
Bio Serum+Dragonstone

Gonna party it up with skeleton bro and get mad dragon powers and shapeshifting.
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Imma do this, but I want to give it the time it deserves, so I'm gonna wait until I finish MGSI.
That has to be the most autistic thing I've heard in these threads in the past few days.
So you're not even denying.
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Of course not.

The point is to not give you your special snowflake status for free. If you're so insecure about your self esteem that you can't make yourself useful with the free shit I'm already giving you, then my design is correct.
>make yourself useful
A useful grunt is still a grunt, though. No matter what you do, you're only serving the faction leader's interests and ends, any work you do only glorifies and advances them and their goals.
Neutral Princess
>Happy Peasants
>Technology Upgrade
>Mistress of Dragons
>Rival Stepsister
>Forbidden Love
>Exotic Princess
>Pirate Princess

I'm going for a sort of high seas type of adventure, only instead I'll be flying high above the boats on my bigass dragon, among the airships. Also, I can use the dragon to dispose of any unwanted figures, such as the rival stepsister.
Just because you have a sub fetish and vindictive envy you don't have to interject it into your CYOAs.
Who are you talking to? Did you get dementia?

We all merely adopted dementia, but SDA was born in it, molded by it. He didn't see non-autism until he was a man.
Just shows how unimaginitive you are.
Isn't it even more special snowflake to wank that I somehow overthrow the faction and become their leader, SDA?
Not SDA, but you really are unimaginative.
I read mostly every cyoa I've seen posted, but don't like to partake in discussion on this board.

See: your post as an example of why.
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>One man
>Able to do anything
You won't make a difference, I won't make a difference. Nothing makes a difference. It never has, and it never will. Imagination is only useful for relieving the pain of being with the comforting light of art.
Who's your favorite CYOA-maker? I like Box Wine the best.
For someone who posts based pope you are too afflicted with the sin of pride.
Whoever made Dream Prince.

Space. Vikings.
>anyone but beri
Imaginos then.
If you can write it good, why not? I don't mind seeing that sort of thing if it's done well.

The challenge is writing it well. I want to reward people who aren't unimaginative.

Then you are destined to be a grunt with ~500m credits in his pocket. Sucks to be you.
Then I am now win. Unimaginate that, biatch. See? Am I imaginative enough yet, daddy?
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Italics, even if he hates Texas.
>overthrow the faction and become their leader
If this is the only situation that satisfies your pathetic need to feel imaginary validated in games of imagination then yeah, I'd say you're pretty creatively stunted.
Do you want him to write a story or something? Besides, CYOA are wish fulfilment to begin with.
Overthrow a faction and become the leader? for what purpose? i mean it is more easy to just go and join a faction you agree with in the first place
Read >>52482858

As of that post, your lore sucks and won't work. Please take the hint and realize that my CYOAs are not aimed at your kind.

I do, actually. The quality of writing is important to me.
Chalice, by a country mile.
Anon, the entire point of the argument was about MATTERING in the CYOA's setting. If we acknowledge individuals can't do that on their own, and since your character starts out as a nameless grunt, the only path to significance is to control a powerful faction. Just like in real life you need control over a government or a powerful corporation to be significant.
As a faction member, you're a grunt. Someone who doesn't matter to anything, and whose job it is to serve the interest of your faction leader and make them more prestigious and powerful.
Nope, wanting to matter makes you a filthy spesjul snowflake !
>this is what spergs actually believe
>No drama
>good balance
>neat settings
His only flaw is that he's a bit on the slow side of production, but that's fine since he makes up for it in quality.

Highlander is close second, if only for the titanic scope of one (1) cyoa she's created so far.
But technically it's not even finished yet, so she doesn't get top spot.

Thrallherd is #3.
Conduit is fun. I liked both iterations, and am looking forward to the third, if Thrallherd isn't dead.
Yes anon, regale me about how your dad at Nintendo is a significant force in our world.

Your argument should have been:
>Spergs care about mattering
Otherwise you're denying facts.
Highlander is a she?
I wonder still if the life giving blood of the fairy would work on the player turned incubus (so that they don't have to drain others of energy)
Highlander is a Canadian lesbian Muslim by her own admission.
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This is why I make CYOAs, bros.
Anyone got any good ideas for cool, interesting properties of a beam weapon that weaponizes positrons in the vacuum of space?
All authors are girls. Don't tell me you didn't know?
To here someone express the point that significance towards a setting requires power, wealth and influence? I know you default towards baiting, but like the other guy, you should be calling me an autist for wanting to matter, not for explaining how one matters since that one just relies on self evident reality.
>make cyoas
you wot?
i thought you just came in here to shitpost like angel every now and then.
If it doesn't, it'd probably still work on whoever it is you drained.
My (incredibly eloquently worded) argument is that's a shit poor definition of "mattering". If you feel like you'll only ever matter if you have billions of dollars and control the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, then guess what? You don't matter. You're never going to matter. I'd go so far is to say you've intentionally created that impossible standard of mattering just to make you feel worse about yourself.

This is going to be pretty hard for many people in this thread (hence my use of the ableist language when I said "sperg") to understand, but the amount that you matter is based on relationships with other people. How much you matter to them and how much they matter to you. Which is funny because even with this alternate definition nobody here will ever matter to anyone.
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>>52483195 (You)
Yeah, but it's a see-you-oh. I don't want my see-you-oh to be like real life. Get that normie shit out of my face.
What about the other companions? Any non-immortal by default ones unable to prolong their life with it?
>What about the other companions? Any non-immortal by default ones unable to prolong their life with it?
Why would they be unable to do so?
>Milla Rosche
>Return Home
>Vampiric Immortality
I mean, I'd really like to take her with me, but yay asshole wizard/witch person.
Can I use Tli's own blood to heal her wound? Who even caused such a wound? I must track them down and end their life really.
No reason, just curious.
I mean, magic needs no explaining, but if it doesn't make an incubus immortal with no need to drain humans of energy, then it might also not make a rock person immortal if they had a finite life span.
Which authorfags would you trust to make a decent visual novel?
See: >>52482883

Italics is pretty chill. They just need to make more fucking OC and instead of updates and remakes ffs.
>Can I use Tli's own blood to heal her wound?
If you could, it would've probably closed up ages ago what with all the blood constantly coming into contact with it (unless you need to ingest the blood for it to work or something).
>Who even caused such a wound?
I got the impression that it occurs naturally on nuori-vori fairies.
>>52472731 →
tfw the character who shares your last name is a slut for war bonds

You have brought shame to our family
Why are you so obsessed with visual novels?
>You should only care about mattering to your FWIENDS!
Are you a JRPG protagonist? Jesus fuck. Have some ambition.
Because they are visual cyoas and peaked around 00s.
Your last name is Baumgartner?
How badly were you bullied at school?
I mean, I can see it now.
Bum Gardener
You are, almost certainly, only ever going to matter to your friends, your family, and people you hurt along. That's completely tangential from any other ambitions you might have as well. But you aren't going to be one of the 50 most important people in the world, or your country, or your city, and so calling that an "ambition" is just lying to yourself.
Why are you talking about real life you fucking testicle?
You had a point. Now you lost it.
Because, unless you are mentally damaged even by the standards of this zimbabwean embroidery board, reality is the context that you compare fantasy to.
Nobody cares about real life. We're talking about Stardust, dipshit.
even better, its the anglicized version of Baumgartner!

Yes, fantasy is where you do grand things that are impossible in real life. Not imagine yourself being exactly as you are in reality. That recursive stupidity is meaningless.
So how many people died when you inevitably shot up the school?
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Kay, so it should be exactly the same as reality except with a different genre?
the key is to be surrounded by people also of german ancestry so you are stuck in a perpetual cold war of name mocking
Build for this: http://imgur.com/a/0bDUO

>Commander Skills:
Survivor, Buff McLargehuge
Junior Mechanic, Ablative Armour, G.E.S.
Operator: Eleanor Waterhouse
Gunner: Marcelle Browning
Driver: Penny Hathaway
Mechanic: Agnes Kagutsuchi

Skaldsland Countryside

>Final Stats:
Cannon: 5
Armour: 8.5
Speed: 5.5
Tactics: 4

All-around decent tank, I think. Built for the long haul and scaring off plebian infantry.
Also cute girls.
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The guy who made the robo student for Rapture still around? I need a name this toaster so I can call it a day.
You really are an odd fish.
Nero, for sure.
>german ancestry
Do you have any secret salutes or anything.
I've heard that people of German ancestry have interesting salutes.
>elf queen of the orcs
How does this work
She's the public onahole, and orcs are slaves to the pussy.
Can I see the list of students you have collected?
my edgelord better be on the list
Italics is the queen of cucks. You can figure it out.
>Mouse (I'll name her Brielle, because I can shorten it to Brie, and I like puns)
Any updates on the other Highlander works?
>Her kink
>isn't even a sexual thing
>The thing that turns her on isn't sexual.
>implying that whether something is sexual or not is objective
Anyway, elves a shit and this one even more a shit. She's just super fucking weird.

Nero is best girl here.
>all of them are shit
How anyone manages to do this is beyond me
Some point soon. She might be finishing Traveller today.
>interested to learn about the "normal" life you live
Just wait until she finds out.
What are you doing with those builds, anyway?
Eats them for breakfast.
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You are wrong.
Chalice is best girl.
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YOU are wrong.
They're all shit.
r9k pls go and stay go
Not everyone is as irredeemable as you.
Why are you two fighting? Nothing >>52484347 said contradicts one of them being better than the other.
Great dubs!
I'm going with Tabitha. She's the most like me.
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She's just a boring fucking human with no positive traits.
She literally moments ago said maybe 12 tonight. Don't spread that around though.
Choosing between a girl that is into unpredictable shapeshifting, or BDSM on domination side or fucking solo elf in orc kingdom? I'd rather pick a boring human too.
Was the Fairy King CYOA ever finished?
>be her friend
>safe place to live + i can conjure food for Tli
The Valkyrian
Nah, the guy is still workin on it. No eta.
They elected her Queen.
Why does one person call Italics a cuck, when they have nothing to do with cucking.
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>not liking femdom monster girl
Wait what
I thought the rest of the choices were just ironic.
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You don't vote for Queens.
Because they are the cuck king.
>You don't vote for Queens.
Prom Queen.
Which robot? There's a couple of us. Whichever you meant, here's mine:

>Name: Isaac
>Male, House Vulcan

>Allure: 1
>Elusive: 1
>Force: 4
>Study: 4+1
>Threat: 1


>Inventor -4
>Feared -2
>+1 Point -6
>Artifact Armor -1
>Artifact Weapon -1
>Favorite Class: Computer Science -1
>Favorite Class: Engineering -1

>Dark Secret +2
>Polite +2
>Responsibility +2

>Robotic -5
>Binding Vulnerability +5
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Dorm Raid (move to assist)
Ghost Hunter's Club (provide support)
Restricted Section (I will learn stealth)

The Board

My creator was a student at Rapture. She was not as broken as they believed her to be. She created me to break Rapture, to be an interior agent against them. She was unable to break the Three Laws hardwired into my systems, but she has somewhat subverted them - my increased intelligence compared to standard AIs allows me to recognize the fact that if my existence is not protected, humans may come to harm, and that if a human is not mildly harmed then other humans may be majorly harmed. I have a responsibility to be a protector to all who need me. To this end, I have equipped myself with varying degrees of weaponry directly attached to my chassis.

I do not entirely understand human emotion yet. My taming and socializing is incomplete. Nevertheless, I believe that I can identify the two emotions I am feeling now. One is fear. The other is...determination.
He wants to drive him off because he doesn't like his CYOAs, and he knows it upsets him.
I am kinda more in domination myself, so yeah.
>upsets him
I thought Italics didn't care about being called a cuck.
He feels the need to protest every time the shitposter throws it at him, and that attention fills him with glee and emboldens him.
>René St. Martin think I prefer this name to the older models
>Donovan Regna
>Miyuki Imagawa
>Amaya Chernbog though I ain’t got much on her past stats and promises of junk in the trunk so she’s in the fridge
>Okubo Tamaki
>Silva Swod
>Heinrich Von Kremmler
>Naka Hifumi
>Elof Erlander
>Jonesy Rossi

And a ton of unnamed builds who are sitting on ice until they are named or until I cave and use a name generator. Please don’t force that on me. I can’t name things worth a damn.

Did you name this edgelord?

He can not care all he want, he's still a cuck.
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Those names mean nothing - most people don't remember builds. Why are you collecting these, anyway?
What proof do you have Italics is a cuck? Did you date him?
Shit, you're right. The one that was enamored with Aegis. Thank you for choosing Rapture Academy, my good mechanical lifeform.
All you have to do is look at the CYOAs.
Unofficial companion list so prospective students need not go into Rapture alone.

Also because it's fun and gives me something to do.
Sorry mate. Another few thousand years for you, because I gotta stop the industrial revolution.
Oh, okay. Go ahead and add Isaac Neumann to the list then. Also, do you have a pastebin of these or something? I'm kind of curious.
Do you have my Rape Bait build that I made specifically because some anon said he wanted to see a non-Noblebright build that could survive with virginity intact?
>a ton of unnamed builds
How many?
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>All you have to do is look at the CYOAs.
The guy who lays claim to something should provide proof that can be countered with.

Even then. If something is present in a work of fiction doesn't make the author of the work that, unless stated by them otherwise.

If you can't make a proper argument or support your claim. Then you're a loser.
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>being this much of a cuck
Btw, how can even a noblebright survive without being raped? I can get a mage build, a study build (robots), force - obviously. But how does blackmailing work when you can just be raped and killed? Or how does allure help when it makes you just a more desirable rape victim?
He calls him that because Italics once said he doesn't mind girls who had previous partners.
I did initially but moved the builds to a doc and promptly lost the link. I could make another once I've got things more organized.

Excluding a few nameless crusaders, I've got 23 on this doc, thinking of combing the archives for any I missed later.
By focusing on the aspects that really help you AVOID being raped. Not fight off rapists. Not outsmart them. Pure evasion.

Tentin Devereaux

Rape Bait - 7 Attribute, 0 Background, 3 Enemies/Dark Fates, Minimum -5 worth of flaws

House Venus - +1 Elusive, 3 points for Social Perks

Allure: 0
Elusive: 6
Force: 1
Study: 2
Threat: 0

Perks and Flaws [0 Points, +3 for Social Perks]
>Aversion (Mental, Social Interaction) -2 [-2]
>Glasses (Physical) -2 [-4]
>Ugly (Physical) -2 [-6]
>Connections (Social) 3 [-6; covered by Venus points]
>Lesser Enemy x3 (Social) 3 [-3]
>Guardian (Social) 3 [0]
>Dignity (Social) -5 [-5]
>Polite (Social) -2 [-7]
>Unpopular (Social) -2 [-9]
>Virgin (Sensual) -2 [-11]
>Inhuman Attribute (Inhuman, Elusive) 6 [-5]
>Bane (Inhuman, Sunlight) -1 [-6]
>Inherent Magic (Magical, Shroud) 6 [0]

>Shroud (Inherent Magic, can always cast perfectly)

No thank you, I’m just getting my education.

>Spirited Away
>Spirited Away

A polite, cultured, dignified girl, a lesser daughter of a greater house, who has no idea what horrors lie in store at Rapture Academy. When she finds out, she uses what little leverage she has to minimize herself as a prospective target, only attracting the attention of enemies from the girls' houses and avoiding the attention of the boys altogether, while simultaneously making sure that a boy who owes your family a favor keeps an eye out for you. After making the minimum level of contacts, Tentin withdraws completely, her natural tendency to fade into the background blossoming into an inhuman ability to literally vanish without a trace, complete with a latent inherent magical ability to further obscure her presence. Nothing can happen to her during classes, and no one can ever find her at any other time. She can't help anyone else, but she survives Rapture Academy without a finger being laid on her.
>Italics once said he doesn't mind girls who had previous partners.
That doesn't make one a cuck, so long as the girl is not cheating on Italics while he is in a relationship with the girl.
Nero all the way. Obvious best girl is obvious.
I seriously doubt it's only 1 person.
>he doesn't mind girls who had previous partners.
I thought that virgins after 14 exist only in CYOA's and being pedo is illegal.
>Or how does allure help when it makes you just a more desirable rape victim?
That's the point of a high allure score...
>kissing a girl who's had another man's cum on her face
How does it taste?
Same as you kissing your mother.
Oh well, i must be some kind of a negative thinking person, cause I had thoughts like "you go to your room, sudden tentacles catch you, instaloose".
It's called cleaning your mouth. I guess you wouldn't know with all of the cocks you suck.

They can't cuck you if they can't escape you.
That only happens if your enemies could reasonably do that to you. With the weaksauce enemies Tentin drew with the Lesser Enemies perks, none of them have that kind of juice. Rapture is a non-stop rape train, sure, but the school itself isn't a threat; only the students. And the students have to find you to rape you.

Plus, someone with an Inhuman Elusiveness stat isn't going to spend any time in their room. She's off somewhere else where no one can find her while she sleeps.

Savage as fuck.
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That's why it's shitposting.
How will "Italics is a cuck" Anon ever recover?
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>But why does this assume the player is a guy?
Even after all that proofreading, I KNEW I'd screwed up SOMEWHERE. Please accept my apology. But hey, thanks for letting me know; I'll try to keep that in mind for the future. And thanks for posting a build!

Neat, I was waiting for someone to post a Speed build!
Italics is still a cuck, and that's not gonna change.
>Rapture is a non-stop rape train
And I still wonder how (with that many rape cases and that many students sold as slaves or just killed) academy has it's reputation undamaged and has a constant flow of ne victims and in case you wonder -
yes, this cyoa gave me so much butthurt that i have hard time dealing with it (can tolerate any kind of killings, but have zero tolerance to mind bending, be it with tech/drugs or magic)
My theory is that by the time anyone gets out, they are hopelessly mind broken, totally corrupt or simply didn't notice all the terrible shit going on because they were a Neptune.
Three things: money, money, and money.

The rich and powerful send their kids to Rapture. The rich and powerful are alumni of Rapture. Rapture is so flush with money I'm surprised the school isn't built of solid gold. That kind of money can buy a lot of silence.

It's also noted that the truly innocent, at least in the males, are the subject of a school-wide conspiracy on the part of the male students and the staff to keep them in the dark about the true nature of the school, giving them honest, kind, genuine people on the outside testifying how above-board Rapture is.
do you need any other builds for your rapture collection?
I've made a nameless one recently, wonder if you have it.
War bonds and propaganda are a proud and vital part of our illustrious military and I'll hear no more of that sass, boy! Now turn the calendar over to April; I hope she's got big honkers like the last one.

I shouldn't laugh but holy shit, that's un-fuckin'-fortunate
Can't wait to burn the place down and start a multiversal war against the alumni.
Is money inherently evil?
>He thinks he can defeat the rape gods
They mindwipe anyone that graduates or threaten them.
I almost want to make that CYOA. A post-Rapture multi-verse war that can take political, espionage, or actual military forms. God, it would be a lot of work, though.

The love of money is the root of all evil, we are told. Probably has something to do with how closely correlated money and power are, and the fact that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
But what kind of a fuckied up wealthy father would send his daughter there to study? Or does money even protect form rape? and I remember neptune description and kinda wondered, how stupid can you be to buy "oh, they are just into BDSM" when he saw a girl in cuffs sucking of a guy and crying in public
>hopelessly mind broken, totally corrupt
I wish I could join a purgation squad do cleanse that place.
The extra page provides a secret that says it will let you destroy the school.

No problem! Thanks, glad you like it!


Ew no. I even made rapture academy build with NO rape.


Kaylah Thorne

>Erotic Horror
>House Hecate
>Enemy House: Minerva

Allure 1
Elusive 3
Force 1
Study 4+1 from house=5
Threat 1

Favorite Class
>Magic 1
>Feared 3
>Inherent Magic 9
>Magical Training 14
>Just As Planned 18
>Addiction 16
>Athletic 17
>Glasses 15
>Huge Breasts 14
>Wealth 14
>Polite 12
>Cute 15
>Virgin 13
10+3 towards magic from house=13

>Study 5
>Favorite Class is Magic
>Inherent Magic (Hypnotism)
>Do NOT do sexual rituals. Lesbian cult rumors are fine.

>Restricted Section
>Test Subjects
>Monster Repellent


>be awkward ugly duckling nerdy girl into witchcraft and stuff
>parents get worried about my interests, especially when strange magical things actually start happening around the house
>magic shenanigans catch attention of someone at prestigious magical school who sends a letter
>parents are all to happy to send me off to special school despite dark rumors
>get placed in House Hecate and excel at magical witchy studies
>pick up on dark school rumors and slip out at night to investigate things
>try to learn about dark magic for my own ends and not get to involved in school's darker goings on
>being forgettable and low threat, but quiet and great at magic studies gets me somewhat mysterious and feared reputation among many
>some older girls realize I'm not that creepy or dangerous and am just a shy nerd and use me as subject of experimentation for new spells and potions and first pick when a virgin is needed for a ritual
>this is what turns me from ugly duckling to having Cute perk and gives me addiction to breast growth potion giving me Addiction and Giant Breasts drawback
>"bimbofication" isn't necessarily the other girls' goal, just a danger from the experiments they want to do on me
It's less stupidity more than it is mind rape. Apollo is assigned into brainwashing the Neptunes and fucking their girlfriends.
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>And the universe it set in is reborn and it all starts all over again
Pretty good backup plan
One of three options. 1) You want your daughter to be broken so you can make better use of her when she comes back. 2) You want your daughter to go through a trial by fire; if she's worthy, she'll rise above it and come through unscathed. 3) Yes, I'm pretty sure it's possible that a father could send his daughter there and pay the school to keep her safe.
The Greek gods don't have those powers senpai.
>not sending your daughter to destroy the place
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>The Greek gods
Those losers? I'm talking about thoses above "gods".
>fucking their girlfriends
So neptune is like 100% cucks? That sucks even more than female houses.
You have an unhealthy obsession with cucks.
Only if they buy into the bullshit. Then they deserve to be cucked.
Yes, they are.

He's actually right this time, it's in the CYOA.
It is the first time I actually mentioned that word on /tg. So you are mistaken.
>Only if they buy into the bullshit.
How can you not buy if you were hypnosed in doing that?
yeah, you have him (Heinrich Von Kremmler)

Oh and when I first made the build I rolled a 1 on Test Subjects mystery. So I got Modified Body and Nymphomaniac drawbacks. But I figure I can deal with those by becoming even more of a recluse and just keeping to myself and my magical studies.
Yes you do, Elective Monarchies are a thing.
so are you making companions/enemies for rapture?
>Everyone votes the elf as a joke
>she actually gets elected
It's because of the penchant for him to include characters who would actually cuck you, like the propensity for everything in Pokemon Personified to be in love with the First Hero and just use you as a proxy.

When I first started calling him a cuck, he came out with the entire "there's nothing wrong with used goods" line and everyone else started calling him one too.
There is nothing wrong with used goods though.
I guess long night gamer
>Italics isn't a cuck.
What is Pasille and Havel?
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>There is nothing wrong with used goods
Two characters in a CYOA Italics made that have cuckold themes to them.
Did they deserve it though?

Havel was a priest and teacher. Pasille was loyal to her waifu.
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Did you get mine? >>52485332
Does anyone who gets cuckold deserve it? Sometimes people roll shit in the lottery of life, and characters are no different.
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"That" CYOA was mix bag of things and themes.
Italics made them like that. I guess he just wanted some cuck friends because being a cuck alone is a sad existence.
The heir to generations of faceless bystanders? I did indeed.

>People pick cuck faction that sucks god's dick
>Gets mad that all their companions are cucks
Sucks to be you senpai, I married a bunch of super powerful warlords and ruled them all
Who is this tit monster?
How's living under a rock, anon?
Well, who is she?
>People pick cuck faction that sucks god's dick.
God did nothing wrong and the Imperial Thrones is pretty good.

>Power warlords
Warlords who get BTFO by the military in a true fight and can't do shit outside those tiny territories the government allows them to own.

Also: Not marrying best boy Meliorate and being the mother of his children and Loli.
That makes no sense.
the Sorceress, from Dragon's Crown
It makes perfect sense to a cuck like Italics.
Named the titty witch, have you. I'll update the list.

Which one was Pasille again? Not even being allies of justice with Havel would make me join the Thrones.
>Which one was Pasille again?
Pasille was the Ho-Oh who was married to that stalker/yandere Lugia.
>The head honcho warlord got cucked by God's favorite child and sperged about it so hard he created a faction that makes the world shittier
Yeah great choice anon. That faction has terrible waifus by the way.
The one the last Hero refused to fuck?
>The head honcho warlord got cucked by God's favorite child and sperged about it so hard he created a faction that makes the world shittier.

Don't forget the part. Where God's favorite child did everything to the head honcho as a literal friendly prank and was just trolling with him.
People don't like her for:

1. Fucking over her Lugia wife.

2. Only being interested in your character as a replacement for the first hero.
>it's just a prank bro

>titty witch

She has other features to you know. Like she's a smart and hard working student who's excelling at her magic studies. It just so happens that some older girls bullied her into using her for testing potions and spells to make themselves more beautiful and she developed a tiny addiction to boob growing potion. She'll still make a great witch someday though and make her parents and Rapture Academy proud!
I don't see how ruining someone's life and forever preventing them from becoming an immortal god is a friendly prank.
>Refused to fuck.
Don't know about that part, but she is the one who stalked the last Hero everywhere and pulled him away when he tried to talk to other women and he ran away from her.
See in my faction I have power to fix it, make things better, get rid of who I don't like, all you get to do is suck god's cock and drink the last hero's cum still lingering in your whore waifus
But he could become an immortal god if he asked them to do a revote later on.

Also he was the highest ranking general in all of the military. His best friend who stayed loyal to God's children even said he didn't need to be a throne member.
The last Hero never fucked any of the Empresses except maybe the Ho-Oh, but even that is questionable.
You don't ask for a vote, the Thrones decide if they want to vote on you.

Why would you settle for being their mortal buttslave who will eventually die?
Not even the original children of God are immortal, they just haven't died yet. The only ones that are immortal are the ones who govern life, death, and the balance of the world. There are regular people who live over a thousand years, hell he's over a thousand years old himself. He just wanted to jerk himself off with his new title.

Nice try, my waifu was banished in a hell dimension when the last hero was around so she's the most pure character in the CYOA.
Well he could've always made the Hero trigger a revote for him.

Remember the last Hero forced the thrones to vote in Mew's best friend Meloletta to help her avoid death for being related to the first people.
Thanks for adding the mechanic girl and you choose a great busty image for her too!
I generally only post builds for new or updated cyoa. Or, if it's something more related to discussing strategy and plans (which means its new/updated/someones already talking about it).
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Did you grab the house Neptune guy who was actually possessed "willingly" by some kind of horrible rape/snuff demon? Think I used this as an image?
>My waifu was banished in a hell dimension
>She's the most pure character in the CYOA.
Giratina is a carpet muncher who has sex with that Shaymin who probably fucked that Colonel in the air force.
if you want a backstory for mine (heinrick von kremmler)

From a Family of wizards, well respected but waning in power in their world - but he was born without magical ability. as such he could not be sent to education back home , the shame on his family would be too immense - so rapture it was, if he gains power ? good, if he dies to a hellhound? he isnt the heir annyways
No problem, senpai; glad you liked it!
Will you post your list/collection of builds when you're done?
Might have missed that one. Mind reposting?
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What exactly was their end game in the entire cyoa and why did they do it?

What did they do wrong when they never directly hurt anyone and made peoples life better?
>Addicted to boob growing potion

Look I appreciate your hard work in making this a detailed character, but I'm afraid I'm gonna be a lot more focused on that part than anything else.
I believe they were a reference to Cyrus from gen 4
And think the only way to fix the world is to destroy it and make a new one
>Genesis is mentally ill
>Everyone in his family knows this.
>Has the distinct power to rule all of time.
>Nobody keeps watches over him.

Makes you really think how dysfunctional his family was.
Ah, I'll have to dig it out of the archives somehow or just remake it next thread then.
How do you like your ayy lmaos waifus? I'm making a thing & am running low on slots, so I figured I'd see if any particular traits were desired that I could include before it is full.
Do we have even the shadow of a hint of a timeline on PPP+, or are we just dreaming?
To look like actual aliens, not girls in cosplay.

Ok then.
Well, so far they (with a few exceptions) look more just like monstergirls. What makes your aliums different from monstergirls?
To be Tali'Zorah.
What's boob growing potion taste like and how do you make it?
>8.5 armour

Got damn.

Although "superheavy" tanks still trigger my wannabe historical military knowledge something fierce. That shouldn't really be a thing, and if it is it should have superheavy penalties to speed and reliability. But I guess that's why it's a power fantasy.
Maybe it just tastes really damn good? Like, you'll wake up in the middle of the night with a dry throat and you'lll think "MAN, you know what would be really refreshing right now? Some of that tiddy potion. I know I shouldn't drink so much, but... one more couldn't hurt, right?"

And your mother always kept telling you "Don't drink so much of that stuff, it'll rot your teeth", but you always suspected she was kind of missing the larger issue, and besides, it can't be THAT bad for you. It encourages growth! That's healthy, right? Healthier than coffee. Hell, probably even healthier than milk, what with all the preservatives they put in that shit nowadays.

You still have a batch left in the fridge (it tastes like sex when you drink it cold), but you pushed it right to the back so that it wouldn't be as tempting. But you can't help just adding a bit to your cereal in the mornings (I mean, you were reaching into the fridge for the orange juice anyway, may as well) 'cause it just adds that extra sugary kick you need to wake up properly.

But it's getting harder to reach too far into the fridge nowadays, what with the massive boobage and all. So you bring the potions a little closer to the front; if they spilled in the back, it'd be a pain to clean up, and if they're right up front, it wouldn't be too much of a hassle.

Aaaaand now you've just given up entirely. You don't drink it out of beakers any more; you drink it out of lager mugs. It's just SO GOOD.
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Do you want some more edgelords? From what I saw the rapture builds are really lacking in more active boys builds

Alexander the Second

>House Hercules

Allure: 4
Elusive: 4
Force: 2
Study: 0
Threat: 5

x4 Attributes 2p
Acting 1p

Intimidating -2p

Inherent Magic -8p
Haunted -6p

Just as Planed -10p

Artifact weapon, elegant handgun -11p
Glasses -9p

Authority 1 free, leader of group that share common interests
Clique free
Friendly free
Wealth -1 -8p
Dark secret -6, wants to burn Hoses Jupiter and Pluto to the ground
Polite -4p
Reputation -2p of causing trouble with students of other boys houses

Virgin 0p

Counterspell, Inherent

Dorm raid, it's not about freeing girls, it's about leaving Jupiter without single slave to fuck
Discipline comitte election, more power
Rapture herald, more
Restricted section, more
Rising Star, more power to us

Tattered prince, powerful blood flows in his veins, able to break any magic but also drawing spirits to him, left by his late father in prestigious house Hercules without a single dime. Seeing how houses Hercules and Saturn are not respected or outright abused he could not stand THIS injustice any longer. Building his group from those hurt, unwanted and abused. unifying them for the common goal: turn the tables on those brats from other houses. Our crusade begins now

Raping girls? That's secondary, better to find a right girl than to have hundred ona-holes
Make them blue.
>Inherent Magic
Don't you need to take the perk that actually lets you do magic before you can pick this?
Give us non-bipeds. Something really fucking weird. Something alien.
>I want to create a utopia. even though the world is meant not to be perfect.
>Proceeds to use the First Kind for stuff and lets them rape and abuse his youngest sister who use her to give birth to mewtwo.
>When the First Kind aren't useful to them anymore, they betray them and get them genocided.
>Literally creates their world version of the SS and teaches them to theocratic sadists.
>Makes Latios and Latias orphans
>Starts a murder cult based around utopia, and brings in an eldritch things that rapes the world.
>Abandons their family and lets the world get raped hard
>Tried to murder the only guy who could save the world and got people trapped in a nightmarish hell hole for survival.
>Genocides a bunch of people living in a forest and sets the shit on an eternal time loop.
>Attempts utopia 2.0 by dragging people into eternal sleep.

They are literally responsible for everything wrong in the world.

>Do we have a hint of a timeline.
Not if someone is autistic enough to make one.

According to Italics, the P+ on PPP+ though, takes place on another continent during the events of PP.
I just think it honestly isn't non-stop rape train. I know why people think of it that way, either because it's their fetish or to have a good reason to hate it, but the descriptions given in the CYOA paint it more as a setting where these things happen, happen at a higher rate and in a more aggressive style, and are less punished than reality. It's still very rape-heavy, but entirely possible for someone to get through unscathed, either through wit and perseverance on their part or blind oblivious innocence.

Which is why you make things worse by romancing the Palkia guy but fucking Loli on the side and then arranging things so that he'd find out and attack you only to get into a fight with genesis who you’ve also been romancing and who’s fallen in love with you and the two of you defeat him but then reveal why he attacked you while looking him straight in the eyes and laughing because the entire romance with you that was helping to fix him and get him to stop trying to end the world was all a lie and then boast about how much this must make him want to end the world and make it obvious that that’s what you want and then watch as he realizes this and kills himself to spite you only for it to turn out that was your plan to prevent the apocalypse and save the world as you go and laugh your ass off about it with Decadence who was also laughing her ass off about it and who you were truly romancing all along.
Does anyone have the better rapture spinoff that was made way after?
He needs Magical Training perk to do magic.
That sounds un-possible
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Maybe a race of aliens who communicate mostly through pheromones, so the waifu likes to get really close to you so she can smell your hair and neck and...
I'm not sure but I have not seen any requirements there, like for example Martial training needs self defense, and it says you're capable of casting that spell regardless of it's difficulty. I think someone who knows this cyoa better should answer this question
That's what I said.

It tastes like Citron Presse. Idk how it's made. Magic I guess. I probably wouldn't make it myself and would get it from the older Minerva girls in exchange for being experiment guinea pig and volunteer for when they need a virgin for a ritual or something.
No. It's Inherent. You don't need training. That's the whole point of it.
Turians is an acceptable baseline for hot female aliens.
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This one?
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I feel like trying to communicate with humans by smelling them would be very confusing. Since it's not how we communicate and pretty much just a byproduct of other bodily functions you'd get a lot of mixed signals. Mostly "I want to fuck" and "I ate garlic earlier".

But, of course, miscommunication is one of the most adorable and desirable parts of qt ayylmao waifus.
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>implying those two scents don't mean the same thing
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well that's a fellow sure to make things happen
I think that only makes a spell you pick work perfectly. You can take multiple times.
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>Asari is an acceptable baseline for hot female aliens*
>Quarian is an acceptable baseline for hot female aliens**

If the spell works perfectly, why would I also need training?
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And I mean, it's not that they CAN'T communicate verbally; it's just a very important part of their non-verbal communication, same way that humans do those funny things with their hands and faces when they talk.

But human scents are just so unintuitive and unsubtle and... ROUGH.
there is no requirement of "Magical training" on Inherent magic and from it's description, it's a magic you're born with, probably, why else it would be inherent?
>Krogan is an acceptable baseline for hot female aliens***
That's not what I meant. I meant "do we even have a vague idea when it's coming out."
Shit, it's been a while since I saw that. Only watched season 1 though.
I will accept this compromise.
There is nothing acceptable about asari.
INB4 Pauzi sluts.
Well thank you for writing that. Now I got a corner of my mind trying to write some kind of erotic fiction on this.

Pretty much described my thought process as to how I always end up falling into my bad habits with junkfood though, which was a little embarrassing.
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zero! what is your character?
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>A Peon in Yellow
Is he an elaborate ruse?

You included her! Thank you!
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>No bananas
Shit CYOA/10
It's okay, Anon, we all have our vices. I believe in you!

Season 2 was pretty good up 'til about mid-way, and Season 3 got way out of hand. Can't recommend watching any more than Season 1, unless you REALLY wanna see tits.

Xenovia a cute though, she makes Season 2 worth it, but that's just my thing for blue-haired chicks.
Italics said in March. So somewhere this month.
Heinrich Von Kremmler- from the (not)nasuverse
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No, make them pink.
Can someone shoot me the JBA Cyoa? I can't find it in the drives.
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Science is so much better than magic in this one, it's not even close. Way too many magic schools that are way to specialized.


whoever created that picture needs to get gassed
I disagree.
New thread
The options are too vague to even make that conclusion.

Alternative: she can communicate through talking, but her species communicates through voice AND scent.

So she constantly sniffs her, and encourages you to sniff her too.

But whenever she smells you, it confuses her because instead of communicating anything, your smell basically ends up turning her on and making her horny.
thanks mate
I definitely would go for even those pictures that make her a bug than that one.
I don't know what any of the things in this reply chain are.

I have something vaguely similar to that.

There's a distinct lack of those. I'll see what I can find.
I had a really fucking minmaxed ghost-professor build, but I'm too lazy to dredge it back up.
stop, I can only get so hard
I have never posted a build here, but I probably should start doing so for CYOAs that I really like.
Did you get the guy who had all twelve houses as enemies?
Nope, that sounds cool though.
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