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/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: Druid backstory edition

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D&D 5th Edition General Discussion

>New Unearthed Arcana: Trio of subclasses

>Don't forget to take the official survery on Theurgy and War Magic

>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v4b

>Pastebin with resources:


>Previously, on /5eg/

Unusual backstories for classes. Go!
inb4 MY warlock isn't actually evil he's a cool guy whose half devil half angle with a wicked sense of humour and nihilistic Persona 5
Ex-criminal paladin who is trying to be the good man his daughter thinks he is. Stepping away from usual techniques and trying to cut ties with old friends brings a dramatic character arc as he attempts to grow beyond his sins.
My Druid is a dwarf who wandered off into the woods, got so drunk he got alchohol poisoning. Saved by a (insert powerful fey creature here) when he woke up he felt a magical energy all around him. Than he just went back to the mountains because dwarf
Daily reminder that necromancy is objectively evil and the new paladin oath confirmed it!
I once played a rogue that wasn't a criminal
I really like Bran and Three-Eyed Crow. They're good examples of a druid who's not all about
>muh trees
>muh animals
>muh evil lumberjacks
>the new paladin oath confirmed it!

wait what? the bit
I feel like a wizard in wizard school is a pretty unusual story these days.
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Depends on the setting. Self Actualized individuals don't play official DnD settings except planescape.
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Posted this like 3 threads ago, I guess its not unusual but I'll share anyway.

>Homebrew setting. Its not the holy grail, its the "Maiden's Grail,"
>Maiden is the goddess my character worships, who basically values chivalry above all else.
>Was a squire to a knight who knighted me on his deathbed but no witnesses.
>I am now a hedge knight that carries a letter from him legitimizing my knighthood
>I have to be a landed knight to be accepted into Maiden's paladin order
>Also have a love interest who I will never be able to marry thanks to my non-noble background and lack of lands/prospects. Carry with me a token of her favor that I also use as my spellcasting focus. It is currently tied to my halberd.
>Embark on quest for Maiden's holy grail to win the favor of my order, my love interest's father, and Maiden herself

Basically the idea is for other nobles and knights to laugh in my face and jokingly call me the "Grail Knight," then if I ever find it I'll still be the Grail Knight but it won't be a pejorative title.
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Well said, brother.
inb4 some faggot shows up and posts either of those two ebin good necromancer greentexts.
"good" and "evil" in the official DnD settings are alien entities, as unrelated to what is actually Good and what is actually Evil as Cthulu is to your mother.
>Redeemers know that undead, demons, devils, and other supernatural threats can be inherently evil.
>can be
Which means that not all undead are inherently evil.
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Way ahead of you.
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Actually I was just thinking of a good backstory for my future character. Warlock Fey Patron/Ranger Horizon Walker.


>knight is selected to go on a major quest to prevent another kingdom from winning the war
>character is a squire who follows knight on quest, along with many others
>more than half of the people going decide the mission is too tough and so they give up, squire, the knight, and 3 more decide to keep going
>finish mission, come back
>the previous people who dropped show up, waiting for them
>squire is a little upset, but thinks they can just move on and celebrate the completion of mission, runs off to get sticks for a campfire
>by the time he comes back, the knight and the others were slaughtered
>the betrayers turn their sights on the squire
>they tell him no one must know they gave up, and thanked him and the others for completing the mission
>stabbing, slicing, and pelting him with arrows
>he falls into a fast moving river, swept off as they assumed he died
>dumped into the domain of the fae, they take pity on him and heal him up
>decide to grant him the powers for revenge, drama is fun for them
>by the time he's fully healed up and gets out of their realm, 20 or so years have passed
>granted the ability to see in the dark and never require sleep, he sets off for revenge

The real tldr: My character was betrayed, his friends killed, and was given patronage by bored fae to go on a mission of vengeance.
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>Necromancy is actually good! It's science, progress and freedom from superstition!
>It's those evil, bigoted, stupid adventurers who are evil!
>Paladins are ESPECIALLY evil!
Planescape's barely a setting at all other than the barmy berks of Sigil, and for the most part is the same cosmology as everything but FR.
Yes. That was the point. Good Job.
Oh look, a retarded 3e screencapture that stumbled its way into a 5e thread. I wonder why?
My moon druid is a wrestler
Undead are confirmed evil. "Other supernatural threats" are the ones that CAN be evil.
My players want to try out dungeon crawling and have combed the town for hints of a dungeon nearby. They ended up getting wind of an abandoned mine which was left away due to miners unearthing old dwarven ruins within a month ago. Black pudding poured out of it so now no one wants to enter. My players are all ready to get in and see what's in these ruins.

Now, I'm pretty new to DMing but I'm not sure how does one DM a dungeon crawl. I mean, I've done Lost Mines but my players are looking for something more old-school where they whack every inch with 10-foot pole. Do I just tell them that? Like they go "we walk 10 feet forward!" and I describe the next set of tiles are trapped/not trapped/oh look a wandering monster! and some shit? I have to admit, I'm kinda anxious with this cause I don't want to bore my players.
You're going to need a different source as evidence then.
Ask them what precautions they're taking and that will determine how fast they can progress through the dungeon, as well as wandering monsters (I prefer taking roughly 1 per 10 minutes rather than 10% per 1 minute, etc).
Have a pendulum break their pole then use passive and active perception to describe fishy looking tiles or plates in the wall or arrow holes or grooves and that shit
I want to give my party a treasure map leading to a future adventure. On the back of the map there will be a number cipher they will need to read in order to find out where the treasure is hidden. What skill could they use to do this?
Beastmaster Ranger that doesn't really care about protecting or being one with nature or any of that hippy dippy shit. She just lives in the woods with her dogs, trying to be as self-sufficient as possible. She took up adventuring just for the variety.
>Redeemers know that undead, demons, devils, and other supernatural threats can be inherently evil.
>"Other supernatural threats" are the ones that CAN be evil.
That is the most retarded way to parse that sentence.
My group HATES feeling "Railroaded" in anyway. They want "free form exploration". The problem is this is pretty impossible to prepare for as a DM.

what the hell am I suppose to do?
Ignore me, I'm retarded. I didn't notice the investigation skill.
Yeah you're right. I misread it.
>undead are confirmed evil
The MM would like a word with you since the ghost and revenant aren't evil. It does say that zombies are raised using dark necrotic energy but they are mindless so they don't truly have an alignment anyway, they are simply given NE because they attack anything living.
If they had no alignment they would have been "unaligned". Lot's of MM entries have that.
Prepare setpieces. Use those regardless of what they do and change them up on the fly so they fit the situation. They won't notice anyway
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Hex map!
Isn't it funny then that necromancers never create ghosts or revenants? They only create explicitly evil undead?
How do I play a monk without it seeming out of place in a medieval setting? I was thinking about playing a peasant that was taught how to fight with his body by a celestial beast.
let them think they can free roam, but make every destination have the same ending.
>"DM we want to go south along the river"
>"the party travels south along the river for 4 hours before coming to an abandoned church"
if they say that want ot go north and into the desert, have them come to the same location. just throw in a random encounter that makes sense. They travel along a river boom they meet a beached trade ship. They travel in the desert, boom, they find two groups fighting over an oasis. Railroad them, but dont make it obvious by saying you can only go "in this one direction"
Most of the time I just wind up making the entire session up off the top of my head. It's worked thus far but it's obviously really hard. Setpieces are a good idea I'll have to try my hand at this.

The problem is they will literally do the most unexpected shit at all time. They rarely engage in any form of "main story" and have no desire to do much beyond their own whims. Don't get me wrong, this isn't me complaining but you know how it is sometimes.

I've thought of this but they'll just as quickly want to leave the region and go someplace new then they will explore it. I blame TES for this!
That background seems much more out of place than a an Asian guy.
maybe an enslaved tournament fighter or something. Like Conan.
Maybe prepare a list of encounters (fights, npcs, treasure) and select a few each session. Have them be marked as places of interest on the map if they overhear a npc talking about it in a town. make it so they have several at a time and are all marked by a little token on the map. Your choice if they know which is which encounter
I understand that. But the MM clearly states they are mindless. Regardless, the entry does clearly say the magic used to reanimate corpses is evil. But I would DM it to being the alignment of whomever cast the spell
>I've thought of this but they'll just as quickly want to leave the region and go someplace new then they will explore it. I blame TES for this!
In that case, say this:
>Fuck you. I've done a lot of work, and either you're adventuring on this hex map, or you find another DM.
Do my method:

>prepare at least 1 town with features and storylines in it
>describe PCs being outside of town

Now if they decide to test the open world (A lot of PCs like to do this), they will call out and go "Let's go to next town!" while here do the following:

>random encounters like say a bandit attacking a wagon trading goods between your towns
>a dead messenger

These can be used to lead to the other towns of your choice. When they reach to the next town, they'll think they're in a new town but in reality it's still the same town you set them up earlier at the start. Just under a different name. From here you can even hint on the previous town having some hooks here and there to hint for next session where you prepare that town.

Start small and go big as they explore.
As mentioned use interchangeable setpieces. If you have already placed a location in the hook for a setpiece then have the event happen while they are away and use a more mundane encounter for the session but they hear word of what happened at the setpiece location. That way they'll understand the purpose of hooks
I've never understood the reason why players want to go off the rails and ignore obvoius plothooks. They are achieving nothing but running away from the "fun" the DM prepared for them, and are shitting all over his work. In the end they will experience roughly the same (but most of the time worse) because the DM has to recycle the content he had prepared but under new circumstances.

I'm totaly not against freedom, but why can't they say "hey lets go to town X next session", thus the DM can prepare and it was still their choice on how to proceed with the adventure?
Dumb newbie question coming up

Looking at the pregen characters from WotC, the level 1/2 Halfling Monk.

he has a strength of 8 and dex of 17.

His shortsword and unarmed strike both do 1d#+4 damage, shouldn't this be +5 damage? +3 from dex and +2 from proficiency?
A sense of true freedom is a major selling point for tabletop games, where the only things holding you back from attempting something is the words for it.

Being able to attempt to do what you want is important, and things not going to plan is what makes a campaign interesting.

I encourage my players to do whatever they damn well please, just that their will be reactions to what they do, if they do nothing, the town they like gets wiped off the map, if they kill someone for their items, they lose a future ally. It's that threat of what the fuck is going to happen if I do A, rather than B. That is what keeps my players going.
Who knows. I usually try to make soft designs in three directions near the party then flesh them out as they choose
Post an image showing the character sheet, the attack roll is Dex plus proficiency. The damage roll is d6+Dex, the Dex should be 3 because you need 18 Dex for 4.
>I've never understood the reason why players want to go off the rails
I've had a few players like this, and in my case they were just contrarians. Even when the door on the left was labeled "free candy", they still wanted to go right.
I can understand where you are coming from but
>It's that threat of what the fuck is going to happen if I do A, rather than B. That is what keeps my players going.
Is exactly what one of my players hates. He always feels "forced" because there will be consequences if he doesn't save that town for example. I guess you can't make everyone happy because everyone want something different out of tabletop games
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>generating a game world by having your players play through Civ 5 to the desired time period (i.e. industrial age)

I guess focus on not what you are preventing, what you are getting.

Make a character that is going on an expedition, needs some hired guards and if they come, give a huge pay out and the promise of magic items.

They will be more focused on what they get out of this than why they have to do it.
nae nae
It's not right, the damage is supposed to be 3, the dexterity modifier. The attack bonus is correct though.
that shits wrong senpai, should be +5 to attack and +3 to damage
I'd play that, or would love to DM that.
That is very similar to George R.R. Martins he Hedge Knight. My fav stories from him.

Aight thanks. Learning the game so I can teach my group and the very first character I look at from WotC was written wrong. Made me second guess everything I have read~
Sometimes the DM makes some shitty content.
What does the Fantasy Wrestling Federation think of your druid?
Definitely used as an influence. The knight I was a squire to was named Sir Arlan Carrow... I won't tell anyone if you don't. I'd say thats where the similarities end though.

Thanks man! Our wizard just happens to be on a quest for the philosopher's stone and has researched the location of many wondrous artifacts in our setting. He has a journal detailing them all - think the book of Tamrielic Lore from Morrowind and that's what he has.

>make 1 city with all detail in the world into it
>tell my PCs they stand at the outskirts of the city braced for a new adventure
>Rogue goes "nah, let's go to next city LOL"
>they trek across, get no random encounters
>reach next city
>I describe the new city
>party decides to go here instead
>they don't know it's the same city with a different name

every time
Paladins always parse retardedly if it means they get to crush skulls. That's what Lawful #### is all about.
>party randomly decides to trek through the desert
>"Alright you guys do so and find nothing. Anyway..."
>How do I play a monk without it seeming out of place in a medieval setting?
By remembering the Silk Road existed before the medieval setting and so the influence of fantasy-China is totally reasonable, or migrants from a foreign nation would likely show up, even if they're not common (represented in 5e by the Far Traveler Background from SCAG).
Or just ask your DM where a monk would train in his setting.
A Monk who is actually a Noble.
He shirked his family duties and was mostly interested in drinking and whoring until his parents found a Mister Miyagi who trained him in martial arts, at which point he began to shirked his family duties by becoming an adventurer.
He still likes drinking and whoring.
Hell, even remembering that literally every D&D setting absolutely fails at being anything resembling "medieval" anything and just recognizing that in a fantasy universe ANYONE could have discovered the exotic training exercises that give you ki Manipulation abilities, not just Chinese people.
This is actually REALLY easy as long as your GM isn't enforcing "western culture only", which likely they aren't because exactly one of the 28 separate GMs I've met in my life actually knew fuck-all about medieval or even renissance culture and history.
Build a whole realistic world with npcs and languages and it's own social and political dynamics

Wouldn't want to let the group down
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...wait for it...

Unfortunately that won't stop people from pretending and can lead to a worse situation.
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>be sitting in your hotel room studying your spellbook
>you keep forgetting your spell because this little wood elf druid keeps shifting into a cat and meowing outside your window
>what would YOU do?
I like it. Green Lord's Gift would pair well with your 'healed by fae' story.
Kill the hippie faggot. Not because he's distracting me, but because fuck elves.
I mean, settings like Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk have a long history of Monks that have nothing to DO with their "China" parts.
The reasons qigong and stuff like that never spread into western culture in real life is for two basic reasons; one, because it's primarily wrapped up around a specific pair of religious beliefs (Chen Buddhism, but mostly Daoism), and two because it DOESN'T WORK so there's no reason for it to travel.

If it DID work you know people would use it in Western cultures just like they liked silk and ended up using paper money too.
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pic related but "twig" instead
Wouldn't happen, my con save is too strong.
Why wouldn't all Knights everywhere be using it then?
That's actually really easy to figure out, because all warriors in Eastern stuff about magical kungfu masters don't have that kinda stuff either.
Basically it takes too long for you to easily be able to learn it and training a guy to stab someone with a sword or spear is faster and more efficient then spending years harnessing your ki or whatever; it's not practical on an army-wide scale since it doesn't make them so powerful that sheer numbers can't eventually wear them down and it's slower to train then regular soldiers.
Im planning a necromancer npc that uses his necromancy to research the dead and give locals a chance to say goodbye to their beloved.
Not evil in my book
What a twight?
Would 5e work as a video game?
I mean, ANYTHING can work as a video game if you tweak it enough.
5e video games might be a bit odd though because the Advantage/Disadvantage stuff isn't super useful in a video game format.
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I drew this halfling rogue for a new game, I named him Pippin. He's a dirty little bastard. I just felt like sharing it.
your beard is weird and your stache is trash
I don't see how advantage wouldn't work the exact same way.
Without a lot of combat-based variables a lot of tactical situations in the game would be very similar no matter what the visual and situational differences are.

Then again that rarely matters in most modern videogames anyway, so probably not that much of a problem.
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Monk with Guild Artisan background and the Gourmand feat.
On the brink of starvation, a bratty child stumbled into a cantankerous old man's restaurant. Out of pity he feeds the boy a 5-star meal, only to tell him he now owes him a veritable mountain of gold pieces and he has to work it off in the restaurant. The boy refuses, the old man kicks his ass because he fights as well as he cooks.
A decade later the boy, now a young man, sets out with the training of both chef and monk, seeking to feed the hungry mouths of the world.
Josh Sawyer did a GDC talk where he briefly shit all over players for not understanding the math in his game as much as they thought they did. So less nuance would be 100% fine
>Says the dwarf
Trying to make a puzzle dungeon and so far I only have two puzzles.

Basically what I wanna do is have one room with 9 doors. One door straight ahead with 8 locks, and 4 doors on each side. 8 plaques in the center of the room that each say a vague solution to the puzzle, but not which puzzle it is for. Once a puzzle is solved, they get a key for the large door.

So far the only puzzles I have are the bell puzzle from Pillars of Eternity with the solution
"My brothers and I sang for the king. My brother on my right sang two verses. My brother to my left sang one verse. Then I sang my verse. I then sang with my brother to my right. The brother to my left sang alone." Basically the room will have 3 golden bells at the end, and a statue of a man in a throne in the center. This is important because they'd have to look at it from the perspective of the bells facing the king. So while they're facing the bells to ring them, what they think is the left bell would be the right bell.

The second puzzle's solution is "Silence is golden"
This room would have a button in the center with a large golden hourglass at the end of the room. They would have to let the hourglass run out without speaking a word. They wouldn't really know what was happening when pressing while the timer is going down.

At this point, I need more solutions that could kinda go with other puzzles and more puzzles. I feel so creatively bankrupt right now
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>Druid of the City
>sees it as their duty to slay monsters that they perceive to be outside poachers on the ecosystem of mankind
>totally cool with otyghs and sewer slimes and stuff though, they're a part of the environment

Too stupid?
Yeah, well Josh Sawyer is also trash these days, so maybe he's just salty time forgot him.

You might find something here.
One of my PC contracted Lycanthropy a while back and her personality/alignment has been shifting over time-

How would you rule the effect of Remove Curse, given that she's turned evil? I've been trying to just make it an interesting side plot but now that the party has realized and intends on curing her, it seems pretty weak to just have it suddenly resolved.
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Why the pantsu on his staff, lads?
Learn Draconic and mediate for the Kobolds that maintain the sewer system.
judge for yourself
Spare change of underwear.
Alignment shift shouldn't be undone, I'd say, but the lycanthropy should be.
Tokens of your Lady's Favor were usually hanged on your weapon. On /tg/ the pantsu joke whenever the favor is not specified is something common.
You think we'll ever get a Planeshift for the best city ever?
I'd love to see the Guilds be translated into backgrounds.
If a literal illithid brain washing can be cured with a three days spell therapy and revert someone to perfect state (alignment goes back), I don't see why wouldn't lycanthropy be the same or easier.
Unless your player SOUGHT to become an inhuman murdermachine.
>Buys fine steak and throws it into the sewers to thank the kobolds, rats, and otyghs for dealing with the trash
>Always stops to pet stray cats and dogs
>Talks to squirrels, rats, and seagulls
go away
Makes sense to me.

Any sort of super predator would throw off the balance.

>goes for pc's/npc's as well
do halflings in FR wear boots? I could add them.
ravnica is cool, zendikar is cooler but mirrodin is the fucking best, or should i say, new phyrexia.
>They hunt down PCs who fuck up the local economy by dumping massive amounts of treasure, citing them as a foreign influence destabilizing their ecosystem
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>zendikar is cooler but mirrodin is the fucking best
There was and are monastic orders in western world.
True they did not train in kung-fu but what stops your not!catholic monks from training in some kung-fu with western names?
I think that in some Robin Hood their monk was staff fighter in kind of martial art style.
i'm almost possitively sure every halfling in the phb is wearing footgear, normal shoes or boots.
oh ok
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Fair, except the 5th edition halflings look fucking retarded.

I didn't even notice this one was female until I saved this picture.
How did you not notice
Please don't post the official halfling art.
why are her feet so tiny?
ravnica is just a fucking city, not a synthetic sentient plane with five suns.

where's the wonder in ravnica? it has the intrigue but the return was pretty lame if you ask me, the idea of the millennial covenant is cool but it all sublimes into a bunch of people being bureaucratic assholes. i still like it but like mirrodin a lot more, maybe because it was the set i got into magic (the og mirrodin) or maybe just because i like sci-fi and construct life better.
It's so nice of wizards to put a retarded character in their book
That's not an elf's name, but it should be.
The face is masculine as hell and the short story below the picture is about a male halfing.
Had a TPK......

Group used scroll of teleportation.

Tried to go to a fort clear across the forgotten coast, to beat these thieves. This place doesn't exist, they were scammed.

>nat1 mishap
>3 mishap
>nat1 mishap
>5 mishap
>everyone dies
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gnomes and halflings look awful in the official art.
i like how they look in dungeon meshi but it surely enters into pedo area.
What a stupid way to let your game end.
The gnome Druid in SCaG looks like it's an entirely different art style it's hideous
>Multiclassing UAs
does it really matter?
If I cast Scorching Ray as a 2nd level spell with Empowered Evocation, is it three rays of 2d6+Int Mod or is it just one ray of 2d6+Int mod and two rays of just 2d6?

I've heard that if you cast Magic Missile and produce 5 missiles with Empowered Evocation, you just roll 1d4+1 once and whatever you roll goes for all 5 missiles (IE you don't roll each missile separately). If this is true, then does each missile get the +Int Mod damage since you only roll once?
>Sorcerer is messing with necromancy school recently

I don't think he realizes how my ravenlock and the lawful good paladin are going to murderfuck him if he ever reanimates something.
We were laughing our asses off, game isn't over, they rolled new characters and the campaign starts with the old characters amalgamated corpses appear with the letter about stolen treasure
Air Genasi Monk conceived from his father (a djinn) raping his human mother. Placed in monastery because backwards town folk to be raised but leaves because doesn't fit lifestyle. Returns to town to find mother was lynched for hiding him. Sets out on quest to kill father for making mom suffer.
That's the way the dice rolls man. Some of you are way too fucking gay to accept losing once in awhile.
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i really like how the author has subtle artistic differences for each race but they are clear enough to identify everything easily. the shapes of the noses, size and position of the ears, etc.
sounds like an original story never heard before
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>long elf ears
>one ray of 2d6+Int mod and two rays of just 2d6
>you just roll 1d4+1+Int mod once and whatever you roll goes for all 5 missile
These are correct
>wild magic sorcerer accidentally fireballs himself and the rest of the party
>at level 1
When the situation is too wildly unlucky/stupid I cut my players a little slack.
Why isn't wild magic controlled by a dice roll /5eg/
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My druid was a cabin boy on a great seagoing vessel. The ship was destroyed by an especially angry whale, who turned out to be under the control of a circle of deep-water whale-riding druids. One of the less vicious members of the circle saw that he was just a child, hanging on to a piece of driftwood, and chose to take him into the circle, much to the chagrin of the other members. She trained him in secret, and when they were found out, both were kicked out of the circle. His mentor eventually left to be a weird hermit on a desert isle, and he went off on his own to travel the world.
But it is?
Always wanted to play a rogue who abhors killing, and just knocks people out with a blackjack instead.
But Ravnica has been in a centuries long gang war between
>God Cops
>Angel Romans
>a fuckheug Cyclops and his horde of barbarians
>a Balor-tier Demon and his bloody carnies
>a corrupt religious order that worships no gods
>a psychotic Nurglite elf and his sewer people
>an autistic dragon who invented Nintendium
>a shapeshifter crime boss and essentially the entirety of the Ravnican underworld
>a bunch of Darwinistic mad scientists
>some of the strongest hippies to ever exist
No why isn't it that you roll a dice to roll a dice instead of DM deciding
It is, in fact, controlled by two dice rolls and/or DM fiat.
Oh I've only heard the DM Fiat Part. Thanks for letting me know
How would a necromancer create a ghost/revenant anyway?

Or is that just their euphemism for murder?

>hey man, what are you doing? why'd you just slit that guy's throat
>oh, you know, just creating ghosts lol
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Would you bed a gentle gnome lass with a human fetish?
If there's a spell for making zombies and skeletons I don't see why there couldn't be one for ghosts.
No, what's stupid are the contradictory beliefs held by non-urban druids:

>humanoids should stay away from the wilderness and not pollute it with their presence
>cities are abominations and humans shouldn't build them

We've got to live somewhere, man.
Yeah but necromancers make undead via animating a soulless vessel. Ghosts 100% soul
>humanoids were a mistake
>hasn't read the book
>complains about the rules
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Not if the druids kill all the humans.
I think they'd make ghosts by binding the soul of a recently deceased to the material plane. Some kind of ward or ritual to prevent it to move on to the afterlife.
What I also don't get about druids is they can't use metal shields or armor but metal weapons are fine.

Wouldn't using non-metal armor and shields be worse? You have to cut down a tree to make a wooden shield and kill an animal to make leather armor. The only thing you're hurting by making metal stuff is rocks.

Although I guess you have to mine for metals, which does damage the environment. So...I guess druids shouldn't be able to use any type of weapons or armor at all.
See, I would say that's mainly because you can't do a lot of kung fu bullshit while wearing that armor.
I have read the book it's just that wild magic sorcerer has never interested me. And it wasn't a complaint it was a question
it doesn't feel organic to me. rakdos, golgari, gruul and boros are all things you've seen before, not that it makes them automatically bad but they don't inspire me much wonder.
i like simic, izzet, orzhov while actively disliking selesnya and azorius, with conflictive feelings agains dimir.

for zendikar, everything is undiscovered, and the inhabitants interactions seem organic, there's resources and evidence of 'gods' which molded the myths. and then all the ancient ruins and a conflict that is way beyond the initial expectations of the inhabitants.

mirrodin has that sense of wonder, of everything fitting against the odds of being a synthetic, artificial plane. there's fine tune to it that can be explained, because it was actually designed, it's not just status quo being forcefully maintained through ignorance, and when the truth is revealed the entire plane evolves naturally into it's final stage, leaving itself open to its demise. the phyrexians are just so much better in my mind than the guild leaders of ravnica because they don't care about the status quo, everyone is fighting with teeth and claw for the grand work to be completed.

i like the lore of mtg a lot better than the actual game, planeshifts are an absolutely amazing idea for me and i hope they eventually cover most of the big planes.
Of course, what kind of fag wouldn't?


Ohh right, dope, dope and most chill my dude

>druid circle that only wears drug rugs and plays with devil sticks all day while smoking the kindest bud
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Why does just reading that text make me want to punch the next hippie I see?
Trying to stat this character and wtf, the gnome racials are the worst. They should get Fey Ancestry, Gnome Cunning, and Gnome Magic with the minor illusion cantrip and two other illusion spells at 3rd and 5th level. Wtf is this tinker shit. They should also get +2 to dex and +1 to either int or cha. The PHB ruined muh gnomes
They're ok for wizards
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Went with this variant. Seems ok?
They get +2 dex and can choose either +1 int or +1 cha
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cuz youre a fag maybe you should just chill bruhavri'elestani'ishanianiel.
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Do you allow players to play Gnomes in your campaigns? I've been debating letting my players use it.

And if you do, then do they ever play anything other than WoW Gnomes?
Of course I allow gnomes, the King Arthur/Cu Chulainn of my setting is a gnome
whatever floats your boat man
ayyy its the dickskin traitor solas
>mirage arcane can literally split a planet in half, killing everyone on it
How will martials ever recover?
By walking up to it and being like oh hey this isn't real
>Fucking Solas

I could care less about the message it's the retarded way of speaking the grates on me. As a rebuttal go fuck yourself with a cactus.
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Why would you ban gnomes in the first place, just seems like more work than it's worth.
Pic related to your question.
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When 5e first came out, I remember a lot of complaints that players would abuse the advantage/disadvantage mechanics by arguing that nearly every stupid thing they did should give advantage on their skill checks or attacks.

Most of these complaints dropped off shortly after the game launched properly, but I wonder if /5eg/ ever had a player try to argue that something really dumb should give them advantage.
I actually liked how Solas would sometimes speak in iambic pentameter when discussing the Fade.

Unless you're referring to
in which case ye u rite
Solas was fine, it was actually interesting to talk to him about shit like the fade. Also yes that is what I was referring to.
I've seen a non-legitimate argument for having advantage maybe 2 or 3 times in all the hundreds of hours I've spent playing 5e. It's just not a thing that really happens outside of rules misunderstandings.
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Stupid question, why do Goliaths have stripes?
I run a game with a group of friends and one of them tries to get it on everything.

He isnt even a Rogue or someone who extremely benefits from it. He'll try to get it with everything.
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>DM just tagged me publicly on Facebook for a game related thing

Don't do this
It makes predators less able to target individuals when they move in groups.
I had a player that was trying to get cured of an early stage of a magical plague, so he tried to get advantage on his CON save by using healing kits on himself, praying to his Life Cleric God for help and putting herbs and candles and shit around while sleeping. Dumb fuck, of course that wouldn't work, it's like he never read the RAW.
How much would the loot of a Githyanki sell for? They have a greatsword and half plate, but they look even better than human wares. Do you guys think I could compromise and sell them for maybe 1/4 of their value?
Druids protect nature as a whole. The ecosystem developed for thousands of years before man to include things like animals being killed. It didn't develop around man made mining operations, and such operations do untold damage to the ecosystem, putting it out of balance.

Druids are protectors of balance, and that balance includes death, but not industry.

>being ashamed of your hobbies

There are two potential problems here: Either you're doing something shameful in your roleplaying, or you're ashamed of something that isn't shameful.
>flesh to stone
>push him off window ledge
mountain camo
Some faggot from one of my groups threatened to bring our character's into a political disagrement. I feel ya
Don't they have a paladin or level 2 spell slots?
Githyanki swords aren't mundane; they're magical and have the unique ability to cut the cords of people who are astral projecting. So the sword alone would be worth a small fortune if you could even find a seller.
I'm sure it's happened. I've got some dumbass players. I just can't remember a specific instance of that category of stupidity, only the latest few instances of stupidity.

>In mexican standoff with rebel soldiers in the castle cellar
>They've got crossbows pointed at them
>They try to negotiate a temporary ceasefire so they can get away, and they fail.
>One player goes "fuck this", and says his character runs
>"alright, roll initiative"
>"because you just did something that would start combat"
>"Yeah, but I declared my moveaction first, so, so I'll just run up the stairs and then they can't see me to fight when they take their turns. No need to go to combat"

Later he tried guilt tripping me about trying to kill his character with initiative rules.
>Have an animated plate armor that used to be haunted
>Wear it
>Cast Magic Jar on the Armor
>Move your body around while possessing motherfuckers

I love my DM
Oh ho guess my DM missed that. Works in my favor I guess. He threw me in a really shitty situation where I misread some cues and an important NPC died. He's very by the book. We're heading to Luskan within a week. My plan right now is to get the NPC to a temple, then try to trade with the Arcane Brotherhood. 4 Githyanki swords for a 500gp diamond for Raise Dead. Sound feasible? If anything, I'm the one that's getting a bad deal.
poor little fella
Level 2 character, Cleric only, everyone else wiped after they picked a fight with an aberration way above their level, thinking "we can sneak past it." That Cleric was the only one who thought they would die, so he stayed back, so he lived when they fucked up. But the nearest city/rerolled character introductions was two days away, and he had increasing CON saves to make it to the city before it went to the next stage (Lock-Jaw and fever). Didn't make it in the end, because no advantage, but Lesser Restoration was able to make it go back a stage for 24 hours.
If it does come up in our group, it will normally just go
>Do I get advantage for X
>Yes/No with reason if needed
>oh, ok
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>starting a new campaign with friends
>friend wants to play a former jockey that was crippled in a racing accident
>family disowned him after not wanting a useless cripple around the house and sent him far north to go live with his town guard cousin
>rolls around in a wheelchair and is thinking about adventuring to make the cash to afford a horse for himself and get back in the game

he says he is fine with his stats or abilities being nerfed or butchered so he can do this. anybody ever have to DM this sort of thing?
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>being a cripple in a setting where Regenerate, Heal, and Lesser/Greater Restoration exist
I always thought they were tribal tattoos.
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that was what i was thinking too.

if he wants to do it, ill likely allow it. perhaps ask to change the "crippled in an accident" to "crippled by a mysterious sorcerer's spell who had a stake in the odds of the race"?
lol this is so fucking gay
Is there a way to convert or port over 4e combat powers into 5e? The devs seem to be somewhat doing it.

How is building a character in 5e in comparison to previous editions?

How does combat play out?
she'd be so soft and tiny...
>How is building a character in 5e in comparison to previous editions?

>How does combat play out?
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>Unusual backstories for classes. Go!
For a while I've been wanting to play a Barbarian who used to be a scribe.

>The manuscript was going to be perfect
>Athos' magnum opus
>He pledged a vow of monastic silence until his work was done
>He toiled seasons upon seasons
>He practiced its illuminations countless times before committing them into the document itself
>He hammered out the gold-leaf adornments personally
>...and then that hamfisted oaf Winceslas upended his ink onto a cat who panicked and scrambled across the desks
>after a moment of shocked silence, something in the scribe snapped
>With a roar Athos upended the writing desk and tackled Brother Winceslas, shaking him and shouting incoherently
>moments later, still seething, he marches out into the wilds
>"crippled by a mysterious sorcerer's spell who had a stake in the odds of the race"?
that would work and also give you a plot hook
Does the system give you a "breadth" of options as it did in previous editions?
yes? out live group played 4e and i defended it but 5e really is that good. id never never never go back to 4e or 3e. 5e is basically 3.5 as it should of been
I just came up with an idea for a magic item for a level 8 arcane trickster.

It's a sentient +1 light armor. After you end your turn you can use your reaction to immediately take another turn as the armor takes control of your body. It moves as you command it, giving you the chance to move again, take an action and bonus action (but no new reaction), but you can't cast spells on this turn as the armor can only move your body. You can use this feature again after you take a long or short rest (unsure about that).

Sounds good? Or is it too strong? I've also thought about giving you 2 charges to use this feature, regaining your charges every dawn.
hahaha thats hilarious

Crippled by a sorcerer as a punishment for loosing that race.

Double that DISHONORU DISPRAY shit.
In that respect it's much more like 2e, without the same sort of in-built focus on the mechanical composition of things that 3.X and 4e have.
There's still a lot of variety in the sorts of characters you can make, but ultimately it's still the same handful of classes being used to express them.
Could you elaborate more on how you 5e is really that good and what does it do well in comparison to the other editions?

I've heard you need the DMs and players to both be creative and work well together, otherwise the combat feels a bit bland.
This was really informative, cheers a lot.
Would you say 5e is the best designed edition so far?
That is something of a problem, particularly for martials. I've been considering taking some stuff from 4e just for the variety.
Oh well that's the fucking GAME.
Is the Protection Fighting Style good or is something that has less specific triggers better?

You only have one reaction a turn, right?
yeah, the protection fighting style is kind of a trap.

You'd be better off taking duelist or defense.
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>former jockey

It's a fucking JoJo reference. Take that how you will.
Porting over the combat powers?
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yeah, im super aware it was a jojo reference, we read quite a bit of it around the same time.

was just seeing if anybody else managed character's with obvious physical impairments.
3.0/3.5/PF makes combat a little hard to keep up with. +1 here with this feat and +2 here with this feat, and especially with 3/3.5, absurd multiclassing. 4e on the other hand is a better system but combat takes forever. There's also the whole thing where you get +1 damage against this and +2 attack against that and it's just a pain in the ass to follow. 5e is streamlined. You get Advantage/Disadvantage to simplify the combat. Hell most encounters take very little time. All the basic archetypes are covered, character creation is so simple and the learning curve is next to nothing. I don't know what else to say. It's that good. I'm sure some people will prefer past editions but 5e is so fun even a girl can learn it tho. Sorry, but I've seen girls struggle so much for 3.5/PF/4e, but they pick up 5e like nothing. I'm really glad they playtested as much as they did because it came out perfect. The gap between wizards and martials shrunk a whole lot too.
>Wild sorcerer
>'Don't worry guys, the majority of them aren't even bad'
>First roll fireball
>31 damage
>Everyone is down except the sorcerer because he has fire resistance and saved
fucking wild magic
martials are limited combat options-wise and it doesn't help that people who want to play martials tend to be boring people anyway. there are semi-casters and stuff like druids, paladins and bards that aren't as shitty. combat moves so much faster though so the issue is partially that players are just oticing how samey everything feels because they keep doing the same fucking thing over and over with more speed. even with 4e abilities added they'll get the same result because, again, combat moves faster.
That's why you roll on the Net Libram of Wild Surges. Sure it's inconvenient when everything mundane in your bag turns to cheese, but at least it's not a 1/20 chance of wiping the party
Thought so, thanks.

Duelist for weapon & shield paladin and defense for 2-hander paladin?

Since Great-Weapon Style doesn't affect smite damage is it the lesser of the three?
My paladin player is super lucky and no one has gotten hit yet when took the opportunity to protect them.
Yeah. Plus a few abilities from enemy statblocks, like auras.
considering the trend we will get one when we o back to Ravnica. Considering that Ravnica is still well enough liked it is probably going to be one of our next few return blocks, though I suspect New Phyrexia would happen first.
Great weapon absolutely affects smite damage
Hero of the Spiderwoods, is that you?
Why are martials so shit?

>I swing my weapon

That's all they can do. That's all. For God's sake, they could've just made Superiority Die and Maneuvers a thing for all martials and it's instantly better.
That doesn't mean that every minute detail or extremely unlikely happenstance is good though.
They actually did it, but 3aboos ruined it by complaining.
Force cage, then zone of silence till im done then make him scram.
I thought they FAQ'd that away
you mean
fuck his butt?
This is all excellent, cheers a lot.
We'll probably need to run through a session of 5e just to get a feel of how everything runs.
My friends though like the mechanical aspect of building their characters and being able to choose from a variety of options.
They really like the combat of 4e and I'd like to try to emulate that to a degree in 5e.

Nice, how did you go about doing the porting? Was it difficult?
Being crippled is not a disease, thus only Regenerate would work. By virtue of it being a 7th level spell, I doubt it'd be easy to find someone to cast it on you.
it basically boiled down to "if you wanna reroll, sure whatever i don't care"
Can prestidigitation be used to dry someone off?
Speaking of, could I just give all of the martials superiority/expertise dice for manuvres?
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You could use one of the lingering injuries from the DMG.
Just giving every martial the Martial Adept feat would be an alright idea.
You could even give it to each at a different level to normalize power curve stuff a bit.
This list is dumb though. Ranged attacks wouldn't be as hindered by losing depth perception as melee attacks would be.
doesn't seem so
>Picked a fight thinking they can sneak past it
I like it, I much prefer expressive character art to the ones that prioritise realism at the expense of expression
its like these motherfuckers don't know how scopes work
The Barbarian thought they could tank it while the party Rogue went to run past and grab any treasure.

I don't think the Rogue ever understood what an Attack of Opportunity was, then or now.
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Jesus christ, halfling art looks fucking awful, does anyone have any halfling gems for character art? This one is the most okayest I've found.

Yes. Under "Clean"

Multiple uses of prestidigitation may be required for larger targets
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thanks! I also drew this for my gf's ranger
Playing a one shot as an Aasimar Hexblade who was an ordinary kid who signed up for a dungeon exploration. Things went sour and he got locked in a vault with his friend who'd been impaled to the wall by a sentient Lance.

He was there a while and now thinks the lance is his best friend.

I've gotten Heavy Armour proficiency with a level in War Cleric and in combat use the warlocks at-will Jump invocation to leap around aerial stabbing people.
This is gonna sound really dumb, but is there any place other than the mega where I can find pregenned sheets? I need some new ones.
Same principle as camouflage. The usual benefit of camouflage isn't matching colors with the environment so much as it is breaking outlines, which is why zebras and tigers are still brightly colored. A lot of animals have trouble seeing colors with the precision of humans, but they can see shapes and movement better. So having a body pattern that makes the outline less obvious, thus making it more difficult to see shapes, is better.

It's doubly useful because grey and black would blend in well with the stone and snow of mountains, for critters that do see colors well.
nicenice, people aren't encouraging enough on 4chan when it comes to art

resize your image in future though m8
Half-Orc Warlock who grew up as part of yakuza and is banchou as fuck. Didn't make a deal with his Fiend Patron so much as they beat the shit out of each other until they developed mutual respect.
>very first session in a new group
>the Wild Sorcerer gets a lightning bolt that would have killed half of the party, including himself, if the DM didn't hand-wave the rule that overwhelming damage is an instant death

lel so randumb mages were a mistake
Eh, I once played a cleric who lost her arm and left it that way for a while even though she knew Regenerate herself. It was a religious/psychological thing. The DM eventually rewarded her with a magic light arm from Pelor, so I guess it paid off. Having to roleplay around having only one arm was pretty fun while it lasted though.

Now, how she lost the arm in the first place is a strange, complicated story that involved a trippy session where we stumbled into interdimensional space.
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One of my players texted me about this Eidolon homebrew thing (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/The_Eidolon_(5e_Archetype) he found, he's pretty excited about it because he loves playing summoning characters in games. But he also has a history of making absolutely broken characters.

What does /tg think of it? Is it reasonable and should I allow it?

pic related (i think)
with your reading comprehension, I suggest you put down every single (rule)book you see and reflect upon your life
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Where does it tell me how to make healing potions? My Herbalist Kit mentions being needed for it, so I'm guessing there are rules?
sometimes you lose your arm mid dungeon at 3rd level, and you have to improvise.
As a wild magic sorceror, is getting the Careful metamagic worth it just to keep this
shit from happening?
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Please proceed to the showers.
That's fair, but he's the one digging around in there, and he's just gonna keep bugging me about it until I either let him use it, or come up with some concrete reasons not to.
I will say that if you're playing a Wild Magic sorcerer you should be playing it for the crazy chance of shit exploding and going off the wall. If you're going to be playing carefully, you might as well use another archetype.

You should use the table that has 10000 elements on it, though, because the default table is too small and not as fun.
...you got a link for that?
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Hey guys, I just noticed pic related is currently free in pdf form on Drivethru. Has anybody here used any of the monsters from it yet?
"No D&D Wiki" was one of the few hard rules my last D&D DM gave us for character creation. The shit on tgere is just straight-up broken. No further justification is needed.
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create an archetype to warlock or monk yourself, if he really wants a stand

fuck, its super easy with monk. just give his "stand" the stats he pooled or rolled and all the monk abilities, while giving his actual person just commoner shit besides HP.
playing a zhentarim party campaign tomorrow
gib character ideas
Just say fuck homebrew classes unless you have proof it's used well. Say, another person vouching for it, or a podcast where someone uses it.

If there are DMs that won't even allow the Binder conversion for fear of it being bad, then no way in hell should you let this be a thing without some evidence.
>come up with some concrete reasons not to.
nothing there is playtested and most things aren't balanced around the expected powerlevel of the system.

something might be horribly underpowered or absolutely broken, it's not your job to ensure each and every of those is balanced enough to work with the rest of the party, or outright has any place in your setting.

the corebooks even tell you this, about the UAs and the extra subclass and race options. also your first line of approach should be refluffing and reskinning stuff from the books, if that isn't enough, the dmg lets you adjust some things carried over from one class or monster to another. only then consider homebrewing, and it should always (to my own demise, some of the time) the dm the one that designs or envisions the homebrew, not the players. the players don't know how will the story progress and might not know everything about the setting, but if you feel your setting needs this extra race or sub/class, then you offer them to your players. this even applies to core book options, maybe your setting has not halflings or tieflings are horrible abominations, you can entirely say no to a playing wanting to play either.
I mean, I'm sure they'd make the "driving a car :^)" argument, but that's not even remotely like throwing or shooting toward a target.
Net Libram of Magical Effects, it's on Google for free.
I've been using rolz.com to do d10000s, the results have been very amusing.

The Orc Champion 1v1'd a dragon and smote it. To celebrate the tribe feasted on the dragon. The Champion by rights has the honor of feasting on th heart, but he gave it to me as a gift. Eating the heart gave me strange sorcerous powers and now I go on a journey quest to explore the world and return a warrior to my people.

A Kenku Bard Pimp. Find a soundboard online and have all your dialogue come from it.
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>1d100 small, harmless holes appear in caster's body
Ask your DM if they are silver.
If they are, they are worth a fortune and a fucking town wiping. Sell them fast before the Interplanar Interpol tries to take you in for smuggling them.
Are most of these permanent? Can I remove them with Remove Curse, like some of the original table ones?
Yes, it states at the beginning that most of them are relatively harmless and can be Dispelled.
any time your character gets remotely frustrated,with someone, say "fuck off I've got work to do."
How to properly roleplay a tiefling fiendlock lawyer?
just roleplay a normal lawyer
Also, the Dispel DC is based on the caster's level (twice your caster level) so if you accidentally get smacked with an obnoxious phobia or something at level 3 the DC is only 6, childs play for any local Abjurer.
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Instructions to reach an ancient treasure, torn into six parts.

I tore it up before aging it, so that it would look like the pieces aged under different conditions (some kept safe, others discarded, etc.).

Full text:

"The king that time forgot sat heavy on his throne. I followed his gaze to the place where rocks wept. Following the trail of tears, I found myself in deepest despair until the light of hope dawned. Accompanied by my sinister shadow, I proceeded until I grew hungry. I ate an apple, and buried the core. I marched toward the setting sun until dusk, but lost my footing in the dark, tumbling down the slope. In the canyon below, I spotted a cave, and knew that fortune favored me. When all has come and gone, I will return there for my final rest."
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Are there rules for sundering weapons that I'm not aware of? How should I handle this?
That's pretty great
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Here's the weapon btw, no references to destroying weapons
It's simple. If someone attacks the weapon, the weapon can break.

You hit the weapon's AC.

It would likely just go off the rules for objects.
But are there any actual rules in 5e explaining the breaking of weapons?
Aww, okay. I was kind of hoping that there would be something a bit more codified than that.
So most of the time it's an attack against AC 19 with something that has 10HP? Large Weapons would have 18HP I guess.

Feels pretty easy to fuck someone's weapon up at higher levels. I guess people are more likely to have magic and strong ones at that point.

Also disarming them's most likely easier. So I guess it's something that isn't great, but still a handy trick to have.
Who the hell makes a longsword and designs it to break shit?

Just... Just use a fucking hammer.
God damnit, it's completely fucking broken.
Instead of ribbons and minor upgrades to your defense usable once per short rest like most other warlock pact stuff you get a super meat shield that you can use to attack with a bonus action.
Oh, but it doesn't stop there, let's get all the nearly broken spells and put it on the expanded spell list(Conjure Animals the worst offender).
Dump it like the flaming sack of shit it is and tell your player his character whatever it ends up being will start the game with terminal cancer from being in contact with dndwiki shit.
Wizards seem to put very little thought into crafting magic items. Like seriously, read half the DMG's magic items and you have to wonder what the fuck were they thinking.
>Let's make a deck of cards with the power to undo the universe
>Then just leave it lying around
>What could possibly go wrong
I'm guessing their assumption is that you attack someone with it, they put up their shield, you break that, and whatever else they try to defend themselves with? It's still weird in concept, though.
Blame not the Deck of Many Things. Does the field mouse blame the serpent? No, blame the Dungeon Master for including the Deck in his game.
The deck is OG
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How do people feel about hand waving the 'Brass Brazier'?

Otherwise, if they lost a familiar in the wilds, they'd be limited to recasting it til they found a city.
Whats a good class/combination of classes for melee damage? I want to make a character that pressures others so they don't attack other party members.
I thought something like paladin/rogue. Add spell slots to damage and some charisma synergy.
Honestly I think one of the best ways mechanically to do a summoner and just refluff the shit out of it is Cleric.

Spiritual Guardians is just a swarm of angry ghosts, Spiritual Weapon is one angry guy you summon to attack someone and at later levels you can summon celestials. You can also have armour and either weapons or cantrips depending on what you're going for.

Conjurer or Sorcerer with the Gothic Heroes summoning works.

Druids are the main summon guys.

A Beastmaster can be refluffed to have a whatever summoned, just with statistics similar to a beast.

Summoning works in the game even if it isn't the most flashy special thing in the world.
>but still a handy trick to have.
Especially as a DM. Bet you wish you had picked Tavern Brawler now you fag.
Wizard's thought process seems to be something along the lines of:
>Ok, I wanna do X
>I'll make an item for it!
>I'll fly all over the world getting the reagents for a mighty spell/spell combination...
>Nice! Everything is ready!
>Begin enchan...
>What am I enchanting again?
>Nearest thing that works...
>any spellcaster worth their salt
>not keeping any and all components on their person

Come on, familiars are powerful enough as-is. Make the wizard actually prepare for things
I say don't handwave it. It's meant to be limiting.
Who says they need it?

The incense is the only thing with a gold cost. Just chuck them in any fire.
>Let's remove the main drawback of the best level 1 spell in the game!
Going by its name "Shatterspike" I'd fluff that whenever it hits an object, the blade vibrates immensely fast and that's what shatters the target.
>Buy Brazier.
>Hand it to fighter.
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SKT had an entire chapter devoted to freeroaming full of setpieces. It was stupid campaign design really, but full of good ideas.

I just bookmarked several I liked and drop/chain them into whatever thematic encounter I'm trying to build.
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Or a mace.
Carrying around brass braziers is what your martial players are for. How else do you expect them to contribute outside of combat if not as pack mules?
Everyone says this about carrying stuff, but unless someone can give me a good reason I sure as shit ain't carting around a fucking brazier.

Unless we're traveling a long way I'll tell you to walk back to town to do it.

How much does one weigh anyway? Can't be light.
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>fighter attacks local noble with Shatterspike
>noble is actually a high level monk
>caring about components
>not handwaving it all with "component pouch"

Aside from the stronger level spells, where there needs to be a limiter, components are nothing but a bore and time waster. Campaigns are better off with ignoring components for any spell below 3rd level slots.
There are no size requirements. It can fit in your hand. But it's still your job to carry the wizard's shit Chad.
Thank you, that's exactly what I needed. He doesn't like explanations that don't involve explicit rules and I don't have the expertise to provide them.
The one in my old farm was about 8kg.
I'm not sure I have room alongside my 15+ weapons and 90% of the adventuring gear table.

Maybe you should've put a 10 in Strength.
Being made of brass, a pretty big brazier is going to be like 15 pounds. A normal sized one is probably closer to 7 or 8 pounds. Most braziers throughout history aren't huge like in video games
That's pretty much how >>52472543

>Dee's mace has a rotating part which generates vibrations which allow him to find the weak point in an opponent's weapon as he sweeps it along the blade, so that he can strike there and break it
Goddamn do I hate back-mounted sheaths. What the fuck is it attached to?
Look buddy, I carry you through anything that involves noncombat encounters, the least you could do is carry my stuff a little. I guarantee I've got the harder job.

Fuckin' martials man, I swear.
Yeah, I don't know about you but even if I was strong I'm not carrying around your 8kg fucking summoning brazier.

Maybe your familiar can carry it for you?
I'm okay with them as long as they're strapped around the dude's torso
>When you're the MVP wizard and the martial is too busy carrying around 15 different weapons when they only need 1

Some day you'll have a spell that carries all your stuff for you, and then you'll be laughing at the martial.
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Why not use the brazier as a shield?

Or use a shield that, on need, can be used as a brazier?
Maybe you should spend the 65 gold for a draft horse and a cart.
Just use Geas to make the martial carry your shit.

The more weapons they carry, the more you can shatter.
>brass shield
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>Being dead in a world where True Resurrection exists
When do we get scans of that book with Tomb of Horrors?
Why not just use it as a portable stove?
Probably about as effective as any other armor that a wizard would wear
I was thinking true polymorph into an actual pack mule.
A week ago or so.
Like four or five days ago, it's been in the mega
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What about a paladin who has a flail that doubles as a censer/thurible?
You do ignore them. Unless they have a gold cost.
Sorry anons, I don't come to this thread that often and I hadn't seen it discussed ITT.
It's out, check the Mega

This, pic related is essentially a brazier
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Braziers can also be very small.
Weird, I just started reading one of the Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser books and in the first story Fafhrd fights with a sword in one hand and a brazier in the other.
Spoilers: he burns the shit out of his hand.
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Why are poisons so bad?

Let's look at the easiest example.

>Basic Poison
>coat one piercing or slashing weapon (or three arrows) for 1 minute. Target must beat a DC10 CON save or take 1d4 damage.

So it's
-easy to shrug off
-does a meaningless amount of damage
-only lasts one encounter at best (this is actually fine I think)

And that's the shittiest, most basic, most straightforward poison.

There are poisons that are arguably more effective, but they're also much more expensive. What are you supposed to do if you want to play an edgy poisoner assassin, or an alchemist or something?

Would you accommodate a player who wanted to do this? Adjust prices or DCs? Let them make their own?
Also, remember, YOU are the DM. It's you who likes or dislikes things, players are a dime a dozen.
If you don't have system expertise don't get near homebrew, it's 99.9% broken. Either absurdely overpowered or so lame your player will regret being the disfunctional useless guy in the party.
I think for the same reason you can't just go around cutting people's throats- it throws off game balance, especially with pvp.
Would you say that he's a Devil's advocate?
It's because if they weren't, poison would be fucking OP.

If you lower the cost, then there's literally no reason to ever not put poison on your weapons. It could be more effective, sure, or at least a higher DC, but the poison can't be cheap.
I let Assassins and Thieves use a DC equal to 10+Proficiency+DEX.

Also I allow a character to get reduced prices if it's reasonable for their location and story. If they're in a city for example

Otherwise Rogues can just reflavor their Sneak Attacks as poison easy.
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>TFW DM lets rogue harvest poison from all sorts of things
>Rogue uses poison all the time
>Not once, not even ONCE has the poison actually done anything due to succeeded saves, poison immunity, not hitting, etc.

>Captcha, please select all the undefined
Sorry 8+Proficiency+DEX
Hang on.
How much shit is 10 gp of charcoal, incense and herbs?
Also, can you burn some really expensive herb, one charcoal piece and a gumbar sized amount of incense?
>not 8+proficiency+int
Why would being agile make your poison stronger

Better knife control = easier to draw blood in a place that will allow the poison to work faster?
But wouldn't an assassin be able to give the poison to someone else in the party? I'm not saying that you're playing wrong, it's your game. I'm just saying that a Rogue's secondary stat is supposed to be either Charisma or Intelligence (according to the PHB) and making the strength of poison dependent on a secondary stat makes perfect sense, as the use of poison is a secondary class feature.
The Herbalism and Alchemy homebrew in the Mega looks pretty solid, assuming you don't let your rogue be crazy and make gallons of poison and go full Joker.
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Some are great.

>Friend wants to join us for one session
>Rolls up a friendly Halfling Rogue
>Drop him into the current dungeon via magic shenanigans
>Tells me he's part of the thieves guild, is level 8 so has connections by this point
>Goes through the entire dungeon with the party, being friendly and helpful, pretends to just be a lost adventurer
>The Cleric finds a flying bat cloak which he instantly starts abusing and creaming over
>At the end they divide up the gold and the rogue gets some
>Texts me "I want to go to my guild and buy Essence of Ether"
>"btw I'm going to try and drug the Cleric"
>Find it hard to keep a straight face
>In the tavern discussing the nights adventure, everyone else goes to bed except the Rogue and the Cleric
>The Rogue offers the Cleric one last beer as a gesture of good will and friendship saying he'll never see him again after tonight
>Cleric drinks it
>"roll a CON check"
>"wait what?"
>"I got a 9"
>"you fail and fall unconscious"
>Rogue player: "I help him outside into the dark alley and search his possessions"
>"I take his stupid cloak, and all his gold and make it look like he's been mugged"
>"I then disappear into the guild and craft a new disguise"
>Shouting all around the table, swearing and oaths, "FUCK YOU YOU'RE NEVER COMING BACK TO THIS TABLE ETC ETC"
>Me: "well guys you did vote on letting him in, I think in future you'll probably veto any guests"
>Cleric decided to retire that character after that

I see what you're getting at, and I can see a good argument for using INT instead of DEX for it.

As for letting someone else use the poison, I'd probably just have them use the base DC instead of the homebrewed DC. Justification being, ehhhh, they don't really fight with poisons so they're not good at using them well.

Or maybe the rogue has a special kind of knife that's especially good at delivering poison into wounds, and no one else has one. Who knows.
Probably a boring backstory but I'll shoot.

>Fallen Aasimar/Favored Soul. Previously a Protector in charge of a bunch of Paladins. War happened, her entire company was mowed down like ants, realized the power of prayer meant jack shit, and accepted Death as her new God.

I plan on having her get influence by the other PCs. She'll try to corrupt them in small ways, but instead they rub off on her, and eventually she becomes a Protector again, then probably switches to Life Domain or something.

DM approved a Mystic as my next character in case this one dies, with the caveat that he can freely nerf anything that gets out of control. We've already put several limiters on it, but do you guys have an idea for a fun background?
>Taking a drink from a rogue while alone at night
Deserved it.
How many good character concepts do you have sitting around and why?

No group? Forever DM? Made for a game that only lasted two sessions?
I've got a list of fairly bare ideas such as monks or wizards with a bit of room for backstory and all that. But I don't draw from that pool often.

The main one I might plan to do at some point if I'm in a group of newbies or something is a low con wizard afflicted with some disease in his old age which can't be cured by standard means, and is setting out because if he doesn't he'll just die cold and alone and forgotten, and he might as well go on one last adventure that might well cost him his life in search of a possible cure.

Of course, expecting possible early character death if things go that way.
Oh, and, I haven't done it not because I'm not in groups, but I don't make characters for groups often enough to do everything. Or sometimes I decide not to get into a group for whatever reason.
3, because shadowrun will never end
make her a terrorist
>mfw nobody has read Ubel Blatt or whatever
Are Protection Clerics any good? I've been trying to decide if I should go Death, Grave or Protection.
The only one off the top of my head is a Mystic or some other eccentric spellcaster who always keeps himself shrouded in shitloads of robes and scarves and shit and rarely says anything to the point where you couldn't easily tell the gender without being around him for a while because he mutters to himself.
>Always shrouded in robes and scarves
>Only communicates via telepathy
>Moves with a strange gait
>Unnaturally thin and tall
>Actually an animated, sentient coatrack
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How do I stop/dissuade this one guy in our group to stop always playing as an existing pop-culture character?

He calls his character 'Logan' and uses claw weapons, makes another character a Pact of the Fiend Warlock but wears a trenchcoat and calls himself 'Constantine' etc.

Like literally every time, no matter the setting (DnD, World of Darkness, Shadowrun) it's always some existing character.
At least 3
>Paladin of Free Commerce (5eg-approved homebrew) with Guild Merchant background
>Revenant Blades Bard YOHOHOHOHO
>STR-based swole Monk obsessed with beating up and eating powerful monsters and rare food in the hopes of getting stronger
"Stop doing that please, it is dumb."
> inhaled poison
> drink
Tell him it shows that he has little creativity and that's what this game is about. Sure, I could easily minmax up a half-elf John Wick but after 2 or 3 sessions I'll likely get bored of playing an autistic killing machine who doesn't talk because that's all he'll ever be, you can't build on that character because it feels tacky. Plus it doesn't translate well as lot of the time, movie characters are rarely subject to critical failure.
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>DM can't allow it
>Not rule lawyering the DM all the time until he gets tired with your shit and just always agrees with you
The brass brazier isn't given a cost, therefore it can be replaced by a spellcasting focus. However, the wizard still needs a means of burning the other components.
> DM intentionally allow trick that shouldn't work to permanently screw up his player

Red flag
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Torpor, same DC, same effect.

Its more gold, but specifically the Rogue just asked me for a poison that would knock him out.
Incapacitated creature can move. It isn't the same effect at all.
> not knowing the different between unconcious and incapacitated

That is 2 red flag. You are a shit DM. Get out.
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>Implying you couldn't RP Incapacitated as severely drunk and collapsing
>Maneuvering them out onto the street as was stated
>Implying the DM can't just rule inhaled counts as swallowng
>Being mad your precious characters aren't always safe
So your message to the party was that you have really shitty people as friends and that they should avoid them?
>What is Oil of Taggit
>What is whatever fucking poison the DM wants to invent
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>DM invites a butt-buddy who doesn't care about the game at all to play for a single session
>teases players with a magic item
>takes it away from them just because
>le epic trole'd!

It's pretty shitty and there's no way around it.
Just a reminder that by the ancient tradition of /pfg/, posting a smug image in your reply is the same as admitting your defeat. The smug poster can now only win by baiting more reply.
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I know that feel
We're all friends. I didn't invite him, the other players insisted he come.

I had no idea what his plans were.

Message is don't trust anyone you just met.
I've got Sheaf, the Folk Hero Druid, that I've wanted to try out for a while.

As a little kid, his friends in the village played a game of hide and seek in the woods, but wound up getting pulled into the Feywild. He went in after them, and found and rescued each one using his wits against the fey creatures (all fairy-tale style), but was the last to finally leave the Feywild.
When he returned, he found that over a hundred years had passed, and all his family was dead. But the other children had all popped out at different times over the years, and a few were still alive. He was raised by the families of the kids he'd saved, and became a folk hero in his land.

The problem is that I don't know how to turn that kid into an adult Druid. I just wanted a justification for turning into a Blink Dog constantly.

Oh, and he doesn't actually remember anything that happened in the Feywild. He just knows what people told him he did, and he's worried that it didn't happen like that.
I got a real dumb question. I'm printing out a character sheet and I've got the Main sheet on one side, then Character details on the other side, and the spell list on a separate page. Is that how it goes? Do I want Main Page, then Spell list, then Character details on the third page instead?
>by the ancient tradition of /pfg/
uh... about that
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A contact poison? So it isn't related to the conversation?

> DM who doesn't have system knowledge homebrwing item to inherently screw his player up

Even more red flag.
The latter is more useful. You won't be pulling out character details every combat session, will you?
I usually do Main on one side, Spells on the other, and toss the Character sheet.
I'm really fucking dumb, can someone walk me through multiclassing and spell slots?

Or what my spells should look like as a Paladin5/Warlock1 at least.
Yeah that's what I figured but the pdfs I downloaded from the wizards website has one full pdf that goes Main, Details, Spells so I second guessed myself.
But it isn't someone they just met. Its a friend of a friend. They went in the with the expectation of 'my friend thinks this guy is ok, so I will trust their opinion.' The GM destroyed his credibility as a trustworthy person because he associates with people like that.
Warlock is a special case. They don't have spell casting feature. So their spell slot are seperate from others.

So you character spell slot is just
Paladin 5 (4/2) And warlock 1 (2 slot that come back on short rest)
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>It doesn't contact your throat

I've seen some autism, but this poison inhale/contact debate is definitely a top contender.

Any one of these poisions swallowed would most likely be even more potent.

>Friend of a friend
>Can't separate real life and players
>Players being dicks to each other means they are dicks to each other irl

I don't think you're ready to play anon.

its not really you stabbing that dragon, its Grog'nak the Barbarian

I mean, they were pretty upset in person according to that story up here.

DM probably pulls this kind of shit all the time and thinks D&D is a "me versus the players" game that can be "won".
> Contact poison can be smeared on an object and remains potent until it is touched or washed off.

Smear in drink? It is wash off. Sorry but you are retard.
Dude... you are replying to him. That shitty DM is the smug poster.
The whole thing reeks of "Guys this totally happened!" anyway, so who cares.
It absolutely does not and it was not vague at all.
Do Languages even matter?
Many monsters speak their language x but also speak common.
What are some monsters that speak just their specific language?
What are some languages whose monsters speak only them?
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Fundamentally your argument is:

>The only poisons which exist in the world are ones in the DMs guide
>Taking one and tweaking it from inhale to ingest is broken
>Even though every book continually reminds us that the DM can invent/change/tweak anything in the entire world including your degenerate furkin fetishes this poison is gamebreaking

Its ok anon. I run two games a week with 6 players each, and they have a great time. This event is now a funny story we laugh about.

I'm sure you play a lot too haha, you're not one of those sad cunts that just posts in the general with no game right haha
Languages are useful for secret communication.

Languages matter until your caster gets Comprehend Languages.

Which is a first-level spell.

So, never. Languages never matter and are meaningless fluff.

Your dwarf who knows Undercommon because his day job is a jeweler, and sometimes he sells to some shady drow traders?

Literally does not matter one iota ever.

No sarcasm.
There are classes you should not be allowed to multiclass into, except under very rare circumstanes.

What does a Githyanki taste like?
>Having your caster burn spell slots on Comprehend Languages when you could just have someone translate

Literally playing the game wrong. Taking that spell is like taking Friends. Fucking useless.

It can be cast as a ritual you fucking egg.
>trust me I'm a phoneposter
>Attempt to speak in a situation where time matters
>Everyone waits ten minutes while the Wizard draws pictograms on the floor to cast a spell
Could a mute wizard cast spells via sign language?
If its a situation where time matters then it would likely be a situation when blowing a 1st level slot is acceptable.
The majority of the time it does come up, its because its written, not because an NPC doesn't speak common
>the particular combination of sounds, with specific pitch and resonance
I would rule no.
>wizard tells the bard what the Calimshiteskin says
>paladin gets pissed off at the wizard's weird over-enunciated autism cadence
>Calimshiteskin sees that the paladin is upset, makes the first move and chimps out on the obvious threat caster
>paladin knows justice is being done, does not interfere
>wizard is dead, Calimshiteskin locks eyes with the paladin, sees that he's not agressive
>they hold hands right there on the corpse
Character idea: A mute Sorcerer that can only cast non-somatic spells. Can cast others, but only through Subtle metamagic.

How many "important" spells does that restrict?

What's the nonsomatic Sorcerer spell list look like?
>I can understand everything
>Too bad I can't talk to them or read at a distance.
Here's all the non-Somatic spells for Sorcerer

Feather Fall
Misty Step (my favorite spell)
Dimension Door
Teleportation Circle
Mass Suggestion
Power Word Stun
Power Word Kill
Time Stop

Also, I'm an idiot and I meant to say non-VERBAL spells. I'll post that now
Of the 4 casters who get it, don't three of them have to waste a spell known space in order to have it available for a ritual?
That's true. And those casters aren't the 'can prepare every long rest' sort.

But if you have a wizard, comprehend languages is a given, pretty much.
Minor Illusion
True Strike
Control Flames
Ice Knife
Mold Earth
Shape Water
Hypnotic Pattern

That's it. That's literally it. Most of those are EE and cantrips too.
Sorcerer spells that aren't Vocal:

Cantrips: Control Flames, Friends, Minor Illusion, Mold Earth, Thunderclap, True Strike
First Level: Catapult
Third Level: Counterspell, Hypnotic Pattern

Those are all the non-Vocal spells they can use.

A better character idea would be a mute Sorcerer that can only cast Vocal spells with a tuning fork, that creates the right pitches without being words, exactly.

That's not...terrible. It's bad but could be worse.

Interesting that all the Control [Element] spells are there except wind.
Are there any bigger races with a charisma bonus?

Dragonborn are like 7 feet tall.

Still technically Medium, though.
well Shape Water is different from Control water.

Regardless, Sorcerers are weird when it comes to elements. That's Druid territory really. What I don't get is why Sorcerers have access to Storm Sphere and Watery Sphere, but not Flaming Sphere? But they also get Fire Storm, one of the few Sorcerer spells that Wizards DON'T get.

Half-Elves, Assmen, Tieflings and Yuan Ti Purebloods are you only +2 Cha races.

Changling, Drow, Tabaxi, Lightfoot Halflings, Tritons and Dragonborn are all +1.

Not even a Goliath is regarded as Large. They're still medium. You'd need some Homebrew that lets you play as something like a Empyrean, Solar or Planetar to be large.

New thread.
Damn, beat me by like two minutes.

Why would being strong make your attacks more accurate?
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