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Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device Special 4: Kitten & Tzeentch

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Thread replies: 126
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What if Kitten is secretly Creed?
Boy kitten sure has a lot of cat cards
Is kitten a closet furry?
>Is kitten a closet furry?

How do you think he and Shadowsun met?
I can see why it took awhile to get this one out, Tzeentch is a one man freakshow.
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>Magnus plays red/blue
Makes sense
For a lord of change, does it bother anyone that Tzeentch is consistently either a walking pile of feathers, a pile of tentacles, or warp fire for skin?
That's only the forms we can perceive.

The others are beyond our comprehension, therefore we only see him as the last form we can comprehend.
He's gotta stay vaguely recognizable when out in public.
How's a foolish imperial citizen supposed to know he's visited by the master of plans, if all he sees is a pot of petunias?
Through his voice. None can be more childish.
>none can be more childish
You seem to greatly underestimate the capacity of the Adeptus Administratum.
Mark my words, NO spawn of Chaos and in NO field, can out perform Mankind.
If that is so, I have never seen Administratum actually trying to outperform Tzeentch in that.
The Emps gave him his deck.
Why do you think he's called kitten?
The fact that it was a nuclear rocket a minute ago?
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>only forms we can perceive

Be interesting to see in ultraviolet/infrared 4D+
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So....based on their two deck builds((ultra powerful minions vs card flipping shenanigans)) and how they played their cards, between the GEOM and Tzeentch....who would win in a children's card game?

Also tzeentch's deck was spot on for what I would expect him to have.
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Soo am i the only one that ships Kitten and Magnus?
Don't kid yourself. Literally everyone ships Kitten and Magnus.
>Magnus' deck is Storm shittery
>Emperor plays Super Pillowfort
>Kitten plays weenies
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Not shipping them would make you a faggot.
Actual episode when? I want Dorn.
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Why is Kitten Silver now?
Tzeentch changed him for the lulz.
Someone, summon Kaldor Draigo!
Oh joy, another fucking special instead of an actual episode. Get fucked bruva.
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I can't decide whether my favourite part of this special was magnus acting like a standard magic elitist or the fact that kittens deck is made almost entirely out of cats
I'm gonna need someone to make a "an interesting question asshole" gif/webm/mp4/whatever

We dont need you shilling your shitty show on /tg/, so why dont you just fuck off ?
But anon, I like it!

Don't you like things?

Obviously it's gotta be about Gorillaman's return.
Nah, judging by the pic on Alfabusas twitter it's friendship+emo primarchs turn.
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>emo primarch
Yay, Corax mentioned!
But anon, it makes half of /tg/ angry that it exits, and the other have enjoy it for what it is. It's absolute Meme-filled skub that will persist because we like it, and you hate it.
So Tzeentch's plan was to fuck with them by changing their form, right?
One of his plans, yes.

Kitten would obviously play White Green cat tribal.

Lucius would probably do something disgusting with Mono-Black Colorless Eldrazi Tentacle porn, or Black Blue Masturbation combos.
Maybe, who knows? What even are plans anyway?
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The pic itself, if anyone's interested.
You know, you gotta respect the fact that magnus went head to head with tzeentch in a psychic fight for the last part of that duel
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Every episode Kitten gets further away from the Emperor and thereby the only thing which makes this series good, which are the times when Kitten is explaining shit to the Emperor
The episode where jojo custodians explained the space wolves was fucking great tho
This is just a spin off though. I'm sure kitten and magnus will be back soon enough
But aren't they on their way to see Vulkan and probably Corax.
Jojo-stodes would all play Red-White Human tribal Combo wank, with emphasis on overly muscled creatures.
Can't take too long right?
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This warms my greasy nerdy heart.
And now I have a new thing to say when me and my buddy talk shit about each other's preferred children's card game
To think that this beautiful love story is started at a furaffinity.
I prefer Cus-Jojo-dians.
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request some webms, nerds
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I suppose this video applies
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i want the nerd rage.
also the nova cannon awaits you after this
>MST negates

yeah, alfusa's youtube comment suggests that he realised that sometime after he animated it and was too lazy to change it
I'm pretty sure that's the ONE misplay everyone has made in yugioh. Thinking "it's destroyed so it can't get it's effect" seems logical to a simple, uninitiated mind, but not to those experienced with the game.
What I'm trying to say is I'm both triggered and nostalgic at the same time, also I genuinely thought he left it in as a joke, not a mistake. Oh well
What are rules really though?
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why do people like this shit so much its the most reddit MAGfesty shit there possible
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What are rules really, though?.jpg
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I've always wanted to play luigi board.
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The Mario sound effects fucking killed me. I wish they had continued that joke throughout the episode.
Honestly though, it's spelled "Ouija" but pronounced as "weegee". Why is that so?
Mostly because I enjoy how the skub really manages to skub in a way that I can't find just about anywhere else on this skub-themed image board.

They're playing anime yu gi oh, where rule of cool gives way to any form of balance.

or have people already forgotten about the big E using Zigfried von Schroeder's hacked golden castle of stormburg
English language.
Elsewhere is usually "weejha" or something like that.
Mostly because English is a dumb language. Charles Kennard, the guy who first sold these things on mass claimed Ouiji was some ancient Egyptian term for spirit, while others say the name Ouija arose out of the French and German words for yes. Oui and ja.
Yes, but all the memes are /tg/ unoriginals, so while it's a shitty show, it's our shitty show, and it does manage to be occasionally funny.

Oh, also because it's a gold mine of reaction images, and the threads are miles more productive than the average /tg/ post nowadays.
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Because they're older than you.

The form of humor you think of as "reddit" is really just the kind of humor 4chan enjoyed before Reddit existed and newfags decided irony was the only valid kind of humor because otherwise OH NOES we might laugh at the same things as another unrelated website!

Basically fuck off and don't come back until your balls have dropped.
I really like how Magnus does stupid heretical things "that will certainly work out", and then Kitten somehow makes them actually work out through pure bullshit.
Magnus tries to kill the High Lords, and this somehow turns into saving Empire from being taken over by impostors and encouraging the High Lords to do their fucking job (with implications they might just try that).
Magnus decides it's a really good idea to try talking with the dead while on a ship going through the Warp, Kitten manages to finally get his soul from Tzeentch and free him from having to worry about that.
I wonder how much further the gag of two stooges bumfucking around Imperium and making it better despite common sense will go.
Oh, and also it's kinda fun watching the doormat known as Kitten show how surprisingly competent he is once in a while. I wonder who he will face in a card game next, and what major thing he will win in that game.
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Because believe it or not anon people like things you don't like. Just because reddit might like something doesn't mean you should instantly hate it. I cant even imagine living like that
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why would I give a fuck what is on reddit?
why would you know what is on reddit anon?
you might want to go back
Plottwist: Kitten is actually the pharaoh, that's why he can bullshit himself to victory against such powerful cards with just his kitty deck.
Well they made that pretty obvious this episode what with the deeper voice and all
Oh shit, now that you mention it.
Maybe he'll play the Deceiver next, or the Void Dragon (with a machine deck IN AMERICA)
Don't you mean in mars
His Rogal Dorn is spot on. He's precisely how I imagined he would be.
>Yugi is a demon prince of Tzeentch
I fucking knew it.
no u

What's it about ? it's not available in my country apparently

That's what happens when you forget to set clear rules for the prononciation of your language.
Oh no, Not again
Seconding the request of >>52467622
Anon, they're on a boat. This could take YEARS.
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Make when kitten says "what are rules really tho ?" and then tzeentch loses his shit and answers "that's a good question asshole", please
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Actually, he's ignoring Gathering Storm. It's its own thing now.

New Thousand Sons Legion fucking when?
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Well, it kind of has to be its own thing.
Just the fact that a) The Inquisition is pretty much gone/Vulcan's home/etc and b) Papa Smurf isn't back yet means it deviated from canon the moment Gathering Storm was announced.

They could either roll with that fact and do their own thing, or desperately try and fit Gathering Storm into their series which would more than likely mean undoing a few years worth of pre-written content, and cause massive delays as they wait for more info to be released and to dig through all the new lore.

Also, I'm not sure if you meant to imply that, but with that picture and how much the custodies are "cravin' some Daemon misbehavin'" I actually could see a scenario where the custodies volunteer to be Magnus' new legion, probably to his great discomfort.
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Pls no.
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interesting question.webm
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Awesome, thanks
TTS has been its own fanfiction since the Emperor got a Text-To-Speech device installed

I see no reason why having Guilliman return to Terra would be important to their story aside from the Emperor getting very mad at Kitten for his insubordinance
I like how this poked fun at Yugioh to distract you from the fact that it's literally a fucking Yugioh episode. And I love it for that.

Yugioh: Terrible as a card-game, useful as a narrative device to enable total bullshit victory at any moment.
Why does the Emprah hate Girlyman again ? Just because he made the codex astartes ?
Either that or he sees Robutte's continued existence as a threat to his new Imperium

I haven't read the new book, but doesn't Guilliman fuck up Terra once he comes back? Maybe that's why he hates him
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Using an old image of Nyarly was pretty great
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>I like how this poked fun at Yugioh to distract you from the fact that it's literally a fucking Yugioh episode
You should see the abridged series
>NO field
Was this an Administration pun?
The abridged series usually doesn't focus heavily on the card game with rules-as-written.

This was a straight-up start-to-finish duel.
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